Programs at Trinity: Fall 2018

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Welcome to

Trinity Episcopal Church Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, you have a place at Trinity. We invite you to find ways to engage with others and our life in this vibrant community. We are eager to learn more about you, your passions, and how you might find a home here.

Welcome to Trinity. This booklet contains a list of volunteer opportunities and programs for spiritual enrichment. We believe that when you find a way to be the hands and the feet of Christ, you will be transformed. Further, you will transform Trinity and the World in Christ’s Love. We are eager to learn more about you, your passions, and your call at Trinity.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Worship at Trinity 1 Music at Trinity


Families, Parents, Children


Sunday School & Nursery


Trinity Youth


Adult Learners


Outreach / Mission/ Social Justice 6 Campus Ministry Partners


Parish Life 8 Pastoral Care


Governance & Administration


Financial Stewardship

Music Program (2018 - 2019)

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If you have questions, want a deeper conversation, would like to be connected to program leaders, or have suggestions for programs/events/classes that connect to our mission, please contact the Trinity Administrative Assistant, Monica Beniste: 317-926-1346 or She will put you in touch with the right person.

Worship at Trinity Our Anglican liturgical tradition values art, music, and words as expressions of, and pointers to, the presence and glory of God. Liturgy spiritually feeds us, opens us to the beauty and glory of God, shapes our understanding and love of God, and comforts and challenges us. Acolyte Guild Acolytes carry the crosses, candles and other items in procession, and assist in a number of important ways throughout the service. Altar Guild The Altar Guild prepares the altar for various sacraments, directed by the Rector. Chalice Bearers Chalice Bearers assist with distributing the wine during Holy Communion. Greeters Guild The Greeters Guild is a friendly team of men and women who enjoy welcoming visitors and parishioners alike to our worship services. They are always on the lookout for new members! Saint Stephen’s Guild (Readers / Intercessors) St. Stephen’s Guild/Trinity Lectors participate in the liturgy on a rotating basis by reading scriptural lessons from the lectern and leading prayers from the nave during services. Ushers Guild The Ushers’ Guild is responsible for the logistics of getting people to and from their pews. They collect the offering, release people for communion, and clean up after the services.

Sunday Schedule 8:00AM | Holy Eucharist - Rite I A quiet Rite I Eucharist (traditional language). 9:00 AM | Lectionary Bible Study Informal discussion about the Sunday readings with a clergy member. 10:00AM | Holy Eucharist - Rite II A Rite II Eucharist (modern language) with the Trinity Choir and Choristers. Childcare is available. Children's Liturgy of the Word during the service. 11:15AM | Learning for All Ages Adult Formation Sunday School Youth Groups 5:00PM | Taizé Service 2nd Sunday of each month. Silence, simple chants, and scripture lessons in a room filled with candlelight and incense. 1

The Music Program at Trinity Music at Trinity is diverse, creative, and widely recognized for its excellence. Special musical events at Trinity include services of Choral Evensong, organ recitals, choir concerts, and guest performances. Christmas is a particularly joyful time for music. Trinity celebrates the season with a festive Madrigal Dinner and a service of Lessons and Carols. Both of these Advent and Christmastide services reach beyond the parish and draw many from the city into our sacred space. For more info about Music at Trinity, contact Dr. Michael Messina: Performances Besides regular worship services, Music at Trinity offers year round music programming, including Steven Stolen’s Meridian Song Project, concerts with choir and orchestra, guest ensembles and soloists, and the Choir Cabaret. Upcoming Music Events See page 12 for 2018 - 2019 performance calendar. Choir Learning the music of the Church is very much a part of our core value of education. Trinity Choir is a mixed intergenerational choir of professionals and volunteers—adults and teens—who work hard and love to sing. Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays, from 7-9 p.m. and Sunday mornings. The choir sings Sundays and holidays plus concerts, Evensong, and special programs. Choristers Trinity Choristers is for boys and girls at least 8 years of age or in the third grade. Rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 4:30-6:30 pm, with snacks provided by parents. Choristers sing in church three Sundays/month (September through Trinity Sunday) as well as holidays, Evensong, and concerts.

