1 minute read
from Flatonia, Texas
400 E. 4th St, Flatonia
Flatonia ISD consists of highly motivated educators who work alongside suppor tive parents and communit y volunteers to provide our amazing students with a safe and suppor tive educational environment that allows for continued success.

Flatonia ISD builds relationships among students, staff, families, and community in order to provide a consistent, safe learning environment. We are dedicated to developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical well-being of each student.

It is through the high expec tations we have for our students and staff that we promote continued excellence and equit y in education. As a school communit y, we are committed to providing a qualit y educational experience to ever y child who walks through our doors.
We hold students to core values and provide innovative programs, so students become life-long learners who contribute to and lead their community.