San Diego CityBeat • May 25, 2016

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May 25, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 3


A guide to the primary election


SSUMING YOU REGISTERED (if you didn’t, apply the duct tape to your mouth immediately), the best way to approach the June 7 primary—or any election—is to request the mail-in ballot. But, then, hold it for drop off on Election Day. This way, if you get summoned out of town at the last minute you can drop it in the mail. By holding on to your ballot you can get any last-minute race updates—and you can go pick up the ever-fashionable “I Voted” sticker. Before you decide where to affix this year’s sticker, check out these endorsements. U.S. PRESIDENT: The most important aspect of the race for President of the United States has become keeping the Cheetos-hued reality TV show host out of the office. America doesn’t need or deserve a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, narcissistic, egomaniacal huckster/schmuck in the White House. Schmuckster Donald Trump—who’ll be in San Diego for a testosterone fest at the San Diego Convention Center on Friday, May 27—has managed to blow up the Republican Party and alienate its elite leadership (groovy). Beware, however, the slithering normalization of the Creepy Coif candidate. In the quest to nullify Trump’s misdirected appeal to voters who want a political outsider, the alternative is Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders. His ideas for free college and universal healthcare are dreamy—and we should all still be able to dream. Kudos, too, to Sanders for visiting the border during his recent campaign stop in San Diego. In reality, the numbers—and the superdelegates—point to Hillary Clinton becoming the Democratic nominee. Just as quickly as a proud progressive should fill in Bernie’s bubble, so should they get solidly behind Hillary if/when she gets the nod. Bernie Bro anger shouldn’t be aimed within the party. That passion needs to be funneled into electing a Democratic President—one who will build on the social justice platform that’s been re-established and solidified during the current administration. *** MAYOR: San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer was elected to office in a special election two years ago. Over that time he’s demonstrated his ability…to hold press conferences and be a marketing maven. He’s ducked making decisions on major issues facing the city, such as the Chargers stadium initiatives, and deserves to be vetted by the public beyond the primary election. The Republican Faulconer is a congenial, widely-liked former city councilmember with a huge following. He wins the race outright if he gets 50 percent plus one in the primary. The city has two other choices for mayor, including former state Assemblymember Lori Saldaña, who is running as an independent, and Ed Harris, a Democrat who filled in on the city council in Faulconer’s seat after he was elected mayor.

4 · San Diego CityBeat · May 25, 2016

San Diegans deserve to see Harris— a straight-shooting former Marine and action-oriented Lifeguard Sergeant—take Faulconer to the November general election. The incumbent is going to get the most primary votes; the hope is Harris and Saldaña can combine to get on more than 50 percent of ballots cast. A poll this week by The Independent Voter Network San Diego indicates Faulconer is right on the precipice. To note: Getting Faulconer to the general election should not be read as being in alignment with downtown stadium advocates who believe the mayor is standing in the way of that goal. To the contrary, if Faulconer wins the primary outright he most likely gets cozier with the notion of public subsidy for Team Spanos. Harris, however, has publicly voiced his opposition to corporate welfare for NFL football team owners. SAN DIEGO CONVENTION CENTER / FLICKR

Bernie Sanders at the San Diego Convention Center *** CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 1: Democrat Barbara Bry is the best candidate in the District 1 San Diego City Council race. All eyes are on this contest to see if the Democratic majority on the city council stays in place. Bry is thoughtful, savvy and business minded. She was the original editor of Voice of San Diego and on the startup team for Bry’s competition comes from Lincoln Club-backed Republican Ray Ellis, who has run a greasy campaign in which he’s strongly mischaracterized Bry’s positions on the Chargers Initiative (she’s against public funding for a new stadium) and pension reform. In a field of five challengers, it’s likely Bry and Ellis coming in one-two, with a likely general election skirmish to ensue. *** CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 3: For a while this race could have gone either way. It was tough to distinguish between the policies of Democrats Anthony Bernal and Chris Ward. Bernal is a staffer on the

team of termed-out District 3 councilmember Todd Gloria, a local star of progressive politics. Ward is chief of staff to state Senator Marty Block. An endorsement of Bernal from Gloria would have been golden, but one was not forthcoming. Then Bernal did get an endorsement from our Republican mayor, as well as campaign contributions from anti-gay-marriage, pro-business developer Doug Manchester. Yuck. While Bernal’s endorsement list has come into question, Ward’s is long and strong, including former District 3 councilmembers Toni Atkins and Christine Kehoe, former councilmember Donna Frye and current councilmember David Alvarez. And of no small regard, Ward has a proactive plan (if not a proven resume) to hit the ground running to face off against District 3’s biggest problem: homelessness. Ward would expand the city’s Homeless Outreach Team, push the mayor to create a position of Homeless Czar and declare a Homeless State of Emergency in San Diego. CITY COUNCIL DISTRICTS 5: Incumbent Republican Mark Kersey has done little except author the doomed infrastructure lockbox proposition, but is firmly entrenched. Outspoken challenger Fotios “Frank” Tsimboukakis, who has labeled Kersey a carpetbagger, has the moxie and the drive to upend Kersey, who ran unopposed four years ago. CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 7: Justin DeCesare has the backing of the Democratic establishment and hopes Republican incumbent Scott Sherman, who is obsessed with the Chargers getting a new stadium in Mission Valley, garners less than the 53 percent of the vote that won the race for him in 2012. CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 9: This is a toughie. Ricardo Flores is the handpicked successor and chief of staff to retiring city councilmember Marti Emerald. But activists Sarah Saez and Georgette Gomez have strong social justice cred. For her well-documented efforts in fighting for the rights of local immigrant taxi drivers, the nod goes to Saez. CITY ATTORNEY: In a competitive race with four Democrats, most likely running to face off in the general election against a lone Republican, former chair of the San Diego Ethics Committee Gil Cabrera shines. Heads are shaking at candidate Rafael “Caste…Verde” Castellanos’ TV ad that focuses mainly on how to pronounce his last name. Meanwhile, Cabrera’s commitment to making the office less political and nonpartisan is admirable. And his endorsement from Cory Briggs makes you wonder if he might be able to befriend, rather than continuously butt heads with, the omnipresent activist lawyer.

—Ron Donoho

U.S. President:

Bernie Sanders

U.S. Senate:

Kamala Harris

Congress, D. 49:

Douglas Applegate

Congress, D. 50:

Patrick Malloy

Congress, D. 51:

Juan Vargas

Congress, D. 52:

Scott Peters

Congress, D. 53:

Susan Davis

State Senate, D. 39:

Toni Atkins

State Assembly, D. 71:

Jerald Larkey

State Assembly, D. 75:

Andrew Maisel

State Assembly, D. 77:

Melinda Vasquez

State Assembly, D. 78:

Todd Gloria

State Assembly, D. 79:

Shirley Weber

State Assembly, D. 80:

Lorena Gonzalez

Superior Court Judge, O. 25: James Mangione Superior Court Judge, O. 38: San Diego County Board of Education, D. 1:

Keri Katz Gregg Robinson

San Diego County Board of Education, D. 2: Guadalupe Gonzalez San Diego County Board of Education, D. 4:

Mark Anderson

San Diego County Board of Education, D. 5:

Rick Shea

Grossmont-Cuyamaca CC Board, S. 4:

Elena Adams

San Diego CC Board, D. B:

Bernie Rhinerson

San Diego Unified School Board, D. A:

John Lee Evans

San Diego Unified School Board, D. E:

LaShae Collins

San Diego County Board of Supervisors, D. 2:

Dianne Jacob

San Diego County Board of Supervisors, D. 3:

Dave Roberts

San Diego Mayor:

Ed Harris

San Diego City Attorney:

Gil Cabrera

San Diego City Council, D. 1:

Barbara Bry

San Diego City Council, D. 3:

Chris Ward

San Diego City Council, D. 5:

Fotios Tsimboukakis

San Diego City Council, D. 7: Justin DeCesare San Diego City Council, D. 9:

Sarah Saez

Chula Vista City Council, S. 4: Eduardo Reyes Proposition 50:


Proposition A:


Proposition B:


Proposition C:


Proposition D:


Proposition E:


Proposition F:


Proposition G:


Proposition H:


Proposition I:


Write to



May 25, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 5



NIMBY. Whatever the right place to locate the unsightly riff-raff living on the streets is always in someone else’s neighborhood. San Diego city government has approved of a plan to find homes for 1,000 homeless veterans in 2016. Homes found so far: 29. Continuing at that rate it will take 12 years to locate residences for the other 981. There are two tiers for those surviving on the streets. Veterans have at least a slight preference. The other thousands of homeless will have to wait until sometime in the distant future when all of the veterans have been taken care of. Even Hawaii has a problem with destitute people sleeping on the streets, or on the beaches. Does a warm beach sound inviting? Try getting up in the morning with a pound of sand to remove from your body, and your clothes. Sounds better than concrete, anyways. Has anyone, anywhere thought of a solution to this global predicament? Every Sunday morning on CNN, there is a show called Global Public Square, which is moderated by Fareed Zakaria. He gave information today on a program in Utah that has been in place for several years now, and seems to be working well. The first thing they do is give the homeless people homes. What a radical idea! They try and find places for everyone, which are run by caseworkers. When the street people have a place to stay that has an address, a phone number and possibly a computer or two to use, then it is possible for them to go out and find at least part-time employment. It was probably difficult at first, but seems to run well in Utah. I think they use houses that were foreclosed, and other buildings no longer in use. Could something similar be done in San Diego, or in other locations? Where there is a will, and funding, and dozens of sites, and perhaps special zoning regula-

tions, then there would be a way. Diego refuses to invest in realistic Salt Lake City has found a solu- answers to these problems. San Diego CityBeat recently pubtion that may be less than perfect, lished an article titled, “The atti Benny A. McFadden, but could suggest a path for San tude of entitlement in the service Downtown San Diego Diego to follow. industry” [May 18] by a columnist Deuel Woodward, named Edwin Decker. Mr. Decker Chula Vista HOMELESS QUESTIONS has written retrograde nonsense Replying to the many letters about before (“The vindication of a lesbian porn connoisseur” comes ONE-STOP HOUSING STOP homelessness in San Diego: Homelessness will never be to mind) but this really takes the First of all, I want to thank and cake. This article is the most longcommend CityBeat for encourag- ended in San Diego. It will never winded “A cute server didn’t talk ing an open dialogue in editorials be ended in California. People migrate to San Diego to me” rant I’ve ever seen, and to and letters regarding homeless isand California in part for the abiltie it into this overarching take sues in San Diego. about “entitlement” is just a reSecondly, I have to agree with ity to live outdoors year round ally lazy and deeply ironic way [letter writer] John Kitchen’s as- and receive generous public assisfor him to use a public platform to sessment of Michael McConnell’s tance. Homeless advocates never adlash out at a worker. “by-name” list from your previIn addition, all the lascivious ous issue as a possible solution to dress the impossibility of housing and gross adjectives used to dehomelessness. Kitchen’s critique people with drug or alcohol or scribe this server (“buxom,” “punkis politely disagreeable to McCon- mental illness problems. Many of gina”) are just further indications nell’s idea but I’ll go one step fur- them refuse treatment. No matter how many low- or that Mr. Decker was shut down ther; by keeping a list of homeless in his flirting and decided to take individuals that potentially need no-cost housing units are built, it out in the most public way poshelp the city and county would be new people will continue to arrive sible. Please don’t let CityBeat be creating a list of citizens that are every day. Low-income people can’t afturned into a hot-take factory for second-class. This is the United the sake of a bad writer’s ego purge. States. Regardless of income or ford higher taxes to house homesocial status, people in this coun- less people. Ben Salazar, Assuming the money could be try should not be listed like this. Los Angeles Thirdly, regarding mental found to build 10,000-50,000 lowhealth issues of homeless indi- or no-cost units (which it can’t poHOUSING FIRST viduals; what scares a paranoid, litically) the following needs to be There were 3.7 billion people in disenfranchised person more than addressed: the world in 1970. There are 7.4 Where are you going to put a real conspiracy involving a govbillion now. Demographic projecthese units? No residents/business ernment making lists of disposable tions currently say that any plateau humans? If we want people who owners want them in their area. So in population growth is unlikely really need meds and counseling they would need to be far out of the to be reached until the year 2100 fleeing to hide in canyons and un- city. at around 11 billion. We are on a How are you going to get peoincorporated areas, a list of them planet with finite resources. There ple out of the public assistance shared by city workers and law enare homeless people in New York, units so they don’t forever ocforcement is a good place to start! Los Angeles, San Diego and elsecupy them? There would need to What I am incredibly curious where. The problem of what to do be a one-year time limit. Or there about is the idea of a permanent with the homeless will still be with one-stop-shop for the homeless would need to be more new units us when our great-grandchildren where someone put out on the built every year forever. are alive. Assume that all 7.4 bilHow do you keep people from street can go for all of hers or his lion lives matter. What can we do moving to San Diego, or staying needs. Why is our city not investing with the unfortunates living on the in this? The “by-name” list shared in San Diego for the low-cost/free streets of San Diego? by numerous city, state or even fed- apartment? There would need to The solution to a “safety coneral agencies would be obsolete if be a five-year verified validated cern” in Sherman Heights is to people in need could go to one lo- residency requirement before any install a rock garden [“Undercation for all the help they require. public assistance can be applied for. pass rock garden is called antiHow do you prevent people Nationwide, the solution exhomeless,” April 26] that has lots who can afford housing from hidists but for whatever reason, San of rocks, and little or no garden. ing their money to get cheap or This issue of CityBeat thinks that while the Padres struck out, free housing and public welfare the Gay Men’s Chorus hit a home run in forgiving the DJ involved in Anthem-gate. benefits? That happens now. How do you get people with mental problems or drug or alcoVolume 14 • Issue 42 hol addiction problems into housing without causing more probEDITOR CONTRIBUTORS SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Ron Donoho David L. Coddon, Jason Noble Interested in advertising? lems? How do you mandate treatBeth Demmon, Andrew Dyer, Call 619-281-7526 or e-mail ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Tiffany Fox, MUSIC EDITOR ment when they don’t want it? The Beau Odom Michael A. Gardiner, Jeff Terich advertising deadline is 5 p.m. every Mark Schreiber Glenn Heath Jr., Peter Holslin, What American city with yearJenny Tormey Friday for the following week’s issue. Jessica Johnson, Scott McDonald, ARTS EDITOR round pleasant weather and genJenny Montgomery, Seth Combs EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE ACCOUNTING Susan Myrland, Jim Ruland, Kacie Cobian 3047 University Ave., Suite 202 erous benefits has been able to Ben Salmon, Tom Siebert, Sharon Huie WEB EDITOR San Diego, CA 92104 Jen Van Tieghem, Linda Lam successfully address and solve the Ryan Bradford Phone: 619-281-7526 Amy Wallen Fax: 619-281-5273 HUMAN RESOURCES above issues? How did they do it? ART DIRECTOR Andrea Baker EDITORIAL INTERN Carolyn Ramos When the advocates can solve Elizabeth Pode VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE those problems and answer those Kacie Sturek EDITORIAL ASSISTANT PRODUCTION MANAGER Torrey Bailey questions with detailed, rational anVICE PRESIDENT OF OPERATIONS Tristan Whitehouse David Comden COLUMNISTS swers there will be fewer homeless. Aaryn Belfer, Edwin Decker MULTIMEDIA ADVERTISING DIRECTOR PUBLISHER There will never be no homeless. John R. Lamb, Alex Zaragoza Paulina Porter-Tapia Kevin Hellman San Diego CityBeat is published and distributed every Wednesday by Southland Publishing Inc., free of charge but limited to one per reader. Reproduction of any material in this or any other issue is prohibited without written permission from the publisher and the author. Contents copyright 2016.

