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When it comes to sell or buy, make sure you hire the right professional, one who can provide valuable service and trusted advice!


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CONTENT elifemagazine.org Feature Meet Brie Fowler and Gustavo Deleon Home Simple Tips to Get Your House Ready for Fall Fall Gift Guide The Editor’s Gift Suggestions FEATURES FEATURES Meet Brie Fowler & Gustavo Deleon Trisha Ventker3018 HOME Simple Tips to Get Your House Ready for Fall Mary Hill 40 FOOD & WINE Paella Chef Hugo Meyer HEALTH & BEAUTY It’s Time to Erase Those Summer Sins Janette Elder PARENTING How to Save Money When Your Teen is Eating Everything Cheryl Maguire PETS Does Your Dog Think You’re Fun? Jaime Bessko BONUS PET PIECE Somebunny New Hopped into Erie Amy Mitchell 18 30 80 ELIFE magazine 50 647078 GIFT GUIDE Fall Trisha Ventker 80

ELIFE magazine
She is best known for her first book Internet Dates From Hell which had the movie rights to it optioned by Paula Wagner. Trisha is also one of the first Indie book authors to have a book optioned for the big screen.
The more consumers know your brand, the more likely they are to use your busness.
Editor in Chief Trisha Ventker is an author, photographic artist, branding and social media infuencer and publisher of ELIFE, NoCo, Den ver Colorado Luxury magazines. Reader impressions are ap proaching 11 million for the magazines, with the Denver publication being nationwide.
Trisha is originally from New York City, presently residing in Erie, Colorado for the last 14+ years, with her husband and her teen son.
Success can be achieved by any business if it solves a problem and garner’s viral visibility for their brand.

WATERSHED COUNSELING … A PLACE FOR HEALING THERAPY WITH ME IS NOT LYING ON A COUCH EXPRESSING EVERY DETAIL OF YOUR CHILDHOOD. INSTEAD, WE WILL PLAN AND TALK. WE WILL LAUGH AND CRY. AND SOON ENOUGH … YOU WILL HEAL. 702-500-2918 | watershedcounselingboco.com | lisa@watershedcounselingboco.com MA, LPCC, NCC •Parenting •Marriage/concernsRelationship Issues •Anxiet•Chr•Depr•AdolescentsessiononicPainy •Living Life with more Joy •Mindfulness practices •Healing•EMDR from Trauma • Video Game Overuse/Addiction • Stress Management FIND ME AT MY NEW ADDRESS … 1248 Tyler Place, Unit B, Erie CO 80516

A c c u r a t e a n a l y s i s o f h o m e v a l u e s H o m e s t a g i n g a s s i s t a n c e f o r s e l l e r s s o t h e i r h o m e w i l l s e l l f o r t h e h i g h e s t p r i c e i n t h e s h o r t e s t a m o u n t o f t i m e r y h i l l p r o p e r t i e s . c o m
K n o w l e d g e o f c o m m o n p i t f a l l s t o a v o i d u n e x p e c t e d i n s p e c t i o n i s s u e s
P r o v i d e s s t e p b y s t e p p l a n s f o r h o m e b u y e r s a n d h o m e s e l l e r s
G u i d a n c e w i t h t h e p r o c e s s o f a s s i s t i n g w i t h p e o p l e ’ s s i n g l e l a r g e s t i n v e s t m e n t
3 0 3 . 8 0 8 . 7 7 9 6 m a
Mary is known for:
S t r o n g n e g o t i a t i o n s k i l l s R e s o u r c e s t o m a k e t r a n s a c t i o n s s e a m l e s s

2 miles ELIFE Magazine covers Erie Colorado and the surrounding area … Broomfield, Westminster, Northglenn, Thornton, Brighton, Dacono, Frederick, Firestone, Longmont, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Boulder

