Golden Glimpses | Spring 2013
In This Issue: Renovations! - 2 How to Register for National Convention - 2 Reviewing Estate Plans - 3 Alumnae and Volunteer Services Update -4 Passing the Baton - 5 Golden Violet Ceremony - 6 Recruiter Extraordinaire - 7 Sweet Dessert - 7 Meet Our Newest Golden Violets - 8 thru 10 Nominations Open - 11
Thank you, Golden Violets, for sharing your stories and…for giving much!
What Can I Do to Help Tri Sigma?
By Golden Violet Sheryl White Dahm, Ι Perhaps when we become a Golden Violet, we wonder what we can do at this point in our Tri Sigma experience that would benefit our Sorority. Rest assured, ladies, there is much work to be done, and Tri Sigma needs you! • Collegiate chapters always need alumnae recommendations for prospective members. • Local house corporations can use our wisdom and experience. • We can put the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation in our will and know that many lives will be impacted by the scholarships that are given, the leadership that is gained by wonderful programs, and community support provided through donations to play therapy rooms and assistance. All these are funded by the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation. • If you have never attended a National Convention, I encourage you to go. What better location for your first Convention than the upcoming 43rd National Convention this June 21-24 in Orlando, Florida! There is always a Golden Violet session, which is a great opportunity to make new friends and renew old acquaintances.
Sheryl White Dahm, Ι, as Denver Alumnae Chapter delegate at the 2010 National Convention
• You can make a Foundation gift this spring during your local Founders Day celebration by donating $1 for every year since your initiation. • Why not encourage your friends to donate or even make a donation in honor of a Sister? • Keep up to date with Tri Sigma and The Foundation through their Facebook pages. I love our new initiative that states “Character Counts.” What a strong part of our mission statement this is. I encourage all of us as Golden Violets to show our support with our words that character does indeed count!
From our National President:
The House Next Door What a great time to be a Tri Sigma!
Kaye Schendel, ΓΦ, National President
I want to share with you why I feel such excitement. Here’s some background information: Last fall, a unique opportunity presented itself when 207 N. Muhlenberg St., next door to Walton House, became available for purchase in Woodstock, Virginia.
We’ve known for some time that we need improved and additional office space for staff presently headquartered in Walton House, plus additional space for a Sigma museum and properly-stored archives. Also, if you have visited Walton House, you know that the property is landlocked, and our rear entrance can be accessed only by way of an easement agreement. We worried that a new owner of the property might not agree to continue the access, so important to Tri Sigma for parking as well as fire protection. Executive Council determined that it was in the best interest of the organization to secure a loan for the purchase and renovation of the 207 property. We have spent the last few months meeting with architects and contractors to develop a plan for both properties. Plans have been finalized, and construction is scheduled to begin in the next month! Our plans include the renovation of the 207 property to include offices for all headquarters staff and Foundation staff, as well as the addition of a multi-purpose training space suitable for small conferences and meetings. >> continued on page 4
Register for our 43rd National Convention! June 21-24, 2013, Orlando, Florida
Here’s how…go to
You'll see on the right side a bright purple headline that says, “Let’s Get You Registered.” Click on this and another page will come up showing three logos – click on the "This I Believe" logo, and you’ll be taken to the Sigma Connect site, where you must enter your member number to register. Questions? Or to request a hard copy registration form, contact the Sigma Sigma Sigma office: 540.459.4212.
Help Renovate! To help make renovations to Tri Sigma’s Woodstock properties, please send your checks, payable to Sigma Sigma Sigma, to: Sigma Sigma Sigma 225 N. Muhlenberg St. Woodstock, VA 22664 Please note: your gift in this capacity is not tax deductible.
F r o m t h e Fo u n d a t i o n C h a i r m a n :
Where There’s A Will Every fall I bring out my will and look at it. Usually, I make no changes, but I read somewhere that it’s a good idea to review your estate plans annually to make sure you’re still happy with your decisions. This year, when I was reading the document, I remembered that the Foundation now is offering lots of Marie Schrag Beck, information about estate planning: ΒΥ, Sigma Sigma wills, trusts, annuities, other gifts. Sigma Foundation And, it’s all gathered in one place! Chairman …at the Foundation’s website: Click on “Gift Planning” at the top of the page. You’ll find interesting stories about Tri Sigmas, good ideas that can help you MAKE money, and booklets that might interest you. They did me.