6 · San Diego CityBeat · May 25, 2016

James Wasser, San Diego

TABLE OF CONTENTS UP FRONT From the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spin Cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Backward & In High Heels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 6 7 8

FOOD & DRINK The World Fare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Dishing It Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Final Draught. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

ARTS & CULTURE SHORT LIST: Three you have to see. . . . . . . . 13 Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17 Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 FEATURE: Border Reunions. . . . . . . . . . 18-19 Well, That Was Awkward . . . . 20 Seen Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23

MUSIC FEATURE: Eric Bachmann . . . . 24 Notes from the Smoking Patio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 If I Were U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Concerts & Clubs . . . . . . . . . 28-31

LAST WORDS Advice Goddess . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32



CityBeat columnist Alex Zaragoza shot the poignant cover photo of a tearful family reunion at Friendship Park at a fence on the Mexican border wall. Her story about the group, Border Angels, which facilitates such meetings, begins on page 18. “Being at the border wall that day was heart wrenching, but also felt intrusive,” she says. Zaragoza, whose pop culture column is called There She Goz, recently began hosting Unherd, a weekly show on ABC10 about music.






As election nears, screwy season blossoms



residue from past encounters with the aforementioned “shenanigans.” Certainly the circus barkers who rely on electioneering as a career hope the public lack certain skills in institutional memory. Their livelihood depends on it, otherwise they’d be relegated to generating the best ideas in hopes of crushing the lesser ideas of their opponents. And that’s not a San Diego thing these days. Sometimes you have to just pat this town on the head and say, “Had enough?” Hell, Kevin Faulconer, the Republican incumbent mayor who so wants to wrap up his re-election efforts in June so he can avoid political heavy lifting come the November general election, is lending his seal of approval to Democratic candidates in council races where no Republican presence can be measured. District 3 council candidate Anthony Bernal embraced his nod from the mayor, An anticipated Mayor Kevin while District 9 faFaulconer, should he be forced vorite Ricardo Flores to a November runoff. distanced himself from a Faulconersome much-regurgitated polling voiced robo-call endorsement. of questionable repute showing Between now and when you Faulconer polling in the high 20s read this, only the second of three with a large number of undecidtelevised debates that Faulconer eds. On Tuesday, the Independent agreed to will have taken place Voter Network San Diego issued with challengers Lori Saldaña, a results from a poll it claimed put former Democratic member of Faulconer within striking disthe state Assembly now running tance of an outright win in June, as an independent, and Ed Har- at 48.06 percent. Or as the cheerris, a lifeguard sergeant and for- leading KUSI put it in mathematimer city council member. Within cally challenged fashion, “New the friendly confines of the KUSI poll shows Faulconer sweeping television studio, Faulconer primary elections.” might have found a witty retort So, weirder things have hapto Saldaña’s reference to him as pened, right? San Diego, via our the “Dean Spanos of mayors”— piddling Padres, now owns more equating him and the Chargers National Anthem screw-ups (the owner with equal parts ambition recent Gay Men’s Chorus debacle for bigger pastures, Los Angeles and the 1990 Rosanne Barr shriekfor Spanos and the governor’s fest) than World Series victories mansion in Sacramento for Faul- (Game 2, 1984 vs. Detroit Tigers). coner in 2018. The powerful San Diego Police Whatever the response is, Officers Association, whose enhowever, should be better than dorsement among seekers is conwhat he previously told KUSI: “Ha sidered the Holy Grail, this year ha, you know, people can say a lot can be found on mailers endorsing of weird things in campaigns.” candidates for the local RepubThe KUSI story also dusted off lican Party’s Central Committee. months-old approval ratings for The POA shipped off $1,500 to the the mayor—“His internal polling party in March. Truly weird. shows his approval rating among If San Diego wants weird, let’s Democrats is 68 percent and 71 go for it. Send Faulconer to a prespercent among Latinos,” the story idential general, where he’s never claimed—and yet here we are less gone before. Get the city council than two weeks from the primary, to settle the tourist-tax conunand darn if there’s been little recent drum, with or without him. Maypolling shared with the public. be real words will replace happy In election years past, we talk. Crazy, right? would have seen a few polls leading up to Election Day on the Spin Cycle appears every week. mayor’s race. All Spin has seen is Write to JOHN R. LAMB

Applause is the spur of noble minds, would benefit from their civic inthe end and aim of weak ones. volvement.” —Edmund Burke But what sold the board on Bry, apparently, was her ability to coromeone break out the smell- rect erroneous statements quicker ing salts! The historically than her opponent. She was on the right-wing-to-a-fault San Di- horn “from the parking lot” after ego Union-Tribune editorial board a U-T interview to say she should kicked off its June 7 primary en- have said “veteran homelessness” dorsement pronouncements this when claiming the city of Phoenix week with a humdinger, picking had “basically ended homelessopenly Democratic entrepreneur ness,” the endorsement explained. Barbara Bry over the paper’s ReEllis, meanwhile, got dinged for publican choice four years ago in not admitting quickly enough that the District 1 City Council race, he’d gotten Bry’s position wrong direct-mail retiree Ray Ellis. on whether to appeal a January It should be noted that the Public Employment Relations newly revamped editorial board, Board ruling against the 2012 pennow headed by the paper’s for- sion-reform measure Prop. B. mer social-media manager Mat“He subsequently told an edithew T. Hall, was cordial enough torial writer, ‘I got a little ahead of about Ellis to root on a Novem- myself,’ and explained he’d charber-runoff scenario, noting, “A acterized her position [against aplonger election would be fine, and pealing] based on a transcript of an we hope whoever loses doesn’t interview he had obtained from a lose sight of how much San Diego meeting of the Republican-leaning

Lincoln Club of San Diego County,” the editorial read. “His was a political response that generated more questions than answers.” Yes, like who at the Lincoln Club, which is spending mightily to help the Ellis cause, coughed up the transcript, and does this cross the line for candidate communications with a supposedly independent expenditure committee? Maybe it’s kosher, but it sure reeks, and the U-T editorial board was wise to say it will not “condone such shenanigans.” The skeptic in Spin Cycle suggests that the Union-Tribune will now follow up its momentary tilt to the left with a barrage of rightleaning election picks, save perhaps for the presidency, at which time it will more than likely shoot itself in the collective head before choosing between Hillary Clinton, a past favorite U-T punching bag, and this newcomer named Something Trump. But it just goes to show you that when media get fed a diet of snack foods from politicians, media get hooked on said snack foods. There’s that immediate rush from the intake, then the natural inclination to take a nap, followed by regret and indignation from swallowing such junk. Repeat. Rinse. Perhaps the media scrub themselves too frequently, leaving no

May 25, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 7





Moms Demand Action zeroes in on guns


ike the safety tip that should have been on the toy gun 12-year-old Tamir Rice was holding when he was shot by a Cleveland police officer in 2014, orange is the color to display this coming June 2. To honor National Gun Violence Awareness Day, the San Diego chapter of Moms Demand Action will don orange t-shirts and gather at 6:30 p.m. at downtown’s Embarcadero Marina Park for a rally. With a murder rate 25 times that of other developed countries, America is definitely exceptional. We must be the best at everything, everywhere, and when it comes to gun violence, we’ve outdone ourselves. Already in 2016, there have been 19,712 incidents of gun violence and that number just keeps on ticking upward with each paragraph I write. Everytown For Gun Safety collates data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and keeps detailed records of the realities of our gun culture. Even as crime rates across the country have been on the decline, the number of annual gun murders—roughly 12,000—has remained unchanged. Nearly 20,000 people commit suicide using a gun each year. Approximately 91 people are killed by guns in America each day. In an average month, 51 women are shot to death by a former husband or boyfriend. On an average day, seven children are killed by guns in America. It is this last statistic—or the 2012 gun massacre of 19 children in Connecticut that contributed to it—that led one woman in Indiana to do what few of our elected officials seem to be interested in doing. Shannon Watts took a public stand for policy change and the result was Moms Demand Action. Having merged with Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the organization is not aiming to eradicate the 2nd Amendment, but is working to expand background checks, limit access to assault weapons and remove from office any elected officials who continue to placate the NRA. Oh, those crazy moms and their lofty ideas. This is, of course, a never-ending effort. Like other social movements, this one can be dreadfully demoralizing at times with no finish line where folks can share a celebratory drink, disband and go home to relax on the couch for the rest of time. We can barely talk about the issue in this country, given the dominance of the gun lobby and the fear they cut into the hearts of weakling legislators. If 18 white children’s shattered body parts scattered across the campus of their elementary school doesn’t force policy change—well, then. Progress is going to require generations of activist endurance. Like religion and politics, gun rights and gun violence are taboo topics for polite conversation. As it happens, I’m not really known for polite conversation. And, too, I’m fine with being viewed as the crazy mom on just about any issue, and this is never

more true than when it comes to dropping my kid at a play date or a sleep over. Though I’m often viewed as the freak helicopter parent when I do it, you better believe I ask whether there is a gun in any home where my child will be chillin’. It has been an awkward conversation at times, but a lot less awkward than oh, I don’t know…if my kid is dead from an accidental gunshot. So, yeah, I’m the mom who looks straight down the barrel, if you will, not unlike the littles in a 2014 20/20 report on children and guns education. According to the program, approximately 1.7 million U.S. children live in a home with an unlocked and loaded firearm. Gun safety is a public health crisis. And who better to help with this than Dr. NRA? Diane Sawyer and company showed a group of young school children learning about gun safety through an NRA-produced educational video featuring their mascot, Eddie Eagle. To be sure, this is an affront to educational videos and eagles everywhere. (So priceless is Samantha Bee’s recent quest to obtain an Eddie Eagle costume. Google it. You’re welcome.) Did I mention that Eddie Eagle raps in the video? Mmmm, it’s true. And that’s an affront to rappers everywhere. Even to Iggy Azalea. So there’s your barometer. But back to the 20/20 story. A few days after Eddie Eagle “taught” the kids all about what to do if they happen upon a gun—Stop! Don’t touch! Leave the aaair-EE-ah! Tell an adULT! (Pfife Dawg has got to be dying all over again at that abomination)—and after they’d sung that with their teacher and learned the choreography (apologies to choreography everywhere), the children were sent to a playroom outfitted with hidden cameras and barely hidden unloaded guns. I don’t really need to tell you what happened when the kiddos found the guns; about the boy who waved and pointed one at a friend’s head, or the boy who pointed one directly at his nose and looked down the barrel. I only need to tell you the despair and horror on the faces of these kids’ moms as they watched their babies interacting with guns. Moms Demand Action isn’t just for moms, of course. It is for anyone who supports the effort to close loopholes in our background check system, promote real gun safety and education, support limits on concealed carry and create enforceable laws that address gun trafficking and fraudulent purchasing. In a Utopian world with a finish line, the NRA no longer dictates our path. Orange represents big victories in policy, and the reduction in exceptionally violent American violence.

Like religion and politics, gun rights and gun violence are taboo topics for polite conversation.

