CONTENT 1.0 Briefing 1.1 Brief Appraisal 1.2 Brief Response 1.3 Brief Development 2.0 Site 2.1 Site Analyses 2.2 Site Context 2.3 Site Options 3.0 Spaces 3.1 Precedents 3.2 Sketch Schemes 3.3 Planning 3.4 Facades 4.0 Plans 4.1 Elevations 4.2 Floor Plans 4.3 Sections 4.4 Main Spaces 5.0 Presentation 5.1 Colours 5.2 Furniture 5.3 Interior 6.0 Reflection
Function: Motel and business headquarters for Dispersed Special Interest Group Year: 2045 Site: southerly corner of Spencer and Batman St, West Melbourne Site Size: 25.7m x 24.8m x 25.9m x 24.7m; total 101.2m; area 639.5 sq.m Budget: 10 Million (consider environmental cost) General Concept: - Sustainable and environmental friendly building - Multi functional building - Incorporate with the future site (being developed) - Adopt the future methods of access and societal development - Use new technologies, renewable resources and environmental friendly materials
Critical items Underground level: 10 car spaces for guests 2 car space for staff 1 car space for manager/caretaker 5 car spaces for short-term parking 10 bicycle parking spaces Bins and Refuse storage Ground level: Drop-off area Reception to one side of the entrance lobby Baggage / cloak store Loading Bay Laundry collection area Upper levels: Office for the facility Secretariats for each DSI group(small Work space for workstation of two and meeting table of up to six) Restaurant set up to 50 people, with an attached small bar Restaurant kitchen and cool rooms Seminar suite of three rooms catering up to 20 people
Upper levels: A lounge for up to 25 people Associate public toilets at each level 15 suites with a table and chairs for small meetings as well as workstation 2 bedroom manager / caretaker’s residence Furniture, furnishings and props storage Adequate mechanical plant provision Outdoor space 300sqm Wanted items Roof Garden Isolation of public space and private space for DSI group Different access / circulation system Multimedia Studios Multimedia Exhibition spaces Tea Room Storage for motel and DSIG Wheelchair / Disable / PRAM access Sauna and gym
Owner: National Association of Visual Arts Existing National Association of Visual Arts organize both globally and locally two-day conference that provides a range of informative, inspirational, and provocative talks revealing the shifting priorities and emerging opportunities for visual arts. In their newest event in 2015, the talks and conference program have been developed for both a general audience and those immersed in the worlds of craft and design. Invited speakers are presenting in their own way, working at the intersection of craft and design. The activities held during their meeting include speeches, exhibition, cocktail function in the exhibition space, etc.
Exhibition Values Communication Visual Creativity Expression
Arts Poetry Presentation Connections Out Multi-media
of Box
Regular User: Yoga / meditation / mindfulness association of Australia We are building a centre where group members can learn and practice to train and quieten mind, feeling at ease and at peace. The activities conduct here will be aiming to achieve inner peace, balance and optimal life. Therefore, corresponding facilities are required. There should be spaces to relax, that is separated from the fast paced city life, somewhere has fresh air and atmosphere of nature. As the habit of special interest group, two or three weeks intensive course to escape from city life is likely to be the main activities of building.
Required spaces are: large, medium or small rooms for Yoga group discussion and review sessions; with AV equipment, whiteboard, tables and chairs. Small furniture like meditation blankets, stools and cushions within activity rooms will be needed as well. Users will be expecting participate in the yogic environment that need to have good sound insulation from outside.
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S i t e
A n a l y s i s
- darker routes have heavier traffic
As a casual stay place for users, the tranportation is more likely to be walking rather than other transportation. So the design should focus more on the walking radians, walking circulation and access. The access from the south and west is blocked by surrounding buildings, main access point will be on Batman Street since there is less traffic. Spencer street has got heavier traffic but no traffic light or pedestrian walking path acrossing the road.
