San Diego CityBeat • July 27, 2016

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July 27, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 3


What’s the Good word?


y most accounts, the plan to move the Neil names in city documents and by homelessness ofGood Day Center from its location at 17th ficials. Several people who closely follow homelessStreet in East Village to the campus of St. ness issues were convinced the new name of the day Vincent de Paul Village is solid and will be center would not include “Neil Good.” beneficial to downtown’s homeless constituency. As a print deadline neared, a San Diego Housing One aspect of the move that was brought to Commission spokesperson could not confirm that. my attention was neither earthshaking nor insigWho was Neil Good? In 1987, Good became the nificant—but the apparent dropping of Neil Good’s second openly gay man to run for San Diego City name from the title of the day center was somewhat Council, according to an obituary in The San Diego puzzling. (Keep reading Union-Tribune. On a balRON DONOHO for the surprise ending to lot with nine candidates, this story.) Good missed getting to a Since it opened in 1991, runoff election by a few The Neil Good Day Center hundred votes, trailing behas been hailed as a place hind two very high-profile where homeless people names—former mayor Bob could get access to mail Filner and former city atservice, do laundry, take a torney Mike Aguirre. Two shower and seek safe hayears later, Good was just ven during the day. 41 when he died of hepatiThe Neil Good Day tis. He worked as a reportCenter has routinely er for the San Diego Daily The Neil Good Day Center Transcript and served as struggled over the years to find local and/or national funding sources. Observ- a top aide to Leon Williams when Williams was a ers say the roof and shower facilities are in disrepair. county supervisor and a city councilmember. Good The building is proximal to an I-5 onramp, has no also served a two-year term as chairman of the San sidewalks and has become the site of a major tent Diego County Democratic Party. encampment. Observers fear for the lives of tent Bob McElroy, president and CEO of the nonprofit dwellers who walk by or push shopping carts past human services organization Alpha Project—which the onramp on a daily basis. previously managed the Neil Good Day Center—reLast year, the city awarded administration of the membered Good as a strong advocate for the home17th Street facility to St. Vincent de Paul Village, less. “He was a great guy, and he was a homeless adwhich is under the Father Joe’s Villages umbrella. vocate back when there weren’t very many,” he said. The multi-use St. Vincent de Paul campus for This all seemed wrong. Moments before CityBeat homeless services is just a few blocks away, and the was going to press, though, a spokesperson for City plan is to build a bigger-and-better day center there. Councilmember Todd Gloria sent this email: “Our “The mission will be the same,” said St. Vincent office was able to connect with Bill Bolstad and the de Paul Chief Development Officer Bill Bolstad. And program will continue to carry the Neil Good name. with proximity to other services (like healthcare) Neither the city, nor Father Joe’s has any intention and with operational showers, he said more people of changing the name of the program. I hope this should be able to get assistance. clears things up.” The new day center will be located at the corner Whew. There’s plenty of work to be done on the of 14th Street and Commercial Avenue, adjacent to homelessness front. But for the moment, we’re Good. the soon-to-open, multi-million-dollar Airborne San Diego. During ongoing construction of this oddly (Reminder: August 17 is San Diego Homeless Awarejuxtaposed, privately owned indoor skydiving facil- ness Day. To date, more than a dozen media outlets ity, the land slated for the day center has been leased have pledged to aim coverage at the topic that day. from St. Vincent de Paul by Airborne as a construc- Please encourage more TV, radio, print or online metion lay-down area. Airborne president Buzz Fink dia to join the ranks. For more information, email me at promised that the property will be cleared by the time building permits for the new day center are —Ron Donoho ready—at an indeterminate date later this year. The new day center is referred to by different Write to This issue of CityBeat is dedicated to the heroic capture of impostor Brianna Contreras, who scammed her way into many concerts using our good name.

Volume 14 • Issue 51 EDITOR Ron Donoho MUSIC EDITOR Jeff Terich ARTS EDITOR Seth Combs WEB EDITOR Ryan Bradford ART DIRECTOR Carolyn Ramos STAFF WRITER Torrey Bailey COLUMNISTS Aaryn Belfer, Edwin Decker, Minda Honey, John R. Lamb, Alex Zaragoza

CONTRIBUTORS Matthew Baldwin, David L. Coddon, Beth Demmon, Andrew Dyer, Tiffany Fox, Michael A. Gardiner, Glenn Heath Jr., Peter Holslin, Jessica Johnson, Scott McDonald, Sebastian Montes, Jenny Montgomery, Susan Myrland, Michelle Poveda, Jim Ruland, Ben Salmon, Tom Siebert, Jen Van Tieghem, Amy Wallen EDITORIAL INTERNS Duncan Moore, Chloe Salsameda

SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Jason Noble ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Beau Odom Mark Schreiber Jenny Tormey ACCOUNTING Kacie Cobian, Sharon Huie Linda Lam HUMAN RESOURCES Andrea Baker VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE Kacie Sturek




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4 · San Diego CityBeat · July 27, 2016



July 27, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 5



There is much to comment on after reading Mr. Donoho’s editorial on the Citizens’ Plan [“Comic-Con: Contiguous expansion, please,” July 20], which I very much support. First, Mr. Donoho says the Citizens’ Plan has a “contiguous expansion ban” and he wants the Convention Center expansion just along our waterfront. The Citizens’ Plan increases the tourist tax and makes that revenue available for various cool uses, including added convention center space and tourist improvements in East Village and downtown. It does not allow for that new revenue to be used on a waterfront expansion because, let’s face it, it’s a dumb idea to wall off our waterfront from us, or our tourists. But there’s nothing in the Citizens’ Plan stopping the city from walling off the waterfront if they want to do that and can get it approved by a public vote—not likely—and use existing tourist taxes or other city money to pay for it. The Citizens’ Plan provides financial incentives for hoteliers spending their own money to promote the city and build tourismrelated facilities, including convention center expansion facilities, just not on the bayfront. Mr. Donoho also worries there is a problem with the Citizens’ Plan because the expansion “has mistakenly become entangled with building a new football stadium.” That isn’t so, either. The Charger Initiative openly raises new tourist taxes exclusively for a football stadium. The Citizens’ Plan does not provide even one penny for a new football stadium and we have worked hard to make that distinction plain. And there’s nothing in the Citizens’ Plan that requires building a new football stadium downtown in conjunction with a convention center expansion. In fact, the Citizens’ Plan allows the Chargers to stay either in Mission Valley or downtown (or go elsewhere), but prohibits new tourist funds from the Citizens’ Plan for construction of that facility, wherever it goes. Mr. Donoho supports “hefty provisions for homelessness services and affordable housing in the nearby neighborhoods, including Barrio Logan and Sherman Heights.” That’s a good idea. There are other equally good ideas. The Citizens’ Plan specifically provides for at least $18 million in new tourist tax revenue to be used for purpos-

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es determined by the city council. Our plan doesn’t even tie the council’s hands regarding the spending of that revenue and does not involve any bonds or indebtedness. Those new general fund revenues will be available to the city for every year for homelessness services, affordable housing, Balboa Park, infrastructure, community investment, police/fire/911 safety services, etc. Based on what Mr. Donoho says he wants, the Citizens’ Plan is not the problem, it’s the only reasonable solution.

Donna Frye, San Diego

FROM THE EDITOR: This letter from the former city councilmember is graciously appreciated. It should be noted that my Editor’s Letter did not state that the Citizens’ Plan is tied to stadium construction, as is the case with the Chargers Initiative. I agree with everything in the Citizens’ Plan with the exception of bias against a contiguous convention center expansion.


Obviously you didn’t attend any of the All-Star Game events last week where over 400,000 people tortuously walked around downtown, not just the convention center, spending millions of dollars, filling hotel rooms and enjoying San Diego. Contiguous expansion isn’t going to happen so we need to look at the next best option [“Comic-Con: Contiguous expansion, please,” July 20]. The Chargers Plan is the next best option. A stadium downtown will allow for more than just 10 football games a year. It will bring in events like Super Bowls, college football playoffs, college basketball Final Fours, major soccer games and countless other major events. Comic-Con is nice but with a new, state-of-the-art stadium in San Diego there are much bigger opportunities. A stadium downtown is about so much more than the Chargers, which is why the city will need to contribute to the funding. And don’t get me started on your homeless Utopian pipe dream. Look at San Francisco. Throwing money at the homeless does them no good. It only exacerbates the problem.

Andrew Brouwer, Via

TABLE OF CONTENTS UP FRONT From the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spin Cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sordid Tales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 6 7 8

FOOD & DRINK The World Fare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 In The Spirits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 The Beerdist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

THINGS TO DO Short List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Calendar of Events. . . . . . . . 14-17

ARTS & CULTURE Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 FEATURE: Body Image . . . . . . . 19 At The Intersection . . . . . . . . . . 20 Seen Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23

MUSIC FEATURE: Lucy Dacus. . . . . . . . 24 Notes from the Smoking Patio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 If I Were U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Concerts & Clubs . . . . . . . . 30-32

LAST WORDS In The Weeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34


COVER Minda Honey wrote a music feature for CityBeat in May and we talked her into starting her monthly column “At The Intersection” shortly after. This month she writes about “Unloading the baggage of black women’s hair.” Honey is also in the process of writing a memoir, An Anthology of Assholes, about squandering her youth on the wrong men. Follow her on Twitter: @MindaHoney. The cover collage is by art director Carolyn Ramos, who drew inspiration from Honey’s story (page 20) and the feature by Lizz Huerta on cultural struggles with body image (page 19).






Vote-swapping allegation makes for strange bedfellows Never swap horses crossing a office of Mayor Kevin Faulconer stream. sought her vote in opposition to —American proverb one election-reform ballot measure in exchange for drumming an Diego City Councilmem- up Republican backing for her pet ber Marti Emerald, prior to initiative, the so-called Firehouse entering politics, spent the Bond measure that would have bulk of a 30-year television jour- raised property taxes to pay for a nalism career as the “Trouble- slew of new fire stations throughshooter” for local station KGTV. out the city. While her consumer advocacy In California, vote swapping is won her numerous accolades over a serious crime, punishable under a 22-year span, she also earned a the state Penal Code by a prison reputation as the Queen of the term of two to four years and fines Ambush Interview. of $2,000 to $10,000. State law de“Emerald can’t resist sarcasm,” fines the violation as “any member a Los Angeles Times story observed of the legislative body of a city, in 1990. “She stops just short of county, city and county, school winking at the camera. When a district, or other special district… subject says he can’t talk to her, who asks, receives, or agrees to she says, ‘Ah, gee, that’s too bad.’” receive, any bribe, upon any unBut last week, Emerald may derstanding that his or her official have made arguably her most se- vote, opinion, judgment, or action rious allegation to date—that the shall be influenced thereby…”



The code goes on to note that even “offers or promises to give” a vote “either upon the same or another question” is a no-no. A 2006 state Senate bill added the prisonterm language to the equation. A KPBS story Thursday reported that “Emerald, a Democrat, said the mayor’s chief of staff, Stephen Puetz, had promised her six votes for the firehouse bond if she sided with Republicans in blocking a separate measure to change San Diego’s election rules” that would end the city practice of allowing candidates to win outright in a June primary by garnering more than 50 percent of the vote. The story added that Emerald “refused the offer from the mayor’s office.” According to the story, a mayoral spokesman responded with a one-sentence denial: “The comment is untrue.” Efforts to verify the story have proven difficult, to say the least. Spin Cycle reached out to Emerald’s chief of staff, Ricardo Flores, for details. In a brief interview Monday night, he said “a conversation” with the mayor’s office did occur in which “concerns” were raised about the election-change proposal from the Independent Voter Project, a group frequently scorned by local Republican Party leaders. Local party Chairman Tony


Did Ricardo Flores, Lorie Zapf, Stephen Puetz and Marti Emerald get cozy in a vote-swap deal that fizzled? Krvaric, a Faulconer supporter, has taken to social media in the past to blast the organization as a “front group” for either corporate interests or labor, apparently depending on the narrative he’s pushing. But Flores, who is running to replace his boss as the District 9 councilmember, said there was “never any let’s do this and that,” an apparent reference to the voteswapping allegation. When pressed for details, Flores said he had to take an incoming call from his mother but promised to follow up. The next day, Emerald’s office issued the following brief statement: “Unfortunately the Firehouse Bond did not pass. We will continue to work hard on behalf of all residents of the City of San Diego and District Nine.” No reference to the vote-swapping charge was made. When asked if the councilmember was backing away from her allegation, an Emerald spokeswoman replied with an email that was filled with gobbledygook. A request to clarify went unanswered. Paul Cooper, the executive assistant to City Attorney Jan Goldsmith, declined to comment on the accusation, but added “we would point out that offering to swap votes, if it occurred, could be a violation of the law.” At Monday’s city council meeting, Spin Cycle ran into ol’ MadDog, former councilman Jim Madaffer, now a city lobbyist. After some small talk, Spin asked if he recalled any attempts to trade votes while he served on the council. “We used to trade votes for Padres tickets!” Madaffer replied—before admitting that he was joking. (Yep, sure miss covering that guy.) It’s not hard to figure out why folks might be running away from this drama. One, Flores–facing a tough November election battle with environmental advocate Georgette Gomez–doesn’t need an issue like this cluttering up his campaign. And two, the penalties for vote swapping apply to all

participants–and can end political careers. As a 2007 article in Western City, the monthly magazine from the League of California Cities, pointed out, “To underscore the seriousness of the offense, votetrading (like other forms of bribery and crimes against the legislative power) also subjects an official to forfeiture of office and forever being disqualified from holding office.” What, you may ask, is the problem with vote trading if something good like more fire stations is the end result? Again, from Western City: “The reason that such approaches are problematic is that the legislative process is, by design, a group decision-making process. When one defers to one’s colleague, the voters lose the benefit of the group decision-making process; the process is undermined.” In this case, Emerald actually cast her vote with Republicans to shoot down the election-change ballot measure, only to quickly say she had made a mistake and sought a revote. The measure then was approved for November along party lines. Then last week, Republican Councilmember Lorie Zapf switched her previous yes vote on Emerald’s Firehouse Bond measure to a nay, thereby denying it the two-thirds majority council vote required to place it on the ballot. Zapf told KPBS that she changed her vote after deciding an alternative proposal to build five fire stations in underserved District 4 and repair 25 “public safety assets that are not in good condition” using infrastructure funds from the recently approved Proposition H would be a better approach. Considering all the public relations squirming on this latest drama, too bad we can’t call in the “Troubleshooter” to make sense of Swapgate. Let’s hope it doesn’t take another City Hall raid a la 2003’s Strippergate to find answers. Spin Cycle appears every week. Write to

