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Trojan Athletic seasons
By Kazia Handoko
As COVID restrictions continue to dwindle, the Trojan athletes have all worked incredibly hard to have amazing seasons during the 20212022 school year.
Football: To start of the year, the Trojan football team, lead by senior captains Luke Tredennick, Mason Merchant, Markus Schumacher, and Camden Williams, was among the top teams in the TAPPS League and went 9-2 in their 2021 season. Though they started with two losses, the Trojans won nine straight games and finished off with a 57-0 win against TMI-Episcopal, who had previously never lost a game this season. The Trojans look forward to joining TAPPS District 1 next season, facing Prestonwood Christian Academy in its first district game. Schumacher is projected to play for SMU, while Cody Polk is committed to play at A&M this upcoming fall.
Before each game, varsity football players pray with their dads to prepare for the game. The entire coaching staff, including head coach Steve Hayes, also pray together prior to taking the field. If any defensive player causes a turnover, the Trojan helmet, called the “Turnover Helmet,” is placed on the player’s head right after that play. When the opponent’s offense reaches third down, all Trojans on the sidelines and in the stands raise three fingers as a low rumble fills the stadium. While the coaches reveal their determination to win, they do so in a loving, encouraging way. They give pointers to each player in hopes of improving his ability to make plays. After each touchdown, the Trojan cheerleaders do a push-up for every point scored.
Basketball: In the winter, the Trojan boys basketball team finished 19-14, with 3-5 in the TAPPS 6A District 2, placing 3rd. The team had five tournaments throughout the months of November and December. Facing off tough district opponents such as John Paul II and Prestonwood Christian Academy, the Trojans endured and gave it their all each game. Their most impressive win took place at home against Bishop Lynch on Friday, January 14. The Trojans won 62-52. In the playoffs, the Trojans lost against Nolan Catholic 39-42, ending the season. Blake Muschalek was named the 6A District II Offensive Player of the Year with 23 points per game and nine games with 30 points or more. Coach Price kindly said of Muschalek, “He checks all the boxes as an athlete, and he checks all the boxes as a student.”
Alongside the boys, the Trojan girls basketball team played exceptionally, finishing off the season with a buzzer-beater against Prestonwood Christian Academy, winning 52-51 on February 9. On Senior Night, the girls completed a successful win against Parish
Episcopal School. AB Burnett committed to Pace University’s women’s basketball team in early February. At the winter sports award ceremony, Coach Feemster awarded Halle Hermes the MVP award and said, “We never have to worry about you.”
Swim: The Trojan swim team attended the annual TAPPS State swim meet on February 8 and 9, after placing seventh in the regional swim meet. Before each meet, a member of the swim team will put on the banana costume and dance as the team chants the “Go Banana!” chant in front of all the present teams. In state, the Trojans placed 14th out of 16 in the relay, and freshman Sophia Pfannstiel won first place in the 500-meter freestyle.
Soccer: The Trojan girls soccer team completed a spectacular season, with seniors Emelie Wong, goalie, and Josie Raftelis, along with juniors Hannah Schneider, Aly Heidelbaugh, Lauren Deaton, and sophomores Sydney Ridnour and Cate Pou. Senior captains Annabel Lee, a defender, goalie Alyssa Clemovitz, midfielder Emily Keremidas, and Cecilia Banderob led the team with pride and integrity throughout the season. Forward Anna Heidelbaugh won the MVP award at the end of the season. In the annual Tyler Soccer Tournament, the girls won all four of their games.
Drill team: Throughout the fall and winter sports seasons, the Trojan cheerleaders and drill team attend all football and basketball games. The cheerleaders placed second in TAPPS State Cheerleading Competition in December. The drill team placed 4th in the TAPPS State Drill Team Competition, as well as 2nd in the Crowd Pleasers competition. Senior cheer captain Olivia Priest and co-captains Mary Lauren Westover and Emily Morris set excellent examples as the rest of the cheer team led Trojan audiences at football and basketball games. Drill team captain Mary Margaret Bell enthusiastically led the Trojanettes in incredible performances such as the pom routine.
Other Highlights: Trojan tennis, track & field, and baseball seasons are currently underway, and are all looking to have incredible seasons. Senior Jenna Lowrey committed to Brown University’s track & field team in December 2021, and senior Ben Francis committed to Harding College baseball in November 2021. Senior golfers Westy McCabe and Jack Morrison are continuing their careers at West Virginia University and Santa Clara University. Cecilia Banderob will be attending Lubock Christian University in the fall as a member of the women’s soccer team.