San Diego CityBeat • July 13, 2016

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July 13, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 3


Murdering San Diego’s homeless people


AST THURSDAY, Mayor Kevin Faulconer, San have enough evidence at the moment to prove that Diego Police Department Chief Shelley Zim- man in the video is the person they arrested last week, merman, SDPD homicide Capt. David Nisleit 36-year-old Anthony Alexander Padgett. and other police brass converged for a press So the homeless community is back on alert. conference to announce they’d arrested a suspect in This is where the situation gets surreal. Prior to the grisly murder-and-torture case involving four lo- arresting Padgett, Nisleit had publicly warned the cal homeless men, including three who died. unsheltered homeless community not to sleep in The homeless community—those sleeping on the secluded areas by themselves, but to stay in groups. streets, the service providers and community advo- The buddy system is always good advice. But it seems cates who care about these souls—breathed a sigh of hypocritical; for months the city has been in high relief. gear of sweeping encampments—“abatements” to osConcurrently, over the weekend tourists and locals tensibly clean up trash—that discourage groups from began enjoying All-Star Game festivities. For many, an sticking together in places like 17th Street in East VilAll-Star respite was welcome. Home run derbies and lage. For whatever it’s worth, a major July 7 abatecelebrity softball games can serve to take our minds ment was cancelled in light of the senseless violence off the atrocities beamed from all corners of our divid- and murders of homeless individuals, said city of San ed country. Our heads had been spinning last week af- Diego public information officer Jose Ysea. ter news of black men being It’s uninspiring that the RON DONOHO killed by police officers in city catapulted into caring Minnesota and Louisiana, about homelessness only and a sniper taking aim and after a serial killer brought killing five police officers in international media attenDallas in apparent retaliation to the issue and when tion. Racial tension ratcha major sporting event was eted up as those numbing in town. videos of black lives being And riddle me this: ended by cops went viral on The SDPD attempts to social media. keep homeless folks alive Hell, yes, black lives by advising them to sleep The July 7 press conference: Capt. David in groups. But when Pasmatter, and to co-opt the Nisleit (center), Mayor Kevin Faulconer (left tor James Merino of The Black Lives Matter manof center), SDPD Chief Shelley Zimmerman Dream Center aims to tra (All Lives Matter, Blue (right of center). keep them alive by feeding Lives Matter) is to be blind to the root problem. them—blocks from Petco So as racism in America was again rising to the Park while the All-Star Game is here—the response fore, Major League Baseball stars arrived in San Di- from the men in blue is “we’ll bring the hammer ego to decide who gets home-field advantage in the down on you” if you do. World Series. Then came a local news shocker. The San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dususpect arrested in San Diego’s Homeless Killer case manis said her office would continue to assist in the was released from custody. Capt. Nisleit said there investigation, according to a 10News report. “Our wasn’t enough evidence to press charges. Unan- common goal is justice for the victims in this case and swered questions are flying around town like so many the safety of San Diego’s homeless as the investigation foul balls. continues,” she said. I’m gong to say it and put this cause in its own Homeless lives can’t be ignored—while a serial folder: Homeless lives can’t be ignored. If you reply killer is at-large, or ever. Sad to say, a twisted indithat all lives can’t be ignored please report to the vidual is going around beating and burning homeless principal’s office for your dunce cap. people. This, however, is just one more thing on a Nisleit came out alone on Monday to face the long list of dangers that, on a daily basis, threaten the press. He said this case is top priority, and he still be- lives of local people who sleep at night with no roof lieves the killer is the man caught on a convenience over their heads. store surveillance video who’d just bought a gas can —Ron Donoho (two of the three homeless victims who died were burned while they slept). However, the police don’t Write to There’s a Pokémon Pidgey located near the weed ads in this issue of CityBeat.

Volume 14 • Issue 49 EDITOR Ron Donoho MUSIC EDITOR Jeff Terich ARTS EDITOR Seth Combs WEB EDITOR Ryan Bradford ART DIRECTOR Carolyn Ramos STAFF WRITER Torrey Bailey COLUMNISTS Aaryn Belfer, Edwin Decker, Minda Honey, John R. Lamb, Alex Zaragoza

CONTRIBUTORS Matthew Baldwin, David L. Coddon, Beth Demmon, Andrew Dyer, Tiffany Fox, Michael A. Gardiner, Glenn Heath Jr., Peter Holslin, Jessica Johnson, Scott McDonald, Sebastian Montes, Jenny Montgomery, Susan Myrland, Michelle Poveda, Jim Ruland, Ben Salmon, Tom Siebert, Jen Van Tieghem, Amy Wallen EDITORIAL INTERNS Duncan Moore, Chloe Salsameda

SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Jason Noble ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Beau Odom Mark Schreiber Jenny Tormey ACCOUNTING Kacie Cobian, Sharon Huie Linda Lam HUMAN RESOURCES Andrea Baker VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE Kacie Sturek




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4 · San Diego CityBeat · July 13, 2016



July 13, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 5



Homeless people were camped in an Escondido building that mysteriously/deliberately burned (by the campers?) [“Does Red Cross exclude homeless from aid?” July 6]. People accused the Red Cross of not treating homeless people like disaster victims. Editors nationwide demanded an end to homelessness. They cited the human right of everyone to live anywhere they want, e.g. San Francisco, Beverly Hills, Rancho Santa Fe, La Costa, Gaslamp, La Jolla. I don’t feel the Red Cross should be bankrupted in an unattainable, failed attempt to end homelessness. They are going to screen people just like rescue missions and shelters do. Alcoholics, addicts, pet owners and violent people will be directed to other charities and emergency rooms. I don’t feel everyone can demand to live anywhere they want and have someone else pay for it. None of the proposed solutions will cure alcoholism, drug addiction and mental illness. Homelessness will not be ended without mandatory treatment and confinement. To wring your hands and claim otherwise is delusion and fantasy. Sebastian Caspary, San Diego


I’ll attempt an answer: I’m sure many Muslims reject the crap in the Koran, as many “Christians” reject Jesus as anything more than a man with original and humanistic ideas. So, yes! There are good “Muslims” [“Not singing along to that old-time religion,” June 29]. The West should have the guts to stop respecting Islam, and ask the truly “good” Muslims to civilize their religion with a new name. They need not reject Muhammad as Jesus’ successor, but consider Sharia law the work of Muhammad’s family, not Allah’s. As people who are conditioned since birth to believe in hate, an effective revolution would be impossible without many ethical members of the religion forming up a vigorous campaign to civilize it. Should such an action be taken, I have no doubt that it would be another provocation for the crazies, and the politicians who base their lives on hate and combat, to make war on their own “family.” So there really is no hope for Islam to fade into history; it’s here to stay forever—unless their youth and their intelligentsia make war on their parents’ adhesion to this religion. Saul Harmon Gritz, Hillcrest

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As to the San Francisco letter dealing with the homeless during major events [“Media coalition aimed at homelessness,” June 29]: I read that San Francisco had erected tents with cots and food in another location while the major sporting events were going on. I was told the homeless came back after the events were over. Regarding the organization that gives out food to the homeless once a week [“Pastor: SDPPD nixed homeless feedings for AllStar Game,” June 22]: I live right in the middle of tent city in East Village. The homeless are right outside my place every night. The worst that I’ve heard is screaming foul language at each other. Their tents and presence are eyesores. They do get fed by Father Joe’s when they want. From what I can tell, they don’t care about food. It’s about drinking and drugging all they want. A couple of people have overdosed and died outside. Yes, rents are sky-high here in San Diego. Even roommates are paying $1,000 a month. A studio in a so-so area is going for at least $1,200 or more. Regarding the All-Star Game: If I paid close to $400 a ticket, I would not want to walk over homeless tents and people lying in their own waste after I parked my rental car. From what I can gather, lots of homeless come here for the weather and the ability to be outside and get high. How about putting tents on the beach and move the homeless there during the All-Star Game? Cathy Ostrom, San Diego

TABLE OF CONTENTS UP FRONT From the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spin Cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Homelessness Op/Ed. . . . . . . . . Sordid Tales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 6 7 8 9

FOOD & DRINK The World Fare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dishing It Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Beerdist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bottle Rocket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10 11 12 13

THINGS TO DO Short List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Calendar of Events. . . . . . . . 14-16

ARTS & CULTURE Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 FEATURE: Pink Pistols . . . . 20-21 There She Goz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Seen Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25

MUSIC FEATURE: Fear of Men. . . . . . . 26 Notes from the Smoking Patio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 If I Were U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Concerts & Clubs . . . . . . . . 30-32

LAST WORDS In The Weeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34




A legacy for a politician is not a reason to bring back a flawed project for Balboa Park [“Faulconer, Jacobs again tout Balboa Park makeover,” July 6]. Finding the money to repair the millions of backlog projects to restore the park for future generations would be a much better legacy. Funding a bridge, roadway and parking garage in the middle of the Park, which a vast coalition of citizens opposed during the many public discussions, is just the wrong approach. If parking is the issue, then build at Inspiration Point or on the west side of the bridge and make the tram and public transit take the load of moving people around. LGmike, via

Last week was heavy-hearted, but with San Diego Pride on the way we’re ready to lick that and celebrate (popsicle cover art by art director Carolyn Ramos). Check out can’t-miss events in Short List (page 14) and get more LGBT news in Seth Combs’ Arts & Culture feature (page 20) and Alez Zaragoza’s “There She Goz” column (page 22).



CYCLE Ballot-measure bloodshed Ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors of bullets. -- Abraham Lincoln


hile Major League Baseball’s power elite belted soft pitches out of Petco Park Monday night during the pre-All-Star-Game’s Home Run Derby, the San Diego City Council was ensconced in its own marathon bash-fest. In the span of time it would take to play a doubleheader, the council swatted its way through a barrage of proposed ballot measures for the November general election. While the session began friendly enough, the evening eventually morphed into a bench-clearing skirmish that left participants and observers shaking their heads. “So that was interesting,” tweeted Councilmember Chris Cate afterwards along with the hashtag #excitingcityhallmeetings. Last weekend, Cate and Republican colleagues Mark Kersey and Scott Sherman ventured to Fiesta Island to participate in the 63rd annual OMBAC World Championship Over-the-Line Tournament under the G-rated team moniker of “The Bald and the Beautiful.” That team spirit seemed to carry over into Monday’s deliberations. While the council concurred unanimously on a variety of ballot measures that would alter the city’s charter—from requiring the city attorney to be an actual attorney to new rules for removing badly behaving city officials—that unanimity wore off as the evening progressed. Both Cate and Sherman opposed a ballot measure that would place a city tax on recreational marijuana, should state voters approve one of the anticipated 17 statewide propositions heading for the November ballot. The proposal, put forth by Kersey, would add a local tax of 5 percent of gross receipts on recreational-pot sales, rising to 8 percent after two years but leaving the door open for future councils to increase that to 15 percent. The tax would not apply to medicinal marijuana sales. Kersey said he worried that approving recreational pot sales would place a “costly unfunded mandate” on the city, particularly for law enforcement. Sherman said he was concerned where a “special San Diego-only” tax like this might lead on other products “we decide we probably don’t like,” such as on alcohol, cigars or “gas-guzzling SUVs.” “Thanks, but no thanks,” Sherman said. The Over-the-Line trio also lined up against outgoing councilmember Marti Emerald’s Firehouse Bond measure, which would raise property taxes over 30 years by $5 per $100,000 in assessed valuation to construct 18 new fire stations throughout


get the outcome I want” and creating an advantage for “candidates with union-boss backing.” Councilmember Cate grilled a stunned Jeff Marston, co-chairman of the IVP, about the proposal, using a press release that Marston later said was incorrect in claiming that a majority of California cities employ the top-two system. “It’s strange because Chris was very cordial when I met with him a couple weeks ago,” Marston said later. “This has nothing to do with increasing turnout. November is simply when most people vote. That’s indisputable. Will campaign strategists have to change their playbook? Yes.” The council eventually voted again along party lines to send the matter to voters in November. What likely won’t be on the November JOHN R. LAMB

San Diego councilmembers Mark Kersey, Scott Sherman and Chris Cate came ready for a fight Monday. yield would go a long way toward protecting “people who are most vulnerable” in communities that don’t benefit from development fees in wealthier neighborhoods that help pay for new stations. Opponents hooked into the concern that the bond measure would only cover construction of the stations, not staffing them, which is estimated to cost between $23 million and $27 million a year. Perhaps it was that insensitivity to the plight of poorer neighborhoods that started the council’s slide into acrimony as the evening wore on. Next up was a ballot proposal to require that citizen initiatives and referendums be placed on November ballots rather than in June to maximize voter participation. Andrea Guerrero, executive director of Alliance San Diego, told the council that overall voter involvement during general elections doubles, triples for people of color and increases fivefold for young voters compared to June participation. Campaign strategies for primary elections tend to focus their attention on highpropensity voters. Outreach typically intensifies during a general election.

measure to extend from 2039 to 2069 a 2008 measure that diverts lease revenues from Mission Bay Park to pay for improvements there and at other regional parks, which Faulconer announced just two weeks ago. Nevertheless, the measure was approved 5-4 for the November ballot, with councilmembers voting along party lines. Then the fireworks really amped up when discussion turned to a proposal by the Independent Voter Project to require November runoffs for the toptwo contenders in races for mayor, city attorney and City Council. Since the late ’80s, the city has permitted candidates who receive more than 50 percent of the vote in a primary election to claim victory, thus avoiding a November runoff when more voters participate. Local Republican Party leaders, most notably party chairman Tony Krvaric, have labeled the Independent Voter Project as a “corporate front group,” but on Monday Sherman accused the organization of fronting for organized labor, arguing that proponents sought to “change the rules to

While the session began friendly enough, the evening eventually morphed into a bench-clearing skirmish...


