Past Executive Council Member Receives her Golden Violet
When Jeanne Johnson decided to attend Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, OK in the fall of 1969, she had not planned on participating in sorority “rush.” Knowing that Jeanne had been active in high school activities and events, a friend suggested that this might be a way of being involved in her college environment. That was most certainly the case for this young woman from Broken Arrow, OK.
Jeanne was the Corresponding Secretary during her collegiate years. She taught high school journalism following graduation. An unusual job followed that, as she did marketing work for a fisherman who traveled the world fishing and making TV shows. The largest portion of Jeanne’s career was spent working for Citgo Petroleum, spending over 20 years handling government and public affairs before retiring from there.

she was elected to serve on Executive Council as Collegiate Vice President. Traveling throughout the United States and meeting so many other Tri Sigma women was a joy for Jeanne. She has attended 15 National Conventions, as well as Dunham leadership conferences, State Day events, and the other gatherings required of her as a Council member. Being on the Installation Team for many collegiate chapters were highlights for her as well.
Continued involvement with Tri Sigma has always been a part of Jeanne’s life. For five years, she was a member of the Houston Alumnae Chapter while working for Citgo in Texas. Her heart remained with the Tulsa Alumnae Chapter, serving as President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Her National Officer service began as the Collegiate/Alumnae Editor of The Triangle but her most memorable Tri Sigma moment came when
Having been awarded both 15- and 24-year National Service Awards, Jeanne continued to volunteer and served as a Walton House Board member and is still active with her Tulsa Alumnae Chapter sisters, as well as with community events in Broken Arrow. Her family is nearby, including two great-nieces and two great-nephews. One accomplishment of which she can be very proud is the Sigma Sigma Sigma Jeanne Johnson Service Scholarship at her alma mater. Each semester, an incoming freshman who meets the grade qualifications and who commits to complete 24 hours of community service is awarded this scholarship. Now as a new Golden Violet, Jeanne can look back on 50 years of loving service to, and involvement in, our Tri Sigma sisterhood.
Cherish Your Tri Sigma Story

Hello Golden Violet sisters~
Since the summer solstice has not yet arrived, it’s a welcome treat to enjoy the mild temperatures, spring breezes, sunny days, and floral fragrances that fill the air while watching the flowers eagerly bloom. It is during a quiet moment, which are few and far between, that I sit out on our deck and appreciate the simplicities and joys of the season. Of course, with Convention quickly approaching, my thoughts are constantly reviewing, planning, processing and rehearsing, except right now.... my mind drifted to thoughts of you and “the Power of our Stories,” the theme of this Convention. The power of your stories, as Golden Violets, is truly so powerful, so impactful and ever reaching!
I know there will be Golden Violets attending Convention and more sisters will be honored with this esteemed award, which excites me even more about the trip to Las Vegas for our 45th National Convention! Although I still have 17 years until I reach the Golden Violet milestone, I look forward to the achievement with great anticipation! I am sure time spent with our distinguished group of steadfast, devoted sisters will inspire all those in attendance at Convention. Amidst the official business and busyness of the grand event, I am certain there will be moments where I will feel as if I am unable to catch my breath, but I simply will think of all of you whose courage and patience and commitment have led you to 50-plus years of being true to Tri Sigma. So, thank you in advance, for being a vibrant source of inspiration.
This Golden Glimpses storybook will be filled with tales recapping and reminiscing about our time in Las Vegas, and I wanted to get a head start to set the stage for Convention and all its glory! This momentous occasion will add yet another chapter to my novel, and I’m so thankful Golden Violets play a part in enriching my Sigma story.
Happy reading and delightful summertime wishes to you!
In our bonds,

Natalie Moore Averette, Gamma Beta National President
The Power of our Stories
Dear Golden Violet Sisters,
When I saw that the theme of the 2019 Tri Sigma Triennial Convention was “The Power of Our Stories”, I must admit I smiled. I thought to myself someone must have had the Golden Violets in mind when they decided that theme. In the last three years as the Golden Violet Coordinator, and a Tri Sigma sister for 54 years, I have heard many powerful stories.
I have been privileged to present our unique violet pin to several of my New Orleans alumnae sisters. Our stories have a common theme since many of us were initiated into the same chapters. We can look back and remember the early days of our membership, the tears and the laughter, those first rituals and meetings, not really understanding about being lifelong sisters.

