The Triangle • Spring 2007

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Let’s Talk As I was leaving the gym, I caught a glimpse of the sign:

Laura Ward Sweet Alpha Sigma National President

Letter from the


“U R Unique You R Pretty” “Pretty,” should be changed to Beautiful, I thought, because I have been thinking about our Triangle Degree and the Alpha and Eta Upsilon women. Have you ever noticed or do you remember how beautiful our Sisters are at initiation? Eta Upsilon was installed the weekend of February 16 –18, 2007, at Lynchburg College in Virginia. I had the honor and privilege of being the Installing Officer. The chapter officers of Alpha came to help with the installation, and that provided the inspiration for Let’s Talk. It was so beautiful to watch Alpha Chapter officers introduce Tri Sigma Ritual to our newest chapter Sisters and to consider that Alpha members have been performing this Ritual for 109 years. It was equally inspirational to see the hard work that the colony members had done to prepare for the installation weekend. As the installation team went about the work of Tri Sigma, it was amazing to experience our Sisterhood in action, all done without much notice or fanfare. It simply was the right thing to do and made this once-in-a-lifetime experience so memorable for all involved. The team had multi-initiation ceremonies to perform, just as our collegiate chapters have each year. Watching as our timeless Ritual unfolded time and again gave me pause at how beautiful our Ritual and Sisterhood are. We are reminded that we share faith, hope and love. We do not leave initiation without the knowledge that we are special and have committed ourselves to a lifetime of friendship. Delegates and all Tri Sigmas attending Convention this summer will experience our Ritual once again. We will each dedicate ourselves to Tri Sigma values based on friendship, character and conduct as we add two honor initiates to our bonds of Sisterhood. Sisters standing together to renew the teachings of our Sisterhood is a beautiful and inspirational sight. If you’ve never see the Triangle Degree performed with hundreds of Sisters participating, you should make a point to come to Convention. It is an unparalleled inspirational moment. It is beauty personified. It is friendship in action. It is … Tri Sigma!



Pictured left to right: Eta Upsilon President Nicole Carneal, Laura Ward Sweet, and Alpha President Stephanie Halkyard.

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Vol. 07 No. 2

Telling the stories of Tri Sigma’s Heart

On the Cover: Kaye Schendel, Gammi Phi and Publications Vice President, and Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi and Director of Programs, shed light on alternative approaches to vacation time in general, and spring break in particular. Both have been volunteering in this country and abroad for many years, and invite Tri Sigmas to join them!

MISSION STATEMENT Sigma Sigma Sigma promotes a perpetual bond of friendship, develops strong womanly character, and inspires high standards of ethical conduct.

Editor Barbara Victoria Colvert Feature Editor Alumnae Editor Sandy Allen, Alpha Lambda Collegiate Editor Courtney Stone, Alpha Psi Copy Editor Peggy Gamble, Alpha Sigma Executive Director Marcia Cutter, Beta Gamma Sigma Sigma Sigma 225 North Muhlenberg Street Woodstock, VA 22664-1424 p 540.459.4212 f 540.459.2361 Executive Council 2004 – 2007 National President Laura Ward Sweet, Alpha Sigma National Treasurer Barbara Stoe Stone, Beta Tau Alumnae Vice President Elizabeth Wakeman Hoffert, Beta Xi Collegiate Vice President Reatha Cole Cox, Alpha Zeta Membership Development Vice President Bethany Deines, Beta Kappa Publications Vice President Kaye Schutte Schendel, Gamma Phi National Panhellenic Conference Delegate Linda Manley-Kuitu, Epsilon Rho

Changes of names and addresses and death notices should be sent to National Headquarters, 225 North Muhlenberg Street, Woodstock, VA 22664-1424. Postmaster: Please send notices of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Sigma Sigma Sigma, 225 North Muhlenberg Street, Woodstock, VA 22664-1424.

The Triangle of Sigma Sigma Sigma is published three times a year by Sigma Sigma Sigma, 225 North Muhlenberg Street, Woodstock, VA 22664-1424. Payment of membership dues includes $2 toward the cost of The Triangle subscription. Articles are invited for publication in this magazine. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor for consideration. Acceptances are on a contributing basis only and are subject to editorial review. All copies and photos become the property of Sigma Sigma Sigma. Member of National Panhellenic Conference and College Fraternity Editors Association. © 2007 Sigma Sigma Sigma


contents Alternative Spring Breaks


International Adoptions



Ever Forward with… Our Foundation


Empowered Women


Our Leadership


Our Sisters


Our Collegians


Our Alumnae


Convention 2007


Omega Chapter: Jan Wilson Memorial






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Spring Break Becomes More Than a “Day at the Beach”

By Kaye Schendel, Gamma Phi and Publications Vice President, Assistant Director of Student Activities, University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse


t’s the middle of March and airports across the country are filled with students heading out for spring break. Their destinations are familiar: Mexico, Jamaica, New Orleans, Texas and Florida, but for many students the purpose for their trip will go beyond working on their tans or doing Jell-O shots on the beach. Each year more and more students are using their time off from their studies to build homes in New Orleans and on the Gulf Coast or to help others in Third World countries. The “alternative spring break” has become a popular choice on campuses as students across the country are choosing to spend a week painting over partying. According to The Corporation for National and Community Service, the number of college students volunteering rose about 20 percent from 2002 to 2005, more than twice the growth of all adult volunteers. Approximately 3.3 million college students volunteered in 2005, nearly 600,000 more students than three years ago. Alternative spring break experiences are desirable to students for a variety of reasons. These programs are a growing form of service learning. In fact many students may have participated already in some type of spring break community service program during high school. Because many students had a positive experience in high school, they are looking for a similar experience in college. The one-week alternative spring break provides an affordable way to have a meaningful experience as well as to participate in service projects. I have seen the popularity of these trips increase in the five years that I


have been organizing them at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UW–L). This year we opened the doors at 8:00 a.m. to sign up for our service trip to Jamaica and found that students had started lining up at 4:00 a.m. to secure their spots. More than 30 students were turned down, so this year we added another trip during winter break in January. Not just UW-L is seeing interest in these trips skyrocket. Campus Compact, a coalition of 1,000 colleges and universities committed to the civic mission of higher education, says the number of schools offering spring break volunteer opportunities has increased from 66 percent to 77 percent since 2000, and that number is growing with each semester. I became interested in alternative spring break during one of my vacation visits to Negril, Jamaica that coincided with spring break. I was dismayed as thousands of American college

Q o u t e s

f r o m

S t u

“Today we visited a community college. The people were incredibly inviting and generous. What is amazing to me is how education in Jamaica is a privilege, whereas we take it for granted.” — Michelle Vissers WOW! There really isn’t a way to put into words what we are experiencing here! Even though the Jamaican people generally experience poverty, they seem to be happier than plenty of Americans.” — Maria Scarpaci “The past seven days were the perfect way to spend a spring break. It was great to learn about a different culture and to give of ourselves and our time to help others who are less fortunate than we are.” — Wendy Allen

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students showed off the worst of who they were, with excessive drinking, rude and disrespectful behavior toward the Jamaican people, and a general disregard for the beautiful environment that I loved so much. I returned from that trip motivated to show the Jamaican people that not all American students were the next generation of “Ugly Americans” and to show students that there is a way to look at places like Jamaica other than through a bottle of Red Stripe. I wanted students to see what I had witnessed on my numerous vacations to Jamaica: it is a country filled not only with poverty but also with enormous pride. Since then, I have taken five groups of students to Negril. We have built playground equipment, painted schools and hospital pediatric wards, constructed an indoor bathroom at an elementary school, spread concrete, built a holding tank structure, delivered school supplies and taught adult literacy. We have also worked on environmental projects at The Royal Palm Preserve and the Negril Coral Reef Society. Each trip seems to start the same. Students, many of whom have never left the country and some of whom have never left the state, are in disbelief as we drive through the streets of Montego Bay and see the shacks that serve as homes for many of the people. Some are a bit afraid, wondering what they have gotten

t u d e n t

J o u r n a l s

“The service work has shown us the impact we can have on other people simply by using our time and our talents. The gratification of making a difference will stay in our hearts forever. Being here has permanently changed all of our lives. To realize the difference we can make in the world by simply making an effort to understand other cultures and work together to make each other’s lives better.” — Katee Jo Neumann “All Tri Sigmas are encouraged to think about participating in whatever alternative break programs that may be sponsored by their campuses. If you would like assistance in coordinating a trip, feel free to contact me.” — Kaye Schendel,

themselves into. But by the end of the week tears are flowing on the bus ride back to the airport as no one wants to leave. During each trip I ask the students to keep a journal of each day’s activities and their thoughts about each day. Their entries show the value of alternative spring break better than anything I can put into words (see insert). It is a week that changes lives: the students; the Jamaican people’s, and mine. Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi, the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life and Leadership Development at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Plattsburgh, who has led fraternity and sorority students from her campus on similar excursions, also feels that students get a rich and meaningful experience from these short, yet intense trips. (See accompanying story.) Cori Matthews, the Director of Service Learning and Volunteerism at SUNY–Plattsburgh states, “I think it is really exciting to see our fraternity and sorority community participate in alternative breaks. The intensity of an alternative break really solidifies the value of service in a hands-on, meaningful way.” The benefit of volunteering goes beyond the short term for these students. “The volunteer enthusiasm expressed by today’s college students could have long-lasting societal benefits,” said Robert Grimm, Jr., Director of Research and Policy Development at the Corporation for National and Community Service. “Just as the Greatest Generation was shaped by WWII and the Great Depression, the tragic events of the last few years coupled with growing university and K12 support for volunteering and service-learning have translated into more college students mentoring, tutoring, and engaging in their community in ways that could produce a lifetime habit.” Research backs Grimm’s thoughts as adults are twice as likely to volunteer if they began participating when they were students. The benefits of volunteering then go beyond the areas

directly affected by the students efforts and transform to the communities where these students settle and raise their families. Although student volunteering is growing faster than volunteering among any other age group, the growth of volunteering goes beyond students. More and more adults are forgoing their trips to the lake and instead joining others to help rebuild places such as the Gulf Coast. Just as with student volunteers, it is a win-win situation for the communities affected and the people involved. Maybe we as individuals can’t change the world, but we can change our corner of it. I cannot encourage everyone enough — students and adults alike — to participate in an alternative spring break or an alternative vacation. Many opportunities are available through schools, churches, and volunteer organizations. Take a minute and study some of the options. I guarantee it will be a week you will never forget!


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A Fraternity/Sorority Community’s ALTERNATIVE Approach toVacation By Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi, Director of Programs

The State University of New York at

Plattsburgh has hosted alternative break trips since the 1990s to give students a meaningful community service experience outside of their own community. In 2004 specialized trips for fraternity and sorority members were created. A fraternity graduate student and I came up with the idea for this trip while volunteering at the local Habitat for Humanity site. A year later, we led nine members on the first fraternity/sorority alternative spring break to Pursglove, West Virginia. I recently was part of the group’s fourth visit to that site. Up to 10 students attend the spring break visit to West Virginia to volunteer at The Shack Neighborhood House. During each day of this week-long visit, students participate in community outreach activities that vary each year. These have included making home renovations and repairs for the elderly or disabled, overhauling a deserted building into a coal-mining museum, and assisting The Shack with facility maintenance. Each afternoon, students assist with The Shack’s free after-school program that includes tutoring, crafts, snack break and playtime. A special treat during this trip is a visit to my parents’ house for dinner. During a van ride back from the Northeast Greek Leadership Association conference in 2006, I shared my experiences of this trip with the InterSorority Association officers (ISA). They asked if I had ever led any other

alternative break trips. In fact, I had served as a site leader on two non-Greek trips, including Plattsburgh State’s only international break to Nicaragua, a program that unfortunately was discontinued after that first visit. Upon their return to campus, the ISA officers scheduled a meeting with the Center for Service Learning and Volunteerism to inquire about reinstating the Nicaragua break. Because of their initiative and vision, SUNY-Plattsburgh offered its first fraternity/sorority alternative winter break to Managua, Nicaragua, in January, 2007. Nine members volunteered through the North Country Mission of Hope during the winter break trip to Nicaragua. This twoweek trip also included community outreach such as delivering rice and beans and clothing to the impoverished and helping with a traditional holiday festival for children. We also assisted with meals, activities, and playtime at a home for the mentally and physically disabled and worked stocking medicine and renovating a free medical clinic. There was even some time for side excursions to Nicaragua’s volcanoes and beaches! During these trips, students agree to remain substance-free in return to a

reduced-cost “vacation” to help others through service. Participants are selected from an interview process; however, the only qualification to apply is that they be a member of a fraternity or sorority. Since the inception of the fraternity/sorority alternative breaks program, almost 50 members have been able to make a significant impact through service. Each trip includes a group reflection component about the value of service in fraternities and sororities, which helps participants articulate the impact the break had on them. As one participant said, “There are so many things in life that can be shared with others. It’s no fun to keep them all to yourself. This trip served as an outlet to help others at their lowest time … and THAT has made all the difference in the world.” For more information on the sites referenced in this article, visit service/altbreaks.php, and

Playing with children at a free after school program at The Shack Neighborhood House in Pursglove, WV. Taking a side trip to Nicaragua’s volcanoes, lagoons and beaches. Volunteering at a center for the mentally and physically disabled in Managua, Nicaragua.

Building a deck for an elderly West Virginia woman.


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From Sisterhood to Motherhood

Sharing in Adoption and Single Parenting By Donna Dunn

Sisterhood bonded them together as college students, and motherhood created an unexpected fellowship. Lori Kincaid, Angela “Angie” Jent, and Constance “Connie” Gillette, all from Gamma Psi at Morehead State University in Kentucky, took different paths from college, yet all three became mothers through international adoption. Though each adopted from a different country and had vastly different experiences, they share a special connection as adoptive moms and single parents. Jent, called “Ange” by her Tri Sigma Sisters, graduated in 1986 and was pledge mom to Kincaid and Gillette, who graduated in 1987. The women had remained friends. As the years passed and Jent remained single, she began to think about her longing to become a mother. “I had gotten to a point in my life where I had done what I wanted to do and I just had this tug at my heart,” Jent said. A couple of friends who had adopted children from China gave her a book on the topic. At the time Jent, who is now a counselor at an elementary school in her hometown of Morehead, was living in Cincinnati. “The more I looked, the more I just felt like my purpose was to adopt my daughter,” she said. When Jent shared her adoption plans with her Gamma Psi Sisters, she said they “encouraged me to go ahead with it” and were “so excited for me.” “When I started doing this, they were at different places in their lives, but they would let me call and cry and complain,” Jent said. “I just wanted to get my daughter.” She waited two years for a referral for her daughter, experiencing slowdowns due to rule changes in China, the SARS epidemic and the 9/11 tragedy. “Having the support of girls that I had matured with and had grown up with really encouraged me,” Jent said.

Kincaid, a fundraiser for the University of Louisville in Louisville, KY, remembers the day she went to the airport to see Jent and her daughter, Alexandria, who is called Xandi, come home. “The most special time with Ange’s adoption for me was being at the airport to greet her and Xandi,” Kincaid said. “It was almost surreal. Xandi was so little, so innocent, so beautiful. You just knew what an incredible gift they had given to each other. “It was exciting seeing Ange go through this. It opened my eyes that this was possible, although it was nothing I had thought of personally,” Kincaid continued. As time passed and a biological child seemed less likely, Kincaid chose to adopt a child in India. She did not know that at the same time Connie Gillette was making a similar decision about adoption and looking to the Ukraine. “My adoption journey was long and difficult,” Kincaid said. “Having the support of my Sigma Sisters — both Ange and Connie along with a few others — was great. These are people who have known me my entire adult life. We ‘grew up’ together, and they were sharing with me the biggest thing I’ve ever done.” Jent even traveled with Kincaid to India to receive Kincaid’s daughter, Charity. At the same time, Kincaid and Gillette were providing each other moral support through the process. “With Connie, because she was in the midst of adopting from Ukraine while I was trying to maneuver India’s system,

Pictured left to right: Charity Kincaid from India, Xandi Jent from China, with Emma Gillette.

we basically compared notes,” Kincaid said. “It was good to have this person that I’ve known since we were 10 — we lived on the same street as kids — to experience this with.” While Gillette had known about Jent’s adoption, she said she did not know that Kincaid was considering adoption at the same time she was. Gillette, a public affairs officer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in their Charleston, SC, district office, had been divorced for eight years but still wanted to be a mother. After her divorce, she was working in Macedonia and visited a local orphanage. “I fell in love with these kids. I don’t think it had ever occurred to me to adopt internationally until then,” she said. “As the years went by and I didn’t get remarried, I thought, ‘I’m going to be a mom one way or another.’” Gillette said she chose the Ukraine because it seemed the

continues on next page Pictured left to right are Nina and Emma Gillette. Nina is from Russia, and Emma is from the Ukraine. Connie Gillette with Nina on left, and Emma, right.


