San Diego CityBeat • July 29, 2015

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Haziness of pot laws could start to clear


The Delta Saints get inspired on the road

2 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015



Seau’s silent treatment


T’S MADDENING THAT SAN DIEGO’S two all-time biggest sports personalities received different forms of posthumous silent treatment. After the death of Tony Gwynn, he was conspicuously not mentioned or memorialized during the 2014 Major League Baseball All-Star Game. And it was revealed last week that Junior Seau’s daughter will not speak on her dad’s behalf at the Pro Football Hall of Fame induction ceremony on August 8. The 21-year-old Sydney Seau previously believed she would get time on the podium at the ceremony. She told the New York Times: “It’s frustrating because the induction is for my father and for the other players, but then to not be able to speak, it’s painful. I just want to give the speech he would have given. It wasn’t going to be about this mess. My speech was solely about him.” The reference to “this mess” ties into a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family against the NFL. After Seau committed suicide in 2012, it was discovered the former Chargers linebacker had chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Twenty years of head-jarring tackles playing pro football had seemingly messed with his brain. After some backlash, The Hall of Fame pointed out that in 2010 it stopped allowing speeches about deceased players at the induction ceremony. Instead, longer memorial videos are shown. Sydney Seau agreed to be in Junior’s video, reportedly before she knew she would not be speaking onstage. Is the Hall of Fame choosing to turn a deaf ear to the realities of what an extended NFL career can mean to the physical well being of players? Yes, says former San Diego Union-Tribune sports columnist Tim Sullivan. “If the Pro Football Hall of Fame is a museum and not just a marketing device, it has an obligation to present the whole of the sport’s history and not just the prettier parts,” says Sullivan, who is now a columnist for The Courier-Journal in Louisville, Ky. “To ignore the impact that concussions have had on the game—the human costs, the financial liability and ultimately the rule changes that have resulted—

is to gloss over an important chapter and to abdicate responsibility for imparting valuable lessons to future players and their parents.” Sullivan adds: “To deny the Seau family a voice at this year’s inductions may be consistent with recent practices, but it is out of touch with public interest, public sentiment and the implicit obligation of a museum to preserve and present history as accurately and completely as possible. It looks like censorship at a time when pro football should be pursuing greater transparency. It’s a mistake easily corrected by letting Sydney speak.” Is it too late for Seau fans—all over the country— who want to hear from Sydney? The ceremony is broadcast worldwide by ESPN. “We will again televise the enshrinement ceremony but ESPN does not influence how the Hall of Fame conducts its event,” says Bill Hofheimer, senior director of communications for the sports network. A Hall of Fame spokesperson says the Seau family has acquiesced to the notion ROYALTSD / FLICKR of keeping mum at the ceremony. True, but that doesn’t mean they are happy about it. “Contrary to the most recent statement by the Hall of Fame, the family does not support the current policy that prevents family members from delivering live remarks on behalf of deceased inductees,” says Steve Strauss, the family’s legal counsel, in a statement released July 27. “However, the Seau family does not want this issue to become a distraction to Junior’s accomplishments and legacy or those of the other inductees.” Says Hall of Fame vice president of communications Pete Fierle: “Quite frankly, this policy took years of evaluation, and we’re not going to evaluate it on a case-by-case basis.” He adds that the reasoning behind only having living recipients speak is to “achieve the highest production level possible.” Would granting Sydney Seau two minutes to say a few words about her beloved father resonate to a global audience, be of great interest or increase production value? Sigh. Of course it would. Write to

—Ron Donoho

This issue of CityBeat is not dedicated to cowardly lion hunters.

Volume 13 • Issue 51 EDITOR Ron Donoho MUSIC EDITOR Jeff Terich ARTS EDITOR Kinsee Morlan STAFF WRITER Joshua Emerson Smith WEB EDITOR Ryan Bradford ART DIRECTOR Carolyn Ramos COLUMNISTS Aaryn Belfer, Edwin Decker, John R. Lamb, Alex Zaragoza

CONTRIBUTORS David L. Coddon, Seth Combs, Beth Demmon, Andrew Dyer, Tiffany Fox, Michael A. Gardiner, Glenn Heath Jr., Peter Holslin, Jessica Johnson, Scott McDonald, Jenny Montgomery, Susan Myrland, Chad Peace Jim Ruland, Ben Salmon, Tom Siebert, Jen Van Tieghem, Amy Wallen PRODUCTION MANAGER Tristan Whitehouse PRODUCTION ARTIST Rees Withrow MULTIMEDIA ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Paulina Porter-Tapia

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July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 3



I can’t believe they want to spend $2.1 million of our tax dollars on an EIR for a new stadium for the Chargers when we don’t even know they will stay [“We haven’t seen the river card, yet,” July 22]. That is like giving a prospective contractor a large chunk of money to build a pool in your back yard before you have a signed contract and don’t even know what the rest of the costs will be, or even if the contractor will build your pool. Thank you David Alvarez, Marti Emerald and Todd Gloria for having the good sense to oppose this deal. I only wish the mayor and other city council members had some common sense. Dorothy L. Kwiat, Talmadge

NAILED IT Through tears I thank Aaryn Belfer for her essay. [“A white person’s guide to activism,” July 22”]. On Sunday I posted this plea to my friends and family around the world: “If you are a white American I’m asking you...I’m begging you to help your fellow black and brown Americans. I don’t want to discuss how and what. I’m just asking you to do it. Find a way to make things shift. Be aware that we are constantly trembling because this thing...this hate is getting closer and closer to my your comfortable and privileged lives. If you can wake up and go about your day without ever thinking

4 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015

about your safety and well being based on race...believe me, that is a privilege. I want that space in my head and heart vacated. Don’t get me wrong, I am fortunate. I have connections and resources, but out in the world I am not fully safe. Yesterday, I drove with my children down a road that we don’t frequently travel. A police cruiser pulled out behind us and followed us for three uneasy miles before he turned around. In my mind, I went to my training about what to do and how to act. I do this each time I see police when I’m walking or driving. I am aware of hateful bumper stickers on cars. I’m aware of cars with Confederate flags. We’ve crossed off entire sections of the country that are not safe to send our son to college. This is real for me and for all of us. If I’m not doing well how can you be doing well? Now, I go back to pushing this awful feeling down. That’s how we survive. We push it down, we keep on living, and we hope.” My daughter is 11 and is still able to live in innocence. My 17-year-old son’s innocence was taken in tiny doses of bitter pills we’ve given him since he was young. Not since Peggy McIntosh and her essay “Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” more than 25 years ago, have I seen such an honest call to action from an ally. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will never stop sharing your work. You nailed it! Monica Bisgaard West Hartford, CT

NOT JUST THE FACTS Just read your article [“A white person’s guide to activism,” July 22”]. I agree with your ideas. Unfortunately, most white people will not be that motivated until something like this happens to them. I was an aspiring middle class white guy until the police and the legal system took that away from me. I went from a classified civil service position, looking forward to a pension, to facing homelessness within two years because of this system. Over the last 25 years I have been pulled off a porch, beaten, pepper sprayed and hog-tied. I’ve spent four days in jail for riding a bicycle. And the “offense” that cost me my job and drove me into poverty was a misdemeanor, and I was innocent, so I’m real dialed into these issues. Just wish there was more video when I’d been arrested, because all of the police reports I’ve seen are complete fiction. In fact, one of my arresting officers told to my face, “the facts are what we say they are.” While I appreciate the irony of that statement, that’s completely unacceptable. Once the police lie on a police report, it corrupts the whole system, and yet they lie just like it’s part of the job. Anyway, thanks for writing that and keep your eye on the ball, I’m sure we will see more cases like this.

