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Let’s Talk T
Laura Ward Sweet Alpha Sigma National President
Letter from
he theme was “Sisterhood, the Music of Our Lives” for Convention 2007, a medium that connect us. When we arrived we were greeted by a singing guitar player, the smiling, hardworking and welcoming Nashville Alumnae, the efficient Headquarters staff, the money-plugging Foundation, brick-toting and Sigma Shopmanaging Walton House Board, and 735 laughing and grinning Tri Sigmas. It doesn’t get much better then that! To preside over such a Sisterhood was an all-time high. You can be extremely proud of the delegates who represented you and your alumnae or collegiate chapters at the business sessions. We were able to proceed carefully and thoughtfully on the business of Tri Sigma. Please read more on Convention in this edition of “The Triangle.” But the real glory was being with Sisters, just as it should be in your chapter meetings and daily life. Sisters reaffirm our belief in ourselves and our futures. They listen and will often challenge our ideas and opinions. Sisters make us better than we ever thought we could be. Being with Tri Sigma Sisters affirms that we chose and were chosen. Nothing is more special then this friendship that we call Sisterhood! I hope that you will read this “Triangle” and feel special because you are a Tri Sigma. I hope that you will call a Sigma pal. I hope that you and your Sigma friends will now begin to make plans to attend the 2010 Convention and let these precious friendships truly be the music of your life.
The Executive Council 2007-10 pictured from left to right at the Festival of Lights Banquet at Convention 2007: Mandy Meehan Chocheles, Gamma Eta and Alumnae Vice President; Bethany Deines, Beta Kappa and Membership Development Vice President; Emily Eure Ellis, Gamma Beta and Collegiate Vice President; Laura Ward Sweet, Alpha Sigma and National President; Barbara Stoe Stone, Beta Tau and National Treasurer; Reatha Cole Cox, Alpha Zeta and National Panhellenic Conference Delegate; and Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi and Publications Vice President.
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Vol. 07 No. 3
Telling the stories of Tri Sigma’s Heart
On the Cover: MISSION STATEMENT Sigma Sigma Sigma promotes a perpetual bond of friendship, develops strong womanly character, and inspires high standards of ethical conduct. Editor Barbara Victoria Colvert Alumnae Editor Jenell Hronimus, Beta Xi Collegiate Editor Jackie Wise, Alpha Chi Feature Editor Hillary Ashton, Zeta Beta Copy Editors Peggy Gamble, Alpha Sigma Katie Lauer Wadington, Epsilon Xi Executive Director Marcia Cutter, Beta Gamma Sigma Sigma Sigma 225 North Muhlenberg Street Woodstock, VA 22664-1424 p 540.459.4212 f 540.459.2361 E-mail: sigma@trisigma.org Executive Council 2007– 2010 National President Laura Ward Sweet, Alpha Sigma National Treasurer Barbara Stoe Stone, Beta Tau Alumnae Vice President Mandy Meehan Chocheles, Gamma Eta Collegiate Vice President Emily Eure Ellis, Gamma Beta Membership Development Vice President Bethany A. Deines, Beta Kappa Publications Vice President Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi National Panhellenic Conference Delegate Reatha Cole Cox, Alpha Zeta
www.sigmasigmasigma.org Changes of names and addresses and death notices should be sent to National Headquarters, 225 North Muhlenberg Street, Woodstock, VA 22664-1424. Postmaster: Please send notices of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Sigma Sigma Sigma, 225 North Muhlenberg Street, Woodstock, VA 22664-1424.
The Triangle of Sigma Sigma Sigma is published three times a year by Sigma Sigma Sigma, 225 North Muhlenberg Street, Woodstock, VA 22664-1424. Payment of membership dues includes $2 toward the cost of The Triangle subscription.
Friendship, Character and Conduct reigned, indeed, for more than 700 Tri Sigmas attending the Convention 2007 in Nashville, TN, in June. More than 100 collegiate chapters were represented, nearly 50 alumnae chapters, and four past National Presidents attended. Carrie Underwood was the shining star for the final Festival of Lights Banquet.
contents Convention 2007: Nashville, Tennessee
Ever Forward with… Our Foundation
Empowered Women
Our Leadership
Our Sisters
Our Collegians
Our Alumnae
Omega Chapter
Articles are invited for publication in this magazine. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor for consideration. Acceptances are on a contributing basis only and are subject to editorial review. All copies and photos become the property of Sigma Sigma Sigma. Member of National Panhellenic Conference and College Fraternity Editors Association. © 2007 Sigma Sigma Sigma
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Friendship, Character, and Conduct
Tri Sigmas Made Sweet Music at Convention 2007! By Barbara Victoria Colvert, Editor, The Triangle
The State of the Sorority is Sweet Indeed! F
ollowing the Hanging of the Shields ceremony for collegiate and alumnae chapters and the introduction of new chapters and colonies, Meeting Planner Gwen Hardouin Maniscalco, Gamma Eta and New Orleans Alumnae Chapter, presented the gavel of office to National President Laura Ward Sweet, Alpha Sigma. Rapping the gavel to open the 41st National Convention of Sigma Sigma Sigma, Sweet urged new delegates to look around and take in the magic of national Sisterhood. “Meet, revere, learn, talk, respect, question and have a ball!” she told the delegation. “For those of you returning, Welcome home! This is a time to celebrate, renew and lead.” And lead she did. With a direct quote from Mabel Lee Walton, Gamma, the 12th National President, she reminded more than 700 delegates and guests, “Tri Sigma cannot stand still, for the procession moves Ever Forward, onward in the best way our thinking can lead us, more willing to meet the challenge than ever before.” Following introductions and announcements, Bethany Deines, Beta Kappa and Membership Development Vice President, shared some compelling numbers about Sigma Sigma Sigma: • 109 years old • 206 installed chapters • More than 95,000 initiated Sisters • 12 National Presidents — Just 12, with four attending Convention 2007!
Pussycat Dolls, and “our own Carrie Underwood,” Sweet reminded the Sisterhood of how music records the medley of life throughout generations. “Rhythms are moving, and that is what Tri Sigma is doing.” Sweet said. “Music can define our shared Tri Sigma experience.” Noting that Tri Sigma has always been about “Character, Faith, Conduct, Hope, Friendship and Love,” she took the delegates through tempos that have flowed through the last three years. “The ‘Ever Forward’ logo continues to serve us well,” she stated, taking delegates through milestones from Sweet the last triennium:
• 5 came from chapters installed in Virginia, 2 from Colorado • 7 came from Southern chapters, 3 from the Midwest, and 2 from the West • 7 came from chapters that are now inactive (Hopefully that will change!) • 4 once served as our NPC delegate • All but one were trained as educators • Each served Tri Sigma for 20 or more years • Their average tenure as National President was 9 years
“Meet, revere, learn, talk, respect, question, and have a ball!” — Laura Ward
And of these presidents— • 7 came from single letter chapters: Alpha, Gamma, Iota and Sigma
As she turned the Convention over to Sweet, Deines noted, “She commands respect because she gives respect.” And she won respect with a keynote address infused with celebration of the Convention theme, “Sisterhood, the Music of our Lives.” While the music that Tri Sigmas have listened to has transitioned through Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, the Beatles, The
• Tri Sigma’s leadership and programming are second to none in the fraternal world. We were the first national fraternal organization to embrace the Call for Values Congruence, challenging Greek organizations to live up to their core values and serve as a positive force on college campuses. Tri Sigma implemented the Collegiate Chapter Accreditation program, and our Honor Council program was established to provide guidance and support for chapters to adhere to our values, principles and expectations. • Walton House celebrated its 40th birthday in 2005 with the beginning of the Legacy Fund to provide upkeep for Tri Sigma’s Heart Home at Memorial Headquarters. • Headquarters staff included our Executive Director and exceptional support from women in the Woodstock area who support the work of the National Officers. • The Essential Sigma total membership program has been initiated in more than
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half of our collegiate chapters to provide a well-rounded college experience and preparation for empowered life after college. • National leadership program efforts became a key priority, with State Days reintroduced to provide regional educational training for collegians and alumnae.
• Contributors to the Foundation have grown each year through the Triennium, with projections reaching 4,000 contributors for 2007, and record growth in the GOLD program among Sisters under the age of 40. Alumnae participation in the Foundation has significantly increased throughout the Triennium.
• The Dunham Leadership Institute was attended in record numbers, with Recruitment Boot Camp generating a 15% increase in recruitment, up 5% from the norm. The Volunteer Leadership Institute was expanded into an experiential leadership program to encompass National Officers and other national volunteers, plus local Alumnae Advisory Boards.
• There is a decline in the number of chapters on discipline for risk management violations.
• In every aspect of programming we are stressing our founding principles of Friendship, Character, Conduct and Ritual values.
• The Membership Development Department has revitalized our expansion program and created an entirely new line of marketing materials that are getting noticed, and getting results!
• Strength in numbers is reflected in 5,258 collegiate members, 107 chapters, 2 colonies, and 2,100 duespaying alumnae.
• New alumnae chapters are being installed, and the Alumnae Initiate program is growing. There is also interest in programs outside the alumnae chapters such as the Sigma Sails Away Travel program that allows alumnae to travel together.
• “Directline,” the Sigma Standard and the Foundation Angle have gone digital, and The Triangle has won awards from
the College Fraternity Editors Association three years in a row. Bringing the delegates back to the music theme, Sweet echoed Bon Jovi’s question, “Who says you can’t go home?” “It’s time to go home!” Sweet said emphatically. “Home is where the Sisterhood has its grass roots. Home is where we share Friendship, Character and Conduct. Home is where we, as Sisters in the bond, do the right thing for the right reasons.” She noted it doesn’t matter what generation of music we bring to Convention; what does matter is what we do with the new direction this Convention will set. “Welcome Home, Tri Sigma, Welcome Home!” Sweet concluded. “Listen to our Sigma music and make it part of your life!” The assembly was on its feet, applauding with an impassioned spirit that seemed to stun even a seasoned National President. Sweet, indeed!
Panhellenic Luncheon: Women are Worth Celebrating! T
he women of Sigma Sigma Sigma gathered at noon on Saturday, June 23, to celebrate with leaders of other Panhellenic organizations the joys of being part of the Panhellenic Community. Guest speaker and fellow sorority woman Dr. Sharon Whittaker, Alpha Kappa Alpha, challenged our women to be all-stars, stating “Within every woman lies a queen — be a Tri Sigma queen!” Dr. Whittaker is Vice President of Student Affairs at Stillman College, and received a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in English education and student personnel administration from Howard University in Washington, D.C. A professional motivational speaker as well, Whitaker clearly motivated the Convention assembly and keyed in on the music themes of melody, rhythm, harmony, texture, and timbre. “We have beautiful music within us,” she said. “ We have to find out why we’re here and what to do!” Her empowering message encouraged Tri Sigmas to not only be harmonious leaders and honor our Founders by
keeping our within the Tri promises, Sigma but also Sisterhood. reach out Jami Lynn and touch Michael the people Vienneau, in our lives. Zeta Iota, and “We all Melissa have to feel Schnur, Alpha somewhere, Iota, were somehow, honored with that we’re Alumnae an all star,” Panhellenic she said, “I awards, and won’t lose the Alpha Psi with the Chapter at stuff I Eastern Illinois choose! University “The received the more selfCollegiate — Dr. Sharon Whittaker esteem, Panhellenic selfAward. preservation, and self-direction we have, “You have been engineered to sail; the more we have excellence,” she sail far and wide,” Dr. Whitaker continued. concluded. Indeed, she inspired Tri The NPC luncheon also served as an Sigmas to do just that. opportunity to honor Panhellenic leaders
“I was not born to make a living, I was born to make a difference”
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Six Resolutions Passed T
he delegation passed three resolutions during the session on Sunday, June 24, including one approving a change to the National Bylaws to insert a reference to sexual orientation and into our Position Statement on Non-Discrimination. Article VII, Collegiate Chapters, BRecruitment, Section 2 will now read, “Judgments shall not be made based upon other factors such as individual race, color, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age or disability.” Moreover, the resolved clause of Tri Sigma’s position statement on nondiscrimination was amended to refer to sexual orientation so that it now reads: “Resolved, membership in each chapter shall be determined by performance, educational achievement and criteria related to the goals and purposes of the Sorority. Judgments shall not be made based upon other factors such as
individual race, color, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age or disability.” The delegation approved the addition of “in good standing” to Article II regarding the requirements for Fifth Year Senior status. Which means, a member must be in good standing to qualify for fifth year senior status. It was voted to add the word “National” to Article III so that all references to the national offices of President and Treasurer now read as “National President” and “National Treasurer” and that this usage be consistent within the Bylaws. On Monday, June 25, three more resolutions were passed. In Article II, Section 7, Degrees and Membership, will now read, “If initiated by an alumnae chapter, the alumna initiate’s chapter affiliation shall be designated as Iota Alpha or IA.”
The delegation voted to delete section 6 from Article II, D-Collegiate Members and renumber Sections 6, 7, and 8 on the premise that “A members badge should remain with the member until termination or she enters Omega Chapter.” Initiating the most discussion was the final resolution instituting a media and public relations policy. It was voted to mandate that no New or Initiated Member of Tri Sigma should participate in any reality television show or any other form of media activity in which she is to be identified as a member of Tri Sigma without prior approval from the Executive Council. This will include “any radio and television and internet appearances; interviews with the press; and any media releases, except those of a philanthropic nature or reporting chapter or individual honors.”
Introducing Our Newest Initiates T
he Sisters of Sigma Sigma Sigma selected as Alumnae and Collegiate Honor Initiates were initiated by Executive Council on Sunday, June 24, 2007. As New Members, Chris Smithhisler and Rebecca LeCompte have already been impacting Tri Sigma and will surely continue to do so. In an interesting twist, and a first for the Sorority, the Alumnae Initiate was appointed a National Officer before she was initiated, made official after her initiation at Convention. Chris Smithhisler will serve as our Scholarship Director in the next Triennium, but, previously, she developed the Essential Sigma Program. This program has replaced the New Member program as a total membership program. Even before she was initiated,
The 2007 Convention in Photos
Smithhisler already understood the principles of Sigma Sigma Sigma. The Collegiate Honor Initiate, Rebecca LeCompte, Epsilon Theta, had been anxiously awaiting her initiation. Since she accepted her bid on September 15, 2006, at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, GA, Rebecca had been stepping up as a leader in her chapter. Already serving as social chair, she has aspirations for holding an office. Specifically, she would like to become a Vice President and eventually President of her chapter. LeCompte holds a 4.0 GPA and is already looking forward to earning her scholarship ring. She was overwhelmed at her initiation and said, “It was all I could do not to burst into tears. It was so amazing.”
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Our Carrie…
uddenly, there she was — blonde, petite, looking like the Alpha Iota collegian she was at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, OK. “It’s a lifelong decision being a Sigma,” Carrie Underwood told attendees at the Festival of Lights banquet on the closing night of Convention 2007. Like many young women who are initiated, she enjoyed the support of her Tri Sigma Sisters in the ways that collegians do, but participating in “American Idol” made her realize how far reaching her Sorority roots are. Attending Convention 2007 reinforced how far back they extend.
“Being in this Sorority played a huge role in me winning American Idol,” she said. “But we all have this network behind us.”
Carrie Underwood adds another award to the dozens she has accumulated since her signature song, “Inside Your Heaven,” rapidly became the top selling country single in 2005. A Woman of Distinction for 2004-07, she was everything that we hoped she would be: sweet, sincere, full of heart, surprisingly shy, and the very personification of “Friendship, Character and Conduct.” Thank you, Carrie, for touching Convention 2007 with all that you are. And thank you for signing autographed photographs until after one in the morning! Sigma Love, Carrie!
