San Diego CityBeat • June 8, 2016

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Head Crammers for Father’s Day

Why did the riot police march to Barrio Logan?

2 · San Diego CityBeat · June 8, 2016



June 8, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 3


Trump has finally jumped the shark


HE POLITICAL WORLD went forever Most egregiously, Trump won’t back down from sideways last year when Donald Trump the assertion that a Mexican judge can’t give He Who tossed his hair into the ring, declared he was Would Build The Wall a fair trial. Trump essentially running for president and promptly labeled says Curiel can’t do his job because of his race. Mexicans “rapists.” Ay dios mio! That seemed, at first, If that’s not blatant racism then the Holocaust like the beginning of the end. Instead, it was the be- never happened and slavery was a mutually benefiginning of the end of logical public discourse, as we cial partnership. once knew it. Rest assured there is no legal precedent for a Along the way to now, Trump has baldly exhib- judge to be removed from a case solely because of ited racism toward Muslims and African Americans. his or her race, gender or origin of appointment by He’s been a misogynistic, xenophobic, Pope-baiting, political party. Bias cannot be deemed “inherent.” condescending, bullying con artist. All the while his Whew. You know you’ve jumped the shark when poll numbers grew, even as, and perhaps because, the Senate Majority Leader, the House Speaker, his outlandish utterances emUS DISTRICT COURT Newt Gingrich and most of the SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA powered a pissed-off electorate. GOP feel dirty about this tirade. Now The Tangelo Hued One If the electorate lets this one has gone off on a local judge. slide we should all be shivering When Trump spoke at a rally at night right up until the general held last week at the San Diego election. “Dilbert” comic strip Convention Center he went on creator Scott Adams—a satirist a tangent about the unfair treatskilled at skewering bosses with ment he believes he is receiving unusual hair—predicts Trump from U.S. District Judge Gonzalo will win the November election Curiel. This is the judge prein a landslide precisely because siding over the lawsuit involvhe has linguistically gamed the ing Trump University, in which system. His “rhetorical techsome former students say for niques” make him a “master per$35,000 they got elementary insuader,” Adams writes in his blog. struction at best. If cartoonists are weighing in, Trump keeps insisting Curiel let’s not forget that 16 years ago is biased against him because the a Simpsons episode predicted judge is Mexican. How, wonders Trump would become president. presumptive Republican presi“As you know, we’ve inherited Judge Gonzalo Curiel dential nominee Shock Top, can quite a budget crunch from Presia Mexican be fair to the man who purports to have dent Trump,” says Lisa Simpson, who, in the episode a plan to build a wall between the United States and wins the Oval Office after Trump’s term. his motherland? Is it a negative thing that a non-politician has Brains that run on logic are exploding all over gotten this close to the White House? In the case of the country. How does this fly? For starters, Curiel’s Trump—who wants us to believe his remarks about birthplace barrio was Indiana, and his Mexican-born Curiel were “misconstrued”—yes. He can’t be the parents became U.S. citizens. As a federal prosecutor commander in chief. But that’s not to say we need Curiel was involved in cases against Mexican drug to cheer for a return to the bought-and-paid, circucartels—and he had to live in hiding under the protec- lar-talk political system he’s smashed up the side of tion of United States marshals because an Arellano- its head. Let’s hope Trump’s bulbous noggin was Félix cartel gunman was taped in a San Diego prison destined to be the battering ram that knocks down saying he had permission to assassinate Curiel. the gate for a real-life, feel-the-Bern populist presiThe judge has risked his life to do his job protect- dent of the future. Somebody more idealistic and ing the United States. thoughtful like Lisa Simpson, but not the crudely Trump has also asserted Curiel is politically bi- drawn, animated character that is Donald Trump. ased because President Obama appointed him to the —Ron Donoho federal bench in 2011. True—and that was four years after Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneger picked Write to him for a San Diego judgeship. This issue of CityBeat is dedicated to all dead presidents who will be vying for The San Diego Union-Tribune endorsement in November.

Volume 14 • Issue 44 EDITOR Ron Donoho MUSIC EDITOR Jeff Terich ARTS EDITOR Seth Combs WEB EDITOR Ryan Bradford ART DIRECTOR Carolyn Ramos EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Torrey Bailey COLUMNISTS Aaryn Belfer, Edwin Decker John R. Lamb, Alex Zaragoza

CONTRIBUTORS David L. Coddon, Beth Demmon, Andrew Dyer, Tiffany Fox, Michael A. Gardiner, Glenn Heath Jr., Peter Holslin, Jessica Johnson, Scott McDonald, Jenny Montgomery, Susan Myrland, Jim Ruland, Ben Salmon, Tom Siebert, Jen Van Tieghem, Amy Wallen EDITORIAL INTERN Elizabeth Pode PRODUCTION MANAGER Tristan Whitehouse MULTIMEDIA ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Paulina Porter-Tapia

SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Jason Noble ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Beau Odom Mark Schreiber Jenny Tormey ACCOUNTING Kacie Cobian Sharon Huie Linda Lam HUMAN RESOURCES Andrea Baker

ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Interested in advertising? Call 619-281-7526 or e-mail The advertising deadline is 5 p.m. every Friday for the following week’s issue.

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San Diego CityBeat is published and distributed every Wednesday by Southland Publishing Inc., free of charge but limited to one per reader. Reproduction of any material in this or any other issue is prohibited without written permission from the publisher and the author. Contents copyright 2016.

4 · San Diego CityBeat · June 8, 2016



TABLE OF DIALOGUE CONTENTS HOMELESS After reading the moving and UP FRONT From the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Op/Ed: Homelessness . . . . . . . . Backwards & In High Heels. . . .

4 5 6 7 8

FOOD & DRINK The World Fare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Dishing It Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Final Draught. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

THINGS TO DO SHORT LIST: Three you have to see. . . . . . . . 14 Calendar of Events. . . . . . . . 14-16

ARTS & CULTURE All Things Tech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 FEATURE: Head Crammers. . . 18 Well, That Was Awkward . . . . 19 Seen Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-23

MUSIC FEATURE: Nylon Apartments.24 Notes from the Smoking Patio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 If I Were U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Concerts & Clubs. . . . . . . . . 28-31

LAST WORDS Advice Goddess. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32



This week’s cover shot of local trio Nylon Apartments was taken by photographer Kal Barre. Nylon Apartments earned a coveted ExtraSpecialGood designation in our recent Great Demo Review, and are planning to record their first official release this summer. The story is on page 18.


spirited letter by Keely Kiczenski [“Abusing the homeless,” May 18] I became very angry and frustrated. I rapidly flipped through the next few pages...and slapped Kevin Faulconer and his little buck-list buddy! It just irked me so much! Rocks for homeless citizens, closing shelters early, few new affordable housing opportunities with even less for un/underemployed. Downsizing of storage places for street-bound people. Pushing of resting homeless during rain. But why? What is all that solving? They don’t have funds to leave, if they wanted to. When do you stop being a citizen, a constituent and human? Oh, yeah, when you are forced to pee/poo on the street, sleep on hardness, remain dirty, starve and looked upon as “freak.” First, Thank you Keely! Thank you for working for homeless citizens! By your writing skills, it seems like you can be making much more than Think Dignity pays. But wait here is the rub, the wealthy not only control the cash, but also the jobs! If you ain’t got a smartphone, answering the questions perfect, super spiffy, and willing to work all hours, days without benefits then stay on the streets. When do lost/stray animals (pets) get priority over humans? Now! Where do humans get teased, beaten, even killed...even by police!? Here in San Diego. Why do my tax dollars go to promote developers by “in-lieu” fees rather adding affordable housing with correct amount of parking? Who’s to make the parks, fire stations, police center, safe lighting, play areas and parks? Which humans will be able to use them? Veterans, ex-teachers, exbusiness people, retired workers, homecare providers? We’ve got to do better! We have to make housing affordable. Not 75 percent, 60 percent, 50 percent of income, but what I was taught in high school, around 25 percent. It needs to be near work that pays enough to live nearby. Less traffic problems and pollution, more vesting into your own community, not just your landlords. The housing market is not 100 percent occupied, so “need more new housing” doesn’t jive. For-profit housing that has zoning code violations need to be “free rent” until should not be able to profit by being illegal and abusing other humans! And like we did (Riverwest Organizing Project, Milwaukee) when the city attorney came to us and asked us to help by fixing/rehabbing code violation buildings giv-

en to us by the city because of not being fixed, or tax debt, or other neighborhood nuisance. Tenants stopped paying rent. We fixed if we could, or moved to another rehabbed rental building, then repaired/fixed their old units. Lots of volunteer workers, donations and grants. Renters became active residents of community...vested. But then we had co-operative housing too! Better not dream too much. Could San Diego become like that? Real affordable, livable, safe, warm, enjoyable housing in community neighborhoods with all classes of citizens? I can keep praying and hoping. Once again, thank you Keely, thank you San Diego CityBeat for enlightening us. May we see true reality over dreams. Daniel Beeman, Clairemont


“The attitude of entitlement in the service industry” [May 18] was a great story by Edwin Decker. I was in the service industry most of my life. Started as a dishwasher, then busboy, cook, waiter but never a bartender like Ed. As a waiter I survived on tips. I was making $1.25 an hour plus tips. The norm back then was 10 percent of the bill. People paid a tip if the service was good. I was a great waiter so many paid me as much as 15 percent. The waiters and bartenders of today are iPod of the Walking Dead. Invasion of the iPod Snatchers. They do not see you or hear you. That phone takes your order now. I think it pisses and shits for them to. Their minds and hearts are gone. These kids are hopeless drones. Mr. Decker said he believed tips should be earned yet he would always leave a tip. Not me. I leave them nothing or humiliate them with a quarter. Edwin, I am from what you call the Boomers. I marched in Washington against the War in Vietnam, chased, gassed, and shot at the ’68 National Convention in Chicago. Our blood was spilled and we changed things for the better. We worked hard and played hard. We were outside and with our friends, family the world. The kids of today hug their phones. We were actually physically in this world touching people, not up our asses like these children, expecting all for doing nothing. Be there or square you worthless pieces of shit. How about thank you for the tip. That would be a good start. Yosel Tarnofsky, North Park

June 8, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 5



SDPD addresses Barrio Logan invasion Questions still remain about riot squad march after Trump rally by Torrey Bailey


t’s been nearly two weeks since San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer lauded the way protesters outside the San Diego Convention Center were handled by police in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign rally. Others, meanwhile, are still wondering why a riot squad of hundreds of officers and armored vehicles marched from the convention center for more than a mile into Barrio Logan, a predominantly Latino neighborhood. Unión del Barrio, Alliance San Diego and the American Friends Service Committee have teamed up with the local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union to call on both the city and the police

SDPD forces marched a mile from the convention center into Barrio Logan after Trump rally. department to explain why police continued into Barrio Logan. “Faulconer violated a 20-year tradition of working with community residents to ensure the protection of our First Amendment rights is exercised and used in an orderly fashion,” said Alliance San Diego Human Rights Director Christian Ramirez. “That agreement was shattered by the actions of Mayor Faulconer.” Ramirez added that the community had typically seen transparency from the city, and couldn’t understand why that relationship had changed in this instance. “Why didn’t they force people into the Gaslamp area?” asked Enrique Morones, founder of human

6 · San Diego CityBeat · June 8, 2016

rights group Border Angels. “Why didn’t they force people to go west toward the Marina District? They just seemed to force them into a neighborhood of color where people were minding their own business for the most part.” In all, 33 Trump rally-related arrests were made on May 27. Almost half of those arrests were made in Barrio Logan, including bystanders from the neighborhood and lawyer Bryan Pease. On Facebook, the city attorney candidate posted a video showing him being tackled in the median on Harbor Drive by officers in black riot gear. Pease was arrested, and said he shared a jail cell with 25 people, including five who were

just observers to the protest. A spokesperson for Mayor Faulconer directed questions about the rally’s aftermath to the SDPD. “It wasn’t about trying to target Barrio Logan and push people into that neighborhood,” said SDPD Public Information Officer Scott Wahl. “That wasn’t part of it all. It was about trying to get a crowd split up and moved out of an area where they were fighting.” Wahl said the primary hope was that the protestors would disperse immediately once the rally had been declared an unlawful assembly, but when bottles and punches were thrown, the police had to switch strategies. Chasing after select individuals, Wahl said, would have created a dangerous environment for officers heading into the crowd, and would have caused a chain reaction of chaos. So the plan was to move the protesters in a choreographed manner, and to find the safest route to do that. Directing protesters west would have led into the water, while heading north on Harbor Drive would have caused a collision between Trump protesters and supporters, Wahl said. Funneling them through the crowded streets of the Gaslamp Quarter would have caused further congestion, vandalism and violence. Regarding the tackling of protesters on the front lines, such as Pease, Wahl said he could not speak on that tactic. “I realize how things ended,” Wahl said. “I’m not trying to minimize that at all for the community in Barrio Logan, but I’m trying to emphasize that our whole intent was to create a safe environment for everybody.” Mayoral candidate Ed Harris had strong words for the executive decision not to rein in the riot police. He called them “Stormtroopers.” Harris said he would have stopped the riot police be-

fore they got to Barrio Logan. “It caused a lot of stirring up,” said Rebecca Camargo, who was working at Little Caesars in Barrio Logan when the police force moved through. “If we had just been able to share our opinion, it would not have gotten the way it did because it caused us to want to retaliate a lot when they have the big jeeps and the Navy right there.” The ACLU and other activist organizations want answers to questions about how much was spent on the intervention. The costs are being compiled and should be available within two weeks, said Wahl. Pease is also asking for action from the city. On June 2, he filed a $70,000 false arrest claim against the city of San Diego, Mayor Faulconer and Police Chief Shelley Zimmerman. He said he would revoke the monetary damages if the department agrees to his suggested reforms within 30 days. He asked that the police department hire a free speech expert to teach police about First Amendment rights for protesters and that it files the Police Executive Research Forum report. Pease said the city should pay for punitive damages and for medical bills for injuries inflicted during the arrest. “From the tackle and then sitting for 10 hours, I’ve had some back pain and I’ve been sick all week from the jail I think as well,” he says. Pease’s case, along with the other 32, are being reviewed by the SDPD and have not yet arrived at the City Attorney’s Office, said Director of Communications Gerry Braun. “I think it’s important that people realize that the police report to the mayor’s office,” said Morones. “The mayor is the one who has the ultimate credit or the ultimate blame, depending on how you look at it. For him not to come out and make a statement, I think speaks for itself.”



