When it comes to sell or buy, make sure you hire the right professional, one who can provide valuable service and trusted advice!
As an 18 year Colorado resident, Bernadette is a Colorado real estate expert who has extensive navigating knowledge, offers pre-marketing counsel, staging strategies, high quality comprehensive marketing tools and believes in client focused communication and care.
• Snoring
• Jaw Clicking/Popping
• Jaw (TMJ) Pain
• Grinding/Clenching of Teeth
• Headaches/Migraines
• Difficulty Opening Mouth
• Difficulty Closing Mouth
• Sensitive Teeth
• Restless Sleep
• Night Sweats
• Frequent Nighttime Urination
• Difficulty Concentrating
• Pauses in Breathing During Sleep
• Awakenings w/Shortness of Breath
• Daytime Sleepiness
• Excessive Fatigue
• Dry Mouth/Throat
• Neckaches
• Ear Pain
Success can be achieved by any business if it solves a problem and garner’s viral visibility for their brand.
The more consumers know your brand, the more likely they are to use your busness.
Trisha Ventker is an author, photographic artist, branding expert and social media infuencer and publisher of ELIFE, NoCo, Denver Colorado Luxury magazines. Reader impressions are approaching 12 million for the magazines, with the Denver publication being nationwide.
She is best known for her first book Internet Dates From Hell which had the movie rights to it optioned by Paula Wagner. Trisha is also one of the first Indie book authors to have a book optioned for the big screen.
Trisha is originally from New York City, presently residing in Erie, Colorado for the last 15+ years, with her husband and her teen son.
Mary is known for:
S t r o n g n e g o t i a t i o n s k i l l s
R e s o u r c e s t o m a k e t r a n s a c t i o n s s e a m l e s s
G u i d a n c e w i t h t h e p r o c e s s o f a s s i s t i n g w i t h p e o p l e ’ s s i n g l e l a r g e s t i n v e s t m e n t
P r o v i d e s s t e p b y s t e p p l a n s f o r h o m e b u y e r s a n d h o m e s e l l e r s
K n o w l e d g e o f c o m m o n p i t f a l l s t o a v o i d u n e x p e c t e d i n s p e c t i o n i s s u e s
A c c u r a t e a n a l y s i s o f h o m e v a l u e s
ELIFE Magazine covers Erie Colorado and the surrounding area … Broomfield, Westminster, Northglenn, Thornton, Brighton, Dacono, Frederick, Firestone, Longmont, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Boulder
2 miles
Steve began his career in the roofing industry as a co-owner of a start-up, then in 2020, he rebranded the business and became the sole owner. Red Rock Roofing was born and with a new business model, quickly became a Platinum Contractor.
Steve created a winning structure by understanding what customers want – great service and great products. So, he built a customer service-oriented business, maximizing the skills and professionalism of each of his employees.
Steve has a strong passion for helping people and realizes that communication is key to a successful conversation. His goal is to help people understand the new roof process and provide them with the best quality. Steve understands how important it is to explain the insurance claim process and product details for a customer’s specific roofing needs. He takes pride in knowing that Red Rock Roofing has the customer’s best interest at heart.
Steve’s management style is to mentor and team-build with his employees. Red Rock Roofing’s think tank meetings allow the team to collaborate and work towards a common goal. Red Rock Roofing works to earn the trust of customers and build a relationship with them, so their experience is as seamless as possible.
Steve is proud to say that Red Rock Roofing has earned several recent awards. In 2021, Red Rock Roofing received the 2021 Guildmaster Award for Service Excellence from GuildQuality for demonstrating exceptional customer service within the residential construction industry. Angi’s List also awarded the company with the Angi Super Service Award for achieving and maintaining a superior service rating in 2021. In 2022, Red Rock Roofing received the Platinum Contractor Service Excellence Award and, most recently, the Nextdoor Neighborhood Favorite Award for excellent service in Erie, CO.