Choir Pilgrimage (Cambridgeshire, England & Paris, France): July 3-15, 2019 The Choir and Choristers will serve as choir-in-residence for a week at Ely Cathedral in Cambridgeshire, England. Prior to this, they will sing the Saturday evening vigil Mass at the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris and the Sunday morning Eucharist at the American Cathedral in Paris! This pilgrimage is a tremendous privilege for the Trinity choir and choristers, and a marvelous opportunity for its members to connect with our Anglican theological, architectural, and musical heritage. While they are in residence, singers will rehearse and lead worship for about 4 hours each day.


Families, Parents, Children Trinity has vibrant family and children ministries that provide creative spaces and supportive communites in which children and their parents can grow spiritually. With an emphasis on service, education, worship, and music, Trinity families are integrated into every aspect of our communal life. Childhood Hunger Education, Engagement, and Reverence (CHEER) CHEER is an active group of young people ages 3-12 years old and their parents learning, serving, and spreading CHEER to the Mid-North Food Pantry. Parents of Episcopal Teens (PETs) Created to fill a need for community among parents of Trinity’s middle and high school aged youth, this group is intended for parents of youth in grades 5 to 12. Parents Raising Exceptional People (PREP) Parents of younger children come together in various ways throughout the year to learn together, serve each other and our community, and just have fun. Trinity Young Families Trinity Young Families is a forum for parents (and expectant parents) of our youngest parishioners, from birth to age three. Parents of babies and toddlers can share ideas grow in faith as we journey with our children.

Sunday School & Nursery Godly Play Children in pre-school to 3rd grade participate in Godly Play, a Montessori-based method of Christian education and spiritual formation. Through storytelling, silence, “I wonder” questions and art response, children encounter the language of the church– parable, sacred story, silence, and liturgical action– and become more fully aware of the mystery of God’s presence in their lives. SOWhAT Fourth and fifth-grades will spend Sunday mornings engaged in Story, Outreach, Wonder, Arts, and Theology (SOWhAT). Developed by Trinity parishioner and longtime Christian formation director Kim McPherson, SOWhAT takes a deep dive into the sacred stories of our tradition through the written word, the arts, group sharing, and service. What’s Next Sixth and seventh graders will spend Sunday mornings in fellowship and service, attempting to answer fundamental questions: What do we do in church and how does it relate to our lives at home and in school? How can I be a good friend, responsive family member, and person of faith in a culture that’s dominated by conflicting messages? How can we stop and reflect in times of stress to find our center? This class, rooted in scripture and tradition, will seek together to build community.


The Trinity Nursery is available on Sundays and occasionally during programmed events. On Sundays, nursery is available for children under three years old from 9:45 -12:00 noon. 3

Trinity Youth Youth Ministries call for passion, patience, and faithfulness – pointing out the sacred in the midst of the confusion of adolescence and walking faithfully with young people as they transition from child to young adult. Youth Ministries at Trinity strive to be a bridge for education, connection, formation, and hopefully, transformation in young adult lives. Responding to the spiritual needs of teens is about building trusting relationships. At Trinity we walk with young people on their journeys from childhood to adulthood, recognizing their gifts for ministry, their questions about spirituality, and their desire to make a difference in the world. For more info about Trinity Youth, contact Missy Roetter: Rite-13 For seventh and eighth grade teens, Rite-13 works to establish and maintain friendships. The program establishes the church as a safety zone in the midst of an evolving time in teens’ lives, and builds a group with shared experiences and memories. Journey to Adulthood (J2A) For ninth and tenth graders, J2A celebrates the transition from teen to adulthood, trains young people in the skills of adulthood, explores the mystery of our faith heritage, and establishes our experience in the strength of community and liturgy. J2A Pilgrimage At the end of J2A, teens go on a spiritual pilgrimage where they participate in mission work and regular spiritual practice in community living. See below for info about the upcoming 2019 pilgrimage. Confirmation The Rite of Confirmation—making a mature, public affirmation of one’s baptismal vows—is encouraged for anyone 16 years or older. Each young person is free to decide when he or she is ready to be confirmed. While Journey to Adulthood prepares our youth to become adults in the church, it is not the only avenue to confirmation. A confirmation class is offered every other year to the juniors and seniors of Trinity. This class is led by Mother Julia and usually takes place over an 8-week period. The young adults will discern by the end of the classes if they are ready to be confirmed by the Bishop. The next class will begin in the Spring of 2020.