Planning and attending the third Golden Violet Celebration Weekend at Walton House in October 2018 was a time for sharing a variety of stories, delayed flights, heavy traffic, and then the joys of being together at our Heart Home. Some attendees were visiting Woodstock for the first time, for others, it was a happy reunion. The theme for this event was “Sharing our Lifelong Sigma Memories”, and we did share mementos and stories galore!
In preparing the “Spotlights” section of the Golden Glimpses, I often made personal calls to several Golden Violets. After what sometimes turned into a lengthy conversation, my husband would say, “Was that an old friend?” My answer was always, “Not really. We just had to share some Tri Sigma memories that we had in common”.
Last but certainly not least are the stories that become part of attending a Convention. There are reunions with friends whom you haven’t seen in years, although you now keep up with their life stories on Facebook. You start to share remembrances with a sister or a new friend over a luncheon or dinner gathering. Then you return home, and someone asks you, “How was Convention?” You have so much to tell!
Our Tri Sigma stories are powerful, life-changing, and a special part of our sisterhood experience. Always cherish them.
In our bonds,

Mandy Chocheles
Gamma Eta
Golden Violet Coordinator
Be the Voice for Our Cause
When I think about giving to our Foundation, I think about how I can invest in the future of Tri Sigma. It’s about the stories of those to be initiated for years to come and the opportunity to serve others.
The Foundation Board of Directors has been evaluating how we serve our sisterhood and make an impact within our communities. What we know is the Foundation is striving to provide solutions to issues that require an army of donors, volunteers, and advocates.

We need empowered leaders in our communities and world that are character-focused and committed to serving others.
We need to provide more scholarship funding to support our members’ academic achievements and to offset the rising cost of higher education. We need to fight for the health of all moms and babies as premature birth rates in the US continue to rise.
The Foundation has worked to communicate better the impact our mission has on our members, chapters, and our sisterhood. For me, it’s about sharing the stories of sisters like Michaela Daniels, a recent alumna of Alpha Iota.
I first met Michaela in 2016 at Dunham Women of Character Institute, where she was one of my mentees. Everyone has experienced an instant connection with another. It was that way for me. The following year Michaela served as a Dunham mentor. Never have I been so proud of someone seeing how much Michaela had grown and matured in a year. I’ve followed Michaela’s college career closely. In 2019, Michaela was named Top Greek Woman on her campus.
In August, Michaela started a new journey with Tri Sigma as a Leadership Consultant.
Michaela’s story of leadership is only one example of the Sigmas impacted by your generosity. And even though we have made progress within the Foundation, we cannot rest. Our philanthropy is a cause worth fighting for, and I believe you can be the voice for our cause.
We still have a lot of work to do to impact more women, children, and families.
Will you share the story of a Golden Violet sister who has endowed a Foundation scholarship? Will you share the story of how you have seen the Foundation grow and impact others? Will you share the story of how your community has been impacted by a therapeutic play grant or Sigma Serves Children project?

Join us as we continue to spread our mission and prove that Tri Sigma women are empowered women. In Our Bonds, Bonnie
Rainey Chair, Foundation Board of Directors
P.S. Save the date for our first Giving Day!

A Passion for Philanthropy

Emerging Philanthropist of the Triennium
Veronica Atkins, Eta Omicron & Southern Nevada Alumnae Chapter
According to Veronica’s nominator, she “dedicates herself to multiple organizations and nonprofits to better the future for our community and youth. She is constantly working with the women of our chapters to assist in finding their strengths and how they can contribute to the community as well.” Her devotion to philanthropy includes work with the Girl Scouts, Opportunity Village, and currently the Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation where she serves families in the Southern Nevada community.
Emerging Philanthropist of the Triennium
Lauren Green, Alpha Mu & Lafayette Alumnae Chapter
According to Lauren’s nominator, she “demonstrates exceptional generosity by giving what she can when she can. She understands the importance to donate to causes that are important to her friends and family. When friends share or create a callto-action for a cause they are passionate about, more times than not she will donate something to help support causes that others are promoting. She believes that even if you can’t afford to give thousands of dollars – it’s important to give what you can when you can.”

Philanthropist of the Triennium
Liz Hoffert, Beta Xi & Phoenix Alumnae Chapter
According to Liz’s many nominators, “since she joined the Beta Xi Chapter in 1968 she has spent her Tri Sigma life setting an example of generosity with her time, talents and financial abilities. Her love and kindness are shown by her consistent willingness to give back to the community and her Tri Sigma sisters. She is passionate about the role Tri Sigmas play in the community and is always right there to step up and help the alumnae chapter and individual members in any way needed.”

