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Jamie is a relaxed yet ambitious designer who loves tackling branding and web design projects. He is eager to tackle any design challenge thrown his way and is a big believer in the power of creativity, going so far as to write his dissertation about it. By studying at UWTSD, Jamie has challenged himself and learned to take more risks, allowing him to become more versatile and confident as a designer. Despite his hearing difficulties, Jamie has shown remarkable perseverance throughout his education, a quality that won him one of many awards he received during his A levels. Jamie is open to wherever his career will take him next and feels ready for the world of employment.

Mae Jamie yn ddylunydd hamddenol, ond uchelgeisiol sy’n dwlu ar fynd i’r afael â brandio a phrosiectau dylunio i’r we. Mae’n awyddus i fynd i’r afael ag unrhyw her ddylunio sy’n dod ato ac mae’n credu’n fawr yng ngrym creadigrwydd, gan fynd mor bell ag ysgrifennu’i draet hir amdano. Drwy astudio yn y Drindod Dewi Sant, mae Jamie wedi’i herio’i hun a dysgu cymryd mwy o risgiau, gan ganiatáu iddo ddod yn fwy amryddawn a hyderus fel dylunydd. Er gwaethaf ei anawsterau clywed, mae Jamie wedi dangos dyfalbarhad nodedig gydol ei addysg, rhinwedd a enillodd iddo un o lawer o wobrau a gafodd yn ystod ei arholiadau Safon Uwch. Mae Jamie yn agored i ble bynnag y bydd ei yrfa’n mynd ag ef nesaf ac mae’n teimlo’n barod am fyd gwaith.


1900676@student.uwtsd.ac.uk jamieskinner2020.editorx.io/my-site-2 linkedin.com/in/jamie-skinner-5247b4227

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