San Diego CityBeat • June 1, 2016

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2 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016



June 1, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 3


The curse of winning a mayoral primary


HE SAN DIEGO DEMOCRATIC PARTY has got to be—and should be—kicking itself in the ass for not getting off said duff earlier to mount a strong mayoral campaign against incumbent Republican Mayor Kevin Faulconer. Late last year it looked like Faulconer was a shooin for re-election. No major Dem would step forward to be a challenger. Independent Lori Saldaña finally threw her hat into the ring in January and Democrat Ed Harris just entered the race in March. “Starting about six months ago, Democrats should have amassed a big war chest from all the progressives and Democrats sitting on their checkbooks and been running constant ads attacking Faulconer,” said San Diego Mesa College professor and political pundit LORI SALDAÑA FOR MAYOR Carl Luna. He said Democrats could have targeted Faulconer for: “Being a waffler (Chargers); being ineffective— Pothole Faulconer, Unanswered 9-1-1 Call Kevin; and being a Republican like Trump.” Faulconer is definitely going to get the Lori Saldaña most votes in the June 7 primary election. But it’s no longer a foregone conclusion that he’ll garner more than 50 percent of the vote, which would win him the race outright and make the November general election a moot point. That’s big—because recent history has shown that being the first-place finisher in the San Diego mayoral primary with less than 50 percent does not assure victory in the runoff. In fact, winning the primary with less than 50 percent has practically been a harbinger of losing the general election: • In 2012, Bob Filner came in second in the primary to Carl DeMaio (31 percent to 30 percent), but Filner prevailed in the general election (51.5 to 48.5). • In a 2005 special election, Jerry Sanders lost the primary to Donna Frye (43 to 27) but Sanders captured the runoff win (53 to 46). • In a crowded field in 2000, Dick Murphy finished second in the primary to Ron Roberts (25-15), but Murphy eked out a close win in the general election 51 to 48). • And back in 1992, Susan Golding took second in the June primary behind Peter Navarro (38 to 31) but she bested Navarro in November (52 to 48).

Partisanship plays a big factor. A party with multiple candidates will see a split in the primary and then the party coalesces for the general. Note: Over the last two decades two incumbent mayors won their primaries with more than 50 percent (Golding in 1996 and Sanders in 2008). An incumbent Murphy won the 2004 primary with less than 50 percent and then won a razor-thin, controversial general election over write-in candidate Frye. Not that polling has been reliable this election cycle, but there’s been a surprising dearth of it for the mayor’s race. Only one, an out-of-the-box, Facebook-based poll conducted by Independent Voter’s Network San Diego, has tackled the race. The IVN poll put WIKI COMMONS Faulconer at 48 percent, Saldaña at 26 percent and Harris at 20 percent—indicating that Faulconer is very much on the fence. Harris and Saldaña said they didn’t have funding to do polls. “We did not spend money on polls but Ed Harris Faulconer has spent many thousands on focus groups and several polls, none of which have been released to counter the current data which shows that most San Diego voters want someone else to be their mayor,” Saldaña said. Faulconer has a comparatively huge war chest, and popular opinion says he did unreleased polling that wasn’t as favorable as hoped. The mayor’s campaign team did not respond to questions about polls. No polls were releases after a May 24 mayoral debate aired on KUSI-TV, and none are expected before the final televised debate of the race is broadcast on June 3 on NBC. Neither Saldaña nor Harris landed a heavy blow during the KUSI debate, and Faulconer played it safe. The challengers are hoping to generate some kind of debate buzz in their last chance before the primary. Together, if they can keep Faulconer under 50 percent in the primary—for a variety of reasons relating to local and national issues—one of them will be a real contender come November.

—Ron Donoho

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This issue of CityBeat wonders where his mother was when Donald Trump wandered off.

Volume 14 • Issue 43 EDITOR Ron Donoho MUSIC EDITOR Jeff Terich ARTS EDITOR Seth Combs WEB EDITOR Ryan Bradford ART DIRECTOR Carolyn Ramos EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Torrey Bailey COLUMNISTS Aaryn Belfer, Edwin Decker John R. Lamb, Alex Zaragoza

CONTRIBUTORS David L. Coddon, Beth Demmon, Andrew Dyer, Tiffany Fox, Michael A. Gardiner, Glenn Heath Jr., Peter Holslin, Jessica Johnson, Scott McDonald, Jenny Montgomery, Susan Myrland, Jim Ruland, Ben Salmon, Tom Siebert, Jen Van Tieghem, Amy Wallen EDITORIAL INTERN Elizabeth Pode PRODUCTION MANAGER Tristan Whitehouse MULTIMEDIA ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Paulina Porter-Tapia

SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Jason Noble ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Beau Odom Mark Schreiber Jenny Tormey ACCOUNTING Kacie Cobian Sharon Huie Linda Lam HUMAN RESOURCES Andrea Baker

ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Interested in advertising? Call 619-281-7526 or e-mail The advertising deadline is 5 p.m. every Friday for the following week’s issue.

EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE 3047 University Ave., Suite 202 San Diego, CA 92104 Phone: 619-281-7526 Fax: 619-281-5273


San Diego CityBeat is published and distributed every Wednesday by Southland Publishing Inc., free of charge but limited to one per reader. Reproduction of any material in this or any other issue is prohibited without written permission from the publisher and the author. Contents copyright 2016.

4 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016




Thank you for your “Moms Demand Action zeroes in on guns” [May 25] article. Aaryn Belfer points out, with good humor, the folly and failure of Eddie Eagle and the fact that the gun violence prevention movement is in for the long haul. It’s not going to go away until we reduce the ridiculous number of annual gun deaths (32,000) in this county. The more journalists bring the problem to the attention of the public, the more awareness you create and the more likely it is that politicians sign on to gun laws that will protect all of us.

Carol Landale, SanDiego Chapter, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence


I attended the San Diego County Credit Union 20th Annual Festival of Arts in North Park and had a fun day [“Block Arty,” May 18]. However, I found it disconcerting that writers and poets were noticeably absent. With a plethora of venues for creative expression, not one was devoted to literature? My disappointment was not with the talented musicians, painters, brewers, dancers and artisans that passionately displayed their creations. Nor do I question the organizers’ decisions to focus on local talent and tailor events for families with young children. My contention here is that to neglect San Diego’s vibrant and varied literary community entirely was, at the very least, disrespectful. Perhaps I’m just nostalgic for an antiquated Shakespearean time when thoughtful use of written language was considered artistic, but to me, this obvious absence was an alienating oversight for the professed arts festival. After complaining about being snubbed by an anonymous bartender in CityBeat’s own Sordid Tales column recently, Edwin Decker was snubbed again. When there were no sponsored readings at the North Park event, he was relegated Saturday to read to an isolated crowd at an alternative location. With an opportunity to paint your employees as artists in the neighborhood in which you reside, what did CityBeat choose to do? On the same day you were a sponsor of the San Diego Taco Fest, a competing event at Waterfront Park? Although I have lived in San Diego since 1998, I did not attend the annual North Park street fest


until I moved to the trendy neighborhood in 2010. Of the events I have attended since then, this year’s seemed the least crowded. Hours were extended this year, possibly diluting the congestion. There also seemed fewer vendors and food trucks, opening greater space for attendees to wander and walk. If fewer people did attend this year’s festival and CityBeat plans to stay in the publishing business in North Park, then these issues are relevant to you. To hear and see a literary presence at next year’s festival of arts in North Park would be a nice and appropriate change that would complement established exhibitions and bring new performers, attracting greater variety in attendees. For example, children’s literary performances could be coordinated and hosted with the North Park Public Library. Events for more mature audiences could be held in conjunction with establishments like Lynn Susholtz’s Art Produce, profiled in the May 11 edition of CityBeat, or with Verbatim Books, a recent addition to and a business welcomed by North Park’s creative community. By inviting writers, poets and journalists to participate in next year’s event, North Park can host a truly inclusive festival of more arts.

Gerald Vanderpot, North Park


In reference to the many letters and your editorials on the proposed Chargers stadium downtown, there is one item no one has yet mentioned. The MTS bus yard at 15th and Imperial houses the majority of our city’s buses. It has been there for more than 60 years, ever since our fair city switched from streetcars to buses. Now think back a few years ago when the city was rehabilitating the old San Diego Police Department Headquarters on Harbor Drive. Due to a large fuel plume underground, which had to be pumped out, the rehab took an extra five years before any building modifications could take place. My question: Could there be a similar plume under the MTS bus yard? Also, how long would it take to rehab the site...if and when the bus company was able to relocate? This would be added costs, and time, to realize a new stadium at this site. How about writing an editorial about this issue?

John Plough, Hillcrest

TABLE OF CONTENTS UP FRONT From the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spin Cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sordid Tales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 5 7 8

FOOD & DRINK The World Fare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 In The Spirits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Beerdist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

THINGS TO DO SHORT LIST: Three you have to see. . . . . . . . 13 Calendar of Events. . . . . . . . 13-14

ARTS & CULTURE Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-18 FEATURE: Ocean Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-28 At The Intersection . . . . . . . . . . 29 Seen Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

PUP (page 31)

MUSIC FEATURE: PUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Notes from the Smoking Patio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 If I Were U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Concerts & Clubs . . . . . . . . 34-35

LAST WORDS In The Weeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37


COVER The photo of Ocean Beach’s iconic pier was taken by editorial assistant Torrey Bailey. She also also oversaw coverage of this week’s Neighborhood Watch focusing on OB, beginning on page 23.

June 1, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 5

6 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016






Kevin Faulconer’s anti-Trump problem Silence is the safest course for any man to adopt who distrusts himself. —François de la Rochefoucauld


ou might have heard that a certain golden-haired, thumb-pumping narcissist of a presidential candidate dropped by our fair city last Friday to much pomp, circumstance, fervor and a soupcon of tear gas for media flavor. The mainstream media ate up the fervor and tear gas, quite predictably, because conflict attracts more eyes. And attention, Donald Trump would tell you, is the name of the game. A friend recently noted the similarities between Trump and the greatest self-promoter of all time, the bombastic P.T. Barnum of circus fame. The comparison is well-trodden ground, as are most topics in this seemingly never-


ending spectacle of the ridiculous that presidential elections have become. But last Friday, on the streets of downtown that our smiling mayor and his tourism-boosting proxies love to promote as paradise, a different side of San Diego emerged that Spin Cycle found much more intriguing, confounding and hopeful for a more vibrant, passionate future, far removed from the bland preferences of our aging civic leaders. It is within that crucible of transition that Republican Mayor Kevin Faulconer finds himself as we approach Election Day next Tuesday. And by Spin’s highly unscientific measure of the political temperature last Friday, he’s not impressing. As wide-eyed Trump supporters of all stripes—a true spectrum of the human condition—cut

through an equally diverse throng of protesters to get to the San Diego Convention Center doors, Spin asked passersby for their thoughts on the mayor and his pronouncement that he would not be endorsing the presumptive presidential nominee for his own party. “Typical politician” was the number-one answer, followed closely by references to chicken manure and “Who?” “What else did you expect?” noted Karen Grube, a third-generation San Diegan who may have been the only person among the thousands that packed Harbor Drive Friday with a Ted Cruz sign. “I wouldn’t expect anything else.” But fear not, Mayor Faulconer, for Grube—a longtime thorn in the side of the local Republican establishment—lives in Escondido. She said she has reached out to the Cruz campaign, national Republican Party and her own representative, Rep. Duncan Hunter (the poster boy of vaping and campaign credit card mismanagement), urging everyone to call for the release of Trump’s tax returns. Convinced there will be some bombshell in those filings, Grube holds out hope for her Texas senator preference come convention time, even though his campaign has shifted back to Texas senator mode.


