Golden Glimpses • Summer 2024

Page 4

Making a House a Heart Home

Eight National Tri Sigma Conventions and countless Walton House Board meetings provided Inez Fridley the opportunity to meet Sigmas from all over the country. To those who knew her, it may have seemed she was born a Sigma—but it wasn’t until after she worked on renovations to the Gamma Beta Chapter's property at East Carolina University as part of her professional role in ECU's Housing Administration that her Sigma journey began.

Inez received a BFA from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1962 and a Master's Degree from East Carolina University in Counseling and Student Affairs in 1966. After becoming an Alumnae Initiate of Gamma Beta, she served on the C.A.B. for 22 years.

Her career in university housing was spent working with architects, contractors and designers, and made her a perfect fit for her service on the Walton House Board and 18 years as board chair.

Overwhelmed by the beauty of Walton House, Inez took great care to ensure repairs and renovations were meticulously made. While she was, of course, saddened to learn of the decision to sell Walton House, she understood the enormous amount of additional care the house needed to remain in pristine condition was no longer feasible.

"We love Walton House, but we love Tri Sigma more," she said in a statement for the board following the 2023 Walton House announcement.

“Inez was a modern Renaissance woman," said Past National President Laura Sweet." She delighted in all forms of art, a glorious flower garden, antique jewelry, daily swims, her book and investment clubs."

She was deeply interested in history and an avid supporter of the Sierra Club and ECU women's basketball. She was also active in her community,

having served on both the town council and as Mayor Pro Tem for Greenville North Carolina.

Inez was recognized by Tri Sigma with several special awards over the years, including the Founders Award and Outstanding National Officer Service Award.

Inez lived in the family home purchased by her father in 1947. She was passionate tending to the camellias in her garden and delighted in sharing the residence with her two sisters and their families.

Note from Mandy: As I was finalizing content for this issue of “Golden Glimpses,” I received word from Past National President Natalie Averette that Inez had passed away suddenly on Monday, March 11. While we typically don't cover the passing of Golden Violets into Omega Chapter, a story about Inez Fridley was already in the works. Additional information and sentiments have since been added to the original story.

Inez (center) with dear friends, Past National President Laura Sweet (left) and Past National President Natalie Moore Averette, following her Golden Violet presentation in October 2023.

Dear Sisters,

I hope this year has been full of budding violets and renewed connections with sisters, as has mine.

I recently had the joy of celebrating Long Beach Alumnae Chapter's 75th Anniversary at a Founders Day event co-hosted with the Greater Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter. I had a wonderful time seeing old friends and making new ones—one of my favorite things as National President.

It is this type of connection I want future Tri Sigmas to look forward to and cherish for years to come.

Can you believe planning for our 2025 Convention in St. Louis is already well underway? NHQ staff is working behind the scenes as has been the Elections Process Review Team, led by Past National President Kaye Schutte Schendel. See page 5 for the important changes the ERP Team recommended.

I hope to have the opportunity to meet more of you there as we celebrate a triennium of progress. It is such a special experience to meet a Golden Violet and get to thank her personally for her enduring loyalty to our sisterhood!

In our bonds—and with Sigma pride, Joyce Newcom O'Daniel Alpha Chi–Murray State University Phoenix Alumnae Chapter

Dear Golden Violets,

Working each year on “Golden Glimpses” gives me a chance to revisit all the information submitted on the Golden Violets nomination forms. I find it so interesting! Each of these steadfast Sigma sisters, who have been part of our now 126 year-old sorority for at least 50 years, have such a variety of life experiences. Some have served on a national level, others with collegiate or alumnae chapters. Some are fortunate to have frequent contact with other Sigma sisters, while many remain close via email, text, Facebook or the occasional Zoom call.

I get a “glimpse” of how much it means to so many Sigmas to have experienced our wonderful sorority. It makes it even more difficult to decide whose profile to feature! For this issue, I decided to include some quotes from several sisters.

This issue also contains content from the first issue of The Scoop, a brand new newsletter annual dues payers and Ever Forward Members (those who have paid Lifetime Dues, previously known as Lifetime Members). I hope you will enjoy this new format and the information it brings you.

I'd also like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to all the Golden Violet nominees and the sisters who took the time and effort to submit a “glimpse” into how our sisterhood has impacted their lives. Always remember: we never say we were a Tri Sigma—We ARE Tri Sigmas!

In our bonds,

P.S. Keep those Golden Violet nominations coming! If you know a steadfast member who has demonstrated 50 or more years of loyalty to the sorority through active participation in alumnae life and/or volunteer service, and has paid lifetime dues or annual dues for 20+ years, I encourage you to nominate her! To verify eligibility or learn more about the process, contact Meagan Earls, Director of Lifetime Engagement, at

Spotlights Golden

* Shining a spotlight on a few of Sigma's beloved Golden Violets *

Suzan Rome Bosarge

Though she was admittedly intrigued by how active fraternities and sororities were on the campus of Southeastern Louisiana University, Suzan waited until her junior year to pledge at the Gamma Mu Chapter. She made up for lost time over the next two years by serving as Chapter President, Panhellenic President, and Greek Week Chair! She was even honored as Outstanding Female Greek her senior year.

