San Diego CityBeat • July 11, 2018

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The fight continues


his year’s San Diego Pride theme is “Persist with Pride” and I can’t think of a slogan more apt in the age of Trump. With the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh looming and the hard-earned rights of all LGBTQ people potentially in jeopardy, we sat down with former city councilmember and interim mayor, and current state assemblymember Todd Gloria to discuss LGBTQ community issues including homelessness, immigration, gun control and, yes, persisting with pride.

we should put those skills to work for other social justice causes as well. It seems like every corner of social equality is under attack by the Trump administration and that means this community must be engaged in every one of those fights, because they either directly impact them or because it’s our responsibility to help them.

You’ve had your name on a lot of legislation this year. In terms of immigration and DACA, is there anything you’re working on to address or CityBeat: The theme of this year’s San Diego fight back against the administration’s policies? It’s interesting we’re talking about this, because I Pride Festival is “Persist with Pride.” The community has come so far in the past decade, but how just had lunch with a DACA recipient and it was truly important is it that we keep fighting for issues of heartbreaking. It’s so particularly painful because she went from having no status, to having some equality moving forward? Todd Gloria: It’s hard to put into words. The cur- kind of status, to now being vulnerable again. I’m extremely mindful of the folks who rent administration has made clear are LGBTQ and the potential risk of that the rights we’ve won are still them being sent to a country they fragile. It feels like it was just a few may know nothing about. Not only days ago that I was with community that, but the possibility they may be members celebrating the repeal of sent to a country that is extremely “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and here we hostile toward them, sometimes to are now with transgender troops bethe point of even being homicidal ing excluded from the military. against them. We have come a long way, but we In terms of what we’re doing in have powerful forces that are now in Sacramento, there’s of course SB 54 a position to do extreme harm to our [the “California Values Act”], which community. I fear that many of the shows that we’re not complicit in rights we’ve won have not fully inthe deportation machine that is the grained themselves into our nation’s Trump administration. Beyond that, culture and so they remain vulnerAssemblymember Todd Gloria there are other efforts to give some able, hence the need to persist. level of normalcy to the people who As far as some of these issues though, what are here without papers. I’m thinking about issuing do you consider to be the biggest issue facing the drivers licenses and things like health care. One of the community or under threat? things that we’ve done with the budget this year was Well, I’m a believer of an expansive view of LG- to provide additional health care to the uninsured, BTQ issues, but in my mind, it’s immigration. Many who are predominantly undocumented. members of our community have sought asylum in Another tangential thing that comes to mind, but the United States. There are so many countries in the does speak to the LGBTQ community, is the bill I did world where we are still illegal and just being our- last year around HIV modernization [HB 239]. Califorselves is punishable by death. To an extent, the Trump nia had these pretty Draconian laws that were passed administration is trying to eliminate asylum status, or in some rather dark times that gave people with HIV to make it so difficult for people who do have legiti- criminal status even if they didn’t infect anybody. For mate claims not to seek due process when it comes to some folks, a criminal record could mean deportaasylum claims. That’s a real threat to us. tion. By changing that law—and making California There are many members of our community who the leader in the U.S. on modernizing these laws to are undocumented so when we’re talking about them, reflect the science and practices of the times—we will we’re also talking about us. For many people, LGBTQ reduce HIV transmission by having folks be less fearrights are not a direct issue for them. But I’ve al- ful of their status. ways felt that we have to take the incredible skills we have—of organization, protest and fundraising—that TODD GLORIA CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 This issue of CityBeat is dedicated to all of San Diego’s overworked ceiling fans.

Volume 16 • Issue 47 EDITOR Seth Combs MUSIC EDITOR Jeff Terich WEB EDITOR Ryan Bradford ART DIRECTOR Carolyn Ramos COLUMNISTS Aaryn Belfer Edwin Decker John R. Lamb Rhonda “Ro” Moore Alex Zaragoza

CONTRIBUTORS Christin Bailey, Torrey Bailey, David L. Coddon, Beth Demmon, Julia Dixon Evans, Rachel Michelle Fernandes, Michael A. Gardiner, Glenn Heath Jr., Lizz Huerta, Davey Landeros, Lara McCaffrey, Scott McDonald, Jim Ruland, Ben Salmon, Jen Van Tieghem, Amy Wallen, Ian Ward


EDITORIAL INTERNS Tigist Layne Jonathan Mandel

ACCOUNTING Perla Castillo, David Garcia Linda Lam, Yiyang Wang






PUBLISHER Kevin Hellman

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DO SOME SERIOUS SOUL-SEARCHING Mr. Combs, You asked a rhetorical question “Why so many Trump-esque candidates moved on...” [“A post-primary airing of grievances,” June 13]. You then went on to answer that question as you see it in a well-written article. Thank you, by the way, as lucid writing is not typical these days from so-called “journalists.” But, I think there is another reason for why things went the way they did: A solid majority of people in this country, and perhaps the state, reject the “progressive” agenda. Before you cite the fact that the popular presidential vote favored Hillary as proof that the progressive/liberal thinking is dominant, let me remind you that the campaigning by both candidates would have been different for a popular vote election. Also, in California and New York, there are many anti-progressive/liberal individuals who have resigned themselves to losing everything in those states, and hence, didn’t vote. Popular vote was irrelevant for these campaigns. Those of you in media and entertainment, who nearly monopolize all messaging in this country, share this progressive/liberal viewpoint. By virtue of the sheer number of messages espousing what you believe, it’s easy to see why that viewpoint appears to represent the majority. That volume, coupled with the relentless PC bullying of anyone who dares to disagree, has impacted your objectivity to the point where in your article you assume you’re


the majority opinion and try to rationalize why you’re losing ground. You didn’t even mention that you just might be a minority now, yet the evidence suggests that’s a possibility. As a journalist, wouldn’t you consider everything the facts suggest? You’d be taken more seriously if you did. The tyranny of you progressive/liberal types may be coming to an end, even in California. The gross taxation of gasoline, and the housing crisis from over-regulation of building, by the one-party legislature and über-progressive Brown might have been the steps too far that awakens all of those bullied into silence to vote and speak again. Maybe Califonia isn’t as liberal as everyone thinks? People don’t believe writers or other media anymore because of one-sided articles like this. My guess is that even if you believe you hold a minority opinion, you’d argue that you’re still correct and, in that case, majority shouldn’t dictate policy. If that’s the case, you need to do some serious soul-searching about whether you really want to be in this country because that’s what we’re about. But maybe you don’t feel that way. Your writing suggests you do though, so you might want to include something to balance the left platform. I’m just sayin.

John Muoio Location withheld

KEEP THE HEAT Dear Ms. Belfer, Your article “Dirty money times 10” [July 4] was spot on. Glad to see you call out that

phony Juan Vargas and his DemocRATic Party cohorts. It’s about time these pols get strung out in the public square for their hypocrisy. A few of the ones named, my elected representatives, do not ever respond to communications from their constituents. Guess we’re beneath them in their minds. Talk about a high-andmighty attitude. They sure have it! Keep the heat on these phonies! Lou Cumming La Jolla

TABLE OF CONTENTS UP FRONT From the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . There She Goz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sordid Tales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 5 8 9

FOOD & DRINK World Fare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Final Draught. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10



The Short List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Did you read a story in San Diego CityBeat that made your blood boil, or caused you to laugh so hard you pulled a stomach muscle? If something inspires you to send us your two cents we welcome all letters that respond to news stories, opinion pieces or reviews that have run in these pages. We don’t accept unsolicited op-ed letters. Email letters to editor Seth Combs at, or mail to 3047 University Ave., Suite 202, San Diego, CA 92104. For letters to be considered for publication you must include your first and last name and the part of town where you reside. Note: All comments left on stories at will also be considered for publication.

Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 FEATURE: The Brown Building. . . . . . . . . . 18 Seen Local. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Film. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21

Calendar of Events . . . . . . . 11-13


MUSIC FEATURE: DIY Venues. . . . . . 22 Notes From The Smoking Patio . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 If I Were U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Concerts & Clubs. . . . . . . . 27-29

IN THE BACK Astrologically Unsound. . . . . 28 CannaBeat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30




Do you think enough is being done on the local level CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 when it comes to homeless outreach for LGBTQ citizens? And what more can be done? It’s been over two years since the Pulse nightclub Well, there are definitely things being done, but surely massacre. I know that you co-introduced Assembly Bill more is needed. There are measures that will be on the bal2103, which would put new limits on conceal/carry per- lot to inject more resources into the homelessness crisis, but mits, but it’s still in committee, yes? we absolutely must do more. [sighs] Yes, it is. I think we just have to set a floor vote, And just as immigration is an LGBTQ issue, homelessbut we’re nearly there. Then it’ll head to the Senate and ness is especially a huge issue in our community. A lot of hopefully to the governor’s desk for his focus has been on the youth, but it’s also signature. true for seniors. These are folks that broke It seems like every down doors and who couldn’t get permits How confident are you that a bill for Pride parades. They’re now in their corner of social that restricts conceal/carry permits golden years and often didn’t have the equality is under will actually stay on the books, esstructural or family support that younger pecially when it’s highly likely to be people have. attack by the Trump legally challenged by the gun lobby? administration and Yes, I’m confident it will stay on the Yes, but a lot of this comes down to books, mostly because there’s far more housing, and for the community, it can that means this aggressive legislation that has passed still be hard to find housing because of community must be or been approved by voters despite the discrimination or financial burdens. objections of the NRA and others. Still, This is especially true for the trans engaged in every we may be a deep blue state, but each of community. I know you chaired the one of those fights. these things is a fight and still a strugAssembly Select Committee on Housgle... And in many ways, the president ing Affordability, but things still seem has emboldened these voices that might think that it’s OK for to be getting worse in San Diego and with no end in people to walk around in public with a loaded gun despite the sight. Can you be more specific on what Sacramento can fact that they have no training and no qualifications. So I’m do about housing affordability? optimistic about it overcoming legal challenges, but certainly People are tempted to classify housing as simply a local advocacy from everyday San Diegans, whether it’s a letter to issue. I think the legislation I’m working on in Sacramento their senator or to the governor, would be appreciated. will be impactful, but I think all of it is secondary to a city development services director that has a can-do attitude, Homelessness is arguably the biggest crisis in San as well as a mayor and city council that want to build more Diego and it’s a huge issue for the LGBTQ community. housing. We’ve seen this in communities across the state

Todd Gloria at the Families Belong Together march and that’s part of why it truly is a statewide issue. This is not just a San Diego problem, it’s a statewide problem so solutions have to be state-focused in nature. There’s a bill that I worked on with San Diego City Councilmember Georgette Gomez to try to develop more housing for low- and middle-income housing. I hear from folks all the time that they make too much money to qualify for a rental assistance program, but they make too little to rent one of these places... There’s just nothing being done. The city’s housing report was issued two weeks ago, and it said they only built something like 33 units for middle-income people in the last seven years. That’s nuts! It’s only getting worse. People are rightly concerned about budget deficits and pension deficits, but rarely discuss the housing deficit. We’re in a state where we should be building 200,000 units of housing a year and we’re only building about 80,000. That accumulates over the years to where it’s not just the homeless population that gets squeezed out but the middle-income people as well. Getting back to what we’re doing in Sacramento… We can provide the cities with more subsidies for subsidized housing, but whether or not they can overcome neighborhood objections to those projects that need to be built in those communities, that takes some intestinal fortitude that we’re hoping they have. You mentioned Councilmember Gomez, but who else do you think is doing a particularly good job on a local level fighting for LGBTQ issues? Who are the future leaders of the community? We’ve had a lot of young people step up in key leadership positions. There’s Cara Dessert, who is now leading the San Diego LGBT Community Center. There’s also Fernando Z. Lopez, who’s taken over as executive director of San Diego Pride. They’re really exciting choices. Both are people of color and they’re relatively young, so while I might not go so far as to count myself as a peer to them, it’s still exciting. When it comes to Cara Dessert, it’s hard to follow up a giant like Delores Jacobs, who ran the Center so well for something like over two decades, but I have a lot of confidence in Cara. Plus, her background is in immigration work, which will be very beneficial in making sure our community protects every member of that community.