8 · San Diego CityBeat · May 25, 2016

Backwards & In High Heels appears every other week. Write to





BFD’s best sandwich may be its Loins of Fire, with chile-roasted pork loin, roast poblano peppers, pickled onion and jalapeño, cilantro, lettuce, Fresno chile sauce and aioli on a torpedo roll. With a name that might intimidate more than a few, and chile peppers making multiple Behind the Big Front Door appearances in the menu description, one might expect a powerhouse that only a Chilehead could ay the word “sandwich” and it seems to love. But that doesn’t appear to be Sheep’s game. come with the notion of “serviceable” trailA layered étude in the key of chile, this would be a ing close behind. Perhaps, as the legend thrilling dish inside or outside of bread. Roasted, goes, the “sandwich” was invented when the rubbed, pickled and featured in a sauce, this dish Fourth Earl of Sandwich in England demanded uses different techniques to treat different chiles his valet bring him meat between two slices of and brings out their flavors as much, if not more, bread so he wouldn’t soil the cards during his than its heat. Another great choice is BFD’s Cali MICHAEL A. GARDINER Cubano sandwich, one of San Diego’s best takes on the Cubano. Sheep cures his pork loin for three days in a hamstyle brine before a low-and-slow smoke. Jack cheese, a pickle, red onion, avocado, mustard and a jalapeño aioli join the cured and smoked loin in the party in a torpedo roll. Not everything at BFD rises to the same level, but its less successful efforts don’t bore. The hoisin-ginger pulled pork sandwich, for example, veered too far into the sweet danger zone. Even so, the pork itself was tasty and the cilantro and cabbage did their best to pull it back from the brink. At the core of much of what BFD does is Sheep’s meat smoking program. Pork—for the cured and smoked loin as well as the pulled pork and BFD’s Cali Cubano ribs—turkey, meatloaf and more are all smoked on premises. And it is almost cribbage game. But just because it involves a prolike cheating. Even a simple turkey sandwich is tein between two slices of bread stuffed for pormade extraordinary. Of course, the turkey and tability doesn’t mean it has to be ordinary. Big cheddar mousse sandwich isn’t quite “simple.” Front Door (4135 Park Boulevard) in Hillcrest The house-smoked turkey is accompanied by a proves that point. smoked cheddar mousse, arugula, tomato, red BFD’s co-owner and chef, Steve “Sheep” Rionion, aioli and sun-dried tomato vinaigrette on ley comes from a fine dining background. His réwhole grain bread. sumé highlights include Tracy Borkham’s Chive, Utilitarian, be damned. Sheep Riley makes Cucina Urbana and Kensington Grill along with sandwiches like he was putting out plates at a Indigo Grill, Kemo Sabe, Firehouse and more, gofine dining restaurant. As a result the the soul of ing back to his days in Prescott, Arizona. Riley, the sandwich is elevated. however, left his heart in the kitchen of his first food industry home: a sandwich shop. And BFD The World Fare appears weekly. appears to be his effort to get it back. Write to



May 25, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 9





Poke your eyes out


f you poked around San Diego raw bars over the last decade, you might have noticed a greater presence of poke, that wonderful raw salad consisting of cubed fish, sea salt, onions, shoyu, sesame oil and seaweed. San Diego foodies have started appreciating the bounty of seafood available just off the coast, and poke—fresh poke—is one of the best ways to enjoy it. One guy who deserves credit for raising interest in this Hawaiian dish is Nino Camilo, the creator of the popular I Love Poke Festival (May 24), which regularly attracts around 800 people. Back in 2008, when Camilo started a Hawaiian food blog called ILoveMusubi. com, he had a hard time finding good poke. “I would drive all over LA, OC and SD eating plate lunches, musubi, snapping photos, the whole bit,” he says. “There was very little poke being served, and poke is what everyone wanted.” Camilo saw a need that could be met. “I guess this is where that ‘light bulb’ moment happened,” he says. “I was like, ‘I’m not crazy enough to open up a restaurant, but I will put on a good poke party!’” Since Camilo started the poke party, poke has poked its way onto local menus, according to Tommy Gomes, the fishmonger for Catalina Offshore Products, which is supplying 400-500 pounds of seafood for the event. “We’ve definitely seen an increase in requests for poke grade fish, and more chefs are adding fresh ceviche to their menus too,” Gomes says. Some people might lump poke in with ceviche, but there are major differences.

10 · San Diego CityBeat · May 25, 2016

“Poke is raw, ceviche is cooked in the acids of citrus,” Camilo says. Gomes adds: “For poke, you need a cut of high grade, super fresh fish like bigeye and yellowfin with the bloodline out and the skin off. For ceviche, you want a fresh white meat fish with a semi-firm texture. Something like rock cod, halibut or kingklip.” In the last couple of years, a lot of poke places have popped up, including Poke Go (3614 5th Ave.), Poke UTC (8895 Towne Centre Drive) and San Diego Poke Company (10387 Friars Road). SDPC owner Yohei Umezu thinks poke fits a San Diego lifestyle for both culinary and cultural reasons.


I Love Poke Festival “Poke is quickly becoming very popular in San Diego,” he says. “Historically, [the city] has deep ties to the tuna fishing industry, so it almost seems natural that would lead to San Diego-style poke becoming a staple of our cuisine,” he says. Keoni Simmons, head chef at Hollywood Casino Jamul (14145 Campo Road, Jamul), shares that dream—with a couple of caveats. “Some of the people are making mediocre versions of it,” he says. “If we become the poke capital, I’m cool with that, but I want San Diego to be known for good poke.” Dishing It Out appears every other week.



May 25, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 11




DRAUGHT The Flycaster, a Helles lager (4.8 percent ABV) promises to convert light macro beer drinkers to more craft-forward options with its mouthtotally understand that people are pretty sick wateringly satisfying crispness and just a hint of of hearing about how faaabulous North Park floral notes. To make up for the Weiss’ absence, is for food and drink—especially craft beer. Yet event manager Lia Garcia brought us tasters here I am, whip in hand, mercilessly beating that of the off-menu Foreman Bitter, an Englishdead horse. But when the subject is as good as style bitter dry hopped with East Kent Golding the newly opened ChuckAlek Biergarten (3139 hops and served on cask (5.5 percent ABV). University Ave.), it’s (hopefully) easy to forgive Traditionally, dry ESBs aren’t my favorite style, the saturation of coverage. but this is a delightful exception to my bitter What’s not to like about a comfortable bias. Lots of complexity throughout and a hefty outdoor area complete with great local beer? body with a slight aroma of grapes on the head This historically underused lot at the corner makes the Foreman a must-try for enthusiasts of University and Herman and skeptics alike. CAROLYN RAMOS (behind Art Produce) has Other bewitching completely transformed into brews include the Dowser, an oasis of old-world and a Düsseldorf Altbier (5.4 experimental-style beers percent ABV) with a mild, served in a surprisingly not balanced take on this annoying kid-friendly garden German style; the 1933 Milk space, as well as a separate Stout with lactose on nitro patio available to rent for (3.9 percent ABV, creamy, private parties. The brews chocolate-y and supremely themselves are for the most drinkable); and the Hussar part sublime; ChuckAlek’s Grodziskie (4 percent ABV), tap and bottle lists are a rarely seen Polish style relatively small but full of featuring oak-smoldered well-balanced offerings wheat malt that emanates that pair wonderfully with a deceptively smoky aroma snacks from fellow Art before evolving into a Produce tenant Tostadas bright, light and unique beer (I recommend the pickled experience. Look for more Pulpo and decadently tender rotating selections as well Pibil tostadas). as collaborations as they Regrettably during my The Flycaster at ChuckAlek Biergarten continue to settle into this visit, the biergarten was semi-shared space. out of The Weiss (a 4.5 percent ABV Berliner With San Diego’s near-perfect weather and weisse), a refreshingly tart style popping up all ever-growing craft beer obsession, the scarcity over town as hot weather creeps ever closer. of quality European-style biergartens is surprisHowever, ChuckAlek’s remaining options don’t ing. Here’s hoping that the inevitable imitators of disappoint; the 1850 Runner (a brown porter, 6.3 ChuckAlek’s approach will be able to replicate the percent ABV) tops its core beer selection with same high-quality brews, food and family-friendly a delicately smoky aroma and absolutely divine atmosphere that’s sure to be a success. chocolate-meets-berry smoothness that carries all the way through, as well as the true-to-style Write to, check her out on Garten Variety pale ale that’s sure to please those Instagram at @thedelightedbite, or via Twitter at who seek a subtle approach to hops. @iheartcontent.

North Park gains a biergarten


12 · San Diego CityBeat · May 25, 2016











Memorial Day weekend in San Diego the culture either,” says Reinholz, who adds that means a lot of things, but for whatever San Diego County has the largest number of Native reason it also seems to be the weekend for new American reservations of any county in the U.S. “It’s theater openings. Sure, there are some large-scale a good window for the audience into this world.” CRAIG SCHWARTZ openings, but being an altJust down the street weekly, we like to think our from the Playhouse in the readers are a little more exArthur Wagner Theatre, the perimental. Undergraduate New Play Take Native Voices at the Festival will be held from Autry’s production of They Wednesday, June 1 to SatDon’t Talk Back, which runs urday, June 4. The annual from Thursday, May 26 fest features eight new works through Sunday, June 5, at by theater students at UC San the La Jolla Playhouse (lajolDiego. The plays were Started in ed from 36 total submissions 1994 by Randy Reinholz, Naand include site-specific tive Voices is the only theater works as well as staged procompany entirely dedicated ductions where workshopto producing new works by ping is encouraged. Native American, Alaska “This is one of the most Native and First Nations ambitious groups I’ve seen in playwrights. They Don’t Talk the four years I’ve been here,” Back is a coming-of-age story says Jenny Grober, a theater They Don’t Talk Back student who helped coorabout a troubled teen sent to live with his grandparents in a small fishing village dinate this year’s festival. “I wanted the authors in Alaska. While audiences are being exposed to to challenge people’s perceptions of how to think another culture, Reinholz feels the subject matter about theater and they’ve all risen to the occasion.” is relatable to all people. Tickets for They Don’t Talk Back range from “It’s very real-life stuff and it does take you into $10-25 and the Undergraduate New Play Festival another world, but there’s a really great guide in the is free, but reservations are encouraged at theatre. main character of Nick because he doesn’t know Times for both productions vary.




A new beer festival seems to pop up every weekend, and now crafty things are happening in TJ. The annual Tijuana Expo Cerveza Artesanal might be the best opportunity yet to try some south-of-the-border suds. Held Friday, May 27, and Saturday, May 28, from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m., the event lets patrons choose from more than 60 Mexican craft breweries including standouts such as Insurgente, Border Psycho and Wendlandt. The music lineup is eclectic as well, with Bostich + Fussible and Hepcat on Friday and Jungle Fire and Kinky on Saturday. There will also be food trucks, and the $12-$15 admission price includes a tasting cup. It all happens about five minutes from the border at the Rio Zone across from the Mercado Hidalgo (Calle Guadalupe Victoria 2, Sanchez Taboada).


We were touched when the Spreckels Organ folks lit the stage and pavilion purple in honor of the passing of Prince. Some may remember back in January when Civic Organist Carol Williams recruited a band to play David Bowie songs with her shortly after Bowie’s passing. It was definitely one of those “had to be there” concerts, but luckily for fans, Williams is bringing back the David Bowie Tribute Concert on Sunday, May 29, at 2 p.m. for one more performance. Williams will be joined for the show by a five-piece rock band, which will play Bowie hits (and maybe a few originals from Williams for good measure). And like all concerts at the organ, it’s free to the public and great for all ages.




HA New Stellar Order at Teros Gallery, 3888 Swift Ave., City Heights. Local science illustrator Melissa Walter presents new abstract works that are literal interpretations of astronomical theories. Opening from 5 to 11 p.m. Thursday, May 26. Free. Teros-Gallery/909221312490976

Clint Hill with Lisa McCubbin at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The former secret service agent and award-winning journalist will discuss and sign their book Five Presidents, about Hill’s time serving as an agent protecting five presidents. At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 25. Free. 858-454-0347, warwicks. com

HDispossessed: A Call to Prayer and Protest at UCSD Art Gallery, Mandeville Center, La Jolla. A mass action against the closing of the UCSD University Art Gallery. Participants will meet at the Silent Tree (located near the Library Walk) and march together toward the Gallery. From 2:15 to 3:30 p.m. Thursday, May 26. Free. Women - un·a·fraid at Alexander Salazar Fine Art, 1040 7th Ave., Downtown. New painted works by Khalid Alkaaby, who specializes in Impressionism-influenced portraits of women. Opening from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, May 26. Free. facebook. com/events/1701962583375217/

HJoe Hill at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The author, comic book writer, and son of Stephen King will sign his new apocalyptic thriller, The Fireman. At 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 26. Free. 858-2684747,

HArtDoorsmen: Night of Music and Art at The Merrow, 1271 University Ave., Hillcrest. Live music and mural painting with artists like Natalie Bessell, Beto Beltran and EyeGato participating. Bands include Blood Ponies, Sleeping Ghost, Hexa and more. At 8 p.m. Friday, May 27. $7. 619-299-7372,

Laura Tims at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The Young Adult author will be signing her debut novel, Please Don’t Tell, which explores the complicated relationship between two twin sisters and how far one will go for the other. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 27. Free. 858-268-4747,

Art After Hours at San Diego Museum of Art, 1450 El Prado, Balboa Park. Enjoy evening access to SDMA galleries every Friday through Sept. 2. From 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, May 27. $5. 619-232-7931,

Jennifer Anne Davis at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The author of the True Reign series will be promoting Rise, the first book in the young adult high fantasy Order of the Krigers series. At 4 p.m. Saturday, May 28. Free. 858-268-4747,

HLittle Dame Pop Up Gallery at Little Dame Shop, 2942 Adams Ave., University Heights. A one-night showcase of new works from local artists. PANCA will show off her latest sculptures, Kyle Herrera will showcase photographs and Viola Paola will have her handmade clothes for sale. Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, May 27. Free. 925-457-1020, events/975572785892195 Quilts and Color from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston at San Diego Museum of Art, 1450 El Prado, Balboa Park. Nearly 55 works of early American quilts amassed over decades by the collectors Paul Pilgrim and Gerald Roy. From 10 to 5 p.m. Saturday, May 28. Free-$12. 619232-7931, HChicano Art Gallery Fundraiser at Chicano Art Gallery, 2117 Logan Ave. #1, Barrio Logan. A community pot-luck and fundraiser to help the local gallery space continue. Patrons can enter a raffle for $20 to win a wooden carving of Quetzalcoatl from Cesar Castaneda. From 4 to 8 p.m. Saturday, May 28. Donation suggested. 619-792-2815, ChicanoArtGallery SEV7N at Glashaus, 1815-B Main St., Barrio Logan. Seven artists showcase a work that that tells each artist’s story within a seven-week deadline. Artists include Frank Bruce, Jere Dean, Doug Herbilla and more. Opening from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, May 28. Free. HSweet Gongs Vibrating at San Diego Art Institute, 1439 El Prado, Balboa Park. Last chance to see this multimedia, multisensory exhibition that embraces different modes of perception other than vision from SDAI curator-in-residence Amanda Cachia. Closing reception from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, May 28. $5. HThe Pancakes & Booze Art Show at 57 Degrees - Mission Hills, 1735 Hancock St, This large underground art show will feature over 55 emerging artists, live body painting, a free pancake bar and live audio performances. From 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday, May 28. $5.