This spring, you’ll also be receiving a special newsletter, highlighting stories and ideas to help you with your planning. We on the Foundation Board are grateful that the Foundation has received sizeable bequests in the past – one of these bequests has allowed us to bring this gift planning information to you. We think that women want to make gifts to Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation, not only throughout their lifetime but also through their estates. Such gifts make a great deal of difference to the Foundation: helping expand our Mission by offering more leadership programs, more scholarships, and funding more therapeutic play programs for children. If you’re like me, and you look at your estate plans every year, take a look at our website. You’ll find ideas, like those listed below, that might interest you…and help the Foundation at the same time.
SUPPORTING YOUR FRIENDS Whether you attend Convention this year or not, consider remembering a friend through our Violet Tributes program. Again, go onto our website and click on “make a gift.” You’ll be able to remember a friend, whether she’s at Convention or not, with a special embroidered violet and a note that says that the remembrance is from you. And if you know someone participating in the Foundation’s Walk at Convention, why not sponsor her? There’s a way you can do it, through the website. Click on ”Walk,” and you can sponsor a walker from your chapter or community.
SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship applications from graduate and undergraduate Tri Sigmas have
email: 540.459.4212
MEETINGS been received and will be awarded in July. We’re going to announce at Convention the formation of three newly endowed scholarship funds. Last year, the Foundation offered $30,000 in undergraduate and graduate scholarships, plus additional funding in Convention scholarships. The need is great, and our funds are growing.
I attended a “Come Home to Sigma” event in Orlando and was delighted to see many faces of members who haven’t been involved in Tri Sigma for a long while. If one of these events comes to your town, be sure and put it on your calendar. The National Organization brings us all up-to-date with their outstanding progress and exciting plans for the future. You can be proud to be a Tri Sigma!
…if you went to a Founders Day celebration and made a gift to the Foundation, hopefully for $1 for every year since your initiation. We appreciate your support at this special Tri Sigma event! It’s not too late, if you missed your local Founders Day. Just call Nancy Benedict in the Foundation office: 540.459.4212, and tell her you’d like to make a Founders Day contribution.
Another meeting I attended was a joint meeting of the Foundation and Sorority executive committees and executive directors in Phoenix this past February (it snowed, by the way, in Phoenix, just before we arrived). We all were delighted with our weekend meetings that only underscored how much both organizations are committed to working together.
Fro m t h e D i re ct or of A lumnae & Volunt e e r Se rvic e s:
Start Small Dear Golden Violets, It’s hard to imagine that spring is almost upon us! Every year I choose a new theme and 2013 was no different. This year, my days have been encouraged by the motto, “Start Small.” This has stretched from painting the first of many white walls in my house to focusing on smaller projects that will make a big difference. Here’s hoping this year has already brought you similar happiness and project completion! Alumnae chapter life continues to be a focus for Alumnae
Aimee Jensen Boland, HI, Director of Alumnae and Services. Moving into the new triennium, we have focused efforts on the support provided from the National OrganizaVolunteer Services
tion, establishing concrete chapter goals and operations, and creating resources to better assist chartering and new chapters. This includes increasing the number of Alumnae Chapter Coordinators from three to five for the 2013-2016 triennium, which will allow Coordinators to provide a customized support plan for each Alumnae Chapter. Additionally, one Alumnae Chapter Coordinator will follow up directly with interest groups and newly chartered chapters.