—Seth Combs

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No time for TERFdom


he day after the 2016 election, there was a cover of depression and anger blanketing everyone I knew. That collective depression loomed over people like a thick fog for weeks, evolving into a neverending cycle of fatigue, tears, rage and action. Action has been the thing that keeps me from totally losing it. Shortly after that period of doom, I was invited to a feminist group for women. The hope was that we’d meet regularly both for support and to organize collective actions. When it came down to naming the group, members came up with all manner of cutesy acronyms, always including a W for “women,” L for “ladies” or F for “female.” I posed a question in the thread with name ideas: How important is inclusivity to this group? Because if it’s inclusive to gender-queer people and trans women, as it should be, then it would be important to choose a name that is gender neutral. What’s more, it should not include the term “female,” as it reduces a set of people to their reproductive abilities. A trans woman is a woman, but not necessarily female. A trans man is not a woman, but might still have reproductive abilities. There’s a lot of nuance when it comes to gender identity and I wanted to ensure people felt welcomed. The responses from a few were pretty shocking, especially coming from feminists that by all accounts support the LGBTQ community. And as it usually goes when it comes to bringing up inclusivity of race and gender in left-leaning spaces, I was called divisive. (Side note: If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been told I’m the problem and people like me are the reason why the left is so divided, I might then consider becoming one of those social Democrats/fiscal Republican types hoarding my money and marching for equality while keeping marginalized folks from economic equity. JK, I’d never allow that). It was bad enough that it ended friendships or at least made me very wary of certain individuals. Had the term “TERF” (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist) been in the cultural zeitgeist then, or even in my personal lexicon, I would have used it to explain what I was seeing and, hopefully, help people realize where they were wrong. TERF is a fairly new term. It appears to have been coined in 2008 by a cisgender feminist woman who was commenting on a blog called Finally, A Feminism 101 Blog. It’s essentially feminism that excludes trans women from the feminist narrative precisely because they born men and have benefitted from certain privileges as a result. TERFs are often unkind to the humanity and protection of trans women, and many believe trans problems are basically not their problems. That is a huge problem. Trans individuals face violence, abuse, death and

extreme poverty because of their gender identity. Last year, the Human Rights Campaign reported 28 deaths of trans individuals. Most of those people were trans women and most of those deaths were brutally violent. This year is on track to reach that number or even surpass it, with 14 names listed as dead so far. Again, the deaths were horrific, perpetrated by acquaintances, partners and strangers. In some cases, they were attributed to another societal factor that plagues the community: homelessness. The National Center for Transgender Equality reports that one in five transgender people have faced discrimination when seeking a home, and one in 10 have been evicted because of their gender identity. One in five trans individuals have been homeless at some point in their lives as a result of family rejection or poverty. Unemployment is also a major issue tied to this, with the unemployment rate for trans people being three times higher than the national average. What’s more, 27 percent of trans people report being fired, denied a promotion or not being hired because of their gender identity. Ninety percent of trans and gender non-conforming people have reported negative experiences in the workplace or feeling like they have to hide their gender identity, lest they face major discrimination. Among all these numbers, the trans and gender non-conforming people most affected are Black and Latinx. So I ask, how are these not feminist issues? How is it that these individuals don’t fit into the feminist narrative and fight when the struggles they face are the same ones that feminists work to challenge for females? There may be racial privilege there, but thinking trans and genderqueer people have a leg up fails to understand the nuances and intersections of privilege. Say it with me and the breakdown from Beyonce’s “Flawless”: “Feminist: the person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes.” Only do one better than Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie—whose speech was sampled for that song and who was called out for TERFdom and transphobia—and move that logic beyond the sexes. Our reproductive abilities should not be the thing that affords some of us rights and not others when it comes to equality for women. Leaning on sex as the guiding line is dehumanizing even to women who can reproduce. We are more than our baby-making abilities. Within feminist communities and spaces, inclusivity of trans women and gender nonconforming people is a must. It’s not feminist if they’re not there, and a person is not a true feminist if they exclude them.

TERFs are often unkind to the humanity and protection of trans women, and many believe trans problems are basically not their problems. That is a huge problem.


There She Goz appears every third week. Write to






God doesn’t care if you bake wedding cakes for gays


s many may already know, last month The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jack Phillips, the infamous Christian baker who refused to make a cake for a gay couple’s wedding on the grounds of his First Amendment right of free religious exercise. For the record, I oppose SCOTUS’ decision. The ruling is erroneous because, and I’ll get to this later, the wrong issue was raised. That said, I do understand the complexities of the case. There’s just no easy answer when the constitutionally protected rights of one group collides with the constitutionally protected rights of another. Now, anyone who knows me (or regularly reads this column) knows how little I care about what The Bible has to say about anything. But it does make sense that a person who truly believes in an invisible man in the sky—one who has the power to fuck your shit up, eternally—might not want to defy him. And when it comes to Mr. Phillips’ God, there’s not much doubt about his position on homosexuality. “You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22). “If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death.” (Leviticus 20:13). “Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals . . . shall inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). OK, fine, so God’s not woke. However this is not the issue. As I alluded earlier, the question is not whether Phillips’ religion considers it a sin to be gay (nobody is arguing against Phillips’ right to not be gay). The question is whether it is a Christian sin to not serve gays. This is a question that SCOTUS, nor anyone else, seems to be asking. Where in The Bible, or other scriptures, does it instruct business owners not to serve LGBTQ people? So I checked. I searched my bathroom magazine rack for the King James Bible. It took some time of course, having to flip past my issues of Croquet Monthly, my Barely Beagle collection and all the swimsuit issues of Doomsday Preppers. Finally, I came upon my trusty bible (which I’ve never actually opened because I don’t trust bibles) and opened it to see what it said about gay caking. And guess what? There was nothing said at all. Not a single chapter, verse, line or Commandment condemning the act of providing confectionaries to gay people. There’s no 9th Beatitude saying, “Blessed are the cakemakers, that they denieth the lesbians.”

No “Gay Cakemaking” present on the list of reasons God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. No verses in Ecclesiastes that went, “To everything there is a season; a time to add eggs, a time to add flour, a time to preheat, I swear it’s not for gays.” There simply is no evidence that God prohibits baking, or providing any other kind of goods or services, for LGBTQs. Hence my objection to the ruling. Because in order to claim a religious exemption from certain laws, one must prove some things. A conscientious objector cannot just say, “I am a disciple of The Invisible Meatball in the Sky who can only be worshipped by smoking crack at 95 mph on the freeway” and expect exemption from narcotics and traffic laws. They must show sincere belief in that religion and sincere belief the religion requires (or prohibits) the behavior in question. I think we can all agree that Phillips’ interpretation of the Christian god doesn’t want him to be gay since he prescribed the death penalty to “a man who lies with a man.” But I am still waiting for somebody to show where he said, “If a man bakes pastries for a man who lies with a man, he be put to death” [Ridicuviticus 13:12]. Just think of how absurd that notion is. Guilt by association, right? But where would that associative guilt end? “If a man sells eggs to a man who makes pastries for a man who lies with a man, then he too shall be put to death.” [Eggrinthians 9:31]. “While we’re at it, sayeth the Lord, if a man sells egg cartons to a man who sells eggs to a man who bakes pastries for a man who lies with a man then, naturally, death to his ass, along with his employees, his distributors, the lender. . .” [Bakelesiastes 20:13b] and so on, infinitely regressing to the point that everyone on the planet is morally culpable for baking this one goddamned cake! For his part, Phillips claims he’s got nothing against gays. Like most conservative Christians, he says he hates the sin but not the sinner. Perhaps. But if he really didn’t hate them, then he’d bake them a wedding cake fer crissake! If he’s still worried about his immortal soul, then he’d donate the fee to charity. May I recommend Immortally Wounded Warriors? They are a non-profit group that helps Christians who develop PTSD after providing goods and services to gay people. Or just pray for absolution. God is a very forgiving deity I am told.

There’s no 9th Beatitude saying, ‘Blessed are the cakemakers, that they denieth the lesbians.’


Sordid Tales appears every other week. Write to







Beyond the sushi emoji


hen most people think about sushi, something like nigiri probably comes to mind: a pristine raw fish slice sitting atop a block of hand-pressed, vinegared and seasoned rice. Nigiri is the “sushi” emoji on Facebook, Google, iOS, LG, Mozilla, EmojiOne and emojidex. It’s pretty much ubiquitous. But Junya Watanabe’s j/wata Temaki Bar (4646 Convoy St. #103, Kearny Mesa), it seems, aims to change that. Temaki are hand rolls, which are, traditionally, sushi rice and fillings rolled into a four-inch cone. It’s basically a sushi version of the ice cream cone. But by the time a cone’s ice cream is gone there’s still a bunch of cone left. That is generally true of temaki as well. With the conical shape of temaki, the filling is at the top and is gone long before the cone is half-eaten. Watanabe (owner of both Rakiraki and Pokirrito) seeks to solve these structural problems ar j/wata by going totally tubular with the shape of his handrolls. This insures a proper filling-to-rice ratio all the way through the roll and a consistent flavor profile throughout. The core of j/wata’s menu are “Set Menu” groupings of 3-5 temaki each, ranging from $13 to $21.75, plus various addon roll options. What’s more, there’s not a bad roll in the bunch. Instead of making and delivering all of the rolls in an order on a single plate, the chefs at j/wata make one at a time, toasting the nori over burners, adding warm sushi rice (replaced according to a regular cycle) and fillings, and then handing each to the patron one roll at a time. The idea is to eat the roll quickly while the nori is still soft and pliable. One highlight of those set menus is the negi yellowtail, or chopped hamachi with scallions. The warmth of the rice brings out the inherent sweetness of the fish with


the scallions playing counterpoint. The negi toro is an even better version of the same story, with the fattiness of tuna belly being highlighted by the warmth of the rice. And while the sweetness of the bay scallops was nice, the mayonnaise did little for the dish and only served to distract. Worse, the scallops never stayed in the roll throughout the short eating process. Perhaps the single best roll at j/wata was the ikura (salmon egg) add-on. It’s a simple thing: salmon eggs, a shiso leaf, the sushi rice and nori. But it’s also a splendid thing: The saltiness of the salmon eggs pairs brilliantly with the slightly MICHAEL A. GARDINER

Ikura hand roll grassy, cinnamon and spearmint flavor of the shiso. It’s the sushi rice, though, that manages to marry those two polar sets of flavors. It’s a brilliant dish. There are other luxury add-ons of which the wagyu beef shabu (poached American kobe beef) with fresh wasabi is particularly excellent. Resist the urge to get the uni ikura. As much as I love sea urchin, adding it to an otherwise perfect ikura roll only serves to muddy the flavors. The temaki style of sushi is never likely to knock nigiri from its iconic perch in the sushi cosmos. A conical handroll would make a bad emoji. It does, however, make for a really great meal. The World Fare appears weekly. Write to


Cross border beers are more important than ever


f we’ve learned anything during this tumultuous political era, it’s that nothing is as harmless as it seems. Where one chooses to pray, shop or eat can be radical political acts with potentially long-reaching repercussions to the world at large. Beer is no different. People love to tell me to “lighten up, it’s just beer” or readily admit that they don’t consider it an important enough industry to make conscientious purchasing choices. But, like everything else, beer as an industry —especially independent beer—affects real people in tangible ways. From an international beverage conglomerate sparking protests in Mexicali over water shortages, to providing livelihoods to nearly half a million people across the United States (according to the Brewers Association), craft beer helps shape the social, economic and, yes, political climate of the entire country. That’s why it’s thrilling that SouthNorte Beer Company will be the first independent American craft brewery to have a permanent location in Mexico. By putting down roots at Telefonica Gastro Park in Tijuana (Boulevard Aguacaliente #8924), SouthNorte will be another muchneeded link in the chain connecting the United States with Mexico. “Cross-border collaboration in today’s climate is important because there is a decent amount of misinformation about Mexico and Baja,” says Ryan Brooks, head brewer at SouthNorte. “It’s important to strive for higher quality in beer, as well as to be open minded.” Slated to open in late summer or early fall this year, SouthNorte will share a 10-barrel brewery and tasting room with Lirica Brewing inside the 11,000-square foot Telefonica collective space. This will allow it to serve housemade brews side-by-side with food trucks and vendors ranging from ramen joints to, naturally, tacos. According to Brooks, the Tijuana space will focus

Telefonica Gastro Park on “experimentation and collaboration” so that flagship beers—like the award-winning Agavemente lager—will still be brewed at Coronado Brewing Company in Bay Park. Most of these Baja-brewed beers will remain in Mexico. It’s prohibitively expensive to ship kegs from one country to the other, so curious beer fans will have to make the journey south in order to experience SouthNorte’s regional creations. That’s precisely why this partnership is crucial at this particular juncture in American history: It will encourage people to experience the familiar in a perhaps unfamiliar setting. There’s nothing scary about Tijuana, or Mexico as a whole. Even right-wing politicians who live in border towns tend to be more open to recognizing the value of crossborder cultural exchange. By overseeing the world’s largest binational metropolitan region, San Diego leadership is generally less “build a wall” and more “¡viva Mexico!” than much of the rest of the country. Our (Republican) mayor’s office even helped orchestrate this particular alliance. The significance of that can’t be understated. One of SouthNorte’s business mottos is that “life’s richest possibilities are found at the crossroads of cultures.” I wholeheartedly agree. Despite the tension of increased immigration crackdowns, border wall prototypes and Mexico’s people being called “rapists” and “animals” by our notso-beloved leader, I’m glad that Baja is still willing to collaborate with us—even if it is “just beer.” Write to or check her out on Instagram at @thedelightedbite.










Next, it’s time to get up bright and early on SatWith Trump’s Supreme Court pick looming and a homophobic administration urday, July 14 for the Pride 5K and to snatch a attempting to curtail the rights of LGBTQ citizens, prime viewing spot for the Pride Parade. Happenthis year’s San Diego LGBT Pride theme of “Persist ing from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. all along University Avwith Pride” seems particularly measured. The com- enue, the parade includes dozens of floats, marchALEX VILLAFUERTE / SAN DIEGO PRIDE ing bands and community munity is understandably groups. Also on Saturday worried about what’s hapand into Sunday, July 16, pening in Washington, but there’s the Pride Festithat doesn’t mean we should val at Marston Point inlet our foot off the gas or side Balboa Park (6th Ave. become complacent. Pride & Laurel St.). Opening at is about a lot of things, but 11 a.m. every day, the fest from its closeted beginnings, includes multiple stages one of its main functions has of performances including been about solidarity. headliners such as TLC, The weekend starts with JoJo, Graciela Beltran and the free Spirit of Stonewall Rally at 6 p.m. on Friday, San Diego Pride more. There will also be dozens of vendors and food July 13 at the Hillcrest Pride Flag (1500 University Ave.). The annual Pride week- options as well. Tickets are $20 to $200. And this is just the tip of the iceberg when it end kickoff event will feature speakers such as former State Sen. Christine Kehoe, activist Sakeenah comes to Pride activities. See the special events Gallardo, Virginia Delegate Danica Roem and many section in this paper for more events, including more. Then, stick around for the annual Pride Block special concerts (the “Out to End Gun Violence” at Party, a dance-friendly festival in the streets that Music Box is a particular highlight), drag shows at includes DJs, bars, go-go dancers and performers the Hotel Del Coronado, art shows, religious serfrom RuPaul’s Drag Race. It goes until 11 p.m., and vices and more. Tickets and info for all of the above can be found at tickets range from free to $55 for VIP tickets.