After graduation, Suzan stayed involved with her collegiate chapter, eventually becoming SLU's Outstanding Chapter Advisor in 1999. She eventually became a national volunteer, serving as National Collegiate Chairman, Membership Development Coordinator and Alumnae Chapter Coordinator. As National Awards Coordinator, she worked with others to reimagine the awards process, from the applications to the physical awards and presentation. Those efforts came full circle as she was recognized at the 2013 Convention at Disney World, an experience she calls magical!

Suzan is active in the New Orleans Alumnae Chapter, where she previously served as President. She received her Golden Violet at the chapter's Founders Day celebration this year. She is enjoying her retirement from banking and accounting, and spends her time crocheting hats for premature babies, cancer patients, and others in need. She has been married to her husband Brian for 46 years, and they currently share their home with two big dogs and two cats.

Cheryl Kinion

As a freshman at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, Cheryl decided she needed to make some friends. Not only did she find lifelong friends at the Alpha Iota Chapter, but she served as Recording Secretary and then Chapter President—twice!

Cheryl served as Alpha Iota’s Chapter Advisor for several years and was infamous for her motivating and moving speeches. She also lent

“ “

What has come out of my four collegiate years as a Sigma is a true friendship with my ‘bestie’ of nearly 60 years. We are both grandmothers now, but when we talk it’s as if no time has passed. I have learned that Tri Sigma is timeless and it’s never too late to be involved.”

Linda Sundberg Clemons Nu–University of Central Missouri and SW Florida Alumnae Chapter

When I moved to Toledo after I graduated, I didn’t know anyone. I connected with the alumnae chapter and made friends with a sister who had moved there the same month I did. She fixed me up on a blind date with someone her husband was friends with. The blind date and I have been married for 41 years.”

Anna Christine Pritchard Cotey Kappa–Miami University and Greater Cleveland Alumnae Chapter

The greatest lesson [I've learned from my Tri Sigma experience] is that you have to be willing to accept and respect everyone, even though there will be differences. There’s a call to be open-minded."

Pamela Short Richardson Gamma Chi–Tennessee Tech Nashville Alumnae Chapter

her amazing musical talents to Sigma as National Music Chairman and a soloist at six triennial conventions.

Professionally, Cheryl was an Assistant Professor of Music at NSU from 1981 to 2001, then Music Education Specialist at the Shlenker School in Houston until her retirement in 2022. She has even performed at Carnegie Hall alongside a group of Houston-based choirs. In 2000, she was awarded NSU's prestigious Circle of Excellence Award.

Cheryl married jazz musician Jonathan Christie in 2001, and they live in Houston. She enjoys traveling, journaling, music, and reuniting with sisters in Tulsa she went to school with or who were collegians during her time as an advisor.

Deborah Jeter Riggan

Not every young woman who joins a Tri Sigma chapter during their collegiate years has the opportunity to seemlessly continue to serve in a national capacity—but Deborah Jeter Riggan, Alpha Upsilon, did! She attended her first convention in 1974 as a collegiate delegate and Chapter President.

Following her graduation from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, Deborah worked as a Collegiate Field Secretary for NHQ, now known as Chapter Consultant, for the 1975 –76 academic year.

While she professionally worked in sales for the next 6 years, she continued her Sigma service as a Collegiate Chairman, Area Director, and Awards Chairman. As her career shifted to teaching, she served as the Collegiate Financial Advisor for the Delta Chi Chapter until becoming the National Field Representative Director in 1987.

When our Centennial Convention was in its early planning stages, Deborah accepted the role of Vice-Chairman. Can you imagine how difficult it must have been to organize a special event of that size before the days of email and free long distance calling? She has attended seven total conventions and credits them for many friendships that have enriched her life.

She was President of the Richmond Alumnae Chapter from 1998–2002. She continued to volunteer for the Walton House Board through 2022. Deborah has lived in the Richmond area for 45 years. Her interests include genealogy research, gardening and hiking. As a new Golden Violet her steadfast service to Tri Sigma will happily continue.

We are proud to recognize our newest Golden Violets for their faithful membership and dedication to Sigma Sigma Sigma

Iota–Univ. of Northern Colorado

Lynn Hadley Harrington

Nu–University of Central Missouri

Vicki Wellman Bird

Psi–Marshall University

Beverly Gwilliams Ours

Iris Hudson Smith

Omicron–Eastern Michigan Univ.

