Graddio Caerfyrddin | Carmarthen Graduation 2024

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Graddio Graduation 2024

Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant

University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Campws Caerfyrddin

Carmarthen Campus



Rwy’n falch iawn o’ch croesawu chi i gyd i seremoni raddio’r Brifysgol. Mae’n ddiwrnod arbennig ac yn uchafbwynt yng nghalendr y Brifysgol.

Mae hwn yn gyfnod o ddathlu, i gydnabod cyflawniad a diolch i bawb sydd wedi cefnogi ein myfyrwyr. Mae seremonïau graddio hefyd yn rhoi cyfle i deulu a ffrindiau ymuno yn y dathliadau ac i’w cyfraniad sylweddol i lwyddiant y rhai sy’n graddio gael ei gydnabod.

Bydd llawer ohonoch wedi bod yn cydbwyso ymrwymiadau personol a phroffesiynol o gwmpas eich astudiaethau, ac mae eich llwyddiant wrth ennill eich dyfarniad yn dangos eich gwaith caled a’ch ymrwymiad. Gallwch fod yn falch iawn o’ch cyflawniadau.

Gobeithiaf eich bod wedi gwneud ffrindiau oes fel myfyriwr o’r Brifysgol hon a bod gennych atgofion melys o’ch amser yn astudio yma. Hyderaf y bydd eich profiadau yn Y Drindod Dewi Sant yn eich gwasanaethu’n dda drwy gydol eich oes. Mae’r Brifysgol yma i gefnogi eich datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus ac mae gennym rwydwaith cynfyfyrwyr gweithredol i sicrhau y gallwch gadw mewn cysylltiad â ni a’ch cyd-raddedigion.

Llongyfarchiadau mawr i chi ar y diwrnod pwysig hwn a dymuniadau gorau i chi ar gyfer y dyfodol.

Yr Athro Elwen Evans, CB, Is-Ganghellor

I am very pleased to welcome you all to the University’s graduation ceremony. It is a special occasion and a highlight in the University’s calendar.

This is a time of celebration, to acknowledge achievement and to thank all those who have supported our students. Graduation ceremonies also provide the opportunity for family and friends to join the celebrations and for their significant contribution to the success of those graduating to be recognised.

Many of you will have been balancing personal and professional commitments around your studies and your success in achieving your award demonstrates your hard work and commitment. You can be very proud of your achievements.

I hope that you have made lifetime friends as a student of this University and that you have happy memories of your time studying at UWTSD. I trust that your experiences here will serve you well throughout your life. The University will continue to support your professional development and we have an active Alumni network to ensure that you can keep in touch with us and with your fellow graduates.

My sincerest congratulations to you on this momentous day and best wishes to you for the future.

Professor Elwen Evans, KC, Vice-Chancellor



Coleg Dewi Sant, Llambed, yn derbyn y Siarter Frenhinol gyntaf

St David’s College, Lampeter, receives first Royal Charter

Ysgol Dechnegol Abertawe yn dechrau ei hamserlen lawn gyntaf

Swansea Technical School begins its first full timetable

St David’s College, Lampeter, changes name to St David’s University College

Sefydlu Coleg Dewi Sant, Llambed, gan yr Esgob Burgess

Foundation of St David’s College, Lampeter, by Bishop Burgess Agor y Coleg hyfforddi athrawon cyntaf yng Nghaerfyrddin

Opening of the first teacher training College in Carmarthen

Sefydlu Ysgol Gelf Abertawe

School of Art established in Swansea

Sefydlu Coleg Hyfforddi Abertawe

Swansea Training College Established Mabwysiadu Coleg Y Drindod yn enw ar y coleg yng Nghaerfyrddin

Trinity College adopted as the name of the college in Carmarthen

Ffurfio Athrofa Addysg Uwch Gorllewin Morgannwg West Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education Formed

Coleg Dewi Sant, Llambed, yn newid ei enw i Goleg Prifysgol Dewi Sant

Coleg Prifysgol

Dewi Sant yn newid ei enw i Brifysgol Cymru Llambed

Sefydlwyd Campws Llundain

London Campus Established

St David’s University College changes name to University of Wales Lampeter Uno Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant a Phrifysgol Cymru


Fetropolitan Abertawe a Choleg Sir Gâr yn ymgyfuno i Grŵp y Brifysgol

Swansea Metropolitan University and Coleg Sir Gâr merge into the UWTSD group

Gorllewin Morgannwg yn

troi’n Athrofa

Addysg Uwch Abertawe

West Glamorgan becomes Swansea Institute of Higher Education


Fetropolitan Abertawe yn cael statws Prifysgol Swansea Metropolitan University gains University Status

Ffurfio Prifysgol

Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant trwy

Siarter Frenhinol atodol 1828

University of Wales Trinity Saint David formed by supplemental Royal Charter 1828

Coleg y Drindod yn cyflawni statws Coleg Prifysgol

Trinity College achieves University College status


Ceredigion yn ymgyfuno i Grŵp y Brifysgol


Ceredigion merges into UWTSD Group

Integration of UWTSD and University of Wales

Sefydlwyd campws Birmingham

Birmingham campus established




Dyma arfbais y Brifysgol a gomisiynwyd gan Goleg yr Arfau ac a ddyfarnwyd gan y Cyfrin Gyngor yn 2010. Mae treftadaeth y Brifysgol yn dyddio’n ôl i 1822.

Mae’r symbolau yn cynrychioli:


Maes tywyll ar fend rhwng dwy ddeilen derwen aur a thri phumbys asur ar y bend.

Tri phumbys (ar y darian):

sy’n cynrychioli’r colegau sefydlol ac a ddiweddarwyd i gynnwys Abertawe

Dail Derwen:

Doethineb a derwen Caerfyrddin

Du a melyn:

Lliwiau Dewi Sant

Arfbais (crest):

Ar helm gyda thorch aur a du sy’n dod o goron nefolaidd hanner draig goch yn dal meitr asur wedi’i addurno’n aur

Meitr Esgob:

Sefydliad Anglicanaidd




Siarter Frenhinol, fantellog, asur rhesog aur


Ar y llaw ddehau llew coch sy’n dal yn ei bawen flaen dde lyfr ar fend lliw asur wedi’i fwclo a’i ymylu’n aur ac ar y llaw chwith draig goch sy’n dal yn ei chrafangau blaen de allwedd i fyny ar fend i’r chwith yn aur

Llyfr: Dysg


Eglwys San Pedr / Coleg Eglwys


This is the University’s Coat of Arms that was commissioned from the College of Arms and was awarded by the Privy Council in 2010. The heritage of the University dates back to 1822.

The symbols represent:


Sable on a Bend between two Oak Leaves bendwise Or three Cinquefoils Azure

Three Cinquefoils (on the shield):

represent the founding institutions updated to include Swansea

Oak Leaves:

Wisdom and the Oak tree of Carmarthen

Black and yellow:

St David’s colours


Upon a Helm with a Wreath Or and Sable Issuant from a Celestial Crown Or a demi Dragon Gules holding a Mitre Azure garnished Or

Bishop’s Mitre:

Anglican Foundation




Royal Charter, Mantled Azure lined Or


Dexter a Lion Gules holding in the sinister forepaw a Book bendwise Azure clasped and edged Or and sinister a Dragon Gules holding in the dexter foreclaws a Key ward upwards bendwise sinister Or




St Peter’s Church / Church College






























UWTSD Alumni Network

Llongyfarchiadau! Rydych chi wedi cyrraedd diwrnod graddio.

Mae eich gwaith caled a’ch ymrwymiad wedi talu ffordd - nawr mae’n amser dathlu. Rydyn ni’n edrych ymlaen at ddathlu gyda chi wrth i ni eich croesawu i mewn i’r Rhwydwaith Cyn-fyfyrwyr.


Mae heddiw yn nodi cyfnod newydd yn eich perthynas â’r Brifysgol. Rydych bellach yn rhan o gymdeithas hanesyddol fawreddog sydd wedi derbyn graddedigion ers y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg.

Wrth i chi ddechrau ar daith newydd yn eich bywydau a’ch gyrfaoedd, fe’ch gwahoddir i aros mewn cyswllt drwy’r rhwydwaith hwn.


Bydd y Brifysgol yn parhau i weithio drosoch chi a gyda chi gan gynnig:

• Cymorth entrepreneuraidd a gyrfaoedd;

• Cyfleoedd datblygu proffesiynol;

• Gwahoddiadau i ddigwyddiadau rhwydweithio ac aduniadau;

• Mynediad parhaus at adnoddau a chyfleusterau;

• Gostyngiadau pan fyddwch yn ôl ar gampws neu’n astudio ymhellach gyda ni.

Fe welwch y rhestr lawn o wasanaethau a chyfleoedd ar eich cyfer ar


I gadw mewn cysylltiad, bydd angen i chi ddiweddaru’ch gwybodaeth cyswllt trwy MyTsd tra bydd gennych fynediad iddo. Ar ôl hynny, gallwch rhoi gwybod i ni am newidiadau i’ch manylion trwy ffurflen ar ein gwefan.

Byddwn yn rhannu newyddion a diweddariadau gan y Brifysgol trwy ein cylchlythyrau digidol a chylchgrawn blynyddol, felly cadwch lygad am y rhain. Byddwn hefyd eisiau clywed popeth am sut rydych chi’n dod ymlaen. Anfonwch eich newyddion atom a chofiwch gwblhau’r arolwg Hynt Graddedigion er mwyn i ni gael gwybod eich bod chi’n gwneud pethau gwych.


Drwy gwblhau’r arolwg Hynt

Graddedigion, byddwch yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i’r genhedlaeth nesaf o fyfyrwyr a byddwch hefyd yn helpu i godi ymwybyddiaeth o’ch Prifysgol, ein rhaglenni a’u perthnasedd i gyflogwyr.

Mae’r arolwg Hynt Graddedigion yn arolwg cenedlaethol dienw a fydd yn cael ei anfon atoch 15 mis ar ôl i chi gwblhau eich rhaglen. Mae’n gyflym ac yn hawdd i’w gwblhau a bydd yn gofyn i chi am eich gyrfa a’ch profiadau ar ôl gadael y Brifysgol. Bydd eich mewnbwn yn cael ei werthfawrogi’n fawr gan y bydd eich profiadau yn:

• Rhoi cipolwg i’n myfyrwyr presennol a darpar fyfyrwyr ar yrfaoedd posibl;

• Gwneud gwahaniaeth i safle tablau cynghrair y Brifysgol;

• Cynorthwyo i lunio ystod o wasanaethau i fyfyrwyr gan gynnwys cymorth gyrfaoedd a menter y gallwch barhau i’w ddefnyddio fel myfyriwr graddedig;

• Darparu darlun cywir o addysg uwch yn y DU i lywio datblygiadau yn y dyfodol o fewn y Brifysgol ac ar draws y sector.