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Past National Presidents in Attendance Pictured from top to bottom are: Mimi Brandt Hiner, Beta Xi, National President 1983-89 Ann Buchler Williams, Gamma Eta, National President 1989-95 Diana Hornick Sarber, Beta Mu, National President 1995-01 Mary K. Barbee, Iota, National President 2001-04 Introduced but not attending for health reasons was Helen Marie Eggert Snyder, Alpha Xi, National President 1971-1983
New Chapters Represented ETA RHO Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, GA Installed January 23, 2005 ETA SIGMA Culver-Stockton College, Canton, MO Installed January 30, 2005 ETA TAU Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL Installed January 21, 2006 ETA UPSILON Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA Installed February 17, 2007
New Colonies Represented University Of Wisconsin-Parkside Colony, Kenosha, WI Colonized September 15, 2006 Morgan Kinsey, Colony Treasurer University Of Central Arkansas Colony, Alpha Omicron, Conway, AR Colonized March 11, 2007 Kristen Gaddy, Colony President
Collegiate Honor Initiate Rebecca Le Compte, Epsilon Zeta
Alumnae Honor Initiate Chris Smithhisler
National Officer Outstanding Service Awards Brenda Ray, Alpha Psi Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi Bonnie Rainey, Alpha Sigma Linda Henderson, Delta Psi
The 2007 Convention Committee Convention Chairman/Meeting Planner Gwen Hardouin Maniscalo, Gamma Eta
Assistant Convention Co-Chairman Deborah McMahon Standley, Alpha Nu Helen Sharratt Shull, Beta Gamma
Committee Chairs
Decorations Jeanette Calhoun Turner, Alpha Chi Mary Lou Roberts, Alpha Epsilon Exhibits Amanda Swartzbaugh, Delta Beta Freebies Helen Sharratt Shull, Beta Gamma Hospitality Connie Steely Herrell, Alpha Chi Publicity Julie Lammel, Alpha Sigma Registration Ginny Raynes Lund, Alpha Delta Tours Shari Arnold-Holifield, Gamma Mu Webmaster Jessica Anderson, Beta Epsilon
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Dixie Shelton, Alpha Alpha, who found the diamond studded
pins! They rock!
Favors for the Panhellenic Luncheon were three note cards that were handmade by the Nashville Alumnae Chapter. They made a total of 1,800 note cards for the event. ————————— The 600 Laurels Banquet bookmark favors were designed and handmade by Mary Lou Roberts, Nashville Alumnae Chapter. ————————— Herff Jones sponsored Festival of Lights Banquet favors, which were silver business card holders. ————————— The Sigma Shop staff and Walton House Board wish to thank all those individuals and chapters who made and donated items for the Sigma Shop to benefit Walton House. Thanks to you, Conventioneers were able to purchase many wonderful handmade items, and Sigma Shop was a great success. Twice the number of donations were received from Collegiate and Alumnae members as at Convention 2004! Your time and talents were very much appreciated and helped raise $5,650!! Thanks to those who shopped at the Sigma Shop. Please know that your purchases were appreciated. We know that they will be enjoyed.
AN EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR FABULOUS PHOTOGRAPHERS Dennis Osrud and Darryl Edward of Fraternal Composite Service, Inc.!!!
Did You Know… Emily Lewis Lee, Alpha Upsilon and Columbia SC Alumnae Chapter, has attended 21 Conventions! The only break was during World War II. ————— Lori Pettijohn had her 33rd birthday Saturday with 600+ Sisters! Happy Birthday! – Epsilon Nu and Tri Sigma Alumnae ————————— Beta Kappa Chapter Sisters Maryellen Drasler Baxter, Phoenix Alumnae Chapter; and Marci Barge Smith, have been rooming together at Conventions for the past 21 YEARS! ————————— The Twin Cities Alumnae Chapter will celebrate its 50th anniversary in September. Contact TCACSigma@yahoo.com for more information. ————————— Four of us went downtown, and I wore my letters. A woman came up to me, gave me a big hug and said she hadn’t been with any Sigmas since leaving
college! I introduced her to the others with me, and she said she would go on the website and get connected. – Marci Smith, Beta Kappa ————————— I said it in 1973 at the Diamond Jubilee Convention, and I’ll say it again here in Nashville: Sigma Convention, the ultimate experience of sisterhood! – Pam Richardson, Nashville Alumnae ————————— My roommate, Marie Schwag Beck of the Foundation Board, and I are both Beta Upsilons and friends from collegiate days at Pennsylvania State University. The alumnae shield I carried for Sarasota/Manatee Counties Alumnae Chapter was first signed in 1983 by Sylvia Brenneman Havens, Beta Upsilon. A coincidence. – Gail Radcliffe Brown, Sarasota/Manatee Counties Alumnae Chapter ————————— Marilyn McGraw Beiter, Beta Xi, celebrated her 45th wedding anniversary on June 23rd during Convention.
Emily Lewis Lee, Alpha Upsilon attends her 21st Convention. She was accompanied by Jennifer Holtsclaw, Delta Pi.
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The“Sizzling Sixties” Convene at Convention 2007 Wearing
purple visors adorned with violets, members of the Alpha Epsilon Chapter of Northwest Missouri State University gathered at Convention 2007 to keep the bonds of Sisterhood strong. “We've been getting together every two years,” said Mary Lou Chappell Roberts. A member of the Nashville Alumnae Chapter, Roberts was particularly motivated to get the group together here, and made a visor for each attendee. “This is our fourth get together,” she noted.
Alpha Epsilon Sisters pictured left to right: Myrna Schnegelberger Whigham, Mary Lou Chappell Roberts,Marti Durfee Holton, and Sandy Herzog Johnson.
A total of nine women from the classes of '64 and '65 journeyed to Nashville for Convention 2007.
Participating in the Foundation Walk were Myrna Schnelgelberger Whigham, Mary Lou Chappell Roberts, Marti Durfee Holton, and Sandy Herzog Johnson. Other members of the “sizzling” assembly are Benita Barnes, Bobbi Walker Smith, Martha Guest Rainey, Judy Newcomer VanCooney, and Linda Porter Hunter. Makes you wonder just what made the 1960s sizzle in northwest Missouri!
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This One Was for theGirls By Jackie Wise, Alpha Chi and Collegiate Editor
aybe I was just a little tired, but driving away from Convention brought a few tears to my eyes. As much as I was ready to get back to my day-to-day life, I also wanted to stay in Nashville. I had spent five fantastic days getting to know so many Sisters from across the country and I did not want it to end. My short drive back to Louisville, KY, was beginning to feel like an eternity. I could barely keep my eyes open, and my coffee tolerance had hit an all-time high. Doing everything I could to stay awake, I turned up my radio and heard Martina McBride declare “This one's for the girls!” With those words, I began to reminisce on my Convention experience. Prior to Convention, I felt confident in my grasp of our national Sisterhood and lifetime commitment. But by day one, it became apparent to me that I really had no idea. Names previously seen only on paper now had a face, voice, and personality. Women that I had only heard of were standing in front of me, wearing the same badge, celebrating the same Sisterhood. I met women who I only knew through e-mails and conference calls. I spoke face to face with the women at National Headquarters who I had e-mailed countless times as a collegian. I saw Sisters whose names I had remembered from the national test and enjoyed meals with Executive Council. I began to realize just how big this Sisterhood is, and Tri Sigma began to change for me. I saw Emily Lewis Lee, Alpha Upsilon, with my very own eyes. There she was, this legendary Sister, and I was slightly awestruck by her presence. It suddenly hit me; this lifetime commitment is real. It was staring me in the face and was, of course, dressed in purple.
As our two Honor Initiates had our Ritual revealed to them, I noticed that they had the same nervous excitement as I had for my initiation. That look never left their faces, just as it had not left mine. At
“It suddenly hit me; this lifetime commitment is real.” this same time, I was drawn to the Epsilon Psi Chapter at Rochester Institute of Technology. I watched as the words of the Triangle Degree were interpreted through sign language, and I gained a new appreciation for it. Observing this added to the depth and beauty of our Ritual, as well as to our Sisterhood. Where the true spirit of our Sisterhood really found me, was in the late hours of Convention with a copier, two boxes of
colored paper, and two amazing Sisters. It was here that three Tri Sigmas, from different chapters, came together each night and produced a newsletter for the Convention body. The three of us had adventures that I had not anticipated at Convention, but I accepted them as part of the fun. I found myself nearing home and realized that although Convention was over, Tri Sigma is still going strong. I was left with this renewed spirit for Sigma, one that showed me what lifetime commitment and national Sisterhood really is about. I can only hope that in 50 years I am attending another Convention, catching up with Sisters from all over the country, and wearing purple. Until then I will keep volunteering, connecting with Sisters, and attending Conventions beginning with the next one in Minneapolis — See you in 2010: Heading North!
The Angle Staff J
enell Hironimus, Beta Xi and Alumnae Editor, could very well be asleep; Hillary Ashton, Zeta Beta, is truly working in her pajamas; and Jackie Wise, Alpha Chi and Collegiate Editor, is gearing up to do battle with the ever-challenging hotel printer one more time. All put in many late-night hours bring the historic ‘Angle’ newsletter to Convention 2007.
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FOUNDATION CONVENTION AWARDS The Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation presented awards to outstanding chapters during Convention 2007: Winning the Outstanding Collegiate Chapter award, based on total chapter giving, per capita giving, Foundation educational programming, service projects, and fundraising for the Foundation, was Delta Chi Chapter at the University of Virginia. The chapter received an engraved tray from Foundation Chairman Jan Horner. Awards were given to 80 alumnae chapters and 96 collegiate chapters for contributing to the Foundation. Thirty-nine alumnae chapters and 35 collegiate chapters are Honor Roll donors (contributing a minimum of $25/member); 41 alumnae chapters and 61 collegiate chapters also donated to the Foundation. Ed. note: Names of these chapters will be listed in the Foundation’s Annual Report printed in the Triangle’s next issue. The following chapters were recognized for their outstanding gifts:
Collegiate Chapters – Annual Gifts: Highest total amount contributed to the Foundation for 2006-07: Alpha Psi-Eastern Illinois University ($6232.00)
Highest total amount over a three-year period: Alpha Psi- Eastern Illinois ($15,678.07)
Highest per capita amount contributed to the Foundation in 2006-07 year:
Alumnae Chapters – Annual Gifts: Highest total amount Alumnae Chapter Raising the contributed to the Foundation Most Money Through a Specific for 2006-07 (including soft Fundraising Event: credit): Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter
Houston Alumnae Chapter ($14,578.00)
Highest Total Amount Contributed to the Foundation Over a Three-year Period (including soft credit):
Highest Per Capita Amount Contributed to the Foundation for 2006-07: Long Beach Alumnae Chapter ($1,570.00 per person)
Houston Alumnae Chapter ($42,722.94)
\Zeta Pi-Virginia Wesleyan ($90.04)
Foundation Board Members Stephanie Sabol Strom, Beta Iota, of Plano, TX, and Elizabeth Wakeman Hoffert, Beta Xi, of Morris Plains, NJ, were elected to the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation Board of Directors for three year terms, beginning July 1, 2007. Elected as Foundation officers for the coming year are Jan Stroker Horner, Beta Xi, Chairman; SAM! Mills Farrell, Epsilon Theta, Vice Chairman; Katherine (Kaki) Eads Garard, Epsilon Xi, Secretary; and Linda Hunter Porter, Alpha Epsilon, Treasurer. Other Board members include Mary K. Barbee, Iota; Marie Schrag Beck, Beta Upsilon; Leslie Mehard Brady, Delta Pi; CJ Donovan, Beta Lambda; Susie Fink Kuhn, Beta Gamma; Heather Mergler Mitchell, Epsilon Xi; Laura Beitz Turk, Alpha Theta. Serving as ex officio members on the Board are National President Laura Ward Sweet, Alpha Sigma; and National Treasurer Barbara Stoe Stone, Beta Tau. At the Foundation Board's annual meeting, the Board expressed its appreciation to two retiring members: Carol Ryckman Frost, Kappa, 2004-2007 term; and Debra K. Wilcox, Iota, 2001-2007 term, Chair: 2005-2006.
Pins Available The fabulous Sigma Sigma Sigma rhinestone pins sold out at Convention, but the Foundation reordered and now offers them for sale. The pins 1 5/8 inches wide and 5/8 inches tall with three Greek “Sigmas” spelled out in rhinestones are mounted in silver. The pins are eye-catching and add a bit of bling to your outfit. To order, call Nancy Benedict, Director of Philanthropic Programs, in the Foundation office (540) 459-4212 or e-mail her at nbenedic@trisigma.org for details. Cost is $20/pin. A discount is offered to any person or chapter buying 10 or more.
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The Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation once more exceeded its expectations, topping its goal of $17,000 for a grand total of $18,134 raised on the Convention walk. Coming in third was Mary Lou Roberts, Alpha Epsilon, with $1,145. In second place was Liz Hoffert, Beta Xi, with $1,540. The grand winner was Jeanne Johnson, Alpha Iota, who raised $5,153! More than 190 Tri Sigmas turned out for the event at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday. Thank you to everyone for making the walk a fun and fund raising success! This year, alumnae chapters sponsored walks in various cities across the U.S. for those who could not attend Convention. “This was a fabulous idea,” said Foundation Chair Jan Horner, Beta Xi. “We hope that during next Convention (2010) all alumnae chapters will hold walks for members and friends in their communities to benefit the Foundation.” Following the Convention Walk, those participating enjoyed a continental breakfast sponsored by Aria Communications, Mary Barbee, Iota, CJ Donovan, Beta Lambda, Imaginative Solutions, KForce, and O Advertising.
Sigma Travel Bag D
id you open this summer’s e-mail from the Foundation and see this year’s special promotion — a Sigma bag to hold travel essentials? At press time, more than 700 alumnae donated a minimum of $33.33 to receive the bag and special “Sigma Makes You Smile” toothbrush holders. The Foundation offers many opportunities for donors to contribute to help the Foundation’s mission. In 2006-07 the Foundation received gifts ranging from $1 to more than $10,000 — no gift is too small to help— as the Foundation raises money to support the Sisterhood (through scholarships and leadership grants) and the children (through its RPM Fund). To receive a bag if you don't have e-mail, call Nancy Benedict in the Foundation office, (540) 459-4212.
The Going For the Foundation R Marches Past its Goal
emember the Olympic women's soccer team “going for the gold?” This year, Tri Sigma's young alumnae scored a GOLD hit with their donations to the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation. Kate Gaston, Alpha Chi, and Amy Keith, Beta Xi, GOLD Development Officers for the Foundation, began a program last July to guarantee Foundation growth and future support. Here's how it works: Kate and Amy, between August 1, 2006, and June 30, 2007, visited young alumnae, asking for their support of the Foundation with a five-year pledge paid monthly through credit card or electronic transfer. Their calls focused primarily on women in the GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade or so) demographic. The results: Kate and Amy visited 466 women; 252 (54%) made pledges totaling $420,529, an average of $1,669 per person or more than $333 a year per person! Of the women making pledges, 68% had never contributed to the Foundation before, and 88% had given under $100 in the past. GOLD donors who attended Convention were invited to a special reception, underwritten by Charitable Partners, to recognize their gifts. Tri Sigma was the first and only women's group to undertake a GOLD program, although several Greek men's fraternities had implemented it. Tri Sigma Foundation, with its overwhelmingly positive statistics, proved once again that women are just as important and significant donors as men. Kate and Amy are proud Amy Keith, left, and Kate Gaston, before the of Tri Sigma's response, and their statistics put Tri Sigma GOLD reception at convention among the top groups reporting GOLD results. Kate and Amy also proved to other Greek women's groups that investing in young alumnae is “worth it.” This fall, two more sororities will join with Tri Sigma to undertake the GOLD program along with the six men's fraternities. The two Tri Sigma GOLD development officers are on the road again this year, and in addition to women in the GOLD under-40 demographic, they'll visit other alumnae in the area. Watch for their e-mails and try to plan a visit with them when they're in your area. If you are interested in becoming a part of the GOLD Program or would like a specific visit, please contact: Kate Gaston, Alpha Chi or Amy Keith, Beta Xi kgaston@trisigma.org akeith@trisigma.org (540) 335-5554 (540) 335-5599
Holly Haase, Alpha Mu, Collegiate Coordinator for Region 15 and GOLD DONOR Why did you become a contributor to the Foundation's GOLD program? It is easy to give on a monthly basis. I love the idea of the Foundation and supporting the future of the sorority. I think about the rich history of Sigma, and I want to ensure that our future is as rich. I have always wanted to make large donations, but it wasn’t feasible to do it all at once. This program gives me the opportunity to give a large amount in smaller increments. The Foundation program that appeals to me… The education programs that the Foundation supports are awesome. I think that the programs that are developed through the donations from the Foundation are incredible and help to put Sigma on top in programming! I think all young alumnae should participate. The way the program is designed, it is easy to give a few dollars a month and help to impact our Sorority’s future. The Foundation offers so many programs and scholarships to our Sorority that it is an honor to be among the first to be a contributor to the GOLD program. There are many nonprofit foundations and organizations I could give my donation to, however, this Foundation is near and dear to my heart!
