13 minute read
Minutes of the Parish Annual Meeting for year 2019
Minutes: 2019 Annual Parish Meeting
Todd Relue, Clerk
Call to Order Mother Julia Whitworth called the meeting to order at 9:30 am in the church. Mother Julia appointed Todd Relue to serve as Clerk for the Annual Meeting. Elections In order to vote in the elections, each duly enrolled member must be at least 16 years old and have been a worshiper at Trinity as well as a contributor to its support for at least one month preceding the Annual Meeting. All voting is done on the honor system by members meeting these requirements. Mother Julia presented the Vestry classes of 2020, 2021, and 2022 and the Vestry members received an ovation from the congregation. Mother Julia presented the tellers for the Annual Meeting, which included Monica Beniste, Dirk Edwards, Faith Hennings, and Albie Marco. The tellers will be responsible for collecting and tallying ballots for Vestry members and Diocesan Convention delegates. Youth Group members passed out the ballots for both Vestry members and Diocesan Convention delegates. The slate of nominees for the new Vestry class was presented, which included Carol Decoursey, Shelly Furuness, Karen Haley, Todd Relue, and Nathaniel Samba. Additional nominations from the floor were requested, but none were submitted. The slate of nominees to serve as Trinity’s delegates to the 183rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis was presented, which included David Bacon, Cathy Bridge, Jeff Brinkmann, Sally Hardgrove, Todd Relue, and Kathy Watson. Additional nominations from the floor were requested, but none were submitted. The congregation submitted written ballots containing their votes for Vestry members and Diocesan Convention delegates. The meeting was reconvened in the Fortune Room after Eucharist. Mother Julia led the congregation in a post-communion prayer and hymn. Mother Julia reported that many ministry leaders submitted written reports, which have been distributed to the parish. While many of these reports cannot be discussed at the meeting due to time constraints, Mother Julia commended the reports be read by parishioners after the meeting. Mother Julia thanked Tracey Lemon and Albie Marco for their hard work on preparing the parish reports for the Annual Meeting. Tracey and Albie received an ovation from the congregation. The Approval of Meeting Minutes The minutes from the prior Annual Meeting held on January 27, 2019 were approved as submitted. Mother Julia thanked Todd Relue for his work as the Clerk. Rector’s Address Mother Julia discussed how the work of the parish reflects our call to follow Christ. Mother Julia reflected on the pilgrimages to Haiti and the Holy Land that took place last spring. In June, the Journey to Adulthood group went on pilgrimage to Iona, Scotland. In July, 49 choir members and choristers and 27 companions went on pilgrimage to France and England where they served as the choir in residence at the historic Ely cathedral. Through these pilgrimages, Trinity’s parishioners and clergy deepened their connections with God. Mother Julia discussed Trinity’s celebration of its centennial in May, which included a visit from Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, the unveiling of new vestments from the Altar Guild, and a dinner that raised $30,000 for the upcoming Chapel of the Holy Innocents renovation. Trinity lived into its mission of service by developing and facilitating 100 ways to serve. Trinity Knitters committed to knitting 100 hats and have nearly reached their goal. The centennial also offers the opportunity to look back and John Bridge is busy writing an updated history of our church titled “Be Thou My Vision.” There has also been a renewal of planned giving as an important form of stewardship for our parish. Mother Julia thanked Ann Smith for her leadership of that effort. Those that commit to making a planned gift by this summer will receive special recognition as Centennial Members of Trinity’s Tree of Life Society. Mother Julia expressed Trinity’s appreciation for Rev. Teresa Angle-Young who provided important leadership on our strategic planning effort. Rev. Teresa convened groups to gather information and implemented a parish-wide survey. The Vestry used the gathered information to identify four areas of direction to help guide Trinity over the next 3-5 years. These four areas of focus will be: Connect and Engage, Grow and Become, Leader and Transform, and Measure and Support. Mother Julia reported there is lots of work being done to advance these areas through specific action steps. In mid-May, Mother Ering Hougland joined Trinity as an Associate Rector. She has done wonderful work to make the parish more welcoming and to support Trinity’s transition to REALM. Mother Erin, Diana Creaser, and Jennifer Fisher are working together to lead Trinity’s Sunday Dinner ministry. Darren Palmer, the ministry’s long-time manager, has retired. Sunday Dinner has welcomed new part-time workers over the past few months and Jen Fisher has started a bible group that has 2025 regular attendees. Mother Julia discussed that Hanna Curtis moved with her husband to Texas. Mother Julia thanked Missy Roetter for expanding her responsibilities to oversee Sunday School. Mother Julia thanked Father Ben, Mother Erin, and several parishioners for helping to carry on this important ministry. Mother Julia believes a full-time children’s and families minister is in the budget for 2020 and would like to make the call this summer. Kim McPherson will lead family faith formation classes in the interim until the new minister is found.
