Inspired by Christ, Trinity Episcopal Church strives to love our neighbors, do justice and walk humbly with God.
new? welcome!
weekly worship
We are so glad you are here.
Please complete a visitor card found in the pew racks or at the name tag table, and either drop it in the offertory plate or hand it to an usher or member of the clergy. You can also contact Tina Grant at (504) 670-2526 or
Morning Prayer, 7:30am, chapel Rite I Holy Eucharist, 8:00am, chapel Rite II Holy Eucharist, 10:30am, church Rite II Holy Eucharist, 6:00pm, chapel
Tuesday Holy Eucharist, 7:30am, chapel Organ and Labyrinth, 6:00pm, church
You should check out: First Sunday at Trinity Sunday, September 8 in Bishop Polk Hall 8:30am Hot Breakfast 9:15am ‘Trinity Talk’ on #strive
featured formation
Thursday Healing Service, 11:00am at Lambeth House (1st Thursday of the month)
featured service † Altar Guild
Clergy Book Club
Holy Envy by Barbara Brown Taylor, led by The Rev. John M. Pitzer
Prepares the altar in the church and the chapel for worship. Takes only 15 minutes.
Gather at the home of Susu and Mike Kearney 6334 Prytania Street Wednesday, September 25 6:00pm - 8:00pm Potluck and Book Discussion
Can you help setup or clean-up once a month? Serve on a team. Men, women and families! Contact
Trinity Episcopal Church New Orleans
1329 Jackson Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 • (504) 522-0276
Be open. Be present. Be formed. First Sunday feels like family. First Sunday at Trinity On the first Sunday of each month, Trinity hosts a hot breakfast and ‘Trinity Talk’ on a specific theme, with opportunities to further explore that theme throughout the month in small groups, at home with family, and on social media.
8:30am, Hot Breakfast in Bishop Polk Hall 9:15am, ‘Trinity Talk’ on #strive The Reverend Andrew R. Thayer will present on Trinity’s mission statement, and how we are called to strive for God’s kingdom in the present.
Sunday Morning formation is at 9:15am. 12 Steps are for Everyone September 8, 15, 22 and 29 9:15am in the Board Room Participants read and discuss the effectiveness of the 12 steps of recovery as a process for spiritual growth.
Faith and Fiction September 15, 22 and 29 9:15am in the Parish House (Doesn’t meet on First Sundays)
Participants read short works of fiction and discuss them from a faith perspective.
Trinity Forum On the second, third and fourth Sunday of each month, Trinity will host a continental breakfast and forum, usually connected to First Sunday’s theme. In September, The Reverend Andrew R. Thayer will explore the three major themes of the mission statement and call us all to live into them.
9:15am in Bishop Polk Hall September 15 - #loveyourneighbors September 22 - #dojustice September 29 - #walkhumbly
Children are cherished. Nursery Care (Infant - 3 years) Sundays, 9:00am - 12:00pm The nursery is available from 9:00am - 12:00pm for children age 3 and under, including infants. The nursery is located in the undercroft across from Trinity Treasures Gift Shop.
Godly Play Sundays, beginning September 8 at 10:30am, in age-specific classroom Children 24 months to 5th grade are invited to join their peers on Sunday mornings for Godly Play, an imaginative way of telling the stories of the Bible using multi-sensory materials and presented “chronologically” and in sync with the liturgical year.
Youth connect in communities of faith. Rite 13 (6th - 8th graders) Sundays, 10:15am at Molly’s House September 8, 15, and 22 The Journey to Adulthood (J2A) youth curriculum, launching this year, will guide the spiritual formation of our junior and senior high youth. The beginning phase of the J2A program is called Rite 13, a name that comes from a liturgical rite of passage to celebrate with young people around their 13th birthday. Rite 13 focuses on recognizing the gifts God has given us, celebrating our creative potential, and learning to interact as a community of faith.
Rite 13 Afternoon Sunday, September 8 3:30pm at Molly’s House
High School EYC Sunday, September 22 5:30pm - 7:30pm at Molly’s House
Weekday Study Groups Come as you are. Mom’s Bible Study Gather with other mothers for a weekly touchpoint of prayer, practice, sharing and connecting. AM Mom’s Bible Study meets Wednesdays 8:00am in the Moore Library PM Mom’s Bible Study meets Thursdays 1:30pm in the Moore Library
Men’s Prayer Breakfast Wednesdays, 6:45am in the Parish House This group gathers for a home-cooked breakfast and Bible study with the rector, until 8:00am.