Councilmember Sherman blasted the proposal, arguing that fatigued voters already have a difficult time “making an informed decision” when ballots are weighed down with so many voter initiatives. Sherman and Kersey also were skeptical that some residents may not be aware of June primary elections. “Elections are scheduled. We know what our duty is,” Sherman said. Kersey agreed, adding, “Come on, that’s just not serious.” the city in an effort to lower response times, Republican councilmembers also obparticularly in underserved communities. jected to a perceived rush to get the meaThe measure will require a two-thirds sure on the ballot—Councilmember Lorie vote of the electorate, but to do nothing, Em- Zapf remarked breathlessly, “This just erald implored, would be the equivalent of went to Rules [Committee] three weeks “playing Russian Roulette with public safety.” ago!”—although they refrained from makCouncilmember David Alvarez, a strong ing similar comments about Mayor Kevin proponent of the measure, said the estimat- Faulconer’s approved November ballot ed $205 million the bond measure could


ballot, however, is a proposal from Californians Aware that would make government business conducted on private communication devices accessible through the state Public Records Act. Councilmembers, with the exception of Alvarez and an apparent vote-counting Todd Gloria, snubbed the ballot measure as former Councilmember Donna Frye, president of CalAware, battled for the long-sought requirement. Sherman went off the rails, suggesting that the public would suddenly be reading emails from his wife and children, but the Golden Raspberry for the day goes to Council President Sherri Lightner, who Frye said has been particularly reticent to docket the ballot measure for discussion. Lightner claimed that the city would have to meet and confer with city labor unions before giving the measure its blessing, but Frye sent along an email from City Attorney Jan Goldsmith disputing that. “The proper process for moving this matter to the city council is to notice it for discussion and direction to our office, not solely for meet and confer,” Goldsmith wrote Lightner in late June. “Jan did a terrific job,” Frye said. “Clearly, the majority of the council does not want this to see the light of day.” On this matter, the public unfortunately struck out. Spin Cycle appears every week. Write to

July 13, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 7


Our perception of homeless people is part of their downfall Policies like Homelessness Whack-A-Mole don’t work by Michael McConnell


ast week, another one of our homeless neighbors was attacked and died in the hospital after being beaten and burned. If that wasn’t gut-wrenching enough, it came on the heels of three other attacks on homeless men that occurred during the Fourth of July holiday weekend—and two of those victims are dead. (On July 7, a suspect was arrested, then released on Monday.) These acts of violence make this column that much more important, and even though it’s a difficult story to write about, I want to convey the significance of how we think about the people who struggle to live day-by-day on the streets of our city. No matter how earnest we are when we talk about solving homelessness, we continue to fail to make serious progress. It seems the community’s perception of people who are homeless and living on the street is getting worse in San Diego. I see pages popping up on Facebook that show people who are homeless at their worst. This is not surprising. The last homelessness count in San Diego showed that the number of people who are unsheltered—that is, people who are literally living on the streets, rather than staying in shelters—has risen. As this population grows, it further frustrates business owners, housed residents and elected officials, some of whom are calling for increased crackdowns instead of proven solutions. I talk to a lot of people about homelessness, and I’m often told that “these people” want to be homeless. This is a myth. Some of those who do say they don’t want to get off the street are simply frustrated—with wait times for getting housing, or with rules imposed by some shelters—or simply don’t trust the process or the people trying to help them. Others have so many years on the street that street life is all they’re comfortable with, or they’re mentally ill, or they suffer from substance addiction.

Most people who are homeless would rather not be homeless. Believing otherwise doesn’t hold water, but it does make it easier for people to ignore these suffering souls. This negative perception makes it easier to deploy or accept the kind of punitive tactics that we have seen in San Diego, which simply drive the problem into someone else’s backyard. For many people, these tactics are acceptable because, well, it means these homeless people are not in their backyard anymore. The problem is the whole process starts over somewhere else. When the city recently installed jagged rocks to dissuade people from camping under an overpass near downtown San Diego, an adjacent community celebrated—until they realized that the people who’d been living there moved deeper into their neighborhood. You might call this “Homelessness Whack-a-Mole.” It’s not a solution. Efforts to push people around often backfire, as do measures that effectively criminalize homelessness. Punitive tactics, such as citing people for what’s known as “illegal lodging” or “encroachment”—criminal-justice terms that essentially mean sleeping outside or blocking the sidewalk, respectively—exacerbate the problem. They contribute to a spiral effect that makes it increasingly harder for people to escape homelessness: These citations become failure to appear in court, which becomes an arrest warrant, which becomes jail time. People who are frequently in jail aren’t exactly the best candidates for upward mobility. The carrot-and-stick approach has been tried in cities across the country, failing to ever solve the issue but successful in making it a neighboring community’s problem. Cities that have successfully reduced homelessness are those that have provided genuine solutions—real paths from the streets to housing.

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Cities with misguided policies—driven by negative perceptions of people who are homeless—can even block the progress of people who are working hard to improve their lot in life. I met John and Jennifer back in March. They were friendly and open to sharing their struggle to escape homelessness. They both collected recycling, and John worked as many odd jobs as he could find. Someone who works with homeless people once told me, while gesturing toward a large encampment where John and Jennifer lived, that everyone “over there” are substance abusers. Well, in the three months I had known John and Jennifer, I never

suspected they were substance abusers. I got to know them pretty well and believed they were doing everything they could to get off the streets. Here’s the thing, though: They weren’t operating within the system created ostensibly to solve homelessness. They were doing it on their own by constantly trying to earn enough money to get housing. One day, I learned that John had found a full-time job. But it meant that he would have to leave Jennifer and their belongings on the street while he went to work or pack up every morning and find somewhere to store their belongings. Leaving her with their stuff where they camped risked getting cited, which would only sink them further into homelessness. Happily, advocates raised enough money to get them into a long-term motel room, which enabled John to get to work on time, well-groomed and without worry that Jennifer would get cited or, worse, have their belongings removed by the city. I also met a veteran, James, and his girlfriend Michelle during a recent sweep. They were quickly accumulating tickets for encroachment because they were living in a tent on the streets while

the San Diego Housing Commission and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs were helping them find a home. They, too, were lucky. As the jail time drew nearer, the Housing Commission and a helpful landlord managed to get James and Michelle off the street in the nick of time. These are not people deserving of our scorn. These are folks that have not been as fortunate as you or me. They’ve grown up in abusive or poverty-stricken households, they’ve fallen on hard times and lost jobs. And, yes, sometimes they are mentally ill and/or addicted to drugs and alcohol. Are they helped by our contempt? No, and this is what keeps me advocating for real solutions to homelessness in San Diego. Solutions like rapid re-housing and permanent supportive housing. Solutions that are proven. Solutions that are effective. And perhaps most importantly, solutions that are compassionate. Michael McConnell is a philanthropist and advocate who serves on multiple local and regional homelessness advisory committees. He can be found on Facebook at Homelessness News San Diego and Twitter at @HomlessnessSD.






The Mother buys an iPhone


n June 17, 2016, while in New York visiting my parents, The Mother lost her iPod and mobile phone. This was quite a tragedy given that she only recently learned how to use the darn things. I mean, it took four years before she figured out how to listen to voicemails without assistance and about as long before she ever played a single song on the iPod. And, it was at that same time when—after nearly setting her hair on fire while igniting a tray of magnesium powder to flash a family photo op—she resolved to get a new camera. And so, to my regret and dismay, I took The Mother to Best Buy to purchase an iPhone. On January 9, 2007 Apple announced the release of the first multi-use, touch screen device which combined a phone, an iPod and a camera into a hand-held gizmo called the iPhone. “It is a revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone,” Steve Jobs famously bragged, then added “...and 50 years ahead of Mrs. Decker’s ability to use it.” See, The Mother—a former schoolteacher, union president and certified grammar Nazi—has all the technological savvy of a stir-crazy hamster staring blankly at the latch on its cage door. I mean, this is a woman who until only recently thought that when my voicemail picked up a call, I was on the other end listening: “Eddie? It’s Mom. Are you there? Eddie? Pick up, pick up—pick up!” Her most recent email to me was a computer question. “Hi Eddie, I got a pop-up message saying to close my open programs because I’m low on memory. What is meant by ‘open programs’ and how do I close them?” Just sit back for a moment and think about what that means. It means Mom has never closed a program before—not on purpose anyway. Keep in mind, she didn’t just get a computer last week. She’s been using Windows for a decade. And Mom is not stupid woman. Nor is she suffering from dementia. I think the reason The Mother doesn’t close programs is because she’s terrified of doing something irreversible, as if she might accidentally delete Jesus if the wrong button is pressed. Somewhere in China an unknown factory worker assembled a processor that came from Japan, an accelerometer from Germany, a French gyroscope, an American chipset, a Taiwanese semiconductor and an Indonesian battery into a chassis from South Korea and shipped it to a Best Buy in Monroe, New York. It was there where The Little iPhone That Could patiently waited for someone to take it home and discover all the

wonderful things they could do together: Googling valuable facts and stats, mapping the planet’s greatest landmarks, setting calendar reminders for meetings in which you will be solving the world’s biggest problems, and taking prize-winning photos of history as it is happening! Instead, however, The Little iPhone That Could was purchased by The Mother— and something inside it died that day. On the drive home from Best Buy, The Mother is freaking out. “I hate this thing!” she snorts as she repeatedly jabs at the display like she is poking the chest of a student who can’t stop dangling his modifiers. I tell Mom to slow down and focus her aim but she won’t listen and gives up. She then retrieves the old iPod cord from the dashboard charger. “Should I keep this?” Mom asks. “Nah, it won’t work with the iPhone,” I say, as I gently try to remove the cord from her grasp. But she doesn’t let go. And now it is a tug of war, which I lose. Largely because, well, The Mother is a coarder (a cord hoarder). She’s got drawers-full of random cords from devices she hasn’t owned since the telegraph was a gleam in Samuel Morse’s eye. “But it’s got the same plug as the iPhone cord,” she says, referring to the USB end of the cord. I explain to her—knowing full well she will not retain a shred of this information—that the other end is what connects to the phone and it doesn’t match. Nonetheless, she holds onto the cord in case—you know—Armageddon comes and there’s a shortage of rope. Once home, I teach her how to text. After an hour of tutorials, this is what she sends me: “lyes! it came on again so I don’t have to put this then. but I thought if you get anything get you need to send it.” Note to Self: put texting lessons on hold for now. Later that night I hear a commotion coming from the computer room. I enter to see The Mother furiously stabbing the old, incorrect iPod cord into her new iPhone. “I hate this thing!” she shouts. On June 28, 2016, my parents drop me off at Newark Airport to catch a return flight to San Diego. When I land, I power up my phone and see that I have 21 voicemails from—The Mother. Upon seeing them, I panic. Is everyone all right? Did somebody die? But of course, you know what happened. It was 21 inadvertent dials from jabbing at some other app she was trying to open. On the cab ride home, for entertainment, I listen to the first few voicemails. “I hate this thing!” she says to The Father. You and me both, Mom. You and me both.

What is meant by ‘open programs’ and how do I close them?


Sordid Tales appears every other week. Write to

July 13, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 9





Emerald grows up


ecoming an adult is one part taking on responsibilities, one part shedding foolish romantic notions. When it comes to dim sum restaurants, one of those “foolish notions” is the romance of rolling carts. Losing them may be a blow, but it’s not just a nod to commercial reality. It also enhances quality. Emerald Chinese Cuisine (3709 Convoy St.) in the Convoy District proves that. I’ve sung the praises of those rolling carts— and of Emerald—in these pages before. But from Hong Kong to Vancouver to the San Gabriel Valley cart-less dim sum has become a trend. Those rolling dim sum carts and the English-challenged ladies who pushed them are, increasingly, little more than a cherished memory. Rather than picking those “little pieces of the heart” off the rolling carts, diners chose from a menu by checking off boxes on a Scantron-style card featuring numbers that correspond to dishes (with pictures) from the menu. It’s a bad SAT memory turned delicious. From the restaurant’s perspective it’s a good thing: fewer employees means lower costs. That much is easy to see. Somewhat less readily apparent is that by going away from the carts the food reaches the diner in a fresher state. Instead of spending time rolling around the restaurant, food can go straight from the kitchen to your table. Perhaps the single dish that best shows off the culinary advantages of Emerald’s new approach is the xiolongbao: Shanghai-style soup dumplings, featuring a pork and aspic filling inside a sturdy wrapper slightly thicker than that used for steamed dumplings. The best part of xiolongbao is that as the buns cook the aspic melts, leaving “soup” alongside the meat inside the bun. In the

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past, Emerald’s xiolongbao was disappointing, the soup leaking from breaks in the wrapper, a problem at least partly attributable to rolling cart wait times. On three recent trips the soup dumplings were perfect every time. Dumplings fresh out of the steamer are plumper, juicier than ones that did the full dining room tour. This was clear with the siu mai, steamed dumplings of pork and shrimp. Even with the carts Emerald usually had the best har gow (shrimp dumplings) in town, but every once in a while one would come out cracked or gummy. Now each is perfect. Similarly, Emerald’s yuba rolls filled with pork and bamboo shoots were always good. But every once in a while when they’d been on the carts for too long the yuba wrapper would dry out. Not so since the changeover. MICHAEL A. GARDINER

Juicy siu mai and har gow In truth, not all dishes were improved by the cartless system. But none suffered from the change. One downside evident shortly after the switch was all ordered dishes coming out simultaneously. Now, the kitchen courses them out (much like at a non-Asian restaurant with “share plate” menu). About the only remaining downside is the appearance of diminished options. The endless parade of carts held the promise of the perfect dish coming on the cart just around the corner. With the cart-less system you know just what you’re going to get. That may be less romantic, true, but the food itself is better. The World Fare appears weekly. Write to






Lot to like about The Lot


s much as I love going to the movies, there’s a lot that can be improved about the overall experience. The seats can be uncomfortable, the food choices are usually limited, and rules against phone use mean I can’t check Wikipedia if I see a character actor I recognize but can’t name. Oh, and society frowns on in-theater booty calls. Little things like that are why many people prefer to watch films at home. Some theater chains such as Cinepolis (12905 El Camino Real, Del Mar), ArcLight (4425 La Jolla Village Drive) and The Lot (7611 Fay Ave., La Jolla and 2620 Truxtun Road, Liberty Station) are hoping to provide a decent reason to come out to movie theaters again. I somehow managed to avoid these new luxury theaters until a couple of weeks ago when I checked out The Lot at Liberty Station. For the most part, it’s pretty sweet on a variety of levels. The price of admission is pretty steep: $15 for adults— and that’s just the theater’s introductory price—but that gives you reclining seats and food options besides cold popcorn, stale pretzels and a box of Sour Patch Kids with enough citric acid to burn off your tongue.


