Trinity O U T LO O K Quarterly Journal of Trinity Episcopal Church | Indianapolis, Indiana
accept • nourish • send
Winter 2016 - 2017
Responding to the World with Conversation, Prayer, and Action.
Quarterly journal focused on the people of Trinity Church who are called to live into their mission to accept, nourish, and send all to do God's work.
Facebook: TrinityChurchIndy Facebook: MusicTrinityChurchIndy Instagram: TrinityChurchIndy Twitter: TrinityCh_Indy (317) 926-1346 | Editor Director of Communications, Tracey E Lemon Clergy Rector, The Rev'd Julia E. Whitworth Senior Associate Rector, The Rev'd Karen L. King Curate / Chaplain, The Rev'd Lea Colvill Staff Director of Music, Dr. Michael Messina Assistant Organist, Lukas Fletcher Youth & Parish Life Coordinator, Missy Roetter Parish Administrator, Kevin Deprey Financial Administrator, Albie Marco Administrative Assistant, Julie O'Mara Director of Facilities, Dirk Edwards Maintenance / Housekeeping Rita Earls, Chris Johnson, Jason King 2016 Vestry John Bridge, Senior Warden; Leigh Anne Naas, Junior Warden; Jay Simmons, Treasurer; Todd Relue, Clerk; Keenan Buoy; Bill Coleman; Christy Jacobi; Corky Plews; Steven Stolen; Jodi Ammons; Patty Gotway; Abby Vincent; James Cramer; John Craun; Joel Harrison; Erik Hembre; and Karen E. King, members. . Office hours Monday - Friday: 9AM - 4PM
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Celebration of a New Ministry
Rector's Welcome
Pictorial Review
Upcoming in Janaury & February
Stewardship Update
Mary & Joseph arrive in Bethlehem
Upcoming continued
Upcoming Music @Trinity Events
Upcoming in the Diocese
back page
Get your tickets for Cabaret
elcome to the winter issue of the Trinity OUTLOOK.
One way to envision what’s emerging at Trinity is to consider how Trinity is responding to the world with conversation, prayer, and action. . With a new year upon us, a new rector leading our church, and our time of transition refocused on the future, it might be useful to review where we’ve been since the arrival of the Rev’d Julia E. Whitworth, 12th rector of Trinity. And Trinity has responded with conversation, prayer, and action time and again: quickly formed prayer services after unrest and violence in Tulsa, OK and Charlotte, NC; hosting community action groups for vital conversations regarding transportation, prison reform, and race equality; serving our community with feeding programs, early education start-ups, and dynamic partnerships with vital outreach programs. Our worship and music is ever wondrous, and we are delighted that so many visitors have dropped by to see what we’re up to at the corner of 33rd and Meridian. We held our fourth and final Holy Conversation attended by those new to Trinity and long-time members, young and old. The conversation(s) pointed to a realistic understanding of the challenges ahead, and yet the participants were optimistic and ready to dream big. A series of Cottage Meetings held soon after Mother Julia's arrival allowed parishioners to meet with Mother Julia in small groups in home settings. The story of her journey from the arts to the priesthood and then to Trinity confirmed, yet again, that the disciplined work of the Rector Search Committee brought us a talented and faithful leader. All to say, we at Trinity are not standing still. We learn and grow and find even better ways to live into our mission to accept, nourish, and send all to do God’s work. Included in this issue we provide a pictorial review of the past months since Mother Julia's arrival. We have been celebrating, worshiping, singing, playing, praying, serving, feeding, witnessing, talking, partnering, hosting, learning, and teaching together - in this place and in the world. Looking towards to the next few months, we include upcoming events in January and February. You are invited. To witness all the images that capture the joy, vitality, and momentum of the Trinity community and all that we do, you are invited to find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all social media places where images and words capture our daily life. Tracey E. Lemon, Editor [in the heart of Indianapolis] 3
Celebration of
The Rev'd Lea Colvill, Trinity Curate / Chaplain of St. Richard's Episcopal School, was ordained on September 29, 2015. The Rev'd Bob Dekker and his wife Helen
On Saturday, November 12, 2016, Trinity celebrated the new ministry of the Rev'd Julia E. Whitworth, 12th Rector.