Q. Tell us about you and your business. Where did you originally come from and what made you decide to go into the roofing industry?
A. Honestly, I knew nothing about roofing when I was invited into it. I had worked in the tax industry for six year and before that worked in the fitness industry with a degree in exercise science and was probably least likely to be in construction in my family. I was truly getting tired of the 9-5 office job. One day I was praying one day for God to open another door and within seconds my phone rang from a buddy of mine, Jeremy Riehl who had been in the roofing industry for almost 15 years. Jeremy wanted to invite me into a partnership with him. I told him I knew nothing about roofing but knew that I had just enough business experience that I figured I could be somewhat useful. The next day I put in my notice at the firm and told Jeremy I was all in. Little did I know God truly did have a plan to change my life and within one year our company doubled in size and revenue, and within three years we were now a multimillion-dollar company. Four years later after growing the business with my staff and myself we all decided to go off on our own and start Red Rock Roofing in the midst of Covid 2020 and within the first year we were right back where we left off and I couldn’t be more grateful. Never would I have thought even 7 years ago that I would be the proud owner of a company where we support over 35 families and do millions of dollars in roofing work a year.
Q. What is your motto or philosophy?
A. I have several- Our tag line for Red Rock is “Standing for Greatness” and our company motto is “Driven with purpose, loving always in all ways within a culture of selflessness.”
I have built this business on relationships where I just treat people well and with respect. I always look at the bottom guys as the most valuable and always believe in lifting people up and maintaining integrity. Through this we have always had low turnover and our culture has always been optimal.
Q. What do you consider your specialty?
A. Our specialty is truly customer service which I always teach my guys first and from there the byproduct will always be the sale. Outside of just having an amazing staff and group of guys and girls to work with we also specialize in all types of roofing big or small. This goes from standard asphalt shingles to commercial flat roofs, concrete tile, metal and all other types of roofing.
We pride ourselves in taking the time to educate every client of the process and our system so that no expectations go unmet and never want to offer a high-pressure sale.
Q. Why did you select Erie as the place to start your business years ago?
A. We lived in Broomfield when I first started in the roofing industry and due to the immediate success of the business, we quickly decided to buy our first home. I was always drawn to being more North. When I grew up, anything on Hwy 7 just seemed to be so far that nothing existed there and to see what it has turned into now has just been crazy to watch! With that said our oldest daughter was going to school in Frederick and we wanted her to stay in the Erie school system. For the longest time I was running the business out of the house and as soon as I saw the new Glacier Park Business park units go up for sale I quickly jumped on them to buy a unit that faced the Hwy. We have now been here for three years and have a beautiful office space that I love being close to home.
Q. Tell us one thing that no one knows about you:
A. I was raised in foster families which I am still close to today. By the time I was nine I had already lived with four different families. Then when I turned nine my real mom had gotten married and had taken me back. I grew up in a 952 square foot home in Broomfield with my mom, stepdad and two little brothers and one little sister all half siblings. I never felt like I had a lot of stability in my life so now I seek it.
My real dad was a police officer and I had never met him until I was in my early twenties when I tracked him down. After meeting him the first time we then went another 18 years without seeing or talking again. This year I just turned 40 and have since reconnected with my Dad Dante along with a brother an aunt and several cousins who never knew I existed thanks to Ancestry. Today my dad and I now talk several times a week and we are working on our relationship.
Growing up I wrestled from the time I was four up into high school. I was also a phenomenal baseball and soccer player. I loved collecting baseball and basketball cards as a kid and would spend hours on my roof just sorting them. Today I still love to play soccer.
My favorite actor is Leonardo Decaprio and like any Italian, I love pasta!
Q.How do you give back to the community and non-profits?
A. We have a program that we call “Love Your Neighbor” or “No Roof Left Behind.” Every year that I have been in business one of our sales staff will nominate someone to get a free roof which we provide all labor and materials for 0 cost.
