A Year Like No Other

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Minutes: 2019 Annual Parish Meeting Todd Relue, Clerk

Call to Order Mother Julia Whitworth called the meeting to order at 9:30 am in the church. Mother Julia appointed Todd Relue to serve as Clerk for the Annual Meeting.

Rector’s Address Mother Julia discussed how the work of the parish reflects our call to follow Christ. Mother Julia reflected on the pilgrimages to Haiti and the Holy Land that took place last spring. In June, the Journey to Adulthood group went on pilgrimage to Iona, Scotland. In July, 49 choir members and choristers and 27 companions went on pilgrimage to France and England where they served as the choir in residence at the historic Ely cathedral. Through these pilgrimages, Trinity’s parishioners and clergy deepened their connections with God.

Elections In order to vote in the elections, each duly enrolled member must be at least 16 years old and have been a worshiper at Trinity as well as a contributor to its support for at least one month preceding the Annual Meeting. All voting is done on the honor system by members meeting these requirements.

Mother Julia discussed Trinity’s celebration of its centennial in May, which included a visit from Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, the unveiling of new vestments from the Altar Guild, and a dinner that raised $30,000 for the upcoming Chapel of the Holy Innocents renovation. Trinity lived into its mission of service by developing and facilitating 100 ways to serve. Trinity Knitters committed to knitting 100 hats and have nearly reached their goal. The centennial also offers the opportunity to look back and John Bridge is busy writing an updated history of our church titled “Be Thou My Vision.” There has also been a renewal of planned giving as an important form of stewardship for our parish. Mother Julia thanked Ann Smith for her leadership of that effort. Those that commit to making a planned gift by this summer will receive special recognition as Centennial Members of Trinity’s Tree of Life Society.

Mother Julia presented the Vestry classes of 2020, 2021, and 2022 and the Vestry members received an ovation from the congregation. Mother Julia presented the tellers for the Annual Meeting, which included Monica Beniste, Dirk Edwards, Faith Hennings, and Albie Marco. The tellers will be responsible for collecting and tallying ballots for Vestry members and Diocesan Convention delegates. Youth Group members passed out the ballots for both Vestry members and Diocesan Convention delegates. The slate of nominees for the new Vestry class was presented, which included Carol Decoursey, Shelly Furuness, Karen Haley, Todd Relue, and Nathaniel Samba. Additional nominations from the floor were requested, but none were submitted. The slate of nominees to serve as Trinity’s delegates to the 183rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis was presented, which included David Bacon, Cathy Bridge, Jeff Brinkmann, Sally Hardgrove, Todd Relue, and Kathy Watson. Additional nominations from the floor were requested, but none were submitted.

Mother Julia expressed Trinity’s appreciation for Rev. Teresa Angle-Young who provided important leadership on our strategic planning effort. Rev. Teresa convened groups to gather information and implemented a parish-wide survey. The Vestry used the gathered information to identify four areas of direction to help guide Trinity over the next 3-5 years. These four areas of focus will be: Connect and Engage, Grow and Become, Leader and Transform, and Measure and Support. Mother Julia reported there is lots of work being done to advance these areas through specific action steps.

The congregation submitted written ballots containing their votes for Vestry members and Diocesan Convention delegates. The meeting was reconvened in the Fortune Room after Eucharist. Mother Julia led the congregation in a post-communion prayer and hymn.

In mid-May, Mother Ering Hougland joined Trinity as an Associate Rector. She has done wonderful work to make the parish more welcoming and to support Trinity’s transition to REALM. Mother Erin, Diana Creaser, and Jennifer Fisher are working together to lead Trinity’s Sunday Dinner ministry. Darren Palmer, the ministry’s long-time manager, has retired. Sunday Dinner has welcomed new part-time workers over the past few months and Jen Fisher has started a bible group that has 2025 regular attendees.

Mother Julia reported that many ministry leaders submitted written reports, which have been distributed to the parish. While many of these reports cannot be discussed at the meeting due to time constraints, Mother Julia commended the reports be read by parishioners after the meeting. Mother Julia thanked Tracey Lemon and Albie Marco for their hard work on preparing the parish reports for the Annual Meeting. Tracey and Albie received an ovation from the congregation.

Mother Julia discussed that Hanna Curtis moved with her husband to Texas. Mother Julia thanked Missy Roetter for expanding her responsibilities to oversee Sunday School. Mother Julia thanked Father Ben, Mother Erin, and several parishioners for helping to carry on this important ministry. Mother Julia believes a full-time children’s and families minister is in the budget for 2020 and would like to make the call this summer. Kim McPherson will lead family faith formation classes in the interim until the new minister is found.

The Approval of Meeting Minutes The minutes from the prior Annual Meeting held on January 27, 2019 were approved as submitted. Mother Julia thanked Todd Relue for his work as the Clerk.


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