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Melenie Broyles By Sherri Varsek Ballard, Alpha Nu
hen a country radio DJ named Cornbread asked his listeners why he couldn’t wear socks with his sandals, Melenie O’Neal Broyles, Beta Beta, had the answer. She e-mailed him explaining, “It was an oxymoron. Socks are worn to stay warm. Sandals are worn to cool off. Be a man, make a decision!” But what makes her such an expert? As the owner of Etiquette Saint Louis, Broyles teaches people that etiquette and manners are not something to be put on a shelf and brought out for special occasions. She strives to make etiquette real for normal people. She believes that knowing what to do and when to do it gives people the confidence they need to operate in the world today. Working as a corporate vice president of human resources, Broyles realized that
the way we treat people is vital to success, and that people are lacking in manners. She located an etiquette consultant to train her employees and was so impressed with the concept that she bought the business six years ago. Today Etiquette Saint Louis offers business etiquette presentations, professional image and attire training, and one-on-one image and impression consulting. And they currently offer children’s classes at Nordstrom St. Louis County, which may expand to other Nordstrom locations nationally. People often comment that Melenie Broyles’ children must be perfect. But she stresses that although her children know what is expected, they are still children first. Raising four children with her husband, Rich, who is a pilot for Nestle Purina, Broyles has enjoyed the flexibility that owning her own business provides. She had found it difficult to balance her responsibilities of corporate life with being a fun mom at night and now can dictate her own schedule. Broyles is currently working on a series of books about etiquette. She is the co-
author of “The Little Pink Book of Etiquette” (for girls), and has a version for boys and businesses in the works. Broyles draws on her college experiences for her career today. When Beta Beta purchased its house at Missouri State University, 62 women were living together. There were issues among the Sisters, and Broyles believes that people need to remember what having manners means. “You are not better than anyone, but you are as good as everyone else.” A collegiate Sister once told her that if she had to pick one person from college who could teach etiquette, it would Melenie Broyles. Her advice to collegiate women today is to remember that first impressions are everything. She notes that people cannot get to the inside if they cannot get past what they see on the outside. Moreover, networking and small talk are important life skills to practice. The world would be more pleasant if everyone practiced a little kindness, courtesy and respect. This Sigma is doing her part to teach people how a little dose of manners will go a long way.
Charisse McAloon By Sherri Varsek Ballard, Alpha Nu
More than a four-color graphic artist, Charisse Heyden McAloon, Epsilon
Omicron, draws her inspiration from fashion by incorporating unusual elements into her projects. When helping to rebrand ICG/Holliston, a fabric manufacturer in Tennessee, she incorporated fabric into their business cards. Not only did they get a whole new look, but a whole new feel as well. After graduating from Illinois State University in 1996, McAloon worked for several large design firms in Chicago, where she enjoyed the various stages of project management. As people began enlisting her for smaller projects, they suggested that if she freelanced she could contact them directly instead of through a company. She began to consider it. McAloon began working for herself in 2002 and found her creative soul challenged by the details of managing a business. She drew upon her mother’s experiences as a business owner and her husband’s inspiration and support, and this year McAloon Designs became a corporation. For Charisse McAloon the freedom to choose whom she works with is worth all the hard work of running a business. Most of her clients have come to her via
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recommendations. She is confident that once people experience her designs, they will want her to create for them as well. Though she still finds calling on new clients unsettling, she noted that “Having to step up in the Sorority helped to build my confidence.“ She draws on that confidence to present new ideas to corporate vice presidents who might otherwise look to large design firms. It is difficult for McAloon to name the pieces she is most proud of in her business. Designing everything from invitations to gift cards and rebranding the entire image for a client, she has enjoyed the variety of challenges that each project presented. One of her more challenging pieces involved designing the packaging for a candle that contained 24-karat gold and retailed for $120. One of her higher profile projects was “done on a whim.” A perfumery manufacturer had a line that was to be sold nationwide by Target. When the client took the perfume to Target, they also showed them McAloon’s packaging concepts. “They ate it up!” she recalled laughingly. Raising two sons with her husband and managing her business, Charisse McAloon enjoys running as an outlet. “I can be a better person knowing that I took time out to do something for myself,” she stated. She also shares her passion for running with her Tri Sigma Sisters and will run this year in the Niketown Bastille Day 5K Run and the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure with Epsilon Omicron Sister Rebecca Nanzer.
working toward. One of the best things that can be is to have lots of activities and interests. I enjoy working with people of all ages.” Not only was she a founder of Beta Epsilon at WIU, Epperson was also its first president. She attributes those early leadership experiences with helping propel her through a lifetime of achievement. “I feel so honored that I was part of the first class there, the first group, initiated into Sigma Sigma Sigma,” she said. More than 60 years since her presidency and 20 years since she became owner of Century 21 Purdue Epperson Real Estate, Epperson has earned numerous real estate awards including the Centurion Producer Award through Century 21 (for the past 10 years) and the Illinois Realtor Association’s Lifetime Garnet Award. Other achievements include being named Realtor of the Year for three different years and being named as a top producer for the past several years. Epperson came to real estate through her work as a high school counselor, where she had to learn about various career opportunities. She was so interested in what she discovered about real estate that she decided to take classes and earned her license in 1974. Soon, friends began to ask her to represent them. “Within three years I was high sales person in town even though I was still working full-time in the high school and doing real estate on nights and weekends,” she said. She worked as a high school counselor for 20 years and a business educator before that. She graduated in 1948, with a degree in business education; she also earned her master’s degree at WIU. Epperson remains very active with her alma mater, serving on the WIU Foundation and is a Past President of the WIU Alumni Council. She served on the WIU Board of Trustees,
he golden years for Lorraine Epperson have had nothing to do with retirement. As she neared what many think of as “retirement age,” she and her husband purchased a real estate company and helped it to grow from a small agency to one with more than 17 realtors. The agency, housed in a landmark building in downtown Macomb, IL, is just one of Epperson’s contributions to her hometown, which is also the home of Western Illinois University (WIU). Serving on a plethora of boards in Macomb and at the university, she remains a vital part of the Sigma Sigma Sigma chapter that she helped to found at WIU in 1946. “I always want to see things accomplished,” she said. “I would be bored if I didn’t have something I wasn’t
By Donna Ragsdale Dunn
Lorraine Epperson
where she held the position as chairperson for 10 years, and was recognized as a distinguished alumna. Lorraine Epperson also keeps ties to her school as she supports the performing arts. A pianist and organist, Lorraine and her husband of 58 years, Ken Epperson, often host events at their business following local performances. “In working with the community and volunteer work, you always get much more than you give,” she said. Her service to the Tri Sigma chapter on campus has continued for more than six decades. She said she’s loved keeping that connection and especially enjoyed helping the chapter get into its second house and decorate it. “Having seen it start, you always want it to be a active, vibrant part of the campus,” she said. In working with the university through the years, she said she’s seen other organizations that did not succeed and “I never wanted to see that happen to Sigma Sigma Sigma.” Her longevity with Beta Epsilon gives her the unique perspective to be able to tell collegiates that their Tri Sigma involvement will only become more dear to them through the years. “That’s something I think they fail to realize is how much it can mean to them later,” she said. Mary Tobin, a Beta Epsilon alumna, said Lorraine is one of a kind. “When I pledged Beta Epsilon in 1966 I met a very special and involved chapter founder and alum — Lorraine Epperson,” Tobin said. “Over the years, she has been very involved with the chapter … [today], she is still hitting stride.” Mary calls Lorraine Epperson their very own "Auntie Mame." The movie is famous for Mame’s quote: “Live! Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!” Epperson continues to savor life and enjoy her “golden years” — on her own terms. She said people sometimes ask her if she’ll ever retire. “As long as I enjoy what I’m doing and I have health to do it, I’m going to continue.”
13 Pictured left to right are Laura Kartawich, 2006 Chapter President; Lorraine Epperson, 1946 Chapter President; and Amanda White, 2007 Chapter President.
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Walton House Board Report By
he Walton House Wish List for 2007 was introduced at Convention. The Wish List will be added to the Tri Sigma Web site and will be periodically updated as contributions come in. The Walton House Board encourages collegiate and alumnae chapters to review the list and to contribute based on their personal and financial interests. Walton House is a gracious, historic Southern home, preserved as a fitting tribute to the founders of Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority and named in honor of Mabel Lee Walton, National President for 34 years. Built in 1914, Walton House was purchased in 1963 by Tri Sigma for its National Memorial Headquarters, and many of the early furnishings were gifts of members and chapters. The house provides space for all National Headquarters functions, including offices for the Executive Director and staff and the Foundation, the Sorority’s archives, and chapter support. Walton House also provides meeting and entertaining facilities on the first floor in the Drawing Room, Memorial Room, Dining Room, Sun Porch, and kitchen. Each of these rooms is appropriately furnished with period antiques, Sorority memorabilia, and
necessary supplies and equipment for visitors and guests. The second and third floors provide bedrooms and sleeping quarters for collegiate or National Officer conferences and Sorority guests. The Walton House Board is charged with oversight of renovations, refurbishing and long-range planning for improvements at Walton House. The Walton House Board welcomes donations by individual members and collegiate and alumnae chapters. The following items have been identified for funding, and we would welcome your contributions to purchase in whole or in part these items:
Walton House Wish List 2007 • New signage for Walton House on the front lawn, and signage for the private drive at the back of the house; • Replacement fencing in the back of the house adjacent to the railroad track; • Sets of twin bed sheets and pillows; • Ceiling fans and lights for the Iota Room and the Executive Director’s office; • Funding for new draperies in the Memorial Room (3 windows); • Funding for new draperies in the Drawing Room (3 windows and French doors);
Tri Sigma Well Represented at NGLA S
igma women representing collegiate chapters, Sigma Greek Advisors from the Northeast, and National Officers who work with collegiate chapters in the Northeast attended the Northeast Greek Leadership Association (NGLA) conference February 22 – 25, 2007, in Pittsburgh, PA. Hundreds of Tri Sigma was well represented at the Northeast Greek Leadership Association conference in February. fraternity and sorority leaders from the Northeast attend the annual meeting each year. Attendees participated in a day-long Values Institute, workshops, general sessions 14 and idea sharing.
Victoria • Funding Barbara for art work depictingColvert, a The Triangle ShenandoahEditor, Valley landscape for the Dining Room; • Funding for archival bookcases and curio cabinets to display memorabilia and Mabel Lee Walton’s book collection; • Funding for the purchase of a dishwasher for the kitchen; • Funding for the purchase of a new stove for the kitchen; • Funding for the purchase of a new refrigerator with ice maker for the kitchen; • Funding for an over-the-range microwave for the kitchen; • New set of cooking utensils for the kitchen to include sautè pans and stainless cooking pots; • New electric alarm clocks for six bedrooms; • Funding to implement the landscape plan for the Friendship and Memory Gardens. Donations will be recognized with brass plaques identifying the donor(s) suitably placed in the House, noted in the Book of Gifts kept at the House, and included in The Triangle within the Walton House report. The donations may be made in memory of or in honor of individuals or Chapters, and the individuals or families will be notified of the gift.
Greek Advisor of the Year Award F
or the first time in Tri Sigma’s history, the Greek Advisor of the Year was nominated not just by one chapter, but by two. Michelle Janisz, Beta Epsilon, came to Illinois State University after working as the Assistant Director of Student Activities for Greek Life at Pictured at left is Kaye Schendel, Gamma Phi and Western Illinois. Beta Epsilon was quick to Publications Vice endorse her nomination for the Sorority’s President, with Michelle Janisz, Beta Epsilon, Greek Advisor of the Year Award. That receiving the Greek might give you some idea of just what Advisor of the Year Award kind of impact Michelle on students. presentation at Illinois State University. In the award application, members from Epsilon Omicron said:“Michelle has helped make great strides in creating a sense of Greek unity. In this year alone, the differences have been extremely noticeable. She has fostered a sense of inter-connectedness between the chapters on this campus. She has helped us make adjustments in our attitudes, including how we think and talk about other chapters.”
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Alpha Zeta, Northwestern State University
Alpha Upsilon, James Madison University
I chose to apply for the Leadership Consultant position because I am interested in working in higher education and the Greek life profession. I have had some great experiences as a collegian and wanted to share those experiences with others in hopes of helping other chapter members become successful sorority women. I truly enjoy meeting new people and brainstorming on ways to make something that is already great even better! I expect to learn a lot about myself and grow not only as a sorority woman but as a professional. Accreditation, Honor Council, Essential Sigma, the officer training/transition programming, etc., are all wonderful programs that Tri Sigma provides chapter members; I look forward to learning more about each of the programs and applying this to my professional career. Quote/Motto: "If you want something to happen, Make it happen.”
This position combines three of the things I love: helping others, Tri Sigma, and traveling. I couldn't think of a better job for my first year out of school. Forming bonds with Sigmas across the country is such an amazing opportunity. It wasn't until my senior year that I truly understood what being a Sigma meant, and I want to help other women find that meaning much sooner than I did! This is my time to give back to an organization that has already given me so much! I hope to truly help each and every chapter I encounter, even if it is with something small. I also hope to learn what makes each place I visit unique, and I look forward to seeing each chapter's individuality. I really look forward to learning what it means to live out of a suitcase! Quote/Motto: "Life isn't about finding yourself- life is about creating yourself." — George Bernard Shaw
Beta Epsilon, Western Illinois University
Epsilon Nu, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
I wanted to be a Leadership Consultant because I feel that I have the ability to create a vision for the future of Tri-Sigma. I want to build a relationship with women all around the United States and share my passion for the organization. I am a firm believer in Greek Life and want to inspire women to hold their Chapters accountable to be the best organization we possibly can be. Over the next year I hope to learn more about myself and shape goals for my future. Tri-Sigma is an inspiring organization to work for and one that I truly believe in. I hope to challenge not only myself but also the women that I will be working with. I want to gain knowledge and have the power to improve each chapter. Most importantly, I want to make a difference and gain skills that will allow me to make a difference in the future. Quote/Motto: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at time of challenge and controversy.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
First and foremost the reason I want to be a Leadership Consultant is to try and give back to the organization that has given so much to me over the years. I can honestly say I would not be the person I am today if it were not for the wonderful opportunities I have been given by joining Tri Sigma. One other reason for my interest in this position is because I don’t exactly know what I want to do with the rest of my life. Even though my career path may be uncertain, I know that my “Sigma Career” will not change. I am certain I will be dedicated to our National Organization for years to come and I know being a Leadership Consultant will be a wonderful starting place for future positions. Over the next year I hope to grow both individually and professionally. I hope to gain many valuable skills that can be put to use in any career I choose. Quote/Motto: "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. " — Ralph Waldo Emerson
MANDI HULME Pi, Emporia State University I joined Pi chapter (Emporia State University) during Formal Fall Recruitment 2003. I applied for the Leadership Consultant position because Tri Sigma has given me SO much and I want to serve the organization to which I attribute much of my undergraduate success. Sigma has given me the confidence to succeed in all of my other campus organizations. I also thought it would be great to see all of the other chapters, how they differ from Pi, and what similarities we have. The idea of being welcomed into another person’s home or chapter house just because we’ve taken the same vows seems so awesome and powerful to me. Tri Sigma as a national organization is a strong entity with a bright future. Quote/Motto: “It’s amazing what we can accomplish when we don’t care who gets the credit.” — John Wooden New Leadership Consultants are pictured, first row left to right: Ashlee Baker, Beta Epsilon; Mandi Hulme, Pi; Nicole Steele, Epsilon Nu. Second row: Jeni Anderson, Alpha Zeta; and Gina Maurone, Alpha Upsilon.
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STEADFAST ALUMNA CITATION The term “steadfast” is a fitting tribute to this year’s award recipient. Since the 1962 Convention, one alumna has been selected annually for the distinguished Steadfast Alumna Citation. The winner of this award has demonstrated loyalty and has exemplified unchanging virtues in her own character. Tri Sigma’s continuing strength comes from the fine examples of these winners. This award winner must have demonstrated loyalty and devotion to Tri Sigma through 25 or more years of service as an alumna. Additionally, she will have paid annual alumnae dues since becoming an alumna or paid lifetime dues and have been a Foundation contributor. She is also required to be a current member of an alumnae chapter in her area (if one exists).
