1 minute read

Simon Fudge

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In temples such as at the ruins of Ephyra, the ancient Greeks believed that through ceremonial gazing at reflective surfaces, encounters with the ghosts of the dead might occur.


In more recent times, a claim of instrumental trans communication is that via electronic equipment it is possible to interact with spiritual dimensions.

This work orbits around ideas expressed through philosophic idealism and metaphysics. I wonder about the nature of reality and questions concerning a life’s purpose echo repeatedly. The theme is explored while seeking to journey in the realms of myth and real magic.

@_cilonnen www.cilonnen.com

Mewn temlau fel adfeilion Ephyra, credai’r Groegiaid hynafol y gallai cyfarfyddiadau ag ysbrydion y meirw ddigwydd trwy syllu seremonïol ar arwynebau adlewyrchol.

Yn fwy diweddar, mae honiad o instrumental transc communication yw ei bod hi’n bosibl rhyngweithio â dimensiynau ysbrydol trwy offer electronig.

Mae’r gwaith hwn yn troi o amgylch syniadau a fynegir trwy ddelfrydiaeth athronyddol a metaffiseg. Tybed am natur realiti ac mae cwestiynau ynghylch pwrpas bywyd yn atseinio dro ar ôl tro. Archwilir y thema wrth geisio teithio ym myth myth a hud go iawn.

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