Jeff Brown, Columbus, OH


COVER Jeff “Turbo” Corrigan ( just shot his 15th CityBeat cover, so congratulate the guy next time you see him (he’ll be the dude with his hat turned backwards as he stares into his camera’s viewfinder photographing something cool). For this week, Corrigan shot the formerly homeless artist, Inocente, in his East Village studio. Inocente is shy, but when the artist gets near a the camera she appears calm and confident. She says that’s partly because she spent so much time in front of a camera while filmmakers followed her to make the Academy Award-winning documentary Inocente. We check in to see how life in the limelight has changed things, mostly for the better.



July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 5

Up Front | News

carolyn ramos

Proposed state rules could provide local cannabis industry clear guidelines by Joshua Emerson Smith


n late May, Zachary Lazarus closed the medical-cannabis dispensary where he works and drove home to find his family shaken up and his personal grow room raided. About an hour before he arrived, he said, sheriff’s deputies and Drug Enforcement Administration agents had searched his entire house, while a social worker with Child Welfare Services interviewed his two teenage sons. “They came in, lectured my kids, lectured my wife, saying ‘You know what your husband is doing is wrong,’” said Lazarus, who is a top manager at A Green Alternative, the city’s first permitted medical cannabis dispensary. Law enforcement confiscated cannabis plants from the family’s home, according to a search warrant and supplemental documents. No arrests were made and no criminal charges were filed, according to the District Attorney’s office. Instead, the family signed a paper saying they would put a lock on the door to the grow room and keep the children away from any cannabis kept in the home. Child Welfare Services closed the case several weeks later. The Sheriff’s Department didn’t return CityBeat’s request for comment. Advocates in San Diego have long complained that local law enforcement has provided no clear guidelines for cultivation, raiding growers seemingly at random. While the county and city of San Diego have come around to permitting cannabis dispensaries, selling to those establishments remains largely a shadow industry. However, the seeds of change may be

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about to take root. After years of legislative wrangling, lawmakers at the state capital now look poised to overhaul that industry. Leading the way is Assembly Bill 266, a bill crafted as a compromise between advocates for medical cannabis and a coalition of the League of California Cities and law enforcement. While the legislation would force municipalities to play by a clear and somewhat uniform set of rules, it would also give cities and counties the choice to completely prohibit medical-cannabis operations. That’s made some nervous, but after years of enduring criminal prosecutions, the cannabis industry seems ready to compromise. “The only way that we’re going to have clarity, that we’re going to be able to operate outside of this gray area is to have these types of regulations,” said Eugene Davidovich, president of the Alliance for Responsible Medical Access, a prominent local trade association, “and sometimes, we will have to take concessions, like giving the cities and counties the ability to ban.” When asked about the current guidelines for cultivation, San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis has routinely pointed to a state guideline that allowed for six mature plants per patient. However, in 2011, the California State Supreme Court ruled a patient could grow an amount “reasonably related” to his or her medical need. “Dumanis herself has long been on the record in support of the legal and legitimate use of medical marijuana,” said Steve Walker, communications director for the District Attorney. “However, the District Attorney’s Office has filed criminal cases against ille-

gal drug dealers who are hiding behind the compassionate spirit of the law.” The new legislation aims to provide clarity to places, such as San Diego, by creating the Governor’s Office of Medical Cannabis Regulation to oversee licensing of dispensaries, cultivation, distribution and manufacturing of cannabis products, such as edibles and concentrates. The new department would coordinate with the California Department of Food and Agriculture, the Department of Public Health and the Board of Equalization. Under the bill, cities and counties would be responsible for creating a parallel licensing system. While the bill would give industry players several years to come into compliance, it would also give local lawmakers the ability to significantly limit or ban industry operations with strict licensing regulations. However, having a statewide template for licensing would likely incentivize action on the local level, said Davidovich. “I think a lot of municipalities statewide that have de facto bans currently are waiting to see what the state does; and once the state adopts some sort of rules, I think we’re going to see many of these bans lifted and regulations follow. “The biggest concern is what’s going to Write to or follow be in the details,” he added. On a parallel track is Senate Bill 643, him on Twitter @jemersmith.

The biggest concern is what’s going to be in the details.

Into the weeds

which would also create a licensing system. Lawmakers are now discussing how to merge the two bills before the Sept. 11 deadline for lawmakers to pass legislation. Many significant questions remain, including whether all cannabis should be organic, whether felony drug charges should bar folks from working in the industry and where cannabis could be grown commercially. Advocates are optimistic but wary of what might emerge from current negotiations, said Dale Gieringer, California director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. “I think the prospects are good, but particulars are still very much up in the air because when you have two different bills, at the end of the legislature people meet behind closed doors and do all sorts of magic tricks,” he said. However, there’s currently significant momentum to get the legislation passed, he added. “At the moment, things have been going well. There’s been support all the way from law enforcement through the industry and users’ groups.” In part, the effort has been fueled by the U.S. Department of Justice, which told lawmakers in 2013 to develop uniform guidelines or continue to face federal prosecutions. However, adding significant pressure, legalization for recreational use is now looming over the heads of state officials. After watching experiments in Washington and Colorado, lawmakers seem motivated to establish robust regulations before full legalization likely heads to the California ballot in 2016. “I think there’s panic,” Gieringer said. “The feeling in the legislature is that they’ve been remiss about not doing something to regulate medical marijuana before general legalization comes in.” How and if the state regulates medical cannabis will likely affect the potential implementation of recreational use, said Amanda Reiman, policy advocate for the Drug Policy Alliance, which plans to sponsor a state initiative to legalize recreational use. “If they don’t pass something, we’re going to have to write an initiative that takes into account how to regulate medical, as well as recreational,” she said. “When we look at the iceberg of medical cannabis regulation, we only see dispensaries sticking up from above the water, but there’s this huge mass of entities underneath the water that’s gone unregulated,” she added.


Up Front | opinion

divided state of

Gage Skidmore / flickr

chad peace

america Trump is just playing the percentages


veryone is talking about him. Republican voters support him. And that’s what he needs right now to be a Presidential contender. But what if former Democrat Donald Trump was more interested in exploiting the press, the politicians who seek its attention and the election process that feeds the narrative, than actually winning the Presidency? Because if that’s his goal, he’s doing a great job. Like parrots in an echo chamber, Democrats hold hands and point to the self-serving and outof-touch billionaire as the symbol of their opposition. And with universal negative media coverage, from MSNBC to Fox News, Republican politicians react predictably by trying to distance themselves from their mane-challenged contender; going so far as to suggest that


Donald Trump is going to ruin their party. Mind you, this is at a time when just 25 percent of Americans self-identify as Republicans and just about 20 percent of those Republicans participate regularly in primary elections. But, according to longtime party leaders like John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Rick Perry, Donald Trump is going to be the ruin of the Republican Party. Let’s think about that logic: • Donald Trump has taken positions that have earned him consistent negative coverage by the “left” and the “right” media. • Yet, despite this wallowing of negative press and high negative poll numbers with the American people, he is leading the Republican Party polls by a fairly wide margin. • Therefore, Donald Trump is ruining the Republican Party.