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A New Ministry Beloveds of God I can hardly believe that just about six months have passed since I arrived in Indianapolis and came to Trinity Church! What an amazing time we have had. I was welcomed with a full church (in July!) and a glorious party. What a surprise to find a gift basket full of thoughtful gift certificates to area restaurants, businesses, parks and cultural institutions. Our family is still enjoying our bag of fun — and I continue to reflect on the thoughtfulness of your amazing welcome to us all. So many thanks to a wonderful Transition Team for their incredible hospitality. I am excited about that spirit of Holy Hospitality, which can and does infuse all that we do at Trinity. Whether it’s in rethinking how we welcome newcomers, sprucing up our Outreach Dinner Dining Room, or inviting our furry and four-footed friends to church for the October Feast of St. Francis, Radical Hospitality is key to how I think about church. I hope you’ll join me in looking for more and more opportunities for fun and faithful invitation to the next person through our doors. On a recent weekend, I was struck by the holy and gracious ways that Trinity lives into its mission to accept, nourish and send. On Saturday, our Exodus Welcome Team gave a birthday party for a 10-year-old refugee boy and decorated his family’s apartment for Christmas, while our choirs braved an ice storm to rehearse for Lessons and Carols. On Sunday morning, we baptized a beautiful baby, fed 100 guests a hot meal, and kids and adults alike filled gift bags with toiletries for families at the
Rev'd Julia E. Whitworth, Rector
Dayspring Center and MidNorth Food Pantry. Magi Tree gifts poured in for families from the St. Richard's Episcopal School Horizons program, while Lay Eucharistic Visitor teams brought communion and Trinity Comforter wrist warmers to the homebound, and a team of cooks made a meal for the Dayspring residents. Finally, on a subzero afternoon, a glorious Lessons and Carols service filled the candlelit church with beauty and grace. It was a 36-hour period of Trinity being the church magnificently. What’s next for us? The sky is the limit. I imagine a 2017 in which we can nourish one another and the stranger with sacramental and material food, with learning and with love, so that all might be strengthened to meet the challenges of the future. 2017 will be a time when new light can shine, literally and figuratively, in the midst of seeming darkness. It will be a year in which Trinity will continue to serve and even find its public voice for the most vulnerable in Indianapolis and beyond. It will be a time of growth, of power, of courage, of possibility. Don’t let anyone tell you any differently. But before we move into this New Year, I wish to offer so many thanks, I hardly know where to start. I have been amazed and inspired by the leadership of so many of you here at Trinity. For a magnificent and dedicated staff and office volunteers, wise and committed wardens and vestry, incredible altar guild members and liturgical volunteers, I give thanks. For a passionate adult formation team, steadfast and loving Sunday school teachers and youth leaders , and faithful and committed outreach volunteers in so many ministries, I give praise. For ALL of YOU, for what you do, and who you are, I give thanks and praise and love and every blessing in the New Year. I am thrilled to be your Rector. Christmastide Joy,
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What is emerging
Acolytes ready for Mother Julia's first Sunday. Exodus Immigration Welcoming Team await a refugee family at the airport.
Pets join the congregation for worship & blessings on the Feast of St. Francis Sunday.
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Trinity Senior Warden, John Bridge, speaks to the media as Trinity parishioners joined others from the Diocese and other faiths to show support for St. David's in Bean Blossom which was tagged with hate speech.
a pictorial review of Trinity's first six months with the Rev'd Julia E. Whitworth
Mother Julia is christened as the Chaplain of The Guild of Unexceptionable Cuisiniers. The Guild of Unexceptionable Cuisiniers grilling up a storm-- both for our Start-Up Sunday Lunch and for Trinity Sunday Dinner guests at the Trinity Outreach Center.
Holy Conversations #4: parishioners envision the future at Trinity.
Parish-Wide Advent Service Project, preparing items for the Dayspring Center and Mid-North Food Pantry.
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Mother Julia blesses the creche with children at the 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service.
Trinity Choristers sing at the Open House for St. Nicholas Early Learning, Inc. which officially opened its doors in September.