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continued from page 5 most risky, at least at that time. Parents did not receive a referral (information about a specific child), they just received an appointment. “The whole thing happens while you’re there,” Gillette explained. She felt that because she is a risk taker she was well suited to adopt a child someone else might not consider. When she did get an appointment, the child chosen for her was 24 months old, weighed just 15 pounds, and was so ill she could not sit up without assistance. While still in the Ukraine and trying to decide what to do, Gillette consulted with six doctors. All said she should turn down the referral. She took their advice and told her representative that she could not accept the little girl. Back in her hotel room that night, Gillette began writing in her journal, “This is so hard but I know I’m doing.” Then she stopped and put the pen down. She said she did not know she was doing the right thing and spent a long, sleepless night reconsidering her decision. The next day she took a six-hour train ride to Kiev and brought another doctor back to the orphanage. The doctor concluded that the child was ill primarily due to institutionalization. Gillette accepted the little girl, Emma, and knew she was making the right decision. “It was a big gamble. But it’s always gamble (starting a family),” she said. “Even if you have a child there are no guarantees. Even if you have a healthy child there are no guarantees.” When Gillette and her little girl landed back in the United States, a team of doctors was waiting. With their care and a mother’s love, Emma began to improve almost immediately. She took her first steps when she was 28 months old. And though she still has some developmental delays, Emma has made huge leaps in her progress. Now at four Emma is also a big sister. Her mother decided to adopt again because she didn’t want Emma to be an only child. After contacting an international adoption agency about a child she had seen on, Gillette found out that the child had already been placed for adoption. But a


few months later, the agency contacted her about another toddler waiting to be adopted in Russia. The little girl, Nina, came home to Emma and her mother in late 2006. Last summer, just a few months before Gillette traveled to Russia, the three Sigmas and their daughters got together in Charleston. Though they live in different cities, they hope to get together at least once a year. They said that being able to talk with each other about being single adoptive parents is helpful and encouraging. “They’re very understanding,” said Jent. “Just having them at the same place that I am at this point in my life is very comforting and comfortable.” “Adopting as a single parent can be difficult because there’s not that spouse to lean on,” Kincaid said. “Having really good friends who had been through the process helped a great deal.” Along with their struggles, the women say they share many joys as mothers. “There may be some challenges to it, but when you’ve wanted to be a mom, it’s not a burden, it’s a privilege,” Gillette said.

They each hope that their stories might encourage other women to consider adoption. “There are so many children who need homes,” Kincaid said. “There are 11 million orphans in India alone. The thing I would like people, especially single women, to know is that they can adopt if they want to.” There are 143 million orphans in the world today, 13 million in sub-Saharan Africa, alone, according to Orphan’s Hope. Gillette added, “I hope that people who read this will be encouraged and know that adopting a child can be such a wonderful experience.” As her daughters get older, Gillette hopes they’ll look at her not as a single mom, but as a strong, loving woman who wanted them to be a family. Kincaid also thinks about the future of these little girls. “Sigma gave me and my friends great opportunities as collegians to grow in so many ways — leadership, service, relationships,” she said. “The friendships I made are a vital part of my life today. I bet Connie and Ange, like me, have already wondered if our girls will be Sigmas as well!”

International Adoption TOP COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

FY 2006

6,493 4,135 3,706 1,376 732 587 460 353 344 320 309 245 187 163 70 67 66 66 62 56


FY 2005

7,906 4,639 3,783 1,630 821 755 44 323 291 271 234 183 141 88 73 72 66 65 63 62


Source: U.S. Department of State Numbers based on IMMIGRANT VISAS ISSUED TO ORPHANS COMING TO THE U.S.

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ONLINE Auction Planned Always wanted to vacation in a condo across the street from the beach in Destin, Florida? Eager to show your support for Carrie Underwood? Yearning for the good life? Interested in an Alaskan fishing trip? Looking for a perfect Tri Sigma sweatshirt? You’ll find all these opportunities and more posted in the Foundation’s first on-line auction, which will run from May 15 to June 15 at 3:33 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. You can place your bid on 40 different items: fabulous vacation retreats, Carrie’s signed memorabilia, Vineyard Vines sportswear and totes, fabulous Alaskan holidays, clothing, jewelry, cosmetics, Longaberger baskets and much more. Auction items are available in all price ranges. Here’s how it works: If your e-mail is on file in the Tri Sigma database, you’ll receive an email with a link to Click on the “on-line auction” button, and you’ll see a site similar to other on-line auction sites. You can enter the site any time by going to the Tri Sigma Web site home page.

To bid on an item, you must register on the secure site, providing basic contact information and giving a credit card number to verify your identity and to secure any bid you make. Cards will NOT be charged without your final authorization if you are the high bidder. On June 15, promptly at 3:33 p.m. Eastern Toni Wisner, Daylight Time, the owner and operator auction site will be Hi Time Charters. closed for bidding, and Toni at the wheel. the high bidders will be Alaskan Holiday with notified by the Hi Time Charters, Foundation staff. At Juneau, AK that time the winners can make arrangements to pay for their items by check or credit card. The Foundation is grateful to the donors who have offered special merchandise and vacation homes for this brand-new fundraiser. Check out the site, forward it to your friends, and bid HIGH!

CONVENTION HAPPENINGS Golf Tournament Remember when golf was a man’s game? Deals were made and careers were jump-started on the course. The Foundation thinks that women have to be “golfliterate” too, and the Convention golf clinic can help you improve your game. Held at Nashville’s first-rate Hermitage Golf Course, named among the “Top Ten in the State” by Golf magazine, the clinic will help you learn the basics or improve your game in a relaxed atmosphere. Planned for Tuesday, June 26, right after Convention ends, the price is $75. To enroll call Nancy Benedict, Associate Director of Development, in the Foundation office at 540.459.4212 or email

Convention Walk Have you registered for the Foundation Convention Walk yet? Even if you don’t want to actually walk the two-mile course at the Sheraton Music City Hotel in Nashville, you can be a “sleep walker” and support your chapter’s delegate. Walkers must raise a minimum of $35 to participate. They will receive a free continental breakfast after the Walk, a t-shirt and other memorabilia.

To register or to support another walker, call the Foundation office at 540.459.4212 or go to Click on “Foundation,” then “Foundation Giving” at the top of the page, then “Online Giving Process.” A form will allow you to register or support walkers. The Convention Walk is brought to you by: Honorary Chairman: Mimi Brandt Hiner, Beta Xi Walk Committee Chairman: Sherry Sutton Curtiss, Epsilon Nu Planning Committee: Cj Havlik Donovan, Beta Lambda; Carol Ryckman Frost, Kappa; Emily Eure Ellis, Gamma Beta; Sam! Mills Farrell, Epsilon Theta; Beth Fisher, Zeta Rho.

Violet Tributes Convention delegates often sport tiny embroidered violets on their badges. This means that a gift to the Foundation was made in their honor by a friend or Sister who appreciates their work. For $5 you can recognize your chapter delegate or another Convention attendee. To make gifts, call the Foundation office or go to OnlineGivingProcess


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Dr. June Atkinson’s Wait Pays Off D

r. June St. Clair Atkinson, Alpha Theta, the first woman to serve as the North Carolina State Superintendent of Public Instruction, said she was prepared for her new role as the head of 115 school districts that teach 1.3 million public school students. A veteran educator, Dr. Atkinson said her training began in the Alpha Theta Chapter at Radford University. “Being part of the Sorority helped me to develop a sense of commitment, and through having been part of the group, I believe it helped me develop confidence and courage, the courage to take a risk.” Running for state office was a risk. Though she had never been part of a political campaign, Dr. Atkinson won the office of state superintendent in November 2004, but because the race was determined by only 8,535 votes, her opponent contested the race. In another first, the North Carolina General Assembly decided the election, voting in Dr. Atkinson 10 months after the race ended. Since August 2005, Dr. Atkinson has held her post and worked to better North Carolina schools. Because she served for

nearly 28 years (1976-2004) in the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, her new role as state superintendent brought few surprises. “You have to be prepared for the opportunity to present itself,” she explained. She recalls a conversation with a friend who has guided her. In discussing whether to pursue her doctorate, she told the friend that she had been very “lucky” to get the career breaks she had. Her friend said, “Being prepared helped you to become lucky.” Dr. Atkinson’s preparation to serve on the state level included making presentations to business and educational groups in 43 states and throughout North Carolina. She is past president of both the National Business Education Association and the Southern Regional Education Board's High Schools that Work. She was elected by her colleagues to represent them as President of the National Association of State Directors of Career and Technical Education Consortium. The author of numerous articles, Dr. Atkinson is also author of the books “Help with Computers” and “Exploring Business and Computer Careers.” Dr. Atkinson received a B.S. in Business Education from Radford University in 1969, an M.S. in Vocational and Technical Education from Virginia Tech in 1974, and a doctorate in Educational Leadership and

By Donna Ragsdale Dunn

Policy from North Carolina State University in 1996. A business educator for many years, Dr. Atkinson said she found that women aren’t always treated in the same manner as men, and she’s had to sometimes be more assertive or take a different tack to be successful. Knowing how to work in teams began, in part, with Tri Sigma. Dr. Atkinson values lessons learned in Tri Sigma, including knowledge of time management, project management, leadership and even the Greek alphabet. She still loves the color purple and can still wear her purple jumpsuit from her collegiate days. “One great thing about sororities is the opportunity to be surrounded by other women who can help develop individual confidence and courage and commitment,” Dr. Atkinson said. “Women are nurturers and they encourage. Encouraging words from other women have meant so much to me as I have worked in education.” Though 80 percent of North Carolina teachers are women, Dr. Atkinson is the first woman to head the state public education system. “I do think it’s important to have role models in leadership positions,” she said. “I am hoping that by my running for office, other women will step out and say that they want to run for state superintendent.”

Sarah Landrum Recognized by Working Mother Magazine By Donna Ragsdale Dunn

A creative approach to childcare and a healthy balance between work and home landed Sarah Landrum, Delta Chi, on the cover of Working Mother magazine in May 2006. As Director of Sponsorships and Promotions with the Brand Advertising Group at Capital One in Richmond, Va., Landrum traveled to New York to be recognized as one of the top 20 mothers in advertising when Working Mother approached her. They interviewed her and brought her back to New York for a photo shoot. “I’ve never had that many people focusing on me. Anyone can look good when they have that many professionals working on you,” she laughed. “This was my 15 minutes of fame.” Nominated by a colleague for the Working Mother honor, Landrum was humbled to be recognized.


“I said I’ve only been doing this a year, and I really shouldn’t be giving anyone advice,” she said.

Pictured left to right: Christopher, Turner, and Sarah Landrum

Landrum and her husband, Christopher, welcomed their son Turner into their lives in December 2004. The couple had attended the University of Virginia together, but they did not reconnect until

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Alison McGowan Completes Alison McGowan, Beta Kappa, completed the 60-mile, 3-day breast cancer walk in Arizona for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. She raised $2,600 for breast cancer awareness, and her team raised $63,000 overall. “I met so many interesting women throughout the last few months of training,” McGowan said. “I still can’t believe what I put my body through, but it was an incredible weekend and an amazing experience. “I took a photo of my feet on day three somewhere around mile 50 that will shock you,” she continued. “The feet were in bad

six years later when they both worked at Capital One, but in separate buildings. Landrum, who has been with Capital One for eight years, worked on their first national multimedia campaign, the Capital One No Hassle Island Giveaway. Her husband is an operations manager there. Capital One is recognized as one of the top 100 best places for women to work. Because of the company’s flexibility, Landrum is now able to work from home on Fridays, which she says does wonders for her work/home balance. “Just to take a conference call and have a load of laundry going … it just feels like I have more time,” she said. “I don’t know what I’d be doing if I didn’t work for Capital One because of the flexibility they have given me, and they trust that I will get the work done. They treat me like an adult.” Between her company’s flexibility and a strong support network of family and friends, Landrum was able to make the decision to go back to work after Turner’s

shape, but everyone was dealing with some sort of medical issue, and we all pushed through knowing the finish line was our goal.” Day two was particularly grueling, but she was lucky to have friends from work participating with her, and they all encouraged one another. “Now I have some incredible memories and a strange feeling of accomplishment that we actually completed this incredible, yet grueling, journey.” Sigma Love, Alison!

birth. Her sister had a baby three weeks before Turner was born and was willing to care for her nephew. Landrum paid her sister the same money she would have given to a day care center, allowing her sister the resources to stay home with both children. “It has been more ideal than either one of us expected it to be,” she said. “It has been a great fit for both of our families.” Turner is now two, and Landrum is expecting a daughter in April. Since her sister also just had a second child, she is working on a new childcare arrangement. “I realize from talking to the network of women in my life that everyone has a patchwork quilt sort of solutions,” Sarah said. “There’s Plan A, B and C. It’s never smooth, but it always comes together.” Sarah’s best friend in Richmond is a Tri Sigma, and she remains friends with others from Delta Chi. “I would definitely say the network of friends I’ve made have been great examples of how to be fantastic working mothers


Breast Cancer Walk

and how you can balance and how there are tradeoffs,” she said. “As a working mother, you have a lot to juggle, so it’s really important to surround yourself with fantastic people who can help you do it.”


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Becky Fitch:

Living all the Way With Stage IV Cancer By Barbara Victoria Colvert, Editor, The Triangle

“It is the only time in my life I’m


“Do you understand you have “I know that we talked mostly about the cancer, but I was wondering if you could happy I’m fat,” says Becky Fitch, a bigger problem than your switch the order and have the gift as the focus and then bring up the cancer,” says Becky Alpha Sigma. “If you looked at weight?” her doctor responded. Fitch, Alpha Sigma, who has been battling Stage IV colon cancer since the spring of 2005. me, you’d say, ‘She’s fine.‘” “I said to him, ‘Can we put So here’s the scoop. Fitch, who displays the wry this off until after Derby?’ I had a Two years ago Fitch didn’t feel she could answer the call for “Sixty for Sigma” to humor of a stand-up comedienne, student teacher, review for CATS donate $1,000 or more to the Foundation. is just fine in the way she is (Commonwealth accountability “I didn’t have $1,000, but I asked myself, what can I do?” standing up to Stage IV colon testing system ) and the CATS. It Three weeks after she was diagnosed with colon cancer she pledged $50 a month for cancer. But she is not well. just wasn’t a good time to be out the rest of her life to the Foundation. The news that rocked her world of school,” she adds. “Most of us waste $50 a month. I can do this,” she says simply. was handed down in the spring of Her thinking was, “I have The following year she pledged another $50 to her beloved alma mater, the 2005 when she entered the cancer. Next? I’m glad I didn’t University of Southern Mississippi. hospital on spring break for what understand how sick I was.” I have to remind her how remarkable she is in facing her disease and the debilitating should have been a straightforward The doctor had identified chemotherapy treatments that bring her to her knees every other week, how her Tri procedure. cancer immediately, but needed to Sigma Sisters deserve to hear her story. It was about her weight. know where it had originated in Okay, Becky, you’ve had it your way, now I have mine: here is the singular journey “I’ve always been a fat girl,” her system. A battery of tests on of one remarkable lady you can all be proud to call a Sister. She says it best. says Fitch, who grew up in Friday included an MRI and CT “You’re gonna love this!” — BVC Pensacola, FL, As an undergraduate scans. Afterwards, Fitch went at the University of Southern home, showered, and climbed into KY, what she was having done during spring Mississippi, she describes herself as young and bed for the rest of the weekend. On Monday break and that she would be back on cute. At 5 feet one inch she weighed between morning when she returned to school she Monday. No big deal. A battery of 125 and 135 pounds. In her junior year she had no lesson plans. preliminary tests revealed that her white joined the Alpha Sigma Chapter of Sigma “The teachers knew I went for the lap cells were slightly elevated, but she was Sigma Sigma, an experience that transformed band,” she states. “I told them, ‘I have not concerned. her college years and the years afterward. cancer.‘” She didn’t tell her students until the She checked in for the outpatient surgery After graduating in 1984 with a degree in last class. They wanted to know how she was on Wednesday, April 6, and was given a communications, Fitch moved to New Orleans doing. general anesthetic. Afterwards she woke up in 1988 where she worked in the hospitality “I closed the door and said, ‘Okay, but in a sour mood. She avows that general industry. The events and meetings she there are two conditions: If I cry, you don’t anesthetic makes her hateful, but she had coordinated usually revolved around food, and laugh, and you cannot gossip. You’re sworn also learned there was no lap band. The the once petite college girl saw her weight to secrecy.’” doctor said that he couldn’t proceed. skyrocket into a size 22 in just three years. The results of her tests determined that Angry and coughing from the anesthesia, From then on, Fitch’s weight yo-yoed. She she had Stage IV colon cancer. she got into her clothes and left the hospital lost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers, but the “On the day the tumor was removed from before having a final consultation with her pounds came back. By the time she reached my colon, my parents asked how serious it physician. She had an appointment the her early 40s, her doctor said she was a heart was. They were told I would be lucky if I was following morning at 7:30 to talk with him. attack waiting to happen. Or a stroke. At age alive at Labor Day, maybe Christmas if we “When my sister, Julie, realized that I had 43 she decided to take a different approach to were really lucky. But no one told me that not talked to Dr. Lusco, she was the one who weight control, opting for a “lap band.” As far until I was almost in remission,” Fitch explains. told me cancer was found and that I had an as she knew, her only health problem was her While polyps can take as long as 18 years appointment with Dr. Lusco on Thursday weight, and she needed help with that. to become cancerous, Fitch’s doctors believe morning,” Fitch explains. “When he got in “Gastric bypass never made sense,” she (and she agrees with them) that her cancer there, the liver was covered with tumors. He states. A “lap band,” on the other hand, is a had been growing for five years, since she biopsied them, checked my ovaries, cervix, twist tie around the stomach, an outpatient was 38. “When colon cancer is found early, everything he could physically feel. procedure that could be performed by the survival rate at 5 years is 90%,” Fitch “You’re gonna love this,” she adds — an laparoscopy. “It could be adjusted or explains. ”When it is found at Stage IV, expression she inserts quite often into removed. No one has ever died from it.” where I am, the odds of survival at five years conversation. “I asked him, ‘Am I gonna Her HMO determined that the surgery are less than five percent. If this was the die thin?’” was not elective. Derby, I’d be the Her weight was long shot and I am the Sigma sitting on the floor. Behind a health risk, you’d bet $2 me from left to right are Robin Reeves, Suzy Golden Ever the fan, Becky Fitch whoops it up at and the lap and yell, “Go and Paula Crooks Bateman. We were Seniors! USM's Homecoming in October 2006. band was Baby GO!” approved. Dates “My HMO become saved my milestones, life,” she such as April notes. 13, 2005, Fitch told when Fitch her eighth underwent a grade colonoscopy. students at “The last Newburg thing I said to Middle School my class was, in Louisville, ‘Okay, guys,