Nathan Fletcher preaches to the anti-Trump crowd. Hunter—who helped warm up the crowd prior to Trump’s hourlong speech and promptly skedaddled with a young man who appeared to be his son toward the San Diego Hilton to the south—recently told Grube, “I got to be for the border. I’m from San Diego. And Trump is for the border.” “I’m like, ‘Is that it? Is that all you’ve got?’” Grube recalled, laughing. Grube was soon greeted by a young Cruz supporter who requested a selfie. He noted that he and Hunter share similar vaping flavor tastes for something called “Dragon’s Blood.” Hunter and his conspiracyhunting colleague, Rep. Darrell Issa, were the local politicians of note to venture inside the law-enforcement-blanketed convention center for Trump’s speech. “Are you ready for the next President of the United States?” Issa shouted to a cheering crowd. “I see a lot of young faces here, but over there in the back I see some wrinkled old veterans…” Trump used the occasion to roll out his veterans advisory council. Speaking outside, veteran Marine, former mayoral candidate and rumored future county supervisorial candidate Nathan Fletcher carpet-bombed Trump. “I hope this is a group of people that can advise him of all of the things he’s done wrong for veterans,” Fletcher said, “because at the end of the day as a veteran I can tell you that there is no one who would be worse as our commander in chief.” The former Republican-cumIndependent- cum-Democrat pummeled Trump over his alleged $6 million fundraiser for veterans, for proposing to “privatize the VA” and for comparing his own troubles in the 1970s— “his womanizing, his attempt to avoid getting a sexually transmitted disease”—as “his own Vietnam. Those are his words.” A few steps away, a gentleman sporting rouge and a blond wig danced underneath a Trump piñata dangled on a pole to the rhythmic beat of YG & Nipsey Hussle’s modern-day anthem,

“(FDT) Fuck Donald Trump.” Look, Reagan sold coke, Obama sold hope/Donald Trump spent his trust fund money on the vote… Yes, this is not your grandmother’s San Diego. Camouflagecapped NRA youth mingling with Aztec dancers. A 14-year-old waving a “Fuck Trump” sign—a Friday sales hit at 3 for $20!—in the faces of a Trump-shirted family that appeared to be making its first foray into an urban setting. “You’re 14,” the mother admonished. “You shouldn’t be using language like that.” Counter that with the mother/ daughter duo offering free coffee and tea to protesters. “We don’t know who we’re voting for,” the mother told one grateful recipient, “but I hope we can all come together afterwards.” Minus the militaristic ending, this would be a magnificent event to hold every year, election campaign or not. Gaslamp businesses seemed to be buzzing—red-hatted Trump backers were found seated at numerous eating establishments. Cops, at least during the protest, appeared to interact well with participants—no small feat in an area not created for static mobs of people. (The artistry of maintaining trolley movement alone was a sight to behold.) Most importantly, people exhibited passion and a hunger for something real, whatever that may be to them. They’re tired of the status quo. For protesters, that spells a need to be heard. For Trumpians, that seems to mean a return to an America they once knew that is likely never returning, where might makes right. Floating in the fog, meanwhile, is Mayor Faulconer, who jumped from supporting Marco Rubio to John Kasich to, from the looks of things, not Donald. “He hasn’t earned my vote,” he told The San Diego Union-Tribune. Asked Tuesday whom the mayor will vote for, his office was silent. Wouldn’t it be ironic if his own base responded in kind? Spin Cycle appears every week. Write to

June 1, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 7





Living among OB’s tweakers, stabbers, punks and hippies


moved from New York to San Diego in 1985. After spending the first five years landlocked in a dumpy Clairemont complex, I relocated to a neighborhood in the northwest end of Ocean Beach called the War Zone. My friends had warned me about the WZ. They told stories of stabbings, shootings, muggings, burglaries and arson. They said the place was brimming with biker gangs, surfer gangs, skateboard gangs, skinhead gangs, James Gangs [shout out], crackheads, militants, pickpockets and worst of all disgruntled hippies beating up newbies with rolledup petitions. Local lore claims the War Zone got its name from the battles waged in ‘60s between the Hells Angels and rival biker gangs. In the ‘70s and ‘80s it was still living up to its name. By the time I arrived circa 1990, it had tamed significantly. But it was still more menacing than any place I had ever lived. I remember my first night. My apartment was directly behind an infamous bar on Bacon and Voltaire called Dream Street. To celebrate my new digs and excited to see what kind of establishment I would be living beside, I walked into the beige, windowless building to see about five old, mostly-bearded, drooling drunks. I pulled up a stool and nodded to an intimidating Grizzly Adams type sitting nearby. He scowled and pulled back his jacket to reveal the hunter’s knife that was sheathed to his belt. I nodded again, as if to say, “Message received” and left without ordering. Then I moseyed up Voltaire Street toward the delicious sound of delta blues piping out of a bar. Inside was heaven. The Texas Teahouse (now known as The Tilted Stick) was a legendary dive bar. It quickly became my War Zone go-to joint because it had three things I adored: Missile Command, Genesee Cream Ale and great live music, such as the Sidewinders, The Jacks (R.I.P. Mighty Joe), various incarnations of The Beat Farmers and legendary Delta bluesman Tomcat Courtney, who was stabbed in this very bar along with my friend Nick Rusnak and two others. And that’s how it was for my first five years living in the WZ with the stabbings and the shootings and the muggings and manhunts all under the spotlights of police choppers and the whup-whup-whup applause of helicopter blades like an enormous Broadway stage production. But why? Why does this little patch of land lend itself to such lowbrow villainy? I mean, crackheads shouldn’t be able to afford the rent in a SoCal beach town! Well it’s the planes of course. We are directly under the flight path. They have to fly right over us before they can ascend—every 5-10 minutes, starting at 6:30 a.m.—the jet engines roaring so loudly

they cause the phone calls and the face-to-face conversations to wait for the plane to pass. It’s called The OB Pause and nowhere in this town is it louder than the War Zone. Naturally, this kept the property values so low that anyone with a crack pipe and a clerk job could afford the rent. Indeed, in 1994, when my family bought a little four-unit apartment complex here, our one-bedroom apartments were going for $350 per month! One of them was occupied by a punk band and its lackeys. There were about 10 guys crashing in a 400-square-foot cottage which was mostly trashed because, well, because a punk band was living there. They couldn’t afford utilities so, when the power went out, they left the perishables in the refrigerator to rot—for months—until the smell was so bad they dragged the fridge outside rather than clean it. It was right around then that the real estate bubble began to form, and the interest rates dropped, and the local property owners began to realize—Hey, this is beach front property! I can refinance and remodel and get some real rent up in here. But gentrification happens slowly, and crazy shit kept happening. Like the night a rocksmoker crashed his bicycle on my stoop. When I opened the door he was sprawled out and groaning. When I asked if he was OK, he stood up and threatened to kick my ass for having the gall to, um, ask him if he was OK. Another time I was sitting in my house and a fugitive jumped the fence and ran across the patio and into the backyard. I stepped outside to investigate and was startled when about 10 cops swarmed over the fences and patio. “Where’d he go?” they shouted, guns drawn. I found out later he stabbed someone. Stabbing, it seems, is the preferred method of violence in the WZ. Then there was the time my brother and I chased a night prowler from our premises. The guy came back with a van full of friends and drove back and forth in front of our house threatening to kill us—probably with knives. Ah, I miss the good old days! Today, with the WZ gentrification nearly complete, things are calmer. I mean, the potential is there—but it never seems to erupt. It’s more of a cold War Zone now. And, yes, there are times I miss the danger. But I’m glad the tweakers are gone. And I’m glad the stabbers are gone. And I’m glad the planes are still here. Because they still help keep OB relatively lowbrow. No matter how beautiful and inviting this place continues to become, the noise will always keep the hordes away. Or at least give them pause. An OB pause.

Why does this little patch of land lend itself to such lowbrow villainy?

8 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016

Sordid Tales appears every other week. Write to






A Little Lion roars in Ocean Beach


t is the Little Lion Cafe & Bar (1424 Sunset Cliffs Blvd.). It is in Ocean Beach and it is heir to a legend. It’s one part tasty, one part funky, totally charming and, yet, perhaps not quite sure exactly what it is. The Little Lion’s owners are Anne-Marie, Dominique and Jacqueline Coulon, granddaughters of Don and Anne-Marie Coulon, long-time proprietors of the great and late-lamented Belgian Lion. Based on Don Coulon’s classic training, the restaurant featured French regional specialties and his contemporary variations on those dishes. But as much of an influence on the Coulon sisters as the Belgian Lion must have been, so was its location: Ocean Beach. OB is not exactly the toniest, most upscale of San Diego neighborhoods. MICHAEL A. GARDINER

Rather, it’s known for funkiness, hippiness and the earthiest of the crunchy. Both influences are evident at Little Lion. It is with a side dish that Little Lion pays direct homage to its ancestor: the Belgian Lion Potatoes. It’s a fitting tribute. No one does “French” fries better than the Belgians and no one in San Diego has ever done them better than the Belgian


Lion. The Little Lion gets it right: perfectly fried triangular wedges of potato—golden crisp on the outside, supple in—with dipping sauces of a rich, garlicky aioli and a tomato compote. One of the best dishes on the daytime menu is the croque monsieur, a classic Gallic take on grilled ham and cheese with a béchamel sauce. Little Lion’s version is served open-face with a tempting swipe of Dijon mustard, quick pickles and a side salad. For the decadent there’s an optional poached egg. Be decadent. Its Crab Caesar salad was less successful. It’s competent but no more: good salad ingredients perfectly dressed. The problem was the undressed crab on a too-hard block of bread and the fact that while the crab played well with the avocado, the two seemed like a separate entity from the rest of the salad. From chia seed pudding and a house-made granola to a “Buddha Bowl,” much of Little Lion’s menu speaks OB, not French. Perhaps the best bet in that direction is the Superfood Bowl featuring quinoa, black beans, avocado, seasonal vegetables and flax seeds. The runny yolk of a poached egg and a lemon vinaigrette ties it all together. But it is the Tunaville Bowl that comes closest to integrating the Belgian Lion heritage with the OB location. Little Lion’s take on a Niçoise salad, the Tunaville features wonderful lettuce, canned tuna, tomato, olives and hard-boiled egg from the original. White beans, while non-classic, make sense. But it is the unexpected addition of farro—an ancient wheat strain— that surprises and gives this variation on a classic such an OB feel. Remarkably and counterTunaville bowl intuitively, the farro does not feel remotely out of place. Not everything at the Little Lion feels as integrated as the Tunaville. There remains a duality. But both sides are good, tasty and happy in and of themselves. And when they do come together, the Little Lion succeeds on its own terms, not those of its Belgian forebear. The World Fare appears weekly. Write to

June 1, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 9




BEERDIST Ocean Beach Brewhaha


here’s something in the air in Ocean Beach. Adding to the usual mix of salt and sativa are the similarly distinct aromas of yeast, malt and hops. One of the last truly blue-collar coastal communities in Southern California, OB now has several breweries targeting the bohemian hood for expansion. Four are now operating within walking distance from one another, with more on the way. On May 10, Ocean Beach Brewery announced on its Facebook page that brewing had begun. Belching Beaver will also be opening a storefront. Helm’s Brewing Co. (4896 Newport Ave.) opened a satellite tasting room on May 16. Head brewer Dan Lawrence said North Park was also considered for expansion, but that in the end it was the community in OB that won over the brewery. “Every neighborhood in San Diego has its own small community,” he said. “OB is one of the tightest.” Lawrence acknowledged some concerns about the effect breweries might have on the neighborhood, noting the notorious battle over OB’s Starbucks. “We don’t want to knock anybody out or for this to be a ‘beer neighborhood,’ we want there to be a solid beer selection,” he said. “It creates a destination.” Culture Brewing Co. (4845 Newport Ave.), a short walk from Helm’s, has a decent sized space but little seating. There are kegs to sit on and a few chairs, but mostly the space is for standing and socializing. Stacks of just-filled barrels line one wall. In about six months Culture will release its first barrel-aged sours. Mike Hess Brewing (4893 Voltaire St.), like Culture and Helm’s, features large roll-up windows that leave the tasting room open to cool Pacific breezes. Its new triple IPA, Infinity +1, is available on tap and in bottles. This easy drinking hop bomb clocks in at a dangerous 12.3 percent ABV, so approach with caution.

10 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016

When I asked my son where he wanted to go for his eighth birthday, he said “Pizza Port.” I almost cried. When I was in the Navy this was where I would bring my family before saying goodbye. Those painful farewells are a thing of the past, but Pizza Port (1956 Bacon St.) remains a family-and-dog-friendly destination when we go to the dog beach or want to celebrate a birthday. On any given day the menu board boasts three or more of its legendary, world-class IPAs along with its porters and stouts. It can get prohibitively crowded on weekends, however, with eager paANDREW DYER

Helm’s Brewing Co. trons standing and waiting for someone to leave so they can swoop in and claim their seats. But there is usually room on the patio, where you can watch the police write parking tickets for those unfortunate few who park in front of the architectural firm across the street. OB has always existed in a time warp, a throwback neighborhood of old hippies and surfers. Hopefully there is room to accommodate the change breweries and tasting rooms bring while still preserving that which makes the neighborhood such a desirable place to hang out and enjoy. The Beerdist appears every other week. Write to



June 1, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 11




SPIRITS The skinny on skinny cocktails



ver looked at a cocktail menu and noticed the word “skinny” listed next to your favorite drink? I’ve always wondered if that option would help me fit into my skinny jeans better, or if it’s just a Splenda-filled gimmick. A number of local spots feature some form of “skinny” on their menu. Even some Mexican spots such as The Blind Burro, Baja Betty’s and Ponce’s Mexican Restaurant all offer skinny margaritas. I reached out to a couple seasoned bartenders for their thoughts on skinny drinks, what makes them skinny and what to imbibe if I’m looking to cut calories this summer. Andrew Larson was recently appointed the creative lead at downtown rooftop bar The Nolen (453 6th Ave.). I asked him if he makes his own version of skinny drinks. “Yes and no,” says Larson, who’s been mixing cocktails for six years. “I create all my drinks with fresh ingredients and try to stay away from sugary and heavily processed ingredients because fresher ingredients always make for a better cocktail.” OK, so fresher is better. “A skinny cocktail to me is something with fresh juice and very light sugar, but balanced,” he says. “Most craft cocktails fall into that category.” Good to know my options run far and wide. “I feel like the word ‘skinny’ is being thrown around to make health-conscious people feel better about what they’re drinking,” Larson says. Sure, but anything that makes me feel better about my alcohol consumption is fantastic, in my book. For tips on how to sneakily cut my calorieintake at the bars, I sidled up to Zack Gray, bar manager at Bankers Hill Bar + Restaurant (2202 4th Ave.). A Bay Area transplant with 11 years of cocktail experience, Gray says the best way to order your low-cal cocktail depends on the bar. “If you’re in a bar using prepared sweet and sour, I would suggest asking them to use half of the amount,” he says. “Or better yet, get your spirit with some zero calorie soda water. If you’re somewhere where they’re using fresh citrus juices, ask the bartender to use half of whatever sweetener they’re using.” One of Gray’s favorite lower-calorie cocktails

12 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016

Millennial Gimlet at Bankers Hill Bar + Restaurant is the Millennial Gimlet, made with Old Harbor San Miguel gin, house-made cucumber basil syrup, fresh lime and black pepper. Yum, sign me up. Gray believes a skinny cocktail starts with a dry spirit; the lower the ABV (Alcohol by Volume) the lower the calories. “I’m not a big fan of someone just saying, ‘I want a skinny (insert drink here).’ I’m not always sure exactly what drink you want,” he says “I think that if you’re going to imbibe, then just do it. Going out once or twice a week and being responsible is not going to undo being good the rest of the week.” Well then make mine a double.











