The Triangle • Spring 2014

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Triangle of Sigma Sigma Sigma

Spring 2014

“LIFE LONG Values IN Everyday LIFE” Mary Rhodes Russell, Mu, named Chief State Justice, Missouri Supreme Court

Arlynn Katz,Alpha Delta Wins Regional Emmy


from the president

Let’s Talk LivingYour Values

Happy Spring! As I sat down to write this I had some time to ponder the theme of this issue on values and what it means to live your values in everyday life. Almost everyone lives by some sort of internalized list of values or moral code, but most people don’t take time to sort out what they really believe. Let’s be clear, your personal priorities do not refer to your task list or things you have to do like study for exams, work on papers or support your extra-curricular organizations. Your personal priorities are the larger truths that help you define any task as important. In other words, what are the values in life that help you guide your living? I’ve found that having a clear sense of my values—my personal priorities—helps me live with higher selfesteem, a greater sense of fulfillment, and, when life is challenging, a greater source of resilience. It’s important to spend time determining your own personal, “most important” values. Choosing these will help you learn more about who you really are. So how do you do this? Well, you may already have an idea of what your list of values should be. Tri Sigma gives us an excellent roadmap in the values we all share. These values of faith, hope, love, wisdom and power are the foundation upon which everything else can be measured. Here are a few suggestions that might help you determine your personal values. These are things that have been guideposts in my life. • Valuing experiences more than stuff. In short, I appreciate the things I do more than things I have or buy. Maybe this is also a reflection of age as well, but I think there comes a time when there is just too much stuff in your life. • Simplify. Delbert McClinton wrote a great song years ago called “Too Much Stuff”—and those lyrics play in


T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014

KAYE SCHENDEL Gamma Phi | National President

my mind when I am considering buying something that perhaps I don’t need. • Adopt a flexible outlook on life. I generally know where I want my life to go, but I am not totally stuck on the particulars. It’s okay if I take a different path, and I am going to be OK if I change my mind. • Set life goals. I set big goals and I keep them visible in my life. Some are on Post-It notes by my desk, and others are in my planner or on my iPad. But all have meaning to me. Your goals are your own, but make them meaningful. • Create meaningful work. Ask yourself, where can I add value? How can I engage in work that I care about and that helps others? For me, it’s about doing things that matter—not only to me but to others as well. • Get out in the world. We truly live in a global society! For me, the opportunity to visit and have an impact in other countries and cultures is a huge priority, so much that I consider it a personal value. I’d like to close with some words from a friend of mine, John Shertzer, who has an amazing blog. If you want to check it out, just visit www.fraternalthoughts.blogspot. com. (By the way, his wife is Ellen Shertzer, a Tri Sigma from the Beta Epsilon chapter!) This passage is from his July 2013 post on the fraternal movement as it relates to values: “Years ago, I heard someone refer to Greek life as the ‘fraternity movement.’ It’s a pretty common phrase now. And it’s a very powerful perspective. Movements are big things that create transformational change. That’s a far cry from being just a bunch of clubs with meetings and parties. If Greek life is a movement, to what end? Movements have to try and do something. In my opinion, ours is a movement intent on promoting lofty ideals in order to raise their

The importance in society. We proudly promote ideals like leadership, service, kindness, intellectual curiosity and excellence in order to build up their

Triangle VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1

relevance. However, promoting ideals is not enough. We are also a movement that provides values to a world that hungers for them. As members, we are called to live by high standards and exceptional values. If each of us does that, then we become the literal embodiment of these values and simply our presence in the world makes it better. The more of us there are (the greater our movement spreads) the more we crowd out negative

Features: 14 Arlynn Katz, Alpha Delta Wins Regional Emmy

forces like corruption, unethical behavior, and selfishness. Soon, if we to uphold. That’s a movement!”

16 Delta Zeta alumnae reunite to re-create 1969 photo

To me, this sums it up. The Tri Sigma values that are near and dear to each of us have capacity to change the world. Pretty awesome.


do it correctly, our world is driven by the very values we have taken oaths

4 Housing 6 Empowered Women



To establish among its members a perpetual bond of friendship, to develop in them strong womanly character, and to impress upon them high standards of conduct.



8 Inside Sigma Sigma Sigma 18 Our Leadership 19 Our Collegians 28 Our Alumnae 35 Omega Chapter 36 Our Foundation

Sigma Sigma Sigma will provide exceptional experiences that will empower women to change the world.



Sigma Sigma Sigma reaffirms its long-standing core values of wisdom, power, faith, hope and love.

Assistant Director Leah McConnell, of Marketing and Lambda Communications Design & Editing

Alt Studios

Alumnae Editor

Mandy Chocheles, Gamma Eta

Collegiate Editor Katie Bevan, Eta Chi Features Editor Copy Editors

Amanda Marchegiani, Beta Xi Katie Lauer Wadington, Epsilon Xi Jocelyn Harper, Alpha Beta

Sigma Sigma Sigma 225 North Muhlenberg Street Woodstock, VA 22664-1424 p 540.459.4212 | f 540.459.2361 E-mail:

Executive Council 2013–2016 National President Kaye Schutte Schendel, Gamma Phi National Treasurer Bonnie Rainey, Alpha Sigma National Vice President Natalie Averette, Gamma Beta National Vice President Elizabeth Wakeman Hoffert, Beta Xi National Vice President Courtney Stone, Alpha Psi National Vice President Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi

Changes of names and addresses and death notices should be sent to National Headquarters, 225 North Muhlenberg Street, Woodstock, VA 22664-1424. Postmaster: Please send notices of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Sigma Sigma Sigma, 225 North Muhlenberg Street, Woodstock, VA 22664-1424. The Triangle of Sigma Sigma Sigma is published two times a year by Sigma Sigma Sigma, 225 North Muhlenberg Street, Woodstock, VA 22664-1424. Payment of membership dues includes $2 toward the cost of The Triangle subscription. Articles are invited for publication in this magazine. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor for consideration. Acceptances are on a contributing basis only and are subject to editorial review. All copies and photos become the property of Sigma Sigma Sigma. Member of National Panhellenic Conference and Fraternity Communications Association. © 2014 Sigma Sigma Sigma

The Tr i a n g l e |




Walt on House

Tracing the History of The Mabel Lee Walton House, located in the town of Woodstock, VA, has been part of the town’s history for a century. Built in 1914 as a private residence, it has undergone a plethora of changes over the years, and has come to rest as the place we all know and love: the heart home for Sigma Sigma Sigma. It has exciting plans for the future while staying steeped in its rich past. A HOME, A HOSPITAL The property at 225 N. Muhlenberg St. was purchased by Mrs. Maude E. Walton, the wife of Clyde E. Walton, in February 1914. Mr. and Mrs. Walton built the current house as their private residence until his death. Mr. Walton’s family settled in the Shenandoah Valley prior to the American Revolution. Through many generations the family helped build the town and influence life

the State Female Normal School in

Washington, DC. In the ‘60s, these men

Farmville, now Longwood University.

began renovations to convert the old

All founding members were residents

hospital back to the original floor plan of

of Virginia. Early growth of the sorority

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Walton’s home.

was centered in Virginia, and by 1956 there had been five chapters


established at public and private

Years earlier, in 1956, Sigma Sigma

colleges in the state. Many early

The second owners of the house

Sigma began to discuss the idea of

conferences and conventions were

were Dr. Roy Clyde Fravel and wife,

a National Headquarters to serve as

held in Virginia, bringing collegiate

Adelaide Smith Fravel, who purchased

executive office for its rapidly growing

and alumnae members together to

the property from Mrs. Clyde Walton’s

membership and a repository for

strengthen the growing organization.

estate in June 1946. The house

priceless records. Later, in 1962, a

Virginia became “home” to the

became known as Muhlenberg Hall,

National Memorial Headquarters

national membership.

which, it is assumed, was derived from

Committee was appointed and charged

its location on Muhlenberg Street.

with the task of searching for a site for


a headquarters. It was hoped that the


location would have significance and

Early leaders of the sorority had ties to the

sentiment to the organization. That

Shenandoah Valley and Woodstock.

in this area of Virginia.

Dr. Fravel operated an office and hospital at Muhlenberg Hall until illness befell him in 1951. Dr. Fravel helped organize Shenandoah


sold in 1961 to three businessmen from

location? Woodstock, VA.

Mabel Lee Walton, National

County’s first public hospital, which

The Woodstock site was chosen for

President from 1913-47, grew up in

was dedicated that same year. The Fravel

several reasons. Sigma Sigma Sigma

Woodstock and attended college at

family owned the house until it was

was founded on April 20, 1898, at

Randolph-Macon Woman’s College.

T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014

right page

She also established the first national

accomplishments reflect the character of

office of Sigma Sigma Sigma while

the Walton family of Virginia.

serving as National President. After serving as National President, Mabel


Lee served in other capacities with

For 50 years, The Mabel Lee Walton

Tri Sigma and with the National

House and Tri Sigma have made

Panhellenic Conference, which

Woodstock home. Operating as the

governs 26 national sororities in

national office for the sorority, the

the United States. In 1956, she was

organization has not forgotten its

named president emerita in honor of

ties to Virginia. It continues to be

her years of service to Tri Sigma.

an integral part of the Woodstock community. It employs residents

In 1963, the National Memorial Headquarters Committee recommended the purchase of Muhlenberg Hall. The Executive Council of Sigma Sigma Sigma met in Woodstock in the spring of that year, toured the house and purchase

from Woodstock and Shenandoah county, supports local volunteer organizations and maintains a beautiful historic home. Recently, Tri Sigma committed its future to this area of Virginia by purchasing the house and property next door.

papers were signed. Council approved the recommendation of

Restoration of this property will

the search committee to rename the

add to the beauty of Muhlenberg

house The Mabel Lee Walton House.

Street. The moving of the business operations to this site will allow

Naming the new headquarters building after Mabel Lee Walton was a logical choice for Tri Sigma. Her years of service to the sorority, her steadfast dedication to the principles of the organization and her larger than life presence among the membership led to this choice. The fact that the house was originally owned by her brother, Clyde E. Walton, made Mabel Lee and Tri Sigma’s connection to this house

the sorority to update and expand its Executive Office. The Mabel

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Email your Letter to the Editor to triangle@, for possible inclusion in the Your Voice section. Please include your full name and chapter of initiation. The Triangle reserves the right to publish any letter received. Letters may be edited for space and clarity. GETTING PUBLISHED All Sigmas are encouraged to submit news and stories to The Triangle. All submissions are subject to editing for content, grammar, and space. Submit stories to and include your chapter name in the subject line. Also be sure to include your first, maiden, and last name. If your submission includes a photo, you can attach it to your email, but please ensure the file size is at least 1MB, and all subjects portrayed in the photo are identified (first, maiden, last name, and chapter affiliation) in your email. Because of the volume of articles we receive, we cannot guarantee publication of any submission.

Lee Walton House will serve as the sorority’s archives/museum and accommodate visitors to both sites. Tri Sigma looks forward to many more years in its corner of Virginia. The Mabel Lee Walton House will continue to make history in the tradition of our founders and the Walton family.

stronger. It was a perfect fit! Her life and

We invite you to participate in the Heart Home Campaign. This one-time campaign is designed to offer our members and chapters an opportunity to be involved in this exciting expansion project. Although many changes are happening at Walton House, it will forever remain our “heart home!” As we draw nearer to the 50th anniversary of the opening of Walton House, new plans are underway to expand our Executive Offices and transform Walton House into a true memorial home for our archives and heritage.

YourGUIDE toThe Triangle

For more information about our Heart Home Campaign or to make a donation, visit us online at hearthomecampaign.

SUBMISSION DEADLINES FALL 2014 ISSUE DEADLINE: MAY 25, 2014 THEME: SIGMAS SERVING OTHERS In this issue we will be spotlighting Sigmas who are “Serving Others” whether that be by community service activities, volunteering with children hospitals, etc. We are looking for news about chapters that have been involved with our National Philanthropy or a local philanthropy. We want to know about alumnae who are involving service activities in their chapter and giving back to others. SPRING 2015 ISSUE DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 15, 2014 THEME: FOLLOWING IN OUR FOUNDERS FOOTSTEPS Our Founders were innovators and created a wonderful organization based on friendship, character and conduct. We want to hear how you have been following in our Founders footsteps. Are you a long-time volunteer? Do you consider yourself an innovator within your chapter? We want to hear how our members connect with our Founders and continue to lead this organization. The Tr i a n g l e |


empowered women



MaryRhodes Russell, Mu, named Chief State Justice, Missouri Supreme Court

Collegiate and alumnae members of Mu chapter at Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, can rightly be proud of their alumna Sister Mary Rhodes Russell. A summa cum laude graduate of Truman with both a B.A. and a B.S. in 1980, she went on to receive her J.D. in 1983 from the University of Missouri at Columbia School of Law. She was appointed by Gov. Mel Carnahan in 1995 to the Court of Appeals and was the youngest person in the court’s history to hold the position of chief judge. Mary was a member of Truman’s Board of Governors from 1993-1997, and served as president from 1996-1997. In September 2004, she was appointed to the Missouri Supreme Court, and is serving a two-year term as chief justice. She previously served as a judge on the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District, from 1995-2004, and as its chief judge from 1999-2000. Mary boasts an impressive list of professional memberships and associations, as well as charitable and civic activities. She is the recipient of several awards, including the University of Missouri Law School Citation Award, the Young Lawyers Chairperson,

Award, and the Henry Toll fellowship. She also devotes much time to mentoring young women in the legal field. “She is a great role model and mentor,” says Rhonda Trosen, Mu chapter alumna. “In 2003, Mary received the Truman State University’s Outstanding Alumni Award, and 10 years later she received this award again. We are quite proud of her, and she is an amazing ambassador for the university,” Trosen says. Tri Sigma can also state its pride at having a chief justice of the Missouri Supreme Court among its many Mu alumnae.