Veteran homelessness can be conquered…slowly Shared data and transparency are key components for success by Michael McConnell


hat does it take to end veteran homelessness? A lot of coordinated effort and comprehensive data…

tive to end veteran and chronic homelessness appears to be largely responsible for this progress. San Diego joined the initiative in June of 2014, and the local effort quickly received support from Funders Together to End Homelessness, a local philanthropic group that provided significant infrastructure funding. Through the initiative, a group of homeless service providers and other stakeholders built a small “coordinated assessment and housing placement” (CAHP) test system, which created coordinat-

Point-in-Time Count Numbers Early this year, San Diego coordinated its annual Point-inTime-Count (PITC), known as WeAllCount, where volunteers throughout the region count and interview people experiencing homelessness. Mandated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the count is conducted nationwide and organized locally by the Regional Task Force on the Homeless (RTFH), the Regional Continuum of Care Council and its affiliated agencies. The information gathered is used to identify strategies and services to help address and alleviate homelessness. At the end of April, RTFH released numbers from the 2016 PITC, and 1,157 veterans experiencing homelessness were counted countywide. Of those, 584 were in a temporary housing situation (emergency shelters and transitional housing), and 573 were in unsheltered situations (on the street or in cars). This is an overall reduction of 224 veterans since the 2015 PITC. That’s progress, ed entry points for homeless indibut slower than what is possible. viduals to be assessed and access services and housing, while priorHow Did We Get Here? itizing resources on an individual San Diego’s participation in the basis. It focused on a person’s spe25 Cities effort—a national initia- cific needs versus fitting a client

Because we don’t utilize a by-name list of people tallied, we don’t know how long each person has been homeless.


into a one-size-fits-all program, and replaced previously used methods that were often disconnected, confusing and inefficient. The system appears to be showing success. Are We Doing Enough? When reviewing successes and the PITC numbers, we have to remember that almost all homelessness figures are just estimates. Some data points are very accurate and others, while still valuable, can be very rough approximations. For example, in 2015, local Veterans Affairs data showed that at least 1,013 veterans got into permanent housing and out of homelessness. But in 2016, we only saw a reduction of 224 in veteran homelessness year-over-year despite increased coordinated efforts among the city, county, VA and local agencies, and additional funding being allocated to address the issue. So why the disconnect? A significant number of veterans become newly homeless in our county throughout each year. Our data system is not yet sophisticated enough to track the exact number. In reality, we may have housed a greater number of veterans counted in 2015 than what the data is showing, but because we don’t use a by-name list of people tallied, we don’t know how long each person has been homeless. Veterans who became homeless after the count in 2015 wouldn’t be shown until 2016’s data is released.

A recently cleared homeless encampment in East Village What’s Next? Data shows that our region has the capacity to solve homelessness for at least 161 veterans monthly. At that rate, the county can come very close to eliminating veteran homelessness by the 2017 PITC. The ongoing effort continues to improve placements and has reached an impressive rate, with 153 veterans placed in permanent housing this past March. The 25 Cities initiative is up and running full-steam and was successfully merged into the Regional Continuum of Care Council in February. The new combined effort is now named “Opening Doors” and has leveraged the goals and re-

sources of several other smaller efforts (such as Supportive Services for Veteran Families and Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s Housing Our Heroes initiative) into one focused initiative to end veteran homelessness. This progress has been achieved by the increased coordination among existing services, landlord recruitment projects spearheaded by the city and county Public Housing Agencies, and leadership provided under the new Opening Doors Committee. Ending veteran homelessness is possible. We’ve seen significant strides made in other states through coordinated leadership and implementation of proven best practices. Under dedicated leadership, San Diego can do it, too. By developing a by-name list of the people counted, which would include specific information about each person’s unique needs and how long they’ve been homeless, and implementing the CAHP system countywide, we can join the ranks. Through shared data and transparency, San Diego will track progress, celebrate successes and identify languishing barriers, with the goal of counting zero veterans on our streets and in shelters in 2017. Michael McConnell is a philanthropist and advocate who serves on multiple local and regional homelessness advisory committees. He can be found on Facebook at Homelessness News San Diego and Twitter @HomelessnessSD.


June 8, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 7





Cincinnati Zoo mom unfairly labeled unfit


hey should have shot the mother instead!” I child and his parents are black, the fury took on a don’t know who said it, but we all laughed. whole new force. A friend had just clued my husband and Worse than Child Protective Services being called me into the story about the ill-fated gorilla, Haramis the cyber-lynch mob that has no inner voice to be, and the woman whose son fell into his enclothrow a glass of cold water in its face. It took t-minus sure at the Cincinnati Zoo. Being an over busy, over14 seconds to gather tens-of-thousands of signatures committed, stretched-beyond-the-max parent, I’d calling for the child’s mother to be investigated (and been on hiatus from all things news media. I hadn’t she is being investigated). Her name was published, so much as turned my face toward the week’s worth her family photos—depicting a very normal-looking, of newspapers stacking up on my dining room table loving family—shared widely for public consumpamid election mailers, voter guides, bills and the tion and evisceration by trolls and media alike. endless school detritus announcing projects and This woman’s employers were barraged with jog-a-thons and field trips and summer camps. hateful comments on their Facebook page and in Clearing that mess was somewhere at the bottom of calls to their office. Her husband’s so-called crimimy To-Do list just below the many tasks related the nal past has been spelunked and analyzed, exam5th grade promotion celebration and lazing on the ined and critiqued more than Donald Trump’s, as couch for an episode of Game of Thrones. if it were in any way relevant to the kind of parent Yet, like so many others, I had an opinion—a he is. And let’s remember: This gainfully employed, compassionless, imperious, judge-y opinion—about and by all appearances loving father, wasn’t even at a mom inattentive enough to let her three-year-old the zoo that day. I repeat: He wasn’t even at the zoo nosedive into a moat at a gorilla exhibit. that day. Poor Harambe, I said. What an idiot that mother America is nothing if not proficient at lynching is, I said. innocent black men. Not my finest moment, but my As Shaun King reported for the trusty-rusty inner voice fixed all New York Daily News, numerous that. She shook me by my shoulotherwise-good parents in Kanders and backhanded me across sas, Little Rock, Brookfield, PittsNo parent, my cheek. Oh, like you’re so perburgh and San Francisco have had fect, Aaryn! Remember the time regardless of race, similar zoo experiences over the when Ruby went missing while without so much as having can keep an eye on years boogie boarding at the beach? That their names uttered by vigilante, was somethin’ else, huh? do-gooder citizens. These parents their children 100 Oomph. Do I ever remember were never outed by a pontificatpercent of the time. ing and moralizing media. that. Like the Cincinnati mother Nobody in these families had who looked away for a moment their personal photos made into to attend to another child and public commodity. Their employers then tried to follow her baby into the zoo exhibit, weren’t pressured to fire them. None of them suffered I’d looked away long enough to rescue some sandpublic background checks and excoriation. In fact, at dusted peanut butter and grape jelly sandwiches least one got a settlement from the zoo for wrongful from a group of bully seagulls. In the next moment death. This is the shield of white supremacy. I was running into the ocean to rescue my daughter, The fact is that no parent, regardless of race, can the hem of my green strapless sundress trailing bekeep an eye on their children 100 percent of the hind me in the water. The boy Ruby had been with time. Parents make mistakes, sometimes with the (they were supposed to stick together) was standmost horrific and unimaginable of outcomes. I think ing with the seven other moms keeping watch at immediately of parents who, in the lowest of mothe shoreline. None of them knew where she was. ments, have forgotten a child in the car while they All the vigilance, and Ruby was gone—as in take went off to work. We’ve all read these stories; entire radio programs have been dedicated to covering all the gone and make it go away. That’s how gone them. There is even a medical name for it, Forgotshe was. ten Baby Syndrome (FBS), an affliction suffered by It wasn’t until I was running toward the lifeguard white people. Black people suffer instead from Unfit station, my dress clinging to my legs, my stomach in To Parent (UTP), which offers little to none of the my throat, that I saw her walking up the beach from protections inherent in an FBS diagnosis. 50 feet away, dragging her board behind her. Most of us, of course, cannot fathom leaving a Yeah: I knew way better than to castigate this baby buckled into a car seat all day; or losing sight then-anonymous Cincinnati mother. of your kid in the water; or your spirited three-year“You know,” I said to my friend after our hilarious old future base jumper bee-lining for the gorilla. but albeit low-hanging-fruit jokes had subsided, “If But we should try harder to fathom it, and then disthe mother were black, CPS would be at her door.” tribute the compassion equitably. I was not far off track. (And yes, this story cannot be separated from race, so spare me the angryBackwards & In High Heels appears every other white-people letters about how I make everything week. Write to into a race issue.) Once it was revealed that the

8 · San Diego CityBeat · June 8, 2016





course, but a moment later it is the subtlety of the agnolotti—the traditional ravioli-like stuffed pasta of Northern Italy’s Piedmont region—that commands attention. Then you notice the umami richness of the black garlic streusel. It is only when the plate is nearly all gone that you ask TRUST rewarded in Hillcrest yourself what it was you just ate. Italian? German? French? It takes just a moment to settle on here are many ways to make a special meal. the answer: Who cares? Maybe it’s the luxurious perfection of AdTraditional Southern “hushpuppies” are deep dison Restaurant, the dazzling creativity fried corn meal balls only one small step removed of Wrench & Rodent Seabasstropub or the heart from a mythologized origin as a tool of appeaseand soul of women from three generations workment to dogs hanging around the outdoor fry pot. ing Baja roadside stand Tacos Varios Mar y TierIt is a rich, savory and smoky dish that somehow, ra. Or maybe you can do it the way that TRUST impossibly reads as light. It is deeply grounded, Restaurant (3752 Park Blvd.) in Hillcrest does yes, but it takes the tradition to a new level while it—with dishes that are a cut above yet grounded, still honoring its essence. technical but unpretentious and both passionate TRUST’s serves its beef tartare on lavash flatand deeply satisfying. bread accompanied by mustard seeds, quail eggs, Worcestershire vinaigrette, pink MICHAEL A. GARDINER pickled onions and another nod to Piedmont, a mayonnaise-like, creamy tuna sauce called tonnato. A visually stunning dish, it plays with multiple culinary reference points offering contrasts between rich and acid, raw and cooked as well as soft and crunchy. It is a well-conceived, wellconstructed dish and it’s delicious. One of the simplest and best of TRUST’s dishes is a chicken liver toast with mostarda, grilled levain bread (sourdough) and extra virgin olive oil. Simple, yes, but perfect. At times, Wise looks to Greece, like with his wood grilled lamb meatballs with lentils, tzatziki sauce, Beef tartare tonnato flatbread house-pickled shallots, fresno chiles and mint. Other times he looks Chef Brad Wise’s food at TRUST can, perhaps, to Mexico, like with his brussels sprouts with best be described as “New American” (if that term cilantro, jalapeño vinaigrette, cotija cheese and actually describes anything in the first place). tajín spices. No matter, they’re all good. The Wise emphasizes fresh and local ingredients (but worst criticism: calling a salad with some beets doesn’t saddle the restaurant with the “farmin it a “beet salad.” to-table” label) and incorporates flavors from a The simple fact is, on multiple trips to TRUST melting pot of foreign, immigrant and traditional I did not have a single bad dish. The best ordering American sources. The result is food that feels strategy? Get a large group and when the waiter natural, rather than fused, though that which ties hands you the menu hand it back and say: “Yes!” it together may not always be apparent. It will be a special meal. Take, for example, Wise’s ricotta agnolotti, sunchokes, black garlic streusel, black truffle, The World Fare appears weekly. panna and basil. The truffles make a splash, of Write to



June 8, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 9





Staging a sushi dinner


ames Saito and Tim Chiou aren’t sushi chefs, but they play them onstage. Saito and Chiou are the stars of Tokyo Fish Story, a play running until June 26 at The Old Globe and takes place at a sushi restaurant in Japan. The intricacies of making sushi are complex enough that the cast members were trained by the chefs at Azuki Sushi in Hillcrest (2321 Fifth Ave). “There are lots of little details you’re not aware of when you’re sitting there watching it being made,” Saito says. “The action of actually cutting the fish and then making the rice. You’re constantly wetting your hands, but they can’t be too wet or the rice sticks too much. Too dry and it falls apart.”

Azuki Sushi chef Nanami Koshiba demonstrates how to prepare fish

won’t know, but we wanted to do it in case there are chefs in the audience so they’ll know we’re doing it right.” Villanueva says both actors struggled at first, but were dedicated students. “Each attempted to make a few pieces of sushi during our initial training session,” Villanueva says. “As can be expected, they struggled a little out of the gate, but Tim actually took ERIC LOUIE to it pretty quickly. As he is the one who will actually make sushi on stage, he practiced a little more, and, after a few attempts, got the ‘hang of it’ so to speak.” Chiou says he prepared for the roll, er, role by purchasing his own set of sushi knives and practiced every night. “There are very specific rules about everything, even shaping the rice,” he says. “They have a two-finger technique, and a four-finger technique and it’s all done very quickly. It’s something you can’t fake.” Although Saito and Chiou did “research” by dining at Azuki and Sushi Ota (4529 Mission Bay Drive), Chiou From left: actors James Saito and Tim Chiou learning decided not to eat any of the sushi he to make nigiri from Azuki Sushi chef Robin Villanueva made at home. “I love sushi and don’t want to get Authenticity was important to both actors, sick of it by eating bad sushi,” he laughs. Azuki Sushi is offering a $45 prix fixe meal for which is why they tried to make the most of people with tickets to Tokyo Fish Story. The menu their sushi sessions with Azuki sushi chefs Robin consists of: A sashimi course, a nigiri course and Villanueva and Nanami Koshiba. “For instance, they showed us how to make king crab miso soup. For more information call Tamagoyaki [a type of Japanese omelette] and 619-238-4760. they’d tell us to pop the air bubbles and how to flip it,” Chiou says. “These are things that audiences

10 · San Diego CityBeat · June 8, 2016

Dishing It Out appears every other week.



