San Diego CityBeat • June 22, 2016

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2 · San Diego CityBeat · June 22, 2016



June 22, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 3


Pastor: SDPD nixes homeless feedings for All-Star Game


HE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of a San stomach ache for the rest of the day, and added that it Diego faith-based nonprofit said he was upset her to hear police officers talk about ticketing the threatened by the San Diego Police Depart- homeless so they would leave the area. “The homeless ment that “the hammer would be brought are human beings,” she said. “But they talked about down” on him if he didn’t stop doing street feedings them like they were rodents or roaches that shouldn’t for the homeless in July, when the Major League be visible to the people who live downtown.” Baseball All-Star Game is coming to downtown. That meeting on February 12 was led by Bahija Pastor James Merino heads the San Diego Dream Hamraz, executive director of Clean & Safe, and atCenter. His volunteer-driven organization is based tended by others who also tried to convince him to in Chula Vista and also feeds homeless individuals stop the food-share program, James Merino said. at least eight times a month on the streets of East CityBeat reached out to all parties reportedly in Village, blocks from Petco Park. that meeting. After a series of cordial emails and meetings with Christina Chadwick, a spokesperson for the staff of the Downtown San Diego Partnership and its Downtown Partnership (which has oversight of affiliate Clean & Safe organization, Merino said he Clean & Safe) said: “Pastor Merino was invited to the was invited to a February 12 meeting meeting as part of the Partnership’s RON DONOHO that unexpectedly included SDPD ongoing effort to connect service officers, including Captain Chuck providers with volunteers eager to Kaye. Merino said Kaye became serve downtown’s homeless comagitated when he declined to end a munity.” twice-weekly food-share program. Chadwick did not address Me“They asked, ‘What can we do to rino’s allegations but denied that help you stop doing this?’” Merino Downtown Partnership is working said. “I said it’s a very important part with the mayor and SDPD to clear of our belief to feed the poor, that’s downtown of the homeless for the part of our core values as Christians. All-Star Game. We said we don’t think we’ll ever be A response from the SDPD’s SerPastor James Merino able to stop doing it, because that’s geant Lisa McKean, of the media services unit, was broad. “The San Diego Police Dewhat we were called to do.” The meeting became tense, Merino said. “Every- partment is working closely with many stakeholders body at the table was telling us to stop,” he said. “Of- involved in the preparations for the 2016 MLB All ficer Kaye then said that other groups had stopped Star Game. As with any major event, whether it be [doing feedings], and we were going to stop, too. He Comic-Con or a Rolling Stones concert, our mission said, ‘We’re going to go ahead and bring the full ex- is to provide a safe environment for San Diegans and tent of the law on your organization. We’ll shut you the many guests who will be here to enjoy San Diego and take part in the event.” down.’” McKean did not provide specifics on SDPD efMerino said Kaye then asked: “Are you planning on going out in July?...July is the All-Star Game… forts to provide a safe environment. Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s office denied there If you come out in July we will bring the hammer is an effort underway to purge downtown so that down on your organization.” Merino perceived that statement as a threat. He homeless people are not visible when cameras from said Kaye added: “You can go ahead and file your com- around the world are in town to broadcast the Allplaint right now.” Merino felt it was implied that any Star Game and its associated festivities. “There was no such directive from the Mayor’s complaint made to the city would fall on deaf ears. Merino’s wife, Claudia, who acts as co-executive Office regarding the All-Star Game,” said spokesperdirector of the Dream Center, also was at the meet- son Craig Gustafson. “Our understanding is that the ing. “Yes, they wanted us to stop altogether, and they meeting you’re referring to was to encourage providvery specifically said we better not be out on the ers to move away from homeless feedings and use street in July because of the All-Star Game,” she said. their resources to support the Housing-First model.” Claudia Merino said the meeting left her with a


This issue of CityBeat blows a whistle on those dribblers, floppers and fade-away specialists in Congress for rejecting sensible gun laws.

Volume 14 • Issue 46 EDITOR Ron Donoho MUSIC EDITOR Jeff Terich ARTS EDITOR Seth Combs WEB EDITOR Ryan Bradford ART DIRECTOR Carolyn Ramos EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Torrey Bailey COLUMNISTS Aaryn Belfer, Edwin Decker John R. Lamb, Alex Zaragoza

CONTRIBUTORS David L. Coddon, Beth Demmon, Andrew Dyer, Tiffany Fox, Michael A. Gardiner, Glenn Heath Jr., Peter Holslin, Jessica Johnson, Scott McDonald, Jenny Montgomery, Susan Myrland, Jim Ruland, Ben Salmon, Tom Siebert, Jen Van Tieghem, Amy Wallen EDITORIAL INTERN Chloe Salsameda PRODUCTION MANAGER Tristan Whitehouse MULTIMEDIA ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Paulina Porter-Tapia

SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Jason Noble ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Beau Odom Mark Schreiber Jenny Tormey ACCOUNTING Kacie Cobian Sharon Huie Linda Lam HUMAN RESOURCES Andrea Baker

ADVERTISING INQUIRIES Interested in advertising? Call 619-281-7526 or e-mail The advertising deadline is 5 p.m. every Friday for the following week’s issue.

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San Diego CityBeat is published and distributed every Wednesday by Southland Publishing Inc., free of charge but limited to one per reader. Reproduction of any material in this or any other issue is prohibited without written permission from the publisher and the author. Contents copyright 2016.

4 · San Diego CityBeat · June 22, 2016



TABLE OF COMMANDED STRAIGHT OUTTA D3 CONTENTS NOT So I just read all the “10 Com- I now know I live in a throughUP FRONT From the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spin Cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Homelessness Q&A . . . . . . . . . . There She Goz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 5 6 7 8

FOOD & DRINK The World Fare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Dishing It Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Final Draught. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

THINGS TO DO The Short List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Calendar of Events. . . . . . . . 13-14

ARTS & CULTURE Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 FEATURE: Poetry books . . . . . . . . 21 Well, That Was Awkward . . . . 22 Seen Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25

MUSIC FEATURE: Brian Wilson. . . . . . 26 Notes from the Smoking Patio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 If I Were U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Concerts & Clubs. . . . . . . . 29-32


mandments of drinking” in your [June 15] issue. What a bunch of crap! But first, I did think I was over-reacting. Seeing as how I am 51, and can only drink wine now and then. But, I did live through the Punk Rock ’80s, married to musicians, and have stories that would blow any young mind away...but I digress. I must say that I was kind of offended by the “10 Commandments” of drinking. To equate “drinking rules and places” to the 10 Commandments is really lame. Drinking (and over consumption) is what’s wrong with lots of people and the cause of lots of issues in my community of Ocean Beach. And, to think that anyone who appreciates a nice cocktail with friends has to be told to go to “certain” cool and (lame) hip places is stupid. I really hoped the drinking youth of now would be more selfassured and not need to be told where and what to drink. I guess I’m old if I’m emailing an editor and complaining about something I used to do religiously in my youth, but at least I’m old, cool, hip, and have a brain! And...religious. Monica Rodriguez, Ocean Beach

the-looking-glass world. Reading John R. Lamb’s Spin Cycle of June 15, I learned that gay activist and publisher Stampp Corbin wrote that Mayor Kevin Faulconer has “flushed his goodwill with our [gay] community down the toilet.” The reason: The mayor had the nerve to endorse Democrat Anthony Bernal for the District 3 city council seat. The problem—Bernal is straight, and Corbin goes on to state that, “District 3 is known for producing promising LGBT folk who go on to higher office.” So, in plain English, the council district I live in is a gay set-aside. Wow. We have gone full circle, from the era of discrimination, to the era of acceptance and tolerance, and now back to discrimination. Maybe we should just carry this notion out to its logical conclusion: relocate all straight residents of the district elsewhere. If they will never be allowed to be considered for elected office in the district by virtue of their love preference, why continue to live there as second-class citizens?

Aaron De Groot, Mission Hills


Advice Goddess. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33



To illustrate our feature article on local poets (page 21), we naturally chose “A Little Story” from Kelly Vivanco for the cover. The Escondidobased painter is known for dealing in themes of fairy tales, and yet she says, “‘A Little Story’ wasn’t for a particular fairy tale, but more of the magical feeling of fairy tales and fantasy in general. Imagination gone wild with the written word.”


And yet, the recent visible examples of the mayor’s and the city’s efforts to support a “Housing-First model” are increased sweeps of homeless encampments and the installation of rocks under a downtown overpass to discourage sleeping in that area. Merino said the San Diego Dream Center ministry includes 300 volunteers, and is part of the Downtown Fellowship of Churches. The Dream Center adds outreach to its street feedings, which it has done for years, he said. Merino said the food they give out—hot dogs, chicken, burritos, etc.—is “God’s goodness” that attracts homeless and gains their trust so trained volunteers can offer resources that can help get them off the streets. Merino said in two-and-a-half hours he can feed 250-300 homeless individuals, and that every feeding results in “one to five people” accepting help and connecting to resources. He said they have food handler permits, always clean up the area after they’re done and make sure feedings don’t interfere with residents or businesses. As for sharing food on the street this July, Merino said the

Dream Center will stand down— reluctantly—until after the AllStar Game. “Our volunteers come out to give love, grace, mercy and a helping hand,” he said. Not to get cited or arrested. I might endure that—but that’s not what I want for our volunteers. We’ll give [the city] July.” Merino said he fears retribution on his ministry for speaking to the press, but felt a calling to go public. He is looking into filing a lawsuit, and has connected with lawyer Scott Dreher. In 2011, Dreher represented David “Waterman” Ross and won a suit against the city that claimed a police officer used unreasonable force in detaining Ross from handing out water bottles to the homeless. “We don’t know of any legal basis they have to stop [Dream Center] from doing this,” said Dreher. “There is an ordinance in the city’s Municipal Code [54.0122] but the city has admitted it is too vague to enforce. If you believe James then this is galling. You’re not allowed to scare somebody into giving up a Constitutional right.”

—Ron Donoho June 22, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 5






Seaport Pillage? When you’re playing against a sion by the Board of Port Commisstacked deck, compete even harder. sioners on selecting a proposal.” Strangely, nowhere in the re —Pat Riley lease does it mention the 36-yearfunny thing happened on old Seaport Village by name. Inthe way to a monumental stead, it is referred to as the “CenJuly 13 San Diego Unified tral Embarcadero Waterfront DePort District meeting: The public velopment Opportunity.” And what an opportunity it got an early preview of six wildly will be for whomever is chosen divergent proposals to redevelop downtown’s run-down Seaport to rehab those 70 acres of public tidelands and water south of Village. Last week, the port hosted a the USS Midway Museum to the two-day open house in a cramped, fringes of the convention center. stuffy, top-floor suite at the San Barkers last week pitched hotels, Diego Convention Center so the parkland, a Ferris wheel, a charter public could peruse the plans, grill school, shops, “blue tech” offices, proponents about the details and aquariums, urban beaches, even a fill out comment cards that port state-of-the-art wave machine. “For the South Embarcadero, staff would compile for port comit’s the last piece of land to play missioners. “The goal of these events,” a with,” explained former city arport press release boasted, “is to chitect Mike Stepner, now a proprovide multiple opportunities for fessor at the NewSchool of Archipublic comments ahead of a deci- tecture & Design in East Village.


6 · San Diego CityBeat · June 22, 2016

“The port needs to find a balance between the public realm and what they need for revenue generation. Because typically we get into the revenue-generating side, and that doesn’t leave the public in the best situation.” And the public seems to be watching. Port Chairman Marshall Merrifield, in an interview following the two-day open house, said roughly 1,200 people attended and filled out nearly 500 comment cards. “We were humbled and honored,” he said. Yet back in May, port officials seemed uninterested in giving the public an early look at the six proposals that were submitted in response to the port’s worldwide call for redevelopment ideas. “Per your request dated May 11, 2016, our solicitation responses are not public until we present them to the Board, which will happen in July,” the port responded when Spin Cycle requested details on the proposals. At the time, Commissioner Bob Nelson agreed with the decision to withhold details. “It’s going to be very competitive,” he told Spin, “apples will need to be compared to oranges, lots of complicated issues to help staff and consultants analyze everything from green space and other public realm, tourist traffic, financial wherewithal,

Hotelier Bill Evans in full pitch mode last week at the port’s Seaport Village redevelopment open house revenue projections, Tidelands Trust Doctrine and Coastal Act.” But earlier this month, the tenor changed. “Decisions we make on this will reshape what is arguably the most important land the port manages for several decades, so we’re working hard to get this right,” Nelson said after the open house was announced. “We want total transparency and to give the public the opportunity to simultaneously see what we are seeing. Über message is this: no back room deals at the Port of San Diego.” Chairman Merrifield said he made the call. “We were thinking about it, and I said why don’t we just open this up to the public? So we said to the six developers, would you be OK with being interviewed by all of us but by the public at the same time? And they kind of said, well yeah, that would be great!” The port posted the proposals on its website, with financial details redacted, and the rest is history. “I think it’s great, especially when you’re talking about billions of dollars worth of private money,” said Michael Kitchen, president of Orlando-based US Thrill Rides LLC, who was on hand at the open house to pitch the signature design feature of one proposal, a 480-foot “Spire” observation tower complete with swirling gondola rides. “Politically, they [port officials] want a lot of eyes on this. When they accelerated the whole schedule and said, ‘We’re going to make this public,’ I was personally surprised. But this keeps it fair, balanced and open.” Back in May, hotelier Bill Evans—who also serves as chairman of the San Diego Tourism Marketing District, which faces a looming public trial over how it collects hotel tax dollars to promote tourism— was silent when asked whether he had joined one of the six Seaport Village redevelopment teams.