Bostich + Fussible


Carol Williams and the band

Holly Madison at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The former Playboy Playmate and reality show star will sign her recently released memoir, The Vegas Diaries. Price admits two and includes a copy of the book. At 6:30 p.m. Thursday, May 26. $28.06 858-4540347,

H = CityBeat picks

Sarah M. Chen and S.W. Lauden at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The two crime fiction authors will discuss their newly-released noir novellas, Cleaning Up Finn (Chen) and Crosswise (Lauden). At 2 p.m. Saturday, May 28. Free. 858-2684747, George Konar at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. As part of Warwick’s ongoing Weekend with Locals program, Konar will discuss his book, Pre-Senior/Senior Survival Guide: Common Sense for the Ages. At noon. Sunday, May 29. Free. 858-454-0347, HJohn Hart at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The bestselling author and two-time Edgar Award-winner will discuss and sign his latest title, Redemption Road, an atmospheric thriller set in North Carolina. At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 1. Free. 858-268-4747,

COMEDY Champions of Comedy at Harrah’s Resort Southern California, 777 Harrah Resort Southern California Way, Valley Center. Monique Marvez hosts a night of comedy with featured comic Moranzio Vance, who is currently on the Fox reboot of In Living Color and has appeared on The Tonight Show. From 10 to 11 p.m. Friday, May 27. $10. 760-751-3100,

DANCE HShadoworx at City Heights Performance Annex, 2745 Fairmount Ave., City Heights. An evening of modern dance and video art, featuring experimental and contemporary choreographer Natalia Valerdi-Rogers’ newest works. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 27 and Saturday, May 28. $14-$19. 619641-6123,


May 25, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 13


“Neutron Star” by Melissa Walter will be on view at A New Stellar Order, a solo show opening from 5 to 11 p.m. Thursday, May 26, at Teros Gallery (3888 Swift Ave. in City Heights).


FILM Hidden Colors 4 at UltraStar Mission Valley Cinemas, 7510 Hazard Center Dr., Mission Valley. The world premiere release of the black history documentary, Hidden Colors 4: The Religion Of White Supremacy, followed by a panel discussion. From 7 to 10:30 p.m. Thursday, May 26. $15-$17. 619-685-2841,


MUSIC Cape Rey’s Summer Concert Series at Cape Rey Carlsbad, 1 Ponto Rd., Carlsbad. Rock band Steal Dawn will kick off this new concert series which takes place poolside with cocktails and bites available for purchase. From 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 26. Free. 760-602-0800,

HExpo Cerveza Artesanal at Rio Zone, Tijuana. Travel down to Baja for this two-day beer fest showcasing over 60 breweries. Includes live music from Bostich + Fussible and Hepcat, as well as on-site food trucks. Takes place at the Rio Zone across from the Mercado Hidalgo in Tijuana. From 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday, May 27 and Saturday, May 28. $12-$14.

Appalachian Spring: An American Finale at Jacobs Music Center, 750 B St, Music Director Jahja Ling leads a season finale performance of George Gershwin’s breezy, jazzy concerto in F by French piano superstar Jean-Yves Thibaudet. At 8 p.m. Friday, May 27 and Saturday, May 28, and 2 p.m. Sunday, May 29. $20-$96. 619 235 0804,

Kilowatt Beer and Dessert Pairing at Kilowatt Brewing, 7576 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Kearny Mesa. Kilowatt Brewing and Abu’s Kitchen couple up to present four summertime beer and dessert matches, like a Coconut Tres Leches with Wilson the Coconut IPA. From 5 to 9 p.m. Friday, May 27. Free-$14. 858-715-3998,

HJames Harman’s Bamboo Porch Revue at Brooks Theater, 217 North Coast Hwy., Oceanside. Blues legend James Harman brings his award-winning singing, songwriting and blues harp playing to town along with longtime guitar player Nathan James and percussionist Mike “Bonedaddy” Tempo. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 27. $20. 760-433-8900,

HLebanese Food Festival at St. Ephrem Maronite Catholic Church, 750 Medford St., El Cajon. The 13th annual fest will feature traditional Lebanese food, as well as folkloric performances and carnival activities throughout the day. From 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, May 27, and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, May 28 and Sunday, May 29. $3. 619-337-1350, Spring Pig Roast at SummerSalt Rooftop Pool & Lounge, 1047 5th Ave., Downtown. Saltbox Chef Jeremiah Bryant prepares a whole roasted pig served with Saltbox’s signature barbecue sauce. Includes traditional sides and drink specials from Cruz Tequila, Sugar Island Rum and Amador Whiskey. From 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday, May 28. $15. 619-515-3003, The Bed Club at Sleep Bedder, 2855 El Cajon Blvd., Ste. #4, North Park. Sleep Bedder’s speakeasy-themed event in-

14 · San Diego CityBeat · May 25, 2016

cludes beverages from Golden Coast Mead and live music from Mezzanine Agente, Azul, Nothingful and more. From 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday, May 28. $10. 619-892-7412,

Late Romantic Vocal Masterpieces at Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, 1008 Wall St., La Jolla. Mezzo-soprano Kindra Scharich and the Alexander String Quartet, longtime collaborators, will explore four of the most beloved classical song cycles. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 27 and 2 p.m. Sunday, May 29. $30-$35. 858454-5872, Lori Bell & Mike Garson at La Jolla Community Center, 6811 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla. Pianist Mike Garson and flutist Lori team up to explore musical ideas on Jazz Standards, original compositions, and a special tribute to David Bowie. At 8 p.m. Friday, May 27. $18-$25. 858-4590831, The Who at Valley View Casino Center, 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., Midway. The legendary British band behind hits like “My Generation” and “Won’t Get Fooled Again” stop by on their “THE WHO HITS 50!”

tour. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 27. $39.50$139.50. American Freedom Festival at USS Midway Museum, 910 N. Harbor Dr., Downtown. All-star band World Classic Rockers perform a concert in honor of veterans and those in the armed forces. The seventh annual event benefits local veteran charities. At 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 28. $59.50$79.50. 619-544-9600, HBerkley Hart at Laura R. Charles Theater, 2900 Highland Ave., National City. The local acoustic duo is known for their harmonized vocals, excellent musicianship and comedic onstage camaraderie. At 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 28. $20-$28. 619-474-9700, HDavid Bowie Tribute Concert at Spreckels Organ Pavilion, 1549 El Prado, Balboa Park. Civic Organist Carol Williams is joined by a five-piece rock band for a show that will include over an hours worth of Bowie hits (and maybe a few originals from Williams for good measure). At 2 p.m. Sunday, May 29. Free. 619-702-8138, New City Sinfonia at First Unitarian Universalist Church, 4190 Front St., Hillcrest. The 40-member community orchestra will present music by composers with a “London Connection” including Handel, Mozart and Haydn. At 3 p.m. Sunday, May 29. Free. 619-298-9978, HAudio Books at Verbatim Books, 3795 30th St., North Park. The second show of a new concert series featuring performances from literary musicians. This week, Shelbi Bennett of The Midnight Pine performs as well as singer-songwriter Erin Bower. At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 1. Free. 619-501-7466, facebook. com/verbatimbooks/ The Rides at Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave., Downtown. The trio of Stephen Stills, Wayne Shepherd, and Barry Goldberg stop by on their Pierced Arrow Tour to play some blues-based rock. At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 1. $32.50-$67. 619-570-1100,

PERFORMANCE The Expressive Arts in Recovery at Malcolm X Branch Library, 5148 Market



May 25, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 15


Left to right: Ned Eisenberg, Richard Thomas and Khaled Nabawy in Camp David

Re-creating Camp David history


pivotal two weeks in history are dramatized in Lawrence Wright’s one-act Camp David. The Old Globe is presenting the Washington, D.C.based Arena Stage’s production of this riveting if oratorical play about the 1978 peace accords, when then-President Jimmy Carter and first lady Rosalynn Carter hosted Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin (Ned Eisenberg) and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat (Khaled Nabawy) at the rustic presidential retreat in Maryland. Wright’s Camp David is a tense meeting of the minds sprinkled with a little peanut-farm folksiness from the Carters (Richard Thomas and Hallie Foote). While Thomas is the name star of Camp David, it is Nabawy’s grimly dignified Sadat and even more so Eisenberg’s multifaceted portrayal of Begin that hit the play’s highest notes of true drama. Begin’s fierce internal struggle fortifies and ignites the action, and Eisenberg is tremendous. (So is Walt Spangler’s scenic re-creation of the woodsy Camp David compound.) Though its principals speechify as much as they interact, Camp David is an absorbing show. Camp David runs through June 19 at the Old Globe Theatre in Balboa Park. $29 and up; *** a Jolla Playhouse’s world-premiere Hollywood, written by Joe DiPietro (Memphis), is like its namesake Tinseltown: sexy, swaggering, glamorous…and artificial. All but one of its characters—a no-B.S. stage mother terrifically played by Harriet Harris—are “types,” scarcely more profound than the suspects in Clue. Now, it’s true that the Christopher Ashley-directed Hollywood is 50 percent a theatrical whodunit, as in who murdered ’20s movie director William Desmond Taylor (Scott Drummond)? But the other 50 percent of the story, having to do with the conservative prig Will H. Hays’ (Patrick Kerr) efforts to moralize the movies and the movie industry at the same time, is by large measure the more interesting narrative.


16 · San Diego CityBeat · May 25, 2016

Wilson Chin’s versatile scenic design, Paul Tazewell’s stylish ’20s costumes and nifty projection design by Tara Knight combine to give Hollywood its “movie magic,” but it’s hard to care about anyone on stage or really about who indeed “done in” the dead director. Hollywood runs through June 12 at La Jolla Playhouse. $25-$87.

—David L. Coddon

Theater reviews run weekly. Write to

OPENING: They Don’t Talk Back: A troubled teen is forced to move in with his grandparents in a small Native Alaskan fishing village. See this week’s Short List for more details. Presented by Native Voices at the Autry, it opens May 26 at the La Jolla Playhouse. Sordid Lives: When the elderly matriarch dies, a family must sort through their issues or risk embarrassing itself at the funeral. Written by Del Shores, it opens May 27 at the Coronado Playhouse. tokyo fish story: When flashier restaurants start cutting into his business, an old-school sushi chef must make some changes with help from his protégé. Written by Kimber Lee, it opens May 28 at the Old Globe Theatre in Balboa Park. Murder at the Howard Johnsons: A suspenseful comedy in three scenes about a love triangle gone wrong. It opens May 27 at the Legler Benbough Theatre in Scripps Ranch. Newsies: Disney’s smash Broadway musical about the Newsboys Strike of 1899. Presented by Broadway San Diego, it opens May 31 at the downtown Civic Theatre. Hedda Gabler: A world premiere translation of Henrik Ibsen’s classic tale of a woman trapped in a loveless marriage. Translated by Anne-Charlotte Harvey, it opens June 1 at the North Coast Repertory Theatre in Solana Beach. Undergraduate New Play Festival: UCSD students will present original short plays performed both at the Arthur Wagner Theatre and at sitespecific locations on campus. It opens June 1 and runs through June 5. For full theater listings, visit “T heater ”at


EVENTS EVENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 St., Valencia Park. People recovering from mental health challenges and their supporters will showcase their talents in poetry, music, dance, comedy and art. From 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 25. Free. 619-527-3405, HVAMP: In Real Life at Whistle Stop, 2236 Fern St, South Park. So Say We All invites listeners to hear stories about real life, the Internet, the ways those places intersect or the way they don’t intersect at all, told by seven locals. From 8:30 to 10 p.m. Thursday, May 26. $5 suggested donation. 619-284-6784, HCircustancial Evidence: The Crimson Canary at Lyceum Theatre, 79 Horton Plaza, Downtown. The Circus Collective of San Diego presents this new murder mystery show which features acrobatics, dance, comedy and live music. From 8 p.m. Friday, May 27, 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday, May 28, and 4 p.m. Sunday, May 29. $15-$25. 619-544-1000, Burlesque Sunday Tease at The Merrow, 1271 University Ave., Hillcrest. A mix of talented and skilled burlesque, pole dancers and singers. From 4:30 to 7 p.m. Sunday, May 29. $8- $15. 619-299-7372, The Ben Vereen Awards at Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave., Downtown. Hosted by the Tony Award-winning actor, some of the best of high school musical theater talent performs in hopes of winning a college scholarship. At 6 p.m. Sunday, May 29. $15-$75. 619-5701100, Comic Strip: Comedy and Burlesque at The American Comedy Co., 818 6th


Ave., Ste. #B, A night of stand-up comedy, as well as a variety of dancing, singing, and cheeky striptease by homegrown burlesque star Di’ Lovely and friends. From 7 to 8:30 p.m. Sunday, May 29. $12. 619795-3858,

SPECIAL EVENTS HSpellapalooza at Waypoint Public, 3794 30th St., North Park. Known as the Official Scripps National Spelling Bee Watch Party for Adults, guests can cheer on kids in the Scripps National Spelling Bee on ESPN before competing in a spelling bee themselves. At 5 p.m. Thursday, May 26. Free. 619-255-8778, Thirsty Thursdays at La Jolla Playhouse, 2910 La Jolla Village Drive, La Jolla. Join others before a performance of Hollywood for complimentary beer tastings from Mike Hess Brewing. At 7 p.m. Thursday, May 26. Free. 858-550-1010, Balboa Park After Dark at Balboa Park, Balboa Park. On Fridays from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend enjoy extended evening hours at ten museums, as well as food trucks and entertainment throughout the Park on select dates. Various times. Friday, May 27. Prices vary. Fossil Week at San Diego Natural History Museum, 1788 El Prado, Balboa Park. The Nat is hosting a variety of events all week that all share one common theme: dinosaurs. Includes museum tours, nature hikes and more. See website for full details. Various times. Friday, May 27. Free-$19. 619-232-3821,

HBark-itecture 2016 at Stella Public House, 1429 Island Ave, A family-friendly dog house design competition of sketches, digital renderings and small models. From noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 28. Free. Memorial Day Weekend Club Crawl at Various locations., Hit up four clubs in one night at this annual crawl event. Some of the clubs include Analog, Parq, Bassmnt and Andaz. From 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday, May 28. $25. HTijuana Market Hop at Turista Libre Meeting Spot, 727 E. San Ysidro Blvd, Tijuana. Tour the city’s longest-running flea market and Mercado Miguel Hidalgo, the city’s oldest open-air farmers market in Zona Rio. Tickets include roundtrip border transport and complimentary pan dulce and coffee. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, May 29. $25. 858-754-9406, Swingin’ Sixties Pool Party at The Pearl Hotel, 1410 Rosecrans St., Point Loma. This ‘60s-themed annual pool party will feature bottomless mimosas, bartender challenges and DJs throughout the day. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, May 30. Free.

