Cert He Art & Design Foundation Swansea College of Art UWTSD

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Certificate of Higher Education:

Art & Design Foundation

The Cert HE: Art & Design Foundation at UWTSD’s Swansea College of Art is an introduction to study within Art and Design and provides a foundation for students entering art college and experiencing studio based teaching and learning for the first time.

The course offers direct progression onto the degree or integrated master’s courses at Swansea College of Art for all students who pass the course. It also supports further applications to courses elsewhere or progression into employment.

Duration: 1 year full time

Students will be taught at the University’s city centre Art & Design Campus giving students access to a vast array of traditional and state of the art workshops and learning facilities in the Dynevor and ALEX buildings.

Contact: artanddesign@uwtsd.ac.uk 01792 481285 Course tutors include: Katherine Clewett (Course Leader)

The course allows students to access all the usual student funding open to degree students plus for those starting in 2017 there is a UWTSD bursary of £1,500.

Applications should be made via UCAS Cert HE Art & Design Foundation UCAS code: F4W8 Institution Code T80 See our website for more information www.uwtsd.ac.uk/art-design

Bella Kerr Anna Lewis Anthony Arrowsmith Shellie Holden Tim Stokes Terri Saunders



“A philosophical adventure…” Osi Rhys Osmond

Cert HE: Art & Design Foundation On the Cert HE: Art & Design Foundation students are encouraged to experiment and will learn a wide range of traditional and digital processes. They will be introduced to specialist areas of study including: • Fine art • Graphic Design • Illustration • Advertising and Brand Design • Fashion • Textiles • 3D Design • Architecture • Digital and Lens-based Media • Photography • Animation • Jewellery • Applied Art • Furniture design • Glass • Games Design • History of Art • Interior Architecture/Design • Product Design

Programme Design The busy studios provide a friendly, enthusiastic atmosphere where you can develop your work and gain confidence. The Cert HE: Art & Design Foundation course will offer you the time and space to discover where your strengths lie, to challenge and extend your skills and abilities, and to successfully identify your future direction and career. The staff team will give you support, guidance and expert tuition throughout the year, and will help your decision making at every stage.

Art & Design Foundation is an introduction to study within art and design and provides a foundation for students entering art school and experiencing studio based teaching and learning for the first time. The course is taught entirely at Level 4 and supports progression to study at honours degree level through a coherent and structured process of development and decision making; moving from basic skills learning and broad experimentation to consolidation and independent working. The Art & Design Foundation offers direct progression onto courses within Swansea College of Art, for all students who pass the course. It also supports further applications via UCAS onto courses elsewhere, or progression into employment.

How To Apply Applications for full time art and design courses are made through UCAS. Full details can be found at www.UCAS.ac.uk The UCAS code is F4W8 Cert HE Art & Design Foundation. First intake September 2016.

Programme Structure The ideal student may be of any age or background, but is typically an A level, BTEC Extended Diploma, or other Level 3 qualification student, currently studying locally or elsewhere, in a school or FE college. Qualifications are important, however our offers are not solely based on academic results. We are interested in creative people who demonstrate a strong commitment to art and design and we welcome applications from individuals from a wide range of backgrounds. To assess student suitability for the course we arrange interviews for all applicants, at which their skills, achievements and life experience will be considered as well as qualifications and a portfolio of work.

Visit Us The faculty hold official open days, details of which can be found on our website, but we welcome students at any time of the year. To arrange a visit contact: see details above.

The course is made up of 6 modules. During Semester 1 students complete 3 modules: Introduction to Art and Design provides a broad introduction the studio environment delivered through a carousel of specialist area projects. Experimentation to Specialisation encourages experimentation, and guides students towards specialist study choices. Students produce a written assignment. Developing Specialist Practice and Preparing for Progression permits students to develop their practice and assists them in the preparation of a portfolio of visual and practical work to support progression onto further study.

