5 minute read

Rut. Nam. I, 183-194, 197-204

Rut. Nam. I, 183-194, 197-204

Rutilius Claudius Namatianus Translated by Alessandro Bonvini


Et iam nocturnis spatium laxauerat horis

Phoebus Chelarum pallidiore polo.

Cunctamur temptare salum portuque sedemus, nec piget oppositis otia ferre moris, occidua infido dum saeuit gurgite Plias dumque procellosi temporis ira calet. Respectare iuuat uicinam saepius urbem et montes uisu deficiente sequi, quaque duces oculi grata regione fruuntur, dum se, quod cupiunt, cernere posse putant. Nec locus ille mihi cognoscitur indice fumo, qui dominas arces et caput orbis habet […]

Sed caeli plaga candidior tractusque serenus signat septenis culmina clara iugis.

Illic perpetui soles atque ipse uidetur quem sibi Roma facit purior esse dies.

Saepius attonitae resonant Circensibus aures; nuntiat accensus plena theatra fauor:

Pulsato notae redduntur ab aethere uoces, uel quia perueniunt uel quia fingit amor.

And the Sun’s divine charioteer had already widened the hours of the night – paller, Libra welcomed him into her sky. We could not but hesitate. «Who dares to brave the swelling sea? ». Sitting in the harbour, we relish our tranquil time – unexpected the delay. Meanwhile, the declining Pleiad rages against the faithless stream and the boisterous season’s wrath is inflamed. It delights to look back, again and again, at the near city, to chase the hills with my ceasing sight. Wherever they lead me, my eyes savor those beloved lands, while they can see – so they think –what they are longing for. Nor does a wisp of smoke give me a trace of that place, which owns the sovereign hills, which owns the head of the world. […] But a more dazzling region of the sky, a placid tract reveals the bright summits on its seven ridges. «Look, sunlight is perpetual there. Terser –they say – is the day which Rome makes for herself». More than once in my dazed ears the Circus’ noise resonates, aroused acclamation reveals packed stands, familiar voices are given back from the air which echoes beat. «Are they reaching us? » «Perhaps it is Love who molds them».

Walls and Windows (Excerpt) 墙与窗(节选)

Rosaleen McDonagh

They’re coming tomorrow. The key worker and social worker with their files, papers and pens. Trying to hide my hands. The shakes. In the last while, since John died … promising myself it would never come to this … Even with all their papers and pens, mobile phones, one of them brought a computer. Knowing more about their lives than they do about me … John used to say ‘we know more about settled people than they’ll ever know about us’. Waking up … my head sore … not fit for anything, my mind is pure clear. Knowing that women like me are just another piece of shite on someone’s shoes. They’ll tell me fine, no change on the housing list. To be honest as bad as this hotel room is, the idea of a hostel … Kaleigh is all loved up. Darren had his arms around her and offered me a can. They are full of pity for me. They have each other, they have a child. What do I have? Kaleigh going on about how they’re moving out on Friday, they got a place. A two-roomed apartment. He’s swearing he won’t take any more stuff. She’s saying that I can visit them. How her daughter Sophie has gotten really fond of me, close to me. [……]

Yesterday my mother-in-law, after sitting in the café for an hour, texts me saying she’d no way of bringing the boys to see me this week. That’s three weeks without seeing me children. When the kids were smaller, we showed them photographs of the grandparents living on the road. The photographs were a bribe. The pictures made everyone look happy. They don’t show the real hard life that my grandparents had living on the road. The guilt was in both of us. But it’s probably what took John in the end. We bought a small trailer and moved away from the site. From John’s family. His mother took over minding the kids. My own family, Mam and Dad are dead. Moving from trailer to trailer with different brothers and sisters, tension usually runs into an argument. A nuisance, a burden. Nobody said it but I felt it. Rendering myself homeless. My two children, the shelter couldn’t handle it. Social services put me on the priority list. This room, this life, it’s not living. Our boys loved the trailer. My mother, my brother and sisters, we thought those days were over. The kids for the first few days were excited. But then, in school, they were embarrassed saying they were living on the side of a road. The trailer, my eldest boy, the wheelchair, the school, things got hard to manage. John was always stressed. The landlord wanted money up front. For the first eight months. Not asking how, or where he got the extra money. My suspicions were unspoken. Then things got tight, the landlord got greedy. Men were coming to our door, looking for John. They’d push past me and the children. Calling the Guards would be bringing on more trouble. The landlord rather than asking us to leave, increased the rent. John sent me a text, it was two o’clock in the afternoon.


他们明天就要来了。社区工作者和专门对接我的人。他们会带着档案、文件和 笔。我得尽可能把手藏起来,别让他们看见我在颤抖。自从约翰死后,最后的 时刻……我告诉自己绝不能把事情变成这样……即使带了所有的文件和笔, 他们总有一个人还会拿着电脑。我了解这群人可比他们了解我要多……约翰 以前常说“我们了解居有定所的人可远比他们对我们的了解多”。我知道像我 这样的女人就像狗屎一样,什么也不是。他们会告诉我,不用担心,政府救济 房的名单不会变的。说实话,那房子比这酒店房间也好不到哪儿去,跟廉价招 待所差不多……卡雷非常兴奋,达伦双臂搂着她,给我递了一罐啤酒。他们非 常可怜我。他们有彼此,还有一个孩子,我有什么呢?接着卡雷说他们周五就 要搬走了,他们找了个新地方,一个两居室的套房。达伦发誓,有了这房子他 就不会再多奢求什么了。卡雷说我可以去他们家玩,她女儿可喜欢我了,跟我 亲近。(……)

