Trinity Style Guide (Rev. August 2020)

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Why a guide? Trinity Episcopal School has a reputation of excellence. We are committed to providing opportunities that nurture each student’s academic, creative, social, and spiritual growth. This guide was created to solidify this distinction in all of our communications, both internal and external. Adhering to this guide on the uses of the Trinity logos and other key graphic elements and following these standards will ensure a clear, consistent identity for Trinity. Consistency increases awareness and helps cement an emotional connection to our mission. The more single-minded our approach, the more powerful our message.

Trinity Episcopal School Style Guide

Trinity Episcopal School has planned and unified a style guide identification program to reinforce immediate and positive recognition for its faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni, volunteers, and the general public. The guide specifies the standards for Trinity and demonstrates their application to a wide range of materials that are used at our school. One of the most important aspects of this program is the continuity and consistency it provides for the development of Trinity’s written and visual expressions. The continued success of the communications program relies upon the understanding, cooperation, and active support of all those responsible for its implementation. Letters, emails, and other communication leaving a school office are, in a very real sense, ambassadors of good will. Just as with phone calls, the impression an individual letter or email creates may mean the difference between a pleased parent and an unhappy constituent. This impression depends as much on the appearance of the letter as on its tone or contents. All external communication should adhere to these standards. This includes all parent communication—classroom-, division-, and school-wide. If you have any questions, please contact the Marketing/Communications Office at, and they will be happy to assist you. ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION (E-MAIL) Use your Trinity email ( for any electronic school communication. Your display name should be your first and last name (Jane Doe). All email communication should be in black or dark blue. Use only the Google default font (Sans serif), Arial, or Garamond. Email Signature: A consistent, organization-wide email signature is a key part of our brand identity. Use basic contact information and the ombre Gentle, Generous, Truthful, Kind, and Brave logo. The logo is found on Google Drive. Email signature should include: Name (in bold type) Title Trinity Episcopal School 1315 Jackson Avenue New Orleans, LA 70130 504.525.8661 (Use the direct phone number to your office or voicemail.)


Trinity Episcopal School Style Guide

Gentle, generous,

truthful, kind, & brave


Ombre Logo

Begin signature with “----” to separate from email message. List your first and last name. Do not use formal names if you do not go by them. Do not include a fax number. Use only black or dark blue for your email signature. Use only the Gentle, Generous, Truthful, Kind, and Brave image in your email signature. Personal quotations or philosophical statements should not be included as part of your signature. Your email signature is a direct representation of Trinity. When applicable, professional designations or certifications may be placed directly after your name. For example: Jane Doe, FAIA. Social media links should not be included as part of your email signature. To set up your email signature: Open your email program. You will receive an email with the subject line “Set your email signature.” Click the settings icon at the top right in gmail. Select “Settings.” Scroll down to the “Signature” section. Gentle, generous, Copy the signature that you received including the ombre GGTKB logo truthful, kind, & brave and paste into the signature box. Edit the signature to include your information. At the bottom of the page, click “Save Changes.”

The Google profile associated with your Trinity email account should not include a personal photograph. The profile photo should be the Trinity icon. The icon is available on Google Drive. To set the icon as your profile photo, click on the existing photo and drag and center the icon. Click “Set as profile photo.”


Trinity Episcopal School Style Guide

PRINTING • Anything printed must be approved by the Marketing/Communications Office to ensure design and color consistency. Prior to selecting an out-of-house printer, please consult with the Marketing/Communications Office. • All flyers, invitations, forms, etc. to be posted on campus or distributed to parents must be approved 48 hours in advance by the Marketing/Communications Office. There is a part-time graphic artist on staff at Trinity to help with your graphic design needs. Please contact the Marketing/Communications Office in advance for assistance. LOGO • •

DO NOT create your own logo. See the Trinity Brand Guide (attached) for guidelines for logo usage.

STATIONERY/ENVELOPES/BUSINESS CARDS • Always use official Trinity stationery stored in the Front Office. DO NOT create your own stationery. •

Letterhead—Use for the external community, individual, and specialty correspondence.

• Informal—School note cards are available through the Front Office and should be used for all handwritten correspondence (such as thank you notes). •

Photocopies—Use for file copies and bulk mailing to parents.

The Marketing/Communications Office handles business card requests.


Trinity Episcopal School Style Guide

CAPITALIZATION - RULE OF THUMB: If it is specific, capitalize it; if it is general, do not capitalize it. • Do capitalize Middle School, Lower School, and Preschool when referring to a specific division of Trinity; otherwise use lower case. •

Do capitalize all letters of acronyms; do not use periods after each letter (ISAS).

• Do capitalize names of committees (Marketing Committee), but do not capitalize a non-specific committee (The committee met to discuss policy.) •

Do capitalize names of specific clubs (Student Council).