June 8, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 11




DRAUGHT renaissance and Baja California’s burgeoning beer scene—on top of a swelling population— South Bay’s rise was fairly inevitable. Plus, as the long-held craft beer demographic of white he cream filling in the Oreo that is San Diguys dominating the scene has evolved, so have ego doesn’t have official boundaries, but historically Latino neighborhoods like Barrio when it comes to beer, the vast majority Logan. This diversification of beer enthusiasts of San Diego’s 128 (and counting) craft brewerhas paved the way for craft beer to stake its claim, ies are situated in that sweet spot between state for better or worse, in gentrifying neighborhoods. routes 56 and 94. Look north or south, however, Coupled with a much closer proximity to and you’ll notice that the county’s extremities beer meccas like Miramar and North Park, South have been quietly racing each other for fringe Bay increasingly looks like an attractive location beer dominance. for breweries. Newer residents such as Thr3e While much has been made of the Punk Ales (Chula Vista), and Machete Beer #southbayuprising movement (as well it should), House (National City) have put down roots here, North County undoubtedly has the upper and satellite tasting rooms such as Coronado hand when it comes to Brewing Company’s BETH DEMMON history and local brewing outpost in Imperial Beach roots. Beer powerhouses and Vista-based Iron such as Lost Abbey/ Fist Brewing Company Port Brewing/The Hop in Barrio Logan prove Concept in San Marcos and migration southward is Stone Brewing Company more than just a Game of in Escondido have a decade Thrones survival strategy. (or two) under their Craft beer festivals like belts, while most other Avenue Amps & Ales, breweries can only claim tap rooms like Third a fraction of those years. Avenue Alehouse and Even relative “newcomers” the South Bay Craft Beer such as Rip Current Business Guild have also Brewing Company in San given a boost and muchMarcos, Toolbox Brewing needed recognition to beer Company in Vista and Rip Current Brewing in Vista and North Park businesses from the border Oceanside’s Bagby Beer to National City. Overall Company boast brewing pedigrees that trounce craft beer quality has a way to go before being the majority of other craft breweries. comparable to other regions, but with East County And the north shows no signs of stopping. in a veritable holding pattern of beer development, Oceanside Brewing Company recently became South County’s potential to match North County’s Oceanside’s eighth brewery and multiple others brewing scene is seemingly limitless. are in the works, making it one of the fastestSo who is poised for victory in San Diego’s growing craft beer cities in San Diego County. craft civil war: the old guard or the rising star? With sky-high real estate prices, antiquated Luckily for everyone, it’s not really a competiurban zoning laws and sheer saturation starting tion. But if it was, craft devotees from Fallbrook to stifle the growth rate of breweries in mid-city, to Imperial Beach are all winners. the northern outskirts of San Diego remain a beacon for aspiring beerpreneurs. Write to, check her out on Still, South County has plenty of ammunition Instagram at @thedelightedbite, or via Twitter at to fire back with. Between mid-city’s craft @iheartcontent.

Where is San Diego’s next beer mecca?


12 · San Diego CityBeat · June 8, 2016






Technology and the culture of compliance


ver the past couple weeks in my other life, where I’m forced to make real money as opposed to journalism money, I’ve been doing some research and writing about the connection between technology, the internet, the human brain and societal behaviors. During this research, I’ve come across the work of several ethicists, engineers and tech designers, the combination of whom have led me to believe that unless people diligently maintain constant conscious realization of the implications and repercussions of our interaction with personal digital technology, there’s a decent chance we’ll all gradually devolve into narrow-minded brainwashed drones. And I’m not just talking about overt stuff, like the social media echo chamber that reinforces our established opinions while filtering out views and people who make us feel uncomfortable or disagree with the way we’ve decided to think. I’m talking about intrinsic elements of the digital experience that can’t help but create a false equation of reality and potentially lead to a new kind of political authoritarianism. This school of thought originally caught my eye via the work of Canadian physicist Ursula Franklin, who gave a series of lectures on technology in the late 1980s on recognizing the ways technology can (and can’t) make the world a better place. Franklin was no Luddite, but she was clear eyed about what she saw as the inherent insidious qualities of advancing technology as it influences the human brain. Her foundational premise is that technology limits the actions of people who use it, which inherently ripens the world for other kinds of control, and not a good kind but a repressive one. One particularly unsettling point Frank-


lin makes: Even as technology talent creates cool tools and revolutionary techniques, it also creates a world in which “it’s normal to do what we’re told, and to do so without the ability to control and shape the process or the outcome.” In other words, in order to make technology work, you always have to follow a certain pattern of behaviors—go here, click this, fill in that. For example: Even with the most revolutionary news website, if you want to get on their mailing list, you have to follow a series of defined behaviors. In this way, the technological structure of many modern products creates an innate “culture of compliance…ever more conditioned to accept orthodoxy as normal and to accept that there is only one way of doing ‘it.’” Franklin’s ultimate concern is that, as a “byproduct” of what we call progress, we have created societies easily ruled and monitored—and accustomed to following orders whose ends they don’t question. From that unsettling premise, it wasn’t a large leapfrog moment to Tristan Harris, who until early this year was the “design ethicist” at Google. Harris wrote a piece recently for Medium, pointing out example after example of how technology, user experience and user interface are being used to “hijack our psychological vulnerabilities.” Harris literally used to be a magician, and his intriguing central premise is that too much of today’s UX/UI exploits users by similarly “looking for blind spots, edges, vulnerabilities and limits of people’s perception, so they can influence what people do without them even realizing it.” I won’t go over his whole piece, I’d rather you read it yourself (but not until you’re done here, please). But considering one of America’s greatest so-called freedoms in the freedom of choice, let’s start

with his example of how technology easily turns freedom of choice into the illusion of choice. First, we’ll put it in contemporary capitalist terms that anybody can understand. If you go to a grocery store and it offers five toothpaste brands, but none are without fluoride, you have no choice but to buy one with fluoride (not meant as a pro/con about fluoride, just making note of the “choice”). In the same way, if you are out with your friends and check Yelp for what’s going on in your area for socializing, you might see a list of bars and pubs. Now everybody’s checking out what’s on tap, what’s the bar’s rating, cool pictures, etc. But is going out for another night of drinking really what the group wanted to do to begin with? Maybe it is. Maybe a bar is a good choice. It’s just that Yelp has changed the question and is now offering an illusion of a complete set of choices when it actually isn’t. By focusing on your phone and not what’s around you, the group may miss a park across the street with a band. A popup gallery down the street. An impromptu meetup one block over. And yet, then again, without Yelp maybe you’d end up at a shitty restaurant instead of a good one because there were no reviews at your fingertips. Or if you got bad service there would be nowhere to go to complain—now at least you can rage on the keyboard and hope somebody cares. And doesn’t think you’re a bought ’bot.

I’m increasingly unsure whether all the technological change is a double-edged sword or a deal with the devil. Certainly the increase in technology has not simplified our lives or cut back on our work hours, it’s merely given us a different way of doing things and a whole lot more distractions. The quintessential example of this irony remains Facebook culture, the most ubiquitous societal shift of the 21st century. Just this week, I was lamenting in a private message to a friend of mine what a shit show Facebook has become, with its increased video auto plays in “real time” and relentless Orwellian “two minutes of hate” on Trump. And yet…the guy, who has become one of my more interesting friends, I only met through Facebook. He was a virtual friend of a real friend of mine, I was intrigued by a couple of his posts, invited him to be mine, we connected, we’ve corresponded, we’ve talked, I drove up to L.A. to have dinner with him and his wife a couple months back. Great guy. My life is better for having met him. What does it all mean? I honestly can’t even say anymore. All I can do is share what some smart people say and spin a cautionary tale to keep it all in mind as we create, design and build our brave new world. Nobody wants to stop the train, I guess, but we better ride with our heads out the window so we can see what’s coming.

June 8, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 13











Local arts organization youTurn Con- says her take on Swan is as true to the original temporary Arts Exhibition is all about work as any she’s seen. “I came across the original Anna Pavlova on the quality over quantity. Rather than doing monthly Internet and became really inspired,” says Buechor semi-regular events throughout the year, the collective of artists and choreographers take their time ner, who researched the piece extensively in prepto carefully curate one annual event that combines aration of creating her own. “People have made newer versions of dance, visual art, muCOURTESY OF YOUTURN CONTEMPORARY ARTS EXHIBITION it, but it has become sic and even food. way too much about “We’re in our the athleticism of sixth year of prothe body, but for me ducing the youTurn it was much more event,” says youTurn about the emotion co-founder and choon Pavlova’s perforreographer Erica mance. I was really Buechner. “We aldrawn to the whole ways do things slightidea of, ‘What if this ly differently every is your final dance?’” year, but the goal has Harpist Harmoalways been to bring ny Negrin and viotogether visual and The Dying Swan linist Kris Apple will performing arts, and provide the music for the night while acclaimed make the event more of an arts experience.” Buechner’s summarization certainly extends nature-based, mixed-media artist Stacie Birky to this year’s performance, The Dying Swan: Re- Greene created two new works that, for the first visited/Re-envisioned. Based on a 1905 show time in youTurn’s history, will be fully integrated created by ballerina Anna Pavlova and the legend- into the performance. Local spread makers Nut ary Russian choreographer Mikhail Fokine, Swan ’n Bean will provide the grub. It all goes down at centers on the final moments in the life of a par- 7:30 p.m. on Friday, June 10 and Saturday, June ticularly gorgeous bird. While the original was a 11, at White Box Live Arts at NTC Liberty Station three-minute solo piece, Buechner’s revision has (2590 Truxtun Road). Tickets are $20 at youturnseven dancers and runs for 45 minutes. Still, she




There are plenty of summer music festivals to choose from, but let’s be honest: Most of them don’t offer a truly cultural experience. That’s why for 20 years, the Sherman Heights Music Festival (aka the Latino Music Festival) has been a nice alternative to the typical festival happenings. This year’s fest, happening Saturday, June 11, from 7:30 p.m. to midnight at Bread & Salt (1955 Julian Ave.), will feature some great indie acts such as Gaby y la Buena Onda and the dance-friendly, horn-tastic La Sucursal de la Cumbia. There’s also food from neighborhood eateries and vendors like local jeweler Sui Generis. All ages are welcome, but there is a drink area for adults. Best of all, it’s free, but donations are welcome and benefit the programming at the Sherman Heights Community Center. facebook. com/shermanheightsmusicfest




Almost everything is interactive these days and concerts are no exception. On Sunday, June 12, San Diego Makes Music calls for all musicians to come together for an immersive experience. While Music Director Michael Francis conducts high-level musicians and members of the Mainly Mozart Festival Orchestra on the Spreckels Organ Pavilion stage (Pan American Road E.), audience members will also be chiming in. Musicians of all ages and skill levels are encouraged to bring their own instruments and join in from the crowd. It’s sort of like the ultimate jam band without the pretense and patchouli smell. There are three opportunities to practice with the orchestra before their concert at 3:30 p.m., which follows an organ concert. Check out for full schedule and times. KATE AUDA

HAngela Kallus at Lux Art Institute, 1550 S. El Camino Real, Encinitas. Lux’s last artist in residence of the season will showcase her acrylic relief paintings, known for their delicate and purposeful formations that upend a traditional symbol of femininity and romance: the rose. Opening from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, June 10. Free-$5. 760-436-6611, HA Dream Will Come at Low Gallery, 1878 Main St., Barrio Logan. Fine and graphic artist David B. Cuzick will showcase new works that combine painting, drawing, and photography with digital manipulation resulting in vignettes that capture “key frames” in larger narratives. Opening from 7 to 11 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. 619-348-5517, HBarrio Art Crawl at Barrio Logan Arts District, 1878 Main St., Barrio Logan. A self guided tour consisting of the open studios, galleries, and local businesses of the Barrio Logan Arts District. Spaces include include Bread & Salt, Chicana Art Gallery and over a dozen more. From 5 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. 619-366-9006, Cathedrals: Jeff Ray Closing Event at SDSU Downtown Gallery, 725 West Broadway, Downtown. Kenseth Thibideau of Pinback and Three Mile Pilot will fuse his music with the art of Jeff Ray’s solo exhibit in its final night. Closing from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, June 11. $10. HCiphers and Signals of the Chattering Ether... Revealed at Helmuth Projects, 1827 Fifth Ave., Bankers Hill. In this final exhibit before Helmuth Projects shutters its doors, Jefferson Eisenberg will showcase work inspired by the occult, 70s era rock, haunted houses and the paranoid paranormal. Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. 619265-6842, HConnective Intimations at HB Punto Experimental, 2151 Logan Ave. Section B, Barrio Logan. A group exhibition featuring new works from artists Dia Bassett, Dani Dodge, Janice Grisnell and Hugo Heredia. Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. 760-443-9067, facebook. com/HBPuntoExperimental HDictators Rule! (Until They Don’t) at CM Curatorial and BASILE I.E., 2070 Logan Ave., Barrio Logan. A satirical, pop-inspired take down of old (and new) school despots featuring works from Chris Martino and Paul Basile. Opening from 5 to 9 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. cmartino. com HGeneral Admission at Subterranean Coffee Boutique, 3764 30th St., North Park. An exhibition of rock ‘n’ roll photographs by Jason Augustine from concerts across North America (but mostly from the local music scene). Opening from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. 619-780-0916, events/1707135009525149 Hearasee at ArtHatch, 317 E. Grande Ave., Escondido. A solo exhibition from Washington-based artist Aaron Jasinski, whose work celebrates the act of creating and listening to music in his new collection of pop-surrealist paintings. Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. 760-781-5779, Ray at Night at North Park along 30th St., Between 3700 and 3900 block, North Park. North Park’s monthly art walk returns with open art galleries, food trucks, and live music performances by local bands. Takes place in the heart of North Park along 30th St., University Ave., Ray St., and more. From 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free.