“In 2003, Mary received the Truman State University Outstanding Alumni Award, and 10 years later she received this award again. We are quite proud of her, and she is an amazing ambassador for the university,” — Rhonda Trosen, Mu


T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014





Meet Miss Pennsylvania USA 2014:

Valerie Gatto, Beta Theta By: Feature Editor, Amanda Marchegiani, Beta Xi

Too many people let their past define their future. Valerie Gatto embraced her past to help her move forward and help others. Many years ago, Valerie’s mother was sexually assaulted and caught in a life-threatening situation. Upon escaping her attacker, Valerie’s mother became pregnant with the now Miss Pennsylvania, and her very presence became the only blessing that occurred from that unimaginable night. Valerie’s story is what keeps her moving forward, and as the reigning Miss Pennsylvania USA® 2014, Valerie will educate women on sexual assault prevention and share her message with the world and especially with collegiate women. We had a chance to speak with Valerie to learn more about her and what being Miss Pennsylvania means to her.

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DOING PAGEANTS? I did my first pageant when I was 4 years old. It took place in Valley Forge, Penn. I actually signed myself up for it too. A mailer came to our house and it was going into the trash pile. I found it and I called to sign myself up. I took a break from pageants throughout college because I wanted to focus on school, and I knew I would not have been able to devote enough time for pageants. DID YOU EVER DREAM YOU WOULD COMPETE TO BECOME MISS PENNSYLVANIA?

I competed in the competition in 2012 but did not win. I took the past year to prepare and focus on the competition and I won Miss Pennsylvania in December 2013. Now, I will compete in the MISS USA® 2014 Pageant later this year, and if I win, I would move to New York City to work with Donald Trump. If I get to that level, then I can compete in the MISS UNIVERSE® Pageant. I’m a huge fan of The Apprentice, so it would be a dream to be able to work with Donald Trump on any level. HOW HAS THIS COMPETITION AFFECTED YOU? I don’t think the competition has changed me. It has given me a platform and an opportunity to speak about things that are important to me such as education regarding sexual assault. HAVE YOUR SIGMA SISTERS BEEN SUPPORTIVE?

other sororities in Pittsburgh, and I will be speaking to some of the chapters about self-awareness and sexual assault prevention. HAVE YOUR FAMILY ILY AND FRIENDS BEEN EN JUST AS SUPPORTIVE? TIVE? Yes. It’s been incredible. e. High school classmatess reached out to me whom om I had not seen or spoken en to in years. The outreach ch from people meant a lot to me and has motivated me to keep doing my best. HOW DO YOU PREPARE FOR THIS LEVEL OF COMPETITION? ? I focus on myself and on doing my best. I can only be the best version of me and make the most out ut of this year. I surround myself with positive people as well. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE PART OF COMPETITION? I like all of the components of the competition, but if I had to choose, I’d say the interview. In that part of the competition, everyone gets to see you up close and see the type of person you are. If you would like to send your congratulations or encouragement to Valerie as she prepares for the Miss USA® 2014 Pageant, you can connect with Valerie at or MissPennsylvaniaUSA2014.

Absolutely! Our past collegiate president has sent out emails to The Tr i a n g l e |


inside sigma sigma sigma


Announcing the Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority National Archives We are excited to announce the formal creation of the Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority National Archives! Over the next few years, Tri Sigma will be reorganizing, collecting, and properly caring for materials with historical significance to the sorority. Our new archivist, Liz Johns, Delta Omicron, has jumped on board by helping to create a plan to get us ready for the 50th anniversary of the Mabel Lee Walton House in 2015, and creating a usable, accessible collection of historical Tri Sigma materials. The mission of the Archives is as follows: The Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority National Archives serves to safeguard and preserve the records of Sigma Sigma Sigma, ensuring that the history and heritage of the Sorority is maintained. The Archives identifies, acquires, and preserves archival materials that document the history of Sigma Sigma Sigma National Sorority and the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation, promoting the awareness, discovery and use of the materials. As the archivist, Liz is responsible for the ongoing preservation of Tri Sigma’s historical records and memorabilia, supporting the mission of the Archives. The goal of the Archives is to revitalize the Walton House and display artifacts from our rich history. Some exciting changes will include displaying the beloved doll collection in a way that showcases the unique style of each chapter and creating a brilliant jewelry display. Current offices in the Walton House will be converted into areas that present photographs, artifacts, and documents in exciting and beautiful ways. We hope to create a reading room where alumnae can immerse themselves in our historical documents and perhaps spend an afternoon perusing Mabel Lee Walton’s correspondence, or histories written by early chapters. Overall, we hope that the Walton House becomes a more engaging center of Tri Sigma’s history and identity. Later, we hope to bring Tri Sigma’s history to life online, and make it


T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014

accessible to all our members around the world. Over time, documents, photographs, and even threedimensional objects will be digitized, interpreted and displayed in digital exhibits. While the collection is quite large, the Archives will be developing a collection plan to solicit materials from collegiate and alumnae chapters. We are accepting materials that relate to the history of Sigma Sigma Sigma and its chapters. Materials desired include, but are not limited to: photographs (print and digital), newspaper articles, scrapbooks, chapter history records, awards, chapter songs, and promotional materials. More information can be found in our full collection policy. We are very excited to launch this project, and are looking forward to seeing Tri Sigma’s history come to life! For questions about current projects, or submitting materials to the Archives, contact the archivist at

Wisconsin Date: April 26, 2014 Location: Oshkosh (Albee Gym, University Wisconsin – Oshkosh Campus) Contact: Kim Katz

Indiana Date: July 12, 2014 Location: Indianapolis (Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park Inn) Contact: Kara Rees

State Day interest groups are being formed for Illinois, Michigan and Virginia. Stay tuned for more information!

SIGMA SISTERS GETAWAYS San Francisco Date: July 10-13, 2014 Contact: Toya Sonnier Hotel rooms in the Pleasanton area are blocked for Sigmas. Activities include a tour of San Francisco, shopping, visits to local wineries, dinner with local Sigmas, Sunday brunch and plenty of free time. Friends and family members are welcome.

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware Date: June 4-7, 2015 Contact: DiAnne Gatts Enjoy a multitude of activities including historic landmarks, beaches, shopping and exploring. From East to West, our Sigma alumnae are the best…at getting away together!



Founders Day 2014 Dear Sigma Sisters,

ALUMNAE Anniversary

Charter Date




Greater Cleveland, OH



Lafayette, LA



Colorado Springs, CO Topeka, KS Houston, TX





On April 20th of each year, we come together as a

San Diego, CA Long Beach, CA

band of Sisters to celebrate our eight founding Sisters

West Michigan, MI (formerly Grand Rapids)

and their vision of an everlasting Sisterhood. As I think

Greater Cincinnati, OH

back on Founders Days of the past, I remember the joy



Omaha – Council Bluffs, NE

of seeing Sisters who only are able to attend this one

Northern VA

event each year renewing friendships, sharing stories and

Seattle, WA Louisville, KY

reconnecting. I also remember the joy of Sisters reflecting on our mission of friendship, character and conduct.





Chicago Suburban NW, IL



Wisconsin Fox Valley, WI



Jersery Shore, NJ



Anchorage, AK



Greater Savannah, GA

Atlanta, GA

Over the past few years, I’ve been fortunate to celebrate Founders Day with collegiate and alumnae chapters in Texas, Michigan and Virginia. Each celebration was unique and left a lasting impression on all who attended.

Tallahassee, FL

For 116 years, our Sisterhood has joined each year to renew

Madison Area, WI

our faith and the beliefs that caused each of us to accept

South Jersey Regional, NJ

an invitation of membership. Our eight Founders would

Springfield Area, MO

be proud of our loyalty to our core values of faith, hope, wisdom, power and love. Through our values, we fulfill the


promise of being women of character. This year’s Founders Day


Charter Date


Program was presented by Bethany A. Deines, Beta Kappa and



Alpha Theta

at our 43rd National Convention in Orlando. For those who



Alpha Upsilon

missed Convention, you are in for a treat.



Beta Alpha



Beta Theta



Gamma Mu



Gamma Psi



Delta Theta



Delta Omicron

Alpha Iota

past National Vice President, at the Festival of Lights Banquet

On behalf of Executive Council, I extend warmest greetings and best wishes as we begin our 117th year by celebrating the Sisterhood created by our eight Founders. In our bonds,

Delta Pi 30


Epsilon Alpha Epsilon Beta





Zeta Rho



Eta Theta





Epsilon Omicron

Bonnie L. Rainey Alpha Sigma and Dallas Alumnae Chapter National Treasurer

Epsilon Nu

Eta Pi The Tr i a n g l e | Eta Chi


inside sigma sigma sigma

NPC Update By: Jennifer Wetzel, Pi Beta Phi, and Sydney Willmann, Zeta Tau Alpha, National Panhellenic Conference marketing and communications interns 2013 Annual Meeting Recap On Oct. 10-13, National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) delegations, executive directors, national and international presidents, editors, and staff gathered at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott for the 2013 annual meeting. Participants reflected on the accomplishments within the Conference during the past year and looked forward to the ongoing commitment of sorority advancement in the next biennium. The 2013 annual meeting allowed for reflection, celebration and discussion. It also provided attendees with a renewed vision of the NPC mission and goals, which can be attained by advancing sorority together.

Kelly Jo Karnes, Pi, Wins Distinguished Service Award The AFA Sue Kraft Fussell Distinguished Service Award was created in 1985 and renamed for AFA’s second executive director, Sue Kraft Fussell, in 2006. The purpose of the award is to recognize individuals who have exhibited outstanding achievements in one or more of the following areas: service to AFA; programming and/or service that reaches beyond the recipient’s campus/organization; development and research activities; and/or service to the college and fraternity/sorority communities. When nominating Kelly Jo Karnes for the award, Carolyn Whittier, Assistant Dean of Students at Valparaiso University said, “I believe that her lifelong commitment to our profession and her personal commitment to creating an outstanding undergraduate fraternity and sorority experience for today’s undergraduate men and women is second to none.” “It truly was such a surprise and a lovely honor,” Kelly Jo says. “I am proud of the work I have done for the fraternal movement and hope to continue to give back to organizations and associations who have given me so much more.” “Kelly Jo is a trusted colleague and friend,” says Anne Arseneau, director of student leadership development at the College of William and Mary. “Her laugh is contagious, and her support for those around her makes rough days better.”

“Kelly Jo clearly rises to a new level of commitment, involvement, passion and advocacy, and goes well above and beyond the ‘norm’ for those of us in the fraternity/sorority world,” — Rueben Perez, director of the Student Involvement and Leadership Center at the University of Kansas.


T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014

Photo co urtesy of Greek Ye arbook

The Alumnae/Collegiate Advisory Committee Takes Action The Alumnae/Collegiate Advisory Committee (A/CAC) has long been a tradition for Sigma Sigma Sigma. The committee is made up of individual and chapter award winners who meet annually. Throughout the years, the method and purpose of the meeting has changed. Historically, it was used as a way to share new sorority initiatives or common challenges to a representation of the membership to solicit feedback. As technology advanced and staff support become more prevalent, the feedback and suggestions came more regularly. Sigma Sigma Sigma views the work of the A/CAC as vital to the continued success of the national organization, but has changed the overall look and feel of the program. Tri Sigma award winners join together for a weekend retreat at the Mabel Lee Walton House. The purpose of the retreat is to further teach our award-winning members and chapters to live our ritual and values as role models and understand what it means to be a woman of character. We believe one person can change the world through honest communication, steadfast volunteering and leading by example. A/CAC is an opportunity for our members to gain

skills necessary to make a difference. The work doesn’t stop after A/CAC. After the retreat, all participants, from year after year, will serve on a greater committee, acting as a counsel to the Executive Council. Should the need occur for feedback or a group of volunteers, those who served on A/CAC will be called upon. A/CAC is truly an experience, an honor, and essential to the health and success of Sigma Sigma Sigma. A special thank you to all who participated in the 2013 A/CAC Weekend November 22-24 at the Mabel Lee Walton House in Woodstock, VA. A/CAC was a wonderful weekend of Sisterhood and service. It was such an honor to make this trip (my first-ever to Walton House!) as a representative of my chapter, and to have the opportunity to connect with Kaye and other National Headquarters staff, as well as other collegiate and alumnae leaders in our organization. The weekend left me inspired to further my involvement with Tri Sigma and encourage others to take advantage of the lifelong sorority experience that Tri Sigma provides.