Prayers for Justice & Peace, jointly offered with St. Richard's Episcopal School. accept - nourish - send 8
Upcoming Epiphany Party | Friday, January 6 at 6:00PM
Gather as a parish family on the Feast of Epiphany as we come together to share a meal and bring in the Magi with a party! We expect music, dancing, and food from around the world. Epiphany falls on a Friday this year! So, we’re planning an International pitch-in, with main course provided. We’re hoping the Three Kings will make an appearance. You and your greatest gifts are invited! Adults, children, friends. Have a dish you’d like to share? Let us know by calling the office or sending an email: (317) 926-1346 or
Meditation & Bible Study | Wednesday evenings in January & February January 11-February 22 from 6:00-7:00 PM
In the cold of winter, you are invited to the warmth of a 6-week evening session featuring meditation and Bible Study. Led by Deb Cooney and Kathy Watson, each session will include 20 minutes of Centering Prayer followed by a half hour Bible Study on the weekly Lectionary. The session will conclude with Lectio Divina. No advance preparation is necessary and you can attend as many or few of the sessions as you want. Join us in the deep mid-winter for spiritual warmth, joy, and peace. All Adults are Welcome. Signup and questions? Email Deb Cooney ( or Kathy Watson (
Martin Luther King Day of Service | Monday, January 16
Trinity Outreach is sponsoring two parish service projects in recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to be held in collaboration with our community partners, The Dayspring Center and the Martin Luther King Community Center. Dayspring Center: The shelter operates 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, providing emergency shelter for families. Trinity volunteers prepare and serve a Sunday meal for residents every 6 weeks. Project: Deep cleaning of the kitchen. Need: 8 to 10 volunteers. Address: 1537 Central Avenue. Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The Martin Luther King Community Center: The MLK Community Center offers various social services and activities for area residents. Project: Companies and organizations are collecting a variety of school supplies and other items for area students that need to be sorted and put into back packs. Need: 10 to 15 volunteers to sort and assist with this project. This is a great project for families with school-age children. Address: 40 West 40th Street Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Please see the sign-up sheets in the Crist Room, or for more information please contact Mother Karen,, or Vestry member Bill Coleman.
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Stewardship Investing in a fearless future.
Dear Friends, Lives are changed at Trinity. Children’s lives are shaped in faith and love in Sunday school, when they learn to let their little light shine. They are changed when infants and toddlers receive quality early education at St. Nicholas Early Learning, and diverse students from around Indianapolis learn critical thinking skills at St. Richard’s Episcopal School. Our youth are transformed through service projects and pilgrimage, and babies and their teenage mothers are supported by our ministry at Project Home Indy. Lives are transformed through the grace freely given at our Eucharistic table, or when a voter is empowered and engaged by our IndyCan volunteers. Refugee families discover new beginnings when they are welcomed by our church members, and we all are called to see anew when we dare to consider our place in fighting systemic racism. We are changed when we take communion to our elders, visit the sick, support each other through the challenges of our lives, and celebrate our joys as a community. Lives are changed when thousands of people are fed hot meals with dignity at our Trinity Sunday Dinners, and when we gather in fellowship and prayer to listen to where the Holy Spirit is calling us to serve next. I experience all of this, and more, at Trinity Episcopal Church, and I heard your call for “More!” at Holy Conversations #4 in the Fall. I am grateful that there is a great hunger here to strengthen our connections and care for one another, to deepen our spiritual inquiry and
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depth, and to expand our engagement with the wider Indianapolis community through handson service and social justice. At our community conversation, I listened as you envisioned an array of exciting next steps for our future: a public green space or labyrinth, a community or performing arts center, growing outreach to refugees and those in need in our neighborhood, revitalized programming with our children and care for our elders, a commitment to amplify a Christian voice for righteousness in our city and our world. These were just a few of the themes I heard. You have vision that continues to inspire and be vital in the world. It’s what attracted me to this church, to you. What a terrific time to be at Trinity. Owing to wise and committed leaders and your deep commitment to our mission, you have come through a long transition period with health and vitality. Thank you for committing your abundance of time, talent and treasure to Trinity Church. If you haven’t already pledged for the 2017 budget year, I ask you prayerfully to consider supporting our Fearless Future. Faithfully,
Turnout for Stewardship Sunday soared. In three weeks, pledge numbers were more than what was achieved in six weeks last year. Almost half of those who pledged increased their pledge this year. And a third of those who pledged increased by 10% or more.
