San Diego CityBeat • June 15, 2016

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2 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016



June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 3


Orlando is a grim reminder to love in the present


HRIS WARD WAS THE ONLY non-incum- lando. Alongside commemoration, San Diego now bent, local San Diego politician to win office must focus on protecting itself from similar and/or outright in the June 7 primary election. The copycat violence. Reports said the Orlando gunman District 3 city councilmember-elect won’t meant to cause harm to the LGBT community. It be sworn in until December. In the months that will appears another man with weapons of destruction lead up to the November general election—which was taken into custody over the weekend before he Ward avoided by gaining more than 50 percent of could make his way to the Los Angeles Pride parade. the vote in the primary—he’ll campaign for fellow What should local officials do in preparation for the Democrats. He also has six months to hire a staff and July 15-17 San Diego Pride celebration? get up to speed on efforts to curtail homelessness, “San Diego Pride organizers have a great working weigh stadium proposals for the Chargers and study relationship with law enforcement,” Ward said. “You issues affecting neighborhoods that include down- might recall when we had the tear gas incident in town, North Park and Hillcrest. 1999. But we’re lucky San Diego attracts a quarter of Ward met me on Monday in a cramped North Park a million people here for Pride, making it important campaign office. He and campaign manager Molly to be sure a major civic event in Hillcrest is propChase were in the throes of cleanerly safeguarded. We know there JOHN R. LAMB ing out and closing down the rented are very competent officials who space. No-longer-needed lawn signs are mindful of public safety needs. and political mailers were scattered But be observant. See something, around. Transition was apparent. say something. If you see an errant The interview was requested backpack on the ground there will prior to the weekend—before the be people within reach who will insenseless, numbing shooting deaths vestigate.” of 49 people in Orlando. Those sentiments were echoed Cordially and dutifully, Ward anby outgoing District 3 Councilmemswered questions about his pendber Todd Gloria, San Diego LGBT ing job. Somewhat offhandedly, the Pride Executive Director Stephen soon-to-be officeholder remarked Whitburn and by the San Diego Pothat scores of future constituents lice Department. have already messaged him about “There are no known threats to what to put on his plate first when he any area or event in San Diego,” said Hillcrest Pride Flag assumes the council seat. At the moSDPD Public Information Officer ment, though, Ward hoped he could find just a little Scott Wahl. “Yes, you can expect to see an increased time to reacquaint with his husband and their beloved presence for the [Pride] event. Additionally, we have increased our patrols in the Hillcrest area with a fotwo-year-old daughter. That’s where the wheels kinda fell off. Before the cus on areas where large groups gather.” That’s reassuring, to a degree. In time, the sting interview, I’d let omnipresent media coverage of the United States’ deadliest mass shooting wash over of this latest tragedy will subside, even if we feel inme. Yes, we avoid letting terrorists win by continu- capable of escaping the quicksand in which political ing on with our daily lives. One story from Orlando polarization (on gun laws) and intolerance (for race, got under my deflector shield, however, and Ward’s religion, sexual preference…) entraps us. So, “Russians.” In that dirge about wars no lonmention of his daughter connected me to it: Eddie Justice’s scared texts to his mother, sent while ger being winnable, singer Sting laments: There is he hid from the rampaging Orlando gunman in a no monopoly in common sense, on either side of the Pulse nightclub restroom. Justice’s mom did what political fence; We share the same biology, regardevery parent would do—she consoled her child and less of ideology. Per the song, the long-shot means tried to assure him everything would be OK. But to curb toxic rhetoric and mortal combat is shared it wouldn’t. The texts from the bathroom abruptly deference to a potentially universal connection: love ended, and “Mommy I love you” was among the last of children. No, we’re not living in a Pixar movie. But messages her son communicated from that scene of today would be an excellent time to reacquaint with your kids and kin, and redouble expressions of love. inconceivable carnage. On Monday night, for the second evening in a —Ron Donoho row, a vigil was held in Hillcrest for the fallen in OrWrite to This issue of CityBeat pines for the eloquence of Muhammad Ali right about now. #OrlandoStrong

Volume 14 • Issue 45 EDITOR Ron Donoho MUSIC EDITOR Jeff Terich ARTS EDITOR Seth Combs WEB EDITOR Ryan Bradford ART DIRECTOR Carolyn Ramos EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Torrey Bailey COLUMNISTS Aaryn Belfer, Edwin Decker John R. Lamb, Alex Zaragoza

CONTRIBUTORS David L. Coddon, Beth Demmon, Andrew Dyer, Tiffany Fox, Michael A. Gardiner, Glenn Heath Jr., Peter Holslin, Jessica Johnson, Scott McDonald, Jenny Montgomery, Susan Myrland, Jim Ruland, Ben Salmon, Tom Siebert, Jen Van Tieghem, Amy Wallen EDITORIAL INTERN Chloe Salsameda PRODUCTION MANAGER Tristan Whitehouse MULTIMEDIA ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Paulina Porter-Tapia

SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Jason Noble ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Beau Odom Mark Schreiber Jenny Tormey ACCOUNTING Kacie Cobian Sharon Huie Linda Lam HUMAN RESOURCES Andrea Baker

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San Diego CityBeat is published and distributed every Wednesday by Southland Publishing Inc., free of charge but limited to one per reader. Reproduction of any material in this or any other issue is prohibited without written permission from the publisher and the author. Contents copyright 2016.

4 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016



TABLE OF OF TRUMP CONTENTS SONG Just wanted to send you a note UP FRONT From the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spin Cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sordid Tales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 5 6 8

FOOD & DRINK The World Fare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 The Beerdist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Final Draught. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Bottle Rocket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

THINGS TO DO The Short List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Calendar of Events. . . . . . . . . 11-15

ARTS & CULTURE Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 FEATURE: The Drink Issue. . 17-24 There She Goz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Seen Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-42

MUSIC FEATURE: Zoë Keating. . . . . . . 43 Notes from the Smoking Patio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 If I Were U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Concerts & Clubs. . . . . . . . 47-49

LAST WORDS In The Weeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50



On the back of those tablets carried down Mount Sinai by Moses is what we allege were the 10 Commandments of Drinking. For our annual Drinks Issue, we reveal those guidelines, beginning on page 17. The cover composite was imagined by art director Carolyn Ramos.


to let you know that your article “Trump has finally jumped the shark” [June 8] resonated with me. I especially liked and got a laugh out of the line: “Brains that run on logic are exploding all over the country.” How people can support someone who is so obviously unstable (a nice way to say it) is unconscionable to me. I wrote and performed a music parody about Trump that features Greg Douglass, formerly of the Steve Miller Band and author of Jungle Love, on lead and solo guitar. Hope you like and share it:

Cathy Hammond, La Jolla


It’s always interesting to me that anyone who has experienced discrimination their entire life is so quick to call someone a racist when they feel they might be discriminated against because of who they are [“Trump has finally jumped the shark,” June 8]. I’m sure there are plenty of times Mr. Trump has felt people are biased against him for who he is. That being said, I don’t believe what he said about the judge was a very intelligent thing to say, but if he feels the judge is biased then that is what he feels. Scott Watkins, via


I enjoyed the June 8 issue, with “Trump has finally jumped the shark” saying things that badly needed to be said, and the letter from Daniel Beeman, “Homeless Dialogue,” praising the previous letter by Keely Kiczenski. Regarding Michael McConnell’s editorial, though, “Veteran homelessness can be conquered...slowly,” it looks like things I read 30 or 40 years ago, so how slow is “slowly?” My idea of giving housing benefits to veterans, using military housing (including on-base) would make more sense. And, his notion of having a homeless database would first require laws protecting the homeless from being denied future employment or housing because of past homelessness. Even then, how do they/ we prove discrimination? Most homeless are on one or more “blackball” list, which is why they are homeless, and sharing data will lead to more of the same. I learned in college in 1976 that finally homelessness had been conquered, and there would be no more in a year or two. I was told the same thing as a homeless ad-

vocate 10 years later, in 1986. There is a big hurry to get sidewalk homeless housed, because that situation causes both mental illness and substance abuse, and once that happens, it looks like these people will need housing, psychiatric treatment and substance abuse abatement for the rest of their lives as a result. Not one piece of what is being done is actually new, just being proposed to folks that are too young to remember the last time that plan did not work. Remember when 25 Cities was called 1000 Points of Light? Fifty years of failure does not need repeating at this time.

Dr. John Kitchin, Publisher San Diego Homeless News


This is my second letter regarding the problem of the homeless [“A deadline issue for homeless vets,” May 18]. The problem may be more intractable and complex than is generally realized. There may be a point/counterpoint concatenation which ends up in a long series of editorials, articles and letters to the editor on the same issue. Simple logic. If the focus is on veterans who are homeless, then all others living on the streets are in some kind of sub-classification, or lower tier of those lacking shelter. There are other divisions possible. Families scraping by on roads, or in parks. Single individuals with no homes. Those with, or without, mental problems. Those who are long-term survivors without a home. Or others due to some catastrophic reason—a medical problem with no health insurance, suddenly being out of work, or benefits, or having debts and losing a home to foreclosure. Or having been released from jail recently, and unable to find a job. All veterans have done a service to the country. It is certain that none should even spend a single night outdoors. I did it once long ago in Balboa Park. The experience is one which I never care to repeat, nor would I wish on anyone, anywhere, for any reason, to suffer that indignity and existential threat over the long term. The priority to me is to find shelter for as many as possible, as fast as possible. Personally I don’t see a need to require distinctions between different types of the homeless. View it from a utilitarian standpoint. The greatest number of shelters, or homes, for the largest number of people, in a cost effective manner, as rapidly as feasible in all cities of various sizes.

Deuel Woodward, Chula Vista

June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 5



CYCLE Election reflections Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. —James Bovard


ith a few exceptions, last week’s primary election was as thrilling as watching a frozen turkey thaw. Oh sure, some horse races passed the half pole with some panache and will be intriguing to watch as they head down the stretch toward November, particularly the ensuing election battles for the political tilt of the San Diego City Council and which job title will impress most to pick a new city attorney. But once again, progressives were left to scratch their heads about the future after a mayor’s race that few figured to be competitive, given the late arrivals to the dance and the Grand Canyon-like disparity in campaign war chests. Picture Dolly Parton vs. Olive Oyl, and you get an idea of the advantage incumbent Republican Mayor Kevin

6 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016



Faulconer held against his woefully underfunded challengers, Democrat lifeguard sergeant Ed Harris and former state Assemblymember Lori Saldaña, an independent. The response from Team Faulconer, naturally, was par for the course, a nauseating brew of gloating, strutting and preening for who knows what lies ahead in the political future for the Blond Boaster. But dodging the Trump Factor come November—mission complete! If you had just arrived from Mars, however, and read the post-election assessment last Thursday from ever-chipper local Democratic Party Chairwoman Francine Busby, you would not have known a mayor’s race took place, for it garnered nary a peep. “Couldn’t even get a mention,” lamented Harris, who sits third as thousands of ballots remain untallied in a town that, at least by voter registration standards, leans left. Truly striking. Headlined “A Night to Remember,” the 700-plus-word pep talk from Busby noted that “compared to prior primary elections, in which Democrats were fighting uphill

Mayor Kevin Faulconer avoids a November runoff—and the glare of Donald Trump battles on multiple fronts, the successes we experienced signaled our emergence as the dominant political party of San Diego County…And we have reason to look forward to even better results in November.” But Busby immediately veered into national politics, noting Hillary Clinton’s “historic milestone as the first female (presumptive) presidential nominee of a major political party” and the coming battle to replace retiring U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer between two Democrats, “both women of color.” “[California] Attorney General Kamala Harris and Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez represent the vanguard of progress

that Democrats in California have made,” Busby beamed—without giving at least marginal credit to the feckless leaders of the California Republican Party and its dwindling stock of old, white voters. If any local race was going to be tight, the battle to replace termed-out District 1 Councilmember Sherri Lightner was going to be it—for one thing, the local Democratic Party spent real money there in hopes of maintaining its slim 5-4 council majority. But Busby melodramatically boasted that high-tech entrepreneur Barbara Bry “defied all odds” by finishing first over the Republican’s uninspiring repeat candidate,


UP FRONT | OPINION direct-mail millionaire retiree Ray Ellis, in a five-way race that included Lightner endorsee/husband, Bruce, who remained mired in single digits. Bry flirted with cracking the magic 50 percent-plus-one ceiling that would have meant outright victory, which would have been odds defying. But it now appears that she and Ellis will face off again in the November general election. Oh, what twisted words of mayhem await this time around! In the city attorney’s race to replace termed-out Republican Jan Goldsmith, Busby said “we had no idea who would emerge to challenge the lone Republican candidate in November.” What she means is the party couldn’t decide on a candidate— there were four Democrats in the race— leaving it up to voters to decide. As an early favorite for advancement, former San Diego Ethics Commission Chairman Gil Cabrera offered a foreheadslapping theory: “Underestimated how much the job title would make the difference in the race.” On the ballot, Cabrera generically listed himself as “attorney/small business owner,” while the top two finishers, Republican Robert Hickey and Democrat Mara Elliott, went with “deputy district attorney” and “chief deputy city attorney,” respectively. Goldsmith also didn’t object when a campaign mailer suggested he had endorsed his Democratic underling. Sometimes it’s the little things. Busby then ticked off the down-ticket successes—a pair of incumbent Democratic judges (incumbent judges winning—how not unusual!), the resounding passage of Proposition I, the minimum-wage-andearned-sick-leave ballot measure, Chris Ward’s impressive council win in District 3 over council aide Anthony Bernal, who likely turned off voters in the LGBT-dom-


inated district when he turned to Republicans for help. LGBT Weekly Publisher Stampp Corbin, in a recent column, lambasted the move, most notably the mayor’s late endorsement of Bernal, who is straight. “After making strides within the LGBT community, Faulconer literally flushed his goodwill with our community down the toilet,” Corbin wrote. “District 3 is known for producing promising LGBT folk who go on to higher office.” Speaking of, Busby made note of two of those District 3 grads who decided to travel the all-but-uncontested path to state office rather than challenge Faulconer for the mayorship, practically ensuring his reelection. Instead, state Assemblymember Toni Atkins and termed-out Councilmember Todd Gloria would have to slay kittens on live television to screw up their 40-point leads in their respective state Senate and Assembly races come November. And yes, as Busby added, there will be interesting battles in the sweepstakes to replace District 9 Councilmember Marti Emerald, who declined to seek re-election, and whether Dave Roberts can hold on to his county supervisor seat against Republican challenger (and rare admitted Trump supporter, at least locally) Kristin Gaspar, the mayor of Encinitas. Campaign strategist Tom Shepard, overseer of the Bry and brief Harris campaigns, said it appears the Democratic surge locally came via absentee voting, not the traditional election-day polling. Busby would have you believe that Democrats last week “began to reap more rewards from many years of hard work.” Clearly, much more “hard work” remains. Spin Cycle appears every week. Write to