Now let’s step back a bit. If there is one thing we should all know about Donald Trump by now it’s that he has no shame. This means that he doesn’t care what you or I think about him on a day-to-day basis. Trump cares more about things like the success of his business. And today, his “business” is in competing in the Republican Party primary. To be successful at this business, Donald Trump needs to win a significant percentage of the 25 percent of Americans who are faithful to the Republican Party who also participate regularly in Republican primaries. Crunch a few numbers—this is about 5 percent of the American people. Literally, no one else matters to the success of Trump’s Republican primary business venture. He’s a businessman and a smart one. Right now, why would

Donald Trump Trump care about anything else but securing his spot in the Presidential debates? The pollsters only poll Republican voters who consistently turn out in Republican primary elections (“The 5 percent”). Those who finish highest in the polls get to participate in the presidential debates. So, the 5 percent determine whether a candidate will or will not be in the presidential debates. And because you can’t be taken seriously as a presidential candidate without being on the debate stage, there is no more important voters to Trump than those in the 5 percent—the Republican Party faithful who come out to vote in the Republican primary rain or shine. It doesn’t matter if these voters hold widely unpopular opinions that could “ruin the party.” It doesn’t matter if these voters represent a small fraction of the broad and diverse American electorate. The fact is this small block of partisan voters are more important than the rest of the American people because they set the stage for the presidential debate, the public discussion that evolves (or devolves) around it, and in turn, the “viable” candidates that the American people get to choose from. That is why candidates who languish in the polls have to find some way, any way, to get in front of these voters before the pollsters are done doing their magic. When considered in this context, the Trump bashing by Republicans has a lot less to do with Trump, or the Republican Party, than it does the business of politics. Struggling candidates need to get their poll numbers high enough to get into the debates.

When there are 16 candidates in a crowded field, all fighting for the same small group of voters, they know they need the press more than anything else, because it makes them stand out as viable. When candidates like Lindsey Graham and Rick Perry try to compete for coverage by attacking Trump, they just feed right into Trump’s rational business strategy. Why else would he read Lindsey Graham’s cell phone number out loud in a public speech? It keeps Trump on top of the news cycle. Why else would he post a picture on Instagram of Rick Perry in his office asking for campaign donations just a few years ago with #hypocrite written below. Back on top of the news. Being the most controversial or interesting candidate keeps you in the news. Being in the news increases your legitimacy as a viable candidate. Taking positions that appeal to the party faithful keeps your poll numbers high. Keeping your poll numbers high guarantees you a spot in the presidential debates. Trust in the media has declined dramatically. Yet we the media spent an entire news cycle devoted to Donald Trump reading a phone number out loud. Membership in political parties has declined dramatically. And the Republican Party blames Trump for pandering to its own base of voters. I’m just trying to figure out why we blame Trump. Chad Peace is managing editor of the San Diego-based news website Independent Voter Network (

July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 7

Up Front | Opinion


Edwin Decker


Rihanna’s oversexed take on American history


finally saw the video for the relatively new Rihanna song, “American Oxygen.” And while I rather like the haunting resonance of the music and its theme, the video itself has one glaring problem: Rihanna is in it. For those who haven’t witnessed it, the thing flashes between various American historical images and close-ups of Rihanna taking a series of seductive poses—including her Eyes-Closed, Chin-High, Chest-Forward-Fuck-Me Arch and the Auto-Erotic-Empress-Tyrant. Her Twerky Anaconda makes an appearance, as does my favorite, The Deep-RedLipsticky-“Who-Me?”-Pussycat-Pout. For most of these poses, Rihanna is wearing a black leather jacket that frequently slides down her shoulders to reveal a skimpy white cotton undershirt that epically fails to conceal the contour and color of her nipples. “Hellooo Boomy,” they seem to say looking upward toward an unseen boom mike. “Do you think we’re pretty?” The vocals are spellbinding: “Breathe out, breath in / American oxygen,” she drones as the camera switches between the images— most of which are disturbing or conjure something disturbing— and shots of Rihanna shoving her erect nipples into the lens. In the first batch we see the inauguration of President Obama, MLK’s march on Montgomery, soldiers raising a flag to half mast, a company of downtrodden immigrants riding the top of a train, a U.S. destroyer firing a cannon—then cut to Rihanna pointing her perfect nozzles at the camera in a manner that would make Tom Cruise go straight. Next we see images of Cuban immigrants floating on a blow-up raft, the iconic Black Power salute at the ’68 Olympics, Occupy Wall Street marchers, dirty drug deals, Molotovs being lit and thrown, a mushroom cloud, a NASA rocket launch, the Twin Towers smoking—cut to Rihanna, shoving her papilla toward the camera then twirling slo-mo so that we may gape at every perfect, hump-able inch of her. And so it goes with images of race riots, mass pepper sprayings, Ferguson protests, burning crosses, Klan rallies, assembly lines, MLK in a coffin, and—cha-ching—Rihanna presenting her teats as if her teats will end racism. And perhaps they will. After all, these are no runof-the-mill Farrah Fawcett nipples—all bourgeois and bored beneath an orange one-piece. These are Rihanna-bo-banna boss-bitch nips—chocolate and bloated like Hershey’s Kisses injected with jam. Helen of Troy may have had a face that launched a thousand ships but Rihanna’s radioactive areola will one day launch a warhead. But that’s the point right? As the great Roman statesman, Julius Caesar, once noted, “Nullum Umqaum magna Nipplum deserta,” which roughly

translates to, “Never let a great nipple go to waste.” Of course, most people aren’t aware of Cicero’s brilliant response to Caesar, which was, “Sed Ceaser! Whyus insertaum nippli into minima sexualem musica video sinceum ‘Hippus to be Squareum?’” which translates, “But Caesar! Why would anyone insert a nipple into the most non-sexual music video since ‘Hip to be Square?’” Look, this is not me being a prude. I like lactiferous protuberances as much as the next mammal. I don’t believe seeing them will corrupt the youth, didn’t give a whit about Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction, have no problem with nudity (except my own), and fully believe in a woman’s right to choose—to work in a strip club. Not only do I think it’s acceptable for a new mother to breast feed in public, for all I care she could sit topless on a Central Park bench and let the pigeons have at ’em were she the type of person who believed pigeons were lacking in vitamin D. That said, I also believe there are some things that should not be cheapened by gratuitous stimulation of the libido. I mean, here we have a song that contemplates the juxtaposition between American greatness and American futility, failure and despair by smearing a wad of melted sex butter all over it? This is clearly not a song that should be sexualized. In fact, as she does sexualize it, Rihanna becomes the American failure she bemoans. It is her grand appeal to the lowest common denominator that causes us to look at the nipples instead of the problems. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, Ed it is you, not Rihanna, who is sexualizing Rihanna. She just happens to be a sexy woman whose nipples happened to be erect during shooting. Nice try, Imaginary Critic in My Head, but, no. This is no RUNE (Random Unintentional Nipple Erection). They did not accidentally abound because of the way the fabric was rubbing or because of the temperature in the studio. This was obviously, clearly, plainly—sure-as-side-boobs-on-red-carpets—an intentional decision to make her package pop beneath a flimsy white cotton tee. So my question is “Why?” Why did Rihanna debase this important content with unnecessary sexual imagery? Because, judging from the majority of her songs and videos, sex is the only way she knows how to communicate. And even if her next song’s lyrics are as utterly non-sexual as, say, how deforestation is killing off the South American Awa Guajá tribe, I would not be surprised if the video will feature a beaver-bikini clad Rihanna twerking her T-and-A in front of the Awa Guajá witch doctor, played by a yoked-up, oiled-down Kanye, while her erect nipples sing, “Do you think we’re sexy?”