“Look, I am doing something new now it emerges; can you not see it?”
56% households pledged
28% pledged the same as last year
Numbers from Stewardship Sunday.
increased their pledge from last year
(As of Late-December 2016.)
Won’t you help Trinity EXCEED its goals for 2017? Contact Kevin DePrey, Parish Administrator, to learn more and to pledge. (317) 926-1346 x405 [in the heart of Indianapolis] 11
Mary & Joseph Mary and Joseph, and donkey arrived in Bethlehem (aka Christmas Eve Service) after an eventful journey! Mary and Joseph left Trinity on the first Sunday in Advent to begin their journey to Bethlehem. Trinity parishioners helped them arrive at the Inn by hosting them for one night in their homes. To see more pictures visit:!
Hanging out with sisters and a cat.
A check-up along the way.
A visit to the City Circle.
Honor Roll Assembly at St. Richard's.
Mary & Joseph arrive at the 3PM Service. The Trinity Ukulele Congress fortified Mary and Joseph with music for their journey.
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Upcoming New Trinity Men's Club | Wednesday, January 18 at 8:15AM
All Trinity men are invited to the first meeting of the Trinity Men’s Club that will take place on Wednesday, January 18, at 8:15 a.m. at the Illinois Street Food Emporium, 5550 N. Illinois Street. Trinity men will have breakfast there and enjoy an hour of fellowship together. No reservations are necessary. The next meeting of the Trinity Men’s Club will be on Wednesday, February 1, same time, same place.
Attucks: a school that opened a city | January 26 & February 2 The Adult Formation Committee at Trinity is examining fresh approaches to inspire better understanding through healthy conversation, active listening, and provocative questions. In the coming months be on the look out for new programming that will tackle some hard questions and invite all members of our communit(ies) to listen and discuss issues of deep concern for our neighborhood, city, and nation. Now is the time to reconcile differences and deepen friendships. What better place than at church. To start, you are invited to attend one or both Thursday evenings in January and February when Trinity will be showing this 90-minute documentary about the history of Crispus Attucks High School, co-produced by Ted Green Films and WFYI, followed by conversation and an evening with Ted Green. Mark your calendar. Stay tuned for details!
2nd Sunday Celebration Coffee Hour | Sunday, February 12, 2017 Join us for our new monthly Celebration Coffee Hour. This will be a time for gathering as a community and connecting with those who are new, those we know, and for us all to get to know one another better as we celebrate ministries and our parish life. Every 2nd Sunday of the month we'll be serving expanded treats offered by various Trinity Ministries.
Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Supper | Tuesday, February 28 at 6:00 P.M.
Trinity hosts its annual pancake supper and fun-filled evening. There will be plenty of pancakes with syrup along with yummy sausage. Pancake race, and more games with assorted prizes for all ages. Come eat your fill of sweets before the discipline of six weeks of Lent begins on Wednesday.
Lenten Series on Race, Reconcilation, and White Privilege. A series of exciting speakers and workshops forthcoming. Confirmed speakers include: Deputy Mayor David Hampton, Senior Pastor of Light of the World Christian Church; Dr. JaDora Sailes who will present on Implicit Bias in the Classroom; and Dr. Robin Hughes to lead a workshop on the book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. MORE TO COME!
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The Sounds of Trinity
Upcoming Music @Trinity February 11, Saturday at 6:30 p.m. Trinity Choir Cabaret Come to a soirée filled with good food and entertainment provided by members of Trinity Choir. Proceeds benefit Trinity Choir and Music @Trinity. Admission: $60 donation, or a table of 10 for $500. To order tickets, call 926-1346. February 26, Sunday at 5 p.m. Meridian Song Project: Children Will Listen Trinity’s Michael Messina joins Steven Stolen for an evening of tunes and messages, poignant and whimsical, for parents and kids of all ages. Included will be the unforgettable Canticle II: Abraham and Isaac by Benjamin Britten and songs from the Broadway stage. Time and date TBD Bob Chilcott, St John Passion Trinity Choir and Choristers, with soloists Emily Albrink and Steven Stolen, and orchestra. “An appealing, sincere, and expertly crafted” telling of the Passion drama. May 26, Friday at 7:30 p.m. Meridian Song Project: A Friday in May Steven Stolen renews his tradition of the “Friday before the Big Race” with an evening of whimsy and sentiment and a few old friends. Don’t miss his look back at twenty years of concerts with Meridian Song Project at Trinity! Dr. Michael Messina, Director of Music Lucas Fletcher, Assistant Organist
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Upcoming Diocesan-Wide Events January 7
Episcopal Women's Ministries Council @ St. Matthew's, Indy, 10 a.m.