Oh, and the best part: Liquor. Lots of it: cocktails, craft beer and wine that is a helluva lot better than the Two Buck Chuck I usually sneak in with a Bota bag. I wanted to experience The Lot under game conditions so I made sure to pick a movie that wouldn’t be too good or too bad to affect the appearance. I saw Central Intelligence, a Kevin Hart, Dwayne Johnson action comedy whose title I forgot during the movie. Perfect choice. Here are some things you should know about The Lot Liberty Station: The Good: Great food choices. I especially enjoyed the Shishito Peppers ($8), which were perfectly charred with just some salt flavoring and a sriracha mayo dipping sauce. My wife was very happy with the asparagus salad ($11), which came with a duck egg on top. Certainly healthier than the Sour Patch kids. Great drink choices. I enjoyed both a margarita ($14) and a Fiji water while my wife was very happy with A Day At The Spa ($14), a version of the Mojito, but with cucumber. Nice reclining seats. Seriously. The seats recline all the way back so I could look at the ceiling if I wanted. Although Central Intelligence was fair, there were times when staring at the ceiling would have been better. Table service. It’s pretty cool to have a server cater to your every whim. The Bad: Not every food choice was stellar. The bacon and Brussel sprouts flatbread sounded good, but I didn’t taste much bacon in it. The seats make this annoying fart sound when you recline them. At quiet moments during the film, it sounded

One of many flatbread choices at The Lot like the campfire scene in Blazing Saddles. The Ugly: My shirt after I tried to eat the flatbread while slightly reclining in the seat. The stains haven’t come out yet. A few nitpicky points aside, I’d definitely come back to The Lot and try out the other theaters, but it’s still expensive enough that I would save it for special occasions like birthdays or the opening of the next Star Wars movie. Dishing It Out appears every other week.

July 13, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 11




BEERDIST An urban craft beer guide


inding one’s self on the threshold of America’s Finest (Beer) City can be overwhelming to the uninitiated. With the city expecting record July tourism there are certain to be mobs of flustered explorers downtown staring at Google maps, obstructing sidewalks and stepping unaware into traffic. Like many in the beer community, I avoid the area. Downtown establishments notoriously strive to appeal to the lowest common denominator of drinking and offer little more than fauxcraft and macro crap. It can be a challenge to find the beer that makes San Diego such a fabulous beer destination in the area. But here are ones worth finding: Mission Brewery (1441 L St.) is located just east of Petco Park in the refurbished Wonder Bread facility. A large kid-anddog-friendly tasting room and long list of housebrewed beer make this perhaps the most crowdfriendly option. Mission brews a San Diego-standard variety of hoppy IPAs and robust flavored stouts along with a rotating list of seasonal beers. Mission now offers free rides to the brewery from anywhere downtown, so no one is ever more than five minutes away from a fresh cold brew. Half Door Brewing (903 Island Ave.) is an East Village brew house. Located in a converted historic house, the rustic two-story exterior looks out of place among the glass and concrete highrises one block north of Petco. Half Door offers a full menu and two floors of indoor and outdoor seating. The beer is a decent sampling of San Diego style, especially the Citra-hopped Half Door session and the #Buzzwords pale ale. New to downtown, Resident Brewing Co.

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can be found at the back of The Local restaurant. Helmed by champion home brewer Robert Masterson, Resident offers another family-friendly destination downtown for anyone searching for an authentic San Diego beer experience. What better beer for a vacation than the Vacation coconut IPA? ANDREW DYER

Half Door Brewing No downtown beer guide would be complete without mention of Monkey Paw Brewing (805 16th St.). Head brewer Cosimo Sorrentino curates a tap list that boasts both house-brewed and guest beer. Sorrentino is a prolific collaborator and it is not unusual to also find two or three collab beers on tap. Monkey Paw has a kitchen, but, being also a full-service bar, is not family friendly. It is, however, a must-stop brewery for anyone with even a passing interest in craft beer. Downtown is not a complete wash for local beer, it’s just harder to find. There is good, local stuff outside the tourist and convention-goer traps that line the main thoroughfares. The Beerdist appears every other week. Write to





ROCKET Summer by the glass


s recent rising temperatures have swiftly turned my apartment into a sweltering sauna, I’ve realized now is the time to break out the white wine. Though I’m partial to Sauvignon Blanc and have grown to appreciate Pinot Grigio and Chardonnay, I wanted to look for alternatives to sip and serve this summer. First, I looked to my own wine rack. I had been sitting on a few bottles sent to me months ago and now found an excuse to chill a 2014 White Knight Viognier. What I love about Viognier in general is its floral essences and big character on the nose—the aromas always jump out of the glass and the wine practically begs to be consumed. This bottle hit all these markers, plus had a rich apricot flavor. I liked this one as an after-dinner treat with its weighty mouth feel and strong taste. Another white I recently picked up was a 2015 Verdelho crafted by Solterra Winery in Leucadia under its Costa Azul label. I grabbed two bottles of this at the San Diego County Vintners Association’s annual wine and food festival, and on a day when I sampled a couple dozen wines, this one clearly stood out with delicious tropical fruit flavors and honeysuckle aromas. I can’t say I’ve imbibed much Verdelho but this crisp local offering will have me looking for more. I pegged it as a perfect wine to go with lighter food fare, such as mild cheeses and gently grilled vegetables. The finale in my summer wine search was a stop at my favorite neighborhood bottle shop, Bine and Vine. I asked owner Geoi Bachoua if he happened to have any favorites for the warm weather and he immediately introduced me to a 2014 Traminer Aro-


matico by Villa Vitas from Italy. The name was new to me but I found that it’s a related clone of a familiar grape: Gewurtztraminer. There was citrus on the palate along with white peach and a touch of salinity, and prominent orange blossom, lime and soft baby powder scents remained throughout. I enjoyed the delicate flavors of this one as a pre-meal thirst-quencher. With more hot-weather months ahead, I’m sure these won’t be the last of my summer finds, but they all satisfied me so far; plus each rung up at an equally palatable price under $30. Write to

July 13, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 13











“Given the recent events in Orlando, now Tickets are $20, but don’t party too hard… Because you’ll need to rise early on Saturday to is the time more than ever to come out, celebrate and be proud,” says San Diego LGBT get a prime viewing spot for the Pride Parade. HapPride Public Relations Manager Alex Villafuerte. pening from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. all along University “To celebrate our accomplishments and progress, Avenue from Normal Street, the parade will feature COURTESY OF FERNANDO LOPEZ AND SAN DIEGO PRIDE dozens of floats, marchand also have some fun.” ing bands and communiWe couldn’t have ty groups. This year will said it better ourselves. also include a special Barely a year since the tribute to the lives lost in landmark Supreme Court Orlando. ruling legalizing gay marFinally, the Pride riage and only a month Music Festival will be removed from the worst on both Saturday and mass shooting in U.S. hisSunday at Balboa Park tory, this year’s San Diego (Sixth Ave. and Laurel LGBT Pride Celebration St.). Starting at 11 a.m. seems particularly poieach day, the fest, as algnant. Held Friday, July ways, sports an eclectic 15, through Sunday, July lineup of more than 150 17, the weekend is filled musicians, bands, comewith must-go celebrations dians and cultural perand activities. formers. There are five It all kicks off on Fristages spread out over day with the free Spirit of San Diego Pride seven entertainment Stonewall Rally at 6 p.m. at Marston Point (Balboa Drive and Eighth Ave.), zones and even if you’re not into headliners like which will feature speakers such as Padres CEO Kesha, Paul Oakenfold and Sam Sparro, there are Mike Dee and Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning. still plenty of vendors, booths and beverage garThen, head over to the Hillcrest pride flag (Nor- dens to check out. Tickets range from $20 to $120 mal St. and University Ave.) for the annual Pride for VIP passes. Check out the full itinerary of all Block Party, a dance-friendly festival in the streets. the weekend’s events at




The Del Mar racetrack is quick to tout its glamorous, star-studded history, but let’s not forget that it played a major role in famous degenerate Charles Bukowski’s book Post Office. And perhaps that’s the ultimate appeal of the track: a great equalizer that caters to everyone’s desire for both high and low culture. In the past, Opening Day—which goes down at 2 p.m. on Friday, wJuly 15—has attracted people who dress fancy but have an appetite for drinking, gambling and other debauchery. Ticket prices range from $10-$63. If betting on horses ain’t your thing, the Del Mar BBQ State Championship—starting at 1 p.m. on Sunday, July 17—will feature more than 40 professional pitmasters slinging their meat for your approval. Attendance is free with a racetrack ticket, but bring some money to buy some tasty samples.




For many of us Comic-Con is about as appealing as a Chewbacca costume in July; an overcrowded, overpriced and overwhelming expo where people are herded around like cattle at a pop culture feed lot. For those that want an alternative, there’s Villain Fest, a comic book, fantasy and sci-fi festival taking place in Barrio Logan. The free event is designed with families in mind, with activities for comic book fans of all ages. Kids can play games and make their own artwork, while adults can check out local artists and enjoy craft beer by Iron Fist Brewing. Other highlights include a cosplay contest and an appearance by the SDPD low-rider police car. The festival starts at 2 p.m. Saturday, July 16, at the Mercado Del Barrio (Cesar E. Chavez Pkwy). TARA ZIEMBA


*New Contemporaries Closing Reception at City Gallery, 1313 Park Blvd., Downtown. The closing of this exhibition featuring local emerging artists who’ve been nominated for the San Diego Art Prize. Winners will be announced. From 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday, July 14. Free. 619-388-3400, *Shore Thing at MCASD - La Jolla, 700 Prospect St., La Jolla. Every Thursday evening, enjoy free admission, exhibition tours of Holdings: Selections from MCASD’s Collection, music by The Roots Factory, light bites and a cash bar on the terrace. From 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, July 14. Free. 858-454-3541, *WeAreOrlando at Grand Hyatt, One Market Pl., Downtown. A pop up art exhibit to raise funds for the victims in the Orlando LGBT shooting at Pulse Nightclub. Features work from artist William Engel and others. Takes place in the Grand Lobby Bar. From 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, July 14 and Friday, July 15. Thursday, July 14. Free. 619-232-1234, facebook. com/events/765939856882353/ *Navigating the Map of Our Selfhood at Museum of Photographic Arts, 1649 El Prado, Balboa Park. The AjA Project and City Heights Hope present this new show featuring young women of East African descent exploring aspects of migration, identity and culture through the medium of photography. Opening from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, July 15. 619-238-8777, *Work Won’t Kill You at Art Produce Gallery, 3139 University Ave., North Park. San Antonio based artist, Patty Ortiz, will hire workers to create an immersive public photo-mural. Gallery visitors will be asked to participate and add dots to the collaborative work. Opening from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, July 15. Free. 619-5844448, *4:2 Closing at Quint Projects, 5171 B Santa Fe St., Bay Park. Last chance to view this site-conditioned artwork by Michael James Armstrong consisting of two light-flooded columns made of white nylon thread and framed by four black rectangles. From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, July 16. Free. 858-454-3409, Local Butcher at MaxWood Co., 3358 F St., Golden Hill. A showcase of the new gallery’s artists and other locals, with pieces ranging from three dimensional to classical paintings and accompanied by live painting, music, drinks and a food truck. Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, July 16. Free. 510-540-1487, *ComicArt 2 at Hess Brewing North Park, 3812 Grim Ave., North Park. Over 40 local artists will display new comic-bookinspired art in the fields of animation, anime, cartoons, comic strips, editorial cartoons, graphic novels and more. Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Wednesday, July 20. Free.

BOOKS Victor LaValle at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The author will be promoting The Ballad of Black Tom, a retelling of H.P. Lovecraft’s infamous story, The Horror at Red Hook. At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 13. Free. 858-268-4747, *Swan Huntley at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The debut novelist will discuss and sign We Could Be Beautiful, the story of a wealthy woman who has everything and yet can trust no one. At 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 14. Free. 858-454-0347, David Levine at Mysterious Galaxy Book

Del Mar racetrack

14 · San Diego CityBeat · July 13, 2016

Villain Fest

H = CityBeat picks

Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. A night of steampunk-infused science fiction as Levine will be promoting his new novel, Arabella of Mars. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 15. Free. 858-2684747, Frank Iszak at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. As part of Warwick’s ongoing Weekend with Locals program, Iszak will sign and discuss Freedom Flight: A True Account of the Cold War’s Greatest Escape. At noon. Sunday, July 17. Free. 858-454-0347, Lisa Brackmann and Martin Limon at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The two thriller writers will be signing their respective new books, Go-Between (Brackmann) and Ping Pong Heart (Limon). At 2 p.m. Sunday, July 17. Free. 858-2684747, Rachel Starnes at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The writer will discuss and sign her new memoir, The War at Home, a portrait of a modern military family and the realities of separation, endurance and love that overcomes. At 7:30 p.m. Monday, July 18. Free. 858454-0347, Scott McEwen at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The bestselling author and co-author of American Sniper will discuss and sign the newest edition in his Sniper Elite series, Ghost Sniper. At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 20. Free. 858-454-0347,

COMEDY *Stand-Up NBC Open Call Audition at American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., Downtown. Pros and amateurs alike are invited to do a one-minute audition for the new stand-up series. Only the first 100 comics who arrive will be seen. A handful will be invited back. At 9 a.m. Saturday, July 16 and Sunday, July 17, and 7 p.m. Monday, July 18. Saturday, July 16. $5-$10. 619-795-3858, Tuesday Night Comics at North Coast Repertory Theatre, 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach. The monthly show comprises talent from all over the country and is hosted by local funnyman Mark Christopher Lawrence. Includes a performance from The Killer Dueling Pianos. At 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 19. $25. 858481-1055, *Doug Loves Movies at American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., Downtown. Doug Benson (Super High Me, Getting Doug with High) returns for another recording of his popular movie-trivia game show podcast, with special surprise guests. From 8 to 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 20. $18. 619-795-3858,

DANCE transcenDANCE 10xChange at Museum of Contemporary Art, 700 Prospect St., La Jolla. A teen dance performance presented by the transcenDANCE Youth Arts Project. This annual show is the culminating event of a six-month long program designed to empower underprivileged youth and promote social change. At 2 p.m. Thursday, July 14 and 8 p.m. Friday, July 15 and Saturday, July 16. $10-$75. 858-454-3541,