Ed Stephenson and Kate Howe are leading the Outreach Advisory Committee. Several of Trinity’s partner organizations are experiencing leadership transitions including the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic, Mapleton Fall Creek Development Corporation, and Project Home Indy. Mother Julia congratulated parishioner Amy Sue Bacon for her new role as the head of Horizons at St. Richard’s. Amy Sue received an ovation form the congregation. Mother Julia also thanked David Amstutz, head of St. Richard’s school, for joining Trinity for the Annual Meeting. David received an ovation. Mother Julia reported on Father Ben’s work with St. Richard’s, which has expanded and deepened including through the recent joint Magi Tree project. St. Richard’s students have benefitted from many school chapels with Father Ben and Michael Messina. Mother Julia and David Amstutz are dreaming up new ideas for collaboration. Mother Julia reported that St. Richard’s completed construction on their new expansion. Many Trinity parishioners played central roles in that work. Mother Julia recognized David Amstutz, Bob and Marlene Marchesani, Tom Greist, and many others for their contributions to the project. Everyone involved in the expansion received an ovation. Trinity completed the renovation of the Corner House, which is now the Chaplain’s House and Mother Julia reported that the Anthony family is very happy there. David Bacon, Janet Craun, Rob McMath, and Dirk Edwards were all thanked for their contributions to the renovation. Mother Julia reported that Trinity is in discernment regarding potential uses for the St. Edward’s House including the possibility of establishing Indiana’s first Episcopal Service Corps house. The Episcopal Service Corps is a program that operates under the national Episcopal Church and provides young adults primarily in their 20s with an opportunity to come together to live, pray, and work in their communities. Mother Julia is challenging the parish to discern a clear direction for the St. Edward’s House in 2020. Mother Julia reported that Trinity will look to continue a third service after the summer months. Like the traditional summer outdoor service, it will be more informal and directed at families. It will likely be held in the Fortune Room. There will be a comprehensive plan that will precede the roll out of the third service. Mother Julia indicated that there will be a reevaluation of Christmas Eve services for next year. The 3:00 pm service will be reinvigorated as a Trinity Christmas Pageant next year. Trinity is planning to provide other offerings as well including Rhythms of Grace, a new liturgy for families with children on the spectrum. During Lent, Trinity will offer Wade in the Water, which will prepare participants for Rites of Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation of their faith. Mother Julia hopes all parishioners will consider participating. Mother Julia reported that the organ revoicing project, which has been in the works for four years, will finally be under way this year. Trinity is planning to host another all parish retreat in the fall of 2020. The date will be sent out to parishioners. Mother Julia reported that she feels blessed to be the Rector at Trinity. She looks forward to working with the Vestry on the strategic plan. Mother Julia thanked everyone for their many contributions. Mother Julia received an ovation.. Senior Warden’s Reports Senior Warden Tricia McMath reported of the Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes Convention. She reported that it was a really great experience and opportunity to learn what other similarly situated Episcopal churches are doing. Tricia’s main take away was that Trinity is doing really well and proactively meeting the challenges it faces. Tricia reported that, every two years, there is a mutual ministry review with Mother Julia. The review this past year was a very affirming event and provided a good reason to discuss the great things that we are doing and can do in the future. Tricia shared that Trinity had approved $11,000 of outreach grants this year to St. Nicholas, Trinity Haven, and Raphael Health Center. Trinity is also hiring a master gardener to help care for our cloister and Lemler gardens. Tricia reported that her first year as Senior Warden has been extremely rewarding thanks to Trinity’s wonderful Vestry, clergy, and staff. Ministry Updates Theresa Arness-Coates reported on St. Nicholas Early Learning Center, which opened in 2016 and have been very successful. St. Nicholas was formed to offer high quality childcare to neighborhood residents for children from birth through 3 years. Its goal is to have 50% of its enrollment from lower income families. St. Nicholas received a Pathways of Quality Level 3 certification, which is a national certification and mark of quality in the childcare field. Theresa reported that St. Nicholas had received a grant from Trinity to provide a warming kitchen that would expand meal options. St. Nicholas also secured a grant from the United Way of Central Indiana for an expansion that includes two new classes, a resource library, a staff lounge, and renovated kitchen area. St. Nicholas’s Executive Director Dave Sandrick has decided to leave, so the organization’s board has undertaken a search for his replacement. Theresa thanked all the parishioners who had donated to support St. Nicholas. Theresa and St. Nicholas received an ovation. Leigh Ann Hirschman reported on Trinity Haven, Indiana’s first and only residence focused on LGBTQ homeless youth. Trinity Haven, incubated and launched by Trinity, is now an independent organization. The organization now has a full board of directors with substantial involvement from Trinity parishioners and the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis. Trinity Haven also hired its founding director, Jenny White. Mother Julia, Leigh Ann, and Jenny White served as marshals in the Indianapolis Gay Pride Parade. Trinity Haven has garnered substantial local and national news coverage. The organization is continuing to pay back a starting loan from Trinity. Trinity Haven’s $1.5M start up fundraising goal has been met and surpassed. Trinity contributed $50,000 to that campaign. Parishioners contributed $200,000 more. Trinity Haven recently finished its fundraising campaign with a gift from the United Way. Leigh