“A/CAC was a wonderful weekend of sisterhood and service. It was such an honor to make this trip (my firstever to Walton House!) as a representative of my chapter, and to have the opportunity to connect with Kaye and other National Headquarters staff, as well as other collegiate and alumnae leaders in our organization. The weekend left me inspired to further my involvement with Tri Sigma and encourage others to take advantage of the lifelong sorority experience that Tri Sigma provides.” —— Stefanie Pidgeon, Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter






inside sigma sigma sigma


Love for Sorority Life and Education Leads to Prestigious Award By: Amanda Marchegiani, Beta Xi In October 2013, National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) members met in Los Angeles, CA, for their Annual Meeting. As part of their meeting, several awards were presented. Tri Sigma has been able to fund the Higher Education Achievement Award through an endowment established in 1999 by Tri Sigma and Foundation in partnership with the NPC Foundation. This award recognizes an outstanding woman who has made or is making a significant difference in higher education through her scholarship and leadership. Her contributions may be in the area of faculty, staff or administration at a college, university or community college, or they may be through an association with a professional education association or government entity, which promotes higher education. She has a positive attitude toward the value of the women’s fraternity experience and she may or may not be a member of a Greek-letter organization. Dr. Audrey Jaeger, an associate professor of higher education at North Carolina State University and a Delta Delta Delta sorority member, was the recipient of the Women In Higher Education Achievement Award from the NPC Foundation this year. Dr. Jaeger is the sixth recipient of this award, and she received a $1,000 honorarium and addressed hundreds of sorority women attending the NPC annual meeting. She spoke on the topic of women and minorities in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) careers. I was thrilled to interview Jaeger and found out how the award has impacted her. I even found out where she keeps the award! HOW HAS RECEIVING THIS AWARD IMPACTED YOU? I’ve received so many congratulations, from close colleagues to acquaintances. Aside from that, the award has brought attention to me and my work as a scholar. I have also been able to connect with policy makers in Ohio, Greek leaders from two other national organizations, and higher education administrators

from several other bout universities about e issues that are men critical to women and higher education. o The award also or highlighted for o me a desire to h reconnect with ity and my own sorority es about my research. In the other sororities past, I haven’tt always seen a direct connection between my research as a faculty member and my membership in a Greek organization. I want to work with my own group and other women’s groups to create environments for women to be successful in whatever discipline they seek, but in particular disciplines where women are underrepresented. On a personal level, receiving the award and having my family be part of that process was a wonderful experience as a mom. My daughters were exposed to smart, dynamic women from all across the country. They were able to see that what their mom does is important and makes a contribution. I care deeply about work-life issues and try to lead by example. Having my family involved offered me the opportunity to integrate my work and personal life in a meaningful and remarkable way. HOW HAS BEING GREEK HELPED YOU PERSONALLY AND PROFESSIONALLY? Personally, the friendships and experiences I have had are ones I will cherish forever. I’m grateful for the values and beliefs that I have strengthened by being part of Tri Delta. Professionally, the benefits are endless, starting with scholarships that allowed me to pursue my Ph.D. to receiving the Women in Higher Education Achievement Award. The networks and opportunities created by being Greek have been invaluable.



My children also inspire me as they are full of optimism and hope and truly make me a better person. DO YOU HAVE ANY ENCOURAGING WORDS TO GIVE TO OTHER GREEK WOMEN? I think Greek organizations will continue to have tremendous influence in supporting important issues. In particular, I think women’s Greek organizations can lead conversations in gender equity. I would encourage women in Greek organizations to use the power of our numbers to make a difference for those women who are outnumbered whether in their major or in their job. WHERE DO YOU KEEP YOUR AWARD? My award is sitting right next to my most important academic accomplishment, my doctor of philosophy diploma from New York University. It was at NYU that I made the final decision to pursue a faculty career and to seek research opportunities to make a difference in the lives of those who are underserved or underrepresented. Resting on my plaque is a small flier that I received at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. On that flier are the names of 2013 ASHE award winners. One of those names is my former doctoral student, Stephany Brett Dunstan. She received the highly competitive Bobby Wright Dissertation of the Year Award. It is fitting that resting on the NPC plaque is a piece of paper that shows the accomplishments of one of my mentees. My greatest professional contribution is the time and energy I give to supporting, guiding and mentoring others.

importance of my work and the amazing power and responsibility we hold as Greek women! Also, my daughter Grace asked me if I was famous after she saw the reaction of others to my speech. After the NPC meeting, we were on our way to visit a friend, and we stopped at Hollywood Boulevard. As we looked at the stars on the sidewalk my daughter Grace asked, “Where’s your star mommy? You are famous now!” WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS FOR THE FUTURE? As I continue in my faculty career, I want to be able to reach more people with my research and to impact current practice. I hope that I am able to work with women’s Greek organizations to make a difference in the lives of female STEM students and others who feel alone and isolated. Jaeger commends Tri Sigma for continuing the important conversation of women in higher education, and we congratulate her on sharing her wisdom and faith in women with our sorority and the entire NPC

community. Dr. Jaeger an

d members

of Tri Sigma

at the NPC

meeting in

October 20


WHO INSPIRES YOU? I continually meet and am inspired by individuals who face significant challenges in their daily lives and don’t think twice about not only addressing those challenges, but also doing so with grace and grit! My children also inspire me as they are full of optimism and hope and truly make me a better person. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT THE NPC ANNUAL MEETING? I was so deeply humbled by the award recognition, and seeing the audience stand after my presentation reminded me of the

The Tr i a n g l e |



Passion and Love Serve as Keys for Regional Emmy Award Win!


T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014


Arlynn Katz,Alpha Delta Wins Regional Emmy It’s hard for the average person to comprehend winning an Emmy award as a recent college graduate, but Arlynn Katz, Alpha Delta and Drexel University alumna, knows exactly what it feels like. Arlynn was part of a dedicated group of film students involved in what started out a multi-disciplinary student project, but is now as a multi-award winning show. Off Campus is a student-run show with performances by local actors. The show has been compared to sitcoms like Friends and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, according to a Drexel Now article by Alissa Falcone. The show previously won the MidAtlantic Emmy for “Outstanding Achievement in a Student Production” in 2011 and was nominated again in 2012 for “College Production – Arts and Entertainment/Cultural Affairs.”

goal. Do whatever you can to be better and help others. Don’t think that little things will go unrecognized. Those gestures mean a lot.” It’s clear that Arlynn’s passion and putting her heart into everything has paid off. Since receiving the Mid-Atlantic Emmy win, Arlynn has continued to stay in touch with her former crewmembers and excel in her field. She has been an assistant at Don Buchwald and Associates and currently is an executive assistant at Stephen David Entertainment.

It can now add the 2013 Mid-Atlantic Emmy Award for “College/University Production in Long Form Fiction” for Off Campus (episode 4) to its award credentials. Arlynn was nominated as the producer for this episode. Arlynn became part of this interactive production class as a sophomore. Students work to complete a full episode for the show — that’s a two-term commitment, comprised of twenty weeks of production. Each episode is written in the spring and re-written in the summer. Throughout Arlynn’s Off Campus experience, she has acted as the data asset manager, producer, writer, editor and co-supervising producer. She learned how to edit scenes and manage not only cast members, but also schedules, budgets and the crew office. She also created guides and templates for future students in her position.

Arlynn’s best advice to other aspiring production/broadcasting students is to “try everything, and when you find something you love, pursue it to no end. You must keep striving to meet your The Tr i a n g l e |



Echoes of the Past, Ever Moving Forward, Delta Zeta By: Molly Montague Fisher, Delta Zeta

What began as a photo shared on Facebook soon became an event that connects 45 years worth of Sigma Sigma Sigma Sisters.

Original Original Origin al 196 1969 9 yyear yearbook earboo bookk phot p photo hoto o of of Thet TTheta hetaa Gamm G Gamma ammaa Phi Phi which became Sigma Sigma Sigma in 1971. 2013 201 3 Re Re-created R e crea created ted ph photo oto

Gayle Thorpe Baar, a 1971 graduate of Bloomsburg State College (now Bloomsburg University), posted a copy of this photo of Theta Gamma Phi Sisters posing artistically on the steps in the Haas Auditorium Lobby. This original photograph was taken by Axel Bahnsen and published in the 1969 Obiter. Within minutes, our Sisters began commenting on Gayle’s post, asking questions and chiming in with stories. Our Sisterhood fell in love with the photo. The conversations on Facebook continued for days, and the women decided they would re-create the original photograph at Homecoming 2013. Sigma Sigma Sigma Sisters throughout the years volunteered to come to Bloomsburg for Homecoming to re-create the original photograph. Just one hour before the Homecoming parade, the women gathered and posed in positions marked carefully on each step for the camera. While the staircase has been modernized with glass, some adjustments had to be made to accommodate reflections, and even the potted plant had to be re-created since it was such an essential part of the pose! While preparing for this shoot, we learned that the women used to “dress for dinner.” They would wear skirts and blouses to gather in the Scranton Commons dining rooms. What a world of change that is! While the styles have certainly evolved, it made us wonder what life would be like if there was still a little formality on campus. We agreed that black pants in lieu of the full skirts would be more practical and still achieve the same effect for the shot. Within minutes, the women were in their spots and posed for the camera. Three Sisters, Teresa Valente Montanaro (founding member of Theta Gamma Phi), Gayle Thorpe Baar, and Lovey Kompinski Scully who posed


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Two Special Sigmas Join Omega Chapter in the original photograph returned to Haas and stood in their exact positions for our 2013 re-creation. This group of women included founding Sisters, many alumnae through the years, as well as women who are active Sisters on campus now—that’s over 45 years of Sisterhood on the steps of Haas Auditorium at one time! The 2013 photograph was taken by the talented Eric Foster. Sigma Sigma Sigma has a long and wonderful history on the campus of Bloomsburg University. Our Sisterhood began in 1967 with our local, founding sorority Theta Gamma Phi. In 1971, Theta Gamma Phi became the national sorority Sigma Sigma Sigma. For the past 45 years, Tri Sigma has played an active and vibrant role in many womens’ lives at Bloomsburg University. I am proud to say that I am a 1986 graduate of BU and a member of the 24th new member class of Tri Sigma (that’s me on the floor, next to the planter). Our sorority bond gives us reason to return to Bloomsburg and reminisce about good times and make new memories like this amazing photograph or proudly marching down Main Street during the parade with the Greek Alumni Association, or even visiting with our children who attend Bloomsburg University. Pictured: Valerie Reilly Metzger, Molly Parsons Davies, Jennifer Endress Bowden, Dorothy Howard Callum, Lovey Kompinski Scull, Eileen Walls Reitz, Jill Doll Binkoski, Deb Dreisbach Davidson, Trina Cocetti Laviola, Gwen Sheets Raifsnider, Nancy Dreisbach Hoffert, Rosemary Quagliariello Hentnick, Tricia Robinson, Molly Wagner Troutman, Dana Lee Sutton, Catherine Pandur Abdel-Latif, Elise Grandizio, Kathy Hotchkiss Hallamore, Megan Oney Daleo, Christine Nealis, Toni Marstellar Eardley, Marta Marcelli Moye, Shannon Bruno, Karen Craig Weingarten, Cindy Haas Begg, Jeannie Butkiewicz McLean, Gayle Thorpe Baar, Kristina Gray, Edie Gair Shull

By: Alumnae Editor, Mandy Chocheles, Gamma Eta In November, Tri Sigma lost two very special members within one week. Both were longtime national volunteers, Golden Violets and Sigma award winners, and both were involved in the same alumnae chapter in the Chicago area. Rachel Gabel Kyle, Beta Alpha, and Chicago North Shore Alumnae Chapter, was known for her kind spirit and continued passion for Tri Sigma…and forr her quick fingers knitting or crocheting at many a Sigma event. She was initiated into Tri Sigma in 1944 as a charter member of Beta Alpha, Northern Illinois University, and was a founding member of the Chicago North Shore Alumnae chapter. Her impressive resume of national service since 1948 includes Art Director, National Housing Committee, National Alumnae Chairman, Golden Violet Coordinator, as well as National Collegiate Secretary on Executive Council. She served as the Walton House Decorating Consultant for 15 years, and was a Member and Chairman of the Walton House Board. Besides her Golden Violet and many other Sigma awards, Rae was honored at the Centennial Convention in 1998 with the Founders Award, Tri Sigma’s highest individual award. Rachel was considered the chapter seamstress for the Chicago North Shore Alumnae chapter. Each year, alumnae would make dolls for the young patients at Evanston Hospital to decorate in their own image and play with during their hospital stay. The dolls served to lessen the stress of the medical environment. Rae would cut out and sew the dolls, then chapter members would stuff them and sew them the rest of the way. Rae will forever be remembered for her life of service, dedication to her family and community and always for that wonderful smile. Lee Goldstrohm Rapach, Alpha Delta and Chicago Northshore Alumnae chapter, served as both a National

Alumnae Chairman and a National Collegiate Chairman, as well as a Special Advisor during her 40+ years as a Sigma volunteer. Her term as Chairman for the Chicago Convention in 1977 was followed by a 12-year stint as Housing Chair and then Housing Director, a demanding position that Lee met with intelligence, understanding and wit. Tri Sigma’s Executive Director commented, “Lee worked tirelessly helping chapters and local house corporations maintain a safe and comfortable home environment for Tri Sigma residents. She was respected by so many for the time and talent she devoted to Tri Sigma and will truly be missed.” Lee was recognized with the Founders Award, as well as the Women of Distinction Award at the Nashville Convention in 2007. Lee was an active member of the Chicago Northshore Alumnae Chapter, along with Rae Kyle. Until recently, she was also serving as the North Shore Alumnae Panhellenic Delgate. Both women were present at a luncheon last year celebrating the alumnae chapter’s 50th anniversary.

our leadership


Officer Academy Educates, Strengthens Bonds With the addition of risk management and advisor tracks, the 2014 Officer Academy delivered an expanded curriculum to educate and strengthen the bonds of even more chapter leaders. Between our Chicago, Dallas, St. Louis, Savannah, and Philadelphia locations, we had nearly 600 collegians and advisors, 87 coaches and 10 interns! The T-shirt auction, merchandise sales and donations raised $14,275.42 for the Tri Sigma Foundation, showing the commitment from our members to move our Sisterhood ever forward.