But last Tuesday, there he was, the Ultimate Pitchman, making the case for plans put forth by the politically connected development firm OliverMcMillan. Those plans include a 1,000-room hotel, two 350-room hotels and an 18,000-seat bayside sports and entertainment venue called Seaport Pavilion that would be operated by mega-firm AEG. In between sales pitches—he continually noted a proposed dog park and seemed disheartened when people panned his hotel plans—Evans wouldn’t offer details about the evolution of his involvement in the development team. Evans Hotels is also in the running with OliverMcMillan for yet another massive port project, the redesign of Harbor Island. Evans was asked whether his involvement was tied to his repeated efforts to help resolve the city’s long-standing feud over the TMD’s legitimacy with activist attorney Cory Briggs. Evans only said that “Briggs says a lot of things, some really out there, some right on.” The TMD board this week voted to spend $30,000 to study anticipated revenues from a noncontiguous stadium/convention center expansion, as proposed by the San Diego Chargers for the November ballot. “My forecast,” Briggs quickly tweeted about the study. “It will come back supporting a non-contiguous WATERFRONT expansion like AEG’s proposal, will crap on convadium.” Briggs didn’t attend the open house but, not surprisingly, had an opinion: “The simultaneous showand-tell was the result of heavy criticism of the port’s secrecy rather than the commissioners’ embrace of a new ethos. It’s the same ol’ port with new window dressing.” Spin Cycle appears every week. Write to




Tiny houses for the homeless One advocate says small shelters are a needed stopgap by Ron Donoho


EENI CRISCENZO MOVED to San Diego after the 2004 re-election of George W. Bush, having spent the previous year writing a daily blog called CPR4Democracy. In 2009, she noticed a homeless woman putting cardboard down on the street at night for her son. It motivated her to create Amikas, a 501(c) (3) organization dedicated to finding safe places for women and their children to sleep. Criscenzo was one of the founders of Women Occupy San Diego and remains active in supporting many liberal causes. In 2006 she was the Democratic candidate for the 49th Congressional District, running against Rep. Darrell Issa. CityBeat: You’re a leading proponent for the “tiny houses” program for San Diego homeless. Where did the idea come from? Jeeni Criscenzo: Every program to end homelessness in our area runs into a brick wall—we have no affordable housing. We are seeing the consequences of years of pandering to developers who don’t want to build affordable housing, and politicians who think, “If you don’t build it, the poor won’t come here.” So we do all of these surveys and counts, gather all of this data, and get people’s hopes up that they are finally going to get housing. But little happens because there simply is no place for these people to go. The waiting list for Section 8 vouchers is more than 10 years! That means that the little boy I saw back in 2009 is probably going to have to wait another three years before he and his mom are going to get in an apartment. So we need someplace for people to live in the meantime. That’s the key word “meantime.” By no stretch of the imagina-


One of the proposed tiny shelters tion are these shelters suitable housing. But they are a hell of a lot better than a tarp stretched over two shopping carts! CB: Who benefits from tiny houses? JC: Let’s get the most vulnerable off the streets—women and children, families, the elderly. They are sitting ducks when they don’t have a door RON DONOHO to lock at night. And that constant state of hypervigilance that they must always be in in order to survive, that results in trauma. That’s something we can prevent when we give these folks a door that locks so they can let their guard down and sleep. They can stop worrying that they’re going to get caught up into human trafficking, or get beat up or raped. In the morning, they can lock up their stuff and go about their business without carting everything they own around Jeeni Criscenzo with them. And they know they have a place to go at night so they are not spending the whole day scouting around for where they will be safe that night. It’s not ideal, but if we can’t give people the ideal, that doesn’t excuse us from giving them at least the bare essentials. CB: Why do you believe homeless women and children are undercounted in the annual Point in Time Count? JC: If you are a woman, especially if you have children, the last thing you are doing is sitting around somewhere waiting be

counted. Women are couch surfing—and I’m not talking about a spare bedroom in your parents’ house. If that’s available, it usually gets old real fast. Kids are messy and loud and wear out their welcome. Meanwhile their moms are manifesting symptoms of trauma: hopelessness, indecisiveness, low of energy. The next “couch” is a friend, and then a stranger, a pimp. The kids are in terrible situations. But it’s a case of the devil you know. Or if they are lucky enough to have a car, it’s illegal to “habitate” in your car, so again, they have to stay out of sight. So they are not getting counted because they are hidden, but they are still homeless. CB: What are some of the greater dangers that homeless women with children face? JC: In their minds, the greatest danger is that they are going to lose their kids. If the traffickers don’t get them, Child Protective Services will. Imagine giving birth and leaving the hospital with a newborn and not having any place to go with that precious infant. It’s happening right here on our streets. CB: Why don’t women and children go into shelters? JC: There’s too few shelters for women with children. St. Vincent de Paul’s has a waiting list. Rescue Mission is not supposed to take more than 60 but they usually have more. The situation, from what I’ve been told, is awful; all these kids in one room; sick kids, babies with dirty diapers, crying. And then in the morning you have to take all of your stuff and leave, and wander around all day because there are no day centers for families, and then get back in line in the evening. CB: Some believe the tiny houses option is a “distraction” from seeking permanent housing solutions for the home-

less. Why do you disagree with that? JC: Housing-First is great! Let’s just put everyone into permanent housing! We’ve been saying this for years now. But we should be saying, First Housing! First we need the damn housing, and we don’t have it and it’s a long way down the road. So get off your butts and start creating it. I’m sick of being told to be patient. First we’re going to get the chronically homeless housed because they are the most visible and nobody wants to look at them. Then we’re going to get the veterans housed because, well, we owe it to them. Then we’ll worry about the families. So I’m saying, a distraction from what? You can’t build permanent housing AND put these families into something more humane than where they are now while we get that housing built? Can you talk and chew gum at the same time? CB: In terms of location, permitting and implementation, where does the tiny houses plan stand now? JC: The city just changed their General Plan to eliminate all areas where we could locate emergency shelter without a CUP except for a few sites in the Midway area. So as it stands now, the only places we can legally build these micro-communities, with restrooms and community structures, would be on church property where helping the homeless is part of their ministry. We’re working on that. The last thing I want to do is get these families into a shelter and have the police arrest them and impound their home. I don’t want our clients to be subjected to that trauma. CB: Why are you such an advocate for the homeless? JC: Because it’s how I was raised—to care about others and to express my gratitude for my good fortune by sharing it.

June 22, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 7





Are we there yet on gun control?


’ve been asking myself one question a lot lately. Actually it’s been years now that this question either comes into my thoughts or is voiced with a smorgasbord of emotions made up of exasperation, sadness and anger. It’s the same question millions have been asking. We’ve screamed it, and nothing has been done to answer it. We forget for a little while, lulled momentarily by other atrocities we question, but it always returns. Without fail. And it seems it’s returning with even greater frequency. We don’t have to wait long to ask again. The time in between is getting shorter and shorter. Really it’s a rhetorical question. Because the answer would be way too real. The question: How many lives is it going to take? With the mass shooting that happened at Pulse nightclub in Orlando on June 12, once again the cacophony of screams demanding an answer swells high and loud. It’s been widely reported as the deadliest mass shooting in United States history. But let’s be real here and add “for now” to the end of that. On that night, 49 men and women were gunned down by someone who was severely mentally unstable, had a history of domestic abuse and had easy access to high-powered semi-automatic assault rifles designed for military use. It was a hate crime. An act of domestic terrorism perpetrated by a man so full of hate not just for the LGBTQ people in that nightclub, but for himself as well, if we are to judge by the evidence of his use of gay dating apps. With each pull of his trigger came another round of questions triggered by the lives that fell to the ground that night. How many? Seriously, I want to know and so do countless others. How many lives is it going to take until we do something about the gun problem in America? In an ideal world where common sense is not blatantly ignored the answer would be zero. We don’t seem to live in that world though. Fine. Zero is not an option obviously. Neither is one, two, 100 or 500 apparently. In a Washington Post article that recently needed to be updated, we stand at 869. That’s the number of people who have been killed in “mass shootings” in America over the last 50 years. Who knows what the number would be if we counted all victims of gun violence. I don’t need to go to Chipotle 869 times to know it’s going to give me diarrhea. I learned that early on and take preventative measures to minimize the chance of said diarrhea occurring. This is not to make light of a real problem. Why are our governing powers so quick to put barriers to, say, a woman’s reproductive health and

rights but when it comes to gun control they are fucking useless? A woman in Texas has seemingly endless roadblocks placed in front of her to attain a safe abortion. She can walk into a store and buy a gun in minutes, though. Perhaps she can just do that, then. Buy a gun, then shoot herself in the uterus. Cool options, Texas. Instead of using their power to do something about this serious issue that has led to hundreds of deaths, they send out bullshit thoughts and prayers for the victims, then turn around and take money from the NRA and pro-gun lobbyists, promising to be chill. At what point can we call that bribery? At what point is the health and wellness of the people they’ve been elected to protect more important than money? What bad thing can come of asking for a background check for people looking to purchase a gun? When you walk into a shooting range or store to buy a gun, they don’t ask you why you want that gun in case you might be a crazy person. They ask you what you plan on using it for so they can then give you the best gun to get that job done. That is insane. Also, why does anyone not ass-deep in enemy fire need a semi-automatic rifle? These people who defend their guns with their lives took the movie Home Alone way too fucking seriously. You don’t need a home full of machine guns and booby traps to protect yourself from possible invaders. You don’t need an Uzi to shoot buffalo for funsies. It almost seems as if our governing powers think this atrocity will be followed by another one soon, and we’ll forget. All they have to do is lay low, send a few thoughts and prayers and condescendingly nod as if you’re suggesting something they actually plan on doing. Yeah, we’ll totally have a foam party in Congress. Definitely. Condescension at its most dangerous. The screams will eventually fall into the ether. Nothing will be done. And the possible answer to the question of “How many?”—that number that doesn’t seem to exist yet—goes up a bit more. After the San Bernardino shooting claimed 14 lives and injured 22, we asked and got no answer. But maybe we were getting closer? Nine worshippers studying the bible in their church in Charleston hadn’t been enough. Nor were the 27 lives at Sandy Hook, twenty of those belonging to kindergarteners. Those didn’t seem to do it. So now we have 49 more. Is this it? Are we there yet?

The question: How many lives is it going to take?

8 · San Diego CityBeat · June 22, 2016

There She Goz appears every third week. Write to



June 22, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 9





Variations on the theme of chicken


here was a part of me that didn’t want to like The Crack Shack (2266 Kettner Blvd.) in Little Italy, Richard Blais’ fast casual paean to the glories of (a) chicken and (b) commerce. Part of it was the name that seemed to trade on the popularity of other local and national eateries. Part of it was the fact I didn’t love fried chicken enough to look forward to multiple dives into the deep end. No, I didn’t want to like The Crack Shack. But I do. MICHAEL A. GARDINER

Señor Croque Rewind two years. Blais’ Juniper & Ivy was San Diego’s hottest restaurant opening of the year, winning local awards. When Blais, business partner Michael Rosen and Executive Chef Jon Sloan revealed plans for a fast casual eatery celebrating everything chicken, they promised Crack Shack would bring “the quality of J&I to a fun, outdoor ‘coop.’” I was dubious. But I clearly hadn’t tasted the fried chicken oysters yet. Chicken oysters are nearly every chef’s favorite part of the bird. Two small, oyster-shaped pieces of dark meat sitting on either side of a whole chicken’s backbone, they have the flavor of thighs with tenderness beyond breasts. The Crack Shack brines its chicken oysters in pickle juice before frying them perfectly—crispy on the outside and creamy inside—and offering

10 · San Diego CityBeat · June 22, 2016

Deviled eggs them with a wedge of Meyer lemon and a mustard seed tartar sauce. It is simple perfection. Deviled eggs seem so very Mad Men, at one level, but are so satisfying at another. Offered in three flavors—chicken salad, “Baja” and kimchi— the latter was the most creative. Chicken sate with peanut sauce, on the other hand, was more interesting to look at than taste. Southeast Asian grilled street food is not what this place is about. Fried chicken, however, is. And the Señor Croque sandwich may be its best expression. A take on a breakfast sandwich, it is a fried chicken breast slathered with melted cheddar, along with bacon and a fried egg, all in a miso-maple buttered brioche bun. It hits all the notes: crispy, smoky, salty with a hint of sweetness in the butter. The Firebird sandwich was less successful. The fried thigh was tasty, no doubt. But on two trips the sandwich was over-sauced with the ranch dressing powerless to balance the flavor profile. Two Crack Shack takes on grilled chicken work well. The G-bird is a classic grilled sandwich with shishito pepper relish taking it up a notch. The California dip takes the classic French dip sandwich to the Californias—both alta and Baja—hinting at both a California burrito and pollo asado, plunging the entire affair into a heady posole broth. It is one of the place’s most creative dishes. So much of the early attention on The Crack Shack was about Blais, “careful sourcing” and the trappings of our Celebrity Chef culture. Ignore all that. Engaged on its own terms The Crack Shack is not difficult to like, even for those of us who may not have wanted to do so. Enjoy the place for what it is, not whose it is. The World Fare appears weekly. Write to






In praise of Chicken Charlie


come to praise Chicken Charlie, not to batter him. Though, he might like that. Chicken Charlie is the name given to Charlie Boghosian, the guy who appears at the San Diego County Fair every year offering some bizarre-sounding, usually deep-fried concoction. Over the years, Charlie has given “carnie-vores” all sorts of taste treats they never imagined: “The deep-fried Oreo,” “the deep-fried Slim-Fast bar,” “the deep-fried peanut butter pickle,” and in a change of pace, the “triple decker Krispy Kreme cheeseburger.” Some chefs might be happy to rest on their laurels, but not Charlie. He’s like a shark that keeps swimming. This year, Charlie is offering Kool-Aid-flavored hot wings and a waffle stuffed with fried chicken strips. They’re pretty damn good, especially the waffle. Pour some syrup on it, take a


bite and be surprised when you bite into crispy hidden chicken strips. Being a fry king has been good for Charlie. His creations have been featured internationally on outlets such as ABC News, Huffington Post and Conan. But I don’t think he really gets the credit he deserves. Some places are lucky to create one iconic item. El Torito invented the taquito, Roberto’s invented the California Burrito and Tijuana’s Hotel Cesar invented the Caesar Salad. Charlie invents new items every year that he debuts at the Del Mar Fair and then become popularized elsewhere. Serious foodies (ugh!) may look at concoctions like his first big hit, the deep-fried Oreo, with disdain, but many of dishes are witty mash-ups of four essential taste sensations: sweet, salty, crunchy, chewy. To me, Charlie is the food version of “Weird” Al Yankovic. That is a big compliment. Yankovic is a brilliant satirist who knows the structures and forms of the music he’s spoofing.