The 2006-2007 Steadfast Alumnae Citation winner is Margaret (Peggy) Jo Gamble, Alpha Sigma and Central Florida Alumnae Chapter. Gamble has membership in not one but two alumnae chapters, Central Florida and Daytona Beach Area. In the Central Florida Chapter, she is the chapter President. She also serves as treasurer in the Daytona chapter. She has served in numerous other roles in these two chapters, such as Vice President, Panhellenic Delegate, Scrapbook Chair, Founders Day Chair and, Yearbook Chair. Peggy Gamble has attended nine National Conventions and is serving as an AAB member for our Eta Tau Chapter. Not one to miss Regional meetings, she has attended the Louisiana State Day, Florida State Day, and Dunham Leadership Institute. Gamble has also served as a National Officer. She was a National Collegiate Chairman from 1983–86 and was our National Treasurer from 1986–89. Other service to Sigma includes Walton House Board Member since 2004, Interim Executive Director for four weeks in the summer of 2004, member of the long range planning committee, chairman of the nominating committee for the 1992 Convention, chairman of the resolutions committee at the 1995 Convention and member of the centennial committee. Peggy proofreads many Tri Sigma publications and has served as Copy Editor of “The Triangle” for three years. She has represented Sigma at three Panhellenic luncheons, assisted with the installation of chapters at St. Leo College, Florida International University and Florida State University. Additionally, she has organized two reunions of Alpha Sigma Chapter and hosted a Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation coffee. In past years, Gamble has been recognized with the Alumnae Recognition Award and the Alumnae of the Region Award. Her devotion to Sigma is exemplified in her loyalty and her outstanding service as an alumna. Let us congratulate Peggy Gamble as the 2006–07 Steadfast Alumna Citation winner.
stablished in 1938, the Emily Gates Alumna Achievement Award is presented annually to one alumna who has been an outstanding business or professional woman or contributor to her community’s welfare and progress. Emily Gates was a charter member of Zeta Chapter. Active in all Zeta affairs, Emily Gates served her chapter as its Vice President and President and was the Buffalo Alumnae Chapter delegate to the 1929 Santa Fe National Convention. Emily Gates gave unselfish devotion to all of her work. After graduation she continued her interest in Tri Sigma, taking frequent appointments from the Executive Council. She was also well-connected with her community’s projects. At the Washington Convention in 1936, she was elected to the National Council as the Alumnae Representative. Unfortunately, her beautiful, giving life came to a close in May of 1937. The prayer she composed and offered at the Pittsburgh Regional Meetings in 1935 where she presided has been used by all Sigmas since that historic event. Since the first award was presented in 1938, the winners have been selected from many fields including music, literacy, business, education, theater, civic enterprise, politics, medicine, personal management and research.
The Emily Gates Alumna Achievement Award for 20062007 is awarded to Ruby Larby Simpson, Rho and Inland Empire Alumnae Chapter. She is being recognized as an alumna who has made outstanding contributions in the field of real estate. Ruby received her degree from Florida State University. Simpson is a professional real estate broker and senior advisor for Sperry Van Ness Commercial Real Estate Company. She is certified as a commercial banker and is one of just over 7,000 recognized national experts in the discipline of commercial and investment real estate. She has a passion for music and is the founding President of Claremont Young Musicians Orchestra. Simpson is chair of the LA Verne Member Advisory Committee, a member of the Claremont and Upland Community Foundations, a member of the National Association of Office and Industrial Properties, and a sought-after guest lecturer in real estate and investments at UCLA- Cal State Fullerton. She is active in her church and is a Hospice volunteer in her spare time. Let us all congratulate Ruby Larby Simpson, Rho and Inland Empire Alumnae Chapter, as the 2006–07 Emily Gates Alumnae Achievement Award winner.
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MABEL LEE WALTON LEADERSHIP AWARD Mabel Lee Walton demonstrated a lifelong interest in and encouragement of collegiate members. This leadership award was named in her honor as a lasting memory of this gifted Sigma leader. The Executive Council established the award to recognize collegiate members who display outstanding leadership. Mabel Lee was presented a silver loving cup in appreciation of her leadership. The Mabel Lee Walton Leadership Award that was first presented in 1945 was a smaller replica of that cup. All award recipients are expected to help carry onward the increasingly challenging tasks that a progressive organization requires. The collegian should have exhibited multifaceted leadership capabilities in her chapter, on campus and in her community. This recipient will serve on the Alumnae/Collegiate Advisory Committee.
The 2006-2007 Mabel Lee Walton Leadership Award winner is Britney Burton, Alpha Zeta, Northwestern State University, in Natchitoches, LA. Britney is a biology major with a career objective of serving as a physician for those in need through community service and missionary work. As this year’s Mabel Lee Walton winner, she is being honored for her commitment, leadership, and participation in campus, community, and Tri Sigma activities. Burton has been an active leader at Northwestern State University as a Presidential Ambassador, orientation leader, Panhellenic Council delegate, Fellowship of Christian Athletes member, and Student Activities Board member while working two part-time jobs and carrying 18 credit hours. In addition, she represented Northwestern State University as the State Coordinator for the Southeastern Panhellenic Conference, where she served as the Educational Program Chair in 2006. Through this leadership Burton has been the chapter Vice President for two years, its Panhellenic Delegate, and Mentor for the Accreditation Program. Her involvement at Northwestern does not end there. She has been Miss NSU, Greek Woman of the Year, Homecoming Court member, Homecoming Queen in 2005, and the Life Science Club Secretary. As a community volunteer, Burton participated in Alpha Zeta’s Jail Sale that raised more than $300 for the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation. She conducted a fundraiser for the Dallas Memorial Hospital and took a trip to the Shriners Hospital to participate in play therapy activities for hospitalized children. Additionally, she has volunteered at the Natchitoches Girls and Boys Club and local nursing homes. Those who know Britney Burton say she has a natural ability to lead others. She not only engages others, she motivates them. She always rolls up her sleeves and pitches in. Her spirit of volunteerism is contagious in every thing she does. You may recognize Britney as Tri Sigma’s Honor Initiate at the 2004 Convention. Her enthusiasm was evident from the start as a New Member of Tri Sigma. The Chapter President writes “She holds our chapter’s feet to the fire, but she puts hers there, too. She is the conscience of our chapter, and we are stronger and better because of her influence.” From Mabel Lee Walton to Britney Burton “May you be a leader always.”
MARGARET FREEMAN EVERETT OUTSTANDING SENIOR AWARD TThe Margaret Freeman Everett Award is named for an alumna of Sigma chapter at Western State College, Gunnison, CO. Dubbed “Dixie” by Mabel Lee Walton, Margaret Freeman Dixon Everett was small in stature but a giant in spirit. She was the 1939 Honor Initiate at the Colorado Springs National Convention. She was known for her dedication as a collegian, holding a number of chapter offices, including President. Her experience as a collegian prepared her for her volunteer work as a Tri Sigma alumna. She began her National Officer service as the Exchange Editor in 1946. She was elected our National President in 1956. During her tenure she expanded the Robbie Page Memorial and helped to secure our National Headquarters. Everett believed that time was precious to college women and was concerned that young women eliminate non-essential activities from chapter schedules. She stressed that the gift of friendship should be a primary concern. The candidate for this award must be a senior class member with acceptable academic achievement and have exhibited outstanding contributions and service to Tri Sigma. She should be devoted to Sigma and to the joy of friendship.
The Margaret Freeman Everett Outstanding Senior Award winner for 2006-2007 is Jeni Anderson, Alpha Zeta, Northwestern State University, in Natchitoches, LA. Anderson just received her degree in fashion merchandising and marketing and plans to pursue a graduate degree in student personnel. She hopes to work as a Greek Advisor. She has served her chapter as President, Accreditation Advisory Committee member, Accreditation Mentor, Honor Council Chair and Honor Council Goals Coordinator. Additionally, she has planned social service events, coordinated canned food drives, helped plan a special family day for the elderly citizens of Heritage Manor Retirement Center, and led Sisters to the Natchitoches Girls Home for a special girls’ night out for the residents. Anderson has served as the Alternate Delegate to NWSU Panhellenic. As Sisterhood Chair, she planned retreats and weekly Sisterhoods and created a Sister of the Week Award to provide support and encouragement in the chapter. The chapter writes that “Jeni leads not only by her words, but also by her actions.” Tri Sigma agrees and is proud that Jeni Anderson is this year’s Margaret Freeman Everett Outstanding Senior Award winner.
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Alumnae Awards SCHOLARSHIP RING RECIPIENTS Rachel Isabel Adamitis Epsilon Delta, Gannon University
Jodi Lynn Bailey Gamma Xi, Barton College
Christina Marie Belmar Beta Xi, Southeast Missouri State University
Katie Elizabeth Conner, Epsilon Chi, Northeastern University
LeAnne Marie Davis Alpha Alpha, Concord College
Amanda Linn Day Eta Sigma, Culver-Stockton College
Dana Marie DeLabar Zeta Chi, Coastal Carolina University
Kendall Marie DiMeglio Epsilon Sigma, Virginia Commonwealth University
Teri Ann Gorleski Epsilon Omicron, Illinois State University
Rachel Christine Hurst Eta Omicron, Sam Houston State University
Emily Katherine LaBudde Eta Rho, Armstrong Atlantic State University
Julie Lynn Leitch Epsilon Mu, Rowan University
Stephanie Rae Krebs Gamma Lambda, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Christine Amanda Neel Alpha Zeta, Northwestern State University
Anna Alicia Parsons Gamma Phi, University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Lauren Elizabeth Patton Beta Delta, Shepherd College
Alumna Individual Alumna Recognition Sharren Roche Anderson, Beta Rho and Grand Rapids Alumnae Kay Marquardt Beaty, Kappa and Chicago Suburban NW Alumnae Virginia Raynes Lund, Alpha Delta and Nashville Alumnae Lauren Barbire Magnusson, Zeta Psi and North Jersey Alumnae Michelle Kickenweitz Manhardt, Zeta Kappa and North Jersey Alumnae Rebecca Leigh Nevers, Gamma Xi and Inland Empire Alumnae Helen Fearl Shadwick, Pi and Inland Empire Alumnae Kortney Lynn Strautz, Alpha Chi and Greater St. Louis Alumnae Billie Lou Lindsey Sweger, Sigma and Inland Empire Alumnae Kelly Magee Thrush, Epsilon Pi and Nashville Alumnae
Outstanding Alumna of the Region
Amanda Nicole Preston Alpha Epsilon, Northwest Missouri State University
Ashli Nicole Pugh Alpha Epsilon, Northwest Missouri State University
Holly Jane Reiter Eta Sigma, Culver-Stockton College
Anna Louise Schick Beta Epsilon, Western Illinois University
Meghan Elizabeth Schubot Alpha Psi, Eastern Illinois University
Kristen Marie Stevenson Beta Epsilon, Western Illinois University
Amanda Lynn White Beta Epsilon, Western Illinois University
Western Wayne-Washtenaw
Sisterhood Award for Alumnae Not in a College Town San Francisco
Web Site of the Year Chicago Northwest Suburban and Milwaukee
Honor Roll Alumnae Chapters Region 1 Harrisburg, PA North Jersey, NJ Northern Virginia, VA
Region 2
Amy Kathleen Skinner, Eta Nu
Region 3
Region 3
Indianapolis Suburban, IN Grand Rapids, MI Oakland County, MI Western Wayne-Washtenaw, MI
Jo Ann Douglas Litton, Beta Gamma
Region 6 Mary Lou Chappel Roberts, Alpha Epsilon and Nashville Alumnae
Region 4
Region 7
Upstate South Carolina, SC
Shannon Dawn Sinning, Zeta Beta
Region 5
Region 8
Central Florida, FL Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL Sarasota/Manatee Counties, FL Pinellas County, FL Daytona Beach Area, FL
Mary Beth Favaloro Gulotta, Gamma Eta
Alumnae Panhellenic Recognition Jamie Lynn Vienneau, Zeta Iota Melissa Schnur, Alpha Iota
Alumnae Triangle Correspondent Beverly Wegwart Trowbridge, Psi, Phoenix Alumnae Chapter
Key Alumna Elaine Wever Wolff, Alpha Omicron, Central Arkansas/Little Rock Areas
Alumnae Chapter Alumnae Chapter of the Year Dallas
Beta Tau, University of Detroit Mercy
Vanessa Lynn Sole
Sisterhood Award for Alumnae Chapter in a College Town
Toledo, OH Parkersburg-Marietta, WV
Britney Lyn Ross Gamma Pi, Nicholls State University
Western Wayne-Washtenaw
Region 1
Chasity Marie Perr Beta Xi, Southeast Missouri State University
Outstanding Single Program
Chapter Achievement Indianapolis Suburban
Member Recruitment Indianapolis Suburban
Excellence in Overall Programming Western Wayne-Washtenaw
Region 6 Chicago Northwest Suburban, IL Northern Illinois Lakes, IL Twin Cities, MN Milwaukee, WI Nashville, TN
Region 7 Wichita, KS Greater Kansas City, MO Greater St. Louis, MO Oklahoma City, OK Tulsa, OK
Region 8 Houston, TX Dallas, TX Baton Rouge, LA Lafayette, LA New Orleans, LA Natchitoches, LA Northshore, LA
Region 9: Colorado Springs, CO Denver, CO Phoenix, AZ Tucson Sunshine, AZ Topeka, KS
Region 10 Inland Empire, CA Long Beach, CA Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA San Jose Peninsula, CA Seattle, WA
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Collegiate Awards Collegiate Individual Outstanding Member of the Area Northeast – Jenna Meyerberg, Zeta Psi Southeast – Cara Coleman, Eta Beta West/Midwest – Ryann Buckman, Zeta Mu CCCD1 – Cara Tillotson, Epsilon Theta CCCD2 – Jessica Cook, Alpha Alpha New Chapters – Jessica Christain, Eta Rho
Improvement in Recruitment Program Eta Eta, Lynn University
Commitment to Excellence Beta Theta, University of Pittsburg
Commitment to Excellence (Recognition) Alpha Beta, Kent State University
Outstanding Senior of the Area Northeast – Kelli Morse, Epsilon Chi Southeast – Amber Gulledge, Zeta Lambda West/Midwest – Amie Adams, Alpha Psi CCCD1 – Kelli Fitzpatrick, Alpha Chi CCCD2 – Meghan Schubot, Beta Tau New Chapters – Holly Reiter, Eta Sigma
Collegiate Triangle Correspondent
Member Development & Educational programming Epsilon Nu, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Horizons Programming Award Epsilon Epsilon, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey,
Abby Petrozzi, Eta Zeta Chapter
Scholastic Achievement
Alumnae Advisor of the Area
Zeta Psi, The College of New Jersey
Southeast - Jacqualine (Jacque) McLamore Crew, Alpha Zeta, Alpha Zeta Chapter Advisor
West/Midwest - Karen Copeland Weido, Epsilon Zeta, Epsilon Zeta Chapter Advisor CCCD1– Kathy Rayburn Kopperud, Alpha Chi, Alpha Chi Chapter Advisor CCCD2 - Arlene Reid Ball, Alpha Phi, Beta Tau Chapter Advisor
Greek Advisor of the Year Michelle Janisz, Illinois State University
Collegiate Chapter Chapter of the Year Zeta Pi, Virginia Wesleyan College
Jane E. Kinderman Standards of Efficiency Delta Pi, Winthrop University
Outstanding Achievement in Standards of Efficiency Pi, Emporia State University Alpha Phi, Central Michigan University Beta Alpha, Northern Illinois University Beta Beta, Missouri State University Beta Epsilon, Western Illinois University Beta Tau, University of Detroit Mercy Epsilon Zeta, Southern Arkansas University Epsilon Psi, Rochester Institute of Technology Eta Theta, Gustavus Adolphus College Eta Nu, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Outstanding Recruitment Program Zeta Pi, Virginia Wesleyan College
Scholastic Improvement Alpha Iota, Northeastern State University
Ritual and Values Programming Alpha Upsilon, James Madison University
Song of the Year Tori Saferin, Epsilon Upsilon
Web Site of the Year Eta Rho, Armstrong State University, and Delta Pi, Winthrop University