Read more about the experiences of our participants: LINDSAY MAUNZ, VPO – ALPHA PHI “Officer Academy was a unique experience for me personally. It not only strengthened my love for Sigma and this organization, but I was able to further develop my leadership skills as an officer. I learned valuable things to take back to my chapter and help make it the best it can be. I would recommend that any officer go to Officer Academy because it not only benefits your chapter in growth and development, but it also makes you a stronger and more confident leader.” CHEYENNE DEMAGGIO, RM CHAIR – EPSILON TAU “The team of coaches put together an amazing presentation that was tailored to whatever our group needed to know regarding our new alcohol policies, how to stay safe when drinking outside of Sigma events, and how to stay classy. I couldn’t be more thrilled to be the new risk management chair so we can show ourselves and our peers that we can have fun, be safe and stay classy.” STEVE BACKER, COACH – LAMBDA CHI ALPHA “Officer Academy was so much fun! As a coach, it was not only enjoyable meeting other coaches, but also impactful getting to meet collegians and see the great things that Tri Sigma is doing to inspire young


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women. I feel that I learned just as much as (if not more than) the women who attended. It is awesome that Tri Sigma and the Tri Sigma Foundation are moving ever forward to provide such a spectacular opportunity for their members.” ERICA DOANE, INTERN – NU

“Being an intern at Officer Academy was one of my favorite Sigma moments. It’s such an amazing experience to be able to assist with such a great program and meet so many new Sisters! With the St. Louis 2014 academy being my fourth Officer Academy, I have always thought this program shapes young women to be leaders, not only in Tri Sigma but in their community as well! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing Tri Sigma program.”

STEPHANIE KENNETT, CAB – ZETA UPSILON “Attending Officer Academy was a truly inspiring experience. I have learned how to take my leadership role as a CAB Advisor to the next level, and how to bring these skills into the workplace. Meeting all of the wonderful women and hearing all of their ideas and advice on how to motivate the chapter was very helpful and thought provoking. Sharing this experience with these women of character is something I will never forget.”



Faith is taking the first step, when you don’t see the whole staircase.


– Martin Luther King Jr.

our collegians Allie Reynolds and Brigid Sche rer pose during the ho liday break in December wearing their Sigma sweats hirts.

Lifelong Friends, Lifelong Sisters By: Amanda Marchegiani, Beta Xi

Faith Brought Best Friends Together as Sigma Sisters Little did Brigid Scherer, Nu, and Allie Reynolds, Mu, know that after their high school’s freshmen orientation, they would become best friends and a few years later, Sigma Sisters.

Brigid: Allie had recruitment two weeks before me, and I didn’t tell Allie I was going through it. Her mom knew and when I found out that I was a Tri Sigma, I called her on Bid Day.

Allie and Brigid met at their high school, St. Dominic in St. Louis, during their freshmen orientation. They instantly hit it off and over time had several classes together. Their friendship grew through their high school years and before they knew it, college awaited them.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT BEING A TRI SIGMA SISTER? Brigid: I always have someone there for me. There’s so much support and, as Sisters, we can go through the same things together.

Allie decided to attend University of Central Missouri; Brigid chose Truman State University. Although distance was now between them, their friendship remained the same. After settling into their new towns, dorm rooms and class schedules, both women were interested in Greek life and how it could enhance their lives. Both women participated in fall recruitment at their schools and are now Tri Sigma Sisters! I was able to catch up with Allie and Brigid to find out more about how faith brought them together as Tri Sigma Sisters. Amanda: Did you chat about going Greek together? Allie: I talked to Brigid a little bit about it. I didn’t want to talk to Brigid too much during recruitment because I wanted her to find her place on her own. I cried when I found out that we were both Tri Sigmas.

Allie: Even though each chapter and school is different, the ritual and values remain the same in Tri Sigma, and initiation is beautiful. I have been able to connect with my Sisters, and they have had a big influence on my life. I look to my Sisters, and they all want me to succeed and accepted me for who I am. DID YOU KNOW ANY OTHER SIGMAS PRIOR TO RECRUITMENT? Brigid: Allie’s sister went to Truman, too, so I knew her and a few other Greek women. Allie: Yes, my mom, cousin and sister’s best friend are all Tri Sigmas. For a long time, I wanted to be a Sigma. My mom used to sing Sigma songs to me and my sister. Tri Sigma felt right and I realized that when I was at preference night of recruitment. HOW HAS BECOMING SISTERS IMPACTED YOUR RELATIONSHIP? Brigid: We’ve always been able to pick up our friendship where it left off regardless of time or distance, but

becoming Sisters has deepened our friendship. We will always be there for each other and we can share the ritual and values of Tri Sigma and talk about them. We cannot do that with some of our other friends. BOTH OF YOUR CHAPTERS WILL BE CELEBRATING THEIR 100-YEAR ANNIVERSARIES IN 2015. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE PART OF A CHAPTER THAT HAS BEEN A LEGACY FOR THAT MANY YEARS? Brigid: It’s very meaningful to be part of a special milestone. It’s something bigger than me. Allie: I never could have imagined how being Greek would feel and how it would change my life. Every woman who was initiated in my chapter is my Sister, and I cannot wait to celebrate the traditions that have been passed down.


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our collegians

Chapter Installations B BETA BETA CHAPTER INSTALLED AT MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY A V Volunteers and collegiate members from Nu Chapter aat the University of Central Missouri and Chi Chapter aat Pittsburg State University helped Tri Sigma staff and vvolunteers officially re-establish the Beta Beta chapter at Missouri State University in Springfield, MO, last fall. M

brate their e as they cele se for a pictur chapter. po on rs sil be Ep em a M n as the Thet tio la al st in ’s colony

THETA EPSILON CHAPTER INSTALLED AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS With the help of staff, volunteers and collegiate members from Epsilon Alpha, Tri Sigma officially installed the Theta Epsilon chapter at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas last fall. After months of planning and preparation, Installation Weekend began on Friday evening with a pre-initiation meeting. Reflection-based discussions were led by members of the Chapter Advisory Board, National Vice President Liz Hoffert, National Volunteer Veronica Atkins, and Regional Consultants Kelli Ourada and Kathryn Dixon. On Saturday, 85 collegiate members were initiated, concluding with the initiation of the honor initiate, Jordan Nelson. The newly initiated Theta Epsilon women each received a history book and a framed official charter from the national organization. The event was a success thanks to the hard work and dedication of the installation team. Also assisting with the installation were Chapter Advisory Board members Wendy Sebek, Alpha Nu; Jessica Malinski, Gamma Mu; Julie Buckman, Chi; Celinda Miranda-LaBella, Zeta Epsilon; Jennifer Carr, Alpha Psi. The Epsilon Alpha members in attendance were Ellen Johns, Rachel Fletcher and Soshanna Santos.

Beta Beta chapter members on Bid Day in October 2013.


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Unlike Theta Epsilon’s colonization process, installation U Weekend began only a few weeks after the colony’s W bid day on Friday, November 15, 2013. The process b aand requirements that colonies follow to become a cchapter have been re-evaluated and broken down into tthree phases. The first phase focuses on friendship and character, especially Sisterhood, committee work, education and new member programming. As these items are completed, the chapter is well on their path to installation. The new process allows for smaller benchmark goals and helps to grow the new members’ bonds of Sisterhood. On Saturday, November 16, 2013, 125 collegiate members were initiated into the Beta Beta chapter, concluding with the initiation of the honor initiate, Lauren Whyte. This event was a success thanks to the hard work and dedication of the installation team, including: National Vice President Natalie Averette and Tri Sigma staff members Tiffany Fay, Morgan Kaplan, Mary Kate Lobough, Ellen Scheide, Katie Martin, Cammie Coker, and Hannah Cognetti. Also assisting with the installation were Chapter Advisory Board members Jenny Swenson, Eta Chi; Carol Fritts, Alpha Iota; Ally Simon, Alpha Chi; Beth Castens, Beta Xi; Melissa Millington, Beta Xi; Shannon Shultz, Theta Delta. The reinstalled chapter was also honored to have Beta Beta alumnae present to attend installation, many of whom traveled from places across the country to share stories and memorabilia with their new Sisters.

Epsilon Gamma women on installation day.

EPSILON GAMMA CHAPTER INSTALLED AT GRAND VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY After a few short months of planning and preparation, Initiation Weekend began on Friday January 17, 2014 with a pre-initiation meeting. Reflection-based discussions were led by members of the Chapter Advisory Board, National Vice President Courtney Stone, National Volunteer Anne Strawbridge, Linda Clayton, and Regional Consultants Ellen Scheide, Rachelle Stawinski and Kathryn Dixon. On Saturday, January 18, 2014, 70 collegiate members were initiated, concluding with the initiation of the honor initiate, Rosa Fleming. The event was a success thanks to the hard work and dedication from the installation team. Also assisting with the installation were Chapter Advisory Board members: Chelsea Pulice, Alpha Phi; Karen Adams, Beta Rho; Laura Mowle, Epsilon Gamma; Anne Strawbridge, Delta Pi; Kaleigh Zebari, Omincron; Jo Ann Litton, Beta Gamma; Janelle Mergan, Alpha Phi; and volunteers Michelle Burke, Rho; Julia Zwolinski, Epsilon Gamma; Bridget Hanson, Epsilon Gamma and Theresa Wendt, Beta Rho. Collegiate members from the Alpha Psi chapter at Eastern Illinois University and the Omicron chapter at Eastern Michigan University were also present. The new chapter was also honored to have alumnae from around the Grand Rapids Area attending installation, many of whom traveled from places across Michigan to share stories and memorabilia with their new Sisters.

Beta Upsilon Chapter Closes It is with a heavy heart that Executive Council announces the closing of the Beta Upsilon Chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma on November 11, 2013. Beta Upsilon, at Pennsylvania State University, was chartered in 1969. The chapter had been affected by several years of decreasing members and was unable to sustain chapter operations while continuing to provide their members with a positive sorority experience. All collegiate members in good standing will become alumnae and are eligible for Circle Degree. Executive Council recognizes the many contributions that the members of the chapter have made. We thank the national volunteers, Chapter Advisory Board members and staff who have dedicated their time and resources to supporting Beta Upsilon over the years. The National Organization and University have agreed upon a return to campus fall of 2020. We look forward to the continued support of our volunteers when we work to recolonize the Beta Upsilon chapter.

s n o i t a l u t a r g n Co 4 1 0 2 f o Class

me in their a historic ti g n ti ra b le ce chapter men will be an alumnae llegiate wo d co n r fi u ill o f w o u y yo eks, man ow far u and hope In a few we proud of yo you live or h ry re e e v h ll w a r e re tt a a f uation! We ember, no m and bonds o lives—grad ctivities. Rem a a m ig S ions, values it in d e a iv tr ct e a th e d b n e to a woman, a and continu kes you! ys a Tri Sigm a lw a re a r journey ta u u o o y y , r e e v v o re m e h away you u the best w We wish yo r. e v re fo T h e T r i a n g l e | 21 re Sisterhood a

our collegians

Collegiate News NU – UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL MISSOURI WARRENSBURG, MO The Nu chapter was so excited to participate in the Big Pink event hosted by UCM Panhellenic last October. Nu sponsored several teams to participate in the Big Pink volleyball tournament and has raised more than $1,200 for this cause. The chapter also set up a National Hazing Prevention table, encouraging members from other organizations to prevent hazing. The chapter was also excited for the opportunity to be a part of the Missouri State colonization, sending 40 members to help. Finally, 40 women volunteered at Hope House for battered women and children in Lees Summit and Independence, MO, playing with children and interacting with women to help boost spirits and morale. PI – EMPORIA STATE UNIVERSITY EMPORIA, KS Throughout last fall, the women of the Pi chapter were very busy and involved. By holding continuous open bidding events, we have continued to grow and gain new members. One of our events was a study party, which allowed our women to get together, help each other and gain wisdom by expanding our horizons. Our chapter has almost doubled in size after initiating 26 women on October 6. We have faith in each other that we will all do our part for this chapter by fulfilling our duties of being respectful and proud Tri Sigma women. An event that our women have bonded over recently is intramural teams of flag football and volleyball. Our Tri Sigma teams have powered through all the games with strong effort and hard work. The most important part about being in Tri Sigma is the love for all our Sisters. Our Traditions Chair has started to encourage each woman to write letters to a new woman each week. These letters share why the writer believes the recipient is loving, powerful, full of wisdom, faithful or hopeful. By spreading the love with a few simple words, the spirits of our Sisters are filled with joy. PSI – MARSHALL UNIVERSITY HUNTINGTON, WV The Psi Chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma at Marshall University in Huntington, WV, recently welcomed 17 new members into the Sisterhood. Their theme for fall recruitment was “Oh The Places You’ll Go With Sigma Sigma Sigma.” They had parties themed “Cat in the Hat,” “One Fish Two Fish,” “The Lorax,” and “Green Eggs and Ham.” For overall recruitment, Tri Sigma ended up winning the best theme out of the four sororities on campus. ALPHA ALPHA – CONCORD UNIVERSITY ATHENS, WV After much hard work and dedication for several weeks in September, the Alpha Alpha chapter was honored to recognize Jordan Manning as the 2013 Concord University homecoming queen, escorted by Drew Miller, homecoming king, of Sigma Tau Gamma. The organizations designed costumes, billboards, a banner, and a float for the Grimms’ Fairy Tale themed occasion, capturing the story of Jorinda and Joringel.