Never let a great nipple go to waste.

8 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015

Sordid Tales appears every other week. Write to


Up Front | Food

by michael a. gardiner Michael A. Gardiner

Ojos Negros trout made another menu appearance, cooked in a salt dome and served with a Spanish-style remoulade sauce. It’s always amazing how cooking in so much salt brings out the sweetness in the fish and not as much saltiness as one would expect. A tataki of jurel (local Salt-crusted trout with remoulade yellowtail) may have been the dish of the day. The yellowtail itself was perfectly seared on the outside, raw on the inside, with a drizzle of sauce that mimicked a Japanese ponzu but with a deeper umami feel. Caviar, radish and maize garnishes provided textural contrast, arugula offered freshness and avocado brought richness. A meal at a Valle de Guadalupe campestre restauIn the open at El Jardin rant is not complete without grilled quail. Steyn’s did not disappoint. Pork belly, another Valle favorite, showed up in a terrine a la plancha with salsa ’m not good with disguises and trying would verde and pickled onions and hit all of the right have been worthless. I’d cooked with Ryan notes of fatty goodness, contrasting textures and a Steyn, chef-owner of El Jardin por Ryan pickle to cut through the fat. Steyn (El Porvenir, Valle de Guadalupe, Baja CalAnd then a dessert: a single quenelle of black ifornia), the week before. He knew I was a food sesame gelato over crumbled, crispy, sweet buñuewriter and his whole place (kitchen included) lo bits. The overall effect was of a deconstructed was out in the open. Any idea he wouldn’t iden(and completely reconstructed) halva candy bar in tify me was at best aspirational. a bowl. Simple, deeply flavored, refreshing and siAs Los Angeles Times food writer Jonathan multaneously indulgent and light. It reminded me Gold wrote, the concept of “reviewer anonymity” of something. And suddenly I remembered Steyn’s comes down to me “pretending not to notice that dessert from the Barrel Smoker Dinner at which a restaurant staff is pretending not to notice me I’d worked with him the previous week—smoked noticing them noticing me.” So chef Steyn greetchocolate mousse with smoked creme caramel, ed me before I even sat down. Anonymity was not blueberries and chipotle. Both desserts displayed for this day, not for this review. simple ideas done in surprising ways, great texturThe first course of our tasting menu was a al contrast and flavors crossing the sweet-savory garden salad with croquettes of trout from a river borderline. in nearby Ojos Negros. It featured spectacuI didn’t need anonymity to assure me this was larly fresh lettuce and tomato with vinaigrette Steyn’s food. He hadn’t known I’d come that day that was simple, perfect and just enough. Beet and made me dishes perfectly in line with what chunks were toothsome with an echoing beet I’d seen working right next to him. I feel compurée—swiped attractively around the inside of fortable saying that what I had is consistent with the bowl—acting as a sauce for the precisely fried what you’d have. And it would be a good idea for trout balls (crisp and caramelized on the outside, you to have some. soft and savory inside). But too gorgeous? The next table got a different presentation. Was I getThe World Fare appears weekly. ting special treatment? Write to

the world

fare I


July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 9

Up Front | Food

by ron donoho ron donoho



You’re making me Blush


thought I’d been alone in my distaste for Wet Willie’s restaurant. For years it occupied a 7,000-square-foot space at the corner of Sixth Avenue and Market Street. It dispensed pre-fab slushy cocktails to downtown tourists who didn’t realize life was too short to worry about a Slurpee headache while you enjoy a cocktail. The signs for the new resident of the space at 555 Market St. had been in the windows for months: Blush Ice Bar + East-West Kitchen. The distance from Blush to my place of residence can be measured in a few dozen steps. Hallelujah, because in my ideal world there’s an oyster joint halfway down the block. I counted the days until the opening party. Apparently, so had hundreds of others. It was packed and the crowd was sweaty. In close quarters I struck up more conversations than usual, and was mildly surprised to hear so much bile about ol’ Wet Willie’s. Nobody was sorry it was gone. Some party guests were relieved the interior was no longer a ghost town. One woman I chatted with waved her fist and spewed vitriol about how it had been an eyesore for too long. I nodded, far too vigorously. That’s when I spotted the slush dispensers behind the bar. I nearly dropped my tray-passed, blue crab-stuffed mushroom (topped with Humbolt Fog goat cheese), which was warm and meltin-your-mouth delicious. Blush kept some of the Wet Willie’s machinery? Noooo. I tried to get closer to the bar, but was intercepted by a waitress bearing tiny takeout cartons of “secret recipe” house-special garlic noodles. The thick, hearty noodles reminded me of one of my all-time favorite dishes from New York City, cold sesame noodles from Noodles On 28th. So far, so awesome with the Asian/American cuisine. Thumbs up to executive chef Daniel Barron (formerly of Blue Point Coastal Cuisine and La Valencia), and chef de cuisine Stephen Gage. Kudos, too on the décor—light, minimal and open. But what are those slushy machines doing here? Blush, it turns out, is a fledgling chain

10 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015

Blush oysters started in San Jose, and co-owner Taylor Kim had invented Blushcocktails, which include a float of blended ice atop drinks based with gin and other spirits. While I stopped hyperventilating, it was pointed out that Wet Willie’s served artificially flavored gush. Blushcocktails are topped with frosted ice that’s mixed with fresh fruit. Um, okay. As long as the oysters are good. The oysters are legit. Blush installed a raw bar in one corner (in nearly the identical spot where Visions—pre-Wet Willie’s, circa 2007—had one). Blush will regularly feature half a dozen different oysters daily, and I’m promised a $1-each Happy Hour will be implemented. Speaking of Visions, years ago I attended a packed pre-opening party for that night clubby iteration here, only to see crowds dwindle precipitously. Blush will have to stay on its toes, especially with with price point, to get people to walk off crowded Fifth Avenue and into its doors. Meanwhile, hand me a plate of oysters and some house cocktail sauce with just the right amount of horseradish, and I’ll coexist with the Blushcocktails. Urban Eats appears every other week. Write to



July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 11

Up Front | Drink



by beth demmon

what to expect from that pretty loose definition, but I’m sure we’ll see plenty of brewers trying to outdo one another with hop-crazed delirium. estivals are the absolute worst. Who wants Some of the special releases I’m most eager to deal with endless lines just to pee, crowds to get my hands on are Cellarmaker’s “I See a of drunken people (some still regrettably Dankness” IIPA with Nugget, Simcoe, Citra rocking the trend that just won’t die—fake Naand Equinox (already hyped as one of the festive American headdresses) and this tepidly tival’s stickiest of the icky), Garage Project’s sticky El Niño summer? Beth demmon “Pernicious Weed ImInstead, I could be poolperial New Zealand Ale” side in Palm Springs, feet with Nelson Sauvin and up and drink in hand. Rakau (we’ll see if New That being said, I do Zealand’s intensely hopbelieve there’s an exceppy imperial IPA holds up tion to every rule, and to San Diego standards) when it comes to festivals, and Highland Park’s you can skip Coachella, “Beer Spaceship” IPA Outside Lands and the (mostly because of the Gathering of the Jugganame—it’s awesome). los—this year’s Modern This inaugural hopTimes Festival of Dankcentric bacchanal will ness will be the one festitake place on Little val to rule them all. Italy’s Waterfront Park Beer festivals will in(1600 Pacific Highway) herently triumph over from 3-7 p.m. on Aumusic festivals when gust 22. VIPs get a head it comes to not being start on the craft beer downright terrible, but and food trucks an hour even beer festivals can before the rest of the have their fair share of crowd. As of now, only Derek Freese of Modern Times sweaty bros and overa handful of VIP tickets priced tasters. Not so at the Festival of Dankremain, so if you can’t resist cutting in line (and ness, we’re promised. More than 30 astronomigetting a free festival shirt to boot), then I highly cally awesome craft breweries from around the recommend that you pick yours up like, now. country and beyond have already signed on— The only thing better than this crafty lineup including San Francisco’s Cellarmaker, Philly’s is where the money from it is all going—straight Tired Hands, Bend’s Boneyard Beer and more. back into the community through BikeSD, a Quality won’t be an issue. Local favorites like nonprofit whose mission is to craft San Diego Alpine, Stone, Port, Coronado and, of course, into a top-notch, bike-friendly city through adModern Times themselves will represent the vocacy and infrastructure reform. best of San Diego, only elevating the world-class Beers, bikes and (hopefully) no faux-fashion caliber of beers that we can expect from this headdresses—it’s shaping up to be the festival of stellar lineup. the year. Get your tickets today or forever regret Of course, what’s a San Diego craft beer fesopting for the Dark Carnival instead. tival without some hype about hops? Modern Times’ criteria for participation seems wildly Write to or follow her on flexible: “Showcasing incredible new approachInstagram at @thedelightedbite. es to brewing with hops.” I’m not quite sure