We have spent the last two years evaluating the current alumnae chapter program…What is working well? What improvements can be made? We are excited to roll out a four-track educational program, designed specifically for alumnae chapter members during Convention, which will highlight some of the improvements that have been made to alumnae chapter life. The topics being presented are about chartering a chapter, recruitment and retention tactics, an operational review (bylaws, finances, etc.), and a panel to answer questions and provide feedback. Sigma Sigma Sigma is committed to ensuring alumnae chapter life thrives and becomes the premier experience for Tri Sigma alumnae. I’d also like to extend a warm thank you to Carolyn Wallisch, who served as the Golden Violet Coordinator for the last triennium. Carolyn’s love for Tri Sigma and desire to make her volunteer position valuable to the Organization and the alumnae she supported is inspirational. Carolyn took great care to highlight the Golden Violet experience when writing Golden Glimpses. Her idea of gathering Golden Violets at the Mabel Lee Walton House in October 2012 was innovative and memorable, creating a very special bond for all those attending, and it reaffirmed how important Golden Violets are to maintaining Tri Sigma’s legacy.
Congratulations to Marilyn Beiter, ΒΞ, and member of the Greater St. Louis Alumnae Chapter, for being selected to serve as the Golden Violet Coordinator for the next triennium. We look forward to her continuing the foundation Carolyn laid and celebrating more Golden Violets to come! Ever forward,
Aimee Jensen Boland
The House Next Door (continued from page 2)
Improvements will include a complete HVAC system – and if you have been to Woodstock in the summer, you know how much we need air conditioning! With the move to 207, staff will finally have climate control for not only the summer but for winter as well. Walton House will continue to offer lodging for our chapter members and for retreats, initiations and leadership meetings. This property will become the place to guard our heritage by offering displays and museum pieces. Climatecontrolled archival space will also be provided. Our rich heritage and history need to be proudly preserved, displayed and shared with our membership. Finally, the National President’s bedroom at Walton House will be restored from its current office use to its original purpose. All this is quite an ambitious project requiring much continuous planning and work. Executive Council has a goal to hold an open house of the new “Tri Sigma campus” on the 50th anniversary of Walton House in 2015. More plans for the properties will be revealed at Convention this summer. Please contact me if you have any questions about this project or are interested in making a donation to help offset expenses. I hope you share my excitement – we’ll bring photos of the renovated buildings as we move along! Happy spring! I remain steadfast in Sigma, Kaye Schendel, National President
F r o m t h e O u t g o i n g G o l d e n Vi o l e t C o o r d i n a t o r :
It’s been a joy and privilege… …to be your Golden Violet Coordinator. It is with mixed emotions that I write to you my last letter for the Golden Glimpses. I will end my term as your Golden Violet Coordinator at the 2013 Convention this June in Orlando. It has been a wonderful privilege for me to serve as your Coordinator this past triennium. I have met so many outstanding Golden Violets and have had the joyous opportunities to write about each of you as you received your Golden Violet. I look forward to seeing many of you at the 2013 Convention where the theme is, “This I Believe.” This I do believe: becoming a TRI SIGMA is one of the most inspiring experiences a woman can have. I truly am blessed to have been a member for 55 years. Golden Carolyn Wallisch, Ι, t) with gh (ri or Violet Coordinat front in d lan Aimee Jensen Bo r be to Oc e, of Walton Hous t ole Vi n lde Go 2012 at the first . nd ke ee W Celebration
I would like to introduce to you our incoming Golden Violet Coordinator, Marilyn Beiter, ΒΞ, from Chesterfield, Missouri. Marilyn brings to us many years of involvement as an alumna. She is excited about this opportunity and will welcome you at Convention. See her article below about what to expect at Convention for the Golden Violets. Sigma Love,
F r o m t h e N e w G o l d e n Vi o l e t C o o r d i n a t o r :
Greetings, Golden Violets It’s time to get excited—we’re going to Orlando, Florida, for Tri Sigma’s “This I Believe” Convention in June. As your new Golden Violet Coordinator, I look forward to sharing this time with as many Golden Violets as possible, and I’m excited about going to Disney World! We’re hoping many of you will come and meet Sisters you haven’t connected with in a long time. Maybe you have a close Sigma Sister who would like to come with you and enjoy all the festivities of a National Sigma Convention. Marilyn Beiter, ΒΞ receiving the Steadfast Alumna Citation in 2011
There will be a meeting room set aside just for all Golden Violets where we can gather and “catch-up.” A special session is scheduled on Sunday for our group, and maybe we’ll have some new Golden Violets to welcome into the group.
