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An Evocative Journey Through Uncertainty

Josh Rees
An Evocative Journey Through Uncertainty is a document of queer lifestyle and history which investigates cruising amongst gay men in Wales and England. The exterior spaces photographed are listed as frequent cruising grounds on a gay dating site.
An Evocative Journey Through Uncertainty celebrates sexual liberation amongst gay men by creating a narrative of eroticism and showing that homosexual acts, which have historically been labelled as ‘deviant’, should no longer be seen as ‘taboo’. It is a chance to open up the discourse surrounding these spaces to a wider audience, beyond the already initiated.
Mae An Evocative Journey Through Uncertainty yn ddogfen am ffordd o fyw queer a hanes sy’n ymchwilio i fordeithio ymhlith dynion hoyw yng Nghymru a Lloegr. Mae’r gofodau allanol y tynnwyd llun ohonynt wedi’u rhestru fel tiroedd mordeithio aml ar safle cyfarch hoyw.

Mae An Evocative Journey Through Uncertainty yn dathlu rhyddhad rhywiol ymhlith dynion hoyw trwy greu naratif o erotigiaeth a dangos na ddylai gweithredoedd cyfunrywiol, sydd wedi’u labelu’n hanesyddol fel ‘gwyrdroëdig’, gael eu gweld fel ‘tabŵ’ mwyach. Mae’n gyfle i agor y disgwrs o amgylch y gofodau hyn i gynulleidfa ehangach, y tu hwnt i’r hyn a gychwynnwyd eisoes.
@Joshreesphotography www.joshreesphotography.com