I sponsor all Erie schools and sports teams. Erie Middle, EHS, Aspen Ridge. I recently sponsored an event for “Refined” which is a nonprofit helping women being trafficked in the US.
The Garage Doctor is a small, growing business focused on customer satisfaction. Standing by our motto of “FRIENDLY, HONEST, and AFFORDABLE”, we will go the extra mile to ensure our customers receive excellent service and products at a competitive rate. We pride ourselves on educating our customers, providing resolutions and products to best fit their individual circumstances. We approach each project on a case-by-case scenario and put the customer’s best interest ahead of our own to uphold our outstanding customer service record and, in return, earn a customer for life. Thank you so much for choosing THE GARAGE DOCTOR, we value your business.
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• Passionate about Garage Doors
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If given the opportunity to earn your business I will promise you the best customer experience. We want to show you why we are the best, not the biggest, but the best. We care about all of our customers and want to earn a customer for life by educating you on products, service, and replacement equipment. We want what is best for you, our customer. Thank you for your time and we look forward to helping you with all of your garage door questions or concerns, big or small.
C o m p a s s i o n , K n o w l e d g e & E x p e r i e n c e
Y o u C a n R e l y O n
T h e W a r k e n t i n e L a w O f f i c e c o m b i n e s a w e a l t h o f l e g a l e x p e r i e n c e w i t h a n u p - t o - d a t e k n o w l e d g e o f c o m p l e x f a m i l y l a w i s s u e s . H a v i n g l i t i g a t e d c a s e s i n a l l t h e s u r r o u n d i n g d i s t r i c t c o u r t s , B r e n t W a r k e n t i n e i s f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e n u a n c e s o f e a c h c o u r t a n d t h e v a r y i n g a p p r o a c h e s o f o p p o s i n g l a w y e r s H e h a s e s t a b l i s h e d a n e x t e n s i v e n e t w o r k o f p r o f e s s i o n a l r e l a t i o n s h i p s w i t h e x p e r t s , s u c h a s r e a l e s t a t e , b u s i n e s s a n d r e t i r e m e n t / p e n s i o n v a l u a t o r s , c u s t o d y e v a l u a t o r s a n d m o r e , i n o r d e r t o b e t t e r s e r v e h i s c l i e n t s a n d f i n d t h e b e s t s o l u t i o n f o r t h e i r s i t u a t i o n .
F a m i l y L a w
D i v o r c e a n d L e g a l S e p a r a t i o n
M e d i a t i o n
D i v i s i o n o f P r o p e r t y a n d D e b t
C h i l d C u s t o d y a n d P a r e n t i n g t i m e
P r e n u p t i a l a n d P o s t n u p t i a l A g r e e m e n t s
W i l l s a n d E s t a t e P l a n n i n g
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Are you tired of the same-old, same-old, décor for the holidays?
What if you switch it up and go with a Mid-Century Modern approach?
You can add fun, drama, and nostalgia all at once to your space.
Don’t know how to do this?
Use an aluminum Christmas tree. Aluminum trees were popular back in the fifties and sixties. You can recreate this vintage feel for yourself. Rather than using balls you can use paper geometric shapes to adorn the tree. A more modern approach to your tree would be to use a tree made of circular rings that has lights embedded in it. You can buy this at . The owner of this company, Matt Bliss, lives in Denver.
The fireplace mantel is another focal point in holiday decorating. Decorate with ceramic trees and beads. Ceramic trees are making a comeback. If you can’t find one to your liking, you can buy one at Crate and Barrel (see image), the local Hobby Lobby or Michaels and finish it yourself. You could also use retro figurines and hang white stockings on strings of beads.
Make your own space age reindeer. Buy a reindeer and cover it with aluminum foil, add a bubble helmet, and you’re set! Or buy one at (see image).
Wreaths are also a must-have for Christmas decorating. Create your own retro/modern wreath by wrapping an unadorned one with tinsel or aluminum foil. Hang the wreath on your front door with a red ribbon.