I goffau eich amser yn Y Drindod Dewi Sant, efallai y byddwch am fynd â chofrodd fach gyda chi. O hwdis a theis i dedi bêrs a matiau diod, gallwch ddod o hyd i amrywiaeth o nwyddau wedi’u brandio ar Y Siop ar-lein neu ymwelwch â’r stondin nwyddau ar Ddiwrnod Graddio.

Byddwch yn falch o’r sefydliad y mae gennych gysylltiad ag ef am byth gan ein bod ni’n falch iawn ohonoch chi!



UWTSD Alumni Network

Congratulations! You’ve made it to graduation day.

Your hard work and dedication have paid offnow it’s time to celebrate. We look forward to celebrating with you as we welcome you into the Alumni Network.


Today marks a new phase in your relationship with the University. You are now a part of a prestigious historical association that has inducted graduates since the nineteenth century.

As you start a new journey in your lives and careers, we invite you to stay connected through this network.


The University will continue to work for you and with you by offering:

• Entrepreneurial and career support;

• Professional development opportunities;

• Invitations to networking and reunion events;

• Continued access to resources and facilities;

• Discounts when you’re back on campus or study further with us.

You’ll find the full list of services and opportunities you can access at


To stay in touch, we’ll need you to update your contact information via MyTsd while you still have access. After that, you can let us know of changes to your details using a form on our website.

We will share news and updates from UWTSD through our digital newsletters and annual magazine, so look out for these. We’ll also want to hear all about how you’re getting on. Send us your news and don’t forget to complete the Graduate Outcomes survey so that we know that you’re up to great things.


By completing the Graduate Outcomes Survey you’ll be making a difference to the next generation of students and you’ll also help in raising awareness of your University, our programmes and their relevance to employers.

The Graduate Outcomes Survey is an anonymous national survey which will be sent to you 15 months after you’ve completed your programme. It’s quick and easy to complete and it will ask you about your career journey and experiences after leaving the University. Your input would be really appreciated as your experiences will:

• Provide our current and prospective students with an insight into potential careers;

• Make a difference to the University’s league tables positioning;

• Assist in shaping a range of service for students including careers and enterprise support which you can continue to access as a graduate;

• Provide an accurate picture of higher education in the UK to inform future developments within the University and across the sector.


To commemorate your time at UWTSD, you may wish to take a small keepsake with you. From hoodies and ties to teddy bears and coasters, you can find a variety of branded merchandise on the online UWTSD Shop or visit the merchandise stall on Graduation Day.

Be proud of this institution to which you are eternally bonded as we as so very proud of you! Dymuniadau gorau a phob lwc Best wishes and good luck

Cychwyn eich Taith Entrepreneuraidd gyda PCYDDS a dod yn Llawrydd

neu’n Hunan-gyflogedig

Llongyfarchiadau ar ennill eich Gradd!

Wrth i chi ystyried eich camau nesaf, ystyriwch sut y gallwch wneud y defnydd gorau o’ch sgiliau a’ch gwybodaeth newydd. Ydych chi wedi meddwl am ddod yn weithiwr llawrydd neu ddechrau eich busnes eich hun? Efallai y bydd y llwybr entrepreneuriaeth yn gweddu i’r dim i chi. Mae ein myfyrwyr wedi dechrau amrywiaeth helaeth o fentrau, o fusnesau technoleg i fusnesau sy’n seiliedig ar gelf ac ar wybodaeth.

Ymuno â Rhengoedd y Busnesau Newydd Llwyddiannus

Yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf yn unig, crëwyd bron i 5,000 o fusnesau newydd gan fyfyrwyr prifysgolion y DU, yn ôl yr Asiantaeth Ystadegau Addysg Uwch. Mae’r Drindod Dewi Sant wedi cael ei chydnabod am ei chefnogaeth a’i llwyddiant eithriadol wrth feithrin busnesau newydd:

• Rhif 1 yn y DU am fusnesau newydd sy’n parhau’n weithredol ar ôl 3 blynedd

• Rhif 1 yn y DU am gyfanswm y cwmnïau gweithredol

• Rhif 13 yn y DU am y cyfanswm a gyflogir mewn busnesau newydd graddedigion

• Rhif 15 yn y DU am fusnesau newydd

*Asiantaeth Ystadegau Addysg Uwch (2022-23)

Cefnogaeth gan Dîm Menter PCYDDS

Mae’r tîm menter profiadol yn y Drindod Dewi Sant yma i’ch helpu bob cam o’r ffordd. Trwy sesiynau un-i-un, gweithdai grŵp, a’n Clwb Menter ar-lein, rydym yn darparu cefnogaeth gynhwysfawr i ddatblygu eich syniad. Rydym yn cynorthwyo â:

• Datblygu eich syniad yn barod i ddechrau masnachu

• Ymchwilio i’ch syniad i ddeall eich cwsmeriaid a’u hanghenion

• Gwerthuso hyfywedd eich syniad

• Ysgrifennu cynllun busnes

• Cael gafael ar gymorth ariannol

Meddai Naomi Seaward, a dderbyniodd Grant Dechrau Busnes Entrepreneuriaeth i adeiladu ei busnes ei hun ar ôl graddio o’r cwrs Dylunio Patrymau Arwyneb: “Mae mentro ar fy mhen fy hun yn y diwydiannau creadigol yn teimlo’n amhosibl weithiau, ond mae’r gefnogaeth a’r arweiniad a gefais gan y Drindod Dewi Sant yn ystod ac ar ôl fy astudiaethau wedi fy helpu i sylweddoli y gallaf gyflawni unrhyw beth rwy’n rhoi fy meddwl arno”.

Rhoi Hwb Cychwynnol i’ch Busnes gyda Grant o £500

I gefnogi ein myfyrwyr a’n cyn-fyfyrwyr ymhellach, mae’r Drindod Dewi Sant yn cynnig grant dechrau busnes gwerth £500. Diben y grant hwn yw eich helpu i sbarduno eich syniad am fenter, gan ddarparu’r hwb ariannol sydd ei angen i droi eich gweledigaeth yn realiti.

Cymryd y Cam Cyntaf

I ddysgu rhagor am y gefnogaeth mae’r Drindod Dewi Sant yn ei ddarparu i fyfyrwyr a chyn-fyfyrwyr i ddechrau a thyfu eu busnes neu’u gyrfa lawrydd, cysylltwch â ni yn Os ydych yn bwriadu dechrau busnes neu wedi dechrau un yn y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, gwnewch gais am y grant dechrau busnes

Mae eich taith entrepreneuraidd yn dechrau yma.

Gadewch i ni lunio’r dyfodol gyda’n gilydd.


on Your Entrepreneurial Journey with UWTSD and become a Freelancer or Self-Employed

Congratulations on Your Graduation!

As you ponder your next steps, consider how you can best utilise your newfound skills and knowledge. Have you thought about becoming a freelancer or starting your own business? The path of entrepreneurship might be the perfect fit for you. Our students have started a huge variety of ventures from technology, art based to knowledge based businesses.

Join the Ranks of Successful Start-Ups

In the past year alone, nearly 5,000 start-ups were created by UK university students, according to the Higher Education Statistics Agency. UWTSD has been recognized for its exceptional support and success in fostering start-ups:

• No 1 in the UK for start-ups still active after 3 years

• No 1 in the UK for the total number of active firms

• No 13 in the UK for total employment in graduate start-ups

• No 15 in the UK for new start-ups

*Higher Education Statistics Agency (2022-23)

Support from UWTSD’s Enterprise Team

Our experienced enterprise team at UWTSD is here to help you every step of the way. Through one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and our online Enterprise Club, we provide comprehensive support to develop your idea. We assist with:

• Developing your idea ready to start trading

• Researching your idea to understand your customers and their needs

• Evaluating the viability of your idea

• Writing a business plan

• Accessing financial support

Naomi Seaward, who received the Entrepreneurship Start-up Grant to build her own business after graduating from Surface Pattern Design says: “Stepping out alone in the creative industries sometimes feels impossible, but the support and guidance I have received from UWTSD both during and after my studies has helped me realise that I can achieve anything I put my mind to”.

Kickstart Your Business with a £500 Grant

To further support our students and alumni, UWTSD offers a £500 business start-up grant. This grant is designed to help you kickstart your enterprising idea, providing the financial boost needed to turn your vision into reality.

Take the First Step

To learn more about the support UWTSD provides to students and alumni for starting and growing their business or freelance career, contact us at If you are planning to start a business or have started one in the last year, apply for the startup grant

Your entrepreneurial journey begins here. Let’s shape the future together.



Bob blwyddyn mae’r Brifysgol yn dyfarnu gwobrau er anrhydedd i unigolion sydd wedi gwneud cyfraniad sylweddol i’w maes arbenigol, i gymdeithas neu i fywyd y Brifysgol.

Every year the University confers honorary awards on individuals who have made a significant contribution to their field of expertise, to society or to the life of the University.

Doethur er Anrhydedd

Honorary Doctorate

Gradd Doethur mewn Diwinyddiaeth (honoris causa)

Degree of Doctor of Divinity (honoris causa)

Yr Hybarch / The Venerable A J Randolph Thomas

I gydnabod ei gyfraniad eithriadol i’r Eglwys a chymunedau Cymru, ac i waith y Brifysgol.

In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the Church and communities of Wales, and to the work of the University.

Cyflwynir i’r Cynulliad Graddio gan Yr Athro Elwen Evans, CB, Is-Ganghellor, yng Nghaerfyrddin, ar Ddydd Mawrth, 9fed Gorffennaf.

Presented to the Degree Convocation by Professor Elwen Evans, KC, Vice-Chancellor in Carmarthen on Tuesday, 9th July.

Cymrodyr Anrhydeddus

Honorary Fellows

Ann Maria Stedman

I gydnabod ei gwasanaethau rhagorol i gyllid cyhoeddus yng Nghymru, ac i waith y Brifysgol a Choleg Sir Gâr.

In recognition of her outstanding services to public finance in Wales, and to the work of the University and Coleg Sir Gâr.

Cyflwynir i’r Cynulliad Graddio gan Sarah Clark, Ysgrifennydd y Brifysgol a Chlerc y Cyngor, yng Nghaerfyrddin ar Ddydd Mawrth, 9fed Gorffennaf.

Presented to the Degree Convocation by Sarah Clark, University Secretary and Clerk to the Council, in Carmarthen on Tuesday, 9th July.

Andrew Robert Curl

I gydnabod ei wasanaethau rhagorol i’r Brifysgol ac fel arweinydd busnes ym meysydd clinigol a gofal iechyd.

In recognition of his outstanding services to the University and as a leader of business in clinical and healthcare.

Cyflwynir i’r Cynulliad Graddio gan Gwilym Dyfri Jones, Profost campysau Caerfyrddin a Llambed, yn Llambed ar Ddydd Gwener, 12fed Gorffennaf.

