Golden Glimpses • 2022

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For any Tri Sigma who has

Ombudsman, providing

had the honor of being

leadership and crisis

elected the president of her

response to address student

collegiate chapter, the idea

issues and public relations

of eventually becoming the

matters. From 2007 to 2016,

National President of her

when she retired, Laura was

sorority is not necessarily

the Senior Associate Dean

something that would be in

of Students, overseeing

any plans. Laura Ward Sweet

multiple departments and

served as the president of

interpretation of University

her Alpha Sigma Chapter at

policies. Fortunately, she has

the University of Southern

always made time to continue

Mississippi in Hattiesburg,

her love of tennis and is still

MS, and the chapter’s Panhellenic delegate.

Laura Ward Sweet at Tri Sigma’s 45th National Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada.

an avid player. Laura and her husband, Greg, have one son,

Attending her first Convention in 1971 may have

Chris, and are longtime Greenville residents.

given her more insight into what our sisterhood is

Despite essential and time-consuming responsibilities

all about. After graduating in 1972, Laura began her alumnae experience to do just that: lead sorority sisters while serving in multiple national positions during the next 32+ years.

at ECU, Laura’s involvement with Tri Sigma has remained a constant in her life. Beginning with her first experience at a National Convention in 1971 in Denver, where she stepped in as Parliamentarian, a

After earning her master’s degree, Laura moved to

role she kept for multiple Conventions. Laura served

Greenville, NC, to work at East Carolina University

as Tri Sigma’s College Panhellenic Coordinator

(ECU) as a counselor. There she began a long and

from 1984-1992, then as the National Panhellenic

distinguished career working with the students in

Conference (NPC) Delegate from 1992-2004 and

multiple areas. Laura eventually held the positions

2010-2019. She has been elected to the NPC Lobby

of Associate Dean of Students and University

Team, working in Washington for women in Greek

organizations. Laura is

several of Laura’s eight siblings live in the

presently a member of

New Orleans area, Laura was invited to be a

the NPC Foundation

guest. Past National President Ann Williams,

Board, sharing her unique

Gamma Eta and member of the New Orleans

experiences and goals for

Alumnae Chapter, surprised Laura with

all Panhellenic groups.

the presentation of her Golden Violet pin.

Over the years, Laura

Several other special guests attended as well, including National President Natalie Moore

attended leadership

Averette, Gamma

conferences and

Beta, Past National

institutes, the Chapter

Treasurer Barb Stoe

Advisory Board and

Stone, Beta Tau, past

Volunteer summits,

Council members

Presidents academies,

Reatha Cole Cox,

and character development Seminars, to name a

Alpha Zeta, Emily

few. In June of 2004, Laura was elected National

Eure Ellis, Gamma

President of Tri Sigma Sorority and served another

Beta, and Mandy

3-year term until 2010. During this time of positive

Meehan Chocheles,

growth and planning for our sorority’s future, she

Gamma Eta and

was recognized with several notable awards: the

Golden Violet

Alpha Sigma Tau Award of Excellence, the SEPC


Distinguished Service Award, the AFA Sue Kraft Fussell Distinguished Service Award, and the ECU

Although the presentation day was rainy and

Centennial Award for Excellence. In June of 2015,

dreary, it was smiles and sunshine inside as this

Laura also received recognition with the Kappa

very special Tri Sigma received her Golden Violet

Delta Order of the Diamond.

pin and certificate from both Natalie and Ann. A

Known for her wonderful sense of humor and great

quote from Ann Williams summed it up well when

smile, this special Tri Sigma was eligible for another award in 2020: the Golden Violet. A delayed presentation was made at an event a year later. The New Orleans Alumnae Chapter was preparing to have their 75th Anniversary celebration at

she said, “Laura is an outstanding woman with astounding skills. She’ll never admit how special she is.” Her family and friends and multiple Tri Sigma and Panhellenic sisters agree that her 50 years of service have now finally and lovingly been recognized.

their Founders Day luncheon in April 2021. Since

Tri Sigma Creed We, the women of Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority, throughout our lives, strive to steadfastly uphold our vows and cherish our bonds of sisterhood; to become inspired leaders; to support causes greater than ourselves; to seek wisdom and joy; and to live purposeful lives of integrity, faith, empathy, understanding, and love.