Pedestrians are safer to Street so the guest entr on Batman Street near th entrance to lower level Spencer Street. Due to d is need to place service level instead of undergr boundary forms an area o 25 metres. Carpark is on boundary and ground leve offset that is 23 by 23.
PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIVITY Upper floors will be merged within 24 by 24 to ensure there is enough spacing between the buildings that helps with ventilation and lighting. The green quality around site is not optimised, I want to improve the quality vertically by having roof gardens and greenery space when merging the forms of each level. The main spaces will be orientated to the north for passive design, except for the gallery and theatre that requires little light.
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U r b a n
C o n t e x t
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S i t e
O p t i o n s
Placing the building towards North to optimise sunlight efficiency. In lots of high-rised building around lighta and produce less shadoow on
of the site, which is Barman Street the purposed furture, there will be the site so gaining most natural other buildings is important.
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P r e c e d e n t s
3.1.1 Diller Scofidio + Renfro Unveils New Columbia University Medical The Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) located in Northern Manhattan, is a 14-story facility aiming to achieve LEED Gold certification and incorporate technologically advanced classrooms, collaboration spaces, and a modern simulation center. The design is led by Diller Scofidio + Renfro, in collaboration with Gensler as executive architect. The integration of mixed curriculum and an emphasis on teambased learning is reflected throughout the building, which is possible to adopt some design quality for DSGI. It features technology-enabled classrooms; a state-of-the-art medical simulation center that will replicate clinics, operating rooms and other real world medical environments; innovative learning facilities for both collaboration and quiet study; an auditorium and event areas with integrated technology; centralized student support services; student lounges and cafés; and multiple purpose outdoor spaces. The “Study Cascade” is the principle design strategy of the building – a network of social and study spaces distributed across oversized landings along an intricate 14-story stair. The Study Cascade creates a single interconnected space the height of the building, stretching from the ground floor lobby to the top of the building, and conducive to collaborative, team-based learning and teaching. The “Study Cascade” interiors are complemented by a distributed network of south-facing outdoor “rooms” and terraces that are clad with cement panels and wood. While the “Study Cascade” provides an organizational strategy for the building’s interior, it is also an urban gesture that, with its glass façade, aims to become a visual landmark at the northern limit of Columbia University’s medical campus. The northern face of the building houses space for classrooms, clinical simulation and administration and support.
3.1.2 Shelf Hotel by 3Gatti Architecture Studio
Instead of a serial of skyscrapper, architects 3Gatti decided to put lots of smaller buildings on a gigantic set of shelves. Houses and apartment blocks on the lower levels of the Shelf Hotel will contain hotel suites. Office blocks will be placed nearer the top, two shelves are omitted from the lower part of the tower, creating an elevated garden including a courtyard surrounded by restaurants. According to the architects, this project is aming to represent multicultural international architectural language strongly attached to Xi'an and Chinese traditions. One main purpose of this design is to follow the needs of different inhabitant without loosing the power of a strong landmark building in the cityscape. The design emphasize the beauty of collage aesthetics and interactive environment. This building wants to represent their spirit of collective creation and the facade will literally represent this continuous and interactive flow of creations.
Interpretation Referencing to the program of these two precedents, designing spaces seperately could be efficient in a mix-use building. By differenciating the public area and DSIG areas on levels, it's attempting to provide more privateness for the regular users.
3.1.3 Big Architecture Studio-Lego Tower The "derezzed blocks" or "cantilevering tetris voxels" developed by BIG with its "Lego Towers" of 2006 is adapted as a reference in some modern projects such as the Municipality Building in Rotterdam (2009) and 56 Leonard Street (2008). The sloppiness at certain levels form its own spactial / architectonic / formal language and style. The conceptual design of this tower sits on a plain site, despiting the access and circulation within building. It's more representing one of the architectural language that is "MERGE". Although the use of form is repeating, the overall building is unique and impressive of its interlace and overlap of the square and rectangle shape.