Presented to the Degree Convocation by Gwilym Dyfri Jones, Provost of the Carmarthen and Lampeter campuses, in Lampeter on Friday, 12th July.


Doethuriaeth yw’r dyfarniad uchaf y gall prifysgol ei roi ar gyfer cwrs astudio. Mae’n cydnabod bod yr ymchwilydd wedi gwneud cyfraniad sylweddol i wybodaeth ddynol yn ei faes neu broffesiwn. Er mwyn ennill doethuriaeth, bydd myfyriwr wedi treulio blynyddoedd yn cynnal ymchwil wreiddiol ac yn ysgrifennu traethawd ymchwil sylweddol, a fydd wedi ei asesu gan arbenigwyr yn ei ddisgyblaeth. Yn y seremonïau, rydym yn dathlu cyflawniadau’r Myfyrwyr Ôl-raddedig hyn. Rydym hefyd yn cydnabod y rhai sydd wedi eu cefnogi ar hyd y ffordd, gan gynnwys eu goruchwylwyr, cydweithwyr ymchwil, cyd-weithwyr proffesiynol, staff ar draws y brifysgol, a hefyd teulu a ffrindiau. Mae’r prosiectau diddorol a restrir isod yn rhoi blas o’r ymchwil arloesol ardderchog sy’n cael ei chynnal ar draws Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant.

A doctorate is the highest award that a university can make for a course of study. It recognises that the researcher has made a significant contribution to human knowledge in their given field or profession. To achieve a doctorate, a student will have spent years conducting original research and writing a substantial thesis, which will have been examined by experts in their discipline. At the ceremonies, we celebrate the achievements of these Postgraduate Research students. We also recognise those who have supported them along the way, including their supervisors, research collaborators, fellow professionals, staff from across the university, and also family and friends. The fascinating projects listed below give a flavour of the excellent cutting-edge research being conducted right across the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Doethuriaeth mewn Addysg Doctorate in Education

Dr Alison Suzanne Evans - An exploration of the factors perceived to be at play in the development of resilience and problem-solving skills in the lives of adolescent participants in Wales

Dr Gareth David John Evans - Understanding The Impact Of School Inspection: An Analysis Of How School Leaders Interpret And Respond To Inspection Outcomes

Dr Sarah Stewart - An Exploration of the Conceptualisation and Enactment of Children’s Rights in the Curriculum for Wales

Doethur mewn Gweinyddu Busnes Doctor of Business Administration

Dr Abdulla Rashid Abdulla Almajid Alnoaimi - The Impact of Leadership Style on Organizational Performance in Oil and Gas Sector Firms in Bahrain

Dr Inora Abdurakhmanova - Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Personalised Higher Education: Enable the Future Enhancement of Students Learning and education possibilities

Dr Luper Joseph Abyah - Development of a Sustainable Waste Management System: A Case of the Nigerian Oil And Gas Industry

Dr Faisal Akram - Exploring Public - Private partnership as a Strategy for developing the tourism industry in Pakistan

Dr Kingsley Chinweike Anaehobi - Innovative Health Management Strategies for Enhancing the Primary Health Care Delivery in Nigeria

Dr Prithwa Bhattacharya - Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Customer Satisfaction And Organizational Attractiveness Of Clothing Industry In UK

Dr Chi Keung Ricky Chan - The Impact of Safety Culture on Safety Performance: A Study of the High-Speed Passenger Craft Industry in Hong Kong

Dr Oi Man Chan - Functional and Cross-Functional Innovation in Traditional Fashion Retail Industry in Hong KongA Balanced Scorecard Approach

Dr Sau Lin Chan - Investigating designers and users perception gap in product values and experience: Through the mental-modelling and role-based scenario approaches

Dr Wai-Ming Raymond Chan - Linking Leadership, Investment Strategy, And Competence To Organizational Performance With Special Reference To Post M&A Firms

Dr Stephanie Temilade Dare - The Impact of Leadership Styles on Organisational Performance at the Dangote Group: A Framework of African Business Leadership

Dr Valdes Songmene Douanla - The impact of Try Before you buy (TBYB) in online shopping: A study of the UK fashion industry

Dr Chukwuemeka Henry Eliokwu - Developing an innovation driven policy framework towards effectiveness and value creation in an ailing firm: Case Study of Arik Air Nigeria Limited

Dr Aliza Errom - Impact of Trust on Continuous Usage within Internet Only Banks (IOB) of the UK: A Quantitative Study on Continuous Trust

Dr Diya Ganguly - An analysis of the effects of Emotional Intelligence on Occupational Stress Management: A study of front-line professionals in the UK

Dr Sumbul Hanif - An investigation of Training & Development impacts on Organizational performance: a case study focusing on the performance of Manpower in UFONE Pakistan

Dr Soumaia Haouimi - The impact of Total Quality Management in banking sector in the UK

Dr Steve Yik Kwan Hung - The Influence of Extrinsic Cues on Wine Purchase in Hong Kong

Dr Farhana Hussain - Organisational Transformation Model Through The Meditation Of Transformational Leadership For The Real Estate Companies In Bangladesh

Dr Nasir Iqbal - The impact of adapting Fair Trade on organisational performance in Sialkot Sports Balls Industry, Pakistan

Dr Nabila Jrida - An investigation into the generational differences in attitude towards Google search ads

Dr Marie Henriette Mbaye - Effective Working Capital Management practices on the Financial Performance of service SMEs: case of SENEGAL

Dr Chin Wei Ho - A Strategic Evaluation Model for Hotel Investments: A Value Management Approach for Key Stakeholders

Dr Salem Kattoura - Investor Risk Profiling: An Enhanced Behavioural Finance Perspective And Technique To Identifying Client Risk Profiles

Dr Helen Yeok Mui Kong - Executing Entrepreneurial Leadership Strategies For Sustainability Of SMEs In Malaysia

Dr Weng Keong Kong - Managing Organisation Change Through Merger & Acquisition - A Case Study For Telford Group Of Companies

Dr Koon Wing William Lai - The impacts of service quality, customer satisfaction and perceived price fairness on the behavioural loyalty of Hong Kong business and non-business air travellers towards airline companies

Dr Chun Kavan Lau - The Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Employee Loyalty In Chinese Firms: Evaluating The Mediating Effect Of Organization Culture

Dr Kelvin Yiu Fai Leung - A Study Of The Relationships Between Listed Companies Environmental, Social And Governance (ESG) Reporting, Company Value And Investment Risk In Hong Kong

Dr Chi Kin Earnest Li - Incremental And Radical Idea Generation: Examining A Moderated Mediation Model Of Feedback Seeking, Supervisor-Subordinate Guanxi, Emotional Intelligence, And Leader-Member Exchange

Dr Lakshani Nissanga Mendis - Investigating The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence Enabled Digital Banking On Consumer Behaviour: A Study Of Banking Industry In The UK

Dr Krishna Mylvaganam - Modelling A Trust Based Leadership Strategy To Transform The Sri Lankan Private Higher Education Industry

Dr Preethi Nageswaran - An Exploration through the organisational metaphors the Precarious Work and emotional labour experienced by Indian call centre employees

Dr Linh Chi Nguyen - How millennial investors perceive cryptocurrency as an investment

Dr Bach Thi Thao Oanh - The influence of leadership styles and social capital in organisational effectiveness: a study of social enterprises in Vietnam

Dr Onyebuchi Nkemdi Onukwugha - Determinants Of Effective Succession In Retail Small Family Businesses In London

Dr Tee Wee Peng - Strategic Board Diversity And Impact On Firm Performance: An Empirical Analysis In China

Dr Navaraj Beadle Premarajan - Impact of Organizational Agility in creating of Dynamic Capability as an Adaptive Strategy in the era of Industry 4.0; An Empirical Study of the Outsourcing Industry in Sri Lanka

Dr Mohammad Mofizur Rahamn - Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Engagement and Acquisition: A Study of Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangladesh

Dr Zaharuddin Saidon - Impact Of The Critical Success Factors To The Sustainable Performance Of Property Development Companies Listed In The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (Klse) Malaysia

Dr Veronica Sebastian - Financial Technology And Sustainability Strategies : In The Perspective Of Ban King Industry In Malaysia

Dr Mohamed Mahid Shareef - Value Addition And Value Creation In Public Service In Maldives

Dr Ahmed Armaan Siddiqui - A Case Study Of Factors Leading To Employee Productivity To Mitigate The Gap Of Employee Profile Enrichment To Ensure Organisational Transformation Of Axiata Sdn Bhd

Dr Mashiel Siddique - Critical Evaluation of the Influence of Effective Leadership and Management in Enhancing the Primary Education Systems in Contrasting Economies

Dr Hsien Ying So - Application of Integrated Thinking in the Adoption of International Integrated Reporting Framework for Value Creation for Public Listed Companies in Malaysia

Dr Reshma Sreedevi - An exploration of the issues and challenges of workplace environment impacting employee performance in the context of the South Indian (Kerala) Readymade Garment Industry (RMG)

Dr Sharon Alaina Stephen - A Study Of Customer Retention Strategies To Create Customer Lifetime Value In The Fitness Industry

Dr Shaun Anthony Stephen - Exploring the Psychological Contract for Employee Retention - A Strategy for Organizational Performance

Dr Vishnu Syam Vishnuvinayak Syamlal - The Impact Of Sustainable Branding Through Big Data And Business Analytics In The Uk Market Research Industry

Dr Yen Thi To - The impact of Merger and Acquisition on bank performance in Europe

Dr Habeeb Ayodeji Yusuf - An Investigations Into The Dynamics Of Technology Entrepreneurship Ecosystems And Regional Economic Development In West Africa With Particular Focus On Lagos, Nigeria

Dr Laila Maazouz - Reshoring Process of Manufacturing Ventures in the UK: An Emergent Theory Perspective

Dr Marouan Sghair - The impact of interest rates, inflation and exchange rates on access to finance for small and medium enterprises in Morocco

Dr Hemlata Mahadev Shelke - Strategy Implementation in the Context of Dubai Real estate Sector: A Case study of Sobha Realty

Dr Masoomeh Talebloo - Identification and solutions of the major factors influencing the ethical management issues in the Healthcare set up of Tambacounda

Dr Le Dinh Thi Le - An investigation of Millennial leadership in technology sector in Vietnam

Dr Jacob Dyan Wai - Mixed mode study in Fintech Acceptance: Enhancing TAM with Social CognitionPerspectives from Hong Kong and mainland China

Dr Chaochen Wang - A Qualitative Research into Cultural Impact on Entrepreneurial Communication and Behaviour between Singapore and China

Dr Sampath Thushara Wijesekera - Adoption of Green Value Chain Strategy on Industry Sustainability in the Cement Manufacturing Sector of Sri Lanka

Dr Lung Hon Wong - A Study Of The Effectiveness Of Contemporary Role Of Internal Auditors Of Listed Companies In Hong Kong