An added bonus for all Golden Violets attending will be tables reserved just for us at each luncheon and dinner. It will be near the front of the room for easy access…and because we’re special! No worries about scurrying around to find tables, they will be reserved and waiting for us. Sigma Shop will be open throughout Convention for you to find that special gift. The Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation always has something going on, including the Saturday morning Foundation walk and lots of items for sale in the Foundation room.. Don’t miss out on sitting by the pool and reminiscing with your Sisters. The Lake Buena Vista Palace Hotel and Spa will host our Convention. It is just across the street from Downtown Disney. Registration has officially opened, so reserve the dates, June 21 through June 24, and we hope to see you there!
The Ceremony for…
Receiving your Golden Violet is truely memorable. During the 2012 Golden Violet Celebration Weekend, Linda Ritter received her Golden Violet with her sister by her side, making it all the more unforgettable. A lovely verse (right, written by Dr. Doris Dee Schroeder, ΑΕ) is read during the ceremony to celebrate Golden Violets across the United States.
Golden Violet Ceremony, 2012. Left to right, Carolyn Wallisch, Ι, Golden Violet Coordinator; Frankie Ritter Wainwright, Κ; Golden Violet Recipient, Linda Ritter, Κ; Emily Ellis, ΓΒ, National Vice President; Aimee Jensen Boland, ΗΙ, Director of Alumnae and Volunteer Services
The purple violet, flower of Sigma Sigma Sigma, embodies the significant and sterling attributes of the Sorority, which our honored recipients truly exemplify as well. Nestling in a cluster of verdant green leaves, the violet’s purple petals surround a golden crown, suggesting regal qualities of royalty without pomp. The violet’s natural beauty is a perfect blending of the brilliant RED of courage and warmth and BLUE of honor and truth compliments the precious WHITE of purity into the velvety royal PURPLE of its petals. It is symbolic of the exemplary qualities of character, compassion and confidence consistently demonstrated by the Golden Violet in her fifty years of Sigma Sigma Sigma membership and service. The Golden Violet pin represents fifty years of dedicated and devoted service and membership in Sigma Sigma Sigma. All Golden Violets wear this pin with pride and love as a token of affection and distinction.
Dr. Doris Dee Schroeder …A Golden Violet Shining Star! Dr. Doris Dee Hiles Schroeder (AE) is a 94-year old Sigma Sigma Sigma SHINING STAR. She first met Mabel Lee Walton, former National President of Sigma Sigma Sigma, in 1936 when Mabel Lee visited the Alpha Epsilon Chapter, where Doris was a 16-year-old freshman pledge. Doris promised always to be a model Tri Sigma in all her thoughts, words, and deeds. To a young girl, that first meeting with Mabel Lee made a powerful impact.
Beginning that very day, an amazing friendship and admiration developed and continued for 38 more years, until Mabel Lee entered the Heavenly Gates in 1974.
Doris writes that Mabel Lee had that rare gift of making others feel special, when in truth, SHE was the one who was very special. Each time Doris wears her Golden Violet and her badge, she says a silent prayer of thanksgiving for their heartfelt friendship, and she says that Mabel Lee greatly influenced what she has achieved in her life. Activities and Accomplishments: Tri Sigma member for 77 years, Alpha Epsilon Chapter; past President of Omaha-Council Bluffs, San Diego, CA and Long Beach, CA Alumnae Chapters; served as National Parliamentarian and Corresponding Secretary; received the following awards – Emily Gates Achievement Award, 1970; Alumna Recognition Award, 1982; Steadfast Alumna Citation, 1999; Woman of Distinction Award, 2004; Founders Award, 2010; mother of two daughters; Professor of Education for 30 years at California State University.
1962 Convention, Biloxi, Mississippi. Bottom left, Mabel Lee Walton, Γ and Ω, Top left to right: Do ris Dee Schroeder, ΑΕ, Delores Balkovetz Piper, ΒΕ
Donna Herndon …GV Recruiter Extraordinaire! Donna Herndon, (ΑΧ) has done an outstanding job as a Golden Violet, dedicating herself to ensuring her eligible chapter sisters, Alpha Chis at Murray State University in Kentucky, are nominated for their Golden Violet. Donna spent 11 years as Director of Alumni Affairs at Murray State and coordinated countless alumni events. She says that none have compared with the fun she had helping with the Alpha Chi 70th Anniversary Celebration held in October 2012 during Murray State’s Homecoming. In this Spring Golden Glimpses issue, we feature four ΑΧ Golden Violets nominated by Donna. The stories of Roselyn, Ruth, Violet, and Joy follow. These women were presented their Golden Violet during the dual Anniversary and Homecoming weekend.
