Bulpadok 2019

Page 57

Homo Ex Machina ne) (Human From the Machi Herschell Art Prize Winner by Sophia Gawan Taylor A bioartificial heart split into two, both human and machine, yet neither one. Human inertia will continue challenging Mother Nature; the challenge is finding a balance in which we can coexist with our planet. The contrasts of natural vs man-made (metal against wood, electronics atop of organ tissue) convey the integration of manmade technology into our bodies and our environment. This contrast also holds personal significance; representing the internal conflict between the two seemingly opposable fields of art and science. Stretching further to the ‘neither here or neither there’ sentiment toward my ethnic, gender and sexual identity. Both art and science are ways in which to interpret the world around us, others, and ourselves. The arbitrary dichotomy between the two fields were famously interlaced by Da Vinci (a mathematician, inventor and artist), but are often overlooked today. However, with all the crippling issues that exist in our world that need to be addressed; pursuing scientific questions in tandem with artists is integral.


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