T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014

ALPHA DELTA – DREXEL UNIVERSITY Y PHILADELPHIA, PA One of life’s greatest gifts is seeing the joy in someone’s eyes that you helped to create. The love and pride that you feel Alpha D elta me fills the cracks of your mber, Rubye’s Kid at th Sam Smith, wo heart and brings tears rks with e shelte r Hallow a to your eyes. This is een part y. how the Sisters of Sigma Sigma Sigma’s Alpha Delta chapter at Drexel University in Philadelphia feel when they work with the children of Rubye’s Kids in north Philadelphia. Rubye’s Kids is an organization that hosts holiday parties for more than 500 homeless and underprivileged kids in the Philadelphia area. The organization gives every child a gift, such as books and much-needed clothing. By interacting with these kids, Alpha Delta Sisters are able to express their love for their community and to instill hope into these kids. Our Sisters help give them power to find the strength to continue on with the faith that they, too, will be able to help others someday with the wisdom that they learned from their difficult childhood. Giving back to our communities is one of the best ways Tri Sigma Sisters can utilize their lifelong values in our everyday lives. ALPHA ZETA – NORTHWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY NATCHITOCHES, LA After getting to know our wonderful new members, the girls were thrilled to receive their shipmates. These pairs bonded and the new members each received a personalized canvas. As exciting as this time was, the girls were beyond excited to finally make their Big Sister lists and start receiving clues. They received messages and clues and little gifts from their Bigs up until reveal. In the midst of all of this excitement of shipmates/Big Sisters, NSU hosted its annual Family Day Weekend. Our chapter’s family day is always the same weekend as family weekend on campus. This year’s theme was “With Violets and Pearls, we’ll always be your little girls.” It was a fun-filled weekend for both the girls and their families/friends. The first day was a casual meet and greet, with refreshments at our lovely new house. The Saturday was filled with a family tailgate complete with food, followed with a big win in the game against Langston. This year has unfolded to be a great one! ALPHA XI – UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN WHITEWATER, WI We had an exciting 2013 fall semester here in Whitewater. First, we would like to acknowledge the eight women from our chapter who disaffiliated, who gave up their letters to help others find theirs. After the process of recruitment, we are enthusiastic to announce that 37 new members were brought into our chapter on September 20th! On Bid Day, we surprised our new members with a bouncy house on the front yard, which provided lots of laughs and fun. It has been amazing getting to know them and introduce them to the traditions and Sisterhood of Tri Sigma.

ALPHA OMICRON – UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL ARKANSAS CONWAY, AR The ladies of Alpha Omicron have been super busy recently. First off, the ladies have started a successful program called Pearl Pals, which gives new members a lovely older member to get to know and love each week, allowing both new and old members to get to know each other better. Second, the ladies celebrated National Hazing Prevention Week by painting a banner and displaying their dislike of hazing for all to see, featuring a picture of grumpy cat. Members also participated in a Greek Convocation on campus, where Rick Barnes spoke about hazing. We have started having socials with other organizations on campus as well as Sisterhoods within our own organization. BETA ALPHA – NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY DEKALB, IL In September, our chapter prepared itself for another recruitment. All our hard work paid off when 26 beautiful women accepted bids for Beta Alpha. Now our new members will begin their process in becoming initiated members. To get to know our new members, we held a Sisterhood and decorated cupcakes. The chapter is also competing in women’s tugs, benefiting Children’s Miracle Network, and Yell Like Hell, which raises money for the winner’s choice of charity. BETA THETA – UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH, PA Sigma Sigma Sigma at the University of Pittsburgh has had an exciting year with a successful philanthropy event. It was a novel idea on campus named Sundaes with Sigmas. On October 27, the Sisters of Beta Theta gathered to serve their campus delicious sundaes. The women were ecstatic at the amazing turnout, which allowed them to donate more than $1,000 to the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation. The event helped Sisters showcase their Sigma Sigma Sigma values to the entire campus and demonstrate the charitable aspect of their sorority. Overall, the event was an astounding success and will undoubtedly be an annual event. BETA XI – SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO On November 13, the Beta Xi chapter hosted its first Kindergarten Dinner. The ladies at Southeast Missouri State University invited students, teachers, and other Greeks to join them for a trip down memory lane. There was ’90s music playing as guests entered a playroom-themed Sigma House. Tri Sigmas worked hard for hours setting up, cooking, and serving food. There were so few places to cook that ladies had to borrow other kitchens on campus to turn out the food. More than 10 kitchens were taken over at a time to make dino nuggets, tater tots, and mac and cheese. Guests took time to make holiday cards for children at Cardinal Glen Glennon Hospital in St St. Louis. SEMO Greeks, friends, and Gree family came together fam er to raise r $470 for the Robbie Page Memorial Fund. The Me e idea was taken from ide m the Eta Chi chapterr th at University of Missouri and M was ultimately w ssuccessful.

Fernau, g, Alexis antha Lon m a S s. y, st e e n Coo od to gu ters Sarah el serve fo Beta Xi Sis tha Voep n a m a S d an

Members o

f the Gamm

a Lambda


GAMMA LAMBDA – UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN–EAU CLAIRE EAU CLAIRE, WI This year our Gamma Lambda chapter had an extremely successful formal recruitment! All of our members worked very hard toward our recruitment goal of 10 new women and, because of all our hard work, we met our goal and are proud to say we are now at campus total! No matter how busy recruitment became, every Sister put her heart into it and worked together extremely well. We had our first Sisterhood of the semester and have continued to welcome the new members into our bonds. We are very happy to have all our new women to love and get to know! GAMMA XI – BARTON COLLEGE WILSON, NC On October 15, the Gamma Xi chapter attended Barton College’s annual domestic violence seminar. This seminar, “Take Back the Night,” is put on every October to recognize the lives lost due to domestic violence. At the Take Back the Night ceremony, a candle is lit to represent every month lives have been lost from domestic violence. Gamma Xi represented October. The Sisters of Gamma Xi were humbled by the experience of lighting the candle to commemorate the women who lost lives by keeping silent about domestic violence. The Sisters of the chapter encourage everyone, men and women alike, to speak out against domestic violence. The precious lives of these men and women who are affected by violence are worth standing up for. Pictured: Sam Co len, Roslyn Roge rs, Amber Rush Kay Goodwin, Ta ton , ylor Kearney, Ju an a Rivera, Kayla Sa Amanda Bullard rno, , Chandler Pear ce, Kristin Myers, Amundson, Katie Sa br ina DeVore, Kalie M arks, Kayla Grag Taylor Edmunds g, on, Hannah Ca rr and Keisha Pa rker

The Tr i a n g l e |


our collegians GAMMA PI – NICHOLLS STATE UNIVERSITY THIBODAUX, LA The lovely ladies of Tri Sigma at Nicholls State University had five representatives on homecoming court. During homecoming week, the members went out to the BBQ where the university provided food and drinks, and then the court was presented. Members participated in the pirogue races and coed flag football tournament. Tri Sigma won for the second year in a row with the help of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. On Wednesday night, there was a breakfast and dance held in the café and ballroom where students ate until they couldn’t breathe, then danced their hearts out with the other Greeks and friends on campus. Friday, chapter member supported the soccer team and presented gifts to the football team as good luck for the game. Chelsie Begeron was crowned homecoming queen, which makes it four years in a row that the Nicholls State University’s homecoming queen was a lady of Sigma Sigma Sigma. DELTA PI – WINTHROP UNIVERSITY ROCK HILL, SC The Delta Pi chapter strives to uphold Tri Sigma’s long-standing core values of wisdom, power, faith, hope and love in our everyday lives. As individuals, our lives tend to be inconsistent. We can often fall off-track and into the trap of living by different priorities. However, we believe that living our values helps us to remain focused on bettering ourselves as well as our chapter. Delta Pi cherishes wisdom. Without the wisdom that is passed down from older Sisters to younger Sisters, we would not remain true to our values. Power is something that comes naturally to our chapter. Not only do our officers strive to lead Delta Pi in the right direction, but we also have Sisters involved in many other organizations that lead the entire Winthrop community in the right direction. To our chapter, faith is having complete trust and confidence in our Sisters. A strong point in our Sisterhood is that each of us has faith in one another. Our faith not only allows our chapter to make wise decisions but also allows Sisters to support one another in whatever individual decisions we make. Hope is believing that something good will come out of every circumstance. Our Sisters display hope by encouraging each other to find the good in every situation that may arise. To us, hope is the light at the end of the tunnel. Although the women of Delta Pi believe each of these values is important, we believe love is the greatest of them all. Love is bigger than we are. It does not come with conditions or boundaries. Without love, none of these values could be withheld. We believe that the values of wisdom, power, faith and hope all stem from one core value: love. Delta Pi believes that the values of wisdom, power, faith, hope and love are key tools in paving the way to a stronger Sisterhood and help us to mold each other into better women.

Epsilon Delta memb

ers bonding at the Ch

apter house.

We also participated in multiple volunteer projects, starting with the Gannon University Fright Night. This event is held to provide an atmosphere that is free from peer pressure and poor decisions. It promotes making responsible decisions around Halloween. In addition to participating in Fright Night, Epsilon Delta Sisters are involved with SafeNet, an organization committed to ending domestic violence, affirming human dignity and delivering comprehensive direct services to victims of domestic violence. We are supervising and assisting with childcare while parents attend support groups or appointments. SafeNet provides sanctuary, support, education and advocacy. This community service has allowed us to gain experience, learn new skills, express gratitude, listen to others, help others in need, be responsible and be a good citizen. We are learning from alumnae experiences and passing on what we know to our new members. We, as Sigmas and members of several communities, are working to grow together, display moral and ethical conduct, and change the world by living out our values. EPSILON THETA – OGLETHORPE UNIVERSITY ATLANTA, GA On October 25, the Sisters of Epsilon Theta chapter at Oglethorpe University hosted their annual Halloweenie Roast. The free event was Halloween Town-themed and guests enjoyed hot dogs, chips and guacamole, and cupcakes. The Sisters collected $153.80 in donations for the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children, which is a daytime resource center and safe refuge for homeless women and children in the Metro Atlanta area. Together with the shelter, the Epsilon Theta chapter incorporated Sigma Sigma Sigma’s value of power by raising awareness of the shelter’s cause and fighting to provide more homeless women and children with food to eat, clothes to wear, and resources to find employment.

EPSILON DELTA – GANNON UNIVERSITY ERIE, PA From participating in community service to wishing a Sister good luck on an exam, the Epsilon Delta chapter at Gannon University demonstrates high standards of conduct. Epsilon Delta hosted an alumnae cookout in October. Sisters had the chance to converse and see how these women demonstrate character, living out their values, and changing the world. We had the chance to share experiences and advice in addition to future goals. Strengthening our Sisterhood is important and so is expanding it! This year’s recruitment brought seven new members who possess outstanding character, credible scholastic standings, and potential contribution to Greek life. We are very excited to teach them about our values and beliefs and welcome them into our Sisterhood.