June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 7





Beer snobs II: I drink beer-flavored beer


n September of 2009 I wrote a column called Beer Snobs in which I carried on about the wave of snobbery that had accompanied the craft brewery explosion of that time. It seemed there were increasingly more instances when strangers, friends, bartenders and bratty little BevMo clerks razzed me if I tried to buy a light beer. I was frankly amazed by how people could exhibit such a heightened sense of superiority over something so genetically random as the manner in which a cluster of cranial nerves perceives the continuum of flavors of a particular recipe as it streams across the thousands of papillae that comprise the gustatory system of any given individual. Oh well, I thought. San Diego is clearly at the peak of its hopularity so the snobbery can’t get worse. But 2009 was not the peak, and the snobbery did get worse. Much worse. Because even though our county had seen an incredible jump in the craft beer industry in the ’90s, it wasn’t until 2009 when things really began to take off. That was when the San Diego Brewers Guild arrived, which helped usher in even more craft breweries followed by even more craft aficionados until our little burg became known as the microbrewing capital of America—something else to feel snobby about. Now, before all you suds enthusiasts initiate the launch sequence on the cluster of smart missiles you currently have trained on my coordinates, let me clarify something. I have nothing but respect for aficionados of craft brew. The word “aficionado” traces back to the Latin affectio (which means “affection”) which further traces back to afficere (to influence) which says it all. An aficionado has great affection for an object or activity and wants to influence others that they may enjoy it, too. That’s a beautiful thing. However, the snob takes it a step further. A snob will openly mock you if you don’t agree with his or her tastes. They think their palates are superior which makes them more dignified than you. And maybe I do have a janky palate, what can I say? I simply do not enjoy craft beers. But don’t hold back on my account. You will not meet a more ferocious proponent of the You-Drink-What-You-Like-and-I’ll-Drink-What-Ilike-and-Anyone-Who-Doesn’t-Approve-Can-GoFuck-a-Box-of-Hot-Cat-Asses worldview. Nor do I begrudge the craft beer movement in general which, you know, has been responsible for the reverse gentrification of my neighbeerhood. Because in order for the darker beers to move in, the local drinking establishments had to evict the pale ones. The Rolling Rocks, the Michelobs, the Molsons, the Heineys, the Becks, Bass and Blue Ribbons have all but disappeared from the local tap racks. Still,

I harbor no grudge. It is what it is. However what is not an it-is-what-it-is situation are the ever-increasing remarks when I dare ask for a light beer. Which brings us to—the incident. After a long, depressing staff meeting, a couple of colleagues dragged me to a North County gastro pub. After asking the waitress which microbreweries they had on tap, my companions chose the Watermelon Wheat. When it was my turn to order, I asked if they carried Bud Light on tap. After a series of groans and eye-rolls from my friends, the waitress explained that they only had bottled Bud. So I ordered that with a mug. Upon returning, the waitress delivered the watermelon beers and plunked three blueberries in each. Then she placed an empty glass before me, turned the Bud bottle upside down and let the beer plummet to the bottom of my glass, from a significant height, causing the foam spill over the brim— an act that will suck the life out of a beer as surely as a drum solo will murder the momentum of a rock show. And when I whined to my companions about how I hate flat beer, they both scoffed. “Who cares?” said A. “It’s only Bud Light.” “It’s not even a real beer!” added B. Now these are both personable, smart and mostly excellent gents. And it probably was just a good-natured ribbing they were dispensing. But it was too late. The froth of my temperament had spilled over the brim of my tolerance one too many times for me not to retort. “Not real beer!?” I snapped. “That’s funny coming from the guys who drink watermelon beer. Watermelon! I’ve seen you and your sort drink honey-flavored beer, chocolate-flavored beer, vanilla-flavored beer, habanero pepper-flavored beer, pineapple, mango, apricot, peaches and cream, raspberry, apple—for every fruit that exists there is a craft beet that is infused by it—ditto nuts, ditto vegetables, mint, pie, pumpkin, pizza, Maple Bacon Coffee Porter and, well, I drink beer-flavored beer. And because I like the taste of beer in my beer, I do not mask it with blueberries. I do not hide it with lemon or lime. I don’t need no stinking wedges! No slices, no twists, no peels or wheels of orange or kiwi. I drink beer flavored beer and garnish it with more beer.” OK, maybe I didn’t say it quite like that. But the point remains. I have no interest in mocking your taste. Just don’t drink watermelon wheat and tell me I’m the one not drinking real beer. I drink beerflavored beer. Tastes just fine to me.

I simply do not enjoy craft beers. But don’t hold back on my account.

8 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016

Sordid Tales appears every other week. Write to





pool of soy and vinegar based sauce with garnishes of chili powder, garlic and scallions. The Magic Kitchen’s noodles are, hands down, superior to that of Xian Kitchen, with an al dente texture that made every bite a pleasure. Its garnishes were also a bit less oily, though the soy-vinegar The magic of Shan Xi sauce was perhaps a tad one-dimensional. Another great noodle dish coming out of the ess then a year ago I didn’t even know Magic Kitchen is Liang Pi cold skin noodles. LightShaanxi cuisine was a thing. Then Xian er and thinner than the biang biangs, the “cold skin” Kitchen opened in the Convoy District and noodles are served cold, tossed with spongy blocks my eyes and palate were opened to Chinese flaof wheat gluten, bean sprouts, slivers of cucumber vors and textures I did not know. Now, we have and a sauce of sesame paste, vinegar, chili oil and a a second Shaanxi restaurant, and Shan Xi Magic bit of soy. They are addictive, as Tony Bourdain (an Kitchen (4344 Convoy St.) may be even better expert on the subject) has opined: “These noodles than the first. are like a drug, I can’t stop.” Traditionally, there are eight major regional We also ordered “hand pulled noodles with cuisines in China: Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, spicy cumin beef.” What came out didn’t look like Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Sichuan and Zhejihand pulled noodles and sure tasted like lamb, not beef. The English language skills MICHAEL A. GARDINER of the wait staff are, perhaps, sub-optimal. No matter: It was my favorite noodle dish on the day. The earthy flavors of the cumin and the fresh sweetness of the peppers played together well in front of the toothsome noodles. If there’s one thing the Magic Kitchen does nearly as well as its noodles it is vegetables. Dry-fried green beans—a dish from neighboring Sichuan province—come out with blistered (if not exactly crispy) skin and slightly caramelized, with chili, garlic and a hit of soy. Cold stir-fried lotus roots are served in a light vinegar sauce, showing off the crunchy texture of the vegetables. Seaweed from the appetizer bar is another good starter. But it is the spicy sautéed cabbage that is the Biang Biang Noodles showstopper. Sautéed with plenty of garlic, a little fresh red chili and then ang. Notably missing is Shaanxi. It shouldn’t be. deglazed with vinegar, the Magic Kitchen manThe food of Shaanxi province, which lies just to ages to pull all the inherent sweetness from the the north of Sichuan province, tends toward the depths of the cabbage without losing the savory spicy as well as salty and savory flavors. Shaanxi character of the dish. cuisine favors the use of noodles rather than rice, A year ago I hadn’t even heard of Shaanxi lamb (and mutton) instead of beef and is somecooking. Now I’m trying to convince myself I what heavier than more familiar Chinese culineed a picture eating some biang biang noodles nary traditions. for my Facebook profile. I do, don’t I? Right? There is no dish more representative of Shaanxi cuisine than biang biang noodles: thick, The World Fare appears weekly. wide and flat, hand-pulled noodles sitting in a Write to



June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 9




LIBRARY The remarkable influence of Yoko Ogawa


he Vegetarian, which won the prestigious Man Booker Prize earlier this year, opens with a young married woman’s refusal to eat meat. Han Kang’s slender novel explores the extreme measures taken to control Yeong-hye’s body. The book is broken into three parts with each section told from a different point of view. Yeong-hye’s husband, brother-in-law and older sister all conspire to change her behavior for reasons that suit their own purposes while Yeong-hye remains silent. These men and women confront the problem of her body while ignoring the agency of the individual driving the decision—until it’s much too late. The Vegetarian reminded me of the work of Japanese writer Yoko Ogawa from the very first page. Both inject elements of horror and the absurd into domestic settings to establish an atmosphere of dread and heightened psychological immediacy—even though the characters and their actions are baffling. “Suddenly he remembered being told how she’d been found stripped to the waist in front of the hospital fountain, that day when she slit her wrist.” As I wrote back in 2013, Ogawa doesn’t write crime fiction or ghost stories, but her work is full of characters haunted by the past. Everyday objects are freighted with sinister underpinnings, settings offer clues to the protagonist’s mood, and the narrative is charged with erotic tension expressed in unconventional ways. Ogawa’s novel Hotel Iris comes to mind, as does her linked collection of stories Revenge. Both works appeared in Ogawa’s native Japan long before Kang’s The Vegetarian was published in Korea in 2007. There’s a line in one of Ogawa’s stories about a writer that I kept thinking about as I read The Vegetarian: “Her prose was unremarkable, as were the plots and characters, but there was an icy current running under her words, and I found myself wanting to plunge into it again and again.” The same could be said of both Kang and Ogawa. While the writing is somewhat understated, it’s animated by all manner of strange behavior that makes both writers extremely compelling. With so many points of comparison between the two authors, I’m not quite sure how I feel about The Vegetarian. While Kang’s story is both moving and strange, the plot feels a bit predictable. I didn’t find the lack of resolution (another trait of Ogawa’s fiction) problematic, but the characters seemed slightly over determined: unknow-

10 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016

able yet locked into their individual fates. Yeong-hye, however, is a character I won’t soon forget. She is an unsolvable mystery that will be familiar to anyone who has lived through the anguish of a loved one’s mental illness. Her torment never feels put upon or played up for effect. She is exasperating and tragic. Her condition renders everyone who comes into contact with her helpless, which causes them, whether they realize it or not, to turn against her. This novel devoured me. *** gawa’s influence can also be felt in The Metaphysical Ukulele, a new short story collection by Sean Carswell. In each of the 12 stories Carswell engages in a bit of literary impersonation by adapting the style of a wide range of writers, from giants such as Herman Melville and Flannery O’Connor, to lesserknown writers such as Leigh Brackett, who wrote The Empire Strikes Back, crime writer Chester Himes and the enigmatic Yoko Ogawa. Take this passage from the opening of the Ogawa-inspired “The Reticent Corpse”: “A crisp sun shone on the Naoshima seashore. Winds tore through red rental umbrellas like a stampede of sheep, stirring up the scene of coconut oil and rotting seaweed. The tide was out, and the jetty was halfexposed, a jagged edge against the surface of the sea.” Carswell’s prose is anything but unremarkable as he weaves not only the author’s prose style, but the authors themselves into his stories. Chester Himes hustles for money in the south of France, Flannery O’Connor goes on a very bad date. The author even works a writer named Sean Carswell into the collection’s final tale. This doubling is underscored by an additional link: Carswell introduces a ukulele into each of the stories. Here’s Carswell channeling Raymond Chandler in “The Bottom-Shelf Muse”: “There was something unmistakable about the model’s eyes, something unapologetic, something that seemed to look right through me even as they were looking away. These same eyes watched Cissy’s fingers dance a Twelfth Street Rag on the neck of a banjo ukulele.” Packed with references both obvious and obscure The Metaphysical Ukulele is a literary jukebox loaded with hits.


Sean Carswell will be reading at Warwick’s on Tuesday June 21st at 7pm. Write to











For nearly 10 years, the San Diego Art Prize has been recognizing and rewarding local artists who show great promise. For patrons, the Art Prize exhibitions provide an excellent opportunity to see some of the best artists in the local scene. Two of the nearly dozen artists chosen this year will ultimately be paired up with two “established” artists for a mentorship and coexhibition in 2017, but for now, viewers can take in the emerging artists at the annual New Contemporaries showcase on Saturday, June 18, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the City College Gallery (1508 C St.). CityBeat has covered some of these up-and-comers over the past few years, including sculptor Aren Skalman, street artist and maker PANCA, and mixed-media artist Shinpei Takeda. “It’s definitely an honor to be nominated,” says sculptor Sasha Koozel Reibstein (, who was nominated for the Art Prize by curator


Tara Centybear. “It’s always an interesting group of artists and the people selecting them are so diverse. So there really is a range of people and where they are in their careers.” The way artists are COURTESY OF THE ARTIST nominated and how the two winners of the prize are chosen has been tweaked over the years, but one new element this year is an extra cash prize for the winner of a “People’s Choice” award chosen by the public. “It would be really cool to win that,” says sculptor and installation artist Kim Garcia (, who was nominated for the prize by Art San Diego Contemporary Art Fair founder Ann Berchtold. “It brings an interesting element to it. It at least “Far From Tangerine” shows what will the interest in San Diego will be.” All the more reason for art lovers to get out and vote. If you can’t make the opening, the New Contemporaries showcase will be up through July 14. See for info and full list of artists.



San Diego always shells out for the annual Oysterfest. Now in its seventh year, the two-day event combines the best parts of music and culinary festivals. Mollusk fans can taste oysters from California, Baja, Pacific Northwest and Atlantic Northeast, while also participating in things like a Shuck and Suck contest. For music fans, there’s essentially an EDM day and a reggae day, with legendary DJ collective Thievery Corporation headlining Friday, and reggae rock group Rebelution on Saturday (see full music lineup online). Bonus: the event is environmentally conscious, serving sustainably grown grub and reusing the oyster shells. It all takes place at the Marina Embarcadero Marina Park North (400 Kettner Boulevard) from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday, June 17, and noon to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Tickets start at $39. Food and drink not included in ticket price.


For our money, there hasn’t been a movie made that’s as unabashedly fun as 1991’s Point Break, the extreme sports/action flick starring Keanu Reeves as Johnny Utah, a young FBI agent who infiltrates a group of surfing thieves. For 10 years, actor Thomas Blake Jr. has been translating the bonkers-ness of the movie to the stage in Point Break LIVE!, which Blake Jr. describes as a “guerrilla comedy stage show.” This famously involves pulling an unrehearsed audience member onstage to perform the role of Johnny Utah (“to capture the beauty of Keanu Reeves’ acting” according to Blake Jr.). Unfortunately, this will be the show’s final performance in San Diego, which takes place at 7 p.m. on Sunday, June 19, at the Belly Up (143 S. Cedros Ave.). Tickets are $20 at COURTESY OF ON THE FLY ENTERTAINMENT


Prince Art Tribute Show at Hammond’s Gourmet Ice Cream P.B., 1418 Garnet Ave., Pacific Beach. A special art tribute exhibition in honor of the revolutionary pop singer and enigmatic icon. There will also be jewelry from Gypsy Sun Boutique. Opening from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, June 15. Free. 858-230-7433, facebook. com/events/489374254589710 HShore Thing at MCASD - La Jolla, 700 Prospect St., La Jolla. Every Thursday evening, enjoy free admission, exhibition tours of Holdings: Selections from MCASD’s Collection, music by The Roots Factory, light bites and a cash bar on the terrace. From 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, June 16. Free. 858-454-3541, HEvolution of American Culture: The Afro Pick from 1962 to 2016 at Imperial Grounds Coffee, 2920 Imperial Ave., Grant Hill. Local artist J. Raymond Mireles’ photographic exhibit shows the afro pick as developed and mass produced by the San Diego hair cutter and innovator William Morrow. Opening from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, June 17. Free. H10 Years in Little Italy at Meyer Fine Art, Inc., 2400 Kettner Blvd., Ste. 104, Little Italy. The gallery will celebrate a decade in the neighborhood with works from Picasso, Miro, Clay Walker and many more. Opening from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. 619-358-9512, HArtist Talk: Michael James Armstrong at Quint Projects, 5171 B Santa Fe St., Bay Park. The local installation artist will discuss his new work “4:2,” his second thread installation. From noon to 1 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. 858-4543409, HCore Canvas Company Launch Party at Thumbprint Gallery, 920 Kline St. #104, La Jolla. Celebrate the launch of the new company dedicated to creating handcrafted canvases and making them accessible to artists of all levels in San Diego. Attendees can receive 15 percent off all canvas purchases. From 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. HJean Lowe: Lost Time and Adrienne Joy at Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, 1008 Wall St., La Jolla. Two new exhibitions featuring Lowe’s “pages” taken from imagined ephemera auction catalogs and Joy’s expressionistic oil paintings. Opening from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. 858-454-5872, HMuseum School Art Auction at Bread & Salt, 1955 Julian Ave., Logan Heights. Bid on works from some of the best local artists including Matt Devine, Pamela Jaeger, Beliz Iristay and more to benefit the arts-based educational programming that is at the center of the Museum School’s philosophy. Opening from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. events/1089458391126218


Point Break LIVE!