GoldenGlimpses Spotlights Autumn 2019
In each issue of the “Golden Glimpses”, we shine the spotlight on just a few of the many women who are now considered Golden Violets.
Sandra Koch Sandel, Alpha Phi
As Sandra Koch Sandel arrived on the campus of Central Michigan University, her eye was set on joining another sorority that had been recommended to her. Fortunately, she realized that the Tri Sigma women she met during recruitment made her the happiest. Her position as Membership/Recruitment Director in the Alpha Phi Chapter was only a steppingstone to her path as an involved alumna and National Officer.

Sandra spent her entire 34-year career in education with the Alma, MI Public School District. She taught several different elementary grades and completed her master’s degree, plus 90 hours. She was recognized in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers seven times before her retirement in 2006. She has continued to be involved on a volunteer basis teaching German to study groups in middle school as well as providing math and Olympic lessons to 4th graders. Her other community activities are numerous, but Tri Sigma has always remained an important part of her busy life.
Starting with the 1977 Convention, Sandra has attended ten of these triennial meetings, several times as a delegate for her Central Michigan Alumnae Chapter where she has served as President and Treasurer. Keeping involved as an alumna with her Alpha Phi Chapter has allowed her to be an Advisor and a longtime Housing Corp member. A special memory for Sandy is receiving the Alumna of the Region Award at Alpha Phi’s 75th Anniversary. Her National Officer service includes being a National Collegiate Chairman for six years where she had the opportunity to exemplify to her collegiate sisters that there is life after graduation.
Sandra says that the skills she learned as an Alpha Phi helped her throughout her professional and personal life activities and challenges. She now relishes the time she has with her two grandsons, who can be very proud of their grandmother as a Golden Violet, one more reward for being a steadfast Sigma for 50 years.
Nancy O’Brien Branigan, Beta Xi

While many young women who start college have the experience of joining a sorority in their first days of freshman year, Nancy O’Brien Branigan’s introduction to the Beta Xi Chapter at Southeast Missouri State University began somewhat later. It wasn’t until mid-January of her sophomore year that she was initiated. A friend told her about the sisterhood and lifetime friendships that she had discovered in Tri Sigma. Nancy became involved quickly, serving as Panhellenic Delegate and Treasurer, and received the Beta Xi Collegiate Award for Outstanding Active Member.
Upon graduating, she was a Business Education teacher for two years, then an accountant. In 1985 she was hired by the Internal Revenue Service and had found her “calling.” Prior to that, Nancy had lived in Denver, CO, San Jose, CA, St. Louis, MO, Salt Lake City, UT and Naperville, IL. She became a member
of Tri Sigma alumnae chapters in several of those locations. Once back in Denver permanently, that alumnae chapter has benefitted from her membership in many ways. She has been President, Treasurer and Parliamentarian. She cherishes the friendships made over forty years. It is a vibrant and diversified group working with the local Eta Pi collegians, who admire their alumnae sisters.
Nancy has also dedicated much of her time to the Denver Area Panhellenic, having served as President, Vice President and Secretary of this very active organization. She received the Alumnae Panhellenic Recognition Award, as well as Tri Sigma’s Outstanding Alumna of the Region. In her “spare” time, Nancy has done house painting for Habitat for Humanity, raised funds for Race for the Cure, and founded and chaired children’s clothing sales at two elementary schools, bringing in approximately $15,000 a year. She and her husband Mike have three grown children and six grandchildren. Having attended two previous National Conventions, Nancy can now proudly add Las Vegas to the list and the special honor of having received her Golden Violet award there.
Jan Weaver Zeipen, Gamma Phi
For someone who had the collegiate experience of being a Tri Sigma for only one year, Jan Weaver Zeipen certainly has made her mark on her sorority. She joined the Gamma Phi Chapter at Wisconsin State University-River Falls after helping research national groups for her local chapter to affiliate with. During that year as a charter member, she was also the Music Chairman. A longtime member of the Twin Cities Alumnae Chapter, she has been their Vice President/Communications, the 50th Anniversary Chairman, and CoAssistant Chair for the 2010 Minneapolis Convention.