Dr Wing Hang Yip - The Quality of Environmental KPIs Disclosure in Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG) Reporting for SMEs in Hong Kong

Dr Suzanne Nomo Zang - Exploring the impact of Technology Adoption in Enhancing Customer Relationships Management: The case of Nigeria E-commerce (Jumia)

Dr Xiaohui Zeng - Impact Of Enterprise Social Media Dingtalk On Job Satisfaction Of Government Employees

Doethur mewn Athroniaeth Doctor of Philosophy

Dr Zoe Nicole Cooke - The Psychosocial Cancer Evaluation Toolkit: developing a tailored evaluation protocol and interface for the evaluation of cancer support initiatives

Dr Tania Michelle Davies - Measuring Well-being of Academic and Support Staff for A Healthier Wales: An Investigation into the Implementation of the Well-Being of Future Generations Act (2015) and the Goal of ‘A Healthier Wales’ within UWTSD

Dr Carles Henrik Ferdinand - The Promotion of Cornish: Establishing strategies in view of the Basque experience in Trebiñu

Dr Katy Elizabeth Griffiths - ‘The Whispering Cafe’ - A novel set in the South Wales town of Pembroke Dock during the Second World War

Dr Ross James Hanna - Algebraic Reconstruction Methods for Complex Geometry Components

Dr Thomas John William Humphrey - Materiality, Agency, and the Development of Identity in Late Bronze Age Cyprus

Dr Sharon Jenkins Carter - Identity, Culture and Belonging in the Iron Mining Landscape of the Canigou Mountain, France

Dr Xiaoling Lai - Continuums and Conjunctions: An assemblage of Eastern and Western architectural and philosophical perspectives

Dr Tanja Mancinelli - Harmonious Living: Sustainability, Ecology, And The Eco-Islam Movement

Dr Ashley Laurent Pullen - Enhanced Magnetic Flux Leakage Analysis of the Distribution of Flux and The Effects of Velocity on Mild Steel Plates

Dr Jose Manuel Quindos - From Foreign Language Learning to Second Language Acquisition. The Use of Television in the Early Acquisition of a Second Language in Additive Contexts. Towards an Understanding of the Sociolinguistic, Political and Educational Factors Involved in the Development and Implementation of a Lifestyle Diglossia

Dr Owen Allen Rees-Lloyd - Velocity Effects on the Generation of Rayleigh Waves using EMATs

Dr Anna Stenina - Art, Agency And Hermeneutical Dissent

Dr Anna Nicole Stevenson - ‘Footie Families’ - An evaluation and development of a family engagement motor programme to support pre-school children’s physical development and family physical activity

Dr Samuel Lok-Shing Voo - Themes, Lexemes, and Mnemes: Composite Allusions and Ancient Media Culture in the Fourth Gospel and Other Jewish Literature

Dr Rachel Malca Wallis - A design based research project to develop and evaluate materials for teaching multiplicative reasoning through measures

Dr Kat Wehrheim - Indigenous worldviews meet Western paradigms: a path to renewal of human/non-human relationships

Doethur mewn Ymarfer Proffesiynol Doctor of Professional Practice

Dr Carl Norman Cooper - The Third Sector’s Role in Health, Care and Wellbeing Policy: A Phenomenological Study of Regional Partnership Boards In Wales 2018-2023

Dr Heidi Currie - Perspectives on historical artefact engagement to enhance teaching and learning in psychiatric history and mental health law

Dr Angela Dalrymple - A Phenomenological Exploration Of Collaboration Between Employers, Professional Bodies And Academics In Business Curricula In UK Higher Education Institutions

Dr Jonathan Mark Hadley-Piggin - Keystone Law - A Case Study Of Demographic Change In An International Platform Law Firm

Doethuriaeth Broffesiynol mewn Addysg

Iaith Saesneg a Llenyddiaeth Saesneg

Professional Doctorate in English

Language Education and English Literature

Dr Tingting Wang - Task-based Learning Strategies for developing students textual understanding and critical thinking abilities in an English intensive reading class

Dr Yi Wang - An Exploration Of Blended Learning In Academic English For Postgraduates - A Case Study From China

Doethuriaeth Broffesiynol mewn

Astudiaethau Rhyng-ffydd

Professional Doctorate in Interfaith studies

Dr Xinhui Huang - (Re)Discovering Love and Compassion: A Comparative Analysis of Johns Gospel and the Platform Sutra

Dr Wemimo Bright Jaiyesimi - The Dignity Of Difference: Christian Particularity and the Possibility of Interreligious Dialogue

Dr Isabelle Mai Tindall - Conversations by the Well: A Memory and Media-Centred Reading of John 4 and its Implications for Jewish-Christian Relations



Darllenir Proclamasiwn ffurfiol y Cynulliad yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg.

‘Bydded hysbys i bawb sydd yma’n bresennol y cynhelir Cynulliadau awdurdodedig Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant yma heddiw i gydnabod cyflawniadau myfyrwyr sydd, trwy ddysg, gallu a dyfalbarhad, wedi ennill dyfarniadau yn unol â rheoliadau’r Brifysgol.

Heddiw, mae’r Brifysgol yn dathlu llwyddiant ei myfyrwyr ac yn dymuno’n dda iddynt yn eu bywydau yn y dyfodol, yn y gobaith y byddant yn parhau i dyfu a ffynnu mewn gwybodaeth, doethineb a thrugaredd, ac yn gallu gwneud gwahaniaeth yn eu dewis feysydd.’


Cyflwynir y graddedigion i’r Is-Ganghellor neu ei henwebai gan gynrychiolydd o’r Athrofa gan ddefnyddio’r geiriau canlynol:

‘Is-Ganghellor, cyflwynaf i chi fyfyrwyr o Brifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant, sydd wedi ennill gradd...’

Bydd yr Is-Ganghellor neu ei henwebai yn gofyn i’r holl raddedigion sefyll a bydd yn eu cyfarch gyda’r geiriau:

‘Mae’n bleser mawr gen i eich llongyfarch i gyd ar ennill eich dyfarniadau ym Mhrifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant.’

Bydd Cadeirydd Cyngor y Brifysgol yn cyfarch y graddedigion ar ran y Brifysgol gyda’r geiriau:

‘Llongyfarchiadau i chi i gyd gan Gyngor y Brifysgol.’



The formal Proclamation of the Congregation will be read in Welsh and English.

‘Be it known to all here present that authorised Congregations of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David are being held here today to recognise the achievements of students who have, through learning, ability and perseverance, successfully gained awards in accordance with the regulations of the University. Today, the University celebrates the success of its students and wishes them well in their future lives, in the hope that they continue to grow and flourish in knowledge, wisdom and compassion, and are able to make a difference in their chosen fields.’


Graduates will be presented to the Vice-Chancellor or her nominee by a representative of the Institute using the following formula:

‘Vice-Chancellor, I present to you students of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, who have gained the award of...’

The Vice-Chancellor or her nominee will ask all graduates to stand and she will greet them with the words:

‘It is my great pleasure to congratulate you all on gaining your awards at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.’

The Chair of the University Council greets the graduates on behalf of the University with the words:

‘Congratulations to you all from the University Council.’


Dydd Llun

8 Gorffennaf 2024




8 July 2024


Trefn y Gweithrediadau


Sefwch ar gyfer yr orymdaith

Anerchiad Agoriadol


Cyflwyno’r Graddedigion

Cyflwyno’r Ysgoloriaethau

Anerchiad Undeb y Myfyrwyr

Egwyl Gerddorol

Unawdydd - Ceri Davies

Cyfeilydd - Jane Samuel

Annerch y Graddedigion

Derbyn Baner y Brifysgol

Addoedi’r Seremoni

Anthem Genedlaethol

Gweler dudalen 50


Order of Proceedings


Please stand for the procession

Opening Address


Presentation of Graduates

Presentation of Bursaries

Students’ Union Address

Musical Interlude

Soloist - Ceri Davies

Accompanist - Jane Samuel

Address to the Graduates

Receive University Standard

Prorogation of the Congregation

National Anthem

See page 50


Yr Athrofa Addysg a’r Dyniaethau

Institute of Education & Humanities


ac Arweinyddiaeth)

Centre for Education (Professional Learning and Leadership)

I dderbyn gradd Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

To receive the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Jose Manuel Quindos

I dderbyn gradd Meistr yn y Celfyddydau

To receive the degree of Master of Arts

Angela Jayne Prickett

Education (Wales) Additional Learning Needs

Dyniaethau a’r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol

Humanities and Social Sciences

I dderbyn gradd Meistr yn y Celfyddydau

To receive the degree of Master of Arts

Azeezat Omotanwa Asabi Akande

Rafael Henrique Bianchi

Francesca Neroni

Amanda Joyce Van Dijk

Elin Maher

Ashlie Jade Day

Jake Laurence Alfred Furby

Katie Marie Gardner

Mi Tra Nguyen

Melanie Jayne Rowland

Huw Elfed Williams

Stefanie Neelam Williams

Andrew Leonard Wynter

In Absentia

Michael David Cole

Rhiannon Ellis

Outi Katariina Juusola

Danielle Elleouet

Sally Jane Gordon

I dderbyn Diploma Ôl-raddedig

To receive a Postgraduate Diploma

Sarah Marsh

In Absentia

Andrew James Landen

Bilingualism and Multilingualism

Bilingualism and Multilingualism

Bilingualism and Multilingualism

Bilingualism and Multilingualism

Dwyieithrwydd ac Amlieithrwydd

Equity and Diversity in Society

Equity and Diversity in Society

Equity and Diversity in Society

Equity and Diversity in Society

Equity and Diversity in Society

Equity and Diversity in Society

Equity and Diversity in Society

Equity and Diversity in Society

Bilingualism and Multilingualism

Bilingualism and Multilingualism

Bilingualism and Multilingualism

Equity and Diversity in Society

Equity and Diversity in Society

Equity and Diversity in Society

Bilingualism and Multilingualism

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig

To receive a Postgraduate Certificate

In Absentia

Lauren Carly Lewis

Holly Constance Rees

Equity and Diversity in Society

Equity and Diversity in Society

Kirsten Troman Equity and Diversity in Society

I dderbyn gradd Baglor yn y Celfyddydau

To receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts

Magdalena Wolanin


Jessica May Rowe Sociology

In Absentia

Trudi Jane Davies Advocacy

I dderbyn Diploma Addysg Uwch

To receive a Diploma of Higher Education

In Absentia

Zoe Thomas Sociology

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch

To receive a Certificate of Higher Education

Jessica Molly Bassett-Davies


Paige Ncube Advocacy

In Absentia

Lisa Michelle Gatt


Letitia Shannon Morris Advocacy

Emma Louise Saunders Advocacy

Y Ganolfan Addysg (Addysg Athrawon) Centre for Education (Teacher Education)