Create your own Sputnik-style Christmas ornaments. This was the space age! Get Styrofoam balls, stick cut-off straws into them, and place small beads on the end of the straws. Paint in your desired colors. Pink was very popular in the mid-century. Embrace it! Adorn your aluminum tree in pink ornaments and tinsel. Or buy at (see image). Very retro and modern!
Designed to provide incredible privacy and the ultimate in comfort, Zama Oasis in Aldea Zama, Tulum has an exclusive feel and personalized service, with extraordinary attention to detail that creates a relaxed yet upscale ambiance Our tropically-inspired property give our guests the feeling of being in a “home away from home," by offering a luxurious stay in a high design concept
Our 2 bedroom/ 3 bathroom with private infinity pool penthouse suite is thoughtfully designed and locally inspired, so you can Instagram to your heart’s content!
At Zama Oasis, we believe that with high-end finishes and best accessories can make the difference between a nice stay and a fantastic getaway you can’t wait to have again Book Today!
2 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
modern kitchen
family room
wraparound deck
private penthouse infinity pool
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washer & dryer
on-site parking I Reservations: 303.650.2600
Southpaw Electric is an electrical contracting company specializing in commercial, residential and industrial contracting. With our highly-qualified and certified electricians we’ll make sure your job is both done right and within your budget. We also offer specialized electrical work such as automated systems, audio-visual, communications and computer networking. Everything your business or home requires to up and running efficiently.
Our dedication to our customers and customer service is top-notch. We’ll work with you to make sure all your needs are met and make recommendations to save you time and money. State licensed in Colorado, owned and operated by a Master Electrician for more than 15 years. We are the premier electrical contracting company in Boulder County.
Lutron Pro Gold Residential Certified
Vista Ridge Community Center has an atmosphere and many amenities to make your event everything you ' ve imagined. Our venue overlooks a world class golf course and has one of Colorado's most beautiful mountain views. Not only does our views " wow " all that see it, it truly takes the cake.
Ensure your gathering has the character and space it deserves. Our space possesses rich wood trimming and elegant stonework that will impress, while putting your guests at ease. For your culinary preparation, use our spacious kitchen, A beautiful deck , lawn and pavilion are perfect for your outdoor needs.
Blake’s Taphouse is an upscale Beer Emporium that offers at least 40 different craft beers on tap, wide varieties of imports, local craft beers and a selection of wine. Blake’s Taphouse’s will compliment the dining experience with fresh non fried food options and daily specials.
In addition to the premium craft beer experience, music and sports are an essential part of Blake’s Taphouse model. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are here to provide outstanding service by delivering the best in quality craft beer, wine and a wonderful fresh food menu to provide a memorable dining experience.
2 oz Rye Whiskey
.5 oz Amaro
.25 oz lemon juice
.5 oz House Ginger Syrup
Orange Twist & Candied Ginger
Serve in large rock glass with one rock
At Sweets, it’s all in the name. From celebrations and happy memories, a birthday cone to a game winning scoop: every bite inspires our inner youth. Your next stop will satisfy every sweet tooth. Serving Little Man Ice Cream!
I thrive on connecting with people one on one. My professions (Esthetician & Massage Therapy) allow me all the one-on-one time I can get, and I enjoy being a receptacle for client’s troubles and worries. In my office, what happens in the office stays in the office. You can confess, vent, question, speculate, and dream. Whatever you need on any given day, it is a safe place and a safe space to let go of everything that no longer serves you, that includes your mustache. You say you don’t have one? My magnifying glasses say otherwise, and your mother had one too.
The truth is, as we get older most women grow dark hairs on the upper lip and chin. Your mother did, her mother did, and all their sisters, mothers, aunts, and cousins did as well. I do not know where in history we decided we had to hide the fact and hide it so much that we failed to warn our fellow women about it. I’m guessing it had to do, like so many other bodily functions we don’t discuss, with hiding what women’s bodies naturally do from men so they wouldn’t be offended or horrified. I say BOO!