Charlie also has an element of satire to his work. That’s the only way to describe his deep-fried peanut butter pickle from last year. Here is where Charlie is brilliant: Selling something with that title is practically a dare to the customer. The fun comes when the customer tastes the damn thing and discovers the brininess of the pickle meshes quite well with the umami of the peanut butter. Chicken Charlie has branched out to

Chicken & Waffles On A Stick a more conventional restaurant, Chicken Charlie's FRYBQ in Clairemont (5407 Balboa Ave.). It’s on my list: I haven’t tried it yet, but I wonder if it’s like when a cult artist creates something designed for mainstream success. I’ll give it a try soon, but at heart: I’m a Chicken Charlie purist. I want the doughy, gooey, chewy mash-ups. Dishing It Out appears every other week.

June 22, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 11




DRAUGHT Covering the cost of craft



Starting a craft brewery in San Diego is practically a rite of passage for homebrewers and entrepreneurs nowadays. But the reality of launching a new business in such a crowded marketplace comes with a hefty price tag—often with a few more zeros than aspiring owners might expect. Opportunities to glean knowledge from those who’ve successfully opened craft breweries are sporadic at best, but if you have any interest in becoming San Diego’s Next Big Craft Brewery, you needed to have been at SILO at Makers Quarter on June 14 for “Brewery start-ups: A real conversation about costs, wages, and growth,” where panelists Douglas Constantiner (Societe Brewing), Jim Crute (Lightning Brewery), Jacob McKean (Modern Times Beer) and Curtis Hawes (Second Chance Beer Co.) discussed their individual philosophies on wages, the effect of Proposition I, the illegality of unpaid internships and much more. If you didn’t attend, don’t sweat it. San Diego State University’s Business of Craft Beer program recorded the roughly two-hour event, which will be made available online (follow @omarpassons on Twitter for details). While the small crowd seemed to be a Who’s Who in the San Diego craft beer scene, the panelists themselves represented a diverse swath of the industry—from less than a year in business to over a decade, and from six employees to 85 and counting. This diversity was intentional, according to the moderator/host/craft beer enthusiast Omar Passons. “I thought about the brewery owners that I knew and then said ‘Could I get a few slices of the startup world in the context of labor, wages, costs and growth?’” says Passons. “This is an opportunity for them to engage the brewing community, the investment community and what I call the craft community at large (fans, bloggers, people who really like independent craft beer) in a good, healthy conversation about how costs work.” Unlike March 6’s emotionally charged forum at Mission Brewery, this panel’s structure

12 · San Diego CityBeat · June 22, 2016

Douglas Constantiner, Jim Crute, Jacob McKean, Curtis Hawes and moderator Omar Passons allowed the discussion to be refreshingly respectful of all opinions and free from longwinded audience rants. Consensus reigned when McKean declared, “There’s no right way to run a brewery,” and when Constantiner noted that “it’s not about ‘small is better’. It’s just what works for us right now.” Sidestepping standard benefits like paid time off, healthcare and retirement—described as “moral imperatives” by McKean—incentives range from Lightning offering equity at the oneyear employment mark, to Societe providing each employee with $100 every month to try beer from other craft breweries, to Second Chance’s eventual goal of becoming employee-owned. It’s these increasingly normal (and increasingly expected) perks that bolstered panelists’ confidence when asked about potential staff losses due to the competitive nature of Portland and other beer meccas. “I’m not concerned about losing folks,” said McKean. Passons sums it up with, “You’re not a big bad business owner if you want to make a profit. You’re not a greedy employee because you want more money on your paycheck. But you should have the right to have a voice. I’m hoping to create a space for that. It’ll hopefully be important for Los Angeles, San Francisco, and so on, and I hope to do one small piece to help San Diego lead on beer in another way.” Write to Follow her on Instagram at @thedelightedbite, and on Twitter at @iheartcontent.











For four years, the San Diego Interna- because our venues are larger and we have major tional Fringe Festival has been bring- organizations participating.” There are dozens of performances this year, but ing audiences a taste of what they might otherwise never see. Encompassing nearly every conceivable if we were to choose just a few for a three-show genre of the performCOURTESY OF ROYAL KUNG FOOLERY pass, we’d probably go with Royal Kung Fooling arts—from pupery, a London-based petry to poetry, cabaret physical theater troupe to comedy—the festival specializing in slapworks a lot like an offstick; Kimberly Dark’s off-Broadway showcase one-woman show that of some of the world’s deftly blends stand-up most creative, up-andand cerebral storytellcoming talent. Think of ing; and Nations of it as seeing tomorrow’s San Diego, a multi-day, performing arts stars multi-ethnic dance pertoday. formance celebrating To hear executive the various cultures in producer and director “Cocooned in Kazan” by Royal Kung Foolery our region. Kevin Charles Patter“It’s a goulash for the arts,” says Patterson, who son tell it, he never would have started the Fringe Festival had he not, on a whim, booked a flight points out that the SD Fest is the only bi-national to Edinburgh, Scotland, where the Fringe Festi- fest in the world since some performances take val originated (dozens of cities all over the world place in Tijuana. “Multiple genres and at a totalnow hold them). When he saw that city’s fest, he ly affordable price. There are so many things to says he knew San Diego was “prime” for such an choose from and it’s unlike anything else that happens here throughout the year.” event. It all goes down Thursday, June 23 through “After discovering what a fringe was and what it can do for a city, I thought, ‘Oh, my gosh, this Sunday, July 3. Times and venues vary, and tickwould be amazing,’” says Patterson. “We’ve gotten ets range from $27 for a three-show pass to $72 for a lot of international interest from artists not only 10 shows. Tickets for individual shows are also because we’re a tourist destination already, but available.



With swanky tree houses growing in popularity among adults, the trend is coming full circle to reflect back on kid culture, influencing The New Children’s Museum’s (200 W. Island Ave.) latest installation. The Wonder Sound is part treetop clubhouse, part village and fully imaginative. Artist Wes Sam-Bruce is responsible for both the creative and physical labor that went into the exhibit, which extends more than 30 rooms and was inspired by dusky natural landscapes, fictitious animals and ancient cultures. The interactive labyrinth, filled with spider webs of rope and a language specifically COURTESY OF THE NEW created for CHILDREN’S MUSEUM the project, is a surreal p l ayg ro u n d accompanied by composer Joel P. West’s experimental soundscape. There’s free admission on The Wonder Sound opening day, Saturday, June 25, and regular admission applies every day after, ranging from free to $12. Doors open at 10 a.m.



It’s hard to imagine shows such as The Daily Show or Last Week Tonight with John Oliver could exist without the political cartoons that preceded them. Hell, if it wasn’t for political cartoonist Thomas Nast’s depiction of Andrew Jackson’s Democratic jackassery scaring off the gentle Republican vote (different times back then), we wouldn’t have the donkey and elephant symbols of the respective political parties. The art exhibit Party Lines: The History, Art, and Politics of Editorial Cartoons—which opens Thursday, June 23, from 6 to 8 p.m. COURTESY OF THE ARTIST AND at the San Diego THE SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE State University Downtown Gallery (725 West Broadway)—explores the impact of political cartoons and fea- “Suicide Vest” by Steve Breen tures historical and contemporary work by artists including Patrick Oliphant, Herb Block and La Cucaracha creator Lalo Alcaraz (who we’ve profiled in these pages). Event is free. sdsu-downtown-gallery

HLa Vida es un Sueño at Teros Gallery, 3888 Swift Ave., City Heights. New works from the brothers behind Out Here (David and Daniel Peña), whose collaborative film and illustration work focuses on the ephemeral beauty of Tijuana. Opening from 6 to 11 p.m. Thursday, June 23. Free. HParty Lines: The History, Art, and Politics of Editorial Cartoons at SDSU Downtown Gallery, 725 West Broadway, Downtown. Exhibit that examines the art of the political cartoon. Includes five decades worth of cartoons created during presidential election years, from past races to 2016. Opening from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, June 23. Free. HShore Thing at MCASD - La Jolla, 700 Prospect St., La Jolla. Every Thursday evening, enjoy free admission, exhibition tours of Holdings: Selections from MCASD’s Collection, music by The Roots Factory, light bites and a cash bar on the terrace. From 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, June 23. Free. 858-454-3541, Studio Series: Angela Kallus at Lux Art Institute, 1550 S. El Camino Real, Encinitas. The artist’s past work and in-progress residency acrylic relief paintings will be on display before she discusses her process and influences. From 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, June 23. Free-$10. 760-436-6611, HIn Dust We Trust: The Parkeology Exhibition at San Diego Art Institute, 1439 El Prado, Balboa Park. Directed by artist Kate Clark, Parkeology is a public art series that excavates lesser known sites, senses, and stories in urban parks. There will also be work from artists-in-residence Vabianna Santos and Robert Andrade, and a new installation by Daniel Barron Corrales. Opening from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, June 24. Free-$5. HCalifornia Fibers: Eclectic Threads at Oceanside Museum of Art, 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside. A new exhibition from original two- and three-dimensional pieces from current members of the San Diego-based California Fibers group. Includes a range of fiber and textile arts in media such as silk, cotton, bamboo, palm, wool, wire and paper. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 25. Free-$8. 760-435-3720, Hello Birdie Mini Art Show at Hello Birdie, 3032 University Ave, North Park. This dual art show and anniversary party will feature 2”x2” pieces from the likes of Ashley Jansen, Christopher Ryan, Maria Martinez, Neko and more. Includes food, drinks, DJ set by Gabe Vega and live music by the Bossa Bebe bossa nova trio. From 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 25. Free. 619-358-9875, HPoetic: Artists in Visionary Mode at William D. Cannon Art Gallery , 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad. Curated by art critic, historian and author Robert L. Pincus, this exhibition features work from Eugenie Geb, Han Nguyen and DeLoss McGraw. Opening from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, June 25. Free. depts/arts/exhibits/ HRicardo Islas & Chikle Ride Again! at La Bodega Studios and Gallery, 2196 Logan Ave., Barrio Logan. A dual exhibition from local artists Ricardo Islas and Chikle, who specialize in street art-inspired paintings, prints and clothes. Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 25. Free. HThe Wonder Sound at New Children’s Museum, 200 W. Island Ave., Downtown. A new treehouse-inspired installation from local artist Wes Sam-Bruce. The interac-

H = CityBeat picks


tive piece features many rooms and passageways, and is accompanied by an original soundscape by composer Joel P. West. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 25. Free-$12. Wanted: Alive and Well at Chicano Art Gallery, 2117 Logan Ave. #1, Barrio Logan. Carnaval-themed show with new art work by Monstro, Bat Brain, Wero and C.O.R.E.888 Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, June 25. Free. 619-792-2815, A-La-cARTe at Brokers Building, 402 Market St., Downtown. This art show during The Taste of the Gaslamp includes live music with Pall Jenkins, artist demos, and selected artists studios will be open. From noon to 6 p.m. Sunday, June 26. Free.