I dderbyn gradd Baglor yn y Celfyddydau

To receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts

Cerys Bailey

Lois Elenid Davies Jones

Catrin Olive Edwards

Lisa Ann Evans

Sophie Grace Gregory

Mari-Gwen Hughes

Ellie Jane Jones

Mared Jane Jones

Daniel O’Dell

Keian Pritchard

Aeryn Jay Pywell

Seren Haf Rees

Callum Jeffrey Secker

Ffion Cerys Seward

Angharad Keyse

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd heb SAC

Gabrielle Bale

Primary Education

Megan Browne Primary Education

Shannon Clatworthy

Elysia Laura Coates

Molly Jayne Davies

Primary Education

Primary Education

Primary Education

Kelly Ellis Primary Education

Gemma Louise Evans

Lucy Angharad Evans

Holly Hamilton Flood

Megan Riann Griffiths

Primary Education

Primary Education

Primary Education

Primary Education

Katie Elizabeth James Primary Education

Alice John Primary Education

Katy Hilda Navanna Jones

Primary Education

Dylan Kear Primary Education

Jessica Elizabeth Lervy Primary Education

Grace Ella Lewis Primary Education

Leia Minnie Lewis Primary Education

Cerys Lucas-Francis

Olivia Mai Mills

Lily-May Newton

Katharine Pointer-Carlyle

Alexander Preece

Primary Education

Primary Education

Primary Education

Primary Education

Primary Education

Jessica Preece Primary Education

Gwen Quick Hughes Primary Education

Alice Samuel Primary Education

Emily Seyerle Primary Education

Olivia Jane Sheehan

Primary Education

Cerys Ann Stephens Primary Education

Jody Thomas Primary Education

Morgan Rhys Thomas Primary Education

Yvonne Theresa Walker Primary Education

Meg Honesty Ward Primary Education

Jessica Holton

Danica Lauren Jones

Primary Education without QTS

Primary Education without QTS

Harri Williams Primary Education without QTS

In Absentia

Carys Rae Curtis

Mari Sian Evans

Natasha Chloe Lodwick

I dderbyn Diploma Addysg Uwch

To receive a Diploma of Higher Education

In Absentia

Addysg Gynradd

Addysg Gynradd

Primary Education Without QTS

Sophie Anthony Primary Education

Jade Ashby Primary Education

Catrin Louise Cullen

Primary Education

Megan Jade Russell Primary Education

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch

To receive a Certificate of Higher Education

In Absentia

Kieran Joseph Burrows

Alex Callender

Sophie Davies

Lois James

Ellie Jenkins

Primary Education

Primary Education

Primary Education

Primary Education

Primary Education

Ysgoloriaethau Bursaries

Gwobr BA Addysg Gynradd (cyfrwng Saesneg)

BA Primary Education Award (English medium)

Jessica Preece

Gwobr BA Addysg Gynradd (cyfrwng y Gymraeg) BA Primary Education Award (Welsh medium)

Cerys Bailey

Gwobr Eiriolaeth, Cymdeithaseg, Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol a Chynhwysiant Advocacy, Sociology, Equity and Diversity Prize

Jessica May Rowe

Gwobr Eiriolaeth, Cymdeithaseg, Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol a Chynhwysiant Advocacy, Sociology, Equity and Diversity Prize

Melanie Jayne Rowland

Gwobr Goffa D D Rees (Mathemateg) D D Rees Memorial Prize (Mathematics)

Ellie Jane Jones

Gwobr Goffa Norah Isaac dan nawdd Cymdeithas Ddinesig Caerfyrddin Norah Isaac Memorial Award sponsored by Carmarthen Civic Society

Lisa Ann Evans

Ysgoloriaeth Gweithgareddau Allgyrsiol Extra-curricular Activites Bursary

Morgan Rhys Thomas

Gwbor Goffa Olive Dyer (Mewn cydnabyddiaeth o gyfraniad Pennaeth un o ysgolion y Bartneriaeth) Olive Dyer Memorial Prize (In recognition of the contribution of a Headteacher of one of the Partnership schools)

Karen Thomas, Ysgol Gynradd Lôn Las


Dydd Llun

8 Gorffennaf 2024




8 July 2024


Trefn y Gweithrediadau


Sefwch ar gyfer yr orymdaith

Anerchiad Agoriadol


Cyflwyno’r Graddedigion

Cyflwyno’r Ysgoloriaeth

Anerchiad Undeb y Myfyrwyr

Egwyl Gerddorol

Unawdydd - Ceri Davies

Cyfeilydd - Jane Samuel

Annerch y Graddedigion

Derbyn Baner y Brifysgol

Addoedi’r Seremoni

Anthem Genedlaethol

Gweler dudalen 50


Order of Proceedings


Please stand for the procession

Opening Address


Presentation of Graduates

Presentation of Bursary

Students’ Union Address

Musical Interlude

Soloist - Ceri Davies

Accompanist - Jane Samuel

Address to the Graduates

Receive University Standard

Prorogation of the Congregation

National Anthem

See page 50


Yr Athrofa Rheolaeth ac Iechyd

Institute of Management and Health

Busnes Business

I dderbyn gradd Doethur mewn Ymarfer Proffesiynol

To receive the degree of Doctor of Professional Practice

Heidi Currie

Angela Dalrymple

Jonathan Mark Hadley-Piggin

In Absentia

Carl Norman Cooper

I dderbyn gradd Meistr yn y Celfyddydau

To receive the degree of Master of Arts

Susan Catherine Hirschson Coaching and Mentoring

Angela Dawn Kelly Coaching and Mentoring

Laura Elizabeth Kingdon Coaching and Mentoring

Kathryn Day Professional Practice

Emma Louise Hughes Professional Practice

Ceri Ann Littlewood Professional Practice

Eunice Moyo Professional Practice

Jonathan Hopkin Smart Professional Practice

Natalie Deanne Isaksson Professional Practice

(Performance Coaching for Performing Artists)

Michelle Sheridan-Grant Professional Practice (Performance Coaching for Performing Artists)

Heather Baker Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Judith Grace Ball Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Emily Juliette Bender Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Donna-Marie Broomfield Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Jenna Elizabeth Brown Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Natasha Burns Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Abigail Jane Daraz Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Fernando Roberto Dias Zimmermann Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Daniela Noemi Garcia Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Madalina Gabriela Gheza Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Brunella Govetto Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Emily Jane Gray Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Joanna Clare Hughes Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Georgina Mason Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Louisa Jessica Morgan Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Georgia Nicholls Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Samyukta Ranganathan Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Ruth Elizabeth Routledge Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Tessa Louise Smith-Whicker Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Lisa Jayne Strong Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Claire Turner Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Helen Michelle Woodley

Sophie Lynne Yaeger

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

In Absentia

Catherine Richards

Alannah Katharine Britz

Christabel May Heasman-Cossins

Professional Practice

Professional Practice (Neuro Coaching)

Professional Practice (Performance Coaching for Performing Artists)

Simon Alexander Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Matthew William Asti

Sara Alexandra Augusto Teixeira

Carolina Andrea Avilés

Angela Deborah Daniels

Laura Durrans

Kenneth Stephen Fayle

Catherine Goatley

Emilie Dare Roberts Hannon

Ajay Joseph Henry

Matthew Alexander Johnson

Jon Richard Morris

Jennifer Bryony Rhodes

Lucy Bethany Rose Smith

Elizabeth Ann Louie Watson

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Karen Wierzba Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

I dderbyn Diploma Ôl-raddedig

To receive a Postgraduate Diploma

In Absentia

Susan Alison Lewis-Ball

Professional Practice

Shaun Tyakoff Professional Practice

Alan John Boxer

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Amy Georgina Mellor Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig

To receive a Postgraduate Certificate

Laura Cait Driscoll Enterprise Skills

Hazel Ann Thomas Enterprise Skills

Thomas Jonathan Butler-Jenkins Professional Practice (Leadership in Emergency Services)

Ieuan Wyn Davies

Keith Martin Dorrington

Aaron Wyn Hulson

Professional Practice (Leadership in Emergency Services)

Professional Practice (Leadership in Emergency Services)

Professional Practice (Leadership in Emergency Services)

Tomos Glyn Turner Professional Practice (Leadership in Emergency Services)

In Absentia

Abigail Marriott Enterprise Skills

Lee Kenneth Winter Professional Practice

Simon Rhys Batchelor

Professional Practice (Leadership in Emergency Services)

Andrew Maurice Crighton Professional Practice (Leadership in Emergency Services)

Andrew Patrick Davies

Professional Practice (Leadership in Emergency Services)

Alice Walls Professional Practice (Leadership in Emergency Services)

Sarah Elizabeth Woods

Professional Practice (Leadership in Emergency Services)

Simon Worth Professional Practice (Leadership in Emergency Services)

Jordan Elaine Baker

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Elin Berg-Rolness Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Katharine Anna Louise Buxton

Carling Amara Connor

Nadine Leonie Melissa Cox

Camilla Ann Cutts

Marian Elizabeth Gaynor

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Nicholas Taylor Grigsby

Josephine Angela Halsall

Ryan Daniel Hanlon

Marie Hannigan

Elly Jarmain

Todd Kanzara

Evangelia Kourtesi

Laura Aurora Larenas López

Benjamin Levy

Enya Lim

Jamie Lyon

Shalini Sekhar

Tahirih Kali Arasi Vejdani

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy)

I dderbyn Diploma Cyswllt Sefydliad Siartredig Datblygiad Personél mewn Rheoli Pobl