When clients come in for a facial treatment, and after a thorough cleansing of the skin, I take a close look with my magnifiers to get up close and personal and see what is going on with the skin. What I also see are erroneous dark upper lip and chin hairs, sometimes they are even on the cheeks and nose. They’re nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed by, but unless you want to embrace them, there is no shame in getting them removed. Not sure you have them? Take a close look in natural light at the outer corners of your lips, most likely you have got a few friends darker in color and coarser than the rest of your facial hair. A lip and a chin wax are a 10-minute treatment that can soften your look and make you feel more confident.
Tell your sisters, girlfriends and daughters and head on over to the salon today!
JANETTE ELDER, LMT LE Janette Elder is a Licensed Esthetician and Licensed Massage Therapist focused on corrective and preventive self-care and has over 21 years in the industry. She is a long-time Erie resident and an outdoor enthusiast - cyclist, mountain biker, hiker and can be seen walking her Great Dane all over Erie. She is a professional member of both Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals, and the Associated Skin Care Professionals. joyfulspirit.infoThe Holiday season is the best time to get rid of that mustache!
For younger looking skin, it's necessary to replace or rebuild the underlying structure
The deep layer of the skin is called the dermis
Unfortunately creams and lotions can't reach the dermis Reseachers looked for an alternative that works from the inside-out and found it in Liquid BioCell
A human bioavailabilty study demonstrated that within 28 days, daily intake of Liquid BioCell led to a 60-fold increase of hyaluronic acid in the body, decreasing wrinkles from the inside-out
Hyaluronic acid has water-holding properties that are essential for hydration and brining elasticity and firmness back to the skin
• tongue tie
• tongue thrust
• mouth breathing
• thumb/ nger sucking
• paci er use
• nail biting/object chewing
• improper chewing/swallowing
• teeth grinding/bruxism
• poor airway function
• snoring
• sleep apnea symptoms
• orthodontic concerns
OROFACIAL MYOFUNCTIONAL THERAPY promotes proper breathing, function and sleep. OMT corrects myofunctional impairment that leads to improper function of the mouth, tongue, muscles and airway.
With over 19 years in dentistry, Kimmie specializes in airway health and proper development and function of the mouth, head and neck. Her dedication has led her to receive multiple awards and honors recognizing her for being an industry leader. Kimmie is an impactful provider in her patients’ overall health journey.
and join our directory of preferred local businesses at
Denver Magazine is the premiere luxury magazine of the Centennial State celebrating travel, events, fashion and culture … A publication focused on highlighting the luxurious amenities and lifestyles that make the capital city of Colorado such a magnificent place to live, love and play! Visit to feature your business.
WE COMPREHENSIVELY DIAGNOSE AS A TEAM. Proper diagnosis leads to proper treatment. With five experienced specialists on the team, we’re able to see every angle for the most comprehensive and best diagnosis.
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WE COLLABORATE TO CREATE LONG-LASTING BEAUTIFUL RESULTS AS A TEAM Patients and doctors all want the same thing – amazing results. Our specialized master team fully collaborates together to create transformational smile solutions.
Take back control of your health. For less than the cost of a monthly cell phone bill, you have unprecedented, direct access to your doctor, on your schedule, and tailored to your needs. Medications, labs, bloodwork, and imaging at wholesale cost. No insurance middlemen. No hidden fees. No copays. No red tape. Completely transparent. Hassle-Free.