2017SUMMER 2018FALL VALUES ALODGE 2018SPRING The pulse of Erie lifestyle … E LIFE MAGAZINE ELIFE magazine is the first lifestyle, virtual, on-line publication in Erie to highlight ERIE, Colorado and its surrounding towns. ELIFE boasts a readership of over 75,000 impressions per issue! Erie has recently been voted in MONEY MAGAZINE as the TOP 13 places to live in the country. It has also been showcased as one of the fastest growing communities in the United States. Please visit us at www.ELIFEmagazine.org or on Facebook to read the latest issues! CELEBRATING THE GRIT, GLORY AND GRACE OF ELIFE is the brainchild of Erie resident and published author, Trisha Ventker. Ventker felt the need for a stylistic, informative virtual, on-line magazine to highlight all the creative, talented residents and local businesses. Ventker also felt it was important to be able to offer affordable advertising for businesses to showcase their efforts. ELIFEMAGAZINE © 2015 | All Rights Reserved Eerie Erie QUALITYQUANTITYOVEREVERY TIMEReducing BEHAVIORUNWANTED elifemagazine.org FALL2020 Home&He BLAKE’S Smoked Salmon &Cream Cheese FlatbreadUNAPLOGETICALLY YOURS ERIE’S FALLGIFT GUIDE TheSpectacular Six:Erie Reno 2020 alth

Brie Fowler is a third-generation realtor. Her grandfather founded Fowler Real Estate in the 1960’s on Pearl Street in Boulder, Colorado when it was a dirt road and passed it down to Brie’s father. Now, she’s taken the reins and is steering the business to new heights and new horizons, building and fostering relationships with clients, colleagues, and many Colorado communities with a focus on the Erie community.
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BrieMeetFowler ELIFE magazine

A. I absolutely loved nursing! I miss my patients dearly, however, I decided to switch careers when my dad asked me to be his business partner in real estate. My father was in the hospital after a bad fall off a horse. He was in the ICU for a long time, and when he was recovering, he came up with a “second chance plan” which included me joining him in real estate. How could I say no? As a former nurse, I have dealt with a lot of stressful situations in labor and delivery, and in the recovery room. Because of my previous career, I use compassion and empathy with my clients, just as I did with my patients when it comes to purchasing or selling a
Q. Why did you switch careers from a nurse to a real estate agent?
A With Brie Fowler
Q. Tell us a bit about yourself, where are you from originally, about your family and where you live A.presently: I was born and raised in Boulder, Colorado. I moved to Erie in 2004 and my children have attended Erie Schools. Brandon Rearick is my husband, we have a blended family with the acronym of T.E.A.M. B&B, which stands for Trey, Evan, Austin, Macy, Brandon and Brie. We currently live in Erie Village, and have one of the 4 pools in the neighborhood. We spend a lot of time soaking up the sun, floating in our pool. Evan and Macy will be Seniors at Erie High School this year. Evan is a quarterback on the football team and Macy is on the yearbook team as a photographer and lead editor. Our children are our world and we will be so sad to be empty-nesters soon! I spend a lot of time with my Grandmother, because she is my favorite person on the planet. She’s quirky, smart, and kind as can be! We drink lots of tea, get mani-pedi’s, and have cocktails in her gazebo on her farm in Boulder.

A. So many great things have happened to me over the last year. The most exciting thing is that my son gradu ated high school. It’s not easy for every student and I am so proud of my son Austin for his commitment to his fu ture, as I know he will do great things. When it comes to real estate and rewards for doing well, I was extremely excited to win 6 awards by Rate my Agent which is di rectly tied to testimonials by clients who’ve done busi ness with me. I won Agent of the Year as #1 in Erie, #1 in Boulder County, #1 in Colorado, #1 in the Mountain Re gion of the US, #2 in Weld County, and Top 100 in the Na tion. I was nominated by many people in the industry and was an Honoree of Notable Women in Real Estate by BizWest. I was voted Best Realtor by Readers Choice in Best of the West, and last but not least, my team was awarded International President’s Premier as a Top 4% Realtor Worldwide at Coldwell Baker Realty.
A. The non-profits I’ve helped are Erie Food Bank, Erie Uplink, Up with People, Erie Gives Back- through Erie Elementary School, Aspen Ridge Preparatory School, Soaring Heights K-8, Soaring Heights Robotics Team, EHS Football Team, EHS Golf Team. Past Vice Chair of the Erie Economic Development PartnerCouncil with the Town of Erie, sponsoring community events, including Rad Rover, The Erie Ice Rink, and Boo! On Briggs Street. When not busy working with real estate clients, I’m deeply engaged in community service with my online platform- Experience Erie- where I highlight local businesses and events through Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and my website, www. experience-erie.com. This is my give back to the community, to help small businesses get the word out, and keep the com
A. I bring kindness and understanding of the human experience to my work that comes from my extensive background as a nurse and a life coach. Whether it’s divorce or marriage and having babies, I love to within the family circle and help people find their next home, whether it be a bigger one for more children or a smaller one due to life change. Buying and selling a home is a life experience, and it deserves a special kind of attention, that’s why my tag line is Redefining Your Real Estate Experience. briefowler.com 303.882.8672
Q. Why should someone reach out to you specifically for their real estate needs?
Q. Please share with us some of the great things that happened for you over the last year:
ELIFE magazine
Q. You are known to give back to so many nonprofits and local Erie schools. Can you share with us some of the boards you’ve sat on and non-profits that you’ve helped over all the years in Erie:


briefowler.com 303.882.8672

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Your roof plays a key role in keeping your structure intact. If your home or business are having roof problems, don’t wait any longer to address them. Contact us today. Our business is built on trust and quality. We have years of experience in the trade and can provide you with a viable solution for your roofing issues. • Roof replacement and repairs • Gutters and Downspouts • Ventilation • Storm Damage Repairs • Residential and Commerical Roofing Here. Roofing Here. Roofing Company CHECK out our 5 STAR REVIEWS!

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Simple Tips to Get Your House Ready for Fall ELIFE magazine

It’s fun to change your outdoor décor with the changing of the seasons. But, as a home owner, getting ready for fall entails much more than that if you want to keep your home in great con dition. Here are some things to keep in mind. Getting ready for fall isn’t difficult, but it is essential. Follow these easy steps to give you peace of mind and to prevent unwanted expenditures in the future.
HOME Mary Hill
It’s almost sweater weather. Are you ready?
Because Mary has moved many times throughout the country, she knows first hand that providing outstanding customer service and having great communi cation are essential to pleasing clients and helping them achieve their goals. With Mary’s engineering background and love of numbers she will ascertain your home is priced correctly to realize the maximum return on this, your largest investment. In addition to assisting her clients with buying and selling homes Mary also offers the additional perk of overseeing remodels to assist her clients with maximizing their return on this, their largest investment. Attention to detail and knowledge of the market are cornerstones of how Mary serves affluent clients with their Boulder area real estate needs. maryhillproperties.com

Do you need to add weatherstripping? Heat loss through windows costs twenty-five to thirty percent more heating energy use. This is an easy fix to save on your energy costs. To see if you need to add weatherstipping close a door or window on a piece of paper. If you can easily slide the paper out, you need to add or replace the weatherstipping.
Bring in your outdoor furniture. Since you won’t be using it for the next sev eral months store your outdoor furniture inside. If that isn’t possible cover it with a waterproof cover to keep it in great condition.
Fertilize your lawn. Even when the grass isn’t growing the roots are still active. Applying fertilizer now will prevent winter damage and also help your grass to turn greener quicker in the spring. You will be the envy of your neighbors!
Havewhammy.your furnace serviced. A well-functioning furnace also keeps energy usage down. And, you don’t want to have it breakdown at the height of winter!
Change your furnace filters. Actually, you should do this monthly. Clogged fil ters make it more difficult to keep your home at a steady temperature causing increased heating costs. With the increase in fuel costs this would be a double
Caulk cracks in the driveway. When water freezes and expands in cracks they become larger. Small cracks turn into large cracks and eventually the entire driveway may need to be replaced. You don’t want that.
Fall is a good time to change the batteries on your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide devices. They should be changed yearly, so now is as good a time as any. Is your snow blower working? Or is this the year you plan to invest in one? Either way it is best to have it in working condition before the first blizzard of the Cleanyear.you gutters. Clogged gutters can result in a flooded interior and/or a damaged exterior. An ounce of prevention now………
Drain your outdoor faucets and sprinkler system. A broken pipe or sprinkler hose can result if you neglect to do this. Very important!

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Zenith is a locally owned and operated window cleaning company providing top of the line residential and commercial window cleaning services. We provide all customers with Quality work and Dependable service. Our crew is fully trained and insured and they are the friendliest window cleaners that you will ever meet. Zenith serves Erie and the Front Range. Contact Tom today 720-600-2013 zenithwindowcleaning.com A NEW LEVEL OF CLEAN!