T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014

Back Row (left to right): Dona Kiose ff, Chelsea Rodriguez, Caitlin Munroe, Lindsey Boutin, Sara h Baughn, Hayley Flanagan, Front Row (left to right): Karen Pere z, Tori Lloyd, Yesenia Gonzalez, Elaine Saugar (All Epsilon Theta)

Epsilon Iota members at the annual Buddy Walk raising awareness for down syndrome. EPSILON IOTA – ST. MARY’S UNIVERSITY SAN ANTONIO, TX Epsilon Iota participated in the annual Buddy Walk to raise awareness for Down syndrome this September. We are very proud to be able to participate in this walk. It has been a great way for our Sisters to have fun while giving back to the community. We always have fun going out to support a great cause. It is about being able to support those who are affected by this illness and doing our part in the community. It is a reflection of what we stand for and a reflection of what we believe we should fight for. We should give much to receive much and always treat others the way you believe you should be treated. EPSILON KAPPA – UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN OSHKOSH OSHKOSH, WI The women of the Epsilon Kappa chapter have been working at the great Lambeau Field to raise money for our chapter. During the morning of every home Packers game, some wonderful women make the trek to Lambeau Field to assist a local meat vendor, hand out free samples and get people to sign up for a company raffle. It may have rained cats and dogs our first time there, but there were plenty of smiles! EPSILON SIGMA – VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY RICHMOND, VA This fall, our chapter was overjoyed to add 31 new women to our Sisterhood! During this formal recruitment we were able to train with Lorin Phillips, Assistant Executive Director of Tri Sigma. Recruitment this fall at Virginia Commonwealth University was the largest the campus has ever seen—over 350 women signed up! We are looking forward to the year ahead and watching the new members grow into amazing leaders, Sisters and friends. EPSILON TAU – SAINT LEO UNIVERSITY SAINT LEO, FL At Saint Leo, two Sisters from each sorority volunteered to disassociate herself from her Sisterhood to help the potential new members through recruitment week as Recruitment Counselors. This past fall, informal recruitment, president of Panhellenic Council, sophomore Claudia Carrion, and vice president of recruitment on Panhellenic Council, junior Shannon Graepel, were our Recruitment Counselors. Shannon, who has been a Recruitment Counselor since spring 2013 said, “It was an amazing experience in which I met a bunch of wonderful women that soon became part of our Greek community, even my sorority!” Although it is not all that easy, as Shannon goes on to say, “It was hard not being able to speak to my Sisters and know whom they felt would someday be wearing our letters. But I remembered how much I trust and love my Sisters to know what is best for our chapter, and I was not wrong to. We now have seven more amazing women as part of our chapter who live the values from which we uphold and continue on to become leaders of our community. I cannot wait to see how they develop as they go through their new member process, get initiated, and even take on their role as an initiated member.”

Epsilon Tau Bid Night ht. Ne N w Me M mber Kayla Green (Pictured far right in black dress)

EPSILON UPSILON – MARIST COLLEGE LLEGE POUGHKEEPSIE, NY As the Epsilon Upsilon chapter at Marist st College, we realize how lucky we are to live in the Hudson Valley; this appreciation ation has led us to Adopt-A-Highway. Litterr and debris scatter the mile stretch of Route te 9 outside our campus and contaminate te local wildlife. Once a month we strap on our Sigma Sigma Sigma safety hats and nd vests and get down and dirty. Rain or shine, we work together as Sisters and maintain the beautiful area that our campus is located on. EPSILON PHI – UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA WILMINGTON WILMINGTON, NC Members of the Epsilon Phi chapter at the University of North Carolina Stephan ie Fanell i and Ali Wilmington attended their annual of the Ep sha Cusa silon Up no Sisterhood retreat this fall at Camp silon cha pter Don Lee, in Arapahoe, NC Sisters had the opportunity to experience sailing, kayaking and much more! There was plenty of time for team building, Sisterhood bonding and, of course, s’mores around the campfire! Activities for the retreat focused on Tri Sigma’s core values and how to incorporate them into the chapter members’ everyday lives. It is retreat experiences like these that keep the women of UNCW and all of Tri Sigma’s chapters moving ever forward.

Members of UNCW’s Epsilon Phi chapter (from left to right): Gabby Austin, Emily Foulke, Holly Townsend, Jenny Peed, and Aubrey Galen smile for the camera while kayaking during their fall Sisterhood retreat.

our collegians ZETA DELTA – STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT ONEONTA ONEONTA, NY The Zeta Delta chapter had an incredible fall and winter! There is a wall at the entrance to our campus that students paint each week to promote events. On September 23, our Sisters painted the wall to promote National Hazing Prevention Week. We also tabled in our campus dining halls and asked students to sign our Anti-Hazing pledge. We obtained more than 150 signatures! We are so excited to have so many students, including Greeks, athletes and more, stand with us on a cause that means so much to us. ZETA KAPPA – MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY MONTCLAIR, NJ As we begin a new year, we start new ideas and approaches. The Zeta Kappa chapter has a variety of extraordinary individuals who all have their own talents and specialty. This year we acknowledge a trait that is an important part of our everyday life: laughter. Sister Allie Zatoren was chosen as the Sister most likely to make you laugh. Allie was initiated to Sigma Sigma Sigma in the fall of 2011. She plans to graduate Montclair State University in 2014 with a business administration major with a concentration in marketing. She is Zeta Kappa’s risk management chair. The chapter is proud to call Allie Zatoren a Sister due to all the laughs and memories she has given. She is a free-spirited soul who is dedicated to making all of her Sisters feel comfortable and accepted. You can always count on her to cheer you up. In addition, the Zeta Kappa chapter partook in the first “Meet the Sisters” of all the four national organizations on campus this semester. We had an amazing outcome with a total of 159 women interested in being part of the wonderful organizations Montclair State University has to offer.

Sisters of Zeta Kappa ZETA LAMBDA – WINGATE UNIVERSITY WINGATE, NC The ladies of Tri Sigma Zeta Lambda were thrilled to be reunited after a long break. Upon return to Wingate, Sisters showcased their loving and supportive Sisterhood and participated in Welcome Week events, encouraging freshmen to join the Greek community. They had a successful recruitment with an “Under the Sea” theme, and the slogan, “Darlin’ it’s better with just one letter,” welcoming 27 wonderful women to the Sisterhood. Bid Day was filled with laughter and tears as the Zeta Lambda women welcomed their Panhellenic counselors back into the chapter. A pool party cookout


T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014

followed to celebrate all the new Sisters. The following weekend, Sisters represented Sigma’s values in good character and conduct as they volunteered at a local fall festival, being good role models for the children there, and creating bonds and memories with each other. ZETA RHO – JOHNSON & WALES UNIVERSITY PROVIDENCE, RI The Sisters of the Zeta Rho chapter are taking advantage of their school’s huge culinary program and putting it to good use with potluck dinners. This started off as a Sisterhood to start the year, but has since turned into a weekly tradition. We have each class bring a different type of dish (i.e., Winter 2011 brings entrees, 2012 brings desserts, etc.) and take turns on who brings what. Sisters get together to cook and bake and fill their apartments with amazing smells of sliders, chicken, and brownies. We then get together at a Sister’s apartment, clear off every inch of counter space and dig in! Throughout the night we’ll tell stories, play games, and organize next week’s activities. This is a tradition that has truly brought our Sisterhood together and is something relaxing and fun to finish off the week. We create tighter bonds with each other and can even plan to have potential new members participate as well as new member classes. Never underestimate the power of good food—it brings our Sisters together for much more than a quick meal. ZETA UPSILON – FITCHBURG STATE COLLEGE FITCHBURG, MA Anxious smiles stood at the door of the room assigned to the Zeta Upsilon Chapter as the Sisters waited to see who had accepted their formal bid to the Sisterhood. Little did these women know as they tightly gripped one another’s hands that soon 20 women who all immediately accepted their bids would rush through the doors. Twenty was not only the maximum amount of new members Tri Sigma could take on the Fitchburg State campus, but also the largest new member class out of any of Greek life on campus this semester. This new member class of 20 is the largest in the history of the chapter! Zeta Upsilon is overjoyed to welcome these 20 young ladies into the Sisterhood and is so happy and proud to have held such a successful recruitment process! Zeta Upsilon only hopes that all of our chapters experience such success! ETA PI – METROPOLITAN STATE COLLEGE OF DENVER DENVER, CO As soon as the school year began, so did Eta Pi’s dedication to recruiting the highest quality of women to continue the bonds of Sisterhood we hold so very dear to us. Sisters were encouraged to wear letters throughout the first weeks of school and encourage new women to embrace Sisterhood at the annual campus Fall Festival. Throughout recruitment week, Sisters shared values and history of Sigma as the new members discovered “Sigmas in the City.” Eta Pi welcomed 13 new members to the bonds of Sisterhood this fall. Bid Night was full of lifelong friendships and excitement for the new members as they took their first steps into Sisterhood. ETA SIGMA – CULVER-STOCKTON COLLEGE CANTON, MO This year has started off extremely well for the Eta Sigma chapter. The process of recruitment kicked off September 12. We played games with potential new members and had time for socializing so we could get to know them better. On the second night, we did an activity for our philanthropy, the Robbie Paige Memorial Fund. Members and PNMs made bags to cover the IV bags so children would not have to look at what was going into their bodies. On the final night, we did our pearl ceremony and showed

the potential new members the video we made of “The Real Tri Sigmas.” Bid Day came next, which was very successful! One of the best recruitments we have had in a long time. We added a total of 21 new members to our chapter, making our total 43. All of the active members are excited to share this experience with all of the new members of our chapter and show them how truly amazing being in a Sisterhood can be. ETA PHI – PRATT INSTITUTE BROOKLYN, NY The Eta Phi chapter of Tri Sigma has been focused on its lovely 11 new members this semester. We’ve held movies nights, sleepovers and other fun activities to bond and connect with each other. With events such as the events such as the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk, our ladies have been reminding everyone of what our values mean to us. We’d like to give a big shout out to our President Kathryn Moy, and all our officers, for being the true backbone to our very busy, very awesome chapter. ETA PSI – ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY ON STATEN ISLAND STATEN ISLAND,, NY National Hazing Prevention Week: Nation “Power With, Not Power Over.” “Powe Sigmas Don’t Haze! Sigma Sigma Sigma Sigma celebrates National Hazing Prevention Week Natio during the last full week of durin September each year. One of our Sept sorority’s most essential policies soro our stance on no hazing—of is ou anyone. We strive to follow this any policy because it is important p pol Eta Psi Hazing Prevention Table

to our Sisterhood. National Hazing Prevention Week provides opportunities for individuals and organizations to raise awareness about hazing and to promote hazing prevention. During the week, our Eta Psi chapter at St. John’s University wore National Hazing Prevention Week pins to show our campus what we believe. During the week, we set up a table in our school cafeteria and put up a sign saying “Hazing is DUM” with a bowl of Dum Dum Lollipops to distribute to students walking in. Many students and faculty members came up to us and asked us what our event was all about. Sigma Sigma Sigma’s Eta Psi Chapter is very proud of our policy of no hazing; we want to show all students on campus that the power is with us not to power over people. National Hazing Prevention Week is a great cause that raises awareness about hazing and preventing hazing for universities, students and administration.

Gamma Lambda turns 50! Congratulations Gamma Lambda at University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire on reaching a historical milestone of 50 years since chartering on December 7, 1963. The chapter has accomplished so much within the past year, having received the Jane E. Kinderman Standards of Efficiency and Membership Selection Awards. This is another opportunity to celebrate your chapter successes.

Congrat ulat ions!

Exclusive discounts are just the beginning. Doesn’t it feel great to belong? You’ve chosen to become involved and stay committed to Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority and your vision of empowering women to change the world. That says something about your character. As a Tri Sigma member, you understand the importance of belonging and in playing an active role in our community. Nationwide shares these values, too, and that’s why our partnership works.

The revenue generated from this partnership has allowed Nationwide and Tri Sigma to fund key programs such as the Women of Character Initiative and other leadership opportunities.

Call 1-866-633-5747 to learn more about our partnership and to take advantage of your exclusive Tri Sigma discount.

+ The Tr i a n g l e |


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our left page alumnae



Hampton Roads

hapter mnae C arter lu A s d ch n Roa eir new Hampto with th

The Hampton Roads Alumnae Chapter received its charter on Saturday, February 1, 2014. The celebration was held in Norfolk, VA, and in attendance were members of the new chapter, local alumnae, and National Vice President Natalie Averette. The chapter installed their new officers, President Lauren Sheppard, Treasurer Katie Bingman, and Secretary Jordan Pacitti. The charter was presented by National Archivist, Liz Johns, to President Lauren Sheppard. The newly installed chapter is looking forward to planning events and engaging with their community! HAMPTON ROADS, VA ALUMNAE CHAPTER MEMBERS Jennifer Decker Ansell Natalie Moore Averette Katie Nicole Bingman Kelsey Kidd Collins Kimberly Ann Fahle Breanne Duell Fenning

Hampton Roads Alumnae Chapter Officers: Lauren Sheppard (President), Kat ie Bingman (Treasurer), and Jordan Pacitti (Secretary).

Congrat s!

