1 minute read
Siyu combines her love of illustration with minimalist sensibilities to create designs with a style of their own. She likes tackling brand identity projects and incorporates her illustrative skill into these, as well as in separate illustration projects. Siyu’s approach to design focuses on doing plenty of research before deciding on a style and colour palette that she can develop into her final idea. In addition to becoming more proficient with Adobe software, Siyu’s time at UWTSD has taught her to think differently to come up with unique solutions to design problems. In her spare time, she loves to draw and create DIY crafts, and in the future, she would like to find employment working in book design, packaging design or brand identity.
Mae Siyu yn cyfuno ei chariad at ddarlunio ag ymwybyddiaeth finimalaidd i greu dyluniadau â’u harddull eu hun. Mae’n hoffi my i’r afael â phrosiectau hunaniaeth brand ac yn ymgorffori ei sg darluniadol yn y rhain, yn ogystal ag mewn prosiectau darlunio wahân. Mae dull Siyu at ddylunio’n canolbwyntio ar wneud digon o ymchwil cyn penderfynu ar arddull a phalet lliwiau y gall eu datblygu yn syniad terfynol. Yn ychwanegol at ddod yn fwy medru gyda meddalwedd Adobe, mae amser Siyu yn y Drindod Dewi Sant wedi ei haddysgu i feddwl yn wahanol i ddyfeisio atebion unigry broblemau dylunio. Yn ei hamser sbâr, mae’n dwlu ar dynnu lluni a chreu crefftau cartref, ac yn y dyfodol, hoffai ddod o hyd i maes dylunio llyfrau, dylunio deunydd pacio neu hunaniaeth bran sylgraphicd@gmail.com sylgraphic.com linkedin.com/in/sylonggraphic