To receive a Chartered Institute of Personnel Development Associate Diploma

Sarah Angharad Mary Barnes

Tracey Jane Boulton

Lisa Jayne Craddock

Ffion Farrier

Leanne Head

Caroline Anne Howells

Kathryn Elizabeth Hughes

Rachel John

Sara Ann John-Davies

Emily Rebecca Lane

Megan Ann Lewis

Gwenllian Mair

Kameron Alexander Maxwell

Gayle Lorraine Miller

Emma Louise Morris

Rebecca Phillips

Victoria Louise Taylor

Carrie Rebecca Wedlake

Claire Frances Williams

Darren Window

Melanie Louise Thompson

In Absentia

Thomas Mark Braddock

Fiona Anne Dowd

Louise Porter Thomas

Catherine Rachel Wood

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Raddedig

To receive a Graduate Certificate

Ami Louise Brain

Sioned Haf Coleman

Lorna Davies Hughes

Jodie Denyse Gittins

Kerry Halsall

Rebecca Hancock

Karly Haverly

Daniel Evan Jones

Dean Lewis

Sian Amanda Rowlands

Keren Samuel

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

In Absentia

Llinos Ann Foulkes

Inger Melangell Kallmark Williams

Katie Louise Andrews

Rebekah Andrews

Laura Jayne Baldwin

Caroline Leona Bennett

Leah Jo Bowditch

Chloe Elizabeth Campfield

Natalie Cawley

Rachel Kim Charleston

Bethan Louise Clancy

Chey Nicole Collins

Jodie-Lee Jane Conlon

Charlotte Megan Cotton

Darren Elton Croft

Amanda Davies

Amanda Louise Davis

Arbelyn Davis

Emily Georgina Driffield

Joanne Laura Dunkin

Dawn Amanda Edwards

Laura Jane English

Yasmin Abdul Hakim Etoumi

Paul Richard Evans

Tanya Lee Gammon

Semhar Ghidey

Lyndsay Anne Gregson

Emily Jayne Griffiths

Teresa Kate Griffiths

Carly Jade Hayes

Charlotte Hope

Charlotte Elizabeth Hopwood

Natasha Ann Horley

Andrea Louise Hughes

Nia Dawn Hughes

Tony Raymond Humphries

Sarah Louise Hutchinson

Glesni Fflur Huws

Andrew John Jackson

Anest Gwawr James

Sandra Danielle John

Awel Haf Pritchard Jones

Carmel Louise Jones

Erin Wyn Jones

Natalie Louise Jones

Philippa Louise Jones

Toni Jayne Jones

Chickeela Jones-Lewis

Ceri Jordan

Dominika Katarzyna Jujka

Angela Louise Lewis

Lara Jade Lewis

Lisa Lewis

Sian Marie Ley

Charmaine Teresa Lloyd

Sian Louise Lloyd

Stephanie Laura Martin

Cadarnhau Ymarfer Gwaith Cymdeithasol

Cadarnhau Ymarfer Gwaith Cymdeithasol

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Lauren Rose McCauley

Hannah Louise McCormack

Kerrie McIntosh

Catrin Elizabeth McLaren

Claire Melding

Dion Morgan Mitchell-Lewis

Lisa Marie Nicholson

Andrew John Norman

Olivia Iris O’Mahony

Manon Fon Owen

Thomas Paul Anthony Owen

Cai Brynmor Owen O’Marah

Abigail Joy Palumbo

Naomi Anna Parry

Kasha Partridge

Charlotte Helen Pitt

Jacquelyn Zoe Price

Harriet Elisha Reed

Angharad Haf Richards

Pamela Louise Richards

Lisa Jayne Riley

Anais Rebecca Roberts

Jazzmin Daniella Roberts

Michelle Louise Robertson

Chipo Glenda Sana

Louise Sandham

Richard Saunders

Sharon Louise Scarlett

Michelle Lisa Skelland

Kelly Marie Griffiths Thomas

Rhodri Glyn Thomas

Shannon Leanne Thomas

Lisa Jayne Trethouen-Haycox

Catrin Williams

Elin Llwyd Williams

Gwenan Mair Williams

Melany Margaret Louise Williams

Michelle Marie Williams

Stefanie Ann Williams

Neil Wilson

Jodie Michelle Wood

I dderbyn gradd Baglor yn y Celfyddydau

To receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts

Victoria Margaret Beecham

Sarah Jane Carr

Judith Alice Churcher

Laura Clarke

Harri Dendle

Sophie Michelle Evans

Glyn Joseph Gainard

Benedict Michael Gibson

Sally Hocking

Joy James

Magdalena Justyna Janas

Christine Ann Joy

Teleri Lamb

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Consolidation of Social Work Practice

Business and Management

Business and Management

Business and Management

Business and Management

Business and Management

Business and Management

Business and Management

Business and Management

Business and Management

Business and Management

Business and Management

Business and Management

Business and Management

Alyson Claire Downes

Mark Anthony Evans

Danielle Louise Harrison

Alana Jade Quevedo Diaz

Jemma Rees

Emma Louise Stevens

Margaret Thomas

Medi-Bethan Williams

In Absentia

Tamin Miah

Mohmoud Mohammed Arish

Paulette Crean

Tracey Hughes

James Daniel Lewis

I dderbyn Diploma Addysg Uwch

To receive a Diploma of Higher Education

In Absentia

Lois Elizabeth Rossiter

Gareth Vincent Griffin

Gregory David Hudgell

Kate Ellen Hudgell

Melissa Shannon Pimm

Shanice Elizabeth Taylor

Daniela Marietta Ventrice

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch

To receive a Certificate of Higher Education

Kim Louise Boukeras

Kimberley Jean Burman

Adela Maria Fanatan

Kelly Rebecca Forbes

Shanice Nicole Louise Hodgson

Angela Jane Howells

Sciarna Murrell Smith

Leah Thomas

Natalie Griffiths

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Business and Management

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Leadership and Management Skills for the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Business and Management

Carrie Anne Thomas Business and Management

In Absentia

Karen Josette Burman

Maria-Bianca Cazacu

Rebecca Louise Forshaw

Kamil Konrad Kosiba

Callum Dean Mason

Dominique Isobel Mould

Lydia Caitlin Evangeline Muir

Lyssa Dawn Muir

Winta Omer

Armin-Tiberiu Polyak

Siam Rahman

Kirsty Jayne Rees

John Harley Davidson Scott

Katie Stokes

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Lina Sultana

Katy Ann Brenchley

Natasha Sara Ward

Catalin Constantin Ancuta

Giorgiana Andreea Antonache

Ciprian Borcea

Denisa Virginia Bulimar

Paula Ciobotaru

Telus Dumitru

Amar Gureanu

Adrian Sovinschi

Luisa Sovinschi

Natasha Marie Mitchell

Applied Leadership and Management in the Workplace

Business and Management

Business and Management

Developing Sustainable Enterprises (Rural)

Developing Sustainable Enterprises (Rural)

Developing Sustainable Enterprises (Rural)

Developing Sustainable Enterprises (Rural)

Developing Sustainable Enterprises (Rural)

Developing Sustainable Enterprises (Rural)

Developing Sustainable Enterprises (Rural)

Developing Sustainable Enterprises (Rural)

Developing Sustainable Enterprises (Rural)

Skills for the Workplace

Yr Athrofa Addysg a’r Dyniaethau Institute of Education & Humanities

Plentyndod, Ieuenctid ac Addysg Childhood, Youth and Education

I dderbyn gradd Baglor yn y Celfyddydau

To receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts

Elizabeth Anne Arnold

Emma Louise Boyd

Jade Chatwin

Natalie Sian Davies

Amy Jessica Drewett

Hannah Louise Jones

In Absentia

Shannon Louise Jenkins

I dderbyn Gradd Sylfaen

To receive a Foundation Degree

Nicola Parsons

James John Williams

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch

To receive a Certificate of Higher Education

In Absentia

Kayleigh Marie Holvey

Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education

Ysgoloriaeth Bursary

Gwobr Busness a Rheolaeth Business & Management Prize
Benedict Michael Gibson


Dydd Mawrth

9 Gorffennaf 2024




9 July 2024


Trefn y Gweithrediadau


Sefwch ar gyfer yr orymdaith

Anerchiad Agoriadol


Cyflwyno’r Graddedigion

Cyflwyno’r Ysgoloriaethau

Anerchiad Undeb y Myfyrwyr

Doethur er Anrhydedd

Yr Hybarch A J Randolph Thomas

cyflwynir gan Yr Athro Elwen Evans, CB

Cymrodoriaeth Anrhydeddus

Ann Maria Stedman

cyflwynir gan Sarah Clark

Egwyl Gerddorol

Unawdydd - Ceri Davies

Cyfeilydd - Jane Samuel

Annerch y Graddedigion

Derbyn Baner y Brifysgol

Addoedi’r Seremoni

Anthem Genedlaethol

Gweler dudalen 50


Order of Proceedings


Please stand for the procession

Opening Address


Presentation of Graduates

Presentation of Bursaries

Students’ Union Address

Honorary Doctorate

The Venerable A J Randolph Thomas presented by Professor Elwen Evans, KC

Honorary Fellowship

Ann Maria Stedman presented by Sarah Clark

Musical Interlude

Soloist - Ceri Davies

Accompanist - Jane Samuel

Address to the Graduates

Receive University Standard

Prorogation of the Congregation

National Anthem

See page 50


Yr Athrofa Rheolaeth ac Iechyd

Institute of Management and Health

Chwaraeon a Byw’n Iach Sport and Healthy Living

I dderbyn gradd Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

To receive the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Anna Nicole Stevenson

In Absentia

Tania Michelle Davies

I dderbyn gradd Meistr yn y Celfyddydau

To receive the degree of Master of Arts

Jonathan Colin Haylock

Emma Louise Knight

Anne Charlotte Yvonne Potel

Joanne Christine Shipp

Helen Joan Cadogan

Megan Da Ponte Davis

Sara Wyn Evans

Katherine Grace Sanderson

Rhiannon Simms

In Absentia

Lizzie Indigo Rae Wild

Christopher John Bentley

Jen Hansen

Tine Moberg-Parker

Nathan John Price

Meagan Nicole Smith

Kevin James Whalan

Joelle Katherine Zelter

I dderbyn gradd Meistr yn y Gwyddorau

To receive the degree of Master of Science

Mai Taher Mahmoud Faroun

I dderbyn Diploma Ôl-raddedig

To receive a Postgraduate Diploma

In Absentia

Vanessa Evans

Liane Davies

Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy

Outdoor Education

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy

Sport and Exercise Nutrition

Outdoor Education

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig

To receive a Postgraduate Certificate

In Absentia

Harriette Rachel Smith

Louise Helen Stubbs

I dderbyn gradd Baglor yn y Celfyddydau

To receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts

Jack Craft

Morgan Charlotte Lily Evans

Paul Anthony Evans

Elin Fflur Jones

Ben Robert James Mathieson

Rhein Melissa Caytlin Mikaelson

Thomas Owen Miles

Dafydd Millns

Terri Ann Morris

Edward Petcher-Ellison

William Alan Roberts

Catherine Jane Bellis

Jack Walters

In Absentia

Erin Victoria Ayre

I dderbyn gradd Baglor yn y Gwyddorau

To receive the degree of Bachelor of Science

Jade Carter

Natasha East

Karen Samantha Amanda Edwards

Aariana Aaliyah Feclicia Grant

Abbie Laura Anne Megan Harries

Tracy Michelle John

Olive’On Azaria Oreen Joslyn

Reon Giovanni King

Tizana Shadika Danika Latham

Laura Mowlam

Joseph Muldoon

Yasmin Elisabeth Muzil

Amber Osborne

Lanique Rozean Suenez Pompey

Shericka Beverely Primus

Laura Rees

Charmel Eleanor Luella Cox

Cathryn Morgan

Ffion Mair Rees

James Mercurius-Taylor

Mary Angeline Bishop

Ben Bradley

Haydn Arthur Mole

Sara Thomas

Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education

Outdoor Adventure Education

Outdoor Adventure Education

Outdoor Adventure Education

Outdoor Adventure Education

Outdoor Adventure Education

Outdoor Adventure Education

Outdoor Adventure Education

Outdoor Adventure Education

Outdoor Adventure Education

Outdoor Adventure Education

Outdoor Adventure Education

Physical Education

Physical Education

Outdoor Adventure Education

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Sport and Exercise Science

Sport and Exercise Science

Sport and Exercise Science

Sport and Exercise Science (Sports Nutrition)