BOOKS HKelly Link at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The author will sign and discuss Get in Trouble, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and named one of the ten best fiction books of the year by Time. At 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 22. Free. 858-2684747, Brenda Cooper at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The sci-fi/fantasy author will sign and discuss her latest Glittering Edge duology book, Spear of Light. At 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 23. Free. 858-268-4747, Deena Goldstone at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The screenwriter who has worked in feature films and television movies will be on hand to sign and discuss her debut novel, Surprise Me. At 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 23. Free. 858-454-0347, Christine Carbo at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The suspense novelist will be promoting her latest, Mortal Fall, which is set in Montana’s Glacier National Park. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 24. Free. 858268-4747, Chef Claudia Sandoval at The General Store North Park, 2002 University Ave., North Park. The winner of season six of Master Chef will be selling and personalizing copies of her newly published cookbook, Claudia’s Cocina: A Taste of Mexico. At 1:30 p.m. Saturday, June 25. Free. 619-501-9892, HMurray K. Lee at San Diego Chinese Historical Museum, 404 Third Ave., Downtown. A book signing from the author of Elephant and the Indians: My Grandfather, the “Elephant,” a Chinese Railroad Worker, Captured by Indians. At 2 p.m. Saturday, June 25. Free-$5. 619-338-9888, HBarbara Boxer at MCASD Sherwood Auditorium, 700 Prospect Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037, The California Senator will discuss and sign her recently published memoir, The Art of Tough. Price includes copy of the book. At 3 p.m. Sunday, June 26. $29.16. Kenneth Zak at Central Library, 330 Park Blvd., East Village. The debut novelist will discuss his romantic suspense/mystery novel, The Poet’s Secret. From 1 to 2:30 p.m. Sunday, June 26. Free. 619-2365800, HGina Wohlsdorf at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The debut novelist will be promoting her new suspense novel, Security, a murder mystery set in an exclusive Santa Barbara resort. At 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 28. Free. 858-454-0347,


June 22, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 13

EVENTS EVENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 Kiersten White at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The Young Adult/Fantasy novelist holds a release event for And I Darken, the first book in her Darken trilogy. At 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 28. Free. 858-268-4747, HSteven Rowley at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The debut novelist discuss and sign Lily and the Octopus, a heartwarming tale of a man and his dog. At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 29. Free. 858-454-0347,

DANCE It’s a Little Bit “Uh Huh” at Rosewood Five Studios, 1150 7th Ave., Downtown. A series of vignettes that examines the intricacies of intimacy shown through three women’s dance improvisation and choreography. From 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, June 25, 6 to 7 p.m. Monday, June 27, 9 to 10 p.m. Wednesday, June 29, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday, July 2, 4 to 5 p.m. Sunday, July 3. $15. HEvery Night’s a Show Night at White Box Live Arts, 2590 Truxtun Rd., Studio 205, Point Loma. A world premiere performance starring Monica Bill Barnes and Anna Bass. From 7:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, June 29. $20. 619-225-1803,

FILM HTaiwan Cinema Spotlight 2016 at Museum of Photographic Arts, 1649 El Prado, Balboa Park. A showing of films that highlight the pivotal role LGBT

themes have played in the development of recent Taiwanese cinema. From 4 to 9 p.m. Saturday, June 25 and Sunday, June 26. Free-$15. 619-238-8777, mopa. org/taiwancinema

FOOD & DRINK Wine and Chocolate Tasting at Vin De Syrah, 901 Fifth Ave., Downtown. Syrah Sommelier Gina Fisher and Sweet Petite Confections’ chocolatier Michelle Lomelin will shed light on five wine and chocolate pairings at this seasonal event. From 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, June 23. $50. 619234-4166, HWine and Music Festival at NTC at Liberty Station, 2640 Historic Decatur Road, Point Loma. Attendees will enjoy summer sips, culinary delights and performances by several live bands. This year’s tasting options include selections from Solare Lounge, Banyan Kitchen and more. From 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, June 24. $35-$75. 619-573-9300, Distilled Spirit & Cocktail Festival at Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. Enjoy craft cocktails with over 100 different spirits and mixers to choose from. Includes live music from Leftover Cuties, ZB Savory and Kenny Eng. From 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 25. $38-$125. 858-755-1161, North Eats Food Festival at Cape Rey Carlsbad, a Hilton Resort, 1 Ponto Rd., Carlsbad. A taste of the north county food scene with more than 30 participating chefs and restaurants. Includes a cooking competition and live music by local band Barnwell Shift. From 4 to 7 p.m. Sunday, June 26. $65. 760-602-0800, HTaste of Adams Avenue at various locations. The 16th annual tasting event will showcase 41 restaurants, coffee houses, and unique eateries along Adams Avenue, from University Heights through Normal Heights to Kensington. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, June 26. $35$40. HTaste of the Gaslamp at Gaslamp Quarter, Downtown. In its 22nd year, the Gaslamp Quarter will be showcasing its dining, live music, art gallery and retail options with food samples from more than 40 restaurants. From 1 to 10 p.m. Sunday, June 26. $30-$85. 619-233-5227 ,

MUSIC HThe Danny Green Trio at La Jolla Community Center, 6811 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla. Jazz artists Danny Green, Justin Grinnell, and Julien Cantelm celebrate the release of their latest album Altered Narratives. The concert will feature music off of their new CD, as well as Green’s latest works and jazz standards. At 7 p.m. Friday, June 24. $18-$25. 858-459-0831, HThe Hutchins Consort at Museum Of Making Music, 5790 Armada Drive, Carlsbad. The octet plays a special performance on the eight-scaled violins designed and built by luthier Dr. Carleen Hutchins, whose research resulted in an innovative process to bring the violins to peak acoustic performance. At 2 p.m. Sunday, June 26. $12. 760-438-5996, HInternational Summer Organ Festival at Spreckels Organ Pavilion, 1549 El Prado, Balboa Park. San Diego Organist Carol Williams launches the first of ten

nights of free organ concerts under the stars with a special performance from San Diego Civic Organists Emeritus Robert Plimpton and the Marine Band. From 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Monday, June 27. Free. 619-702-8138, Monday Night Jazz: Peter DeLuke and the Mellotones at North Coast Repertory Theatre, 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach. This nine piece group is committed to preserving Big Band Music particularly the large oeuvre of Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn. At 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 27. $22 858-481-1055, Mackenzie Melemed at North Coast Repertory Theatre, 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach. A senior at The Juilliard School in New York City, Melemedhas won prizes in numerous international piano competitions and plays everything from Bach to West Side Story, Rachmaninoff to The Sound of Music. At 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 28. $30. 858-4811055,

PERFORMANCE HSan Diego International Fringe Festival at Various locations., Experience multiple performances, ranging from theater to music to art and more at this annual event that gives artists the opportunity to perform in a festival setting. See website for showtimes, locations and prices. Through July 3. Various times. Thursday, June 23. Free-$20. Full Frontal Nerdity at The Irenic, 3090 Polk Ave., North Park. Iconic childhood characters take a circus burlesque twist with stripping superheroes and nymphomaniac nerds. Also includes local vendors artists and a raffle to fund a new specialized dance school in Hillcrest. From 7 to 11 p.m. Friday, June 24. $20-$40. Rang Tarang at Joan B. Kroc Theatre, 6611 University Ave., Rolando. This Child Rights & You (CRY) San Diego cultural entertainment show will feature performing artists in live music, dance, theatre and comedy. All proceeds go to Child Rights & You. From 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday, June 26. Free-$20. 619-269-1550,

SPECIAL EVENTS HCulture and Cocktails at San Diego Museum of Art, 1450 El Prado, Balboa Park. This interactive event celebrates the exhibition Quilts and Color from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston with a giant game of Lite Brite and fabric square workshops. Also includes cocktails, beer tasting, bitesized sweets and music from DJ Gabe Vega. From 6 to 10 p.m. Thursday, June 23. $25-$35. 619-232-7931, Late Night Thursday: Painting with Light at Museum of Photographic Arts, 1649 El Prado, Balboa Park. See examples of light painting and techniques from MOPA’s collection. Patrons can also demo some cool products from the MOPA store and entered into a chance to win a Lomography light-writing pen. At 6 p.m. Thursday, June 23. Free. 619-238-8777, HAvant Garde Costume Gala at Mingei International Museum, 1439 El Prado, Balboa Park. The Mingei gala will feature over a dozen chefs and locally crafted beer and cocktails, as well as live body painting, a photo station, and a fashion show. Costumes suggested. From 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. Saturday, June 25. $75-$90. 619239-0003, HOcean Beach Street Fair and Chili Cook-Off Festival at Ocean Beach, Newport Ave & Abbott St, Ocean Beach. The 37th annual festival will feature an ocean-

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“Wonder Woman Badass” by Larry Caveney is now on view at Super Freaks, a solo show that runs through Aug. 21 at Sparks Gallery (530 Sixth Ave., Downtown) front chili cook-off, nonstop music and entertainment, food and vendor booths, carnival rides and games, an artists alley, a beachside beer garden, and more. From 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, June 25. Free. HSan Diego Night Market at Convoy District, 8018 Engineer Road, Kearny Mesa. This third annual outdoor evening market will feature vendors selling Asian food and merchandise, live entertainment, a beer garden and live cultural performances. From 4 p.m. to midnight Saturday, June 25 and 3 to 9 p.m. Sunday, June 26. Free-$2. HSan Diego Vintage Flea Market at Observatory North Park, 2891 University Avenue, North Park. Hundreds of vendors show off interesting vintage or vintageinspired treasures including home furnishings, bric-a-brac, clothing and accessories, tiki-infused items and much more. From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, June 26. Free. 619-239-8836,

SPORTS HDemolition Derby at Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. Vehicles giant and small will attempt to smash the crap out of each other. Includes Terracross Racing June 24 and 25, Vintage Moto X Racing June 26, Tuff Trucks June 28 and 29, Beach Buggies June 30, and Monster Trucks July 1 through 4. At 1 and 5 p.m. Friday, June 24 and Saturday, June 25. Free with fair admission. 858-755-1161,

TALKS & DISCUSSIONS HArtist Talk: Allied Craftsman of San Diego at Sparks Gallery, 530 6th Ave., Gaslamp. The Allied Craftsmen of San Diego artists discuss their work and technique. At 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 23. Free. 619-696-1416, HThinking Shakespeare Live! at Old Globe Theatre, 1363 Old Globe Way, Balboa Park. A special First Folio edition of Old Globe Artistic Director Barry Edelstein’s exploration of a performer’s approach to Shakespearean language so that audiences may easily understand the Bard. At 11 a.m. Saturday, June 25. Free. 619-231-1941, Monthly Topical Talks: Women and Sexuality at Women’s Museum of California, 2730 Historic Decatur Road, Barracks 16, Point Loma. Under the guidance of Sylvia Becker-Hill, patrons will learn to break the taboo of talking about their own sexuality. From 6 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 27. Free. 619-233-7963,



June 22, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 15

THEATER Lydia weaves magic amid despair



on Theatre’s Lydia is really a play about two women: Lydia, a young undocumented woman apparently from Jalisco who is hired as a maid for a family in El Paso, Texas, that has come El Norte; and Ceci, the family daughter, who after a horrific car crash is left a quadriplegic and brain damaged. Or are they two women, but two women possessing the same soul? You can’t be sure in the mutable world of magical realism, and such is the case in Octavio Solis’ 2008 work, directed at ion by its executive artistic director, Claudio Raygoza. As in some other magical realism stories—Laura Esquivel’s much-sunnier Like Water for Chocolate comes to mind— a character with life-giving faculties has a profound effect on others whose essences are broken or wayward. The titular Lydia (the enchanting Nadia Guevara) bonds at once with the crippled Ceci (Jennifer Paredes), understanding her when no one else can, and expressing to the rest of the seriously dysfunctional border family so much of what Ceci, in flashbacks or fervid out-of-body monologues, wants herself to say and feel. Stunned in different ways by this seemingly supernatural symbiosis is father Claudio (John Anthony Delgado), a simmering brute awash in booze; mother

16 · San Diego CityBeat · June 22, 2016

Lydia runs through July 2 at ion theatre’s BLKBOX in Hillcrest. $32.

—David L. Coddon

Theater reviews run weekly. Write to

OPENING: The Blessing of a Broken Heart: Based on the Sherri Mandell memoir, this drama tells the tale of a young American woman who moves to Israel to find herself. Part of the San Diego Jewish Arts Festival, it happens June 23 at the Chabad Jewish Center in Vista. American Idiot: The rock opera musical about three working-class friends trying to chase their dreams features music from the classic Green Day album of the same name. Directed by Matt Fitzgerald, it opens June 24 at the Patio Playhouse in Escondido.

Jennifer Paredes and Bernardo Mazon in Lydia Rosa (Sandra Ruiz), who wishes to defer everything to God’s will; sons Rene (Richard Johnson), a gay basher by night, and would-be poet Misha (Bernardo Mazon), the one family member with true sensitivity and intuition; and cousin Alvaro (Alexander Guzman), much to everyone’s alarm a newly branded Border Patrol officer. Hovering over them all, menacingly, is a dark secret about the auto accident that has wrought all the subsequent violence and robbed Ceci of love, of her sexuality,

and of course of her functionality. The consequences of these human beings being human are brutality and denial and guilt—until Lydia arrives and, for a while, everything changes. This production is beautifully directed by Raygoza and gifted by evocative performances from ion newcomers Guevara and Mazon, especially. But it’s a gut-wrenching couple of hours of theater—witness the seat next to me, occupied by a woman who by play’s end was a mucus-y mess.

Breadcrumbs: A staged reading of Jennifer Haley’s drama about a writer who hires a caretaker to complete her autobiography after being diagnosed with dementia. Presented by Intrepid Theatre Company, it happens June 27 at the Encinitas Library Community Room. The Last Tiger in Haiti: The world premiere drama centers on a group of Haitian children during Kanaval, and blends folklore and modern realities. Written by Jeff Augustin, it opens June 28 at the La Jolla Playhouse.

For full theater

listings, visit “T heater ” at under the E vents tab.






Words of Power, Dances of Freedom Jon Wesick

Rot: Poetry and Advice from a Nobody Sunny Rey

Regarding the Monkey Adam Greenfield

(Garden Oak Press)

(Puna Press)

(Garden Oak Press)

A sequel of sorts to 2013’s Quotes and Poems by a Nobody, Rey is quickly making a name for herself for her caesuric and candid takes on sexuality, love and single motherhood. Rot shows clear signs of maturity and wisdom. The concept of rotting comes up a lot throughout the book, often cleverly substituted in for other words (“rot away with them,” “rotting in love with you”). Rey can be a little preachy and sappy at times in poems such as “If I could” and “To the children,” but it’s within the chapter titled “Born Into Homelessness” that Rey really shines. “The streets are pouring men/And spitting out kittens/It’s the most beautiful exchange of the fit and fierce,” she writes in “Shame.” Fierce, indeed.