BEYOND WOKE With the recent rise in racial tensions and the desperate need for social equality, it’s no secret that today’s political climate has served as a long overdue wakeup call for many Americans. Zoe Samudzi and William C. Anderson’s new book As Black as Resistance: Finding the Conditions for Liberation not only serves as another alarm, but also as a call to action that can’t be ignored. Join Samudzi in a conversation at Verbatim Books (3793 30th St.) where she’ll speak about a new progression toward liberation. One that involves selfdefense and transformative politics for Black Americans, as well as one that embraces the anAs Black as Resistance: archy of Blackness Finding the Conditions and rejects any nefor Liberation gotiation with intolerance. The dialogue will take place from 8 to 10 p.m. on Sunday, July 15. Bring an open mind and a hunger for justice. Free at


DABBLE ROUSER Festivals come and go in San Diego, and some are undoubtedly more worthy of our time than others. So it’s nice to see events that attempt to change up the formula a bit, such as the inaugural Dabble Festival. With events like the weekly Sketch Party and adult coloring books all the rage, a music festival where patrons are also encouraged to dabble in painting, coloring and more seems like a natural progression. As the fest’s website succinctly puts it: “workout your creative mind.” Happening Sunday, July 15 from 2 to 10 p.m. at Ruocco Park (585 Harbor Lane), the fest also features yoga, raffles, food trucks and music all day long from local DJs. Tickets are $25 at, which includes a free canvas upon entry. COURTESY OF THE DABBLE FESTIVAL

Dabble Festival @SDCITYBEAT



EVENTS ART Tijuana Zine Fest at Enclave Caracol, Calle Primera 8250, Zona Nte., 22127 Tijuana, B.C., Mexico. The DIY zine and art festival will feature live music, food and drinks and more than 75 exhibitors selling and exchanging art. From noon to 8 p.m. Saturday, July 14. Free. events/2157880224443716 Youth Art Exhibition at Tularosa House of Art, 2602 Imperial Ave., Grant Hill. The sons and daughters of local San Diego artists will be showcasing their art and musical talents. The event will also include food, drinks and free art supplies. From 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 14. $5$10 suggested donation. events/842648379269116 HMinimal Hype, Maximum Rad: New Works by Victorio Villa at Thumbprint Gallery, 920 Kline St., La Jolla. This solo exhibition will feature new work by San Diego-based urban abstract artist Victorio Villa. Opening from 5 to 10 p.m. Saturday, July 14. Free. 858-354-6294, HNatassia Nicolau at Verbatim Books, 3793 30th St., North Park. Experience the work of acclaimed painter and tattoo artist Natassia along with food, beer, books and live music by electronic duo ingonoir. Opening from 7:30 to 11 p.m. Saturday, July 14. Free. 619-501-7466, HThe Origins of BunnyKitty at Athenaeum Art Center, 1955 Julian Ave., Logan Heights. Local street artist Persue will showcase paintings of his signature character BunnyKitty. Opening from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, July 14. Free. about-school-of-the-arts Cruel Summer at CM Curatorial and Basile IE Gallery, 2070 Logan Ave., Barrio Logan. The group exhibition will highlight themes of Southern California’s most pressing issues (rising sea levels, global warming, income inequality, etc.). Features work by dozens of artists including Joaquin Flores, Adriene Hughes, Cesar Bernal, Mark Leone and more. Opening from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, July 14. Free. 858-361-9052, HBeliz Iristay at Bread & Salt, 1955 Julian Ave., Logan Heights. The opening reception for the new exhibition from the Bajabased artist will feature her newest ceramic sculptural works. The event will include live performances by Justin Morrison. Opening from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, July 14. Free. 619-851-4083, ArtHatch Studio Artists at Distinction Gallery and Artist Studios, 317 E. Grand Ave., Escondido. A wide range of work from the ArtHatch artists including original paintings, photography, and other mixed media. Artists include Bettina Heinz, August

Williams, Jamie Kanes and dozens more. Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, July 14. Free. 760-781-5779, Bend the Knee: A Game of Thrones Fan Art Show at Basic Bar and Pizza, 410 Tenth Ave., East Village. Thumbprint Gallery presents a group art show for fans of the popular television series. Featured artists include Antigone Brickman, Brenna Cuevas, Crystal Powell, Daisy Angst and more. Opening from 7 p.m. to midnight. Tuesday, July 17. Free. 858-354-6294,

BOOKS HShe Writes Press Author Panel at The Book Catapult, 3010-B Juniper St., South Park. A discussion and book-signing with novelist Jill G. Hall (The Silver Shoes), health and diet writer Bella Mahaya Carter (Raw) and life/health coach Laurie Buchanan (The Business of Being). From 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, July 11. Free. 619795-3780, HMat Johnson at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The graphic novel writer will sign and discuss his latest offerings, Incognegro and Incognegro: Renaissance. At 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 11. Free. 858268-4747, HRaymond A. Villareal at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The lawyer and novelist will sign and discuss his novel, A People’s History of the Vampire Uprising. At 7 p.m. Thursday, July 12. 858-454-0347, HZoe Samudzi at Verbatim Books, 3793 30th St., North Park. The writer and doctoral student will sign and discuss hew new book that she co-authored, As Black as Resistance: Finding the Conditions for Liberation. From 8 to 10 p.m. Sunday, July 15. Free. 619-501-7466, HSam Ledel at La Playa Books, 1026 Rosecrans St., Point Loma. The local author will sign and discuss his novel, Rocks & Stars, about a young gay woman’s journey. At 2 p.m. Sunday, July 15. Free. 619226-2601, HAlfred Cochado at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The Mexico border correspondent for The Dallas Morning News will sign and discuss his new book, Homelands. At 7:30 p.m. Monday, July 16. 858-454-0347, HJean Guerrero at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The KPBS reporter will sign and discuss her new book, Crux: A Cross-Border Memoir. At 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 17. 858-454-0347, Illustrating Harry Potter with Jim Kay at the San Diego Central Library, 330 Park


Justice for none


achel Kushner’s third novel The Mars Room begins with its main character “Romy Leslie Hall, inmate W314159,” being transported from Los Angeles County Jail to a women’s prison in California. Romy is beginning the next—and presumably final—phase of her life: serving two consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole. As the sheriff’s bus rolls up the valley through Central California, The Mars Room seesaws between memories of Romy’s life on the margins in San Francisco—wild and largely indifferent to the laws of society—and the interactions of the caged women in the bus, one of whom won’t make it out alive. In short, modular bursts, Kushner describes Romy’s reality with a kind of purgatorial regret. “I had learned already not to cry. Two years earlier, when I was arrested, I cried uncontrollably. My life was over and I knew it was over. It was my first night in jail and I kept hoping that the dreamlike state of my situation would break, that I would wake up from it.” Instead, Romy wakes to “slamming doors, shouting lunatics and alarms” every single day of her life. The Mars Room is relentless in its explora-

Blvd., Downtown. Special kid-friendly presentation by the artist of the Harry Potter Illustrated Editions, in celebration of the book series’ 20th anniversary. Plus surprise gifts for the first hundred attendees. From 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 17. Free. 619-236-5800, sandiego.librarymarket. com HMickey Brent at Creative Crossroads, 502 University Ave., Hillcrest. In celebration of Pride, the local author will sign and discuss her novel, Underwater Vibes, a contemporary lesbian romance. At 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 18. Free.

COMEDY HDoug Loves Movies at American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., Downtown. Doug Benson (Super High Me, Getting Doug with High) returns for another recording of his popular movietrivia game show podcast, with special surprise guests. From 8 to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 18. $18. 619-7953858,

tion of what it’s like to have no control over one’s body. The confinement is just the beginning of her many degradations. None of the inmates are innocent, but the injustices they endure are monstrous. The irony of all this is that before her arrest, Romy was a dancer at a low-end strip club in San Francisco that gives the novel its name. It’s a grim, joyless place, but in the Mars Room, Romy is free to use her body as she pleases. It’s tempting to think of her as a sexual outlaw, a rebel. But Romy is relatable because, to one extent or another, we have all conditioned our bodies according to the constraints of a capitalist society. What keeps Romy and the other women of Susanville going is narrative. Who they were, what they’d been, the things they’d seen. They trade these stories not as reminders, but so that they will become to others what their jailors deny them: a person. The Mars Room is an important, devastating book that challenges our assumptions about prisons and their purpose by putting the reader on the other side of the bars.

—Jim Ruland

Floating Library appears every other week.

FOOD & DRINK HTaste of the Pacific Islands at Bali Hai Restaurant, 2230 Shelter Island Drive, Point Loma. Celebrate San Diego’s authentic Pacific Island food and drinks at this fundraising event for the Pacific Islander Festival Association scholarship program. From 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday, July 12. $35. 619-699-8797, HHorizon Beer & Music Festival at Embarcadero Marina Park North, 400 Kettner Blvd., Downtown. Enjoy craft beer tastings of more than 40 different beers, a variety of food and live music by Grammy award winner RAC. Proceeds will benefit the Urban Angels “Nourishing Those in Need” program. From noon to 7 p.m. Saturday, July 14. $20-$90.

MUSIC Arturo Sandoval at Embarcadero Marina Park South, 200 Marina Park Way, Down-

H = CityBeat picks

town. The Grammy-winning Cuban trumpet-player will perform with his jazz sextet as part of the San Diego Symphony’s Bayside Summer Nights concert series. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Thursday, July 12. $21-$69. 619235-0804, HKaaboo Discovery Tour at Quartyard, 1301 Market St., East Village. Emerging artists including Sweet Tooth, Sophia Dion, Desert Rhythm Project and Lindsay White will perform to win the votes of participating fans to see who will get to perform at the KAABOO music festival. From 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, July 13. $10. 855-798-5995, Sounds of Summer at Horton Plaza Park, 900 Fourth Ave., Downtown. The free outdoor concert series, happening each week, continues with artists Brent Curtis, Tori Roze and Johnny Alexander. From noon to 2 p.m. Friday, July 13. Free. 619544-8180, Rick Springfield at Embarcadero Marina Park South, 200 Marina Park Way, Down-



EVENTS EVENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 town. Part of the Bayside Summer Nights concert series, the artist behind ’80s pop hits like “Jessie’s Girl” performs and is followed by fireworks. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Friday, July 13 and Saturday, July 14. $25$92. 619-235-0804, HWatson, Beldock, & Beach at the Grassroots Oasis, 3130 Moore St., Point Loma. Performance by the local folk trio consisting of Peggy Watson, David Beldock and Paul Beach, with 75 percent of ticket sales benefitting Border Angels, a local volunteer organization supporting migrants and immigrants. From 8 to 9 p.m. Saturday, July 14. $15-$20. 858-9456273, Eve Selis at Maritime Museum of San Diego, 1492 North Harbor Drive, Downtown. The acclaimed local country and folk artist will perform a special concert aboard the historic 1898 steam ferryboat Berkeley. At 7 p.m. Saturday, July 14. $20-$30. 619234-9153,

vendors, a beer pong tournament, performances by San Diego’s top female DJs Alex D. and Morgan Goodboy Hildebrand, and more. From 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday, July 13. $25. HSan Diego Pride Parade and Festival at Hillcrest and Balboa Park. Celebrate LGBTQ pride with the annual parade, festival, rally, block party and more. Parade happens from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, July 14, along University Avenue in Hillcrest. Festival ($20-$200) happens at Marston Point inside Balboa Park (6th Ave. & Laurel St.) from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, July 14 and 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday, July 15. Pride 5K at San Diego LGBT Community Center, 3909 Centre St., Hillcrest. The annual race raises funds for LGBTQ Youth

Housing Project and Pride Community Grants. At 9:30 a.m. Saturday, July 14. $40. 619-857-8719,

SPECIAL EVENTS HImperial Beach Sun & Sea Festival at Portwood Pier Plaza, 10 Evergreen Ave., Imperial Beach. The two-day, familyfriendly festival has a stacked schedule, including the annual mayor’s pier swim, sand castle competition, parade and more. From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, July 13 and 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, July 14. Free. HBarrio Logan Flea Market at El Mercado del Barrio, 1101 Cesar E. Chavez Pkwy., Barrio Logan. The family-friendly flea market will return with over 40 local vendors selling art, clothing and handmade crafts.