Sport and Exercise Therapy

Sport and Exercise Therapy

Sport and Exercise Therapy

Sport and Exercise Therapy

I dderbyn Diploma Addysg Uwch

To receive a Diploma of Higher Education

In Absentia

Macey Marie Bowen

Douglas Charles Robert Horne

Morgan Shaw Evans

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch

To receive a Certificate of Higher Education

Eleanor Frost

Sophie Elizabeth Grenfell

Erin Hannah Walters

In Absentia

Dafydd Rhys Lewis

Angharad Evans

Jude Alexander Rowland

Kristopher Jones

Connor Richards

Outdoor Adventure Education

Outdoor Adventure Education

Physical Education

Outdoor Adventure Education

Personal Training and Sport Massage

Sports Studies

Addysg Gorfforol

Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle

Outdoor Adventure Education

Personal Training and Sport Massage

Personal Training and Sport Massage

Lucy Richards Physical Education

Dominic Davies

Busnes Business

I dderbyn gradd Meistr mewn Gweinyddu Busnes

Sports Studies

To receive the degree of Master of Business Administration

Yulianna Andrea De Leon De Daykin

Arcangelo Ferrigno

Marjorie Gunzvenzve

Julie Dawn Hannam

Navdeep Randhawa

Benjamin Mason Williams

Cathie Ann Davies

Julie-Ann Higgins

Melanie Marianne Schumm

Megan Elizabeth Wynne

In Absentia

Vivien Yun Hui Chang

Henry Chukwuma Ezike

Adam Vance Fetherstonhaugh

Aine Gallagher

Navoda Draupadi Karasinghe Arachchi

Mohamed Adam Kwaees

Kankipati Thirumal Raju Pangada

Bentley Strafford-Stephenson

Dimosthenis Vasilakis

Anu N Kashyap

Emily Grace Field

William John Kai Thompson

Samuel Thomas Whittaker

Business Administration

Business Administration

Business Administration

Business Administration

Business Administration

Business Administration

General Management

Sustainability Leadership

Sustainability Leadership

Sustainability Leadership

Business Administration

Business Administration

Business Administration

Business Administration

Business Administration

Business Administration

Business Administration

Business Administration

Business Administration

General Management

Sustainability Leadership

Sustainability Leadership

Sustainability Leadership

I dderbyn Diploma Ôl-raddedig

To receive a Postgraduate Diploma

In Absentia

Alys John

George Sunday Uzonwa

Business Administration

Business Administration

Kyle Defreitas General Management

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig

To receive a Postgraduate Certificate

In Absentia

Judith Nthere

Ed Elliot Samuel Jr Dunbar

Digital Health and Care Iechyd a Gofal Digidol

I dderbyn Diploma Ôl-raddedig

To receive a Postgraduate Diploma

In Absentia

Rhodri Sion Clyburn

Darren Everton Cousins

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig

To receive a Postgraduate Certificate

In Absentia

Dafydd Llyr Ap Gwyn

David Huw Gold Davies

Danielle Edwards

Simon Richard Griffiths

Rhonwen Venetia Jones

Alex Lewis

Lyanne Marie Lewis

Stephanie Lock

Selyf Nathanael Shapey

I dderbyn Diploma Addysg Uwch

To receive a Diploma of Higher Education

Samantha Louise Brown

In Absentia

Stacey Lian Lloyd

Justine Etta Newman

Cristina-Madalina Sandu

Jenna Louise Wray

Business Administration

Sustainability Management

Digital Skills for the Health and Care Professions

Digital Skills for the Health and Care Professions

Digital Skills for the Health and Care Professions

Digital Skills for the Health and Care Professions

Digital Skills for the Health and Care Professions

Digital Skills for the Health and Care Professions

Digital Skills for the Health and Care Professions

Digital Skills for the Health and Care Professions

Digital Skills for the Health and Care Professions

Digital Skills for the Health and Care Professions

Digital Skills for the Health and Care Professions

Nursing Studies and Health

Nursing Studies and Health

Nursing Studies and Health

Nursing Studies and Health

Nursing Studies and Health

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch

To receive a Certificate of Higher Education

In Absentia

Victoria Margret Bowen

Natalie Fiona James

Sylwia Kulasik

Cristina-Madalina Sandu

Sarah Williams

Ashton Leigh Davies

Lorren Montgomery

Chloe Jade Rees

Jessica Kate Thomas

I dderbyn Diploma Agored Cymru

To receive an Agored Cymru Diploma

Ceri Evans

Catrina Patricia Harriott

Stephanie Marie Marks Havard

William George Christopher Jones

Christopher Harri Richards

Kathryn Sara Yabsley

Coleg Sir Gâr

I dderbyn gradd Baglor yn y Gwyddorau

To receive the degree of Bachelor of Science

Konnor Nicholas Iwan Rees Davies

Rhys Gill

Dafydd Wright

In Absentia

Benjamin Jacque Dupre Lance

I dderbyn Gradd Sylfaen

To receive a Foundation Degree

In Absentia

Ethan Mark Bockmann

Ross Leigh Buckley-Turner

Tyler Devan Caul

Alfie Jude Lloyd

William David James

Dafydd Wyn Jones

Tomas William Esney

Llyr Gravell-Davies

Benjamin Luc James

Daniel James Kivi

Luke Mcdonald

Iestyn Ross Moon

Daniel Sion Rumbelow

Cian Owain Trevelyan

Nursing Studies and Health

Nursing Studies and Health

Nursing Studies and Health

Nursing Studies and Health

Nursing Studies and Health

Nursing Studies and Professional Healthcare

Nursing Studies and Professional Healthcare

Nursing Studies and Professional Healthcare

Nursing Studies and Professional Healthcare

Therapy Assistant Practitioner

Therapy Assistant Practitioner

Therapy Assistant Practitioner

Therapy Assistant Practitioner

Therapy Assistant Practitioner

Therapy Assistant Practitioner

Rugby Coaching and Performance

Sports Coaching and Performance

Sports Coaching and Performance

Sports Coaching and Performance

Football Coaching and Performance

Football Coaching and Performance

Football Coaching and Performance

Football Coaching and Performance

Rugby Coaching and Performance

Rugby Coaching and Performance

Sports Coaching and Performance

Sports Coaching and Performance

Sports Coaching and Performance

Sports Coaching and Performance

Sports Coaching and Performance

Sports Coaching and Performance

Sports Coaching and Performance

Sports Coaching and Performance

Ysgoloriaethau Bursaries

Gwobr Chwaraeon, Iechyd ac Addysg Awyr Agored Sport, Health and Outdoor Education Prize

Tracy Michelle John

Ysgoloriaeth J E Mock am Ymdrech J E Mock Award for Endeavour

Aariana Aaliyah Feclicia Grant

Ysgoloriaeth J E Mock am Ymdrech J E Mock Award for Endeavour

Olive’On Azaria Oreen Joslyn


Dydd Mawrth

9 Gorffennaf 2024




9 July 2024


Trefn y Gweithrediadau


Sefwch ar gyfer yr orymdaith

Anerchiad Agoriadol


Cyflwyno’r Graddedigion

Cyflwyno’r Ysgoloriaethau

Anerchiad Undeb y Myfyrwyr

Egwyl Gerddorol

Unawdydd - Ceri Davies

Cyfeilydd - Jane Samuel

Annerch y Graddedigion

Derbyn Baner y Brifysgol

Addoedi’r Seremoni

Anthem Genedlaethol

Gweler dudalen 50


Order of Proceedings


Please stand for the procession

Opening Address


Presentation of Graduates

Presentation of Bursaries

Students’ Union Address

Musical Interlude

Soloist - Ceri Davies

Accompanist - Jane Samuel

Address to the Graduates

Receive University Standard

Prorogation of the Congregation

National Anthem

See page 50


Yr Athrofa Addysg a’r Dyniaethau

Institute of Education & Humanities

Plentyndod, Ieuenctid ac Addysg

Childhood, Youth and Education

I dderbyn gradd Meistr yn y Celfyddydau

To receive the degree of Master of Arts

Rebeca Davies

Samantha Louise Cooper

Claire Joy Fairhurst

Rhodri Tudur Lewis

Kay Mathias

Louisa Catrin Mair Scannell

Karen Levine Shepherd

Nakita Chrisitne Hope Sweetland

I dderbyn Diploma Ôl-raddedig

To receive a Postgraduate Diploma

In Absentia

Sabia Begum

I dderbyn gradd Baglor yn y Celfyddydau

To receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts

Stephanie Jade Rees

Eleri Ann Thomas

Tomos Lewis

Sarah Ann Thomas

Daniel James Ashby

Kodi Ann Marie Duxberry

Abigail Megan Phillips

Megan Jade Russell

Skye Stevens

Holly Gooch

Ash Lewis

In Absentia

Stacey Louise Hopkins

Laura Morrissey John

Youth and Community Work (ETS Endorsed)

Youth Work and Social Education (ETS Endorsed)

Youth Work and Social Education (ETS Endorsed)

Youth Work and Social Education (ETS Endorsed)

Youth Work and Social Education (ETS Endorsed)

Youth Work and Social Education (ETS Endorsed)

Youth Work and Social Education (ETS Endorsed)

Youth Work and Social Education (ETS Endorsed)

Youth Work and Social Education (ETS Endorsed)

Addysg a Gofal Blynyddoedd Cynnar:

Statws Ymarferydd Blynyddoedd Cynnar

Addysg a Gofal Blynyddoedd Cynnar: Statws Ymarferydd Blynyddoedd Cynnar

Astudiaethau Addysg: Cynradd

Early Years Education and Care: Early Years Practitioner Status

Education Studies: Primary

Education Studies: Primary

Education Studies: Primary

Education Studies: Primary

Education Studies: Primary

Youth Work and Social Education (ETS Endorsed)

Youth Work and Social Education with Foundation Year (ETS Endorsed)

Early Years Education and Care: Early Years Practitioner Status

Youth Work and Social Education (ETS Endorsed)

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch

To receive a Certificate of Higher Education

Claire Louise Thomas

In Absentia

Llinos Haf Williams

Chloe Jones

Education Studies: Primary

Addysg a Gofal Blynyddoedd Cynnar: Statws Ymarferydd Blynyddoedd Cynnar

Early Years Education and Care: Early Years Practitioner Status

Carol Callow Youth Work and Social Education (ETS Endorsed)

Laura Davies

Youth Work and Social Education (ETS Endorsed)

Dyniaethau a’r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Humanities and Social Sciences