TALKS & DISCUSSIONS Artist Talk: Gloria Muriel at Sparks Gallery, 530 6th Ave., Gaslamp. Gloria Muriel will discuss her solo show Xanadu, currently on display at Sparks Gallery, while sharing anecdotes and insight on each piece and her collaboration with artist Alex Banach. From 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 25. Free. 619-6961416,

Design@Large: Ethan Jackson at UCSD, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla. The researcher will discuss his work leading a Microsoft Research program focusing on safe and robust autonomous systems, as well as his work exploring CPS for disease surveillance. Takes place in room 1202 in the CSE Building. From 4 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 25. Free. 858534-2230,

WORKSHOPS Blogging with WordPress at Oasis, 1702 Camino del Rio North, Mission Valley. Learn how to do a business blog that will increase your web presence (SEO), provide content to share in social media, and build trust with prospects and loyalty with customers. From 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 25. $45 for all 3 classes. 619-881-6262, Have Fun with Hamlet: A First Folio Family Workshop at La Jolla Library, 7555 Draper Ave., La Jolla. Professionals from the Old Globe introduce Shakespeare’s language to children through familiar lines from Hamlet and physical activities that reinforce language learning. From 2 to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 28. Free. 858-552-1657, What’s the Deal with CBD’S?: An Introduction to Cannabidiols at Sleep Bedder, 2855 El Cajon Blvd., Suite #4, North Park. Learn everything there is to know about the medicinal properties of cannabis. Includes a coupon for $10 off a bottle of CBDs and entrance to “The Bed Club” event that follows the workshop. From 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, May 28. 619-892-7412,

May 25, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 17




Families reunite at the border with help from Border Angels by ALEX ZARAGOZA

18 · San Diego CityBeat · May 25, 2016

Jannet Castañon hugs her mother, Rosario Vargas, after being separated for nine years.

ANNET CASTAÑON WALKS UP TO THE LARGE, rusted gate on the metal fence looming up into the sky at Friendship Park. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders recently made a campaign stop here. Since 1971, the park has served as a small gathering space that separates Mexico from the U.S. with a wall that stretches into the ocean. Separated by thick metal and wire fencing, people have gathered here to talk to friends, loved ones and even strangers from across country lines. On this day, Castañon’s mother, Rosario Vargas, is waiting for her on the other side. “It’s been nine years,” says Castañon. “Of not hugging her, not seeing her. Nothing.” It takes three U.S. Border Patrol agents to unlock the gate and pry open its salt-eroded door. Holding her 10-year-old daughter Yvette’s hand, Castañon walks nervously across the dirt and rocks leading up to the border fence, stumbling a bit on her way to meet her mother. Each step is watched by hundreds of eyes from both sides of the border, and is recorded by nonstop camera shutter clicks and video cameras so that this moment can be shared with the world. Castañon wraps her arms tightly around her mother. Their feet straddle the line dividing the U.S and Mexico. While there’s no distance between them on this day, the true measure of their separation is immeasurable and ever imposing by the line below them and fence surrounding them. Both women break into small sobs muffled by each other’s bodies. They embrace for three minutes as tears fall from their faces. Before they know it, it’s time to say goodbye again. Still, in those three minutes, Castañon later says she experienced the best moment of her life. “I felt excited, happy, content, everything,” says Castañon, who nine years prior decided to leave her hometown of Tijuana for San Diego to give her children what she believes is a better future. In doing so, she also left her mother. Neither Castañon nor Vargas can cross the border for a visit without risking deportation. Their moment at Friendship Park, while fleeting, was arranged by Borger Angels (, a local nonprofit advocating for immigration reform and who hold monthly events at the park. In celebration of the Mexican holiday Dia del Ni���������������������������������������� ño, or Children’s Day,������������������ Border Angels arranged a celebration they call “Abriendo la Puerta de la Esperanza” (Opening the Door of Hope). As part of the third annual event, Border Angels chooses a small number of families who have been separated from their loved ones for various reasons, including deportation, and gives them the opportunity to hold each other for a few minutes. The Border Patrol assists by opening the gate in the fence wall. This year, six families received three minutes each to reconnect with their loved ones. Enrique Morones, executive director and founder of Border Angels, believes this event is especially important today as the political climate has become increasingly intolerant of Mexican immigrants, both undocumented and otherwise. “While some people want to build more walls, Border Angels wants to open more doors,” Morones says. “This event is huge, as it shows the world and Congress in D.C. the need for human touch; the need for humane immigration reform. Love has no borders.” Rep. Juan Vargas, representing California’s 51st District, was at the event to show support for these families and challenge what he calls the country’s “cruel, wrong and bad” immigration system. “It breaks loving families apart that want to grow up together and do great things,” Vargas says. “I’m hoping that [lawmakers] get to the point of understanding that the way to fix it is to have comprehensive immigration reform that allows families to be together as opposed to what Trump is preaching—a philosophy of hate by breaking families apart and building walls instead of bridges.” Morones believes that putting human faces to this issue can make all the difference when it comes time to pass laws. “That one deciding vote [in Congress] may look back at





People gathered at Friendship Park

Manuel and Leticia Toledo from the Tijuana side of Friendship Park

A man speaks to a loved one through the fence.

a moment of a child hugging their mom or grandmom, and it might sway them to vote in favor of humane immigration reform,” he says. The event isn’t only a chance for those chosen families to be close to their loved ones, again. A caravan of about 30 cars makes its way up a muddy road to Friendship Park. Dozens gather at the celebration with toys and cupcakes for the kids, and talk to loved ones through the small separations between the fence grating, sticking their finger through so they can touch. Hundreds meet them on the Tijuana side, some from thousands of miles away. Among them are Daisy, Leti and Paola Toledo and their parents, Manuel and Leticia Toledo, who they haven’t

seen in two years. Manuel was extradited three years ago and Leticia decided to follow behind to care for him since he was ill at the time of his extradition. They left their daughters, who are 25 and younger and undocumented, under the care of family. “We’ve had some rough times,” says Daisy. “Having to be on our own and support ourselves,” adds Leti. “Having to work together and help each other out, we kind of got used to it after a while.” The event gives them an opportunity to see their parents until they can sort out paperwork that would allow them to cross into Tijuana or their parents to return to the U.S.


“It makes me so happy to see my daughters,” adds a tearful Leticia from the Tijuana side of the fence. “To have them here and to be able to see them. I wish I could hug them, but just being able to see them makes me happy.” The Toledos, Castañons and hundreds of thousands of other families separated from each other wait until a better immigration system can bring them together. In the meantime, they’ll take anything they can get. Even three minutes. For video related to this story, go to Write to

May 25, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 19





A 31-year-old, grown-ass man’s first time at Disneyland


hen I was three years old, my parents took me on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. It’s probably no surprise to anyone, but I was a frightened child, and even a slow-moving boat was too intense for my little brain. I spent the entire ride screaming my goddamn lungs out. My behavior was so volatile that, afterwards, strangers asked my parents why they felt it was acceptable to take me on the ride. I, of course, have no memory of this, but my mom has told the story numerous times, and although we (she) can laugh about it now, our family never went to Disneyland again. So, for all intents and purposes, I’ve never been to Disneyland, and when my wife Jessica’s extended family planned a vacation there, I’m filled with a mixture of excitement and desire to rewrite my legacy as a person who doesn’t fuck up a Disneyland trip. This trip would also coincide with Jessica’s sister’s engagement to Lewis, a Brit in the special forces overseas. Basically, Lewis is a dreamboat. I decide early on that I’m not going to let feelings of inadequacy ruin my or anyone else’s Disneyland trip. Not again. I’m not going to let it bother me that Lewis’ charming British accent casts an immediate spell on all who meet him (“I wanna kiss him!” Jessica says, #jokingnotjoking). I’m certainly not going to dwell on the fact that I was once this family’s golden boy. No, none of that should get in the way of a 31-year-old having a great time at Disneyland. Enchanting music fades in as we walk toward entrance, pumped out of hidden speakers. Its presence is so subtle that I almost miss the transformation from real life to the curated Disney life that exists within the walls of the theme park. Magical, I think, passing through the security. Magical, I think after being picked for a secondary pat down. Disney pat down: A Space Mountain: I’ve gotten to that age where I can no longer handle prolonged exposure to Six Flags-intensity rides. Space Mountain (or, Hyperspace Mountain as it’s called now, because: Star Wars) seems like it was made for me—not too big, not too fast. Of course, those reasons make me sound like a wuss and therefore I don’t share them with Lewis. The greatness of the ride makes Jessica cry. “First, water came out of my eyes and then snot came out of my nose and then drool came out of my mouth,” she says. We walk past the screens displaying mid-ride action-shots and I look absolutely terrified. Space Mountain: A! Indiana Jones: Jessica calls shotgun in the fake car that we ride through ancient ruins. I make a joke about putting our destination in the GPS, but not loud enough for Lewis to hear. Jessica laughs, but I don’t care. Indiana Jones: A+!!!

Pinocchio/Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride: A doubleheader of classic Disney rides that were apparently built before the invention of adrenaline. A cart pulls us slowly through scenery attempting to tell the story of Pinocchio, but images of donkey abuse and Pleasure Island only depress me. Due to the uneven number of people in our group, I ride Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride by myself. The titular toad takes me through a bar, where a bartender with spinning beers in his hand boozes us up. It may be the most pro-drunk driving escapade in existence. We speed past cops, drive through boxes of dynamite and basically give the DUI judge the middle finger before crashing into a train, dying and going to hell. Numerous times throughout, I whisper, “Oh, shit,” to myself. It’s fucked up, but then again, that’s life. It’s probably best to teach kids early on how sad and inconsequential you really are. Both rides: A++!!!! Carousel: At one point during our trip, I learn how many burpees, sit-ups and pushups I can do. I ride the carousel to feel like a tough guy, certain that I could beat up at least 80 percent of the kids riding with me. Carousel: A+squared Pirates of the Caribbean: This ride turns out to be closed for the foreseeable future, so I can’t even exorcise the demons from my first trip. It’s cool! I’m not gonna make a big deal of this! If this doesn’t bother anyone else (Lewis) then it doesn’t bother me! (Closed) Pirates of the Caribbean: All the “A’s.” Tower of Terror: After a wine-infused lunch, we venture across the plaza to California Adventure. The enchanted-ness of Disneyland feels gaudy and hallucinogenic over here. “It feels like I’m on some fucked-up drug,” Jessica says, looking down the vintage Los Angeles set that appears to stretch forever. I notice more beards over her: Disney riff raff. My kind of people. The wine buzz makes me impervious to the suspense of waiting in line, despite the fact that we’re going to be dropped from 13 stories in a free-fall. The ride’s amazing. I can’t stop laughing as I feel my stomach lift into my throat. Jessica screams for a solid five seconds after the ride ends. Upon exiting, Lewis and I can’t stop bro-ing down about how cool it was. Honestly, he’s a very brilliant chap. Tower of Terror: All the “A’s” times infinity. Splash Mountain: It’s the last ride of our vacation. I sit in front and it seems like water rushes into my seat at every little drop. On the last fall, a wave floods into my shorts. Splash Mountain? More like Destroy Your Phone Mountain. Nobody else gets wet, especially not Lewis. Splash Mountain: AAAAAAGH!

I can’t stop laughing as I feel my stomach lift into my throat.