Grand Strand


T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014

GRA GRAND STRAND SC ALUMNAE CHAPTER MEMBERS Aubrey Alexandria Bakay Liza Nicole Conrad Laura Elizabeth Davis Julianne Dawson Shannon Rose Johnson Holly Jacobs Legg Allison Leigh Mitchell Amber Hathaway Rogers Alicia Bastian Sanders Amanda Cain Williams

Victoria Matthews Greatwood Cheryl Harding Erin Durbin Hooker Jordan Mullen Pacitti Lauren Spitzer Sheppard

Congrat s

right page









Brandi Guilfoy Caro

Alpha Pi


Maria Teresa Barrios Simonetta

Iota Alpha


Valma Newgreen Sheedy

Iota Alpha


Jonette S. Triplett

Iota Alpha


Elizabeth Rose Gillmore

Iota Alpha


Julie Ann Schalles

Iota Alpha


Nicole Trosclair Guidry

Gamma Pi


Brenda Jones Brechbuhl

Eta Kappa


Jan Henry Myers

Gamma Pi


Debra Heathington Henderson

Eta Kappa


Kelly Taylor St. Pierre

Gamma Pi


Margaret McCausland Shea

Eta Kappa


Victoria Lahaie Corrigan

Iota Alpha


Robin Grueschow Twingstrom

Eta Kappa


Christine J. Hughes

Iota Alpha


Kristina Maria Rodriguez

Iota Alpha


Laurie Bogholtz Kramer

Iota Alpha

our alumnae


My Journey Ever Forward By Olivia McDonnell, Alpha Delta I joined Tri Sigma as a junior at Drexel University when Alpha Delta was colonizing. Before going into recruitment, I understood that I would have fewer than two years as a collegiate member. Knowing there was an alumnae chapter in the Philadelphia area, I felt like I never had to worry about continuing my Sigma experience as an alumna. That is, until I graduated and accepted a job in New York. Upon recommendations from colleagues, I moved to a small town in Westchester County, which is right outside of the city. The combination of not knowing anyone and feeling like my Sigma experience should not be cut short, I made it my mission to find Sigmas in the area. National Headquarters was able to provide a list of members, and I was ecstatic to learn of another Alpha Delta in the next town over. When I called Marion Lewis, I was upset to learn she was moving to a retirement home in Connecticut later that month. She said she had felt forgotten by Sigma because she never received the status of Golden Violet. This led me to my second mission: I was going to nominate Marion as a Golden Violet and hand deliver the certificate and pin to her. I never wanted a Sigma to feel forgotten. In the month that passed, Marion and I would often communicate by mail or telephone calls. We learned that we had much in common, including that we were both Daughters of the American Revolution and that our mothers were present in each of our favorite Sigma memories. For Marion, it was a Mother’s Day retreat during World War II. The chapter invited their mothers to a day where they could relax together without worrying about world events. For me, I will never forget having my parents at Alpha Delta’s installation. Once Marion had settled into her new apartment, I made the drive to Connecticut, where we would have


T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014

Marion Lewis

and Olivia M cDonne nelllll,l, Alpha ha Delta ta


lunch and chat about our favorite Drexel and Sigma memories. Coming from an all-girls high school, Marion said she wanted to be at a coed university. At her first fraternity social, each lady placed a shoe in the center of the room and the gentleman had to find the owner of the shoe they chose. Seventy years later, I would find myself at my first fraternity social. The theme was “my tie” and each lady had to find the brother whose necktie they chose. Presenting Marion with her Golden Violet certificate and pin that day has become one of my favorite Sigma memories. Seeing the similarities in our experiences, it is evident that some things will always stand the test of time. Despite the generation gap and the seven decades that had past between Marion’s initiation and my own, we established a bond that will continue long after that weekend.

Alumnae Chapter News ARK-LA-TEX The Ark-La-Tex Alumnae Chapter provided hope for others during the Christmas holiday by adopting a foster child for Christmas and by writing Christmas cards for Holiday Mail for Heroes through the Red Cross. The chapter is looking forward to 2014 to continue living our Tri Sigma values!

Tri Sigma teaches us to be generous, a lesson the Central Michigan Alumnae Chapter has taken to heart. CHICAGO NORTH SHORE, IL On a Saturday October morning, the Chicago North Shore Tri Sigma Alumnae Chapter volunteered at the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Our Alumnae Chapter was assigned to the Bread Project. We unloaded the donated bread, checked the expiration dates, looked for mold, and packed the good bread into boxes. The bread was then distributed to a network of 650 member agencies, including food pantries, soup kitchens, and shelters. It was a rewarding experience and a great way to give back to our community. COLUMBIA, SC

Ark-La-Tex Alumnae Chapter Members Brittaney Miller Mullenax, Epsilon Beta; Melody Hines Tolbert, Epsilon Zeta; and Misty Manes, Alpha Omicron, show off their Christmas cards they wrote for the Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes. CENTRAL MASSACHUSETTS, MA Central Massachusetts Alumnae Chapter chose Camp Starfish as its local philanthropy. Chapter President Deana Stephens works for this organization, which provides a 1:1 staff-to-camper ratio to enable success, build social skills, teach coping mechanisms, and help children who have difficulty finding success in traditional settings. CENTRAL MICHIGAN, MI “To receive much, you must give much,” and Central Michigan alumnae are givers. Sisters provided goodies for the annual homecoming continental breakfast o eco g co t e ta b ea ast with th the Alpha Phi Chapter. In Individual donations were al also made to Alpha Phi’s Housing Corporation. A H Tr Tri Raffle was held to raise fu funds for the Foundation and Walton House, with a an third going to each. Sandra th St Stankrauff Peter won and promptly donated her third to pr the Housing Corp. Members th al also collected new children’s snow boots for Christmas sn Outreach of Isabella County. O Central Michigan Alumnae Lisa Forgette Boester and Sandra Stankrauff Peter, both Alpha Phi, contributed goodies for homecoming continental breakfast to watch the parade at the Alpha Phi Chapter’s house.

The Columbia Alumnae Chapter worked at Harvest Hope Food Bank on November 21, collecting, sorting and bagging food. The chapter members also had a Harvest Hope Canned Food Drive at our Annual December Christmas Dinner and Auction on December 3. Our Spring 2014 gatherings will include a pottery-paint-andpour, fondue night and a night of Sigma Cooking Lessons at Let’s Cook, Columbia. Our most exciting activity will be going to “Our Heart Home,” the Mabel Lee Walton House, on March 28-30, 2014. Many Sisters of the Columbia Alumnae have never been to Walton House and this opportunity allows us not only to visit, but also spend the weekend there. We are looking forward to Sigma Sister bonding time. DAYTONA BEACH AREA, FL Our alumnae chapter provided the refreshments for the Eta Tau Preference Party. All were dressed in black with pearls, as were we alumnae. It was a great occasion and they had a good new member class! DENVER, CO The Eta Pi Chapter hosted Denver Area Alumnae for a Mad Hatter Luncheon. Mothers, sisters, and daughters were also invited. A fast-moving story, read by the alumnae relations chairman, was illustrated with a number of hats. Wonderful decorations and food were appreciated by all.

Eta Pi alumnae and Scholarship Advisor Nikki Pech and Eta Pi collegians Ashley Runyan and Elizabeth Fischer assisted the fast-talking storyteller with a variety of the characters’ hats.

our alumnae One of the residents of Exceptional Care for Children.

FIRST STATE, DE F K Karen Conte Straub, Alpha Mu, worked hard on the third annual Ladies’ Spa h Night Out activity as a fundraiser for the N FFirst State Alumnae Chapter in Delaware. SSisters from around the state—which is just 96 miles long and 39 miles wide at its ju widest point (Mason-Dixon Line)—gathered w ffor this event for the 34-bed hospital for EExceptional Care for Children in Newark, Delaware, last November. D In February 2013, the chapter gathered Wish List Items for the ch children to be their gift from the chapter members as well as the money they raised in November. FOX VALLEY, IL We are focusing on our values this year by holding programming each month based on these values and how they can relate to our everyday lives. We have brought these values back into the light using them to help guide us and move us ever forward. In the spring of 2014 we focus on our value of power by volunteering at The Northern Illinois Food Bank.

Hous usto ton Al Alum umnae Chapte terr and Eta Om Omicr icro on n celebrate Founders Day to te gether in 2013 1 .

the wonderful guidance of Phyllis Prange, Judy Leach, Jean Breese, Linda Porter, Dixie Shelton and Ethel Bowman, the chapter would not be as active and involved as it is today. They keep the Tri Sigma spirit alive by living by example. Not only are all of them involved in the monthly meetings, but most are also very active in giving Tri Sigma a great presence in the Houston Area Panhellenic Association. Any of us, no matter what age, know that we can always go to them for friendship and guidance; they are who we look to become. These amazing women show the values that each of us should live in our everyday lives. We are honored to present Phyllis Prange and Linda Porter with their Golden Violets this year at Founders Day! INDIANAPOLIS SUBURBAN, IN We believe in heroes. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors, but the one thing they all have is that extra “something special” that launches them to superhero status! Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital (PMCH) at St. Vincent and The Hero Project have teamed up to start building heroes, one cape at a time. The powerful trio of community service, volunteer efforts and fundraising opportunities work together to provide “something special” for each child who stays the night at PMCH—a super cape! Whether you have the ability to dodge booby traps, leap tall buildings or simply believe in ALL kinds of heroes, The Hero Project is a great way to provide a little something special to sick children.

Fox Va Valle Valley lleyy Alum A Alumnae lumnae nae su suppo supporting pporti rting ng the Fo Found Foundation. undati ation. on. HOUSTON, TX The Houston Alumnae chapter has a unique and special bond. Houston has always attracted Sisters from all over the United States because of its booming economy, but after the installation of the Eta Omicron chapter at Sam Houston State University in 2002, the alumnae chapter instantly doubled in size. A few notable Houston alumnae who have taken large roles in both the alumnae chapter for 30+ years and who also were notable in vastly helping the Eta Omicron chapter succeed, have become “mentors” and “aunt-like” figures for many of the younger alumnae who now run the Houston Alumnae Chapter. Without


T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014

In October, the Indianapolis Suburban Alumnae Chapter made and donated capes to The Hero Project at PMCH. Each child that spends the night in the hospital receives his or her very own cape to take home. We thoroughly enjoyed making dog-, cat-, dinosaur-, and owl-themed capes and loved the impact we knew we were making. Members loved sharing stories about how their kids, grandkids, nieces or nephews would have loved one of the cape themes. While we were making the capes, one of our chapter Sisters shared that her grandson spent p the night g at the hospital p and received his own cape. We loved d hearing how excited he wass to receive his very own cape e knowing that we were going g to have that kind of impact on the children that would be receiving our capes. Members of the

Indianapolis Su burban Alumna e Chapter donate capes to “The Hero Proje ct.”

INLAND EMPIRE, CA Inland Empire Sisters chatted happily as we completed our annual service project—making Halloween Favors to put smiles on the faces of the abused children who reside at the Child Help Group Home in Beaumont, CA. Eighty toilet tissue paper tubes were stuffed with plastic spiders, snakes and other “creepy crawlies,” and wrapped in orange and black tissue paper. The children loved our “treats” as much as we enjoyed creating them! Nashville Alumnae members and families walk the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure to honor Sigma and breast cancer survivor Virginia Raynes Lund, Alpha Delta. Ginny is second from the left on the front row. NASHVILLE, TN The Nashville Alumnae celebrated the spirit of Sigma Sisterhood by honoring two members. We participated in the Komen Race for the Cure to honor breast cancer survivor Virginia Raynes Lund, Alpha Delta. We honored Chapter President Elaine Rashmawy Turner, Alpha Nu, by joining together in the Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes. NORTH JERSEY, NJ The North Jersey Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma has been busy rocking our values of Sisterhood and philanthropy! From Fro m left left to ri right right: ght:: Nico N Nicole icole le Hor Horvat Horvath, vath h, Zet Zetaa Kapp K Kappa; appa; a; Tan Tanya ya Dmy Dmytro Dmytrow, trow w, Epsilon Epsilon; Stephanie Coutros, Epsilon Mu; Gracemarie Papaleo Trombetta, Zeta Kappa JERSEY SHORE, NJ

Service with a Smile! Jersey Shore Sigmas make blankets for children. METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON, DC Metropolitan Washington, DC Alumnae Chapter members share monthly dinner meetings approximately 10 times per year. The hostess determines the place, but we usually find ourselves at a member’s house with yummy dinners. We alternate hosting Founders Day luncheons with the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter; as hostess this past April we had a great turnout of 50 Sisters, including National Treasurer Bonnie Rainey. Our chapter raffles off 8-10 theme baskets, donated by members, at the luncheon to help defer the cost of printing invitations. A June picnic, for nearby collegiate members, found us in a Sigma’s backyard complete with a croquet game...alumnae lost! August brought Foundation Gold Development Officer Cindy Harms to our area. She met with two groups of our alumnae about Sigma Sigma Sigma’s giving program. One group toured the National Museum of the American Indian and had lunch prior to Cindy’s presentation while the other group met another day with Cindy in Bethesda, MD, over lunch. Dollars for the Robbie Page Foundation fund are collected at meetings with the hostess providing a gift for the membership drawing. We again collected gift cards for our local charity, St. Ann’s Center for Children, Youth and Family, Washington, DC, at our festive December holiday dinner. Looking back on 2013, Metropolitan Washington, DC, Alumnae Chapter members shared another great year of Sigma service, fun and friendship.