July 27, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 7





This point behind Melania plagiarizing Michelle


ou have probably heard that parts of the speech delivered last week by Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, at the 2016 Republican National Convention were plagiarized from a 2008 Michelle Obama DNC speech. And you may have heard that Meredith McIver, aide to Donald Trump, has taken the blame saying that she wrote the speech and that Trump had merely provided those quotes as an example of the tone she was seeking. But what you have probably not heard is how horrible Michelle Obama’s original speech was, why anyone would want to plagiarize it in the first place and how bad our political landscape must be that they did. In fact, in the wake of the scandal, everyone seems to revere Michelle’s speech; as if it was some “I have a dream” or “Tear down this wall” gangsta shit. But it’s not even close. Let’s begin with the first of the stolen passages. “Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values; that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you’re going to do, that you treat people with dignity and respect...” Oh, please. That thing is riddled with clichés and platitudes. Mrs. Obama didn’t invent the concepts of hard work, keeping your word and showing respect. Why on Earth would anyone want to steal that white noise in the first place? And if you really did regard this string of clichés as something so profound it needed to be stolen, why not just come up with your own? Any semi-decent writer could have knocked off their own un-plagiarized version in the time it takes to count the minorities at a Trump rally. There’s also a glaring redundancy. Look again: “...that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you’re going to do.” Well if your word is your bond then you already do do what you say you’re going to do! How does a redundancy like that make it onto the big stage? Remember, it was Sarah Hurwitz who wrote that speech. She is the former chief speechwriter for Hillary Clinton and a Harvard graduate who surely must know that every wasted word in a political address equals ten thousand channels changed. What’s even more amazing is the plagiarized Trump version. Not only did McIver—an accomplished author and editor working as the in-housestaff writer for one of the most powerful conglomerates in the world—leave the redundancy in the Trump version of the speech, she tacked on another! Yup, Melania really piled it on when she said, “… my parents impressed on me the values that your word is your bond, and you do what you say, and

keep your promise.” Well hot damn! A Triple Rundy! <And the crowd goes wild.> I guess McIver wanted to cover her bases, thinking, What if there are people whose word is their bond but do not do what they say or keep their promises? Or, what if their word is not their bond, but they keep their promises and do what they say? Or, what if they keep their word and their promises but don’t do what they say? Or… Want more examples of pure, unabashed, public speaking garbage? Take the following passage from Obama’s speech, also cribbed by the Trump camp. “We want our children and all children in this nation to know that the only limit to the height of your achievement is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them…” Christ, Michelle, could you dance around the point any longer? And how about fixing the grammar? It should have been “…the height of their achievements” and “the reach of their dreams.” In his 1946 essay “Politics and the English Language” George Orwell wrote about this kind of ineffective, political writing: “As soon as certain topics are raised, the concrete melts into the abstract and no one seems able to think of turns of speech that are not hackneyed: prose consists less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning, and more and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated henhouse.” And doesn’t Obama’s passage remind you of exactly that? The thing is awkward, bloated, circuitous and, worst of all, pandering. I mean, are we ever going to get to a time when our leaders don’t need to mention The Children in order to get elected? Did that passage even need to be about kids? Can’t adults strive for dreams, too? And was the term “The Nation” really necessary? I know Michelle’s a patriot but why is it only the children of this nation who should work hard to reach their dreams? What about other nation’s children? Are they chopped liver? And can we please stop telling people there’s no limit to their dreams? You can work your ass off your entire life to achieve the dream of deflowering The Marchant twins in a zero gravity space station but it just ain’t gonna happen. And what’s funny about all this is how easy it is to write a sentence that doesn’t suck. Here, try this: We believe that perseverance is the best path toward achieving their goals. See? Was that so hard? No bloat. No children pandering? No Nation thumping. Just truth, in a nutshell.

Why on Earth would anyone want to steal that white noise in the first place?

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Sordid Tales appears every other week. Write to






The big flavors of Peru


t is Peru’s time to shine on the culinary stage. Three Lima restaurants—Central, Maido and Astrid y Gastón—are on The World’s 50 Best Restaurants list (only five in the United States are there). The food at these restaurants applies Peru’s diverse cultural influences to its natural bounty, yielding a subtle, organic fusion cuisine. While Del Mar’s Café Secret (1140 Camino Del Mar) doesn’t pretend to offer Michelin-starred perfection, it certainly demonstrates the big flavors and diverse influences that form the foundation upon which those restaurants were built. Peruvian cuisine is characterized by three separate geographical regions (coastal, Andes highlands and Amazonian jungle) and by the layering of European followed by Asian immigration on top of indigenous cultures. Peru’s national dish is ceviche—which it claims to have invented— raw fish (or par-boiled seafood) cut into bite-sized pieces and marinated (“cooked”) in citrus. As Café Secret shows, Peru’s version uses locally caught fish-of-the-day, octopus, jumbo shrimp, Peruvian scallops, New Zealand green lip mussels and calamari along with aji chiles, onion, garlic, sweet corn kernels, canchitas (think corn nuts-in-the-raw or popped-but-unpuffed popcorn) and sweet potatoes. It is an acid-forward dish brimming with flavor and textural contrasts. Filtering ceviche through the lens of Japan’s influence on Peruvian cookery yields tiradito. Instead of chunks of fish marinated in lime, sashimi-cut thin slices of fish are sauced at the last minute with an emulsion featuring aji amarillo chiles, lime and aromatics. Aji amarillos are Peruvian chiles with serrano-level heat but a tremendous fruitiness. The color says “sweet” but the sauce means serious business. In addition to the traditional version, Café Secret also offers a passion fruit tiradito. I was dubious, but the tropical fruit-fish combination really worked. If the tiraditos put the focus on Peru’s Japanese


influence, lomito saltado speaks to the Chinese influence. Soy sauce and vinegar marinated filet mignon is stir-fried with onions, tomatoes, aji amarillos and is served with yucca (representing Peruvian origin) and rice (representing Chinese influence). Salty, earthy, full of umami and with an Asian-tilting flavor profile, it is a fascinating fusion. Not everything at Café Secret worked so well. A quinoa tamale sounded much better on the menu than it tasted on the plate. Based on Peru’s staple grain, quinoa, with field corn, cilantro queso fresco and aji amarillo, and steamed in a corn husk, the intriguing combination of ingredients never came together and ended up tasting bland. MICHAEL A. GARDINER

Ceviche mixto Similarly, Peru prizes itself on its “sanguiches” (sandwiches), but its chicken version (available only at lunch) was competent but unspectacular. A better lunchtime option would be the empanadas. The beef version—which emphasizes the savory more than the funky ingredients such as olives, capers and raisins of the classic Argentine version—is a particularly good choice. Restaurants such as Central, Maido and Astrid y Gastón have put Peru’s cuisine on the map. Through exacting perfection and an exploration of all Peru has to offer they have forged a cuisine that is second to none. Café Secret is not all that. It does, however, present an excellent opportunity to explore the big flavors and culinary DNA with which those restaurants are working. The World Fare appears weekly. Write to

July 27, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 9




SPIRITS Where to get your day drink on

your girls to talk shit about your ex, while getting wasted on mimosas. Speaking of mimosas, they’re available by the pitcher, or for $7.50 each. You can n a city with so many sunny days, the weather choose from four mix-ins: orange pineapple kale, practically pre-ordains that morning or aftercucumber honey, Honeycrisp apple pomegrannoon brunching is part of your weekend daily ate and lemon blackberry. Madison also has five grind. Though a break from the oppressive heat brunch cocktails to choose from, including the (speaking with San Diego bias and perspective) cutely named Hollyhock, made with Tito’s vodka, would be most welcome. strawberries, lemon, basil and champagne. An amateur bruncher thinks it’s all about the Small Bar (4628 Park LYUDMILA ZOTOVA chicken and waffles. A vetBlvd.) eran day drinker knows University Heights stafood is important but that ple Small Bar serves brunch boozing it up with the right on Saturdays and Sundays, liquor and in the right ambiand for those still waiting ance can make all the differfor their financial portfoence. lios to even out—your food Nothing nurses a hangcomes with a free cocktail over like a hearty Bloody or beer. Practically a meal Mary or gets the celebration in and of itself, the Bloody going like a cold mimosa. Mary Superior includes Here is a quartet of boozing ingredients such as beerestablishments that serve candied bacon, shrimp, all that and more, and will mushrooms, pickled green help you achieve your day beans, a bleu cheese olive drinking goals. and more. I know Small Bar The Rabbit Hole (3377 probably makes you think Adams Ave.) of beer, but the cocktails There’s no place like the here don’t disappoint. That hole. You can catch a game Moscow Mule in a copper here without the usual cup—try it, I think you’ll be brah-tastic vibe you’d get pleased (but don’t steal the at other sports bars. Weekvessel). end brunch features giant, Madison on Park’s orange pineapple The Waterfront Bar & manly dishes like the Chuck kale mimosa Grill (2044 Kettner Blvd.) Norris Breakfast Burger (oh You didn’t think to come yes, that exists) and drink specials like $10 chamhere for brunch, did you? It opens at 6 a.m. every pagne bottles and $5 Bloody Marys. Also on speday. Serving up a Mexican brunch menu on the cial is a Rabbit Hole original, The Dude cocktail. weekends and breakfast items every day, the WaMade with vanilla vodka, Licor 43, coffee and terfront is known to mix up some stiff drinks along house cream, it combines the best of both brunch with an extensive draft list. A bucket of ice with worlds—boozing and caffeinating. a bottle of champagne can be yours, along with Madison on Park (4622 Park Blvd.) some OJ in a carafe for mimosa making, for $10. Madison on Park recently debuted a brunch You don’t go to the Waterfront for craft ingredimenu that’s filled with tasty but diminutive dishes. ents; you go for cheap booze, juicy burgers, and While the food is good, the drinks are better. It re- smiling faces—even at 6 a.m. minds me of a place you’d visit on a Sunday with


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July 27, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 11




BEERDIST Brewery trippin’ with Pokémon GO


only downloaded Pokémon GO because of my kid. At least, that’s the story I’ve been telling myself for the last two weeks. In the past I would stare blankly and nod when my eight-yearold described the attributes of various pokemon. But when I started playing it, a great truth became clear. With the release of this game the nexus of two of man’s greatest obsessions—drinking beer and staring at our phones—had been realized. The geographic hunting aspect of the game is perfect for brewery hopping. Many San Diego breweries are indexed in the game as one type of landmark or another. Pokestops are where players load up on gear and gyms are where the characters do battle. But not all breweries have their Pokemon game on point. I went to find the ones that do. Modern Times (3725 Greenwood St.) is one brewery fortunate enough to be the site of a Pokemon gym. I am not one to brag, but I held that gym on lock for a good three hours. It also has a slew of new summer IPAs to recharge after swiping those screens for minutes at a time. Underworld Dreams is the standout in this latest round of releases that also includes last year’s Galaxy-hopped Protocosmos. But without a Pokestop in range the action at the Lomaland Fermentorium is limited. Monkey Paw (805 16th St.) is also a pokemon gym but has the additional benefit of a pokestop nearby. Unfortunately for me, and my perpetually confused and frenetic cell signal, the app could not determine for any length of time whether I was at Monkey Paw or across the street. At least it always has great stuff on tap. Gibbon Back IPA, a 9.5 percent ABV beast, was brewed for San Diego Pride and is one of the better high-ABV IPAs I have had recently. One brewery stands above the rest in my ar-

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bitrary Pokémon GO hierarchy—Thorn Street Brewery (3176 Thorn St.). From the tasting room there is easy access to both a gym and a stop. The kid-friendly brew house is adjacent to the incredible Grand Ole BBQ Y Asado restaurant and Coronado Ice and Tea, where they serve ice cream inside warm donuts. Thorn Street also has a new session IPA called “OG HighPA,” a beer brewed with cannabis extract. While it lacks the loopy and couch-locking effects of weed (no drug test ANDREW DYER

IPAs are easier to catch at Thorn St. Brewery risk here) it does deliver a wallop. The 4.20 (get it?) percent ABV has a robust and full flavor that many session ales lack. Gimmicky as hell? Yeah. Delicious as hell? Again, yeah. Through the end of July Pokémon GO players can also score a $1 pint. White Labs, Societe, Mikkeller, Helms are just a few of the other breweries I found with gyms. Even though I imagine myself as the kind of person who bucks trends, this one is pretty fun. It is also a good distraction for kids cursed with beer geek parents who drag them to breweries every weekend. It could be a passing fad, but they also said that about craft beer. The Beerdist appears every other week. Write to






Technology & memory down the rabbit hole


(Wikipedia), or “glitch” (Snopes) in a significant segment of the collective memory, where numerous people have shared recollections that are different than available evidence. But that’s not the original definition, most certainly not what the person who coined it meant it to mean. The Mandela Effect was first noted and the term created by paranormal researcher Fiona Broome in 2010, who said that she and many other people had memories of Nelson Mandela dying in the 1980s in prison. There were so many who felt this way that Broome theorized that there had been some kind of shift between parallel worlds for many people, either all at once or over time. The Mandela Effect as supernatural occurrence had fringe conspiracy appeal but didn’t attract much notice until Nelson Mandela actually died in 2013, when suddenly a whole lot more people realized they thought he’d died in prison in the 1980s, too. From there, more and more “glitches” in the collective memory were “discovered,” or at least theorized by conspiracists—the big one that helped propel The Mandela Effect beyond the fringe was the “Berenstain” vs. “Berenstein” Bears controversy: whether the famous children’s book series had changed from the latter to the former in a glitch that stemmed from the parallel world shift.