• Do capitalize complete titles (the Director of Admission, the Head of School of Trinity Episcopal School). • Do capitalize departments (Fine Arts Department, English Department, Math Department), and languages (English, French, Spanish, Latin), but do not capitalize other subjects (math, social studies), but do capitalize course titles (Math 1, Knitting, Louisiana History.) •

Do capitalize offices (Front Office, Parents’ Group Office, Admission Office).

Do capitalize Trumpet and Childpost.

• Do capitalize Parent Handbook, Faculty/Staff Handbook, or any other internal publications. It is not necessary to underline/italicize them. •

Do capitalize and spell out all grades (Eighth Grade, Prekindergarten).

• Do capitalize Board of Trustees and Administrative Team, but do not capitalize board, trustees, or administration. •

Do capitalize Capital Campaign.

Do capitalize Chapel (the space and event).

• Do not capitalize art room or gymnasium, but capitalize Parish House and Chiggy Rhodes Gymnasium. •

Use lowercase letters and periods, but no spaces, for a.m. and p.m.


Trinity Episcopal School Style Guide

ITALICIZATION • Italicize (or underline if not on computer) names of publications, plays, books, etc. (Trumpet, Childpost, The Wizard of Oz). •

Italicize foreign terms.

PUNCTUATION • In a series, use the Oxford comma. (Put a comma before “and” or “or.”) Example: “Invite grandparents, aunts, uncles, and family friends.” • Use one space after a period and one space after a comma in printed communication. Use one space after each in electronic communication.


Trinity Episcopal School Style Guide NAMES • A woman’s name may read Mary Smith or Mrs. John Smith. Use Ms. Mary Smith for a woman who is divorced. This is especially true for women over 30 years of age. Miss is used for a woman who has never been married. There should not be a period after Miss. Some unmarried women may request the use of Ms. If requested, use Ms. •

A comma is placed before Jr. or Sr., but not before II, III, IV, etc.

• An alumnus should have no title, but always include the graduating year. Example: Elizabeth Conway Crawford ’79. In class years and decades, the apostrophe should point to the left: ’02, ’79, ’80s, ’20s There is no apostrophe in a range of dates: 1985–89 Note: According to Chicago Manual of Style Online Q&A: “In word-processed documents, when apostrophes are preceded by a space (as opposed to those in the middle of a word, like it’s), the software thinks the writer wants an opening quotation mark and supplies one. When documents aren’t proofread carefully, these marks appear in place of apostrophes.” How to make a left-facing apostrophe: This character is located in Microsoft Word’s “insert” menu > symbols > normal text > special characters. Select the “single closing quote.” PC users, creating a shortcut is helpful if you use the character often. Mac shortcut: shift + option + right bracket key • When referring to Trinity parents that are married, use Mr. and Mrs. Example: Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. • A priest is The Reverend. “The” must be used if the title is used. Please do not abbreviate reverend.


Trinity Episcopal School Style Guide NUMBERS • Spell out numbers one through ten, and write 11 and higher in numeric format. • Spell out grade levels: First Grade instead of 1st grade. OTHER • We use Preschool and Prekindergarten as the preferred spellings. • 12 point Arial is the preferred font for correspondence with one-inch margins and pages numbered beginning with page two. • Use em dash rather than hyphen; a space does not go before or after the em dash, an em dash is used in lieu of a double hyphen. Use a hyphen for regular hyphenation. •

Use Admission (singular) Office (not Admissions Office).

• Acronyms such as TES should be used internally only; the full name should be written out in material with an external audience. •

When using the word curriculum: Singular: curriculum Plural: curricula

• When using the word alumni: Female: Alumna (singular), alumnae (plural) Male: Alumnus (singular), alumni (plural) When referring to male and female graduates together, the masculine form “alumni” is used. • Dates: The month is always spelled in full. The date and the year are given as numerals, and the date is followed by a comma. Correct style: October 3, 2016 Unacceptable styles: October 3rd, 2016, Oct. 3, 2016


Trinity Episcopal School Style Guide


Capitalize the first word, the title and any noun in the salutation: Dear Mr. Jones, My dear Professor Clark, Dear Mrs. Morgan,

• Abbreviate Mr., Ms., Mrs., and Dr. in salutations. Write out other titles such as Captain, Professor, The Reverend, etc. • When an organization is composed of men and women and correspondence is addressed to a company, the salutation used is To Whom it May Concern. GUIDELINES FOR SALUTATIONS Addressee Salutation Firm’s name To Whom it May Concern Firm’s name and an attention line is used Specify the recipient Married woman, a widow or a divorced woman Dear Mrs. Jones who uses the title Mrs. Unmarried woman Dear Miss Jones or Dear Ms. Jones Unknown whether woman is married or single Dear Ms. Jones Group To Whom it May Concern Married couple Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jones Man and a woman with different surnames Dear Mr. Jones and Ms. Black Two doctors Dear Drs. Jones Man and his wife on salutation line Dear Mary and John • FONT GUIDELINES • It is recommended that 12 point Arial or Garamond be used. You may select 11 point as your font size, as well as changing margins if you need to keep your letter to one page. • •

PROOFREADING All Trinity correspondence should be proofread by AT LEAST one other person.