La Sucursal de la Cumbia

14 · San Diego CityBeat · June 8, 2016

Michael Francis conducting Mainly Mozart

H = CityBeat picks

San Diego Festival of the Arts at Waterfront Park, 1600 Pacific Highway, Little Italy. Formerly known as the La Jolla Festival of the Arts, this annual event features over 200 artists and craftsmen display their work along with live entertainment, wine, craft beer and interactive performance art. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 11 and Sunday, June 12. Saturday, June 11. $12$18. 858-694-3030, Stratum at Thumbprint Gallery, 920 Kline St., #104, La Jolla. New works from Leegan, Chris Bentley and Regan Russell that examine popular culture’s fascination with money and commerce. Opening from 5 to 11 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. Sunsets & Space Cadets at Hammond’s Gourmet Ice Cream, 3077 University Ave., North Park. Artists Krystal L. Dyer and Jared Lazar showcase new works inspired by beautiful sunsets and wacky space cadets. Opening from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. 619-2200231, HSuper Freaks at Sparks Gallery, 530 6th Ave., Gaslamp. A solo show from local artist Larry Caveney who will be exhibiting an array of abstracted superheroes and villains. Opening from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. 619-696-1416, The Dreamday Perpetual at Visual, 3776 30th St., North Park. New works from Jorge Gutierrez, who specializes in vibrant paintings that have influences of psychedelia and geometry. Opening from 6 to 11 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. 619-501-5585,

BOOKS HDoreen Mattingly at Women’s Museum of California, 2730 Historic Decatur Road, Barracks 16, Point Loma. The author shares her new book, A Feminist In the White House: Midge Costanza, about the feminist, activist and first female Assistant to the President for Public Liaison. At 6 p.m. Thursday, June 9. Free. 619-2337963, An Afternoon of Mystery at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. Five mystery writers will be promoting their latest novels. Names include Nancy Cole Silverman, Carole Sojka, Connie di Marco and more. At 2 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. 858268-4747, Toni Gallagher at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The tween novelist will sign and discuss her latest, Twist My Charm: Love Potion #11. At noon. Saturday, June 11. Free. 858-268-4747, Local Author Meet and Greet at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. Several local writers will be promoting their latest books. Names include Valerie Davisson, Napoleon Doom, Christopher Frank, Blake S. Lee and more. At noon. Sunday, June 12. Free. 858-268-4747, Caspar Lee at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The South African YouTube star, vlogger and actor will be signing his new book, Caspar Lee. Ticket price include copy of the book. At 6 p.m. Monday, June 13. $22. 858-268-4747, Flynn Berry at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The suspense novelist will be signing and discussing her debut novel, Under the Harrow, about a woman trying to solve her sister’s murder. At 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 15. Free. 858-2684747,



June 8, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 15


COMEDY Justin Willman at American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., Downtown. Best known for hosting Cupcake Wars, Justin Willman brings his unique blend of magic and comedy to San Diego. At 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Saturday, June 11 and 7 p.m. Sunday, June 12. Saturday, June 11. $18. 619795-3858,

DANCE HThe Dying Swan: Revisited/Re-envisioned at White Box Live Arts , 2590 Truxtun Road, Studio 205, Point Loma. An evening length dance work by Erica Buechner that is inspired by the original Mikhail Fokine and Anna Pavlova performance from 1905. Includes art from Stacie Birky Greene, music from Kristopher Apple and Harmony Negrin, and food from Nut ‘n Bean. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 10 and Saturday, June 11. $20$25 619-225-1803,

FOOD & DRINK Toast of the Coast Wine Festival at Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. The San Diego Fair’s wine festival is an opportunity to sample fine wines from the United States and Baja California. Takes place at the Paul Ecke Jr. Garden Show. From noon to 3 p.m. and 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday, June 11. $61-$94. 858-755-1161, HTaste of Little Italy at Little Italy, Little Italy. Patrons can taste apps, entrees, beverages or desserts from dozens of restaurants listed on their “Taste Passports” at this annual event. From 5 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, June 15. $36-$43.

MUSIC HMainly Mozart Festival Orchestra: Minor Storms at Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave., Downtown. Violinist William Preucil and pianist Anne-Marie McDermott honor musical prodigies with works by Mendelssohn, Haydn and Mozart. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Wednesday, June 8. $18-$88. 619-570-1100, HJoan Jett and the Blackhearts at Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. The Roll Hall of Famer behind classics like “Bad Reputation” and “I Love Rock ‘N’ Roll,” plays the San Diego Fair’s Heineken Grandstand Stage. At 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 9. Free-$37. 858-755-1161, HOrgan for the Senses: Feeling, Seeing & Sounding the Spreckels Pipe Organ at Spreckels Organ Pavilion, 1549 El Prado, Balboa Park. Part of the ongoing Parkeology program, this experimental music concert features newly commissioned electro-acoustic works for the organ. There will also be live projected visualizations of a seismograph registering the physical vibrations. From 8 to 10:15 p.m. Friday, June 10. Free. 619-702-8138, Stop the Genocide at World Beat Center, 2100 Park Blvd, A movement to mobilize the underserved inner city communities of San Diego to take a proactive approach toward gang violence through music with performances by Mitchy Slick, King Dav$D and more. From 8 to 11 p.m. Friday, June 10. $10-$15. 619-230-1190, HBlind: Deaf IV at MOXIE Theatre, 6663 El Cajon Blvd., Rolando. San Diego Art Institute and Stay Strange present a night of sound artists scores and experimen-

16 · San Diego CityBeat · June 8, 2016

tal videos. Performers include Haydee Jimenez, DJ Tenshun and more. At 8 p.m. Saturday, June 11. $10. 858-598-7620, Jazz at the Creek at Market Creek Plaza Amphitheater, 310 Euclid Ave., Lincoln Park. An all male lineup featuring headliner Chris Standring, Grammy awardwinning guitarist Paul Brown, and more at this outdoor venue. From 2 to 8 p.m. Saturday, June 11. $40-$90. 619-527-6161, HSherman Heights Music Festival at Bread & Salt, 1955 Julian Ave., Logan Heights. The family-friendly, 20th annual festival features live music, dance, food, art, vendors, and activities for all ages. Dedicated to celebrating Latino music and the arts, acts include Gaby y la Buena Onda and La Sucursal de la Cumbia. From 7:30 p.m. to midnight. Saturday, June 11. Free. HVinyl Junkies Record Swap at The Casbah, 2501 Kettner Blvd., Midtown. Vendors selling thousands of collectible and vintage records in all genres, plus DJs spinning throughout the day. From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 11. $3. 619-232-HELL, HSan Diego Makes Music at Spreckels Organ Pavilion, 1549 El Prado, Balboa Park. Musicians of all ages and skill levels are encouraged to bring their own instruments and join in while Music Director Michael Francis conducts members of the Mainly Mozart Festival Orchestra. From 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, June 12. Free. 619-702-8138,

OUTDOORS HThursday Family Fun Night at San Diego Botanic Garden, 230 Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas. Each Thursday throughout the summer, Hamilton Children’s Garden will have live, kid-friendly entertainment. See website for schedule and details. From 4:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, June 9. $8-$14. 760-436-3036,

PERFORMANCE Women of Valor Women from San Diego’s Jewish community will share their stories through dramatic staged readings that include music and theatrics. Performances take place Wednesday, June 8 at the Lyceum Space and Wednesday, June 15 at the Encinitas Library. At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 8 and 6:45 p.m. Wednesday, June 15. Free-$18. The Joys and Oys of Language at Lyceum Theatre, 79 Horton Plaza, Downtown. Blending comedy and education, language columnist Richard Lederer take the audience on a joy ride through the glories and oddities of our marvelous English language. At 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 14. $18. 619-544-1000,

POETRY & SPOKEN WORD HVermin on the Mount at 3rdSpace, 4610 Park Blvd., University Heights. The local writing showcase features readings from Hari Alluri, Jessica Hilt, Matthew Quirk, host Jim Ruland and more. Includes poster art from David Varela. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Thursday, June 9. Suggested donation. 619-255-3609, HPoetry & Art at San Diego Art Institute, 1439 El Prado, Balboa Park. Contributing authors will read from the 2016 San Diego Poetry Annual. The event will be hosted by Michael Klam and there will be music by Frontera Drum Fusion and Bill Hard-

“Cyclopes Cat of the Shadow Sun” by Jefferson Eisenberg will be on view at Ciphers and Signals of the Chattering Ether ...Revealed, a solo show opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 11 at Helmuth Projects (1827 Fifth Ave. in Bankers Hill). ing. At 7 p.m. Saturday, June 11. $5.

SPECIAL EVENTS San Diego Greek Festival at St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church, 3655 Park Blvd., Hillcrest. The 47th annual gathering offers a variety of Greek cuisine, handmade pastries, and traditional Greek coffee, all within a festive atmosphere of music and dance. From 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday, June 10, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 11, and 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday, June 12. Free-$3. 619-2974165, HLiberty Station Summer Block Party at NTC Promenade in Liberty Station, 2640 Historic Decatur Road, Point Loma. The inaugural, family-friendly event features all ages activities, refreshments, complimentary bites, live entertainment, art demos, pop-up yoga and a superhero movie night. From 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. 619-573-9260, San Diego Potters’ Guild Spring Sale at Spanish Village Art Center, 1770 Village Pl., Balboa Park. A semi-annual sale featuring more than 40 local potters and their latest work, including utilitarian ware, decorative pieces and garden pottery. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. 619-702-8006,

TALKS & DISCUSSIONS HThinking Shakespeare Live! at Old Globe Theatre, 1363 Old Globe Way, Balboa Park. A special First Folio edition of Old Globe Artistic Director Barry Edelstein’s exploration of a performer’s approach to Shakespearean language in hopes that audiences may easily understand the Bard. At 11 a.m. Saturday, June 11. Free. 619-231-1941, Shakespeare on the American Stage: The Director and the Text at Old Globe Theatre, 1363 Old Globe Way, Balboa Park. Barry Edelstein, Artistic Director of The Old Globe, and Brian Kulick, Artistic Director of Classic Stage Company in New York, discuss the rewards and challenges of directing Shakespeare on stage. At 6 p.m. Monday, June 13. Free. 619-231-1941,


New Hedda at North Coast Rep




new translation of Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler by San Diegan Anne-Charlotte Hanes Harvey (Dinner with Marlene), at least figuratively speaking, brings the 125-year-old play into the 21st century. The North Coast Repertory Theatre’s production directed by David Ellenstein resembles the Heddas you’ve probably seen before with period costumes and opulent furnishings. At NCR, Marty Burnett’s set, Elisa Benzoni’s costume design and Matt Novotny’s lighting are collectively outstanding. In this iteration of Hedda Gabler, the difference is how at times Hedda (Mhari Sandoval) and those in her destructive sphere of influence sound more contemporary, and even get laughs. In spite of its literary pedigree, Hedda Gabler possesses the pulsating emotions and interpersonal machinations of a cracking good daytime serial, except that everything in its four acts revolves around one central, overriding character: Hedda, a beautiful, aristocratic, larger-than-life neurotic character who’s as cold as she is willful. Moving with the easy grace of a pampered cat, Sandoval brings tremendous sex appeal to the role, even though Ibsen’s heroine only teases and poses. She’s a woman who flinches from actual physical contact. That aloofness is intended especially for her new husband Jorgen Tesman (Bruce Turk), whom she wed neither out of love nor lust. Turk does well as


have played her—and so many others desire to do so? Hedda Gabler runs through June 26 at North Coast Repertory Theatre in Solana Beach. $43-$50.

—David L. Coddon

Theater reviews run weekly. Write to

OPENING: Mhari Sandoval and Richard Baird in Hedda Gabler a stammering academic propped up in direct contrast to another man in Hedda’s life, the snidely confident Judge Brack (Ray Chambers, tall and leering). The arrival of always-charismatic Richard Baird as Hedda’s tortured ex-lover Eilert Lovborg in Act 2 follows a slow, talky first act. This ominous turn in Ibsen’s story, which also involves the young lovestruck (over Lovburg) Thea Elvsted (Mel House) raises the narrative stakes and inspires Hedda to do her damnedest. Hedda Gabler, even in this world-premiere translation, is a drawing-room kind of drama with few of its contrivances as intriguing as the complex portrait of Hedda herself. Why else do you think so many esteemed actresses of stage and screen (Ingrid Bergman, Diana Rigg, Cate Blanchett, to name three)

American Rhythm: An original musical production that uses the most memorable songs of the last 100 years. Conceived by Robert Smyth, it opens June 10 at the Lamb’s Players Theatre in Coronado. Nunsense: A “mega-musical” spoof about five nuns attempting to organize a fundraiser after one of them accidentally kills off the rest of the convent. Presented by the Pickwick Players, it opens June 10 at Off Broadway Live in Santee. Lydia: The local premiere of the modern tragedy about an undocumented woman who comes to care for a disabled girl in 1970s El Paso. Presented by ion theatre, it opens June 11 at the BLKBOX Theatre in Hillcrest. Chekhov Unscripted: The characters of playwright Anton Chekhov get the improv comedy treatment from the locals in Improv Theatre. It happens June 13 at the North Coast Repertory Theatre in Solana Beach. Sister Act: The musical based on the film about a singer who witnesses a crime and has to hide out in a convent. Directed by John Vaughan, it opens June 15 at the Moonlight Amphitheatre in Vista.

For full theater listings, visit “T heater ”at

June 8, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 17



CRAMMERS (FATHER’S DAY EDITION) Our favorite new books, shows, music and cultural tidbits that just might make dad happy, too.

