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Upper School Technology
Summer school for-credit “tech” courses are designed to help students ease the congestion of the regular school year by “off-lining” some of their required courses to the summer. Other students may simply wish to augment their education or explore new interests. All courses are hands-on, project-oriented and focus on real-life scenarios and applications. Often projects integrate topics from other TCA courses for extra reinforcement. Regardless of where you are in the technology spectrum, we offer something for you. Reasonable keyboarding skills are presumed. Generally speaking, all assignments are completed in class with very little (if any) outside work required.
Parents take note: If you wish to explore these interests too, you are welcome to join us. See US Technology Head Kent Pendleton for details.
Teachers, do you need to improve your technology skills? Join us. You can learn the practical uses of software and get some professional growth hours in, as well. Use software to make your professional life easier.
All summer school technology students are requested to bring their TI calculators, a spiral notebook (journal), a three-ring binder, a pencil, pen and USB flash drive to class the first day. A “supply check” that first day will be one of your first grades for the week, so don’t forget your stuff! Also, please bring a sack lunch and a drink... refrigerators will be available. Students will also bring snacks to class on a rotating basis.
Credit cannot be given if a student misses more than four hours of class.
The following introductory classes are designed for “beginners” with very little background, confidence or proficiency in the use of contemporary software:
Intro to Spreadsheet Design
Section 1: June 12–16, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Entering grades: 9–12
Fee: $470 (includes the cost of a textbook)
Prerequisites: none
1 trimester of Upper School Technology credit
Proficiency with Excel is critical in the business world and is an assumed skill in most college environments. Students will learn and practice the basic functionalities of Excel to design documents that convey both numerical and non-numerical information in interesting, clear and captivating formats. Charts and graphs will aesthetically summarize information. They will learn how to create formulas from scratch and utilize built-in formulas from Excel’s vast array of built-in functions.
Instructor: Susan Jackson
Business Graphic Design
Section 1: June 5–9, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Entering grades: 8–12
Fee: $470 (includes cost of a textbook)
Prerequisites: none
1 trimester of Upper School Technology credit
Parents/teachers are welcome in this class.
The ability to manipulate, design, store and create images is central in effective electronic and written communication. Participants will learn how to use Photoshop Creative Cloud as a tool to create and manipulate images for placement in documents, media presentations, web pages and mobile apps. No prior experience with Photoshop is required. This course would be ideal for students interested in Yearbook.
Instructor: Susan Jackson
The following classes are also offered for credit but are more advanced than the preceding classes:
Web Computing - 1
Section 1: June 5–9, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Entering grades: 8–12
Fee: $470 (includes cost of a textbook)
Prerequisites: Algebra 1
1 trimester of Upper School Technology credit
Parents/teachers are welcome in this class.
The languages of the web: HTML5 and CSS3 will be explored as we write web pages “from scratch” utilizing the web-based development and training platform, CodeHS. By the end of the course, students will be able to explain how web pages are developed and viewed on the Internet, analyze and fix errors in existing websites, and create their own multi-page websites.
Instructor: Kent Pendleton
Web Computing-2
Section 1: June 12–16, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Entering grades: 9–12 (younger students by special permission)
Fee: $470 (includes the price of a textbook)
Prerequisites: Web Computing-1 (B+ avg or above) and/or Department Head approval.
1 trimester of Upper School Technology credit
Parents/teachers are welcome in this class.
This course teaches the foundations of computer science and basic programming with an emphasis on helping students develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills. The JavaScript language is used for development. Students will interact with “Karel the Dog” as they learn about variables, control structures, loops and functions.
Instructor: Kent Pendleton
Web Computing-3
Section 1: June 19–23, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Entering grades: 9–12 (younger students by special permission)
Fee: $470 (includes the price of a textbook)
Prerequisites: Web Computing-2 (B+ avg or above) and/or Department Head approval.
1 trimester of Upper School Technology credit
Parents/teachers are welcome in this class.
This course is a continuation of Web Computing-2. We continue to expand our JavaScript repertoire and skills using both ‘Karel the Dog’ and more traditional programs as found at https://www.technovicetools.com and https://www.tnt-sandbox.com.
Instructor: Kent Pendleton
General Athletics for LS/MS Kids
All Sports
Section 1: June 20–23 (Tu–F only), 1–4 p.m.
Entering grades: K–1
Fee: $172
Do you love to move, run and be active? Do you like to play sports and be part of a team? If so, TCA basketball coach Kaylen Morrison is ready for you to join the fun! This high-energy camp will explore skills associated with the following sports: soccer, flag football, wiffle ball, kickball, Ultimate Frisbee and anything else we can find to have fun outside. Floor hockey, basketball and other indoor games may also give relief from summer heat. Enjoy three hours of the most delicious sports buffet imaginable. Have fun with friends, keep fit and master new skills. Kaylen is a learning lab specialist in the Middle School at TCA and an experienced and passionate coach who loves working with this age group. What a great opportunity for young sports enthusiasts! Enrollment is limited to 20 players.
Instructor: Coach Kaylen Morrison
Girl Power Sports Camp
Section 1: July 10–14, 1–4 p.m.
Entering grades K–2
Fee: $215
Sometimes it’s impossible for young children to know what sport they like without really ever having tried them. Girl Power Sports Camp is designed for your daughter to try a variety of different sports in a safe environment. Coach Kaylen will introduce the girls to a variety of sports, including basketball, tennis, wiffle ball, football, volleyball and more. She will challenge the girls to stretch their skills, and your daughter might even discover her next passion. Even if she doesn’t, this will be a great week of empowerment for all the girls involved!
Instructor: Kaylen Morrison
Learning Lacrosse (LS Boys and Girls)
Section 1: June 20–23 (Tu–F only), 1–4 p.m.
Entering grades: 2–4
Fee: $184
Learning Lacrosse utilizes a curriculum developed by USA Lacrosse to introduce and develop the tactical, technical and cooperative skills for young children to gain interest in the game. Our coaches instruct the basics of lacrosse, including scooping, passing, catching, cradling and shooting in a confidence-building, noncompetitive, teamworkoriented environment. Physical skills developed include speed, agility, coordination, endurance and accuracy.
Instructor: Kidokinetics Staff