Accredited Epsilon Kappa, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Epsilon Tau, Saint Leo University Zeta Gamma, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Accredited with Honors Mu, Truman State University Omicron, Eastern Michigan University Pi, Emporia State University Psi, Marshall University Alpha Alpha, Concord University Alpha Beta, Kent State University Alpha Epsilon, Northwest Missouri State University Alpha Zeta, Northwestern State University Alpha Mu, University of Louisiana at Lafayette Alpha Xi, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Alpha Pi, Clarion University of Pennsylvania Alpha Rho, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Alpha Upsilon, James Madison University Alpha Chi, Murray State University Alpha Psi, Eastern Illinois University Beta Delta, Shepherd University
Beta Theta, University of Pittsburgh Beta Tau, University of Detroit Mercy Gamma Lambda, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Gamma Mu, Southeastern Louisiana University Gamma Xi, Barton College Gamma Pi, Nicholls State University Gamma Rho, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Gamma Phi, University of Wisconsin-River Falls Delta Pi, Winthrop University Delta Chi, University of Virginia Delta Psi, St. Joseph’s University Epsilon Alpha, California State University East Bay Epsilon Delta, Gannon University Epsilon Epsilon, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Epsilon Eta, East Stroudsburg University Epsilon Theta, Oglethorpe University Epsilon Iota, St. Mary’s University Epsilon Lambda, Hofstra University Epsilon Mu, Rowan University Epsilon Nu, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Epsilon Pi, Presbyterian College Epsilon Rho, Minnesota State University Mankato Epsilon Upsilon, Marist College Epsilon Phi, University of North Carolina Wilmington Epsilon Chi, Northeastern University Epsilon Psi, Rochester Institute of Technology Zeta Delta, State University of New York College at Oneonta Zeta Eta, Winona State University Zeta Theta, Idaho State University Zeta Mu, University of Alaska Fairbanks Zeta Pi, Virginia Wesleyan College Zeta Upsilon, Fitchburg State College Eta Beta, Newberry College Eta Zeta, University of Alaska Anchorage Eta Eta, Lynn University Eta Theta, Gustavus Adolphus College Eta Lambda, Moravian College Eta Xi, Ursinus College Eta Rho, Armstrong Atlantic University Eta Sigma, Culver-Stockton College Eta Upsilon, Lynchburg College
Collegiate Panhellenic Alpha Psi, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL
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Triennial Awards Triennial Collegiate
Triennial Alumnae
Chapter of the Triennium
Chapter of the Triennium
Zeta Pi, Virginia Wesleyan College
Chapter Achievement
Chapter Achievement
Delta Theta, University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Excellence in Standards of Efficiency
Triennial Overall Programming New Orleans
15 Years Gwen Mariscaleo, Gamma Eta Barbara Stichler Bonapfel, Rho Elizabeth Wakeman Hoffert, Beta Xi Debra Kay Wilcox, Iota
24 Years Marilyn McGraw Beiter, Beta Xi Diana Hornick Sarber, Beta Mu Laura Ward Sweet, Alpha Sigma
More Than 30 Years
Beta Beta, Missouri State University
Triennial Member Recruitment Chapter Accreditation Achievement
Twin Cities
Epsilon Chi, Northeastern University, Eta Theta, Adolphus College
National Officer Service Awards
Chapter Accreditation Honors Achievement
Suzan Rome Bosarge, Gamma Mu Stephanie (SAM!) Mills Farrell, Epsilon Theta Linda Ann Henderson, Delta Psi Suzanne Crandall McGee, Gamma Iota Mandy Herbeck McGuire, Beta Xi Julia Paradine-Rice, Beta Rho Rhonda Regouffre, Alpha Zeta Kaye Schutte Schendel, Gamma Phi Barbara Stoe Stone, Beta Tau Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi Ellen Dunseth Shertzer, Beta Epsilon Courtney Stone, Alpha Psi Jennifer Bisel Tetrick, Omicron Becky Klenklen Welsh, Delta Phi
6 Years
Zeta Pi, Virginia Wesleyan College, and Alpha Psi, Eastern Illinois University
House Corporation of the Triennium (owned) Delta Chi, University of Virginia
House Corporation of the Triennium (leased/university owned) Alpha Psi, Eastern Illinois University
Mary K. Barbee, Iota Carol Gregory Swango, Alpha Psi
Outstanding National Officer Service Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi, Publications Department Linda Ann Henderson, Delta Psi, Panhellenic Department Bonnie Rainey, Alpha Sigma, Treasury Department Brenda Osterman Ray, Alpha Psi, Collegiate Department
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Women Distinction of
Marguerite Wozniak Behm, Alpha Psi Leslie Mehard Brady, Delta Pi Mary Jo Zylstra Bristol, Beta Rho Nancy Jo Candy, Alpha Iota Pauline Millington Childers, Sigma Linda J. Clayton, Omicron Dr. Michelle Emmett, Beta Epsilon Lucille Mertz Hendrick, Alpha Zeta
Donna Ruth Grogan Herndon, Alpha Chi Rachel Gabel Kyle, Beta Alpha Billie G. Letts, Alpha Iota Gwendolyn Hall Marino, Beta Kappa Mary Fries Marsh, Alpha Epsilon Margaret Parker Munger, Alpha Tau Sandra Ford Ramsden, Beta Gamma Lee Goldstrom Rapach, Alpha Delta
Mary Esther Gilbert Simmons, Sigma Helen Marie Eggert Snyder, Alpha Xi Carrie M. Underwood, Alpha Iota Marion Coward VanderVeen, Omicron Ann Buchler Williams, Gamma Eta Janith Jones Wilson, Alpha Chi and Omega Debbie L. Woodroof, Beta Gamma Sara Wilson Woolfenden, Gamma Delta
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2007 Founders Award The Founders Award is a triennial award that recognizes those members who have made “significant contributions to the growth and development of Sigma Sigma Sigma.” It was first presented at the 1986 Indianapolis Convention. The Founders Award honors women who have carried the Founders’ vision of high ideals and lasting Sisterhood into the future. Because their far-reaching decisions ensured continued success for the Sisterhood they served, the Founders Award was established. Congratulations to following women who are recipients of the 2007 Founders Award.
Ann Buchler Williams, Gamma Eta 2004 – 2006 1999 – 2002 1995 – 1999 1995 – 2002 1989 – 1995 1989 – 1995 1987 – 1995 1980 – 1989 1974 – 1980 1971 – 1980
Walton House Board Member Foundation Board Chairman Foundation Board Secretary/Scholarship Coordinator Walton House Board Chairman NPC 3rd Alternate Delegate National President Ex-Officio Member of Educational Foundation Board Publications Vice President Education Training Director National Collegiate Chairman
Kate Kaczmarek Schuch, Beta Tau 2001 – 2003 1996 – 2001 1989 – 1995 1989 – 1995 1986 – 1989 1985 – 1989 1984 – 1986 1982 – 1984
RPM Coordinator for Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation Foundation Board PR/Publications Coordinator Publications Vice President Ex-Officio Member of Educational Foundation Board Membership Development Director NPC 2nd Alternate Delegate Alumnae Extension Chairman National Alumnae Chairman
Margaret L. Moore, Alpha Upsilon 1951 – 1982 1947 – 1950
Robbie Page Memorial Fund Board Member Music Director
Dianna Hornick Sarber, Beta Mu 2005 – Present 1995 – 2001 1995 – 2001 1986 – 1995 1984 – 1986 1979 – 1986
Walton House Board Member National President NPC 3rd Alternate Delegate NPC Delegate National Collegiate Area Director National Collegiate Chairman
Margaret Parker Munger, Alpha Tau 1989 – 1990 1984 – 1990 1983 – 1989 1974 – 1983 1971 – 1974 1965 – 1971
Educational Foundation Board Vice Chairman Educational Foundation Board Member RPM Chairman Alumnae Vice President Alumnae Secretary (now known as Alumnae Vice President) National Collegiate Chairman
Past Founders Award Winners 1986
Isabella Merrick Earle, Alpha and Omega Lelia Agnes Scott, Alpha and Omega Martha Trent Featherston, Alpha and Omega Sallie Jackson Michie Bayley, Alpha and Omega Louisa Marie Davis Hall, Alpha and Omega Elizabeth Egerton Watkins, Alpha and Omega Margaret Lee Batten Randle, Alpha and Omega Lucy Wright James, Alpha and Omega Mabel Lee Walton, Gamma and Omega Ida Belle Appleby Dowdell, Rho and Omega Lucille Amessa Morrison, Omicron and Omega Edna Conway Schmidt, Xi and Omega
Nelda Francis Crawford, Alpha and Omega Margaret Freeman Dixon Everett, Sigma and Omega Emily Lewis Lee, Alpha Upsilon Helen Marie Eggert Snyder, Alpha Xi
1989 Helen Bate Cartwright, Iota and Omega Marie Santee Dunham, Alpha Iota and Omega Suzanne Stinson, Omicron and Omega
1992 Natalie Lancaster, Alpha and Omega Rhea Scott, Alpha and Omega Mary Hastings Holloway Page Lovejoy, Alpha and Omega
1998 Mary Keenum Barbee, Iota Rachel Gabel Kyle, Beta Alpha Virginia Waring Minges, Alpha Upsilon and Omega
2001 Mimi Brandt Hiner, Beta Xi Jane E. Kinderman, Alpha Omicron Phyllis Seidler McIntyre, Beta Zeta
2004 Joyce Dibble Godfrey, Nu and Omega Willma Tullis, Chi and Omega Leona (Lee) Goldstrohm Rapach, Alpha Delta Barbara Moseley Welsh, Beta Tau and Omega
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Two for 75!
Alpha Nu
Alpha Xi
Although their 75th Anniversary was technically last year, Alpha Nu celebrated a little late. On April 14th, the Alpha Nu Chapter celebrated their 75th Anniversary at Founders Day at The Touch of Nature Environmental Center in Makanda, IL. Alumnae came from as far as Atlanta, Arizona and Texas to join them. With nearly 100 Sigma Sisters, alumnae and family sharing the day, National Treasurer Barbara Stoe Stone, Beta Tau, presented the chapter with a memorial silver platter to mark the occasion. Continuing the Alpha Nu tradition of raising funds with a live auction and basket raffle, the chapter raised more than $1,800 for the Foundation. The hotly contested item this year was a set of Tri Sigma letters with a Chicago Bears theme, and donated by Alumna Cathy Ursprung.
On April 21st, the Alpha Xi Chapter celebrated their 75th Anniversary at Founders Day at The Abbey Resort in Lake Geneva, WI. With more than 100 Sigma Sisters and Alumnae sharing the day, National Treasurer Barbara Stoe Stone, Beta Tau, presented the chapter with a memorial silver platter to mark the occasion. Chapter President Brea Burkholz was proud to announce that the Chapter had just been accredited with Honors! It was enough to make her cry.
Pictured left to right are Alpha Nu Founders Day Officers Advisors Lyndsey Antonellis, Kim Omelson, Ashley Jackson, Sarah Faford, Elizabeth Cole, Meagan Carnine and Sherri Ballard.
Pictured is the Alpha Xi Chapter on Founders Day.
20 Years at Oglethorpe University T
he Epsilon Theta Chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma celebrated its 20th anniversary in the Oglethorpe University Museum of Art during Oglethorpe’s Alumni Weekend on Saturday, March 31, 2007. Oglethorpe’s chapter of Tri-Sigma was founded on February 28, 1987. On the day of the chapter’s 20th anniversary, members handed out birthday cake to students at Oglethorpe’s student center. During alumni weekend, Tri-Sigma hosted an alumni tea at the Sigma Sigma Sigma house to celebrate, and sold anniversary T-shirts, with the proceeds going toward their housing fund.
Andrea Miller isCancer
have waited almost two and a half years to say this, but there are no visible signs of cancer (gastric) or tumor! As you can imagine, we are elated!! This has been a long time coming, and a heck of a fight, but right now we have reached our goal! I hope that I am able to close this chapter of my life, but I'm not going to get too ahead of myself. Right now the plan is to have another test in three months. My doctor wants to alternate the CT scans with the MRI's so that he is not exposing me to as much radiation. He has told me I am just a kid! I guess when you get
good news like that, you are able to speak the truth a little easier! I am just a kid, or at least today, I feel like one! I hope this finds you all doing very well, and again, I want to thank all of you for your friendship, love, support, prayers AND always encouraging words. You may not know it, but you have all aided me in my journey. Hugs and Love Andrea Cates Miller, Epsilon Omicron and House Corp President
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September 24 – 28, 2007 By Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi, Publications Vice President
azing is defined by Sigma Sigma Sigma as any action taken or situation created, knowingly… to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule… hazing abuse may harm a Sister physically and/or emotionally. Hazing is not only a violation of Tri Sigma’s Policy and Position Statements, it is a contradiction to our Sorority’s mission of Friendship, Character, and Conduct. Tri Sigma has taken a zero-tolerance stance on hazing, (i.e. any member found responsible for hazing by Honor Council will have her membership terminated). But it is simply not enough to enforce hazing policies. Our National Organization and collegiate and alumnae chapters must be vigilant in educating our members to take the lead in teaching others why hazing is unacceptable. Join hundreds of campuses and inter/national organizations this month in promoting National Hazing Prevention Week from September 24–28.
S O M E • Partner with another organization or campus department to host a speaker about hazing prevention and alternatives; • Invite the campus fraternity/sorority advisor to speak to the chapter about hazing and how to prevent it; • Reevaluate new member practices as a chapter and ensure compliance with the Essential Sigma program and the spirit of friendship, character, and conduct; • Develop an anti-hazing campaign including posters, public service announcements, and tabling sponsored by your chapter; • Host a roundtable discussion of students, community agencies, and campus departments that regularly see the effects of hazing and other violent crimes; • Ask alumnae to discuss how a nonhazing sorority experience develops positive lifetime relationships; • Ask all members to wear their badges all week and discuss National Hazing
• •
I N C LU D E :
Prevention Week and Tri Sigma’s stance on hazing when people ask why they are “dressed up;” Initiate a conversation about hazing and alternatives at your weekly Panhellenic or Greek Council meeting; Host a hazing debate with other organizations mediated by a faculty member; Initiate a candlelight vigil on campus for victims of hazing; Ask a faculty/staff member to host a discussion about a book related to hazing; Invite an athletic team or honor society to join your chapter in a discussion about the effects of hazing on the campus culture;
• Have the Education Director create a program to have the chapter develop a list of 100 (or more) hazing alternatives with the assistance of the Alumnae Advisory Board, campus fraternity/sorority, and faculty advisor (if applicable); • Purchase anti-hazing buttons, distribute them around campus, and ask everyone to wear them during National Hazing Prevention Week; • Be creative; you know what the hazing problems are on your campus. Be a campus leader in addressing and changing the culture of hazing.
Visit http://campuspeak.com/programs/hazing/index.html for more resources to assist you in supporting National Hazing Prevention Week. As always, contact Sigma Sigma Sigma National Headquarters for support in addressing hazing issues on your campus.
Spring/Summer 2007Golden Violet Recipients Della Wiehl Ainsworth, Alpha Gamma
Lois Acre Kurtz, Alpha Gamma
Marilyn Miller Boldenow, Alpha Gamma
Phyllis Combs Leet, Alpha Epsilon
Alida Bishop Casey, Alpha Zeta
Marcia Yaw Marsh, Beta Rho
Vivian Bryant Carter, Beta Phi
Shirley Lilly McCall, Beta Eta
Rosemary Staropoli Connor, Beta Upsilon
Evelyn Dent McCort, Alpha Upsilon
Geneva Evelyn Cook, Beta Gamma
Glenda Doyle Merhoff, Alpha Theta
Kathleen A. Dunn, Lambda
Myrna Kuhn Nelson, Alpha Nu
Theresa Anne Fechek , Alpha Pi
Jeannette Cheuvreux Nolte, Alpha Delta
Jane E. Kinderman, Alpha Omicron
Mary Mertz Stauffer, Chi
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MU – Truman State University, Kirksville, MO Mu Chapter helped raise more than $71,000 for Saint Jude's Children's Research Hospital in the Up ‘Til Dawn philanthropic event. Their New Members also received the highest all-sorority grade point average.
MU Chapter enjoyed a Thursday night Sisterhood watching Grey’s Anatomy.
NU – University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO Nu Chapter held a retreat to welcome its two New Members into the Sisterhood. Instead of having weekly meetings to prepare them for Initiation, the retreat was a combination of the new material they needed to learn and a way for them to meet and bond with their new Sisters. During the retreat, members played games, reflected and taught the New Members how to be a positive and effective Tri Sigma.
OMICRON – Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI Omicron Chapter held a recruitment event making boo-boo bunnies for Mott's Children Hospital. The boo-boo bunnies were sent in purple Easter baskets as a special treat for the
OMICRON members and the local Brownie troop made dozens of boo-boo bunnies for Mott’s Children’s Hospital.
children. They expanded on this project by gathering with a local Brownie troop to make cards and a gift basket for a threeyear-old girl who was just diagnosed with brain tumors.