HOME SPACE WORK SPACE MENTAL SPACE decl u tteri ng mi ni mi zi ng a l i ttl el es s co. com 3 03 . 2 49. 00 shift from clutter to clarity Sa r a h St r ong mov i ng downs i zi ng or ga ni zi ng r ef or mi ng h a bi ts

@ l u
O R G A N I Z E Y O U R T R I P W I T H U S 3 0 3 . 8 6 8 . 9 2 5 3 l u c k y y o u t r a v e l . c o m t w i n
k y y o u t r a v e l . c o m Sherri
C r u s i e s & F a m i l y V a c a t i o n s C r u i s e t o u n f o r g e t t a b l e d e s t i n a t i o n s w i t h t h e b e s t c r u i s e l i n e s i n t h e w o r l d . S a v e w i t h t h e b e s t c r u i s e d e a l s a n d p a c k a g e s t h a t o n l y T r a v e l & T o u r s b y T w i n s c a n o f f e r t o t h e C a r i b b e a n , E u r o p e a n d t h e B a h a m a s . E n d l e s s P o s s i b i l i t i e s T r a v e l & T o u r s b y T w i n s f i n d t h e b e s t d e s t i n a t i o n s t o f i t y o u r n e e d s , w h e t h e r i t b e f o r y o u r f a m i l y , m u l t i g e n e r a t i o n a l v a c a t i o n s , o r g r o u p s t o u r s ! A d v e n t u r e T o u r s O u r c o m p a n y c a n o f f e r y o u t h e w o r l d ' s g r e a t e s t a d v e n t u r e . W e o f f e r a w i d e s e l e c t i o n o f s m a l l / l a r g e g r o u p t o u r s , s a f a r i s a n d e x p e d i t i o n s s c

Food & Wine

ELIFE magazine

Gustavo Deleon is the owner of Si Senor restaurant in Erie, Colorado. He has extensive experience in managing many restaurants all over Colorado. He’s originally from Juarez Chihuahua, Mexico and is proud to be able to share his authentic homemade cuisine with the community. With over 22,000 followers on his Facebook page, this shows you how many fans and foodies, in Northern Colorado, he and his restaurant has.

GustavoMeetDeleon ELIFE magazine

QA& GustavoWith Deleon Q. Tell us a bit about yourself, where are you from originally and why did you chose to start up your business, Si Senor, here in Erie, A.Colorado? I was born and raised in Juarez Chihuahua, Mexico. Juarez is a municipality in Chihuahua located in the north. This is where the Burrito and the Margarita were invented! I started in a restaurant in Lafayette, Colorado as a manager of seven locations. Years ago the owners of the strip mall here in Erie offered me to come and open a location here. I found out in the prcoess that most of my customers actually lived in Erie rather than Lafayette! Q. What is your favorite dish and drink that you offer at Si Senor? A. We offer authetic dishes from all over Mexico but Carnitas is my absolute favorite though! Regarding my favorite drink, I love the Watermelon Margarita for the freshness in flavor! Si Senor Real Mexican Food 3120 Village Vista Drive, 720.890.9765sisenorrealmexicanfood.comErie

What are your favorite things about owning a restaurant in Erie?
The people! I love the people that are in Erie and surrounding towns that frequent Si Senor. They appreciate our authentic homemade Mexican cusine. I also enjoy introducing the special food from the region I came from to Colorado in addition to passing the love and care that is put into it. In the Mexican culture, cooking is a symbol of love. It portrays how one feels about their friends and loved ones.
ELIFE magazine
Q. Tell us some things most people don’t know about you?
What are your business goals for the next Our main goal is to continue providing the best customer service to the community that supports us. Another goal is to catch-up on the losses from the two years of Covid-19 that affected many restaurants and small businesses .
A. I am very transparent. Most people know that I am very passionate about my food and making sure my customers are happy. One thing that most don’t know is I enjoy playing raquetball.