What was that saying ampm convenience stores used to have in their ads? “Too much good stuff.” Well, that’s early June in San Diego. The San Diego County Fair is opening, as is the Central Library’s showcase of Shakespeare’s First Folio. Still, we’d like to think our readers have had those events on their respective radars for months, which is why it’s important to remember Art Around Adams, the hyper-local celebration of small businesses, local artists and indie performers that happens along two miles of Adams Avenue from University Heights to Kensington. Now in its 13th year, the event has become synonymous for truly offering a little something for everyone. Shoppers can discover new and independently owned stores while foodies will appreciate the all-day drink and dish specials offered at neighboring eateries. And while the “Art” in “Art Around Adams” certainly extends to the myriad galleries and pop-up art events happening throughout the day, there are 13 stages




After much anticipation and a lot of elbow grease, A Ship in the Woods is finally set to unveil its new home in (quite literally) the woods of Escondido with Felicita, a new exhibition on Saturday, June 4, from 4 to 11 p.m. Surrounded by lush gardens and the neighboring Felicita Park, the new Ship space (3007 Felicita Road) is truly something to behold. As with past soirees, Ship gave artists free reign to create site-specific and immersive installations. Local Wendell King will unveil a new outdoor, interactive piece titled “TOAST,” and 26 other artists, including names such as May-ling Martinez and Adam Belt, will also be showing off new creations. Patrons are encouraged to park at Felicita Park for $3 and there will be a $10 suggested donation at the door.

A Ship In The Woods


worth of artsy performances and live music from dozens of bands. “This is our largest one yet in terms of business participation. We have close to 100 of them,” says Adam Rosen, who has been organizing the event for the past nine years. “The art’s just going to be spilling out into ADAM ROSEN the streets. It’s just lots of cool stuff to do all day.” And while our schedule would include checking out the Aesthetigeist Art Collective show at the Normal Heights Masonic Temple (3366 Adams Ave.) and the Veteran Art Around Adams Mural Project unveiling of a new mural on the side of the Adams Avenue Car Wash (3302 Adams Ave.), interested readers should definitely check out the maps and schedules on to plan their day. Oh, and don’t worry about hoofing it from Park to 42nd. There will be “comedy trolleys” throughout the day that feature stand-up comedians entertaining commuters on the way to their desired stop. It all goes down Saturday, June 4, from noon to 8 p.m.



You don’t know where you’re going until you know where you’ve been. That’s the premise behind the multimedia exhibit Shoulders to Stand On, in which an array of visual art, music and literature details the origins of Chicana culture. Learn about the founding activists and artists COURTESY OF THE ARTIST with narration by Sonia Lopez, Rita Sanchez and Maria Garcia, who are all specialists in the movement’s progression. After an impressive curatorial turn at the New American’s Museum, we’re confident Leticia Gomez Franco has also done a fine job with this exhibition. It opens to the public on FriYolanda López day, June 3, from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Women’s Museum of California (2730 Historic Decatur Road), but the exhibition will be up through July 31. Entrance is free for members, $3 for students and seniors and $5 for regular admission.

HDispossessed: A Call to Prayer and Protest at UCSD Art Gallery, Mandeville Center, La Jolla. Collective Magpie hosts a series of artistic “actions” in hopes of saving the UCSD University Art Gallery from being closed. See website for full list and schedule. Various times. Wednesday, June 1. Free. HO World I cannot hold thee close enough at Visual Arts Facility Gallery, Russell Lane, UCSD campus, La Jolla. Erika Ostrander’s thesis exhibition explores material-based process that abstracts the body via a series of tapestry-like wall works, bulbous cysts of floor sculptures, and other found materials. Opening from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, June 2. Free. 24 Years Apart at Casa Valencia Galeria Baja, 2730 Historic Decatur Rd., Barracks 16, Ste. 101, Point Loma. Sculptor Becky Guttin is joined by her father, respected author and artist Rafael Mareyna, for an exhibit that will showcase new works by Becky and new series of acrylics by Rafael. Opening from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday, June 3. Free. 619-223-1533, Here and Now at Bonita Museum, 4355 Bonita Road, Bonita. Art demos and artist talks will complement paintings from the new exhibit featuring abstract artists Irene Abraham, Sherry Krulle-Beaton, Danielle Nelisse and Layla Wu. Opening from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Friday, June 3. Free. 619-267-5141, events/649429065211082/

HDamon Davis: All Hands on Deck at MCASD - La Jolla, 700 Prospect St., La Jolla. New work from the St. Louis-based artist who photographed individuals in Ferguson, Missouri with their “hands up,” recalling the gesture of Michael Brown before his death. From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Free-$10. 858-4543541, HFelicita at A Ship in the Woods, 3007 Felicita Rd., Escondido. A Ship in the Woods opens their new location with a showcase of 26 artists engaging various disciplines within a domestic setting including May-ling Martinez, Adam Belt, The League of Imaginary Scientists and more. From 4 to 11 p.m. Saturday, June 4. $10 suggested donation. Holdings: Selections from MCASD’s Collection at MCASD - La Jolla, 700 Prospect St., La Jolla. This summer presentation of permanent collection works includes Minimalist and Pop works of the ‘60s and ‘70s, as well as more recent acquisitions. From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Free-$10 858-454-3541, Into the Light: An Homage to the Creative Process at Chicana Art Gallery, 2117 Logan Ave. #1, Barrio Logan. A thematic exhibition featuring works from artists like Sonny Kay, Isaias Crow, Chikle and more. Includes live music from Cabuloan and Arama Axiom. Opening from 5 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Free. 619792-2815,

Here I AM at Outside the Lens, 2750 Historic Decatur Rd., Barracks 15, Studio 103, Point Loma. A diverse collection of photographs that interpret light, life and child’s play taken by students of Nativity Prep Academy. From 6 to 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 3. Free. 858-349-7578,

Prospect 2016 at MCASD - La Jolla, 700 Prospect St., La Jolla. An exhibition of works to be considered for acquisition by MCASD’s Collector Circle Members. Includes work by Rachel Harrison, Kim Jones, Hayv Kahraman, Ellsworth Kelly, Hito Steyerl and Gillian Wearing. From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Free$10. 858-454-3541,

HSelf-Titled at San Diego Art Institute, 1439 El Prado, Balboa Park. A collaborative exhibition highlighting the work created by teens participating in arts education programs across San Diego County. Includes graphic novels, text, photography, video work and drawing by teens. Opening from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, June 3. Free-$5.

Student Craft at Mingei International Museum, 1439 El Prado, Balboa Park. The Mingei’s biannual juried exhibition of craft work created by high school students from across San Diego County centers on the students’ expressions of personal and collective culture. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 4. $7-10. 619-239-0003,

HShoulders to Stand On at Women’s Museum of California, 2730 Historic Decatur Rd., Barracks 16, Point Loma. An exhibit exploring the history of San Diego’s Chicana movement and how they drew on the strength of ancestors to gain recognition for their accomplishments. Opening from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday, June 3. Free. 619-233-7963,

Through the Eyes of an Artist at The Studio Door, 3750 30th St., North Park. New artwork by 18 local artists, painters and sculptors who communicate ideas on relevant, contemporary issues. Includes work from David Roy, Judy McClain, Lee Puffer and more. Opening from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Free.

HTeeny Tiny Art Sale at Oceanside Museum of Art, 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside. A sale of 4” x 6” pieces of art made anonymously by local artists and significant community leaders. Profits benefit the education department’s programming. From 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, June 3. Free. 760-435-3720, HThe Opening Night at MCASD - La Jolla, 700 Prospect St., La Jolla. Opening for Holdings: Selections from MCASD’s Collection. Enjoy in-depth tours on the hour, music, cocktails and great conversation. From 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, June 3. $0-$10 858-454-3541, H25 and Under Art Contest Showcase at MCASD - Downtown, 1001 Kettner Blvd., Downtown. View the 25 finalists of this year’s “25 & Under Art Contest” at this showcase event. Finalists were selected by this year’s panel of judges and the public is welcome to vote for their favorite for the People’s Choice Award. Opening from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Free. 858-454-3541,

H = CityBeat picks

Trek Nation at Mike Hess Brewing North Park, 3812 Grim Avenue, North Park. A special 50th year anniversary group art tribute to Star Trek that includes work from dozens of artists including Erica Putis, Wesley the Creator, Carina Graham and more. Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Wednesday, June 8. Free. 858-715-0678,

BOOKS Marilu Henner at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The bestselling author, Taxi star and Celebrity Apprentice contestant will discuss and sign her book Changing Normal: How I Helped My Husband Beat Cancer. At 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 2. Free. 858-454-0347, HMalachi Ward at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The comics creator will sign and discuss From Now On: Short Comic Tales of the Fantastic. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 3. Free. 858-268-4747, mystgalaxy. com

EVENTS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 June 1, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 13

EVENTS EVENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 Roger L. Conlee at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The local author and former sportswriter will sign and discuss his latest historical novel, Deep Water, about a reporter who runs afoul of a multinational corporation. At 2 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Free. 858-268-4747, HSebastian Junger at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The bestselling author of The Perfect Storm and War will discuss and sign his latest book, Tribe, an exploration of what we can learn from tribal societies. At 4 p.m. Sunday, June 5. Free. 858-454-0347, Justin Cronin at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The author will be promoting The City of Mirrors, the finale to his acclaimed Passage trilogy. At 7 p.m. Monday, June 6. Free. 858-268-4747,

DANCE New Directions at Sheila & Hughes Potiker Theatre, 2910 La Jolla Village Drive, La Jolla. A diverse evening of performance that highlights the collaborative and interdisciplinary work of UCSD undergraduate dance makers. At 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 2, Friday, June 3 and Saturday, June 4. $10-$20.

FILM HLGBT Film Festival at Observatory North Park, 2891 University Avenue, North Park. The 18th annual fest will screen 37 films, including 22 premieres. Most are followed by discussions with the films’

directors and actors. From 7 p.m. to midnight. Friday, June 3, 11 a.m. to midnight Saturday June 4, and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday, June 5. $10-$30. 619-239-8836,

FOOD & DRINK Beer & Sake Festival at Harrah’s Rincon Casino, 777 Harrah’s Rincon Way, Valley Center. Local restaurants and breweries serve up tasty appetizers and a wide selection of beer and sake. The 14th annual event also includes art booths, a silent auction and raffles. Must be 21 or older. From 7 to 10 p.m. Friday, June 3. $60. HBrew & Food Festival at San Diego County Waterfront Park, 1600 Pacific Highway, Enjoy unlimited samples of over 200 craft beers, live music entertainment and chef demonstrations with Javier Plascencia, Chad White and Justin Kingsley Hall at this annual event. From 3 to 6:30 p.m. Saturday, June 4. $40-$85.