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Love is easy: family, friends, Sorority, students. Commitment is harder.” Becky Fitch, Alpha Sigma

Top 10 Colon Cancer Prevention Tips Colon cancer is one of the most common, and yet preventable, cancers. To help protect yourself and your loved ones from the disease, follow these ten colon cancer prevention tips. 1. Go to a doctor if you have any colon cancer symptoms. Usually, colon cancer doesn't have any symptoms. However, in the later stages, symptoms may include thin stools, cramping, unexplained weight loss, and bloody stools. 2. If you're 50 or older, schedule a colon cancer screening. Then actually go to the appointment. More than 90 percent of people diagnosed with colon cancer are 50 or older and the average age of diagnosis is 64. Research indicates that by age 50, one in four people have polyps (colon cancer precursors). Getting screened is an excellent colon cancer prevention method. 3. Eat a balanced diet. Diets high in fat and cholesterol (especially from animal sources) have been linked to increased colon cancer risk. High-fiber diets, however, have shown a protective effect. 4. Maintain a healthy weight. All other things equal, obese men seem to be more at risk for colon cancer than obese women. Also, certain body types seem to influence risk more than others. Studies indicate that extra fat in the waist (an apple shape) increases colon cancer risk more than extra fat in the thighs or hips (a pear shape). 5. Maintain an active lifestyle. Research indicates that exercising can reduce colon cancer risk by as much as 40 percent. Exercise also tends to reduce the incidence of other risk factors for colon cancer, like obesity and diabetes. 6. Consider genetic counseling. People who carry genetic mutations linked to hereditary colon cancer are the most likely to develop the disease. If someone in your family has FAP or HNPCC, or if you're of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, you should seriously consider adding genetic counseling to your colon cancer prevention plan. 7. Learn your family medical history. Did you know your family medical history can impact your chances of developing colon cancer? When discussing colon cancer prevention with your doctor, remember to mention if family members have had polyps or colon cancer. Other cancers (such as stomach, liver, and bone) may also be relevant. 8. Talk to a doctor about your personal medical history. As you may have guessed, discussing your own medical history is extremely important when it comes to colon cancer prevention. Sometimes we feel like doctors aren't interested in what we have to say, so we try to answer their questions as quickly and succinctly as possible. But it's all right — and advisable — to talk about your health history. Of particular concern are polyps, certain cancers, and chronic inflammation of the bowel - all of which can increase the risk of developing colon cancer. 9. Don't smoke. Yes, it's a risk factor for colon cancer too. Smoking increases your risk for two main reasons. First, inhaled or swallowed tobacco smoke transports carcinogens to the colon. Second, tobacco use appears to increase polyp size. 10. Reduce radiation exposure. Is radiation really relevant to colon cancer prevention? The short answer is yes. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, colon cancer has been caused by doses of about 1,000 millisieverts, the scientific unit of measurement for radiation dose. Common sources of radiation exposure include airplane travel, barium enema, chest X-ray, CT scans (abdomen, chest, head, whole body), dental X-ray, and mammogram. — Donna Myers, Your Guide to Colon Cancer Newsletter

According to her physician, radiation was impossible; her liver would disintegrate. A transplant was not an option either. Instead, one half of her liver was “bombed” with chemotherapy, an intense no-holds-barred regimen injected directly into the organ. In June, two months later, the other side was “bombed.” Afterwards she began chemotherapy, 50 hours a week, every other week, for eight rounds of treatments. The name of the treatment, 5-FU, was a hit with her eighth graders. By fall of 2005, the treatments had worked. Even her doctor was surprised by her response to the chemotherapy. She was almost in remission. By November 2005, her CEA (how cancer is measured with a blood test) number was a 3; remission is 2.5. In January 2006 her numbers began going up and by July chemo resumed. After 100 hours of chemo with the CEA number increasing, both sides of her liver were “bombed” again in early August. A new tumor was discovered in November when she noticed her side was hurting and felt a hard place. Her doctor determined that the cancer had spread to the muscle and bone around the ribs at the top of the rib cage. This time the tumor was “microwaved.” “My doctor has to use simple terms with me. When he uses the medical jargon, I ask him to translate into terms I understand,” Fitch says with characteristic humor. The rounds of chemotherapy resumed in February 2007, 50 hours one week and off the next. She told her class, “If I can get to school, I will be there. If not, I have a doctor’s appointment or I am sick.” The week before we conducted this interview she was ”as sick as I’ve been in a year.” When I could reach her after school the following week, she quipped, ”I’m home and I’m not vomiting. That’s a good thing!” This perspective is bolstered with positive reinforcement – a lot of it – she says. Of her eighth graders, Fitch says, “Cancer is part of their education. I have Jewish, Muslim, Hindu and Christian students. They are all praying for me!” For her family she maintains her wry sense of humor. Her sister, Julie, who, she says, wields a dark sense of humor, told her, “This cancer is not about you. It’s about us worrying about you. You’ve got to get over it!” “She is so funny and very supportive,” says Fitch. Becky Fitch also has the full support of her community and her beloved Tri Sigma Sisters. Last August she took part in Colon Cancer Prevention Walk and was joined in Louisville by colleagues, friends, and students. For the two-mile walk they wore t-shirts emblazoned with the name of their team, Cancer sucks! “Dei Connell, my Sorority Little Sister, flew in for the weekend from Las Vegas, just to walk with me. All told, we had the biggest group out there and came in second in fund raising.” Through it all Fitch moves forward — day by day, test by test, treatment by treatment — and has never asked: Why me? “I am very blessed. I have a supportive family, good friends, good doctors, a nation of

prayer warriors, and health insurance. Besides, I did this to myself,” she says as a matter of fact. “I’m the one who had the eating problem. I’ve eaten badly for years without exercising. Being fat can cause cancer.” She met four out of five risk factors for colon cancer and then adds, “I killed myself with a cookie! You cannot do what I did to myself my whole life and think there are no consequences!” Fitch also notes the symptoms that she either failed to heed or dismissed as insignificant. “I had a little blood in my stool, but I thought it was from hemorrhoids,” she notes. Fatigue was another symptom, but she told herself, “I teach; I finished my masters degree; Facts about I sponsored cheerleading; I Colon Cancer was involved with National • Colon cancer is the #2 killer History Day. Isn’t in the United States. everyone tired?” • Kills more people each year So how does a woman in the U.S. than AIDS and barely into mid-life face breast cancer combined; deadly odds each day? • Cancer takes five to 15 “My cancer is no longer years to develop from predictable,” Fitch says. “I polyps. Polyps are feel like a science fair growths found within the project. I’ve already lived colon. Screening tests are longer than originally designed to detect and remove polyps before predicted and longer than cancer develops. most people in Stage IV!” • Is without symptoms, Besides nurturing a that is why screening is healthy sense of humor, so important. Without Becky Fitch remains focused proper screening, one in 17 on positives. people will get colon cancer “I have a very good in their lifetime. life,” she says emphatically. Approximately 130,000 new cases are expected to be “I am so blessed! diagnosed this year; “I have friends, family, a • A family history of colon career I like, well, most polyps or colon cancer days,” she says laughing. “I increases your risk by 2-4 have a cute doctor.” More fold. (If BOTH parents have laughing. polyps, the offspring are more ”He’s Harvard likely to develop colon cancer educated.” at an early age. This proved to be true for Becky Fitch.) She also continues taking care of the people • Does not discriminate who have taken care of her. between men and women or races. “Cancer has made everything very, very clear,” • Almost 75% of all new cases of colon cancer occur in she says. people with no symptoms or Which brings us back to no family history. the philanthropy of • Affects more than 13,000 Becky Fitch. people under the age of 50 ”Tri Sigma was a very years old each year. (This positive experience for me. number is expected to If my little $600 a year can increase as the number of assure that some future obese Americans increase) Sigma will have the same • Has a 90% treatable rate positive experience I did, it’s when detected early before symptoms develop. worth it! I hope that the money will help assure a • Regular screening for colon collegian of that very Sigma cancer should begin at age 50 unless you are high risk, experience. in which case screening “Love is easy: family, should begin earlier. friends, Sorority, students. • Risk factors associated with Commitment is harder,” colon cancer include family she adds. history of colon cancer, diet This Alpha Sigma has low in vegetables, excessive never attended Convention, alcohol use, tobacco use, but she has every intention obesity, and sedentary “inactive” lifestyle. of being there in June. So look for her in Nashville! Sigma Love, Becky!


I’m not here tomorrow. I’m going to have these tests. But all of you think really good thoughts. I’ll be back on Wednesday.’ I returned six weeks later and told them ‘I guess I should have been more specific about which Wednesday!‘” The colonoscopy revealed the presence of a tumor, and half of her colon was removed that day. Afterwards she did not require a colostomy bag, but in the space of one week, Becky Fritch’s life had changed course entirely. Her condition remained extremely serious when she returned to school. Cancer had traveled from her colon to her liver and lungs. She caught a touch of pneumonia. In a matter of weeks her liver could shut down, throwing her into an irrevocable coma.


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Margaret Fields Celebrates Two Decades at Headquarters After a year of college at Lord Fairfax Community College and working for a year, Woodstock native Margaret Fields learned of a job opening at Sigma Sigma Sigma National Headquarters through a friend of her mother. She decided to look into it, liked what she saw, and was hired by Jane Kinderman, then the Executive Secretary. That was two decades ago, and in some ways Fields can hardly believe it. “People come and go,” she says. “I guess I’m just a loyal person.” Loyal, indeed. “I started doing address changes and administrative duties,” says Fields, a Woodstock native and a 1985 graduate of Central High School. “There were six people plus Jane at the time.” She moved on to become Collegiate Membership Coordinator handling chapter installations, badge orders, etc. Next she worked as Director of Collegiate Chapter Services and was made a National Officer. Today she serves as Office Manager and Technical Coordinator, trouble shooting technical problems. That is testimony to

how much the workplace has changed from the Rolodex files to the advent of computer technology. She works with an IT person who, for the most part, can walk her through the problems that arise. She keeps her hand in working with collegiate concerns. Though she was aware of other job opportunities in her early years, her loyalty took a firm hold, and in 1993 she became an Alumna Initiate of the Alpha Upsilon Chapter at James Madison University. Her loyalty didn’t stop there. By the time of her initiation, her mother, Lois Dellinger, was working at Headquarters as

Margaret Fields —THEN with Jane Kinderman, and NOW at her Heqdquarters post.

By Barbara Victoria Colvert, Editor, The Triangle

assistant bookkeeper, after serving as an aide in the Special Education Program and working in the summer with the Forever Sigma program. Like her daughter, Lois Dellinger also developed a bond with Tri Sigma and became an Alumna Initiate. There is more. Margaret Fields’ grandmother, Evelyn Ludwig, also worked at Headquarters as a word processing assistant for about two years in the early 1990s, managing the voluminous correspondence that accompanies the management of the National Organization. Fields remains firmly rooted in the management and spirit of Tri Sigma and was thrilled when her co-workers, Dianna Jett, Theresa Taylor, and Kim Guinn, became Alumnae Initiates last spring. “I love this place!” Fields says with enthusiasm. “There’s no other way to say it. I can’t imagine working anywhere else. I’ve been here half of my life. “I’m the next Jane Kinderman,” she adds. “I’ll be here as long as she was!” Tri Sigma Headquarters should be so fortunate! Sigma Love, Margaret!

Allison Swick-Duttine Receives AFA Award During their 2006 annual meeting in New Orleans, LA, Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi and Director of Programs, received the Outstanding Volunteer Award from the Association of Fraternity Advisors. The Outstanding Volunteer Award recognizes members who have exceeded expectations in their service to the Association. These individuals have been integral in implementing the Association’s strategic plan, have followed through with commitments, and have made achievements beyond the scope of their position descriptions. Allison Swick-Duttine is the Director of Fraternity/Sorority Life and Leadership

Development at SUNY-Plattsburgh. She has served AFA as the Editor of Perspectives, a quarterly magazine, for two years. For her nomination she was described as “consistent; always completing pre-determined objectives; the first to respond to requests for one-on-one phone meetings, and thorough and timely in following up on her established communication plan. This truly makes her an outstanding volunteer.” The Association of Fraternity Advisors (AFA) is a professional organization that represents more than 1,400 fraternity and sorority professionals from across the United States and Canada.

Kelly Jo Karnes, Pi, Executive Vice President of AFA; Beth Deines, Beta Kappa, Membership Development Vice President; and Allison Swick-Duttine, Psi, Director of Programs.


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Tracy Maury Sary, Gamma Beta

During the travels, I remember sleeping in a lot of different beds and eating a lot of pizza! 1. What do you remember most from 2. Have you stayed in touch with the women traveling as a consultant? All of the you met on the road and with whom you wonderful Tri Sigma women I met and traveled? Yes! the friendships I made. 3. What skills did you learn during your year 2. Have you stayed in touch with the as a consultant that have served you well in women you met on the road and with your career? When you’re traveling, you are whom you traveled? I have kept in touch in so many different places and face so many with Tara, Jenni, Andrea (Andrea and I different situations that you have to learn to serve as Area Directors together) and make yourself comfortable in a short period Talia. Pictured left to right at Leadership Consultant training of time. Now I am able to face most situations are Tara Jackson, Talia Sturgeon, Andrea Patterson, 3. What skills did you learn during your year and not be anxious or afraid. It also teaches you Jennifer Duke, Tracy Maury and Nicole Dewater. as a consultant that have served you well in to become a very detail-oriented person. This is your career? I became a much more one of the most important skills in any career. independent person and learned not only to think on my feet but to 4. What are you doing professionally? I am working on Hilton Head speak publicly. I can now do a presentation in front of anyone and it Island as an accounting manager for a tour and destination doesn’t faze me. I also learned how to fine tune my time management company. I have been with my company for eight years. management skills and have a greater appreciation for the Last year I took classes and am completing an apprenticeship to uniqueness of each part of our country. become a certified residential appraiser. My husband has owned his 4. What are you doing professionally? I am a Service Manager for own appraisal company for several years so it just made sense. AT&T where I have been since I came off the road in 1998. My Personally? My husband and I have been busy buying and selling real primary responsibilities include supporting large enterprise customers estate in the Hilton Head Island area of South Carolina for the past with their service experience from service delivery, maintenance and eight years. We moved into our dream home in the spring of last year. billing. I work as a liaison between the different entities in AT&T to Now that we’ve found the house we plan on staying in, we hope to ensure that all of a customer’s problems are resolved efficiently and focus on starting a family within the next year or two. I am also the effectively. president-elect of my Zonta Club. Zonta is an international women’s Personally? I have been married to my husband, Chad, for a little organization whose mission is to promote the status of women more than six years. We have one son, Benjamin, who will be two in worldwide. We raise money for women’s charities and issues and March. We live in Wake Forest, NC, just outside of Raleigh. I spend a lot of time volunteering in the community. graduated in December with my MBA from East Carolina University. 5. How are you still involved with Tri Sigma today? I’m sorry to say that 5. How are you still involved with Tri Sigma today? After traveling as a I am not as involved as I’d like to be with Tri Sigma. However, I still Leadership Consultant, I became an Advisor-at-Large for Delta Delta keep in touch with the consultants and a lot of Sisters from my Chapter at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and then chapter and have met quite a few alumnae in the South Carolina area. became their Financial Advisor. In 2000 I was appointed as a 6. What advice would you give today’s Leadership Consultants? When you Collegiate Coordinator, and in 2003 I became the Colony are going through it, it feels like it will never end, but when you look Coordinator. In 2004 I was appointed to serve as Area Director for the back, it really goes by in the blink of an eye. Enjoy the experience — all of Southeast, which I am still doing. it — the ups along with the downs. There will be plenty of both! 6. What advice would you give today’s Leadership Consultants? Savor 7. Why did you want to become a consultant? I became a consultant every moment! This job is a wonderful experience and a great definitely for the allure of all the travel. Did someone influence you? opportunity to begin to give back to an organization that has given Yes, one of my best friends from college, Dori Sabiston, was a us each so much and helped shape who we all are today. consultant in 1995-96. I really admired her for doing it, so I applied. 7. Why did you want to become a consultant? Did someone influence 8. What was the most rewarding experience during your traveling year? you? I became a consultant because I wanted to give back something There was no one rewarding experience. I would have to say the to an organization that has made me who I am today. I wanted other rewarding aspect as a whole was the relationships I formed with the women across the U.S. to feel the same love and passion I do for this women I traveled with and with the women at the chapters I visited. If organization, and being a consultant was one way I got to touch any of the women I visited remembers me and wants to drop me a many lives. I would say my influence came mainly from Jennifer line, please email me at Giffen (who was our CC while I was in school) and a Leadership Consultant, Natalie Babin from Gamma Pi, who visited our chapter. Andrea Patterson Provenzano, Beta Upsilon 8. What was the most rewarding experience during your traveling 1. What do you remember most from traveling as a consultant? I year? I came from a chapter that took Ritual lightly, to say it best. enjoyed meeting so many people, and every place I traveled was a One of my first visits was to Gamma Psi at Morehead State University new adventure! in Kentucky. This chapter was continually pledging New Members, 2. Have you stayed in touch with the women you met on the road and and as a result they held many Arc Degrees. I happened to be there with whom you traveled? Yes, I keep in touch with Tracy Maury Sary for one of them. I was absolutely amazed when I saw their president and Tara Jackson Burton on a regular basis. I consider them among my conduct the entire Ritual from memory. She looked at each New closest Sigma friends. Member the entire time as she said the words, and it was like she and that New Member were the only two people there. What an 3. What skills did you learn during your year as a consultant that have awesome first Ritual experience those New Members must have had. served you well in your career? The ability to be flexible and adapt to And I was amazed that someone had taken that much time to different situations and personalities. memorize the Ritual in order to make it very special for someone else. 4. What are you doing professionally? I am currently working as a It was the most beautiful ceremony I have ever seen and really made manager in retail. me appreciate what our Ritual was meant to be and feel like when Personally? I got married in 2005; my husband and I are hoping to our Founders created it over 100 years ago. start our family very soon! When I’m not working, I am spending time with friends and family, volunteering for Tri Sigma, exercising, or Jennifer Duke Pirtle, Beta Delta reading. My favorite way to spend time in the fall is attending Penn 1. What do you remember most from traveling as a consultant? When I State football games. think back to traveling as a Leadership Consultant, I think of the 5. How are you still involved with Tri Sigma today? I am still very training at Walton House. All of the new consultants had so much involved with Tri Sigma; I currently serve in the Collegiate Department fun meeting each other and bonding. It was a great experience. as the Area Director for the Northeast.