Linda Clayton

Karen Leo

Alpha Zeta–Northwestern State University

Lydia Petrus Kennedy

Beta Rho–Western Michigan Univ.

Judith Haan Rodgers

Gamma Tau–West Virginia University Tech

Barbara Harrah Conley

Gamma Phi–University of Wisconsin-River Falls

Carolyn Rezny Benson

Gamma Chi–Tennessee Tech

Martha Bailey Ponder

Delta Gamma–University of Minnesota, Morris

Margaret Williams Keating

Delta Delta–University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Linda Yandell Dove


As referenced in the most recent Path Forward email, the Elections Process Review Team has submitted its report and recommendations to Executive Council for updated processes surrounding Tri Sigma’s 2025 triennial Executive Council elections.

The EPR Team held its first meeting in April 2023 and spent a year reviewing all previous recommendations and documents, reviewing bylaws and the collegiate elections process, studying best practices, interviewing other NPC organization representatives, soliciting member feedback, and pouring through feedback from the 2022 Convention.

The goal of the EPR Team's work was to explore and recommend an option for a more streamlined and efficient elections process that allows for more delegates to participate, remove the financial barrier to voting by limiting it to delegates who can afford to attend Convention, better align with Tri Sigma’s board governance model, and allow for a greater transition period of leadership for the incoming Executive Council.

"The underpinning our work is the staunch belief that one of the most important responsibilities of membership is electing our future leadership," said ERP Team Chair Kaye Schutte Schendel.

As part of the team's recommendation and report, they created a timeline for the elections process, an application and recommendation form for EC service, an Elections Handbook, and a Nominating Committee manual with interview questions and rubrics for scoring applicants.

The recommended plan uses Rank Choice Voting, a nonpartisan voting model in which voters rank candidates by preference. It allows for more representation and promotes greater diversity, equity and inclusion. RCV ensures majority cohesion in elections, allows for multiple qualified candidates on the ballot, and takes place prior to Convention to ensure a seamless transition of power.

Kaye served alongside Co-Chair Tara Benson, Liz Wakeman Hoffert, Susie Fink Kuhn, Cara Luyster, Jill Carlson Schmidt, and Laura Ward Sweet. National President Joyce O’Daniel and Executive Director Jenna Martin Pendry served as non-voting liaisons.

Following EC's approval of the team's recommendation and bylaw changes, plans began to implement this process for the 2025 election. The amended bylaws will be on the business agenda to be ratified at Convention in St. Louis next summer.

"After 12 months of research and reviewing so many options—we truly believe this to be the fairest and most just elections process for our organization," said Kaye.


In March, four NHQ staff members traveled to Alabama and partnered with the Theta Iota Chapter at Auburn University to pilot a revamped Week of Kindness. The week involved community outreach, surprising students on campus with various treats, and increased social media engagement. Students particularly appreciated the Chick-Fil-A sandwiches and loved having Kona Ice with Auburn’s beloved mascot, Aubie the Tiger.

In addition to the outpouring of gratitude and positivity from students and staff, the chapter saw a sizable jump in social media followers during the week. This effort was part of a larger plan to encourage all collegiate chapters to host their own Week of Kindness. More information will be shared during Convention 2025.

Tri Sigma's 2025 National Convention will be held June 26–28, 2025, at the Union Station Hotel in St. Louis

Members interested in attending should budget $1,200-$1,500 per person for travel, hotel, and registration costs. More information will be available in the upcoming this year.


“Set Sail into Service” participants completed the first 8-month cohortstyle educational series designed to prepare alumnae for service on any nonprofit board. This professional development series was offered to those seeking to learn core governance and nonprofit board principles and position themselves as a competitive candidate for a leadership role in their community. Attendees also learned about the governance of Tri Sigma. Due to overwhelming member interest, a second cohort was added for current Executive Council and the Foundation Board of Directors to make room for more participants.

The program was led by Angela Costley Harris, an expert in the areas of nonprofit executive leadership and board coaching and board governance training. Her focus on women’s leadership, governance, and relationship dynamics in mission-based organizations provided valuable insight on building peer relationships within Tri Sigma.

NHQ will open applications for the next cohort in fall of 2025.



Fifteen Sigmas recently toured Greece together as part of Tri Sigma's inaugural trip with EF Go Tours. This new series of fun and educational tours around the globe allows members to explore new destinations with Tri Sigmas by their side. Next stop? Italy in June of 2025. Learn more at 0


The Annual Membership Meeting of the National Panhellenic Conference was held in Carmel, Indiana, in March. NPC CEO Dani Weatherford and NPC President Kelly Beck delivered the State of the Conference Report which outlined work that has been done to support their strategic framework objectives. Efforts were focused on growing yearover-year membership numbers across the conference, member retention, increased extension opportunities, eliminating obstacles for membership, and championing the sorority experience.

