3 minute read
Hele woorden
Arno Bohlmeijer Translated
Arno Bohlmeijer
Hoe weet een gedicht nu dat het naar je toe moet komen: wanneer je hart een zwaar hoofd heeft?
Waar vind je discipline om te schrijven? Nee, die heb ik nodig om te stoppen, voor schoonmaaktaken: het huis, mezelf, het leven.
Of het leven schrijft: ‘Sla een brede straat in, raap woorden op, jezelf, en geef me zin.’
Een straat aan poëzie bracht me naar zee, het leek of ik zelf werd aangespoeld: geen zwembroek of pen, papier, niet recht of los van lijf en leden, maar een stevig en soepel gedicht mens.
Op het strand stond een publiek, ze staarden, schreeuwden en wezen alsof ik doof en dom was, of onleesbaar.
Toch niet omdat een uitstekend deel ontbrak?
How does a poem know to pave its way to you now: when the heart feels a heavy head?
Where do you find discipline to write? No, I need strictness to stop for jobs, cleaning the house or me and life.
Or life writes: “Turn into a wide street, pick up words and yourself, to feed me.”
A road of poetry took me to the sea; it felt like being washed ashore myself, no swim gear or notebook, no loose or firm limbs and skin, but a supple and sound human verse?
There was a crowd on the beach, gaping, shrieking and pointing at me as if I were deaf and dumb or unreadable!
Please, not because a significant part was missing?
Oltre il ponte
Beyond the bridge
Italo Calvino Translated by Ilaria
O ragazza dalle guance di pesca o ragazza dalle guance d'aurora io spero che a narrarti riesca la mia vita all'età che tu hai ora.
Coprifuoco, la truppa tedesca la città dominava, siam pronti: chi non vuole chinare la testa con noi prenda la strada dei monti.
Avevamo vent'anni e oltre il ponte oltre il ponte ch'è in mano nemica vedevam l'altra riva, la vita tutto il bene del mondo oltre il ponte.
Tutto il male avevamo di fronte tutto il bene avevamo nel cuore a vent'anni la vita è oltre il ponte oltre il fuoco comincia l'amore.
Silenziosa sugli aghi di pino su spinosi ricci di castagna una squadra nel buio mattino discendeva l'oscura montagna.
La speranza era nostra compagna a assaltar caposaldi nemici conquistandoci l'armi in battaglia scalzi e laceri eppure felici.
Avevamo vent'anni...
Non è detto che fossimo santi l'eroismo non è sovrumano corri, abbassati, dai corri avanti! ogni passo che fai non è vano.
Vedevamo a portata di mano oltre il tronco il cespuglio il canneto l'avvenire di un giorno più umano e più giusto più libero e lieto.
Avevamo vent'anni...
Ormai tutti han famiglia hanno figli che non sanno la storia di ieri io son solo e passeggio fra i tigli con te cara che allora non c'eri.
Curfew: the German soldiers dominating the city, we are ready: those who won’t take off their hats will take with us the mountain path.
We were twenty and beyond the bridge, beyond the now-enemy bridge, the other bank, life, all the beauty of the world, beyond the bridge.
We were twenty…
Italian English Oh, rosy-cheeked lady, oh, bright-cheeked lady, I hope you will read from my mouth what the story of my life at your age was about.
I’m not saying we were superhumans, no need to be extraordinary to be fearless run, go down, come on, run! No step taken is worthless.
Beyond the tree trunk, the bush, the reed, we then stood watching the dawn of a cheerful and fairer world finally approaching.
We were twenty…
E vorrei che quei nostri pensieri quelle nostre speranze di allora rivivessero in quel che tu speri o ragazza color dell'aurora.
Avevamo vent'anni...
In front of us the devil but our hearts, of good, were plenty Life is beyond the bridge, Love is beyond war, when you are twenty.
On pine needles and chestnut burs, in the darkness of the morning, a troop was silently walking, descending the gloomy mountain
Assaulting our enemies with Comrade Hope by our side, barefoot, exhausted but still happy, we won the battle with pride.
Now everyone has a family and children who of the past are unaware, I am here, alone, walking among lindens with you, my dear, who are not there. Oh, dawn-colored lady, I would like that those wishes and thoughts may revive in what you now hope.
We were twenty…
Göç Yolları
The Migration Roads
Murathan Mungan Translated by Aysel K. Basci
Söyleyin dağlara rüzgara
Yurdundan sürgün çocuklara
Düşmesin kimse yılgınlığa
Geçit vardır yarınlara
Göç yolları
Göründü bize
Görünür elbet
Göç yolları
Bir gün gelir
Döner tersine
Dönülür elbet
En büyük silah umut etmek
Yadigar kalsın size
Yol verin kanatlı atlara
Sürgünden dönen çocuklara
Ateşler yakın doruklarda
Geçit vardır yarınlara
Dağılsak da göç yollarında
Yarın bizim bütün dünya
Tell the mountains, the wind
And the children in exile
Not to despair
There are paths to tomorrow
Today, the migration roads
Appear before us
They certainly do
But a day will come
When those roads
Will change course
They certainly will
The best weapon is hope
It’s the only gift we can leave for you
Give way to the winged horses
And the children returning from exile
Set fire to the peaks
There are paths to tomorrow
Even if we disperse along these roads
Tomorrow, the whole world will be ours