The dankness is coming


12 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015


Up Front | places

all things


by tom siebert

The virtual trends from Comic-Con


he biggest event of the year in San Diego— premise of one of the company’s most popular at least until we get the Super Bowl back series, 2 Chicks Same Time and put the wearer at (LOL)—is Comic-Con. the center of a threesome with “actresses” Nikki It’s evolved to become the pop culture enterBenz and Jaclyn Taylor. Benz and Taylor actually tainment zeitgeist’s biggest coming-attractions showed up at Tivoli Bar & Grill, where they were event showcase—movies, television, video gamshowcasing the film, for three days and let badge ing—and the hottest collection of fetish cosplay holders (21 and over) check it out. I thought in the all-American mainstream. It also provides maybe I would give it a shot—all for the sake of good insight into where the entertainment busijournalism, of course—but I attended with my ness sees the biggest chunk of change (literal and girlfriend and kids every day and it seemed poor cash-wise) taking place in technology. form. That pretty much makes it geek Christmas An Experience is Remembered, Not the plus SXSW in San Diego for a week, and it was Device(s). As more and more technology is ineasy to glean from the convention’s gizmos and tegrated as custom in our daily lives, it is the exgadgets just what we can expect to see more of in perience of the technology that we remember and the year to come. brings us joy, not the technolsergey galyonkin / flickr I noticed three specific ogy itself. tech trends pop up, again At Comic-Con, there was and again, through this year’s an abundance of experiences Comic-Con extravaganza. for people, and less passive Expect to see more and more sitting (or standing in line). of all of them in your daily NBC had a “4D Heroes Relife in the next year. born Experience” that ofLow-rent Virtual Realfered a multi-sensory interity. And Expensive Virtual active house full of visual Reality Porn. With an Ocuand kinetic effects that made lus Rift VR device running participants feel like they about $300-350, you’re going were emulating the superto see a lot of people trying to powers of the series’ stars. turn your phone into a VirtuGame-maker Ubisoft set up Oculus Rift al Reality device. A lot of big a maze-like obstacle course companies tried it at Comic-Con. that recreated the London-based setting of the Legendary Pictures, SyFy Channel and Colatest entry in its blockbuster Assassin’s Creed nan O’Brien all offered cardboard VR headsets series. MTV rocked into Comic-Con with a slow that, when partnered with a smartphone that motion filming booth that made people part of its had downloaded an iOS or Android application, new Scream TV series, fleeing the iconic masked became rudimentary virtual reality screens. Legghoul while having body parts thrown at them. 3D Printing. There were a lot more 3D printendary took you on a tour inside scenes from two ers this year, so don’t be surprised if you’ve got upcoming big budget movies, the adaptation of one in a year or two, as prices have begun to fall the computer game Warcraft, and the haunted (you can get a pretty good one for under $500). house horror Crimson Peak. The Syfy version But a lot of Batman masks got made this year to took you on a tour of the spaceships in the new fascinated crowds, and the technology was betscience-fiction soap opera The Expanse, which ter than ever. The machines are faster, print with debuts in December. The Conan version put better fidelity and definitely make you imagine a viewers in a POV position onstage (here in San world where you can make just about any object Diego, where O’Brien did his show for the week) you want in a few minutes. Adobe Photoshop’s with Conan and his guests. booth showcased some of the thinnest 3D printThe Syfy and Legendary apps can still be ing available, as well as tried-and-true software downloaded today, and you can buy a cardfor creating 3D models. board VR helmet for yourself for about $12. The All of these things are going to be in your cheap-o VR works okay. It’s interesting, but it’s homes, or an accepted part of your leisure life, in not all-enveloping like the real headsets; they the next few years: Virtual reality headsets that can offer up to 180-degree stereo-scoping head will replace the television as the number one pastracking perspective, which makes it completely sive-entertainment device; entertainment expeoverwhelming. riences that integrate technology to expand the That’s why the biggest debut in Virtual Realbroader pleasure; and 3D printers that will put ity at Comic-Con was the one that will ultimately a whole lot more businesses out of business. VR probably prove the most lucrative. If virtual realis coming on the fastest—once they start making ity spaceships and quirky talk show hosts sound a movies for it that are any good (and I’m not talklittle too pedestrian for you, adult entertainment ing porn), it’ll be Game Over. You’ll have one in company Naughty America launched America’s two years. first virtual reality porn film at Comic-Con (hey, you knew it was…coming). The film took the


July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 13











When the name Ben Folds comes up, so do the lyrics from the late-’90s, alt-rock ballad, “Brick.” Rather than rest on the laurels of one catchy old earworm, the musician has moved on from his time with Ben Folds Five, launching a successful, albeit somewhat strange and eclectic solo career. Folds has collaborated on albums with William Shatner, produced an album featuring collegiate a capella music groups, toured extensively, written a beautiful concerto for piano and orchestra and even made a few guest appearances on the TV show, Community. At 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 30, he’ll be gracing the Summer Pops stage, joining the San Diego Symphony and conductor Jacomo Bairos at Embarcadero Marina Park South (206 Marina Park Way) downtown for a concert featuring both old and new songs in a format and setting most people have likely never seen. “Those who are fans of Ben Folds or those who think they might like to discover Ben Folds, now they get to see him in a brand-new light,” says Stephen Kougias, director of public relations at the symphony. “And that’s seeing him play live with orchestra…Plus, you get to see him at the Embarcadero, which is just a very beautiful outdoor venue—very picturesque.”


Baja California is San Diego’s next-door neighbor, but we sometimes take it for granted. Most of us are more likely to hit up a taco shop down the street than actually make the drive over the border to experience Baja culture first-hand. But Baja By the Sea is bringing the Baja California culture to San Diego, making the trek far less taxing than the customs queue. The event will feature food, craft beer, wine and specialty products from each of the five regions of Baja California, as well as live music and other entertainment. No passport required. Vendors include Wicho’s, Café La Negrita, El Grano de Oro, Cien Años, Mr. Pampas and more. Baja By the Sea takes place from noon to 6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1, at Embarcadero Marina Park North (400 Kettner Blvd.) downtown. Admission is free.