Greenfield’s new book is a Bukowskian bash over an already restless and weary head. The host of the twice-monthly Red Poet’s Society and the comic book-focused Gutter Talk podcast, Greenfield is known for a dry wit and informal diction. The night, dreams, sleep (or lack thereof ), and women (again, or lack thereof ) make regular appearances throughout the book. In “Untucked,” “Left Unsaid,” and “A Study of Sleep in Chaos,” he traverses deftly between the revulsion and reverence men feel while laying in bed at night thinking about the past. Still, it’s the eightstanza, three-page “In My Back Pocket All This Time,” in which Greenfield reflects on his abusive father, where we finally get a full glimpse of a man at his most vulnerable.

Wesick has been a longtime staple on the local poetry scene and it’s easy to see why in the recently republished Words of Power. Allen Ginsberg is a stylistically logical comparison and is cited on multiple occasions and even cleverly paraphrased in the conspicuously titled, “Foul: If Ginsburg had written greeting cards.” And while Wesick often works in allusion and personification in poems such as “The Trouble With Russian Writers” and the startlingly bleak “America Slashed Her Wrists Again,” he almost never loses his keen sense of humor and irony. “The ninth circle of hell already fits the president’s pocket,” he writes in “Tipping Point,” as if already acquiescing to the idea of wandering the earth and cackling in judgment all along the way.

The Promise of Rust Hari Alluri

Grasshoppers Before Gods Karla Cordero

Strung Like Puppets Brian R. Strauss

(Mouthfeel Press)

(Dancing Girl Press & Studio)

(Foxx Press)

This all-too-brief chapbook serves as a primer for Alluri’s upcoming book, and what a preview it is. He fluidly mixes themes of humanism and progressivism with remembrances of youthful rebellion. He’s also refreshingly unafraid to break from the traditional styles that can often trap poets into sounding rhythmically repetitive. “Grant this burglar the archery of your voice,” he pleads to God in the brief, but impassioned “A Song,” as if he’s both pleading and resigning his faith. A Canadian who just graduated from San Diego State University’s Poetry MFA program, Alluri’s words are a much-needed breath of fresh air in the local spoken word scene. It seems trite to point out that The Promise of Rust contains so much promise, but when the verse is this poignant, it’s more irresponsible not to point it out.

Cordero is a professor at San Diego City College and the founder and editor at Spit Journal, an online literary mag devoted to poetry and social issues. She displays a fierce and resonating voice in this chapbook, with intense autobiographical reflections on growing up Chicana. “Nopal en el Frente” references a Mexican phrase meaning “a cactus on the forehead” which symbolizes many people’s powerlessness in trying to escape their Mexican heritage. That’s not to imply Cordero is trying to escape. Rather, she weaves gracefully between empowerment and anger in “A Brown Girl’s Blues” and “My Country is Panting.” The latter poem, with its vivid accounts of boys being shot and verses like “My country/like a lost dog/ slept,” shows Cordero’s unique ability to take political and cultural issues and elevate them into art.


This large, worthwhile book is the first release on Strauss’ recently launched indie publishing house, Foxx Press. Strauss is young and the spoils and sadness of youth are all over Puppets. What’s more, it’s nice to see him dabbling in varying types of diction and styles, and he isn’t afraid to make San Diego itself a character within his verses. The streets, the sounds and even the smells of the city pop up throughout the book, proving that Strauss’ natural ability for true evocativeness. “There is sunlight draped across the buildings leading to El Cajon Boulevard/Leaning into sunlight, an epicenter of growth, thirsty for affection,” he recounts in “Cuts Across My Fingers.” It’s as if the reader was there with him.

June 22, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 21





24 hours of living screen-free


ater, as he sat on his balcony eating the dog, Dr. Robert Laing reflected on the unusual events that had taken place within this huge apartment building during the previous three months.” So begins J.G. Ballard’s brilliant dystopian 1975 novel High Rise. The premise of the book concerns the moral degradation and societal collapse of the residents living in a state-of-the-art high-rise apartment building. The novel serves as a chilling portrait of how dependency on technology paired with isolation can lead to barbarism. I think of this dog-eating line when I set out to see if I can avoid screens for 24 hours. Later, as he sat eating his cat and commenting on ranty Facebook posts, Ryan Bradford reflected on the unusual events of the past 24 hours. The challenge to avoid screens was partially prompted by the state of social media and fever pitch of shitty-ness that seems to have been caused by the election. Every day I wake up to long-winded rants typed out by otherwise thoughtful people (one of the many unforgivable offenses that this election has wrought is the normalization of the social media rant). Facebook is 99 percent garbage; Twitter is getting close. But like the residents of Ballard’s High Rise, we’re losing our humanity and nobody seems to notice. But hypocritical ranting aside, the main reason for attempting 24 hours of darkness is just to see if I can. I try to think of the last time I had a screen-free day. Certainly not in the three years since I got my first smart phone. And even before the ubiquity of computers, there was always television. Have I ever actually had a screen-free day? I plan to shut down from 9 p.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday to Sunday. Before unplugging, my wife Jessica and I go out to dinner. During our meal, I ask Jessica what she thinks the next day is going to look like. “Will it be the most boring day of our lives?” “I’m excited,” she says. “It means I’ll actually be able to hang out with you.” This is the part where, if we were in a movie, the music would swell and there would be a slow zoomin on me as I discover the sad reality of how screensaturated my life has become and discover What’s Really Important™. Yes, it makes me a little sad, but it also gives me resolve to live my best life for the next 24 hours. Carpe the shit out of that diem. We go home. The clock tolls 9 p.m. I shut down my phone and put it away in a drawer. Jessica and I sit in our living room. We listen to clocks ticking and faraway traffic. “What do you remember about how we met?” she asks. We fall into a warm stream of nostalgia that takes us through our relationship up to that point. We remember first kisses, drunken parties;

the time when we were trying to watch a movie and my drunken roommate took an hour to order a pizza on the phone. We laugh. I look at the time. It’s only been 15 minutes. I become restless, twitchy. Gotta get out of the house. I go to a punk show at Soda Bar, but don’t really know anyone. I stand in the corner and sip on a tallboy. It’s not that bad. The band performs but there’s no way I can post a picture of them to prove that life without screens is not that bad. I drive home and go to bed. Maybe I can just sleep through the next day. Jessica wakes me up at 9 a.m. Twelve hours in and I’m still alive—a good sign. She suggests we go to Cardamom Bakery in North Park for the hazelnut French toast. A fantastic plan. In the car, we flip through radio stations. “Wait, stop,” Jessica says. “Did they just say that 50 people were dead?” We turn back to NPR. The news-anchor keeps repeating the phrase: Deadliest mass shooting in the history of the U.S. This is how I learn about Orlando. We park and sit in the car and listen, stunned. Any other day, I’d race to the Internet to find more information, to see if anyone else knows more than me. Today, we’re at the mercy of this anchor who’s having a hard time keeping it together. He interviews someone who speculates that ISISrelated social media emboldens these acts. We eat our French toast in silence. Even if I did have my phone, I wouldn’t be in the mood to snap a pic of my food (not true). After breakfast, we take a stroll around North Park. Outside, people are walking their dogs, saying hello. Without the overbearing mourning cycle that occurs on social media in the wake of a tragedy—sadness into anger into accusations into grandstanding—it’s a reminder of what natural grieving feels like, and also a reminder that life goes on. Back in the car, NPR is still grasping to come to terms with the shooting. “Let’s listen to music,” Jessica says. We turn to 91X, which is playing The Flaming Lips’ “Do You Realize??” instead of Sublime or Red Hot Chili Peppers. It’s a strangely beautiful moment. You realize that the sun doesn’t go down. It’s just an illusion caused by the world spinning ‘round. That night, at the end of my screen-free Sunday, I turn on my phone. People are frothing at the mouth. They are blaming the NRA, Obama, Hillary, Trump, each other. I turn the phone back off. Well That Was Awkward appears every other week. Write to

Will it be the most boring day of our lives?

22 · San Diego CityBeat · June 22, 2016




Jesinoski likes to point out the flaws in the assembly of other canvases, from the low quality stretcher bars which cause rough edges around the paint to the canvas material itself. Jesinoski uses locally sourced wood and hand-assembles each and every Core canvas. Jesinoski says that most artists know the difference between a high-quality canvas solid crowd of artists and scenesters gath- and a lower quality one. “A lot of times, if they’re working on the cheap, a ered at Thumbprint Gallery this past Sattrue artist will paint on whatever surface is available. urday, and while some were there to check They’ll paint on an old piece of plywood, because out the La Jolla gallery’s new show, Stratum, some they don’t have access to high-quality canvases. seemed much more keen on JACKI GEARY The Core canvases are good perusing a bunch of blank for people who are ready to canvases. No, it wasn’t some make that leap into possibly kind of Yves Klein-inspired showing in galleries.” experiment, but rather part For now, artists can order of the official launch party canvases at corecanvascomfor Core Canvas, a new and pick them up venture that aims to bring at Thumbprint or at Visual high-quality, handcrafted in North Park. The Core canvases to artists at an afcrew’s ultimate goal is to fordable price. have the canvases in inde“The idea just came out of pendent stores and spaces many conversations of us tryall over the San Diego. ing to work together and the “It might sound cheesy, different things we wanted to but I think that the more see happen in the San Diego canvases we have that peoarea,” says Mark Jesinoski, ple can afford, the more who started Core Canvas Core Canvas crew Johnny Tran, likely people are to paint,” along with his wife, Ali, and Paul Ecdao and Mark Jesinoski Jesinoski says. “By making Thumbprint co-owners nice canvases available to Johnny Tran and Paul Ecdlocal artists, they’ll be able to paint on better surfacao. “For me, I noticed so many other artists either es and that’ll make their work look better and, thus, didn’t have the tools or didn’t have the ability to build San Diego will look better by extension.” their own canvases. Plus, the prices that people were



paying at the big box stores was drastically high.”

—Seth Combs

ON THE SEEN In this semi-regular department, we ask some of our favorite local artists, writers and curators what new shows or artists are worth checking out. Whether it’s a particular piece, an entire exhibition or just a current obsession, here are some artsy options from eyes we trust.

Eugenie Geb, DeLoss McGraw and Han Nguyen. I enjoy doing a themed show that brings together artists that are seemingly disparate or contrasting with each other, but each of these artists wants to encourage the viewer to have an intimate or contemplative experience with the work. Still, I like that they all work in a very different medium. Han’s a wonderful photographer, DeLoss does these very lushly colored, lyrical watercolors, and Eugenie does these very haunting, insanely detailed, almost gothic pencil drawings.” COURTESY OF THE ARTIST

Meegan Nolan Owner, Low Gallery and Education Director, San Diego Art Institute “For the first time I went to the airport with the sole intention of looking at art. Point of Entry has Lizbeth Price 14 different artists. The exhibiPublic Affairs Specialist for the tion explores geographical and Arts, San Diego State University cultural borders, both real and “This past weekend, I went to perceived. Standout pieces to me the Museum School Art Aucare The AjA Project’s ‘Flight and tion at Bread and Salt. It really is Path,’ Kate Clark’s ‘Border Rub’ a great survey of local artists and and Cat Chiu Phillips ‘Barong/ I’m always blown away with how Guyabara’ which all seem to exsupportive the arts community is plore the simultaneous stark conwhen it comes to an arts educatrast of our cultures and sametion cause. The standout piece for ness of our humanity. I also me was Perry Vasquez’s piece “Burning Palm” by Perry Vasquez ‘Burning Palm.’ It’s a tall palm, really liked the meticulously rendered landscapes of Tim all alone in the sky, bursting into Conaway. An artist living with Autism, Conaway flames. I talked to Perry about some of the lonelihas documented thousands of scenes with colored ness I felt in the piece and he called that anima sola, pencil and felt tip marker, all from his imagination.” a spanish phrase for a ‘lonely soul’ or an image depicting a soul in purgatory. That’s exactly what I felt Robert Pincus when I saw it. I lost my breath for a moment. My Writer, curator and legendary arts critic hometown, my place on earth, being consumed by “I recently curated the Poetic: Artists in Vision- flame with smoke rising in the sky.”. ary Mode exhibition [opening June 25 at the Can —Seth Combs non Art Gallery in Carslbad] featuring works from


June 22, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 23



Intensive Care Johnnie To’s new crime film surgically dismantles institutional hypocrisy by Glenn Heath Jr.