J2A YOUTH PILGRIMAGE: MAY 31 - JUNE 9, 2019 The J2A pilgrimage group will travel to Iona, Scotland in 2019 as a continuation, and high-point of, the youth's spiritual journeys towards adulthood and in a community of peers. The group of nine teens and five adults will spend four nights and five days on the island of Iona, part of the Inner Hebrides off the Ross of Mull on the western coast of Scotland. Known for Iona Abbey, there are multiple monastic buildings on the island. Iona Abbey which was founded by St. Columba in 563 was a center of Gaelic monasticism for three centuries. The trip ends with three days in Edinburgh, where the teens will explore the local castle and cathedrals and participate in mission work with the local Anglican church. 4

Adult Learners Trinity provides in-depth and faith-building adult learning opportunities for its members and the broader community. We offer a variety of programs designed to help adults re-connect to God, learn more about the Bible, the Christian faith, and to explore how faith can help you understand world events and navigate all the complexities of life. We strive to connect to build community and to assist adults to grow intellectually as well as emotionally and spiritually. Discipleship Groups Discipleship Groups are life-giving intentional groups that generate a loving community of parishioners caring for the spiritual and personal growth of each member. Education For Ministry (EFM) Education For Ministry (EFM) is a program for lay leadership formation offered at Trinity Church and through many congregations in our diocese. Seasonal Programming During the year, we offer adult learning events and series specific to the religious season: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, etc. Sunday Adult Forums Programmed throughout the year, and following our 10 a.m. service, guest speakers share stories and give presentations that enrich our common life. Tuesday Study Group The Tuesday Study Group meets in the Crist Room each Tuesday at 10am. They read books of the Bible, literature by contemporary authors, and short series on topical subjects. All are welcome. Wednesdays at Trinity Wednesdays at Trinity is a way to come together for spiritual and learning renewal. 5:30 PM – Short Eucharist 6:15 PM – Community Supper: $7/ Individual OR $15/Family | cash, credit, debit, checks accepted. 7:00-8:00 PM – Adult Learning Join us in any way that fits your schedule. Drop in for community supper, or stay the whole evening. Need child-care? Want to lead a group? Let us Know: Working Group on Race & Reconciliation This group plans and offers programs that encourage healthy and vital conversations about racial justice in our city and beyond.


Outreach / Mission / Social Justice

Nurturing, teaching, leading, feeding… alongside one another or on our own, Trinity’s mission allows us to use our gifts in ways that can forever touch the lives and hearts of others. Trinity answers the call to serve through ministries that put God’s love into action—among our own parishioners, in our neighborhood, in our city, and in the world beyond.

Trinity Ministries Dayspring Family Shelter Sunday Dinner Trinity volunteers serve dinner to Dayspring Shelter residents the third Sunday of every other month. Contact: Jan Gould - Exodus Welcome Team The Welcome Team partners with Exodus Refugee Immigration to host newly arrived refugee families in the Indianapolis area. Contact: Elsa Sands - Faith in Indiana Faith in Indiana is a catalyst for marginalized peoples and faith communities to act collectively for racial and economic equity in Indiana. It is a multi-racial, multi-class, multi-faith, non-partisan organization that reaches tens of thousands of people committed to advancing the leadership of the most marginalized (returning citizens, immigrants, excluded workers and youth). Greater Indy Habitat for Humanity Teams partner with Greater Indy Habitat for Humanity, Mapleton Fall Creek Development Corporation, local churches and businesses, to rehab homes in the neighborhood. Contact: Erik Hembre - Green Team The Trinity Green Team provides a focus and suggests ways for Trinity and its members to be more environmentally responsible. Trinity Haven Trinity haven will be a safe, welcoming, and family-like environment for homeless LGBTQ youth. Trinity Church is serving as the incubator for Trinity Haven until it begins operating as its own 501(c)3 with an independent board. Contact: Leigh Ann Hirschman -