PODCAST My dad, who

lives on the East Coast, joined a Sherlock Holmes fan club after retiring and never misses a monthly meeting. He doesn’t care for the modern movies with Robert Downey Jr.; dad is old-school Holmes. That’s why the podcast series from The Sherlock Holmes Society of London are perfect for Pop. Without much detective work, I deduced my father has never listened to a podcast in his life. But it’s the quite-Brit cast of the Old Court Radio Theatre Company that performs these stories—so it’s whodunit drama like it used to pour out of an old VictorVictrola. If your Golden Years father has a passion for a bygone literary character, chances are it, too, has a podcast. Do what I intend to do on Dad’s Day—send him the link, call him up and patiently walk him through connecting to the podcast. Elementary. While it’s not available on iTunes, it is on Stitcher and at —Ron Donoho

TV Having a night in with

the man who made love to your mom and helped bring your ungrateful ass to life? I recommend the Netflix gangster drama Peaky Blinders. Set in Birmingham, England, post-WWI, the show centers on a real life gang called, you guessed it, the Peaky Blinders. British things have the cutest names, right? Only they got their name for blinding their foes with razorblades hidden in their caps. So yeah, brutally adorable. The show follows Tommy Shelby (played by the darkly handsome Cillian Murphy) and his family as they do gang-y crime-y things while avoiding the law. There’s also a love story in there involving an Irish spy. Ooh! This show is fast-paced, brutal and fun to watch. Pops will love it, though he might have a hard time with the accents. Use the subtitles. Also, there are a few sex scenes so you might want to time your bathroom breaks. Seasons 1 to 3 are available now. —Alex Zaragoza

COMICS My dad gave me my first comic

book when I was six years old (Top Dog #10). I like to think I’ve returned the favor over the years by introducing him to titles such as Sin City and Persepolis long before they were movies. I anticipate Saga eventually getting the film or TV treatment (HBO should seriously look into it after Game of Thrones wraps). For now, the 36 issues have been masterful, with elements of sci-fi space operas and sword-wielding fantasy novels. The series skillfully touches on issues of race, gender, sexuality and war and revolves around an extraterrestrial husband and wife who just happen to be from very different sides of the tracks, eh, universe. Anyone familiar with writer Brian K. Vaughan’s other comics (Y: The Last Man, Runaways) knows the guy can spin a yarn. I wouldn’t make dad track down back issues. The series so far has been collected in convenient, five-issue paperbacks for $10 a pop. —Seth Combs

FILM BOOK MUSIC My dad loves the movie This Is Raised on lamb chops, veal slices and buffalo burgers, Dad-rock isn’t technically a real genre. There’s some

Spinal Tap, but after watching The Decline of Western Civilization Part 2: The Metal Years, mockumentaries becomes a lot less funny. For one, filmmaker Penelope Spheeris’ Decline movies are actual documentaries, and the excesses shown in The Metal Years are way more outlandish, hilarious and cringeinducing than the most pointed satire. Documenting the rise and lifestyle of metalers in the late ‘80s, The Metal Years is stuffed with pathetic hubris and sadness. Some of the more notorious footage includes KISS’ Paul Stanley interviewed in a bed while lying next to three scantily clad women, as well as W.A.S.P. front man Chris Holmes interviewed in a pool, nearing black-out drunk status while his mom watches from the side. All three are now available on Blu-ray, and even though the first and third entries are insightful (about ‘80s punk and late ‘90s gutter punks, respectively) The Metal Years is the one to get.

going full herbivore went against every value my parents instilled in me. Normally, I stay loyal to my plant-based food pyramid, but when I see my dad out back igniting the grill, I pause to reconsider my dietary decisions. His expertise formed from years of trial and error and countless cookbooks, with his current favorite being Franklin Barbecue: A Meat-Smoking Manifesto by Aaron Franklin and Jordan Mackay. Known also as the barbecue bible, it’s acclaimed for its uber-detailed recipes that can span 13 pages, diving deep into grilling technicalities. Franklin, a James Beard Award-winning chef, also dedicates pages to his rise to the top of the food chain, starting with his first brisket experiment in 2002. Whether your pops is already a pit master or needs a little culinary guidance, this non-traditional cookbook will teach him a thing or two.


—Ryan Bradford

18 · San Diego CityBeat · June 8, 2016

—Torrey Bailey

degree of variation among dad-approved jams, and use of the phrase “dad-rock” is often seen as sort of backhanded ( just ask Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy). In general, though, when we talk about dad-rock we talk about music that has a kind of vintage, nostalgic feel. Singer/songwriter Kevin Morby is probably too young for your dad to actually be into already, although millennials are becoming parents now, but his new album Singing Saw (Dead Oceans) taps into the gorgeously folky stylings of some of the best singer/ songwriters of the ’70s. His voice is warm and reedy, reminiscent of a young Dylan at times, while the arrangements in his indie folk tunes recall both Leonard Cohen (“Singing Saw”) and Fleetwood Mac (“I Have Been to the Mountain”). It’s white suits in Laurel Canyon through an Instagram filter, and your dad’s most likely going to dig it— you will too, I reckon. —Jeff Terich






Gong, baby, gong


watch the San Diego Trump rally devolve in realtime, following tweets as the chaos unfolds. On the evening news, anchors point to the line of police moving down Harbor Drive—essentially turning our city into a militarized zone—and commend it. A candidate for city attorney gets himself arrested, a move that comes off as a publicity stunt considering that his Whiteness, money and power probably protect him from the legal ramifications that people of color face when they’re arrested. It’s these moments—when it feels like the world is going to shit, when it feels like humanity is reaching its fever pitch, when the last straw is falling down to break our collective backs—that I yearn to disengage. To do so, I turn to the tradition of people in my privilege and social standing: yoga. But today it’s not just regular yoga. Tonight, I’m shedding my political duress through gong immersion. The gist behind gong immersion is: You lie down in a room and yogis play various gongs and you, like, hallucinate and shit. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been to some seriously loud, droning concerts which have caused me to enter a heightened state of mind, but in most cases I was also high on drugs, so I’m curious to see if the effects of sound immersion are the same while sober. Ginseng Yoga in South Park holds monthly, three-hour gong immersion sessions. According to the Dhyanjot (or “DJ”), the yogi who has been leading immersions at Gisneng for six years, they’re designed to “de-stress, improve mental clarity, accelerate brain function for learning, relieve physical pain and facilitate healing in the mental and emotional body.” I take a second to pause and wonder if disengaging from the political turmoil by jumping head first into gong immersion makes me a shitty human. It’s debatable. I take those second thoughts and push them way, way down into the repression zone. So while people at the Trump rally are being arrested for assembling in an area that lawenforcement has arbitrarily deemed off-limits, I am messaging with my friend—from whom I had initially learned about gong immersions—what I should wear tonight. I wonder if it’s appropriate to wear sweatpants and bring my own pillows, because in my head, “gong immersion” is the same thing as “slumber party.” My friend tells me to just wear something comfortable, which I mistake as “casual” and end up wearing a pair of goddamn hipster skinny jeans, because I work for CityBeat, duhhhh. The crowd is about 90 percent women. I place my yoga mat next to the exit in an effort to be inconspicuous and not creep anyone out as the outof-place dude in the restrictive street clothes, but it

probably looks like I’m purposely blocking everyone’s escape. DJ introduces the gongs: eight in the front of the room, three in the back—most of them representative of a planet in its current position/trajectory. DJ points to the Mercury gong and mentions that Mercury is no longer in retrograde, and this evokes audible relief from the group. Tonight, the Mars gong is the star of the show, front and center. “I don’t pick these positions,” DJ says. “The gongs decide.” DJ leads us through a couple yoga positions to get the blood flowing. I’m no stranger to yoga, but, again, the pants aren’t doing me any favors. We roll our hips in circular thrusts; I get a side-glance of myself in the mirror that runs the length of the studio and it looks like I’m a sausage with an invisible hula-hoop. We sit. “This is the hard part,” DJ warns us. He instructs us to form our hands into bear claws and wave them over our head, palms inward, like we’re striking our brain. We do this for nine minutes. Nine minutes. DJ looks serene. He tells us that it’s easier if we smile. I’ve never heard of this yoga move and vaguely suspect that he’s punking us. Still, I’m not going to be the one who can’t wave his arms in the air for nine minutes. Pain seeps into my shoulders. “Okay, now just hold your arms out,” he says at the end of nine minutes. My arms tremble. “Hold it.” He releases us. I collapse on my mat. My shoulders sing. DJ darkens the room and projects a constellation of green lights on the ceiling. Everyone gets comfortable—the woman next to me pulls her yoga blanket up to her chin, so I do the same. DJ and his assistants begin playing the gongs. It’s the sound of an approaching wave. It’s so subtle at first—more felt than heard. The green lights on the ceiling contract and expand with my breathing. I close my eyes and the sound grows, becoming almost too immersive. The vibrations make me feel anxious, but it’s not altogether unpleasant. Just ride it out, says the logical part of my brain, which now seems very distant. I feel a single beard hair vibrate. I have a distinct vision of myself with a longer beard. Is this what I would look like in Viking times? Am I dreaming? I sink deeper into the blanket, and put my hand on my chest, a surface that no longer seems part of me. Both hand and chest seem to be vibrating together. My anger about Trump—the impotent protests, the violence he encourages, his ability to coopt anger to feed his narrative—disappears. Briefly, everything in the world seems in sync. (The next immersion at Ginseng is Aug. 5.) Well That Was Awkward appears every other week. Write to

I close my eyes and the sound grows, becoming almost too immersive.


June 8, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 19




ummer doesn’t officially begin until June 20, but chances are most San Diegans are already in full summer mode. For some of you, it’s time to put the final touches on vacation plans, but for art mavens and culturalists planning on sticking around, here’s some of this season’s great upcoming art shows.

represented. There will also be a historical segment of the exhibition that focuses on the important role of cartoons during particularly epochal moments throughout the centuries. Opens Thursday, June 23, from 6 to 8 p.m. COURTESY OF THE ARTIST


Rare Specimens at CM Curatorial (2070 Logan Ave., Barrio Logan) Speaking of politics, local popsurrealist painter Matt Stallings has a decades-long history of skewering politicians and poking fun of our cult of personality obsessions. Stallings describes this show (which opens Saturday, July 9, from 6 to 9 p.m.) as “God’s JUNE 17-JULY 23 own prototypes. Evolutionary Jean Lowe: Lost Time and experiments not intended for Adrienne Joy at Athenaeum mass reproduction,” and judging Music & Arts Library by the early works he’s posted to (1008 Wall Street, La Jolla) his Facebook (which include por“McDonald” by Matt Stallings traits of Donald Trump as RonOne of the first San Diego Art Prize winners in 2006, Jean Lowe ald McDonald, Donald Duck, and, well, you get the has amassed an impressive resume of solo shows idea), it seems he has a very clear target in mind. that explore the thin lines between culture and consumerism. I was thoroughly impressed with last year’s Savoir Faire show at Quint Gallery, and Lost Time, which opens Friday, June 17, from 6:30 to 8:30 JULY 22-NOV. 27 p.m., deals in themes of cultural value with Lowe DeLIMITations: A Survey of the 1821 creating distorted auction catalog photographs of United States-Mexico Border at Museum both real and handmade objects. A solo show from of Contemporary Art (1100 Kettner Blvd., local painter Adrienne Joy, which opens at the Ath- downtown) enaeum the same night, should offer a nice contrast MCASD has four Chicano- and border-focused exto Lowe’s work. hibitions opening on July 22 from Moris and Ruben Ochoa, as well as an entire COURTESY OF THE ARTISTS space devoted to the colJUNE 18-JULY 14 lection of Cheech Marin. 2016 New ContempoHowever, it’s DeLIMITararies at City College tions that has us the most Gallery (1508 C Street, intrigued. Essentially a East Village) documental show from A group exhibition Marcos Ramírez ERRE, showcasing the nomiDavid Taylor and filmnated artists for the San maker José Inerzia, the Diego Art Prize, which exhibition follows ERRE recognizes local emergand Taylor as they set out ing talent with winners on a road trip to explore eventually moving on the 1821 border between to be paired up with Mexico and the U.S. westestablished mentors. “DeLIMITations Monument 11, 2015” ern territories. They also This year’s crop of upby Marcos Ramírez ERRE and David Taylor installed 47 sheet metal and-comers is a provermarkers (that resemble bial who’s who of names that have appeared in the the stone and iron ones found at the U.S./Mexico borpages of CityBeat. A few of the standouts from this der today) along the way. year’s show (which opens Friday, June 18, from 6 to 8 p.m.): sculptor Kim Garcia, interactive artist Aren Skalman and Tijuana street artist PANCA, who was AUGUST 6-MARCH 12 nominated for the prize by CityBeat columnist Alex The Erik Gronborg Experience at Mingei Zaragoza. International Museum (1439 El Prado, Balboa Park) Local curator Dave Hampton is officially on a JUNE 23-SEPT. 4 roll. Fresh off his impressive job at picking out the Party Lines: The History, Art and Politics of works for the acclaimed Portrait of Pomeroy exhibiEditorial Cartoons at SDSU Downtown Gallery tion at the Central Library, Hampton will be debut(725 W Broadway, Downtown) ing the first full-blown retrospective of the DanishAround the same time the two major parties will born, North County-based Gronborg, who has long be gearing up for what’s looking to be the most farci- been known for his meticulous work in ceramics, cal party conventions in modern history, San Diego sculpture, woodwork and metal. The exhibition will State University will open this 40-year retrospective also include the first-ever anthology of Gronborg’s of political cartoons from some local and national writings, which provide an even wider window into legends. The main focus, naturally, is election year his impressive mind. cartoons, with names such as Herb Block, Steve —Seth Combs Breen, Lisa Benson and CityBeat fave Lalo Alcaraz

20 · San Diego CityBeat · June 8, 2016



Dheepan offers pain and gain


Jacques Audiard takes a sledgehammer to Europe’s immigration crisis by Glenn Heath Jr.