tate-run institutions and corporate goliaths are for deceptive reasons. Antiseptic corridors line the equally corruptible in the work of Johnnie To. hospital like elongated coffins. The repetitive swing Often they are in cahoots. The master Hong of hospital curtains continues to reveal and obscure Kong auteur sees both as profit-driven entities prey- the truth. Despite the constant threat of chaos, the ing on the weaknesses and insecurities of vulner- director wields complete control over every frame. able individuals. He seamlessly buries this cynicism He’s a maestro of motion unafraid of testing the underneath tropes from classic genres such as the boundaries of time and space. No wonder so many romantic comedy and action film, an act of effortless characters continue to attempt the impossible. Between the philosophizing of Chung’s charsubversion with deep political undercurrents. If the public and private sectors are littered with ismatic villain and the rationalizing of Zhao’s talethical landmines, it’s logical that a few well-mean- ented, Chinese-born M.D., Three contemplates the ing characters will trip up trying to do the right many lies we tell ourselves to retain control. During an experimental and ambitious final sequence, thing. Others will simply use the gravity, logic and salvation are system for their own benefit. To’s turned upside down. The only latest thriller, Three, forces these THREE thing that makes traditional sense two types of people into the same is the sound of spent shell casings cramped space, then watches Directed by Johnnie To hitting the ground from a distheir good and evil intentions Starring Louis Koo, charged gun. collide. Flawed professionals one Zhao Wei, Wallace Chung Here, Three quickly turns into and all, they spend the duration and Lam Suet a scathing critique of moral codes trying to keep up with their own Rated R warped by singular motivations bad decisions. and blatant risk-taking. “We break Doubling down on the bleak the law to enforce the law,” justiworldview of his 2012 masterpiece Drug War, the film initially feels like a striking fies Chen. His closed off perspective reflects one of homage to Hitchcock-ian menace and momentum, a many characters that have inflated their own profescollection of small pivotal moments that slowly un- sional importance in order to protect the masses. veil a grander plot. Considering such surgical pre- The consequences are dire, and To makes his leadciseness, To not surprisingly begins mid-operation ing trio feel the hurt in various different ways, stripas Dr. Tong Qian (Vicki Zhao) conducts an intense ping each of the power they so carelessly mishandle. Much like Drug War, the film ends with a series procedure. One shot takes place inside the patient’s body, with a scalpel almost kissing the camera after of gut punches that do nothing to dissuade the viewer from seeing the worst in people. Except Three, protruding through a layer of skin. Seconds later, stoic police officers led by Inspec- which opens Friday, June 24 at local area theaters, tor Chen (Louis Koo) escort a headshot criminal provides no shred of nationalism as a security blan(Wallace Chung) into the hospital lobby. A televi- ket, just the realization that those who are trained to sion newscast describes the gun battle they have protect and serve can fail equally at both. One of the older physicians seems to understand just left, insinuating that multiple other suspects are still on the loose. The tense entourage ends up on a core truth: “We’re professionals but not everything Qian’s floor, interrupting the already volatile work- is in our control.” To’s crackerjack players, who conflow of doctor and nurses. Unstable patients observe tinue to run, jump and shoot their way into karma’s the commotion, each a distrusting eyewitness to the doghouse, can never admit he might be right. They are too busy being wrong. shadow play to come. In an environment usually associated with control and protocol, uncertainty becomes the norm. Film reviews run weekly. The Hippocratic oath is quoted multiple times but Write to

24 · San Diego CityBeat · June 22, 2016



Neon Demon

Mean girls


bet Nicolas Winding Refn likes his steak rare. The Danish enfant terrible of Drive and Only God Forgives relishes in the mutilation of flesh and the desecration of limbs. Blood doesn’t just splatter in his films, it streams. The monumentally gross disembowelment sequence in his excellent Viking odyssey Valhalla Rising comes to mind as the gold standard in this department. So The Neon Demon, a glittery mind fuck about the self-immolating horrors of the Los Angeles fashion world, seems like a natu-


ral progression for Refn. The inherent vice and artificiality of the locale gives him carte blanche to fill the frame with flashing strobe lights, swan-like bodies and surreal splashes of color. Elle Fanning stars as Jessie, the naïve Southern belle who instantly garners the attention of famous male photographers and designers much to the chagrin of her veteran diva counterparts. If sex is power, then jealousy is the film’s only currency. The influence of David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive can be felt in the freaky sequences featuring Jessie and her unhinged landlord (Keanu Reeves). But such moments are only placeholders for Refn’s truly depraved and absurd conclusion. Here, the film’s critique of female objectification and cosmetic surgery turns from eerie to grotesque. There are no more beauties, only face-lifted beasts. Ultimately, Refn enjoys making his heroine watch and listen as others are torn apart, sometimes figuratively. His camera lingers on blood soaked bodies, rejected and tortured faces looking in vain for help. The Neon Demon, which opens Friday, June 24, at the

Angelika Carmel Mountain Cinemas, isn’t interested in sympathy. It’s a vibrant, problematic and narcissistic howl at the moon, just as vapid and hollow as the industry it’s trying to deconstruct. Fanning’s doe-eyed performance embodies this contradiction nicely, at times sweet and demure, at others vengeful and manipulative. She is who she needs to be, in this sleek purgatory and the next.

—Glenn Heath Jr.

OPENING Chevalier: Athina Rachel Tsangari’s latest film takes place aboard a boat sailing the Aegean Sea where six Greek men decide to conduct a series of competitions. Screens through Thursday, June 30, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. Janey Makes a Play: Jared Callahan’s documentary follows a 90-year-old woman named Janey after she decides to write and direct a play for her community. Screens through Thursday, June 30, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. Gurukulam: This meditative documentary follows a group of students and their teacher as they confront fundamental questions about the world and nature at large. Opens Friday, June 24, at the Angelika Carmel Mountain Cinemas. Independence



Earth is under attack, again. My 15-yearold self really wants this to be good. The Free State of Jones: Based on true events, a reformed Confederate soldier (Matthew McConaughey) leads a slave rebellion in the waning years of the Civil War. The Neon Demon: Nicolas Winding Refn’s new film explores the dangerous and brutal power plays within the Los Angeles fashion industry. Opens Friday, June 24, at the Angelika Carmel Mountain Cinemas. The Shallows: Blake Lively finds herself marooned on a rock after being attacked by a vengeful shark in the latest from Jaime Collet-Serra (Run All Night). The Witness: James Solomon’s documentary examines the death of Kitty Genovese, a woman who was stalked and murdered in front of countless witnesses on a New York City street in 1964. Opens Friday, June 24, at the Angelika Carmel Mountain Cinemas. Therapy for the Vampire: This comedy follows famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud as he treats a vampire who is fed up with his undying wife. Three: A cop, a criminal, and a doctor all find themselves entangled in Johnnie To’s new action thriller set entirely in a hospital.

For a complete listing of movies, please see “Film Screenings” at

June 22, 2016 • San Diego CityBeat · 25


HE BUSINESS OF NOSTALGIA is getting a little out of hand. Or rather, it’s been out of hand. For years, the music industry has been dominated by a rosy view of the past. It’s what fueled decades of needless reissues and re-releases of albums that already existed and never went out of print, but now come packaged with three extra discs of acoustic demos. In recent years, that reverence for music of yore has found a new outlet in a seemingly neverending reunion circuit, with the likes of a recently reunited (sort of ) Guns ‘n’ Roses headlining Coachella and essentially every punk band from the ’90s finding a bigger festival audience now than when they were playing DIY venues 20 years ago. And that’s before we even get to the Boomer generation super concert, Desert Trip, not-so-affectionately dubbed “Oldchella” by various blogs. As much as I might scoff out of cynicism at reunion festival cash-ins, I certainly get the appeal of it. But there’s another major staple of the Nostalgia Industrial Complex that still mystifies me: The classic album concert. For more than a decade, bands performing classic albums in their entirety have been an ongoing and increasingly absurd trend in live music. Popularized in the mid-’00s by the now defunct All Tomorrow’s Parties festival and its Don’t Look Back series, the full-album concert trend started off as an intriguing novelty, seeing The Stooges perform their 1970 album Fun House and Belle and Sebastian play the entirety of If You’re Feeling Sinister. Since then, it’s spiraled out to become a regular feature at Riot Fest, Rock the Bells and various other open-air gatherings and venues. Putting aside the idea that the album has supposedly been dead for years—an idea I don’t necessarily agree with, but retail sales probably would—it strikes me as odd that the thing drawing people to buy tickets is the chance

26 · San Diego CityBeat · June 22, 2016

to hear a band play something in the exact order you’d hear it at home. One of the most fun aspects of hearing live music is not knowing what you’re going to hear. A lot of bands don’t change their setlist from night to night, but there’s still an element of surprise to the whole thing. If you know what’s coming next, that sucks a little bit of the excitement out of the experience. There are some notable exceptions, of course. A few years back, Spiritualized did a series of special concerts performing their 1997 album Ladies and Gentlemen We’re Floating in Space, an ambitious, orchestrated work of psychedelia that would likely feel more like a symphonic or operatic performance live than a proper rock show. The same can be said of Echo and the Bunnymen, who did a special tour for their album Ocean Rain, which featured a 16-piece orchestra. It makes far less sense for Jane’s Addiction—a band with only four albums—to focus all their attention on playing Nothing’s Shocking, or Linkin Park to play all of Hybrid Theory. And you really have to ask the point of it all when bottom-of-the-barrel albums such as Lit’s A Place in the Sun or Insane Clown Posse’s Riddle Box become headlining draws. Imagine my surprise, then, when my most anticipated concert of the summer ends up being Brian Wilson, performing all of The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds, which turns 50 this year. Released 15 years before I was born, Pet Sounds is an album that I didn’t grow up listening to, but rather came to as a young adult, growing increasingly fond of the album since hearing it when I was 18 or so. I can’t fully pin this on nostalgia as a result because I wasn’t there. To be fair, though, neither was Brian Wilson—not on stage, anyway. In

The Beach Boys 1964, he stopped touring with the Beach Boys, instead remaining in the studio to focus his efforts on creating a work of magical orchestral pop that became one of the most influential albums of all time. And the band toured in 1966 after the album was released, but Wilson wasn’t part of it, which sort of makes the idea of hearing a song such as “God Only Knows” or “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” seem incomplete. Wilson’s 50th anniversary tour behind Pet Sounds isn’t the first of its kind. In 2000, he performed the entirety of the album ahead of its 35th anniversary, and even released a live version of the album from that tour. This current 70-date tour, however, is the last chance to hear it performed as a complete package, which increases the urgency behind it. But part of what makes the idea of hearing Pet Sounds live just a little bit different is the sheer ambition of the album itself. It’s a work of great detail and sophistication, with arrangements that incorporate everything from theremin to bicycle bells, not to mention those vocal harmonies. It’s a production, rather than simply a rock show. I’ll admit that I’ve caught myself curious about other full-album concerts on the horizon, including Boris performing Pink and Failure performing Fantastic Planet, but I still find myself shrugging at the idea in general. It’s unlikely that the trend will die in the immediate future, and I recognize not every show can be an event on the level of Pet Sounds. But that doesn’t mean every CD clogging up used bins needs to be celebrated onstage. Write to, and follow him on Twitter @1000timesjeff.




loomsday has announced a proper physical release of their new album Worst Coast Scenario. Quietly, the album first was posted to Bandcamp in December of last year and was recorded more than a year ago. However, the band is releasing it on CD and cassette next week, and a vinyl release will follow later this summer (clogs at pressing plants have resulted in delays of six months or longer). They’ve been sitting on the album for a while until they had a chance to give it proper attention, and they put some time into figuring out the best method of release. “We held on to it for a while,” says guitarist/vocalist Justin Cota in a phone interview. “We were just trying to figure out all of our options—when to release it, who to go through for cassettes, vinyl, CD.” Worst Coast Scenario follows 2013’s Paradise Tossed (they’re keeping the pun titles intact), making it a good three years since their last album. The general approach to the music is the same, however,

with Cota and drummer Lori Sokolowski playing a heavy, garagey rock ‘n’ roll style. “Because our sound is easy to work with, there isn’t a drastic change,” Cota says. “Worst Coast Scenario is less heavy. The song structures are a little more simple.” Gloomsday will be playing a release show on Friday, June 24, at Shaper Studios in North Park with The End and Fresh Brunettes. They’re planning on doing a series of short regional tours in the U.S. throughout the year, as well. Now that they have something that people can Gloomsday actually put their hands on, Cota says that they’re ready to give it some proper promotion. “We’ve been sitting on it so long, we haven’t had a chance to just push this album out there,” he says. “We’ve been playing older material, so now we can focus on the new material. We’re just going to be playing a lot more shows.”

—Jeff Terich

Baroness (August 30, Observatory North Park): Full disclosure: This is my most anticipated show of the summer. I’ve seen Baroness play three times before, but their melodic, psychedelic metal is just too good not to catch at every opportunity.




n the weekend of August 26-28, a who’s-who of punk, metal, hard rock and hardcore will converge—including Converge, as it turns out—at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas for a weekend of debauchery. The lineup holds a couple of San Diego bands, including Drive Like Jehu and Black Heart Procession, along with an impressive list of heavy music heroes the world over. If you can’t make it that weekend for Psycho Las Vegas, however, there are several banner acts playing in San Diego before and after the fest. Here’s a roundup.

Black Heart Procession (August 24, The Casbah): The Black Heart Procession haven’t played a show in San Diego for a few years, their membership divided by geography and different goals. But they’re making a brief return to darken our fair city once again.

Blue Oyster Cult (June 26, Belly Up Tavern): This one’s just around the corner, so don’t miss it. The proto-metal heroes and “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper” stars bring some riffs to the Belly Up ahead of the fest. Boris (July 22, The Casbah): This week I wrote about my ambivalence about bands performing their albums live, but one I’ll make an exception for is Boris, whose 2006 album Pink they’ll be playing at Psycho and in San Diego. It’s a damn classic is what it is.