I dderbyn gradd Baglor yn y Celfyddydau

To receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts

Kimique Jasbert Ordway Allen English and Education Studies

Lourie Cindy Jessica John English and Education Studies

Seicoleg a Chwnsela Psychology and Counselling

I dderbyn gradd Baglor yn y Gwyddorau

To receive the degree of Bachelor of Science

Ellie Bloomfield

Georgia Louise Davies

Applied Psychology

Applied Psychology

Kayleigh Louise Evans Applied Psychology

Teresa Ann Evans Applied Psychology

Lauren Marie James Applied Psychology

Stacey Amy Joy Applied Psychology

Caitlin Morgan Rees

Applied Psychology

Willow Quick Applied Psychology

Lewis Rocke Applied Psychology

Kaylah Jay Sandberg Applied Psychology

Eugenie Tuipulotu Applied Psychology

Claudia Varallo Applied Psychology

Emma Jain Williams Applied Psychology

In Absentia

Catrin Rhian Collins Applied Psychology

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch

To receive a Certificate of Higher Education

In Absentia

Christopher James Bamford

Applied Psychology

Zoe French Applied Psychology

Rhagoriaith: Canolfan Gwasanaethau Cyfrwng Cymraeg


Centre for Welsh Language Services

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Raddedig

To receive a Graduate Certificate

Joanna Catherine Francis

Morgan Robert Llewelyn Patterson

Lynne Anwen Roberts - Watkins

In Absentia

Fiona Susannah Davies

Natalie Jones

Tara Marie Jones

Joshua Robert Richmond Layzell

Louise Ruth Maylor

Cymraeg Mewn Blwyddyn: Cymraeg i Ymarferwyr

Addysg yn y sector cynradd cyfrwng Saesneg

Cymraeg Mewn Blwyddyn: Cymraeg i Ymarferwyr

Addysg yn y sector cynradd cyfrwng Saesneg

Cymraeg Mewn Blwyddyn: Cymraeg i Ymarferwyr

Addysg yn y sector cynradd cyfrwng Saesneg

Cymraeg Mewn Blwyddyn: Cymraeg i Ymarferwyr

Addysg yn y sector cynradd cyfrwng Saesneg

Cymraeg Mewn Blwyddyn: Cymraeg i Ymarferwyr

Addysg yn y sector cynradd cyfrwng Saesneg

Cymraeg Mewn Blwyddyn: Cymraeg i Ymarferwyr

Addysg yn y sector cynradd cyfrwng Saesneg

Cymraeg Mewn Blwyddyn: Cymraeg i Ymarferwyr

Addysg yn y sector cynradd cyfrwng Saesneg

Cymraeg Mewn Blwyddyn: Cymraeg i Ymarferwyr

Addysg yn y sector cynradd cyfrwng Saesneg

Athrofa Gwyddoniaeth a Chelf Cymru

Wales Institute of Science and Art

Diwydiannau Dylunio a Pherfformio Design and Performing Industries

I dderbyn gradd Meistr yn y Celfyddydau

To receive the degree of Master of Arts

Ryan Michael Plant Theatre Directing

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig

To receive a Postgraduate Certificate

In Absentia

Simon Edward Howlett Adventure Filmmaking

I dderbyn gradd Baglor yn y Celfyddydau

To receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts

Megan Anderson

Hayley Sarah Davies

Jack Eriksen

Anna Talitha Erwin

Tabea Heisterbach






Preyrna Suryani Jivika Kedar

Grace McArthur

Sophie Ellen Mildiner




Scott Ridley Acting

Celeste Turnbull

Molly Austin

Lucy Rose Elizabeth Davies

Joshua Knight

Joseph Morris

Jessica Shreeve

Kyle Joseph Collingwood

Skye Winter Turner

Aimee Ruth Williams


Adventure Filmmaking

Adventure Filmmaking

Adventure Filmmaking

Adventure Filmmaking

Adventure Filmmaking

Applied Drama: Education, Wellbeing, Community

Applied Drama: Education, Wellbeing, Community

Applied Drama: Education, Wellbeing, Community

Natalie Mary Partridge Dance

Alyanna Arzente Set Design and Production

Ruby Belcher Set Design and Production

Maisie Bidwell Set Design and Production

Lucy Brown Set Design and Production

Taylor Dyderski Set Design and Production

Hannah Grace Elwin Set Design and Production

Caitlin Fox Set Design and Production

Sebastian Jones Set Design and Production

Gareth Otley Set Design and Production

Hannah Payne Set Design and Production

Ashley Powell Set Design and Production

Catherine Lucy Rimmer

Set Design and Production

Holly Williams Set Design and Production

In Absentia

Reece Ford Acting

Liam Gardiner Acting

I dderbyn Diploma Addysg Uwch

To receive a Diploma of Higher Education

Caren Lowri Walters

In Absentia

Caitlin Lois Maxfield

I dderbyn Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch

To receive a Certificate of Higher Education

In Absentia

Stanley Michael Vaughton

Kai Veal


Drama: Education, Wellbeing, Community


Adventure Filmmaking

Adventure Filmmaking

Owen Butler Filmmaking

Cyfrifiadura Cymhwysol

Applied Computing

I dderbyn gradd Baglor mewn Peirianneg

To receive the degree of Bachelor of Engineering

Adam James Cross

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Ysgoloriaethau Bursaries

Gwobr Goffa Carl John ar gyfer Astudiaethau mewn Gwaith Ieuenctid a Chymuned Carl John Memorial Prize for Studies in Youth and Community Work

Holly Gooch

Gwobr Goffa Carl John ar gyfer Astudiaethau mewn Gwaith Ieuenctid a Chymuned Carl John Memorial Prize for Studies in Youth and Community Work

Ash Lewis

Gwobr Tudor Bevan am gyfraniad at Ysgrifennu Creadigol neu’r Celfyddydau Creadigol yng Nghymru Tudor Bevan Award for contribution to Creative writing or the Creative Arts in Wales

Joseph Morris

Gwobr y Celfyddydau Perfformio (cyfrwng Saesneg) Performing Arts Award (English medium)

Maisie Bidwell

Gwobr y Celfyddydau Perfformio (cyfrwng Saesneg) Performing Arts Award (English medium)

Jack Eriksen

Ysgoloriaeth Gweithgareddau Allgyrsiol Extra-curricular Activites Bursary

Kyle Joseph Collingwood




Mae hen wlad fy nhadau

Yn annwyl i mi, Gwlad beirdd a chantorion

Enwogion o fri, Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, Gwladgarwyr tra mad, Dros ryddid collasant eu gwaed.

Gwlad! Gwlad!

Pleidiol wyf i’m gwlad.

Tra môr yn fur

I’r bur hoff bau, O bydded i’r hen iaith barhau.



Dewch i astudio gyda ni a chynllunio eich dyfodol gyda’n profiad ôl-raddedig ardderchog. Rydym yn cynnig cymwysterau ôl-raddedig a addysgir, ymchwil a phroffesiynol i wella eich rhagolygon gyrfa a chynyddu eich potensial o ran enillion.


Ar gyfer mynediad yn 2024, hyd at £18,950 ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy’n dod o Gymru ac ar gyfer 2023, £12,167 ar gyfer myfyrwyr o’r DU (Ffigurau 2024 i ddod yn fuan).


Cymorth i ariannu eich dyfodol. Bwrsariaethau ôl-raddedig ar gael. Gweler y manylion cyfredol, yn cynnwys cynllun hepgor ffioedd o £2,500 i raddedigion PCYDDS, ar ein tudalennau Cymorth Ôl-raddedig. Pecynnau newydd ar gael ym mis Medi.


Opsiynau Llawn Amser, Rhan-Amser, O Bell ac Ar-lein ar gael i weddu i chi.


Dewiswch o’n portffolio eang o raglenni mewn meysydd fel y celfyddydau, addysg, gwyddoniaeth, iechyd, y dyniaethau, rheolaeth, a’r gwyddorau cymdeithasol.


Dysgu ac addysgu wedi’u cynllunio i fodloni’ch anghenion gyrfa a hyfforddi ac yn seiliedig ar yr ymchwil diweddaraf gan ein staff sy’n weithgar ym maes ymchwil.





Study with us and plan your future with our excellent postgraduate experience. We offer postgraduate taught, research and professional qualifications to enhance your career prospects and increase your earning potential.


For 2024 entry, up to £18,950 for Welsh domiciled students and for 2023, £12,167 for UK students (2024 figures coming soon).


Help to fund your future. Postgraduate bursaries available. See current details, including a £2,500 fee waiver for UWTSD graduates, on our Postgraduate Support pages. New packages open in September.


Full-Time, Part-Time, Distance and Online options available to fit around you.


Choose from our wide-ranging portfolio of programmes in areas such as arts, education, science, health, humanities, management, and social sciences.


Learning and teaching designed to meet your career and training needs and informed by the latest research from our research-active staff.



“Roedd dewis Prifysgol â diwylliant

Cymreig yn hanfodol bwysig i mi. Heb os mae’r Brifysgol wedi darparu cwrs BA Addysg Gynradd arbennig i mi drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, gyda darlithwyr profiadol a chefnogol wrth y llyw. Mae wedi rhoi sylfeini cadarn i mi fel athrawes, a bydd yn anrhydedd trosglwyddo’r iaith Gymraeg a’i diwylliant i ddarpar ddisgyblion.”

Ffion Anderson, BA Addysg Gynradd gyda SAC

“Choosing a university with a Welsh culture was vitally important to me. Without a doubt the University has provided me with a special BA Primary Education course through the medium of Welsh, with experienced and supportive lecturers at its helm.

This has given me firm foundations as a teacher, and it will be an honour to transfer the Welsh language and culture to future pupils.”

Ffion Anderson, BA Addysg Gynradd gyda SAC

“Roeddwn i’n meddwl y gallai cael gradd helpu i agor drysau na fyddai o reidrwydd ar gael i mi. Roeddwn i’n meddwl hefyd ei bod yn ffordd dda o allu cadw mewn cysylltiad â’r gamp a’r sector ei hun, a hyd yn oed pe bai’r amser yn dod pan na fyddwn i’n gallu cystadlu neu hyfforddi mwyach, gallwn drosglwyddo fy ngwybodaeth i’r genhedlaeth nesaf o athletwyr.”

Kaycee Blake, Enillydd Medal Arian IMMAF y Byd a hyfforddwr Jiu-Jitsu Brasil (BJJ) a Chrefftau Ymladd Cymysg (MMA).

Gwyddor Chwaraeon ac Ymarfer Corff

“I thought having a degree could help open doors that wouldn’t necessary be available to me, I thought it was a good way also to be able to stay connected within the sport and the sector itself, even if the time came where I wouldn’t be able to compete or train anymore, I could pass my knowledge on to the next generation of athletes.”

Kaycee Blake, World IMMAF Silver Medalist winner and a coach in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Sports and Exercise Science

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