20 · San Diego CityBeat · May 25, 2016

Well That Was Awkward appears every other week. Write to




The papers are being used to contract a large, draping piece of art, which is strung and hung from the ceiling. Hwang hopes the piece, the banner and the “calls for action” they’re planning (which includes a protest on Thursday, May 26, from 2:15 to 3:30 p.m.) will garner attention. “I feel like the work we’re doing here is really just a platform,” said Hwang, who hopes people will sign up to make “small gestures” inside the gallery. “It’s ollective Magpie would have preferred to be really been bringing in the community here and not together on the night of Dossier Thalamus, an just art students, but because of the banner, there’s exhibition showcasing works from UC San people stopping by and asking, ‘Is this for real? Is Diego’s graduating visual arts MFA candidates. Tae this really happening?’ Some of them may have Hwang and MR Barnadas have the distinction of be- never have here before, but they’re genuinely coning the first pair to complete UCSD’s MFA program cerned with the loss of culture.” and will graduate as a collective rather than indiIn a statement sent to CityBeat on Friday afterviduals. So it would make sense that after two years noon, and subsequently made public, Dean of Arts of hard work, they would be together to showcase & Humanities Cristina Della Coletta (via UCSD’s some of the results of their time in La Jolla. Communications and Public Affairs department) SETH COMBS confirmed the closure of the UAG, while also confirming what will become of it. “Although new classrooms are planned to come online over the next few years, the immediate need means we must repurpose existing space,” the statement read. It also noted the school will add more than 1,300 students in the 2016-2017 year. “The gallery space is among those sites that will serve UC San Diego students as classrooms in the near term.” “There was a group of people in there with clipboards, pencils and measuring tapes, and it was clear that they were sizing up the space right in the middle of an event,” UCSD Visual Arts Vice-Chair and Dispossessed: A Call for Prayer and Protest Professor Amy Adler said, referinside the University Art Gallery ring to Meeting at Square One, an Instead, Barnadas sat alone on a foldout chair undergraduate art showcase that was held at UAG during the Dossier Thalamus opening on Thursday on May 5. Given that it was the first show at UAG night (the show is up through June 3). Held on the since temporarily closing last year, many of the stusecond floor of the downtown Museum of Contem- dents and faculty initially took it as a sign the gallery porary Art San Diego, the show had been moved to would remain open. Adler said Visual Arts Chair MCASD only a week before, when students and fac- Jack M. Greenstein also had tentative plans for a ulty were informed that the original location, UC- 50th anniversary exhibition in the fall. SD’s University Art Gallery (UAG), was to be closed SETH COMBS permanently. The decision to close the gallery came down on Friday, May 13, and the news quickly spread around campus. Sitting in her chair, Barnadas said she and Hwang had planned to show their own work, but on this night Barnadas simply sat under a large photograph of the UAG, with leaflets about the gallery’s closing. At press time, the UAG was scheduled to close for good on June 2. “The UAG has served the campus community since 1966 and we want to make sure it doesn’t go out with a whisper,” Barnadas said. “This is a time UCSD’s University Art Gallery for artists to do what they do. This is important. We want people to know that pressure from the outside “There was always a sense of hope that we would can affect change on the inside.” be able to reactivate it,” Adler said. In La Jolla, Magpie’s other half, Hwang, was Back at Dispossessed, Professor Rubén Ortizdoing her part to bring attention to the closure by Torres was hopeful something might come out of ostensibly occupying the space and calling it Dispos- the protests, art and actions Collective Magpie had sessed: A Call for Prayer and Protest. A large red “X” planned. covers the entrance doors, similar to ones seen on “The humanities is becoming a disposable thing houses scheduled for destruction. Next to the doors, at universities,” Ortiz-Torres said. “We tried to nea giant banner was hung with the announcement of gotiate with them to keep it open, but whatever we the gallery’s closure. Inside, Hwang, members of the might have to say, I don’t think that will have as UCSD faculty and students took turns slicing old pa- much value as when the community and the stupers and scantrons and then using a custom made dents fight for the space.” stamp to emblazon each with the words “University —Seth Combs Art Gallery UCSD SEPT 10 1966 - JUNE 2 2016.”




May 25, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 21


Animal kingdom

The Lobster

Dystopian black comedy paints a future where our inner beast is love by Glenn Heath Jr.


n paper, The Lobster sounds a like a silly courtship provides the film with its rotten center Twilight Zone episode: In the not-so-distant and most harrowing images. future, people who’ve failed at love are sent Sad, delusional people populate much of The to a state-run “hotel” in the countryside where they Lobster (look no further than Ashley Jenson’s perare given the opportunity to find a mate. If unsuc- formance as “Biscuit Woman”), but so do countless cessful after 45 days, these lonely hearts are turned animals that can be seen on the fringes of the frame. into an animal of their choice and forced to fend We instantly assume that many of these creatures for themselves in a different kind of kingdom. Talk are former people watching our folly quietly from about backhanded democracy. the sidelines, further blurring the lines between perBut in the hands of Greek auteur Yorgos Lanthi- ception and reality. mos, whose previous oddities Dogtooth and Alps are Lanthimos enjoys juxtaposing polar opposite both uncomfortable exercises in warped sexuality, the perspectives for maximum discomfort. After spendfilm’s surreal setup acts as a bridge to explore darker ing its first half confined to the antiseptic grounds themes of repression, rage and deof the hotel, the film breaks free to sire. Within such a grim construct, romp where the wild things are. the eternal mysteries of compatibilTHE LOBSTER David’s time with the loners offers ity are manipulated and contorted a new set of challenges and rules Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos by life and death stakes. Which begs that, in their own way, stifle his Starring Colin Farrell, the question, can romance even exchance at love with a shortsighted ist under such pressures? woman (Rachel Weisz) who’s been Rachel Weisz, John C. Reilly Colin Farrell stars as David, a narrating all along. The societal and Ben Whishaw near-sighted 40-something lump limitations and institutional conwhose wife has recently left him tradictions placed upon people are for another man. As he gets processed into the ho- equally unflinching, even though they are surroundtel along with a new crop of sad-eyed denizens, the ed by open terrain. rigid standards and expectations of this ominous This proves that Lanthimos, while not a misaninstitution become clearer. There are no half-sizes thrope, believes that humanity does its best to do its for his standard attire (grey shirt and slacks). He’s worst, no matter the environment. Forcing a homogforced to make a finite choice when asked about his enized version of happiness down society’s throat is sexual orientation. One hand is cuffed behind his just as bad as withholding the option to participate back to force an appreciation for having a partner. in the first place. Both extremes feed off of fear and Masturbation is forbidden. delusion to sustain the status quo, while feelings The only way to prolong your stay is by capturing such as attraction, lust and love are simply dismissed the “loners” who’ve somehow managed to escape the as failed chemistry. hotel for a life of isolation in the woods. David and Despite its singular qualities and unnerving tenor, his colleagues are given tranquilizer darts to do so, The Lobster, which opens Friday, May 27, fails to inpartaking in hunting parties that favor the colder and spire critique beyond such surface level targets. In more brutal participants. Lanthimos introduces the a world this muted and carefully subjugated, there’s blood sport through a calculated slow-motion assault. very little room for life’s little mysteries to take root. Staving off your inevitable transformation only Even the film’s gruelingly stretched final scene, which seems to make things worse. A character credited contains multiple potential resolutions, feels numbas “Heartless Woman” (Angeliki Papoulia) comes ingly pre-ordained. Stylistic cold-hearted rigor ends to embody this reality, having perfected the art of up denouncing any possibility for transcendence. cruelty during her extended stay. David experiences this tenacious brutality first hand during his mis- Film reviews run weekly. guided attempt to win her heart. Their demented Write to

22 · San Diego CityBeat · May 25, 2016


CULTURE | FILM over by confused and desperate decisions. Whether caused by millennial angst or emotional discontent, Maggie’s course toward single motherhood merely acts as MacGuffin for larger emotional questions. Her attraction to John quickly overwhelms all reason, leaving her a slave to the excitement of courtship. The two bond Maggie’s Plan exchanging notes and ideas over his rapidly expanding novel that fictionalizes the passive-aggresDestiny’s child sive horrors he’s experienced or a dynamic filmmaker married to a high-strung profeslike Rebecca Miller, whose sor (Julianne Moore). output up to this point has Maggie’s Plan stays with these been defined by a distinct impres- characters over the course of sionistic pulse (Personal Veloc- many years, as their motivations ity, The Ballad of Jack and Rose), evolve and personalities crystalMaggie’s Plan might seem pedes- ize. At times, this process is frustrian by comparison. The story trating to experience, since Miller of a 30-something single woman forces us to bear witness to life’s (Greta Gerwig), whose decision messy cyclical nature. While the to have a baby through artificial three lead characters struggle to insemination goes awry the sec- figure out how to piece together ond she falls in love with a mar- the jigsaw puzzle they have creatried academic (Ethan Hawke), ed together, more lively supportdoesn’t aspire to the sensual and ing players (the couple played by psychological impulses of her Bill Hader and Maya Rudolph previous work. It’s plainly shot, specifically) grow increasingly casually paced and at times hor- frustrated and vocal, a Greek ribly repetitive. Chorus continuously proclaimYet the film dissects patterns ing, “get on with it!” of self-absorption and cynicism, For better or worse, the film, allowing for an astute examina- which opens Friday, May 27, tion of the human remains left



never apologizes for staying true to this thorny process. It remains content to skip over the salacious parts of Maggie’s schemes to revel in the long, messy aftermath.

—Glenn Heath Jr.

OPENING Alice Through the Looking Glass: Look who keeps falling down the wrong rabbit hole. Francofonia: Director Alexander Sokurov uses the Louvre and its artworks as backdrops to stunning reenactments to tell the story of Jacques Jaujard and Count Franziskus Wolff-Metternich, two men who were forced to collaborate and preserve the museum’s treasures while under Nazi occupation. Screens through Thursday, June 2, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. Hockney: The definitive portrait of artist and photographer David Hockney, who has long struggled to debunk the power of labels in both his work and private life. Maggie’s Plan: A thirty-something professional (Greta Gerwig) decides to have a baby through artificial ensemination, only to have her plan derailed after she falls in love with a married colleague (Ethan Hawke). The Idol: A young Palestinian man who drives a taxi and sings at weddings for a living decides to follow his dream and try out for Cairo’s hit television show, Arab Idol. Opens Friday, May 27, at the Angelika Carmel Mountain.

The Lobster: In a dystopian future, single people are sent to a “hotel” where they must find a suitable mate in 45 days or will be turned into an animal. They Will Have to Kill Us First: Malian Music in Exile: In 2012, Islamist hardliners took control of Mali and banned all forms of music. This documentary tells the story of the country’s musicians and how they fought back against extremism to ensure their musical culture lives on. Screens through Thursday, June 2, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. X-Men: Apocalypse: The world’s first mutant, a biblical villain named Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac) threatens to destroy the world, forcing Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) and the rest of the X-Men to take action.

ONE TIME ONLY Stripes: In this comedy from director Ivan Reitman, Bill Murray and Harold Ramis play two friends who decide to join the Army after becoming increasingly disillusioned with their menial jobs. Screens at 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 25, at The Pearl Hotel in Point Loma. The Princess Bride: Rob Reiner’s classic revisionist fairy tale pays homage to the archetypes, stories and absurdity of a bygone genre. Screens at 8 p.m. Thursday – Sunday, May 26 – 29, at Cinema Under the Stars in Mission Hills.

For a complete listing of movies, please see “F ilm Screenings” at

May 25, 2016 • San Diego CityBeat · 23


N MORE THAN 25 YEARS OF PERFORMING and writing music, North Carolina singer/songwriter Eric Bachmann has only released two albums under his own name. During the ’90s he fronted the raucous indie rock band Archers of Loaf, who released four albums of abrasive, smart-assed anthems. After that group disbanded, he began recording rootsy, Springsteen and Tom Waits-inspired rock under the name Crooked Fingers, with an intervening solo album of acoustic ballads in 2006 titled To The Races. He’s also performed as a touring guitarist for Neko Case, and way back when, released two albums of psychedelic pop as Barry Black. With the Crooked Fingers name more or less retired, Bachmann has just released a new self-titled set of richly arranged folk-rock under his own name. It’s a soulful and deeply personal set, with songs addressing family, faith (or lack thereof ) and other topics that once seemed off-limits for a songwriter who mastered in abstraction. I caught up with him on a phone call from the road between tour dates to talk about his new album, growing as a songwriter and becoming less self-involved. CityBeat: The new album has a rich, lush sound— what led you to pursue this musical direction? Eric Bachmann: One of the first songs I [wrote] was “Mercy,” which is the second song on the record…that song has a very real issue that I deal with in my family, which is my lack of faith and their Christian and Catholic background. And I’m not that—I was raised that, but I didn’t become that. I knew I wanted to communicate the song to them, and it isn’t really referring to my father, because my father isn’t really a religious person. It’s about other family members. But I knew his favorite music, he’s told me a million times: Franki Valli, Motown, doo-wop girls, The Beach Boys.

So I knew he would listen to it and like it, and that generation of people I was addressing would listen and like it, if I started it off with a Beach Boys-y, Franki Valli kind of thing. ‘Oh that’s real nice Eric, I like that sound.’ And then you hit them with the message: That you people are fuckin’ crazy. So it’s a trap. CB: Was there a particular motivation behind diving into more personal lyrics? EB: No, nothing that I can consciously think of. I’m a big fan of the novelist Martin Amis, and he says something very intelligent and accurate: Your subconscious is far more clever than any intention you can have. The goal is really to move forward on an endless runner...and don’t block the unconscious while you’re doing it. You say what you intend to say, but be ready because there are going to be things that happen when you’re doing that that are going to be more interesting than what you’re doing. You have to grab those things and make that the bigger thing. So I never know intentionally what I’m doing. When you find it, you have to pick the thing and stick with it. And at that point the song is three-quarters written and you just wanna get the damn thing done. CB: Do you now have a different perspective on songs you wrote 15 or 20 years ago? EB: Oh, definitely. You just change your relationship with the song. If you’re referring to Archers…I don’t get a sense of power or a sense of confidence and self-identify with that music because it’s from so long ago. This is very shallow, but it’s true: I like playing that music for two reasons. It’s because it’s really good for my ego to hear people sing it back to you. It’s just flattering that people like it at all. That’s an honor, and it feels good to hear people singing those songs. It’s a gift, and I feel lucky—a lot of bands were better than we were. The other thing is that Matt [Gentling], Mark

[Price] and Eric [Johnson] are some of my favorite human beings. Hanging out with those guys, going on a weekend tour, because they all work, it’s a very fun reward. It’s fun for me to play the Archers songs because it represents a time, and I get to play them with my friends. When I play the Crooked Fingers songs, I get more out of the music because I still remember what those songs are about...and I still have relationships with the people that those songs are about. With the Archers stuff I was drunk half the time. It was the first time I was trying to make sound, but there’s something beautiful and primitive and visceral about the Archers, and that’s what people respond to, because it’s not songwriting. They say that poets are kids and novelists are old men—isn’t that how it goes? I wouldn’t write a song about toast now, that’s fucking ridiculous. But the fact that I did then is kind of charming. We didn’t take ourselves too seriously. CB: Have you changed a lot, personally, in that time? Yeah, I hope so. As a one-day-old baby, you’re self-absorbed. It’s all about you. And as you grow older hopefully you get less and less absorbed. If you’re an 80-year-old, if you’re lucky enough to live that long, all you care about are your grandkids and you don’t give a shit about yourself. And that’s a good thing. That’s how it should be. That’s hopefully the trajectory I’m gonna take. Write to or follow him on Twitter at @1000TimesJeff

Archers of Loaf, “Web in Front” The Archers’ first college radio hit, this two-minute buzz of energy and surrealism is one of their catchiest, with a sing-along chorus of “All I ever wanted was to be your spine!” Archers of Loaf, “White Trash Heroes” The moment where Bachmann’s solo ambitions crept into his band’s work, this seven-minute closer to the album of the same name is a soaring, layered dirge that remains one of their best. Crooked Fingers, “New Drink for the Old Drunk” A standout from Crooked Fingers’ debut, “New Drink” showcases Bachmann’s ability to blend folky grit with lush orchestration in an unexpectedly majestic ballad.