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continued from page 13 6. What advice would you give today’s Leadership Consultants? Take this time to learn as much as you can about yourself, how you interact with others, and what special skills you can share with the world! 7. Why did you want to become a consultant? Did someone influence you? My collegiate experience in Tri Sigma made me a more confident woman. I developed strong problem-solving and communication skills. I wanted to share my love and dedication for Tri Sigma with others. I was definitely influenced by two very important Tri Sigmas: Jennifer Giffen Vandersen and Jeanne Johnson. Jennifer was a Chapter Consultant who visited my chapter and recruited me to join. She was a positive role model who influenced my decision to apply. Jeanne Johnson, past Collegiate Vice President, initiated me and has been a mentor to me for many years. They both will always be very special to me. 8. What was the most rewarding experience during your traveling year? Traveling to Alaska and being part of the colonization and installation for Eta Zeta Chapter in Anchorage. It was such a fun experience traveling to Alaska, colonizing a brand new chapter, and meeting such amazing women.

Talia Sturgeon Young, Alpha Nu 1. What do you remember most from traveling as a consultant? I remember meeting so many wonderful women. Every chapter was so diverse. There are so many memories it’s hard to pick one, from receiving Circle Degree at Walton House to installing a chapter at Lynn University. 2. Have you stayed in touch with the women you met on the road and with whom you traveled? I’ve kept in touch with the other consultants. Training at Walton House really helped us form a bond. 3. What skills did you learn during your year as a consultant that have served you well in your career? Time management was a skill I strengthened during my year of consulting. There were always many things to accomplish on a visit so you had to make the most of your time. Multi-tasking was another skill that really helped me when I started working. 4. What are you doing professionally? Personally? I am taking time off from teaching to raise my daughter. She was born this August. 5. How are you still involved with Tri Sigma today? I am not currently holding any offices, but I try to keep in touch with my collegiate Sisters as often as possible. 6. What advice would you give today’s Leadership Consultants? Make the most out of an amazing opportunity. 7. Why did you want to become a consultant? Did someone influence you? I wanted to become a consultant because I wanted to give back to the sorority. I had learned so much during my collegiate years, and I wanted to be able to pass on some of what I learned to other chapters. I also wanted to see what Tri Sigmas were like at other

chapters. Many outstanding consultants who visited my chapter really gave us confidence and made us proud to be Tri Sigmas. I wanted to do the same for other women. 8. What was the most rewarding experience during your traveling year? Connecting with Tri Sigmas from around the country. I met so many amazing women. You would arrive as a stranger but leave as a Sister. Also, leaving a chapter and seeing their confidence boosted because of a conversation you had or advice you gave.

Tara Jackson Burton, Alpha Omicron 1. What do you remember most from traveling as a consultant? As silly as it sounds, the first thing that pops into mind is always to wear my lipstick, per Jeanne Johnson. And I do!!! 2. Have you stayed in touch with the women you met on the road and with whom you traveled? I can go for months without talking to the women I traveled with, but then we can pick up as if it were yesterday. They are very, very special to me and have been there for me during times of great happiness and great sadness. 3. What skills did you learn during your year as a consultant that have served you well in your career? The year I traveled taught me a lot about professionalism that I use a great deal now. I like to think that Tri Sigma helped my public speaking skills and taught me how to work with a variety of personalities at the same time. That year put me in some stressful situations, but I am better for knowing how to handle myself in unusual circumstances. 4. What are you doing professionally? Personally? I am a Compliance Officer for FEDEX Employees Credit Association. I live in Memphis, TN, with my husband, John. We are expecting our first child, Emmy Ruth, in February. 5. Are you still involved with Tri Sigma today? Sadly, no, but I hope to get back on track soon! 6. What advice would you give today’s Leadership Consultants? Don’t ever forget the impression you could be making on our collegiate Sisters. Not only are your positive characteristics and actions seen by others, you don’t ever want to be remembered in a negative way — make the most of it! 7. Why did you want to become a consultant? Did someone influence you? I wanted to BE Angie Carr when I was in college so continuing as a consultant after college was the only natural next step! She and my Chapter Advisor, Donna Caldwell, were so encouraging and influential. They both continue to be good friends. 8. What was the most rewarding experience during your traveling year? The installation of Eta Epsilon Chapter at Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota, FL, was by far the most rewarding experience. I was able to be a part of the entire process from colonization to installation. Watching these woman learn about our Sorority and become initiated Sisters was phenomenal. Receiving the Circle Degree at Walton House was pretty amazing as well.

BERKANA INSTITUTE Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority, in conjunction with The Berkana Institute, is proud to sponsor a unique leadership experience for women. You are invited to join us for the Women’s Leadership Revival Tour, an opportunity to reflect individually and collectively about where we as women can most meaningfully offer our leadership. The event will be held on Friday, June 22, 2007, 1– 4 p.m. at the Sheraton Music City Hotel, 777 McGavock Pike in Nashville, TN. The program will be led by Margaret J. Wheatley, author of several leadership books including “Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future” and “Finding Our Way: Leadership for an Uncertain Time.” Wheatley believes that a leader is anyone who wants to help, and that we can create change in our world if we begin to talk about the things we most care about. Her beliefs and ideas are drawn from working with women around the world — rich and poor, young and old — who have stepped forward and made significant contributions to their communities. They have offered the gift of their leadership. With this partnership between Tri Sigma and the Berkana Institute, Wheatley hopes to inspire you to offer the gift of yours. Wheatley’s stories and photos will set the stage for participants to be in meaningful conversations. After her presentation, we will gather in intimate circles to explore our personal power and leadership capacity and to re-imagine how, as women leaders, we can contribute to the issues most important to us. The Women’s Leadership Revival Tour promises to be a wonderful gathering that will stimulate your curiosity about where your own leadership can be of most benefit and inspire you to offer it in service to the needs of this time. The cost to participate in this program is $85, which will include refreshments. Two registration specials are available:

Buy 4, Get 1 Free: Create your own scholarship for a friend who needs some financial help to come. If you buy four tickets, the fifth is free.

Mother/Daughter Discount: Would you like to bring your daughter or mother to the Tour? Take advantage of our mother/daughter discount and get one ticket for halfprice when you buy your tickets together.


All tickets may be purchased online at For more information about the Women’s Leadership Revival Tour, contact Allison Swick-Duttine, Sigma Sigma Sigma Director of Programs at Come join us in exploring your personal power and leadership capacity. Re-imagine your work. Rekindle your resolve as a leader.

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Submitted by

Interim Session With the theme NPC: Helping Women

Release Figure Methodology

Grow, Give, Lead and Succeed, the National Panhellenic Conference held its Interim Session Oct. 20-21, 2006, at the Indianapolis Downtown Marriott. The purpose of the Interim Session is to provide time for the board of directors, committee chairmen and committees to meet and to conduct business that comes before the conference.

The Release Figure Methodology (RFM) was another major discussion topic. This method for calculating release figures (now known as carry figures) is used during formal recruitment. After several years of research, an NPC committee developed a formula designed to maximize the number of chapters achieving quota as well as placing the maximum number of potential new members (PNMs) through bid matching. This RFM is designed to provide more realistic expectations to PNMs going through recruitment, to assist all NPC groups on a campus in meeting quota, and to maximize the percentage of PNMs who begin new-member programs. The RFM is being used on more than 285 campuses now, with more being added every year.

Strategic plan This meeting was also structured to allow time to work on the NPC strategic plan, adopted at the 2005 Biennial Session. All aspects of NPC are being reviewed to be certain the needs of its member groups are being met as reflected in NPC’s mission and vision statements. Strategic plan task forces have been working throughout the year on specific objectives of the plan. During the Interim Meeting, delegation members held numerous discussions on NPC’s long-range plan and strategies for accomplishing the objectives. A town halltype meeting also provided an opportunity for delegations to discuss extension, recruitment and NPC’s long-range goals.

Enhanced relationships Josette Kaufman, Phi Sigma Sigma, chairman of the Long-Range Planning Committee, hosted a panel discussion on enhanced relationships. Participants were Marc Katz, president of the NorthAmerican Interfraternity Conference; Kyle Pendleton, president-elect of the Association of Fraternity Advisors; Bob Biggs, president of the Fraternity Executives Association; Dick McKaig, vice president of student affairs, Indiana University; and Betty Quick, Gamma Phi Beta, NPC chairman. Panel members described their organizations and their relationships with NPC and other interfraternal groups. They also described trends in their organizations, the most notable of which are membership growth in their collegiate chapters, cultural diversity and the emergence of multicultural Greek-letter organizations. Panel members were also highly complimentary of their interactions with NPC.

“Something of Value” NPC’s “Something of Value” program has entered its second decade and will be presented on 15 campuses during the 2006-2007 academic year. The program is designed to help collegiate members review their values and determine if their actions reflect those values. “Something of Value” has been presented on well over 100 campuses, reaching more than 10,000 women. The program is funded by the NPC Foundation through an endowment established by Alpha Omicron Pi and Kappa Delta as well as through the generous contributions of Alpha Gamma Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma and other individuals and groups.

Resolutions NPC adopted four resolutions during the Interim Session. Three resolutions address internal NPC operations. Unanimous Agreement VII, Section 4A (Judicial Process) was amended. The resolution was distributed to Alumnae and College Panhellenics in November.

Honors and tributes Barbara Laederach, Delta Gamma, was recognized for her 34 years of service to NPC with a certificate of appreciation. Kappa Delta Sorority also presented Barbara with the Kappa Delta Order of the Diamond, an honor given to

Carole Bicking Keily, Alpha Sigma Tau Third Alternate Delegate

members of the fraternity/sorority world who have contributed to the betterment and furtherance of the Greek experience for everyone. Kathryn Goddard, Alpha Delta Pi international president, presented a tribute to Margaret Anne Bundy, past international president of Alpha Delta Pi and a long-time member of its delegation.



National Panhellenic Conference 2006

New Panhellenics NPC recognized two new College Panhellenics: Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, and Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA, and two new Alumnae Panhellenics: Lamar County and Tyler Area, both in Texas.

College Housing Infrastructure Act It was reported that over 250 sorority and fraternity alumni and collegians attended Capitol Hill Days to support the College Housing Infrastructure Act. This act will change the tax code to allow sorority and fraternity house corporations to make lifesafety upgrades with tax-deductible dollars.

Facts and figures 2005-2006 NPC facts: • 3,855,350 initiated alumnae and collegiate members • 82,439 newly initiated members • 2,922 undergraduate chapters on over 600 campuses • 4,560 alumnae chapters • 209 Alumnae Panhellenics NPC draws on the expertise and experience of its members to further the goals of the conference. These dedicated women are committed to assisting collegiate and alumnae members achieve the highest ideals of fraternity membership. For more information, contact a member of your organization’s NPC delegation. The NPC Biennial Session is slated for Oct. 25-28, 2007, at the Westin North Shores Hotel in Chicago.


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Sigmas with Interesting Jobs

In Mid-Life, Mary Tobin Finds Her Niche By Donna Ragsdale Dunn

Mary Tobin, Beta Epsilon, speaks quickly, and the litany of countries visited, galleries exhibited and degrees earned begin to blur. Much like her photographs, Mary’s life eludes label or boundary. “I discovered art in my late 40s. Prior to that I taught college, wrote humor, directed marketing and creative services for a corporation, built libraries around the country, and acquired two graduate and two undergraduate degrees,” she says. Now a noted Chicago-based fine art photographer, Tobin (known as M.V. Tobin in art circles) has had five solo exhibitions and more than 20 group shows, has received numerous awards, and has been a frequent Chicago newspaper “Art Pick of the Week” recipient. She is in the Midwest Photographers Project at the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago. (See Tobin, who received her B.A. in English in 1969 from Western Illinois University where she served as President of Beta Epsilon Chapter, has gone on to earn a M.A.L.S. from Dominican University, an M.B.A. from Dominican, and, most recently, a B.F.A. from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She also has a degree from the Gemological Institute of the Americas. “I really believe in education, and I believe if people are driven to learn, something fantastic can happen,” she says. Once the Vice President of Marketing, Art and Creative Services for Recycled Paper Greetings, Inc. in Chicago (1981–1990), Tobin worked with 150 freelance artists, including noted children’s author Sandra


Boynton. Before that she ran a retail store, and taught college classes across the country in how to build libraries, and served as chief librarian for the Downers Grove Public Library in Illinois,. “Everything I’ve ever done is building something,” she summarizes. Once she’s achieved a goal, she generally moves on to the next challenge. The exception to that rule is Tri Sigma. Tobin continues to serve on the Scholarship Committee and helped head up the “3 Sigmas Team” that raised the most money for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk in memory of Marigale Briggs. She says she got into photography after losing an arm-wrestling match with an art teacher. The teacher challenged her to put together an exhibition of her work, and Tobin wound up showing 12 exhibits within one year. “What I really enjoy is the type of art where there’s a lot of chance involved.” Not one to use a digital camera, Tobin says she likes the element of surprise in using film and exposing it multiple times. She frequently uses non-traditional methods and alternative photography apparatuses, such as toy and pinhole cameras. “Film is shot and re-shot, and original meanings are untethered from their moorings,” she says on her Museum of Contemporary Photography page. “Frames fragment, float and wander. Repressed layers disturb order and presentation, and enigmas appear.” With all the mastery she has demonstrated in every career she has ever tried, Mary Tobin is that rare individual whose pursuit of excellence led her to work she was meant to do and truly loves. Which only proves it is never too late to try.

Sigmas with Interesting Jobs

SAM! Farrell: Personal and Professional Force of Energy! By Donna Ragsdale Dunn

As Stephanie A. “SAM!” Mills fairly bounced off the walls to pump up her Sisters of Epsilon Theta Chapter for recruitment, someone wrote on her nametag: “SAM!” She’s been “SAM!” ever since. “It’s my own little marketing tool for myself,” she says. “It says something about my personality.” Indeed. SAM! — now SAM! Farrell — has parlayed that energy and contagious personality into a successful career with Kforce Professional Staffing, where she serves as Group President for Health Information Management. Kforce recently recognized Farrell’s group as the winner of the company’s internal Race for the Cup. She was also recently quoted in an article on careers in Real Simple magazine. SAM! Farrell’s career path to Kforce began with a year as a Leadership Consultant with Tri Sigma after her 1993 graduation from Oglethorpe University in Atlanta. Next, with her education degree in hand, she taught in an inner-city public school. “I lasted one year. I had such different expectations, and the school system I was in and the school I was in, I felt I was disciplining more than teaching.” She then began working as a temp in a sales organization. “Sales is really like recruitment,” she said, “and I thought, ‘I can talk to a brick wall.’” She found her way to Tampa, FL, and said, “No one would give me a chance.”

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Stephanie Corona Manages Motherhood and a Construction Site By Donna Ragsdale Dunn

The sons of Stephanie Acton Corona,

Today, she also serves as one of three She remembers going on the job site chapter advisors for Omicron. when she was pregnant and how supportive “I enjoy working the men were. They even celebrated with a with them and talking baby shower. with them,” Corona Stephanie Corona was no stranger to a said. “They’re actually construction site when she joined Skanska. inspirational to me.” From the fourth generation in her family in She affirms that plumbing and heating, she went straight into her own experience as the family business after high school. Her a collegian helped to parents had to convince her to leave it and go shape her as a leader. back to school. “I learned how to “All the traditional things for women I do that being in a wasn’t really interested in,” she said. “But my sorority,” Corona said. dad said, ‘Go back and get your college “I learned how to degree and then you can do whatever you conduct a meeting … want to in life.’” time management, She began attending Eastern Michigan money. Honestly, pretty much everything I do, University, but still lacked direction. as far as management, I learned in “It was the Sorority that made me stay in the Sorority.” school. I liked it so much it made me stay,” she said of Omicron Chapter. Through sorority life she met her fraternity big brother who was a construction management major. Corona said she had never heard of Editor’s Note: We are always the major when he invited her to glad to hear from The Sigma Heart! Enjoy the following letter come hear a talk on it. from Jane-Amy Blue, Alpha She declared her major and graduated in 1996. In the meantime, My Sigma Sisters, she served as Omicron Chapter After reading the inspirational letters that were printed in the spring president and attended her first 2006 issue of The Triangle I was motivated to write one of my own. Growing up in a turbulent household, ending up in foster care, I never national Convention in 1995. She dreamed I’d become the confident, happy and well-balanced woman I am has gone to Convention ever since. today. I have Sigma and my Sisters of Alpha to thank for that. Corona is a firm supporter of the When I came to college I felt like I had a huge hole in my life. I’d Foundation and is proud that her watch classmates call their parents when they got a bad grade or were alumnae chapter, Western Waynejust missing home, and I’d feel so lonely and unsupported. Washtenaw, recently received a grant I joined Tri Sigma my sophomore year because I wanted more friends. to help create a therapy room at the I never imagined I would get a family and the gap in my life would be local Girls Town shelter. filled with the traditions, history, discipline, growth, love and sense of belonging and purpose that comes from being a member of Sigma. As great as things were, I worried that when I graduated and left Longwood I would no longer feel like a part of the Alpha family. I count position. She also says to be sure to put my blessings everyday that this has not been the case. My Sisters always make a point to invite me to whatever the chapter is up to. I even had your sorority experience on your résumé. the opportunity to go to Woodstock last spring and form bonds with the “It shows your ability to function in a newest Sisters. group setting. And every company is looking The best part of being an alumna is the sense of pride I feel for that.” watching Alpha move Ever Forward, increasing their GPA, service, and Farrell remains active with Tri Sigma as a recruitment efforts. member of the Foundation Board and as I will never be able to repay Sigma for the impact it has had on my part of the Tampa Bay Area Alumnae life, but I hope this letter will help others remember all the positive Chapter. In her community, she serves as the effects Tri Sigma has had on their lives. Even if it’s not as dramatic as Chair of the Board of Trustees for a mine, every Sister owes a Thank You to Sigma. — Jane-Amy Blue, 14003 Seven Oaks Court, Midlothian, VA 23112 domestic violence shelter in Tampa. Married two years, her husband, Scott Farrell, recently ran for Congress. Though You never know who you are going to meet… he didn’t win, she said it was a “fabulous Julie Lammel, Alpha Sigma and the Nashville Alumnae, was riding a experience.” shuttle bus during the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s Another wonderful experience was national convention, and heard the woman in front of her say, “My fourhelping her mother and grandmother year-old daughter just said she wants to be a Tri Sigma like Mommy.” become Tri Sigma alumnae initiates. Julie tapped the woman on her shoulder and introduced herself. “To me, Tri Sigma as been such a positive Seems she was riding with Sherry Sutton Curtiss, Epsilon Nu, and National experience in my life. I felt like the people I Ritual Director. Talk soon moved to the Nashville Convention and other cared about the most should be involved,” Sigma memories. A chance encounter brought a great new friendship that she said. “When the opportunity to get will be rekindled in June in Nashville. them involved came along, I couldn’t pass 17 that up.”