PI – Emporia State University, Emporia, KS Pi Chapter hosted Sibs Day and welcomed more than 15 brothers and sisters into the Tri Sigma house for a day of fun featuring a “Fear Factor” themed game show and attending the Emporia State vs. Washburn basketball PI members showed off their team spirit during their Sibs Day! game. The Pictured left to right: Mandi Hulme, Senior, Emily Anderson, women also held Junior, Erica Anderson the first annual Flamingo Flocking fund-raiser. Members of the Emporia community had lawn flamingos placed in their lawns and were able to donate to have them removed or to purchase “insurance” so they could not be flocked again and to send the flock to another home of their choice. The event raised $400.
CHI – Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS Chi Chapter was proud to place first overall in their campus-wide Homecoming competition. Their awards included first place for Homecoming float, second in Yell Like Hell, third in Yard Art, third in Gorilla Games CHI Chapter were Homecoming champions! and first in the canned food drive. All of these contributed points toward the overall Sweepstakes Trophy.
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Psi Chapter celebrated its 85th anniversary on Marshall University's campus March 17, 2007. Sigma is the oldest sorority on the campus, and the only one to own its house. The women of Psi Chapter also won their annual fundraiser, Sigma Softball, for the third year in a PSI Chapter celebrated their three-peat as Sigma Softball champs! row and raised $900. Part of the money will be donated to the Robbie Page Memorial, and the remainder to Psi Chapter's Cheli Stover Memorial Scholarship Fund, in memory of a Sister who passed away from cancer.
ALPHA ZETA – Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, LA In preparing for Convention expenses, Alpha Zeta Chapter held a golf tournament and She-Man Pageant as fund raisers. Service projects included preparing care packages for soldiers in Iraq, conducting canned food drives for local shelters, collecting baby items, and volunteering for a local scholarship banquet in memory of the deceased nephew of an alumna. Allyce Hartt, Chapter Treasurer, was chosen as a SEPC Coordinator.
ALPHA IOTA – Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, OK
PSI – Marshall University, Huntington, WV
For a community service project, Alpha Iota Chapter made blankets and donated them to Project Linus and gave them to local fire departments. Continuing their philanthropic efforts, chapter members are planning a trip to the Children's Medical Center in Dallas, TX. Congratulations go to their Sister, Carrie Underwood, for receiving three Grammy awards this year!
ALPHA KAPPA – Fairmont State University, Fairmont, WV ALPHA ALPHA – Concord University, Athens, WV Alpha Alpha Chapter held an amazing door-to-door awareness campaign for the Robbie Page Memorial, in which it sold donuts and raised more than $1,000.
Collegiate Coordinator Aimee Jensen visited the chapter this past semester. Members said her advice on new ways to approach formal recruitment were extremely helpful, and they are looking forward to acting upon her recommendations.
ALPHA BETA – Kent State University, Kent, OH
ALPHA NU – Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
Tri Sigma earned the highest GPA of all the national sororities on campus and the second highest of all the sororities on campus. It received second place in the performance part of Songfest and has more than doubled its membership.
Alpha Nu Chapter has the Panhellenic spirit! Rita Loyd and Ashley Jackson were nominated for Panhellenic Chair of the Year; Julia Cermak was nominated for Panhellenic Executive Chair of the Year; and Tanya Cycyota was nominated for President of the Year. They are very proud of Sister Julia Cermak, who was elected Panhellenic President.
ALPHA EPSILON – Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO Alpha Epsilon Chapter celebrated its 80th anniversary on the Northwest Missouri State University campus. Sigma Sigma Sigma was the first national sorority to hold official standing at Northwest; by the 1980s seven fraternities and four sororities were on campus. To recognize this achievement, all students and faculty were invited to attend a special ceremony.
ALPHA XI – University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Whitewater, WI Alpha Xi Chapter took part in the annual Whitewater Freeze Fest in January 2007. Kayla Chadwick, Katie Axelsen, and Ashley Dahle spent more than five hours carving three Sigmas out of ice. Chapter members braved the cold weather to show these women their support.
ALPHA XI members Kayla Chadwick, Katie Axelsen, and Ashley Dahle competed and showed their Sigma pride at the Whitewater Freeze Fest’s ice carving competition.
ALPHA EPSILON celebrated their chapter’s 80th anniversary.
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ALPHA OMICRON COLONY – University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR With the help of the fabulous Leadership Consultant, Andrea Davis, and a few wonderful Alpha Zeta Sisters, an open recruitment was held, and by the end of the day the University of Central Arkansas Colony had 43 New Members. The New Members are very active on campus in clubs that include UCA’s spirit group, The Bear Den, yearbook, and the Humane Society.
ALPHA RHO – Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania, Lock Haven, PA The most important thing for Alpha Rho Chapter to focus on was having one of their New Members being deployed again, this time to Afghanistan. They are supporting her as her friends and as a Sisterhood with prayers for her safe return. University of Central Arkansas recolonization efforts were quite the success!
ALPHA UPSILON – James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA
Alpha Upsilon Chapter was widely recognized at the Greek Excellence Awards: the title of Four Star Chapter was accepted by current president, Allyssa Castiglione; former President, Emily Witman, was named Sorority Woman of the Year; Caroline Adams was recognized as Outstanding Volunteer in a Sorority; and Lorin Phillips, Alpha Upsilon Alumna, was awarded Outstanding Sorority Advisor.
ALPHA PHI – Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI Alpha Phi Chapter decided to try something different during recruitment to inspire potential members to become excited about philanthropy projects. The sister of a chapter member became very ill and required special attention at the Children’s Center at the University of Michigan Hospital. In an effort to give back to the hospital for its support, the chapter joined potential members in making fleece blankets to donate to the pediatrics department. Each member brought a yard of fleece, and different stations were set up for cutting and tying the blankets. More than 30 blankets were completed and donated.
ALPHA CHI – MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY, MURRAY, KY Alpha Chi’s Cecelia Gerard and Meg Black participated in the Snow Flake Splash, a local charity event held to raise money to build a playground for handicapped children. After finding sponsors for the event, they joined other volunteers jumping into the freezing water of the Ohio River. Together, these Sigma Sisters raised $350 to support the playground.
ALPHA PSI – Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL Alpha Psi congratulates their Sister, Erin Morettes, for receiving the Director of the Year Award from the Mid-American Greek Council Association. They are proud of this honor.
BETA ALPHA – Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL Beta Alpha Chapter held a community service event for Camp To Belong, a non-profit organization that helps to reunite children who have been separated through adoption, foster care, and other out-of-home care. The Sisters painted Easter eggs and decorated paint cans to be used as decorations at a silent auction and dance held as fund-raisers for the camp. The children’s camp is a week long and features fun summer activities at five different locations around the U.S and at a site in Canada. To learn more about Camp To Belong and to donate, visit www.camptobelong.org
BETA BETA – Missouri State University, Springfield, MO Beta Beta Chapter recently participated in a contest to help the local chapter of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity (FIJI) recruit members. The men of FIJI challenged all of the sororities on campus to help their new chapter BETA BETA Sisters gathered to support FIJI’s colonization at MSU. establish a good name. Beta Beta members decorated their house, wore purple FIJI pins, and attended their New Member reception. Beta Beta won the most points in the challenge in helping create a new Greek organization on their campus.
BETA DELTA – Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV Beta Delta Chapter has been very involved in raising money for Relay for Life. Over the past few years, several of the members have been directly affected by cancer: one member was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago and is now in remission; another member was BETA DELTA members Kasey Gouchenour (left) and Amanda Bickerton (right) were getting ram-bunctious before game time! recently diagnosed with the disease; and a third member’s father passed away from cancer during the last year. As a result, the Sisters of Beta Delta have come together in a special way to raise as much money as possible for the cause.
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Beta Epsilon Chapter hosted Mr. Greek University, the chapter's annual male beauty pageant. This year’s event had a recordbreaking turnout, bringing in more than $2,000 for the Foundation. The Sisters’ hard work and determination made this philanthropic event the most successful on campus.
BETA THETA – University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA Beta Theta Chapter was recently visited by the Pittsburgh's Alumnae Chapter to give Circle Degree to seven seniors. In compliance with the new Essential Sigma Program to garner more chapter involvement throughout college membership, the Beta Theta members were not only able to be part of a very special Tri Sigma ritual, but also were able to meet and talk with women of the local alumnae chapter.
BETA UPSILON – Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA The women of Beta Upsilon Chapter have been busy raising money for THON, the largest student organized philanthropy in the world, that helps support the Four Diamonds Foundation. To benefit the Robbie Page Memorial members are planning the annual Sigma Dodgeball Tournament, which is very popular among the university's many Greek organizations.
GAMMA LAMBDA – University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI
BETA EPSILON – Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL
Gamma Lambda placed third in the Homecoming competition, doubled their chapter size, planned a benefit concert for local and RPM hospitals, volunteered at the Special Olympics and participated in the Polar Plunge. The chapter also managed to raise its chapter GPA and is now the Greek organization with the second highest GPA on campus.
GAMMA MU – Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA Gamma Mu Chapter has two very special internationally-born Sisters: Bertha-Fabianna Matheu and Mary Grace Cruz. Matheu is from Mexico City, but grew up in Honduras, and has moved to the U.S. to attend college. Cruz grew up in Ecuador and moved to Slidell, LA, when she was in junior high school. The two women share an extra special bond of Sisterhood with their Latino roots.
Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter members assisted in the Circle Degree of BETA THETA graduates.
BETA XI – Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO Beta Xi Sisters celebrated their third place win in the Sigma Nu Fraternity volleyball tournament. They also worked hard on Greek Week 2007 in fund raising and skit preparations with the men of Phi Delta Theta and Theta Xi Fraternities.
BETA PI – University of Wisconsin–Stout, Menomonie, WI Beta Pi Chapter’s Alumnae Advisory Board challenged the members to increase their GPAs with a great incentive! The woman who increased her GPA the most from the previous semester won a Kate Spade handbag! Lauren Moeger was the proud winner of the first bag!
GAMMA MU Sisters enjoyed an All-American BBQ festival in Hammond, LA. Pictued left to right are Bertha-Fabianna Matheu, Toni Lukes, and Mary Grace Cruz.
BETA TAU – University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, MI Beta Tau Chapter is working on a service project sponsored through the local children’s hospital. A group of five to six members volunteer a few hours of their time to go to homes in Detroit and install free smoke detectors. This service project has helped make many people’s lives safer.
GAMMA XI – Barton College, Wilson, NC Every semester, the Sisters of Gamma Xi Chapter take a trip to visit the play therapy room and interact with the children at the University of North Carolina Hospital in Chapel Hill. The Sisters and children take part in many activities, including finger painting and playing games. This has proven to be a highlight of collegiate life for the chapter.
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GAMMA PI – Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, LA Gamma Pi members participated in an event called Casa Hope for the second year in a row. This links directly to their philanthropy theme, Sigma Serves Children, as a festival with games and booths to raise money for battered and abused children.
GAMMA RHO – Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro, PA
The Sisters of Delta Delta dedicated much of their time to philanthropy and volunteer work last semester. They held a cookout to benefit Habitat for Humanity. The chapter visited the Robbie Page Memorial Playroom at the UNC Children’s Hospital. A group of Sisters participated in the University’s ninth annual Dance Marathon, where they stood for 24 hours to raise money for UNC Children’s Hospital.
Bethany Grundy took first place with her dance talent routine at the Edinboro University annual Snow Pageant. The chapter also placed first in Alpha Gamma Delta’s Lip Jam Philanthropy Event.
DELTA THETA – University of North Carolina Pembroke, Pembroke, NC
GAMMA PHI – University of Wisconsin River Falls, River Falls, WI Gamma Phi Chapter held its first ever Rockin' for Robbie benefit concert. These Sigmas not only raised a significant amount of money, but they also raised awareness about play therapy and how it helps children reach their goals. This year Gamma Phi shared GAMMA PHI members give their best rock star poses at their Rockin’ for Robbie benefit concert. the story of a little boy named Ellis Bergstrom, who was a recipient of a number of therapies and became healthy enough to receive a heart transplant. Because of his story, the chapter also raised organ donation awareness. The night featured four great rock bands, prizes, contests, and informational booths about Tri Sigma and the philanthropic efforts of the evening. Sisters from surrounding chapters showed their support and attended the concert ready to rock wearing letters!
DELTA DELTA – The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Sisters of Delta Theta Chapter held their Rocking for Robbie fund-raiser and, despite cold and rainy weather, had a great turnout. The Sisters sat outside in a circle of rocking chairs bundled up in Tri Sigma sweatshirts and blankets. As the women rocked away, they informed people how Tri Sigma raises money for play therapy. Thanks to the generosity of others, the chapter raised $150.90.
Come rain or shine, DELTA THETA members kept on rocking!
GAMMA PSI – Morehead State University, Morehead, KY
DELTA PI – Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC
Gamma Psi Chapter raised funds for the Robbie Page Memorial through their annual Whiffle Ball Tournament. They had an outstanding turnout for their third annual Dr. Seuss Birthday Bash, almost double from the previous year! The chapter rewarded itself for raising the chapter grade point average by .4 points by having a Sisterhood weekend that ended with a formal dance.
Delta Pi Chapter has a goal: to sell six frogs per member! The second annual Frog Float is part of the Rock Hill’s Come See Me Festival, conducted with the Rock Hill Parks and Recreation. Donations are made by buying a frog that will be placed in Winthrop Lake following a race conducted by the Rock Hill Fire Department. Proceeds go to the Children’s Miracle Network and the Rock Hill Parks Foundation.
DELTA BETA – Elon University, Elon, NC
DELTA UPSILON – Widener University, Chester, PA
Delta Beta’s Kiley Moorefield teamed up with another Elon student in the Chevy Super Bowl Ad Challenge. More than 820 teams of college students entered the contest, with Moorefield and her partner making it to the top five. She traveled to Detroit to meet with Chevrolet’s ad agency where she and her partner presented their commercial to the Chevy executives. The winner of the competition had their commercial placed among the lineup of top commercials shown during the Super Bowl.
Delta Upsilon Sisters have enjoyed attending St. Christopher's Hospital for Children in Philadelphia, PA, to play and offer company to sick children. They have provided games, coloring books, and other arts and crafts to help the children forget their pain for at least an hour. They also have plans to visit a local nursing home to help with the care and companionship of the elderly.
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EPSILON IOTA – St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, TX
Sigma Spikefest went really well this year for the women of Delta Chi Chapter. They were able to raise enough money to accrue honors for their chapter. This past semester they also participated in other service events such as Pancakes for Parkinson’s and the Crimson War Blood Drive.
In an effort to raise money for the National Down Syndrome Society, members of Epsilon Iota Chapter participated in the Down Syndrome Association of San Antonio’s sixth annual Buddy Walk held at Fort Sam Houston. This was the second year in a row chapter members walked on behalf of an alumna of their chapter, Krista Garcia, whose nephew, Christian, has Down syndrome. The chapter hopes to make this annual event a tradition for many years to come.
DELTA PSI – St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA Keeping with the motto, Sigma Serves Children, the Sisters of Delta Psi Chapter held their annual philanthropic event, Bunny Bash. Children from the neighboring elementary school attended a day full of fun and games organized by the Sisters. There were arts and crafts, Bunny Bowling, Twister, basketball, football, Easter egg hunts, candy, food, and a very exciting dance contest. The Easter Bunny was the special guest of the day and took photographs with the children.
EPSILON BETA – University of Arkansas Monticello, Monticello, AR When two tornadoes passed through Dumas, AR, the hometown of one of their Sisters and only 30 minutes away from Monticello, Epsilon Beta Chapter felt compelled to help. Members contributed and sorted items the victims needed and also helped a woman salvage usable items from her home in Dumas. While there, they also helped Victory Baptist Church move canned goods and bottled water for the victims.
EPSILON DELTA – Gannon University, Erie, PA Epsilon Delta Chapter recently welcomed seven new members into their Sisterhood. They received the Sisterhood Award, which recognized their chapter for demonstrating strong Sisterly bonds.
EPSILON EPSILON – The Richard Stockton College of NJ, Pomona, NJ Epsilon Epsilon Sisters participated in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service last semester, where they volunteered at Gilda’s Club and the Food Bank. During spring break, a number of the Sisters traveled to Erie, PA, to participate in the building of a house for Habitat for Humanity.
EPSILON KAPPA – University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI
DELTA CHI – University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
On April 14, 2007, Epsilon Kappa Chapter celebrated its 20th anniversary at LaSure's Hall in Oshkosh, WI, with more than 50 alumnae in attendance! The Sisters send thanks to all who participated.