Plus food and live music. From noon to 6 p.m. Saturday, July 14. Free. facebook. com/barriologanfleamarket HSoccerCity World Cup Fan Zone at 30th St., North Park. Watch the final match of the World Cup at this outdoor watch party which will include food trucks, a beer garden, a family fun zone and an after party. From 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, July 15. Free. HPAWmicon at Hazard Center, 7610 Hazard Center Drive, Mission Valley. The Helen Woodward Animal Center hosts its sixth annual Comic Con-inspired dog adoption event. Play carnival games, participate in the PAWsplay costume contest and go home with a furry friend. From 10 a.m. to noon Sunday, July 15. Free. 858756-4117,

Del Mar Racetrack Opening Day at Del Mar Racetrack, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. Fast horses, big hats and even bigger bets means it’s once again time for race track’s inaugural day. Watch the races, participate in the Opening Day Hats Contest and more. At 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 18. $15-$30. 858-755-1141,

TALKS & DISCUSSIONS HBrews and News with Voice of San Diego at Whistle Stop Bar, 2236 Fern St., South Park. Join Voice of San Diego journalists and readers for a casual conversation about neighborhood news and issues. From 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 18. Free. 619-550-5670,

HThe Movie Music of John Williams at Copley Symphony Hall, 750 B St., Downtown. On the eve of Comic-Con, the San Diego Symphony Orchestra will perform music composed by John Williams from popular films like Harry Potter, Indiana Jones and Star Wars. Plus Star Wars-themed cocktails, a costume contest and cosplay will immediately precede the concert. From 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 18. $30-$45, 619-235-0804,

PRIDE The Pride Collection: Introspection at Meyer Fine Art, 2400 Kettner Blvd., Suite 104, Little Italy. LGBT artist and philanthropist Jumper Maybach will unveil a timely and important new series of art works celebrating Pride. Opening from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, July 12. Free. 619-358-9512, HDrag Me to the Del at Hotel Del Coronado, 1500 Orange Ave., Coronado. This evening of drag entertainment is the official San Diego Pride 2018 Launch Party and features headliner Alyssa Edwards from RuPaul’s DragRace. At 8:30 p.m. Thursday, July 12. $75-$125. HUNITE! Music Festival at Spin Nightclub, 2028 Hancock St., Middletown. The annual festival returns with a curated lineup of DJs, light shows and three unique nights of clubbing to celebrate Pride Weekend. A portion of proceeds will benefit the Sunburst Youth Housing Project for local LGBTQ youth. At various times. Friday, July 13 through Sunday, July 15. $40-$169. 619-294-9590, HSpirit of Stonewall Rally at Hillcrest Pride Flag, 1500 University Ave., Hillcrest. San Diego celebrates the 1975 Pride rally at Stonewall and honors leaders in the LGBTQ community with awards, speakers such as Christine Kehoe, Sakeenah Gallardo and Danica Roem and many more. From 6 to 7 p.m. Friday, July 13. Free. 619-297-7683, HPride Block Party 2017 at Hillcrest, Fifth and University Ave., Hillcrest. The official San Diego Pride weekend kick-off is a dance-friendly festival in the streets that includes DJs, bars, go-go dancers and performers from RuPaul’s Drag Race. From 5 to 11 p.m. Friday, July 13. Free-$55. 619299-3330, HTRANS PRIDE 2018 at Balboa Park, 6th Ave. and El Prado, Balboa Park. An afternoon of food, games and community as part of the kick-off for San Diego’s Pride Weekend. From 1 to 6 p.m. Friday, July 13. Free. HQueerGirl Pride Party at Park & Rec, 4612 Park Blvd., University Heights. The Pride event will feature go-go dancers,



THEATER Nature of things


former, and a couple of noisy showstoppers (“Super Axe Hacker,” “Thneed 2.0”) for the latter. At times the big-show wows come close to overwhelming the sweet, simple message: that the flora and fauna of our planet are more important than money. But The Lorax is so meticulously presented that only a climate-change denier could complain. The Lorax runs through Aug. 12 at the Old Globe Theatre in Balboa Park. $30 and up;


ueens is the story of some remarkable women, though neither is of royal blood. The women are immigrants to the U.S. from countries as disparate as Poland, Afghanistan and Honduras, and all of whom are seeking the deep-seated dream of a better life in America, land of supposed opportunity. The “Queens” in Martyna Majok’s play refers more directly to the easternmost borough in New York City. It is there, in the basement of a rundown tenement, that two intersected stories are told of immigrant women surviving on strength, spirit and bonding. Under the direction of Carey Perloff, La Jolla Playhouse is staging the West Coast premiere of this new work from Majok, recipient of the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Tense and emotive, Queens is riveting throughout its 70-minute first act, which flits in time between 2001 and 2017. The second act, however, turns cynical and histrionical, diluting to some extent the overall staying power of the play. This does not in any way diminish the performances of the six cast members, half of whom assume dual roles. Noteworthy is Jolly Abraham who, as Aamani, speaks with both the yearning and the apprehension of immigrants everywhere. Queens runs through July 29 at La Jolla Playhouse. $25 and up;




he audience cheers when the little, beaver-like guy with the bushy mustache announces, “I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees.” He’s the conscience and soul of the new musical based on what Dr. Seuss said was his favorite book, The Lorax. And it’s somehow fitting that this environmentally biting show opened at the Old Globe Theatre the same week that Scott Pruitt resigned as head of the EPA that he’d been charged with making toothless. As for the musical, produced by the Globe and Children’s Theatre Company of Minneapolis in partnership with London’s Old Vic, it tries boldly to appeal both to kiddies and adults. There are fuzzy animal characters and dazzling puppetry for the

—David L. Coddon

Theater reviews run weekly. Write to

OPENING: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: Stephen Sondheim’s classic musical comedy about a Roman slave who hatches a matchmaking plan in order to gain his freedom. Directed by David Ellenstein, it opens July 11 at the North Coast Repertory Theatre in Solana Beach. The Zoo Story: Edward Albee’s one-act about a lonely man who begins to talk to another man with mixed results. Presented by Backyard Renaissance Company, it opens July 12 at the Diversionary Theatre in Hillcrest. Annie: A redheaded orphan sings and dances her way to a better life. Presented by Vanguard, it opens July 13 at the Westminster Theatre in Point Loma.

Out on a Limb—New Plays from America’s Finest City: As if the title didn’t give it away, a collection of world-premiere productions from local playwrights. It opens July 13 at the Scripps Ranch Theatre. Reefer Madness The Musical: Based on the 1936 propaganda film, this musical pokes fun at the 20th century hysteria surrounding cannabis. It opens July 13 at the OB Playhouse in Ocean Beach. The Wizard of Oz: Young actors perform the classic tale of a Kansas girl who gets swept away to a faraway land of witches, wizards and scarecrows. Presented by Oceanside Theatre Company, it opens for three performances on July 13 at the Brooks Theatre in Oceanside. Xanadu: In this musical based on the infamous film, a Greek muse descends from Mt. Olympus in order to inspire a Venice Beach artist to build a roller disco. Directed by Teri Brown, it opens July 13 at the OnStage Playhouse in Chula Vista. Forever Plaid: The popular musical set in the ’50s tells the story of four boys who set out to become a singing vocal quartet. It opens July 14 at the Welk Resorts Theatre in Escondido. san-diego/theatre Newsies: Disney’s smash Broadway musical about the Newsboys Strike of 1899. It opens July 18 at the Moonlight Amphitheatre in Vista. moonlightstage. com

For complete theater listings, visit









Join San Diego Pride for a weekend of fabulous fun and entertainment. Honor our community leaders at the Spirit of Stonewall Rally, strut your stuff at our Pride parade, and celebrate at our annual Pride Festival. This year we have TLC, JoJo, Kim Petras, and many others on our multiple stages!

July 11 - Light Up The Cathedral July 12 - Drag me to the Del July 13 - Rally and Block Party July 14 - 5K & Parade July 14–15 - Festival

12:00 - 1:00 pm Erick Diaz 1:05 - 2:05 pm Patternist 2:30 - 3:30 pm Chaos, Chaos 3:45 - 4:15 pm San Diego Gay Mens Chorus 4:30 - 5:30 pm Aidan James 6:00 - 6:30 pm Kim Petras 6:45 - 7:45 pm Paris Sukomi Max 8:00 - 9:00 pm JoJo 9:00 - 10:00 pm KANDY

SUNDAY • JULY 15 11:00 - 12:00 pm DJ Taj 12:05 - 1:05 pm SftSrv 12:30 - 1:30 pm SftSrv 1:15 - 2:15 pm Iconique 2:25 - 3:10 pm Oscar Key Sung 3:20 - 5:20 pm Horse Meat Disco 5:35 - 6:35 pm Brooke Candy 6:40 - 7:25 pm Asia O’Hara and Kameron Michaels from Ru Paul Drag Stars 7:45 - 9:00 pm TLC

For tickets and more information, please visit:




MUNDO LATINO STAGE SATURDAY • JULY 14 12:00 - 2:00 pm DJ Iridance 2:00 - 2:05 pm Melomano Entertainment 2:15 - 2:30 pm Johanna 2:30 - 3:30 pm DJ Air Nandez 3:30 - 3:45 pm Barbie Z Neors 3:50 - 5:50 pm Vince Delano 6:00 - 6:45 pm Graciela Beltran 7:00 - 8:00 pm DJ Fariba 8:00 - 9:00 pm Casey Alva 9:00 - 10:00 pm Rumba Y Soul

SUNDAY • JULY 15 12:00 - 12:30 pm Ballet Folklorico Yaqui 12:40 - 12:45 pm Z’licious Zumba Crue 12:45 - 1:45 pm Azucar! 2:00 - 2:30 pm Cecilia J-Lo Garcia 2:30 - 3:30 pm Los Hollywood 3:45 - 3:55 pm Oseas Villatoro Presents 4:00 - 5:00 pm Chulita Vinyl Club 5:05 - 5:20 pm Blake G 5:25 - 6:20 pm Ukeim 6:30 - 7:30 pm Alejandra Sandoval 7:30 - 8:00 pm Mariachi Real De San Diego 8:00 - 9:00 pm Starlett


THE MOVEMENT STAGE SATURDAY • JULY 14 12:00 - 1:00 pm DJ Girth 1:00 - 2:00 pm DJ Ash B 2:00 - 5:00 pm Ayla Simone 5:00 - 5:30 pm Oceana Justice 5:30 - 6:00 pm HYM 6:00 - 7:00 pm JALIL 7:00 - 7:55 pm DJ Kinky Loops 8:00 - 9:00 pm LE1F 9:00 - 10:00 pm DJ Javin

SUNDAY • JULY 15 11:00 - 12:00 pm DJ Girth 12:00 - 12:05 pm Jedi Steve 12:10 - 1:10 pm Keviyon 1:15 - 3:15 pm DJ Casey Alva 3:20 - 3:50 pm Culture Shock 4:00 - 4:30 pm ROB.B 4:40 - 5:40 pm Heabnasty 5:40 - 6:15 pm Amber Nicole Davenport 6:20 - 7:20 pm DJ Kiki 7:25 - 7:50 pm Rica Shay 8:00 - 9:00 pm DJ Hevrock




From left: Adrian Downing-Espinal, Rosemary Downing-Espinal and Bridget Kolozvary

y high school self is so jealous,” says Rosemary Downing-Espinal when asked about her job at The Brown Building. Rosemary, alongside wife Adrian Downing-Espinal and Bridget “B” Kolozvary, form the founding leadership team for the City Heights LGBTQ haven. The Brown Building (4133 Poplar St.,, established as their event space in 2015, first opened as a candy shop in the early 20th century. Adrian, Rosemary and Kolozvary have worked together on various projects over the years years, all of which culminated in the 2015 launch of the Helen Knoll Foundation-affiliated Lesbian Wellness Project. “We decided to start a program around breast cancer prevention and early detection work for queer women, which is a group that doesn’t get a lot of attention in the larger public health discussion of queer health issues,” Rosemary says. As this work took off, several revelations arose, primarily regarding the links of what they refer to as “minority stress” in the queer community about health concerns, including breast cancer. Second, they discovered that focusing their work on the lesbian community became limiting. “I don’t think we were ever fully comfortable with the name Lesbian Wellness Project,” Adrian explains. “It needed to be explicit, because lesbians are a left-out demographic. But at the same time we knew


that it was leaving out other folks, or making them feel excluded.” Thus, they adopted the Brown Building as their organization name as well. The health-prevention elements of their origins linger primarily in wellness, self-care and artistic and creative projects. However, in its new incarnation, the Brown Building aims to relieve the minority stresses on the queer community as a first line of defense. Adrian champions the group’s Safer Space Policy when discussing the evolution of their projects. All groups and artists using the space must agree to operate in a manner that promotes inclusivity, consent and comfort for all participants. As the home for the Trans Youth Project, it’s important to host self-care days (such as one that was scheduled immediately following the Pulse nightclub tragedy), as well as other meetings and projects where LGBTQ individuals can feel safe and accepted. The majority of the events at The Brown Building are all-ages, and while alcohol is sometimes available, the group envisions the space as a sober-friendly environment. “The queer community has a long history of building community in our bars as the only safe places that existed for a really long time,” Rosemary says. “And now some of those spaces are going away.” They recognized a need in the community for social and arts events in places that aren’t alcohol-centric, not just because bar culture is evolving, but also to address an in-

creasing need for sober- and youth-friendly LGBTQ spaces. “Not everybody drinks. And drinking and alcoholism, and substance abuse generally, is a really big issue in our community,” Rosemary says. The Brown Building will host part of this year’s AlternaPride, a “non-commercialized, sober and queer centered alternative to SD Pride” according to the website. It happens on Saturday, July 14th from 4 to 9:30 p.m., and includes a clothing swap, DIY button making, open mic, queer liberation history discussions and more. (The Brown Building event is 18-and-over, but there is an all-ages AlternaPride event on Sunday at Donut Panic.) On the inside, the Brown Building is between events. As the team prepares for a packed month of Pride-related projects, the walls are bare, and the main room, long and narrow, is set up for a meeting. Without its usual packed crowds and walls adorned with local art, this room could be anything. And that’s sort of the point. “We’ve just really opened the doors wide in the beginning and said, ‘All right, come on in. Who out there needs a space, and what do you want to see us doing?’” Rosemary says. “It’s very easy to get stuck in a path and not look up and look around,” Kolozvary adds. “The word ‘lesbian’ was alienating people, so we changed. And I like the idea that things can grow and happen as the need presents itself. Because there’s always going to be a need.”