Blake’s Taphouse is an upscale Beer Emporium that offers at least 40 different craft beers on tap, wide varieties of imports, local craft beers and a selection of wine. Blake’s Taphouse’s will compliment the dining experience with fresh non fried food options and daily specials.
In addition to the premium craft beer experience, music and sports are an essential part of Blake’s Taphouse model. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are here to provide outstanding service by delivering the best in quality craft beer, wine and a wonderful fresh food menu to provide a memorable dining experience.
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ELIFE magazine INGREDIENTS 1oz bourbon 1 oz lemon juice1 oz maple syrup DIRECTIONS 1. Shake and strain into chilled martini glass Top with float of red wine

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Fiesta, Fiesta, Fiesta, No Siest N! o NSiesta! o Siesta! 3120 Village Vista Dr. ErieBREAKFAST720.890.9765LUNCH DINNER Happy Hour Sun-Thur 2-6 PM 16 oz House fresh delicious authentic sisenorrealmexicanfood.comdeliverynowavailable

Vista Ridge Community Center has an atmosphere and many amenities to make your event everything you ' ve imagined. Our venue overlooks a world class golf course and has one of Colorado's most beautiful mountain views. Not only does our views " wow " all that see it, it truly takes the cake.
For your culinary preparation, use our spacious kitchen, A beautiful deck , lawn and pavilion are perfect for your outdoor needs.
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Health & Beauty


Chemical Peels can improve: Hyperpigmentation: Acne induced (known as post inflammatory hyperpigmentation) sun-related (brown spots or patches) hormonal induced (known as melasma, often brought on by pregnancy) fine Lines and wrinkles texture issues acne grades I-III skin tone skin laxity skin hydration
The Fall is also a great time for skin renewal!
Chemical Peels are usually best done in a series of 3-5 peels (deeper or more chronic issues may require more treatments to achieve the desired results), and then results are maintained with subsequent maintenance peels done anywhere from 4-12 weeks apart and will vary from individual to individual based on lifestyle, homecare, and the condition being treated.
Chemical Peels utilize strong formulations of alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxy acids to resurface and rejuvenate the skin. Today’s formulations are customizable in that you can achieve the results you want with varying degrees of downtime. This means that you can experience a peel with minimal peeling and flaking or if you have the ability, deeper “sheeting” action.
Fall is filled with pumpkin spice latte’s, yard clean-up, and is a wonderful time for rest and renewal from a hectic summer schedule. That is not only true for house and home, and our busy summer schedules, but it is also true for our skin. The Fall is also a great time for skin Summertimerenewal! activities can take a toll on our skin, and as we head into the shorter days and cooler temperatures, it is a perfect time to consider a series of chemical peels to remove damage and renew skin.
Chemical Peels are not just for faces either, Body Peels can be used to help treat: dry, cracked or peeling feet keratosis pilaris improve texture & tone reduce scarring reduce body acne
Janette Elder is a Licensed Esthetician and Licensed Massage Therapist focused on corrective and preventive self-care and has over 21 years in the industry. She is a long-time Erie resident and an outdoor enthusiast - cyclist, mountain biker, hiker and can be seen walking her Great Dane all over Erie. She is a professional member of both Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, and the Associated Skin Care Professionals. joyfulspirit.info

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Hyaluronic acid has water holding properties that are essential for hydration and brining elasticity and firmness back to the skin *Disclaimer: Actual results from a consumer of Liquid Biocell Individual results may vary Lindsay Gorske
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A human bioavailabilty study demonstrated that within 28 intake of Liquid led to a 60 fold increase in wrinkles the inside out

Through Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy Smile & Airway Health D ID YOU KNOW THESE HABITS LEAD TO DEVELOPMENTAL AND FUNCTIONAL DISORDERS AT ALL AGES? • tongue tie • tongue thrust • mouth breathing • thumb/ nger sucking • paci er use • nail biting/object chewing • improper chewing/swallowing • teeth grinding/bruxism • poor airway function • snoring • sleep apnea symptoms • orthodontic concerns OROFACIAL MYOFUNCTIONAL THERAPY promotes proper breathing, function and sleep. OMT corrects myofunctional impairment that leads to improper function of the mouth, tongue, muscles and airway. Kimmie Herrera BSDH, RDH, OMT With over 19 years in dentistry, Kimmie specializes in airway health and proper development and function of the mouth, head and neck. Her dedication has led her to receive multiple awards and honors recognizing her for being an industry leader. Kimmie is an impactful provider in her patients’ overall health journey. smileandairwayhealth.com

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Laser therapy is a non-invasive technique that helps reduce pain and inflammation in both acute and chron ic conditions. Laser therapy allows your body to utilize its own healing powers by inducing a series of healing responses in your body. During treatment you will feel a soothing warmth that identifies the beginning of an 18-24 hour process of modulated cellular activity lead ing to decreased pain and inflammation. Most patients see results within 3 to 5 short treatments. This pain relief treatment is FDA cleared and enables pa tients to have an alternative to drugs and surgery.