BOOKS Cara Black, J.T. Ellison and Heather Gudenkauf at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The three suspense writers will sign and discuss their new novels, Murder on the Quai (Black), Field of Graves (Ellison), and Missing Pieces (Gudenkauf). At 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 16. Free. 858-2684747, Theresa Brown at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The author and clinical RN will discuss and sign her new memoir, The Shift: One Nurse, Twelve Hours, Four Patients’ Lives. At 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 16. Free. 858-454-0347, Brad Meltzer and Tod Goldberg at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The two co-authors will be promoting their new conspiracy thriller, The House of Secrets. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 17. 858-2684747, James Ziskin at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The mystery writer will sign and discuss his fourth book about investigative reporter Ellie Stone, Heart of Stone. At 2 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. 858-2684747, Nadine Nettmann at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The author and wine writer will be promoting her debut mystery novel, Decanting a Murder, about a murder at a Napa Valley vineyard. At 2 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. 858-268-4747, Rachel Starnes at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The debut memoirist will discuss and sign her new book, The War at Home: A Wife’s Search for Peace (and Other Missions Impossible). At 7:30 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. 858-454-0347, Mitchell Yockelson at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The nonfiction writer will discuss and sign his book Forty-Seven Days: How Pershing’s Warriors Came of Age to Defeat the German Army in World War I. At 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 20. Free. 858-454-0347, Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The bestselling author and television producer will be promoting The Pursuit, the fifth novel in the bestselling Fox and O’Hare series. At 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 21. Free. 858-2684747,

HNew Contemporaries at City Gallery, 1313 Park Blvd., Downtown. A showcase of the nearly a dozen local emerging artists who’ve been nominated for the San Diego Art Prize. Artists include Aren Skalman, PANCA, Shinpei Takeda, and more. Opening from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. 619-388-3400,

HRon Tanner at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. CityBeat’s Jim Ruland will host this appearance from Tanner, who will be promoting Missile Paradise, a novel about an island that was once used to test nuclear weapons. At 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 21. Free. 858454-0347,

HSheila With Red Hair at jdc Fine Art, 2400 Kettner Blvd. Suite 208, Little Italy. A new photographic series from Marjorie Salvaterra, whose work is about the emotional toll of maintaining a straight-seamed, buttoned-up life in a “traditional American household.” Opening from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. RSVP recommended. 619-985-2322,

Sean Carswell at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The author will present his new novel, The Metaphysical Ukelele, a collection of stories that blur the line between what is life and what is literature. At 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 21. Free. 858-454-0347,

HSuggestion Box at Scott White Contemporary Art, 989 W. Kalmia St., Little


Italy. An exhibition of paintings and works on paper by New York-based artist Daniel Davidson, who is known for his cartoonlike vignettes within surreal landscapes of abstracted color. Opening from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. 619-5460006,

H = CityBeat picks

HKelly Link at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The author will sign and discuss


June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 11

EVENTS EVENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 Get in Trouble, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and named one of the ten best fiction books of the year by Time. At 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 22. Free. 858-2684747,

COMEDY Tommy Davidson at American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., Downtown. One of the original cast members of Fox’s ‘90s sketch sensation, In Living Color, Davidson has appeared in countless movies since. At 8 p.m. Thursday, June 16 and 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Friday, June 17 and Saturday, June 18. $20. 619-795-3858, HTrevor Noah at Harrah’s Resort Southern California, 777 Valley Center Rd., Vallery Center. Best known as the successor to Jon Stewart’s throne on the The Daily Show, the South African comedian and actor brings his comic sensibilities to a live audience. At 8 p.m. Saturday, June 18. $35-$95.

DANCE Royal Academy of Performing Arts: A Brand New Day at California Center for the Arts, 340 North Escondido Blvd., Escondido. The Academy presents their 15th annual recital that will showcase dancers from ages 3-18 years in all styles of dance: ballet, jazz, hip hop, tap, musical theater, lyrical and contemporary. At 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 15, Thursday, June 16 and Friday, June 17. $25-$50. 760-839-4190,

FASHION Viva La V: DeAnnah Rae, Gloria Guerrero and Bryan VaughnBerry at La Valencia Hotel, 1132 Prospect St., La Jolla. Enjoy cocktails and a special happy hour menu while enjoying informal modeling from Fashion Week San Diego designers including DeAnnah Rae’s classic feminine silhouettes and Bryan Vaughn Berry’s handcrafted menswear. From 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 15. Free. 858454-0771, Vuori Launch Party at Vuori Clothing, 625 S. Coast HWY 101, Encinitas. The apparel company founded by pro-skateboarders Chris Miller and Joe Kudla opens its new retail and event space. Features art from Erik Skoldberg, tacos from Moonage Food Co. and local beers by Culture Brewing Co. From 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. 760-815-3372,

FOOD & DRINK HSan Diego CityBeat Bar Week at various locations. Enjoy drink and food specials at bars all over the county. See website for full list of participating businesses. Various times. Wednesday, June 15 through Thursday, June 23. HTaste of Little Italy at Little Italy. Patrons can taste apps, entrees, beverages or desserts from dozens of restaurants listed on their “Taste Passports” at this annual event. From 5 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, June 15. $36-$43. HSan Diego International Beer Festival at Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. A multi-day, multi-session beer fest where patrons can sample an international collection of hundreds of varieties of ale, cider, porter, stout, mead and more from more than 15 countries. Various sessions on Friday, June 17, Saturday, June 18 and Sunday, June 19. $61-$110. 858-755-1161,

12 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016

“Sheila and the Bridge Ladies” by Marjorie Salvaterra will be on view at Sheila With Red Hair, a solo show opening from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, June 18, at jdc Fine Art (2400 Kettner Blvd. #208 in Little Italy). Dining at Shakespeare’s Table at Central Library, 330 Park Blvd., East Village. Food journalist Richard Foss will cover the cuisine, drink and table manners of all socioeconomic classes during Shakespeare’s lifetime. From 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. 619-2365800, Speakeasy Rendezvous Tiki Party at U.S. Grant Hotel, 326 Broadway, Downtown. The luxury hotel’s third exclusive pop-up event will be inspired by vintage tiki culture and includes island-themed entertainment, handcrafted cocktails and Polynesian bites. From 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, June 18. $65. 619-232-3121,

MUSIC Mainly Mozart: A Tale of Two Geniuses at Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave., Downtown. Michael Francis will conduct the Mainly Mozart Festival Orchestra and Canadian violinist James Ehnes through works by Mozart and Schubert. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Wednesday, June 15. $18$88. 619-570-1100, HArt of Elan at Lux Art Institute, 1550 S. El Camino Real, Encinitas. Art of Elan’s season finale concert features flutist Demarre McGill and friends paired with an opportunity to view the works of resident artist Angela Kallus. There will also be a sneak preview of Art of Elan’s 2016-2017 10th Anniversary Season. From 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, June 16. $15-$40. 760436-6611, Mainly Mozart Chamber Players at St. Paul’s Cathedral, 2728 Sixth Ave., Downtown. The Mainly Mozart Festival Orchestra will play Schubert’s Piano Trio in E-flat major with the help of violinist Marie Bérard, cellist Ronald Thomas and pianist Adam Neiman. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Thursday, June 16. $58. 619-298-7261, Ethan Bortnick: The Power of Music at Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave., Downtown. Accompanied by the San Diego North Coast Singers, the 14-year-old pianist, singer, songwriter and showman fills his program with 20th century popular hits and new compositions of his own. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Friday, June 17. $10-$50. 619-570-1100, Musica Vitale Anniversary Gala Concert at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 655 C Ave., Coronado. The a cappella chamber ensembles will perform excerpts from Rachmaninoff’s “Vespers” and Pushkin’s “Wreath,” a song cycle using Pushkin’s poetry. A post-concert reception with the singers will follow. From 7 to 10 p.m. Friday, June 17. $15-$25 suggested dona-

tion. 619-435-3167, Mainly Mozart Festival Orchestra: The Master Prodigy at Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave., Downtown. This Mainly Mozart Festival concert will feature programmed early works by Mozart and other classical music prodigies. Music Director Michael Francis will conduct selections from Mozart and Mendelssohn. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 18. $18-$88. 619-570-1100, St. Petersburg Men’s Ensemble at All Saints Episcopal Church, 625 Pennsylvania Ave., Hillcrest. A concert of Russian masterpieces from baroque to classical. Includes music from Diletsky, Rachmaninoff, Glinka and Tchaikovsky. At 7 p.m. Saturday, June 18. $10 suggested donation. 619298-7729, HMake Music Day at Museum Of Making Music, 5790 Armada Drive, Carlsbad. Musicians of all levels can bring their instruments to play on one of three stages in the museum or sit back to listen to the pros. There will also be music lessons taught by MoMM volunteers, museum tours and giveaways. From 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 21. Free. 760-4385996,

OUTDOORS Summer Solstice Bike Ride at Mission Beach Coaster at Belmont Park, 3125 Ocean Front Walk, Mission Beach. The San Diego County Bicycle Coalition’s annual bike ride and party on the longest day of the year. Meet up at Mission Beach roller coaster for a leisurely bicycle ride before heading back for the sunset. At 6 p.m. Thursday, June 16.

PERFORMANCE Full Frontal Nerdity at The Irenic, 3090 Polk Ave., North Park. Iconic childhood characters take a circus burlesque twist with stripping superheroes and nymphomaniac nerds. Also includes local vendors artists and a raffle to fund a new specialized dance school in Hillcrest. From 7 to 11 p.m. Friday, June 17. $20-$40. HPoint Break LIVE! at Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Actor Thomas Blake Jr.’s “guerrilla comedy stage show” where he and his troupe reenact the 1991 sports/action flick with help from the audience. At 7 p.m. Sunday, June 19. $20. 858-4818140,



June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 13

When one woman stood tall


THEATER this for his thespian friends and colleagues, who are the ones most likely to catch the wit and irony of the experience. The Complete History of Theatre (abridged) runs through June 19 at Point Loma Playhouse. $24-$26;


ive years before the Camp David Accords, currently being dramatized in Lawrence Wright’s play Camp David at the Old Globe, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir gave President Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger an ultimatum: Help us (in the Yom Kippur War with Syria and Egypt) or we’ll use our “temple weapons.” The temple weapons meant nukes. The tense hours surrounding this moment in history constitute the dramatic high apex of William Gibson’s Golda’s Balcony. The 95-minute one-woman show, now onstage at New Village Arts Theatre in Carlsbad, stars Rosina Reynolds in the role Tovah Feldshuh distinguished on Broadway. As Meir, Reynolds is resolute, even stern, so committed was the woman born Golda Mabovitz in Kiev to the establishment and survival of the state of Israel. The expository Golda’s Balcony is an essential history lesson (with intermittent background projections by Victoria Petrovich) that besides the 1973 showdown with the Nixon Cabinet recalls Meir’s personal journey from Kiev to (of all places) Milwaukee to Jerusalem. But the play directed by Todd Salovey is fiercely political in nature, and

14 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016

—David L. Coddon

Theater reviews run weekly. Write to

OPENING: Macbeth: A young prince murders and schemes his way to the throne of Scotland in Shakespeare’s bloody classic. Part of the Summer Shakespeare Festival, it opens in previews June 19 at The Old Globe Theatre in Balboa Park.

Rosina Reynolds in Golda’s Balcony Reynolds vividly portrays a remarkable world leader, at a volatile time, who was assuredly not to be messed with. Golda’s Balcony runs through June 26 at New Village Arts Theatre in Carlsbad. $32-$35. *** Matt Thompson’s The Complete History of Theatre (abridged) is now running at the fledgling Point Loma Playhouse. It’s a vaudevillian, 90-minute romp performed by three actors who portray Wil-

liam Shakespeare (Tom Steward), Sarah Bernhardt (Hilary White) and Constantine Stanislavsky (John Tessmer). On preview night, the pacing was sluggish, particularly in the first act. The coolest sequence in the entire show comes in Act Two, when Steward, White and Tessmer shout out the names of famous playwrights (from A to Z), then perform mini-skits spoofing that theatrical figure and his/her works. Thompson, an accomplished actor himself, perhaps wrote

A Jewish Joke: Set in 1950s Hollywood, a blacklisted Jewish screenwriter fights back against the Communist witch hunt the best way he knows how: with his jokes. Presented by the San Diego Jewish Arts Festival, it opens for two performances June 20 at the North Coast Repertory Theatre in Solana Beach.

For full theater listings, visit “T heater ”at

undert the E vents tab.



POETRY & SPOKEN WORD So Say We All’s Long Story Short: The Face of Evil at The Ink Spot, 2730 Historic Decatur Rd., Barracks 16, Suite 202, Point Loma. A monthly improv storytelling night featuring five minute stories where anyone can take the stage. From 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, June 18. $5 suggested donation. 619-696-0363,

SPECIAL EVENTS HSTEAM Maker Festival at Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. Schools, clubs and families can explore the festival featuring live STEAM Maker challenges, 30-plus vendors and hands on Maker activities From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 15 and Thursday, June 16. $6-$8. 858-755-1161,

2900 block of Imperial Avenue in Lincoln Park. From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. HOld House Fair at South Park Neighborhood, 30th and Beech St., South Park. In its 18th year, this street fair offers a guided trolley ride with visits to five historic homes, walking tours, pizza from Buona Forchetta, drinks from South Park Brewing’s Boutique Biergarten and more. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free-$25. 619-233-6679, San Diego Towerthon at 550 Corporate Center, 550 West C St., Downtown. Climb or race up 20 flights of stairs to raise funds that will improve the lives and education of homeless teens at Toussaint Academy. From 7:30 a.m. to noon Saturday, June 18. $20-$35. 619-234-5561,

The Women of the Gaslamp Quarter at Gaslamp Quarter, Downtown. A walking tour that highlights the women who lived in the Gaslamp and helped clean up and improve the lives of people living in the district. From 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. 619-233-5227, Open House on Hubbell Hill at Julian Station, 4470 Hwy. 78, Julian. Guests are invited to tour San Diego artist James Hubbell’s hand-built, artistic mountain retreat home this Father’s Day. The annual tour is open to the public and benefits the Ilan-Lael Foundation. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, June 19. $30$75. International Surfing Day at Seaside State Beach, S. Coast Highway 101, Cardiff-by-the-Sea. The 12th annual event in

celebration of surfing will include booths, games, a beach cleanup, surfing lessons and a food truck on site. From 4 to 7 p.m. Monday, June 20. Free.

TALKS & DISCUSSIONS Community Stories: Conversations with Refugee Women at Women’s Museum of California, 2730 Historic Decatur Road, Barracks 16, Point Loma. A new lecture series by the The Women’s Center focuses on the San Diego’s refugee population and provides a platform to tell their stories. From 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 21. Free. 619-233-7963,

WORKSHOPS Identifying Species with DNA Sequencing at La Jolla Library, 7555 Draper Ave., La Jolla. In this hands-on workshop, participants will analyze the DNA from fish samples to see if they are correctly labeled at the supermarket. From 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. 858-5521657, Simple Science: Shrinky Dinks at La Jolla Library, 7555 Draper Ave., La Jolla. Amateur scientists are invited to learn about the simple science of shrinking plastic and it can be applied to arts and crafts. Attendees will have the opportunity to make jewelry, keychains and more. From 4 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 21. Free. 858-552-1657,

San Diego International Boat Show at Spanish Landing Park, North Harbor Dr., Downtown. More than 200 vessels, from entry-level family cruisers and personal watercraft to sailboats and luxury super yachts, will be docked in the marina and parked for land browsing, boarding and buying. From noon to 7 p.m. Thursday, June 16 and Friday, June 17, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, June 18, and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, June 19. Free-$15. HDanzing Daze at various locations. Two days of electronic music happenings in various Tijuana locations featuring installation art and artists from Berlin, Guadalajara, Oakland, L.A., TJ, and San Diego. Various times Friday, June 17 and Saturday, June 18. $5-$12. danzing-daze-a-baja-burner-borderlandnoise-happening-tickets-25469125841 HOysterfest San Diego at Embarcadero Marina Park North, 1 Marine Way, Downtown. Eat Oysters and other tasty treats from local restaurants at this annual event. Also includes craft cocktails, beer and love performances from Thievery Corporation, Rebelution, Boombox and more. From 2 to 10 p.m. Friday, June 17 and noon to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 18. $44. HPatches and Pins Party at San Diego Art Institute, 1439 El Prado , Balboa Park. An evening of pins and patches that includes live DJ sets and drinks while customizing your gear. Peruse new embellishments being made live on site by local artists or make some new ones. From 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, June 17. Free$5. The Bed Club at Sleep Bedder, 2855 El Cajon Blvd., Ste. #4 , Enjoy live music from Open Mike Eagle, Parker Edison, Nathan Hubbard and more at this BLVD Market event. Also includes live art, local products and healing vendors. From 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, June 17. $6-$15. (619) 892-7412 , Fairy Festival at San Diego Botanic Garden, 230 Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas. This annual fest features fairy crafts, face painting, a fairyland market, enchanted butterfly garden, pizza, ice cream and more. There will also be entertainment from Tom Gates and folk-music favorites Hullabaloo. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 18. Free. 760-436-3036, HJuneteenth Celebration at Lincoln Park, Between 47th St. and Euclid Ave., Lincoln Park. This celebration of Black Independence Day and the ending of slavery includes educational programs, health screenings, food and various forms of cultural entertainment. Takes place at the


June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 15

16 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016



THE 10 COMMANDMENTS OF DRINKING Here’s what was scrawled on the other side of those stone tablets

HALLELUJAH. Sing praise for CityBeat’s annual Drink Issue. Can we get a witness for spiritual guidelines for a flock moved by the holy trinity of spirits, wine and beer? Amen. We figure we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t preach the gospel of a drinking life. So before you kneel and pray to the porcelain god, read up on the rules of becoming a divine drinker.

1. THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME. Locals bars are like places of worship Sure, it might be fun to try a hip bar once or twice, but it doesn’t beat the feeling of comfort that comes when you find a dive you can call your sanctuary. For a while, my favorite was Lancer’s (4671 Park Blvd.) on Park and Adams. An old drinking buddy who lived across the street described it best: “Lancer’s is my living room. That’s where I keep my pool table and my jukebox.” It also keeps some 30-year scotch in dust-covered bottles—since no one who goes there wants to pay for the good stuff when the cheap stuff gets you drunk just as fast. A good regular bar is an automatic first stop or meeting spot for you and your friends. Small Bar (4628 Park Blvd.) is where I like to start off the evening because the food is as good as the beer selection. I go there during the day when Paulo is behind the bar because he always knows what’s good and is happy to discuss the intricacies of early 1980s English power-pop bands. Ending the evening? I’m likely to go to Soda Bar (3615 El Cajon Blvd.), because the regulars are often up-andcomers in the music scene who have yet to become jaded. Sometimes, a bar with interesting regulars becomes too good, which means it’s not worth being a regular. That’s what happened for me at Pacific Shores (4927 Newport Ave.) after people cooler than me discovered it. If you’re deciding on whether a bar should become your one-and-only holy spot, choose carefully. There are countless stories of young drinkers who started going to a certain dive in order to make fun of the old drunks. Within six months, they were old drunks, too. —James Vernette COURTESY OF SMALL BAR

Small Bar



culture and bars,” says Schmidt. “There were great ones in the Hotel del Coronado and dotted all over Hotel Circle. It’s unfortunate they had to go, but that’s what we’re trying to do. We’re trying to bring back that tradition.” —Seth Combs

Tiki culture had its heyday in the ’40s and ’50s, when restaurants and clubs started using Polynesian design themes. 3. THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE NAME For bars, there was an emphasis on sweet, rum-based cocktails that were often served in an elaborate mug or OF THE LORD THY GOD IN VAIN. glass and garnished with all kinds of flair (umbrellas, fruit, Unless it’s a goddamn good drink maybe even fire). The trend died down over the years, but the culture still has a devoted following. The Third Commandment reminds us not to take the So it made sense Tiki bars would be resurrected. San Lord’s name lightly, and mixologists and brewers have Diego already has the old-school Bali Hai restaurant (2230 not always listened diligently. While the alcohol content Shelter Island Drive) in Shelter Ismight be heavenly, the labeling calls ARLENE IBARRA land, but two new speakeasy-style for a direct drop-off to the underestablishments—False Idol (675 world. Beech St.) in Little Italy opening latFirst stop on hell’s highway is er this summer and The Grass Skirt beer bar Bottlecraft (2252 In(910 Grand Ave.) in Pacific Beach in dia Ave.), where sinners can find the fall—will almost certainly mark a range of mischievous brews, inthe trend’s grand return. cluding Epic Brewing Company’s “It’s much more approachable barrel-aged imperial stout Big Bad and adventurous. It’s much more Baptist and its spawn, Son of a Baprelaxed,” says Anthony Schmidt, the tist, an 8 percent coffee stout made beverage director of CH Projects with varying small-batch roasters. (Polite Provisions, Noble ExperiBut the Holy Trinity comes together ment), who teamed up with Marin Evil Twin Brewing’s Even More tin Cate of San Francisco Tiki bar Jesus collection. These fudgy, impeSmuggler’s Cove for False Idol’s rial stouts ring in at 12 percent and cocktail menu. are so popular the shelf rarely stays Still, there are a lot of rules, unstocked because, according to its spoken or simply implied, that seem bottle, it “rises beyond mortal starto be in play when it comes to Tiki dom into a higher godly league.” culture. For liquor-filled defiance, head “Of course it’s ingredients like to Kindred (1503 30th St.) for cockhouse-made syrups, fresh lime juice tails like Faith Hammer, a concocand various ices,” says Otto von tion of rye, dry vermouth, absinthe Stroheim, the creator of the annual and bitters. There’s also the ginFalse Idol’s Coronado Luau Special based Unholy Zodiac with hints of Tiki Oasis convention, the local, three-day festival devoted to the culture. “But you also pineapple and cinnamon. And don’t forget the vermouthneed dim light fixtures, rock or bamboo rattan textures, laden Thundertaker, a premonition of sipping and sinning. secluded alcoves or booths for multiple environments Or, offer up an Unanswered Prayer of lime, agave, Serrano within the room.” chili, cucumber, and tonic to the designated driver. There’s certainly a market for it in San Diego and it Before the last call to hell, grab a drink of Ballast wouldn’t be surprising, given that we’re already a desti- Point’s Devil’s Share Bourbon. This demonic nectar is nation for the largest Tiki-themed festival, to see the city sold out at the breweries, but it’s still available at Seven become something of a trendsetter within the movement Grand (3054 University Ave.) Ballast Point recommends in a few years. asking for it with simple syrup, lemon wedges and mint to “San Diego already has an intensely rich history of Tiki

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make one helluva Bourbon Smash. Opting for award-winning, portbarrelled Angel’s Envy is also an option when the devil is no longer willing to share. Glory to God in the highest (alcohol by volume). Epic Brewing’s Big Bad Baptist and Son of a Baptist, Evil twin Brewing’s Even More Jesus

—Torrey Bailey

4. KEEP THE SABBATH DAY HOLY. Or, a guide to boozy brunches And on the seventh day, the Lord rested. As do most of us after a long week of toil and tribulation. If we’re being honest, it begins on the sixth day; if we’re really being honest it begins somewhere around the middle of the fifth. Yet we keep the Sabbath sacred for that holiest of Sunday rituals: the booze brunch. No other institution pairs day drinking with waffles and whipped cream, and afterward most likely a nap on the couch while Netflixing old episodes of Bob’s Burgers. As the Lord intended. How you prefer to consume and imbibe on the holiest of days depends on whether you’re the traditional bourgie champagne type, or perhaps more eclectic in your tastes.

18 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016

And despite an au courant brunch backlash among contrarians, there’s no uniform way to drink your way to enlightenment on Sunday morning. In fact, if all you’re looking for is a pint of beer and some fried chicken, that’s easily arranged at Tiger! Tiger! Tavern in North Park (3025 El Cajon Blvd.), whose fried chicken sandwich is among the best in town (ditto the coconut donuts), and their rotating dozens of beers on tap provide a hoppy complement. A more traditional booze brunch can be found at Brooklyn Girl in Mission Hills (4033 Goldfinch St.), whose Smokey Bloody enhances the typically savory cocktail with a thick cut bacon. That might CANDICE ELEY not necessarily pair so great with the wood-oven French toast, but an Easy Like…, with violet liqueur and Prosecco, just might. That and you can order in the form of your best Lionel Richie impression. Maybe you’d prefer to eat brunch under a giant beast’s head while listening to a playlist of death metal. I know I certainly do. Then thank the Dark Lord for Kindred (1503 30th St.) in South Park, whose brunch is entirely vegan (coffee comes with soy milk, for instance) and musical selections exclusively metal. Its cocktail selection, however, is likely the best reason to come, including the beer-forward Barrier Reefer, which was served in a take-home Satanic tiki mug (they seem to have sold out). Hail brunch!

—Jeff Terich

5. HONOR THY PARENTS. Another round with mom and dad One of the joys of growing up is drinking with your parents. There’s nothing more humanizing than seeing your mom and dad tipsy, spill their guts and act silly, and realizing they’re just stumbling through life like you. But going out to bars with your parents isn’t really very fun because, generally, bars are meant for people looking to hook up, forget about the troubles of life or just be social. For the most part, they’re also loud and smelly. Your parents don’t need that. So in the spirit of the Fifth Commandment, here are a couple drinking establishments that are chill enough for your mom and dad. Beer is a safe bet with parents, who might balk at the frivolity and preciousness of the craft cocktail scene (not to mention the price), and Thorn Street Brewery (3176 Thorn St.) may perhaps be the most unassuming brewery to rise out of the craft beer explosion in the past couple years. It’s generally quiet, and its location nestled deep in North Park gives it a friendly, neighKindred borhood feel. Clem’s Tap House (4108 Adams Ave.) also offers the type of quiet intimacy that parents prefer. The place is cozy, but its selection of beer and wine




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An Old Fashioned at Imperial House

10 COMMANDMENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 is masterfully curated so there’s not any garbage on the menu. Plus, it’s owned by the Kasawdish family, owners of Clem’s Bottle House, which has one of the most varied beer selections in the city. Imperial House (505 Kalmia St.) is one of the more chill places to catch sip on a classy cocktail. It’s in Bankers Hill, another great place for parents. It also helps if your parents are “gumshoes from the ’40s,” because this place is super noir: dim lighting, welldressed servers, killer Old Fashioneds—all this place needs is a lonely saxophonist and hard-edged voiceover to complete the ensemble. —Ryan Bradford 6. THOU SHALT NOT KILL. Drink Bloody Marys instead The last time I had a hangover was last week. An impromptu, civilized cocktail with a friend turned into weirdo group dancing to Goth jams with CityBeat homies (says my iPhone camera roll). I woke CAROLYN RAMOS up feeling the booze still swirling under my skin, and when I looked in the mirror, it looked like I’d been to hell and back. Without time for sleep, I better have some breakfast...and a Bloody Mary. A dark environment offers mercy. When I’m not feeling so great, Small Bar (4628 Park Blvd.) is my first choice. I prefer my Bloody Mary extra spicy, but the bartender insisted it had plenty. He presented a glowing red Guinness glass full of flora and fauna—candied bacon, pickled green beans and a spire of skewered shrimp, stuffed olives, pearl onion and cherry tomato. I snacked my way through the glass, contemplating last night’s bad decisions. The actual cocktail part of this drink had kick, but I would describe it as “peppery” instead of spicy. If you like the Johnny’s Hangover Mary at Great Maple

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OF DRINKING taste of cracked black pepper, you’ll be pleased, but I’m more of a jalapeño or serrano pepper fan. Enjoyable, but even in my state, the cocktail was a little bit hollow. For my next Mary, I sat at the bar at Great Maple (1451 Washington St.). Feeling perfectly fine, I ordered “Johnny’s Hangover Mary.” It’s 20 ounces with a large hat of crunchy toast topped with melted manchego and Framani chorizo picante. Now this was a meal. Though less visually stunning than Small Bar’s, the cocktail itself is exactly what I would want in a Bloody Mary—spicy, rich and boozy. The fancy toast was a bonus. Since we’re in a beer capital, I have to mention bloody beer. The first time I had one was at Ballast Point (10051 Old Grove Rd.) in Scripps Ranch when it was introducing its spicy Bloody Mary mix. Pair it with a Yellowtail pale or Smoke Screen lager and you have a craft michelada. You can request one in all its tasting rooms. Just BYOT (Bring your own Tajin).


The Butcher Shop 7. THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY. But sometimes you gotta date in the dark We’d never engage in a naughty affair, but if you do there’s definitely an out-ofthe-way bar for that. And now that we think about it, in the Tinder Age there are bound to be dates that don’t need to happen in the light of day. A dark, indiscreet bar is what you’re looking for; so dark, you’ll think you forgot to take off your shades. This means avoiding your usual, standby spots. Forget the motto on Cheers. You need to go where nobody knows your name. Midtown or North County peeps can drive south to Chula Vista for The Manhattan (400 Broadway). It’s a corner dive, with karaoke during the week, and you can tell your date you want to take them there for the local charm. Driving north, check out The Butcher Shop Steakhouse (5255 Kearny Villa Road) in Kearny Mesa. It’s dark, romantic, with an old-school vibe, serving up classic cocktails in a swanky lounge. Further north in Del Mar, Bully’s Del Mar (1404 Camino Del Mar) has that same flair, with stiff drinks and dark interiors, but with images of horse racing on the walls. Heading to Del Mar might seem like work, but what better guise to use than, “Hey baby, let’s take a drive by the beach…far, far, away.” On the east side of the county you can choose from a bevy of bars where no one will find you, for the mere fact that no one you


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DRINK ISSUE 10 COMMANDMENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 know hangs in El Cajon. Rendezvous spots include Downtown Café Bar & Grill (182 E Main St.) where live music plays regularly and the illusion of romance is in the air, and URBN El Cajon (110 N Magnolia Ave.), if you’re looking to not get spotted, but also dying for a good brew. —Michelle Poveda COURTESY OF THE HIDEOUT

The Hideout 8. THOU SHALT NOT STEAL. Stiff drinks at a two-finger discount It’s one sentence on the stone tablets we never have trouble remembering: Thou shalt not steal. It’s common sense, of course, but it’s also so easy to break. Ever pirated movies? Pilfered some candy as a kid? Or perhaps just wasted somebody’s time with a really boring story that went nowhere? We’ve all definitely stolen something. That doesn’t mean you have to sneak a six-pack under your sweatshirt to drink cheaply in San Diego. No matter how prevalent craft beer culture is in this town, you can’t walk two blocks without tripping over a two- or three-dollar Pabst Blue Ribbon. Dive bar culture still exists in San Diego, and with it the bargain basement prices on drafts and wells. A lot of that comes in the form of competitively priced happy hours. At U31 in North Park (3112 University Ave.) draft beers are $2 on its Taco Tuesday (5-7:30 p.m.), and as luck would have it, tacos are the same price. Suppose you need to drink something a bit more potent, and earlier in the week: $2 gets you a well drink on Monday. You don’t have to time your booze binge for Happy Hour to save a little cash, however. Whether you’re there for a live show or trivia, The Hideout (3519 El Cajon Blvd.) in City Heights serves domestic beer-and-a-shot pairings priced at $6 every day, and mules for $5 before 9 p.m. Across town in Bankers Hill at The Cherry Bomb (2237 First Ave.), once the place for crusty DIY punk shows, $5 cocktails get you closer to buzzed much faster, thanks to a minimum on mixers. Need something stiffer? At the Live Wire (2103 El Cajon Blvd.) in North Park, a cocktail will cost you a couple dollars more but comes in a pint glass. There’s an even better kept inexpensive drink secret in San Diego, in a pretty classy joint at that: Alexander’s (3391 30th St.) in North Park has a pizza special on Monday nights that’s a good enough deal on its own. Better yet: Raid the ice bucket full of beers and drop a dollar in the tip jar. I dare say that’s a steal. —Jeff Terich

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Real review with name changed to protect the false witness 9. THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGHBOR. Finding something to Yelp about We’re guessing God was running to fill word count when he came up with this wordy and cumbersome commandment, which is basically: “Don’t lie.” For the sake of applying this to our Drink Issue, we’re taking on the mother of liars: Yelp. For every well-rounded, insightful review, there’s some shithead dissing it for innocuous reasons. And let’s face it, if an establishment’s rating dips below four stars, it’s less likely that you’re going to go if you haven’t been there. We decided to scour Yelp to find the greatest places with less-than-ideal scores. Lancer’s (4671 Park Blvd; Yelp score: 3.5 stars) This dive bar is jewel of University Heights, with cheap drinks and a surprisingly good selection of Scotch. It’s also open early, for when you want to get your pre-noon drank on. Selected negative review: “‘Normally a big fan of dive bars, but this place is a total joke. First off we ask the bartender for Jagarbombs (sic) and she says,’ we dont do Bombs here.’” Panama 66 (1450 El Prado, Yelp score: 3.5) Before Panama 66, finding a drink and bite to eat in Balboa Park usually meant falling into a tourist trap. It would be crazy to think that anyone could put this oasis of great beer, food and cocktails on blast, but some people just can’t be happy. Selected negative review: “Upon ordering, I requested a lemonade. I then asked for light ice, and the female brunette short-haired cashier provided me with a half-full glass. I looked at her and said, ‘Uh, are you going to fill that all the way? I’m really thirsty.’” Kensington Club (4079 Adams Ave, Yelp score: 3.5): The fact that this dive thrives in one of San Diego’s richest neighborhoods makes it even better. It’s hard to figure out why some people don’t like this place, but maybe some people just don’t like cheap drinks and a killer jukebox. Selected negative review: “PEOPLE REALLY NEED TO LEARN TO USE YELP! THIS IS THE TYPE OF BAR U WOULD SEE ON BAR RESCUE!!! ARE YA’LL KIDDING ME WITH THIS 3 STAR BULLSHIT!”