A Homecoming parade at Murray State featured many Tri Sigma alumnae—including many Golden Violets—who had returned for Alpha Chi Chapter’s 70th Anniversary. In addition, a trolley was used to host tours of campus and the Tri Sigma house after the parade. A breakfast, lunch, a football game for the Tri Sigmas and an Anniversary Celebration dinner were all part of the wonderful weekend.
Left to right: AX alumnae Melanie Crisp Chapman 1984, Melanie Stephens Etheridge 1983, Karen Cocke Owen 1980, Susan Alsobrook Van Hooser 1982, Heidi Tilenius 1983, Susanne Ewbank Jackson 1983, Tiffany Satterfied Collins 1983, Kathy Suttles Waggoner, 1987, Kim Suttles Anderson 1983, Donna Ruth Grogan Herndon, 1961 Golden Violet.
Why not follow Donna’s example and look over the eligible Golden Violet list to see if you recognize any Sisters from your chapter whom you can nominate for their Golden Violet? She’s a great model for us to follow!
Warm Pineapple Sundaes with Rum-Caramel Smokey-sweet grilled pineapple gives this all-American dessert a tropical flair. For a more adult version, substitute 2 tablespoons rum for the extract. If you like, grill the pineapple ahead and store it in the refrigerator to serve chilled. 1 jar (10 oz.) caramel ice cream topping ½ tsp. rum extract 1/3 tsp. ground cinnamon Pinch ground nutmeg Pineapple (about 4 lb.) peeled, 4 cups vanilla ice cream cored and cut into 1-inch rounds 8 oz. peanut brittle, broken into small pieces Sauce: in a medium bowl, combine caramel topping, rum extract, cinnamon and nutmeg. Set aside. Pineapple: In a large bowl, sprinkle brown sugar over pineapple; let stand 20 minutes, turning occasionally. Drain and reserve juices In bowl.
To serve: Spoon warm or chilled pineapple over ice cream. Drizzle with sauce and sprinkle with peanut brittle.
Grill: On medium-high heat, grill pineapple, turning once, until grill-marked and heated through, about 8 minutes. Remove and cut each pineapple round into eight triangles and add to reserved juices; toss to coat.
Makes 9 to 10 servings Nutrition Facts per serving: 395 cal., 12 g. total fat (6 g sat. fat), 31 mg. chol., 235 mg. sodium, 68 g carb., 2 g. fiber, 6 g. protein
Meet Our Newest
Roselyn Nethery Douglas Roselyn Nethery Douglas (AX) began her journey with Sigma Sigma Sigma in 1949 with the Alpha Chi Chapter at Murray State University, Kentucky. When she left Murray State, she became a stewardess for Delta Airlines, where she met her husband. She has three children and three grandchildren.
Roselyn went back to school at age 40 to pursue an Interior Design degree. She had her own small business in Interior Design for 15 years. She also loves to lecture on art history. In addition, she spends a great deal of her time drawing, painting and writing, and she has written a fictional Civil War book based on her family history. Roselyn and her husband Charles at a family wedding
Roselyn had some interesting, historical experiences in her lifetime. In 1963, she was in Dallas, two blocks away from where President Kennedy was shot. In 1975, she was in the Hong Kong airport waiting to fly home when Vietnam fell. All the planes were sent into Saigon that day to pick up the people at the American Embassy. They were delayed, and it was a 29 hour trip home with a plane filled with evacuees. In 1994, she and her husband resided in a Russian village 1,200 miles outside of Moscow where they were the first Americans the townspeople had ever seen.