The Bond character, sans braces But as more and more of these oddities in mass memory mix-up popped up, The Mandela Effect was on the verge of moving from fringe to cult to mainstream. An active Subreddit page began noting examples of The Mandela Effect, some of which garnered large mass memory (or mis-memory) agreement. Personally, most of them I was able to shrug off, even when I had the same grinding memory that didn’t agree; I thought it was Berenstein, but whatever. But with ComicCon in town I had a few curiosities, so I was scooting around on the Internet to see if there was anything going on with the James Bond franchise, which is in flux after its star Daniel Craig had exited the role. While searching, I saw reference to something else, a Bond-related Mandela Effect that is the first that has really shaken me. I saw Moonraker at least three times in the theater. It’s not a good movie (though the most successful 007 at the time), but I was that age. I’ve seen it a couple times on TV or VHS in the years since. It features the return of Jaws, a huge hulking freak show of an assassin with metal teeth. But at one point in the movie, he meets a nerdy, busty blond beauty, and they bond because she’s got braces

…numerous people have shared recollections that are different than available evidence.


s we bid farewell to Comic-Con, let it serve as a precarious leaping-off point for some playful technological speculation about what we don’t know and the increasingly blurred world between fact and fiction and Hollywood and politics and whether “reality” is an endless media cycle of chaos, war and death or a crazyquilt wag-the-dog matrix of corruption, crimes and audacious lies. Or both. There is no question that the government’s development of technology that is classified and secret is years ahead of what the public uses and is aware of. People take it for granted now, but the Edward Snowden revelations showed a vast technological network far past what the mainstream imagined possible. Surely the same is happening across all fields involving technology breakthroughs. The huge Aug. 2013 exposé of the government black budget in The Washington Post claimed it was $52 billion, which almost surely means it’s at least twice that. Or ten times that. Who knows? But even if we take that figure at face value, and figure in the usual corruption skim, it’s still a pretty significant amount of money. My personal favorite off-the-grid fringe theory—which, oddly, I see has joined—is that a whole separate category of technology has been developed from the work of Nikola Tesla, creating the ability to bend space and time and creating “The Mandela Effect.” The Mandela Effect is a term created in 2010, recently enough that it’s not ingrained in the language and fascinating to explore because its sudden Snopes appearance shows there is a battle waging to define what it even really means. The Establishment definition of The Mandela Effect is a mass confabulation

and metal teeth, too! It’s a rather stupid gag, and even as a teen I remember thinking so. It’s a notoriously bad gag from the Roger Moore years, to the point where her braces have been noted in film reviews and the obituary of Richard Kiel, the 7-foot tall actor who played Jaws. Except now, as has been noted across the Internet, the nerdy, busty blond girl doesn’t have braces anymore. She has bright white shining teeth. I went to the library, got out the 2007 remastered DVD. No braces. It’s not just me who is blown away by this. I asked Roberta Lipp, author of The Ultimate James Bond Fan Book. She too was flabbergasted by the “disappearance” of the braces. It makes no sense for the braces to be gone, both visually from memory and as movie plot device—the braces are the reason the beauty bonds with the beast, it makes sense organically to the plot and it’s a visual gag to boot. I know this is not a confabulation in my head and several other people have backed me on it. Of course, this can’t be a parallel universe and there’s got to be a more likely explanation. The braces were digitally removed somewhere along the line, but why? Were the producers afraid it made the character look underage? That it made her look less attractive? I have no idea. But this is something that deserves further investigation. I’ve reached out to EON, the producers of the Bond franchise, to get some kind of answer but not yet heard back. Because if a bunch of us are living in an alternative timeline bounced via black budget operation gone awry, I’d like to know about it.

July 27, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 13










lent journalism and personal narrative to tell the story about this small town in Virginia. Green will Locals may remember Kristen Green’s be stopping by Warwick’s in La Jolla (7812 Girard byline from when she was a reporter Ave.) on Monday, Aug. 1, at 7:30 p.m. to promote at The San Diego Union-Tribune in the mid-’00s. the paperback release of the book. What’s most When she moved back to the East Coast, she found impressive is Green’s ability to weave in her own herself drawn to a story about her own hometown family’s troubled racial history in a way that is both of Farmville, Virginia. More specifically, it dealt shameful and cathartic. with her town’s re“One of the threads DEAN HOFFMEYER fusal to desegregate within the book deals in the schools after the my own personal jour1954 Supreme Court ney to understand what decision in Brown happened in my vs. Board of Educahometown and my tion. For Green, not own family’s role only was the story in that,” says Green, personal because she who adds that her ended up attending grandfather was the all-white school one of the supportthat resulted from ers of keeping the that refusal, but also schools segregated. because she ended “Learning that my up meeting many Kristen Green grandfather had of the thousands of made the deciblack students who were denied an education besion to support the cause of the decision. school closures and the opening of an all-white “Honestly, I would have loved to just ignored academy, I don’t think he understood the effect it, but it just kept bubbling up,” says Green. “It that it would have on black children. I struggled demanded my attention. I’d find myself thinking with what to do with that information, but guilt about these children who were shut out of the and shame doesn’t do anyone any good. It’s imschools. I couldn’t get it out of my mind.” portant to acknowledge that past and move forThe resulting book, Something Must Be Done ward. I can still love my grandfather and still be About Prince Edward County, combines excel- disappointed in the decision he made.”




2 EVERYTHING IS AWESOME 3 YES TO HESS Who will win in the fight for the Quasar crystals? Can anyone put a stop to the devious plans of the digital god Polybius? Do you like wrestling? If any of these questions intrigue you then Super Awesome Showdown’s Galacticadia 3 is for you. Taking place at the Natural History Museum (1788 El Prado), SAS puts the “show” in showdown by combining elements of sci-fi fantasy theater with professional wrestling. The intergalactic video game-themed show (dubbed “The Battle for Awesomeness”) features names such as Vic Valentine and Captain Ultra Fist duking it out for the title of Galactic Champion and ownership of those elusive “Quasar crystals.” The melee begins at 10 p.m. Saturday, July 30. Tickets range from $5 for kids to $40 for ringside VIP seating.

Mike Hess Brewing (3812 Grim Ave.) sits on the opposite side of a parking lot from the North Park headquarters of CityBeat. You know you’re getting close to our editorial offices when you start to inhale the earthy smells of the never-ending Hess brewing process. So naturally, we’ve teamed up with our industrious neighbor to back HessFest, their sixth anniversary celebration, which happens from 12:30 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, July 30. More than 20 breweries (locals and some ’Zonies) will have offerings, and the festivities also include food vendors and live music from Miles Ahead and The Routine. It all goes down in and around the brewery on Grim Avenue and tickets range from $50 (general session) to $65 (VIP). Partial proceeds go to YMCA of San Diego.


H25th Annual Juried Exhibition at Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, 1008 Wall St., La Jolla. Artwork from 32 artists that live, work or exhibit in San Diego as juried by Mark Quint and Mary L. Beebe. Some of the artists include Dan Adams, Neil Kendricks and more. Opening from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, July 29. Free. 858454-5872, El Camino del Sol at Liminal Gallery, 1752 National Ave. #1, Barrio Logan. Enjoy artwork by German Corrales and Jorge Mendoza. Private showings available by appointment after opening. Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, July 30. Free. 858-380-7283, Water Works at Adelman Fine Art, 1980 Kettner Blvd. Suite 40, Little Italy. New paintings and works centered on the theme of water from Irina Negulescu, Norm Daniels, and Chuck McPherson. RSVP required to attend reception. Opening from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, July 30. Free. 619-354-5969, water-works/ HA Tiny World of Green and Gold at Space 4 Art, 325 15th St., East Village. This new exhibition from sculptor Sara Parent-Ramos explores the elusive world of the bacteria thriving inside and outside us. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Aug. 1. Free.

BOOKS Delia Sherman and Ellen Kushner at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The spouses and occasional co-authors will sign their respective new books, Welcome to Bordertown: New Stories and Poems of the Borderlands (Kushner) and Through a Brazen Mirror (Sherman). At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 27. Free. 858-2684747, Dr. Mehrad Nazari at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The bestselling real estate broker will speak about and sign his new book Enlightened Negotiation: 8 Universal Laws to Connect, Create, and Prosper. At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 27. Free. 858-4540347, Daniel O’Malley at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The author will discuss and sign Stiletto, the sequel to his debut supernatural thriller, The Rook. At 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 28. Free. 858-268-4747, Midge Raymond at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The author will discuss and sign her debut novel, My Last Continent, a love story set against the Antarctic landscape. At 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 28. Free. 858-454-0347, Eddie Loussararian at Upstart Crow Bookstore and Coffeehouse, 835 West Harbor Dr., Suite C, Seaport Village. The author will be signing his book, When Bosses Go Wild, which is about techniques to improve relations in the workplace. At 7 p.m. Friday, July 29. Free. 619-232-4855, Cutter Slagle at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. As part of Warwick’s ongoing Weekend with Locals Program, Slagle will sign and discuss his paperback thriller The Next Victim. At noon. Sunday, July 31. Free. 858-454-0347, HKristen Green at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The former Union-Tribune reporter will sign and discuss Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County, her nonfiction account of


14 · San Diego CityBeat · July 27, 2016


H = CityBeat picks

a Virginia county that refused to desegregate public schools. At 7:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 1. Free. 858-454-0347, Mary E. Pearson at Carlsbad City Library, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad. The fantasy author will be promoting The Beauty of Darkness, book three of The Remnant Chronicles. At 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 2. Free. 760-602-2049, event/mary-e-pearson-signs-carlsbad HDouglas Brinkley at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The CNN Presidential Historian and contributing editor at Vanity Fair will discuss and sign his new book of nonfiction, Rightful Heritage: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Land of America. At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 3. Free. 858-454-0347,

COMEDY HAries Spears at American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., Downtown. Most wellknown as a long-standing cast member of MadTV and for his role in Jerry Maguire, Aries Spears brings his high-energy comedy to San Diego. At 8 p.m. Thursday, July 28 and 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Friday, July 29 and Saturday, July 30. $22. 619-7953858, Champions of Comedy at Harrah’s Resort Southern California, 777 Harrah’s Rincon Way, Vally Center. A performance by up-and-coming comic Lachlan Patterson who has appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Comedy Central’s Live at Gotham, and Tosh.0. From 10 to 11 p.m. Friday, July 29. $10. 760-751-3100, Jim Gaffigan at Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre, 5800 Aztec Walk, College Area. The popular comic, widely known for his comical books and voice-over work, stops by on his current “Fully Dressed” tour. At 8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 3. $29$75. 619-594-0234,

FOOD & DRINK Beer, BBQ and Blues at West Coast Tavern, 2895 University Ave., North Park. A four-course meal crafted by Chef Abe Botello and paired with a signature Lagunitas Craft Beer. Blues musician Joey from Lady Dottie and the Diamonds will be performing live throughout the evening. From 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday, July 27. $49.95. 619-295-1688, HFeast Oceanside Food Festival at The Old Mission San Luis Rey, 4050 Mission Ave, Oceanside. A food festival and fundraiser highlighting over a dozen restaurants, breweries and distilleries located exclusively in Oceanside and benefitting local non-profit organizations. From 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, July 27. $45. Wine & Walk: The Story of Plants at Water Conservation Garden, 12122 Cuyamaca College Drive West, El Cajon. Enjoy fine wine and a summer evening stroll while learning fun and interesting facts about some of the unusual plants in The Garden. From 5:30 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 27. $5. Wine World Wanderlust at Venissimo Cheese, 2650 Via de la Valle, Del Mar. Learn the basics of pairing fine wine with cheese from experts in both worlds. Includes six pairings. From 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, July 28. $60. 858-847-9616, HEnvision Urban Agriculture Fair at SILO in Makers Quarter, 753 15th St., East Village. A family-friendly agriculture fair for growers and the San Diego community, with produce from local urban farmers, a seed swap, and live music. From 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 30. Free. 619-702-5655, events/471064009730515/



July 27, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 15

EVENTS EVENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 HHessfest at Hess Brewing North Park, 3812 Grim Ave., North Park. A street partystyle beer fest with dozens of breweries to sample, live music and food. Takes place on Grim Ave. between University and North Park Way. Proceeds benefit the YMCA of San Diego. From 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday, July 30. $35-$65. Summer Feast on the Farm at Suzie’s Farm, 1856 Saturn Blvd., Imperial Beach. Sit down to a seasonal, farm-to-fork, four-course dinner with local farmers Thaddeus Barsotti of Farm Fresh To You, and Lucila De Alejandro of Suzie’s Farm. From 3:30 to 7 p.m. Saturday, July 30. $135. 619-662-1780, Tailgate Party and Chili Cook-Off at Embarcadero Marina Park North, 1 Marine Way, Downtown. The tailgate party and firefighter chili cook-off to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association will feature all-you-can-eat food, live music by Classic Buzz and tickets to the Padres game. From noon to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, July 30. $40-$50. events/1593295984319852/ HShuck-a-Thon at Ironside Fish & Oyster, 1654 India St., Little Italy. To celebrate National Oyster Day, six area chefs take a turn behind the raw bar to shuck oysters for a buck apiece. During each chef’s hour, 100 percent of the proceeds from oyster sales will go to the chef’s chosen charity. From 3 to 10 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 2. Free. 619-269-3033, Wine Tasting for Art Lovers at Monarch-Arredon Contemporary Art, 7629 Girard Avenue, La Jolla. Arredon Contemporary, in collaboration with Boca Roja, will

be hosting a monthly wine tasting night featuring a selection from Salerno Winery and wineries of Valle de Guadalupe, Mexico.Ticket includes three premium wine tastings, a full glass of wine and gourmet tapas. From 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 3. $25.