A Storm of Light (August 25, Brick by Brick): A Storm of Light isn’t exactly a supergroup, but noneAlice Cooper (October 28, Harrah’s Resort): Rock theless features members of The Book of Knots and ‘n’ roll’s original villain was here a few years back Battle of Mice. Their sound is atmospheric and big, opening for Motley Crue (don’t ask me, dude) but so expect something epic. he’s finally back to offer a theatrical show, second- —Jeff Terich billed to nobody.


June 22, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 27



IF I WERE U A music insider’s weekly agenda WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22

PLAN A: Nothing, Culture Abuse, Wrong @ Soda Bar. This Philly group might be called Nothing because of the bleak nihilism at the heart of their music, but it’s certainly substantial in sound. Like a heavier version of Failure or My Bloody Valentine, they’re all about layers of effects-laden guitars, and I’m into it. PLAN B: case/lang/veirs, Andy Shauf @ Humphreys by the Bay. Neko Case, k.d. lang and Laura Veirs are now making music together, and their combined talent is pretty much off the charts. If haunting songwriting and immaculate vocal abilities are your thing, you need to be here.


PLAN A: Cherry Glazerr, Sex Stains, The Buttertones @ The Irenic. It’s hard not to get behind a band named for a KCRW radio personality, though their dreamy, garagey indie rock sound is ultimately what makes Cherry Glazerr a band worth seeing. PLAN B: Radkey, All People, Fake Tides @ Soda Bar. Missouri’s Radkey formed in an effort to save the world from Nickelback, and so far they haven’t succeeded just yet, but their beefy, high-energy rock ‘n’ roll is definitely a step in the right direction. BACKUP PLAN: Eraserfase, Caliens, Tall Can & Generik, Mystery Cave, Dayla, DJ Tec @ The Hideout.

son 2 aren’t quite surf rock, not really jazz, and not necessarily anything else, either. The duo are brothers who play instrumental music that’s both chill and utterly dazzling—and with a double-neck guitar, no less. BACKUP PLAN: Sonny and the Sunsets, Sarah Bethe Nelson, The Gloomies @ Soda Bar.


PLAN A: David J, Birdy Bardot, Sacri Monti, others @ Leucadia Roadside Park. Goth legend David J (Bauhaus, Love and Rockets) is usually best heard and seen at night, but he’s performing an afternoon show in Leucadia Roadside Park as part of Summer Fun on the 101. Start off your summer dressed in black. PLAN B: Venom Inc., Necrophagia, Morphesia, Dark Measure @ Brick by Brick. Venom Inc. is the current incarnation of metal pioneers Venom, who have been dispensing riffs and blasphemy for more than 30 years. Only Satan can be responsible for that kind of longevity.


PLAN A: Pity Sex, PWR BTTM, Petal @ The Irenic. Pity Sex’s music is neither as sad nor silly as their name suggests, but there are definitely emotions involved. More importantly, really big sounding guitars are also involved, so that’s fun. PLAN B: Sacri Monti, Dead Feathers, Ocelot, Desert Suns @ The Merrow. If you need your heavy psychedelic rock fix for the week, there’s no better bet than this show, which lines up a couple of our region’s most colossal heavy psych acts, all of whom bring a truck full of riffs and powerful room-filling sound.


David J


PLAN A: Holy Wave, Amerikan Bear @ The Hideout. Holy Wave play psychedelic rock that pairs nicely with grass fields and summer days and just spacing out and doing nothing in particular. Come and get some sweet, summertime psych. PLAN B: The Mattson 2, Montalban Quintet, Krass Bros. @ The Casbah. The Matt-

28 · San Diego CityBeat · June 22, 2016

PLAN A: Ape Machine, Red Wizard, Death Eyes @ The Casbah. Ape Machine are a hard-rocking group of dudes from Portland, Oregon, that have the riffs and energy you need on a Monday night. Grab a few cold ones and rock out. PLAN B: International Dipshit, Bitchin’ Seahorse, Zombie Barbie @ Soda Bar. I mean, I can’t avoid recommending a show featuring a band called International Dipshit. Or Bitchin’ Seahorse, for that matter.


PLAN A: DJ Artistic’s Hip-Hop Battle Bot w/ The Beatnuts, Zoolay @ The Casbah. The Beatnuts have been a staple of underground hip-hop since the ’90s, and they’ve still got some science to drop. You probably would recognize their hit “Off the Books,” but be ready for some solid beats and rhymes on the whole.




The Black Heart Procession (Casbah, 8/24), Floating Points (BUT, 9/12), Felice Brothers (Casbah, 10/9), Tears for Fears (Humphreys, 10/9), Halestorm (HOB, 10/12), Ingrid Michaelson (Humphreys, 10/28), Andra Day (Humphreys, 11/2), Steven Wilson (BUT, 11/6).

GET YER TICKETS White Lung (Casbah, 7/9), M. Ward (BUT, 7/12), Deerhoof (Casbah, 7/14), Psychedelic Furs, The Church (Humphreys, 7/19), The Joy Formidable (Irenic, 7/20), Nails (Brick by Brick, 7/20), Boris (Casbah, 7/22), Blink 182 (Viejas Arena, 7/22), Inter Arma (Soda Bar, 7/24), Dirty Dozen Brass Band (Music Box, 7/28), Savages (Observatory, 7/29), Sublime with Rome (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 7/30), Anderson .Paak (HOB, 8/3), ‘Warped Tour’ w/ Sleeping With Sirens, Sum 41, New Found Glory (Qualcomm Stadium, 8/5), Last Shadow Puppets (Observatory, 8/5), Kurt Vile and the Violators (HOB, 8/9), The White Buffalo (BUT, 8/13), Guided by Voices (BUT, 8/17), The Weight: Members of the Band/ Levon Helm Band (BUT, 8/18), Parquet Courts (The Irenic, 8/19), Digable Planets, Camp Lo (BUT, 8/20), Guns ‘n’ Roses (Qualcomm Stadium, 8/22), Dave Matthews Band (Sleep


Train Amphitheatre, 8/26), Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 8/27), Deftones (Open Air Theatre, 8/29), Baroness, Pallbearer (Observatory, 8/30), Squirrel Nut Zippers (BUT, 8/31), Huey Lewis and the News (Humphreys, 9/1), Flamin’ Groovies (Casbah, 9/2), Yes (Humphreys, 9/4), Los Lonely Boys (BUT, 9/4), The Kills (Observatory, 9/4), Tr/st, Cold Cave (Music Box, 9/8), Zombies (BUT, 9/8), Ray Lamontagne (Open Air Theatre, 9/13), Counting Crows, Rob Thomas (Open Air Theatre, 9/14), Luke Bryan (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 9/17), Band of Skulls (BUT, 9/24), Tegan and Sara (Observatory, 9/25), O.A.R. (Humphreys, 9/25), DJ Shadow (HOB, 9/27), King (Casbah, 9/28), Glen Hansard (Observatory, 9/28), Steve Gunn (Soda Bar, 10/1), Okkervil River (BUT, 10/1), Phantogram (Irenic, 10/1), Alice in Chains (Copley Symphony Hall, 10/2), Ani DiFranco (BUT, 10/2), Sia, Miguel (Viejas Arena, 10/5), Failure (Music Box, 10/6), Bad Boy Family Reunion (Viejas Arena, 10/6), Kamasi Washington (Humphreys, 10/7), Florida Georgia Line (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 10/9), Colbie Caillat (Humphreys, 10/12), RJD2 (Observatory, 10/13), Prophets of Rage (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 10/16), The Faint, Gang of Four (Observatory, 10/18), Young the Giant (HOB, 10/18-19), Willie Nelson (Humphreys, 10/19), Saint Vitus (Brick by Brick, 10/22), Preoccupations (Irenic, 10/26), Alice Cooper (Harrah’s, 10/28), Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Death from Above 1979 (HOB, 10/28), M83 (SOMA, 10/29), Diamond Head (Brick by Brick, 11/5), Peter Hook and the Light (HOB, 11/8).

JUNE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 David Bromberg at Belly Up Tavern. Case/Lang/Veirs at Humphreys by the Bay. Kenny Rogers at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Ne-hi at The Hideout. Nothing at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, JUNE 23 Cherry Glazerr at The Irenic. George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic at Belly Up Tavern (sold out).

FRIDAY, JUNE 24 Sonny and the Sunsets at Soda Bar. Jacquees at Observatory North Park. Cee-Lo at Belly Up Tavern (sold out). Holy Wave at The Hideout.

SATURDAY, JUNE 25 Venom Inc. at Brick by Brick. Pierce the Veil at Observatory North Park. Good Old War at The Casbah.

SUNDAY, JUNE 26 Pity Sex at The Irenic. Blue Oyster Cult at Belly Up Tavern.

MONDAY, JUNE 27 Ape Machine at The Casbah.

TUESDAY, JUNE 28 Bryson Tiller at Observatory North Park.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 Bryson Tiller at Observatory North Park.

THURSDAY, JUNE 30 Brian Wilson at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Spero at The Casbah. Harsh Toke at Belly Up Tavern. Mudcrutch at Humphreys by the Bay.

Stoopid at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Joan Jett at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Body Language at The Hideout. White Lung at The Casbah. Royal Headache at Soda Bar.



Kyle Craft at The Casbah. Six String Society at Belly Up Tavern.

FRIDAY, JULY 1 Ringo Starr and His All Star Band at Humphreys (sold out). Schizophonics Soul Revue at The Casbah. Griever at Soda Bar.

SATURDAY, JULY 2 Kevin Morby at The Casbah. The Loons at Soda Bar.

SUNDAY, JULY 3 Ignite at Brick by Brick. Emily Jane White at Soda Bar.

TUESDAY, JULY 5 Lady Antebellum at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Destroyer of Light at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, JULY 7 Big Bloom at The Casbah. Iration at House of Blues.

FRIDAY, JULY 8 Rascal Flatts at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Chicago at Harrah’s Resort. Big Sandy and His Flyrite Boys at The Casbah.

SATURDAY, JULY 9 Toad the Wet Sprocket, Rusted Root at Observatory North Park. Slightly

TUESDAY, JULY 12 Widespread Panic at Civic Theatre. M. Ward at Belly Up Tavern. Underpass, Soft Kill at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, JULY 14 Deerhoof at The Casbah. Pinegrove at House of Blues.

FRIDAY, JULY 15 We Are Scientists at House of Blues Voodoo Room. Screeching Weasel at Brick by Brick.

SATURDAY, JULY 16 Pitbull at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Slapshot, Poison Idea at Brick by Brick.

SUNDAY, JULY 17 Wye Oak at The Irenic. Saosin at Observatory North Park.

TUESDAY, JULY 19 Fear of Men at The Hideout. Xibalba at Soda Bar. Psychedelic Furs, The Church at Humphreys Concerts by the Bay. The Yardbirds at Belly Up Tavern.


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MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29 WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 The Joy Formidable at The Irenic. Nails at Brick by Brick. Tacocat at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, JULY 21 Slayer at House of Blues (sold out).

FRIDAY, JULY 22 Boris at The Casbah. Blink 182 at Viejas Arena.

SATURDAY, JULY 23 TTNG at The Irenic. Robert Cray Band at Belly Up Tavern. Phish at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. The Aquabats at House of Blues.

SUNDAY, JULY 24 Inter Arma at Soda Bar. Twentyonepilots at Viejas Arena (sold out).

MONDAY, JULY 25 Big Business at The Casbah.

TUESDAY, JULY 26 Brand New, Modest Mouse at Sleep Train Amphitheatre.


710 Beach Club, 710 Garnet Ave., San Diego. Pacific Beach. Wed: The Geode Project. Fri: Daddy Issues, Radio Silent, Jagged Lines. Sat: Saved by the 90s. Tue: Labor Weight, Essex Class.

98 Bottles, 2400 Kettner Blvd. Ste. 110, San Diego. Little Italy. Fri: Welcome to Summer 2016, Jamie Shadowlight’s String Theory. Sat: Melissa Morgan and Lorraine Castellanos. Sun: The Matt Smith Neu Jazz Trio. Air Conditioned Lounge, 4673 30th St., San Diego. Normal Heights. Wed: DJ Sweet Chuck. Thu: ‘Libertine’ w/ DJs Jon Wesley, 1979. Sat: ‘Juicy’ w/ Mike Czech. Sun: ‘Chvrch’ w/ DJ Karma. American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Melissa Villasenor. Fri: Ralphie May. Sat: Ralphie May. Sun: Full Throttle Comedy. The Bancroft, 9143 Campo Rd., Spring Valley. Thu: John Underwood, Minor Birds. Fri: BipolArte, The MandoShanks, Pahntom Dissonance. Sat: Uprising, Velour, Reason to Rebel. Sun: Reech. Mon: GASH, Midnight Track, Sideshow. Tue: Tiki Touch. Bar Pink, 3829 30th St., San Diego. North Park. Wed: DJ L. Thu: DJ Junior the DiscoPunk. Fri: ‘80s vs 90s’. Sat: Rio Peligroso, Fictitious Dishes. Sun: Dave and Normandie’s Excellent Wedding Celebration Bash. Mon: Tori Roze and the Hot Mess. Tue: ‘Tiki Tuesday’ w/ DJ Marshall Islands. Beaumont’s, 5662 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla. Thu: Simeon Flick Duo. Fri: Chugboat. Sat: Slower. Sun: Kayla Hope. Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Wed: David Bromberg. Thu: George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic (sold out). Fri: Marc Ford and the Neptune Blues Club, Los Beautiful Beast, DJ Britton. Sat: Red Not Chili Peppers, Fooz Fighters, Nirvanish. Sun: Blue Oyster Cult (sold out).