—Ryan Bradford


June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 23



The dance floor at Club M 10. THOU SHALT NOT COVET. Unless thou art a cougar The 10th Commandment is covered in greater detail in Exodus 20:17: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.” That’s cool. Within the 10 Commandments of Drinking we would never covet an ox or a donkey—though maybe a Moscow mule. And we don’t want anything to do with our neighbor’s wife. If we were going to covet our neighbor’s ex-wife, though, which we’re still not super keen on, we’d head up to North County. Cougar country. Cougars—sexually driven divorcees in their 40s and 50s—are drawn to moneyed establishments. As are manthers, the male equivalent. Big bills fly in and out of hands at the Turf Club at the Del Mar racetrack (2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd.). Opening Day is July 3. Men are required to wear button-up shirts and a jacket at this top floor bar, and at first glance you’d think décolletage for women was also in the rules (unwritten, maybe). Want to order a Del Martini at the crowded Turf Club bar? Be sure and wave a $100 bill. There’s a spot in tony Ranch Santa Fe where a young, single gent might discover that the ladies of a certain age do the coveting—Mille Fleurs (6009 Paseo Delicias). He just wants to sit at the piano bar and sip on his French Kiss (Grey Goose vodka, St. Germaine, Crème de Frambois and a float of champagne). But beware the circling cougs. Del Mar is definitely the coveting capital for cougars. The 10th Commandment gets kicked to the curb nightly after the second round and a few dances at Jimmy O’s (225 15th St.) and inside Club M at the Fairmont Grand Del Mar (520 Grand Del Mar Way).

24 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016

—Ron Donoho






BEERDIST Gone Whalin’


raft beer’s popularity is snowballing and with it the demand for rare, specialty and one-off brews. These hard-to-find, often pricey beers are also used as trade bait or sold on the secondary market at steep mark-ups, frustrating brewers and infuriating customers left out in the cold. Just getting the beers in the hands of customers presents challenges, but more breweries are looking to capture the attention of this small yet passionate corner of the market. Some breweries release their specialty beer simply by having customers show up the day of release, as Green Flash Cellar 3 (12260 Crosthwait Circle) in Poway did recently with its release of Lustrous Frumento with Coffee. It’s a black ale aged in bourbon barrels for two years before an infusion of Mostra cold brew coffee is added. Barrelmaster Pat Korn said the beer was an experiment in aging. “It was kind of to see what extended ag-


ing would do to the beer,” he said. “Especially that beer.” Korn said the base beer was previously released as Silva Stout. Green Flash’s Director of Beer Education Dave Adams said that one-off, barrel-aged beers give the brewers room to experiment and push limits, but make it difficult to make long-term plans. “It’s funny when we talk to marketing,” he said. “It’s a new thing for people who aren’t familiar with these types of beers. They’re like ‘What’s the plan? What are we going to do?’ and we’re like ‘We don’t know!’” Online sales are another option popular with breweries such as The Lost Abbey, Modern Times and, new to the game, Abnormal Beer Co (16990 Via Tazon). M2 imperial oatmeal stout, Abnormal’s first bottle release, was brewed with vanilla, cacao nibs, coconut, lactose and espresso from Mostra Coffee. It sold out of its run of 650 bottles in less than one minute. Head Brewer Derek Gallanosa

said in an email the brewery went the extra mile to ensure smooth sales of the beer. “Our CEO Matt DeLoach was up the entire night before the release coding additional functionality into our website,” he said, adding that analytics showed 47,000 page views during the sale. Not all beers sold online are necessarily rare, despite what brewery markers would like customers to believe, as fans of dono-wrong brewery Modern Times (3725 Greenwood St.) found out last week. In May the brewery released its barrel-aged versions of Monster’s Park Imperial Stout. The beers were sold in a much-hyped online sale for about $30 per bottle so buyers were understandably upset a few weeks later when they began showing up at local bottle shops for significantly less. Trader Joe’s sold them for $20. Although the brewery was transparent about the beer being widely released, owner Jacob McKean apologized on a forum and said the brewery would offer buyers coupons for a future sale. McKean laid the blame on a “communication error” that resulted in the beer being sold to its wholesaler at too low a price. BA Monster’s Park is delicious, even more so at that tasty $20 price point, but the whole episode raises questions about price inflation and hype. Beer does not have to be exorbitantly priced or exceedingly rare to be great. It is


Barrelmaster’s Reserve by Green Flash, Monsters’ Park by Modern Times, BM2 by Abnormal Beer Co. a fun hobby to hunt these whalez and maybe be the hero of the next bottleshare, but drinkers should not feel discouraged if and when they miss out on a big release. While some rarities rightly earned their coveted reputations, they are often just marginally better than easily obtained cheaper options. When fishing in a bountiful sea like San Diego no one goes thirsty, even after missing out on a whale or two. The Beerdist appears every other week. Write to

June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 25





DRAUGHT A new hop(e) for North Park


elsey McNair isn’t a terribly chatty guy. But he’s still been able to let his past experience as an get him talking about his passion project art director shine through with decor details that that’s tantalizingly close to fruition and it’s promise to captivate patrons. Every bit of minutiae evident that he’s truly, madly, deeply invested in ev- has been so obsessively pored over that it’s easy ery microscopic detail of long-awaited North Park to forgive the years that have passed since the Beer Co. (3038 University Ave.), slated to (finally) initial brewery announcement. Customization is open at the end of the month. rampant, from the indoor street lamps illuminating A home-brewing prodigy turning pro, McNair has the ground floor to the stainless steel piping that the potential to crush his already legendary amateur will move beer from the fermentation vessels to status with North Park Beer Co.’s nearly 9,000 square serving tanks for fresh, direct service. Even the foot prime corner location at NORTH PARK BEER CO. / INSTAGRAM hexagonal floor tiles and font University Avenue and Ohio choice emulate the brewery’s Street. The former mixednamesake neighborhood, martial arts gym now boasts a giving it a Craftsman-esque 15-barrel brewhouse, beer cellar vibe that melds modernity with basement, a mezzanine whose tradition. square footage exceeds many Together, these design other brewery tasting rooms in choices (spearheaded by entirety and a kitchen that will BASILE Studio, the firm be home to Mastiff Sausage behind several of Consortium Company by midsummer. Holdings’ acclaimed interiors) North Park Beer Co.’s 32 articulate a comfortable total taps will unleash plenty of neighborhood brewpub feel indie/craft guest beers that will rather than the more utilitarian likely reflect the many regional tasting room approach that connections McNair has seems to be the standard Entry sign to North Park Beer Co. nowadays. And if you think cultivated in his 12-year homebrewing history (think Stone the last thing that San Diego Brewing, Long Beach’s Beachwood BBQ & Brewery, needs is another hop-forward brewery/tasting room etc.). McNair’s own generally American-styled (especially in North Park), McNair’s refreshing recipes “focus on drinkability” and will include a approach to creating a welcoming and elegantly stout, cream ale, pale ale and of course his award- tasteful ambiance—along with some damn tasty winning flagship IPA Hop-Fu!, among others. brews—will very likely change your mind. The first year’s output is estimated to be around It’s taken years for North Park Beer Co. to go 1,000 barrels, but with the capability of producing from rumor to reality. But if McNair’s past successtwo to three times that amount we’re likely to es are any indication of the rabid fandom to come, see plenty of rotating recipes, barrel-aged beers, then San Diego can expect to enjoy “Ales and Lacollaborations with local and regional superstars gers” with “Friends and Neighbors” for a long time and eventually bottles. (Here’s hoping cans make to come. the cut as well.) Despite the construction delays and burner Write to, check her out on troubles that have plagued McNair for months (his Instagram at @thedelightedbite, or via Twitter at @ flooring saga is worth a read on the NPBC blog), iheartcontent.

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Wine shop eyes beer strategy


uring the last five years, Bottlecraft has become a mainstay of San Diego beer culture. The bottle shop’s model combines partaking with perusing to satiate the needs of thirsty patrons at locations in North Park, Little Italy and Liberty Station. Now, owner Brian Jensen has taken that same idea and applied it to wine with the opening of Vino Carta, located in the original Bottlecraft location in Little Italy. Just like its predecessor, Vino Carta stocks its shelves with a variety of beverages, many from small producers. The store’s inventory is divided into new and old world. In the new world you’ll find California standbys, including local wines. From the old world, there’s a large amount of Italian and French wines along with some from Germany and beyond. In the “bar” portion of the store, patrons can buy full or half glasses or opt to purchase a bottle from the shelf and pop it open (corkage is $4 for half bottles and $8 for full). The bottles themselves range in price with some as low as $15 and many falling in the $20 to $30 range. JEREMY COLLINS

Patrick Ballow and patrons at Vino Carta Having just held its grand opening last month, Vino Carta is still ramping things up. Its website now features an online store with local deliver-

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Certified Advanced Sommelier Evan Vallée pouring at Vino Carta ies through Postmates, and pick-up is available. It will also start hosting many tastings in the coming weeks—some with specific winemakers, others focusing on specific regions and still more with guest sommeliers. The laid back approach combining retail and service shows the trend of the wine world to mirror the successful styles of the beer world. The wines carried here are of good value, and the environment feels casual and inviting. The layout hasn’t changed much, but there is more of a home-y vibe to the place now; with wood tables and chairs for small groups, a corner showcasing floral arrangements and succulents by Huntress Florals, and a vintage record player piping in tunes. Just as with the beer world, if the quality isn’t there, neither are the drinkers. Vino Carta is showcasing a good variety at palatable prices. Some of my own favorite brands that I spied on the shelves include Australia’s Silkman and California’s own Idlewild and Matthiasson. Seems like San Diego’s newest wine shop is off to a promising start. Write to


Bar Week June 15–23, 2016



CityBeat brings you our first San Diego Bar Week. Each bar features incredible specials! Go to for a description of all drink and food specials. #1 5th AVE. 3845 5th Ave., Hillcrest, CA 92103 Shots of Cazadores Reposado • $5 1919 560 5th Ave., Downtown, CA 92101 Mure on Deck • $10 Air Conditioned Lounge 4673 30th S., Normal Heights, CA 92116 Kentucky Mule • $5 Arizona Cafe 1925 Bacon St., San Diego, CA 92107 Az Razz Berry Lemonade • $4 Baja Betty’s 1421 University Ave., Hillcrest, CA 92103 36 oz. Frozen Margarita with a mini shot, beer, and fish taco • $17 Bluefoot Bar And Lounge 3404 30th St., North Park, CA. 92104 Desert Mule • $5 Boomerangs Gourmet Burger Joint 4577 Clairemont Dr., Clairemont, CA 92117 C’ Bucket • $5 Chico Club 7366 El Cajon Blvd., La Mesa, CA 91942 Bud Light 22 oz. Draft • $2.75 COIN-OP GAME ROOM 3926 30th St., North Park, CA. 92104 Appleton Rum Mai Tai Slushy • $6 COMMON THEORY PUBLIC HOUSE 4805 Convoy St., Kearny Mesa, CA 92111 CT2 Anniversary Ale by 32 North Brewing Co. • $5 DEL SUR 2310 30th St., South Park, CA 92104 Tamarind Margarita • $7 GEORGE’S LEVEL2 1250 Prospect St., La Jolla, CA 92037 Brain Cloud Punch • $12 2016 San Diego Bar Week

2016 San Diego Bar Week

GORDON BIERSCH 5010 Mission Center Rd., Mission Valley, CA 92108 1/2 Liter Gordon Biersch Beer and 3 Sliders • $8 HALCYON COFFEE BAR 1429 Island Ave., East Village, CA 92101 Watermelon Negroni • $6 THE HARP 4935 Newport Ave., Ocean Beach, CA 92107 Burger and Selected Craft Beer • $9.95 HENRY’S PUB 618 Fifth Ave., Gaslamp, CA 92101 Black Pearl • $5 THE HIDEOUT 3519 El Cajon Blvd., City Heights, CA. 92104 Latin Lemonade • $8 HIGH DIVE BAR & GRILL 1801 Morena Blvd., San Diego, CA 92110 The Mamasita • $8

2016 San Diego Bar Week

2016 San Diego Bar Week

KATO SUSHI 980 Garnet Ave., Pacific Beach, CA 92109 Sake Bombs • 99¢ KAVA LOUNGE 2812 Kettner Blvd., Middle Town, CA 92101 Tipsy Gypsy • $5 LA BELLA PIZZA, CAFE & GAMES 373 Third Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910 Slushi Margarita on Draft • $5 OsCAR WILDE’S IRISH PUB 1440 University Ave., Hillcrest, CA 92113 Burger and Selected Craft Beer • $9.95 PARK & REC 4612 Park Blvd., University Heights, CA 92116 Merry Go Round • $7 Phulkari 729 4th Ave., Downtown, CA 92101 Tamarind Margarita • $5

2016 San Diego Bar Week

2016 San Diego Bar Week

PURE PLATINUM 4000 Kearny Mesa Rd., San Diego, Ca 92111 Penny’s Juice Phantom • $7 RED WING BAR AND GRILL 4012 30th St., North Park, CA 92104 Kentucky Peach • $5 RIVIERA SUPPER CLUB 7777 University Ave., La Mesa, CA. 91941 Daily Specials including Signature Mai Tai • $6 THE ROSE 2219 30th St., South Park, CA 92104 Glasses of local wines • 1/2 OFF ROSIE O’GRADY’S 3402 Adams Ave., Normal Heights, CA 92116 Daily Specials including house infused Bloody Mary’s • $6 SAIKO SAKE & SUSHI BAR NORTH PARK 2884 University Ave., North Park, CA 92104 Fall Brewing Beer and Sake Special • $7