MUSIC HAudio Books at Verbatim Books, 3795 30th St., North Park. The second show of a new concert series featuring performances from literary musicians. This week, Shelbi Bennett of The Midnight Pine performs as well as singer-songwriter Erin Bower. At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 1. Free. 619-501-7466, facebook. com/verbatimbooks 95.7 KISS FM’s ThrowBack Festival at Qualcomm Stadium, 9449 Friars Road, Mission Valley. DJ Quik, Warren G, Lighter Shade of Brown, Rodney O and Joe Cooley, and N2 Deep make a come back for this old school hip hop concert. From 7 to

10:30 p.m. Saturday, June 4. $35-$85. Mainly Mozart Festival Orchestra: Operatic Overture at Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave., Downtown. Music director and conductor Michael Francis programs a diverse line-up of artistic offerings illustrating the first chapter in Mozart’s life and career. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 4. $18-$88. 619-570-1100, HMariachi Festival at Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. This concert at the Fair will feature top mariachi groups from throughout Southern California including Mariachi Real, Grupo Bella de Los Angeles and more. From 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, June 5. Free with fair admission. 858-7551161, Spring Ovation Concert at Copley Symphony Hall, 750 B St., Downtown. San Diego Youth Symphony’s most advanced orchestras close out its 70th season with works by Bedrich Smetana, Antonín Dvorák and Camille Saint-Saëns. From 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, June 5. $10$35. 619-235-0804,

OUTDOORS HNational Trails Day at various locations. This annual event is the country’s largest celebration of trails. Includes hikes, biking and horseback rides, paddling trips, birdwatching, geocaching, gear demonstrations, stewardship projects and more. See website for more info. Various times. Saturday, June 4. Free.

PERFORMANCE HPaper Cities Variation 7 at Bread & Salt, 1955 Julian Ave., Logan Heights. Animal Cracker Conspiracy’s devised hybrid puppetry performance that involves puppets, animated objects, original film, live music and sound design. At 8 p.m. Thursday, June 2 and Friday, June 3. $10. HShelter of Hope Benefit Concert at Sycuan Casino, 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon. Comedian Dustin Nickerson, local artist Lee Coulter and six-time San Diego Music Award winner Cash’d Out perform at this first ever benefit concert for the American Red Cross. From 8 to 11 p.m. Friday, June 3. $39-$49. 619-445-6002, HTonight in San Diego Season Live Taping at RAW Space Off Broadway, 931 1st St., Downtown. A live taping of the comedy talk show web series hosted by comedian Jesse Egan. This week: Project Wildsong and Shelley Wade. At 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 6. $7. tonightinsandiego. com

POETRY & SPOKEN WORD HStrung Like Puppets Release Party and Reading at Gym Standard, 2903 El Cajon Blvd. #2, North Park. Release event for the sophomore collection of poetry by Brian R. Strauss who will read along with local poets Alison Kopp and Adam Stutz. From 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, June 3. Free. 619-501-4996, HA Year in Ink Volume 9 Anthology Reading at Cygnet Theatre, 4040 Twiggs St., Old Town. A reading of short stories, novel and memoir excerpts, creative nonfiction, satire, flash fiction and poetry by local writers of the San Diego Writers, Inkanthology. From 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, June 7. $5. 619-574-0059,

SPECIAL EVENTS Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon at Balboa Park,

14 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016

Balboa Park. Run to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, cheer on runners or just check out the bands at this annual marathon, 1/2 marathon and 5K. Sunday features live music all along the course. From 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, June 3, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 4, and 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sunday, June 5. HSan Diego County Fair at Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. It’s time again to ride some rides, play some games and, best of all, stuff your face with a bizarre variety of deepfried food. Through July 4. Various times. Friday, June 3. Free-$16. 858-755-1161, HArt Around Adams at Adams Avenue, University Heights through Kensington. This 13th annual music and art walk extends over two miles and showcases numerous visual, music and performance artists with 100 businesses changing into impromptu art galleries and/or performance arenas for the day. From noon to 8 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Free. HFirst Folio! The Book that Gave Us Shakespeare at Central Library, 330 Park Blvd., East Village. This national traveling exhibition offers a rare glimpse of the Shakespeare First Folio, one of the world’s most significant books. Includes a multi-panel exhibition. Viewing appointments can be made on the website. From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday through Saturday, and 12:30 to 5 p.m. on Sundays. Opens Saturday, June 4. Free. 619-2365800, World Naked Bike Ride at Evolution Fast Food , 2965 Fifth Ave., Hillcrest. Help raise bicycle awareness and eliminate oil dependency at this annual fun ride. Wear whatever you like as long as your butt crack and boobs are covered. At noon. Saturday, June 4. 619-550-1818,

TALKS & DISCUSSIONS HAsk an Astrophysicist at Teros Gallery, 3888 Swift Ave., City Heights. In conjunction with the new cosmic-inspired A New Stellar Order exhibit, UCSD assistant professor Dr. Karin Sandstrom will talk about the wonders of space. From 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, June 3. Free. facebook. com/Teros-Magazine-163020453812436/ HShakespeare in America at Old Globe Theatre, 1363 Old Globe Way, Balboa Park. The official opening event of the First Folio! exhibition. Actors, celebrities and dignitaries will read selections from Shakespeare and other material from James Shapiro’s new Library of America book, Shakespeare in America. At 8 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Free with RSVP. 619231-1941, HBarry Edelstein in Conversation with James Shapiro at Central Library, 330 Park Blvd., East Village. Old Globe Artistic Director Barry Edelstein and renowned Shakespeare scholar James Shapiro discuss the impact Shakespeare’s First Folio has had on Western culture. At 1:30 p.m. Sunday, June 5. Free with RSVP. 619-2365800,

WORKSHOPS HNeighborhood Photography Workshop at Heartwork Coffee Bar, 3993 Goldfinch St., Mission Hills. Local photographer (and Dutch artist) Stacy Keck offers a unique, collaborative workshop that’s art neighborhood walking tour, part photography workshop. From 9 a.m. to noon. Saturday, June 4. $50. 619-2933300,




nods. In other words, its flouting of theatrical propriety is its primary appeal. Stupid Fucking Bird runs through June 19 at the Old Town Theatre. $36 and up.

Bo Roddie and Rachel Esther Tate in Stupid Fucking Bird

Take that, Chekhov


aron Posner’s Stupid Fucking Bird, an “adaptation” of Anton Chekhov’s bold but turgid play, The Seagull, tries really fucking hard to deconstruct its 19th-century predecessor as subversively as possible. Exhaustive as this dramaturgical effort may be, it does result in an often very funny, choleric take on relationships and the pedestrian nature of popular theater. That none of its characters is particularly worth our compassion jibes with the play’s anarchic nature. Cygnet Theatre’s production directed by Rob Lufty embraces


*** Jesus Christ Superstar was never as satisfying a stage musical as it was a rock opera—the one that featured Deep Purple’s Ian Gillan as JC and Yvonne Elliman as Mary Mags. But approaching a half-century after its debut, its music (by Andrew Lloyd Webber; Tim Rice penned the lyrics) remains thrilling. A new production at the Welk in Escondido is a rousing reminder. Kyle Short (as a very tall Jesus) and Dominique Petit Frere (as a manic Judas) front this high-energy staging directed and nearly over-choreographed by Ray Limon. The sheer joy of a rock opera, of course, is that there is no stilted dialogue in between songs, and JC Superstar is no exception. You can enjoy (through Aug. 7) the Welk’s hilariously over-thetop “Herod’s Song,” the frenetic temple scenes, and the stark, disturbing ending without intermittent babble. Jesus Christ Superstar runs through Aug. 7 at the Welk Resort Theatre in Escondido. $48 and up.

the anarchy, with characters shouting back and forth with or addressing the audience, and dares to let its principals be unlikable. It’s hard to dislike Jacque Wilke, however, as the beyond-cynical, ukulele-strumming Mash, and Ro Boddie’s Con is so angry and self-indulgent that you almost admire him for it. You certainly can admire Boddie’s kinetic performance. SFB’s execution—the cast’s choreography with chairs, the offbeat musical asides, the various play-within-a-play de vices—outweigh the value of the story’s —David L. Coddon interconnected scenarios of unrequited or misguided love, as well as all the Chekhov Theater reviews run weekly. Write to

OPENING: Hedda Gabler: A world premiere translation of Henrik Ibsen’s classic tale of a woman trapped in a loveless marriage. Translated by Anne-Charlotte Harvey, it opens June 1 at the North Coast Repertory Theatre in Solana Beach. Gridlock: A world premier comedy about three strangers who meet during some particularly bad traffic. Written by Salomon Maya, it opens for three performances June 4 at San Diego Repertory Theatre in Downtown. Golda’s Balcony: A one-woman show about Golda Meir, a Russian immigrant who went on to become Israel’s first female prime minister. Part of the San Diego Jewish Arts Festival, it opens June 5 at the New Village Arts Theatre in Carlsbad. Love, Loss and What I Wore: A one-night-only performance of monologues and ensemble pieces about women and the clothes that make up memories. Written by Nora and Delia Ephron, it happens June 6 at the North Coast Repertory Theatre in Solana Beach. Notes from the Field: Doing Time in Education: Anna Deavere Smith performs theatrical portraits based on interviews she conducted examining “the school-to-prison pipeline.” Presented by the National Conflict Resolution Center, it happens June 6 at the Old Globe Theatre in Balboa Park. Our American Hamlet: A staged reading of Jake Broder’s play about Edwin Booth, brother of John Wilkes, who staged a performance of Hamlet on Broadway shortly after Lincoln’s assassination. Part of the New Works Reading Series, it happens June 7 at the North Coast Repertory Theatre in Solana Beach. For full theater listings, visit “T heater ”at

June 1, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 15


Walk of shame


Documentary goes behind the scenes of Anthony Weiner scandal by Glenn Heath Jr.


edia pundits often state that Americans mayoral campaign with the help of his wife Huma like to forgive our disgraced public figures Abedin (a confidant and aide to Hillary Clinton) after enough time has passed. It seems and dedicated young staff. It all begins promisingly that if hazed celebrities or politicians suffer might- enough with momentum in the polls. One particuily enough and throw in a contrite apology for good larly dynamic montage paced to Kiss’ “New York measure, redemption (and marketability) awaits. Groove” reminds how much fervor Weiner manages Comeback stories sell just as well as tragic down- to create in the voters if allowed to speak on topic. falls, it seems. But if the film teaches us anything, it’s that fate’s The engaging and insightful political documen- pendulum never stops swinging for long. New allegatary Weiner, which traces the 2013 New York City tions and photos are released at the height of the elecmayoral bid of ex-Congressman and sexting pariah tion cycle, sending Weiner’s political and personal life Anthony Weiner, complicates these broader as- into a tailspin. Thankfully, the film doesn’t paint its sumptions about life after scandal. Given incredible primary subject as a victim. It’s painfully aware, as is behind-the-scenes access to both the viewer, that Weiner’s arrogance the Weiner campaign and houseand denial have created this sufhold, co-directors Elyse Steinberg focating situation. His patronizing and Josh Kriegman watch as the comments to staffers and his wife WEINER candidate’s hopes for a reputable don’t make him any more likable. Directed by Elyse Steinberg future get derailed by unresolved As it evolves into a portrait of and Josh Kriegman character flaws and past indiscreemotional meltdown, Weiner beStarring Anthony Weiner tions. His social media sins never comes more about the ripple efand Huma Abedin really go away, no matter how fect of shame rather than personal much professional triage has takregret. This is embodied most Rated R en place, hinting at a modern cycle through Abedin’s disintegrating of shame that is only a mistaken patience and faith in her husband mouse click away. on all levels. The camera captures Weiner begins and ends with befuddlement. Dur- more than one uncomfortable moment between the ing the opening scene, Weiner himself sits firmly in couple that escalates slowly and over time. It’s a raw front of the camera waiting to answer questions in and unflinching depiction of infidelity primarily betalking head fashion, muttering about what a mis- cause there is no end in sight to the ongoing persontake it was to let a film crew follow his every move. al and public embarrassment, especially for Abedin. During the pivotal final scene, one of the directors In this sense, the film rightfully dismantles the noasks Weiner, “Why have you let me film this?” There tion that politicians (or any public figure) can smile are no answers given to either moment, but the meat their way into a second chance. But who has the right of this political documentary raises numerous more to make these kinds of judgment? Is it the press that questions about the divide between public and pri- feeds off every salacious detail? Or is it the powervate space, media speculation and moral hypocrisy. hungry political rivals who smell blood in the water? Unlike few recent documentaries, Weiner thrives What about the general public, whom the film poron its stirring editing scheme, seamlessly merging trays as equally supportive and disdainful of Weiner? action-driven B-roll footage with interviews and The answer is none of the above. Abedin’s perpalpable cinema verité. A scathing prologue mon- spective matters most, and the film powerfully retage depicts Weiner’s fiery brand of oration on the veals how political elitists, media commentators floor of the House of Representatives and overall and even Weiner himself continue to deny her the combative personality. Then come the compromis- right to steer this narrative in a new direction. The ing pictures accidentally released on Twitter that betrayal never ends. derail his professional ascent and draw judgmental ire from both sides of the political aisle. Film reviews run weekly. Two years later, Weiner decides to launch his Write to

16 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016



June 1, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 17


Presenting Princess Shaw

Collaborative effort


ocial media has redefined the boundaries of artistic collaboration, and no recent movie explores this dynamic quite like Presenting Princess Shaw. The simple but effective documentary unfolds like a long distance duet between artists who have never met; well-known Israeli video essayist Kutiman becomes inspired by the raw lyrics and soulful voice of a downtrodden New Orleans singer named Samantha Montgomery. He uses musical samples from other YouTube videos to construct a “visual symphony” around her a cappella renditions. The result is a rousing and new creation, one that ques-

18 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016

tions traditional notions of authorship and expression. Director Ido Haar follows Montgomery’s struggles to find her footing in the music business. She attends open mics, performs for empty bars and auditions unsuccessfully for The Voice. Posting online confessions and melodies is her version of therapy. Sporadically, the film cuts to Tel Aviv where Kutiman silently watches these videos and begins orchestrating new arrangements. The juxtaposition between these two perceptions of reality is striking. While Montgomery dreams of making it big, she sings primarily to survive, using music to work through past traumas and heartbreaks that still linger. The pressures of daily life make that process even harder. “It’s not easy to be alone with myself,” Montgomery confesses, yearning for some kind of recognition that her art matters. When Kutiman finally debuts his mash-up video featuring Montgomery’s single “Give It Up,” the post goes viral almost immediately. A trip to Israel follows where the two artists perform with an orchestra to thousands of fans. It’s the kind of positive acknowledgement Montgomery has

been seeking all along. Yet Haar doesn’t proclaim this newfound success as a fix-all for Montgomery. The final “back to reality” sequence proves that Presenting Princess Shaw, which opens Friday, June 3, works best as deconstruction of the Internet-era ragsto-riches narrative.