MUSIC Chris Botti at Embarcadero Marina Park South, 206 Marina Park Way, Downtown. The Grammy-winning trumpeter will perform a a Bayside Summer Nights special concert with his full band. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Thursday, July 28. $20-$85. 619686-6200, Fitz and The Tantrums at Del Mar Racetrack, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. Indie pop band responsible for the hit “HandClap” will perform as part of the Del Mar Summer Concert Series. From 7 to 10 p.m. Friday, July 29. Free-$20. 858755-1141, Sounds of Summer at Downtown San Diego, North Harbor Drive, Downtown. Local musicians of San Diego performing in different places around Downtown. Includes performances from Tony Palkovic,Tori Roze & Johnny Alexander, and Pat Dowling. From noon to 2 p.m. Friday, July 29. Free. Trace Adkins at Embarcadero Marina Park South, 206 Marina Park Way, Downtown. Listen to the biggest hits from the platinum-selling country singer. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Friday, July 29. $20-$85. 619-686-6200, Hooray for Hollywood! at Embarcadero Marina Park South, 206 Marina Park Way, Downtown. A tribute to the music of Hollywood. Onscreen film clips will

16 · San Diego CityBeat · July 27, 2016

complement the San Diego Symphony Orchestra performing famous songs and themes from movies. From 8 to 10:30 p.m. Saturday, July 30. $20-$85. 619686-6200, Reggae Fest at Del Mar Racetrack, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. The annual Del Mar Summer Concert Series concert will include Ziggy Marley and other reggae bands throughout the afternoon. From 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday, July 30. $6-$20. 858-755-1141, HRock Against the TPP Concert at Spin Nightclub, 2028 Hancock St., Mission Hills. Free concert and rally to protest the Trans-Pacific Partnership featuring Jolie Holland, Bonfire Madigan, Evangeline Lilly and more. From 2 to 9 p.m. Saturday, July 30. Free. 619-294-9590, San Diego Youth Symphony’s International Youth Symphony at California Center for the Arts, 340 North Escondido Blvd., Escondido. Experience the full orchestra at their only concert hall performance with symphonic works by some of the most celebrated composers. From 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, July 30. $10-$25. 760-839-4190, HSounds of the City at Embarcadero Marina Park South, 206 Marina Park Way, Downtown. A music festival and community celebration of San Diego’s local music scene featuring live bands, games and activities topped off with an evening concert by the San Diego Symphony performing the music of John Williams. From 4 to 9 p.m. Sunday, July 31. Free. 619686-6200, Music At Dusk Concerts at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 3598 Talbot St., Point Loma. For five Mondays in August, patrons can enjoy symphony-quality en-

tertainment from Billy Hawkins & his High Society Band, Pete Sprague and more. From 6:30 to 8 p.m. Monday, Aug. 1. Free. 619-223-3193,


Nathan James at Rancho San Diego Library, 11555 Via Rancho San Diego, El Cajon. Guitarist Nathan James performs blues and musical Americana in this free concert, part of the San Diego County Library’s Acoustic Showcase series. From 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 2. 619660-5370, San Diego Summer Conducting Workshop Final Concert at Smith Recital Hall - SDSU, 5500 Campanile Drive, College Area. The showcase concert for the San Diego Summer Conducting Workshop will feature the Conducting Fellows, who were chosen from a pool of applicants from around the country. At 8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 2. Free.

PERFORMANCE HFree Speech! (While Supplies Last) at La Jolla Playhouse, 2910 La Jolla Village Drive, La Jolla. An irreverent look at America’s electoral insanity from the world famous Second City. Features political satire, and songs and improv straight from their sold-out shows in Chicago and Toronto. Plays from Friday, July 29 through Sunday, August 21. Various times. Friday, July 29. $10-$45. 858-550-1010, HOpera NEO Cabaret at Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Dr., Encinitas. An evening of opera, musical theater scenes and cabaret songs. Includes appetizers, desserts and refreshments. Takes place inside the Encinitas Library Concert Hall. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 29. $20-$30.

“Helper/Freeloader/Hunter #2” by Sara Parent-Ramos will be on view at A Tiny World of Green and Gold, a solo exhibition opening Aug. 1 at Space 4 Art (325 15th St., East Village). Temptation: A Striptease Soiree at Music Box, 1337 India St., Little Italy. Burlesque performances from Drop Dead Dames Burlesque Revue with live bands playing in between the acts. At 8:30 p.m. Saturday, July 30. $20. 619-736-0026,

POETRY & SPOKEN WORD HThe Color Theory at Barrio Logan. The first in a new series of spoken word show-


EVENTS cases that aim to give voices to writers of color. Speakers include Carlos Kelly, Lizz Huerta, Paul Lopez, and more. Takes place at 2186 Logan Ave. in Barrio Logan. From 7 to 10:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 27. Free. 619-366-9006, The Red Poets Society at Kafe Sobaka Restoran Pomegranate, 2469 Broadway, Golden Hill. The poetry showcase features local writers and happens on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. See website for info and featured writers. At 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 27. $5 suggested donation. 619-297-4007, facebook. com/sdredpoets/ HVAMP: Villains at Whistle Stop, 2236 Fern St, South Park. So Say We All’s monthly storytelling showcase will feature tales about the bad guys in our lives. Includes writers Anna Gasaway, Fidi Mwero, Hunter Gatewood, Jake Arky and more. From 8:30 to 10 p.m. Thursday, July 28. $5. 619-284-6784,

kid’s zone, dog wash, beer garden food trucks and more. From 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, July 30. Free. unleashedby.

game. From noon to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, July 30. $40-$50. events/1593295984319852/

Thought Lounge’s SD Roots Gala at Karl Strauss Brewery Tasting Room, 5985 Santa Fe St., Old Town. Local nonprofit Thought Lounge will host its second annual fundraiser which includes live music, food, beer and guest speakers. From 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, July 31. $20. 858-2732739,

HMama’s Kitchen Wine Tasting Fundraiser at Park & Rec, 4612 Park Blvd, University Heights. Enjoy a night of wine tasting, food, and games at this 21st annual event. All proceeds will go to the only nonprofit in San Diego that provides free meals seven days a week to anyone affected by AIDS/HIV or cancer. From 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 2. $60-$70.

Tailgate Party and Chili Cook-Off at Embarcadero Marina Park North, 1 Marine Way, Downtown. The tailgate party and firefighter chili cook-off to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association will feature all-you-can-eat food, live music by Classic Buzz and tickets to the Padres

HSuper Awesome Showdown: Galacticadia 3 at San Diego Natural History Museum, 1788 El Prado, Balboa Park. An intergalactic wrestling spectacle. Watch


the heroes and villains of showdown meet in the battle grid and fight for the title of Galactic Champion. From 7:30 to 10 p.m. Saturday, July 30. $5-$40. 619-2323821,

TALKS & DISCUSSIONS Stephen Morris’ Art History Lecture Series at The Studio Door, 3750 30th St., North Park. Irish artist Stephen Morris hosts a series of lectures to bring insight into some of the various painting practices and approaches to the medium of painting. From 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 2. Free.

WORKSHOPS Greywater 101 at City Farmers Nursery, 3110 Euclid Ave., Colina del Sol. Learn how to repurpose your home’s greywater into water suitable for landscaping. Taught by Farmer Bill. From 9 to 10:30 a.m. Saturday, July 30. Free. Ekphrastic Poetry: Writing Art at The Ink Spot, 2730 Historic Decatur Rd., Barracks 16, Suite 202, Point Loma. Ekphrastic poets find their inspiration in works of visual art. In this workshop, Sarah Z. Sleeper will teach methodologies so that students can confidently approach this exciting cross-genre art space. From 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, July 31. $45-$54. 619-696-0363,

The Foundry Reading Series #2 at Tiger Eye Hair, 811 25th St., Suite 105, Golden Hill. Check out a mix of writers based in San Diego, plus touring superstars who will be sharing their newest releases. Readers include Aaron Burch, Juliet Escoria, Jim Ruland, and more. From 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday, July 30. $5 suggested donation. 619-798-3996,

SPECIAL EVENTS Andaz Salon at Andaz San Diego, 600 F St., Downtown. The hotel’s Rooftop600 bar and lounge will host night of local artwork, fashion designs, and live music. Proceeds benefit local homeless charities. From 6 to 10 p.m. Thursday, July 28. $7. 619-849-1234, Canine Cocktails at Hotel Indigo, 509 9th Ave., Downtown. City Dog and FIT Athletic Club host a night of specialty cocktails to benefit the San Diego Humane Society. Raffle tickets and prizes will be available. From 5:30 to 10 p.m. Thursday, July 28. Free. Rockin’ Date Night For A Cause at Tin Roof, 401 G St., Gaslamp. Twelve of San Diego’s most eligible bachelors and bachelorettes are up for bid. Proceeds benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego County. From 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, July 28. $25-$30. 619-230-8606, HSummer Games: A Tower After Hours Event at San Diego Museum of Man, 1350 El Prado, Balboa Park. Kick off the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio with museum-wide events, including mingling with Olympic athletes, enjoying Brazilian appetizers, cocktails, and more. From 6 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, July 28. $15-$30. 619-239-2001, Jai Ho! Bollywood Party at Queen Bee’s Arts & Cultural Center, 3825 Ohio St., A night of themed Bollywood dancing, featuring dance lessons, performances, live singing and drink specials. Music by DJ Prashant. From 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday, July 29. Free-$15. 619-255-5147, https:// Concert At The Lakes at Santee Lakes, 9040 Carlton Oaks Drive, Santee. Dinner and a concert with two tribute bands, Mirage: Visions of Fleetwood Mac and The Long Run: Experience The Eagles. All proceeds will go towards local scholarship funds. From 4 to 10 p.m. Saturday, July 30. $25-$65. 619596-3141, HSurf Dog Competition at Imperial Beach Pier Plaza, Seacoast Drive, Imperial Beach. The most fearless dogs will jump on their boards, paddle out and hang 20. Other dog-friendly and family-friendly activities include sandcastle sculpting, a


July 27, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 17


Anise Ritchie and Tony Perry in Ain’t Misbehavin’

Ain’t No Doubt About It


f you find yourself tapping your feet, singing along and even breaking into a grin during a performance of Ain’t Misbehavin’, look around. You won’t be alone. This is from a determinedly stoic theater critic. But it’s near impossible to resist the music of Fats Waller that’s so synonymous with the Harlem Renaissance, songs such as “Lookin’ Good But Feelin’ Bad,” “Honeysuckle Rose” and “The Joint Is Jumpin’.” North Coast Repertory Theatre’s production of Ain’t Misbehavin’, a show that began life back in 1978, is simple, really: five talented performers (Ron Christopher Jones, Cynthia Thomas, Tony Perry, Anise Ritchie and Yvonne) singing, dancing to and infectiously dramatizing Waller tunes, all backed by a hot fivepiece band conducted by pianist Kevin Toney. Chemistry is obvious on stage and in the wings where the musicians do their thing so fine. The best voice belongs to Ritchie, who can belt out “Cash For Your Trash” one moment and melt hearts with “Mean To Me” the next. By all accounts, this has been one of the North Coast Rep’s most successful productions. It’s easy to see why. Ain’t Misbehavin’ runs through Aug. 7 at North Coast Repertory Theatre in Solana Beach. $42-$53. Northcoastrep. org. (This production will move to the California Center for the Arts in Escondido for six performances, Aug. 11-14.) *** Moxie Theatre’s Ruthless! The Musical is funniest and at its most outrageous in those scenes that pair David McBean in drag and Eileen Bowman as either a mousey housewife or a Broadway diva suprema. That leaves a lot else that either ventures way over the top, or that

18 · San Diego CityBeat · July 27, 2016

irritates—the latter almost entirely the result of songs sung by a child. This production of Joel Paley and Marvin Laird’s spoof of both Hollywood and Broadway, like practically any show in which a child with an immature voice is singing, would benefit by having an adult woman play the little girl. (If McBean can be a woman, why can’t a woman be a child?) Narratively, Ruthless! The Musical, codirected by Delicia Turner Sonnenberg and Leigh Scarritt, mixes Gypsy, “The Bad Seed,” “All About Eve” and more, but it’s a show that could get by with less. Ruthless! The Musical runs through Aug. 7 at Moxie Theatre in Rolando. $30.

—David L. Coddon

Theater reviews run weekly. Write to

OPENING: Avenue Q: A musical comedy about a recent college grad who moves to NYC and is surrounded by foul-mouthed puppets. Presented by the OB Theatre Company, it opens July 28 at the OB Playhouse in Ocean Beach. Meteor Shower: In this world premiere comedy, sparks fly and tempers flare when two couples get together to watch a backyard meteor shower. Written by Steve Martin, it opens July 30 at the Old Globe Theatre in Balboa Park. Beautiful: The Carol King Musical: The touring Broadway production of the Tony Award-winning musical about the legendary songwriter behind hits such as “Natural Woman,” “It’s Too Late,” and countless others. It opens Aug. 2 at the San Diego Civic Theatre in the Gaslamp.

For full theater listings, visit “T heater ”at




HE ’90S WERE HARD. I lost my religion, my virginity and my eyebrows. I was stoked to lose my religion. My parents were Jehovah’s Witnesses and I wasn’t too keen on living under His wrathful gaze. Losing my virginity was disappointing. I’d been primed by years of secretly reading erotica and I felt cheated; where were my glistening petals and mewling gasps? As for my eyebrows, that was all me. One of the little controls I had over my own body. I, like many Latina women with a plethora of ’80s chola aunts, overdid it. I was insecure in all things body-related during my adolescence. I wished my skin wasn’t so dark, and my nose so prominent. I wished my periods didn’t remind me of the river of blood in the Book of Exodus. I wore makeup the pale white shade I wanted my skin to be. I sat in front of the mirror, tweezers in hand, trying to make my face into what I thought was beautiful. I wanted Marlene Dietrich eyebrows. I plucked and wailed along to Tori Amos. I ended up with razor thin eyebrows. My chola aunts approved. Then the ’90s ended. I explored different spiritual practices and found my mewling gasps. I fell in love with my body’s nuances and quirks. I reveled in my hips, my crooked teeth and the muffin top I now lovingly refer to as my indigenous fat fanny pack of genocidal survival. My ancestors whose bodies held on to belly fat survived starvation, my panza is proof of resilience. But my eyebrows still bothered me. I’ve dyed them, filled them in with gels, powders and pencils but still, I’ve never been satisfied. Eyebrows are the frame to the eye, the emotional gauge of a good side-eye or grimace. My brows in their natural state look like scrawny black caterpillars trying to force their sad bodies into downward dog. I had to do something. I contacted local psychologist Dr. Aleksandra Drecun, to ask her about adolescent body obsessions and minor body modifications. “It is common for obsessions regarding appearance to continue into adulthood. Discontinuing the obsessions will depend upon the severity of the obsession and how much it impacts the individual,” said Dr. Drecun, a founder of the Association for Compassionate Transformation. “If it is truly an obsession and not fleeting thoughts about one’s appearance, then the individual may need professional help. In terms of modifications, there is a great amount of gray area.” He says there is a spectrum of modifications that individuals can engage in that vary from very mild to more extensive.