Activities and accomplishments: Member of the Houston and Dallas Sigma Sigma Sigma Alumnae Chapters; 1st Vice Regent and 2nd Vice Regent, DAR; chair of North Dallas Women’s Club and Board member; President of the Dallas Society for Abandoned and Neglected Children. This organization maintained three residential programs and established a scholarship fund for these children; PTA for eight years and officer position for two years; Methodist Church member serving with the Meals on Wheels program.
Ruth Gourieux Hazelwood
Ruth (right) with her daughter Ruth Ann Kirk (left), and great granddaughter, Gabbi Guerreno
Ruth Gourieux Hazelwood (AX) became a Tri Sigma with the Alpha Chi Chapter in 1948 at Murray State University in Kentucky. She married Anthony in 1942, finished her degree at Kentucky Wesleyan in 1953, and was a business education teacher for ten years at Henderson County High School.
She and her husband then started a construction business. Ruth was the office manager and secretary-treasurer. Her husband passed away four years ago, and now her son and granddaughter run the business. Ruth still goes into the office once a week to make sure everything is going well. Ruth has two children, four grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
Activities and accomplishments: Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity; board member for River View Academy for special needs children; active member of the First Baptist Church of Henderson; volunteer at hospitals, nursing homes and assisted living residences; currently traveling in a world-wide travel group; plays the piano and organ, and loves reading.
Violet Combs Jackson Violet Combs Jackson (AX) was initiated in 1946 with the Alpha Chi Chapter at Murray State University in Kentucky where she served as Vice President. She followed her older sister Gladys Irene Combs (AX). Violet’s younger sister, Thelma Combs Newberry (AX) also was a Tri Sigma and served as President of the Chapter in the early 1950’s. >> continued
Meet Our Newest Golden Violet Combs Jackson (continued)
Violet remembers that she rode a train to New Orleans with a group of Sisters from AX to attend a Tri Sigma meeting. Thelma graduated in 1949 with a degree in Chemistry.
After graduation, she taught high school in the Trigg County Schools in Cadiz, KY; Warren Central High School, Bowling Green, KY; and Owen County High School in Owenton, KY. Although women were not well accepted as teachers at the high school level then, she was able to secure a job and was well-respected.
Violet returned to Owensboro, KY where she married Charles Jackson, a chemical engineer at the local General Electric plant. Violet worked at the GE plant as a chemist and eventually as a senior chemist in engineering. She retired in 1989, and she currently resides in Owensboro. Activities and accomplishments: Central Presbyterian Church – Board for deaf ministry; volunteer as a reader and recorder of science textbooks for blind students; Elder Board Clerk, Treasurer, Administrative Communication; reading Tutor for adults ministry. She and her younger sister, Thelma Combs Newberry have a weaving studio. Violet also loves knitting and reading.
Joy Bennett Wernet Joy Bennett Wernet (AX) became a member of Alpha Chi Chapter at Murray State University, Kentucky, in 1945. She says she was a rather shy person, having grown up in rural West Tennessee and attending high school in a very small town, so she never expected to be recruited. Joy says being a Tri Sigma brought her many rewarding experiences throughout life.
After a break for marriage, a family, and a career in hospital administration, she graduated from Bethel College in McKenzie, TN, with a degree in business administration.
Joy spent over 50 years in business, beginning at age 16 when she “kept the books” for the local clothing store. Following a brief period in insurance and auditing, she spent the next 13 years in hospital administration. After moving to Memphis, TN, in 1967, she spent the remainder of her career in medical-
related work as secretary-treasurer of her family’s corporation. In 1994, she and her husband Bob retired and have divided their time between homes in Memphis, TN, and Lake Tahoe, NV. Activities and Interests: Participated in a Tri Sigma group in Memphis to try to organize an alumnae chapter in Memphis. Membership in Hospital Accountants of America for 13 years. Volunteer for Kings Daughters and Sons (support home for handicapped in Memphis), American Heart Association, volunteer secretary-treasurer. Active in the Second Baptist Church in Memphis. Enjoys theatre, bridge, handwork, sewing, traveling and being a mother.