EPSILON LAMBDA – Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY Epsilon Lambda Chapter is proud to announce the success of their own beauty queens. One of its newly initiated members, Kristen Heide, holds the title of Miss Connecticut Teen U.S.A. 2006. After winning that pageant, she participated as Miss Connecticut in the Miss Teen U.S.A. 2006 Pageant, which was nationally televised on NBC. This March, Samantha Kaufman, chapter President, was crowned Miss Hofstra U.S.A. 2007. Ten Hofstra sororities and several other student organizations participated in the event. Kaufman won over the audience with a humorous interpretive ribbon dance. The pageant was sponsored by Phi Sigma Sigma Fraternity, and all proceeds were donated to leukemia research.
EPSILON LAMBDA Kristen Heide holds the title of Miss Connecticut Teen USA 2006.
EPSILON MU – Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ EPSILON ZETA – Southern Arkansas University, Magnolia, AR Epsilon Zeta Chapter started something new for Greek Week: Penny Wars! Every Greek organization helped raise money for one another’s foundations. It was set up with coins as positive points and bills as negative points. The organization with the most positive points won.
Epsilon Mu Chapter worked closely with multicultural organizations in an attempt to keep students off the streets. This event was a Friday night lock-in attended by more than 200 students and volunteers. The event raised money for the Hero Campaign to
Lending more than one helping hand, EPSILON IOTA members Britta Lindberg (left) and Theresa Sandoval (right) took part in Buddy Walk 2007.
It’s a pajama jam for EPSILON MU members at their Sisterhood retreat!
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support the fight against drunk driving. Throughout the evening, the students ate, played games, won prizes, and participated in a talent show. They also teamed up with Rowan University’s baseball team in an event called Swinging for Steven. Students played t-ball to raise money for a young boy who was fatally injured in a baseball accident.
EPSILON NU – The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC
It actually was all fun & games at the EPSILON NU Children’s Carnival!
Epsilon Nu Chapter put on a children’s carnival in their quad last semester as their service project with an afternoon of games and prizes for foster children and other area children. Approximately 50 children enjoyed a snow cone machine, two piñatas, a moon bounce, balloon animals and face painting.
EPSILON OMICRON – Illinois State University, Normal, IL
EPSILON OMICRON members look great in their letters for their Ladies Luncheon.
Epsilon Omicron held a ladies luncheon. Many mothers and family members came to meet all of the Sisters and visit the chapter house for the fist time. Members said it was lovely spending the day with their moms and Sorority Sisters.
EPSILON PI – Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC Epsilon Pi Chapter members visited the children's hospital at Chapel Hill and participated with Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority and Alpha Delta Pi Fraternity in HPV Awareness Week. Brooke Toluba and the Presbyterian College women’s tennis team won the SAC Conference Tournament last semester.
EPSILON RHO – Minnesota State University Mankato, Mankato, MN Epsilon Rho Chapter held its third annual Taco Feed and raised $1,166. The chapter also put on a Senior Citizen Prom with the help of Delta Chi Fraternity.
EPSILON SIGMA – Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA Epsilon Sigma Sisters participated in the biggest fashion show at VCU called STRUT. Nikki Poteet was a runway model while Rachael Pawlowski did promotions and modeling for the show. Stacey Sweigart, Leslie Brady, and Amber Berry all helped direct and plan the show.
EPSILON UPSILON – Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY Epsilon Upsilon Sisters participated in Project Linus and made colorful fleece blankets for children’s hospitals in Connecticut. They were also busy planning for Marist’s 2007 Relay for Life.
EPSILON CHI – Northeastern University, Boston, MA For the second year in a row, Epsilon Chi Chapter earned the title of Sorority of the Year on their campus. Having an incredibly successful recruitment last fall semester, reaching optimum membership EPSILON CHI Sisters look beautiful at their formal. and attaining quota plus, helped them to attain this status,. All of the new Sisters have excelled socially, academically, and in many activities across campus.
EPSILON PSI – Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY Epsilon Psi held a Rock the Boat fund-raiser in honor of a Sister who passed away from cancer in December 1995. They raised $352, which went to the American Cancer Society and the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation.
ZETA ALPHA – Bryant College, Smithfield, RI Zeta Alpha Chapter raised money selling daffodils for the American Cancer Society and continued their support for cancer awareness through their participation in Relay for Life. The members also raised funds with their biannual Yankee Candle sale and through Gillette at the Revolution soccer games.
ZETA DELTA – State University of New York at Oneonta, Oneonta, NY Zeta Delta Sisters made blankets last semester for the Robbie Page Memorial and raised more than $100 for the Foundation as well. They also participated in community service events ZETZ DELA members gear up for the Heart Walk 2007. such as the American Heart Association heart walk, the March of Dimes walk, St. Jude's letter writing, and "Into the Streets."
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Zeta Epsilon members spent the day at the local Ronald McDonald House with the women of Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity. Both sororities brought stuffed animals, which happened to be Care Bears, to 30 children. They played with the children, made crafts and ate lunch together.
ZETA TAU – Missouri Western State University, St. Joseph, MO Zeta Tau Chapter has been busy with community service projects. Members participated in the annual ALS and March of Dimes walks, cleaned up local stretches of highway, and held their Rockin’ for Robbie event, rocking in rocking chairs for 24 hours to raise funds for the Foundation.
ZETA ETA – Winona State University, Winona, MN Zeta Eta Chapter has been strong with its community service projects such as tutoring after school at the YMCA, working with the Ready Set Read Chili Cook-Off for the local middle school, and putting together coloring books for children’s hospitals. Zeta Eta also celebrated its 15th anniversary. The celebration coincided with the Pam Koelsch Scholarship Dinner, and Tri Sigma alumnae were invited to attend the gathering.
ZETA UPSILON – Fitchburg State College, Fitchburg, MA
ZETA EPSILON – Florida International University, Miami, FL
Zeta Kappa Chapter is in the running for Most Improved Chapter at the University. They have been making sure they attend all events on campus because they want to show that they care about other organizations. They also held their annual fund raiser Miss-ter Tri Sigma to help raise funds for the Foundation.
Chapter members Christal Moniga, Tracy Renault, and Ida Rodriguez went on alternative spring break with Habitat for Humanity to build a house in Lakeland, FL, for a needy family. The Order of Omega Greek honor society inducted six Zeta Upsilon Sisters, Lisa Sbrogna, Rebecca Peterson, We can see why ZETA TAU members are the shining Christal stars of MWSU! Moniga, Jessica Piedrafite, Erin Harty, and Tracy Renault. Rhonda Basford, President of Panhellenic, was voted Greek of the Month by Order of Omega members.
ZETA LAMBDA – Wingate University, Wingate, NC
ZETA CHI – Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC
Zeta Lambda Chapter held a faculty brunch for all the faculty and staff at Wingate. It was a way to show the chapter’s appreciation as well as a great opportunity to socialize with professors. The chapter used this event as a way to help its already good image on campus. The brunch was a big success, and the professors and other faculty members were very impressed.
Zeta Chi Chapter has been extremely involved in the community, working at the local 25K marathon handing out water, working with the local CASA, participating in local community cleanups, and getting involved on campus. The ZETA CHI members Laura Riehl and Paddy Shaughnessy helped at chapter has had the College Park Clean-Up Day. an extremely successful leadership change with the new chapter officers and assumed leadership within the Panhellenic community.
ZETA THETA – Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID Zeta Theta Chapter successfully held a new event for the chapter. They held a Parents Day luncheon when parents of the chapter members were invited to socialize and learn what Sigma Sigma Sigma offers their daughters. Parents joined their daughters for lunch, completed a craft project together, and made picture frames with a fall theme.
ZETA KAPPA – Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ
ZETA MU – University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK Zeta Mu members stood outside in the below-freezing weather collecting donations for the women’s shelter in Fairbanks. The chapter helped out with RAINN Day (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network). The members decorated the campus in the early morning with RAINN information.
ZETA PI – Virginia Wesleyan College, Norfolk, VA Zeta Pi held its annual Jail-A-Thon to raise money for the Robbie Page Memorial. Faculty, staff, and students were held in jail until they were able to meet their bail, all in the name of Robbie Page.
ZETA RHO – Johnson and Wales University, Providence, RI Zeta Rho Chapter held its first senior citizens prom. Sisters teamed up with the brothers of Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity to provide a fun-filled afternoon at a local nursing home. There were refreshments, music, dancing and even a King and Queen of the Prom.
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ZETA PSI – The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ
ETA THETA – Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN
Zeta Psi’s Jaime Hayer participated in the Shamrockin’ Runway Pageant at The College of New Jersey. This event is sponsored by a Greek organization that draws hundreds of students from across campus. Hayer competed against six other women in the categories of talent, evening wear and mixer wear.
Eta Theta Chapter held its annual silent auction and raffle, raising more than $2000! The women decided to donate half of the funds to Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation and the other half to Children's Hospital and Clinics in Minneapolis, MN.
ETA IOTA – Defiance College, Defiance, OH ETA BETA – Newberry College, Newberry, SC Eta Beta Chapter honored Women’s History Month by sponsoring two campus-wide events. The Sisters paid tribute to the Women’s Suffrage movement by sponsoring an education program featuring the movie “Iron Jawed Angels.” The second event, co-sponsored by Newberry College Multi-cultural Committee, honored the history and celebrated the accomplishments of women on the Newberry College campus.
Eta Iota Chapter held its fifth annual tattoo contest last semester and had a large turn out for people to show off their ink. The majority of the money collected went to the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation.
ETA LAMBDA – Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA Eta Lambda Chapter participated in an autism walk last semester and raised funds to help spread awareness. Members donated their time by walking and by helping to keep the children and parents entertained.
ETA NU – Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah, NJ The Eta Nu Chapter participated in numerous fundraising walks, including the Breast Cancer Walk, Relay for Life, and the Multiple Sclerosis Walk. These causes directly affect family members of current Sisters and alumnae. This was an excellent opportunity for the chapter to be active in the local community and to help raise awareness for causes that are important to the members of the chapter.
ETA XI – Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA
ETA BETA Sisters assisted Newberry's Recreation Department in their annual Easter Egg Hunt and judged the coloring contest.
ETA ETA – Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL Eta Eta Chapter took an active role in Lynn University's Relay for Life by raising money to support the fight against cervical cancer. Two members have been affected personally by the disease, and thus the entire chapter was affected. Eta ETA ETA members welcomed back alumnae for their Eta also held annual Alumnae Meet & Greet. numerous fundraisers to support other charities including: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, YouthAIDS, and the American Cancer Society. The chapter placed the Robbie Page Memorial at the top of all fundraising efforts and held three philanthropy fund-raisers this year for the Foundation.
In February, Hallie Andrew starred as Romaine Patterson in a production of “The Laramie Project,” a play about the situation surrounding Matthew Shepard’s death. In March, Dana Puglisi, Daria Shafie, and Meghan Bredell acted in and assisted with the Ursinus production of “Seeing Double,” a musical about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Rachael Greenly, Kyli Kauth, and Meaghan Reid attended the 2007 NACA national convention in March. In April, Abby Hare, Michelle Klaw, and Kerri Landis played for the Ursinus women’s rugby club in the National EPRU women’s collegiate division III championships. Several Eta Xi Sisters performed the National Anthem at a Phillies game in April.
ETA OMICRON members attended a Fundraising Dinner benefiting Sigma Chi's National philanthropy.
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ETA TAU – Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL
Eta Omicron Chapter worked hard at meeting and exceeding their community service goals for the school year. Their penny wars fundraiser was a great success this year on campus, promoting campus unity and friendly competition among all the Greek organizations. The Greek organizations were able to donate their spare change and helped Eta Omicron exceed their fundraising goals for the Robbie Page Memorial with just this one fundraising event.
The Sisters of Eta Tau participated in Omicron Delta Kappa’s annual Charity House, which raises money for the Daytona Beach homeless shelter. Eta Tau’s cardboard house received second place in the competition.
ETA PI – Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, CO Eta Pi loves Metro State and promotes campus involvement within their chapter. Not only are a majority of their members involved in a variety of clubs ranging from history club to student government, they are regularly involved with campus activities. They ran in the Metro State 5K event, assisted with Homecoming, hosted a Greek formal, organized an all-Greek community service park clean-up, and worked on the committee that hosted presidential candidate John Edwards’ speaking engagement on campus!
ETA RHO – Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, GA
ETA RHO welcomed their New Members during Bid Day.
Eta Rho Chapter hosted an all-Greek dinner where they invited all the other Greek organizations on campus to dine with them. This proved to be an excellent way for them to meet other Greeks and to repay them for their support of Tri Sigma.
ETA UPSILON – Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA Thrilled with their success, Eta Upsilon Chapter held their installation banquet last semester. Both National Officers and Alpha Chapter Sisters from Longwood University attended. Amanda Pyle said she particularly enjoyed hearing what Alpha members thought of the installation. “What touched me the most was a card Alpha Chapter sent to us. It said the Founding Sisters would be proud of us as a chapter. That the purpose of it all was to have a good time, but to become something that the Founding Sisters would be proud of,” she stated.
ETA OMICRON – Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX
UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-PARKSIDE COLONY – Kenosha, WI Colony members recently held various recruitment events that included lunches with the Sisters, a night at a local coffee house, dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings, and an evening of videos and trivia based on "Grey's Anatomy," the members’ favorite show.
Wearing their purple & white ribbons with pride, ETA UPSILON members enjoyed their Installation Banquet.
ETA SIGMA – Culver-Stockton College, Canton, MO Eta Sigma Chapter hosted a community service project called girls’ night out. GNO is for girls in grades six through eight, who come together about every other week to enhance their minds, bodies, and spirits. The Sisters acted as mentors to the girls and participated in some of their activities.
ETA SIGMA Shandi Joubert was crowned Homecoming Queen with Homecoming King, Kellen Craig.
The PARKSIDE COLONY took a break from finals to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a Tropical Luau coordinated by the Alumnae Advisory Board and hosted at the home of local Alumna Sherri Ballard.
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Inland Empire Alumnae at their 16th Founders Day
ANCHORAGE ALUMNAE celebrated Founders Day with the Eta Zeta Chapter in April. During the celebration they were “crafty Sisters” with Eta Zeta.
ARIZONA PHOENIX ALUMNAE were helped Maryellen Drasler Baxter, Beta Kappa, decorate Abbey Gardens, her newly purchased gift shop. She always dreamed of owning a shop after retiring from teaching. Several members contributed china cups and saucers that can be used for afternoon tea parties. For Founders Day, 34 members gathered and were surrounded by elegant and unique artifacts, cards, hats and wall décor. They were pampered with delicious dainty sandwiches and desserts.
Ruby Larby Simpson, Rho and Inland Empire Alumnae, 2007 Emily Gates Achievement Award winner cuts the Founders Day cake.
Phoenix Alumnae gathered together at Abbey Gardens for Founders Day.
TUCSON ALUMNAE celebrated Founders Day with a salad luncheon at the home of Henrietta Zinn Hallaq, Beta Xi. The highlight of the event was Geneva Cook becoming their newest Golden Violet. She has been a devoted member of the alumnae chapter for many years. Congratulations to Geneva!
CALIFORNIA INLAND EMPIRE ALUMNAE CHAPTER meets five times a year in the Riverside, CA, area. They hosted their 16th Founders Day celebration with many charter members attending. Proud of the steadfast friendship they share, they are planning a fun day to visit the Reagan Presidential Library.
NORTHERN ILLINOIS LAKES ALUMNAE decorated memory boxes that were donated to a local hospital. The hospital gives these boxes to families who have suffered a stillborn or infancy death for preserving their precious mementos of a too short life. They are proud that three of their members, Jessica Szatkowski, Alpha Beta; Marinda Mantel, Alpha Nu; and Katie Biondi, Alpha Nu, are continuing to serve their Sisters as Alumnae Advisor Board members for the University of Wisconsin-Parkside Colony.
DAYTONA BEACH AREA ALUMNAE, with assistance from Central Florida Alumnae, hosted Sigma Send-on/Circle of Friends for seven Eta Tau members who graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in May. As these women will be moving around the country, the locations of alumnae chapters were emphasized, and the women were encouraged to remain steadfast in their commitment to Tri Sigma. Following that event, the Circle Degree was given.
ILLINOIS CHICAGO SW SUBURBAN ALUMNAE hosted the 109th Founders Day celebration with a luncheon at Braxton’s Seafood Grill in Oakbrook, IL. Kim Muhich, Epsilon Omicron, toastmistress and President of the alumnae chapter, welcomed the Chicago area alumnae, who included several past and present National Officers.