Ann thanked Rob McPherson and Steven Stolen for acting as their chairs of the fundraising campaign. The State agencies have been generally helpful and receptive to Trinity Haven, but the approval process has been slow. Trinity Haven is expecting more than $500,000 per year in State funding. The organization is also exploring the possibility of opening a network of host homes in the future. Leigh Ann thanked Trinity parishioners for all of their support. Leigh Ann and Trinity Haven received an ovation. Explanation of 2019 and 2020 Budgets Treasurer Keenan Buoy discussed Trinity’s 2019 financials and the 2020 budget. Keenan discussed expenses by ministry area. The highlights from 2019 include that total parish support was strong, coming in at more than $13,000 over budget. The pledge completion rate was also high at 97%. Other parish support was $2,000 more than budgeted. Other income was $3,000 more than budgeted. The total draw on the Legacy Fund was $1,151,702. Total revenues for Trinity were $16,700 over budget. Regarding expenses, personnel expenses were $46,000 below budget. Total parish program expenses were $6,000 below budget. New initiatives and programs expenses were $20,000 below budget and total property expenses were $3,000 under budget. Total parish support increased steadily from $534,805 to $657,312 between 2015 and 2019. The budgeted expenses by ministry areas for 2020 is very similar to 2019 expenses by ministry area. This year’s stewardship goal is $664,158. The planned Legacy Fund draw in 2020 is $28,100 less than last year’s draw. The Legacy Fund draw has been decreasing since 2015. The budget for Personnel expenses in 2020 is $25,000 more than 2019 to reflect a new staffing structure, specifically a new curate position. The budget includes increased adult formation programming costs. It also includes an increased total property budget to reflect anticipated maintenance costs. The outreach budget has also increased by $7,700 to help support outreach ministry partners. Budgeted total expenses decreased by $2,500 from last year’s budget. Keenan thanked Albie Marco and Faith Hennings for their hard work on Trinity’s finances. Albie and Faith received an ovation. Mother Julia thanked Kennan Buoy for his hard work overseeing the church’s finances and serving as treasurer. Mother Julia also thanked the Finance Committee. Ann Durkos has been on the Finance Committee for around 25 years and chaired the committee for the last decade. Mother Julia thanked Ann for her many years of service. The parish applauded Ann’s work. Keenan Buoy will serve as interim Chair of the Finance Committee. Patty Gotway will be assisting in that work as well. Cathy Bridge, Lynette Herd, and Jay Simmons all served as Legacy Fund trustees for many years and are ending their service. Mark Green and John Hirschman will continue as trustees and will be joined by Patty Gotway, Joel Harrison, Christy Jacobi, Erik Hembre, and Gavin Stevens. Mother Julia commended John Hirschman’s written report to the parish. Wardens and Vestry Appreciation Mother Julia thanked the wardens and outgoing Vestry members. This was the first group of Vestry who were elected after Mother Julia joined the parish. Mother Julia thanked Senior Warden Tricia McMath, Junior Warden Gayle Holtman, Leigh Ann Hirschman, David Bacon, Scott Whitaker, and Samuel Massaley. They all received an ovation. Election Report Mother Julia reported the results of the election of the Vestry Class of 2023, which will include Carol Decoursey, Shelly Furuness, Karen Haley, Todd Relue, and Nathaniel Samba. Mother Julia reported the results of the election of the Diocesan Convention delegates, which will include David Bacon, Cathy Bridge, Jeff Brinkmann, Sally Hardgrove, Todd Relue, and Kathy Watson. Introduction and Appreciation of Trinity Staff Mother Julia introduced Dirk Edwards, Dr. Michael Messina, Rita Earls, Hamp Liggins, Dave Smith, Missy Roetter, Kim McPherson, Father Ben Anthony, Mother Erin Hougland, Tracey Lemon, Albie Marco, Rev. Jennifer Fischer, and Faith Hennings. The staff each received ovations from the congregation in appreciation for their continued good work. Mother Julia also thanked the nursery personnel, Monica Beniste, Lucas Fletcher (assistant organist), security team, and three new part-time staff at Sunday Dinner. All received an ovation. Stewardship Appreciation Shana Stump, Co-Stewardship Chair, reported that she was happy to invite everyone to help “Build the Body of Christ” this year. Trinity had over 20 new and new returning pledgers this past year and about 100 households increased their pledges. Here was also a significant increase in overall dollars pledged. There continues to be an increase in online pledging. Shana thanked the Stewardship Committee and particularly Jeff Brinkmann, Co-Stewardship Chair. She also thanked Mother Julia and Mother Erin for their leadership and Tracy Lemon for her design work. Shana thanked Albie Marco and Faith Hennings for their work in tracking pledging and Monica Beniste for her assistance with the mailing. Shana reminded everyone that stewardship continues year-round. Shana thanked everyone for helping to make this a great beginning to the new century. Mother Julia thanked the members of the Guild of Unexceptionable Cuisiniers, led by Jim Purucker, for all of their work in preparing the meal for the Annual Meeting and many other meals throughout the past year. A video was played to honor the stewardship of Trinity parishioners. There being no further business to be conducted, the Annual Meeting was adjourned at 11:53 am with a singing of the Doxology.