FOOD & DRINK Bastille Day Bash at Venissimo @ Headquarters, 789 West Harbor Drive , Seaport Village. Celebrate the storming of the Bastille with a sampling of French cheese. Attendees will receive a compli-


EVENTS mentary glass of wine and 10 percent off everything in the store. From 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, July 14. $50. 619-358-9081, *Toast to the Coast: FUNdraiser for the San Diego Surfrider Foundation at Marina Village Conference Center, 1936 Quivira Way, Mission Beach. An eco-friendly celebration with music by DJ and Brazilian Reggae band Raggabond. Admission includes drink ticket, food samples and commemorative photo. From 6 to 10 p.m. Thursday, July 14. $30-$50. 619-222-1620, Opening Day Pre Party and Hat Extravaganza at Arterra Restaurant @ San Diego Marriott, 11966 El Camino Real, Del Mar. Arterra Lounge is kicking off race season with specialty beers, craft cocktails, food stations, and the sounds of DJ Sach. Prizes for the best hat. From 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, July 15. $50. 858-3696032,

$25. The Casbah Presents at The Lafayette at The Lafayette Swim Club & Bungalows, 2223 El Cajon Blvd., North Park. The monthly pool party will feature music from DJ Claire and Dani Bell & The Tarantist. From noon to 5 p.m. Saturday, July 16. $20. 619-296-2101, Diana Ross at Embarcadero Marina Park South, 206 Marina Park Way, Downtown. No introduction necessary for the legendary Supremes singer/songwriter, who also achieved massive solo success with the hit “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.” From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Sunday, July 17. $20-$85. 619-686-6200, Rick Springfield, Loverboy and The Romantics at Harrah’s Resort SoCal - The Events Center, 777 Valley Center

Rd, Three bands whose respective hits “Jessie’s Girl,” “Working For The Weekend,” and “What I Like About You,” soundtracked coke parties in the early ‘80s. At 7 p.m. Sunday, July 17. $45$95. 760-751-3100,

his own twist on The Wonderful Wizard of Oz with an original show that features original songs, choreography and costumes. At 7:30 p.m. Saturday, July 16. $25-$100. 619-570-1100,

Daryl Robinson at Spreckels Organ Pavilion, 1549 El Prado, Balboa Park. The organist, who recently played at the GO Young Artists competition, will perform as part of the International Summer Organ Festival. At 7:30 p.m. Monday, July 18. Free. 619-702-8138,


PERFORMANCE *Straight Outta Oz at Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave., Downtown. Broadway actor and YouTube personality Todrick Hall puts

Justice for Alton Sterling and Philando Castile Rally and Vigil at City Heights Library, 3795 Fairmount Ave., City Heights. Support of black and brown communities targeted by police at this community rally. From 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, July 15. Free. events/514234505434551/

SPECIAL EVENTS Night Owls on the Seine at Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, 1008 Wall St., La Jolla. Celebrate Bastille Day with French cocktails, baguettes, fromage, beer and art from local female artists Jean Lowe and Adrienne Joy. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Thursday, July 14. $5-$10. 858-4545872, *Opening Day at Del Mar at Del Mar Racetrack, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. The annual event marks the start of the Del Mar Racetrack season. Bet on the ponies, enjoy the people watching and fashion-minded guests can participate in Del Mar’s annual tradition, the Opening


Beef Stew for 2500 at Coronado Public Library, 640 Orange Ave., Coronado. Culinary Historians of San Diego present this talk about the evolution of naval cooking from the Revolutionary War to the present. From 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, July 16. Free *Del Mar BBQ State Championship at Del Mar Racetrack, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. More than 40 of the nation’s top professional BBQ pitmasters, local restaurants and chefs will be competing in this State Championship while also selling BBQ samples to the public. From noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, July 17. $6 -$10. 858-755-1141, Get to Know Cheese at Liberty Public Market, 2820 Historic Decatur Road, Learn a little history, how it’s made, what to pair, ways to serve and much more. Complementary wine and cheese samples included. From 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, July 18. $50. 619-930-9713, *SoCal Food & Wine Festival at Ramona Mainstage, 626 Main St., Ramona. Enjoy a variety of cuisine and wine pairings from ten top chefs and ten premium wineries in the Southern California area, all to benefit the domestic violence prevention programs at the Center for Community Solutions. At 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 19. $89. 760-789-7008,

MUSIC *The Mambo King: A Tito Puente Salute at Embarcadero Marina Park South, 206 Marina Park Way, Downtown. The new Thursday Night Jazz series kicks off with a tribute to the late Tito Puente., who was known for Afro-Cuban beats, Latin jazz riffs and the timbales. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Thursday, July 14. $20-$85. 619686-6200, *Classical Mystery Tour: A Tribute to The Beatles at Embarcadero Marina Park South, 206 Marina Park Way, Downtown. Relive Beatlemania with this 50th anniversary symphonic commemoration of the Liverpool boys’ final tour as a group. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 15 and Saturday, July 16. Friday, July 15. $20-$85. 619686-6200, Sounds of Summer Pop-Up Concert Series at various locations, Downtown. The third in a summer-long series of local musicians performing at different spots downtown. This week features Neil Selinger, Anna Vaus and Tony Palkovic. Check website for locations. From noon to 2 p.m. Friday, July 15. Free. Summer Splendor at Encinitas Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, Encinitas. The North Coast Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Daniel Swem, perform a program of light classical and pops music. At 2:30 p.m. Saturday, July 16. $8-


July 13, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 15


EVENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 Day Hats Contest. At 11:30 a.m. Friday, July 15. $6-$10. 858-755-1141, Park After Dark at Balboa Park. On Fridays from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend enjoy extended evening hours at ten museums inside Balboa Park, as well as food trucks and entertainment throughout the Park on select dates. Various times. Friday, July 15. Prices vary. *Pride of Hillcrest Block Party at Pride Flag, Normal Street, University Avenue, Hillcrest. Pride Weekend kicks off with live performances by local DJs and go-go dancers, a ferris wheel, a laser show, bottle service, and more. From 6 to 11 p.m. Friday, July 15. $20-$45. *Spirit of Stonewall Rally and Flag Raising at Marston Point, 6th & Laurel, Balboa Park. The official kickoff to Pride weekend honors leaders who are working hard to preserve LGBT gains. Speakers include Padres CEO Mike Dee and Secretary of the Army Eric Fanning. From 6 to 7 p.m. Friday, July 15. Free. The BLVD Market Celebrates Pride at The BLVD Market, 2855 El Cajon Blvd., North Park Celebrating S.D. Pride with diversity in food, music and community. Vendors from Belgium, Hawaii, Africa and more will offer everything from snacks to desserts. From 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, July 15. Free. The Party on Opening Day at Del Mar Racetrack, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Kick off the racing season with DJs, food trucks, a beer garden and prize giveaways. Limited first-come, first-served seating in shaded tents. At 11:30 a.m. Friday, July 15. $30. 858-755-1141,’s Let’s Battle Tour at USS Midway Museum, 910 N. Harbor Dr., Downtown. A celebration for players of the MMO games World of Tanks and World of Warships. The event will feature 30 gaming stations, flight simulators, and docent-led tours of the USS Midway. From 6:30 to 11 p.m. Friday, July 15. Free. 619-544-9600, Jockey Photo Day at Del Mar Racetrack, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. Meet the athletes that make Del Mar’s jockey colony. Have your picture taken, get an autograph and chat with your favorite jockeys. From noon to 1 p.m. Saturday, July 16. $6-$20. 858-755-1141, *Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market at NTC at Liberty Station, 2640 Historic Decatur Road, Point Loma. More than 100 vendors from across the country will sell all things rusty, vintage and handmade, including clothing, furniture and jewelry. There will also be live music and food trucks. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 16 and Sunday, July 17. Free-$25. 619-573-9300, Rubio’s CoastFest at Oceanside Pier Amphitheatre, 200 N. The Strand, Oceanside. Patrons can watch live music from The Mowglis, sample complimentary food and drinks and participate in a beach cleanup at this fifth annual summer festival. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, July 16. Free. *San Diego Pride Parade and Festival at Hillcrest and Balboa Park. Celebrate LGBTQ pride with the annual parade, festival, rally, block party and more. Parade from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, July 16, along University Avenue in Hillcrest. Festival ($20-$30) happens from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, July 16, and 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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Sunday, July 17. Free-$120. *Villain Fest at Mercado del Barrio, National Ave at Cesar E Chavez Pkwy., Barrio Logan. A day of comic fun featuring comic games, free arts and crafts, cosplay contests, a lowrider police car and much more. From noon to 5 p.m. Saturday, July 16. Free. 858-526-6650, Supersized Family Fun Day at Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. More family-friendly activities than usual will be available at the Del Mar racetrack, including rock climbing walls, bungee trampolines and free horseback rides. From 12:30 to 6 p.m. Sunday, July 17. Free-$6 858-755-1161,

SPORTS World Championship Over-The-LineTournament at Fiesta Island, E. Mission Bay Drive, Mission Bay. The annual beach game tournament that combines elements of beach baseball, softball and cricket is celebrating its 63rd birthday with more teams, more matches and special permits so fans can BYOB. From 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, July 16 and Sunday, July 17. Free.

TALKS & DISCUSSIONS *Neville Page’s Creative Process at California Center for the Arts, 340 North Escondido Blvd., Escondido. Creature and concept designer Neville Page explores his artistic process, his career in the film industry, and discusses trade secrets. From 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, July 17. $10. 760-839-4190,

WORKSHOPS Farm to Table Vegetarian Cooking Class at City Farmers Nursery, 3110 Euclid Ave., City Heights. Learn about which of Suzie’s Farms’ community supported agriculture boxes is right for you as well as all the tips and tricks needed to make amazing seasonal fresh vegetable recipes. From 2 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, July 16. Free-$18.93. Seeking the Silent Stranger with Hyacinthe Baron at The Studio Door, 3750 30th St., North Park. Artist Hyacinthe Baron will explore the process of revealing untapped creativity as outlined in her book Seeking The Silent Stranger: Drawing Your Way into the Deeper Self. From noon to 2 p.m. Saturday, July 16. Free. Writing Workshop for Adults at La Jolla Library, 7555 Draper Ave., La Jolla. Bestselling author Caitlin Rother will teach the basics of storytelling by leading participants in exercises and offering some practical techniques they can use to continue to write on their own. From 10:30 a.m. to noon Saturday, July 16. Free. 858-552-1657, The Muse and the Mystics at The Ink Spot, 2730 Historic Decatur Road, Barracks 16, Suite 202, This workshop is designed to put juice into your poetry and help you pay attention to your intuitive voice. From 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, July 17. $45-$54. 619-6960363, DIY MFA at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The author of DIY Mfa: Write with Focus, Read with Purpose, Build Your Community, Gabriela Pereira, will present a writing workshop on outlining. At 7 p.m. Monday, July 18. Free. 858-268-4747,

“Sweet Life” by Elena Bulatova will be on view at at WeAreOrlando, a group show presented by Alexander Salazar Fine Art opening from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, July 14, at the Grand Lobby Bar inside the Grand Hyatt (One Market Pl., Downtown). Crafts & Culture: Handbuilt Clay with Terri Hughes-Oelrich at Art Produce Gallery, 3139 University Ave., North Park. Learn the basics of crafting with Terracotta clay by making your own planter, pot or sculpture. Admission includes materials, lessons and a five ounce beer. From 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 20. $45. 619584-4448,



July 13, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 17


Andy Lucien and Brittany Bellizeare in The Last Tiger in Haiti

Brave storytellers


hances are, The Last Tiger in Haiti will be your first exposure to the heartbreaking plight of the restaveks, child slaves in Haiti whose freedom and much, much more is robbed of them until they reach the age of 18. This is not an extinct, sorrowful chapter in the island nation’s past, either. As many as 300,000 restaveks are believed still living in Haiti, where child slavery is frowned

18 · San Diego CityBeat · July 13, 2016

upon but not banned. The worldpremiere play The Last Tiger in Haiti at La Jolla Playhouse is harrowing, but in the darkness flickers the light of these young people’s survival—Haiti’s traditional art of storytelling. In the play written by UC San Diego MFA graduate Jeff Augustin and directed by fellow grad Joshua Kahan Brody, five young ones address their fears, keep their hopes alive and bond in as close to a loving family as they can get, by telling folk stories. The tales are riveting and animated, making the first act of The Last Tiger in Haiti, a co-production with Berkeley Repertory Theatre, magnetic drama. Each of the restaveks—Max (Andy Lucien), Laurie (Jasmine St. Clair), Joseph (Reggie D. White), Emmanuel (Clinton Roane) and the younger Rose (Brittany Bellizeare)—fully inhabits his or her story, giving the narratives immediacy and theatricality. The arrival of Act 2, a fast forward into the future, finds Rose grown and the published author of a book about her childslave life. But Max, who’s visiting her at Rose’s swanky Miami home, begins a confrontational

dialogue that upends to some extent everything we learned in Act 1. Integral as this development may be to Augstin’s story, it gives the play a disjointedness if not wholly diminishing the poignancy of the first-act folk tales. Max is arguably the play’s central character, and Lucien’s intense portrayal is the vessel that contains all of The Last Tiger in Haiti’s anger and hurt. Bellizeare’s Rose is more credible in the first half of the production when she taps into the insecurities of childhood. St. Clair, for her part, is magical when she tells and sings the story of “The Orange Tree” in Act 1, a lyrical sequence that momentarily, but only momentarily, distracts you from The Last Tiger in Haiti’s grim reality. The Last Tiger in Haiti runs through July 24 at La Jolla Playhouse, UCSD campus. $20-$59;

well as the Harlem Renaissance movement. Written and directed by Richard Maltby, Jr., it opens July 13 at the North Coast Repertory Theatre in Solana Beach. Gypsy: Stephen Sondheim’s lavish musical about an overbearing stage mother’s attempts to make her daughters into stars of the stage. Presented by Cygnet Theatre, it opens July 14 at the Old Town Theatre. Funny Business: The So-Cal premiere of this British farce about a seedy hotel whose guests and staff are thrown into upheaval after the arrival of a notorious journalist. Presented by PowPAC, it opens July 15 at the Poway Community Theatre. Hamlet: When the prince of Denmark’s father mysteriously dies, he sets out to find the truth and get revenge in Shakespeare’s classic play. Directed by Tom Haine, it opens July 15 at the Coronado Playhouse. Hamlet: Yes, another Hamlet. This one is a “deconstructed, reimagined and reconstructed” take on Shakespeare’s classic revenge tale. Presented by the Shakespeare Ensemble Company, it opens July 15 at the Project Space @ Horton Plaza. shakespearecompany.