2016 San Diego Bar Week

THE SOUTH PARK ABBEY 1946 Fern St., San Diego, CA 92102 Daily Rotating Craft Cocktails • $3 STELLA PUBLIC HOUSE 1429 Island Ave., East Village, CA 92101 Craft Beer Flight • $8 SUNSHINE COMPANY 5028 Newport Ave., San Diego, CA 92107 Sunshine classic Daiquiri • $5 TONY’S MARTINI BAR 5034 Newport Ave, San Diego, CA 92107 Tony’s Chocolate Martini • $6 TRUE NORTH TAVERN 3815 30th St., San Diego, CA 92104 The Cool Cucumber • $6 WEST COAST TAVERN 2895 University Ave., North Park, CA 92104 Any Mule variation • $5

2016 San Diego Bar Week





The Stanford rapist and the power of language as a weapon


he’s really pretty for a black girl. She doesn’t have those grotesque features black people have.” “Why is that woman nominated for an Oscar? She’s not pretty. And she’s fat.” “I don’t want him seeing gay people kiss. I just don’t want him to see that.” “Well, if she’s gonna act and dress like a slut then that’s how she’s gonna be treated.” These are things people I know and am close to have said to me in conversation. They’re not bad people. But they’ve said some stuff that perpetuates sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and misogynistic notions that are deeply embedded in our society. Most of the time they are completely unaware that what they’ve said is in any way wrong. I’m not pleading innocence here. I’ve said some stuff in the past that is not only reprehensible, but goes against everything I believe as a person who wants to see progress in this world. With age, awareness and learning, I’ve come to understand how mighty the tongue can be as a weapon against the discriminated. The world works hard enough to remind us what we are is not right. Long ago, I made the decision that I have no interest in assisting in keeping these ideas the norm. It’s not something you learn overnight. When you want to “be the change” it becomes a constant exercise in checking yourself, checking your privilege, calling people out and encouraging them to call you out. When people complain about the world becoming too PC, they’re in effect complaining they can’t continue to marginalize people already being discriminated against. Sorry you can’t crack a “go make a sandwich” joke or a rape joke or make fun of “ghetto” people. And really, aren’t these anti-PC whiners often the same people who take to the Internet when their privilege is questioned or challenged? Language is a weapon used every single day to oppress, and as we’re once again seeing, to downplay the sexual assault of a woman. With the Stanford rape case and totally bullshit sentencing of convicted rapist Brock Turner holding major court in the media and on social media, language and its power has been even more present in my thoughts. When Turner’s father, Don, remarked that his son’s measly six-month jail sentence was “a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20plus years of life,” it enraged me, and millions of others, who believe there is no excuse for rape. When Brock Turner himself says he’s going to work to educate high school students on sexual promiscuity, or says he wishes he was “never good at swimming or had the opportunity to attend Stanford, so maybe the newspapers wouldn’t write about me,” it

takes even more away from the victim and further perpetuates rape culture. These statements downplay the severity of what this pile of human garbage did. And afterwards, he and his team dragged her through a long court process where they attempted to excuse the crime he committed. And even when the jury unanimously agreed that he was guilty of rape, Brock Turner was given a measly sentence because, well shucks, it was his first time. How. The FUCK. Is this okay? Let’s not pretend his privileged white background didn’t come into play here. It wasn’t just 20 minutes of action. It was a crime. One of the most heinous ones a person can commit, and more often than not people find a way to use language to treat this crime as if its not that big of a deal. Or, it’s the fault of the woman. As I once said, we are all asking for it in some way, whether because of our clothes, our level of intoxication, our dating habits, our sexual history or any number of bullshit reasons. On top of that, we women have to live in a world where rape is downplayed, mocked, joked about and even excused on a daily basis. As the victim so beautifully and eloquently said in her court statement that has now been shared widely across the Internet, “It is deeply offensive that he would try and dilute rape with a suggestion of ‘promiscuity.’ By definition rape is the absence of promiscuity, rape is the absence of consent, and it perturbs me deeply that he can’t even see that distinction.” Swimming didn’t get you written about in newspapers, Brock Turner. Raping a woman did. If you haven’t read her statement, I encourage you to do so. While you may not be a rapist, and agree it’s an abominable act, you may not realize that the language you use, laugh at or excuse encourages rape. When you call a girl a ho for wearing a short skirt, and say she shouldn’t complain about the attention she’s getting, you’re encouraging sexual assault as an excusable act and placing blame in the wrong place. When a woman rejects you and you call her a bitch or continue to pester her even though she said no, you are perpetuating the idea that no is not a valid answer; that no means yes. When your friend makes a rape joke and you say nothing, your silence says rape is not a big deal. Check your language. Check others’ language. Do not let language be a weapon against those being victimized by it. Use it to protect them and fight for them, and to advocate for a world that is safe for them.

Do not let language be a weapon against those being victimized by it.

38 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016

There She Goz appears every third week. Write to





couple weeks ago, student artists took over the UCSD University Art Gallery to protest the school’s decision to permanently close the gallery. The occupation included “collective actions” where artists were encouraged to showcase or create artistic protestations. In the end, university administration decided not to close the gallery, and one piece that stood out prominently at the occupation was undergraduate student Nicole Gonzalez’s woven “Caution Tape.” Working under the name Inca Colors (incacolors. com), Gonzalez fashioned the knit to look like the yellow caution tape most often seen at places like crime scenes and construction areas. Made from secondhand yarn and hung atop the gallery’s entrance, the written message of “Caution Tape” was easy to decipher: “Caution Defunding Underway.” “I had to climb on the roof to install that,” says Gonzalez, who moved to San Diego from Richmond, Virginia, to study studio arts at UC San Diego. Gonzalez has been working in varying styles of textiles since she was in middle school. Growing up in Patchogue on Long Island, New York, she says she was inspired by national feminist knitting groups like Stitch ’n Bitch. Nowadays, she starts her pieces by sketching designs on graph paper, which she then uses for textile patterns. She says she “makes a lot of mistakes” along the way, but the resulting pieces are both cute and cerebral. Gonzalez’s pieces are meant to make people think. She shows off a reversible, beanie-style knit hat called “Schrödinger’s Hat,” based on a thought

Nicole Gonzalez experiment in quantum physics (Schrödinger’s Cat) that involves a cat that is considered simultaneously dead and alive (Editor’s note: Look it up. It’s complicated). There’s also a matching tank-top and scarf called “100 Years of Average Global Surface Temperatures” which manage to chart a century’s worth of global warming onto a piece of wearable clothing. “I want my work to convey a distance in communication that can be bridged if you’re willing to cross it,” Gonzalez says, adding that she’s influenced by ancient Indian textiles. A first generation Peruvian-American, Gonzalez is working with a Lima-based fair trade company called Aptec Peru in hopes of selling her work in shops. For now, her pieces are made to order but her hope is that she can find a way of producing her wares in a fair and sustainable way. “It can and should help the people in the region in which it’s made,” says Gonzalez, who spent months researching the intricacies of fair trade production. “If I’m promoting fair trade and sustainable clothing consumption that means I’m also responsible for pointing out what that means. It helps to make people think about where their clothing is coming from.”

—Seth Combs

TO SEE OR NOT TO SEE: ALL HANDS ON DECK In this semi-regular department, arts editor Seth Combs reviews a notable new art show or exhibition.


ontext is important when viewing the work of Damon Davis. The St. Louis-based interdisciplinary artist has spent much of the past few years creating works that attempt to examine the 2014 death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and the movements and protests that resulted from it. The All Hands on Deck series of photographs, some of which are now on display at the La Jolla location of the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (700 Prospect St.), were originally mass-produced and plastered up on abandoned buildings around St. Louis and Ferguson. To see them framed and mounted in one of the most affluent cities in the U.S. is ironic, indeed. That’s not to imply that the power of the photos is dulled or muted by seeing them in this context. These are important works that are the very definition of “contemporary” and I applaud MCASD for bringing them to the attention of viewers who may


have otherwise never seen them. The photos themselves are of individual sets of hands from residents of Ferguson. The hands are raised up, palms open, to resemble Brown’s gesture just before he was killed by a white police officer. In the photos, the tips of the fingers blur as if covered in clouds and the fingers themselves can often resemble cement pillars. SETH COMBS The child’s hands in “All Hands on Deck #3” are both touching and beautiful, heart-wrenching and distorted. The exhibition is displayed inside a small back gallery overlooking the La Jolla Cove, and I’d be interested to know if this was intentional. I highly recommend going in the late afternoon. It is around this time that the rays of the sun will All Hands On Deck shine through a small vertical window toward the back of the gallery. At one point, I walked over to the window and looked out at the cove and at the waves below. It was nice to dreamily forget, even for a moment, about the violence that permeates everyday American life. Then I turned around to see those hands around me. And I woke up.

—Seth Combs June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 39



De Palma

Brian De Palma’s force awakens in new documentary about his life and filmmaking career by Glenn Heath Jr.


rian De Palma speaks his mind with the tenac- mystify the process of collaboration. Also, they pinity of a termed-out POTUS conducting a bra- point dirty little secrets of film history that elevate zen farewell tour. He doesn’t care about glam- the work itself. Long chastised for presenting brutal orizing the past, only reveling in its absurdity, beauty violence against women, De Palma discusses these and horror. Throughout Noah Baumbach and Jake controversies with the ratings board and unhappy Paltrow’s intoxicating documentary De Palma, the studio executives. “My movies tend to upset people gregarious director speaks candidly about his life a lot,” he says laughingly, still genuinely surprised and professional career, warts and all. By confront- that people would interpret his films as gratuitous ing both successes and failures head on, he human- or sadistic. De Palma admits early and often that his films izes the auteur theory in a new way. Fittingly, the film begins with De Palma’s first are a representation of how he sees the world. Masrecollection of Vertigo, Alfred Hitchcock’s demented terpieces such as Dressed to Kill (1980), Causalities of classic about a police detective slowly ripped apart War (1989) and Carlito’s Way (1993) transcend genre by memory, obsession and warped sexuality. The di- to explore the helplessness we feel in the modern age. They are cynical and divisive works rector “creates beautiful illusions that never shy away from their ugand then kills them,” De Palma liness and beauty. While voyeurism confesses with glee, describing DE PALMA influences much of De Palma’s style in one sentence why Hitchcock’s Directed by Noah Baumbach in his entire career (“being a direcwork has made such a profound tor is being a watcher” after all), the and Jake Paltrow impact on his own. smooth long takes and hazy split Being educated in a Quaker Starring Brian De Palma diopter shots that have made him school forced De Palma to think Rated R famous are constructed to express about the moral aspects of life the opposite of control. We’re esearly on. Women fascinated him, sentially watching our own deaths. as did watching them, something Acting like a requiem, De Palma, which opens he readily admits. While attending Columbia University he was introduced to the French New Wave Friday, June 17, provides a pulpit for one of mainat Amos Vogel’s Cinema 16, which further subverted stream cinema’s greatest artists to express his frushis understanding of perspective. Originally major- tration with the system he helped create. “The valing in physics and math, De Palma quickly became ues of Hollywood are at odds with what make good immersed in the history of film, and artistically con- movies,” De Palma says, further lamenting the incerned with the manipulation of directing, or “tell- dustry takeover by businessmen who care little for the medium’s mystery and potential. ing the audience what to look at.” One of the key figures in the 1970s New HollyDe Palma functions in much the same way, but instead of focusing only on the director’s patented wood, De Palma reminisces about his friendship thematic and stylistic motifs, it calls attention to the with Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese and George patterns of its subject’s personality. Remembering Lucas, who each found success within the Hollythe filmmaking process matters most to De Palma. wood machine. De Palma rarely did, and his outsider He recollects specific details as if they occurred yes- status can be felt in every ornery word. Refusing to terday: the difficulties with Orson Welles forgetting adhere to the status quo defines the identity of both dialogue on the set of 1972’s Get to Know Your Rab- De Palma and De Palma. The man and the movie are bit, Cliff Robertson’s diva-like attitude during the bastions of a time when art and commerce weren’t shooting of 1976’s Obsession, and the creative scuf- mutually exclusive, and film history was made at fles that led to his Miami/Cuban version of Scarface. night with reckless abandon. Juxtaposing behind-the-scenes anecdotes, ruminations and jabs with bravura film clips from his Film reviews run weekly. entire career, Baumbach and Paltrow cleverly de- Write to

40 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016



June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 41


A Monster With a Thousand Heads

Health crisis


he rigorous formal techniques that mark the work of directors Carlos Reygadas and Amat Escalante provide a foundation for social outrage in A Monster With a Thousand Heads. Shot almost entirely in static set ups and long takes, Rodrigo Plá’s thriller dissects Mexico’s health care failures by pinpointing the small ethical compromises that have fortified such a deep level of bureaucratic rot. It’s lean and mean in the most necessary of ways. Sonia’s (Jana Raluy) ill husband doesn’t have much time left. As a last ditch effort, she lobbies her insurance company to pay for an experimental treatment only to be met with delays and excuses, then outright disrespect. The corruption of human services has already taken a toll on her family

42 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016

when the film begins. But soon after being dodged by her primary care physician in an act of blatant cowardice, she’s driven to extreme action. Desperation and stress lead her to believe that all you need for social change is a girl and a gun. The narrative metastasizes quickly, following Sonia and her teenage son as they kidnap a top administrator with the intention of forcing him to sign off on the treatment. Nothing goes accordingly to plan. One level of red tape leads to another. Blood is spilled. Even after creating a heightened and threatening space, Sonia is met with more excuses, patriarchal arrogance and manipulation. Plá favors the perspective of onlookers (who will later become key witnesses) as they watch the events unfold. This gives the devolving real-time situations an added sense of confusion and volatility. A Monster With a Thousand Heads, which opens on Friday, June 17, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park, is a swift cinematic plea for transparency and dignity. But the great equalizer isn’t violence; it’s the human endurance to carry on despite being surrounded by injustice.

—Glenn Heath Jr.

OPENING A Monster With a Thousand Heads: Faced with her husband’s worsening illness and an uncooperative insurance company, a Mexican woman kidnaps a top administrator to incite change. Screens through Thursday, June 23, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. Art Bastard: This documentary follows the life and career of New York artist Robert Cenedella. Opens Friday, June 17, at the Angelika Carmel Mountain Cinemas. Central Intelligence: A bullied student (Dwayne Johnson) sheds his baby fat and becomes a secret agent, then gets into some dangerous trouble with an old pal (Kevin Hart) at their high school reunion. De Palma: Noah Baumbach and Jake Paltrow’s documentary allows the director Brian De Palma (Carlito’s Way) to survey his entire film career with verve, honesty and wit. Finding Dory: Albert Brooks and Ellen DeGeneres reprise their underwater roles as fish in distress in Pixar’s sequel. Genius: A biopic that chronicles the life of editor Max Perkins (Colin Firth), who oversaw the works of Thomas Wolfe and F. Scott Fitzgerald. Puerto Ricans in Paris: Hilarity ensues when two New York City cops travel to Paris to track down a missing handbag. Screens through Thursday, June 23, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park.

ONE TIME ONLY Heathers: In this classic dark comedy about popularity, a teenage girl (Wynona Ryder) teams up with a sociopath to kill

the cool kids. Screens at 8 p.m. Wednesday, June 15, at The Pearl Hotel in Point Loma. Star Wars: The Force Awakens: J.J. Abrams’ long-awaited Episode VII introduces a new generation of heroes while paying homage to the iconic characters from past films. Screens at 8 p.m. Thursday – Sunday, June 16-19, at Cinema Under the Stars in Mission Hills. Raiders of the Lost Ark: Archeologist Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) gets mixed up with some Nazis in this adventure masterpiece from Steven Spielberg. Screens at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, June 19, at the Arclight La Jolla Cinemas. Beverly Hills Cop: Eddie Murphy stars as a wise-talking Detroit cop who travels to posh Beverly Hills in search of a killer. Screens at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 21, at the Arclight La Jolla Cinemas. The Fast and the Furious: Vin Diesel and Paul Walker star as competing car enthusiasts in the film that launched endless sequels of auto mayhem. Screens at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 22, at the Arclight La Jolla Cinemas. Step Into Liquid: This classic documentary by Dana Brown showcases some of the Holy Grail spots for surfing and the people that defy gravity to ride the waves. Screens June 22 at The Pearl Hotel.