From your Golden Violet Coordinator

Dear Golden Violet sisters, Golden Violets are familiar with sharing memories of things that have been a part of our lives. Some are significant in size, others small and incidental. The year 2021 brought the loss of one of my nephews from the lasting side effects of COVID-19, but it also brought my eight siblings together in Hawaii (my first time there!) to celebrate another nephew’s wedding. Only ten months after Hurricane Zeta came roaring into New Orleans in October of 2020, Ida visited us in August 2021. Worry about repairs and upheaval to our lives was softened by the kindness of neighbors and family, near and far. We are constantly thankful for our Tri Sigma memories. Collegiate events that seemed monumental at the time now bring a smile. I would venture to say that we are all pretty good planners. So we also look ahead. The ability to gather once again at a luncheon or a meeting is a reality. Steadfast sisterhood is even more evident than before. We have come together stronger and more thankful for the sorority experience in our lives—past and future. Hopefully, June of 2022 will provide an opportunity for many Golden Violet sisters to have the unique experience of attending a “Golden Violet Gathering” in Norfolk, VA, immediately preceding Tri Sigma’s 46th National Convention. Recalling cherished memories, making new ones, renewing our bonds of sisterhood: as the song says, “These are a few of my favorite things!” News and events of Convention will be shared in many ways, thanks to almost instant communication with all our Sigma sisters everywhere. “Sigmas by the Sea” is the enticing theme for this event. More information about the “Golden Violet Gathering” and Convention will be coming in early 2022.

In our bonds,

Mandy Meehan Chocheles Gamma Eta and New Orleans Alumnae Chapter Golden Violet Coordinator


In each issue of the “Golden Glimpses,” we shine the spotlight on just a few of the many women who are now considered Golden Violets.

Janice Schafer Brill, Beta Gamma When Janice Schafer Brill attended

Jan has always been involved in

recruitment at Ball State University in

education, changing roles as her

the spring of 1971, she knew that her

children grew. She has been a

mother and grandmother had been in

director of two different Day Care

certain sororities in their college days.

Centers, taught Kindergarten then

But the women of the Beta Gamma

grades 5 and 6 for 22 years, plus

Chapter, including two women from

preschool classes at the Children’s

her hometown of South Bend, IN,

Museum and Sunday school, in

made Jan feel so welcomed that the

addition to giving private cello

choice of joining Tri Sigma was an

lessons for 20 years. She has

easy one. She was very involved with

received many educator grants

campus activities and served her

and awards, including the Indiana

chapter as Recording Secretary.

University Teacher Educator Award. Jan was recognized for her excellence in education with Tri

Jan joined the Indianapolis Suburban Alumnae Chapter

Sigma’s 2011-2012 Emily Gates Alumna Achievement

soon after her marriage to her husband, Jim, whom


she met the second week at Ball State. She has served on numerous committees as well as President and

This dedicated Tri Sigma alumna makes volunteerism

Treasurer. Her dedication to, and involvement in, this

in her community a part of her life as well. She

group has been ongoing. The chapter won Triangle

is one of two founding musicians in the Carmel

Correspondent of the year when she held that post.

Symphony Orchestra. Now she can be a proud

Jan also assisted in the planning of the 1986 National

Golden Violet which she has received in recognition

Convention held in Indianapolis.

of her steadfast service to, and love for, our sorority.


Karen Jackson McKewon, Alpha Iota Some Tri Sigma sisters have the good fortune to remain close to their collegiate campuses through the years and even continue alumnae involvement in the same area. Karen Jackson McKewon began her sorority experience at Northeastern State University in Tulsa, OK, in 1971. Her connection with Tri Sigma followed her through several states as an Alpha Iota and as a National Officer over the years. After serving as the chapter President and Treasurer of the Alpha Iota Chapter, Karen was a Field Representative, a National Collegiate Chairman, and a Field Rep Director. She attended six Conventions between 1971 and 1986, including the one in Philadelphia. There she proudly presented Alpha Iota with the Scholarship Award. Throughout her work with Tri Sigma, Tulsa remained a home base for Karen. She spent 15 years living and working in Casper, WY, and another 15 years in Greely, CO. Her alumnae chapter membership included those in Tulsa and Denver. Karen worked in management with Long John Silvers, where she received the Training Academy Speakers Award. As an employee in Colorado, she was given the Pinnacle Award, one of an employer’s highest recognitions. In 1998, Karen became involved with an international organization called Healing Hearts Ministries, where she is now a Regional Director. Their mission is Gospel-centered counseling for those wounded by their past. Through her travels and her volunteer work, Karen cherishes the fellowship she shares with her Sigma sisters. She has recently transitioned to her new home in Montana to be close to her daughters and their families, including four granddaughters and a great-granddaughter named Hazel. They can all be proud of Karen now as the recipient of the Golden Violet for 50 years of keeping Tri Sigma in her heart.