昨天,我婆婆在咖啡馆坐了一小时,接着发短信说,我这礼拜别想见到我的两 个儿子。这样的话我就连着三个礼拜见不到孩子们了。他俩还小的时候,我和 约翰常给他们看爷爷奶奶住在大马路上的照片。现在看来那些照片简直像一 种贿赂,收买了所有人。照片里完全看不出我爷爷奶奶以前住在路边上的日 子有多么艰难,这事让我们都感到很愧疚。不过,这也可能是约翰最后选择那 样结束自己生命的原因。我们搬离了这个地方,买了一辆小拖车。我自己的 家人,我爸妈都已经死了。从小我和兄弟姐妹们一起从一辆拖车搬家到另一 辆拖车上,人与人之间的冲突经常演化成争吵,让人厌恶,心理负担加重。没 有人这么说过,但我能感觉到,这样的生活方式让我变成了无家可归的人。对 我两个孩子来说,像现在这样住在酒店里也无法让他们摆脱那种漂泊感。两 个儿子还是喜欢拖车。我妈妈,还有兄弟姐妹们,我们都以为那些日子早已结 束了。孩子们刚住进拖车时非常高兴。但是没过多久,在学校的时候,他们说 起自己住在马路边上,难免感到尴尬。拖车、大儿子、轮椅、学校……事情变得 越来越难以解决。约翰总是焦虑不已。房东把钱看得比什么都重。最开始八个 月,我没有问约翰他从哪儿搞到的那些钱,没有问他是怎么搞到手的。但我心 里充满疑问。接着事情变得难办,房东也越来越贪心。有人直接找上门,问约 翰在哪里,他们推开我和孩子挤进我们家门。报警只会招来更多麻烦。房东倒 是没直接叫我们搬走,却涨了房租。那是半夜两点钟,约翰给我发了条短信。

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Anonymous (“The Gawain Poet”)

SIÞEN þe sege and þe assaut watz sesed at Troye, Þe borȝ brittened and brent to brondeȝ and askez, Þe tulk þat þe trammes of tresoun þer wroȝt Watz tried for his tricherie, þe trewest on erthe: Hit watz Ennias þe athel, and his highe kynde, Þat siþen depreced prouinces, and patrounes bicome Welneȝe of al þe wele in þe west iles. Fro riche Romulus to Rome ricchis hym swyþe, With gret bobbaunce þat burȝe he biges vpon fyrst, And neuenes hit his aune nome, as hit now hat; Tirius to Tuskan and teldes bigynnes, Langaberde in Lumbardie lyftes vp homes, And fer ouer þe French flod Felix Brutus On mony bonkkes ful brode Bretayn he settez wyth wynne, Where werre and wrake and wonder Bi syþez hatz wont þerinne, And oft boþe blysse and blunder Ful skete hatz skyfted synne.

Translated by Itamar Shalev

,היורט לע הפקתמו רוצמ ץקמ ,רפא דע הפרשנו הלפנש ריעה םינומא תרפה שרח םשש םחולה

.לבתב היוזבה ותדיגב לע טפשנ

,ויחבושמו ליצאה סאיניא אוה

םינודא וכפהו ושבכ רבכ תוזוחמ זאמש

.ברעמ ייא רשוע לכ לע טעמכ

.הרהמב אמור לא אב םרה סולומור

;רדהו דוה בורב ריעה םמור תישאר

.רתונש םשכ ,המשכ שמיש ומש

.םיבושיי בשיי הנקסוטב סויסיט

.םיתב הנב דרבוגנל הידרבמולב

סוטורב ,תפרצ ימימל רבעמו תועבג יבחרמ לע הינטירב תא הנב


אלפו םיעגפ תוערפ

;וצרפ וז ץראב

הלא לבאו הרוא

.וצח םיתעה תא

Ande quen þis Bretayn watz bigged bi þis burn rych, Bolde bredden þerinne, baret þat lofden, In mony turned tyme tene þat wroȝten. Mo ferlyes on þis folde han fallen here oft Þen in any oþer þat I wot, syn þat ilk tyme. Bot of alle þat here bult, of Bretaygne kynges, Ay watz Arthur þe hendest, as I haf herde telle. Forþi an aunter in erde I attle to schawe, Þat a selly in siȝt summe men hit holden, And an outtrage awenture of Arthurez wonderez. If ȝe wyl lysten þis laye bot on littel quile, I schal telle hit as-tit, as I in toun herde, with tonge, As hit is stad and stoken In stori stif and stronge, With lel letteres loken, In londe so hatz ben longe.

תושפנ האלמנ

םרזב וערז סרהש וארנ הז ךלפב םיאלפ רתוי

ותוא רחא לכמ ,זאמ

םשש הינטירב יכלממ ךא

.דבוכמ רתויב היה ,יתעמש ,רותרא ,ללוגל שקבא התרקש הקתפרה ןכל

,שממ המיהדמכ ואר םיברש .רותרא תוישעמ ןיבמ ףא האלפומ ,םיעגר המכל ףא רישל ובישקת םא לע ריעב יתעמשש יפכ ,דימ הנרפסא


,הובתכ רבכש יפכו

,הרובג ירופיסב

,הורזש תויתואב .הרוגש הרתונ ךכו

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