—Glenn Heath Jr.

OPENING As I Am: The Life and Times of DJ AM: Documentary about pioneer DJ AM featuring interviews with countless industry insiders and colleagues that reveal the true impact he had on modern music. Screens at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 1, and Wednesday, June 8, at the Ultrastar Mission Valley Cinemas.

Pop Star: Never Stop Never Popping: Andy Samberg stars in this satire about a dim-witted pop star who finally has to face the music. Get it? Presenting Princess Shaw: YouTube video artist Kutiman becomes inspired by the songs of a struggling New Orleans singer and decides to make a “visual symphony.” This documentary deconstructs the boundaries of collaboration in the social media age. Sold: A 13-year-old girl tries to escape a life of misery after she becomes a victim of human trafficking. Opens Friday, June 3, at the Angelika Carmel Mountain Cinemas. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows: Michelangelo is a party dude. The Sacrifice: A surgeon and her husband discover some unnerving secrets after moving to the Shetland Islands off the coast of Scotland. Screens through Thursday, June 8, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park.

Dark Horse: A group of friends from a workingman’s club decides to breed a racehorse to take on the elite “sport of kings.”

Weiner: Documentary that follows disgraced ex-congressman Anthony Weiner’s New York City mayoral bid in 2013 that was tainted by new allegations of sexual misconduct.

Elstree 1976: Set around the filming of Star Wars in North London, this comedy follows the extras who had no idea they were helping create one of the biggest pop culture phenomenons in film history. Screens through Thursday, June 9, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park.

For a complete

Ma ma: This melodrama follows a woman who experiences both life’s difficulties and wonders as she is treated for breast cancer. Starring Penelope Cruz and Luis Tosar. Screens through Thursday, June 9, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park.

listing of movies, please see “Film Screenings” at






The latest in a series of features on San Diego’s most interesting communities

OCEAN BEACH by Torrey Bailey

The Corner

Newport Avenue and Bacon Street How could a town with such a stoney reputation pick a place other than Bacon Street to be its central station? The road collides with Newport Avenue just a couple blocks before the surf, lending its pavement to passing vagabonds, Wednesday’s farmers market and the original Hodad’s (5010 Newport Ave.).


OCEAN BEACH resembles Pacific Beach in that both seaside towns are defined by sandy feet and enforced acronyms, in this case: OB. But, that’s about it. Interchange the stereotype of PB bros with OB bohemians, and switch the soundtrack from “Party Rock” to “Jam Rock.” In achieving small town warmth, OBceans have the I-5 contractors from the ’50s to thank. By circumventing this patch of shoreline, mainstream tourism was funneled into the laps of Pacific Beach, Mission Beach and La Jolla. Sunset Cliffs Boulevard was the road less traveled, turning OB into the Haight-Ashbury of San Diego. Then the hippies of the ’60s became the entrepreneurs of the ’70s. Now it’s somewhat subdued, but an anti-establishment energy still exists to drown out efforts by mega-corporations trying to set up camp. Starbucks snaked its way on to the main boulevard amid an onslaught of protests in 2001. Otherwise, the shops are independent, and the bars are dingy. They’re all parts shuffleboard and jukebox, pool table and cash-only. OB boasts the longest concrete pier this side of the Rockies (1,971 feet), one of the nation’s first dog beaches and the reggae rock band Slightly Stoopid. On any given day, wild parrots (don’t shoot!) flit between telephone wires in strokes of green, squawking obnoxiously above rows of bead stores, head shops and surf stands, with all signs pointing toward the shores. June 1, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 23



Free Falling Sunset Cliffs is one of the most beautiful places in San Diego, but it’s also hella dangerous. According to OB Rag, an average of three people have died here per year since 2005. So, while cliff-related deaths are no laughing matter, they’re also really, really avoidable. Don’t be drunk: We all know how much more fun everything is when when we’re drunk—especially scaling around on unstable, eroded cliffs—but mayyyybe use a little more judgment in this case.


Heed the signs: The cliffs inspire a sense of outdoorsy intrepidness in us, but as Southern Californians, we’re really only capable of maintaining balance on sand, pavement and retail flooring. Signs are posted, like, everywhere telling you to stay back from the edge. These aren’t suggestions. Don’t do it on purpose: Cliff-jumping is illegal and carries a $470 fine if you’re caught. Even though it’s a surefire way to impress friends and feel more alive than you’ve ever felt before, wouldn’t you rather live out your mundane life? —Ryan Bradford Al Howard and Jeff Terich in search of great blue heron

Two Birds, One Stone

“I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend.”

24 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016

“When I was 7 years old I saw a great blue heron, which was like two times the size of me,” says Al Howard as he walks along the San Diego River on his day off from Cow Records (5040 Newport Ave.), holding a pair of binoculars given to him by an ex-girlfriend’s mom. “That was it. I was just like ‘what the fuck is this?’” Howard—songwriter and musician in bands such as The Midnight Pine, Dani Bell and the Tarantist and Birdy Bardot—is known more for his musical output than his penchant for spotting bird species in the wild, but if you’re going to birdwatch in OB, he’s an impressive resource. At 13 years old, he placed sixth in a Bird-a-thon in New Jersey, and during our excursion he sights a long-billed curlew, an eared grebe, a loon, a willet and various terns, though the great blue heron proved elusive. Still, this vast knowledge seeps its way into Howard’s other passion: “A lot of the little esoteric things will creep into the songs. Like if a bird has a cool sounding name. I can tell Dylan is a watcher. There’s a lot of bird names in his lyrics. You’re like ‘ha! Motherfucker’s watching birds!’” Not 30 minutes later, the conversation comes full circle, and there before us is a great blue heron. Almost like it was summoned. —Jeff Terich



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Colorful Characters

Denny Knox

Executive director of the Ocean Beach MainStreet Association The open-air bars around OB are strategically set up for people watching, and the windows at the Ocean Beach MainStreet Association are no exception. Denny Knox observes the personalities passing by, helping her keep a pulse on everything OB. She’s been enhancing the town’s charm since 1978, starting with basics such as sweeping the sidewalks, decorating the palm trees in tinsel at the holidays and pacifying the streets. As a former art store owner, she’s familiar with the clash between activists and merchants. “A lot of people thought of the ’70s as a wonderful time, but for those of us running businesses, it was difficult because of the radical element out there,” she says. “It was scaring our customers.” The activists of OB now repel monopolies, and although she’s a supporter of local businesses, she says, “Starbucks has sort of become part of the fabric.” She tips her hat to them for hiring a local muralist to paint the inside and keeping an agreement about a less obtrusive sign.


Jesse Egan

Lynn Mohlenkord

Passersby holler hellos at Jesse Egan through the windows of Winstons Beach Club (1921 Bacon St.), where he is now the general manager but started off as a dishwasher. He also worked his way up the ladder on the local talk show Tonight in San Diego, starting as a guest comedian, becoming a writer and graduating to host. Although Virginia-born, he has adopted the OB lifestyle, reveling in its small town glory. He sometimes guiltily perpetuates the neighborhood’s stereotype in his stand ups, particularly in a sketch called Hippie Drive-By. “I thought I’d be safe moving here from the East Coast, but a guy rolls up in his VW bus, cranks down the window and blows bubbles at me! I had to block it with a dream catcher,” he says, reenacting the sketch with defensive maneuvers. If you’re catching comedy around town, you’ll know he’s there by an inappropriately timed “Yey yayee” Ice Cube impersonation shouted from the crowd.

“I don’t think I could have a bead store anywhere else. Everybody is accepted in Ocean Beach. I wouldn’t make it in La Jolla,” says Lynn Mohlenkord, laughing. The Black Bead (5003 Newport Ave.) grew out of the legendary neighboring head shop, The Black (5017 Newport Ave.), which had a small corner of beads during the ’60s, but expanded next door in the ’90s. Mohlenkord was once married to the owner of The Black, Kurt Dornbusch, who she met a couple months after she moved to San Diego in August 1987. The Black Bead has developed into a mecca of creativity for locals and visitors. “Whether they’re beaders or not, they’ll find a pendant or also just come in to see all the colors,” she says. “I try to keep a great energy in the store.” Part of that energy is her little Chihuahua, Gracie, who runs around in frilly outfits as colorful as the items in the shop. “From stone to wood to shells, the beads are all mother nature at her finest.”

Comedian, manager at Winstons Beach Club

Owner of The Black Bead

On a scale of

ONE to DRUNK Where to drink on a scale of RELAXED [1] to RAUCOUS [10]: 1 Mike Hess Brewing

(4893 Voltaire St.)

2 Culture Brewing Co.

(4845 Newport Ave.)

3 The Harp 4 5

(4935 Newport Ave.) Tony’s (5034 Newport Ave.) Arizona Cafe (1925 Bacon St.)

6 South Beach Bar and Grille

(5059 Newport Ave.)

7 Winston’s

(1921 Bacon St.)

8 Wonderland Ocean Pub

(5083 Santa Monica Ave.)

9 Pacific Shores Cocktail Lounge

(4927 Newport Ave.)


10 Sunshine Company Saloon

(5028 Newport Ave.)

In Harmony Herbs and Spices

Holistic Medicine Ocean Beach is a hotspot for alternative healing. And, no, that doesn’t mean weed, but, rather, every other type of herb out there.

In Harmony Herbs and Spices 1862 Bacon St.

Rooted in OB for more than 30 years, this store was dubbed one of the top 10 herb shops in the country by Self. With more than 400 types of medicinal herbs, owner Jodi Shagg consults customers with health-oriented

feedback regarding their nervous system, digestive system and more. “I suggest that people use safe, nutritive, tonic herbs,” Shagg says. But, she’s expanded into other feel-good areas too, such as crystals, jewelry, aromatherapy and cosmetic-making ingredients.

old people who want the Horny Goat Weed,” says employee Adrian Adams. The “Magical” section is another selling point with products like Salvia Leaf and Mugwort.

Bountiful Herbs

This is the newest project of community coffee shop Lazy Hummingbird (4876 Santa Monica Blvd.). Located within the trendy home-goods store Teeter, The Nest takes medicinal herbs and turns them into wellness drinks. Choose from elixirs charged with cacao powder or the highlypopular Maca, a plant grown in the high Andes that increases energy, stamina and libido.

4958 Newport Ave.

Previously called Happy Healthy High Horny Herbs but tired of parental complaints, the store underwent a name change. But it still advertises its services liberally and all the aphrodisiac powders and teas remain, “attracting young couples who come in and want to experiment and some

The Nest at Teeter 5032 Niagara Ave.

June 1, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 27



Newport Avenue Natives

Sea “Mine gull ! Min e!”

Local Mystery: Who is the Spaceman? Planet Protector Flower Child “May the golden rays caress each of your chakras.”

Crusty Punk *Snarls*

28 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016

“You look like someone who cares about giant pandas…”

Curbside Musician “Tenner for a tenor?”