During Semester 2 students complete 3 further Modules: Developing Personal Practice provides a further period for the development of personal practice and the portfolio. Students work in an increasingly independent manner and apply the knowledge and experience gained during Semester 1. Major Project: Development and Theoretical Approaches requires that students extend their visual and contextual research to produce a written outcome and development towards a major project. Major Project: Realisation and Presentation requires students to produce a substantial body of work and an appropriate exhibition of outcomes. The modules are delivered through contextual introductions to projects, a range of workshops and classes, lectures and study visits. Students are guided and assessed through group and individual tutorials and critiques. Contextual and historical studies are embedded into all the modules.

Student Support

Student Life in Swansea

Study skills support is available to all students who need assistance with their studies, providing high quality information, advice, practical and emotional support to enable all students to reach their full potential.

Swansea is an ideal location in which to live and study. You will be based in a modern city by the sea, big enough to allow your own space but small enough to feel you belong.


Excellent road and rail links ensure that you are never too far away from family and friends. London is under 3 hours by train.

When it comes to accommodation Swansea is one of the cheapest places in the country for students to live. UWTSD Swansea has 5 halls of residence based on two separate campuses. There is also a great range of private student accommodation in the city centre, including residential blocks and houses.


Photograph: Anthony Arrowsmith & Hazel Wakefield Art & Design Foundation staff on the stairs at Swansea College of Art, 2015 from Lux Feininger’s Weavers on the Stairs of the Bauhaus building, 1927

Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch:

Celf a Dylunio Sylfaen

Mae’r Dystysgrif AU Celf a Dylunio Sylfaen yng Ngholeg Celf Abertawe YDDS yn gyflwyniad i astudiaethau Celf a Dylunio ac mae’n rhoi sylfaen i fyfyrwyr sy’n dechrau mewn coleg celf ac yn profi addysgu a dysgu mewn stiwdio am y tro cyntaf.

Mae’r cwrs yn cynnig dilyniant uniongyrchol i gyrsiau gradd neu feistr integredig yng Ngholeg Celf Abertawe i bob myfyriwr sy’n ei basio. Hefyd, mae’n cefnogi ceisiadau pellach i gyrsiau mewn lleoedd eraill neu ddilyniant i swydd.

Hyd: 1 flwyddyn yn llawn amser

Bydd myfyrwyr yn cael eu haddysgu yng Nghampws Celf a Dylunio canol dinas y Brifysgol gan roi iddynt fynediad at amrywiaeth eang o weithdai a chyfleusterau dysgu traddodiadol a chyfoes yn adeiladau Dinefwr ac ALEX. Gall myfyrwyr y cwrs gyrchu’r holl gyllid myfyrwyr arferol sydd ar gael i fyfyrwyr gradd yn ogystal â bwrsariaeth YDDS gwerth £1,500 i’r rheiny sy’n cychwyn yn 2017.

Cysylltwch â: artanddesign@uwtsd.ac.uk 01792 481285

Dylech wneud eich cais trwy UCAS Cod UCAS: F4W8 Tyst AU Celf a Dylunio Sylfaen Cod y Sefydliad T80

Mae tiwtoriaid y cwrs yn cynnwys: Katherine Clewett (Arweinydd y Cwrs)

Gweler ein gwefan am ragor o wybodaeth www.uwtsd.ac.uk/cy/cyfadrancelf-a-dylunio/

Bella Kerr Anna Lewis Anthony Arrowsmith Shellie Holden Tim Stokes Terri Saunders



“Antur athronyddol...” Osi Rhys Osmond

Tyst AU: Celf a Dylunio Sylfaen Ar y dystysgrif AU Celf a Dylunio Sylfaen, anogir myfyrwyr i arbrofi ac fe fyddant yn dysgu amrywiaeth eang o brosesau traddodiadol a digidol. Cânt eu cyflwyno i feysydd astudio arbenigol, gan gynnwys: • Celf Gain • Dylunio Graffig • Darlunio • Hysbysebu a Dylunio Brand • Ffasiwn • Tecstilau • Dylunio 3D • Pensaernïaeth • Cyfryngau Digidol a Seiliedig ar Lens • Ffotograffiaeth • Animeiddio • Gemwaith • Celf Gymhwysol • Dylunio Dodrefn • Gwydr • Dylunio Gemau • Hanes Celf • Pensaernïaeth/Dylunio Mewnol • Dylunio Cynnyrch