Omicron, Austin, 7, and Nicholas, 5, are as interested in bulldozers and excavators as any youngsters, but unlike most, they have a mom who directs construction equipment each day. As project manager for Skanska, an international construction group, in Detroit, Corona recently led a team to build an upper Michigan casino valued at $40 million. She’s currently working on a second casino in Detroit. She’s helped to build schools, libraries and assisted living facilities. “I enjoy it because I like to see something start from the beginning and see it grow,” she said. “To see people use your final product is very satisfying.” She handles scheduling, budgeting, staffing and all aspects of a construction project, and not just from an office. “This is just one of those jobs that has to be 100 percent hands-on,” Corona said. “I try to get to the site once a day, and walk through and see what’s happening. Then we sit down as a team and discuss what needs to be done.” As a woman, construction was a tough field for her in the beginning. “It’s nice that I’m starting to see change, but I’ve been doing this for over 10 years,” she said. “I’m the only Stephanie in construction in the area.” Corona worked other places but chose Skanska, in part because it was “pro-female before a lot of companies were even having women work for them.” “They’re very family-oriented, so your family comes first. They’re very flexible. They support you, and they help you with the goals for your career.”

Because she didn’t have a lot of business experience, she again found work as a temp. This experience led her to an internal position with the staffing company. Nine years ago, she moved to Kforce. “Tri Sigma has really helped me in the position I have today,” said Farrell, who became President of her Epsilon Theta Chapter when she was just a sophomore. “That is where I fell in love with the rewards and benefits of leadership.” In her current Kforce position, 70 people report directly to her, and she supervises another 450 consultants nationwide. She says her staff appreciates the fact that she worked her way up through the organization. “Sometimes it’s better to take that entry level position and work your way up,” she said. “My team respects me so much more because they know I’ve rolled up my sleeves and I’ve done their job.” She advises young women entering the workforce not to shun an entry-level



Sigmas with Interesting Jobs

From the Sigma

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TRI SIGMA INSTALLS ETA UPSILON Sigma Sigma Sigma installed the Eta Upsilon Chapter at Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA, on February 17, 2007. On a beautiful crisp winter day, 26 women were initiated into Tri Sigma: 21 collegians and 5 alumna initiates. Colonization efforts began at Lynchburg College in February of 2005. The Colony has been working diligently towards meeting and exceeding the requirements to become a Tri Sigma chapter. The Colony successfully met or exceeded the minimum grade point average of 2.5 (cumulative and semester), completed at least one local and national philanthropic project, developed good relations within the campus and local community and met all of its local and national financial obligations. Teena Reasoner, Coordinator of Fraternity and Sorority Life, wrote that she has “watched the leaders of this chapter grow and develop as women of strength and character” and that “overall, all of the women in the colony have realized that their individual actions affect the group as a whole, and have learned how to combine their talents to become something better.” Reasoner further wrote that “it is apparent that the

women in this colony chose Sigma based on values and friendship….” Lynchburg College is: • one of 50 institutions nationwide to participate in the Bonner Leaders Program through which selected students will receive scholarships to engage in community service, service learning, and community-based research; • one of the top 50 liberal arts colleges in the country; and • in the top tier of Southern Universities and Colleges that offer a full range of undergraduate programs and master's degrees. The culmination of the weekend was the Installation Banquet where Tri Sigma National Officers, Tri Sigma Foundation Representatives and the University President, Dr. Kenneth R. Garren, praised this group of women on its steadfastness and commitment to values not only to

Lynchburg College but to Sigma Sigma Sigma. A selection of notes of congratulations from other National Panhellenic Conference groups, Tri Sigma collegiate and alumnae chapters, Tri Sigma National Officers and guests were read. Gifts were presented and unwrapped. Sigma Sisters from other chapters across the country who were in attendance were recognized and then all joined hands with our new Eta Upsilon Sisters to form a circle and sing “Stately and Royal.” The Installation Team, led by Laura Sweet, Alpha Sigma, National President, consisted of Brenda Ray, Alpha Psi, Colony Director; Jessica Holt, Eta Xi, New Chapter Coordinator; Sherry Curtiss, Epsilon Nu Chapter, Ritual Director; Marcia Cutter, Beta Gamma, Executive Director; and Andrea Davis, Chapter, Leadership Consultant. Also joining the Installation Team were members from the Alpha Chapter at Longwood University. A special thank you goes to the Installation Team and Amanda Golden, former Colony President and Installation Banquet Chairman, and Nicole Carneal, Eta Upsilon Chapter President.

Congratulations to our newest chapter Sisters of Eta Upsilon!

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PSI – Marshall University, Huntington, WV

On Halloween the members of Lambda Chapter and the other 12 sororities on campus went on a Sisterhood retreat to a haunted house. Their college Panhellenic council rented four school buses just to carry all of the women. Though the haunted house was not too scary, some of the Sisters opted not to go inside. Overall, they said it was a great experience and wonderful bonding with all of the Sisters.

Marshall University’s homecoming theme for 2006 was “Lights, Camera, We Are Marshall” to parallel the release of the movie “We Are Marshall.” The movie depicts the aftermath of the crash of the Marshall football team’s plane on November 14, 1970, as they returned from a game at East Carolina University. The Student Government Association of MU set $3,000 as first place prize for the winning float. Psi chapter worked diligently with the brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon to create a life-like red carpet event for the movie premiere. The Sisters were decked out in beautiful evening gowns while the fraternity brothers dressed as Marshall football players. Not only did Marshall defeat the Tigers from Memphis, but Tri Sigma and SAE were victorious in bringing home the check for $3,000!

They are as cute as pumpkins! Lambda members gather for a spooky Halloween Sisterhood.

NU – University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO Last fall the Nu Chapter organized and produced the Mr. UCM 2006 contest to raise money for the Foundation’s Robbie Page Memorial. Every member of the Nu Chapter participated and enjoyed a memorable experience. Ten contestants were sponsored by Greek and non-Greek organizations, and the UCM faculty and staff judged the contest.

CHI – Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS We’ve got spirit! How ‘bout you? All three sororities at Pittsburg State University really showed school spirit during the fall 2006 football season; however Tri Sigma led the way. Eight Sisters participated in the spirit organizations that consisted of: Crimson & Gold Dancers, Spirit Squad, and The Pride of the Plains Marching Band. The members supported their school at every home game and traveled to the Northwest Missouri State game at Arrowhead Stadium. Even when fans left because of the dismal score, Chi members stayed and supported the team until the end. Chi members have school spirit! Pictured back row, left to right: Reyna Smoker (color guard), Karen Allison (color guard), Katelyn Humphreys (marching band), Kathleen Groves (color guard). Front Row (L-R): Joy Leek (dance team), Dawn Booth (spirit squad), Casey Bradshaw (twirler), Katie Jones (dance team)



LAMBDA – Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA

ALPHA ALPHA – Concord University, Athens, WV Chapter Winning makes them feel like a million bucks! Psi Chapter takes members, home the first prize check for their winning homecoming float. Pictured left to right: April Manns, AJ Cooper (SAE), Marco LeAnne Davis (Marshall's mascot) and Lauren Blankenship. and Michelle Blankenship, have been actively working on their Leadership Consultant application packets throughout the fall semester. Danielle Richmond and Jessica Cook have been active in the Concord University Student Government Association. Tri Sigma women are making themselves known across campus in a classy, honorable manner.

ALPHA BETA – Kent State University, Kent, OH Alpha Beta had an amazing fall semester welcoming 16 New Members! The most exciting event was the Big Sister revealing. The New Member period culminated with the Triangle Degree on November 18th.

ALPHA EPSILON – Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO The tradition of Hanging of the Greens was started by the Alpha Epsilon alumnae. The women in each sorority on campus dress in their holiday attire, sing Christmas music and watch their Sisters display their talents by singing or playing instruments. This event brings in the Christmas cheer and helps decorate residence halls for the holidays!


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ALPHA ZETA – Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, LA

ALPHA XI – University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, Whitewater, WI

During homecoming week last fall, Alpha Zeta worked very hard to win the Best Overall Award. They participated in Lip Sync, Homecoming Hunnies, a service project, and the parade. They are proud to say they won every event! During the holiday season, Alpha Zeta adopted a child through CASA and bought gifts for him. They also hosted a Christmas party for Kids’ Hope, an organization that provides underprivileged children a place to go after school. Finally, members have worked hard making plans and fund raising for Convention 2007!

This year in addition to Rocking for Robbie, the women of Alpha Xi Raked for Robbie! Members raked yards in the Whitewater community for donations to the Robbie Page Memorial. The chapter has also been aggressively fund raising for their Founders Day celebration. They held a very successful rummage sale on their front lawn and held many other fund-raisers on and off campus.

ALPHA THETA – RADFORD UNIVERSITY, RADFORD, VA Radford University ran a bone marrow/blood drive for the community during November. During the blood drive, Alpha Theta Chapter participated by helping to have bone marrow tests run to help out a little boy named Henry who lives in the Radford area. With the support of Radford University and Alpha Theta Chapter a match was found! If all goes well, little Henry will be able to have the life that a normal child should. Alpha Theta members want to wish Henry the best and let it be known that they are proud to support Radford University and their community.

ALPHA RHO – Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania, Lock Haven, PA Alpha Rho had a very successful year with recruitment. They held more than seven events; the “Sigma in the City” event was the largest in attendance. The Sisters of Alpha Rho participated in a Dorney Park Sisterhood for Halloween, made Christmas coloring books, and participated in the Big Man On Campus.

ALPHA KAPPA – Fairmont State University, Fairmont, WV The events of Homecoming were full of fun and excitement. Homecoming for the women of Alpha Kappa had a ‘50s theme, and the sky was the limit. Ashley Modica, Faith Moore and Rophe Woods competed in the Lip Sync contest, dancing to Grease’s “Summer Loving” that won them the second place trophy. The chapter’s float displayed a drive-in movie theme and won third place. The greatest achievement was the second place win in Spirit Stick competition. Alpha Kappa hosted a Winter Wonderland Fun Friday after-school program and helped children make gingerbread houses and clothes pin reindeer.

ALPHA NU – Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL Alpha Nu Chapter participated in SIU’s Greek Sing. Their theme was “The Sigma Bunch,” and they received the award for best costumes. Alpha Nu also participated in SIU’s Homecoming parade with their float, “Rock ‘n’ Roll thru the Ages.”

Brrr! Alpha Xi Sisters bundle up for their Family Retreat. Pictured left to right: Sara Gobin, Nicole Hegy, Kayla Chadwick, and Sam Schaefgan.


The Alpha Rho members are dressed to impress during their fall recruitment events!

ALPHA UPSILON – James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA Alpha Upsilon Sisters participated in many functions such as the Robbie Page Kickball Tournament, ExtravaCANza, and Paul’s Walk. During November’s ExtravaCANza food drive on the JMU campus, the Tri Sigma team raised 35,000 meals for Harrisonburg! On April 22, 2006, the women joined the Delta Tau chapter of Pi Kappa Phi to hold the first annual Paul’s Walk for ALS. Over 300 supporters came out for the walk and raised $9,200 for the ALS Association. They are anticipating another great turnout for the second annual Paul’s Walk on April 21, 2007.

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The women of Alpha Chi were very busy during the fall semester with multiple community service projects. They raised more than $1,500 for the Foundation through their second annual Ultimate Frisbee Tournament. Sisters helped Needline, a local charity organization, collect canned goods and created Christmas baskets for less fortunate families in the area. Many Alpha Chi Sisters offered their time and talents to the residents at Fern Terrace, a nursing home in Murray. The members painted fingernails, played cards, and dedicated their afternoons to the residents.

ALPHA PSI – Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL Alpha Psi welcomed 36 new women to their chapter during formal recruitment last fall. They also welcomed new cabinet members and chapter officers in December. In addition, the women of Alpha Psi placed first in 2006 Homecoming.

BETA ALPHA – Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL During formal recruitment, the women of Beta Alpha made quota plus one. Informal recruitment also provided them with three more awesome Sisters. They conducted many education and Sisterhood events as well. In November they hosted their annual parents’ day that was also a fund-raiser for their house.

BETA BETA – Missouri State University, Springfield, MO The theme for Homecoming at MSU was “Thriller — A Halloween Homecoming.” Events included Chalk ‘n’ Rock (sidewalk chalk decorations), window painting in the Student Union, Mocktails, a banner contest, and a Karaoke competition. Beta Beta placed in all of these events. The chapter was very honored to have Kristine Banasik featured as a designer in the first-ever Missouri State Project Runway: Dress to Thrill. In the spring semester they were busy writing letters for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, which was recently named the Greek-wide philanthropy for Missouri State University.

BETA DELTA – Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, WV Beta Delta Chapter had a very busy and successful fall semester. They competed in Shepherd University’s “Under the Big Top” homecoming competition and took second place overall. They won first place in the homecoming banner contest for the second year in a row with their creative take on the carnival theme, “The Three Ram Circus!” Beta Delta also raised funds for the Foundation’s Robbie Page Memorial, bringing back Rocking for Robbie at Cracker Barrel. This year Beta Delta set a goal to learn more about our Ritual. Ritual Chair, Stacy Heck, held fun, educational sessions. She asked for questions from Sisters and put together answers so the whole chapter could learn.

BETA XI – Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO Recruitment was a huge success for the women of Beta Xi, initiating 23 wonderful new Sigma Sisters in the fall semester. The chapter took first place in homecoming festivities along with the men of Sigma Nu and the women of Gamma Phi Beta. The chapter also conducted the Sigma Shootout, a basketball tournament to raise money for the Robbie Page Memorial.



ALPHA CHI – Murray State University, Murray, KY

BETA TAU – University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, MI The Sisters of the Beta Tau Chapter hosted a charity concert for the Foundation’s Robbie Page Memorial called Rockin’ for Robbie. The fund-raiser was very successful.

BETA UPSILON – Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Beta Upsilon’s Alison Cradic was on the committee for rules and regulations for the Penn State Greek Sing. Meghan Keller won best overall female lead in Greek Sing for “A Chorus Line.” Lindsay Jenkins, the overall entertainment captain for THON (the largest student-run organization in the world), was recently praised for adding many new programs for all ages.

GAMMA BETA – East Carolina University, Greenville, NC Gamma Beta Chapter held their annual Rock-a-Thon to raise money for the Foundation and brought in more than $2,000 for the Robbie Page Memorial. During the holiday season, the Sisters were involved in the Adopt-a-Family program. The chapter was assigned a family who had a child with cancer. All the Sisters worked together and chipped in money to make this family’s Christmas an unforgettable one.

GAMMA PI – Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, LA Kristie Waguespack, Kristi Ledet, and Allison Doran represented Gamma Pi on the Homecoming Court, and Kristi Ledet was chosen as Homecoming Queen! The Sigmas participated in several fun events throughout the week, such as pirogue races and goofy games. The chapter held a retreat at a Sister’s camp in Mississippi. For campus-wide Family Day, the Sisters set up tables with games that children could play to win a prize.

GAMMA RHO – Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro, PA Gamma Rho Chapter sponsored the second annual Sigma Singled Out as a philanthropy event to raise money for the Foundation. The event played off of the famous television show where two contests win a date with someone from the dating pool. Nicole Nelson was head of the Sigma Singled Out committee and was recognized by her Sisters for her outstanding organization of the event! The Gamma Rho Chapter also hosted a Chinese Auction with prizes donated by local businesses.


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GAMMA PHI – University of Wisconsin–River Falls, River Falls, WI Despite the chilling October temperatures, Gamma Phi members participated in every event during Homecoming 2006 including: a medallion hunt, window painting, a lip sync contest, a community parade, an obstacle course, a pop tab competition, change wars, and a food drive. They won first place in the lip sync competition, and their float placed second in the parade. The chapter won first place by helping to raise the largest portion of the 243 pounds of pop tabs collected by the student body to donate to the Ronald McDonald House. They also raised a large amount of the $970 donated to K & K Ranch, an equestrian center that offers therapeutic riding sessions. With more than 800 students voting, Tri Sigma’s Anna Parsons was crowned Homecoming Queen, giving Tri Sigma first place overall in the Homecoming events.

GAMMA PSI – Morehead State University, Morehead, KY Through their service project, Sigma Shares A Story, Gamma Psi Chapter continued working with the local library to give the children in their community a place to encourage reading. In the fall semester they sponsored a volleyball tournament, Volleybash, and raised $300 for the Foundation’s Robbie Page Memorial.