First, we had a team trudging through the mud to raise money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society back in July. “MuckFest MS” is a 5-mile run and obstacle course through the mud—and we not only charged through the finish line, but we also raised $1,730 to fight MS! In the fall, we invited friends and family to go apple picking, where we collected donations for the Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge, a no-kill shelter that helps find homes for abandoned cats and dogs. And just in time for Halloween, we put together bags of goodies for children at the Jersey Battered Women’s Services. It’s our hope that they can bring a smile to a child’s face during a time of crisis. We were excited to adopt a family for the holidays. Every year, we buy gifts for a local family in need, and then wrap them together during a Sisterhood event full of bows, tape, and lots of food! NORTHERN VIRGINIA, VA In the spirit of the season as well as following one of Tri Sigma’s most important values, we are continuing to serve our community through our support of The Bethany House. The Bethany House is a local domestic violence shelter for women and children here in the Northern Virginia area. Just this fall we have participated in several community service activities that include filling backpacks for the children due back to school, making Halloween baskets, making homemade blankets, Members from the Northern Virg ginia Alu and in December lum mn naaee Chapter set up the Bethany House Christmas Shop. we sponsored their eir Christmas shop and nd provide toys for the he mothers to give to o their children. We e love working with h The Bethany House se and look forward to continuing to serve them. The Tr i a n g l e |


our alumnae


Northwest Chicago Suburban alumnae chapter members Pictured, top: Joann Stohler Davis, Beta Gamma; Michelle Tantillo, Epsilon Omicron; Kay Beaty, Kappa Bottom: Jeanne Chamberlain, Gamma Alpha; Megan Fogleson, Alpha Beta and Nancy Strom McGowan, Kappa.

NORTHWEST CHICAGO SUBURBAN, IL Last fall our chapter had a lot of great programs. We had our annual bowling event, book club discussion and holiday party. We also took a whole meeting where Michelle Tantillo, Epsilon Omicron, gave her presentation from Convention so we could discuss our values and what it means to be a woman of character. It was a very exciting conversation to help celebrate the start of Character Counts! Week. We are looking forward to our spring events, which include Bunco, a potluck dinner and our celebration of Founders Day. TUCSON SUNSHINE, AZ Tucson Sigmas have been active in the Tucson Alumnae Panhellenic this past year, with Salle Britton, Gamma Epsilon, as the elected treasurer. We participated in the Backpack Challenge for Youth on Their Own, a local charity that supports homeless and/or abandoned teens by providing basic living needs so they may graduate from high school. Our chapter will be involved in the Tucson Alumnae Panhellenic fundraiser in March 2014 that gives scholarships to University of Arizona sorority students.


T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014

Not every child has the luxury of being home during tough times. When they get sick or hurt, children go to the hospital and are not in the comfort ort of their home. The Eta Psi Chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma partners rtners up with Project Linus each year to help children in need. This event is hosted each yearr on the St. John’s University Staten Island campus. On November 9, Eta Psi chapter members and alumnae, the Jersey Shore Alumnae Chapter, and the NYC Eta Psi Alu iciip Top row: Marmnae partic pa Alumnae ectt nuss:: ianna Vizielli,attee in Projec Fitzpatrickk, Sa Michelle Sist Linu m , Megan an th Interest Group h a H er z, Pu Ashley Baum an. Bottom vo nahele Agyin, all got together w-Maria Melissa DiPer i, Emily Mitche Reyes, for Project Linus. We ll. made blankets to be delivered to local hospitalized children. Making these blankets for hospitalized children was a fun event where we all worked together for the greater good. Our efforts for Project Linus were a great success; overall, 25 blankets were made and will be sent to PSE&G Children’s Specialized Hospital in New Brunswick, NJ. This event will continue to be one of our main priorities. Our values are important to us and we strive to show it in our everyday lives, and especially in our community. BETA BETA ALUMNAE Beta Beta alumnae came from Georgia, Florida, Kansas, Texas, Illinois, and all over Missouri to celebrate and support the recolonization of the chapter at homecoming. The weekend was full of events for the alumnae and collegians. The alumnae were able to have a house tour with small reception. A fundraiser put on by the alumnae raised money for some needed house items. The alumnae then proceeded to the campus tailgate with the chapter. It was a fabulous weekend topped off by the Beta Beta chapter winning homecoming with its first year back. Beta Beta A lumnae fro m the 197 tailg ilgat atee before 0s to 2004 Mis issso ouri State’ e s footbal alll game.


Omega Chapter During the period from June 1 – Nov. 30, 2013, the following Tri Sigmas were reported to have entered Omega Chapter. We offer our sympathy to their friends and families and honor them for their lifetime commitment to Tri Sigma. IOTA Dona Goodman Macon KAPPA Elinor Diehl Tyler MU Frances Williams Craig Jeanne Daily Wilson NU Coleen Sue Boyd Sally Pfeifer Kosir Sandra Wheeler Marinan XI Aleen Evangeline Molz OMICRON Emma Louise Czarnecki Helen Waskowski Magielski Dorothy Pace Sorenson PI Audrey Van Dyke Binns Beulah Baum Franks Dorothy Brueggemann Soden RHO Jacqueline O’Hare McCormick SIGMA Eula Gilbert Dougherty GOLDEN VIOLET Audrey Humeston Schneider TAU Dorothy Zorn House Vera Thompson Treadway UPSILON Ann Alderson Campbell CHI Jo Nell Doyle Tolle PSI Beatrice Hardwick Quarles Sydney Green Walsh

ALPHA ALPHA Rachel DeMario Ferris Beatrice Allen Kulick

ALPHA SIGMA Sandra D’Angelo Cates Bobbie Thompson Wilson

BETA PSI Beverly Benjamin Hendrickson Daneen Julio Irving

ALPHA GAMMA Lena Hagen Groff

ALPHA UPSILON Nancy Giddings MacMeccan Linda Armstrong Sholander

GAMMA BETA Susan Hunt Bailey

ALPHA DELTA Lee Goldstrohm Rapach GOLDEN VIOLET Betty Hansen Young ALPHA EPSILON Patricia McClaren Babb Laura Davis Quillin ALPHA ZETA Gretchen McLean Cullins Ruth Bouanchand Hall Jettie Johnson James Marion Cromwell Nesom GOLDEN VIOLET ALPHA ETA Althea Curry Pogue ALPHA IOTA Rosemary Stauss Beardsworth GOLDEN VIOLET Hilda Strobel Jennings ALPHA LAMBDA Helen Rathert Dove ALPHA MU Marjorie Boutte Gardner Marguerite Blair Mouton

ALPHA PHI Mary Beth Nolan Rincon ALPHA CHI Jean Corn Cooper Nancy Westerfield Crass Josephene Crawford Patsy Wilkins Forrest Hazel Hood Furgeson ALPHA PSI Carolyn McCormick Dooley Hilda Albertson Heller Ann Ekovich Kuseski Judith Abels Lewis Eleanor Cress Tingley BETA ALPHA Rachel Gabel Kyle National Coll. Sec. 1959-1962 GOLDEN VIOLET

GAMMA KAPPA Marilyn Gaylord Spencer GAMMA XI Martha Steadman Simpson GAMMA RHO Allison Marie Walsh GAMMA TAU Carol Behan Barth Nancy Fisher Trillow DELTA ZETA Jill Nicole Glasgow DELTA ETA Barbara Ann Weinzapfel DELTA PHI Phyllis Mayott Moore-Wood

BETA BETA Diana Lea Driscoll Neva Marie Young BETA DELTA Wilma Wolfe Roumel

ALPHA NU Edna Devine Dunning Doloris Langham Kratz

BETA EPSILON Mary Elizabeth Humphrey

ALPHA XI Helen Neidermeier Anderson Irene Hill Dimond

BETA ZETA Lucy Gennett Dinga Betty Rocker Mueller Julie Sherrill Steitz GOLDEN VIOLET

ALPHA OMICRON Virginia Brooks Holmes

GAMMA DELTA Cindy Strawser Neff Jane Barcalow Stevenson

BETA UPSILON Barbara Van Matre Link Amy Leader Scott

Member badges are the property of Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority. It is the responsibility of every initiated Sigma to see that the badge she wears is protected and never worn by or in the possession of a non-member. Badges of members who have passed to the Omega Chapter may be buried with the member, bequeathed to another Tri Sigma member or returned to the National Headquarters. A badge should never be sold by any means. The National Treasurer is the official custodian T h eofTSigma r i a nSigma g l e Sigma | 35 badges.

our foundation

Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation: More Than the Numbers By: Chelsea Henderson, Epsilon Chi This story was written by Chelsea Henderson, Epsilon Chi, who graduated from Northeastern University last year. Chelsea received the Catherine Panarse Combs Scholarship from the Foundation. She exemplifies the Sigma woman recognized by high scholarship and standards, moving ever forward. On th the next page, you will see impressive num numbers about the Foundation as it works towa building scholarships, leadership toward prog programs, and children’s play therapy and child life programs. But the Foundation’s wo is more than just numbers—it’s work abo making important changes in the about live of women and children. lives It was at the end of my senior year fall semester, as I sat surrounded by arts and crafts supplies decorating violets for our newest Sisters, that I finally made the decision to join the 2013 Teach For America Corps. I had been writing each new member a small note, all while thinking about the two full-time job offers I had waiting for me after graduation. The first was with a large financial services company in Boston where I previously completed three internships. I liked the other employees, truly enjoyed the work and was offered a nice compensation package. The other offer was to join the Teach For America Corps in Arkansas, a place I had never been, with no one I knew, and from whom I was offered a compensation level below those of my previous internships. The week leading up to initiation, I changed my mind on a daily—if not hourly—basis. I swayed back and forth between comfort and a new experience; between money and service. It wasn’t until I sat down and finished each one of my tiny letters of encouragement, each one stating “we who receive much must give much,” that it clicked. I’ve been blessed in my life to have been born in an area that afforded me all the educational opportunities I could ever want. Because of these fortunate circumstances and my personal preparation, I ended up in Boston at Northeastern University. There, as a freshman, I joined Epsilon Chi Chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma. Throughout my five years in Tri Sigma, I’ve grown more than I thought possible. I was lucky enough to serve on my chapter’s


T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014

officer board in multiple positions including chapter president, and I received a very generous foundaton scholarship. Through these undergraduate opportunities, I was able to grow not only as a woman, but also as a leader. However, the ultimate test of a leader is to practice what is preached. As I was telling each of my 26 new members that “we who receive much must give much” is the motto by which we, true women of character, should live, it was only fitting that I hold myself to the same high standard. Within the following hour I had accepted TFA’s offer to teach mathematics in a low-income community in Arkansas for two years. While this next chapter of my life is sure to be filled with change, surprises, and challenges, I am sure that I’ve made the right choice, because I believe a Sigma Woman is in constant, ever-forward motion.

Foundation Fabulous Firsts • We met the challenge! Thank you to all Foundation donors who leaned in and met the Foundation Board and Executive Council $50,000 Challenge. Over $102,000 was raised. • Introducing two new endowed scholarships. Foundation scholarships in memory of Mimi Brandt Hiner, Beta Xi and Omega, and Doris Hite Schroeder, Alpha Epsilon and Omega, have reached the endowment level and will be awarded to members in the next school year. • Pilot program funded in Denver. Denver Alumnae Chapter and Eta Pi Collegiate Chapter proposed to the Foundation Board at its annual meeting that the Foundation match their fundraising, dollar for dollar (up to $7,500), for a new children’s playroom at Denver Children’s Hospital, South Campus. In only three months, the chapters raised $7,500 and were able to present a check for $15,000 to the hospital at its opening ceremonies.

The Tr i a n g l e |


our left page foundation d r funded umnae Chapte e ee ss Tallahassee Al ha s at Talla toys and book hee th h ug ro th l spita Memorial Ho program. Local Grants s n’ tio da un Fo n set arree he tc ki new Enjoying the d nd en an ur therapists La hospital play naaee um al d an e giat Mariah. Colle ion datio apply for Foun chapters can and s om ro ay pl l loca grants to help ms prograam play therapy e/ lif ild ch r ion, othe at rm fo in r Fo t. with equipmen isigmafoundat .tr w w w k ec ch

Founders Day Remembrance Don’t forget to remember our Founders with a special gift to the Foundation at Founders Day!

The Eta Pi Chapter ra ised more $1,000 selli than ng these Tshirts onlin e.

For information, visit

C. D. A.


E. (Chain sold separately.)

A. Faith, Hope, Love Ring, #11099


B. Pearl Ring, #612013 SS...$67 F.


C. Pearl Drop Necklace, #682054 SS...$48 D. Pearl Drop Earrings, #622054 SS...$65 E. Rope Chain, #013R GF...$26 SS...$23 F. Pierced Diamond Pendant, #0264 10K, 10KW...$511 SS...$350 G. Imperial Onyx Ring with pearls, #7901P 10K...$300 SS...$108 H. Chapter President Ring, #0452P 10K...$311 SS...$122 I. Sparkling Violet Ring, #Q10568RG SS...$40


H. T h e T r i a n g l e | Spring 2014


K – karat gold, KW – karat white gold, SS – sterling silver, GF – gold-filled

our foundation

The Tr i a n g l e |



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Tri Sigma Store Shop for official Tri Sigma apparel, supplies and gift items.

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