“Naturally, the more mild a modification is, the less risky it is, the less change it creates in one’s appearance and more likely that it is reversible,” he said. “Generally in the field, small modifications, such as using makeup, are seen as an acceptable modification.” I decided I wanted a mild modification. Enter Sonya Godwin, a high school buddy of mine. Last month as she airbrushed my face on for my sister’s wedding, I lamented to her the sad state of my brows. “I can microblade them, I’m certified,” she replied. I raised my scrawny caterpillars…as visions of Sonya attacking my face with tiny swords immediately piqued my interest. LIZZ HUERTA

Before and after: Lizz Huerta’s eyebrow transformation She explained that micro-blading is a semi-permanent make-up technique used to individually draw on each hair to create the illusion of thicker, fuller eyebrows. The artist (I say artist instead of technician because if someone is inking semi-permanent hair onto my face-plane they damn well better be an artist) uses a tool made of tiny pins to etch lines around the brows, filling them in with ink. The result is surprisingly natural-looking brows. “Your eyebrows should be sisters, but not twins,” Sonya said as she drew my brows on pre-procedure. “I’m fol-

lowing the shape of your face. It’ll be like the ’90s never happened.” She handed me the mirror and I wiggled my drawn-on brows, pleased. “Do it,” I said. It hurt more than it probably should have, but to be fair, I had been lax with my prep. I shouldn’t have had so many drinks the days before. The strangest part for me was the sound of the tiny blades tearing through the layers of my epidermis. In a little less than an hour, Sonya again handed me the mirror. Holy shit. I had Latina brows again. Not like Frida or the villainess from a telenovela, but brows that were full and natural. Here in my late thirties my face has started to soften. I found that I looked more like the elders in my family. There was a little more wisdom and peace in my eyes. And now my brows have caught up and are the brows of a grown-ass woman instead of the brows of a perpetually surprised adolescent. I immediately texted pictures of my new, adult brows to my favorite chola aunt. Send me her number, was her immediate response. I was surprised at the immediate confidence boost this small procedure gave me. I threw out the brow pencils, gels and stencils. I spent way more time in the mirror than I’d like to admit, wiggling my new brows, trying out facial expressions. My new brows ultimately made me think about the other young women, especially Latina women, who struggle with body dysmorphic disorders and how American culture often perpetuates unobtainable standards of beauty. I contacted Dr. Sarah Nunnink, a psychologist who has worked with women regarding body image. I asked her if living in a looks-focused locale like Southern California exacerbates negative self-image. “I think places such as California, especially L.A. and Vegas from my experience, perpetuate this myth of external outcomes to fill one up inside,” Dr. Nunnink said. “The obsession with beauty, looks or body is similar to any kind of external fix, or, a temporary way to avoid pain or feel full, whole, or worthy. It might work in the short run but will usually crop up again in the same or different form at some point in the future.” It’s been two weeks since I had my face bladed and my thrill has softened, but I am still damn happy with the results. The 10 minutes every day when I’m usually obsessing over drawing tiny hairs onto my brow is mine again. It was a small modification but it has made my mornings easier and my face happier. It’s like the ’90s never happened.

July 27, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 19





Unloading the baggage of black women’s hair


t was 2014, and my hairdresser’s scissors flitted about my head like steel fairy wings. Other hairdressers passed her, commenting how “brave” I was—I was having five inches of hair snipped off. I shifted under the plastic cape, pressing my shoulders into the pleather chair cushion. I didn’t feel brave. All I felt was anger. In college I’d begun to experiment with wearing my hair curly, instead of pressing it straight every morning. In 2008, I got my last relaxer, and a few years later I’d had the last few inches of chemically treated hair clipped off. Then I began to wear my hair natural more frequently, but still flat-ironed it during the week, because Corporate America had yet to update their business casual dress code to include black women’s natural hair. Each time I dared to wear my curls in the workplace—like on days the humidity crept above 50 percent and the battle for straight hair could not be won—I received simpering little comments that had the lilt of compliments, but the shifty eyes of insults, “Your hair!” or “Oh, wow!” Exclamations meant to push me, and my hair back in line. This is how I’d found my way into my hairdresser’s chair: heat damage. Heat damage from over styling is a death sentence for a black woman’s natural hair texture. It’s hair that’s forgotten how to kink; total coil amnesia. No amount of coconut oil, shea butter or whatever supposed miracle concoction you ordered from the deepest recesses of the Internet can revive heat damaged hair. The only solution is to cut off the damaged hair. Years of slow, patient hair growth lost, because I’d succumbed to the external pressures to press the literal life out of my hair. And that’s the day I got free. Well, my hair got free, anyways. I refused to flat iron my hair for the sake of other folks’ norms. They could take one look at my melanin-flushed skin and see I was black—why try to hide that this black skin came with black hair? I wore my hair puffed up and proud to see customers and I didn’t even straighten it for our regional sales conference. They held the conference downtown. And stepping off the shuttle in front of the Westin Horton Plaza, my boss, a white man in his 50s who is occasionally mistaken for Mitt Romney by old ladies with cataracts, exclaimed, “Your hair! It’s so great! How did you do that? It just grows that way? I love it!” I saw nothing but genuine awe in his eyes, and

when everyone else I worked with saw it, their eyes stopped shifting. That afternoon, after I accepted the award for top salesperson in the region, I knew I’d made it clear that there was no separating me from my hair. I didn’t need straight locks to close a sale. This might seem like a bizarre point to arrive at; all of this is to say: I ain’t giving up my flat iron. I fought for the freedom to wear my hair the way I want to wear it; put my livelihood on the line. And that includes straight, if I so choose. A weave if I want. A wig if I’d like. So, it frustrates me when natural hair evangelicals act like a black woman is communing with the devil every time she picks up her flat iron. They like to creep up in your Instagram comments and shame you for going straight. I get that it’s from a place of love, they want to you to always be in touch with your roots and the freedom of natural hair. It comes from fear that if too many of us pick up our flat irons too frequently that all of the work of the natural hair movement will be undone. And it comes from anxiety, that we are privileging white hair standards over our own kinkycoily-curly hair and looking down on our sisters wearing their fros full and beautiful. But while society has not dealt with its baggage around natural hair, I have unloaded mine, and there are days I want to flat iron my hair to switch up my look or give me (and my water bill) a break from tussling with tangles in the shower. And when a natural hair evangelical questions my dedication to the movement, in a way telling me I’m not worthy of my crown of coils and that I’ve tumbled down on the hair hierarchy, the voice they trigger in my head sounds a lot like the voice society triggered in me: the voice of self-doubt. The voice that made me want a relaxer, the voice that told me I wasn’t beautiful until I learned how to get my hair to lay sleek, the voice that said slacks and blouses don’t go with ’fros. That voice never goes away. Never. I’ve just gotten better at silencing it. We can help each other silence the voice of selfdoubt by loving each other louder. Like a church chorus bellowing their beliefs to the rafters in song, we can spread the gospel of “You Are Enough.” A love that doesn’t criticize or cut eyes, a love that is there for you even when your love for yourself falters. A love society hasn’t given black women, but a love that we can give each other.

I fought for the freedom to wear my hair the way I want to wear it.

20 · San Diego CityBeat · July 27, 2016

At The Intersection appears monthly. Write to




tually got both his bachelor’s and master’s degree in sculpture. His work in this period was mainly centered on metal casting and woodwork. In 1965, he accepted a teaching position at Reed College. Gronborg describes his time in Portland from 1965 to 1969 as “very productive,” not only because he met his painter wife Irina, but also because his work evolved more into ceramics. He began to use mulrik Gronborg has been ahead of his time in tiple materials for one piece, often combining clay, many ways over the years. Visiting him at his metal and wood. It was also in this four-year period immaculate home in Solana Beach, one could that Gronborg established himself internationally easily see him as an understated and underrated and landed shows in Portland and Paris. This second purveyor of the craft and DIY art movement that phase culminated in a one-man-show at the Museall the hipsters love these days, but really, he’s so um of Contemporary Crafts in New York. much more. After Portland, Irina and Erik moved to Las Nowhere is this more evident than in the back Vegas (the third phase) for four years. Gronyard where it becomes quickly apparent that of borg chuckles and describes Vegas as “a different SETH COMBS world.” He says his work all the hats Gronborg wears, he was way around this time became ahead of the game more vibrant and subtle. when it comes to landHe says it was there that scape and horticulture he came to love the desdesign. Decades-old ert. When a job at San cacti intermingle with Diego State University mature succulents that opened up for a ceramare now large and proics instructor in 1973, he ducing pristine flowers. jumped at the opportuA majestic tree hangs nity. In 1975, he got a job over the backside of at MiraCosta College in the house that GronOceanside and worked borg says he planted there until he retired in as a seed. He designed 2001. it this way not because Hampton didn’t have the Danish-born artist to go too far to collect Erik Gronborg had any premonition the works in The Erik about drought-tolerant landscapes. He says he just Gronborg Experience, as many of the pieces were liked cacti because they looked “exotic” to him. ones that Gronborg had created for his own home. “We moved here in 1976 and haven’t stopped gar- There have been many shows over the years featurdening since” says Gronborg, pointing out the rocks ing Gronborg’s work, but Hampton says Gronborg and original sculptures he’s placed in the garden is mainly known internationally as a ceramicist and throughout the years. “We just started it and kept wanted to present an experience (hence the name) chipping away at it.” that painted a larger picture of the artist. In many ways, Gronborg’s award-winning gar“Within all these periods, Erik made considerden is what he calls “an extension of the art.” For able innovations within a very compressed space of over half a century, he’s been quietly working as a time,” says Hampton, who also decided to include sculptor, ceramicist some of Gronborg’s writCOURTESY OF DARREN BRADLEY and woodworker. Much ings within the exhibiof his work, while oftion. “This is meant to ten instinctive and imbe a very holistic, whole provised, takes an exview of a person. Most traordinary amount of people know him as a patience and precision ceramic artist, but some to construct. In his livof his other works have ing room are masterful, never been shown. Ceavocado wood chairs ramics are part of his and a coffee table that story, but they’re not the looks as if it belongs in whole story.” a museum. Gronborg seems to And it soon will be. be the most fond of this The living room will The Garden of Erik Gronborg fourth phase in San Dibe recreated just as it ego. Just as in his youth in is in Gronborg’s house, for The Erik Gronborg Ex- Copenhagen where he whittled any piece of wood perience, a years-in-the-making exhibition open- he could get his hands on, he says this fourth and ing Aug. 6 at the Mingei International Museum final phase represents his sense of home. Creating in Balboa Park. The exhibition, which was curated art to make domesticity more brilliant and spirited. by Dave Hampton, will present Gronborg’s work in “We love living with our own art,” says Gronborg, what Hampton calls “geographical phases” or, rath- who also makes a point to show off Irina’s paintings. er, in his different creative periods in the cities he “A lot of the furniture, especially the works created lived in during the past 50 years. when we first moved here, were created out of neces“I wanted to see if we could come up with an in- sity. We needed furniture so I just thought I’d make it.” stallation that wouldn’t just be one object after anothHe pauses before adding, “I can’t imagine being er, but to break it up in different ways,” Gronborg says. anything other than an artist. I’m happy just to be The show’s first “phase” begins when Gronborg able to make it.” moved to Oakland in 1960 to begin attending UC —Seth Combs Berkeley. He had no formal arts training, but even-




July 27, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 21


Soul meets body

Phantom Boy

Animated French noir puts a metaphysical twist on boy wonder heroism by Glenn Heath Jr.