On the outside, the building is a mixture of striking color and, yes, brown. Three new murals were added in 2016 in partnership with the Azalea Park neighborhood’s Pop Street Project. The group also hosts a monthly Maker’s Market, a public market of locally produced arts and crafts items (the next market will be Friday, July 20th from 5:30 to 9 p.m.) that aims to be conscientious of the low-to-middle income community they serve in the Azalea Park neighborhood of City Heights. The building’s art shows have always included original artwork that centers on a monthly theme, plus an open-mic component to share stories, poetry and more. Their July art show—which kicks off their Pride weekend on Friday, July 13th—celebrates happiness in the LGBTQ community and is titled Queer Joy. The works slated for the art show includes resin pieces, photography, printmaking, paintings and more. Next month’s art show will be Black August, produced in collaboration with Pillars of the Community, a local organization which focuses on issues of diversity and equality. “There can be a lot of pressure for assimilation in times where things are changing a lot, and when it’s more socially acceptable to be gay, but only the kind of gay that feels comfortable to ‘the Man,’” Rosemary says when reflecting on Queer Joy. “And so, for me, that’s just a happy positive ‘fuck yeah, we’re queer, we love it, it’s a good thing, there’s glitter on it.’”





lpha Female,” “Girlz N the Hood,” “Black Girls Got the Juice.” Seeing a T-shirt with these sayings might stop some people in their tracks, but Joshlyn Turner, owner and creative director of The Write Fit (, is used to her apparel turning heads. “One of my customers recently told me about a time she was at a grocery store and wearing a ‘Black Girls Got the Juice’ hoodie,” says Turner. “The guy behind her said, ‘I want some juice,’ and she laughed and brushed it off. But as she was walking out, he said ‘that’s false advertising.’ She told him, ‘it says we have the juice, it doesn’t say we give out the juice.’” The Write Fit, a local online clothing company for progressive peoples was established in June 2013. “A lot of people don’t know that it was originally going to be a greeting card business,” says Turner. “Then one day, I was at the mall and I saw this cheesy T-shirt that said something like, ‘I heart my boyfriend,’ and I knew that I could do that, but ten times better.” Turner’s first love, surprisingly, wasn’t for fashion. She grew up with writing as her primary way of express-

ing herself before becoming heavily involved in social justice and nonprofit work. Youth Empowerment, Project Aware and Detour Empowers are a few of the organizations she’s worked closely with over the years, while also staying involved in her community. When it came time to start The Write Fit, she wanted her brand to represent those same kinds of social values. From its tees and dad-hats, to its fanny packs and bestselling kid’s collection, the Write Fit line boasts messages of female empowerment, Black empowerment, body positivTIGIST LAYNE ity and an underlying tone of social equality. “I’ve had a few people give me some pushback on the “Black Girls Got the Juice” collection because they want to know ‘well what about this race and that race,’ but it isn’t meant to criticize anybody, it’s meant to encourage and uplift Black women and Black girls,” says Turner. “When I Joshlyn Turner started this company, I wanted to have a diverse lifestyle brand that connected people all around the world. One thing you will get with my brand is that there is something for everyone—all ages, all backgrounds and all races.” With this in mind, Turner is getting ready to launch a new backpack collection, designed with The Write Fit signature look. “I want my brand to mean something,” says Turner. “To get people thinking and to just look dope.”

—Tigist Layne




here’s something immediately unnerving at Bodies in Trouble, an exhibition at the Museum of about the works of Corey Dunlap (coreypat- Contemporary Art San Diego. In the pieces, tubular, The Alabama native seems almost intestinal-like sculptures rest and recline on to acknowledge this fact even while perusing his own rigid boxes and in front of a dueling backdrop. In works at the 1805 Gallery. He glances at “Coming pieces such as “The Coronation” and “Folie a Deux,” ‘Round the Mountain,” one of the more scintillating the main, explorative dichotomy is certainly between and bright pieces at his solo exhibition that’s on dis- the sculpture and the what/how/why in which it’s displayed. play through July 27 at the Little Italy gallery. “I just didn’t want there to be a division between “The material surface is seductive and the colors are seductive, but the forms themselves are some- the main object and the stand or support… what is the what repulsive,” Dunlap says. COURTESY OF 1805 GALLERY AND HOLLY SUTOR real subject? Is it the print? Is it the tube? The background?” “Well, maybe not repulsive.” Still, the way in which the Even with his more aessculpture is lit within the phothetically pleasing pieces, to itself is just as important. Dunlap’s abstract, digital Shadows fall on just the right photographs are still jarring. places, working to both highEvolved over years of experilight particular aspects of the menting with digital modeling sculpture and almost working software programs, Dunlap’s to make the viewer believe pieces are unique in that they that they’re actually looking at manage to seamlessly incora photograph of a real sculpporate a variety of mediums. ture. The fact that the pieces This fact is not immediately are framed in textured, homeevident, but the more time the Corey Dunlap made frames—almost sculpviewer spends with Dunlap’s tures within themselves—only works, the more evident it is that he’s much more than an abstract photo artist. He’s a adds to the many contrasting elements. “The ultimate goal was to have a photograph and sculptor, as well as a photographer; a digital artist, as really think about it that way,” says Dunlap, who dewell as a luminist. “I always wanted the work to be about that visual scribes the works as “digital reliefs.” “But I like the seduction. How you seduce people into being inter- idea of people thinking that there was a sculpture and lights and a camera I position… it’s like they’re creested in that you’re doing,” Dunlap says. His talents have not gone unrecognized. In addi- ated specifically for a camera.” tion to shows at UC San Diego, where Dunlap was working on his MFA, his art was recently on display —Seth Combs




Green living

Leave No Trace

Debra Granik’s quiet stunner is a modern American survival story by Glenn Heath Jr.


or better or worse, parents shape their children’s hidden under Foster and McKenzie’s stoic facial exworldview, a fact not lost on filmmaker Debra pressions. Whereas most films portray change as draGranik. In her excellent 2010 mountain noir Win- matic and sudden, Leave No Trace defines it as exactly ter’s Bone, Jennifer Lawrence’s hard-as-nails Ree has the opposite—gradual, organic and personal. The quiinherited a life of economic and emotional distress et pace and tender tone represent a measured style as a result of growing up in the Ozarks. Yet, despite of American cinema that feels alien in the age of the the troubled legacy handed down by her kin, she stub- comic book blockbuster. By the time Will and Tom escape into the woods for bornly perseveres to reshape archaic power dynamics a second chance at Eden, their ideas about humanity in a rural community stymied by crime and poverty. Granik’s perspective on familial influence grows have already begun to diverge. Experiences in comeven more complicated with Leave No Trace (open- bat and elsewhere have taught him that being alone ing in limited release Friday, July 13). In this quietly is best, but she has never been afforded the same opstunning drama based on Peter Rock’s 2009 novel, portunity to gain life experience. Leave No Trace embraces the beginnings of that My Abandonment, a father and process without ever challengdaughter’s decision to live off ing the deep connection both the grid in Portland’s massive LEAVE NO TRACE characters so obviously share. Forest Park becomes an act of Directed by Debra Granik Tenderly and without judgdefiance that society can neither ment, Granik’s film confronts understand nor tolerate. Their Starring Ben Foster, the selfish undercurrents of struggle to remain autonomous Thomasin McKenzie parenting, specifically our need from civilization grows increasand Dale Dickey to shape a child’s perspective in ingly complicated when state Rated PG ways that continue notions of institutions decide to intervene. family tradition and ideology. Surrounded by lush foliage Will raised Tom with certain and sprinkled with rays of sunlight, Will (Ben Foster) and Tom (Thomasin McKen- core values, but eventually his desire to push further zie) populate a patch of densely wooded land worthy into the abyss begins to seem unnatural for a girl who of Thoreau. They forage for food, gather firewood and simply wants to experience the world on her own terms. Deep subtext concerning these emotions fuels practice escaping unnoticed into the thick ferny bush. Every once in a while they venture into the downtown each scene, leading to dialogue sequences that are sprawl for necessities, which are funded by the sale brief and pinpoint. The words that are spoken cut of Will’s PTSD meds. He’s an ex-veteran who’d rather right to the heart of an anxiousness that is felt by be tormented in peace and she’s a 13-year-old weaned good people permanently disconnected from a world they once loved. Will embodies the extreme nature of off natural splendor and isolationism. Park rangers eventually shatter Will and Tom’s such an existence and, like Tom, Granik’s camera can temporary utopia, arresting them for trespassing. only go so far with him on this journey—one incredInto the system they go, separated and questioned ible overhead drone shot tracks him from above as he by well-meaning social workers and bureaucrats do- disappears into heavy underbrush. Thankfully, nothing about Leave No Trace comes ing their best to help. Eventually, the pair is afforded an opportunity to relocate under state supervision at, across as tragic. Granik only sees hope and endurance of all places, a Christmas tree farm. The jarring move in her worn out characters. They are people struggling reinforces Will’s resistance to traditional community to decide which future makes the most sense living in while offering Tom her first taste of genuine comfort. a country suffering its own identity crisis. Her optiFrom here on out, his fundamental perspective no mism feels as essential as the wind in the trees. longer colors hers. Granik respects the gravity of this massive psycho- Film reviews run weekly. logical shift, reverberations of which remain mostly Write to




Wild Strawberries

Crisis of faith


he cinema of Swedish master Ingmar Bergman grapples with themes of religious doubt, false virtue and emotional repression. They are deeply depressing works of art, the cinematic equivalent of a fistfight with God. But many of the films also express something beautiful about humanity’s sobering need to endure, creating psychological intensity of which few filmmakers have ever able to match. In honor of Bergman’s centenary, Landmark’s Ken Cinema will showcase seven of the 34 features that have been restored by Janus Films’ massive career-spanning retrospective. For those interested in running the gauntlet, they offer a crash course in Modernist cinema, not to mention Bergman’s iconic collaborations with cinema-


tographer Sven Nykvist, and actors Liv Ullmann and Max Von Sydow, The Seventh Seal (1957), famous for its iconic chess game with death, marks a good entry point into Bergman’s deep philosophical questioning of good and evil. But The Virgin Spring (1960) provides an even more astonishing spiritual reckoning. The story of an ill-fated maiden and her pregnant travelling companion slowly transforms into a violent exploration of religious hypocrisy. Even more insane, Persona (1966) splinters Bergman’s cinematic perspective further by turning the story of a nurse and her mute actress patient into an acid trip of converging identities. This is the director at his most dangerous. Bergman’s experimental ruminations came to an apex with Cries and Whispers (1972), a closeknit nightmare about mental and physical deterioration shot almost entirely inside. Nykvist’s cramped, colorful cinematography would win him an Oscar. Finally, there’s Wild Strawberries (1957), Bergman’s bittersweet masterpiece about an aging and grouchy professor who sets off on the road to accept a lifetime achievement award with his pregnant daughterin-law. It proves that underneath

all of the suffering, Bergman was always an artist fueled by life. Smiles of a Summer Night (1955) and Hour of the Wolf (1968) will also screen as part of the Bergman series, playing from Friday, July 13 through Thursday, July 19.

Let the Sunshine In: Juliette Binoche stars as a divorced middle-aged woman looking for romance in Claire Denis’ romantic comedy. Opens Friday, July 13, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park.

—Glenn Heath Jr.

Sorry to Bother You: A young telemarketer unlocks the key to a macabre universe in Boots Riley’s psychedelic comedy set in a heightened version of Oakland. Opens wide Friday, July 13.

OPENING Eating Animals: Based on Jonathan Safron Foer’s memoir, this film looks at modern dietary choices with an emphasis on information and awareness. Opens Friday, July 13, at Landmark Hillcrest Cinemas. Fireworks: This Japanese animated feature tells the story of teenage star-crossed lovers with the power to reset time every time their plans to run away together are foiled. Opens Friday, July 13, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation: The gang of animated monsters and villains decide to take animated cruise to the Bermuda triangle. Opens wide Friday, July 13. Ingmar Bergman Centenary: This special travelling retrospective will showcase seven of the Swedish master’s best works. Opens Friday, July 13, and screens through Thursday, July 19, at the Ken Cinema. Leave No Trace: Ben Foster and Thomasin McKenzie star as a father and daughter living off the grid in the Pacific Northwest. Opens Friday, July 13, at the AMC La Jolla 12, Landmark Hillcrest Cinemas, and the Angelika Film Centers—Carmel Mountain.

Skyscraper: Dwayne Johnson plays an F.B.I. hostage negotiator whose family is trapped in a burning skyscraper during a terrorist attack. Opens wide Friday, July 13.

ONE TIME ONLY The Sandlot: A gang of kids plays baseball all summer and discovers their true selves in the process. Screens at 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 11, at The Pearl Hotel in Point Loma. Vicky Cristina Barcelona: Woody Allen’s hypnotic romance follows two girlfriends (Scarlett Johansson, Rebecca Hall) who fall for the same painter (Javier Bardem) while on vacation. Screens at 8 p.m. Thursday, July 12 and Friday, July 13, at Cinema Under the Stars in Mission Hills. Wonder Woman: Gal Gadot embodies the iconic D.C. comic book heroine in Patty Jenkins’ big budget origin story that takes place during WWII. Screens at 7 p.m. Saturday, July 14, at Liberty Station North Promenade.