An elementary teacher for 35 years in the same school district, Jan became a National Collegiate Chairmen in 1977, a Collegiate Area Director/West from 1980-1989, and the Collegiate Vice President on Executive Council from
1989-1992. During that time, she also trained Tri Sigma’s Field Consultants, attended numerous national meetings, was an installing officer of the Epsilon Rho Chapter and was the Nominating Committee Chairman in 1995. One would say that Conventions were a thing of joy to Jan since she has attended 14 of them, including the recent one in Las Vegas.
As Tri Sigmas, we have all heard the phrase, “To receive much, you must give much.” Jan believes that her volunteer opportunities, such as what she does at the Hazelden Graduate School of Addiction Studies, are a pleasure and she owes this to Tri Sigma. She has been recognized for her dedication with the Founders Award at Convention 2016. Her alumnae chapter sisters, rightfully proud, call her a “bright light” for them and a “living Tri Sigma legend.”
Having presented the Mabel Lee Walton Award to Past National President Kaye Schendel many years ago, Jan was pleased to receive her Golden Violet Award from National President Natalie Averette this past June.
Looking forward to attending the 2019 Convention in Las Vegas, Suzanne says that attending these special gatherings “fills her Sigma soul!”
Mary Anne Gill Asbury, Kappa
Mary Anne Gill Asbury became a member of Kappa Chapter at Miami University of Ohio looking to meet new people as her college career began. The Tri Sigmas she met were genuine and warm and compatible with her personality. Graduating Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa, she was a French teacher, an insurance claim adjuster, a paralegal and a law firm manager. She moved to Cincinnati in 1975 and lived there until moving to North Carolina 42 years later.
Mary Anne’s experience with her Kappa sisters taught her that the bonds of sisterhood are deep and strong. When they took a trip to Woodstock, Virginia, Mabel Lee Walton was still living there. Meeting her made the visit especially meaningful. She learned that “when everyone contributes their own talents, much can be accomplished. Sigma taught me how to respect and understand those who are different from ourselves.”

A loyal and active member of the Greater Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter, Mary Anne served as its President and Triangle Correspondent as well as the local Alumnae Panhellenic Representative. An Alumna Recognition Award winner in 1989, she stays in close contact with her Cincinnati alumnae sisters as there is no alumnae chapter near her home in Province, North Carolina. She presently is a volunteer in local conservation groups and other local organizations.
Having attended the 1986 Convention in Indianapolis, IN, Mary Anne was able to attend the Las Vegas Convention in June and was reunited with several of her Kappa sisters as she received her Golden Violet award.
Carol Juhasz Ladrigan, Kappa
During those first days of college, as we made the decision to pledge a sorority, very few of us thought ahead to how long our new-found sisters would stay a part of our lives. The closeness that comes with collegiate chapter life often is lost after graduation has come and gone. People move on with their lives to new challenges and in new places.
Carol Juhasz Ladrigan was one of several Kappa sisters from Miami University of Ohio, who have maintained close ties over the years, remaining involved with Tri Sigma right up until their recent presentation of their Golden Violet awards. As an Education major, Carol was a Pledge Trainer, Rush Guide and Historian. Rush parties in a small suite with no air-conditioning were just the beginning of this close friendship. She followed her dream of working with elementary and middle school students until her retirement and credits Tri Sigma with learning to appreciate people for what they are, even if they are not alike. As a longtime member and officer in the Greater Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter, she has enjoyed gathering with old and new members of the sorority. A trip to the 1986 Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana was a special Tri Sigma event. Carol has also been active in Delta Kappa Gamma International Service Sorority, helping to provide scholarship money for homeless and disadvantaged children. The love of teaching is shared with the members of this group, the love of learning has always had a special place in her heart.