DELTA DELTA – The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC Dozens of Delta Delta Sisters volunteered their time at the Robbie Page Memorial Playroom at UNC Children’s Hospital, and more than $2,000 was donated to RPM after a successful silent auction held at the Parents’ Cocktail. In November members excelling in leadership skills and academic achievement were inducted into the Order of Omega and Phi Beta Kappa. In December the chapter celebrated the end of the semester by cooking breakfast for families at the Ronald McDonald House and dressing up for their annual tacky Christmas party.

DELTA ZETA – Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg, PA Delta Zeta Chapter participated in many community service events this past fall semester. The event they are most proud of doing, however, is the Toys for Children drive. They spent many days collecting donations from friends and family to raise money to purchase toys for children with tracheal diseases. The children from Holland Glen Hospital in Philadelphia, PA, received the toys and enjoyed having visitors play with them.

DELTA UPSILON– Widener University, Chester, PA The Delta Upsilon Chapter participated in many community service projects. First was the Turkey Basket drive when they donated canned and dried foods and a turkey to the Bernidine Center in Chester, PA. They also collected toys and money for children of the Chester community. Chapter members took part in the breast cancer walk at Cooper River in New Jersey and raised $104 for the cause.


DELTA CHI – University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA Delta Chi Chapter participated in and planned philanthropy events. Through Spikefest the chapter successfully raised money and awareness for the Foundation’s Robbie Page Memorial.

DELTA PSI – St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA In November the Sisters of Delta Psi Chapter were invited to an exclusive event at the Nicole Miller store in Philadelphia. For one night the store was closed so members could shop, with 10 percent of the sales going to the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation. This was a great opportunity for everyone to socialize and help our philanthropy by buying Christmas presents and dresses for the formal. The chapter is talking with Nicole Miller about hosting the event again in the spring.

EPSILON ALPHA – California State University East Bay, Hayward, CA Epsilon Alpha Sister, Cheryl Harding, participated in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, walking 39.3 miles through the city of San Francisco. Cheryl wore a t-shirt that read “Sigmas Walk for Breast Cancer” and raised $1,885. The entire walk raised a total of $4.5 million!

EPSILON BETA – University of Arkansas at Monticello, Monticello, AR Last fall the Epsilon Beta Chapter participated in the Organizational Fair, attracting many students to their table. For Homecoming they prepared a traditional tailgating feast to welcome alumnae. They competed in the wall painting contest and entered a float in the parade for which they received first place. They received second place in intramural soccer. In addition, the chapter sponsored a canned food drive.

EPSILON DELTA – Gannon University, Erie, PA Epsilon Delta Chapter recently joined Alpha Phi Delta fraternity to host a haunted house for students on campus and for the community on the days prior to and including Halloween. They decorated the Alpha Phi Delta house with plenty of scary decorations and dressed in costumes. Tickets were $2, and they raised more than $350. Proceeds were split with Alpha Phi Delta.

EPSILON ZETA – Southern Arkansas University, Magnolia, AR Epsilon Zeta Chapter participated in a chili cook-off, making three gallons of chili. They won first place and a $150 check for having the best chili from their school. The chapter met its goals for informal recruitment and doubled in size before the semester was over.

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EPSION KAPPA – University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI

The Epsilon Eta Chapter spent the fall semester focusing on service. For Halloween the Sisters volunteered as trail guides and station leaders for Pocono Environmental Education Center’s PEEC-a-BOO, a Halloween-themed educational walk in the woods. They also provided many different services for the local Head Start program. At the beginning of the semester, they gathered to create alphabet and number posters for a classroom. They also spent an afternoon painting a few rooms in the Head Start building. They held coin drops regularly throughout the semester, raising more than $150 for The Foundation and another $200 for their local pet project, the SPCA of Monroe County, PA. With the rest of the Greek community at ESU, Tri Sigma participated in the Special Olympics and sponsored a game booth at the Olympic village.

The Epsilon Kappa Chapter celebrated their 20th anniversary in April, held the weekend of their spring formal. Many alumnae attended. The chapter worked hard with the help of the alumnae to plan an exciting event. Epsilon Kappa also welcomed seven wonderful new initiates in December.

EPSILON THETA - Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, GA Epsilon Theta Chapter held their annual Halloweenie Roast and enjoyed a great turnout from students and faculty. In November the women hosted a Panhellenic Unity Dinner at their house, bringing together all three sororities on campus. The Epsilon Thetas also continued to volunteer with the local children’s foundation, Starlight Starbright. They helped the foundation throw themed parties for seriously ill children in hospitals. After a strong recruitment and new member period, they initiated 11 women in December.

EPSILON IOTA – St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, TX One of Epsilon Iota’s most beloved philanthropy events in the fall was driving to Boysville in Converse, TX, a campus designed to help children in crisis who cannot remain in their own homes. Sigma Sisters enjoyed co-sponsoring their annual Halloween carnival in October with the brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon. Activities ranged from outdoor to carnival games to benefit the children of Boysville. This year the children enjoyed face painting, kickball, volleyball, a mystery fishing game, cookie decorating and pumpkin carving.

Epsilon Iota Sisters helped with face (and hand) painting activities at their annual Boysville service event.

EPSILON LAMBDA – Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY



EPSILON ETA – East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA

The Sisters of Epsilon Lambda Chapter joined Delta Sigma Phi fraternity to spread holiday cheer with good food and sincere hearts around the table at their annual Turkey Bash. The proceeds from the Turkey Bash went to philanthropies of both organizations. This year the chapter also donated money toward the medical expenses of a Sister suffering from multiple sclerosis. “I’m am grateful and full of joy knowing that I have 43 beautiful and strong Sisters who love and care about me deeply,” said Vickie Vante. A local restaurant, store merchants and chapter members donated the amazing prizes and raffle items. More than $2,000 was raised.

EPSILON MU – Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ Thanks to the recruitment boot camp, the Epsilon Mu Chapter initiated nine wonderful new women. They hosted an Alex’s Lemonade Stand in September and raised more than $800 for childhood cancer. In October the Chapter joined the men of Tau Kappa Epsilon for Homecoming. The team worked for weeks planning a skit and choreographing several dances and then joined in a 24hour float building competition and parade around campus. The re-enactment of Peter Pan meets Rowan was a huge crowd pleaser as Epsilon Mu’s Peter Pan, Julie Leitch, flew across the stage. TKE and Tri Sigma placed second in the homecoming events.

EPSILON NU – The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC On October 20 members of the Epsilon Nu chapter attended a banquet celebrating the 50-year partnership of Sigma Sigma Sigma and the Department of Recreational Therapy at the UNC Hospital. Sisters were fortunate to hear members of the UNC Hospital staff and National Sigma representatives speak about the development of the recreational therapy program throughout the past 50 years. Sisters were also present for the dedication of a new mural located in the Sigma Sigma Sigma playroom.


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EPSILON RHO – Minnesota State University-Mankato, Mankato, MN

EPSILON PSI – Rochester University of Technology, Rochester, NY

Epsilon Rho had their members try new things within their chairmanships, and everyone came up with great ideas. They held their first State Day where all of the Minnesota chapters came together for a day of Sisterhood and sharing of ideas.

Epsilon Psi alumnae and chapter members gathered for their annual Thanksgiving dinner and were joined by their Leadership Consultant.

EPSILON SIGMA – Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA Epsilon Sigma Chapter initiated 14 new Sisters in November and are looking forward to more good times.

EPSILON UPSILON – Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY Epsilon Upsilon Chapter and Marist’s Alpha Phi Delta fraternity received the Gold Award from Relay for Life. Their team helped to collect more than $7,000. The American Cancer Society asked them to host the next Relay for Life at Marist because of their continued dedication. The chapter has already begun raising money by selling Relay for Life key chains during the college’s Family Weekend.

Epsilon Psi Sisters were thankful to share their Sisterhood dinner together.

ZETA ALPHA – Bryant College, Smithfield, RI Zeta Alpha Chapter kicked off September with two walks: one to find a cure for diabetes and the second, Out of the Darkness Walk, for suicide prevention. Their semi-annual Roll for Robbie was their most successful fund-raiser ever and will be held again in the spring semester. Toward the end of the fall semester, members worked at two soup kitchens, gave clothes to needy families, and collected nonperishables for our soldiers in Iraq. In December they helped throw a holiday party for underprivileged children. Epsilon Upsilon and Alpha Phi Delta members break the purple ribbon and the record for fundraising at Marist College’s Relay for Life.

EPSILON PHI – University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC Sisters Virginia Pollock, Brittany Forshay, and Beth Barnes were inducted into Order of Omega. Virginia Pollock was also voted President of the chapter. Epsilon Phi welcomed their newest initiates into their Sisterhood in November.

EPSILON CHI – Northeastern University, Boston, MA The Epsilon Chi Chapter finished their fall recruitment week with one over the quota of 17! They were extremely proud to welcome their 18 new Sisters. During formal recruitment they made more than 100 foam picture frames relating to their philanthropy’s theme, Sigma Serves Children. The frames were donated to a local home for underprivileged children. Laura Kemp and Lindsay Gonsalves of the Zeta Alpha Chapter are ready to roll — for Robbie, that is — at their Rolling for Robbie philanthropy event.


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ZETA MU – University of Alaska–Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK

The women of Zeta Beta Chapter went to the local children’s shelter in and brought the children candy and movies for Halloween.

Zeta Mu Chapter completed several community service projects last fall. They focused on helping the Women’s Shelter in Fairbanks, the Rescue Mission, and the March of Dimes. Zeta Mu members stood outside of Wal-Mart and collected any items that women and children would need. They were out in 30-below-zero weather, walking door to door for the Rescue Mission and collecting cans and other needed donations.

ZETA DELTA – State University of New York–Oneonta, Oneonta, NY Zeta Delta Chapter worked hard on community service projects. They held Rocking for Robbie from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. They raised $320 from generous donations and a bake sale. The chapter gathered for a Sisterhood event and made 60 fleece blankets for children at a local hospital. The Sisters also participated in the Christmas tree lighting at Pathfinder Village, an assisted residential community for people with Down syndrome. They helped distribute hot chocolate and participated in a sing-along of Christmas songs.

ZETA OMICRON – Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ Following last year’s victory at Pirate King, Zeta Omicron began the fall semester placing at Pirate Queen. New initiate, Lauren Quirolgico, placed second, and Samantha Bennett placed third. The chapter initiated six new Sisters who bring wonderful potential to the chapter.

ZETA EPSILON – Florida International University, Miami, FL

ZETA PI – Virginia Wesleyan College, Norfolk, VA

Zeta Epsilon initiated 33 amazing new members! After the ceremony, the chapter gathered for an outdoor family day picnic planned by newly-initiated Sisters, Nora Welz and Kelly Gonzales. Everyone was encouraged to bring family and pets to Miami’s Pinecrest Park. More than 70 people, including family and friends, attended their best family day picnic ever!

Zeta Pi member, Krystle Kitchen, competed for the title of National American Miss in Hollywood, CA. She was named National American – Miss Virginia in September 2006 and was automatically given a bid to compete on the national level. Although she did not receive the grand title, she came home with seven trophies and placed 11th out of 52 contestants.

ZETA THETA – Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID

ZETA RHO – Johnson and Wales University, Providence, RI

Zeta Theta recently hosted a Parent’s Day for all its members. Mothers and daughters gathered for dinner and to complete an art project. Some women also put together gifts to sell to the parents that included Bean Soup Jars and Brownies in a Jar. Zeta Theta hosted a canned food drive through the months of October and November. All the food collected was donated to the Eastern Idaho Food Bank. Zeta Theta held a bake sale as a fund-raiser for Convention in June.

ZETA KAPPA – Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ In November, Zeta Kappa members split into two groups and traveled into New York to be VIPs in the audience of the Rachael Ray show. The Sisters dressed up, sporting our badge, and sat in the first few rows. During all the breaks, the MC enjoyed speaking with chapter members who were able to talk about how great it is be a Tri Sigma.

ZETA LAMBDA – Wingate University, Wingate, NC During the fall semester, four Sisters of Zeta Lambda Chapter studied abroad in London and Denmark. They traveled to Italy, Ireland, Scotland, Amsterdam, Spain and France. Part of the program let them learn about several famous plays, and at the end of each lesson they were able to see the play live.



ZETA BETA – Cameron University, Lawton, OK

In November Zeta Rho Chapter held the second annual JWU Idol. Nine contestants performed various talents including singing, dancing and magic tricks. Disc jockey Dave Pezza, producer and co-owner of White Noise Records, who has worked with artists such as Beyoncé and Aaron Carter, donated his time to be a DJ and to judge the contestants. Local restaurants and businesses in the Providence area generously donated gift certificates for their five raffle winners and the grand prizes. The chapter awarded $400 worth of prizes throughout the hour and a half event. The fund-raiser was a big success, and grew in popularity for its second year with more than 120 students in attendance. Approximately $400 was raised for Tri Sigma’s Robbie Page Memorial.

ZETA UPSILON – Fitchburg State College, Fitchburg, MA Zeta Upsilon participated in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer in Boston this past semester. Walking to find a cure for breast cancer was a great experience and will become an annual event. Members made fleece blankets for elderly patients at a local nursing home. Three Sisters plan to build houses for Habit for Humanity in Lakeland, FL, during spring break.


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ZETA CHI – Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC The women of Zeta Chi began the fall semester with recruitment and added Sisterhoods, fund-raisers, philanthropy events, and community service. Community involvement included a neighborhood clean up; Race for the Cure in Charleston; planning the campus dance marathon, Chant-A-Thon; volunteering at the Coral Street Recreation Center in Myrtle Beach for the Halloween Carnival; and adopting three Angel Tree children. Sisterhood events held at least once a week included potlucks, pumpkin carving, spaghetti dinners and movie nights. The semester came to a great close with a brand new team of officers and a new Panhellenic executive board. Zeta Chi members hold the offices of Panhellenic President, Secretary, Philanthropy, Scholarship, Recruitment and Co-recruitment.

ZETA PSI – College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ The Sisters of Zeta Psi welcomed a fantastic New Member class in the fall. Individual Sigmas have been pursuing some specialized interests as well. Nicole Tracy worked for NJ Civil Rights and inspected polling places on Election Day to ensure the locations were accessible to all individuals. Ashley Ragg started research on various topics involving international art and artists. Rowena Briones landed the role of Violet in TCNJ Musical Theatre’s production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.”

Alaska for the people of Anchorage. Eta Zeta continued with their community and school spirit by having a booth at the University of Alaska-Anchorage’s (UAA) Halloween carnival. In return for one ticket, children could throw Jell-O at Sisters who were peeking out of the holes in a piece of painted cardboard. Over the Thanksgiving holiday, the women of Eta Zeta raised money by selling programs at the Great Alaska Shootout, a basketball tournament hosted annually by UAA.

ETA ETA – Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL Eta Eta increased their membership numbers from a mere nine to 45 women! They also participated in numerous walks this semester including one for suicide prevention and one for breast cancer awareness. The chapter raised $250 for suicide prevention, and $2,160 for breast cancer awareness. In a fund-raiser for the Foundation’s Robbie Page Memorial, they collected fees for a Jail and Bail held outside their cafeteria and collected $652.

ETA ALPHA – Stephens College, Columbia, MO Following a hard month of recruitment, Eta Alpha Chapter initiated a record number of 15 New Members. The chapter had not welcomed this many Sisters since the founding of their chapter in 1997

ETA ZETA – University of Alaska-Anchorage, Anchorage, AK Eta Zeta spent Halloween trick or treating alongside the children of Anchorage. They asked for cans of food instead of candy, and the food was donated to the Food Bank of

Eta Eta welcomes one of Sigma’s largest groups of new members this fall with 45 wonderful women!

ETA THETA – Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN The Eta Theta chapter started off the school year strong with the addition of 13 Sisters. The New Members were

Eta Zeta members take a break during the Halloween carnival to gather for a quick picture.

Eta Theta’s newest members look fabulous wearing their pins and ribbons!


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ETA LAMBDA – Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA Before they left for Winter Break, Eta Lambda Chapter held an open house to start recruiting New Members. The theme of the night was a pajama party, and the Sisters came together with interested freshman and sophomores to play games and eat Christmas cookies while relaxing before finals. Upon returning for the spring semester, the chapter held another open house, an informational session, and a philanthropy event. They also participated in a Round Robin night with the theme of Disney movies.

ETA XI – Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA Eta Xi members have conducted several community service activities, such as the Light the Night walk benefiting patients with Leukemia and Lymphoma, the Special Olympics, and the Philadelphia Camp Out Food Drive. They enjoyed hosting recruitment events this past semester that included a Sigmafia dinner, where women enjoyed plates of pasta and lasagna. For Sigmawood members dressed up and talked about their favorite movie stars.

ETA PI – Denver Metro College, Denver, CO Tri Sigma’s Eta Pi Chapter, the first Greek social organization on their campus, welcomed Phi Sigma Sigma and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and attended their pre-recruitment meetings. After recruitment, Eta Pi helped organize a Greek barbeque to bring the groups together. The chapter was busy with their recruitment, which included their annual Sailaway

Retreat held in Estes Park. Eta Pi initiated seven women and their first-ever legacies. Lauryn Hall is the granddaughter of a Tri Sigma, and Charity Thorp is the little sister of Eta Pi member, Dani Thorp. The chapter was very excited to welcome these women!

ETA RHO – Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, GA The Sisters of Eta Rho Chapter visited the hospitals in Savannah and set up Halloween and Thanksgiving celebrations for the children. They also participated in a fund-raising event with the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity for the Bethesda Home at Christmas. The Sisters collected donations from many local businesses and personally donated stockings for the boys.



treated to a surprise trip to a yoga session and bonded during a Project Linus community service activity. The entire chapter proudly achieved the highest chapter GPA in the Greek community. They also enjoyed participating in National Rake the Town day, and going Trick-or-Canning for the local food pantry. The Eta Theta members met with the other Minnesota chapters, Epsilon Rho and Zeta Eta, for State Day in Mankato.