Campus Ministry Partners Horizons at St. Richard’s Episcopal School (SRES) Horizons at SRES offers a five-week educational summer enrichment program serving low-income public school students with a broad range of academic abilities. Contact: Shanna Martin, Director - Mid-North Food Pantry (MNFP) Housed in the Trinity Outreach Center, the Mid-North Food Pantry is a charitable, non-profit agency supported by several mid-north churches, which pledge monetary support and collect food to stock its shelves. Contact: Erin Vincent - Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic Housed in the Trinity Outreach Center, Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic is a faith-based, non-profit corporation promoting justice through legal representation and legal education for our low-income neighbors as a way of demonstrating Christ's love. Contact: Christopher L. Purnell, Executive Director - Outreach Partners Luncheon Trinity hosts the Outreach Partners Luncheon to bring together leaders of campus outreach ministries to share ideas and initiatives. Project Home Indy Project Home Indy (PHI) is a comprehensive residential support program for pregnant and parenting teens - young women who with their children would otherwise be trapped in a cycle of poverty. Contact: Lakshmi Hasanadka, JD, Executive Director - St. Nicholas Early Learning, Inc. Housed in the Trinity Outreach Center, St Nicholas is a high-quality, affordable, and inclusive program for infants, toddlers, and three year old children in the Mid-North neighborhoods of Indianapolis. St. Nicholas was started by Trinity parishioners and became a 501c3 in June 2016. Contact: Dr. David Sandrick, Executive Director - St. Richard’s Episcopal School In 1960, Trinity opened St. Richard’s Episcopal School as a parish school and community outreach. Modeled after British day schools, the school places emphasis on knowledge and values for a lifetime through the implementation of Five Pillars for Success: Faith, Classic Curriculum, Leadership, Civic Responsibility, and Global Readiness. Contact: Abby Williams, Associate Head of School - Trinity Sunday Dinner Celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2017, the Trinity Sunday Dinner provides a dinner to 150+ community neighbors every Sunday. Contact: Diana Creasser -


Parish Life At Trinity, Parish Life encompasses the good work done by lay leaders to provide connection, care, and growth within our community. From offering amazing meals, tending to our gardens, answering phones, counting financial gifts, entertaining, and always spreading the good news of Trinity by inviting others to see what we do and believe. Celebration Coffee Hour Celebration Coffee Hour is a time to celebrate special religious holidays (All Saints, Easter, etc.) and to give thanks to all those who pass through our doors. Trinity groups, families, and friends take turns hosting the monthly event to share hospitality. Garden Ministry Trinity is blessed with two beautiful garden spaces and lush grounds. The Garden Ministry takes care of Trinity's green spaces as a testament to God's creation here at 33rd and Meridian. The Guild of the Unexceptionable Cuisiniers (A Men’s Group) The Guild of the Unexceptionable Cuisiniers enjoy the fellowship of working together to serve Christ, our fellow parishioners, and the community by cooking for the parish. Madrigal Guild The Madrigal Guild puts on the annual Trinity Madrigal Feast each Yuletide Season. While the choir primarily provides the entertainment, the guild provides the feast and decorations to make it happen. Office Volunteers The Trinity Office Volunteers assist with adminstrative tasks and provide additional hospitality by answering phones, taking inquiries, and being a faithful presence in the church office. Sunday Counters Sunday Counters work in teams to count and tabulate weekly financial gifts. Trusted members of the parish community, counters have some basic calculating and accounting skills. Teams work on a rotating basis on scheduled days and times. Trinity Men’s Group Trinity Men's Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month at 8:15am at a local restaurant. All Trinity men are invited to the Trinity Men’s Club to meet for breakfast and conversation. Trinity Women Trinity Episcopal Women’s Guild has a long rich history of hosting funeral receptions, showers, and any other gathering that needs a special touch. Welcome and Invitation Team Welcome is the heart of what we do at Trinity. The Welcome Team provides holy hospitality for visitors and new members on Sundays and beyond.