—David L. Coddon

Theater reviews run weekly. Write to

OPENING: Ain’t Misbehavin’: A musical revue of the black music of the ‘20s and ’30s, as

For full theater listings, visit “T heater ”at



July 13, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 19

CULTURE THINK ABOUT THE MOTTO, ‘armed gays don’t get bashed.’ There’s a lot of truth to that,” says Piper Smith. “Wouldn’t it be great to see more headlines where, instead of someone getting bashed, you read about some LGBT people who got chased into an alley and instead of getting bashed they pull a pistol and scare them off? Wouldn’t it be great to see more headlines like that?” It’s a question Smith has been asking herself a lot lately. The El Cajon native who characterizes herself as a “little-L libertarian” has been a proponent of gun-rights and the “self-defense mindset” her whole life. “When I was growing up, the firearms in the home were always for self-defense,” Smith says. “It was always normal for me.” Smith, along with her girlfriend Carissa Schmidt, recently started a local chapter of Pink Pistols (pinkpistols. org), a national, pro-firearm organization that, according to its website, is “dedicated to the legal, safe and responsible use of firearms for self-defense of the sexual-minority community.” Smith and Schmidt are more than aware that be-

20 · San Diego CityBeat · July 13, 2016

ing pro-gun makes them a bit of a minority within a minority and runs counter to what much of the LGBT community believes. Yet both claim they’ve seen a bit of shift in attitude lately. Schmidt cites recent events as the catalyst for the newfound interest in groups like Pink Pistols. “The day of the Orlando shooting remains a painful memory which won’t fade any time soon,” says Schmidt, who once worked at a local shooting range, but had actually never shot a gun until she met Smith. “Piper and I, like so many others across the country, knew that we had not only a desire but a necessity to do our part in helping protect ourselves and others from having this happen again. That begins with our own city, and when the Craigslist threats for San Diego appeared shortly after, we knew all too well that it could happen here, too. We realized we could connect people with instructors of firearm fundamentals and other self-defense classes, and instill within them the knowledge, if they only seek it. The demand for this is loud, and we’re responding.” And according to both women, people are responding. Just as anti-gun LGBT groups such as the Human Rights Campaign and Gays Against Guns have seen a spike in memberships and followers on social media, so too have groups like Pink Pistols. Membership in the 45 nationwide Pink Pistols chapters has more than doubled since Orlando. Since starting the San


CULTURE Diego chapter on June 15, Smith has added more than 200 members. “I’ve been pleasantly surprised with just how open people have been to the selfdefense message involving firearms,” Smith says. “I think the LGBT left-wing community is much more open to having a conversation about firearms than the left-wing community at large. I think that’s obviously tied to the LGBT community being a minority which has been targeted for entirely too long.” Some LGBT gun advocates—like Stonewall Shooting Sports of Utah president Scott Mogilefsky—have argued for armed security personnel at nightclubs. Local Pink Pistols member Paige Biron agrees. Carissa Schmidt and Piper Smith


“I think it’s a good idea,” says Biron, a former Marine who teaches gun safety classes. “At venues in Europe, there are police there. I don’t see any reason why a nightclub owner couldn’t have one or two employees trained with firearms inside a club here.” However, some professionals in the industry disagree. Manny Marquez is the vice president of Nightclub Security Consultants, a local firm specializing in training security guards and club bouncers. “We generally recommend against that,” Marquez says. “What club owners often have to do is hire off-duty police officers or ODOs who are doing it for extra money. You might think you’re getting a police officer, but in reality you’re getting a guy who just worked eight hours and they often don’t perform as they should because it’s a second gig.” What’s more, it’s illegal in San Diego to carry a concealed firearm on California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Controllicensed premises. So barring some drastic change in the law, clubs won’t be able to have armed security even if they wanted them. Further com-

plicating matters for pro-gun groups is the recent ruling in the case of Peruta v. San Diego County. Just three days before the Orlando club shootings, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld a lower court ruling that challenged the city’s restrictive policy pertaining to issuing concealed carry weapons permits (CCW). Essentially, the San Diego County Sherriff ’s Department didn’t consider self-defense a suitable enough reason on its own to issue a CCW. The language in the policy required the CCW applicant to show “good cause” for why they needed the permit, which is often difficult to prove. In June, the court ruled 7-4 that “there is no Second Amendment right for members of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public” and thus upheld the county’s current system of permit issuance. Put simply, even if an LGBT person owned a firearm, it’s unlikely they’d ever be able to use it to prevent a hate crime much less carry it on their person. While Peruta v. San Diego County has

been appealed, it seems clear that whether members of the LGBT community believed in gun control or are staunch Second Amendment defenders, the Orlando massacre and the continuous gun violence since has only served to further solidify or intensify the stances of both sides. “Orlando happened just as the district court ruled that we didn’t have the right to carry a firearm for self defense outside of the home,” says Smith, who is quick to add that she thinks people who apply to get CCWs should also have firearm training. “It’s not just about an Orlando scenario, it’s about all the other scenarios; the alley scenarios. It’s extremely infuriPiper Smith ating to be a woman who has had people threaten her life. I’ve had people spit in my face and call me an abomination. And then to have the sheriff of your county say you don’t have ‘good cause’ to carry the tools necessary to defend yourself. It’s just infuriating.”

July 13, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 21





The trouble with being a sister and an ally


e don’t shop at Target,” said my sister, who was lounging on a lawn chair. It was 117 degrees out in her Los Angeles backyard. Perhaps that was a premonition for the heated discussion to come. Sensing something I wholeheartedly disagreed with about to come out of her mouth, I paused. Should I ask why? I knew it would be bad. But I just couldn’t control myself. I relented and asked why. “Because of that whole transgender bathroom issue. I just don’t think they should use them. It’s not that I don’t like trans people. But what if some pervert uses that as an excuse? They say they’re a transgender person just to go into the bathroom and do something to my kid. I’d just rather none of them be able to use the bathrooms.” My face began to boil. I felt the words start to come up. “It’s perfectly understandable that you would want to protect your kids from harm, but that. is. compleeeeetley ignorant. I mean, the likelihood…” She held up her hand and stopped me right before the rage fully projectiles out of my mouth. “I thought we decided we wouldn’t talk about this stuff. We’re never gonna agree. I would just rather you just be my sister and not give me your whole LGBTQ-defending shit. I just want you to be my sister.” She was right. We had agreed to this, so I had to relent. I took another swig of my michelada and forced myself to cool the fuck down. The topic of LGBTQ rights is a tough one in my family. Very tough. It has led to fights, screams, some unkind words thrown venomously and on occasion a deep conversation that has led to very little change of mind. As I like to believe, I’m slowly chipping away at them. However, I can’t be sure of that. But I do it anyway. I’ll also admit that my reaction to anti-LGBTQ rhetoric spoken by my family can be kind of childish. When my mom reacted in disgust to something I can’t recall involving lesbianism, I got so annoyed that I told her I’ve had plenty of sexual experiences with women and I didn’t mind it at all. In fact, I liked it! Am I disgusting, mom? Am I? Kind of ruined her birthday lunch, but I couldn’t help myself. These prejudicial ideas they have aren’t born out of thin air. Many factors contribute to hate, fear and discrimination. It wasn’t that long ago that it was believed gay people were harbingers of deadly disease. If a gay man kisses you, you might die. That sort of ignorance breeds fear and hatred. It doesn’t make it OK, but it adds context that we can build on

as a foundation for education. When you’re Mexican, you grow up hearing the f-word or the Spanish variations of that word used openly against any man who doesn’t fit the mold of the strong, machista Mexicano. If that man is actually gay, it’s a lot worse. Lesbians are considered disgusting. The idea of two members of the same sex engaging in any form of affection or sex is considered harmful, repugnant, frightening or even dangerous. Trans people are freaks, and so on. All LGBTQ people should hide away, because as I’ve often heard, “no one wants to see that.” Those same sentiments exist across all racial and ethnic borders, however. With time, learning and shifts in societal understanding, I have seen some progress within my own family. They have given me a space to talk about the issues I’m passionate about, even when they are often at the brunt of my attacks against their character. They were appalled and saddened by the shooting at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, because regardless of your sexual or gender identity, or even what you believe in, no one deserves to be targeted because of who they are and murdered or harmed in cold blood. It’s hard when you’re deeply passionate about the rights and equal treatment of all people, but your loved ones don’t understand the problems with various inequities and discriminatory beliefs. It’s in these moments when I see how love is kind of unconditional. My family doesn’t get a pass from me, but our familial harmony forces me to let some things go, and believe me that is a dry, bitter and mountain-sized pill to swallow. I let them go, though, so a deeper conversation can happen later, not in the heat of an angry moment. I’ve cut off some extended family members completely for reasons that include their bigotry. My sister just wants me to be my sister. I can’t blame her for that because feeling like your loved one is your adversary is terrible. So how do you reconcile being an ally and being a loved one to someone you see as one of the problems in our world? I’m really not sure. It’s impossible not to get angry or want to force understanding onto someone, especially when you know they’re better than what they’re projecting. But sometimes, I just have to be a sister, and it often feels like defeat. Is a break in the fight for equal rights allowed for the peace of your family? I still can’t decide.

The topic of LGBTQ rights is a tough one in my family.

22 · San Diego CityBeat · July 13, 2016

There She Goz appears every third week. Write to




such as director David Lynch and writer Raymond Chandler. Schreiber says they channel these myriad influences within their own show, which is set in the fictional burg of Santek Beach, a “seaside city known for its biotech hubs, military zones and cafe-owning cults.” Describing it as a “sci-fi-noir comedy,” Smith is quick to point out that Candy Ego is foremost a dark comedy with strong satirical elements. sh Eliza Smith and Kim-Anh Schreiber are “It’s a celebration and a satire of San Diego at the reluctant to divulge many details or plot points same time,” Smith says. “There’s enough complexity about their new web series, Candy Ego. The to the characters that it’s not poking fun at them all writer and artist duo, who are working under the col- the time.” lective name Hysterical Accuracy have just finished Schreiber adds that the noir aspects of the show penning five episodes and are equally noticeable and COURTESY OF HYSTERICAL ACCURACY still aren’t sure whether references the opening they’ll cast themselves shot of David Lynch’s Mulas the show’s two female holland Drive as a particuprotagonists. Still, they do larly poignant influence. seem to have a good sense “The camera’s moving of the art of the pitch. over these palm trees and “The way I’ve been you just know that somedescribing it to people is thing is wrong, but you that two researchers are don’t know what it is, beworking at this large insticause, well, there’s these tution and they slowly and beautiful palm trees,” Schhaphazardly unravel this reiber says. enormous conspiracy that The duo plans to reAsh Eliza Smith and Kim-Anh Schreiber involves raving teenagers lease the initial five-epand pizza-eating cults,” Schreiber says. “We had isode season in early 2017 and will likely launch a this line we were kicking around for a while where crowdfunding campaign in the next few months. everything is falling apart and one of the characters They’ve set up a Facebook page for the project and says, ‘Let’s just go to the beach.’” recently finished the first round of casting. “Yeah, let’s just go eat fish tacos,” Smith adds “One of the people auditioning, she’s adorable with a giggle. and on her resume, she says she does monster voices Smith and Schreiber both work at UC San Diego, which I’m very excited about,” says Smith, laughing. but actually met in New York City before reuniting “She has that as one of her skills!” at UCSD. The two started talking about what would Schreiber can’t help but laugh before adding, eventually become Candy Ego two years ago after “Yeah, so it may be a sci-fi-noir comedy, but with bonding over comedic shows such as Broad City monster voices.” —Seth Combs and Be Here Nowish, as well as noir-inspired icons





ottie Hop owner Brenna Judkins couldn’t always embrace her weirdness. She says growing up in Akron, Ohio, she developed artistic inclinations at a very young age and wanted to be a cartoonist until she was a teenager. It was also around this time that she also began constructing cheeky earrings and accessories made from found materials. “When I was growing up, we didn’t have a lot of money for beads, tools and wire,” Judkins says. “I would scavenge from stuff I already had or use stuff I found like Barbie parts.” Needless to say, her homemade accessories didn’t exactly impress her classmates. “I was that weird kid and I was teased mercilessly,” Judkins says. “I was probably the only person who wore any of my jewelry until the last five years.” Judkins lets out a sarcastically nefarious laugh when asked how she feels now that her once “weird” jewelry is now embraced as cute and indie. The Lottie Hop line includes lovably whimsical earrings, pins and plushes that incorporate everything from doll parts to miniature cereal boxes. Her products are particularly popular at alternative press and anime


conventions, especially among those with a predilection for pastels or Harajuku-inspired fashion. Still, the Lottie Hop slogan of “We are Weird. We are Wonderful. We are Loved.” wasn’t fully embraced by Judkins until recently when she decided to come out of the closet. She says she grew up in a staunchly hetero-normative and COURTESY OF THE ARTIST even homophobic household, and felt for a long time that her sexuality wasn’t something safe to explore. “I came home from a convention one night and realized that I cater to a lot of young people who might be marginalized or who don’t really feel like they have a place in the world. A lot of them are LGBTQ,” says Judkins, adding that being around members of the gay community, both at Lottie Hop functions and in her social life, helped her finally come to terms with her own sexuality. “I want wherever I set up shop to be like a beacon for peoBrenna Judkins ple to feel accepted,” Judkins says. “To know that whatever they want to wear, they can wear. That whatever they want to do, they can do, and however they want to live, they can live. That’s how I feel about myself now, too.”