ETA TAU – Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL Eta Tau Chapter conducted their Robbie Page Memorial fund-raiser with a Teeter-Tot-A-Thon and spent all night and all day taking turns teeter-tottering. The chapter concluded the semester with a cookie swap, inviting other women on campus to become acquainted over delicious cookies made by the Sisters.

UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN – PARKSIDE COLONY, Parkside, WI Sisters from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside Colony assisted with Breakfast with Santa during the Festival of the Trees, an annual event that benefits the Civic Center of Racine. The children were separated into three groups, and each group was able to enjoy breakfast, pictures with Santa and arts and crafts. A children’s choir provided music. Beautifully decorated trees were donated by local companies and were later auctioned off during a silent auction.

Eta Pi Sisters share lots of laughs on the way to their Sailaway Retreat! Pictured left to right are: Dani Thorp, Libby Becerra, Charity Thorp, Amber Derryberry, MacKenzie Lintz, and Diane Gaines.


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PHOENIX ALUMNAE have been busy raising money for their delegate to go to Convention. This past fall they held a “Make It, Bake It, Grow It, Sew It auction.” They also spent an enjoyable evening at the Arizona Center, a Tivoli Gardens atmosphere, to surprise Mary Oliver Puetzer, Beta Kappa, for her 80th birthday.

INLAND EMPIRE ALUMNAE gathered at the home of Ruby Larby Simpson, Rho, for their holiday meeting and gift exchange. Members unable to attend other meetings always attend this one, and it is a special time of sharing and Sisterhood. They also remember their philanthropy, Child Help U.S.A., with new clothing donations.

CENTRAL FLORIDA ALUMNAE held another successful holiday pecan sale, the major fundraising project for the Chapter. Proceeds are used to support local projects such as Ronald McDonald House’s “Light a Light, Share the Night” and The Orlando Sentinel Family fund which buys Christmas toys; to assist Eta Tau Chapter at EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University to send members to Convention; to support Walton House and the Foundation; and to send a delegate to Convention.

Mary Oliver Puetzer, Beta Kappa, at her 80th birthday celebration on October 25, 2006.

Inland Empire Alumnae members.

DAYTONA BEACH AREA ALUMNAE enjoyed a covered-dish luncheon at the home of Ann Hardin Register, Alpha Psi, in December. Toys for children and toiletries for women were collected for the domestic abuse shelter. Daytona Beach Area Alumnae Chapter with toys and toiletries to be given to the domestic abuse shelter.

Maryellen Drasler Baxter, Beta Kappa, accepts the Chapter of the Year Award on behalf of Pheonix Alumnae Chapter from Liz Hoffert, Beta Xi and National Alumnae Vice President.

Long Beach Alumnae members

COLORADO DENVER ALUMNAE enjoyed dinner and an evening of crafts with resident families of Warren Village, a low-rent apartment complex designed to assist single parent families to live successfully. Sigmas provided a yummy home cooked meal and then let children design and make “Alien Masks.” Pinellas County presenting a check for $175. Central Arkansas Alumnae participating in Race for the Cure. Founders DayCentral Arkansas alumnae


Denver Alumnae Jean Swanson Stuck, Alpha Epsilon, looks on as children at Warren Village, Denver Alumnae Chapter’s local philanthropy, create “alien masks.”

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PINELLAS COUNTY ALUMNAE met with Janet Walker of the Homeless Education Assistance Team, sponsored by the local school system, who discussed the work of HEAT in assisting with the needs of homeless children and youth. For several years the chapter has been donating toiletry samples, used clothing and household items to this local organization. They also designate meetings to collect Kleenex, paper towels, toilet tissue and school supplies. The speaker was presented with a check for $175 reflecting donations made at their annual Christmas dinner.

GEORGIA ATLANTA ALUMNAE celebrated the 20th anniversary of Epsilon Theta’s chartering at Oglethorpe University. Events included an alumnae weekend, with plans for a special Founders Day celebration. In the spring they will be hosting a craft night at the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Scottish Rite.

ILLINOIS CHICAGO SW SUBURBAN ALUMNAE completed their annual fall service project. Each member donated 50 items for Halloween goody bags. At their meeting they filled the bags and then donated them to children living at Hessed House, a local homeless shelter.

INDIANA FORT WAYNE ALUMNAE met this past holiday season for a Progressive Tea. Everyone delighted in the finger sandwiches, teacakes and, of course, tea.

at Christmas. Their chapter is made up of Sigmas with very interesting jobs: a director of a preschool, a real estate developer, a college professor, a retired engineer, several educators, and a Sigma who travels the world for Hewlett Packard.

WISCONSIN Northshore Louisiana Alumnae Chapter.

LOUISIANA NORTHSHORE LOUISIANA ALUMNAE CHAPTER was chartered on October 26, 2006, with 19 members. Several meetings have been held at restaurants and members’ houses, and they have established a local philanthropy. As the chapter was being started, they received news of a Sister diagnosed with breast cancer. They rallied around and sent notes, e-mails, cards and dinners for encouragement. She is now cancer free!

In September the MILWAUKEE ALUMNAE collected school supplies. In October they collected baby items for the Stork’s Nest, a site where lowincome mothers-to-be may use points to purchase needed items for their babies. On a continuing basis, members are collecting books for the playrooms at the North Carolina and Texas hospitals.

TEXAS NORTHERN HOUSTON Alumnae have raised funds to send a delegate to Convention, donated food to a needy family at Thanksgiving and toys to needy children Topeka Alumnae Chapter.

Fort Wayne Alumnae at Christmas gathering.

Shari Arnold Holifield, Gamma Mu and Nashville Alumnae, introduces her daughter and Sigma legacy, Magnolia Grace, to Carrie Underwood, Alpha Iota.


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Susan Blum Dean, a 2001 Alumna Initiate of Beta Kappa, enjoys a challenging career as a nurse practitioner. Many of her patients are Hispanic and elderly. In addition to her clinical training, Susan has learned to speak Spanish to better serve this unique patient population. She returned to school in her 30s after being a stay-at-home mom and obtained an associate degree in nursing. While working, she continued her education, and graduated with a master’s degree in nursing with an emphasis in administration and education. She earned her nurse practitioner certificate in a two-year post-master’s degree program. She has taught at the junior college level and as an adjunct professor for the University of Phoenix. Dean believes that honoring cultural diversity is the key to making her patients happy. She would like to emphasize that you are never too old to realize your dreams! Her patients are fortunate to be in the good hands of this caring Sigma.

Linda Trigg, Rho, spent last summer making costumes for many multi-cultural holiday events for her second grade students in the gifted program at Venice Elementary School. When her students don costumes she makes, they take on the persona of the character the costume represents. As they walk in the historical persons’ shoes, they learn about the lives and times of their characters. At a very impressionable time in their lives, they are realizing what it was like to live in another era. This is just one of the reasons why Linda Trigg was chosen 2006 Teacher of the Year. She works at Venice Elementary School, Sarasota County, in Venice, FL. For the Thanksgiving holiday, Linda made 84 costumes for her second grade class. Dressed in their outfits, students recreated the lives of separatists coming to America. At Christmas she made 12 costumes that typified the dress worn in countries such as India, Russia, Greece, Norway, Sweden, Germany, France, England, Italy and Ireland.

“She is intensely creative, very loving and devoted to the school community as a whole,” said Theresa Baus, Principal of VES School.

Renee Ethier Massoud. Epsilon Eta, was honored at the 32nd annual YWCA of Bergen County, New Jersey Tribute to Women and Industry (TWIN) Awards Dinner. Honorees were recognized for their significant and outstanding contributions to their companies in managerial, professional and executive roles. Massoud is currently Director of Ethics and Compliance with a focus on information privacy at KPMG LLP, one of the largest professional services firms providing audit, tax, and advisory services, and served as a board member of the Special Libraries Association.

Stephanie Manning Cicale, Delta Psi, received the Robert J. Smythe Outstanding Professional Fundraiser Award at the New Jersey chapter’s third annual Association of Fundraising Professionals’ “Excellence in Philanthropy” awards dinner.

Alumnae Reunions ALPHA KAPPA CHAPTER GATHERS JULY 15-16, 2006


he whole idea for a first-ever Alpha Kappa reunion at Fairmont State University had been on the minds of several local alumnae for many years. Finally, in the summer of 2005, two seasoned Sigmas set a date and reserved both the newly constructed Falcon Center at FSU and the Fairmont Field Club for July 15, 2006. Mykie Wilson Reagan (initiated 1964) and Linda Orr Morgan (initiated 1963) co-chaired the Alpha Kappa event. An enthusiastic planning committee made every effort to be sure that AK members from as early as the forties and current collegiate members would remember why they loved being a Tri Sigma at Fairmont State University in Fairmont, WV. “We planned the party and everyone came!” was the jubilant cry of the planning committee when 171 Alpha Kappa Sigmas chose to follow the purple brick road up the Falcon Center stairs to pick up their nametags

The Sigma flip-flops were the envy of the 171 women who attended.


and T-shirts, get tickets for the trolley and walking tours, browse through the memorabilia tables, and greet old and new Sisters. Local dulcimer players provided native mountain music while everyone enjoyed mimosas on the terrace and, later, a delicious brunch. A special highlight of the morning was Fairmont Mayor Nick Fantasia proclaiming July 15, 2006, as Sigma Sigma Sigma Day. The warm summer evening at the Fairmont Field Club began at 6:00 p.m. with hors d’oeuvres under the gazebo. Transformed into a kaleidoscope of shimmering purples and whites, the ballroom was decorated with ribbons, balloons, tulle, linens and candlelight. Before dinner, the AK Sisters were treated to a CD presentation titled, “The Life and Times of Sigma Sisters,” which included a message from Carrie Underwood, 2004 American Idol winner and Sigma Sister. The program that followed dinner began with five past presidents, each one representing a decade, speaking on their Alpha Kappa Chapter experiences. These Mayor Nick Fantasia proclaimed July 15 as Sigma Sigma Sigma Day in Fairmont, WV. Pictured are Alpha Kappa Reunion co-chairs Mykie Wilson Reagan, left, and Linda Orr Morgan.

women sparked lots of memories, lots of laughter and lots of tears! Wanting to give a special memento to those who attended the first-ever reunion, the planning committee scoured FSC/FSU yearbooks from 1930 to the present and identified Sisters participating in the gamut of Sorority activities. The collection of pictures was set to music, and the “In Our Sigma Bonds” DVD came to life on a huge screen. Each AK Sigma was given her own copy to take home. As part of the evening’s program, AK Sisters learned more about FSU campus development and proudly collected $1,200 to donate toward the development of the new Folklife Center. A beautiful and moving ceremony dedicated to those Sisters from Alpha Kappa who have joined Omega Chapter concluded the program. Following a few closing remarks, the trip down the purple brick road ended appropriately with a reading of the poem “That Which Endureth” and all Alpha Kappa Sisters singing “Stately and Royal.”

The 1966 Pledge Class showed their Sigma loyalty when 13 out of 20 members reunited at the reunion.



Significant Sigmas

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Alpha Helen Shawen Hardaway Betty Shields Brumfield Zeta Edith L. Morse Iota Irma McCart Bledsoe Lillian Moffat Wells

75-YearMembers Pi Maxine Obenland Mott Della McMurry Peterson Ailene Carlson Minturn

Sigma Audrey Humeston Schneider

Lambda Mary Call Young

Upsilon Pet Kilpatrick Connell

Mu Mary Stout Dodson

Chi Jane Orr Bogle Christine Mason Jackson Edna Wasser Moon

Nu Gertrude Carr Sears Ruth Callison Riley

Collegiate Chapter

Omicron Pi th Collegiate Chapter


Chi Psi th Collegiate Chapter


Alpha Epsilon Alumnae Chapter

Maryville, MO


Alpha Epsilon Evelyn Perry Cockayne Gladys Cooper Travers Helen Busby Morse

Alpha Lambda Janet Percival Houston Elinor Baur Bethel Alpha Mu Shirley Harp Hebert

Alpha Zeta Valerie McIntosh Hester Camilla Tison Rachal Ethel Mestoyer Lawrence Margaret Wren Harrel Evelyn Alleman Duplantis

Alpha Nu Zora Locke Wadell Amy Campbell Rushing Sara Coffee Gidcumb

Alpha Eta Mary Glass Smith Esther Hanker McClure Evelyn Hodgen Kerlin Jane Kaylor Wright Mary Zigler Brittan

Alpha Xi Mary Fortuna Dicello Janet Greenhalgh Marberry Virginia Kenzler Barney Margaret Strasburg Parr Harriet Wolf Owens

2007 Chapter Anniversaries 65th



Collegiate Chapter

Alumnae Chapter

Collegiate Chapter

Alpha Phi Alpha Chi Alpha Psi

Twin Cities, MN

Delta Upsilon Delta Chi

Alumnae Chapter

th Alumnae Chapter

Emporia, KS

Chicago North Shore, IL




Alumnae Chapter

Northeast Florida, FL th Collegiate Chapter


Alumnae Chapter

Daytona Beach Area, FL Tri-City: Greensboro, WinstonSalem, High Point, NC th Collegiate Chapter


Zeta Chi Zeta Psi Eta Alpha Eta Beta Eta Epsilon Eta Zeta

Collegiate Chapter

Alumnae Chapter

Beta Pi

Charlotte, NC Eastern North Carolina, NC Long Island, NY

Epsilon Theta Epsilon Iota Epsilon Kappa Epsilon Lambda

Sarasota/Manatee Counties, FL

th Alumnae Chapter

th Collegiate Chapter

Nashville, TN Parkersburg-Marietta, WV

Zeta Eta Zeta Theta Zeta Kappa

th Collegiate Chapter

th Collegiate Chapter



Gamma Pi Gamma Rho

Collegiate Chapter

Alumnae Chapter

Alpha Xi

Sacramento, CA Lafayette, LA

Alumnae Chapter

Alpha Kappa Mary Livingston Squires Elsie McCall Rinehart Nellie Carroll McKain Hazel Morgan Brooks

Alpha Beta Mary Moorman Greenho

Psi Helen Gay Jones McGurk Marian Kopp Eaton Anne McFall Gremer Violet Whitney Jackson

Omicron Helen Krebs Maddox Marian Neir Mahard Ethel Sweet Reed


Alpha Alpha Nancy Jones Chambers Dorothy Taylor DeVise

Rho Sue Hanshaw Lane

Kappa Tacy Eulata Smith Strohl

Alpha Iota Sara Omohundro Johnson Margaret Price

Tulsa, OK


Alumnae Chapter


Eta Xi Eta Omicron Alumnae Chapter

Greater Pensacola Area, FL

Sigma Shop T

he proceeds from Sigma Shop benefit Walton House, our “Heart Home.” Everyone — even if they do not plan to attend Convention — can contribute to Sigma Shop with hand-crafted items to be purchased by Conventioneers for gifts and mementos. Items may be simple, but Sigma-decorated with Greek letters, sailboats, violets or purple. Those that are reasonably priced and can be easily tucked into a suitcase sell best. Convention 2007 is June 22-25 in Nashville, TN, so you still have some time. Don’t let your creative talents go to waste and experience the

pride in knowing that you have contributed to Convention 2007 and to Walton House. Questions or a request for a form to describe items to be contributed may be addressed to Carol Gregory Swango, 2007 Sigma Shop Chairman at or by calling Carol at 918-333-4599. Letters of inquiry may be sent to: Carol J. Swango, 2408 Jefferson Road, Fox Hollow, Bartlesville, OK 74006-6500.

Information on when and where to send items will be provided at a later date. They are not to be sent to Carol or National Headquarters.


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Your Head Start for

Convention 2007 By Julie Lammel, Alpha Sigma and Nashville Alumnae Chapter

The Sigma Sigma Sigma Convention 2007 Brought to You By…

Your 2007 Convention Committee. Pictured left to right are: Shari ArnoldHolifield, Kelly Thrush, Helen Shull, Amanda Swartzbaugh, Virginia Lund, Julie Lammel, Connie Herrell, Deborah Standley, Gwen Maniscalco, Jeanette Turner, Mary Lou Roberts, Jessica Anderson

The Nashville Alumnae Chapter looks forward to hosting the 2007 Convention of Sigma Sigma Sigma at the Music City Sheraton, June 22 to 25. Sigmas will gather at the lovely Music City Sheraton for workshops and Sisterhood. It has been a labor of love for the Nashville Alumnae Chapter, and we look forward to greeting alumnae and collegians from across the country. Look for us wearing white scarves and purple violet pins. We are pleased to introduce the hard working committee chairs for the 2007 Convention.

Gwen Hardouin Maniscalco, Gamma Eta and New Orleans Alumnae Chapter — Convention Chairman/ Meeting Planner, After serving as Secretary and President of the New


Orleans Alumnae Chapter and Assistant Convention Chairman in New Orleans, Gwen was appointed the National Meeting Planner for Sigma Sigma Sigma. She served in this position for the next three Conventions: Dallas, San Francisco, and the Centennial Convention in Virginia. In the next triennium, Gwen served in the Membership Development Department. In 2004 she was again appointed the National Meeting Planner. Gwen and husband, Tony, live in Metairie, LA, close to their three married daughters and seven grandchildren. Gwen enjoys tennis, traveling, and duplicate bridge and has become addicted to Sudoku.

Deborah McMahon Standley, Alpha Nu — Assistant Convention Co-Chair Debbie is the President of the Nashville Alumnae Chapter. She is currently a human resources compensation specialist. Debbie enjoys scrapbooking, reading and photography. Along with her husband, Kevin, she is active in many areas of her church.

Helen Sharrett Shull, Beta Gamma — Assistant Convention Co-Chair Helen is a retired elementary teacher and is the membership recruitment chair of the Nashville Chapter. Helen

enjoys oil painting, golf, gardening, everything Sigma and traveling to see her seven grandchildren. Helen is also chairing the freebies committee.