n Dheepan, Jacques Audiard’s lumbering drama There’s a hallucinatory aspect to the film’s sense that won the prestigious Palme d’Or at the 2015 of time. Multiple shots are framed in darkness only Cannes Film Festival, three Sri Lankan refugees to reveal an animal or person slowly coming into flee their war-torn country for a “better” life in focus. Audiard wants these moments to have a proFrance. The current migrant crisis in Europe pro- found visual impact on the viewer, to build mood out vides the film with certain relevance by association, of obscured and dreamlike imagery. Yet it has the but its views toward social assimilation and com- opposite effect, instilling a sense of artificial tunnel promise are misguided at best. Not a moment goes vision in an otherwise gritty worldview. The filmby where the seriousness of this situation isn’t pro- maker managed to balance these competing tones foundly expressed through the obvious aesthetics of in his prison drama A Prophet, but here it reeks of cinema. Slow motion anyone? dishonesty. Posing as the husband of Yalini (Kalieaswari Even worse, the characters are inflicted with a Srinivasan) and the father of traumatized orphan series of melodramatic turns that blatantly contrast Illayaal (Claudine Vinasithamby), battle hardened the meager good times with the bad. Glimmers of faTamil warrior Dheepan (Jesuthasan Antonythasan) milial pride and chemistry are quickly bludgeoned to is the silent but deadly type, his death. Turmoil within the gang eyes hiding a soul marked by world escalates, conveniently trauma and rage. The makeshift turning the entire apartment DHEEPAN family lies and bribes their way complex into a warzone, not unDirected by Jacques Audiard onto a boat only to find little relike the killing fields Dheepan Starring Jesuthasan Antonythasan, spite once across the Mediterleft behind. Here, Audiard’s simKalieaswari Srinivasan, ranean. After selling trinkets on plistic and easy view of modern Claudine Vinasithamby and the streets of Paris, the trio is repolitics is revealed. For all refuVincent Rottiers located to sprawling state-fundgees, life is about going from the ed projects in the countryside. frying pan into the fire. Rated R In typical Audiard fashion With the subtlety of a fall(this is the man who made Rust ing cinder block, Dheepan conand Bone), misery is met with more misery. While a cludes guns blazing, like an unthinking Taxi Driver diverse cross-section of blue-collar folk occupies one without no subtext or sting. It’s an insulting climax block of apartments, another is infested with drug to a film that claims to have an interest in the deepdealers and thugs. Dheepan finds himself caught in ening complications produced by social and cultural the middle as the new caretaker for both structures. assimilation. But Audiard isn’t concerned with nuYalini takes a job cooking and cleaning for the invalid ance, only the spectacle of raw social justice. father of the smooth talking kingpin (Vincent RotOpening on Friday, June 10, the film manufactures tiers), further complicating their new living situation. hope and multiculturalism through emotional theatAll three of the film’s lead characters attempt to re- rics not limited to violence. It promises a new Euroclaim some kind of routine despite subtle racism and pean utopia where this kind of manipulative imagery language barriers. Initially, Audiard seems content to flourishes. As a result, Audiard destroys the need for simply watch this process unfold, examining Illayaal’s nuance in a conversation where it’s needed most. “Did experiences at school and Dheepan’s building cama- you end up believing the story?” Yalini asks Dheepan raderie with other disaffected men. Yalini’s perspec- when their relationship status turns complicated. It’s tive is given far less complexity; she’s essentially rele- a fair question we could also throw back at the film gated to a curious “other” who can’t help but be drawn itself, because nothing here rings true. to the power of her gangster employer. Watching the hooligans conduct business from afar, she comments, Film reviews run weekly. “How strange, like being at the movies.” Write to


June 8, 2016 • San Diego CityBeat · 21

22 · San Diego CityBeat · June 8, 2016



Machismo on blast


epictions of modern Cuban life rarely (if ever) find their way to American movie theaters for obvious political reasons. But now that the relationship between the two countries has warmed ever so slightly, that reality may be changing. On Friday, June 10, Magnolia Pictures will be releasing Viva at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. It tells the story of Jesus (Héctor Medina), a young hairdresser with aspirations to perform in drag at a popular Havana cabaret. Economic hardship


compassion in the most unlikely of pairings. Angel and Jesus’ troubled relationship represents countless more where absence and judgment has denied a better understanding of the past, not to mention the present. Viva defines its sense of place through people’s personalities, by the stories and memories they tell despite a blanket of unspoken history. It avoids the Western tendency to take an exotic look at Cuban culture and LGBT issues in general, instead focusing on the relationships of regular people trying to regain a sense of Viva personal power no matter their sexual orientation. persists, not just for him but an Whether it’s Angel’s perforentire populace seemingly stuck mances in the ring or Jesus’ perbetween the consequences of formances under his stage name competing foreign policies. of Viva, the desire to express One day, Jesus’ estranged fa- themselves drives both men. Rether, a former boxer and low-level claiming that individual and facelebrity, returns home after a milial pride makes life’s little torlong spell in prison. Angel (Jorge tures slightly more tolerable. Perugorría) gets drunk on rum, relives his glory days down at the —Glenn Heath Jr. local gym, and forces his son to ditch his dreams of performing. This is machismo coming home to roost. OPENING Yet Paddy Breathnach’s modest film isn’t the tragedy of reDark Horse: A group of friends from a pression or denial, but a tender workingman’s club decides to breed a coming-of-age film that envisions racehorse to take on the elite “sport of

kings.” Screens through Thursday, June 16, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. Dheepan: Three Sri Lankan refugees pose as a family to find a better life in France, only to be faced with different hardships. Now You See Me 2: Those pesky magician/bank robbers led by Jesse Eisenberg return for more sleight of hand in this flashy sequel. Directed by Jon M. Chu (Step Up 3D). Puerto Ricans in Paris: Pretty sure the title says it all. The Conjuring 2: Famous spiritualists Lorraine (Vera Farmiga) and Ed Warren (Patrick Wilson) are back to save the day from evil spirits in James Wan’s follow-up to his 2013 horror film. Viva: In modern Havana, a hairdresser’s dreams of performing in a cabaret are complicated when his estranged boxer father returns from prison. Screens through Thursday, June 16, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. Warcraft: Based on the popular video game, this hulking big-budget Sci-Fi action romance drama (inadvertent comedy) tells of an orc shaman who opens a portal to the human world in order to escape his own dying planet.

For a complete

listing of movies, please see

“Film Screenings” at

June 8, 2016 • San Diego CityBeat · 23



From left: Joshua Quon, Carlos Arteaga and Erika Marie

N A WARM, BREEZY MEMORIAL DAY afternoon, the three members of San Diego darkwave trio Nylon Apartments are drinking beers in the shade in North Park. Under a canopy set up between the neighboring apartments where bassist Joshua Quon and vocalist Carlos Arteaga live—a makeshift outdoor living room of sorts—they appear a little at odds with their darker, more emotional stage presence, save for the fact that Quon, Arteaga and keyboardist Erika Marie are all dressed entirely in black. They’re casual and comfortable in this setting. They’re a band, but right now, they’re just a group of friends taking advantage of a day off. That’s more or less how the story of Nylon Apartments began, not with a clearly outlined vision, but with a series of chaotic, free-form jam sessions fueled by chintzy Casio keyboards and alcohol. By happenstance, Quon and Arteaga ended up as next-door neighbors six years ago, and shortly afterward came a revolving door of musicians joining in on the improvisation, eventually including Marie, which naturally evolved into a band dynamic. “There were some random jam sessions that would happen drunkenly,” Quon says. “I used to have an upright bass so, I’d play that and guitar a keyboard, but not a great one. There were times when there was a fair amount of people in there.

24 · San Diego CityBeat · June 8, 2016

“But there was one night when the keyboard was on, and Carlos was playing acoustic guitar. I was improvising a bassline, just figuring out what the scale was,” he continues. “Then Erika came over and was like ‘what chords are you playing?’ And then she starts playing, and I was like ‘holy shit you play keyboards!’” The band that was born of those early rehearsals and songwriting sessions began performing in 2014 as Nylon Apartments, embodying a dreamy and haunting gothic sound. To date, they haven’t released an official album­— they’re heading into the studio this summer—but their Soundcloud page features a handful of tracks they’ve recorded, all of which comprise a cohesive aesthetic. “To Copy the Inscription” echoes early Cure at their most gloomy, while the sexier post-punk sound of “Trials” evokes Joy Division circa Unknown Pleasures. And within each of these songs, the band uses a minimal approach to their advantage, creating a rich atmosphere with gauzy synthesizers, wiry basslines and stark guitar riffs. It might come as a surprise to hear that Nylon Apart-

ments, a band with such a distinctive sound and unified aesthetic, was born of something so unstructured and openended. But there was never an agenda to engineer the band to any particular style or genre. They did, however, share some similar emotional wounds and end-of-relationship malaise. Naturally, when they plugged in, something eerie and melancholy came out. “Each of us were going through breakups in long-term relationships. But…we didn’t go in thinking let’s do something post-punk or be this or that,” Marie says. “Just emotionally, we were all in the same depressive space. So I think that’s how it started to evolve into what became Nylon Apartments. It took a while.” Despite the chemistry that arose from playing music together, the individual members of Nylon Apartments share as many differences in opinion as they do common interests. Quon, for instance, is the only one of the three with an affinity for free jazz. Likewise, they all come from different backgrounds—Quon is a West Coast native, while Arteaga grew up on the East Coast, and Marie is from the Midwest. What Nylon Apartments represents is where their identities and interests intersect: “The three of us all own The Cure’s Faith on vinyl,” Quon says. They do share an end goal, however: Making something honest. “Whether it’s film or literature or music, those things that deal with more intense moods and emotions—I tend to be more interested and geek out than something that’s just aesthetically beautiful,” Arteaga says. “It’s pretty, nice, versus something that’s the full range of human nature or the underside of that. And I think that there’s some catharsis there. We put emotion into what we’re playing.” Honesty, in their case, doesn’t necessarily mean expressing something autobiographical. Arteaga emphasizes that even if their lyrics take the form of a character sketch or a metaphor, there’s still a kernel of something honest and genuine at the center of it. In fact, even their name, which sounds, on the surface level, like a surrealist concept, actually reveals something much deeper. While they stumbled upon the combination of words by way of a cut-up technique used by David Bowie and William S. Burroughs, they soon came to realize that it served as a figurative representation of the closequarters origin of the band itself. “When you live in an urban setting, you’re kind of living on top of each other,” Arteaga says. “Sometimes the walls are so thin you hear people fucking or like, yelling at each other. Just having their own stories. And it’s interesting that there’s not much dividing us, literally. Sharing that space you have, it really is sort of like nylon between us.” Write to or follow him on Twitter at @1000TimesJeff




arkeology is holding a unique audio-visual concert at Balboa Park’s Spreckels Organ Pavilion on June 10, titled Organ for the Senses. The project will juxtapose commissioned compositions by Michael Pisaro, Samuel Dunscombe, Sofia Gubaidulina, Steve Flato and Alvin Lucier, along with students of the UCSD Survey of Electronic Music Techniques III course, with live projections of a seismograph that creates visual representations of the sound itself. Parkeology leader and visual artist Kate Clark says she initially had an idea to do a concert at Balboa Park’s now-closed Starlite Theater, but became inspired by the idea of the Spreckels Organ as a vessel for avant garde musical performance. “The organ has been likened to a giant box of crayons, or a giant analog synthesizer,” she says. “So, the idea was, we thought it’d be really exciting to bring experimental composers in to work within that idea.” Organ for the Senses was initially proposed last year, and since then the concert has grown to become an ambitious project. One of the composi-

tions involves snare drums placed throughout the organ pavilion with objects on them that vibrate when the organ plays. Because it’s such a left-field performance, considerably different than the more traditional classical pieces of most organ concerts, composers will give brief introductions to their pieces as well, with sign language translations for the hearing impaired. “We’re having rehearsals all week. I am very curious and interested to see how the sounds will be received,” Clark says. “It’ll be totally different— a lot of the works are not Spreckels Organ melodic. So, because the music is less accessible, composers will be talking about their process.” More than anything, Clark is excited about the idea of being able to employ such a powerful instrument in the heart of a public space. “In conversations...we’ve been talking about how fascinating it is that there’s this huge vibrating object, and how powerful it is,” she says. “And it’s in the middle of a public, family friendly park.”

—Jeff Terich

Poison Headache Self-titled (Metal Blade)


It’s a weird thing to read a press release about a metal band from San Diego that says, right off the bat, San Diego isn’t really known for its metal talent. It’s not that it isn’t true, but the fact that Metal Blade Records—a prominent national label that has released albums by the likes of Slayer, Celtic Frost and Candlemass—acknowledges the city’s low profile in heavy music while boosting one of its very own is a strange bit of cognitive dissonance. The talent is here, of course, if not nationally known. Cattle Decapitation is San Diego’s most prominent export as metal goes, with Author & Punisher not far behind. And of late, bands such as Beira, Deep Sea Thunder Beast and Eukaryst have been making some splendid noise. Poison Headache, a death metal outfit featuring Wovenwar’s Phil Sgrosso, already has a bit of a leg up, given that the trio’s members have been in the game for a long time. And, for that matter, they’ve got one of the biggest metal labels backing them. It turns out their brand of crusty, crunchy, pummeling metal and hardcore is uniformly strong out of the gate. True to classic death metal and hardcore ethos,


Poison Headache’s debut is brief at only 27 minutes in total, and that pummeling certainly goes down at a dizzying pace. Of course, when you’re going for maximum impact, why waste time on drawing out verses, choruses or intros that work much better when concentrated to be their most potent. That closing track “Discloser” actually crosses four minutes makes it feel like a marathon, considering it’s by no means slow, quiet or restrained. Poison Headache work just fine in small doses, however. The 98-second “Pity the Backseat” roars furiously, yet harbors some interesting melodic transitions in its second half. Similarly, the two-minute “Benumbed” opens with a gothic swirl of guitar, slowly ascending in its instrumental psychedelia toward a pounding climax. But it’s on the Entombed-style death ‘n’ roll of “Hail, Colossus” and the Dischargeinfluenced d-beat crust of “Sin Eater” that Poison Headache are at their best. I won’t venture to guess what this album will do for San Diego’s metal reputation, but it’s a step in the right direction.