For complete movie listings, visit Film at




Spooky Cigarette at Helmuth Projects n a recent Friday night, a crowd of people watching live music at Bankers Hill art space Helmuth Projects were treated to an unpleasant surprise. A woman unexpectedly stood in front of the venue’s door, blocking reentry. Josh Pavlick, identifying himself as the space’s owner, asked her politely to stop blocking the door. The woman pulled out her badge, revealing herself as an undercover vice squad police officer, and brought an abrupt end to the show. By the time Seattle band Kingdom of the Holy Sun finished their set, other officers kicked patrons out and photographed Helmuth top to bottom. The raid came as a shock to Pavlick, as the vice squad’s targets typically focus on offenses such as prostitution and illegal gambling. “We just have bands come and play, and people come and they chip in some money and we give it to the bands,” says Pavlick. “What about that is ‘vice’?” The police told Pavlick they wanted to prevent a tragedy like the 2016 fire at Oakland art space The Ghost Ship, which resulted in the deaths of 36 people. Helmuth is a much smaller and different sort of space, but Pavlick was told he may face legal consequences for not having the proper permits for live music. And just like that, established and amateur bands have one less accessible place to experiment and get wild. Only a handful of do-it-yourself (DIY) venues are still operating in San Diego, with Helmuth joining King’s Music and


The Treehouse on the list of silenced venues. There are some sporadic under-the-radar shows happening throughout the city, but unlike bigger venues such as the Observatory North Park or The Casbah, people that run DIY venues are involved in every capacity (hence, the “do it yourself” moniker). DIY venues are organized in both permitted and non-permitted spaces such as homes, alleys and commercial buildings, and their addresses are often disseminated via word of mouth or direct message on social media. These venues also play an important role in the music scene precisely because they cater to all-ages audiences and book younger bands that bigger venues would usually pass on because they don’t have enough of an audience draw. Furthermore, organizers throw shows in illegal spots out of necessity, simply because there aren’t enough options. The all-ages aspect of DIY venues is particularly important, given that most venues in San Diego are bars. The Ché Café Collective is one of the city’s longest running DIY venues. Located on the UC San Diego campus and entirely volunteer-run, it primarily attracts an under-21 audience. A show on June 23 with Street Surfers, Sideyard and New Speak saw an influx of teenagers on the stage and in the audience, bouncing up and down to jangly surf-rock and wandering outside to peruse the handmade band merch. “There’s tons of venues that have talent buyers and booking agents and production managers, but they’re only

there for when they need to be,” says Danny Lyrela, a Ché Café Collective core member. “At the Ché, the people that book are the same people that are handling finances, that are handling sound and that are playing that night.” Still, the Ché has certainly had its own challenges. UCSD’s University Centers Advisory Board cut its funding for repairs in 2014 and then served an eviction notice, citing that the space wasn’t up to code and lacked student interest. After years of negotiation, the Ché’s lease was renewed last year and reopened this June after undergoing repairs paid for by the university. Now that it’s back to a regular schedule of live music, it’s one of the few consistent DIY venues that’s able to continue putting on events in San Diego, at least for now. A lot of musicians got their start playing shows at the Ché, including Justin Pearson of The Locust, Retox and Dead Cross. Pearson began putting on shows when he was 19 at his house in Golden Hill. Its residents briefly called it the “Avocado 500 Club,” and though they eventually got evicted, they celebrated its legacy with a final show featuring Blood Brothers and GoGoGo Airheart. House shows similar to those at Avocado 500 still happen, but some event organizers won’t advertise their addresses, which Pearson says might be an effort to avoid police interference. “I could see why they wouldn’t want to let the cops know what’s going on,” says Pearson. “It could get nasty. That’s the worst outcome—the police beating and arresting people.” Randy Randall, guitarist of noise-rock duo No Age and a longtime performer at L.A. space The Smell, says rising rents and repercussions from the Ghost Ship fire have made it more difficult for DIY spaces in California to flourish. “After the Ghost Ship warehouse fire in Oakland... I feel like there was a lot of attention called to these kinds of unpermitted performance spaces by fire marshals and police. In some ways I understand—safety is obviously hugely important,” says Randall. “The more expensive rents are the harder it is to justify having a live performance space. They don’t normally make a lot of money.” Although Helmuth’s future remains unclear, Pavlick hopes to eventually open another space. He imagines a more organized venue with art installations and maybe even involvement with youth groups. Affordability is still a challenge, however, and Pavlick notes that his rent at Helmuth was never raised. Still, some local musicians have suggestions for how to improve things. Jakob McWhinney (Spooky Cigarette, New Me) says that while there are lots of bands that want to play and kids who want to watch them, there aren’t enough places that can host them. If established people in the music scene, especially those with resources, begin to work more closely with young music lovers, much like The Casbah or Soda Bar do with The Ché Café, it could help foster a more inclusive community. “The older people in the scene have more infrastructure,” says McWhinney. “Working together is important to make sure that there are aspects of all of these events that appeal to people of all ages.”






londe Bar was called out this week for a series of incidents involving sexual harassment and assault. The Mission Hills bar was highlighted in a social media post from Grrl Independent Ladies, a feminist music night hosted by Mónica Mendoza who formerly held a residency at Blonde. In the post, Mendoza writes that she would no longer host GIL nights at Blonde Bar as “a direct result of numerous allegations and first-hand experiences of assault and intimidation from members of their staff.” Among those allegations were sexual assault and abusive behavior within the bar at the hands of bartender Rodrigo Gonzalez. In an interview with CityBeat, Mendoza says she also had a bad experience at the bar. In April of 2017, she hosted and DJed a GIL dance night when a fellow DJ was kicked out by Gonzalez. Mendoza says Gonzalez became defensive when she asked him about it. Outside the bar, the DJ explained to Mendoza that she had been trying to get Gonzalez’s attention to ask about receiving drink tickets. Instead of answering her, Gonzalez had security escort her out. When Mendoza went back into Blonde to speak to Gonzalez, she says their conversation became heated, which led her to text Blonde manager and co-owner Allen Colaneri. The security guard who originally escorted the DJ out informed her that he had also texted Colaneri, because it seemed like Gonzalez was becoming aggressive. Security also said that several women patrons left the bar, because they said that the bartender had made them feel uncomfortable and unsafe. Mendoza says she too felt unsafe, as he began to act more aggressive toward her. “He was being so aggressive that I felt I had to defend myself and the DJ who got kicked out for no reason,” Mendoza says. According to Mendoza, Gonzalez screamed at her, calling her a “fucking bitch” and “fucking whore.” “I thought he was going to throw a punch at me, then he came towards me super aggressively,” she says.


“There’s no reason why, with the tools available today and in coming days, that anyone should have to fear public spaces.” Co-owner Ted Lithopoulos says part of the challenge in disciplining employees about their inappropriate behavior is that he’s not always aware when it happens. He says that he or Colaneri can only act if they see something or if someone comes forward with knowledge of an incident. “To have this happen is a black eye to the business,” he says. “We’re not apathetic. Anytime this happens, it’s dealt with immediately.” Colaneri says, going forward, there will be better training and more discussions about safety and security, as well as classes about spotting predators and abuse prevention. He adds that that they’re serious about preventing any further incidents. “We will do our due diligence,” he says. According to both owners, Blonde Bar has already lost business. They have some work ahead of them in terms of earning back trust and proving that the bar is, indeed, a safe space and free from abusive Blonde Bar behavior. other staff as well as women DJs and hosts. “We’re standing behind the women, no They add that there were victims that were matter what,” says Colaneri. “We have to men as well. be proactive and ensure this never happens “I stand behind the women who fell vic- again.” tim to him, and I am one of them,” says the Still, questions linger as to why the barformer employee. tender in question remained employed after “I just want it to be known that I loved the initial incidents. Mendoza says her deworking at Blonde Bar,” they say. “Allen cision to call out the bar as a whole wasn’t [Colaneri] was also victim to bullying by done to attack or bully them, but to bring him and, unfortunately, didn’t handle the awareness to an industry-wide problem situation the best way possible.” “It was literally done to bring awareness Mendoza had a conversation with Cola- to an issue that involves men shielding neri, who she was still on good terms with, problematic behavior through their priviregarding the experiences that she and oth- lege and power,” she says. “This shouldn’t ers had in the bar. She says that he’s admit- have been going on at all, and it definitely ted to her that the bartender had long been shouldn’t have gotten as far as it did with a problem. no accountability or repercussions. Over the weekend, Blonde Bar addressed “This is a problem beyond Blonde Bar,” the situation directly via social media, point- she adds. “There should be awareness at all ing out it intends to implement better train- establishments that this behavior is unacing and awareness. “We are entirely commit- ceptable, and if they allow it, they’re going ted to continue making Blonde a more safe to get called out.” and inclusive place for everyone,” it reads. —Jeff Terich and Alex Zaragoza According to Mendoza, Gonzalez had to be physically restrained by a security guard and several patrons. He was pinned up against a wall, but continued to berate Mendoza. When Colaneri arrived, he and Gonzalez had a heated argument. Colaneri reached the decision to not schedule Gonzalez on GIL nights anymore. Both Blonde owners have corroborated Mendoza’s account and Gonzalez was fired this week as more allegations of abusive behavior have surfaced. Another former bartender at Blonde Bar, who asked not to be named out of fear of retaliation, says Gonzalez is a “bully.” They recount several incidents of the bartender groping them, intimidating them, screaming at them, belittling them, and forcing them to leave shifts. They also witnessed the bartender doing much of the same to




The Fixx

y dad was—and still is—a huge ’80s music fan. When I was young, our Sundays were defined by new wave hits blasting out of our family’s soundsystem while we did chores. The Valley Girl soundtrack and Rhino Records’ Just Can’t Get Enough compilations were all pretty much on repeat. His love of the genre rubbed off on me, and it wasn’t long before his favorites became my favorites. However, there was one song on those compilations that stood out from the other hits: The Fixx’s “Red Skies.” To young ears infatuated with bubbly hits like “Video Killed the Radio Star” and “I Melt With You,” The Fixx presented something darker, something post-apocalyptic. Frankly, it was a little scary. It sounded dangerous. And I was intrigued. Later, when I learned more about history, nuclear scares, worldly tensions, Reaganism and all the other things that permeated throughout the '80s, I fell in love with The Fixx’s dark visions. In fact, realized just how sad and dark all ‘80s music is (if you think “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” isn’t a sad song at heart, just listen to the Chromatics cover, which strips it down to its melody). And then, in 2009, I watched a horror movie called The House of the Devil, which used The Fixx’s biggest hit, “One Thing Leads to Another,” in a nail-bitingly tense scene. That movie ended up being one of my favorite horror films of the past 10 years, and it reminded me that The Fixx’s music still sounds a little dangerous, and packs a subversive punch. The Fixx play on Wednesday, July 18 at the Birch Aquarium at Scripps’ Green Flash Concert series.






IF I WERE U A music insider’s weekly agenda WEDNESDAY, JULY 11

PLAN A: Big Ups, Bellows, Hit Bargain @ Soda Bar. I recently wrote a feature on Big Ups, so if you missed that, go back and give it a read. They’ve evolved from youthful party punk into a sophisticated and powerful group. It’s music that’s intricate, yet goes straight for the internal organs. BACKUP PLAN: Goodnight Texas, The Havnauts, Softing @ The Casbah.


PLAN A: Negative Approach, Final Conflict, Skullcrack @ Soda Bar. Negative Approach are hardcore legends, having made a name for themselves with some bruising but melodic anthems. After more than three decades of tearing shit up, they’ve still got more noise to make. PLAN B: Citizen, Teenage Wrist, Oso Oso, Queen of Jeans @ The Irenic. Citizen’s punchy, popfriendly emo-punk is soaring and anthemic. I’m not sure why they’re not being played to death on the radio. In any case, it’s catchy


stuff for punks with a sensitive side. BACKUP PLAN: Poor, Demasiado, Ninja Night Race @ Tower Bar.


PLAN A: Hexa, Esses, O/X, DJ Vaughn Avakian @ Whistle Stop. If summer hasn’t been goth enough for your tastes, one good way to remedy that is to spend Friday night with Hexa, whose gloomy pop music is among the best in town. They’re playing with Oakland’s Esses, who have a great, old-school goth-rock sound. PLAN B: The Revolutionary Guard, Downtown, The Gay Agenda @ Tower Bar. The Revolutionary Guard is a new band featuring former members of The Stalins of Sound, and this is their debut show. Expect punk rock, political leftism and a little bit of camp. BACKUP PLAN: Witch Mountain, Sixes, Beira @ Til-Two Club.


Diego in about two decades. Because of that—and because of the fact that they’re one of the greatest metal bands of all time—I wouldn’t miss it. Ditto goes for Converge, who are always amazing. PLAN B: Pride Festival w/ TLC, Le1f, Chaos Chaos @ Marston Point. This year’s Pride Festival has a pretty great lineup, headlined by R&B icons TLC, as well as queer rapper Le1f, who puts on a hell of a show. Celebrate inclusivity and Pride with nonstop jams. BACKUP PLAN: Yung Bae, Umenos @ Soda Bar.


PLAN A: Hours, Los Pinche Pinches, Material Boys @ Soda Bar. Hours are one of the heaviest bands in San Diego, while Los Pinche Pinches and Material Boys play fun indie rock that’ll close out the weekend nicely. It’s a diverse lineup of excellent local bands, so show up early and stick around for the whole thing. PLAN B: Karbonite, Ursula, All Beat Up @ Whistle Stop. Local hardcore outfit Karbonite are holding a record release show, and for those who’ve been missing out on all the exciting stuff happening in the local hardcore scene, this is a good time to get caught up.


PLAN A: Neurosis, Converge, Amenra @ Observatory North Park. It’s my under- PLAN A: FACS, Exasperation @ Soda standing that Neurosis hasn’t been to San


Neurosis Bar. I also recently wrote a feature on FACS, whose dark, intense post-punk is both hypnotic and super heavy. Go early for Exasperation, one of the best bands making guitarbased indie rock in town. PLAN B: In the Whale, Parade of Horribles, Bosswitch @ The Casbah. In the Whale is, essentially, a grunge band. They make loud, fuzzy rock ‘n’ roll songs that are pretty easy to like. Even better, they’re playing with Bosswitch, a local power trio that makes a hell of a ruckus.


PLAN A: Sarah Shook and the Disarmers, Nena Anderson, Jason Hawk Harris @ The Casbah. Sarah Shook and the Disarmers play dusty, rowdy, barn-burning countrypunk that feels like the perfect soundtrack to the unbearable heat that’s bearing down on San Diego.