Jessica Anderson, Beta Epsilon — Webmaster Co-Chair Jessica graduated from Western Illinois University where she was an active member of the Beta Epsilon Chapter. She is an account coordinator at Athlon Sports and enjoys reading, dancing and art.

Connie Steely Herrell, Alpha Chi — Hospitality Connie is a manager at the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce. She and husband, Dave, enjoy golf, spending time on the lake and traveling.

Shari Arnold-Holifield, Gamma Mu — Tours Shari is a corporate trainer at Gaylord Opryland Entertainment. She has developed four very comprehensive tours for Sigmas to enjoy during Convention. Shari and husband, Jared, are proud parents of Sigma legacy, Maggie Grace.

Continues on page 35

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Sigma Sigma Sigma 2007 Registration Form Registration form to be used by Collegiate Members, Alumnae Members, and visitors, not Chapter Delegates or National Officers. Sigma Sigma Sigma Sheraton Music City, Nashville, TN June 22 – 25, 2007

Deadline: Completed registration materials must be postmarked by May 1, 2007. Please indicate on the Registration Form the appropriate category. Please feel free to reproduce this form. Any questions can be directed to National Headquarters at (540) 459-4212.

Attendee Category: Collegiate Member Alumna Member Guest

INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS: To Register: Print or type and send in one mailing to: Sigma Sigma Sigma 225 North Muhlenberg Street Woodstock, VA 22664-1424 1. Convention Registration Form 2. Check payable to Sigma Sigma Sigma for registration (VISA and MasterCard also accepted)

or Fax to: (540) 459-2361

or E-mail to:

Attendee Information Full Name:

First Name for Badge:

E-mail Address:

Day Phone:

Evening Phone:

Address: City:


Collegiate Chapter:

Alumnae Chapter:

I am a Golden Violet I would like to assist with

Zip Code:

I would like to receive Circle Degree (alumnae only) Hospitality Table




Sigma Shop


# of Conventions attended (not including 2007):

Airline Information: Arrival Date:


Flight #:




Departure Date:


Flight #:




I will be driving to Convention. Expected day andtime of arrival:



Hotel Room Reservations/Roommates: Please refer to the Hotel Accommodations section of the instruction page enclosed with this mailing. *** IMPORTANT: If you select a multiple occupancy room and do not list the required number of roommates, others will be placed in your room to fill the requested rooming space. For example, if a quad room was selected and only two roommates were listed, a fourth will be placed in the room. ROOMMATES WILL BE ASSIGNED FOR ALL DELEGATES AND NATIONAL OFFICERS.

I do not need hotel accommodations Single-occupancy room: ($125/night) (0 roommates)

I do not wish to share a room

Double-occupancy room: ($62.50/night) (1 roommate)

Requested Roommate 1: Requested Roommate 2: Requested Roommate 3: Please indicate any additional special needs:

Triple-occupancy room: ($42/night) (2 roommates)

Quad-occupancy room: ($31.25/night) (3 roommates)

Banquet Meals Reservations: See the Banquet Meals information on the instruction page enclosed with this mailing. Vegetarian Food allergies

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Sigma Sigma Sigma 2007 Registration Form FEES/PAYMENT:


Registration Fee: Full-time Registration - $200.00 ($250 if submitted after May 1, 2007)


Daily Registration ($100/day) Friday Saturday

$ Sunday


Meals: Panhellenic Luncheon - Saturday, June 23, 2007 ($30.00):


Laurels Banquet - Sunday, June 24, 2007 ($45.00):


Festival of Lights - Monday, June 25, 2007 ($60.00):


Accommodations: Single Occupancy:

$125.00 X

(# of nights) =


Double Occupancy:

$ 62.50 X

(# of nights) =


Triple Occupancy:

$ 42.00 X

(# of nights) =


Quad Occupancy:

$ 31.25 X

(# of nights) =


Tours: Saturday, June 23, 2007 Option 1 General Jackson Showboat ($75.00) Option 2 Grand Ole Opry ($52.00)


Tuesday, June 26, 2007 Option 1 Downtown Nashville ($85.00) Option 2 Culture Nashville ($70.00)




The convention rate applies to three days before and three days after Convention based on space availability. Lodging requirements pre and post Convention will need to be made by you with the hotel, and you are responsible for those lodging costs, which must be paid to the hotel at time of checkout. Acceptable methods presented to hotel upon arrival are: MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Discover Card, Diners Club and travelers checks. The standard Sheraton room rate, including tax, is $125.00 per night (the rate applies to single, double, triple and quad occupancy).

Room description: The Sheraton Music City guest rooms have been re-designed for comfort, elegance and functionality. The guest rooms offer sleigh beds with pillow-top mattresses, spacious bathrooms, three phones, computer data ports, workstations with ergonomically designed chairs and patio/balcony. Each standard room has 2 double beds.

Common amenities: GRAND TOTAL


Sheraton Music City 777 McGavock Pike Nashville, Tennessee 37214 (615) 885 - 2200

Hotel check-in time is 3:00 p.m. Check out time is noon.


Card Number:

Coffee makers, air-conditioning with individual temperature control, alarm clockradio, balcony/terrace with table and chairs, cable television with in-room pay movies, video games and express video check-out, iron and ironing board.

Expiration Date:

Signature (as it appears on the card): 3 digit security code:

REFUND POLICY: • Refunds will be granted as follows: • Cancellation received prior to May 22, 2007 – 80% refund. • NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER May 22, 2007. There is a $25.00 penalty on all returned checks.

Emergency Contact Information:

TRANSPORTATION: You must arrange your own transportation to Nashville, Tennessee, and be financially responsible for payment through your own booking site of choice. Please fill in the flight information on your Registration Form. Sheraton provides complimentary shuttle transportation to/from the airport.

CONFIRMATION: Confirmation of your completed Convention Registration will be sent from National Headquarters on/before June 1, 2007 to your permanent or summer address. If you do not receive a confirmation packet by June 10, 2007, please contact National Headquarters. Write:

Sigma Sigma Sigma 225 North Muhlenberg Street Woodstock, VA 22664-1424


(540) 459-4212 Phone (540) 459-2361 Fax Eastern Time, Weekdays 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


In case of emergency please contact: Name


Phone Number:

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Tour Package Options

Continued from page 32

FUN NIGHT TOURS (Saturday, June 23, 2007)

Julie Lammel, Alpha Sigma — Publicity

Option 1: General Jackson Showboat

Julie is The Triangle correspondent for the Nashville Chapter and is handling the publicity end of the Convention. She is a speech pathologist with the Nashville school system and is a charter member of the Nashville Alumnae Chapter.

(includes food and entertainment) Pick-up Time from Sheraton Music City: 6:00 p.m. Departure for Sheraton Music City: 10:15 p.m.

$75.00 TOTAL Option 2: Grand Ole Opry Pick-up Time from Sheraton Music City: 6:00 p.m. Shopping & dinner on own at Opry Mills & free GOO Summer Plaza Parties Grand Ole Opry (“GOO”): 9:00 p.m. Departure to Sheraton Music City: 11:30 p.m.

Virginia Raynes Lund, Alpha Delta — Registration Ginny is a retired math/science and computer teacher. She comes from a family of Sigmas including her mother, sister-in-law and two cousins. Ginny enjoys digital photography and golfing with husband, Erik.

$52.00 TOTAL NOTE: GOO cost includes admission to GOO show & V.I.P. backstage tour of the Opry by Senior Sales Manager Wayne Chandler or the Gaylord Manager. Sigmas will be taken backstage in smaller groups between sets of the show. Dinner is ON YOUR OWN at Opry Mills or Gaylord Opryland Hotel.

Kelly Magee Thrush, Epsilon Pi — Webmaster Kelly is the Manager of Web Services for ATI Metalworking Products. She holds a master’s degree in technology management and will receive her MBA in 2008. Kelly and husband, Doug, enjoy ballroom dancing and traveling.

POST-CONVENTION TOURS (Tuesday, June 26, 2007) Shari Arnold-Holifield, Tour Chairman 615-458-3366, work 615-403-2662, cell Feel free to research the following two attractions at their websites or e-mail Shari Arnold-Holifield, Tour Chairman, at and she will be glad to answer questions!

Jeanette Calhoun Turner, Alpha Chi — Decorations Jeanette is an elementary school teacher. Her flair for decorating has been put to good use as the Decorations Chair for the 2007 Convention. Jeanette and husband, Richard, have three children and enjoy traveling.

Option 1: Downtown Nashville Pick-up from the Sheraton Music City: Ryman Auditorium: Frist Center For the Visual Arts: Free time & lunch/dance lesson at the Wildhorse: Country Music Hall of Fame: Depart for Sheraton Music City:

8:30 a.m. 9:00 -10:00 a.m. 10:15 - 11:45 a.m. 12:00 - 2:30 p.m. 2:45 - 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

Amanda Swartzbaugh, Delta Beta — Exhibits Amanda is the Alumnae Panhellenic Delegate for the Nashville Chapter. She works in the music industry for an independent record label. Amanda served as a Sigma Leadership Consultant during the 2004/2005 year. She enjoys travel, music, writing and the arts.

$85.00 TOTAL Option 2: Culture Nashville Pick-up from the Sheraton Music City: Parthenon: Cheekwood Botanical Gardens: Lunch at The Loveless Cafè: Belle Meade Plantation: Depart for the Sheraton Music City:

8:30 a.m. 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. 10:30 - 12:00 p.m. 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. 2:30 - 4:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

And always remember … Sisterhood is the Music of Your Life!

$70.00 TOTAL

Carrie will be at Convention Sigma Sigma Sigma and the Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation are delighted to announce that Carrie Underwood, Alpha Iota, will speak at Convention 2007 in Nashville. Carrie rocketed to national recognition when she was named the American Idol in 2005. Her signature song, Inside Your Heaven, rapidly became the top selling country single and earned her recognition as Country Single Sales Artist. A string of awards immediately followed that year. Her first single, Jesus Take the Wheel, spent six weeks at number one on the charts. Her second single, Don’t Forget to Remember Me, shot to number one; Before He Cheats spent five weeks at the top spot; and Wasted was number one for two weeks.

Some Hearts, her debut CD, produced by her record label, 19 Recordings/Arista, has sold more than five million copies and earned more than a dozen awards for Carrie and her writers in 2006 to include the following: Top New Female Vocalist, and Single of the Year from the Academy of Country Music; the Horizon Award, and Female Vocalist Award from the Country Music Association; Inspiration Award for Mainstream Country Artist; and the American Music Award as Breakthrough Artist. She received five awards from Billboard Music, and received the Napster Award for Most Played New Artist in the U.S. You won’t want to miss seeing Carrie Underwood at Convention!


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Protecting Our Legacy Sigma Sigma Sigma Licensed Product and Services Nike. Jeep. Levi. These brands and their logos have trademark laws protecting them from misuse. Our Sorority name is no different. It is our right and responsibility to protect our name and the symbols that we have valued for more than 108 years. Therefore, Sigma Sigma Sigma registers its marks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and is taking measures to ensure our marks are used appropriately in marketing and merchandising.

SIgma Sigma Sigma and AMC Sigma Sigma Sigma has aligned with 53 other Greek organizations through working with Affinity Marketing Consultants (AMC), a company founded to help organizations protect the integrity and ownership of their trademarks. AMC will work with Sigma Sigma Sigma in granting licenses to companies that manufacture merchandise bearing our names “Sigma Sigma Sigma” and “Tri Sigma,” Ever Forward logo, Greek

letters, badge, coat of arms and other marks. Through the licensing program, vendors submit all products and designs for approval to insure that our marks are not associated with any products and/or designs that glorify alcohol abuse, sexism, hazing, drugs or discrimination.

Why Work with Licensed Vendors? The relationship between the Sorority and licensed vendors is a win-win situation. A licensed vendor agrees to work with Sigma Sigma Sigma to insure proper use of our trademarks, to sell high quality products at reasonable prices and to offer good customer service. In exchange, approved vendors are given the approval to produce products and/or services in association with our organization.

How Can You Help Alumnae and collegians play an important role in the success of the

licensing program. Licensed manufacturers will place a special Greek Licensed Product Logo (see below) designed for members of AMC on all items bearing Tri Sigma’s symbols. Look for this logo when shopping in campus bookstores, Greek specialty stores, catalogs and web sites. Members who buy products with this special seal can do so with confidence, knowing the Sorority has approved the products and they are purchasing from a licensed vendor. In addition, collegiate and alumnae chapters can support the program by having special items produced only by licensed vendors. To locate an always up-to-date list of Sigma Sigma Sigma’s officially licensed vendors, please visit If you would like to nominate a vendor to become licensed with our organization, please send their company information including name, address, phone, e-mail and web address to

BE the CHANGE For Emily Lewis Lee, Alpha Upsilon,collecting tin or knitting wool squares for the war effort was not enough. Lee rushed to earn her American Dietetics Association registration, then Lt. Lee supervised hospital-kitchen personnel nourishing wounded servicemen stateside. A sterling example of America’s “Greatest Generation,” she funded an alumnae center terrace to honor WWII veterans from the Madison community who helped save the world. James Madison University has featured Emily Lewis Lee for June in their "Be the Change” calendar. Congratulations, Miss Emily!

Corrections Corrections Krystle Kitchen’s official title is “Miss Virginia-National American Miss (pg. 10, winter Triangle). The pageants are set up in age groups for the state, and the term “National American Miss” represents her title group.


After the winter issue of went to press, we learned that the San Francisco Alumnae Chapter, Region 10, should have been included as a 2006 Honor Roll Alumnae Chapter. Congratulations to All!

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During the period from September 1 to December 31, 2006 the following Tri Sigmas were reported to have entered Omega Chapter. We offer our sympathy to their friends and family and honor them for their lifetime commitment to Tri Sigma.



Alpha Upsilon

Eleanor Phelps Handley

Betty Thompson Gregory Ethyl Clark Leming

Mary Jane Dingledine Grant

Alpha Beta

Mary Ann Renas


Jeannette Hayden Holman


Betty Collins Baley

Alpha Gamma

Drusilla Piatt Esslinger Lucille Dauner Bang Eileen Kirby Rima Patricia Colglazier Goss Dona Campbell Brown Mildred Peak Young Ellen Blaser Rook Ada Forrester Shields Marian Schmitt Mull Virginia Wichert Jordan Janet Slocombe Parker Virginia Margaret Stewart

Janis Fisher Freebersyser Marjorie Laub Farley


Alpha Mu

Karen Boughan Beswick

Hattie Landry Whitson Patricia Menou Barnes


Judy Tyson Pegg Betty Weber Stewart

Alpha Epsilon Karen Schuck Bowen

Alpha Iota Shirlye Mensi Quinn

Alpha Lambda

Jane Gerard Ornella

Alpha Rho


Roseann Brachbill Gryctko

Gwendolyn Gaines Dunbar

Alpha Sigma


Claudia Hall Tannehill

Rachel Young Graves

Alpha Phi Alpha Chi Jan Ballard Bohna

Beta Delta Juanita Shaw Whitacre Madge Sherrard Miller

Beta Nu Juanita Rae Brown

Beta Xi Ida Tilley Scott Opal Dasovich Seitz

Beta Rho Janet Irving Howard

Delta Kappa Ellen Kollock MacLauchlin It is the responsibility of every initiated Sigma to see that the badge she wears is protected and never worn by or in the possession of a non-member. When a Tri Sigma enters Omega Chapter her badge may be buried with her or returned to National Headquarters. The National Treasurer is the official custodian of Sigma Sigma Sigma badges.

Jan Wilson Honored J

by Alpha Chi and Murray State University

an Jones Wilson, former Alpha Chi Advisor, was honored posthumously by the members and alumnae of Alpha Chi and Murray State University during a dedication of a water wall fountain in the lobby of the Waterfield Library on the MSU campus on February 18, 2007. The fountain, an original work of art in copper by artist Nayer Kazemi, was funded by donations from the Alpha Chi Chapter, AX Alumnae, and friends of Jan in gratitude for her extensive work with the chapter and the Renaissance for Knowledge Library Committee. The dedication program noted that “the one-ofa-kind fountain, just like Jan, represents her approach to life, which was both effervescent and calming.” Following the dedication ceremony, a violin concert was given by Dr. Scott Conklin, a family friend, to further honor her community work in the Murray Civic Music Association. Miss Jan, as she was fondly called, served as the Alpha Chi Advisor from 1993 until her death on February 25, 2007. Her dedication to the

chapter earned her the Alumnae Advisor of the Area from Tri Sigma in 2003-2004. Wilson was also named Alumnae Advisor of the Year by the Greek community at MSU in 2004-2005, and the annual award has been renamed the Jan Jones Wilson Greek Advisor of the Year Award in memory of her. The Alpha Chi Chapter has renamed their annual philanthropy event The Jan Jones Wilson Memorial 5K Run. “Alpha Chi idolized Miss Jan while she was Chapter Advisor, and the women wanted to build a memorial to her on campus that would symbolize her ideals and values. This wonderful fountain will provide an ideal backdrop for those memories and a visual reminder to the women of Alpha Chi of the type of Sigma we should all strive to be,” commented Kathy Kopperud, current Alpha Chi Advisor. Alpha Chi Alumnae pictured left to right in front of the Jan Wilson memorial fountain are: Kathy Kopperud, Christian Cruce and Donna Ruth Herndon. Back row are Nancy Parrish and Megan Morraz, both past Alpha Chi Presidents.


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ALPHA HOUSE offers over 200 Sigma Sigma Sigma gift, jewelry, and sportswear items. Visit our online store at and begin shopping! If you would like a copy of the new 2007 Sigma Sigma Sigma catalog, request one today! As always, a percentage of every sale is given back to Sigma Sigma Sigma national organization.

11 S. Main St. Oxford OH 45056 (513) 523-8290 (800) 886-2574

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