Dyluniad y Rhaglen Mae’r stiwdios prysur yn creu awyrgylch cyfeillgar a brwdfrydig lle gallwch ddatblygu’ch gwaith a magu hyder. Bydd y cwrs Tyst AU: Celf a Dylunio Sylfaen yn cynnig ichi’r amser a’r lle y bydd arnoch eu hangen i ddarganfod ymhle y mae eich cryfderau, i herio ac ymestyn eich sgiliau a’ch galluoedd, ac i allu gweld i ba gyfeiriad i fynd iddo yn y dyfodol. Bydd y tîm o staff yn rhoi ichi gymorth, arweiniad a hyfforddiant arbenigol trwy gydol y flwyddyn, ac yn eich helpu i wneud penderfyniadau ar bob cyfnod.

Mae Celf a Dylunio Sylfaen yn gyflwyniad i astudiaethau celf a dylunio ac mae’n rhoi sylfaen i fyfyrwyr sy’n mynd i goleg celf ac yn profi addysgu a dysgu mewn stiwdio am y tro cyntaf. Addysgir y cwrs cyfan ar lefel 4 ac mae’n cefnogi dilyniant i astudiaethau ar lefel gradd anrhydedd trwy broses gydlynol a strwythuredig o ddatblygiad a gwneud penderfyniadau; gan symud o ddysgu sgiliau sylfaenol ac arbrofi cyffredinol i gyfnerthu a gweithio’n annibynnol.

Strwythur y Rhaglen Nid oes gwahaniaeth beth yw eich oed na’ch cefndir, ond fel arfer, bydd gennych lefel A, Diploma Estynedig BTEC, neu gymhwyster Lefel 3 arall, a byddwch yn astudio’n lleol neu’n bellach i ffwrdd, mewn ysgol neu goleg AB.

Mae’r cwrs Celf a Dylunio Sylfaen yn cynnig dilyniant uniongyrchol i gyrsiau eraill yng Ngholeg Celf Abertawe, i bob myfyriwr sy’n pasio’r cwrs. Hefyd, mae’n cefnogi ceisiadau pellach trwy UCAS i gyrsiau mewn lleoedd eraill, neu ddilyniant i swyddi.

Mae cymwysterau’n bwysig, ond nid yw ein cynigion wedi’u seilio’n llwyr ar ganlyniadau academaidd. Mae gennym ddiddordeb mewn pobl greadigol sy’n arddangos ymrwymiad cryf i gelf a dylunio ac rydym yn croesawu ceisiadau gan unigolion o amrywiaeth eang o gefndiroedd. I asesu addasrwydd myfyriwr ar gyfer y cwrs, rydym yn cyfweld â phob ymgeisydd, ac yn ystod y cyfweliadau hyn caiff sgiliau, cyraeddiadau a phrofiad bywyd ymgeiswyr eu hystyried yn ogystal â’u cymwysterau a’u portffolio o waith.

Sut i Wneud Cais

Ymwelwch â Ni

Gwneir ceisiadau ar gyfer cyrsiau celf a dylunio llawn amser trwy UCAS. Cewch fanylion llawn yn www.UCAS.ac.uk Y Cod UCAS yw F4W8 Tyst AU Celf a Dylunio Sylfaen.

Mae’r gyfadran yn cynnal diwrnodau agored swyddogol, a cheir manylion y rhain ar ein gwefan, ond mae croeso i fyfyrwyr ymweld â ni unrhyw adeg o’r flwyddyn. I drefnu ymweliad, gweler y manylion cyswllt uchod.