Part of this ongoing effort includes the continuation of campus-based digital marketing campaigns designed to increase primary recruitment numbers. In its third year, these efforts have contributed to an 11% increase across the 173 participating campuses.

This fall, NPC will provide coaching and grants to 130 campuses—21 of which are home to a Tri Sigma chapter. Day-to-day marketing campaign management will also move in-house as NPC has hired a new Director of Digital Marketing. Other campaign expansion includes better data tracking and toolkits for campuses not currently engaged in campaigns, adjusted messaging, targeted education on the benefits of sorority life to high school

counselors, and campus-specific virtual tours through 0

NPC also introduced efforts to combine recruitment technologies into a national recruitment registration system. This would not help reduce PNM application fees, but also provide NPC with deeper data insights and opportunities for continued marketing through member initiation.

Another piece of the work includes a $25,000 donation by the NPC and NPC Foundation to the Foundation for Fraternal Excellence’s Amplifying Sorority research campaign. Tri Sigma and the Tri Sigma Foundation, along with nearly all of our NPC peers, have also made contributions to fund this important series of research projects which span through 2026.

Research collected during phase one of the campaign was recently presented to participating donor organizations. NHQ staff will use this research throughout the summer to identify opportunities to implement this data across each functional area to increase member retention and collegiate member growth.

The NPC Council of Delegates voted on policy legislation, approved an updated Council of Delegates manual, and elected a nominating committee to oversee the 2025-27 NPC Board of Directors election.


It is full steam ahead for the reestablishment of the Zeta Chi Chapter at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, South Carolina.

Preparations to participate in the first round of primary recruitment are well underway.


Director of Growth Initiatives Kailea Marshall oversees this effort and the management of two new Extension Coordinators, Zoe Johnson, Alpha Zeta–Northwestern State University, and Kailey Klimkowski, Alpha Beta–Kent State University, who will live in Conway and work with the chapter this academic year. The Growth Initiatives Team and Chapter Services Team are part of a newly revamped department led by Sr. Director of Collegiate Experience Ellen Elmore.

The Zeta Chi Chapter was originally founded at CCU in 1997 and closed in 2021 due to low morale and membership numbers. With enrollment and sorority registration numbers improving since the closure, campus leadership feels it is the ideal time to successfully reestablish.

“We are thrilled to bring Tri Sigma back to Coastal Carolina. Our return to Teal Nation will be focused on providing an outstanding member experience, a commitment to serving others, and abundant individual opportunities for lifelong personal and leadership growth,” said National President Joyce O’Daniel.

Coastal Carolina University is a public liberal arts institution with an enrollment of more than 10,000. Its six other National Panhellenic Conference sororities include Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega, Gamma Phi Beta, Sigma Kappa, and Phi Sigma Sigma.

Reestablishment questions may be sent to Kailea at Alumnae interested in assisting with the reestablishment or serving on Zeta Chi’s Chapter Advisory Board are encouraged to apply at 0

HILL it's official!


Moving trucks have pulled into Chapel Hill, marking the next chapter in our national history. While we are still excited to move into the former Delta Delta Chapter property at 307 E. Franklin Street, we aren't there just yet. Executive Council has decided it is in the best financial interest of Tri Sigma to continue the current rental agreement of the fraternity that currently occupies the property. In the interim, we have secured a small office space in Chapel Hill to temporarily house our base of operations.

Until further notice, our mailing address will be:

Tri Sigma National Headquarters 1506 E. Franklin Street, Suite 300 Chapel Hill, NC 27514

All phone numbers, including direct staff extensions, will remain the same. Correspondance to the Foundation may also be sent to this address; however, the Foundation now utilizes a lockbox at their banking headquarters in Charlotte to receive checks for expedited processing.

Donations made to the Foundation via check should be mailed to:

Tri Sigma Foundation PO Box 71310 Charlotte, NC 28272-1310

Thank you for your ongoing cooperation and support in this matter. We are pleased to call The Old State home and look forward to taking the short drive down Franklin Street to our next home soon.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact Executive Director Jenna Martin Pendry at

Golden Violet Badge Dangle

Available in a variety of metals starting at $15 at 0

Tri Sigma National Headquarters

1506 E. Franklin St, Suite 300 Chapel Hill, NC. 27514

540-459-4212 |


Do more with your charitable dollars.

An IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is an easy way to support future Sigma leaders and our philanthropic focus to serve children. If you’re 70 ½ or older you can:

• Give up to $105,000 to the Tri Sigma Foundation directly from your individual retirement account (IRA) tax free.

• Satisfy some or all of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for the year and reduce your taxable income—even if you don’t itemize!

• Allow your IRA administrator time to initiate the transfer by December 31 to count toward the 2024 tax year.

Visit 0 or contact Summer Sage at or call (540) 459-4212 to learn how you can do more with your money.

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