Clint Cary, 1977

Run into a local of a certain age and chances are they have a story about the Spaceman of Ocean Beach. Some may remember him as a blind, homeless and often inebriated local kook who would regale residents of tales of his alien abduction, but for folks like Rick Bollinger, the legend and legacy of the Spaceman (real name: Clint Cary) is one of art and community. “I meet people all the time who say they still have their space number from the ’60s or ’70s,” says Bollinger, referring to the pieces of paper that Cary would hand out promising the recipient a ride on a spacecraft. Already a successful portrait painter, Cary moved to OB in the early ’60s and, inspired by his alien encounter, began painting what Bollinger describes as space-inspired “abstract cosmic art,” some of which was decidedly ahead of its time. The Spaceman died in 1993, but Bollinger has kept his legacy alive. He staged a successful Spaceman play in 2013 and now wants to make a movie. “I want Woody Harrelson to play the Spaceman.” Natch.

—Seth Combs






Summertime struggle of being shaped like Nicki Minaj


ere,” I said to my friend, Crystal, passing her my iPhone and a Sharpie, “draw these Chinese characters on my arm.” It was 2010 and my girls and I had rented a hotel room in the Gaslamp Quarter for Halloween. A couple of dudes they knew showed up to pre-game. Crystal was wearing Party City’s most expensive Cleopatra costume, the one that comes with all of the accessories, even an arm bangle. She took in my costume: a black dress I had pulled out of the back of my closet and a cheap black wig with clip-in pink extensions. She shook her head, “Okay, but no one’s going to know who you are.” One of the dudes looked up from his drink. In the reflection of the mirror, I saw a grin pass across his face. His eyes dropped below my waist before he reassured me, “Oh they gonna know.” As soon as we hit the streets, guys in every direction hollered at me, “Nicki!!! Heeeeey Nicki!” Nicki Minaj was a little less than three weeks away from releasing her debut album, Pink Friday. She became as famous for her butt as she is for her bars. I love that my ass is big enough to body double for Nicki, but being shaped like Nicki Minaj in a city full of Taylor Swifts has its challenges. Recently, I was at a coffee shop pretending to work on my memoir, when a thin blonde walked in wearing a pair of white-fringed shorts with a twee saguaro cacti print. “Those shorts!” I hissed at my roommate. He looked at the girl and then looked at me confused. Those shorts didn’t mean anything to him. They hadn’t broken his heart by refusing to be a part of his wardrobe. A few weeks earlier, I’d begun my annual summer mission to buy a pair of shorts. Just one pair. Just one pair that fit properly and didn’t make me question whether I could pull off butt cleavage at my age. One pair that allowed my legs to get some sun, but didn’t make me look like I was wearing denim panties. I’m a 31-year-old woman with a Forever 21 budget—thanks, grad school!—so I started there. In a dressing room hardly wider than I am, I attempted to break no less than three laws of physics trying to cram my thighs into those shorts. Fail. Next, I tried a pair of shorts from the plus size section that easily pulled up past my thighs, but slouched down off my hips. What’s harder to buy than shorts? Bikini bottoms. They’re either baggy or too small and give up the battle to cover my rear before its even time to reapply sunscreen—beach wedgie. Fun. I’m too large

for the Large, but not large enough for Plus Size. I’m like Goldilocks in these clothing racks searching for that third “just right” option. Usually that means sundresses and sundresses mean chafing. In the winter, my tights-covered thighs whoosh past each other with ease. In the summer, my bare thighs get just sweaty enough to create friction. In an amazing feat of self-destruction, they will rub themselves raw. I used to just slap a big ol’ Band-Aid across any sore spots. Then at a professor’s Easter brunch, I noticed a classmate stealing looks at my lap. I realized that while seated my dress rode up enough to make my BandAid fully visible. I wasn’t sure how to explain to him and his wife and their toddler over deviled eggs what the hell was happening between my legs. After that, a runner friend put me up on Body Glide. If “Thick Thighs Save Lives,” Body Glide saves thick thighs. Runners slick it on to prevent chafing. I will never go another summer without it. My body in summer’s bright colors proves to be too much for some folks. At a business conference, I once had a manager pull me aside, “There’s been complaints. Your clothes are too busy.” “Like revealing? Tight?” I asked her confused, tugging at my yellow, knee-length dress. “No,” she said. “Like too much color. Lots of patterns. Look around and dress like everyone else.” I could see her teal bra through the slit cut in her shirt. I looked around. Did she mean dress more like Sue who was wearing her mother’s lime and orange paisley dress from the ’70s, or our HR rep who was wearing a fuchsia blouse or my co-worker who had on white skinny jeans? None of those other women had been pulled aside and chastised. I wondered if it was because I have boobs and thighs and breasts and hips that I’d been singled out, or if it was because I was the only person of color in the room? I wanted to tell her she could dress me in khaki from head-totoe and still couldn’t mute this Black Girl Magic. But I kept my mouth shut, kept my wardrobe, and kept cashing checks. She never brought it up again. Before I let the summertime struggle defeat me, I remind myself that some people are paying lots of money for implants or torturing themselves in the gym doing squats for the booty genetics blessed me with. I just have to figure out how to get rich like Nicki Minaj, so I can get all my clothes custom tailored to fit my rear.

I’m too large

for the Large, but not large enough for

Plus Size.


At The Intersection appears monthly. Write to

June 1, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 29


SEEN LOCAL MURAL WATCH: “UN DÍA DE MERCADO” A new, semi-monthly feature where we track down the stories behind San Diego’s most colorful murals.


o hear her tell it, Maribel Siman Delucca has always wanted a mural on the side of the building that includes Back from Tomboctou (, the Normal Heights folk art store Delucca has run with her husband, Claudio, since 1983. So when a neighboring key-making business was closed and torn down, she says the resulting wall space was ripe for creativity. “This wall was calling us,” says Delucca, pointing to the now completed “Un Día de Mercado” mural that features scenes from marketplaces commonly found in Mexico and Central America. “This is called having limited resources. I started talking about it with different artists and friends and so I started putting together ideas. Bits of ideas and made a rough outline.” With help from the Adams Avenue Business Association, Delucca’s outline soon became a community project. Montreal via El Salvador artist Luis Cortez-Santiago helped with the final drawing and local artists and neighbors, including local folk art-



n addition to A Ship in the Woods unveiling its new North County space this weekend (check out this week’s Short List for more info), a number of other new galleries have opened or are set to open in the coming weeks. Lori L Fine Art (789 West Harbor Drive, Suite 154): At first, Lori Wylie-Richardson was just looking for a space to do a one-night, pop-up gallery show, but after seeing the 1,500-square-foot space in The Headquarters in Seaport Village, the local artist says she couldn’t help but take it a step further. “I just fell in love with the space, the feel of history there,” says Wylie-Richardson. Now that she’s signed the lease, Wylie-Richardson plans on using her namesake gallery to showcase not only her illusionary paintings, but works from a variety of artists as well. The gallery’s first show on June 18 from 6 to 9 p.m. features Italian painter Dario Campanile, but Wylie-Richardson says she plans to show off local artists as well. “I want to emphasize the community of artists here,” she says, pointing out the upcoming June 25 show with pop-surrealist Michael Summers. “To show that there’s wonderful art and new ideas in San Diego.” Galería 1881 de Barrio Logan (2159 Logan Ave.): Barrio Logan native Carmen Velasco has always loved the Barrio’s rich arts scene, but always felt photography was underrepresented. So when the full-time real estate agent came across a quaint

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Maribel Siman-Delucca, Claudio Delucca and Guillermo Ramirez in front of “Un Día de Mercado.” ist Guillermo Ramirez, helped paint the mural. It includes items and homages to various countries, such as Guatemalan bags and textiles, Brazilian cartoon characters and Mexican guitars. Multicultural as the mural is, Delucca says there is one element in it that is universal to all countries. “Of course the sleeping dog and the kid can be found in any mercado,” Delucca says, laughing. “Always the sleeping dog. The one you almost always accidentally step on.” Have a mural in your neighborhood you’d like to know more about? Leave us a comment on Facebook or on our website and we’ll see what we can find out.

—Seth Combs

space on Logan Avenue, she says she decided against opening a real estate office there and instead got back to her roots. “I’m not a professional artist or a professional photographer, but it’s a vision and a dream I’ve had,” says Velasco, who opened Galería 1881 in February. Named after the year in which Logan Avenue was first christened, the gallery will emphasize new and historical aspects of the neighborhood. This includes a June 11 “kickoff to summer” party, which will feature fashion shots of Hola Swimwear (a company with local designers), and a Father’s Day-themed photo show on June 18. Says Velasco, “The goal is to provide something for the community that’s not currently there.” facebook. com/Galeria1881 DAVID RICHARDSON Basile I.E. + CM Curatorial (2070 Logan Ave.): Initially scheduled to open in April, the dual gallery spaces from Chris Martino and Paul Basile will finally have their grand unveiling on June 11 during the monthly Barrio Art Crawl with a show titled Dictators Rule (Until They Don’t). Why the delay? MarLori L Fine Art tino blames El Niño. “We had crazy roof issues,” Martino says. Now that the space itself is finally completed, Martino and Basile have almost the entire next year planned out, including shows in July from Matt Stallings and Matt Forderer, as well as curated group shows in August from local and Baja artists. There’s still a neighboring, five-unit space that the duo hopes to rent out soon. “The plan is to still have it be all creatives and artists and have the units rented in the next six to eight months,” Martino says.

—Seth Combs #SDCityBeat

MUSIC face every morning.” It’s partially sung in jest, but it’s not the only moment where PUP sound like they’re ready to throw in the towel. On “DVP,” Babcock sings, “I get so drunk that I can’t speak/ Yeah, nothing’s working and the future’s looking bleak,” and the title of “Can’t Win” sort of speaks for itself. It’s important to remember that this is all sung in hindsight, however. Having learned some lessons from pushing themselves too hard, Sladowski says they’ve regrouped with a stronger commitment to being the best band they can be. “We set a goal to play 250 shows in a calendar year after releasing our first record. And we did that. And there were consequences—the most prominent of which was the injury to Stefan’s voice,” he says. “ And he’s dealt with that and it’s fine. It was important for us to realize it was an impermanent situation. And it can be so fleeting and it made us appreciate what we have and what we’ve accomplished, but also want to accomplish more. There’s nothing like adversity to band everyone together and stick up a middle finger a little bit.” The band can laugh about it now, and have slimmed their ambitions back just a little bit. But Sladowski has a new outlook on what life on the road is like, and the options that are presented in front of you. “I tell people that our life as a band is kind of like a perpetual Thursday,” he says. “Thursday night can go one of two ways. You can stay home and watch Netflix...hang out. Or you can go out and party. And yeah, on Friday you might not feel great about it, but it’s Friday so it’s cool. And shows are kind of like that too. So you just gotta say, ‘which Thursday night am I going to have?’”

T’S ALL TOO EASY FOR A YOUNG BAND to bite off shows just how much ground Babcock, Sladowski, bassmore than they can chew. Toronto punk band PUP ist Nestor Chumak and drummer Zack Mykula can cover learned that lesson the hard way in 2015 after setting a under the umbrella of punk rock. Sladowski says that what goal that turned out to be a little too ambitious for even goes into their music, influence wise, comprises a lot more the most gung-ho, hard-touring road warriors. The band than punk itself. set a goal to play 250 shows in 2015, following the release “We all listen to a diverse range of of their 2014 self-titled debut album. As they approached music, and we try to pull influences from that goal, however, things began to break down—van spin- everywhere,” he says. “We want to write outs, poor eating habits, too much drinking, not enough songs that are also immediately accessisleep, not to mention the petty intra-band arguments that ble. We always want songs to be catchy. crop up when you’re five weeks into a six-week tour. We all love pop music. It’s just a matter In late 2015, things got even worse. Frontman Stefan of us...trying to figure out what works. Babcock developed a cyst on his vocal cords, which hem- Can some songs be a little bit heavier? orrhaged and threatened to end his career. With a little And does that obscure the hook? And space and recuperation, however, Babcock was back on if so does it obscure it in a way as to be his way to performing, against the advice of his doctor. As effective. One of the things we always guitarist Steve Sladowski says from a phone call ahead of go back to is the music of Michael Jackson. Everything in the band’s U.S. tour, it was a wake-up call for the band. Michael Jackson’s music is a hook. And to have that and “Stefan has the same injury that plagued Adele,” he still be making interesting music...I don’t think it’s a binary says. “And Adele has elements of the machine behind her thing. Different musical elements can coexist.” that allow her to take a year and a half or two years off Lyrically, there’s a fair amount of doom and gloom on of touring or recording, to having the surgery that costs The Dream Is Over, but there’s humor as well. The open$10,000 and the recovery time. Now, that’s not to say that ing track is titled “If This Tour Doesn’t Kill You, I Will,” the body can’t heal on its own just not as fast. So Stefan, and finds Babcock singing, “If this tour doesn’t kill you, he’s seen specialists and has a great team of doctors and I will/ I hate your guts and it makes me ill/ seeing your Write to or follow him on Twitter at @1000TimesJeff we’re lucky that it doesn’t cost very much in this country. But it’s been a matter of learning how to preserve your voice and your body day-to-day on tour. That’s something that we’ve all had to learn. And it helps you put into perspective how lucky we are to do what we do and if we want to continue with this, we have to kind of put in the time to learn how to take care of ourselves.” The album that resulted from PUP’s year of touring and near-collapse is The Dream Is Over, which was released last week via SideOneDummy. The title is a direct reference to a harsh turn of phrase that Babcock’s doctor uttered when delivering the news of his vocal cord injury. It’s, of course, used ironically in this context—PUP sounds more energized and defiant than ever, with a set of songs that push the band’s limits in terms of both intensity and accessibility. First single “DVP” is a punchy rocker in the vein of Titus Andronicus, while “The Coast” and “Old Wound” explode with the ferocity of classic hardcore. From left: Steve Sladowski, Zack Mykula, Stefan Babcock and Nestor Chumak The Dream Is Over is overall a diverse record that