Cathey Theriot Catherine (Cathey) Jarboe Theriot (ΓH) was initiated into Tri Sigma in 1962, at the newlyformed Gamma Eta Chapter at Loyola University in New Orleans. Cathey chose Tri Sigma so she could enjoy college life to the fullest with young women who had high moral and ethical standards and who were interested in getting a good education but who also wanted to have fun. She has been friends with many of these Sisters for 50+ years. Cathey graduated with a B.B.A. from Loyola and received her secondary mathematics certification and a master's in education for the gifted. She says that she used the instructions from the Tri Sigma officer notebooks and applied them often. Cathey volunteered for the 1989 Tri Sigma New Orleans National Convention and later served as an adjunct professor at the Delgado Community College in New Orleans.
Throughout her life in Sigma Sigma Sigma, she has always been proud of the women with whom she has served. She states that her Sisters have always been a credit to the sorority—as mothers, wives, and professionals in their careers. Cathey lives in New Orleans and is blessed with three grandchildren. Activities and accomplishments: Recording Secretary, New Orleans Alumnae Chapter, also served as Treasurer, Secretary, and President; attended Biloxi, Mississippi Convention 1962 and the New Orleans, Louisiana Convention 1989; served as Jaycee Jaynes – President, New Orleans Chapter; she enjoys cooking, count and cross-stitch, gardening, reading, collecting hand blown glass art and travel.
Meet Our Newest Golden
Judith Jones Wells Judith Jones Wells (N) was initiated into Tri Sigma in 1962 at Nu Chapter, Central Missouri State University.
Teaching was Judy’s career for 30 years. She and her student teacher became best friends Founders Day 2012 Golden Violets, and have still stayed in contact SE Jackson County Alumnae over the years. She then retired Chapter. Front, L to R: Judy to become a mother of two Wells, N, Frankie Wainwright, K; children. She served as a PTA Back, L to R: Jan Hammers, N, mom, a homeroom mother, and Carol Phillips, N a team mom for her children’s sports events. She has four grandchildren. Judy lives in Kansas City, Missouri, and has been a caregiver in her home for her elderly mother for ten years. She is a member of the SE Jackson County Alumnae Chapter, Kansas City, where she enjoys many activities and community service events. She says that many of the members are from Nu Chapter, and their chapter is expanding with some younger Sigmas from area universities.
Activities and accomplishments: Member of the SE Jackson County Alumnae Chapter; PTA for 17 years of involvement as 1st VP, 2nd VP, Corresponding Secretary and Council Delegate; Bible School Teacher; volunteer for school elections and a teacher in an inner-city math program. She served on the neighborhood Homeowners Association and enjoys reading.
Mimi Pugh Hiesterman
Mimi, with grandson Henry Hiesterman shared a five day, 225 mile bike ride on the Katy Trail in Missouri
Marilyn (Mimi) Pugh Hiesterman (Π) became a member of Tri Sigma in 1955 at Pi Chapter, Emporia State University in Kansas. When her husband of 56 years, Henry, met Mimi, he knew she was the perfect girl because a friend of his had drawn a picture of what Henry described as “the perfect girl” when they were in the Navy together.
Mimi majored in music and graduated in 1957 from Kansas State Teachers College. She and her husband live in Wichita, Kansas, where she was a stay-at-home mom when her two children were small. She now has seven grandchildren.
She was a manufacturers' representative in the gift/stationery industry, Polaroid Merchandising Service, and is now the South Central Kansas Alumni Coordinator at Emporia State University. Activities and accomplishments: Kansas City Alumnae Chapter 1960-1971, and served as President; Wichita Alumnae Chapter, 1971-1990; attends Founders Day every year; community involvement on the local Historical Board; MO Connolly Tennis Foundation in Wichita; Cycling; Book Club
Eleanor Helmbold Holdsworth
The 50th Wedding Anniversary of Bill and Ellie Holdsworth. L to R: husband Bill, Ellie, daughter Dawn, and son Art; back row: son Rob.
Eleanor (Ellie) Helmbold Holdsworth (ΓΔ) became a Sigma Sigma Sigma in 1961 with the Gamma Delta Chapter at Adrian College in Michigan. Ellie graduated with a degree in education. She was married in 1961 to her husband Bill and became a homemaker and mother of three, and has eight grandchildren.