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Janette Elder, LMT, LE has been practicing holistic bodywork for over 20 years. Her massage practice focuses on treating chronic and acute pain conditions using a variety of manual modalities, and working with her clients to support their overall being. In 2020 she completed 600 hours of training and licensing requirements to become a Esthetician and added skincare, lashes to her list of self care her As skin care professional, she'll help develop an and effective routine at Elder, LMT
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ELIFE magazine “How To Save Money When Your Teen Is Everything”Eating

As an avid coupon clipper and moneysaving guru, I knew I needed to do a “deep dive” of this situation to figure out how to reduce the spending. Otherwise, his college education fund will dwindle down to nothing because all the money will be spent on feeding his endless appetite. I’m sure there are many other people like me out there. So I’m sharing with you what I learned from my comprehensive money saving research so your money will go towards that college fund instead of your grocery bill.
“Could you please close the refrigerator door?” I asked trying to remain calm.
A research study found that a group of infants who ate one egg per day had a 47 percent lower rate of stunting (being too short) than the control group. Protein is essential for teens to eat since is it is responsible for tissue growth. Most teens need ½ gram of protein per pound of body weight. Eating protein will also help your teen to feel full.
Protein can be found in eggs, Greek yogurt, cheese, milk, fish, chicken, meat, turkey, tofu, broccoli, beans, and nuts. One way to save on these items is to check your weekly local grocery sales flyer and then purchase protein foods on-sale. You can cook meals for the week based on the weekly sales flyer. So if chicken is on-sale you can look up chicken recipes.
When items go on sale, stock up and freeze it. Instead of buying one pound of meat purchase two; use one and freeze the other. This will hold you over until the next sale since most grocery items have a sale cycle. For example, ground beef may go on sale every three weeks. Buy Frozen Fish and Fruit
A Norwegian research firm found that
Save Money On Protein
Another money saving tip is to ask the meat department what day they offer marked down meat. Sometimes the meet can be as much as 50% off the regular price because the expiration date is near.
“There is nothing to eat and I’m starving!” he groaned as he dramatically held his “Thestomach.refrigerator is empty because you ate everything from my grocery shopping trip three days ago.” My son began his growth spurt over the summer. He sprouted up a full three inches, rendering him unrecognizable to our friends and family. At the same time, something else was unrecognizable and growing exponentially—my grocery receipt.
My teenage son stood in front of the opened refrigerator, gazing into the abyss. I envisioned dollar bills floating by his head as the cold air escaped, no doubt causing our electric bill to skyrocket.
Stock Up On Sale Items and Freeze
frozen fish is the same quality as fresh and is often significantly less expensive. Sometimes frozen fish is marked down as much as 50% off the regular price. Similar to fish, fruit is frozen when it is ripe and maintains all of its nutrients. When fresh fruit isn’t in season, it can be pricey but the price of frozen fruit remains the same all year (with the exception of sale prices). The price also does not fluctuate between the types of frozen fruit. For example a 16 oz. bag of raspberries is the same prices as a 16 oz. bag of blueberries. But the price difference between fresh raspberries and blueberries is usually significant.
ELIFE magazine
A Little About The Author Cheryl Maguire holds a Master of Counseling Psychology degree. She is married and is the mother of twins and a daughter. Her writing has been published in The New York Times, Parents Magazine, AARP, Healthline, Your Teen Magazine, and many other publications. She is a professional member of ASJA. You can find her at twitter @CherylMaguire05
Clip Paper and Electronic Coupons
On my most recent excursion to the supermarket, the teen cashier proclaimed, “Wow, you saved over $100. I’ve never seen anyone do that before.”
Who’s Ready To Save Money On Groceries? Saving money is an investment of your time, but it is worth it. Once you figure out how to cut spending even in one area such as on buying protein, you will see your grocery bill start to shrink.
Coupons are no longer only found in the newspaper. You can print coupons online by going to the manufactures website or coupon sites like Coupons.com, RedPlum. com, SmartSource.com or Lozo.com. There are also electronic coupons which you clip online and it is added to your store card. Similar to a paper coupon, when you purchase the item the money is deducted on your receipt. These electronic coupons can be found at grocery store websites or IfSavingStar.com.youdon’tgetthe newspaper coupons, some libraries offer a coupon box containing the newspaper coupons which are available for anyone to take. Use Money Saving Apps There are a variety of cash back grocery store apps. After you purchase select items you can earn money back by submitting your receipt. Some grocery store cash back apps are Ibotta and Checkout51.
When you can impress a teenager, you know you’re doing something right. Now if only I could figure out a way to make my grocery shopping trip last longer than three days.