June 1, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 31



he Dabbers are set to provide music for a film adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk’s novel Lullaby. The film, which is going to be directed by Andy Mingo, is currently raising money for production via Kickstarter. More than 80 percent of its $250,000 goal has been met, with two weeks left before deadline. Filming will begin in late 2016 if the goal is met. This isn’t the first time The Dabbers’ Zack Wentz has worked with Mingo on a project. “I’ve known Andy for quite a while,” says Zack Wentz in a phone interview from his home. “I’ve done some degree of soundtrack work on a short film called Romance, adapted from a short story that Chuck did for Playboy. That was just a poke at doing a feature length thing.” Wentz and his wife and bandmate Shelby have a lot of unreleased music they’re likely to dip into once

the project begins. It’s likely to also feature some newly recorded scoring and music from Zack Wentz’s other project, (Charles) Book and Record with Taj Easton. “We have so much music that we haven’t really worried about having to make something new,” says Shelby Wentz. “I’ve never done music for a movie before but I assume they’re going to show us some scenes and we’ll figure out what works best with them.” For now, it’s still early in the planning stages, but once the film starts coming together, Zack Wentz says he expects they’ll approach the soundtrack with a diverse array of music in mind. The Dabbers “It’s gonna be all over the place,” he says. “Some of it’ll be stuff we already had. It’s going to be a combination of approaches. It’ll all be new to me.”

—Jeff Terich

Various Artists Hardcore Matinee (Swami)


nspired by the sounds of low-fidelity, budgetpriced punk rock compilation LPs from the ’80s, Hardcore Matinee is an anomaly in 2016. Streaming trumps physical media in terms of total listenership, and the only compilations that seem to matter much are those curated by Spotify users. It’s a wonder, then, that this set of music—cramming 22 songs from 22 bands on two sides of vinyl—feels so exciting. Released initially for Record Store Day before being available as a wide release in May, Hardcore Matinee was released as a charity compilation to raise money for the music department of The Museum School in San Diego. And that alone would be reason enough to want to shell out a few dollars for the physical product, but the talent on display here is actually pretty damn impressive. Most of the best bands from San Diego in the last decade or two show up here, each one contributing a pair of songs, most running about two and a half minutes or less. And sometimes less means far less—Death Eyes’ explosive “La Lengua” is a volatile 43 seconds. A fairly significant chunk of the 22 bands are Swami Records alumni. Current favorites Mrs. Magician

32 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016

offer up one of their nastier garage rock grooves, while Beehive and the Barracudas opt for a disorienting no wave blues. The Sultans deliver their first new song in nearly a decade with the head-nodding rock ‘n’ roll on the title track, and Hot Snakes show up for their first song in even longer than that, thrashing up an abrasive post-hardcore gallop on “Stay In School.” As class reunions go, it’s hard to beat this batch of upper classmen. The remainder of the album finds a rollicking groove between veteran acts such as Pinback and Gary Wilson with relative newcomers such as Teenage Burritos (whose “Inflamed Heart” is 85 seconds of new wave fun) and The Soaks. Among the highlights are a surprising new slice of psychedelia from the much-missed Ale Mania, a furiously buzzing piece of exotica-garage from The Creepy Creeps, and an old-school bruiser from The Lumps. Not that you can really go wrong with any of the offerings here. When a community comes together to make a lot of snotty noise for a good cause, everybody wins.

—Jeff Terich #SDCityBeat



IF I WERE U A music insider’s weekly agenda WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1

PLAN A: Modern Baseball, Joyce Manor, Thin Lips @ House of Blues. Modern Baseball is cool enough, but I’m recommending this show specifically for Joyce Manor, whose two-minute bursts of punk rock are like audible caffeine. It’s hard not to feel good listening to them, even if their songs are about feeling bad. PLAN B: Voivod, King Parrot, Child Bite, Nukem @ Brick by Brick. Canadian sci-fi thrash metal outfit Voivod have been trucking for around three decades now, and only getting more sophisticated with time. Rock out while trying to follow a convoluted dystopian plotline.


PLAN A: Yeasayer, Young Magic, Miya Follick @ Observatory North Park. Yeasayer’s recorded output has had some fits and starts, but the arty pop outfit has had their share of electronic gems. And “2080,” at nearly 10 years old, is still a jam. BACKUP PLAN:


Taken by Canadians, Jimmy Ruelas, Mrs. Henry, DJ Lexicon Devil @ The Casbah.


PLAN A: The Budos Band, Ocelot @ Belly Up Tavern. The Budos Band combine funkiness and heaviness with grooves from Afrobeat and Ethiopian jazz. It’s about a half-dozen things I love in one package, and once you hear ‘em, you’ll love it, too. BACKUP PLAN: Jello Biafra’s Incredibly Strange Dance Party w/ Jello Biafra (DJ set), Shady Francos, Mike and Anja Stax DJ set @ The Hideout.

ma to Burn, Sierra, Archons @ Brick by Brick. When great metal shows happen in town, they seem to come in clusters. One of this week’s is doom metal titans The Obsessed, who will bring the slow-mo thunder. BACKUP PLAN: Three Mile Pilot, The Dabbers @ The Casbah.


PLAN A: Eric Bachmann, John Meeks @ Soda Bar. If you missed it, go back and read my feature last week on Eric Bachmann, former frontman of Archers of Loaf and Crooked Fingers. His new self-titled album is just as tuneful as anything he’s done before, with wonderfully lush arrangements. PLAN B: Armored Saint, Metal Church, Sin Circus, Alchemy @ Brick by Brick. Alternately, if you need to throw some horns, catch two iconic thrash metal bands on one stage right here. BACKUP PLAN: Adia Victoria, Dreams Made Flesh, AJ


PLAN A: The So So Glos, Honduras, The Kabbs @ Soda Bar. The So So Glos aren’t local, but the New York group did team up with San Diego musical hero John Reis for new album Kamikaze. Naturally, it’s a super fun mix of punk energy and big hooks, and I’m into it. PLAN B: The Obsessed, Kar-

The Budos Band

Froman @ The Casbah.


PLAN A: Prince live tribute @ The Office. Generally speaking, I don’t think most musicians should get anywhere near a Prince song. They’re so good that they usually end up getting ruined. But considering the local talent at this tribute show, including members of Blackout Party, NST and The Palace Ballroom, I’m going to make an exception. Make me proud, everyone. PLAN ME: The Gory Details, Zombie Surf Camp, Blood Ponies @ The Casbah. Here’s where I’ll actually be on 6/6/16— playing a show opening for reuniting ghoul punks The Gory Details. I’m all for transparency, so consider this disclaimer “If I Were Me.”


PLAN A: Eyehategod, Griever, Deep Sea Thunder Beast, Cryptic Languages @ Brick by Brick. Sludge metal doesn’t get more gnarly or awesome than that of New Orleans’ Eyehategod. They put on a fun show while delivering some nasty, churning and heavy sounds. PLAN B: La Luz, The Gloomies, Splavender @ Soda Bar. As much as I’d like to call an embargo on surf rock for the foreseeable future, Seattle’s La Luz are an exception worth making. They have great hooks and melodies, which make up for a well-worn aesthetic. BACKUP PLAN: Lil Uzi Vert, 21 Savage, YFN Lucci @ Observatory North Park.

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TTNG (Irenic, 7/23), Earthless (BUT, 8/6), Monsieur Perine (Casbah, 8/10), Squirrel Nut Zippers (BUT, 8/31), Ja Rule, Ashanti (Observatory, 9/3), Tr/st, Cold Cave (Music Box, 9/8), Blondie (Observatory, 9/10), Steve Gunn (Soda Bar, 10/1), RJD2 (Observatory, 10/13).

GET YER TICKETS Del the Funky Homosapien (Observatory, 6/12), Prayers (Observatory, 6/17), Case/Lang/Veirs (Humphreys, 6/22), White Lung (Casbah, 7/9), M. Ward (BUT, 7/12), Deerhoof (Casbah, 7/14), Psychedelic Furs, The Church (Humphreys, 7/19), The Joy Formidable (Irenic, 7/20), Nails (Brick by Brick, 7/20), Boris (Casbah, 7/22), Blink 182 (Viejas Arena, 7/22), Inter Arma (Soda Bar, 7/24), Dirty Dozen Brass Band (Music Box, 7/28), Savages (Observatory, 7/29), Sublime with Rome (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 7/30), Anderson .Paak (HOB, 8/3), ‘Warped Tour’ w/ Sleeping With Sirens, Sum 41, New Found Glory (Qualcomm Stadium, 8/5), Kurt Vile and the Violators (HOB, 8/9), Guided by Voices (BUT, 8/17), The Weight: Members of the Band/Levon Helm Band (BUT, 8/18), Parquet Courts (The Irenic, 8/19), Digable Planets, Camp Lo (BUT, 8/20), Guns ‘n’ Roses

34 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016

(Qualcomm Stadium, 8/22), Dave Matthews Band (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 8/26), Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 8/27), Deftones (Open Air Theatre, 8/29), Huey Lewis and the News (Humphreys, 9/1), Flamin’ Groovies (Casbah, 9/2), The Kills (Observatory, 9/4), Zombies (BUT, 9/8), Ray Lamontagne (Open Air Theatre, 9/13), Counting Crows, Rob Thomas (Open Air Theatre, 9/14), Squeeze (BUT, 9/22), Band of Skulls (BUT, 9/24), Tegan and Sara (Observatory, 9/25), O.A.R. (Humphreys, 9/25), King (Casbah, 9/28), Glen Hansard (Observatory, 9/28), Ani DiFranco (BUT, 10/2), Sia, Miguel (Viejas Arena, 10/5), Bad Boy Family Reunion (Viejas Arena, 10/6), Kamasi Washington (Humphreys, 10/7), Florida Georgia Line (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 10/9), Jethro Tull (Balboa Theatre, 10/17), The Faint, Gang of Four (Observatory, 10/18), Young the Giant (HOB, 10/1819), Alice Cooper (Harrah’s, 10/28), Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Death from Above 1979 (HOB, 10/28), M83 (SOMA, 10/29), Diamond Head (Brick by Brick, 11/5), Peter Hook and the Light (HOB, 11/8).

JUNE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 Voivod at Brick by Brick. Modern Baseball, Joyce Manor at House of Blues. Local H at Belly Up Tavern.

THURSDAY, JUNE 2 Yeasayer at Observatory North Park. Brian Jonestown Massacre at Belly Up Tavern.

FRIDAY, JUNE 3 Broncho at The Casbah. Anvil at Brick by Brick. Budos Band at Belly Up Tavern.

SATURDAY, JUNE 4 The Obsessed at Brick by Brick. Thrice at House of Blues (sold out). So So Glos at Soda Bar. Jello Biafra (DJ set) at The Hideout. Three Mile Pilot at The Casbah.

SUNDAY, JUNE 5 Eric Bachmann at Soda Bar. ‘X-Fest’ w/ Offspring, Cheap Trick at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Armored Saint, Metal Church at Brick by Brick. Junior Brown at Belly Up Tavern.

MONDAY, JUNE 6 The Gory Details at The Casbah.

TUESDAY, JUNE 7 Eyehategod at Brick by Brick.

FRIDAY, JUNE 10 Michael McDonald at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Arbor Labor Union at The Hideout. B-Side Players at Belly Up Tavern. American Head Charge at Soda Bar. Islands at The Casbah.

SATURDAY, JUNE 11 The Sadies, Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet at The Hideout. Greys at The Merrow. Too $hort at Observatory North Park. The Mentors at Brick by Brick. PUP at Soda Bar. Mutual Benefit at The Casbah.

SUNDAY, JUNE 12 Del the Funky Homosapien at Observatory North Park. Holy Fuck at The Casbah.

MONDAY, JUNE 13 Creepoid at The Hideout. Bob Dylan at Humphreys (sold out). Mirah at Soda Bar.

TUESDAY, JUNE 14 Midnight to Monaco at The Casbah.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 Al DiMeola at Music Box. Toots and the Maytals at Observatory North Park. X Ambassadors at Del Mar Fairgrounds.

THURSDAY, JUNE 16 Lee Bains III and the Glory Fires at The Hideout. Curren$y at Observatory North Park.