Eric Bachmann, “Mercy” Pairing a “Be My Baby” beat, vocal harmonies, tenderness and good old-fashioned cynicism, “Mercy” is simultaneously tender and brutally honest.

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Crooked Fingers’ “Big Darkness” By Crooked Fingers’ third album, Bachmann had refined his songwriting even further, as well as his own singing voice. The combination is one of the prettiest songs he’s ever written.



hree former members of Taurus Authority have started a new band. It’s called NST (pronounced “Nasty,” if you’re so inclined) and features drummer Jake Najor, bassist Christian Schinelli and saxophonist/flautist Harold Todd, who also performs in Lenny Kravitz’s band. The three musicians have performed together in the past, and the new project is just a natural extension of a long history of playing music in different forms together. “We all have a history,” says Schinelli, in an interview at Swami’s in North Park. “We all happened to be in Taurus Authority and our paths just realigned. We started rehearsing and realized we worked well together. There’s a mutual respect, no ego. There’s none of that.” The group plays soulful, instrumental jazz and funk, and has posted a couple of rehearsal videos on Facebook that showcase the kind of style they’ll be playing together. The band will also invite in other

artists for various live performances, ranging from other musicians to poets. “It’s just to keep it interesting for us, but it’s also for the audience’s benefit,” Najor says. “It’s not going to be the same thing every time.” Najor, Schinelli and Todd are no longer playing with Taurus Authority, though they say the separation was on good terms and without any ill will. They also say they intend to stand apart from other soul jazz bands by having a versatile and open-ended approach to the kind of music they play. “The whole soul jazz thing has been done,” Schinelli says. “The songs are pretty consisNST tent from band to band. So we’re trying to avoid playing any songs that other bands are doing. We want it to have different flavors.” NST make their live debut at the Adams Avenue Integrative Health Stage on June 4 at the Art Around Adams festival.

—Jeff Terich

SINGER VS. SONG This is a recurring feature in which we ask musicians Nats Babel, Chica Diabla: “The Logical Song” by Supertramp. “Quite simply because it may indeed to name a song they never want to hear again. be the worst song ever recorded and it has given me Craig Schreiber, The Verigolds: “Stressed Out” by more sleepless nights looped in my head than any Twentyone Pilots. “‘Stressed Out’ is a neo rap-rock horror movie ever has.” bro-anthem that brings back the cringe from the yesterday years of Limp Bizkit. I wish I could turn Joshua Kmak, Big Bad Buffalo: Any Guns ‘n’ Roses single from Appetite for Destruction. “I would rather back time—before all of that.” high-five a cactus than listen to any of the sinRea Concepcion, Subgles off of Appetite for tropics: “Party Rock AnDestruction. Did that althem” by LMFAO. “‘Parbum even have any othty Rock’ fucking sucks. It er songs on it? Because hurts my ears—not exthe radio sure as hell aggerating. It’s a patchdoesn’t play ‘em.” (Big work quilt of cliches, a Bad Buffalo play June 3 Frankensteinian joke at SOMA.) played on radio listeners around the world.” Gregory Michael Thielmann, Hills Like Rory Morrison, The Bad Vibes: “Wheel in Twentyone Pilots Elephants: “Amazing Grace,” traditional. “It’s the Sky” by Journey. “If I could pick one song to be blindfolded, taken out like the national anthem for bluegrass and gospel back and shot into oblivion, it’d most definitely be bands. It was transcendental the first million times, Journey’s ‘Wheel in the Sky’. The song has ruined but now the sound is, ummm, not so sweet.” (Hills many special moments in my life and is probably the Like Elephants performs on June 4 at the Blindspot worst description of the mortal toil and mankind’s Records Stage at Art Around Adams.) impending doom.” (The Bad Vibes play May 27 at The Merrow.) —Jeff Terich


May 25, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 25



IF I WERE U A music insider’s weekly agenda WEDNESDAY, MAY 25

PLAN A: Pentagram, King Woman, Wax Idols @ Brick by Brick. Pentagram are doom metal old-schoolers, their career launching in the 1970s, not long after Black Sabbath’s first roar. They’re still trucking after more than 40 years, and rocking harder than ever. PLAN B: Angelic Upstarts, Rat City Riot, Stalins of Sound, PSO @ Soda Bar. My basic feeling about San Diego is if you can’t find a group of punk rock old-timers performing on any given night, something is seriously wrong. Thankfully this UK anti-fascist punk outfit is here to remedy any concern.


PLAN A: Gary Wilson, JJUUJJUU, Mantra Love @ Brick by Brick. I do love a weirdo, and Gary Wilson’s one of the weirdest we got. The dude’s been bringing bizarre to San Diego’s shores since the 1970s, and his mannequin-and-duct-tapefilled live sets are a hell of a sight to see. PLAN B: Moderat @ Observatory North Park. In the words of Joey Ramone, “do ya wanna dance?” Of course you do! Experimental techno outfit Moderat will provide the soundtrack, with an eclectic and glitchy set of electronic gems. BACKUP PLAN: THURSDAY, MAY 26 D.O.A., The Executives, Social Spit, RePLAN A: Trails and Ways, The End cords With Roger @ The Casbah. @ The Hideout. Trails and Ways make dreamy indie pop with great melodies, but SATURDAY, MAY 28 more importantly their Facebook profile PLAN A: U.S. Girls, Fiver, Chill Pill @ pic features their heads Photoshopped onto Soda Bar. U.S. Girls’ music is atmospheric, penguin bodies. So there’s that! BACKUP synth-driven and full of philosophical musPLAN: Moving Units, Billy Changer, Vi- ings on feminism. Don’t confuse their live sions, Glass Spells @ The Casbah.

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show for a grad-school course though. You can have fun and think about society’s shortcomings at the same time. PLAN B: Le Chateau, Wages, @Quarium @ Bar Pink. Le Chateau, one of our favorites from last year’s Great Demo Review, are working on some new music and you just might get a chance to hear some of it at this show. Sounds like a winning option to me. BACKUP PLAN: Upsilon Acrux, Aleuchatistas, INUS @ The Hideout.

nius as he’s sometimes known) is making another stop in town to perform his 1995 album Liquid Swords in its entirety. Enter the 4th Chamber and prepare for a hip-hop sword duel. BACKUP PLAN: Go Dark, Metal Mother, Sound Lupus @ Soda Bar.


PLAN A: Big Black Delta, James Supercave @ The Casbah. Big Black Delta is dark and danceable, which is a combination of sounds I have to give a major thumbs up. They’ve got a new set of music out now, and while they sometimes get a little too ambitious, it’s always interesting. BACKUP PLAN: Giuda, Residuels, Santa Ana Knights @ Soda Bar.


PLAN A: Refused, The Coathangers, Plague Vendor @ Belly Up Tavern. I’m not that cynical about the whole alt-rock reunion trend, especially when it meant I got to see Refused for the first time in 2012. They’re legendary for a reason: I don’t think I know of a hardcore band that puts on as elaborate a live show. PLAN B: GZA, Koolbeef Productions @ Observatory North Park. Wu-Tang Clan alumnus GZA (or Ge-



PLAN A: AlunaGeorge, Kiiara @ Observatory North Park. I was an early adopter of AlunaGeorge’s bass-inspired R&B sound back when they released “You Know You Like It” about four years ago. They’ve gotten pretty big since then, so they’re just having an even bigger dance party. Get down. PLAN B: The Briefs, The Widows, Dead on the Wire @ Soda Bar. I first caught wind of The Briefs’ old-school punk rock sound back when I was in college, and their snotty, fuzzy approach won me over instantly. They’re still doing their thing, but older, louder and still pretty snotty.



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Bryson Tiller (Observatory, 6/28-29), Screeching Weasel (Brick by Brick, 7/15), The Aquabats (HOB, 7/23), Big Business (Casbah, 7/25), Zella Day (Quartyard, 7/29), Shabazz Palaces (DJ set) (Casbah, 8/7), Castle (The Merrow, 8/19), Band of Skulls (BUT, 9/24), King (Casbah, 9/28), The Faint, Gang of Four (Observatory, 10/18), Diamond Head (Brick by Brick, 11/5).

GET YER TICKETS Eyehategod (Brick by Brick, 6/7), Del the Funky Homosapien (Observatory, 6/12), Prayers (Observatory, 6/17), Case/Lang/Veirs (Humphreys, 6/22), White Lung (Casbah, 7/9), M. Ward (BUT, 7/12), Deerhoof (Casbah, 7/14), Psychedelic Furs, The Church (Humphreys, 7/19), The Joy Formidable (Irenic, 7/20), Nails (Brick by Brick, 7/20), Boris (Casbah, 7/22), Blink 182 (Viejas Arena, 7/22), Inter Arma (Soda Bar, 7/24), Dirty Dozen Brass Band (Music Box, 7/28), Savages (Observatory, 7/29), Sublime with Rome (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 7/30), Anderson .Paak (HOB, 8/3), ‘Warped Tour’ w/ Sleeping With Sirens, Sum 41, New Found Glory (Qualcomm Stadium, 8/5), Kurt Vile and the Violators (HOB, 8/9), Guided by Voices (BUT, 8/17), The Weight: Members of the Band/Levon Helm Band (BUT, 8/18), Parquet Courts (The

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Irenic, 8/19), Digable Planets, Camp Lo (BUT, 8/20), Guns ‘n’ Roses (Qualcomm Stadium, 8/22), Dave Matthews Band (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 8/26), Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 8/27), Deftones (Open Air Theatre, 8/29), Huey Lewis and the News (Humphreys, 9/1), Flamin’ Groovies (Casbah, 9/2), The Kills (Observatory, 9/4), Zombies (BUT, 9/8), Ray Lamontagne (Open Air Theatre, 9/13), Counting Crows, Rob Thomas (Open Air Theatre, 9/14), Squeeze (BUT, 9/22), Tegan and Sara (Observatory, 9/25), O.A.R. (Humphreys, 9/25), Glen Hansard (Observatory, 9/28), Ani DiFranco (BUT, 10/2), ZZ Top (Humphreys, 10/4), Sia, Miguel (Viejas Arena, 10/5), Bad Boy Family Reunion (Viejas Arena, 10/6), Kamasi Washington (Humphreys, 10/7), Florida Georgia Line (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 10/9), Jethro Tull (Balboa Theatre, 10/17), Young the Giant (HOB, 10/18-19), Alice Cooper (Harrah’s, 10/28), Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Death from Above 1979 (HOB, 10/28), M83 (SOMA, 10/29), Peter Hook and the Light (HOB, 11/8).

MAY WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 Pentagram at Brick by Brick.

THURSDAY, MAY 26 Anti-Nowhere League at Soda Bar.

FRIDAY, MAY 27 Moderat at Observatory North Park. Gary Wilson at Brick by Brick. Lumineers at Open Air Theatre (sold out). Insane Clown Posse at House of Blues. D.O.A. at The Casbah.

SATURDAY, MAY 28 U.S. Girls at Soda Bar. Upsilon Acrux at The Hideout. Dillinger Four at The Casbah (sold out). Barrington Levy at Observatory North Park.

SUNDAY, MAY 29 Big Black Delta at The Casbah. Brett Dennen at Belly Up Tavern.

MONDAY, MAY 30 Refused at Belly Up Tavern. GZA/Genius at Observatory North Park.

TUESDAY, MAY 31 Leon Russell at Belly Up Tavern. The Hush Sound at The Casbah.

JUNE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 Voivod at Brick by Brick. Modern Baseball, Joyce Manor at House of Blues. Local H at Belly Up Tavern.

THURSDAY, JUNE 2 Yeasayer at Observatory North Park. Brian Jonestown Massacre at Belly Up Tavern.

FRIDAY, JUNE 3 Broncho at The Casbah. Anvil at Brick by Brick. Budos Band at Belly Up Tavern.

SATURDAY, JUNE 4 The Obsessed at Brick by Brick. Thrice at House of Blues (sold out). So So Glos at Soda Bar. Jello Biafra (DJ set) at The Hideout. Three Mile Pilot at The Casbah.


MUSIC FRIDAY, JUNE 10 Michael McDonald at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Arbor Labor Union at The Hideout. B-Side Players at Belly Up Tavern. American Head Charge at Soda Bar. Islands at The Casbah.

SATURDAY, JUNE 11 The Sadies, Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet at The Hideout. Greys at The Merrow. Too $hort at Observatory North Park. The Mentors at Brick by Brick. PUP at Soda Bar. Mutual Benefit at The Casbah.

SUNDAY, JUNE 12 Del the Funky Homosapien at Observatory North Park. Holy Fuck at The Casbah.


SPOTLIGHT The last time Insane Clown Posse came to San Diego, their scheduled show at Observatory North Park was canceled over a disagreement over spraying bottles of Faygo all over the venue—a turn of events that ICP called “stale as fuck.” Fear not, Juggalos, ICP is back to make a sticky mess of the House of Blues on Friday, May 27. SUNDAY, JUNE 5 Eric Bachmann at Soda Bar. ‘X-Fest’ w/ Offspring, Cheap Trick at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Armored Saint, Metal Church at Brick by Brick. Junior Brown at Belly Up Tavern.


MONDAY, JUNE 6 The Gory Details at The Casbah.

TUESDAY, JUNE 7 Eyehategod at Brick by Brick.

Creepoid at The Hideout. Bob Dylan at Humphreys (sold out). Mirah at Soda Bar.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 Al DiMeola at Music Box. Toots and the Maytals at Observatory North Park. X Ambassadors at Del Mar Fairgrounds.