Ellen Parker O’Hara, Beta Alpha Not every Tri Sigma can say that she left for Europe six weeks after graduating from college, where she traveled and lived for 18 months. Or that she worked at the United Nations in Switzerland for the following year. But that is what Ellen Parker O’Hara can claim. She began her devotion to Tri Sigma in the Beta Alpha Chapter at Northern Illinois University as Homecoming Chairman and Treasurer. Since then, she has been on the Chapter Advisory Board to assist the Beta Alpha Chapter and serves as the Housing Corporation president. She remembers when there was no chapter house, and the members met in a business department classroom and needed to cover the windows during meetings and rituals. Ellen was an only child and cherished the memories of her initiation day when she realized that now she had sisters. 5

The friendships and sisterhood have continued over the years. When she was working in sales for office furniture and business interiors, she became very involved with the early stages of building the Beta Alpha house and sold all the furniture to them at significant savings. She did the same when there was a need at National Headquarters’ Mabel Lee Walton House. Along the way, Ellen became a licensed pilot and was asked to join a group called the Ninety-Nines, an all-women group of pilots of which Amelia Earheart was the first president. She has served as an officer of a nine-state region and currently is the History Chairman of the Chicago chapter of the Ninety-Nines. Ellen has taught Business and Aviation at the high school level in Lombard, IL starting a Flying Club there. Ellen has faithfully belonged to two Chicago area alumnae chapters over the years. She remembers attending past Conventions in the 1970s as well as serving as a National Alumnae Chairman. Now she can also be proud of being honored as a Golden Violet for her 50-plus years as a Tri Sigma.

Janice Brown Reed, Sigma As a freshman at Western State College in Gunnison, CO, Janice Brown Reed was looking for an extracurricular activity during that busy year. She noticed that one quality woman’s organization on the campus of 3300 students interested her. The Sigma Chapter of Tri Sigma included many of the school’s leaders. On January 13, 1971, Jan began her sorority journey. Janice was recognized with the Best Pledge Award in 1974 and served as the Sigma chapter president, then as chapter advisor. She was chosen as a Field Secretary and continued her commitment for the next four years as a National Collegiate Chairman for the Southeast and a recruitment counselor. After attending Tri Sigma’s 1977 Chicago Convention, Janice played an essential part in several installation teams, including a recent one in 2012. The following years found Janice in several areas of the United States, from Atlanta to California to Denver. She worked in business counseling and as a church secretary, which she found most rewarding. Janice is involved with Kiwanis as the Administrator of the Rocky Mountain District and was the Kiwanian of the year 2017-2018. Her travels included membership in several alumnae chapters: Los Angeles and Orange City, CA, and Baltimore Suburban SW. She landed in Denver and remained an active member of the Denver Alumnae Chapter. Janice has served on several chapter committees, including planning the alumnae chapter’s 2022 Centennial Celebration. A special Sigma moment was when she won a Founders Day auction prize of a weekend getaway with four other Sigma Chapter sisters in the mountains of Colorado. During the visit, sisters wrote a local memorial service to be used for future funeral services. As a new Golden Violet, Janice continues her journey as a steadfast Sigma of 50 years.


First Name

Middle/Maiden Name

Last Name

Initiation Chapter




Beta Alpha




Alpha Psi








Beta Gamma




Alpha Iota




Gamma Kappa





Suzanne Victoria


*Name correction: Karin Kanitz Schneider’s, Kappa, name was misspelled in the spring 2021 GG.


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Elizabeth Johns, Delta Omicron, and Tri Sigma’s National Archivist shares the first Golden Violet Award was presented in 1954 when it was given to Mabel Lee Walton. As the first recipient, Mabel Lee was recognized for her 50 years of faithful membership and dedication to the sorority. Liz goes on to report, “but just being a Tri Sigma for 50 years does not automatically earn one this special award; it requires that the member has been loyal and steadfast through the years. Alumnae must be nominated by a chapter or individual member. They must have demonstrated loyalty to the sorority for 50 years or more through active participation in alumna life, serving the sorority as a volunteer, and paying lifetime dues or dues for over 20 years. The award marks a special achievement for women who have held such long-term dedication to Tri Sigma. It often becomes a goal for many Tri Sigma women.” If you know of other members who have been steadfast to Tri Sigma for over 50 years, nominate them, and they, too, could join this select group of women. Contact Aimee Boland, director of lifetime engagement, to verify eligibility:

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