For a complete

listing of movies, please see

“F ilm Screenings” at





HEN LISTENING to cellist Zoë Keating’s recordings, you could be forgiven for thinking you were hearing an entire orchestra. Each composition is a dense arrangement of overlapping strings, whistles and percussion sounds that form a complex musical whole. Rather than the work of an ensemble, however, the music is generated solely by Keating and her cello. A former software information architect, Keating uses a MacBook Pro and a single control pedal to construct intricate loops and layers as she plays, achieving the percussive sounds by knocking on the body of the instrument. The effect is the aural equivalent of a master weaver at a loom, spinning an elaborate tapestry out of a handful of threads. Frequently described as “avant-garde,”


Keating’s music can be difficult to categorize. Though somewhere in the realm of modern classical, it also turns up on digital distribution platforms as “neoclassical” and “dance and electronica,” and sometimes with a blank space where the listing should be, which appeals to the cellist. “It’s something I’ve always struggled with,” Keating says over the phone from her home outside San Francisco, “and I worried about being too pretentious. Every artist thinks they’re unique! But part of being an artist in the age of the Internet is that the old genre buckets are antiquated. Our lives are much more multidimensional than that.” Thirteen years into her musical career, the aggressively DIY Keating has never had a record label or manager. She mails

out CD orders herself. After an initial stint cutting her stage chops with the rock-cello outfit Rasputina, Keating struck out on her own, hauling her cello from venue to venue in a van. When iTunes opened its marketplace to unsigned artists in 2003, Keating was one of the first to take advantage, only to be surprised as her first homemade recording, the EP One Cello x 16, rose to the No. 1 spot in the Classical sales charts and subsequently camped out in the Top 20. Later album releases One Cello x 16: Natoma and Into The Trees had similar receptions. Despite this fruitful relationship with Apple, Keating is cautious about relying on those sales as the industry shifts in favor of

streaming over downloads. “Much of digital music still feels very messy,” she says, “the full potential of the Internet hasn’t been realized yet.” To diversify her income, she has licensed her music to NPR and television shows such as Elementary and Teen Wolf, and collaborated with musicians such as friend and fellow DIY maven Amanda Palmer. Keating maintains an active and candid online presence, which has helped her cultivate a loyal and diverse listener demographic. Without any label or contractual obligations to restrain her, Keating has also been outspoken on the fair treatment of artists in the digital marketplace. “Large corporations always try to take the largest piece of the pie for themselves,” she says. “I feel like a big part of my advocacy is breaking people out of their industry ghettos.” She’s publicly sparred with YouTube over its licensing policies and habitually shares her annual royalties statements from various digital services, a move which directly contradicted claims made by Spotify about how lucrative streaming is for indie musicians: “It’s up to the artist to create the world they want to live in for themselves, versus the one the corporations create,” she says. Recently, Keating has had to adjust to becoming a solo act in a profoundly more personal sense: as a single parent. When Jeff, her husband of 18 years, passed away in 2015 after a difficult battle with cancer, Keating, now the sole caretaker to their young son, found herself unable to return to the album she’d begun recording just prior to his diagnosis. “I’m not one of those people who can make music when they’re miserable,” she says of this period. “I make music when the sun is shining. I make music for my world.” To keep the creative fires burning she took gigs composing scores for the television shows Manhattan and The Returned. This gave her time to grieve and to care for her son, but left her unsure of what her next step would be. “It’s a really difficult thing, to lose the one person who always encouraged me, who was always there to listen to what I was trying to do,” she says. “I didn’t know if could have a music career without him.” This year marks Keating’s first substantial tour since before her husband’s passing, and despite her reservations, this onewoman orchestra has found that she isn’t so alone after all. “I’ve discovered I need my audience more than I realized,” she says. “I love performing now more than I ever did. At a recent series of concerts in Portland I felt like I was thriving in a way I hadn’t ever before. I don’t have Jeff anymore, but I have you guys. Knowing that people care makes me want to make music for them.”

June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 43



embers of Age of Collapse and Gloomsday have started up a new band called Polish. The group features Age of Collapse’s Xavier Hernandez on guitar and vocals, Gloomsday’s Lori Sokolowski on bass and vocals, Mega Crane’s Matthew Donnert on drums and Winterbloom’s Michael Hawkins on guitar. The group started up last year as a Pixies cover band for a Halloween show, but after working on a set of covers, they decided they wanted to make some new songs together. “We’d been practicing for a few months before that show and decided we wanted to do something original with the same people,” says Hernandez, in a phone interview. Polish (as in nail polish) have played two shows to date, most recently opening for Arbor Labor Union at The Hideout. Hernandez says there was no specific objective to the band at first, though playing other people’s songs helped them figure out what they wanted to do. “We’re all about the same age, and we all like the same music—indie rock-type stuff,” he says. “We still kinda centered around the Pixies since every song of theirs has kind of a different vibe. We’re not really being held to one specific sound, just trying to make it sound interesting.” The band has released a handful of tracks on their Bandcamp page, and have recorded more that

Polish they’re planning on releasing soon. And when they do, another live show will likely coincide. “We recorded about nine songs as part of a demo type thing,” says Hernandez. “We don’t have anything set up right now but we’ll hopefully soon be booking an official release show for the nine-song demo.”

—Jeff Terich

The Dabbers I Am Alien Now (self-released)


onventional wisdom—or sheer logistics—has often suggested that you can only do so much when you’re playing music as a duo. There’s only so much sound you can squeeze out of two instruments and one or two voices, and eventually those limitations will catch up to you. But there have been countless examples in the last 20 years to prove that’s all nonsense: Lightning Bolt, The White Stripes, Death from Above 1979, No Age and Dark Castle, among others, have made signature sounds out of stripped-down arrangements, proving that the greatest limitations are those you impose upon yourself. The Dabbers are another such band for whom keeping it simple is more of a strength than a liability. Indeed, there’s something admirably straightforward about how Zack and Shelby Wentz tackle their noisy punk songs. Take for instance the melody of “Triple Agent,” from the band’s new album I Am Alien Now. It’s essentially a repetition of one note during the minimalist verse, pulsing along a straight line. But when the duo breaks out into the chorus, introducing a two-chord progression, it feels like a powerful change of course.

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The key to making the most of your setup is in thinking creatively, and for that matter writing some great songs. There are plenty of those on I Am Alien Now, made that much stronger by subtle touches that enhance a series of tracks that ultimately don’t need that much to feel whole. The reverb effects on leadoff track “CooCoo” fill out the space left open between Shelby Wentz’s bass riffs, whereas “Little Chainsaw” has a cool groove that might otherwise be obscured by too much additional instrumentation. And Shelby’s voice has an ethereal quality that stands in contrast to the density of the bass and drums, giving a sense of levity to some otherwise heavy tracks. Sometimes the band grows even noisier, like on the darkly distorted “Show Your Room,” and sometimes they open up their space even more, as they do on the stark “Wafers.” At no point does anything sound too thin or unfinished. The Dabbers might seem like they’re doing more with less, but perhaps the better question is why so many bands are seemingly doing less with a lot more.

—Jeff Terich #SDCityBeat


June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 45




PLAN A: Valient Thorr, Pears, The Lumps @ Soda Bar. Valient Thorr is for all intents and purposes a Southern rock band, but a super fun, significantly heavier Southern rock band. Fronted by a burly Viking dude. I mean, you’re already there, right? PLAN B: KIND, Salem’s Bend, Garth Algar, Beira @ Brick by Brick. Are you ready for some doom? I know I am (side note: I usually am). Tonight Boston’s KIND and L.A.’s Salem’s Bend top a bill full of righteous riff-monsters that’ll make your evening much more crushing.


PLAN A: Creepers, Nylon Apartments @ Whistle Stop. Last week, local postpunk/darkwave trio Nylon Apartments graced our cover. They’re one of San Diego’s best new bands, and you should catch them with Creepers, a shoegazey Deafheaven side project. PLAN B:

46 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016

the spot. Be prepared to pogo. BACKUP PLAN: Tokyo Police Club, We Were Promised Jetpacks @ Belly Up Tavern.

and pop music. It’s unlike anything you’ll hear this week. BACKUP PLAN: Devildriver, Holy Grail, Incite, Hemlock, Daemos @ Brick by Brick.



PLAN A: Cheap Girls, Santa Ana Knights, Russian Tremors @ Soda Bar. Punk’s in a good place right now. The melodies are good, the energy’s high, and insider’s weekly agenda everyone’s apparently listening to a lot of Springsteen. Cheap Girls check off all Curren$y @ Observatory North Park. these boxes with their tuneful rock jams New Orleans rapper Curren$y has a deep that never lose their flavor. PLAN B: bench of songs about weed, cars, weed, Zoë Keating @ AMSD Concerts. Read video games, weed and more weed. Even Matt Baldwin’s feature this week on celif you’re not a smoker, you’ll enjoy a hit of his hip-hop jams. BACKUP PLAN: Jaill, Subtropics, Half Eaten @ Soda Bar.


PLAN A: Total Chaos, Resilience, The Velisha, The Hathcocks @ Brick by Brick. Sunday night’s alright for punk rock. Grab the Elmer’s glue and get those Liberty spikes up high. Total Chaos is gonna get a circle pit going.


PLAN A: Federico Aubele, Bossa Bebe @ The Casbah. Argentine singer/songwriter Federico Aubele has been making eclectic, exotic pop records for more than a decade, combining dance, folk, pop and lounge styles into something unconventional but easy to like.

PLAN A: Tiny Moving Parts, Prawn, Free Throw, The Wild TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Fires @ House of Blues. Tiny PLAN A: The Blank Tapes, The Moving Parts combines guitar Pesos, The Rotten Mangoes @ heroism with grace, and emoThe Casbah. Southern Califortion with technical skill. They nia psych is getting to the point of rock when they need to, but self-parody, but that doesn’t mean you’ll likely be more enthralled there aren’t still some great bands with their finger-tapping abiliin the genre worthy of attention. ties. PLAN B: The Muffs, Claw Cheap Girls Like The Blank Tapes, who do reHammer, Schizophonics, The verb and fuzz better than most. BACKTouchies @ The Casbah. The Muffs list Zoë Keating, whose innovative one- UP PLAN: Secret Drum Band, TJO have been playing super-fun power pop woman take on chamber music sets her is Tara Jane O’Neil, Penis Hickey @ for more than two decades, and still hit apart from both contemporary classical Tower Bar.




Galactic (BUT, 8/14), Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears (Casbah, 8/28), Baroness, Pallbearer (Observatory, 8/30), Los Lonely Boys (BUT, 9/4), Luke Bryan (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 9/17), Butch Walker (HOB, 9/19), DJ Shadow (HOB, 9/27), Okkervil River (BUT, 10/1), El Ten Eleven (Music Box, 10/1), Phantogram (Irenic, 10/1), Failure (Music Box, 10/6), Grim Reaper (Brick by Brick, 10/7), Kula Shaker (BUT, 10/9), Colbie Caillat (Humphreys, 10/12), Preoccupations (Irenic, 10/26).

GET YER TICKETS Case/Lang/Veirs (Humphreys, 6/22), Mudcrutch (Humphreys, 6/30), Iration (HOB, 7/7), White Lung (Casbah, 7/9), M. Ward (BUT, 7/12), Deerhoof (Casbah, 7/14), Psychedelic Furs, The Church (Humphreys, 7/19), The Joy Formidable (Irenic, 7/20), Nails (Brick by Brick, 7/20), Boris (Casbah, 7/22), Blink 182 (Viejas Arena, 7/22), Inter Arma (Soda Bar, 7/24), Dirty Dozen Brass Band (Music Box, 7/28), Savages (Observatory, 7/29), Sublime with Rome (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 7/30), Anderson .Paak (HOB, 8/3), ‘Warped Tour’ w/ Sleeping With Sirens, Sum 41, New Found Glory (Qualcomm Stadium, 8/5), Last Shadow Puppets (Observatory, 8/5), Kurt Vile and the Violators (HOB, 8/9), The


White Buffalo (BUT, 8/13), Guided by Voices (BUT, 8/17), The Weight: Members of the Band/Levon Helm Band (BUT, 8/18), Parquet Courts (The Irenic, 8/19), Digable Planets, Camp Lo (BUT, 8/20), Guns ‘n’ Roses (Qualcomm Stadium, 8/22), Dave Matthews Band (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 8/26), Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 8/27), Deftones (Open Air Theatre, 8/29), Squirrel Nut Zippers (BUT, 8/31), Huey Lewis and the News (Humphreys, 9/1), Flamin’ Groovies (Casbah, 9/2), Yes (Humphreys, 9/4), The Kills (Observatory, 9/4), Tr/st, Cold Cave (Music Box, 9/8), Zombies (BUT, 9/8), Ray Lamontagne (Open Air Theatre, 9/13), Counting Crows, Rob Thomas (Open Air Theatre, 9/14), Band of Skulls (BUT, 9/24), Tegan and Sara (Observatory, 9/25), O.A.R. (Humphreys, 9/25), King (Casbah, 9/28), Glen Hansard (Observatory, 9/28), Steve Gunn (Soda Bar, 10/1), Alice in Chains (Copley Symphony Hall, 10/2), Ani DiFranco (BUT, 10/2), Sia, Miguel (Viejas Arena, 10/5), Bad Boy Family Reunion (Viejas Arena, 10/6), Kamasi Washington (Humphreys, 10/7), Florida Georgia Line (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 10/9), RJD2 (Observatory, 10/13), Prophets of Rage (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 10/16), Jethro Tull (Balboa Theatre, 10/17), The Faint, Gang of Four (Observatory, 10/18), Young the Giant (HOB, 10/18-19), Willie Nelson (Humphreys, 10/19), Saint Vitus (Brick by Brick, 10/22), Alice Cooper (Harrah’s, 10/28), Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Death from Above 1979 (HOB, 10/28), M83 (SOMA, 10/29), Diamond Head (Brick by Brick, 11/5), Peter Hook and the Light (HOB, 11/8).

JUNE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 Al DiMeola at Music Box. Toots and the Maytals at Observatory North Park. X Ambassadors at Del Mar Fairgrounds.

THURSDAY, JUNE 16 Lee Bains III and the Glory Fires at The Hideout. Curren$y at Observatory North Park.

FRIDAY, JUNE 17 The Muffs at The Casbah. Prayers at Observatory North Park.

SATURDAY, JUNE 18 Sarah Jarosz at The Irenic. Day Wave at The Casbah. Rogue Wave at Belly Up Tavern. Joe Jackson at Spreckels Theatre (sold out).

SUNDAY, JUNE 19 Total Chaos at Brick by Brick.

MONDAY, JUNE 20 Federico Aubele at The Casbah. Lee “Scratch” Perry at Belly Up Tavern.

TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Ozomatli at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Ceu at Belly Up Tavern. Buckethead at Music Box.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 David Bromberg at Belly Up Tavern. Case/Lang/Veirs at Humphreys by the Bay. Kenny Rogers at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Ne-hi at The Hideout. Nothing at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, JUNE 23 Cherry Glazerr at The Irenic. George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic at Belly Up Tavern (sold out).

FRIDAY, JUNE 24 Sonny and the Sunsets at Soda Bar. Jacquees at Observatory North Park. Cee-Lo at Belly Up Tavern (sold out). Holy Wave at The Hideout.

SATURDAY, JUNE 25 Venom Inc. at Brick by Brick. Pierce the Veil at Observatory North Park. Good Old War at The Casbah.

SUNDAY, JUNE 26 Pity Sex at The Irenic. Blue Oyster Cult at Belly Up Tavern.


Humphreys (sold out). Schizophonics Soul Revue at The Casbah. Griever at Soda Bar.

SATURDAY, JULY 2 Kevin Morby at The Casbah. The Loons at Soda Bar.

SUNDAY, JULY 3 Ignite at Brick by Brick. Emily Jane White at Soda Bar.