here are no superpowers in Phantom Boy, only calls him “a cactus shirt I squeeze into every mornout-of-body experiences. Leo (Gaspard Gag- ing.” Despite being in French, the script is salty and nol) has them regularly, secretly exiting his sassy enough to feel all American. physical self to help others in need as an invisible If Phantom Boy pleases the knowledgeable filmgoentity with keen detective skills. The cancer cur- er with well-constructed pastiche and charm, it also rently ravaging his body makes these departures a manages to provide a thoughtful and moving portrait necessary and exciting distraction for a child with a of adolescent anxiety and trauma filtered through sensitive appreciation for death’s inevitability. genre. The archetypes and detective film conventions In the early moments of Jean-Loup Felicio- Leo gets to experience help further inform his values li and Alain Gagnol’s stylized animated film, Leo as a budding professional, but they also present him prepares to leave for an extended stay at the hospital. with disturbing realities about death and fate. The First he reads his younger sister adult world and its criminal a noir-infused bedtime story underbelly aren’t pretty, but that would have made Raythe inside of a cancer ward is in mond Chandler proud. While many ways far more horrifying. PHANTOM BOY the two children enjoy the diLeo’s unnerving ability to version, their parents are fightdance between reality and Directed by Jean-Loup Felicioli ing to hold back tears for having waking life gives the film a and Alain Gagnol to face an uncertain future. metaphysical tone, yet it’s Starring Gaspard Gagnol, Phantom Boy refuses to riddled with comedic bits that Edouard Baer, Jean-Pierre Marielle dwell on the potential tragedy lighten the mood. Despite his and Audrey Tatou of its setup. Instead, it dives best efforts, The Man with Rated PG headfirst into a pulpy New York the Broken Face’s attempts to story of gritty cops, fedoramansplain his tragic backstory wearing brutes and scrappy are consistently interrupted. beat reporters trying to uncover His complete picture of rethe truth. Spiral staircases, venetian blinds and shad- venge never truly comes into focus, a victory of sorts owy avenues abound, indebting the film to a classic for fans of clever genre revisionism. It’s also worth hardboiled genre where fate is a fickle beast. noting that the only character to match Leo’s resilAs Leo prepares to receive another debilitating ience is the villain’s tenacious terrier that values loyround of chemotherapy, a rule-breaking detective alty over all else. named Alex (Edouard Baer) stumbles upon a plot Opening on Friday, July 29, Phantom Boy exto cripple the city’s infrastructure with a computer plores the complexities of heroism in unique ways. virus. The Man with the Broken Face (Jean-Pierre The efforts made by Leo, Alex and a brave reporter Marielle), a supervillain ripped from a Pablo Picasso (Audrey Tatou) help clarify a thematic crossroads canvas, is behind the threat. that we all inevitably face. Do you take control of Nearly killed in the ensuing struggle, Alex ends the story or let the story control you? That’s a conup in the same hospital as Leo, rendered immobile flict most filmmakers have to face as well, and Feliand frustrated by a broken leg. With the world at cioli and Gagnol imbue their twisty narrative with large crumbling under a wave of fear generated by multiple courses of action. Ultimately, origin stories only get you so far, the The Man with the Broken Face, the two begin using details of which seem generic and trite. How you act Leo’s phantom abilities to thwart the cyber attack. Felicioli and Gagnol have a lot of fun with refer- in the present directly reflects what kind of future ences to Manhattan and Gremlins, not to mention you think is worth fighting for, diagnosis be damned. the classic noir visuals found in the best of Fritz Lang, Robert Siodmak and many more. The dialogue Film reviews run weekly. is snappy as well—at one point Alex’s angry superior Write to

22 · San Diego CityBeat · July 27, 2016



Light speed


he Fifth Element is the type of postmodern space opera that showcases an actual space opera. Diva Plavalaguna’s (Maiwenn) hypnotic intergalactic performance becomes the film’s emotional centerpiece, a lyrically diverse protest for hope that occurs right before a brazen shootout between ex-special forces soldier Korben Dallas (Bruce Willis) and a horde over marginalized killer aliens aboard a massive luxury liner. The gunplay and explosions come at the tail end of a rousing story involving a mysterious entity that takes the shape of a red-haired woman (Milla Jovovich) in order to save the world from an all-encompassing evil force and the corporate dictator (Gary Oldman) who acts as its human proxy on Earth. Director Luc Besson has never made something this weird, fleet and full of life. Every image bursts with the texture and detail of John-Paul Gaultier’s mesmerizing costumes. Dan Weil’s production design illuminates the various layers and levels of a crowded pop dystopia. Cinematographer Thierry Arbogast’s striking visuals are fluid and colorful. The film’s glorious look would matter little without the chemistry and presence of the performers. Willis slightly subverts the hard-nosed charm and vulnerability he perfected in Die Hard, which contrasts nicely with Jovovich’s powerful mix of fury and vulnerability. Oldman, Ian Holm, Brion James and Tommy “Tiny” Lister embody affecting personas that represent flawed modern institutions. And of course, Chris Tucker’s mesmerizing DJ Ruby Rhod reminds us how powerful a cinematic scream can be. Screening as part of the Ken Cinema Midnight Madness Series at 11:55 p.m. on Saturday, July 30, The Fifth Element stands out from the current crop of modern Sci-fi extravaganzas. It fuses slapstick with screwball comedy in brilliant ways, and appreciates the necessity of levity when considering heavy themes. Action scenes and special effects compliment character development instead of pandering for spectacle. In short, the film


The Fifth Element

has a soul, and we can feel its presence throughout. —Glenn Heath Jr.

OPENING Bad Moms: Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, and Kathryn Hahn star as stressed out mothers who decide to rebel against the ridiculous expectations of suburban parenting. Free to Run: This documentary looks at the history of running as a sport throughout the 20th century. Opens on Friday, July 29, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. Jason Bourne: In the fifth film in this popular action franchise, Matt Damon reprises his role as the tormented super agent amnesiac struggling to remember his past. Things get physical, physical. Nerve: Emma Roberts and Dave Franco team up in an online game of truth or dare that has real world implications and dangers. Opens today, at various local theaters. Phantom Boy: A cancer-stricken young boy is able to step outside his body to help those in need. When a madman threatens New York City, a hobbled detective enlists him to be his eyes and ears during the investigation. Opens Friday, July 29, at the Ken Cinema. The Kind Words: In this Israeli drama, three brothers discover a life-long secret held by their late mother. Opens Friday, July 29, at the Angelika Carmel Mountain Cinemas and Digital Gym Cinema in North Park.

ONE TIME ONLY Kickass: An unpopular high school student decides to dress up in a costume and become a vigilante, fighting against a worsening citywide crime spree. Screens at 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 27, at The Pearl Hotel in Point Loma. The Big Chill: Seven college friends reunite at a South Carolina winter home after attending a funeral of one their classmates. Screens at 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday, July 28 and 29, at Cinema Under the Stars in Mission Hills. Arabesque: Gregory Peck and Sofia Loren star in this 1966 thriller about a university professor who gets embroiled in an international spy plot involving Egyptian hieroglyphics. Screens at 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, July 30 and 31, at Cinema Under the Stars in Mission Hills.

For a complete listing of movies, please see “F ilm Screenings” at

July 27, 2016 • San Diego CityBeat · 23


OO BAD there’s not a better way to say “wise beyond her years.” Lucy Dacus deserves more. But it almost seems impossible to imagine anyone coming to a different conclusion after listening to the 21-year-old singer/ songwriter’s stunning debut album, No Burden. Recorded in a single day thanks to a friend who worked at Reba McEntire’s Starstruck Studio in Nashville, Burden sounds like anything but a rush job. Filled with big rock hooks as well as nuanced slow-burners, Dacus’ undeniably big voice moves effortlessly between them all. Knowing that it was the singer’s first time in a studio, and that she and the band had only played together for a week prior, makes it all the more impressive. But it also seems to be perfectly in line with the Richmond, Virginia, native’s genuine and unceremonious path to a career in music. Adopted by a piano-teaching mother and guitar-playing father, Dacus had a childhood filled with musical theater and sneaking into rock shows. Still, it wasn’t enough to prevent her from enrolling in film school. But when a planned semester off from Virginia Commonwealth University coincided with studio availability, a new trajectory was set in motion. If No Burden sounds more like a seasoned effort from a mid-career pro and less like a whirlwind debut from a film major, it’s a testament to the potent combination of Dacus’ big-league voice, forthright storytelling and a determination to get better. And she’s just getting started. “We’re all ready to get back into the studio,” Dacus tells CityBeat during a recent roadside stop for hot dogs between gigs. “We have enough material. And I know I’m going to have a much more hands-on part in the production of it. When we recorded, I had never been in the studio. I didn’t know anything about the technology or terminology of recording. Now, I’ve got a much better grip on that stuff.” No Burden was released in February on Richmond label EggHunt Records and was picked up shortly after

about it. And because Dacus already has a stockpile of new songs ready to go, whatever comes next has a great chance to escape being tainted or shaped by everything that’s going on now. “I wrote a lot of these new songs around the same time that the No Burden songs were written,” she says. “Or since then, but before the album took off. A lot of the new stuff is uninfluenced by how our lives have changed. I mean, there has been some reaction to what it’s like to be a full-time musician, but it does seem a bit preserved and lucky that we had so much content before any of this happened.”

by veteran indie label Matador Records. They just re-released it digitally and will be serving up physical copies on September 9. Considering the album was getting substantial buzz before Matador got involved, it’s easy to understand why the floodgates have opened since. Everyone from Time and NPR to Pitchfork and Noisey have nice things to say

Essentially having another album in the can also means that Dacus won’t have to adjust her writing style any time soon. Pressure to adhere to a timeline doesn’t jibe with the singer’s current “capture it when it comes” method. And while inspiration seems to be coming to Dacus plenty these days, it’s nice to know there’s a reserve ready to cover any dry spells.

24 · San Diego CityBeat · July 27, 2016

Lucy Dacus “I don’t push to create,” she says. “Whenever I try to write, it comes out bad. I just have to pay attention to when my mind is moving. Listen to my thoughts. I think some people fall into the pitfall of wanting to immediately translate their experience into creative work. You have to process your thoughts. I don’t have a lot of control over it.” For now, Dacus and her band are enjoying the ride. They’re content to share their music with a host of new cities (the band’s first ever San Diego stop comes August 12 at the Casbah) and know there is plenty more music making to come. But with all the planning, execution and adjustments needed to make it all happen, there is one thing that they didn’t see coming. “I didn’t realize I was basically agreeing to move away from my hometown for the first time,” says Dacus. “When most people move to another city, they usually plant their roots in that second place. They meet people and build a new circle of friends, a new network. For us, we didn’t move to a new city. We’re just roaming. It’s hard to maintain everything that I knew, all of the relationships, while being on the road.” She’ll adjust. They all will. The music is too good and the potential too promising. It might still be a bit early for all that’s happened to truly sink in, but it’s definitely started. “We’re way more pleased than we expected to be,” Dacus says. “We had really low expectations at the beginning. But at this point, it’s definitely exceeded them.”



July 27, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 25



Sledding With Tigers


ledding With Tigers is moving to Los Angeles. Dan Faughnder, the singer/songwriter behind the folk/punk collective, cites both personal and professional reasons for the relocation. Right now he’s the assistant general manager of School of Rock in San Diego, and he’ll be transferring up to School of Rock in Pasadena, which will be open-

ing up this fall. However, Faughnder says in an interview outside of Dark Horse Coffee Roasters in North Park it’s just time to start a new adventure. “I’ve lived in San Diego for 21 years out of 27 years of existence,” he says. “I started feeling kinda antsy.” Faughnder says Sledding with Tigers will still perform in some

form or another, though because the lineup has never been a permanent one (some members live in other states), the shape of it will be up in the air. Still, it’ll continue on with what will likely be a rotating cast of musicians. “I know I should be thinking about that,” he says. “Certainly we’re going to be playing shows. What it’s going to look like, I don’t know. The band will probably be me and whoever’s around. Whoever’s willing to give up their Saturday night to play a show.” On Friday, Aug. 12, Sledding with Tigers will be playing a “final” show in San Diego (for the foreseeable future) at Soda Bar, with Inspired and the Sleep, Future Crooks and a Blink-182 cover band. With a few weeks to go before he makes the move, Faughnder says he’s just as surprised as anyone that he’d come to embrace Los Angeles as a new home. “I spent a summer there right out of college. I remember this feeling of isolation. I thought I would never want to move to L.A.,” he says. “But when you find your little weirdo niche, then it’s a whole new world.”

—Jeff Terich

ALBUM REVIEW The Kneehighs We Put the Fun in Dysfunction (Self-released)


music: “Wow, John, let me guess, you’re still trying to find your teeny-weeny zucchini to stroke,” “Jesus, John, don’t bother coming in, you’re never fucking ready,” “I don’t understand why we always have to go through this shit,” between coordinating tee times for a golf game. A little background: The Kneehighs aren’t spring chickens or newcomers to the San Diego scene. They released their debut album in 2005, and second album Rise & Shine in 2007. That was the last full-length the group released, and in music, nine years might as well be 90. So this album has been a long time coming, and while the silly voice-mail recordings of “dysFUNction” don’t necessarily explain why the album took so long to materialize, it at least shows they’re willing to laugh about it. “Get There Soon” finds emcees DayDay, Talls and Dalton taking a slightly less jocular tone while addressing their longawaited return, delivering a series of weirdly ironic high-speed verses about patience and short attention spans before landing on the hook: “I been waiting this long, I can wait another few.” We Put the Fun in Dysfunction is here, however, and though I can’t speak to the dysfunction, it’s most certainly fun. With a style that leans heavily on ’90s-era g-funk and backpacker tropes, We Put the Fun in Dysfunction isn’t a nostalgia trip, but there’s a breeziness about it that makes the record a delight throughout its 12 tracks. The upbeat funk of “Let It Go Bye” recalls the surrealist wordplay of Aesop Rock, while “Slingshot” is stunt rapping of the highest order, the kind of headspinning lyrical showcase that’ll take a couple replays to fully absorb. “Future Speak,” meanwhile, is the kind of jam worth cranking up with the windows down on a roast-y summer afternoon. I can’t necessarily speak to any actual dysfunction that this team of hiphop pranksters is guilty of, but I’m glad the album’s here after all these years. It’s light-hearted, good-natured rap mischief, the kind that’s impossible to feel bad listening to.

he Kneehighs’ new album, We Put the Fun in Dysfunction, opens as many hiphop records do, with an introductory skit. A series of voice mail messages read by a robot voice The Kneehighs play at The Casreflect the dysfunction in the al- bah on July 29. bum’s title and the silliness in herent in the local hip-hop trio’s —Jeff Terich

26 · San Diego CityBeat · July 27, 2016



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28 · San Diego CityBeat · July 27, 2016




IF I WERE U A music insider’s weekly agenda WEDNESDAY, JULY 27

PLAN A: Escort, Bump DJs @ The Casbah. Earlier this year I wrote a profile on Brooklyn disco troupe Escort, who blend a classic disco sound with contemporary electronics. They guarantee nothing but a super-fun dance party, so get your ass on the dance floor for this one. BACKUP PLAN: Saviorself, Skrapez, Splurgeo @ The Hideout.