Rector’s Drop-In Bible Study Wednesdays, 8:00am in the Board Room All are invited to drop-in for this weekly rector-led Bible study, ending at 9:00am.
Intercessory Prayer Group Wednesdays, 1:30pm in the Board Room Gathers weekly to hold confidential prayers of healing, guidance and enfolding for those who ask.
Spiritual Seekers Discussion Group Every other Sunday, 7:00pm - 8:15pm September 8 and 22 Explore some of the biggest questions of faith, informed by short readings from recent theologians such as Marcus Borg, Richard Rohr and others. Future fall dates include October 6 and 20, November 3 and 17, and December 8.
The Music makes it. Organ and Labyrinth Tuesdays, 6:00pm in the Church Our labyrinth is a meditative tool, wherby one is invited to walk on a traceable path that is placed on the floor of the sanctuary, while listening to music performed on the pipe organ.
Trinity Artist Series Sundays, 5:00pm in the Church This music program has been ongoing at Trinity for the past 30 years. The concerts are free and open to the public. Visit
Connect at Events Coffee and Croissants with Clergy Thursday, September 5 8:00am in the Board Room All are invited to gather and visit with Trinity’s clergy in an informal setting. Presented by WOTC.
Yappy Hour and Simple Eucharist Thursday, September 12 5:30pm - 7:30pm at Coliseum Square Park Bring your furry friend and your human friends! There will be food to share and snacks for pups, but please bring your own beverages (BYOB). The event will conclude with an outdoor simple Eucharist, open to all.
Clergy Book Club (front page feature) Wednesday, September 25 6:00pm - 8:00pm, at the Kearney’s 6334 Prytania Street, NOLA Choral Evensong Saturday, September 14 4:00pm in the Church, reception to follow The Feast of the Holy Cross, Music of Thomas Tallis
All are invited to this potluck and book discussion on Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others, by Barbara Brown Taylor. Please bring a dish to pass and thoughts to share; discussion will be led by The Reverend John M. Pitzer. The book is available for purchase at Trinity Treasures.
Enneagram Workshops So . . . what's your type? Enneagram Resource Points Mini-Workshop Thursday, September 26, 1:30pm - 5:30pm This mini-workshop is shaped to deepen self-awareness by exploring the influence of our Enneagram type’s resource points (wings and connecting lines). Cost is $75.00 a person. Prior experience with the Enneagram is helpful.
Enneagram Nine Panels Two-Day Workshop Friday, Sept. 27, 2:00pm - 5:30pm and Saturday, Sept. 28, 9:00am - 4:30pm Participants will learn an overview of each Enneagram type, including fears, filters, motivations, as well as strengths and gifts that support growth. Cost is $175 per person and includes Saturday lunch. No prior experience necessary. Register at
SEPTEMBER sunday, sept 1
Trinity Artist Series 5:00pm in the Church
Rite 13 (6th-8th Graders) 10:15am at Molly’s House
monday, sept 2
Spiritual Seekers 7:00pm in the Board Room
Trinity Artist Series 5:00pm in the Church
No Godly Play classes. Labor Day / Office Closed
tuesday, sept 3
Organ and Labyrinth 6:00pm in the church
wednesday, sept 4
AM Mom’s Bible Study 8:00am in Moore Library Intercessory Prayer Group 1:30pm in the Board Room
thursday, sept 5
monday, sept 9
AL ANON 6:00pm in Board Room AA Recovery Group 6:30pm in Moore Library
monday, sept 16
AL ANON 6:00pm in Board Room AA Recovery Group 6:30pm in Moore Library
tuesday, sept 10
tuesday, sept 17
wednesday, sept 11
wednesday, sept 18
Organ and Labyrinth 6:00pm in the church
Organ and Labyrinth 6:00pm in the church
Coffee and Croissants with Clergy 8:00am in the Board Room
Men’s Prayer Breakfast 6:30am in Parish House
PM Mom’s Bible Study 1:30pm in Moore Library
AM Mom’s Bible Study 8:00am in Moore Library
AM Mom’s Bible Study 8:00am in Moore Library
Rector’s Drop-In Bible Study 8:00am in Board Room
Rector’s Drop-In Bible Study 8:00am in Board Room
Intercessory Prayer Group 1:30pm in Board Room