—Jeff Terich June 8, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 25



IF I WERE U A music insider’s weekly agenda WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8

Carly Rae Jepsen, San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus @ Del Mar Fairgrounds. So, Carly Rae Jepsen. Couldn’t stand “Call Me Maybe,” love the hell out of her newest album Emotion. Honestly, it’s worth it to be there for “Run Away With Me” alone. Now that’s a damn pop song. BACKUP PLAN: Greys, Scuffs, Moonpool @ The Merrow.



used to be known as Pinecones, and this week they release their debut album under their new name via Sub Pop. They tap into the loud, guitar-based sound of that label’s historical roster, be it Nirvana, Metz or Mudhoney. Rockin’, noisy and hypnotic fun. PLAN B: Islands, Ted Leo, Honus Honus @ The Casbah. Islands are nice enough, but you’re going to this show for Ted Leo, because he’s a terrific tunesmith and an indie guitar hero. I’ve seen him five times and he never disappoints. BACKUP PLAN: Taake, Young and in the Way, Wolvhammer, Mythraeum @ Brick by Brick.



PLAN A: Bad Cop/Bad Cop, The Atom Age, Murderburgers, Western Settings @ Soda Bar. If you were a fan of The Donnas when they were more Ramones than Motley Crue, then you’ll dig the powerpop-punk of Bad Cop/Bad Cop. Good, kitschy, catchy fun.

PLAN A: Freak Heat Waves, Laser Background, Bloom @ Soda Bar. I’m not necessarily a fan of freak heat waves as a weather phenomenon, but the wobbly, hallucinogenic synth-pop group is another story altogether. They’re more freak than heat, which will make your Wednesday sufficiently weird.

PLAN A: Joan Jett and the Blackhearts PLAN A: Holy Fuck, Doomsquad @ The @ Del Mar Fairgrounds. I’m not sure I Casbah. Canadian electro outfit Holy Fuck need to go into detail took a break for a few about why Joan Jett years after releasing is Plan A. I mean, it’s a couple noisy and Joan fucking Jett. If groove-heavy albums. you love rock ‘n’ roll, But with Congrats, then you’ll probably they’re back with a already be here. If trunk full of eclectic you don’t love rock beats. Be ready to get ‘n’ roll, then what’s down. PLAN B: Del your problem, dude? the Funky HomoPLAN B: Mild High sapien, Richie CunClub, Minor Gems ning, Pure Power @ @ Whistle Stop. If Observatory North you’re more of the Park. I can rememcardigans and hornber when he was still rimmed glasses type spelling it “funkee,” than, say, leather but in any case Del jackets and fingerthe Funky Homosaless gloves, then be pien has more than here, instead. Mild a couple of decades High Club play indie of rapping under his rock that sounds a bit belt. Be prepared like a hazy, lo-fi twee for some deep cuts, Carly Rae Jepsen ranging from solo George Harrison. tracks to Gorillaz and Deltron 3030. BACKUP PLAN: Fistfights FRIDAY, JUNE 10 with Wolves, Commissure, Quali @ Soda PLAN A: Arbor Labor Union, Bloom, Polish @ The Hideout. Arbor Labor Union Bar.

PLAN A: PUP, Rozwell Kid, Charly Bliss @ Soda Bar. In case you missed it, go back and read my feature from last week on Toronto punks PUP, who nearly collapsed in 2015 due to a vocal cord injury. They’re back, however, and ready to rip. PLAN B:

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PLAN A: Mirah @ Soda Bar. I first got into Mirah when she released her 2004 album C’Mon Miracle. That record offered a much more colorful take on indie folk than I was used to, and the Olympia singer/songwriter has even more great tunes where that came from. PLAN B: Creepoid, The Stargazer Lilies @ The Hideout. Creepoid have an awesomely dirty guitar sound, some excellent psychedelic songwriting and a great name. In that order. Get your weekly dose of shoegazing here.




June 8, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 27



Mudcrutch (Humphreys, 6/30), Iration (HOB, 7/7), Kyle Craft (Casbah, 7/10), Last Shadow Puppets (Observatory, 8/5), The White Buffalo (BUT, 8/13), Globelamp (HOB, 8/18), A Storm of Light (Brick by Brick, 8/25), Yes (Humphreys, 9/4), WAR (BUT, 9/23), Alice in Chains (Copley Symphony Hall, 10/2), Prophets of Rage (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 10/16), Willie Nelson (Humphreys, 10/19), Saint Vitus (Brick by Brick, 10/22), Blind Pilot (BUT, 10/29), Lukas Graham (HOB, 11/19).

GET YER TICKETS Case/Lang/Veirs (Humphreys, 6/22), White Lung (Casbah, 7/9), M. Ward (BUT, 7/12), Deerhoof (Casbah, 7/14), Psychedelic Furs, The Church (Humphreys, 7/19), The Joy Formidable (Irenic, 7/20), Nails (Brick by Brick, 7/20), Boris (Casbah, 7/22), Blink 182 (Viejas Arena, 7/22), Inter Arma (Soda Bar, 7/24), Dirty Dozen Brass Band (Music Box, 7/28), Savages (Observatory, 7/29), Sublime with Rome (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 7/30), Anderson .Paak (HOB, 8/3), ‘Warped Tour’ w/ Sleeping With Sirens, Sum 41, New Found Glory (Qualcomm Stadium, 8/5), Kurt Vile and the Violators (HOB, 8/9), Guided by Voices (BUT, 8/17), The Weight: Members of the Band/Levon Helm Band (BUT, 8/18), Parquet Courts (The Irenic, 8/19), Digable Planets, Camp Lo (BUT, 8/20), Guns ‘n’ Roses (Qualcomm Stadium, 8/22), Dave Matthews Band (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 8/26), Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 8/27), Deftones (Open Air Theatre, 8/29), Squirrel Nut Zippers (BUT, 8/31), Huey Lewis and the News (Humphreys, 9/1), Flamin’ Groovies (Casbah, 9/2), The Kills (Observatory, 9/4), Tr/st, Cold Cave (Music Box, 9/8), Zombies (BUT, 9/8), Blondie (Observatory, 9/10), Ray Lamontagne (Open Air Theatre, 9/13), Counting Crows, Rob Thomas (Open Air Theatre, 9/14), Squeeze (BUT, 9/22), Band of Skulls (BUT, 9/24), Tegan and Sara (Observatory, 9/25), O.A.R. (Humphreys, 9/25), King (Casbah, 9/28), Glen Hansard (Observatory, 9/28), Steve Gunn (Soda Bar, 10/1), Ani DiFranco (BUT, 10/2), Sia, Miguel (Viejas Arena, 10/5), Bad Boy Family Reunion (Viejas Arena, 10/6), Kamasi Washington (Humphreys, 10/7), Florida Georgia Line (Sleep Train Amphitheatre,

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10/9), RJD2 (Observatory, 10/13), Jethro Tull (Balboa Theatre, 10/17), The Faint, Gang of Four (Observatory, 10/18), Young the Giant (HOB, 10/18-19), Alice Cooper (Harrah’s, 10/28), Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Death from Above 1979 (HOB, 10/28), M83 (SOMA, 10/29), Diamond Head (Brick by Brick, 11/5), Peter Hook and the Light (HOB, 11/8).

JUNE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 I Declare War at Brick by Brick. Gavin Turek at The Casbah.

THURSDAY, JUNE 9 The Sleepwalkers at The Casbah.

FRIDAY, JUNE 10 Michael McDonald at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Arbor Labor Union at The Hideout. B-Side Players at Belly Up Tavern. American Head Charge at Soda Bar. Islands at The Casbah. Taake at Brick by Brick.

SATURDAY, JUNE 11 The Sadies, Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet at The Hideout. Greys at The Merrow. Too $hort at Observatory North Park. The Mentors at Brick by Brick. PUP at Soda Bar. Mutual Benefit at The Casbah. Carly Rae Jepsen at Del Mar Fairgrounds.

SUNDAY, JUNE 12 Del the Funky Homosapien at Observatory North Park. Holy Fuck at The Casbah.

MONDAY, JUNE 13 Creepoid at The Hideout. Bob Dylan at Humphreys (sold out). Mirah at Soda Bar.

TUESDAY, JUNE 14 The Wild Fires at The Casbah.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 Al DiMeola at Music Box. Toots and the Maytals at Observatory North Park. X Ambassadors at Del Mar Fairgrounds.

THURSDAY, JUNE 16 Lee Bains III and the Glory Fires at The Hideout. Curren$y at Observatory North Park.

FRIDAY, JUNE 17 Metalachi at Music Box. The Muffs at The Casbah. Prayers at Observatory North Park.


MUSIC SATURDAY, JUNE 18 Sarah Jarosz at The Irenic. Day Wave at The Casbah. Rogue Wave at Belly Up Tavern. Joe Jackson at Spreckels Theatre (sold out).

SUNDAY, JUNE 19 Total Chaos at Brick by Brick.

MONDAY, JUNE 20 Federico Aubele at The Casbah. Lee “Scratch” Perry at Belly Up Tavern.

TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Ozomatli at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Ceu at Belly Up Tavern. Buckethead at Music Box.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 David Bromberg at Belly Up Tavern. Case/Lang/Veirs at Humphreys by the Bay. Kenny Rogers at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Ne-hi at The Hideout. Nothing at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, JUNE 23 Cherry Glazerr at The Irenic. George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic at Belly Up Tavern (sold out).

FRIDAY, JUNE 24 Sonny and the Sunsets at Soda Bar. Jacquees at Observatory North Park. Cee-Lo at Belly Up Tavern (sold out). Holy Wave at The Hideout.

SATURDAY, JUNE 25 Venom Inc. at Brick by Brick. Pierce the Veil at Observatory North Park. Good Old War at The Casbah.


SUNDAY, JUNE 26 Pity Sex at The Irenic. Blue Oyster Cult at Belly Up Tavern.

MONDAY, JUNE 27 Ape Machine at The Casbah.

TUESDAY, JUNE 28 Bryson Tiller at Observatory North Park.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 Bryson Tiller at Observatory North Park.

THURSDAY, JUNE 30 Brian Wilson at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Spero at The Casbah. Harsh Toke at Belly Up Tavern. Mudcrutch at Humphreys by the Bay.

JULY FRIDAY, JULY 1 Ringo Starr and His All Star Band at Humphreys (sold out). Schizophonics Soul Revue at The Casbah. Griever at Soda Bar.

SATURDAY, JULY 2 Kevin Morby at The Casbah. The Loons at Soda Bar.

SUNDAY, JULY 3 Ignite at Brick by Brick. Emily Jane White at Soda Bar.

TUESDAY, JULY 5 Lady Antebellum at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Destroyer of Light at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, JULY 7 Big Bloom at The Casbah. Iration at House of Blues.

FRIDAY, JULY 8 Rascal Flatts at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Chicago at Harrah’s Resort. Big Sandy and His Flyrite Boys at The Casbah.

SATURDAY, JULY 9 Toad the Wet Sprocket, Rusted Root at Observatory North Park. Slightly Stoopid at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Joan Jett at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Body Language at The Hideout. White Lung at The Casbah. Royal Headache at Soda Bar.

SUNDAY, JULY 10 Kyle Craft at The Casbah.

TUESDAY, JULY 12 Widespread Panic at Civic Theatre. M. Ward at Belly Up Tavern. Underpass, Soft Kill at Soda Bar.


710 Beach Club, 710 Garnet Ave., San Diego. Pacific Beach. Wed: Lauren Leigh Martin. Fri: Roni Lee, Rhythm & the Method, Alaina Blair. Sat: The Salty Dukes, Endo Sol. Tue: Three Chambered Heart, Setback City. 98 Bottles, 2400 Kettner Blvd. Ste. 110, San Diego. Little Italy. Thu: La Esencia Flamenca. Sat: The Benedetti and Svoboda Duo. Sun: The Matt Smith Neu Jazz Trio.

American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Freddy Lockhart. Fri: Brendon Walsh. Sat: Justin Willman. Sun: Justin Willman. The Bancroft, 9143 Campo Rd., Spring Valley. Spring Valley. Thu: Mice. Fri: Hooka Hey, Wild Lips, Down’s Family. Sat: Jim Ryan acoustic, The Scatter Bombs, Horsefly, Twitching Fingers, The Pope Virgins. Sun: ‘Staying UP’ with Benji Live TV Taping, Savage Remains, Civil Evacuation, Rotten Scoundrels, 21 Skulls. Tue: The Velveteins. Bang Bang, 526 Market St., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: Taiki Nulight. Sat: Jerry Folk. Bar Pink, 3829 30th St., San Diego. North Park. Wed: Taurus Authority. Thu: The Husky Boy All-Stars. Fri: The Loons, The Freaks of Nature, DJ Tony the Tyger. Sat: The Parlotones, The Milkcrates DJs. Sun: Rat Sabbath. Mon: Wreckord Mania w/ DJ @Large. Tue: The Fink Bombs. Beaumont’s, 5662 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla. Fri: Modern Day Moonshine. Sat: The Voices. Sun: Kenny Eng. Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Wed: Missy Higgins, Billy Raffoul. Thu: Justin Hayward, Mike Dawes (sold out). Fri: Tribute to Curtis Mayfield w/ B-Side Players, Sure Fire Soul Ensemble, DJ Inform. Sat: Dead Man’s Party, Way Cool Jr.. Sun: Nahko and Medicine for the People (sold out). Mon: Israel Vibration & Roots Radics, Ginger Roots & the Protectors. Tue: Donavon Frankenreiter, Tom Curren. Black Cat Bar, 4246 University Ave., San Diego. City Heights. Thu: Uptown Rhythm Makers.