THURSDAY, JUNE 16 Lee Bains III and the Glory Fires at The Hideout. Curren$y at Observatory North Park.

FRIDAY, JUNE 17 Metalachi at Music Box. The Muffs at The Casbah. Prayers at Observatory North Park.


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MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29 SATURDAY, JUNE 18 Sarah Jarosz at The Irenic. Day Wave at The Casbah. Rogue Wave at Belly Up Tavern.

SUNDAY, JUNE 19 Total Chaos at Brick by Brick.

MONDAY, JUNE 20 Federico Aubele at The Casbah. Lee “Scratch” Perry at Belly Up Tavern.

TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Ozomatli at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Ceu at Belly Up Tavern. Buckethead at Music Box.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 David Bromberg at Belly Up Tavern. Case/Lang/Veirs at Humphreys by the Bay. Kenny Rogers at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Ne-hi at The Hideout. Nothing at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, JUNE 23 Cherry Glazerr at The Irenic. George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic at Belly Up Tavern (sold out).

FRIDAY, JUNE 24 Sonny and the Sunsets at Soda Bar. Jacquees at Observatory North Park. Cee-Lo at Belly Up Tavern (sold out).

SATURDAY, JUNE 25 Venom Inc. at Brick by Brick. Pierce the Veil at Observatory North Park. Good Old War at The Casbah.

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SUNDAY, JUNE 26 Pity Sex at The Irenic. Blue Oyster Cult at Belly Up Tavern.

TUESDAY, JUNE 28 Bryson Tiller at Observatory North Park.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 Bryson Tiller at Observatory North Park.

THURSDAY, JUNE 30 Brian Wilson at Del Mar Fairgrounds.

JULY FRIDAY, JULY 1 Ringo Starr and His All Star Band at Humphreys (sold out).

SUNDAY, JULY 3 Ignite at Brick by Brick.

TUESDAY, JULY 5 Lady Antebellum at Del Mar Fairgrounds.


710 Beach Club, 710 Garnet Ave., San Diego. Pacific Beach. Wed: Good Girl Bad Boy. Fri: Sunny Rude, KL Noise Makerz. Tue: Let’s Face It, MandoShanks. 98 Bottles, 2400 Kettner Blvd. Ste. 110, San Diego. Little Italy. Fri: The Burt Brion Band. Sat: 145th Street. Sun: The Matt Smith Neu Jazz Trio. Air Conditioned Lounge, 4673 30th St., San Diego. Normal Heights. Wed: DJ

Sweet Chuck. Thu: ‘Libertine’ w/ DJs Jon Wesley, 1979. Sat: ‘Juicy’ w/ Mike Czech, Afroman, Dank Puffs, 5nSlime. Sun: ‘Chvrch’ w/ DJ Karma. American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Jared Logan. Fri: Jared Logan. Sat: Jared Logan. Bang Bang, 526 Market St., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: Breakbot (sold out). Sat: The Juan Maclean (DJ set). Sun: Jack Beats. Bar Pink, 3829 30th St., San Diego. North Park. Wed: DJ L. Thu: Lorraine Castellanos, Besos de Coco. Fri: ‘80s vs 90s’. Sat: Le Chateau, Wages, @Quarium. Sun: ‘Rat Sabbath’. Mon: ‘Motown on Monday’. Beaumont’s, 5662 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla. Thu: Adam Block Duo. Fri: Aquile, Funk Shui Planet. Sat: Slower. Sun: Blaise Guld. Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Solana Beach. Wed: Sticky Fingers, Bootleg Rascal. Thu: Imagery Machine, Dark Water Rebellion, Heather Nation. Fri: Robert Randolph and the Family Band, Megan Burtt. Sat: Spazmatics, Betamaxx. Sun: Brett Dennen, Firekid. Mon: Refused, The Coathangers, Plague Vendor. Tue: Leon Russell, The Bad Jones. Boar Cross’n, 390 Grand Ave., Carlsbad. Carlsbad. Thu: Ska Billy Rebels. Fri: ‘Club Musae’. Brass Rail, 3796 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Sat: ‘Sabado en Fuego’ w/ DJs XP, KA, K-Swift. Mon: ‘Manic Monday’ w/ DJ Junior the Disco Punk. Brick by Brick, 1130 Buenos Ave., San Diego. Bay Park. Wed: Pentagram, King Woman, Wax Idols. Fri: Gary Wilson,


MUSIC JJUUJJUU, Mantra Love. Sat: The Iron Maidens, Fred Barchetta, Rammoth, RDG. Cafe Sevilla, 353 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Sat: Flamenco Dinner Show. Sun: Buena Vista Sundays. Cat Eye Club, 370 7th Ave, San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Cool Cat Karaoke. Dirk’s Nightclub, 7662 Broadway, Lemon Grove. Fri: Granite Hill. Sat: DJ Alex. F6ix, 526 F St., Downtown., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: DJ Rell. Sat: DJ Vision. Sun: Craig Smoove. Fluxx, 500 Fourth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: Jami. Sat: Reflex. Sun: Nas. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: Bunbury. Thu: Bunbury. Fri: Insane Clown Posse. Sat: Totally 80s Live. Kava Lounge, 2812 Kettner Blvd., San Diego. Midtown. Thu: ‘Family Beatdown’ w/ Subp Yao, DJ Pound, Squirrely Bass, Squama. Fri: ‘Progress’. Sat: ‘Singularity’. Mc P’s Irish Pub, 1107 Orange Ave., Coronado. Wed: 3 Guys Will Move U. Thu: 4-Way Street. Fri: Manic Bros. Sat: Ron’s Garage. Sun: Joey Harris. Music Box, 1337 India St., San Diego. Little Italy. Thu: Spero, Creature and the Woods, Grim Slippers. Sat: Lonely Boy, Fritz Carlton, Justin Campbell, FRE. Sun: Oingo Boingo Dance Party w/ DJ Steve West. Numbers, 3811 Park Blvd., San Diego. Hillcrest. Thu: ‘Tagged’. Fri: ‘Uncut’. Sat: ‘Club Sabbat’. Patricks Gaslamp, 428 F St., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: The Upshots. Thu: The Bill Magee Blues Band. Fri: Mystique Element of Soul. Sat: RedWave. Sun:


Rosy Dawn. Mon: The Groove Squad. Tue: Paddy’s Chicken Jam.

Ways, The End. Sat: Upsilon Acrux, Aleuchatistas, INUS.

Riviera Supper Club, 7777 University Ave., La Mesa. Wed: ‘Boss Jazz’ w/ Jason Hanna. Fri: Soulside Players. Sat: Podunk Nowhere.

The Loft @ UCSD, Price Center East, La Jolla. Tue: Elderbrook, Abstrack, Nicolette.

Soda Bar, 3615 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Wed: Angelic Upstarts, Stalins of Sound, PSO. Thu: Anti-Nowhere League, Sculpins, Christ Killer, Cochinas Locas. Fri: English Dogs, Witchaven, Eukaryst, Pissed Regardless. Sat: U.S. Girls, Fiver, Chill Pill. Sun: Giuda, Residuels, Santa Ana Knights. Mon: Go Dark, Metal Mother, Sound Lupus. Tue: The Briefs, The Widows, Dead on the Wire. SOMA, 3350 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. Midway. Fri: The Casualists, Amaya Lights, Jara, Essex Class, Heavyweight, Turn It Around, Hard To Hit, Opt Out. Sycamore Den, 3391 Adams Ave., San Diego. Normal Heights. Thu: Jackson Price. Sun: Daniel Crawford and the Unkind Ravens, Jesse Lamonaca and the Dime Novels. The Bancroft, 9143 Campo Rd., Spring Valley. Spring Valley. Fri: Godspeed McQueen. Sat: In Rapture, Royale. Sun: Soccer Babes, Sound Lupus, Causers. The Casbah, 2501 Kettner Blvd., San Diego. Midtown. Wed: Ivan and Alyosha, Whiskey Circle. Thu: Moving Units, Billy Changer, Visions, Glass Spells. Fri: D.O.A., The Executives, Social Spit, Records With Roger. Sat: Dillinger Four, Off With Their Heads, Toys That Kill, Night Birds (sold out). Sun: Big Black Delta. Tue: The Hush Sound, My Body Sings Electric, Zac Clark. The Hideout, 3519 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Thu: Trails and

The Merrow, 1271 University Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Wed: Gortuary, Myconith, Kinnefret, Hunt the Elite. Thu: Surly Bonds, L1ght Ra1l, Astral Touch. Fri: The Bad Vibes, Sleeping Ghost, Hexa, Blood Ponies. Sat: Alive and Well, Let’s Break Up. Sun: Burlesque Sunday Tease. The Office, 3936 30th St., San Diego. North Park. Wed: ‘Through Being Cool’ w/ DJs Derek Hubbard, Steven Oira. Thu: ‘No Limits’ w/ DJ Myson King. Fri: ‘After Hours’ w/ DJs EdRoc, Kid Wonder. Sat: ‘Strictly Business’ w/ DJs Kanye Asada, Ikah Love. Mon: ‘Velvet Underground and Lou Reed Under Cover’. Til-Two Club, 4746 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Fri: Mrs. Henry. Tower Bar, 4757 University Ave., San Diego. City Heights. Wed: Red City Radio, Russian Girlfriends, Caskitt. Fri: The Fresh Brunettes, The Hiroshima Mockingbirds, Aquarium. Tue: Ohioan, Nothingful, The Fictitious Dishes. Whistle Stop, 2236 Fern St, San Diego. South Park. Thu: VAMP: In Real Life, ‘Vamp’. Fri: ‘Death by Dancing’ w/ DJ Jon Blaj. Sat: ‘Booty Bassment’ w/ DJs Dimitri, Rob. Sun: ‘Fantasy’ w/ DJ Mario Orduno. Tue: ‘Videodrome’. Winstons, 1921 Bacon St., San Diego. Ocean Beach. Wed: Piracy Conspiracy, DJ Carlos Culture, The Have Six, Scott Tournet. Fri: Spafford, Jelly Bread, David & the Goliaths. Sat: Mango Habanero. Sun: Psychic Vacuum. Mon: Electric Waste Band.

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GODDESS The Litter Prince My boyfriend and I just moved in together, and it’s going well, except for how he leaves empty containers and trash everywhere. I asked him to please just put these in the garbage. He did this—for a single day. These empties everywhere are driving me crazy, not because I mind picking them up but because I feel disrespected. It’s weird, because he’s otherwise sweet and attentive. —Exasperated That used Q-tip is only a collectible if he used to be Elvis. Of course, because your eyes go right to the empty cans and fast-food carcasses, you’re thinking his must, too. Maybe—but maybe not. Psychologists Irwin Silverman and Marion Eals contend that men and women evolved to have differing spatial abilities, corresponding with the sexual divisions of labor—men as hunters and women as gatherers (of salad and appetizers). Experiments by Silverman, Eals and others support this theory. Men have more distance-oriented visual and navigational abilities, which would have been useful for tracking prey across a big plain: “Yo, bros, I believe that’s dinner!” Men also excel at “mental rotation”—turning objects around in their minds—which would have helped them land a spear in a moving four-legged dinner entree before it got away. Women, on the other hand, do far better (sometimes 60 to 70 percent better) on tests of “object location memory”—remembering objects and their placement in a setting. This ability for noticing and recalling detail would have helped them remember wee landmarks pointing back to where to find those yummy grubs. (It’s less helpful with a boyfriend who waits to toss trash until it requires a backhoe.) The fact that your boyfriend tidied up upon request suggests he cares about your feelings. His doing that only once maybe just means it isn’t a habit. Habits—behaviors we do pretty automatically—get ingrained over time through repeated action. They are triggered by cues in our behavior and environment. Unfortunately, for him, the action of throwing back, say, the last drop of Mountain Dew has been associated not with slam-dunking it into the wastebasket but with leaving it on the coffee table for the archeologists to find. You could try to help him make the trash-trashcan association, maybe by one day tacking notes on the empties—like “Hello, Mr. Archeologist. I was enjoyed in 2016.” The reality is that he may not always remember, in which case you should remind yourself that a guy who’s otherwise “sweet” and

“attentive” isn’t leaving the mess to mess with you. You and he can also figure out ways he can do his part around the house (washing the cars, bringing in the garbage bins, etc.) so you can pick up after him with a laugh instead of loathing. Someday, you two may bring new life into the world, but it shouldn’t be a mystery fungus inside a Chinese food container that got kicked under the bed.

Irreconcilable Indifferences My girlfriend of two years seems to be gradually moving me out of her life. Seeing her two or three times a week has dwindled into maybe once—and no overnights. She’ll meet me at the movies and then ditch me afterward, saying she’s got a bunch of things to do. She denies anything’s wrong, claiming she’s just “very busy.” I think there’s more to it. —Left Hanging

It seems you’re right; she’s really looking forward to your dates—the way a cow looks forward to a personal tour of the slaughterhouse. People talk about what a high falling in love is, and they aren’t wrong, because their body’s basically in the throes of a biochemical drug binge. University of Pisa psychiatrist Donatella Marazziti looked at blood samples of people who’d been madly in love for less than six months and found that they had serotonin levels comparable to people diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Luckily, obsessively having sex is more fun than obsessively washing your hands. Falling in love also alters testosterone levels—though differently in men and women. Men’s drops—making them more cuddlywuddly—and women’s goes up, increasing their interest in sex. Unfortunately, this increased interest is temporary. Marazziti found that T levels went back to normal between the one- and two-year mark—which is when the feeling “We’re perfect for each other!” can start to be replaced by “We’re perfect for other people.” This may be how she’s been feeling. To get an answer—beyond knee-jerk denials that anything’s wrong—email her. Ask her whether you two have a problem, and tell her to take a couple of days to think about it. Upon reflection, she should either decide to try to fix things or break up with you—and not in a way that mimics continental drift.

The fact that your boyfriend tidied up upon request suggests he cares about your feelings.

32 · San Diego CityBeat · May 25, 2016

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34 · San Diego CityBeat · May 25, 2016



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