Being a Key Alumna has kept Ellie involved in Tri Sigma. One of her major activities was focused on founding an Alumnae Chapter in her area. Ellie is an outstanding role model, and we are very appreciative of her efforts. For the past 12 years, Ellie has been a volunteer at the Music House Museum in Kewadin, which displays many automated instruments from the late 1800’s to 1930’s, including the showcase instrument—a Belgium Dance Organ.
Activities and accomplishments: Chicago SW Suburban Alumnae Chapter – served as President and in other offices 1961-1971; member of the North Jersey Alumnae Chapter in the 1990’s; member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) local chapter and served as secretary for the past ten years; Music House Museum Board and Volunteer Coordinator. She enjoys golf, reading and crossword puzzles.
Prospective Golden Violets The alumnae listed below are eligible to receive the Golden Violet but have yet to receive their Golden Violet. If you know any of these women, perhaps you can aid in their nomination: Kathalee Grant Hodge, K Susan Gibson Stanton, K Julia Bowen Agent, N Beverly Lawrence Kennedy, N Eileen Owen Dinsmore, O Mary Callahan Kapnick, O Sheila Stevenson Ragan, Π Lassie Crawford Lee, Ρ, Northeast Florida Alumnae Chapter Joyce Burts Robinson, Ρ Toni Chatham Frazier, Σ Bonnie Boger Wilcox, Σ, Madison Area Alumnae Chapter Linda Thomas Schelin, Χ Vicki Wender Patterson, Ψ Joyce Duell Stranathan, AΓ, Wichita Alumnae Chapter Sally Stafford Credeur, AZ Mary Ann Jennings Hovis, AΘ Phyllis Smay Wright, AK Eleonore Gnatzig Richards, AΞ
Leila Donohue Jennings, AΥ Shirlee Cropper Mears, AΥ Kay Cummings Broyles, AΦ Charlene Shaw Mendelsohn, AΦ Martha Lucile Smith, AΦ Linda Hanes Freukes, AΨ Patricia Knitter Janik, AΨ Patricia Mandel Quible, AΨ Judith Olson Zumwalt, BB, Central Florida Alumnae Chapter Linda Milbourn Baron, BΓ, Long Beach Alumnae Chapter Rebecca McGill Deckard, BΓ Sherry Dinwiddle Hanlin, BΓ, Indianapolis Suburban Alumnae Chapter Jacqueline Devine Lewis, BΓ, Sarasota/Manatee Counties Alumnae Chapter Sally Masing Waggoner, BΓ, Muncie Alumnae Chapter Karen Oleson Rasmussen, BΛ
Renee Winans Kosel, BE Patricia Stiegler Bass, BΞ JoAnn Prysock Biladeau, BΞ, Seattle Alumnae Chapter Dianne Lindberg Hallongren, BΠ, Chicago S.W. Suburban Alumnae Chapter Anne Hornick Teska, BΠ Krystyna Socha Shipman, BΡ Jacqueline Kinn Maxwell, BT Phyllis Moore Wood, ΓB, Columbia Alumnae Chapter Elizabeth Jobse DeMeritt, ΓΔ, Western Wayne-Washtenaw Alumnae Chapter Mary Karr Ellis, ΓΔ Joanne Stone Heemer, ΓΔ Judith Hoadley McLean, ΓΔ Margaret Tashey Morrison, ΓΔ Judith Kubsch Pester, ΓE Sandra Treemarcki Kosanovich, ΓZ Sue Barden Bonner, ΓI
For more info, contact Tri Sigma’s Director of Alumnae and Volunteer Services Aimee Jensen Boland at
Omega Golden
since the Fall 2012 Golden Glimpses: Lois Banker Blades, AN
Joyce Neureuter Julius, Z
Mary Esther Gilbert Simmons, Σ Beverly Fairleigh Wathne, X
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Golden Glimpses is published twice a year for the Golden Violets of Sigma Sigma Sigma Editorial Staff: Aimee Jensen Boland Jessica Jett Lafollette Carolyn White Wallisch
Produced/mailed by: Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation
Golden Glimpses | Spring 2013
Read on to find out! Or, exciting new plans? Story of intrigue?
The House Next Door