The Ataris (SPACE, 8/9), Bryan John Appleby (Soda Bar, 9/18), The Spill Canvas (Soda Bar, 9/20), Woe (SPACE, 9/24), Yuno (Casbah, 9/24), The Twilight Sad (Casbah, 10/10), Gregory Alan Izakov (Music Box, 10/14), Sting and Shaggy (Harrahs SoCal, 10/16), Michael Nau and the Mighty Thread (Soda Bar, 10/20), Exploded View (Whistle Stop, 10/24), Jay Rock (SOMA, 10/25), Rozwell Kid (Soda Bar, 11/2), Lucero (Observatory, 11/7), Claudio Simonetti’s Goblin (Irenic, 11/7), Paula Abdul (Copley Symphony Hall, 11/13), Mutual Benefit (Soda Bar, 11/14), The Monochrome Set (Soda Bar, 3/9).

GET YER TICKETS Car Seat Headrest (SOMA, 7/21), Logic (Mattress Firm Amphitheatre, 7/24), The Decemberists (Humphreys, 7/30), American Football, Phoebe Bridgers (Observatory, 8/3), Lucinda Williams, Steve Earle, Dwight Yoakam (Open Air Theatre, 8/3), Hop Along (Irenic, 8/5), SOB x RBE (SOMA, 8/9), ‘X-Fest’ w/ Beck, Death Cab for Cutie (SDCCU Stadium, 8/11), Boris (Casbah, 8/15), Chris Stapleton (Mattress Firm, 8/16), Snow Patrol (Harrahs SoCal, 8/17), Deafheaven (Brick by Brick, 8/17), Red Fang, Elder (Brick by Brick, 8/20), J. Cole (Viejas Arena, 8/22), The Alarm (BUT, 8/23), Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson (Mattress Firm Amphitheatre, 8/24), Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever (Soda Bar, 8/25), Napalm Death (Brick by Brick, 8/27), Peter Frampton (Harrahs SoCal, 8/29), Smashing Pumpkins (Viejas Arena, 9/1), B-Side Players (Music Box, 9/1), Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit (Copley Symphony Hall, 9/1), Jeremih (Observatory, 9/4), Leon Bridges (Open Air Theatre, 9/5), The Original Wailers (BUT, 9/6), Lee Fields and the Expressions (BUT, 9/8), Ms. Lauryn Hill (Open Air Theatre, 9/9), Murder by Death (BUT, 9/11), YOB (Brick by Brick, 9/14), Jason Aldean (Mattress Firm, 9/20), The Eagles (Petco Park, 9/22), Nothing (Soda Bar, 9/22), Grizzly Bear (Observatory, 9/24), First Aid Kit (Observatory, 9/25), Deep Purple, Judas Priest (Mattress Firm, 9/26), Loudon Wainwright III (BUT, 9/27), Ringo Starr and His All-Starr Band (Humphreys, 9/27), Natalie Prass (Casbah, 9/30), Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band (Observatory, 10/1), Courtney Barnett, Waxahatchee (Observatory, 10/3), Chelsea Wolfe, Russian Circles (Music Box, 10/3), Roky Erickson (Casbah, 10/5), The B-52’s (Humphreys, 10/6), Ozzy Osbourne (Mattress Firm, 10/9), Mew (Observatory, 10/9), Shannon and the Clams (BUT, 10/10), Graham Nash (Humphreys, 10/13), Alkaline Trio (HOB, 10/15), The Joy Formidable (Casbah, 10/17), St. Lucia (Observatory, 10/17), D.R.I. (Brick by Brick, 10/20), Simple Minds (Humphreys, 10/22), Dawes (Observatory, 10/29), The Selecter, The English Beat (Casbah, 11/2), Khruangbin (Observatory, 11/10), Ghost (Spreckels Theatre, 11/12), Blitzen Trapper (BUT, 11/12), Neko Case, Destroyer (Observatory, 12/8), Fleetwood Mac (Viejas Arena, 12/8), Kurt Vile (Observatory, 12/9), Ministry (HOB, 12/18).

JULY WEDNESDAY, JULY 11 Bob Schneider at Belly Up Tavern. Big Ups at Soda Bar. Jackson Browne at


Civic Theatre. Goodnight, Texas at The Casbah.

THURSDAY, JULY 12 Citizen at The Irenic. Opia at The Casbah. Monarch at Belly Up Tavern. Negative Approach at Soda Bar.

FRIDAY, JULY 13 Weedeater at Soda Bar. We Are Scientists at The Casbah. Jefferson Airplane at Belly Up Tavern (sold out). CO-OP at Brick by Brick. Random Rab at Music Box. Barrington Levy at Observatory North Park. Palisades at House of Blues.

SATURDAY, JULY 14 Dope at Brick by Brick. Brothers Gow at Belly Up Tavern. Neurosis, Converge at Observatory North Park. Yung Bae at Soda Bar. Ministry of Truth at The Casbah.

SUNDAY, JULY 15 Inanimate Existence at Brick by Brick. Paul Thorn at Belly Up Tavern. Etana at Harrah’s SoCal.

MONDAY, JULY 16 Billy Bob Thornton and the Boxmasters at Belly Up Tavern. FACS at Soda Bar. In the Whale at The Casbah.

TUESDAY, JULY 17 Chris Isaak at Humphreys by the Bay. Sarah Shook and the Disarmers at The Casbah.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 18 Toad the Wet Sprocket at Belly Up Tavern. Hobo Johnson at Music Box.

THURSDAY, JULY 19 Paramore at Mattress Firm Amphitheatre. Rhye at Observatory North Park. Toad the Wet Sprocket at Belly Up Tavern (sold out). Brian Posehn at The Casbah. Sacred Hearts Club at Soda Bar.

FRIDAY, JULY 20 Brad Paisley at Mattress Firm Amphitheatre. Big Bad Voodoo Daddy at Humphreys by the Bay. Wye Oak at Soda Bar (sold out). Dennis Quaid and the Sharks at Belly Up Tavern. Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks at The Casbah (sold out). Psychedelic Furs at Del Mar Racetrack.

SATURDAY, JULY 21 The Adicts at Observatory North Park. Juliette and the Licks at Music Box. Car Seat Headrest at SOMA. Covet at House of Blues. Thirty Seconds to Mars at Mattress Firm Amphitheatre. Surf Curse at The Irenic. Iration at Del Mar Racetrack. Stan Bush at Brick by Brick.

SUNDAY, JULY 22 Reckless Kelly at Music Box. X at Belly Up Tavern. Cicada Rhythm at Soda Bar.

MONDAY, JULY 23 George Thorogood and the Destroyers at Humphreys by the Bay. Fashion Jackson at The Casbah.

TUESDAY, JULY 24 Logic at Mattress Firm Amphitheatre. Judith Owen at Music Box. The Teskey Brothers at Belly Up Tavern. Now, Now at The Casbah. Goon at Soda Bar. Roger Hodgson at Humphreys by the Bay.

at Belly Up Tavern. Dent May at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, JULY 26 Joe Bonamassa at Humphreys by the Bay. Stephanie Brown and The Surrealistics at The Casbah. Henry Kapono at Belly Up Tavern. Tennis System at Soda Bar.

FRIDAY, JULY 27 Weirdos at The Casbah. Joe Bonamassa at Humphreys by the Bay. Steel Pulse at Del Mar Racetrack. Mrs. Magician at Soda Bar.

SATURDAY, JULY 28 Brian McKnight at Harrah’s SoCal. Playboy Carti at SOMA. OFU at Brick by Brick. Swindle at The Casbah. Wayward Sons at Belly Up Tavern. Sleeping With Sirens at The Irenic.

SUNDAY, JULY 29 Adam Ant at Humphreys by the Bay. faUSt at The Casbah. The Body at Soda Bar. Taipan at Brick by Brick.

MONDAY, JULY 30 The Decemberists at Humphreys by the Bay. The Modern Appliances at Soda Bar.

TUESDAY, JULY 31 The Faceless at Brick by Brick. Corey Leal Duo at Belly Up Tavern. Cobi at Soda Bar.

AUGUST WEDNESDAY, AUG. 1 Dentist at SPACE. G-Eazy at Mattress Firm Amphitheatre. Givers at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, AUG. 2 Wimps at Soda Bar. Supersuckers at The Casbah. Femi Kuti at Belly Up Tavern.

FRIDAY, AUG. 3 American Football, Phoebe Bridgers at Observatory North Park. Matisyahu at Del Mar Racetrack. Lucinda Williams, Steve Earle, Dwight Yoakam at Open Air Theatre.

SATURDAY, AUG. 4 Trinidad Cardona at House of Blues. Hall & Oates, Train at Viejas Arena. Vacationer at The Casbah.

SUNDAY, AUG. 5 Gipsy Kings at Humphreys by the Bay. Hop Along at The Irenic. Beach House at Observatory North Park (sold out). Morricone Youth at The Casbah. The Chairman & The Board at Belly Up Tavern.

TUESDAY, AUG. 7 Toto at Humphreys by the Bay. Them Evils at Soda Bar.

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 8 Shooter Jennings at Belly Up Tavern. Zac Clark at The Casbah. Jesse Marchant at Soda Bar.

THURSDAY, AUG. 9 Paul Cauthen at Harrah’s SoCal. Ace Frehley at Belly Up Tavern. KRS-One at Observatory North Park. SOB x RBE at SOMA. Forest Grove at The Casbah. Matthew Logan Vasquez at Soda Bar.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 Jenny and the Mexicats at The Casbah. Dave Alvin and Jimmie Dale Gilmore



ASTROLOGICALLY UNSOUND Weekly forecasts from the so-called universe ARIES (March 21 - April 19): You can walk with extreme caution, only to be made a fool of by the fact that the floor is painted with an optical illusion, or you can charge ahead and possibly fall down a sinkhole. Either way, it’s a gamble.

LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Even if you’re a bad liar, you can lie

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): The

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Anyone who claims that resorting to an ad hominem or name-calling means you’ve lost the argument then, well, that person has no imagination for the kinds of names you can call them.

only time that it’s beneficial to blindly trust the integrity of something that’s otherwise completely irrational is when you’re walking in stilettos.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): Time flies when you’re having fun. This is why the best way to savor a moment, and really make it last, is to stay hydrated and have to pee really bad all the time. CANCER (June 21 - July 22): You

to your parents. If you’re a good liar, you can lie to yourself. But if you’re a really exceptional liar then you can even lie to the IRS.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21): Either you think multivitamins are a scam, or you’re completely fanatical about supplements. In both cases, you really need to tone it down.

know that feeling when you forget your password and then, when you reset it, you enter a new password and it alerts you that “you can’t use your last password.” Imagine that, but for everything this week.

CAPRICORN (December 22 January 19): Every choice you make is the negation of all other choices, by which I mean that all you do is say “no” when other people suggest something to do.

LEO (July 23 - August 22): This week you might rekindle an old relationship. Or maybe this just means that your device will automatically connect to a known WiFi network.

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): The more something dares us

PISCES (February 19 - March 20): Every creature on this planet may have something to teach you with the exception of the puffin, who pretty much just sits there. Like you.

to challenge it, the more we desire its destruction. Well, only really when it comes to pulling the arms off of a Stretch Armstrong.

18): Imagine the feeling when you’re zooming down a waterslide around a bend and, for a split second, feel yourself completely lift off the slide… but forever.

Astrologically Unsound appears every week. Follow Christin Bailey on Twitter at @hexprax.

MUSIC CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 FRIDAY, AUG. 10 Pato Banton at Belly Up Tavern. Aloe Blacc at Del Mar Racetrack. Ben Nichols at The Casbah. Tenshun at Soda Bar.

SATURDAY, AUG. 11 Ziggy Marley at Del Mar Racetrack. ‘XFest’ w/ Beck, Death Cab for Cutie at SDCCU Stadium. Weezer, The Pixies at Mattress Firm Amphitheatre. Lemuria at The Casbah. Jessica Hernandez and the Deltas at Soda Bar. Super Diamond at Belly Up Tavern.


710 Beach Club, 710 Garnet Ave., Pacific Beach. Wed: Open mic. Thu: Karaoke. Fri: Copy Cat Killers. Sat: Zen Robbi, The Good Tones, Suspect Ed. Sun: Karaoke. Tue: Electric Elms, The Naked I. Air Conditioned Lounge, 4673 30th St., Normal Heights. Wed: ‘Far Out’ w/ DJ Tramlife. Thu: ‘Retroboxxx’ w/ DJ Chris Lopez. Fri: ‘House Friday’ w/ DJ Matthew Brian. Sat: ‘Juicy’ w/ Mike Czech. Mon: ‘Organized Grime’. American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., Downtown. Thu: Marlon Wayans. Fri: Marlon Wayans. Sat: Marlon Wayans. The Bancroft, 9143 Campo Road, Spring Valley. Wed: Karaoke. Thu: Dead Inception, Casket Raider, Green Terror, Panzram. Sat: The Visiters, Violent Dreams, Ghost in the Willow. Sun: Southpaw.