FRIDAY, JUNE 17 Metalachi at Music Box. The Muffs at The Casbah. Prayers at Observatory North Park.

SATURDAY, JUNE 18 Sarah Jarosz at The Irenic. Day Wave at The Casbah. Rogue Wave at Belly Up Tavern. Joe Jackson at Spreckels Theatre (sold out).

SUNDAY, JUNE 19 Total Chaos at Brick by Brick.

MONDAY, JUNE 20 Federico Aubele at The Casbah. Lee “Scratch” Perry at Belly Up Tavern.


MUSIC TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Ozomatli at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Ceu at Belly Up Tavern. Buckethead at Music Box.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 David Bromberg at Belly Up Tavern. Case/Lang/Veirs at Humphreys by the Bay. Kenny Rogers at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Ne-hi at The Hideout. Nothing at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, JUNE 23 Cherry Glazerr at The Irenic. George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic at Belly Up Tavern (sold out).

FRIDAY, JUNE 24 Sonny and the Sunsets at Soda Bar. Jacquees at Observatory North Park. Cee-Lo at Belly Up Tavern (sold out).

SATURDAY, JUNE 25 Venom Inc. at Brick by Brick. Pierce the Veil at Observatory North Park. Good Old War at The Casbah.

SUNDAY, JUNE 26 Pity Sex at The Irenic. Blue Oyster Cult at Belly Up Tavern.

MONDAY, JUNE 27 Ape Machine at The Casbah.

TUESDAY, JUNE 28 Bryson Tiller at Observatory North Park.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 Bryson Tiller at Observatory North Park.

THURSDAY, JUNE 30 Brian Wilson at Del Mar Fairgrounds.

JULY FRIDAY, JULY 1 Ringo Starr and His All Star Band at Humphreys (sold out). Schizophonics Soul Revue at The Casbah. Griever at Soda Bar.

SATURDAY, JULY 2 Kevin Morby at The Casbah. The Loons at Soda Bar.

SUNDAY, JULY 3 Ignite at Brick by Brick. Emily Jane White at Soda Bar.


TUESDAY, JULY 5 Lady Antebellum at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Destroyer of Light at Soda Bar.

FRIDAY, JULY 8 Rascal Flatts at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Chicago at Harrah’s Resort. Big Sandy and His Flyrite Boys at The Casbah.

SATURDAY, JULY 9 Toad the Wet Sprocket, Rusted Root at Observatory North Park. Slightly Stoopid at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Joan Jett at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Body Language at The Hideout. White Lung at The Casbah. Royal Headache at Soda Bar.

TUESDAY, JULY 12 Widespread Panic at Civic Theatre. M. Ward at Belly Up Tavern. Underpass, Soft Kill at Soda Bar.


710 Beach Club, 710 Garnet Ave., San Diego. Pacific Beach. Fri: Hot Gin, Look Up Here, The Wind Playing Tricks. Sat: Chugboat, The Whiskey Circle, Finnegan Blue. 98 Bottles, 2400 Kettner Blvd. Ste. 110, San Diego. Little Italy. Thu: Up in Smoke comedy. Sun: The Matt Smith Neu Jazz Trio. American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Billy Bonnell. Fri: Adam Ray. Sat: Adam Ray. Sun: Adam Ray. Bang Bang, 526 Market St., San Diego. Downtown. Sat: Marcus Marr. Beaumont’s, 5662 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla. Thu: Adam Block Duo. Fri: Scratch. Sat: The Jones Revival. Sun: Aquile. Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Solana Beach. Wed: Local H, Local H. Thu: Brian Jonestown Massacre (sold out). Fri: The Budos Band, Ocelot. Sat: The Greyboy Allstars, Vokab Company. Sun: Junior Brown, Adrian and Jim of Brawley. Tue: Haley Reinhart. Brick by Brick, 1130 Buenos Ave., San Diego. Bay Park. Wed: Voivod, King Parrot, Child Bite, Nukem. Fri: Anvil, Night Demon, Unleash the Archers, Graveshadow, Bastard Saints. Sat: The Obsessed, Karma to Burn, Sierra, Archons. Sun: Armored Saint, Metal Church, Sin Circus, Alchemy. Tue: Eyehategod, Griever,

Deep Sea Thunder Beast, Cryptic Languages. Cafe Sevilla, 353 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Sat: Flamenco Dinner Show. Sun: Buena Vista Sundays. Cat Eye Club, 370 7th Ave, San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Cool Cat Karaoke. F6ix, 526 F St., Downtown., San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Tk-N-Cash. Fluxx, 500 Fourth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: ‘Neon Party’ w/ Francis Mercer, Jeff Molner. Sat: Tantrum. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: Modern Baseball, Joyce Manor, Thin Lips. Fri: Hellyeah, Escape the Fate, Sunflower Dead, Doll Skin. Sat: Thrice, La Dispute, Gates (sold out). Tue: Robin Henkel. Kava Lounge, 2812 Kettner Blvd., San Diego. Midtown. Fri: ‘Purps and Turqs’. Sat: ‘Ascension’. Tue: ‘Tribe Night’. Ki’s Restaurant., 2591 South Coast Highway 101, Cardiff-by-the-Sea. Fri: Robin Henkel & Billy Watson. Kona Kai Resort & Spa, 1551 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego. Shelter Island. Sat: Robin Henkel & Whitney Shay. Mc P’s Irish Pub, 1107 Orange Ave., Coronado. Wed: Jackson and Jesus. Thu: The Upshots. Fri: Pat Ellis and Blue Frog Band. Sat: 4-Way Street. Sun: Joey Harris. Tue: Gene Warren. Moonshine Flats, 344 7th Ave., San Diego. Gaslamp. Wed: Frankie Ballard. Music Box, 1337 India St., San Diego. Little Italy. Fri: ‘Best of Indiefest’ w/ Danielle Lopresti. Sat: Zoso. Sun: Los Van Van, Combo Libertad. Tue: Kevin Fowler, Morgan Leigh Band.

and the Sleep, Paper Days, Big Bad Buffalo, Sad Muffin. Sat: Into The Night, A New Challenger Approaches, Voidlines Ascensions, Awake Me Daylight, Mandala. The Bancroft, 9143 Campo Rd., Spring Valley. Spring Valley. Thu: ‘Darkwave Garden’. Fri: John Dough Boys, Cat Chasers, Never Pass Go. Sat: Love Distortion, Honest Iago. Sun: The Couch Bombs, Sideshow, Punch Card. The Casbah, 2501 Kettner Blvd., San Diego. Midtown. Wed: Diamante Electrico, Falling Doves, Madly. Thu: Taken by Canadians, Jimmy Ruelas, Mrs. Henry, DJ Lexicon Devil. Fri: Broncho, Billy Changer, Winter. Sat: Three Mile Pilot, The Dabbers. Sun: Adia Victoria, Dreams Made Flesh, AJ Froman. Mon: The Gory Details, Zombie Surf Camp, Blood Ponies. Tue: Pigpen Theatre Co., The Morningsiders. The Che Cafe, 9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla. Sun: The Hotelier, Todd Slant, Loone. The Hideout, 3519 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Fri: Jello Biafra’s Incredibly Strange Dance Party, Shady Francos, Mike and Anja DJ set. Sat: JR Jarris. The Loft @ UCSD, Price Center East, La Jolla. Fri: Craig Marker, All Kyle Choir. The Merrow, 1271 University Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Thu: Rosewood & Rye, Girlboy, Podunk Nowhere. Fri: The Tommy Mitchell Show, Gene Evaro Jr. & The Family, The Barnwell Shift. Sat: Rick Thorne, Blackmore, Skipjack, Authentic Sellout, Trelic. Sun: Sir Julius, ACAL, One

Hunned, Young Assassin, Benny Bun, Eranetik, Shogunna. Tue: Fake Tides, Los Shadows, Miijas, The Monsoon. The Office, 3936 30th St., San Diego. North Park. Wed: ‘Grand Ole Office’. Mon: ‘Prince Tribute’. Til-Two Club, 4746 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Thu: Hola Ghost, They Feed at Night, Dethsurf. Fri: Bosswitch, The Brankas, Omega Three. Sat: Tarkus, Beastmaster, Old Man Wizard, Beira. Tio Leo’s, 5302 Napa St., San Diego. Bay Park. Thu: Sue Palmer. Fri: The Evidence Band. Sun: Tardeadas, Colour. Tower Bar, 4757 University Ave., San Diego. City Heights. Fri: ‘Hip Hop vs Punk Rock’. Sat: Russian Tremors, Cabuloan, A-Bortz. Mon: Goldilox and the Bears, Poontang Clam, Spacewaster. Ux31, 3112 University Ave., San Diego. North Park. Wed: ‘Tropical Wednesday’. Fri: DJ Bodyrawk. Sat: DJ Havoc. Whistle Stop, 2236 Fern St, San Diego. South Park. Wed: ‘St. Vitus Dance Party’ w/ DJs Handsome Skeleton, Diana Death. Winstons, 1921 Bacon St., San Diego. Ocean Beach. Wed: Sunny Rude, DJ Carlos Culture. Thu: Bumpin Uglies, Tunnel Vision, The Ole’s. Fri: Thicker Than Thieves, Upfull Rising, Crucial Blend, Positive Vibes. Sat: House of Vibe feat. Chali 2na, Scarub, Atlantis Rizing. Sun: The Skaliticians. Mon: Electric Waste Band.

Patricks Gaslamp, 428 F St., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: The Upshots. Riviera Supper Club, 7777 University Ave., La Mesa. Wed: ‘Boss Jazz’ w/ Jason Hanna. Thu: Swing Thing. Fri: Andy Mauser. Sat: Baja Bugs. Soda Bar, 3615 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Wed: Brothers Weiss, The Bad Jones, Diamond Lakes. Thu: Toyguitar, Plane Without a Pilot, Squarecrow. Fri: Bella Novella, Kalashnikov My Wife, Le Chateau. Sat: The So So Glos, Honduras, The Kabbs. Sun: Eric Bachmann, John Meeks. Tue: La Luz, The Gloomies, Splavender. SOMA, 3350 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. Midway. Fri: Lobster Party, Inspired

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36 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016





WEEDS A crackdown on unpermitted dispensaries?


V crews lined up five wide at the May press conference downtown. San Diego’s police chief and city attorney—flanked by other officials—took to the lectern in turns, delivering an aggressive and unanimous declaration: San Diego is through playing the cat-and-mouse game of slapping civil citations on the “hardcore” holdouts of the city’s years-long campaign to shut down unlicensed pot shops. Raids and arrests are coming, they pledged, until the last of the few dozen rogue dispensaries has finally closed its doors. “They’re going to get arrested, they’re going to get charged, they’re going to get convicted, and we’re going to ask for jail time,” vowed City Attorney Jan Goldsmith. “They’re going to be treated like the criminals that they are.” Officials pointed to three such raids, the most recent of which—on a fortified storefront near an elementary school in Pacific Beach—hauled in a “significant” stash of high-grade pot, $40,000 in edibles, $5,000


cash and ledgers detailing 19 months of transactions and sales. Amid the unanimity, a fissure emerged: Would customers be part of the promised wave of raids? Prompted by a reporter, Goldsmith asserted at length that cardholding patients will not find themselves in the legal crosshairs unless they are “aiding and abetting” the dispensary. “Let’s be clear what we’re talking about: This is not the drug war,” he said. But barely a few minutes earlier, the city’s lead narcotics investigator said clients of raided shops “could be contacted by law enforcement at any time”—and more. “If anyone is planning to or in the process of purchasing medicinal marijuana at any of the unpermitted, unlicensed and illegal dispensaries,” said Capt. Brian Ahearn, “they could be subject to criminal enforcement as well.” The City Attorney’s office has since reiterated it won’t pursue charges against people who are merely patronizing an il-

SDPD’s Shelley Zimmerman through the lens at a press conference legal dispensary—though a spokesman did acknowledge that police arrest people who don’t get prosecuted “all the time.” The SDPD did not respond to several requests for comment. The half-decade battle against unlicensed dispensaries in San Diego is a saga shaped by mixed messages, political footdragging and uneven enforcement that combined to create “an atmosphere of noncompliance,” said Kimberly Simms, a San Diego marijuana lawyer. In her view, city officials are reaping what they sowed after taking so long to enact clear regulations. “Any effort to bully patients and make threats that they can be arrested if they go

to the unlicensed shops is just so incredibly distasteful and disgusting,” she said. “And it is not an effective way to shut down the illegal shops.” The answer to the dispensary dilemma, she said, is to add enough licensed dispensaries to meet San Diego’s demand for medicinal marijuana. “San Fran and Oakland have unpermitted shops, but you don’t see it the way we have it here,” she said. “History has borne out that more robust regulations and more opportunities to be part of a regulated market is what eventually replaces the black market. That’s what will shut them down, when the dollars and cents don’t work anymore.”

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38 · San Diego CityBeat · June 1, 2016



June 1, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 39

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