1 minute read

Cheval Horse

Paul Éluard

Cheval seul, cheval perdu, Malade de la pluie, vibrant d’insectes, Cheval seul, vieux cheval.


Aux fêtes du galop, Son élan serait vers la terre, Il se tuerait.

Et, fidèle aux cailloux, Cheval seul attend la nuit Pour n’être pas obligé De voir clair et de se sauver.

Lone horse, lost horse

Sick from the rain, spirited by insects, Lone horse, horse of years bygone

At galloping shows, His ardour would take him to the ground, He could die.

Yet, faithful to the pebbles, Lone horse waits for the night When he is not obliged

To see clearly and save his own life.

Translated by Adrianna Rokita

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