Ephemeral Architecture at Gallery 21, 1770 Village Place, Balboa Park. Artist Philip M Soucy’s first solo exhibition featuring new works in mixed media, oils, ceramic and installation pieces. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, July 29. 619233-9050, Sports Illustrations at Hess Brewing North Park, 3812 Grim Ave., North Park. A group art show devoted to the fraternal nature of competitive sports. Includes new works from Debi Winger, El Chikle, Daniel Jaimes and more. Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Wednesday, July 29.

Ben Folds Folds is just one of several upcoming Summer Pops concerts that speaks to a younger, more adventurous audience. At the end of August, a series of female powerhouses will be performing back-toback, starting with Esperanza Spalding on Aug. 20, LeAnn Rimes on Aug. 21 and 22, and Natalie Cole on Aug. 23. “Part of the appeal of Summer Pops is that you can’t just listen to this music on a CD,” Kougias says. “You have to experience this live in order to see it, feel it, love it, enjoy it, et cetera. You just have to see this music live.” Summer Pops tickets are $20-$79.



HMurals of La Jolla Walking Tour at Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, 1008 Wall St., La Jolla. View murals by Kim MacConnel, Ryan McGinness, Kelsey Brookes, Mel Bochner and more. At 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 29. 858-4545872,




The summer sun is on a roll. Every day is bright and long, kids are playing outside and the season’s most popular fruits and vegetables are healthy as ever. At 10 a.m. Saturday, August 1, Suzie’s Farm (2570 Sunset Ave.) in Imperial Beach will host Pedal, Pick and Grin, an annual event that opens the farm’s fields for free tomato and vegetable picking. A community bike ride to the farm will begin at 9 a.m. at Blind Lady Ale House and will morph into a bike parade at Suzie’s. With face painting, live music, food and a ladybug release, the event is kid-friendly, so wheel those tandem bikes out of the garage and dust off your best fruit baskets. COURTESY OF SUZIE’S FARM

HAngela Washko: Entering the Echo Chamber at Calit2 Auditorium, Atkinson Hall, UCSD campus, La Jolla. Part of the Digital Exploration of Arts and Sciences (IDEAS) season, the performance and video artist will present this work based on her quest to interview women who slept with a notoriously misogynistic pickup-artist. From 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, July 30. H24th Annual Juried Exhibition at Athenaeum Music & Arts Library, 1008 Wall St., La Jolla. Artwork from 41 artists that live, work or exhibit in San Diego as juried by Robert Pincus and Tina Yapelli. This year’s featured artists include Dan Adams, Jaime Gil and Kris Moore. Opening from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, July 31. 858-454-5872, Consolidating the Dynamic at 57 Degrees Wine Bar, 1735 Hancock St., Midtown. This multi-media art and culture show will display works by several artists based throughout the Western Hemisphere, including Christian Michaels, Azul Violeta and Jessica Johnson. Opening from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, July 31. 619234-5757, A Tribute to Santana at Digital Gym Cinema, 2921 El Cajon Blvd., North Park. Artists from San Diego, Baja, Riverside and San Francisco showcase new pieces inspired by the band Santana with works in wood, acrylic, charcoal, watercolors and more. Opening from 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, July 31. 619-230-1938, Dreamscapes II at Sophie’s Kensington Gallery, 4186 Adams Ave., Kensington. An exhibition featuring the drawings of artist Tim Conaway, who specializes in landscapes from around the world done in colored pencil. Includes live blues music from Robin Henkel. Opening from 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. 858-729-8483, Sergio Ernesto Hernandez at The Good Stuff Cookie Co., 828 G St., Downtown. The artist also known as “Surge” will unveil new work. Includes music from DJ Kuts and V-Rock. Opening from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. 619-289-9123, Oasis: An Exhibition of Palm Desert Artists at The Studio Door, 3750 30th St., North Park. This collaborative exhibition will showcase visual artists based in Palm Desert including Dennis Johnson, Angela Kinley, Sylvia Torres and nearly a dozen more. Opening from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. 619-255-4920,

A dish by Wicho’s Taco

14 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015

HTijuana Street Art Trek at Turista Libre Meeting Spot, 727 E. San Ysidro Blvd, Tijuana. Tijuana artist Panca leads a tour of her murals around the city, followed by a visit to Out Here! Gallery alongside the border wall in Colonia Federal. Tickets include roundtrip border transport, lunch at

H = CityBeat picks

a taqueria and libations. From 1 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. $40. 858-754-9406, Growing Wire and Crystal at HB Punto Experimental, 2151 Logan Ave. Section B, Barrio Logan. Hugo Heredia Barrera’s exhibit will display new installations of cast glass and wire. Opening from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. 760-443-9067, HTogether at Sparks Gallery, 530 6th Ave., Gaslamp. Father/son sculpture duo James and Brennan Hubbell will unveil brand new works. Both artists specialize in sculptures made from natural materials. Opening from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. 619-696-1416, HSeasons in the Sun at L Street Fine Art, 628 L St., East Village. New paintings from RD Riccoboni, a self-taught artist and author specializing in vibrantly colored paintings on canvas that attempt to convey a life-affirming sense of place. Opening from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. 619-231-6664, Burnt Toast at TPG2, 1475 University Ave., Hillcrest. A show featuring new works and mural installations by local artists Eric Wixon, MR DVICE, and Nick McPherson. Opening from 5 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. 619-203-6030, tpg2. net Mecha at TPG2, 1475 University Ave., Hillcrest. A group art show focusing on “Mecha” art, a science-fiction genre that centers on robots and machines controlled by people. Features new works from Johnny Pop, Victor Villa, Paul Naylor and more. Opening from 5 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. 619-203-6030, HSpellbinders at San Diego Art Institute, Balboa Park. Artists like Perry Vasquez, Vanessa Martinez, Larry Caveney, Spenser Little and many more will create art on the spot in a variety of mediums. Includes live music from Andrew Bracken, Jamaican Queens and DJ Nick Gray. Opening from 7 to 11 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. $10. HAngie Jennings and Chris Warr This beach exhibition will feature new works from performance, video and sculpture artist Angela Jennings, as well as Chris Warr, a sculpture and portrait artist. Takes place in Ocean Beach on Santa Cruz Avenue past Bacon Street. Opening from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2. Open Juried Art Show at COAL Gallery, 300 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad. The 64th annual juried exhibition will feature dozens of works from local artists in a variety of mediums. Opening from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2. 760-707-3939, Find the Hare Art Show at Bootlegger, 804 Market St., East Village. Find the Hare, a self-portrait photography project launched by artist Lauren Turton, will host an evening of fashion, photography, paintings, jewelry and more. Opening from 7 to 11 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5. 619-794-2668,

BOOKS Raymond M. Wong at Alpine Branch Library, 2130 Arnold Way. The author of I’m Not Chinese: The Journey from Resentment to Reverence, will lead a discussion about books over breakfast. From 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. 619-659-8390, Robert Rogers at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. As part of Warwick’s ongoing Weekend with Locals Program, Rogers will discuss and sign copies of his book, The Christian Detective. At noon Sunday, Aug. 2. 858-454-0347, HMidian Unmade: Tales of Clive Barker’s Nightbreed at Mysterious Gal-