Enjoy extended, relaxed visits on your time whether that is in-person, via telemedicine, or text/email. With unrestricted access 24/7, we have time to truly focus on your health No nonsense Seriously
By paying your doctor directly, it’s just you and your doctor at your convenience. Nothing in between. Have a question? Just call or text your doctor directly No more waiting days for a response from someone who doesn’t really know you
Be seen when you need to be seen without waiting. Bloodwork, imaging, medications, procedures, etc. are 80-90% less expensive than you ’ re used to No kidding
Janette Elder, LMT, LE has been practicing holistic bodywork for over 20 years. Her massage practice focuses on treating chronic and acute pain conditions using a variety of manual modalities, and working with her clients to support their overall health and wellbeing. In 2020 she completed 600 hours of training and licensing requirements to become a Licensed Esthetician and added skincare, lashes and waxing to her list of self care offerings for her clients. As your skin care professional, she'll help you develop an easy and effective skincare routine you can follow at home and offer in-office procedures to boost results and give you the naturally beautiful skin you deserve.
1Recharge your Batteries:
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Well, perhaps they are not so happy…
When the holiday season is on the horizon, many of us find ourselves more and more stressed out than joyful. Often people express feeling overwhelmed and maybe even completely sad or depressed. The holiday season carries with it a great deal of joy, parties, enjoyable moments with family and friends- but for many people, it also brings a great deal of added emotional turmoil.
There’s all the shopping, cooking, decorating, holiday parties, dealing with the pressure of budgeting for all of this! Then we need to think about the gifts we buy and how much to spend on every person, and if this gift looks as expensive as the other gift for the other cousin! Don’t forget to worry about the weight gain from all the delicious food!!! (It seems the list never ends!)
There’s also a lot of family stress, ranging from having to spend time with family members or in-laws that aren’t always easy to get along with….. or dealing with the loneliness of not having family to spend the holidays with…. or waning to travel to spend time with family and friends and not being able to afford the trip. It is important that we take this topic seriously, and that we find ways to ease the pressure and increase the pleasure.
Making time for caring for yourself is often be the most important thing you do when you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed out unable to focus. Research shows that we’re much more productive and efficient when we take time to talk with friends, spend time in nature, get some exercise, meditate or get a massage. Remember: you’ll actually get more done if you take a little time out once in a while for one of these activities. Try to take some time for yourself and do whatever helps you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
As the holidays approach, the days also get shorter and colder. Sometimes it’s hard to get outside when the sun is up if you work during the daylight hours and sometimes it’s just plain cold outside. However, a lack of natural sunlight in the winter months can lead to fatigue, low mood, weakened immune system and even Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Is a real disorder defined as the experience of feeling more sad and depressed in winter months of from any last of sun exposure. Yes, believe it or not this can even be true in sunny blue skies of Colorado!
3 Breathe:
Intentionally focusing on changing the rate and speed at which we do the most involuntary of actions can be profound! The way we breathe has a huge effect on our feelings of stress and to our whole system.
Put on your “to do” list lots of time for connecting with people who lift your spirits and make you feel good! Be open and honest with these few treasured people about the struggles. It will deepen these relationships and may lead them to express to you their true hearts. Friends are the family that we get to chose, care for them deeply and reward yourself by being around those friends that truly feel your soul. Make a list- for the shopping for the cooking and cleaning and most importantly for the fun. Create balance by doing some of the most difficult cleaning or shopping on a day that you have something extra fun to do that evening. Not only will you feel accomplished, but the fun will feel all the more fun. Balance in this season of business is worth prioritizing.
Really, are you so sure that your Mother-inLaw will care about the dust under your 5 year olds bed? Can she really see it? Really, your best friend will never speak to you again if you buy the side dish as apposed to picking us something from King Soopers on the way to the part? Really?? Give yourself a reality check and stay connected to thinking logically and leaving the overly emotional self talk in the snow bank!
It’s very easy to feel that the holiday are great for everyone because you are woking triple time to make it that way! This is your holiday time too. Be kind, forgiving and loving of yourself. There is no such thing as the “perfect holiday” and you are not in charge of creating it! Pour a glass of something festive and do your best to bring cheer- from a place of health and happiness- this will make for a much better holiday season if you do.