Derbyn myfyrwyr cyntaf: Medi 2016.

Mae’r cwrs yn cynnwys 6 modwl. Yn ystod Semester 1 bydd myfyrwyr yn cwblhau 3 modwl: Mae Rhagarweiniad i Gelf a Dylunio yn rhagarweiniad cyffredinol i’r amgylchedd stiwdio wedi’i gyflwyno trwy garwsél o brosiectau maes arbenigol. Mae O Arbrofi i Arbenigo yn annog myfyrwyr i arbrofi, ac mae’n eu tywys tuag at ddewisiadau astudio arbenigol. Bydd myfyrwyr yn cynhyrchu aseiniad ysgrifenedig. Mae Datblygu Arfer Arbenigol a Pharatoi at Ddilyniant yn caniatáu i fyfyrwyr ddatblygu eu harfer ac yn eu helpu i baratoi portffolio o waith gweledol ac ymarferol i gefnogi eu dilyniant i astudiaethau pellach.

Yn ystod Semester 2 bydd myfyrwyr yn cwblhau 3 modwl pellach: Mae Datblygu Arfer Personol yn rhoi i’r myfyrwyr gyfnod arall er mwyn datblygu eu harfer personol a’r portffolio. Bydd y myfyrwyr yn gweithio’n gynyddol annibynnol ac yn cymhwyso’r wybodaeth a’r profiad a gawsant yn ystod Semester 1. Prif Brosiect: Mae Datblygiad ac Ymagweddau Damcaniaethol yn gofyn i’r myfyrwyr ymestyn eu hymchwil gweledol a chyd-destunol i gynhyrchu deilliant a datblygiad ysgrifenedig tuag at eu prif brosiect. Prif Brosiect: Mae Gwireddu a Chyflwyno yn gofyn i’r myfyrwyr gynhyrchu corff sylweddol o waith a dangos deilliannau priodol. Cyflwynir y modylau trwy ragarweiniadau cyd-destunol i brosiectau, amrywiaeth o weithdai a dosbarthiadau, darlithoedd ac ymweliadau astudio. Caiff y myfyrwyr eu tywys a’u hasesu trwy sesiynau tiwtora grŵp ac unigol a dadansoddiadau. Caiff astudiaethau cyd-destunol a hanesyddol eu hymgorffori yn yr holl fodylau.

Cymorth Myfyrwyr

Bywyd Myfyrwyr yn Abertawe

Mae cymorth sgiliau astudio ar gael i bob myfyriwr sydd ag angen cymorth gyda’u hastudiaethau, a darperir gwybodaeth, cyngor a chymorth ymarferol ac emosiynol o ansawdd uchel i bob myfyriwr er mwyn iddynt allu cyrraedd eu potensial llawn.

Mae Abertawe’n lle delfrydol i fyw ac astudio ynddo. Byddwch wedi’ch lleoli mewn dinas fodern ger y môr, sy’n ddigon mawr i’ch galluogi i fod yn annibynnol, ond yn ddigon bach i roi ymdeimlad o berthyn i chi.

Llety O ran llety, Abertawe yw un o’r lleoedd rhataf yn y wlad i fyfyrwyr fyw ynddo. Mae gan YDDS Abertawe 5 neuadd breswyl sydd wedi’u lleoli ar ddau wahanol gampws. Hefyd, mae yna amrywiaeth gwych o lety preifat i fyfyrwyr yng nghanol y ddinas, gan gynnwys blociau preswyl a thai.

Mae cysylltiadau ffordd a rheilffordd rhagorol yn sicrhau na fyddwch fyth yn rhy bell i ffwrdd o’ch teulu a’ch ffrindiau. Mae’n cymryd llai na 3 awr i fynd i Lundain ar drên.


Llun: Anthony Arrowsmith & Hazel Wakefield Art & Design Foundation staff on the stairs at Swansea College of Art, 2015 o Weavers on the Stairs of the Bauhaus building, 1927 Lux Feininger

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