Pastoral Care The ministry of caring is at the heart of the church’s life. It may include hospital visitation, counseling, and ministries of shared presence, listening, and support. Contact the church to speak with a clergy member when you want to discuss spiritual or theological matters; when you have reason to celebrate; or if you wish to talk in order to gain spiritual comfort. And please know, the clergy at Trinity expect to be called to the side of our parishioners during times of crisis, sudden illness, or death, any time of the day or night. They will offer prayers, be a spiritual support, and if need be, offer last rites and prayers for the dying. In the case of a pastoral emergency, please call the Trinity Pastoral Phone: (317) 332-6386, to reach the priest on call. Card Ministry Hand written cards of encouragement are sent to those whose names have appeared on the prayer list as a reminder that they are being prayed for by the congregation and clergy. Caregivers’ Support Group The Trinity Caregivers’ Support Group meets the third Sunday of each month at 3:30 pm in the Trinity Library. Caregivers for those suffering from dementia, Parkinson’s, strokes, or other similar conditions meet monthly to discuss situations they are encountering and to lend support. Comforters & Knitters Handcrafted items are made for Trinity parishioners who might be home-bound and unable to regularly attend services, and other people who would appreciate being remembered. Friday Healing Eucharist Beginning on September 21, this contemplative service will offer readings from scripture, short meditation, silence, and prayers for those parishioners on our prayer list and anyone on your heart. Anointing with oil will be offered as well. This healing service will take place in the Church Chancel. Fridays from 12:15 – 12:45PM. All are welcome to participate. Guild of the Holy Cross | Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV) Lay Eucharistic Visitors take the consecrated elements, the Bread and Wine of Holy Communion, to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, are unable to be present at the Celebration of Holy Eucharist on Sunday or other principal celebrations. The Pastoral Care Committee members bring care, comfort, and support to our members who are sick and shut-in, struggling with bereavement, loneliness, and/or other life challenges by coordinating various activities for members of the congregation. Senior Luncheons Held in the spring and fall, the Senior Luncheons bring together long-time and elderly members of the parish to renew and strengthen their bonds of friendship and connection. Trinity Retired Clergy Luncheon This luncheon brings together retired clergy who worship at, and are members of, Trinity.


Governance & Administration The members of the following groups are elected lay leaders or appointed lay leaders. If you would like more information or are interested in joining one of these groups, please contact the Rector, the Rev’d Julia E. Whitworth - Vestry The vestry is the leadership council of the parish. Vestry members are elected at the January annual meeting for a three-year term. They work closely with the rector to define the mission and direction of the parish and manage the parish’s operations, finances, and property. Vestry members are an example of commitment, participation, and support of the life of the parish. Finance Committee Committee Members meet regularly to provide counsel that the financial policy, financial audit and financial affairs are appropriately developed, implemented and managed. The group makes policy and operational recommendations, voted upon by the vestry. Endowment Trustees - members are appointed by, and report to, the Vestry The Endowment of Trinity Episcopal Church is overseen by a group of Trustees who have been appointed by, and report to, the Vestry. The Trustees meet on a regular basis (at least quarterly) to review assets and programs of the Endowment, authorize changes in the portfolio, and to consider requests and recommendations from the Vestry and other related parties. In addition, the Trustees interact on a regular basis with the Vestry and Finance Committee regarding issues such as budgeting and spending policy, portfolio investments and other related items. Joint Properties Committee Stewardship of the Trinity campus properties includes care of the buildings and gardens for the church and school, the church offices in the Tudor House, two historic homes facing Pennsylvania Street, two homes facing 32nd street, the north and south parking lots, the school playground and soccer field. This includes buildings and grounds maintenance and repair, policy issues, financial assurance, budgeting, and strategic and long-term planning. As a subgroup, the Landscape Committee focuses on the softscape of the campus. Trinity Outreach Center Committee The role of the Trinity Outreach Center Committee is to manage all aspects of the Trinity Outreach Center including use by tenants and their programs.


Financial Stewardship Trinity takes seriously its call to be the hands and feet of Christ here at 33rd and Meridian. We care for our parish, our neighborhood, the city and beyond. Giving financially helps to support Trinity’s vital programming, for continuity and growth. Giving generously also ensures that Trinity's legacy continues beyond a member's lifetime. People of varying financial means give throughout the course of a year. We welcome your questions and interest in the financial health of Trinity. Stewardship Committee The Stewardship Committee is responsible for encouraging members of the parish to be good stewards of the resources God has given us, in particular to lead the parish’s annual stewardship campaign (pledge drive) in the fall, which raises the funds needed to maintain and grow programming, facilities, and administration. Stewardship is a central Christian value: we strive to grow and transform our faith, our church, our world with our God-given gifts. Tree of Life: Trinity’s Planned Giving Planned giving is the way in which we address the matter of sharing the blessings of our lifetime. It is the opportunity to leave a planned gift that constitutes both a legacy to generations yet unborn and a final witness to those whom we hold most dear. You can do this through living gifts, with tax and income benefits, through your will as bequests, or gifts of special assets that build a future legacy to Trinity. These gifts truly express your great love for the continuation of our church. Please get in touch to learn more, including information about estate planning.

