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Summer is a versatile designer who combines technical knowledge with a hands-on approach, producing eye-catching designs. She rarely sticks to just one method when designing, preferring to use a mixture of digital art and traditional printmaking processes such as screen printing. Her design approach involves finding an issue and conducting research into understanding the problem in order to find an effective solution to it. She has worked with notable clients such as Parc Y Scarlets, YMCA Swansea, and Swansea Pride, and has also been shortlisted for both the Creative Conscience and Libraries Wales design competitions. Summer would like to apply her design skills to commercial advertising and campaigns, as well as with entertainment and hospitality industry.
Mae Summer yn ddylunydd amryddawn sy’n cyfuno gwybodaeth dechnegol â dull ymarferol, gan greu dyluniadau trawiadol. Yn a y bydd yn cadw at un dull wrth ddylunio, gan ei bod yn well gan ddefnyddio cymysgwch o gelf ddigidol a phrosesau gwneud printia traddodiadol megis sgrin-brintio. Mae’i dull dylunio’n ymwneud o hyd i broblem a chynnal ymchwil i ddeall y broblem er mwyn do hyd i ateb effeithiol iddi. Mae wedi gweithio gyda chleientiaid megis Parc y Scarlets, YMCA Abertawe, a Pride Abertawe, ac mae bod ar y rhestr fer am gystadlaethau dylunio Creative Conscienc a Llyfrgelloedd Cymru. Hoffai Summer gymhwyso ei sgiliau dyluni hysbysebu ac ymgyrchoedd masnachol, yn ogystal ag yn y diwydian adloniant a lletygarwch.
sumzgd@gmail.com cwlbreeze.xyz linkedin.com/in/summerbreezedavies cwlbreeze
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