—Seth Combs July 13, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 23


Hide and seek

Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Taika Waititi’s leisurely survivalist romp merges children’s fable and satire by Glenn Heath Jr.


t the tender age of 13, Ricky Baker (Julian pariahs by the government, a human stain that canDennison) already wants to be a gangster. not see the light of day. Why? That’s anyone’s guess. The portly orphan believes firmly in the Nightly news recaps remind us of the absurdity. power of pop culture; he wears a puffy red and white The film slyly examines such overreactions and jacket with Tupac lyrics stitched on the back, walks judgments that are placed upon Hec (a roughneck with imposing confidence like a gangsta rapper and ex-con deemed unfit to be a single father), and the has “a history of causing trouble.” That’s a quote escalation into a frenzy of miscommunication and from the Child Welfare Officer (Rachel House) who wasted energy. Ricky isn’t oblivious to his role in drops him off at the farm of newly anointed foster stoking these fires, and he often feels badly that his parents Bella (Rima Te Wiata) and Hec (Sam Neill). shenanigans have caused so much confusion. But Ricky’s a traumatized kid, a sweetheart posWaititi’s characters feel things deeply. They neving as a tough guy, and his new guardians see right er shy away from expressing themselves in grand through the façade. verbal gestures. Sincerity is what makes them resoSo begins Taika Waititi’s Hunt for the Wilder- nate as people despite the often overly sentimental people, a leisurely and hopematerial. Neil and Dennison ful coming-of-age comedy develop a natural chemistry adapted from Barry Crump’s that elevates the emotional HUNT FOR THE 1986 novel, Wild Pork and impact of their exchanges. WILDERPEOPLE Watercress. New Zealand’s Their characters try to find lush, mountainous countryways of communicating withDirected by Taika Waititi side (aptly titled “the bush”) out seeming weak, transcendStarring Julian Dennison, Sam Neill, provides an epic backdrop for ing the masculine cultures Rima Te Wiata and Rachel House a simple story unconcerned from which they gain so much Rated PG-13 with the hustle and bustle of their identity. of urban life. In fact, the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople, feels like one extended retreat which opens Friday, July 15, from it; our modern culture of unflinching media is a jovial children’s fable that grapples with serious frenzy and social media speculation is toxic. themes such as death and loneliness without being Upon spending a few days in the quiet of nature, silly or dramatic. It may peak early on during a hiRicky softens up, realizing that his new home is a place lariously confusing eulogy from one wacky minister to heal, not hurt. Patience is not only a virtue for Bella (played by Waititi himself ), but the film is consisand Hec; it’s their ornery philosophy. Responsibility tently endearing. For proof, see Ricky’s final bit of must be earned, and Ricky seems up for the task. Then self-reflection to Hec: “I got carried away being an this idyllic new reality tragically falls apart, leading to outlaw. I was having too much fun.” a series of events that land Hec and Ricky stranded in For this lonely Māori kid facing isolation and the wilderness. State bureaucrats misinterpret their marginalization, a purposeful romp through the untimely disappearance as a kidnapping, resulting in woods carries with it so much possibility and joy. an overblown nationwide manhunt. It’s about finding your place in the world, and possiHere, Hunt for the Wilderpeople turns into a full- bly someone who cares enough to sneak a hot water blown satire, albeit a charming one. Militarized po- bottle under your blanket before bed. Comfort can lice squads, local hunters and clueless peons from come easy around the right people, even if you’re on social services vigorously track Ricky and Hec, forc- the lam in the far, far away. ing the pair to become militant survivalists in order to escape unjust punishment. The duo gains popu- Film reviews run weekly. larity among the country’s youth but are considered Write to

24 · San Diego CityBeat · July 13, 2016



Neon Bull

Cowboy ways


razil has been in the news for all the wrong reasons lately. The Summer Olympics set to debut in Rio de Janeiro a month from now have been overshadowed by increasing gang and police violence. Zika virus, a failing economy and governmental corruption have also helped paint a bleak picture where fear has become the national currency. Gabriel Mascaro’s Neon Bull provides a different vision of modern Brazil. It takes place behind the dusty scenes of a popular rodeo sport called “vaquejada,” where cowboys grab the bull by the tail instead of the horns. Iremar (Juliano Cazarré) carries out monotonous


maintenance duties, tends to the massive animals and designs his own outfits from discarded clothing material. His colleague Galega (Maeve Jinkings) wears these dresses and a horse head mask during surreal afterhours dance numbers performed for local men. The film creates a distinct sense of time and place, following the characters into their makeshift domiciles and elaborate corrals that guide each bull toward the arena. It’s impossible to distinguish between the mud and shit that cakes the ground. Vibrant splashes of color can be found in otherwise rustic and cramped locations. Mascaro and his talented cinematographer Diego García (who

also shot Cemetery of Splendour), calmly traverse the neo-Western landscape with slow long takes, calling attention to specific details in the corner of the frame. Like a Brazilian Josh Brolin, Cazarré embodies Iremar with silent resiliency and brute determination. Neon Bull, which opens Friday, July 15, at the Digital Gym Cinema, might be remembered for its two-showstopper scenes (this one’s not for the kiddos). But the film is equally powerful during its many quiet scenes, where characters pinned between lethargy and economic destitution eke out a daily existence and the occasional joyous encounter. It would all feel like a dream if it weren’t so deeply rooted in the here and now.

—Glenn Heath Jr.

OPENING Captain Fantastic: Six children who’ve been raised off the grid in the forest join their recently widowed father for a road trip to the city. Desde allá: A middle age homosexual man decides to pursue a relationship with a teenager who assaulted him in their first encounter. Screens through Thursday, July 21, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park.

are some new girls in town. Director Paul Feig reboots the classic comedy franchise about ghoul-capturing scientists with Melissa McCarthy and Kristin Wiig. Hunt for the Wilderpeople: In this comedy from New Zealand, young Ricky Baker (Julian Dennison) and his “uncle” Hec (Sam Neill) find themselves hunted by government officials through the woods because of a mistaken assumption. Ken Classics: Blue Velvet (7/15), Raiders of the Lost Ark (7/16), Funny Girl (7/17), A Street Car Named Desire (7/18), Ran (7/19), Breakfast At Tiffany’s (7/20), and The Maltese Falcon (7/21) will be presented through the week. Screens from Friday, July 15, to Thursday, July 21, at the Ken Cinema. Lucha Mexico: The directors of this documentary were given unprecedented access to multiple major Lucha organizations and their stars. Screens through Thursday, July 21, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. Neon Bull: Set in the dusty backcountry of Brazil, this sensual drama concerns the daily life of a cowboy who works in the sport of vaquejada and dreams of designing clothing. Screens through Thursday, July 21, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. The Infiltrator: Bryan Cranston plays Federal Agent Robert Mazur, who in 1986 went undercover to infiltrate the drug trafficking network of Pablo Escobar.

For a complete listing of movies, please see “F ilm Screenings” at

Ghostbusters: Watch out boys, there

July 13, 2016 • San Diego CityBeat · 25



ABATTOIR BLUES Fear of Men pursue an aesthetic darkness BY JEFF TERICH


ISTENERS OF FEAR OF MEN’S second album, Fall Forever, are likely to notice there’s something different about the UK-based indie pop outfit this time around. From the first track, “Vesta,” the band immediately seems to strike a much darker and more atmospheric chord than that of their dreamier, more immediate debut album, 2014’s Loom. It’s not a wholesale transformation into goth-rock or doom metal or anything so obvious, but the darkness is there, lurking within the grooves. When hearing the subtly haunted tones of the record, it’s hard to overlook the context and surroundings in which it was created. While the band was writing the album, they made their home base inside an abandoned slaughterhouse in rural Kent, England. And as it turns out, the locale had an even more sinister background than it appeared, says vocalist Jessica Weiss. “We practice on a farm in the middle of nowhere, so it was a space we found through that,” she says in an email interview. “The isolation and the sense of bloody history— someone hung themselves in the space, too—felt pretty apt for some of the starker thoughts we wanted to put across.” Fall Forever, released in June via Kanine Records, is a recognizably different album than its predecessor, and its genesis in an empty abattoir only scratches the surface of their evolution. Where once Fear of Men wrapped their songs in gorgeously jangly guitars, this time around, Weiss, Daniel Falvey and Mike Miles have transitioned deeper into a work of gauzy layers of synthesizer, buzzing distortion and stark, open spaces. Compare the acoustic strums and plinking piano of 2014’s “Green Sea” and the danceable weirdness of new track “Trauma,” and you might not immediately conclude they’re the same band. While concise at just a half-hour long, Fall Forever finds Fear of Men embracing their most adventurous instincts yet. The upbeat “Undine,” for instance, has an immediacy

26 · San Diego CityBeat · July 13, 2016

From left: Daniel Falvey, Jessica Weiss and Mike Miles that some of the album’s more abstract exercises don’t. perhaps ironically the catchiest song on the album, she And yet, it’s difficult to make out what instruments are be- turns to a similar fate as a kind of cleansing ritual: “I burn ing played on first listen—the melody could be provided my body on the fire…I’m as clean as the shame will allow.” by a guitar, or a synth, or some combination of the two. It’s pretty heavy stuff for an indie pop record. And Weiss, Similarly, the bright “A Memory” is built on sparse sample herself, admits that she often feels conflicted about the kind surges, pretty yet maintaining a constant tension. of lyrical menace she sometimes courts. Yet she also finds a After Loom, says Falvey, it was important for Fear of lot of positives in pursuing such an aesthetic course. Men to break new ground with this set of songs. “What I write about is what I think about and who I “We’re definitely a band that doesn’t like to repeat ideas, am as a person,” she says. “I think there’s a lot of beauty we always want to challenge ourselves,” he says. “I think you in darkness, but I’m also in constant conflict about whethcan hear the progression of the band clearly across our back er this is cathartic and a way to work through traumatic catalogue from our early demos to Fall situations or whether replaying them Forever. A lot of my favorite bands drags you further into the hole. I didn’t arrive fully formed, but came to don’t have an answer yet.” a unique sound naturally through playFor as much as Fall Forever is a ing and recording. Part of the idea to work of emotional exorcism, therabring more electronics and synthetic peutic catharsis and aesthetic darkelements into the mix was to ensure ness, it represents an important mothat we were looking forward. We ment of growth for the band. And don’t really like the idea of imitating that’s artistic and personal growth. As genres or eras in music, we’re more inthe band embarks on a tour to support terested in creating our own language. the album’s release in North America, Expanding the tools at our disposal Weiss reflects on how their time spent makes sense in exploring that.” working together has strengthened One element that’s remained conFear of Men as a unit, or in her words, stant in the group’s music is Weiss’ a family. vocals. Her delivery is powerful yet subtle, her pitch-per“Just as we all evolve as people and grow and learn, fect tones embodying a quiet intensity. Yet much of that we’ve learned about our instruments and songwriting intensity comes directly from her lyrical content, which and how to work together,” she says. “Being in a band often comes with imagery much more violent and visceral is a lot like a marriage or a family—you make decisions than her subdued approach might suggest. Throughout together, you take care of each other, you’re in it for the various songs on Fall Forever, her narratives of loneliness, long haul.” regret and longing take on the quality of body horror. On opener “Vesta,” she’s literally in flames, pining for another: Write to and follow him on Twitter “Oh, I’m set alight, how I burn for you.” And in “Trauma,” at @1000timesjeff

Fear of Men July 19 The Hideout




lost 1996 album by Red Dye No. 5 is finally seeing the light of day. Silver Girl Records, which originally released the now defunct San Diego band’s “Fuzzbomb” 7-inch, has announced it’s releasing The Fort Apache Sessions. The LP is a collection of songs that were originally intended to be the band’s major label debut in 1996, but never came to fruition. And back then, Silver Girl owner Keith York said he had originally wanted to release the album on his own label. “We had put out their 7-inch with the assumption that we’d release their LP,” he says in a phone interview. “It was a night or two before they were scheduled to record the LP, and they had been negotiating with a major label. They ended up signing with Flip Records. Naturally, I was upset.” Red Dye No. 5 were ultimately dropped from Flip before releasing the album, and the band broke up shortly after recording it. York ended up reconnecting with bass player James Reader, who had reacquired the masters from the label after they were shelved. However, he admits he doesn’t have the full story as to why the band parted ways with the label. “Why they got dropped…I honestly don’t know what the real story is,” he says. “The label had enough money and enough talent so that they either mutually quit or they got dropped, depending on who you ask.”

Red Dye No. 5 Before getting a chance to dig through the masters, York had a CD-R copy of the unreleased he’d been listening to. And 20 years later, he still loves the album, despite the dysfunction between the label and band in the ’90s. “For me, it’s a passion release,” he says. “I was reaching into my CD collection and pulled out the CD-R, going ‘gosh, this is such a great record.’ I’m getting really great joy from bringing people in contact again and getting to release their music.”

—Jeff Terich

ALBUM REVIEW Blink-182 California (Viking Wizard Eyes)


here’s a moment in San Diego music documentary It’s Gonna Blow in which the focus briefly turns to one of the ’90s-era local bands to achieve national success: Blink-182. There’s a sort of funny contrast that occurs, juxtaposing the honest and relatable testimony of Tom Delonge about writing songs for radio play and the commentary from other bands, which ranged from polite dismissals about their artistry, or lack thereof, to outright hostility. Yet Blink-182 are essentially the biggest musical celebrities we’ve got, and there’s no mystery as to why. They write simple, tuneful poppunk songs that you couldn’t dislodge from your brain if you tried. That said, it’s hard to see the point of California, the band’s eighth album and first since parting ways with Delonge, whose recent interviews have included some troubling quotes about UFOs. It’s essentially Blink-182 in grown-up mode, which is to say that it still sounds like the kind of Hot Topic mall punk that was popular in the band’s heyday, only Mark Hoppus sounds more like a grown-ass man, with the help of some pretty noticeable helpings of Auto-Tune. That’s kind of what makes it terrible. Love


Blink-182 or hate them, their appeal is largely in the goofball antics of being twenty-somethings that admittedly behaved more like teenagers and sneered at the idea of growing up. Now that they’ve grown up, most of the humor and fun is essentially gone (notable exception: all 16 seconds of “Built This Pool”). What’s left is a mostly generic pop-punk record that’s more in the vein of Fall Out Boy: anthemic yet empty, serious yet lacking any real gravity. Not that it isn’t polished to the point of being nearly blinding—the opening of “Cynic” practically finds Hoppus fronting his own boy band, while “Home Is Such a Lonely Place” sounds like nothing so much as Plain White T’s 2005 hit “Hey There Delilah.” And naturally, there are references to California throughout, proving that The Red Hot Chili Peppers don’t have a monopoly on putting pins on the map. There are ways to mature gracefully in punk (see: Hot Water Music’s Chuck Ragan). But when you take the dick jokes out of Blink-182 songs, it turns out there isn’t much left. California is all surface, no depth. —Jeff Terich

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IF I WERE U A music insider’s weekly agenda WEDNESDAY, JULY 13

PLAN A: The Gorgeous Boyscouts, Giant Surprise, The Hand of Gavrilo @ Soda Bar. Support your local scene! Here are three San Diego bands worth checking out, including Giant Surprise, whose dense, spacey, shoegazing sound rocks hard while exploring lots of interesting layers and textures.