Lisa has spent the past 14 years as a Stephen Minister helping people in Boulder County to heal from a wide range of concerns. Grief and end of life issues, as well as parenting and the eternal questions of our existence, have been a part of her practice.
The last three years have been even more challenging as I have added Graduate School to my plate. My Graduate training program included a year of working with couples on the campus of Denver Seminary and a year working at Mental Health Partners in Longmont and Boulder helping families with children and adolescents that needed guidance and extra care.
At CCAPM Veterinary Care Center, we care about your pets almost as much as you do. That’s why we offer a FULL RANGE of services for both cats and dogs. It’s not always easy to tell when your pet isn’t feeling himself, and unlike humans, pets don’t always complain when they’re sick. With our extensive experience helping pets prevent and alleviate their pain, we are trained to detect pain earlier. We provide compassionate, individualized health care with emphasis on the wellness of your pet’s entire body in mind.
So far, 2022 has not been a good year for investors. In fact, we’re moving into bear market territory. What should you know about bear markets? And how should you respond?
To begin with, a bear market occurs when a stock market index, such as the S&P 500, falls at least 20% from its most recent high point. You might think this type of drop is rare, but that’s not actually the case. Historically, bear markets have occurred every few years and are a normal feature of the investment landscape. We experienced a bear market fairly recently, from midFebruary 2020 through late March of that same year.
What causes bear markets? Each one is different, but the current one is largely the result of several factors, including high inflation, rising interest rates, the war in Ukraine and global supply chain problems.
When will the financial markets again start moving in a positive direction? No one can say for sure, but in any case, it’s not really a good idea to make investment decisions based on what may happen next in the financial markets. Instead, consider these moves:
• Be patient. It can be challenging to look at your investment statements during these days. But you’ll help yourself by taking a long-term view. Consider this: From March 2009 until the end of 2021, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained more than 460%. So, if you’ve been investing for a while, compare where you are now to where you were 10 or 12 years ago. You’ve probably made pretty good progress over this time – and 10 years from now, the current downturn may not look like such a big event, either.
• Review your risk tolerance. If you’re having a hard time coping with investment losses – even if they’re just “paper losses” for now – you may want to review your tolerance for risk and see if it’s still the same as it was when you began investing. Even without a bear market, people’s risk tolerance can change, especially as they approach retirement.
• Review your goals. A bear market is not meaningless, but by itself, it shouldn’t cause you to change your long-term goals. And if your goals haven’t changed, neither should your investment strategy.
Danielle Patnode CEPA®, CRPC™• Look for buying opportunities. During a down market, you can find quality investments at attractive prices. So, you could take this opportunity to fill gaps in your portfolio or add shares of investments that you already own and that you believe have good prospects for growth.
• Get some help. When trying to navigate a lengthy market downturn, it can be useful to get some support and guidance. Consider this: Among investors who work with a financial advisor, 84% said that doing so gave them a greater sense of comfort about their finances during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a survey conducted in 2020 by Age Wave and Edward Jones. And getting professional help may provide the same type of reassurance during the current market turmoil.
A bear market is never enjoyable. But taking the long view and making moves appropriate for your needs can help you get through this period and look ahead to better days.
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Danielle Patnode at 149 S. Briggs St. Suite 104, Erie, Colorado 303.828.3940
Edward Jones. Member SIPC.
As an Edward Jones financial advisor, Danille Patnode provides services and strives to make a difference in the lives of our community. She cares about empowering her clients, helping them to be comfortable with investing and helping as they make life-changing decisions. She partners with clients throughout their lives to help achieve financial goals through personalized strategies. She invites you to experience the Edward Jones difference; face-to-face meetings, one-on-one relationships and lifelong partnerships. Danielle Patnode: 149 S. Briggs St Suite 104 Erie, CO 303.828.3940
Also, review your goals –if they haven’t changed, neither should your investment strategy
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