30 · San Diego CityBeat · June 22, 2016

Black Cat Bar, 4246 University Ave., San Diego. City Heights. Fri: Soul Glo V w/ DJ Duck Egg. Sat: Big D’s Birthday Rock Party. Boar Cross’n, 390 Grand Ave., Carlsbad. Thu: Reason to Rebel. Fri: Club Musae. Brass Rail, 3796 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Fri: Hip Hop Fridayz. Sat: ‘Sabado en Fuego’ w/ DJs XP, KA, K-Swift. Mon: ‘Manic Monday’ w/ DJ Junior the Disco Punk. Brick by Brick, 1130 Buenos Ave., San Diego. Bay Park. Fri: Ill Nino, Bobaflex, Terror Universal, Black Oil, 1001, The Thrill Killers. Sat: Venom Inc., Necrophagia, Dark Measure, Morphesia. Cafe Sevilla, 353 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Sat: Flamenco Dinner Show. Sun: Buena Vista Sundays. The Casbah, 2501 Kettner Blvd., San Diego. Midtown. Wed: Mimosa, Real J Wallace, Skinny Vinny, DJ Artistic. Thu: Suuns, JJUUJJUU. Fri: The Mattson 2, Montalban Quintet, Krass Bros. Sat: Good Old War, Empty Houses. Sun: Skyterra, Gayle Skidmore, Kid Wilderness. Mon: Ape Machine, Red Wizard, Death Eyes. Tue: DJ Artistic’s Battle Bot w/ The Beatnuts, Zoolay. Cat Eye Club, 370 7th Ave, San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Cool Cat Karaoke. Chico Club, 7366 El Cajon Blvd, La Mesa. Sat: Silvermine. Sun: DJ Harvest Karaoke. Dirk’s Nightclub, 7662 Broadway, Lemon Grove. Fri: Harley and the Pirates. Sat: DJ Jump Off. Dizzy’s, 4275 Mission Bay Drive, San Di-

ego. Mission Bay. Fri: The Matt Hall All Star 4 Trombone Express. Sun: Gabriela Bojórquez with Roberto Salomón.

Stains, The Buttertones. Fri: Full Frontal Nerdity. Sun: Pity Sex, PWR BTTM, Petal.

F6ix, 526 F St., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: DJ Fingaz. Sat: DJ Vision. Sun: DJ Craig Smoove.

Java Joe’s Normal Heights, 3536 Adams Ave., San Diego. Normal Heights. Thu: Gregory Page. Fri: Blaze Elsner. Sat: Zero to Billy. Sun: Gaby Aparicio, Grayson Scheiner, Blah, John Sanchez.

Fluxx, 500 Fourth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: DJ Bayati. Sat: Chachi. Sun: Metro Boomin. Gallagher’s, 5040 Newport Ave., San Diego. Ocean Beach. Wed: Lady Dottie & the Diamonds. Thu: Reggae Thursday. Henry’s Pub, 618 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: Ride the Mule. Thu: Night Skool. Fri: Good Times. Sat: Rock Star Saturday. Tue: ‘50s/60s Dance Party. The Hideout, 3519 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Wed: NE-HI, Splavender, Golden Daze. Thu: Eraserfase, CALiENS, Tall Can & Generik, Dayla, TEC. Fri: Holy Wave, Amerikan Bear. Hoffer’s Cigar Bar, 8282 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa. Sat: Victor Marquez. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: Industry Night, Cub Sport. Thu: John Lindahl. Fri: Elite Elvis, Frank Sinatra Tribute. Sat: Which One’s Pink. Humphrey’s Backstage Live, 2241 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego. Point Loma. Wed: Debora Galan. Thu: Kimberley Jackson. Fri: Wildside, Blue Largo. Sat: Rising Star, Backwater Blues Band. Sun: J. White, Stellita. Mon: Mercedes Moore. Tue: The Cadillac Wreckers. The Irenic, 3090 Polk Ave., San Diego. North Park. Thu: Cherry Glazerr, Sex

Kava Lounge, 2812 Kettner Blvd., San Diego. Midtown. Wed: Eyes Omega. Thu: ‘Underscore’ w/ Mike E. Fri: Progress. Sat: Funk Diego. Sun: Sol Remedy, Vinyl Moods, Midnight Roach. Tue: High Tech Tuesday. The Kraken, 2531 S. Coast Highway 101, Cardiff-by-the-Sea. Wed: R&B Wednesday. Thu: Angelic Co and the Band of Demons. Fri: Misty and the Mobys. Sat: Travel Agents, The Traumatics. Sun: Cougar Canyon Band, Sully and the Blue Eyed Soul Band. Tue: Urban Gypsies. Mc P’s Irish Pub, 1107 Orange Ave., Coronado. Coronado. Wed: Sophisticats. Thu: Mystique. Fri: Ron’s Garage. Sat: Manic Bros. Sun: In Midlife Crisis. The Merrow, 1271 University Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Wed: The Rever, Dirty Shakes, Flakes. Thu: Slow Season, Shujaa Sauti, Mrs. Henry. Fri: Never Come Down, Roger!, Forever Today. Sat: Forgotten Gods, Cryptic Languages, Garth Algar, No Trust. Sun: Sacri Monti, Dead Feathers, Ocelot, Desert Suns. Tue: Gravyyard, Tacky Little Hatshop, Rosewood & Rye. Mr. Peabody’s Encinitas, 136 Encinitas Blvd., Encinitas. Thu: Synergy. Sat: The First Goal.




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MUSIC Soda Bar, 3615 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Wed: Nothing, Culture Abuse, Wrong. Thu: Radkey, All People, Fake Tides. Fri: Sonny and the Sunsets, Sarah Bethe Nelson, The Gloomies. Sat: Special Duties, Potato Pirates, Revolt-chix, The Hathcocks. Sun: Maszer, Grim Slippers, Imagery Machine. Mon: International Dipshit, Bitchin’ Seahorse, Zombie Barbie. Tue: The Hollows, G Burns Jug Band, Second Cousins. Spin, 2028 Hancock St., San Diego. Midtown. Sun: Reggae Sunday.

Wye Oak performs at The Irenic on Sunday, July 17

MUSIC CONTINUED FROM PAGE 30 Music Box, 1337 India St., San Diego. Little Italy. Fri: Sound the Groove. Sat: Big Mountain. Numbers, 3811 Park Blvd., San Diego. Hillcrest. Thu: ‘Tagged’. Fri: ‘Uncut’. Sat: ‘Club Sabbat’. The Office, 3936 30th St., San Diego. North Park. Wed: Ariel Levine, Lhabia, Ramonda Hammer. Mon: Iggy and the Stooges Under Cover. Tue: ‘Trapped’ w/ DJ Ramsey. OMNIA Nightclub, 454 6th Ave, San Diego. Thu: Posso. Fri: Dzeko & Torres. Sat: Jayceeoh. Panama 66, 1450 El Prado, Balboa Park. Wed: Gilbert Castellanos jazz jam. Fri: Ali Affleck. Sat: Miss Erika Davies. Sun: Ali Affleck. Parq, 615 Broadway, San Diego. Fri: DJ Shift. Sat: Joe Maz.

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Patricks Gaslamp, 428 F St., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: The Upshots. Thu: Len Rainey’s Midnight Players. Fri: Redwave. Sat: WG and the G-Men. Sun: Redwave. Tue: Paddy’s Chicken Jam. Plaza Bar @ Westgate Hotel, 1055 Second Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: Gilbert Castellanos. Sat: Allison Tucker. Mon: Julio De La Huerta. Rich’s, 1051 University Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Wed: DJ Kiki. Thu: DJ Moody Rudy. Fri: DJs John Joseph, Moody Rudy. Sat: DJs K-Swift, Taj. Sun: DJs Casey Alva, Hektik. Riviera Supper Club, 7777 University Ave., La Mesa. Wed: ‘Boss Jazz’ w/ Jason Hanna. Thu: Chloe Lou and Davies. Fri: Podunk Nowhere. Sat: Rip Carson. Rosie O’Grady’s, 3402 Adams Ave., San Diego. Normal Heights. Fri: Santanaways. Sat: Three Chord Justice.

The Tin Roof, 401 G Street, San Diego. Gaslamp. Fri: Keep Your Soul, Coriander. Sat: Coriander, Keep Your Soul. Mon: Rosewood and Rye. Tue: Chuck Prada and Israel. Tower Bar, 4757 University Ave., San Diego. City Heights. Fri: Chiefs, Desert Suns, Se Vende. Sat: Nebula Drag, Beira. Sun: Jason Lee and the R.I.P. Tides, John Blair, Reverberati. Whistle Stop, 2236 Fern St, San Diego. South Park. Wed: ‘Indie Night’ w/ DJ Rees Withrow. Thu: Strange Planet, Big Bloom, Bastidas. Fri: ‘Death by Dancing’ w/ Jon Blaj. Sat: ‘Booty Bassment’ w/ DJs Dimitri, Rob. Sun: Parker/Nathan Hubbard, Justin Pearson/Luke Henshaw. Tue: ‘Videodrome’. Wine Steals Hillcrest, 1243 University Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Sun: Paint & Cheers: A Mermaid’s Wish Winstons, 1921 Bacon St., San Diego. Ocean Beach. Wed: South Town Generals, DJ Carlos Culture. Thu: Total Distortion, Punk in Drublic. Fri: Psydecar, Viva Santana. Sun: George Piper Party Band. Mon: Electric Waste Band. Tue: Dewey Paul Band.





GODDESS Unzipping Your Genes I’m increasingly frustrated by your views that women are attracted to men with status or wealth and don’t care much about men’s looks. Personally, I’m not attracted by men’s status or wealth, and I’m very aroused by gorgeous naked men—as are many women. Granted, women thousands of years ago were forced to rely on men for security, but there’s been something called “evolution.” Women don’t need men to survive anymore. Consequently, women are experiencing a discovery of their real libido, which is greatly stimulated by the vision of beautiful male bodies. —Modern Woman If women truly prioritized men’s looks like you say, Victoria’s Secret would be raking in the bucks with a companion chain of sexy undies stores for men. However, Victor’s Secret, if any, remains pretty simple: “Turn ’em inside out and you can wear ’em another day.” You are right: “there’s been something called ‘evolution.’” Unfortunately, psychological change takes a little longer than you think—which is to say you’re only off by maybe a few million years. As evolutionary psychologists Leda Cosmides and John Tooby explain, we’re living in modern times with a “stone-age mind.” By this, they mean that the genes right now driving our psychology and behavior were molded by (and are still largely adapted for) mating and survival problems in the hunter-gatherer environment millions of years ago. We do continue to evolve. For example, over the 10,000 years since humans started dairy farming, some of us eventually developed the physiology to digest lactose (the sugar in cow’s milk)—allowing us to drink milkshakes without gassing it up under the covers and asphyxiating the dog. But changes in our psychological architecture—like the complex cognitive adaptations behind our mating behavior—don’t happen anywhere near that fast. So, no, your genes didn’t just go “Whoa, look, women’s lib!” and then make you start catcalling construction workers. Of course, we ladies will take a nice view if we can get it, but other things come first. Anthropologist Robert Trivers explains that what women evolved to prioritize in a partner comes out of the greater amount of “parental investment” required from us. Because a man could just walk away after sex (in the days before there was a state to come after him for child support) and because the features men find hot reflect fertility and health, male sexuality evolved to be primarily looks-driven. For a

woman, however, a single romp in the bushes with some loinclothed Hunky McHunkerson could have left her with a kid to feed—long before baby food was sold in stores in cute little jars. So, the women whose children survived to pass on their genes to us were those who vetted men for the ability and willingness to “provide.” There was no “wealth” in ancestral times—no National Bank of the Stone Age. However, evolutionary psychologists believe a modern man’s high earnings act as a cue for what women evolved to go for in a man—high status, meaning high social standing and the ability to bring home the wildebeest steaks for Mommy and the twins. You, however, claim that a man’s status does nothing for you. Now, studies reveal how most people are, not individual differences, so you may be right. However, cognitive neuroscientist Michael Gazzaniga explains that 98 percent of our brain’s activity is unconscious—including some of our decision-making—but we invent reasons for our choices afterward (typically those that make us seem rational, consistent and admirable). And research keeps reflecting that women subconsciously prioritize status. In a study by evolutionary psychologist Michael Dunn, women found the exact same man hotter when he was driving a Bentley than when he was driving a Ford Fiesta. Men? They found a woman equally attractive in either car, and frankly, a woman who’s hot can probably get dates while “driving” a donkey with bumper stickers on the back. Next, there’s your claim that you and other women are “very aroused” by “gorgeous naked men.” Um, sorry, but that’s not what the vagina monitor says. Sex researcher Meredith Chivers hooked some ladies up to a machine that measures arousal through blood flow in their ladyparts. Though the women were aroused by footage of sex acts, she also showed them footage of a hot dude exercising naked. The vaginal response: “Yeah, whatevs.” And finally, for the perfect example of how sex differences play out, if a man flashes a woman on the street, it’s “You pervert! I’m calling the cops.” If a woman does it to a man, it’s probably one of the best days he’s had in forever: “Wow…it’s not even my birthday! How ‘bout some yoga poses? Downwardfacing dog? Shoulder stand?…Wait. Where are you going? Come back! I think you dropped an earring.”

Women found the exact same man hotter when he was driving a Bentley than when he was driving a Ford Fiesta.


(c)2016, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail AdviceAmy@ ( Weekly radio show:

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34 · San Diego CityBeat · June 22, 2016



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