PLAN A: Deerhoof, Skating Polly, Weird Night @ The Casbah. Deerhoof have been making weird, noisy, psychedelic and super fun indie rock since the late ’90s, and they show no signs of slowing. They’re still putting out excellent records, so get weird with ’em as they keep up the streak. PLAN B: Pinegrove, Sports, Big Bad Buffalo @ House of Blues. Earlier this year, I wrote a feature about Pinegrove, whose new album Cardinal is one of the year’s best. They’ve got a warm and organic sound that’ll make your


Thursday feel even better, guaranteed. BACKUP PLAN: Colombian Necktie, Trapped Within Burning Machinery, Deep Sea Thunder Beast, Garth Algar @ The Merrow.


PLAN A: Phoebe Ryan, Cardiknox, Secret Weapons @ The Casbah. New Jersey-born Los Angeles-based Phoebe Ryan is a pop star on the rise. She’s all about big hooks and big synth-laden production, and you better be prepared to dance to her super catchy jams.


PLAN A: Geezer, Smells Like Nirvana, Hey! Ho! Let’s Go! @ Music Box. Everyone’s favorite geriatric Weezer cover band is celebrating the 20th anniversary of Pinkerton by mashing it up with all manner of other pink things. If you’ve ever seen these grandpas live, you’ll know to expect the unexpected, and most likely some

Beastie Boys breaks. PLAN B: La Luz @ Harrah’s Resort. I don’t know about you, but the idea of seeing great band while floating in the lazy river at Harrah’s Resort doesn’t sound like a bad proposition during a hot, sticky summer evening. Seattle’s La Luz have a fun, beachy sound to pair with water and cocktails at this SoundDiego-sponsored show. BACKUP PLAN: Ducktails, Nic Hessler, Heavy Hawaii @ The Hideout.


PLAN A: Wye Oak, Tushka @ The Irenic. Baltimore’s Wye Oak started off as a ragged yet catchy rock band, and gradually transitioned toward a dreamier synth-pop sound. Their new album Tween splits the difference, and when you catch them live, the duo will show just how much stage they can fill without more musicians up there with them. BACKUP PLAN: Bryan John Appleby @ Sycamore Den.

shed a tear in your beer.


PLAN A: Fear of Men, Puro Instinct @ The Hideout. Read my feature this week on UK outfit Fear of Men, who have transitioned into a darker synth-laden sound. Their new album Fall Forever is a stunner, so make sure to head down and revel in the shadows. PLAN B: The Psychedelic Furs, The Church @ Humphreys by the Bay. The Psychedelic Furs and The Church made their way to San Diego not that long ago, and they’re taking another lap. And that’s a good thing, because when two veteran greats from the post-punk era make their way to your town, you don’t want to miss out. BACKUP PLAN: The Yardbirds @ Belly Up Tavern.


PLAN A: Robert Ellis, Grampadrew and the Gutstrings @ The Casbah. Houston singer/songwriter Robert Ellis plays country with a bit of a sepia tint. There’s less hat and cattle in his twangy tones than genuine emotion and catchy plucks of acoustic guitar and pedal steel. You just might

Wye Oak

July 13, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 29



Touche Amore (Che Cafe, 8/8), Foghat (BUT, 8/11), Dillinger Escape Plan (Casbah, 8/14), Audacity (Che Café, 8/19), Saint Motel (HOB, 9/15), Crystal Castles (Observatory, 9/17), Xenia Rubinos (Soda Bar, 9/20), Still Corners (Casbah, 9/21), Lindsey Stirling (Copley Symphony Hall, 9/21), Mick Fleetwood Blues Band (BUT, 9/21), The Naked and Famous (Observatory, 9/22), A Tribe Called Red (Hideout, 9/24), KT Tunstall (HOB, 10/2), Beartooth (HOB, 10/14), Alessia Cara (Copley Symphony Hall, 10/18), Majid Jordan (Observatory, 10/21), Bon Iver (Copley Symphony Hall, 10/26), Dictators NYC (Casbah, 11/13), John Mayall (BUT, 11/20), Cash’d Out (BUT, 11/23), Tommy Castro and the Painkillers (BUT, 1/14), Blind Boys of Alabama (BUT, 1/29).

GET YER TICKETS Dirty Dozen Brass Band (Music Box, 7/28), Savages (Observatory, 7/29), Sublime with Rome (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 7/30), Kurt Vile and the Violators (HOB, 8/9), The White Buffalo (BUT, 8/13), Guided by Voices (BUT, 8/17), The Weight: Members of the Band/ Levon Helm Band (BUT, 8/18), Riff Raff (Observatory, 8/18), Parquet Courts (The Irenic, 8/19), Digable Planets, Camp Lo (BUT, 8/20), Guns ‘n’ Roses (Qualcomm Stadium, 8/22), The Black

Heart Procession (Casbah, 8/24), Todd Terje and the Olsens (Observatory, 8/25), Hot Chip (Observatory, 8/26), Dave Matthews Band (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 8/26), Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 8/27), Deftones (Open Air Theatre, 8/29), Baroness, Pallbearer (Observatory, 8/30), Squirrel Nut Zippers (BUT, 8/31), Flamin’ Groovies (Casbah, 9/2), Yes (Humphreys, 9/4), Los Lonely Boys (BUT, 9/4), The Kills (Observatory, 9/4), Tr/st, Cold Cave (Music Box, 9/8), Zombies (BUT, 9/8), !!! (Soda Bar, 9/8), Floating Points (BUT, 9/12), Ray Lamontagne (Open Air Theatre, 9/13), Counting Crows, Rob Thomas (Open Air Theatre, 9/14), Local Natives (Observatory, 9/15), Porches (Irenic, 9/15), Carla Morrison (Observatory, 9/16), Luke Bryan (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 9/17), Atmosphere (Observatory, 9/23), Tegan and Sara (Observatory, 9/25), Ash (Soda Bar, 9/23), Molotov (Observatory, 9/26), DJ Shadow (HOB, 9/27), Glen Hansard (Observatory, 9/28), Cymbals Eat Guitars (Soda Bar, 9/28), Steve Gunn (Soda Bar, 10/1), Okkervil River (BUT, 10/1), Phantogram (Irenic, 10/1), Alice in Chains (Copley Symphony Hall, 10/2), Ani DiFranco (BUT, 10/2), Between the Buried and Me (Observatory, 10/4), Sia, Miguel (Viejas Arena, 10/5), Failure (Music Box, 10/6), Bad Boy Family Reunion (Viejas Arena, 10/6), Kamasi Washington (Humphreys, 10/7), Florida Georgia Line (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 10/9), Colbie Caillat (Humphreys, 10/12), Halestorm (HOB, 10/12), RJD2 (Observatory, 10/13), The Selecter (Casbah, 10/13), Prophets of Rage (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 10/16), Yellowcard (HOB, 10/16), Jethro Tull (Balboa Theatre, 10/17), The Faint, Gang of Four (Observatory, 10/18), Young the Giant (HOB, 10/18-19), Willie Nelson

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(Humphreys, 10/19), Tricky (BUT, 10/21), Saint Vitus (Brick by Brick, 10/22), Preoccupations (Irenic, 10/26), Alice Cooper (Harrah’s, 10/28), Ingrid Michaelson (Humphreys, 10/28), Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Death from Above 1979 (HOB, 10/28), M83 (SOMA, 10/29), Andra Day (Humphreys, 11/2), Diamond Head (Brick by Brick, 11/5), Neko Case (Poway OnStage, 11/19), Henry Rollins (Observatory, 12/27), The Devil Makes Three (Observatory, 1/4-5).

JULY WEDNESDAY, JULY 13 Wheeler Walker Jr. at The Casbah.

THURSDAY, JULY 14 Deerhoof at The Casbah. Pinegrove at House of Blues. Lalah Hathaway at Music Box.

FRIDAY, JULY 15 We Are Scientists at House of Blues Voodoo Room. Screeching Weasel at Brick by Brick. Felipe Esparza at Humphrey’s by the Bay. Cowboy Mouth at Music Box.

SATURDAY, JULY 16 Pitbull at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Slapshot, Poison Idea at Brick by Brick. Boss Hog at The Casbah. La Luz at Harrah’s Resort.

SUNDAY, JULY 17 Wye Oak at The Irenic. Saosin at Observatory North Park. The Dickies, The Queers at The Casbah. Rick Springfield at Harrah’s Resort.

MONDAY, JULY 18 Robert Ellis at The Casbah.

TUESDAY, JULY 19 Fear of Men at The Hideout. Xibalba at Soda Bar. Psychedelic Furs, The Church at Humphreys Concerts by the Bay. The Yardbirds at Belly Up Tavern. Yoni and Geti at The Casbah.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 The Joy Formidable at The Irenic. Nails at Brick by Brick. Tacocat at Soda Bar. Kiiara at The Casbah. Barenaked Ladies at Open Air Theatre. Belanova at House of Blues.

THURSDAY, JULY 21 Slayer at House of Blues (sold out). Straight No Chaser at Humphrey’s by the Bay. Autolux at The Irenic. Vinnie Caruana at Soda Bar. Culture Shock, World/Inferno Friendship Society at The Casbah.

FRIDAY, JULY 22 Boris at The Casbah. Blink 182 at Viejas Arena. Cold War Kids at Del Mar Racetrack.

SATURDAY, JULY 23 TTNG at The Irenic. Robert Cray Band at Belly Up Tavern. Phish at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. The Aquabats at House of Blues.

SUNDAY, JULY 24 Inter Arma at Soda Bar. Twentyonepilots at Viejas Arena (sold out). Brantley Gilbert at Sleep Train Amphitheatre.

MONDAY, JULY 25 Big Business at The Casbah. Black Milk at Soda Bar.

TUESDAY, JULY 26 Brand New, Modest Mouse at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Happy Diving at Soda Bar.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 Escort at The Casbah. Dead & Co. at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Bonnie Raitt at Civic Theatre (Sold out).

THURSDAY, JULY 28 Dirty Dozen Brass Band at Music Box. Mozzy at Observatory North Park. Nite Jewel at Soda Bar.

FRIDAY, JULY 29 Savages at Observatory North Park. Fitz and the Tantrums at Del Mar Racetrack. Zella Day at Quartyard. The Wailers at Belly Up Tavern.

SATURDAY, JULY 30 The Wailers at Belly Up Tavern. ‘Reggae Fest’ w/ Ziggy Marley at Del Mar Racetrack. Julieta Venegas at House of Blues. Sublime with Rome at Sleep Train Amphitheatre.

AUGUST MONDAY, AUG. 1 Boz Scaggs at Humphreys by the Bay (sold out).

TUESDAY, AUG. 2 Marissa Nadler at The Casbah. Gary Clark Jr. at Humphreys by the Bay.


MUSIC WEDNESDAY, AUG. 3 Gary Clark Jr. at Humphreys by the Bay. Anderson .Paak at House of Blues (sold out). Weezer, Panic! At the Disco at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. The Claypool Lennon Delirium at Observatory North Park.

THURSDAY, AUG. 4 Allen Stone at Music Box. Kansas at Humphreys by the Bay. People Under the Stairs at Belly Up Tavern.

FRIDAY, AUG. 5 Girl Talk at Del Mar Racetrack. Last Shadow Puppets at Observatory North Park. Metalachi at Music Box. ‘Warped Tour’ w/ Sleeping With Sirens, Sum 41, New Found Glory at Qualcomm Stadium.

SATURDAY, AUG. 6 Earthless at Belly Up Tavern. Brian Setzer’s Rockabilly Riot at Del Mar Racetrack.

SUNDAY, AUG. 7 America at Humphreys by the Bay. Shabazz Palaces (DJ set) at The Casbah.

MONDAY, AUG.8 Touche Amore at Che Café.

TUESDAY, AUG. 9 Kurt Vile and the Violators at House of Blues.

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10 Ducktails at The Hideout. Monsieur Perine at The Casbah.


THURSDAY, AUG. 11 Foghat at Belly Up Tavern.

FRIDAY, AUG. 12 Indigo Girls at Humphreys by the Bay. Dead Feather Moon at Belly Up Tavern. Chris Young atDel Mar Racetrack. Jeremih at Observatory North Park.

SATURDAY, AUG. 13 311, Matisyahu at Del Mar Racetrack. Steve Martin and Martin Short at Harrahs Resort (sold out). Lucy Dacus at The Casbah. The White Buffalo at Belly Up Tavern.


