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Alumni Talks
We are delighted when our alumni return to Trinity to speak to students in person or over Zoom at our various clubs and societies.
Ben Stafford

Ben Stafford
We were privileged to welcome Ben Stafford, who left Trinity in 2009, when he visited us to speak to Sixth Form Religious Studies A-Level students.
Ben read Philosophy and German at Brasenose College, Oxford and has since gone on to join the Royal Marines, where he is currently a Captain.
Ben spoke brilliantly on the subject of language in Philosophy, focusing specifically on Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations, which he first read at Trinity and later studied at university.
Scott Borland

Scott Borland
2021 alumnus, Scott Borland came to speak to the Literary Society in January this year about the epic poem Omeros by Derek Walcott. It weaves multiple narratives about the indigenous and colonized peoples of St. Lucia Island using characters loosely based on Homer's Iliad. He was also able to answer questions about undergraduate life at Cambridge University.
Luca Wade, Maya Weekley, Sally Edser, Lucas Ferrar, & Christy Clancy

The Classics Society recently welcomed five alumni who visited the school to share the inside scoop on life at university.
They included Maya Weekley, Sally Edser and Lucas Ferrar from the University of Cambridge; Luca Wade from University College London; and Christy Clancy from Edinburgh University.
They all shared their experiences of what studying Classical degrees at university is like – from the sorts of topics they cover (ranging from Linguistics, to Archaeology, to Greek and Latin, to Literature, to Philosophy) to what their average weeks look like.
Zafirah Sadiq

Zafirah Sadiq
2021 leaver, Zafirah Sadiq, came to speak to Trinity Art students about her first term at Newcastle University studying Architecture. She was able to present her work to students so they could get a real taste of what the course involves.
Adam Bull

Adam Bull visits the Politics Society
Adam Bull, 2013 leaver, paid a visit to Politics Society to give a wide-ranging and fascinating talk, covering topics from the current crisis in Ukraine to his experiences of working in Parliament.
Adam is currently a Parliamentary Researcher in the House of Lords, and a PhD student at King’s College London. He holds a Master’s Degree in Music from the University of York.