March 3-5
Youth Spring Retreat @ Waycross
March 27-28
Bishop w/Presbyters: Ending of a Pastoral Relationship @ Waycross
April 8 Episcopal Women's Ministries spring luncheon with Bishop Cate @ St. Paul's Columbus 10:30 a.m. April 22 A Liturgy to Celebrate the Life and Ministry of Bishop Catherine Waynick @ St. Christopher's, Carmel, 11 a.m. April 22
Farewell party for Bishop Cate @ IN State Museum, 2- 5 p.m.
April 29 Ordination/Consecration of the 11th Bishop @ Clowes Memorial Hall, Butler University, Indianapolis at 11 a.m. February 10
Grant Application Deadline for United Thank Offering
The deadline for UTO grant applications is set early in February to allow the Diocesan Grants Review Committee to have time to review and edit them with the applicants before submission to the Bishop for her endorsement. Grant information can be found at February 10
Love for Waycross: Dinner + Silent & Live Auction
Show your love for the Waycross Camp & Conference Center at the first annual dinner fundraiser at St. Paul's, Indianapolis. Have someone on your Christmas list who also loves Waycross? Consider purchasing additional tickets for gifts! Tickets are $50 and include a meal prepared on-site by Chef Kyle Dahncke with appetizers, entrĂŠe (vegetarian option available), dessert and drinks (alcoholic and non). Auction packages feature Disney World, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Holiday World, BRAVO, Tom O'Brien Dealerships, Indianapolis Pacers, Monkey Joe's, Starbucks, a Montana cabin weekend getaway & more. There are a limited number of tickets due to space; please don't wait long to purchase yours! Adults only, 21+, please. Tickets and info at March 22-24
Trinity Institute "Water Justice" @St. Paul's, Indy, time TBA
Water is a gift. Water is life. As water crises increase, access to safe and clean drinking water decreases. Faith communities worldwide can help. Be part of Trinity Institute 2017, a global conference held in New York City and webcast all over the world. With a sharp focus on the need for water justice initiatives in areas of access, droughts, pollution, rising tides, and flooding, Trinity Institute aims to offer actionable guidance for individuals, congregations, and the larger faith community surrounding these issues. St. Paul’s, Indianapolis is a partner site and includes full access to renowned speakers and comprehensive materials to further engage and educate yourself and others on the topic of water justice. 317 253-1277. [in the heart of Indianapolis] 15
3243 N Meridian Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46208-4677 T: (317) 926-1346 F: (317) 921-3364 Our Mission As a worshiping community of diverse Christians, we accept, nourish, and send all to do God’s work. Our Vision To build and enhance connections with God, with one another, and with communities around and beyond us; to be an urban center of Christian ministry sought after by anyone on a quest for a deepened relationship with God.
et r a b O U T LO O K Trinity a C ir o h 7C
2016- 2017
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Saturday, February 11 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Ruth Lilly Activities Center Limited Seating to 250 Proceeds Benefit Music @Trinity Tickets $60 / each $500 / table of 10
Silent Auction
Share the Love and
Silent Auction
Saturday, February Share the11 Love Saturday, Dinner & SilentFebruary Auction, 11
and song with the Trinity Choir and special guests. Dinner & Silent Auction, and song with the Trinity Choir and special guests.
Time: 6:30 PM till 9:30 PM Place: Ruth Activities Time: 6:30Lilly PM till 9:30 PM Center Place:seating: Ruth Lilly Activities Center Limited 250 tickets. Limited seating: 250 tickets. Proceeds benefit: Music at Trinity Proceeds benefit: Music at Trinity Cost: Tickets are $60 each or a table of 10 for $500 Cost: Tickets are $60 each or a table of 10 for $500
Call the office to order your tickets! (317) 926-1346