MVRDV/ADEPT, Sky Village, Rødovre
H&DeM, 56 Leonard Street, NY
I like the idea of "MERGE" of spaces within these buildings, especially the 56 Leonard Street is quite similar to the site context of our site. There are some low level buildings around and the higher building part merge on top of them to have more spaces on the small site. As a result of merge, the building earn extra spaces for greenery and balcony, reaching to an eco-friendly system and receiving maximum sunlight.
The LEGO House shows the unique LEGO experience that play fosters innovative thinking, also gives us an opportunity to make it very tangible what LEGO play offers and how it stimulates people's creativity and learning. The composition method is again "MERGE", different spaces are merged to interract with each other.
In this way each space is separated but accessible, forming an interesting circulation within the building. Not only the external form of this building is unique, the internal spatial experience is also impressive. Different height of ceiling also shows the concept of "merge" interior wise.
Morning Shadowing
Afternoon Shadowing
Sketch Architect & DSGI Office Motel Suites Function rooms Garden Restaurant Lobby & Theatre Lower Carpark
Summer Sun Winter Sun
The angle of merge is designed to adopt most winter sun and avoid summer sun. Car parking is placed underground, entering from Spencer Street. Due to drainage problem, service core has to be placed on ground floor. Revolving door is used at the main entrance on Batman Street, reception is at the right of entrance, behind is the rest space and office upstairs. Fire escape fire staircase is at south-east corner, ramp is available to access up to third level, which is the garden. The main verticle transportation will be the elevators on the west. The interior of exhibition space is free to arrange different exhibitions, the space is visible from the lobby and walkway in front of elevators.Lobby will consist for double height space, motel office is accessible behind the reception table.
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P l a n n i n g
Lower Ground Level
Upper Ground Level
Public toilets are placed around the elevators, for construction purposes. Motel storage is place at the south west corner, lecture theatre is accessible from the ramp or left of elevators. The theatre will be used for the lectures of National Association of Arts, which could be occupied by other temporary users during the year. Above this level will be the restaurant, forth level has three yoga rooms looking out to the garden. Above the garden there are suites arranged to gain maximum sunlight during winter and avoilding summer sunlights. Architectural office will be placed at the top level.
An important factor to consider when choosing timber cladding panels over other cladding panel materials, is the environmental advantages of using timber. I have chosen timber as exterial cladding material because of its low embodied energy and carbon sequestration principles. Secondly, it's 100% renewable resource, uses less energy to produce than any other construction material. The production results in much lower CO2 emissions than alternative materials.
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E l e v a t i o n s
I used different colours in the digital model for differentiating the levels to be rendered in another software. In these elevations I was still testing the way to merge for optimum angle for sunlight to get to the Yoga room level.
The floor plans are finalised with careful consideration of suites layout, rooms are merged to form a plan that upper level stands out on the north site so that sunlight from the winter sun angle will not be obstructed. The layout of yoga rooms and restaurant encourage users to look out and the garden us ti create atmosphere of nature, to relax users.
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F l o o r
P l a n s
The architecture office is on the top level, as they will spend most of the time in this building. By looking out to the north on balcony, the west Melbourne view will be more openned, while the rooms for staff look at CBD of Melbourne.
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M a i n
S p a c e s Main Entrance/Lobby
At the start I wanted to use grey and gry-blue colour theme for this project to show it's modern and stylish. But as I put it in the model when rendering, these colours create an atmosphere that is a bit "cold", which may not be suitable for a gathering space. I want to achieve an atmpsphere that make visitors feel like home, so I started looking at warmer colours.
I have changed the blue theme to the timber colours, which I found a bit similar to Almond Butter, which makes people feel warm. The timber colours I used to render looks good with cotten cream white and browns. So I have decided to use simply white and light colour timber for interial walls. The atmosphere of suites will make visitors feel like home.