PLAN A: Nite Jewel, Harriet Brown, Gravvyard @ Soda Bar. Los Angeles’ Nite Jewel is mostly known for her ethereal electronic pop, the likes of which have made albums like One Second of Love well worth seeking out. She’s also collaborated with Dâm-Funk on a project called NiteFunk, so don’t be surprised if she gets funky, too. PLAN B: Jimmy Whispers, Gary Wilson @ The Hideout. Jimmy Whispers has played with the band Light Pollution, but his own weird organ drones make for an even more interesting type of pop. It’s hard to classify, but it’s definitely cool. BACKUP PLAN: La Diabla, Cumbia Machin, DJ Viejo Lowbo @ Til-Two Club.


PLAN A: Savages, Head Wound City @ Observatory North Park. I just want to put this out there—this may be the Plan A for the year. At least, the month. Savages are one of the best live bands going right now, and their dynamic post-punk sound will have you floored. PLAN B: Kim and the Created, The Fresh Brunettes, The Bad Vibes, Cochinas Locas @ Til-Two Club. Kim and the Created play psychedelic rock that’s plenty cool on its own, but grows even more impressive with frontwoman Kim’s wild antics. It’s what more rock ‘n’ roll bands should aspire to. BACKUP PLAN: Le Chateau, Hexa, Astral Touch @ Whistle Stop.


PLAN A: Stalins of Sound, Way to Go Genius, Talk Sick Brats @ Tower Bar. Local punk rock villains Stalins of Sound have been one of my favorites in town for a while, blending the weirdo sensibility of Devo with the pummel of Big Black. They’re as much fun as satirical fascism gets! PLAN


B: John Meeks, Pall Jenkins, Preston Swirnoff @ Soda Bar. Local singer/songwriter John Meeks has a slightly psychedelic, dusty folk sound that hits the spot. If you prefer your troubadours a bit more dark and lonesome, check him out. Plan ME: Oh Pep, The Dabbers, Blood Ponies @ The Casbah. I would never be dishonest with you, so here’s the deal: This is where I will actually be on Saturday, playing some music with my own band. I just don’t want to lose that trust we have.


PLAN A: Honne @ The Casbah. Need an ethereal, sensual option for your Sunday night? Close out the week (or start it, depending on how you look at it) with the R&B slow-jam vibes of Honne. Snuggle up to your sweetie while they set the mood. PLAN B: Honeyhoney @ Belly Up Tavern. It takes a special band to make me take interest in contemporary Americana, but Honeyhoney have what it takes. Their songs blend country and rock, with sweetly memorable melodies that’ll have you mesmerized.


PLAN A: Sound Lupus, Oh Spirit!, Creature Canyon @ The Casbah. Support your local scene! Here’s a way to do it: Check out Sound Lupus, whose upbeat punk sound has just the right amount of disco influence to remind you of those halcyon days of the early ’00s. Get weird.


PLAN A: Duran Duran, Chic @ Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Chic were one of the biggest influences on Duran Duran’s sound when they were first coming up in the early ’80s, and now the two bands are touring together. I don’t know about you, but this looks like a dream lineup to me. PLAN B: Savages Marissa Nadler, Wrekmeister Harmonies, Muscle and Marrow @ The Casbah. Singer/songwriter Marissa Nadler’s music is dark, beautiful and gentle, but her sinister streak makes her a perfect match with heavier bands Wrekmeister Harmonies and Muscle and Marrow. The spectrum is pretty well covered. BACKUP PLAN: Badr Vogu, Garth Algar, Beira, Fantasy Arcade @ Til-Two Club.

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Rotten Sound (Brick by Brick, 8/24), Atomic Bitchwax (Soda Bar, 8/28), Pinkish Black (Til-Two Club, 8/30), Ryan Bingham, Brian Fallon and the Crowes (Humphreys, 9/11), Nukem (Brick by Brick, 9/16), Cold War Kids (Observatory, 9/21), Goatwhore (Merrow, 9/23), Skeletonwitch (Brick by Brick, 10/10), The 1975 (Open Air Theatre, 10/15), Brujeria (Brick by Brick, 10/18), Gorguts (Brick by Brick, 10/21), Balance and Composure (Observatory, 10/27), Tory Lanez (Observatory, 11/3), Ulcerate (Brick by Brick, 11/9), Sleigh Bells (Observatory, 11/11), Young Dubliners (BUT, 11/13), Branford Marsalis Quartet (Balboa Theatre, 2/10).

CANCELED The Heavy (Observatory, 9/30).

GET YER TICKETS Joey Purp (HOB, 8/11), Foghat (BUT, 8/11), The White Buffalo (BUT, 8/13), Dillinger Escape Plan (Casbah, 8/14), Guided by Voices (BUT, 8/17), Riff Raff (Observatory, 8/18), Parquet Courts (The Irenic, 8/19), Digable Planets, Camp Lo (BUT, 8/20), Guns ‘n’ Roses (Qualcomm Stadium, 8/22), Todd Terje and the Olsens (Observatory, 8/25), Hot Chip (Observatory, 8/26), Dave Matthews Band (Sleep Train Amphitheatre,

8/26), Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 8/27), Deftones (Open Air Theatre, 8/29), Baroness, Pallbearer (Observatory, 8/30), Squirrel Nut Zippers (BUT, 8/31), Flamin’ Groovies (Casbah, 9/2), Yes (Humphreys, 9/4), Los Lonely Boys (BUT, 9/4), The Kills (Observatory, 9/4), Floating Points (BUT, 9/5), Tr/st, Cold Cave (Music Box, 9/8), Zombies (BUT, 9/8), !!! (Soda Bar, 9/8), Ray Lamontagne (Open Air Theatre, 9/13), Local Natives (Observatory, 9/15), Porches (Irenic, 9/15), Carla Morrison (Observatory, 9/16), Luke Bryan (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 9/17), Crystal Castles (Observatory, 9/17), Xenia Rubinos (Soda Bar, 9/20), The Naked and Famous (Observatory, 9/22), Atmosphere (Observatory, 9/23), Tegan and Sara (Observatory, 9/25), Ash (Soda Bar, 9/23), Molotov (Observatory, 9/26), DJ Shadow (HOB, 9/27), Glen Hansard (Observatory, 9/28), Okkervil River (BUT, 10/1), Phantogram (Irenic, 10/1), Alice in Chains (Copley Symphony Hall, 10/2), KT Tunstall (HOB, 10/2), Ani DiFranco (BUT, 10/2), Between the Buried and Me (Observatory, 10/4), Sia, Miguel (Viejas Arena, 10/5), Failure (Music Box, 10/6), Bad Boy Family Reunion (Viejas Arena, 10/6), Wynton Marsalis (Balboa Theatre, 10/6), Buena Vista Social Club (Balboa Theatre, 10/7), Kamasi Washington (Humphreys, 10/7), Florida Georgia Line (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 10/9), Colbie Caillat (Humphreys, 10/12), Halestorm (HOB, 10/12), RJD2 (Observatory, 10/13), The Selecter (Casbah, 10/13), Legendary Pink Dots (Soda Bar, 10/13), Danny Brown (Observatory, 10/14), Schoolboy Q (Observatory, 10/15), Prophets of Rage (Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 10/16), Yellowcard (HOB, 10/16), Jethro Tull (Balboa The-

30 · San Diego CityBeat · July 27, 2016

atre, 10/17), The Faint, Gang of Four (Observatory, 10/18), Alessia Cara (Copley Symphony Hall, 10/18), Young the Giant (HOB, 10/18-19), Willie Nelson (Humphreys, 10/19), Tricky (BUT, 10/21), Saint Vitus (Brick by Brick, 10/22), Preoccupations (Irenic, 10/26), Alice Cooper (Harrah’s, 10/28), Ingrid Michaelson (Humphreys, 10/28), Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Death from Above 1979 (HOB, 10/28), M83 (SOMA, 10/29), Andra Day (Humphreys, 11/2), Diamond Head (Brick by Brick, 11/5), Neko Case (Poway OnStage, 11/19), John Mayall (BUT, 11/20), Henry Rollins (Observatory, 12/27), The Devil Makes Three (Observatory, 1/4-5), Blind Boys of Alabama (BUT, 1/29).

JULY WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 Escort at The Casbah. Dead & Co. at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Bonnie Raitt at Civic Theatre (Sold out).

THURSDAY, JULY 28 Dirty Dozen Brass Band at Music Box. Mozzy at Observatory North Park. Nite Jewel at Soda Bar. The Wailers at Belly Up Tavern (sold out).

FRIDAY, JULY 29 Savages at Observatory North Park. Fitz and the Tantrums at Del Mar Racetrack. Zella Day at Quartyard. The Wailers at Belly Up Tavern (sold out).

SATURDAY, JULY 30 The Wailers at Belly Up Tavern (sold out). ‘Reggae Fest’ w/ Ziggy Marley at Del Mar Racetrack. Julieta Venegas at

House of Blues. Sublime with Rome at Sleep Train Amphitheatre.

SUNDAY, JULY 31 Honne at The Casbah (sold out).

AUGUST MONDAY, AUG. 1 Boz Scaggs at Humphreys by the Bay (sold out). Sound Lupus at The Casbah.

TUESDAY, AUG. 2 Marissa Nadler at The Casbah. Gary Clark Jr. at Humphreys by the Bay.

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 3 Gary Clark Jr. at Humphreys by the Bay. Anderson .Paak at House of Blues (sold out). Weezer, Panic! At the Disco at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. The Claypool Lennon Delirium at Observatory North Park.

THURSDAY, AUG. 4 Allen Stone at Music Box. Kansas at Humphreys by the Bay. People Under the Stairs at Belly Up Tavern.

FRIDAY, AUG. 5 Girl Talk at Del Mar Racetrack. Last Shadow Puppets at Observatory North Park. Metalachi at Music Box. ‘Warped Tour’ w/ Sleeping With Sirens, Sum 41, New Found Glory at Qualcomm Stadium.

SATURDAY, AUG. 6 Earthless at Belly Up Tavern. Brian Setzer’s Rockabilly Riot at Del Mar Racetrack. Redlight at Music Box.

SUNDAY, AUG. 7 America at Humphreys by the Bay. Shabazz Palaces (DJ set) at The Casbah.

MONDAY, AUG.8 Touche Amore at Che Café (sold out). Jason Hanna and the Bullfighters at The Casbah.

TUESDAY, AUG. 9 Kurt Vile and the Violators at House of Blues. Skyterra at The Casbah.

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10 Ducktails at The Hideout. Monsieur Perine at The Casbah. Inspired and the Sleep at Belly Up Tavern.

THURSDAY, AUG. 11 Foghat at Belly Up Tavern. Joey Purp at House of Blues.

FRIDAY, AUG.12 Indigo Girls at Humphreys by the Bay. Dead Feather Moon at Belly Up Tavern. Chris Young at Del Mar Racetrack. Jeremih at Observatory North Park. Ozzmania at Music Box.

SATURDAY, AUG. 13 311, Matisyahu at Del Mar Racetrack. Steve Martin and Martin Short at Harrahs Resort (sold out). Lucy Dacus at The Casbah. The White Buffalo at Belly Up Tavern.

FRIDAY, AUG. 14 Galactic at Belly Up Tavern. Rhett Miller at Soda Bar. Demi Lovato, Nick Jonas at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Dillinger


MUSIC Escape Plan at The Casbah.

MONDAY, AUG. 15 Grace Potter at Humphreys by the Bay. Ala Fringe at The Casbah. Rodrigo y Gabriela at Belly Up Tavern (sold out).

TUESDAY, AUG. 16 Lincoln Durham at The Casbah. Rodrigo y Gabriela at Belly Up Tavern (sold out).

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 17 Guided by Voices at Belly Up Tavern. James Supercave at The Hideout. Chastity Belt at The Casbah.

THURSDAY, AUG. 18 The Weight: Members of the Band/ Levon Helm Band at Belly Up Tavern. Riff Raff at Observatory North Park. Globelamp at House of Blues.

FRIDAY, AUG. 19 Parquet Courts at The Irenic. Thievery Corporation at Del Mar Racetrack. Audacity at Che Café. Castle at The Merrow. Diane Coffee at The Hideout. Pato Banton at Music Box.

SATURDAY, AUG. 20 David Bazan at The Casbah. Digable Planets, Camp Lo at Belly Up Tavern. Bully at Harrahs Resort. Russell Peters at Humphreys by the Bay.

SUNDAY, AUG. 21 Burt Bacharach at Belly Up Tavern (sold out). Gipsy Kings at Humphreys by the Bay (sold out).


MONDAY, AUG. 22 Guns ‘n’ Roses at Qualcomm Stadium.

TUESDAY, AUG. 23 Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo, Melissa Etheridge at Open Air Theatre. Ben Harper at Humphreys by the Bay (sold out). Midnight Clergy at The Casbah.

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 24 The Black Heart Procession at The Casbah. Culture Club at Humphreys by the Bay.

THURSDAY, AUG. 25 A Storm of Light at Brick by Brick. Todd Terje and the Olsens at Observatory North Park.

FRIDAY, AUG. 26 Hot Chip at Observatory North Park. Dave Matthews Band at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Pepper at Del Mar Racetrack. Tower of Power at Humphreys by the Bay.

SATURDAY, AUG. 27 Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Gov’t Mule at Humphreys by the Bay.

SUNDAY, AUG. 28 Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears at The Casbah. Dave Koz, David Sanborn at Humphreys by the Bay.

MONDAY, AUG. 29 Deftones at Open Air Theatre. Jackson Browne at Humphreys by the Bay (sold out).

TUEDSAY, AUG. 30 Jackson Browne at Humphreys by the Bay (sold out). Baroness, Pallbearer at Observatory North Park.

WEDNEDAY, AUG. 31 Squirrel Nut Zippers at Belly Up Tavern. Santana at Open Air Theatre (sold out). The Australian Pink Floyd Show at Humphreys by the Bay.

SEPTEMBER THURSDAY, SEPT. 1 Huey Lewis and the News at Humphreys by the Bay.