FORT WAYNE ALUMNAE were busy this past year getting ready for Convention. They made bookmarks, coasters and jewelry for the Sigma Shop. They also put together a basket representing their area to be auctioned at Convention for the Foundation. Nancy Deister Sprague, Beta Gamma and Fort Wayne Alumnae Chapter President, visited with Mildred Miller Meese, Beta Gamma, at the Village of the Heritage where she resides. Meese, who turned 96 on May 10, is unable to get out to attend meetings. Once a year the Chapter holds a meeting at her home.
KANSAS GREATER JOHNSON COUNTY ALUMNAE created thank you notes for the ladies who had paid their National dues. They used the cards to contact Sigma Sisters who had moved away or had not been heard from in a while and to invite local Sisters to an alumnae get together.
34 Emily Greer Davis, Delta Phi, Erin Lacey Harlan, Delta Phi, and Stephanie Meints, Alpha Epsilon, working on note cards.
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NEW ORLEANS ALUMNAE chose a location for their Founders Day in keeping with the theme of Convention 2007. In the heart of the French Quarter, where you can hear a dozen different kinds of music at any given time, is The Court of the Two Sisters restaurant. Chapter members gathered there to enjoy not only the famous cuisine offered in its elegant buffet, but also to hear the jazz trio
OKLAHOMA CITY METROPOLITAN ALUMNAE made the dream of playing in the sand a reality for children at a Norman, Oklahoma Children’s Center. The J. D. McCarty Center serves children with developmental disabilities from birth to 21. Today, the McCarty Center has treated more than 70 different diagnoses in the developmental disability category. When therapists at the Center voiced the need for an elevated sand box, the OKC Alumnae Chapter saw not only the opportunity to help children in their community, but also the opportunity to live out our philanthropy of play therapy. Oklahoma City Metropolitan submitted a grant proposal to the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation, and in May 2007 the Sisters gathered at the Center to celebrate the installation of the covered sandbox and to play a little in the sand.
MICHIGAN OAKLAND COUNTY ALUMNAE celebrated their Sisterhood with not only Sisters but their mothers. They attended an educational program, Healthy Heart for Women, that highlighted symptoms, testing and prevention of heart disease, the number one cause of death among women. The importance of heart-healthy eating habits was reinforced, and the entire luncheon was prepared for a healthy heart. WESTERN WAYNE-WASHTENAW ALUMNAE and one Sigma in training, enjoyed an afternoon at the home of Maureen Young as they put their creative skills to work. With musical inspiration, purple flowing everywhere. The group produced quite a variety of personalized, one-of-a-kind stationery by the day’s end which were a BIG hit at the Sigma Shop in Nashville!
Western Wayne-Washtenaw showing off the beautiful cards they decorated for Convention. Pictured from left to right are: Karen Feger, Omicron; Lori Taylor, Claire Young (Maureen’s daughter), Maureen Young, Omicron; Heidi Mills, Omicron; Bridget Hanson, Epsilon Gamma; and Nancy Molnar, Omicron.
Wichita Alumnae standing in front of the bags they filled for the Back Pack Food Program in Kansas.
Oklahoma City Metropolitan and Lawton-Area Oklahoma Alumnae playing in the sandbox donated to the McCarthy Center for Children.
Alpha Xi alumnae enjoying a girls’ trip to Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya, Mexico.
Vernae Thomas Johnston, Kappa, Deborah Lynn Woodroof, Beta Gamma, and Nancy Deister Sprague, Beta Gamma, making jewelry for Sigma Shop.
“This particular sandbox is an important addition to our recreational activities for the children,” said Tami Minor, recreational activities coordinator for the McCarty Center “It’s nice to see our donations come full circle,” says Linda Foley Fields, Beta Mu. “Now dozens of children will be able to do something they may have never done before, play in a sand box.”
WASHINGTON, D.C. METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON, D.C. ALUMNAE celebrated the 109th Founders Day with a luau. Fresh purple and white orchid leis were flown in from Honolulu as a gift for each Sister in attendance. Traditional luau centerpieces adorned each table and an anniversary cake baked and decorated by Kathy Viessmann, Sigma, supplemented the feast. Everyone dressed in island fashions contributing to the spirit of the celebration.
Rene Butters, Epsilon Phi, Bette Lewis, Beta Kappa, Kathy Viessmann, Sigma, and Mary Thompson, Alpha Tau, celebrating Founders Day Hawaiian style.
Amber K. Stout, Eta Zeta, and Tamara Kaniaupio, Eta Zeta, at Tamara’s Bridal Shower
Geneva Cook, Beta Gamma, being presented her Golden Violet by President Kathryn Cortner Smith, Iota.
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Significant Sigmas Bridget Kelly Holton, Omicron and Western Wayne-Washtenaw Alumnae Chapter, was named the 2007 Woman of the Year by Detroit Alumnae Panhellenic Association. She was surprised and thrilled by the honor presented to her at the DAPA Annual Scholarship Luncheon held at Dearborn Hills Golf Club on Saturday, April 21, 2007. Upon becoming Tri Sigma’s delegate to the DAPA three years ago, Bridget jumped right in to chair the luncheon committee. Having done such a fine job the first year, she has continued to hold this chair and has led the day each year with creativity in theme and decoration. She graciously kept the day rolling this year in spite of a lastminute cancellation by the entertainment, running an informal trivia question and answer game during the prize raffle. In addition to chairing the luncheon, Bridget hosted this year’s annual president’s tea at her home. The alumnae chapter of the current DAPA president normally hosts the tea, but this year’s president is a sorority with no alumnae chapter. Never fear: a true showing of Panhellenic spirit with Bridget spearheading the effort equaled a wonderful and well-attended event!
Susie Schaefer Fricano, Gamma Phi, is a volunteer with the American Cancer Society’s Look Good Feel Better Program in the Chicago area. Fricano is a trained volunteer who teaches female cancer patients how to cope with the effects of their appearance during cancer treatment, Susie Schaefer Fricano volunteering at the Look Good Feel Better Program in Chicago. such as skin changes and loss of hair, eyebrows and lashes. “I am a breast cancer survivor and wish there would have been something like this for me when I was going through my cancer treatment,” she said. Fricano has a background in nursing and is a Medical Esthetician who owns 36 Therapeutic Skincare Company: www.lookgoodfelbetter.org
From the Sigma ALWAYS TOGETHER Jane G. Marshall, Alpha Upsilon and Omega 1961 The mid-afternoon sun blazed with the colors of fall that Saturday in 1958, when I joined Madison College’s Sigma Sigma Sigma. It was my sophomore year. To this day, I can remember our newly initiated group’s excitement as we studied the little purple book Dear Pledge. Together we recited the Declaration of Principles never realizing, at the time, its deeper meaning. Like a choral reading, voices joined as one read - “Intensifies bonds of friendship through life into chapter eternal called Omega.” Later, I’d come to appreciate its meaning. Then, I was more interested in knowing other pledges than analyzing the ideals expressed in principles. I turned to the chatty pledge beside To honor the me. Woodstock, Virginia native Carolyn Morrison was friendly. She laughed, “Guess I was memory of born to be a Sigma.” “How’s that?” pledges around her asked. Carolyn Morrison “The Mabel Lee Walton House – our national headquarters - was once a hospital. “I Chapman, the ’61 was born there. Guess I was fated to be a Sigma!” Everyone was amazed. Alpha Upsilon Destiny tapped her early. By our junior year, it became apparent the gods of fate had Sisters plan more plans for Carolyn. Her talents were known. She campaigned for president of the donations for a Student Government Association while her Sigma roommate, Nancy Harmon, engaged in a Sigma Leadership bid for Honor Council President. Their victory resonated throughout the campus. Evident Training was the old adage, “Winners run with winners.” Recognition of Carolyn’s leadership skills scholarship for the came the following spring — she was awarded the title of Miss Madison. Alpha Fall 2006 marked the thirty-fifth annual reunion of our Tri Sigma Alpha Upsilon sisters. UpsilonChapter. On that occasion Brenda Clark Arthur hosted the November 4-5 weekend get together at Other Alpha her mountain retreat in Front Royal, VA. It was known Carolyn had, for over a year, being Upsilon Sisters are fighting breast cancer. Brenda issued the rallying call — Carolyn desired a get together. Six welcomed to of us came: Gibbie Parrish Berry, Jane Atkinson Cralle, Nancy Harmon Peterson, Mary Hope contribute. Stowers Worley, Sandi Smith Stevens and myself. Eager to be supportive to Carolyn, we all gathered hopeful we’d say or do something, which would strengthen her. Carolyn’s sparkle and on-going concern for others lifted our spirits. Her energetic spirit amazed us. It was hard to believe she was fighting cancer. That day her medicine was laughter. In all the frivolity she forgot her pain pills. Midnight chatter reminiscent of Sigma Sprinkle House bridged by-gone years. Saturday morning the group gathered on the deck. Pictures were snapped and eight women once again sang, “We’re Sigmas together and we’re Sigmas apart.” Carolyn’s faith and dedicated church service provided her strength in her two-year cancer battle. Early Tuesday morning, May 8th, comforted by husband French, son, John, and daughter, Laura, and their spouses, Carolyn peacefully entered Omega. At the service held at the Woodstock First United Methodist Church, Brenda C. Arthur, a professional vocalist, sang hymns Carolyn loved. Mary Hope S. Worley spoke of the thirty-five year reunions she and her Sigma Sisters treasured. The principle recited years ago, Intensified bonds of friendship through life into chapter eternal called Omega, takes on new meaning. The ’61 Alpha Upsilon Sisters vow that Carolyn’s spirit, along with theirs, will be always together. Jane Garrett Marshall served as AY president 1960-61. She participated in the induction of Beta Delta, Shepherd College, WV, which was featured in an article she wrote for The Triangle. Marshall’s work has been published in various publications A November weekend at the Arthurs’ mountain retreat, Front Royal, VA. 2006. Pictured left to right are: Jane Garrett Marshall, and newspapers. Her award-winning article, Brenda Clark Arthur, Jane Atkinson Cralle, Carolyn Morrison “Professor Up A Tree,” contributed to the 2005 Chapman, Sandi Smith Stevens, Mary Hope Stowers Worley, Grand Award For Feature Series Writing from the Gibbie Parrish Berry and Nancy Harmon Peterson. Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE-District III) awarded to James Madison University. Her article, “Mission Shortsheet,” will be featured in the June 2007 issue of “The Madison.” A retired Fairfax County Public Schools, VA, teacher, she worked as an east coast educational tour guide.
Alpha Gamma Reunion Apha Gamma Chapter will hold a Sigma Sigma Sigma Gathering/Reunion during Fort Hays State University Homecoming on Friday, October 5, 2007. Further details will be forthcoming at the Fort Hays State University Alumni Office by contacting: Twilla Brown Wanker 389 Peaceful Woods Trail, Debra Prideaux, Executive Director OR Holly Lake Ranch, TX 75765-7559 600 Park Street, Hays, Kansas 67601-4099 1-903-769-4610 • tlw2@etex.net 1-888-351-3591 • dprideau@fhsu.edu
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OMEGA CHAPTER During the period from January 1 to April 30, 2007 the following Tri Sigmas were reported to have entered Omega Chapter. We offer our sympathy to their friends and family and honor them for their lifetime commitment to Tri Sigma.
Sigma Sigma Sigma is pleased to announce the opening of the Lawton-Area Oklahoma Alumnae Chapter on April 21, 2007.
ALPHA Theresa Graff Jamison ZETA Jeanne Walsh Doull Dorothy Adeline Dubert
Welcome our new Alumnae Chapter by sending greetings to: Kristina Dial 2709 N.W. Hilltop Drive, Lawton, OK 73507 mkdial@sbcglobal.net
Iota Mary Thomson McCarty Margaret Hutchinson Steele
Alpha Nu Margie Wilson Milham
Lambda Marilyn Minns Cutler Mary Enterline Fenical Martha Bowman Sproul
Sigma Sigma Sigma is pleased to announce the opening of the Central Arkansas Alumnae Chapter on May 20, 2007
Alpha Pi Veronica Mastrovich Bricklemyer Mary Dias McIlwain
Mu Mary Frazier Reed
Alpha Tau Marion Pike Sampson
Nu Norma Peters Waltz
Alpha Upsilon Ann Clark Miller Dorothy Ann Sears
Welcome our new Alumnae Chapter by sending greetings to: Elaine Wolff 500 Foxwood Drive, Jacksonville, AR 72076-2621 trisigkeyalum@hotmail.com
Sigma Sigma Sigma is pleased to announce the opening of the Greater Johnson County Area, Kansas Alumnae Chapter on June 9, 2007 Welcome our newest Alumnae Chapter by sending greetings to: Emily Davis 7231 Hardy, Overland Park, KS 66204 missesbozo@hotmail.com
The Greater Johnson County Area Alumnae Chapter is installed in Kansas Installation of the Greater Johnson County Area Alumnae Chapter was held on Saturday, June 9th, 2007 at the home of Tiffany Barmann, Alpha Epsilon. Alumnae Coordinator Carol Gregory Swango, Alpha Psi, flew in from Bartlesville, OK, to perform the ceremonies. Following the installation ceremony, the members enjoyed a luncheon of finger sandwiches, appetizers, desserts and dips. Each member brought a treat to share. Circle Degree was then given by Carol Swango, Rachel Peterson, Alpha Epsilon, and Christi Leewright, Chi to women who had not already received it. A brief officers meeting was held to discuss future plans and to go over available offices and chairs. Sisters interested in joining the newly-formed chapter are welcome to contact Emily Davis at: missesbozo@hotmail.com
Corrections Corrections Tracy Maurer Sary’s maiden name was misspelled on page 13 of the spring issue. She is a Gamma Beta.
Pi Evelyn Mae Pierce Bacon Marjorie Kutnink Butterfield Judy Graves Murphy Jean Fladger Shanlec Rho Marie Carter Smith Sigma Nellie Santarelli Johnson Tau Irene Maloof Dolin Helen Pearson Reid Carmen Vendrell Sanchez Chi Patricia Branin Douglass Elizabeth Ward VanRheen Matilda Stone Hawkins Alpha Beta Laura Fleming Strickler
Alpha Lambda Alice Andrews Jacobson Geraldine Hopmann Jaeger Alpha Mu Mary Landry Allain June Ann Romero
Alpha Phi L. Jeanne Hicks Baker Alpha Chi Jerry Beauchamp Nolan Alpha Psi Emily Greer Gatten Julia Miller Grove Beta Alpha Lillian Wickness Krahenbuhl Beta Gamma Carolynn Baganz Esham Rosalyn Huber Selvey Beta Epsilon Louise Ann Vahle Beta Iota Mary Anderson Purdy Beta Nu Katherine Andreis Yenger
Alpha Gamma Emily Koelling Folkers Nancy Sigrist Shores Awyn Trexler Walker Helen Christensen Wickizer
Beta Tau Sue DeLiso Garr Anne Colantoni Karamanoukian
Alpha Epsilon Dorothy Noellsch Norton
Gamma Eta Elizabeth Frances Palermo
Alpha Zeta Cheryl Lynn Belsha Eleanor Taylor Carter Gayle Joseph Jobe
Gamma Omicron Alberta M. Burns
Alpha Theta Betty Jane Abbott Gwendolyn Bussey Dickens Margaret Martell Roach Sydney Johnson Russell Jane Giesen Smallridge
Gamma Pi Ruby Miles Forrest Gamma Tau Mitzi Withrow Pitts Epsilon Xi Laurie Anne Alvarez Kristin Utter Fedders
Alpha Iota Neva Sue Bell Munn Alpha Kappa Mary Smith Davis
Memorial gifts may be sent to the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation, 225 N. Muhlenberg St., Woodstock, VA 22664.
It is the responsibility of every initiated Sigma to see that the badge she wears is protected and never worn by or in the possession of a non-member. When a Tri Sigma enters Omega Chapter her badge may be buried with her or returned to National Headquarters. The National Treasurer is the official custodian of Sigma Sigma Sigma badges.
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Need a new Sigma wardrobe for fall? Visit www.alphahouse.com, and design a sweatshirt, t-shirt, polo, or tote bag of your choice! We have over two hundred letters from which to choose. While you're there, shop a little more for jewelry, stationery, picture frames, scrapbooks… a couple hundred items to purchase. Buy a little, buy a lot! A percentage of your purchase is returned to Tri Sigma. Shop day or night at www.alphahouse.com. 11 S. Main St., Oxford OH 45056 (513) 523-8290 (800) 886-2574
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