Bang Bang, 526 Market St., Downtown. Sat: Penthouse Penthouse. Bar Pink, 3829 30th St., North Park. Wed: Hurricane Kate, Old Order. Thu: Funk Manifesto, Girlboy, The Tighten Ups. Fri: ‘Disco’ w/ DJs Stoykavich, Wenzo. Sat: DJs Stoykavich, Vaughn. Sun: Doc Hammer, Lord Howler. Mon: ‘Chyurch’ w/ Mikey, Andrew. Beaumont’s, 5665 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla. Thu: Mark Fisher. Fri: Dave Booda and the Leftovers. Sat: Part Time Model. Sun: Kenny Eng. Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Wed: Bob Schneider, Travis Linville. Thu: Monarch, Pushy, Sacri Monti. Fri: Jefferson Starship (sold out). Sat: Brothers Gow, The Higgs, Lindsay Perry. Sun: Paul Thorn. Mon: Billy Bob Thornton & The Boxmasters. Black Cat Bar, 4246 University Ave., City Heights. Thu: Uptown Rhythm Makers. Fri: Gorm, Low and Be Told, Ice Sword. Sat: The Anomaly, The Gift Curse. Blonde, 1808 W. Washington St., Mission Hills. Wed: ‘Dance Klassique’ w/ Donald Thump, Tipsy. Thu: Rock En Espanol live. Fri: ‘Dance Punk!’. Sat: ‘80s Invasion’. Boar Cross’n, 390 Grand Ave., Carlsbad. Thu: Taken by Canadians. Fri: ‘Club Musae’. Brick by Brick, 1130 Buenos Ave., Bay Park. Fri: Throw the Goat, Symbolic, Malison, Nightshadow. Sat: Dope, Rollickin’, Warpath, The Flood, Steeltoe. Sun: Inanimate Existence, The Last Of Lucy, Corpsemaker, Reaction Phase. The Casbah, 2501 Kettner Blvd., Middletown. Wed: Goodnight Texas, The

Havnauts, Softing. Thu: Opia, Russo. Fri: We Are Scientists, Beverly. Sat: Ministry of Truth, MIA, The Front, Kid Galahad and the Eternals, So Much Light, Dum Dum Boys, Personal Conflict, Diatribe, Social Spit, Revolt-Chix, Filner Headlock. Sun: The Johnny Deadly Trio, The Bedbreakers, Dave Gleason Trio. Mon: In the Whale, Parade of Horribles, Bosswitch. Tue: Sarah Shook and the Disarmers, Nena Anderson, Jason Hawk Harris. Che Cafe, UCSD campus, La Jolla. Wed: Ingrown, Dare, Drug Control, Lurk, Spirited Away. Thu: Slay Dean, Son Machine Gun, Hello Penelope, Basha. Fri: JXV, Avenue Army, Lineup Rookie, Transpire, Ok Shore. Sun: Ecostrike, Abuse of Power, Secondsight, Soul Power, Wise. Dirk’s Niteclub, 7662 Broadway, Lemon Grove. Fri: TNT. Sat: DJs Jersan, K Reed. Dizzy’s, 4275 Mission Bay Drive, Bay Park. Sat: Lori Bell and Trio de Janeiro. F6ix, 526 F St., Downtown. Thu: ‘Glow Party’. Fri: DJ Rick G. Sat: DJ Wellman. Fluxx, 500 4th Ave., Downtown. Fri: Deejay Al. Sat: Shabazz. Hooley’s, 5500 Grossmont Center Drive, Suite 277, La Mesa. Fri: Ron’s Garage. Sat: Taryn Donath. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., Downtown. Thu: Panteon Rococo, Bad Manners. Fri: The Little Mermen, Palisades. Sat: Forever in Your Mind. Sun: Jerry ‘Hot Rod’ Demink. Tue: Robin Henkel. Humphreys Backstage, 2241 Shelter



Hektik, Kinky Loops, Ramiro V. Sun: ‘Stripper Circus’.

Island Drive, Shelter Island. Wed: Cadillac Wreckers. Thu: Bumpasonic. Fri: Rising Star, The Fabulous Ultratones. Sat: Funk’s Most Wanted, Mercedes Moore. Sun: Luv a Lot, Missy Andersen. Mon: Sue Palmer. Tue: Michele Lundeen.

Riviera Supper Club, 7777 University Ave., La Mesa. Wed: ‘Boss Jazz’ w/ Jason Hanna. Thu: Chloe Lou and Davies. Fri: Sara Petite. Sat: Vinyl Pirates.

The Irenic, 3090 Polk Ave., North Park. Thu: Citizen, Teenage Wrist, Oso Oso, Queen of Jeans. Kava Lounge, 2812 Kettner Blvd., Middletown. Fri: Wyatt Marshall. Sun: ‘Toombao’. Tue: ‘A Celebration of the life of Cervantes Magana’. Kensington Club, 4079 Adams Ave., Kensington. Fri: Making Incredible Time, Yesai, Crucial Blend, Roman Watchdogs.

Rosie O’Gradys, 3402 Adams Ave., Normal Heights. Fri: Soulside Players. Sat: Tori Roze and the Hot Mess. Mon: Monday night jazz jam. Tue: Brennan Orndorff. Seven Grand, 3054 University Ave., North Park. Wed: Red Fox Tails. Thu: Jimmy Ruelas. Fri: Johny Tarr Quartet. Sat: Mt. Pleasant. Mon: ‘Makossa Monday’ w/ DJ Tah Rei. Tue: Trio Gadjo. Soda Bar, 3615 El Cajon Blvd., City Heights. Wed: Big Ups, Bellows, Hit

Bargain. Thu: Negative Approach, Final Conflict, Skullcrack. Fri: Weedeater, ZEKE, Sierra. Sat: Yung Bae, Umenos. Sun: Los Pinche Pinches, Hours, Material Boys. Mon: FACS, Exasperation. Tue: Alive & Well, The Dodges, Braggers, Slay Dean. SOMA, 3350 Sports Arena Blvd., Midway. Fri: Atomic 99, Mainman, The Grinns, Los Shadows, Coast Red, Velvet Dinner Party. Spin, 2028 Hancock St., Midtown. Fri: Trade Noir. Sat: Overdrive. Sun: Masterbeat. SPACE, 3519 El Cajon Blvd., City Heights. Fri: ‘Old School Dance Party’ w/ DJ Checka. Sat: cHEESE cHASERS. Tue: Karaoke. Til-Two Club, 4746 El Cajon Blvd., City

Heights. Thu: Smith and Tegio. Fri: Witch Mountain, Sixes, Beira. Sat: La Noche Oskura, The Amalgamated, Privileged. Sun: Pants Karaoke. Tin Roof, 401 G St., Downtown. Wed: The Corner. Thu: Keep Your Soul. Fri: Chad and Rosie, DJ Payne. Sat: Keep Your Soul, Kenny and Deez. Sun: Evan Diamond Goldberg. Tue: Evan Diamond Goldberg. Tio Leo’s, 5302 Napa St., Bay Park. Thu: Gino and the Lone Gunmen. Fri: The Siers Brothers. Sat: Colour. Tue: The Tourmaliners. Tower Bar, 4757 University Ave., City Heights. Wed: Karaoke. Thu: Poor, Demasiado, Ninja Night Race. Fri: The Revolutionary Guard, Downtown, The

Gay Agenda. Sat: Batlords, Good Time Girl, Missing Limbs. Mon: Abolitionist, The Midnight Block, Abortz. Tue: The Holophonics, Midnight Track, Privileged. U-31, 3112 University Ave., North Park. Wed: ‘Yes Lawd’. Thu: ‘Solace’. Fri: DJ Freeman. Sat: DJ Bacon. Whistle Stop, 2236 Fern St., South Park. Wed: ‘Open Oscillator’. Fri: Hexa, Esses, O/X. Winstons, 1921 Bacon St., Ocean Beach. Wed: Maka Roots, DJ Carlos Culture. Thu: ‘OB Hip-Hop Social’ w/ Atlantis Rizing. Fri: Marauak, Raggabond. Sat: Band of Gringos, Puerto. Mon: Electric Waste Band. Tue: The Wayne Garner Band.

Lestat’s Coffee House, 3343 Adams Ave., Normal Heights. Thu: Pike and Sutton. Fri: Platypus Eggs, Stacy Barnett, One Shoe. Sat: King Taylor Project, Josh Weinstein, Julia Othmer. Sun: Lizabeth Yandal, Avery Kolter, Charlie Schultz. Mon: Open mic. Mc P’s Irish Pub, 1107 Orange Ave., Coronado. Wed: Harmony Road. Thu: North Star. Fri: Manic Bros. Sat: Stilettos. Sun: Jackson and Billy. Mon: Gene Warren. Martinis Above Fourth, 3940 Fourth Ave., Hillcrest. Wed: ‘Bottoms Up’ w/ Kristine W. Thu: ‘Bottoms Up’ w/ Kristine W. Fri: The Janice Edwards Band. Sat: Sophia Alone. Sun: Stellita Porter and the Corvelles. Mon: Andy Anderson and Nathan Fry. The Merrow, 1271 University Ave., Hillcrest. Thu: Matthew Phillips, The Lowland Drifters, Thea. Fri: ‘Subwoofer’ w/ DJ Barry Harris. Sat: ‘Merrow Pride Party’. Sun: ‘The Playground’. Tue: Graveshadow, Silence the Prince, Monarch. Music Box, 1337 India St., Little Italy. Thu: ‘Out to End Gun Violence’ w/ Justin Tranter. Fri: Random Rab, Lapa, 9 Theory, Stoik. Sat: Strangelove, Electric Duke, DJ Robin Roth. Sun: Mudslide Slim. The Office, 3936 30th St., North Park. Thu: ‘No Limits’ w/ DJ Myson King. Fri: ‘After Hours’ w/ DJs Adam Salter, Ayla Simone. Sat: ‘Strictly Business’ w/ DJs Kanye Asada, Gabe Vega. Mon: ‘Motown on Monday’. Tue: ‘Trapped’ w/ DJ Ramsey. OMNIA Nightclub, 454 Sixth Ave., Downtown. Fri: Deorro. Panama 66, 1450 El Prado, Balboa Park. Wed: Gilbert Castellanos. Thu: Lorraine Castellanos Quartet. Fri: Mochilero All Stars. Sat: Bedbreakers. Sun: Shakedown String Band. Parq, 615 Broadway, Downtown. Fri: Saweetie. Sat: Audien. Pour House, 1903 S. Coast Highway, Oceanside. Wed: Open Mic. Thu: Dethsurf, The Revolutionary Guard, Downtown. Fri: Pharlee, Pushy, Zack Oakley, Joe Wood and the Lonely Ones. Sat: Splavender, Mainsail, Coyote Blues Redemption. Sun: The Night Howls. Tue: DJ Lexicon Devil. Proud Mary’s, 5550 Kearny Mesa Road, Kearny Mesa. Wed: Karl Cabbage. Thu: Tomcat Courtney. Fri: Nathan James. Sat: Shine Delphi. The Rail, 3796 Fifth Ave., Hillcrest. Fri: ‘Hip Hop Fridayz’. Sat: ‘Sabado En Fuego’. Mon: ‘Manic Monday’ w/ DJ Junior the Disco Punk. Rich’s, 1051 University Ave., Hillcrest. Wed: DJs John Joseph, Kinky Loops. Thu: ‘LEZ’ w/ DJs Kinky Loops, Kiki, KSwift. Fri: ‘Electro-POP’ w/ DJs Drew G, Dirty Kurty, Will Z, K-Swift, Ramiro V. Sat: ‘Pride Massive’ w/ DJs Taj, Tristan Jaxx,




CannaBeat Cannabis developments still at a trickle for many county cities


alifornia is now six months into the legalization of adult-use cannabis, yet it is easy to forget that many cities are still fighting for safe, convenient access to the plant that over 57 percent of San Diego County voters legalized in November of last year. Although the state of California permits counties and cities to allow cannabis businesses in their jurisdictions, many areas within San Diego County have yet to do so. However, certain areas such as Oceanside, Vista and Imperial Beach are making progress toward permitting cannabis operations in some capacity. Oceanside officials began accepting applications for the cultivation, manufacturing testing and distribution of medical cannabis on June 25. However, the city has not approved recreational sales, despite over 50 percent of residents voting in favor of Proposition 64. The Oceanside City Council also approved cannabis delivery for medical patients. Two Type 9 licenses were granted by the council on June 20, with the condition that they must report back to council in March 2019 to report on how the businesses are operating and the impact they are having on local law enforcement. As stated on the non-refundable $1,000 application, a Type 9 license is for a non-storefront retailer that must have a licensed premises, but is not open to the public and conducts sales exclusively by delivery. In Vista, the city council voted to put an initiative on the November ballot to clearly define cannabis regulations within the city. There is currently a ban on all recreational


cannabis outlets. The last known operating dispensary was raided and shut down in May. According to The San Diego Union-Tribune, this closure marks the first time period in which there are no illegal cannabis dispensary storefronts in Vista. This means that, for the time being, Vista residents are purchasing cannabis elsewhere in the county. Down in Imperial Beach, officials are inching closer toward fully legal and regulated recreational cannabis businesses. The Imperial Beach City Council voted 3-2 in favor of placing an ordinance on the July 18 agenda for a final vote that, if approved, would allow one dispensary to open. The council originally scheduled a vote for June 20, but postponed it to allow for further public comment. The two councilmembers who opposed the vote were Lorie Bragg, who supports cannabis prohibition, and Robert Patton, who wanted to postpone the vote to reconsider his support. Regulations included in the July 18 vote include a $10,000 application fee, a detailed security plan, proof that applicants hold at least $300,000 in liquid assets, a background check, one experienced cannabis industry manager and a properly zoned location that is over 900 feet from a park or school. Rather than taxing cannabis, the city has a plan to issue administrative fines to cover the costs of regulating cannabis businesses. In the city of San Diego, there are currently 13 licensed cannabis dispensaries. Many more unlicensed storefronts and delivery services are in operation in open defiance of city code, with the fear of being raided constantly looming. The results of a survey commissioned by The San Diego Union-Tribune and 10 News and conducted by SurveyUSA in April revealed that almost half of the 600 San Diego

Councilmembers Lorie Bragg and Robert Patton oppose cannabis in Imperial Beach County residents who were polled believe that legalization has been good for society, with 43 percent saying that they believe that cannabis is “generally good for a person’s health.” Fifty-seven percent believed that legalization has been good for the California economy. The poll also showed that 44 percent of participants said they believe that legal cannabis sales have had no effect on the crime rate. Only 17 percent said they believe that crime has increased. The survey also showed that men tend to use cannabis more for recreational purposes, while women tend to use it for health reasons. The landscape of legal cannabis in San Diego County is ever-changing. Only time will tell how many more cities within San Diego County will move to embrace medical or recreational cannabis businesses. —Pamela Jayne For the latest cannabis news and lifestyle trends, please pick up our sister magazine CULTURE every month or visit




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