TUESDAY, JULY 5 Lady Antebellum at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Destroyer of Light at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, JULY 7 Big Bloom at The Casbah. Iration at House of Blues.


Ape Machine at The Casbah.

TUESDAY, JUNE 28 Bryson Tiller at Observatory North Park.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 Bryson Tiller at Observatory North Park.

THURSDAY, JUNE 30 Brian Wilson at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Spero at The Casbah. Harsh Toke at Belly Up Tavern. Mudcrutch at Humphreys by the Bay.

Rascal Flatts at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Chicago at Harrah’s Resort. Big Sandy and His Flyrite Boys at The Casbah.

SATURDAY, JULY 9 Toad the Wet Sprocket, Rusted Root at Observatory North Park. Slightly Stoopid at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Joan Jett at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Body Language at The Hideout. White Lung at The Casbah. Royal Headache at Soda Bar.



Kyle Craft at The Casbah. Six String Society at Belly Up Tavern.

FRIDAY, JULY 1 Ringo Starr and His All Star Band at


June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 47

MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUED FROM PAGE 47 TUESDAY, JULY 12 Widespread Panic at Civic Theatre. M. Ward at Belly Up Tavern. Underpass, Soft Kill at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, JULY 14 Deerhoof at The Casbah. Pinegrove at House of Blues.

FRIDAY, JULY 15 We Are Scientists at House of Blues Voodoo Room. Screeching Weasel at Brick by Brick.

SATURDAY, JULY 16 Pitbull at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Ducktails at The Hideout. Slapshot, Poison Idea at Brick by Brick.

SUNDAY, JULY 17 Wye Oak at The Irenic. Saosin at Observatory North Park.

TUESDAY, JULY 19 Fear of Men at The Hideout. Xibalba at Soda Bar. Psychedelic Furs, The Church at Humphreys Concerts by the Bay. The Yardbirds at Belly Up Tavern.


710 Beach Club, 710 Garnet Ave., San Diego. Pacific Beach. Wed: The Velveteins. Fri: Pasadena, Sandollar, No Kings. Sat: Dazed and Confused. Tue: Vella Blue, Spelunkers.

98 Bottles, 2400 Kettner Blvd. Ste. 110, San Diego. Little Italy. Fri: Gaslamp Quarter Jazz Orchestra. Sat: Black Mambo. Sun: Joe Garrison and Night People. Air Conditioned Lounge, 4673 30th St., San Diego. Normal Heights. Wed: ‘Wild & Free’ w/ DJs Memo + Rex. Thu: ‘Libertine’ w/ DJs Jon Wesley, 1979. Sat: ‘Juicy’ w/ DJ Mike Czech. Sun: ‘Chvrch’ w/ DJ Karma. American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Tommy Davidson. Fri: Tommy Davidson. Sat: Tommy Davidson. Sun: Breakout Artist Series: Ahamed Weinberg. The Bancroft, 9143 Campo Rd., Spring Valley. Thu: Darkwave Garden. Fri: The Chromedomes. Sat: Gimme Gimme Gimme. Sun: Bob’s Blues Jam. Bang Bang, 526 Market St., San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Claptone. Fri: Louis Futon. Sat: Skylar Spence. Bar Pink, 3829 30th St., San Diego. North Park. Wed: ‘Ladies of Hip Hop and R&B’ w/ Monument, DJs Tramlife, Artistic. Thu: DJ Ikah Love. Beaumont’s, 5662 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla. Thu: Adam Block Duo. Fri: Aquile. Sat: Rare Form. Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Wed: The Verigolds, Inspired and the Sleep, Luneaux. Thu: The Tommy Mitchell Show, The Routine, Cody Lovaas. Sat: Rogue Wave, Floating Action. Sun: Point Break Live - Can You Keanu?. Mon: Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry and Subatomic Sound System, Twisted Relatives. Tue: Ceu, Kauf. Black Cat Bar, 4246 University Ave., San Diego. City Heights. Sat: Gone Baby Gone, The End.

SPOTLIGHT There aren’t many reggae bands that have been making music for as long as Toots and the Maytals. They got their start in Kingston, Jamaica, in the early ’60s, performing Jamaican ska and rocksteady before making a breakthrough in 1969 with “Pressure Drop.” That’s just one of the long list of classics, along with “Funky Kingston” and “Monkey Man,” you’re likely to hear when Toots and the Maytals perform at Observatory North Park on Wednesday, June 15.


48 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016


MUSIC Boar Cross’n, 390 Grand Ave., Carlsbad. Carlsbad. Fri: Club Musae.

Tyghtship, Jason Brown. Mon: Missy Andersen. Tue: Michele Lundeen.

Brass Rail, 3796 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Sat: ‘Sabado en Fuego’ w/ DJs XP, KA, K-Swift. Mon: ‘Manic Monday’ w/ DJ Junior the Disco Punk.

The Hideout, 3519 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Thu: Lee Bains III and the Glory Fires.

Brick by Brick, 1130 Buenos Ave., San Diego. Bay Park. Wed: KIND, Salem’s Bend, Garth Algar, Beira. Fri: Short Stories, Hidden Hospitals, Culprit, Alive & Well. Sat: Devildriver, Holy Grail, Incite, Hemlock, Daemos. Sun: Total Chaos, Resilience, The Velisha, The Hathcocks. Cafe Sevilla, 353 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Sat: Flamenco Dinner Show. Sun: Buena Vista Sundays. The Casbah, 2501 Kettner Blvd., San Diego. Midtown. Wed: Splavender, Garden Echo, Nite Lapse. Thu: My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult, DJ Vaughn Avakian. Fri: The Muffs, Claw Hammer, Schizophonics, The Touchies. Sat: Day Wave, Day Wave, Nico Yaryan, The Filthy Violets. Sun: You Won’t, Bombadil, Jacquelyn Mackenzie. Mon: Federico Aubele, Bossa Bebe. Tue: The Blank Tapes, The Pesos, The Rotten Mangoes. Cat Eye Club, 370 7th Ave, San Diego. East Village. Thu: Cool Cat Karaoke. Chico Club, 7366 El Cajon Blvd, La Mesa. Sat: Vinyl Pirates. Dirk’s Nightclub, 7662 Broadway, Lemon Grove. Fri: Josie Day Band. Dizzy’s, 4275 Mission Bay Drive, San Diego. Mission Bay. Fri: The Benedetti Trio. Sat: Chuck Perrin. F6ix, 526 F St., Downtown., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: DJ Brett Bodley. Sat: Wellman. Sun: DJ Beatnick. Fluxx, 500 Fourth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: Kyle Flesch. Sat: Reflex. Henry’s Pub, 618 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: Ride the Mule. Thu: Night Skool. Fri: Good Times. Sat: Rock Star Saturday. Tue: ‘50s/’60s Dance Party. Hoffer’s Cigar Bar, 8282 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa. Sat: Tirrell ‘Ty’ McKnight and the JDog Players. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Hibou, Sad Girl. Fri: Tiny Moving Parts, Prawn, Free Throw. Sat: DJ Mike White, DSB-An American Journey. Sun: Hail the Sun, My Iron Lung, Hearts Like Lions. Tue: Robin Henkel solo blues, Jacob Whitesides, Shane Harper. Humphrey’s Backstage Live, 2241 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego. Point Loma. Wed: Walter Gentry. Thu: Bayou Brothers. Fri: Detroit Underground. Sat: Funk’s Most Wanted, The Cadillac Wreckers. Sun: Marvin Banks and


The Irenic, 3090 Polk Ave., San Diego. North Park. Fri: Full Frontal Nerdity. Sat: Sarah Jarosz, Curtis McMurtry Java Joe’s Normal Heights, 3536 Adams Ave., San Diego. Normal Heights. Thu: Gregory Page. Fri: Sara Petite, Jacques Mees, Dave Humphries. Kava Lounge, 2812 Kettner Blvd., San Diego. Midtown. Wed: Foniks, Brand B, Mousey McGlynn, Coby. Thu: Cumbia Machin. Fri: ‘Acid Varsity’ w/ Bostich + Fussible. Sat: Terry Mullan. Sun: Marujah, Rizing Resistance, After Hours. Tue: Tribe Night. Kensington Club, 4079 Adams Ave., San Diego. Kensington. Sat: Barrows, Deep Sea Thunder Beast, Bleak Skies. The Kraken, 2531 S. Coast Highway 101, Cardiff. Cardiff-by-the-Sea. Wed: Jeff Moore. Thu: Tongue & Groove. Fri: The Tighten Ups. Sat: Project X. Sun: Grass. Mon: Jake Loban. Tue: Dead McMahon Mc P’s Irish Pub, 1107 Orange Ave., Coronado. Coronado. Wed: Jackson Jesus. Thu: North Star. Fri: Trunk Monkey. Sat: Street Heart. Sun: Ron’s Garage. Tue: Steve Brewer. The Merrow, 1271 University Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Wed: The Heroine, The Screamin Yeehaws, Gunner Gunner. Thu: Brutal In Black. Fri: Nurvana, Punkture, The Lone Pines. Sat: US Air Guitar Championships. Sun: The Back Room. Tue: Shanell, Jayali, Jess J. Jones, Mani Dollaz, Boyd Mon. Moonshine Flats, 344 7th Ave., San Diego. Gaslamp. Fri: Brodie Stewart Band. Mr. Peabody’s Encinitas, 136 Encinitas Blvd., Encinitas. Thu: HighMinded. Sat: The Young Savages, Adrienne Nims & Spirit Wind. Music Box, 1337 India St., San Diego. Little Italy. Fri: The Earful, Juicebox. Tue: Buckethead. Nate’s Garden Grill, 3120 Euclid Ave., San Diego. City Heights. Sat: Robin Henkel. Numbers, 3811 Park Blvd., San Diego. Hillcrest. Thu: Wet. Fri: Vogue Decadence. Sun: R&B Divas. The Office, 3936 30th St., San Diego. North Park. Wed: Ceremony Night. Thu: ‘No Limits’ w/ DJ Myson King. Fri: ‘After Hours’ w/ DJs Adam Salter, Ikah Love. Sat: ‘Strictly Business’ w/ DJs EdRoc, Kanye Asada. Sun: ‘Uptown Top Ranking’ w/ Tribe of Kings. Mon:

‘Planet B’ w/ DJs Justin Pearson, Gabe Serbian, Luke Henshaw. Tue: ‘Trapped’ w/ DJ Ramsey. OMNIA Nightclub, 454 6th Ave, San Diego. Thu: BRKLYN. Fri: DJ Ruckus, Prince Fox. Sat: Eric Dlux. Parq, 615 Broadway, San Diego. Fri: DJ Karma. Sat: DJ Ikon. Patricks Gaslamp, 428 F St., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: The Upshots. Thu: The Bill Magee Blues Band. Fri: RedWave. Sat: Mystique Element of Soul. Sun: The Fuzzy Rankins Band. Mon: The Groove Squad. Tue: Paddy’s Chicken Jam. Riviera Supper Club, 7777 University Ave., La Mesa. Wed: ‘Boss Jazz’ w/ Jason Hanna. Thu: Swing Thing. Fri: Hotshot Drifters. Sat: Finnigan Blue. Rosie O’Grady’s, 3402 Adams Ave., San Diego. Normal Heights. Fri: Andy Mauser. Sat: Soulside Players, Soulside Players. Soda Bar, 3615 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Wed: Valient Thorr, Pears, The Lumps. Thu: Jaill, Subtropics, Half Eaten. Fri: The Gore Horsemen, The Strikers, Hard Fall Hearts. Sat: Cheap Girls, Santa Ana Knights, Russian Tremors. Mon: Mashrou Leila. Tue: Paper Route, Armors, Velour. SOMA, 3350 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. Midway. Fri: Midnight Track, Fighting Friction, Junkyard Pharaohs, Steal Away, Color Til Monday, SpicyCamaro. Sat: Rob $tone, Spooks, 1207. Spin, 2028 Hancock St., San Diego. Midtown. Fri: OTT. Sat: Eden. Sun: Cecile. Tower Bar, 4757 University Ave., San Diego. City Heights. Fri: Nebula Drag, R3X. Sat: Ad Seg, Systematic Abuse, Biriuk, Bukkorosu. Sun: Daikaiju, Monolith, Dinosaur Ghost. Tue: Secret Drum Band, TJO is Tara Jane O’Neil, Penis Hickey. Whistle Stop, 2236 Fern St, San Diego. South Park. Wed: ‘Girls Girls Girls’ w/ DJ Lizeth. Thu: Creepers, Vow, Nylon Apartments. Fri: F-ing in the Bushes. Sat: ‘80s vs. 90s’ w/ DJs Gabe, Saul. Wine Steals Hillcrest, 1243 University Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Wed: Paint & Cheers: Prismatic Stallion. Winstons, 1921 Bacon St., San Diego. Ocean Beach. Wed: The Smash Up, DJ Carlos Culture . Thu: Speakerghost. Fri: The Devastators. Sat: Groovesession, Shell Shock. Sun: Shades of Blue. Mon: Electric Waste Band DJ Product. Fri: Electric Waste Band. Sat: KL Noise Makerz, Crown Rootz. Sun: The Crome Domes. Mon: Electric Waste Band. Tue: Sweetwater String Band.

June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 49




WEEDS On the road to hemp redemption


nce upon a long bygone time, hemp grew far and wide across the American landscape. Colonial law required farmers to grow hemp to meet the ravenous appetite for rope and lamp oil. Industrial revolutionaries turned to hemp for a bewildering array of uses. Hemp remained one of the nation’s foremost cash crops deep into the last century, when it was swept up in the anticannabis crusade and federally outlawed thanks to the machinations of industrial powerhouses like DuPont. But as Rick Trojan embarked last week from Alpine on his hemp-proselytizing road trip, he joined a growing crusade to rescue the plant from its legacy as victim of the drug war and was cast into a role as savior of the American farmer and boon to the nation’s health.

50 · San Diego CityBeat · June 15, 2016

His is a political mission undertaken out of moral obligation. Never mind the fact that hemp contains only trace amounts of psychoactive compound; the United States remains one of the only nations that bans growing the ancient crop, which has tens of thousands of applications—oftentimes as a far healthier or otherwise superior alternative. “If you had told me three years ago I was going to be driving across the country on a hemp bus, I would’ve told you you were out of your mind. Now, I don’t really see any other option,” Trojan said as he prepared to leave from the Mt. Hempire store in Alpine. “People are ignorant about hemp because they’ve been intentionally misinformed. But once they learn the truth, it’s a no-brainer. There are so many benefits; health, environment, fuel, we can

get rid of so many toxic things that we have around us.” The 39-year-old hemp activist from Colorado—a former University of San Diego student—fired up his converted 1993 GMC Vandura for a route that will take him through California to rally state legislators before heading to the Republican and Democratic national conventions. There, he and a growing legion of hemp activists will try to convince party delegates to add the Industrial Hemp Farm Act to their platform. Passage would allow states to grow hemp and produce tens of thousands of hemp-based goods. Activists have already made political headway, starting with a surprise step toward legality with hemp’s inclusion in the 2014 Federal Farm Bill. But in California, that progress was stymied when Gov. Jerry Brown subsequently limited access to universities and government research projects. That means all of the hemp in the mind-boggling array of the goods Cherie Bromley-Taylor sells out of Mt. Hempire is imported, typically from Canada—an infuriating and nonsensical reality for the 58-year-old, who retired two years ago with her husband to de-


Rick Trojan and Cherie BromleyTaylor fold an American flag made of hemp as he embarks on his cross-country tour. vote themselves to spreading the hemp gospel in Alpine. Her shoes are hemp. She uses hemp soap. She eats the seeds and soothes her aches with hempbased topical rubs. Even her pets eat hemp biscuits. “You can access or grow marijuana more legally right now with a medical card than you can hemp. What? That’s horribly pathetic,” Bromley-Taylor said. “This is about is bringing the American farmer back into the game and getting the seeds in our soil. There’s no reason hemp shouldn’t be put back in our economy, saving family farms.”



June 15, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 51

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