Does You’reThinkDogYourFun? ELIFE magazine


Jaime Bessko lives in Erie with her husband, 2 boys, 2 dogs and 2 cats. She is the owner of ERIE DOG CO, LLC, specializing in behavior modification for dogs through immersive overnight board and train programs. She has always had a way with animals and made a great impact train ing service dogs at International Hearing Dog in Henderson, Colorado. Jaime’s philosophy on working with dogs is to communicate clearly, be consistent, praise your dog and HAVE FUN!
If you want help enjoying your dog more, reach out at eriedogco.com and follow @ErieDogCo online.
When you want to build engagement with your dog, you’ve got to make sure YOU’RE NOT THE MOST BORING THING in the environment!
There are a lot of fun adventures that I enjoy with my dogs. We like to go on hikes, visit coffee shops, go camping, go paddle boarding, play a game of fetch, tug or frisbee, meet up with friends for walks, take field trips to run errands, have pool parties with dogs, visit local parks and playgrounds, go swimming in lakes and rivers, or just take a stroll in a new area and give my dogs freedom to explore, sniff and mark.
ENERGY HAS TO GO SOMEWHERE so being proactive and focusing on creating healthy outlets for my dogs has always helped them be more enjoyable in the home and have a calm, balanced mindset. Life is about balance. And to reach a balanced state of mind, dogs (and people!) need to have their energy requirements met. Have fun, be silly, explore the Great Outdoors and ENJOY your dogs!!
Dogs bond through exercise and play and I always recommend taking a morning and evening adventure daily with your dog.
If you’re struggling to be RELEVANT to your dog, make sure you’re not outsourcing the majority of their exercise needs to be met by playing with OTHER DOGS instead of interacting WITH YOU. Otherwise, don’t be surprised if every random dog has more influence over your dog’s behavior than you do. When dogs don’t get their energy needs met, they can quickly become anxious or destructive.

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Every year, hundreds of domesticated house rabbits are dumped and abandoned in the Denver Metro area. Having grown up in the care of humans, these bunnies are unable to properly care for and protect themselves and often suffer terrible fates.
RMHRR is in need of volunteers! You can assist with feeding and housing of cuties like Miso and Mochi. The Binky Boutique could also expend its hours with more assistance. Imagine all they could accomplish with your help!
Come visit RMHRR at the Grand Opening on 10/16/2022 . They are located at 984 County Road 7, Unit B.
Rocky Mountain House Rabbit Rescue (RMHRR) , a Colorado-based 501(c)(3) non-profit orga nization, is dedicated to addressing this important issue in our animal-loving community.
RMHRR’s 100% volunteer-driven team rescues, rehabilitates, and finds loving forever homes for hundreds of abandoned house rabbits every year. And, as a chapter of the national House Rabbit Society (HRS), RMHRR is also committed to providing free education for the local com munity on these often misunderstood companion animals. From classes on how to properly care for a bunny, to follow-up support for new adopters, to an on-site feed and treat store, RMHRR is a great resource for local domesticated rabbits and the humans who love them!
Previously in Broomfield, RMHRR relocated to a newly purchased property in Erie’s Ranch Eggs Estates last year. Countless volunteers and local contractors went to work renovating the former egg operation. The majority of the building is now dedicated to the “Bunny Bunga low,” a spacious area where rescued rabbits are tended to during their rehabilitation and have opportunity to meet with potential adopters. The new shelter also includes an on-site medical space, a large exercise pen, a classroom, and the “Binky Boutique,” a one-stop shop for bunny care supplies, featuring unique treats handmade with love by RMHRR volunteers. The “Binky Boutique” is open on Saturdays from 10am until 2pm.
Please visit RMHRR ’s website at RMHRR.org for more information on adoption and other op portunities to support this organization’s important work. You can also read this recent HRS article to learn more about pet rabbits.

Gift Guide

ELIFE magazine

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