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James Peaple

James Peaple’s work aims to creatively explore relationships between memory, identity and place. In doing so, he seeks to consider how cultural connections between people, their locations and objects develop and are communicated through image to audience.

Peaple’s practice is based on experimental techniques, using the image to transport the viewer to different periods or fabricated realities. These relationships have been most recently considered in an exploration of how the ‘ugly, lovely town’ of Swansea shaped Dylan Thomas’s identity as an artist, re-interpreting the places that resonate throughout his work.


Nod gwaith James Peaple yw archwilio’n greadigol y berthynas rhwng cof, hunaniaeth a lle. Wrth wneud hynny, mae’n ceisio ystyried sut mae cysylltiadau diwylliannol rhwng pobl, eu lleoliadau a’u gwrthrychau yn datblygu ac yn cael eu cyfleu trwy ddelwedd i gynulleidfa.

Mae ymarfer Peaple yn seiliedig ar dechnegau arbrofol, gan ddefnyddio’r ddelwedd i gludo’r gwyliwr i wahanol gyfnodau neu realiti ffug. Mae’r perthnasoedd hyn wedi’u hystyried yn fwyaf diweddar wrth archwilio sut y lluniodd ‘ugly, lovely town’ Abertawe hunaniaeth Dylan Thomas fel artist, gan ailddehongli’r lleoedd sy’n atseinio yn ei waith.

Dylan Thomas. Swansea: Memory, Identity and Place

@james_peaple_ photographer www.jamespeaplephotographer.com

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