Intercessory Prayer Group 1:30pm in Board Room
sunday, sept 8
thursday, sept 12
PM Mom’s Bible Study 1:30pm in Moore Library Yappy Hour and Eucharist 5:30pm at Coliseum Square Park
FIRST SUNDAY 8:30am Hot Breakfast 9:15am ‘Trinity Talk in Bishop Polk Hall 12 Steps are for Everyone 9:15am in Board Room Godly Play Classes 10:15am in age-specific classroom Rite 13 (6th-8th Graders) 10:15am at Molly’s House Rite 13 (6th-8th Graders) 3:30pm at Molly’s House
saturday, sept 14
Choral Evensong 4:00pm in the Church
sunday, sept 15
Trinity Forum #loveyourneighbor 9:15am in Bishop Polk Hall Faith and Fiction 9:15am in Parish House 12 Steps are for Everyone 9:15am in Board Room Godly Play Classes 10:15am in age-specific classroom
Men’s Prayer Breakfast 6:30am in Parish House
thursday, sept 19
PM Mom’s Bible Study 1:30pm in Moore Library
sunday, sept 22
Trinity Forum #dojustice 9:15am in Bishop Polk Hall Faith and Fiction 9:15am in Parish House 12 Steps are for Everyone 9:15am in Board Room Godly Play Classes 10:15am in age-specific classroom Rite 13 (6th-8th Graders) 10:15am at Molly’s House Trinity Artist Series 5:00pm in the Church
CALENDAR High School EYC 5:30pm - 7:30pm, Molly’s House
Faith and Fiction 9:15am in Parish House
Spiritual Seekers 7:00pm in the Board Room
12 Steps are for Everyone 9:15am in Board Room
monday, sept 23
AL ANON 6:00pm in Board Room AA Recovery Group 6:30pm in Moore Library
tuesday, sept 24
Organ and Labyrinth 6:00pm in the church
wednesday, sept 25
Men’s Prayer Breakfast 6:30am in Parish House AM Mom’s Bible Study 8:00am in Moore Library
Godly Play Classes 10:15am in age-specific classroom No Rite 13 Class Today Youth at Diocesan Youth Rally Trinity Artist Series 5:00pm in the Church
monday, sept 30
AL ANON 6:00pm in Board Room AA Recovery Group 6:30pm in Moore Library
Rector’s Drop-In Bible Study 8:00am in Boad Room Intercessory Prayer Group 1:30pm in Board Room Clergy Monthly Book Club 6:00pm at 6334 Prytania Street
thursday, sept 26
PM Mom’s Bible Study 1:30pm in Moore Library Enneagram Mini-Workshop 1:30pm - 5:30pm in Parish House
rector The Rev. Andrew R. Thayer (504) 670-2524 Rector and Parish Assistant Tina Grant (504) 670-2526
friday, sept 27
Organist and Choirmaster Dr. Paul Weber (504) 522-0276
saturday, sept 28
Trinity Artist Series Albinas and Manon Prizgintas (504) 606-3442
Enneagram 9 Panels Workshop 2:00pm - 5:30pm in Parish House Enneagram 9 Panels Workshop 9:00am - 5:00pm in Parish House
sunday, sept 29
Trinity Forum #walkhumbly 9:15am in Bishop Polk Hall
trinity school Trinity School Chaplain The Rev. Robert B. Hadzor (504) 670-2540
children, youth & families Children and Family Ministries Ashley Bond (504) 236-2672 Youth Ministry The Rev. Jane-Allison Wiggin-Nettles (504) 295-1375
parish life Parish Life The Rev. Katherine S. McLean (504) 670-2584 Pastoral Care & Spiritual Formation Maria Elliott (504) 670-2535
outreach Administration and Outreach The Rev. John S. Pitzer (504) 670-2527 Community Ministries Cathy Posey (504) 376-5284 Trinity Loaves and Fishes Aaron Taylor (504) 418-1613
other contacts Stewardship and Development Raina O’Neil (504) 670-2537 Communications Ashley Eastham (248) 894-6224 Women of Trinity Church (WOTC) Melissa Dovie (504) 313-3386 Verger/ Worship Mary Sutton (504) 615-7192
sunday, August 25 at 10:30am Godly Play Celebration Blessing of the Backpacks
Students bring your backpack and educators bring your work bag, for a special blessing!
Godly Play Sermon by Ashley Bond
Commissioning of Godly Play and Rite 13 Teachers Rite 13 Parent Meeting
following 10:30am worship, in the school library.
Taco Bar and Sundaes at Coffee Hour
looking forward Habitat for Humanity Unity Build October 2019
Fall Rummage Sale October 3 - 5, 2019
Trinity on-site build days: Friday, October 18 Saturday, October 19
Volunteer Setup days: Tuesday, 10/1 Wednesday 10/2
For pastoral care emergencies after hours or on holidays call (504) 522-0276 and press #. You will be transferred directly to the clergy on call.