710 Beach Club, 710 Garnet Ave., San Diego. Pacific Beach. Wed: Dark Matter Turtles. Fri: Moxie, Jovias. Sat: Way Cool Jr., Radio Thieves. Tue: Hyper Active Slackers, Color Till Monday. 98 Bottles, 2400 Kettner Blvd. Ste. 110, San Diego. Little Italy. Fri: Octavo Calico. Sat: Romani Journey. Sun: The Matt Smith Neu Jazz Trio. Air Conditioned Lounge, 4673 30th St., San Diego. Normal Heights. Wed: ‘Byrd Bass’ w/ DJ Byrd. Thu: ‘Libertine’ w/ DJs Jon Wesley, 1979. Sat: ‘Juicy’ w/ DJ Mike Czech. Sun: ‘Chvrch’ w/ DJ Karma. American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Tom Segura. Fri: Tom Segura. Sat: Tom Segura, Stand-Up NBC Open Call Audition. Sun: Miracle Joke Elixir with Tony Baker, Stand-Up NBC Open Call Audition. Mon: Stand-Up NBC Open Call Audition. The Bancroft, 9143 Campo Rd., Spring

Valley. Thu: Pisscat, Reckless Disregard, Tarolas Del Hueso. Fri: Sozinho, Kmo, Silencio de Martha. Sat: Los Shadows, Jet Trash, Omega Three, The Hollow Forty Fives. Sun: Spirit Tribe. Bang Bang, 526 Market St., San Diego. Downtown. Sat: The Aston Shuffle, Lo’99. Bar Pink, 3829 30th St., San Diego. North Park. Wed: Taurus Authority. Thu: The Husky Boy All-Stars. Sat: ‘Neon Beat’. Sun: Rat Sabbath. Mon: Motown on Monday. Tue: Alvino and the Dwells. Beaumont’s, 5662 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla. Thu: Simeon Flick Duo. Fri: Modern Day Moonshine. Sat: The Jones Revival. Sun: Dale Peters. Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Wed: Henry Kapono, Paul Cannon’s Iron Sage & Wood. Thu: Brawley’s Barroom Ball. Sun: Tokyo Police Club, We Were Promised Jetpacks, Dennis DeYoung. Mon: Cee Lo, Nikki’s Wives. Tue: The Yardbirds, The Yardbirds. Black Cat Bar, 4246 University Ave., San Diego. City Heights. Thu: Uptown Rhythm Makers. Sat: Down Big, Bill & Sandy. Boar Cross’n, 390 Grand Ave., Carlsbad. Fri: ‘Club Musae’. Brass Rail, 3796 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Fri: ‘Hip Hop Fridayz’. Sat: ‘Sabado en Fuego’ w/ DJs XP, KA, K-Swift. Mon: ‘Manic Monday’ w/ DJ Junior the Disco Punk. Brick by Brick, 1130 Buenos Ave., San Diego. Bay Park. Thu: Sherwood, Mayfield, CJ Hutchins Band, Fialta, Tyson Motsenbocker, Nervous Ends. Fri: Screeching Weasel, The Bugs, Dead on the Wire. Sat: Slapshot, Poison Idea, Bad Samaritans, Authentic Sellout, Systematic Abuse.

Cafe Sevilla, 353 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Sat: Flamenco Dinner Show. Sun: Buena Vista Sundays. The Casbah, 2501 Kettner Blvd., San Diego. Midtown. Wed: Wheeler Walker Jr, Birdcloud. Thu: Deerhoof, Skating Polly, Weird Night. Fri: Phoebe Ryan, Cardiknox, Secret Weapons. Sat: Boss Hogg, Krass Bros. Sun: The Dickies, The Queers, The Widows, Records with Roger. Mon: Robert Ellis, Grampadrew and the Gutstrings. Tue: Yoni & Geti, Go Dark, Calcutta Kid. Cat Eye Club, 370 7th Ave, San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Cool Cat Karaoke. Cheers Bar & Grill, 9995 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego. Rancho Penasquitos. Sat: The Brian Jones Rock ‘N’ Roll Revival. Chico Club, 7366 El Cajon Blvd, La Mesa. Thu: DJ Harvest Karaoke. Fri: DJ Harvest Karaoke. Sat: Smoove J. Sun: DJ Harvest Karaoke.

The Hideout, 3519 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Thu: Vaya Futuro, Los Blenders, Some Kind of Lizard. Sat: Ducktails, Nic Hessler, Heavy Hawaii. Tue: Fear of Men, Puro Instinct. Hoffer’s Cigar Bar, 8282 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa. Sat: David Mosby. The Holding Company, 5040 Newport Ave., San Diego. Ocean Beach. Wed: Dan Porter Band. Thu: DJ Reefah, No King. Fri: DJ Green T, Broken Stems. Sat: DJ OMZ, Headphone, Shell Shock. Sun: Tommy Morrison, Dannie Marie, Wes Maharas Band. Tue: Two From Blue (live band karaoke). House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: Industry Night, Jonah Marais, Sebastian Olzanski, Stew Maloley. Thu: Pinegrove, Sports, Big Bad Buffalo. Fri: We Are Scientists, The Palms, Billie Eilish. Sat: Strangelove, The Cured, Planet Earth. Tue: Streetlight Manifesto, Kemuri.

Dizzy’s, 4275 Mission Bay Drive, San Diego. Mission Bay. Sat: Kendra Shank & Geoffrey Keezer.

Humphrey’s Backstage Live, 2241 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego. Point Loma. Wed: Stellita. Thu: R:Tyme. Fri: Pop Vinyl. Sat: Rising Star, The Reflectors. Sun: Robin Smith, Jason Brown. Mon: Michele Lundeen. Tue: Missy Andersen.

F6ix, 526 F St., Downtown., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: DJ Rags. Sun: DJ XP.

The Irenic, 3090 Polk Ave., San Diego. North Park. Sun: Wye Oak, Tushka.

The Field, 544 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: Chipp Codermann Band. Sat: J-Mann Trio. Sun: The Fooks. Mon: Sorrell Park Duo. Tue: Sorrell Park Duo.

Java Joe’s Normal Heights, 3536 Adams Ave., San Diego. Normal Heights. Thu: Lisa Sanders. Fri: Jeff Berkley, Freebo. Tue: Open mic..

Fluxx, 500 Fourth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: DJ Bad. Sat: NVM.

Kava Lounge, 2812 Kettner Blvd., San Diego. Midtown. Wed: Family Matters. Thu: Ticklish. Fri: Progress. Sat: Divine Species. Sun: Big Bloom, Jet Trash, Evyn Oliver. Tue: Tribe Night.

Dirk’s Nightclub, 7662 Broadway, Lemon Grove. Fri: FX5. Sat: DJ Hurricane Andrew.

Henry’s Pub, 618 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: Ride the Mule. Thu: Night Skool. Fri: Good Times. Sat: Rock Star Saturday. Tue: ‘50s/’60s Dance Party.


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MUSIC MUSIC CONTINUED FROM PAGE 31 Kensington Club, 4079 Adams Ave., San Diego. Kensington. Fri: The Falcon, The Copyrights, Sam Russo, Mikey Erg. Sat: The Sleepwalkers, Mercedes Moore, Fanny and the Attaboys, DJ Action Andy. Kona Kai Resort & Spa, 1551 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego. Shelter Island. Sun: Robin Henkel & Whitney Shay. Mc P’s Irish Pub, 1107 Orange Ave., Coronado. Wed: Goodall Boys. Fri: Mystique. Sat: Manic Bros. Sun: Ron’s Garage. Tue: Glen Smith. The Merrow, 1271 University Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Wed: Hot Mustard, Primary Element, Amigo. Thu: Colombian Necktie, Trapped Within Burning Machinery, Deep Sea Thunder Beast, Garth Algar. Fri: ‘Subwoofer’ w/ DJ Barry Harris. Tue: Beira, Irata, Nebula Drag. Moonshine Flats, 344 7th Ave., San Diego. Gaslamp. Fri: Georgia Chrome. Sat: Olivia Lane. Mr. Peabody’s Encinitas, 136 Encinitas Blvd., Encinitas. Thu: Casey Turner, Tribe, Sol Remedy, Casey Turner. Fri: CeeKay Jones, Ceekay Jones. Sat: Adrienne Nims, Sometimes Julie w/ The Jackstones, Sometimes Julie, The Jackstones. Sun: Anthony Ortega. Music Box, 1337 India St., San Diego. Little Italy. Thu: Lalah Hathaway. Fri: Cowboy Mouth, Cowboy Mouth, Euphoria Brass Band. Sat: Geezer, Smells Like Nirvana, Hey Ho Lets Go. Parq, 615 Broadway, San Diego. Sat: Connor Cruise. Patricks Gaslamp, 428 F St., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: The Upshots.

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Thu: Len Rainey’s Midnight Players. Fri: R-Kive. Sat: Mystique Element of Soul. Sun: Johnny Vernazza. Mon: R-Kive. Tue: Paddy’s Chicken Jam. Rich’s, 1051 University Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Wed: DJ John Joseph. Thu: DJs Kiki, Vanessa, Kinky Loops. Fri: DJs Taj, Dirty Kurty. Sat: DJ Drew G, K-swift, Hektik, Nikno. Sun: DJs Dave Aude, Kitty Glitte, Hektik

Sycamore Den, 3391 Adams Ave., San Diego. Normal Heights. Thu: Lauren Derose, Ezekiel Morphis, Andrew Barrack. Sun: Bryan John Appleby, Austin Burns. Til-Two Club, 4746 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Fri: Sculpins, Strike Twelve, United Defiance, Dum Cumpsters. Sat: The Quakes.

Riviera Supper Club, 7777 University Ave., La Mesa. Wed: ‘Boss Jazz’ w/ Jason Hanna. Thu: Chloe Lou and Davies. Fri: Hot Buttered Biscuit. Sat: The Peripherals.

Tio Leo’s, 5302 Napa St., San Diego. Bay Park. Thu: The Chris Fast Band. Fri: The Rockin’ Aces. Sat: Detroit Underground. Sun: Tardeadas With Colour. Tue: The Moneymen.

Rosie O’Grady’s, 3402 Adams Ave., San Diego. Normal Heights. Thu: DJ L. Fri: Fusebox.

Tower Bar, 4757 University Ave., San Diego. City Heights. Fri: Pins of Light, Cruz Radical, Santa Ana Knights, Birth Defects.

Side Bar, 536 Market St., San Diego. Downtown. Thu: ‘Divino Thursday’ w/ Vince Delano. Fri: Brett Bodley. Sat: Craig Smoove.

Turquoise, 873 Turquoise St., San Diego. Pacific Beach. Wed: Tomcat Courtney. Thu: Fred Hardy Trio. Fri: Grupo Globo, Gabby and Friends. Sat: Doug Trip, Tomcat Courtney. Sun: Sounds Like 4. Tue: Gypsy Caravan.

Soda Bar, 3615 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Wed: The Gorgeous Boyscouts, Giant Surprise, The Hand of Gavrilo, Pumphouse. Thu: Idlehands, AJ Froman, Dani Bell and the Tarantist. Fri: 88 Fingers Louie, Sic Waiting, Caskitt, Castoff. Sat: Skid Marks, Skaal, Social Spit, Vicious Midgets, Tikitronic, Santa Claus, Cousin Bob, Filner Headlock, Horsefly. Sun: Hoquinai, Creature Canyon, Cerulean Veins. Mon: Rococode, Filthy Violets, 8IM. Tue: Xibalba, Dehumanized. SOMA, 3350 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. Midway. Sat: Fall of Troy, ‘68, Illustrations. Sun: The Plot In You, Erra, Sylar, Invent Animate, Voidlines. Tue: The Acacia Strain, Oceano, Knocked Loose, Culture Killer, To The Wind. Spin, 2028 Hancock St., San Diego. Midtown. Fri: ‘Swallow Your Pride’. Sat: ‘Eden’ w/ Alex Rubio, Lanna B, Michi.

Ux31, 3112 University Ave., San Diego. North Park. Thu: Throwback Thursday. Fri: DJ Ayla Simone. Sat: DJ Qenoe. Sun: Vibes Up Strong, Ocean Natives, Mykol Orthodox. Whistle Stop, 2236 Fern St, San Diego. South Park. Thu: ‘Astro Jump’ w/ Kill Quanti DJs. Fri: ‘F-ing in the Bushes’. Sat: ‘80s vs 90s’ w/ DJs Gabe, Saul. Sun: DM & DM, Inus, Hours, Mermort. Winstons, 1921 Bacon St., San Diego. Ocean Beach. Wed: Krook Tone Classics, DJ Carlos Culture. Thu: Full Strength Funk Band. Fri: Piracy Conspiracy, DJ Carlos Culture. Sat: Cityside, Crown Rootz. Mon: Electric Waste Band. Tue: ‘Meeting of the Meyends’ w/ The Gentle Giant, Organic Alliance, Wicked Monk, Destructo Bunny.



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WEEDS Yes on 64 has war chest edge


race yourselves for the pot onslaught. The battle lines have been drawn and the coffers are fattening for an all-out fight ahead of the Nov. 8 vote to make California the fifth state to allow recreational marijuana. Already, the fight over Proposition 64—the so-called “Adult Use Marijuana Act”—is shaping up on a far bigger scale than what California saw in 2010, when legalization lost by nearly 700,000 votes. In one corner: social justice advocates, most of the cannabis industry and a growing roster of state Democrats. In the other corner: the law and order contingent. Roughly half of the $130,000 raised so far has come from law enforcement groups and prison guards. With more money and a broader coalition of support this time around, Yes on 64 is vowing to

34 · San Diego CityBeat · July 13, 2016

launch a grassroots campaign that will far surpass 2010 efforts. “We’re not taking anything for granted,” said spokesman Brian Brokaw. “We’ve put together one of the most thoughtful and wellresearched initiatives, with input from more stakeholders than any other legalization measure in California history, if not the country.” Marijuana has come a long way since its defeat six years ago. Four states (and Washington, D.C.) have legalized recreational use. California, meanwhile, has nurtured a green rush of medical cannabis that has thrust scores of entrepreneurs into the highest tax brackets. Both will come to bear on Prop 64: The pro-camp has brought on strategists who won hard-fought campaigns in other states, and Weedmaps CEO Justin Hartfield has upped his contribution to more than $1 million, now outspending previous donation lead-

er Sean Parker, he of Napster and Facebook fame. With four months to go until Election Day, funding has far surpassed what was raised in the entirety of the 2010 campaign, which saw $4.5 million raised by proponents and $420,000 by opponents. Already, Yes on 64 is sitting on a $6 million war chest. But perhaps the most important departure from the ill-fated 2010 effort: The state’s Democratic party is throwing its full political weight behind legalization—most notably Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, who has already started stumping across the state. Proponents can have their financial edge and their lead in pre-election polls, opponents say. Neither mattered last time. “What we learned in 2010 is that we do not need to match them dollar for dollar. Because we can’t,” said John Lovell, spokesman for several law enforcement groups opposed to Prop 64. “We do need to raise enough money to raise a viable campaign, and I think we will. And I believe we’ll win again.” Their strategy is to make it not a referendum on marijuana itself, but on this specific version of legalization. Central to that critique

California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is their view that Prop 64 is written less like a piece of policy and more like a business plan that caters toward large corporate structures. For that reason, some corners of medical cannabis are aligning against Prop 64 out of a fear that it will engender a Walmartization of the marijuana industry. “This is not a campaign of ‘Marijuana, is it bad or good?’ That’s a different type of debate,” said Tim Rosales, spokesman for No on Prop 64. “This is about the specific initiative. Is this the right way to do it? Our argument is no, they got it wrong again.”



July 13, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 35

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