EVENTS axy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. Editors Del Howison and Joseph Nassise, as well as a half-dozen contributors, will discuss the new shortstory collection inspired by the characters of Barker’s 1990 horror film. At 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2. 858-268-4747, HWilliam Finnegan at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The New Yorker staff writer and surfer will discuss and sign his memoir, Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life. At 7:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 3. 858-454-0347, HLayne Mosler at Warwick’s Bookstore, 7812 Girard Ave., La Jolla. The creator and author of the food blog, Taxi Gourmet, will sign and discuss her new memoir, Driving Hungry. At 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 4. 858-454-0347, Mary Kubica at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. The bestselling author of The Good Girl will sign and discuss her second psychological thriller, Pretty Baby. At 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 4. 858-268-4747, HSusan Herrmann Loomis at Cafe Merlot, 13330 Paseo Del Verano Norte, Rancho Bernardo. The food writer and French cooking school owner will host a handson experience in the tradition of seasonal French food and discuss her new book, In a French Kitchen. From 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5. $70-$100. 619300-2532,

COMEDY HHow Did This Get Made? at House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., Downtown. A live taping of the award-winning comedy podcast that celebrates bad movies. Hosted by Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael and Jason Mantzoukas. At 7 and 10 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. $29. 619-299-BLUE, HErik Griffin at Hotel Del Coronado, 1500 Orange Ave., Coronado. Fans of the Comedy Central series Workaholics will instantly recognize Erik Griffin as series regular Montez. At 9 p.m. Thursday, July 30, Friday, July 31, and Saturday, Aug. 1. $30-$45. 800-468-3533,

DANCE HWorld Hip Hop Dance Championship at Harrah’s Resort Southern California, 777 Harrah’s Resort Southern California Way, Valley Center. Over 3,500 street dance champions from 50 countries will go head-to-head at the 14th world championships. See website for full schedule and times. From 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2. $20-$59.50. 323-850-3777, HSan Diego International Fringe Festival This year’s Fringe Festival features a variety of dance and other performances at venues around the city. Through Sunday, Aug. 2. Free-$10. 235-9500,

FOOD AND DRINK HHopfest Beer Tasting at San Diego Museum of Man, Balboa Park. Patrons can sample IPAs and other craft brews. Street tacos, sausage sandwiches and popsicles will be available to complement the beer throughout the evening. From 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, July 30. $20-$30. 619-239-2001, Anniversary Party at West Coast Tavern, 2895 University Ave., North Park. West Coast Tavern will celebrate its anniversary ‘80s-style with music, dancing, and favorite Tavern drinks and appetizers. The evening will benefit Jefferson Elementary School, so bring school supplies and get in for free. From 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, July 30.


619-295-1688, HTorrey Pints Table Talk at The Patio on Goldfinch, 4020 Goldfinch St., Mission Hills. Kelly Legan and local hop farmers, Nopalito Farm, will lead a discussion on IPAs. Enjoy an IPA paired with a treat from Andrea’s Truffles while learning about how hops grow, sustainability measures and more. From 4:30 to 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 3. $10. 619-501-5090, HShuck-a-Thon at Ironside Fish & Oyster, 1654 India St., Little Italy. To celebrate National Oyster Day, six area chefs take a turn behind the raw bar to shuck oysters for a buck apiece. During each chef’s hour, 100 percent of the proceeds from oyster sales will go to the chef’s chosen charity. From 4 to 10 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5. 619-2693033,

vilion, Balboa Park. The organist of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris and professor at the Conservatoire de Paris plays a special concert as part of the Centennial International Summer Organ Festival. At 7:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 3. Music at Dusk at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 3598 Talbot St., Point Loma. Patrons can listen to live music while picnicking under the stars during this familyfriendly event. Includes music workshop for children beginning at 5 p.m. From 6:30 to 8 p.m. Monday, Aug. 3. 619-2233193,

PERFORMANCE HSan Diego International Fringe Fes-

tival at 923 1st Avenue. Experience multiple performances, ranging from theater to music to art and more at this annual event that gives artists the opportunity to perform in a festival setting. See website for showtimes, locations and prices. Through Aug. 2. Free-$10. 235-9500, HSondheim UnScripted at North Coast Repertory Theatre, 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach. Impro Theatre presents this completely improvised musical in the style of Stephen Sondheim. Using only audience suggestions, the cast invents a brand new, never before seen production. At 7:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 3. $23. 858-481-1055,

POETRY AND SPOKEN WORD HVAMP: Fanboy Syndrome at Whistle Stop, 2236 Fern St, South Park. So Say We All’s monthly live storytelling show will feature local writers sharing tales of whatever or whomever brings out their ultimate fandom. At 8:30 p.m. Thursday, July 30. $5 suggested donation. 619284-6784, Revolutionary Poets Brigade Open Reading at Ducky Waddle’s Emporium, 414 N. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas. Activist poets will read words of their own and from the poets that inspire them. Audience members are free to listen and to


Farms, Friends and Fishermen Dinner at The Red Door, 741 W. Washington St., Mission Hills. The Red Door’s executive chef Karrie Hills and owner Trish Watlington will host the fourth in a seasonal series of meals with a cocktail reception and a five-course dinner paired with beer provided by Urbn St. Brewing Company. From 5:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5. $80. 619-295-6000,

MUSIC HBen Folds at Embarcadero Marina Park South, 206 Marina Park Way, Downtown. The leader of the alt-rock trio Ben Folds Five and a singer-songwriter in his own right, will perform live as part of Summer Pops series. At 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 30. $20-$79. 619-686-6200, Hooray for Hollywood at Embarcadero Marina Park South, 206 Marina Park Way, Downtown. Part of the Summer Pops series, visual clips from Star Wars, Psycho, James Bond flicks and more will be accompanied by soundtrack performances from the San Diego Symphony. At 8 p.m. Friday, July 31, and Saturday, Aug. 1. $20-$79. 619-686-6200, NCSO Chamber Music Players at Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Dr., Encinitas. The Chamber Music Players of the North Coast Symphony Orchestra will perform a concert program consisting of a string quartet led by the orchestra’s conductor Daniel Swem. At 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. Psych Fest II at Ducky Waddle’s Emporium, 414 N. Coast Hwy. 101, Encinitas. The second annual music festival will feature performances from over a dozen psych bands including The Drops, Soul Juice, Family of Light and more. From noon to 11 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. 760632-0488, Concert for a Good Start at Faith Lutheran Church, 5310 Orange Ave., City Heights. This afternoon of music collaborations will mark the launch of Faith Lutheran’s free community music program. At 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. 619-5821068 Jo Dee Messina at Balboa Theatre, 868 Fourth Ave., Downtown. The country music star will play a concert featuring hits and songs from her new Kickstarter-funded album, ME. At 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. $30. 619-570-1100, Pop Goes Classical: A Night in Spain at Embarcadero Marina Park South, 111 W. Harbor Drive, Downtown. This evening will feature music from celebrated Spanish composers, including Enrique Granados’ “Three Spanish Dances” and Manuel de Falla’s “Nights in the Gardens of Spain.” At 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2. $20-$79. 619-686-6200, HOlivier Latry at Spreckels Organ Pa-

July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 15

EVENTS read themselves if they bring words to share. At 7 p.m. Friday, July 31. 760632-0488,

From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2. $5. 619-293-4888,

HMoby Dick Marathon Reading at Star of India, 1492 North Harbor Drive, Downtown. Write Out Loud and the Maritime Museum celebrate the 196th birthday of Herman Melville with a marathon reading of the literary classic. Everyone is welcome to read and signups begin at 11 a.m. From noon Saturday, Aug. 1, to 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2. $8-$16.