FRIDAY, SEPT. 2 The Mavericks at Humphreys by the Bay. Flamin’ Groovies at The Casbah. No Duh at Music Box. The Wailers at Del Mar Racetrack. ‘Awesome Fest 10’ at Soda Bar.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 3 ‘Awesome Fest 10’ at Soda Bar. Ja Rule, Ashanti at Observatory North Park. Chromeo at Del Mar Racetrack.

SUNDAY, SEPT. 4 ‘Awesome Fest 10’ at Soda Bar. The Kills at Observatory North Park. The Steely Damned II at Music Box. Los Lonely Boys at Belly Up Tavern. Yes at Humphreys by the Bay. The Creepy Creeps at The Casbah.

MONDAY, SEPT. 5 Floating Points at Belly Up Tavern.

TUESDAY, SEPT. 6 Wayne Hancock at Soda Bar.


710 Beach Club, 710 Garnet Ave., San Diego. Pacific Beach. Wed: Carlos Bandana. Fri: The Wildfires. Sat: Dirty Taxi. 98 Bottles, 2400 Kettner Blvd. Ste. 110, San Diego. Little Italy. Fri: Jenn Renee Cruz. Sat: Arnessa Rickett. Sun: The Matt Smith Neu Jazz Trio. Air Conditioned Lounge, 4673 30th St., San Diego. Normal Heights. Wed: DJ Buddha. Thu: ‘Libertine’ w/ DJs Jon Wesley, 1979. Sat: ‘Juicy’ w/ Mike Czech, Jonathan Lee Band. Sun: ‘Chvrch’ w/ DJ Karma. American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Aries Spears. Fri: Mo Mandel, Aries Spears. Sat: Aries Spears. The Bancroft, 9143 Campo Rd., Spring Valley. Spring Valley. Thu: The Mice. Fri: The 40 Ouncers, Biriuk, Sin Quince, Ad Seg. Sat: Sculpins, A-Bortz, NSA. Sun: My Body Is An Ashtray. Bang Bang, 526 Market St., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: Alle Farbe. Sat: Karma Kid. Bar Pink, 3829 30th St., San Diego. North Park. Wed: Mid-week Boogie. Fri: DJ L. Sat: DJ Junior the Disco Punk. Sun: ‘Rat Sabbath’. Beaumont’s, 5662 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla. Fri: Chugboat. Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Wed: Sick Balloons, Hello Penelope, Almost Young. Thu: The Wailers, Dubbest (sold out). Fri: The Wailers, Mind Body & Soul Band (sold out). Sat: The Wailers, 2 Tone Sound (sold out). Sun:


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MUSIC EdRoc, Kanye Asada. Sun: ‘Uptown Top Ranking’ w/ Tribe of Kings. Mon: ‘The Cure Night’ w/ Saul Q. Parq, 615 Broadway, San Diego. Fri: Shift. Sat: Sourmilk. Patricks Gaslamp, 428 F St., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: The Upshots. Thu: The Bill Magee Blues Band. Fri: WG and the G-Men. Sat: R-Kive. Mon: Len Rainey’s Midnight Players. Tue: Paddy’s Chicken Jam. Plaza Bar @ Westgate Hotel, 1055 Second Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: Gilbert Castellanos. Sat: Allison Tucker. Mon: Julio de la Huerta. Rebecca’s Coffee House, 3015 Juniper St, San Diego. South Park. Sat: How POSI Can You BE? a Night of Empowering and Inspiring Music.

SPOTLIGHT Chicago emcee Joey Purp is part of the hip-hop collective Savemoney, which also includes rising stars Chance the Rapper and Vic Mensa. And with the release of his new mixtape iiiDrops, he’s making a name for himself as an emcee to watch in his own right. Joey Purp performs at House of Blues on Thursday, Aug. 11.

MUSIC CONTINUED FROM PAGE 31 HoneyHoney, Korey Dane. Tue: Yellowman, Piracy Conspiracy, DJ Carlos Culture. Black Cat Bar, 4246 University Ave., San Diego. City Heights. Thu: Miss Lana Rebel and Kevin Michael Mayfield, Matt Strachota, Pall Jenkins. Sat: City Heights Hayride. Boar Cross’n, 390 Grand Ave., Carlsbad. Fri: ‘Club Musae’. Brass Rail, 3796 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Fri: ‘Hip Hop Fridayz’. Sat: ‘Sabado en Fuego’ w/ DJs XP, KA, K-Swift. Mon: ‘Manic Monday’ w/ DJ Junior the Disco Punk. Brick by Brick, 1130 Buenos Ave., San Diego. Bay Park. Sat: Sight Unscene, A New Challenger Approaches, A Hero Within. Cafe Sevilla, 353 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Sat: Flamenco Dinner Show. Sun: Buena Vista Sundays. The Casbah, 2501 Kettner Blvd., San Diego. Midtown. Wed: Escort, Bump DJs. Thu: Magic Giant, Jesse LaMonaca and the Dime Novels, QUEL BORDEL. Fri: The Kneehighs, Parker Edison, Sodie Orr, DJ Nicksta. Sat: Oh Pep!, The Dabbers, Blood Ponies. Sun: Honne. Tue: Marissa Nadler. Cat Eye Club, 370 7th Ave, San Diego. Downtown Thu: Cool Cat Karaoke . Fri: The Rosalyns . Sat: Jason Hanna. The Che Cafe, 9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla. Wed: Chest Pain, Slums Of The Future, Animals Revenge, Piss Pants. Thu: Slow Hollows, Moaning, PHF, Roidz. Dirk’s Nightclub, 7662 Broadway, Lemon Grove. Fri: Serious Guise. Dizzy’s, 4275 Mission Bay Drive, San Diego. Mission Bay. Fri: Camarada presents Tango Nuevo: Music by Astor Piazzolla. F6ix, 526 F St., Downtown., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: DJ Scooter. Sun: Craig Smoove. The Field, 544 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: Josh Ferreira. Thu: Eamon & George. Fri: Sons of Jimi. Tue: Pat Hilton. Fluxx, 500 Fourth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: Deejay Al. Sat: Chachi. Hard Rock Hotel, 207 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Fri: Night Swim.

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The Hideout, 3519 El Cajon Blvd. (City Heights), San Diego. City Heights. Thu: Jimmy Whispers, Gary Wilson (DJ set). Hoffer’s Cigar Bar, 8282 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa. Sat: Leilani Kilgore and the JDog Players. The Holding Company, 5040 Newport Ave., San Diego. Ocean Beach. Wed: The Naked I, Skyler Lutes Band. Thu: DJ Reefah, SYNRGY. Fri: DJ Green T, Retra, Still Ill. Sat: DJ Chelu, GOW. Sun: Wise Eyes, Hoquinai, Full Moon Fever. Tue: Shades of Blue (live band karaoke). House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. Downtown. Wed: Industry Night. Tue: Robin Henkel. Java Joe’s Normal Heights, 3536 Adams Ave., San Diego. Normal Heights. Wed: Veronica May. Thu: Lisa Sanders. Fri: K.E. Harris. Sat: The Zicas. Kava Lounge, 2812 Kettner Blvd., San Diego. Midtown. Thu: Road Warriors. Fri: SUBDVSN. Sat: Noise Revolt. Sun: Brian Ellis, Throwback Zack with Pacific Star, Noface Shadowmen. Kensington Club, 4079 Adams Ave., San Diego. Kensington. Sat: The Weirdos, Social Spit, Downs Family. The Merrow, 1271 University Ave., San Diego. Hillcrest. Wed: Andrew Barrack, Jonny Tarr, Kingdom of Lights. Fri: Garden Echo, Sama Dams, Guides, Soft Lions. Sat: Bred Dogs, The Hollow, The Fountain of Youth. Sun: Burlesque Sunday Tease. Mc P’s Irish Pub, 1107 Orange Ave., Coronado. Wed: Harmony Road. Thu: The Upshots. Fri: Pat Ellis & Blue Frog Band. Sat: The Upshots. Sun: In Midlife Crisis. Mr. Peabody’s Encinitas, 136 Encinitas Blvd., Encinitas. Thu: Sol Remedy, SOL. Fri: Custard Pie. Sat: Hazmatt, John January & Linda Berry. Sun: Anthony Ortega. Music Box, 1337 India St., San Diego. Little Italy. Thu: Dirty Dozen Brass Band. Fri: Beyonce vs. Rihanna Dance Party. Sat: Temptation: A Striptease Soiree, Drop Dead Dames Burlesque, Rock ‘n’ Roll Camp For Girls Showcase, Temptation: A Striptease Soiree. The Office, 3936 30th St., San Diego. North Park. Wed: ‘Through Being Cool’. Thu: ‘No Limits’ w/ DJ Myson King. Fri: ‘Cool Party Bro’ w/ DJs Heminguey, Ikah Love. Sat: ‘Strictly Business’ w/ DJs

Riviera Supper Club, 7777 University Ave., La Mesa. Wed: ‘Boss Jazz’ w/ Jason Hanna. Fri: Black Market III. Sat: Chickenbone Slim. Side Bar, 536 Market St., San Diego. Downtown. Thu: Vince Delano. Fri: DJ Who w/ Paula De Rosa. Sat: DJ Decon. Sun: DJ Slowhand. Soda Bar, 3615 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Wed: The Brian Jones Rock n Roll Revival, Dirty Pennies. Thu: Nite Jewel, Harriet Brown. Fri: The Mystery Lights, The Loons, Warbly Jets. Sat: John Meeks, Pall Jenkins, Preston Swirnoff. Sun: CW Stoneking, Miss Erika Davies. Mon: Andrew Keoghan, Le Chateau. Spin, 2028 Hancock St., San Diego. Midtown. Sat: ‘Lucent’ w/ Menno Solo. Sycamore Den, 3391 Adams Ave., San Diego. Normal Heights. Thu: Peacock. Sun: Joshua Powell, The Great Train Robbery, Podunk Nowhere. The Tin Roof, 401 G Street, San Diego. Gaslamp. Wed: J Liberio. Thu: Cassie B Project. Fri: Coriander, Nick Crook, DJ Matty Mac. Sat: Cassie B Project, Kenny and Deez. Sun: Kenny and Deez. Tio Leo’s, 5302 Napa St., San Diego. Bay Park. Wed: Gino & The Lone Gunmen. Thu: Nathan James. Fri: Santana Ways. Sat: Full Strength Funk Band. Sun: Tardeadas With Colour. Til-Two Club, 4746 El Cajon Blvd., San Diego. City Heights. Fri: Kim and the Created, Fresh Brunettes Tower Bar, 4757 University Ave., San Diego. City Heights. Wed: Klaw, Green River Thrillers, Nebula Drag. Sat: Stalins of Sound, Way to Go Genius, Talk Sick Brats. Turquoise, 873 Turquoise St., San Diego. Pacific Beach. Wed: Tomcat Courtney. Thu: Fred Hardy Trio. Fri: Grupo Globo, Gabby and Friends. Sat: Doug Trip, Tomcat Courtney. Sun: Sounds Like 4. Tue: Gypsy Caravan. Ux31, 3112 University Ave., San Diego. North Park. Thu: Throwback Thursday. Fri: DJ Havoc. Sat: DJ Julio Velasquez. Sun: Skanks Roots Project, Upfull Rising, DJ Daddy. West Coast Tavern, 2895 University Ave. North Park. Wed: Beer, BBQ and Blues. Whistle Stop, 2236 Fern St, San Diego. South Park. Wed: ‘Plagiarism Begins at Home’ w/ DJ Jon Blaj. Thu: VAMP: Villains. Fri: Le Chateau, Hexa, Astral Touch. Sat: ‘Booty Bassment’ w/ DJs Dimitri, Rob. Winstons, 1921 Bacon St., San Diego. Ocean Beach. Wed: Jam Kwest, Joseph Isreal, DJ Carlos Culture. Thu: Modern Day Moonshine. Fri: Psydecar, Shocks of Mighty. Sat: Cubensis. Sun: Joshua Powell and the Great Train Robbery. Mon: Electric Waste Band.



July 27, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 33




WEEDS The taxing prospects of Prop 64


ith stronger-than-ever backing for recreational marijuana usage, Proposition 64, also known as the Adult Use Marijuana Act, is expected to pass with relative ease. In response, the marijuana industry is looking at shifts across all boards, including changes for legally licensed dispensaries. Adjustments would need to be made to deal with the taxation inconsistencies between recreational and medical marijuana. Under Proposition 64, all marijuana would be subject to a cultivation tax of $9.25 per ounce for dry flowers or $2.75 per ounce for leaves. There would also be a 15 percent sales tax on recreational, but not medical marijuana. As a result, a dual categorization system will potentially be unavoidable, says Outliers Collective CEO Linc Fish. Licensed dispen-

34 · San Diego CityBeat · July 27, 2016

saries will have to redesign their sales approach so that it caters to both types of marijuana designations. Fish predicts California dispensaries will follow the trends seen in Colorado where the entire process is split. For example, the check in and purchase counters would have two lines—one for recreational customers and another for medical patients. The complications arise when attempting to categorize the strains by the amounts of active ingredients they contain. “There are strains that are very high in CBD like Charlotte’s Web, which is used for seizures a lot,” says Fish. “You’re not going to use Charlotte’s Web to get high. It has some THC in it, but it’s primarily an activator of the CBD. So nobody would argue that that’s a recreational strain. And conversely, you have strains that are high in

Outliers Collective COO Austin Birch and CEO Linc Fish THC and very low in CBD.” But the strains’ uses aren’t always so clear-cut. “It’s a grey area when you get into strains like ACDC where there’s excellent anti-inflammatory effects from the CBD, but it’s also got some THC so it has a calming effect.” For licensed dispensaries like Outliers Collective, modifications will be time-consuming. But for unlicensed dispensaries that continue to operate illicitly, Fish says

times are about to get tough. He foresees a wave of raids ten times the intensity of those that have already taken place in the county. “Right now they aren’t really collecting any tax revenue, so the government doesn’t have a vested interest,” Fish says. “They don’t care. They aren’t making any money, but there are hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars in tax revenue on the line here, and they aren’t going to let them continue to operate if they don’t pay.”



July 27, 2016 · San Diego CityBeat · 35

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.