A “snowbird” who spends part of the year in Ft. Meyers, Florida has joined Tri Sigma alumnae in the Florida Gulf Coast Alumnae Chapter on many occasions. Carol keeps busy in retirement with gardening, crafts, travel and appreciating the long-time relationships with those special Kappa sisters.
Congratulations to the following Golden Violets who were spotlighted in the fall 2018 Golden Glimpses and received their pin during Convention.
Roberta Flath, Kappa
Nancy McGowan, Kappa
Bette Russell, Alpha Nu
Friends to the end, sisters always. Diane Unger Zens and Ann Marie Potter Fabos were both initiated into the Beta Lambda Chapter at University of WisconsinMilwaukee in 1968 and the rest is history. This beautiful friendship has remained close throughout the years, both joining the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter and receiving their Golden Violets at a Founders Day luncheon.
Eligible Golden Violets
Elizabeth Johns, Delta Omicron and Tri Sigma’s National Archivist, reports in the latest issue of The Triangle that the first Golden Violet Award was presented in 1954 when it was given to Mabel Lee Walton. As the first recipient, Mabel Lee was recognized for her 50 years of faithful membership and dedication to the sorority. Liz goes on to report, “but just being a Tri Sigma for 50 years does not automatically earn one this special award; it requires that the member has been loyal and steadfast through the years. Alumnae must be nominated by a chapter or individual member and must have demonstrated loyalty to the sorority for 50 years or more through active participation in alumna life, serving the sorority as a volunteer and paying lifetime dues or dues for over 20 years. If you know of other members who have been steadfast to Tri Sigma for over 50 years, nominate them and they, too, could join this special group of women.
First Name Middle/ Maiden Name Last Name Initiation Chapter
Elizabeth Giles Irwin Alpha
Sylvia Higginson Wood Alpha Chi
Judith Wood Gann Alpha Iota
Madaleaze Whitney Cramer Alpha Lambda
Catherine Odorizzi Hardebeck Alpha Lambda
Martha McCullough Canulette Alpha Mu
Terri Oldefest Bremner Alpha Nu
Mabel Grey Patterson Alpha Omicron
Maysel Garrett Teeter Alpha Omicron
Jill Johanna Easton Alpha Sigma
Julia Guill Fleming Alpha Upsilon
Linda Helms Siegert Alpha Upsilon
Kathleen Readeker Schmidt Beta Alpha
Carolyn Schuman Shane Beta Alpha
Arlene Arendt Soling Beta Alpha
Donna H. Kuykendall Beta Epsilon
Kathleen Youngerman Sechowski Beta Gamma
Sandra Welty McCammon Beta Kappa
Deborah Nagler Viljevac Beta Lambda
Colleen Frances Flanagan Beta Mu
Nancy LeGate Ivins Beta Mu
Deborah Devich Devich Beta Pi
Linda Holmes Wendt Beta Pi
Mary Bowman Yankovich Beta Rho
Joanne Louise Lound Beta Tau
Paula Beebe Schnaer Chi
First Name Middle/ Maiden Name Last Name Initiation Chapter
Sandy Callis Willis Gamma Chi
Janet Wilson Seitz Gamma Delta
Deborah Morgan Shoemaker Gamma Delta
Nancy Aiken Vail Gamma Delta
Joan Moore Scott Gamma Epsilon
Jeanne Galouye Ingraham Gamma Eta
Beverly Roskos Kyle Gamma Gamma
Eloise Devine Casto Gamma Kappa
Michelle Pierce Matthews Gamma Kappa
Susan Nolte Jacob Gamma Omicron
Catherine Tuve Sigafus Gamma Omicron
Carolyn Rezny Benson Gamma Phi
Ann Leadholm Godlewski Gamma Phi
Mary Lou Olson Gamma Phi
Brenda Cline Hutzler Gamma Tau
Jacqueline Molony Damson Gamma Upsilon
Cecilia Ann Piorkowski Gamma Upsilon
Victoria Bamford Covey Iota
Janet Martin Iota
Betsy Klein Adams Kappa
Karen Yackley Rule Mu
Detta Roberts Taylor Omicron
Carolyn Nieman Wetzler Omicron
Barbara Stichler Bonapfel Rho
Sandra June Frank Rho
Susan Lester Perkins Rho
Golden Violets at Convention 2019
225 North Muhlenberg Street Woodstock, VA 22664
Golden Glimpses is published twice a year for the Golden Violets of Sigma Sigma Sigma.
Editorial Staff:
Mandy Meehan Chocheles
Aimee Jensen Boland
Toni Ritenour Dinges
Desiree Paulhamus
Design: Laura Manthey Design
Production and Mailing: Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation
Golden Violets received since last edition
Christine Hargrave Ahlstrand
Mary Gill Asbury Kappa
Nancy O'Brien Branigan Beta Xi
Roberta Anne Flath Kappa
Jeanne Johnson Alpha Iota
Melanie Carter Kelsey Alpha Iota
Kathy Rayburn Kopperud Alpha Chi
Carol Juhasz Ladrigan Kappa
Suzanne Blanchard McGlone Gamma Mu
Nancy Strom McGowan Kappa
Bette Baron Russell Alpha Nu
Sandra Koch Sandel Alpha Phi
Janice Weaver Zeipen Gamma Phi