Pledging When you pledge to Trinity you are giving to funds that translate into the budget for planning the year’s programming and ministries. When you make a pledge you enable the Trinity vestry and the parish lay governing board to be able to plan for, and build, an annual budget to support Trinity’s many vibrant programs. The Trinity Annual Stewardship Campaign begins in the Fall of each year, though our outlook is that Stewardship is a year round activity. To Give a Donation or to Pledge: You can write a check or give online:


Music at Trinity (Fall/Winter/Spring: 2018-2019) 2018 September 16 Sunday at 5PM Choral Evensong This most quintessentially Anglican service consists of prayers, psalms, and canticles for the end of the day, sung mostly by the choir. Music of Herbert Brewer, Leo Sowerby, and Richard Webster.

November 4 Sunday at 5PM Choral Evensong for All Saints Sunday We celebrate the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls with the service of Choral Evensong, offered in remembrance of all loved ones who have gone before us in the faith. Music of Grayston Ives, Kenneth Leighton, and Arvo Pärt.

September 30 Sunday at 5PM City-Wide Taizé Service at North United Methodist Church (3808 N Meridian) Chant, silence, candlelight...observing the UN International Day of Peace

November 30 Friday at 7PM Yuletide Madrigal Dinner Come ye, come ye to the Madrigal Feast! Indiana’s oldest Madrigal dinner returns for one night with limited seating. Revelry, feasting, merry-making, and sparkling music await you. To order tickets ($40), call (317) 926-1346.

October 21 Sunday at 4PM Indianapolis Choir Festival Choral Evensong at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (6050 N Meridian) Guest Conductor Martin Neary, LVO served as Organist and Master of the Choristers at Westminster Abbey from 1988-1998. Music of Herbert Howells, William Byrd, John Tavener, C. Hubert H. Parry, Herbert Murrill, and Martin Neary.

December 16 Sunday at 5PM A Festival of Advent Lessons and Music Trinity Choir and Choristers sing this service including readings, anthems, and hymns in anticipation of Christmas.

October 26 Friday at 7:30PM Meridian Song Project | Lenny at 100 From the familiar West Side Story and On the Town to the rarely heard 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and Mass. Steven Stolen and Gary Walters offer Bernstein traditional and re-imagined.


2019 February 9 Saturday at 6:30PM Choir Cabaret Come to a soirée filled with good food and entertainment provided by members of the choir. Proceeds benefit Trinity Choir and Music at Trinity. Admission: $60 donation, or a table of 10 for $500; to order tickets, call 926-1346.

April 14 Sunday at 5PM Arvo Pärt, Passio for choir, soloists, and chamber ensemble This setting of the Passion according to St John is the apotheosis of Pärt’s tintinnabuli compositional style and is one of his most popular works. The piece is solemn and austere, yet colorful and hypnotizing— perfect for our entry into Holy Week.

February 17 Sunday at 5PM Meridian Song Project | Retro: Mancini and Bacharach You don’t have to be a child of the 60s and 70s to love the songs of two popular song composers. Steven Stolen and Gary Walters take a trip back with timeless tunes from some of America’s most troubled times.

May 4 Saturday at 1PM Centennial Celebration Eucharist Featuring a commissioned work for choir and organ by Robert Sirota. May 19 Sunday at 5PM Choral Evensong for The Fifth Sunday of Easter We end our centennial season with Choral Evensong for Cantate Sunday and hearts uplifted in Easter joy! Music of Ēriks Ešenvalds, Kenneth Jennings, and Martin Neary.

March 17 Sunday at 5PM Choral Evensong This most quintessentially Anglican service consists of prayers, psalms, and canticles for the end of the day, sung mostly by the choir. Music of Thomas Attwood Walmisley and John Rutter.

May 24 Friday at 7:30PM Meridian Song Project | Just Gershwin Steven Stolen offers up songs by George and some lyrics by Ira that may surprise but are sure to delight! Join Steven for his now traditional “Friday before the Race” concert fun!



TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 3243 N Meridian Street • Indianapolis, Indiana 46208 317 926 1346 •

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