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Sun: Christopher Garcia with Tasha Smith Godínez.

Boar Cross’n, 390 Grand Ave., Carlsbad. Thu: Steez 760.

F6ix, 526 F St., Downtown., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: DJ Rell, Paris Paul. Sat: DJ Dynamiq. Sun: Bakes, Young Souls.

Brass Rail, 3796 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Fri: Hip Hop Fridayz. Sat: ‘Sabados en Fuego’ w/ DJs XP, KA, KSwift. Mon: ‘Manic Monday’ w/ DJ Junior the DiscoPunk. Brick by Brick, 1130 Buenos Ave., San Diego. Bay Park. Wed: I Declare War, Aenimus, Message To The Masses, Suntorn, A New Challenger Approaches. Fri: Taake, Young and in the Way, WOLVHAMMER, Mythraeum. Sat: The Mentors, Damned Pilots, The Yucks, Sexual Steveoh & The Neighborhood Scum. Mon: Feed Her to the Sharks, Voidlines. Cafe Sevilla, 353 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Sat: Flamenco Dinner Show. Sun: Buena Vista Sundays. The Casbah, 2501 Kettner Blvd., San Diego. Midtown. Wed: Gavin Turek, Monogem, Jara. Thu: The Sleepwalkers, Goma, Super Buffet. Fri: Islands, Ted Leo, Honus Honus. Sat: Mutual Benefit, Florist, Birdy Bardot. Sun: Holy Fuck, Doomsquad. Mon: Yukon Blonde, The Zolas, Tyson Motsenbocker. Tue: The Wild Fires, MRKTS, Jara. Cat Eye Club, 370 7th Ave, San Diego. 4S Ranch. Thu: Cool Cat Karaoke. Chico Club, 7366 El Cajon Blvd., La Mesa. College Area. Thu: DJ Harvest Karaoke. Fri: DJ Harvest Karaoke. Sat: Calamity Wayne and the City Slickers. Sun: DJ Harvest Karaoke. Dizzy’s, 4275 Mission Bay Drive, San Diego. Mission Bay. Fri: Kenny Washington. Sat: The Chris Vitas Quartet.

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The Field, 544 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: The Diddley Idols. Sat: The Diddley Idols. Fluxx, 500 Fourth Ave. , San Diego. Downtown. Fri: Deejay Al. Sat: Too Short, Loczi. Gallagher’s, 5040 Newport Ave., San Diego. Ocean Beach. Thu: DJ Reefah, So*Cal Vibes. Fri: DJ Green T, Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash. Sat: DJ Chelu. Henry’s Pub, 618 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: AOK Music. Thu: GlobalBPM. Fri: Good Times. Sat: Rock Star Saturday. Mon: Global BPM. Tue: Big City Dawgs. The Hideout, 3519 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Wed: Gucci Trap Night. Fri: Arbor Labor Union, Bloom, Polish. Sat: The Sadies, Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet, The Loons. Mon: Creepoid, Stargazer Lilies. Hoffer’s Cigar Bar, 8282 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa. Sat: Michele Lundeen. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Jerry ‘Hot Rod’ DeMink. Fri: The Great Pumpkin, Core. Sat: Amanda Cook. Tue: Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties, Allison Weiss, Can’t Swim. Humphrey’s Backstage Live, 2241 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego. Point Loma. Wed: Evidence Band. Thu: Wildside. Fri: Rising Star, Michele Lundeen. Sat: The Farmers, The Reflectors. Sun: Reggie Codrington, Stellita. Mon: Blue Largo. Tue: Mercedes Moore.

SPOTLIGHT Who’s your favorite Doobie Brother? Patrick Simmons? Jeff “Skunk” Baxter? Nah, I bet it’s Michael McDonald, whose buttery smooth vocals made “What A Fool Believes” into a damn hit. And let’s not forget the funky yacht rock grooves of “I Keep Forgettin’,” which formed the basis of Warren G’s “Regulate.” Michael McDonald performs at the Del Mar Fairgrounds on Friday, June 10.


MUSIC Java Joe’s Normal Heights, 3536 Adams Ave., San Diego. Normal Heights. Thu: Gregory Page. Fri: Songwriter Night w/ Jeff Berkley. Sun: Nina Francis, Kate Sprague, Marklyn, Lady Rogo.

North Park. Wed: ‘Wild Planet’ w/ DJs Jon Blaj, Comic Sans. Sun: ‘Uptown Top Ranking’ w/ Tribe of Kings. Mon: The Bad Vibes, Velvet Club, State to State. Tue: ‘Trapped’ w/ DJ Ramsey.

Kava Lounge, 2812 Kettner Blvd., San Diego. Midtown. Wed: Family Matters. Thu: Club Nabu. Fri: Bassmechanic. Sat: Arkon, Divinity, Stoik, Genevieve. Sun: Astronautica, Elusive, Toy Light, Gypsy Mamba. Tue: High Tech Tuesday.

OMNIA Nightclub, 454 6th Ave, San Diego. Thu: Will Sparks. Fri: Benny Benassi. Sat: Morgan Page.

Kensington Club, 4079 Adams Ave., San Diego. Kensington. Fri: LoveEthic, One I Red, The Roxanne Wars. The Kraken, 2531 S. Coast Highway 101, Cardiff. Cardiff-by-the-Sea. Wed: The Benders. Thu: Rands Country Band. Fri: Custard Pie. Sat: Casey Hensley. Tue: Jonas, Sever the Century, Colour Til Monday. Mc P’s Irish Pub, 1107 Orange Ave., Coronado. Coronado. Wed: Steve Brewer. Thu: 4-Way Street. Fri: Flipside Burners. Sat: Ron’s Garage. Sun: Ron’s Garage. Tue: Glen Smith. The Merrow, 1271 University Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Wed: Kevin Brennan, Mark Steuer, Adrian Mendenhall. Thu: Nexus 4000, Grex, Whelmer. Fri: The Israelites, Bubba & The Boss Boys, Los Mochileros. Sat: Greys, Scuffs, Moonpool. Mr. Peabody’s Encinitas, 136 Encinitas Blvd., Encinitas. Encinitas. Thu: Piracy Conspiracy. Fri: Santanaways. Sat: Circus Darius, Circus Darius. Music Box, 1337 India St., San Diego. Little Italy. Thu: ‘Kanye Vs. Drake’ tribute party. Fri: Chali 2na, Heartbreaka, DJ Nykon. Sat: 105.7’s 2nd Chance Prom. The Office, 3936 30th St., San Diego.


Panama 66, 1450 El Prado, Balboa Park. Thu: 2 Scientists Walk Into a Bar. Parq, 615 Broadway, San Diego. Fri: DMX, DJ Scene. Sat: DJ Direct. Plaza Bar @ Westgate Hotel, 1055 Second Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: Gilbert Castellanos. Sat: Allison Tucker. Mon: Julio De La Huerta. Riviera Supper Club, 7777 University Ave., La Mesa. La Mesa. Wed: ‘Boss Jazz’ w/ Jason Hanna. Thu: Bob Peace. Fri: Black Market III. Sat: Blue Largo. Rosie O’Grady’s, 3402 Adams Ave., San Diego. Normal Heights. Fri: Julia May and the Penguin Players. Sat: Johnny Deadly Trio. Soda Bar, 3615 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Wed: Freak Heat Waves, Laser Background, Bloom. Thu: The Dollyrots, Go Betty Go, The Touchies, Sim Williams. Fri: American Head Charge, Motograter, 1001, Squirrelly Arts. Sat: PUP, Rozwell Kid, Charly Bliss. Sun: Fistfights With Wolves, Commissure, Quali. Mon: Mirah. Tue: Bad Cop Bad Cop, The Atom Age, Murderburgers, Western Settings. SOMA, 3350 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. Midway. Fri: Leave The Universe, Across The Atlantic, Heavyweight, Caroline Corn, Head Injuries, From Chaos and Heaven. Sat: Seconds Ago, End Of Flesh, We Gave It Hell, Devil in The

Details, Victimized, Vile Creations. Sun: For the Win, Hard To Hit, Abandoned By Bears, jasonXvoorhees, Settle Your Scores, waves+billows. Spin, 2028 Hancock St., San Diego. Midtown. Thu: Zehpretim, Zedoroque. Fri: Perkulator, Nastynasty. Sat: Piledown. Til-Two Club, 4746 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Sat: The DoIts, The Fink Bombs, Tiki-Tronic. Mon: Spruce Bringsteen, Murder Junkies, Die Raldo, Ad Seg, Revolt-Chix. The Tin Roof, 401 G Street, San Diego. Gaslamp. Wed: The Visiters. Thu: Shake and Shout. Fri: Slower, Chad Lada Duo. Sat: Cassie B Project, Chad Lada Duo. Mon: Rosewood and Rye. Tue: Prettier Than Matt. Tio Leo’s, 5302 Napa St., San Diego. Bay Park. Thu: Karl and the Hornets. Fri: Masterpiece. Sat: Colour. Sun: Tardeadas with Colour. Tower Bar, 4757 University Ave., San Diego. City Heights. Thu: Dirty Few, Kids in Heat, Melted, Dead on the Wire. Sat: Oceanside Sound System, Bucket Of Fish, Midnight Track. Mon: Ascended Dead, Infernal Conjuration, Tombstoners, Tideless. Whistle Stop, 2236 Fern St, San Diego. South Park. Fri: Pale Dian, The Victoriana. Sat: Booty Bassment. Sun: Outer Spaces. Tue: Videodrome. Winstons, 1921 Bacon St., San Diego. Ocean Beach. Wed: Dubbest, DJ Carlos Culture. Thu: Boon League, Apaulo 8, Emcee Overtime, Struble Micah, DJ Product. Fri: Electric Waste Band. Sat: KL Noise Makerz, Crown Rootz. Sun: The Crome Domes. Mon: Electric Waste Band. Tue: Sweetwater String Band.

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GODDESS Canine And A Half Weeks My girlfriend sleeps with her two medium-sized dogs. They are, to quote her, her “babies.” I see them more as her bodyguards. We don’t live together, but even when I sleep over, which is a few times a week, she refuses to kick them out of the bed. She has a nice bed they could sleep on downstairs in a spare room, but she says she doesn’t trust them down there.

—Second Fiddle

She doesn’t trust them down there in the spare room? What will they do, get on the landline and make prank calls to Taiwan? The truth is, a dog (or dogs) left alone in a room may, in short order, chew a $900 leather chair into a $900 pile of stuffing. People tend to see this as the dog’s scheming attempt to show its owner who’s boss. However, anthrozoologist and doggy behavior researcher John W.S. Bradshaw says the notion that dogs are engaged in this fight for dominance with humans just isn’t supported by modern science. Unfortunately, widespread belief in this myth has led many to see (highly effective) reward-based dog training as coddling and instead opt for Stalinistic confrontation- and punishment-based training, which Bradshaw writes “may initially suppress (some unwanted) behavior but can then cause the dog to become depressed and withdrawn.” Chewing, Bradshaw explains, is actually a form of tension relief for a dog. Tension? Because the dog has a big project due at the office? Well, actually, we bred dogs to bond with us, so they evolved to find human contact very rewarding. And according to Bradshaw’s research, many dogs experience serious “separation distress” when isolated from their owner—which they often express in all sorts of decor-destroying ways. (Welcome to Bed Bath & Look, It’s A Giant Dog Bone With Throw Pillows!) Now, maybe you’re thinking, “The girlfriend’s two dogs have each other!” If only that counted in dog terms. Bradshaw references a study in which mutts in a kennel, separated from their usual canine kennel mates, didn’t act out; however, those separated from their usual human caretakers freaked. As Bradshaw puts it, for a dog, the key pack member is “almost always a human.” As for the human conflict here, relationships researcher John Gottman explains that the answer to gridlock on an issue isn’t solving the problem (which may be impossible) but being able to talk about it with humor, empathy and affection. What’s essential is that your feelings seem to be important to your girlfriend and that she at least considers

possible compromises, like having the doggies in her bedroom but on beds on the floor. (It may take some training to get a bed dog to be a floor dog.) Ultimately, in the bedroom, the Reign of Terrier may not end, but on the upside, paw print place mats have yet to appear on the dining table, and your customary glass of merlot isn’t being set next to a bowl of pasta primavera on the floor.

Ugly Batty I’m a guy in my late 30s. I don’t fear commitment; I fear surprise—the surprise I get when I find I’m with yet another crazy woman. My previous two girlfriends eventually turned out to be total psychos—mean, controlling and paranoid that I was cheating (which I’ve NEVER done). I’m beginning to think love is a ruse, with women pretending to be cool and balanced until their true crazy colors come out.


There are events in life that are totally unexpected, like getting sucked up by a big vacuum hose into a passing alien spaceship. If you’re the one who ends up under the probe, we don’t get to go all accuse-y on you, like, “You…went out to the mailbox on a Saturday afternoon?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!!” In relationships, however, though there are a few gifted crazies who can pull the long con, most reveal who they really are in many small ways—long before you wake up strapped to a chair with a bright light shining in your eyes: “Tell me why you had sex with the neighbor!” she bellows. You: “Wait—the 90-year-old?” Identifying which ladies are from Batshitistan involves two things: 1. Taking things really slowly so you can look at a woman’s behavior over time (especially when she doesn’t think you’re looking). 2. Wanting to see more than you want to believe. It also might help you to take an honest approach to the past—admitting that you treated hope as a creative alternative to critical analysis. This should help keep you from rashly welcoming the wrong people into your life, like that dark stranger ringing your bell in the hooded cloak: “Come on in, mister! There’s a bowl of nuts on the table and there are cocktails on the minibar. May I take your scythe?”

We bred dogs to bond with us, so they evolved to find human contact very rewarding.

32 · San Diego CityBeat · June 8, 2016

(c)2016, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail AdviceAmy@ ( Weekly radio show:



June 8, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 33

34 · San Diego CityBeat · June 8, 2016



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