Trinity Episcopal School Style Guide

Style Guide Summary Do capitalize: • Middle School, Preschool, and Kindergarten (all grades spelled out [First Grade] and capitalized) • Acronyms, with no periods (NOISE, ISAS, NAIS, NAES) • Board of Trustees and Administrative Team, but not board or administration or trustee • Trinity Episcopal School and School when it refers to TES, but not our school • Student Council and Edith Aiken Memorial Library, but not club or library • Director of Admission and Second Grade Assisting Teacher, but not teacher or faculty • Math Department and Science Department, but not math or science • Languages are always capitalized (English, French, Spanish, Latin …) • All offices, including Business Office and Front Office • Traditions, Trumpet, Childpost (all publications, School and otherwise) • Capital Campaign and Annual Giving • Chapel and all course titles • Bachelor of Arts in Education Do not capitalize: • a.m. or p.m. • art room, classroom, or gymnasium • staff, faculty, or teacher Font: • Arial or Garamond 12 point (and one inch margins all around) Italics: • Trumpet, Childpost, To Kill a Mockingbird Names: • James J. Boo, Jr. • James J. Boo III • Mr. and Mrs. James Smith (for a married couple) • Mr. James Smith and Ms. Betty Brown (for a married couple with different surnames) • Miss Edith Aiken (for a woman who has never been married) • Ms. Betty Brown (used when marital status is unknown or for divorced women) • Mrs. Beatrice Boo or Mrs. James Boo, Sr. (for widows) • The Reverend Al Green (always spell out clerical and honorific titles) Numbers: • Spell out one through ten and write the number for 11 and beyond. Mix words and numbers when necessary (one cat, two dogs, and 10,000 mice)


Trinity Episcopal School Style Guide

This and That: • Do not hyphenate vice president, but do hyphenate year-end • Admission Office, not Admissions Office • Use aftercare, not after care or after-care when referring to our after school programs. • Write out addresses: Mr. and Mrs. James Smith 555 St. Charles Avenue Apartment 361 New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 • Use the Oxford comma before the last “and” in a series. • Both periods and commas are followed by a single space. • Abbreviate Mr., Ms., Mrs., and Dr. in salutations. Write out other titles such as Captain, Professor, The Reverend, etc. • Use a comma after a date in a sentence, and do not abbreviate months. • Use one space after a period in both electronic and printed communication. Revised August 2020 Please be aware that this manual may be updated to reflect future changes.


Trinity Episcopal School Brand Guide

Trinity logo

Use only Pantone Matching System (PMS) 287. This is Trinity’s designated color which is used on the internet and throughout our print collateral. If necessary, the logo can be shown in black and white.

Full Trinity logo

Full TES words or wordmark

Trinity icon only

This icon should be used when you want to imply Trinity but don’t want the word Trinity, or you don’t have the space.


Trinity Episcopal School Brand Guide

Trinity logo

There are JPEGS of the logo available in Google Drive. The logos are supplied both as blue and white and black and white. Please pick the size that is closest to your finished product.


When using these images, they should be centered, both horizontally and vertically. We have provided graphics for some of the applications you may need.

1/4 x

1/4 x


1/3 x

1/3 x

1/3 x

1/3 x

1/3 x


1/3 x

1/3 x


1/3 x 1/3 x

Maintaining this space will ensure that the logo is not crowded or linked to other graphic elements.

1/3 x

The space around the wordmark only, from sides, top, and bottom of the text, should be at least 1/3 of the width of the wordmark. The space around the icon from sides, top, and bottom of the text, should be at least 1/3 of the width of the icon.

1/4 x

1/4 x

The space around the logo, from sides, top, and bottom of the text, should be at least 1/4 of the width of the logo.

1/4 x

Spacing and Alignment


Trinity Episcopal School Brand Guide

Logo Don’ts


When using the Trinity logo, do not distort, stretch, or alter the artwork in any way. Here are some examples of what not to do.

DON’T alter the color of our logo.


DON’T reconfigure the graphics.

Please join us for a reception

DON’T use out-of-focus or poor quality artwork. Please use the logos on Google Drive.

DON’T crowd the logo. Use proper spacing.

DON’T angle the logo.

DON’T decorate the logo, or add any artwork to it, or anywhere near it.

DON’T skew the logo by changing the proportions.



DON’T use the logo in the context of a sentence or headline.


Trinity Episcopal School Brand Guide

Other Logos

t r i ni •





In addition to the logo, wordmark, and icon, additional logos can be used as an identifier. Care must be taken to preserve the visual integrity of our school.

fu n d

Gentle, Gentle, Gentle, generous, generous, generous, truthful, kind, kind, truthful, kind, & brave

truthful, & brave

& brave


Gentle, generous,

truthful, kind, & brave

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