Craft and Draft: A Makers Market at Coronado Brewing Company - Tasting Room, 1205 Knoxville St. This two-day makers market will feature 25 craft beers on tap, sweets by Nomad Donuts, food provided by local food trucks and a display of handmade products created by over 15 local artist and craftsmen. From noon to 5 p.m. Saturday, August 1, and 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, August 2. 619-275-2215,

HOn the Road Storytelling at Rebecca’s Coffee House, 3015 Juniper St, South Park. Members of Storytellers of San Diego will host an evening of stories born of traveling experiences near and far. From 7 to 8:45 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5. 619284-3663,

POLITICS AND COMMUNITY Bernie Sanders Organizing Event at IBEW Local 569, 4545 Viewridge Ave., Clairemont. Help organize and strategize unique and creative ways to help elect Bernie Sanders as President of the United States of America. Bernie Sanders will be calling in and speaking live via webcast. From 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, July 29. 858-775-0163,

SPECIAL EVENTS HPainting on Tap at San Diego Museum of Art, 1450 El Prado, Balboa Park. Attendees can go on an after-hours tour of the museum before taking cues from local artist Jessica Oh to create their own works of art. Drinks and food will be available for purchase at Panama 66 during the event. From 7 to 10 p.m. Thursday, July 30. $40-$50. 619-232-7931, Double Deuce Seventh Anniversary Party at Double Deuce, 528 F St., Downtown. Patrons can celebrate seven years of Double Deuce with live entertainment, a photo booth, food and hosted drinks. Interested parties must RSVP to receive complimentary beverages. From 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. Thursday, July 30. 619-450-6522, Hillcrest Night Bazaar at The T Lounge, 1475 University Ave., Hillcrest. A weekly night market featuring art, a variety of vendors, and live entertainment. From 6 to 11 p.m. Thursday, July 30. 619-291-8221, Deep into the Archives at Culture Brewing Co, 111 S Cedros Ave, Ste 200, Solana Beach. Check out a rarely seen collection of photographs from world renowned coastal photographer, Aaron Chang. Includes a raffle, beer will be 25 percent off and sales benefit I Love A Clean San Diego. At 5:30 p.m. Thursday, July 30. 619-291-0103 Downtown Chess: Summer Blitz Tournament at Central Library, 330 Park Blvd., East Village. Patrons can test their chess skills by competing against some of the best players in San Diego. From 2 to 5:30 p.m. Friday, July 31. 619-236-5800, HLatin American Festival and Mata Ortiz Pottery Market at Bazaar del Mundo, 4133 Taylor St., Old Town. The annual fest features San Diego’s largest collection of Latin American folk art and Mata Ortiz pottery. Includes artisan jewelry, Mexican clothing and collectibles. From 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, July 31, and Saturday, Aug. 1, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2. 619-296-3161, Bead Bazaar at Scottish Rite Center, 1895 Camino Del Rio South, Mission Valley. This 16th annual event features vendors offering artistic and contemporary beads and handcrafted items from around the world.

16 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015

HTrades That Shaped Westward Expansion at Old Town Historic Park, 2454 Heritage Park Row. Part of Old Town’s annual Stagecoach Days celebration, learn about pivotal 19th century trades that helped shape the community of San Diego through living history activities, demonstrations, stories, songs and more. From noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1. 619-4910099,

Larry Caveney, whose “Jackie Kennedy” painting is pictured, and other artists will be creating art live at the Spellbinders exhibition and live concert happening at the San Diego Art Institute from 7 to 11 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1.

HChula Vista Lemon Festival The 19th annual fest will feature live bands, a Lemon Pie Eating Contest, a Largest Lemon Contest, a beer garden and much more. The family-friendly event takes place on Third Avenue from E to G Streets. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2. 619491-0099,

greatest heroes and villains will collide in this wrestling performance featuring live action, music and special effects. At 8 p.m. Friday, July 31. $5-$30. 858-6892422,

Tijuana Market Hop at Turista Libre Meeting Spot, 727 E. San Ysidro Blvd, Tijuana. Tour the city’s longest-running flea market and Mercado Miguel Hidalgo, the city’s oldest open-air farmers market in Zona Rio. Tickets include roundtrip border transport and complimentary pan dulce and coffee. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2. $25. 858-754-9406, Reagan Market at Mira Mesa High School, 10510 Reagan Road, Mira Mesa. This curated community art market will feature vendors that specialize in handmade, vintage and one-of-a-kind products, as well as furniture, clothing and art pieces. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2. $1-$3. Doodle and Friends Dog Meet-Up at Camp Run-A-Mutt Sorrento Valley, 11468 Sorrento Valley Road, Ste. B, Sorrento Valley. Dogs and their owners can meet new friends and play outside while touring Run-A-Mutt’s campus. From 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2. 858-2726310, Vista Rod Run at Downtown Vista, 122 S. Indiana St. between Main St. and E. Broadway, Vista. The 26th annual car show features a collection of classic, hot rod and specialty vehicles along with their owners. Includes live entertainment, and the town’s antique stores, art gallery, breweries and wine bars will be open. From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2. 760-414-9391, Doggies on the Deck Yappy Hour at Landini’s Pizzeria, 1827 India St., Little Italy. The Instagram celebrity dog Super Corgi Jojo will host a tropical-themed evening of raffles, food, drink specials and dog treats in this evening supporting the Helen Woodward Animal Center’s Surf Dog SurfA-Thon. From 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 4. 619-238-3502, National Night Out at El Cajon Police Station, 100 Civic Center Way, El Cajon. A community event with a wide variety of booths and displays from numerous organizations offering health and safety information with a special emphasis on ways you can better protect your family, your home and your vehicle. From 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 4. 619-579-3311,

SPORTS Galacticadia 2 at Tango Del Rey, 3567 Del Rey St., Mission Bay. The galaxy’s

TALKS AND DISCUSSIONS Textiles for the Head at San Diego Museum of Art, Balboa Park. Christine Brown will discuss how cloth is used in different cultures to conceal and protect, reveal and adorn, and convey status and authority. At 1 p.m. Thursday, July 30. Free$12. 619-232-7931, HC-3 Breakfast Dialogue at The Prado, Balboa Park. Citizens Coordinate for Century 3 (C-3) hosts a special breakfast and discussion addressing what Balboa Park visitors can expect in the next 100 years, followed by private tours of some of the park’s newest features. From 7 to 11:15 a.m. Thursday, July 30. $50-$60. 619557-9441, Medicare Lunch and Learn at La Jolla Community Center, 6811 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla. Patrons can leer about their rights and options under Medicare while enjoying a free lunch. Interested parties are encouraged to RSVP. At 11:30 a.m. Thursday, July 30. 858-459-0831, Payola Laws and the Future of Music at Columbia Center, 401 West A St., Downtown. Guest speaker Scott Kirby, who directed and produced the 2015 documentary Music Matters, will lead a discussion on the future of music. From 6 to 7:15 p.m. Thursday, July 30. Free$25. HPerry Vasquez: Collaborate at Moniker Warehouse, 705 16th St., East Village, East Village. The local artist, teacher and curator will discuss the importance of artistic collaboration at this CreativeMornings talk. At 8:30 p.m. Friday, July 31. The Writers Coffeehouse at Mysterious Galaxy Book Store, 5943 Balboa Ave., Ste. 100, Clairemont. Author Jonathan Maberry hosts this informal group to discuss all things writing over coffee. No previous publishing experience necessary. From noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2. 858-268-4747, HMythology Talk: Zombies on the Brain at Central Library, 330 Park Blvd., East Village. Patrons can explore the mass fascination of zombies in films, TV, comics and books with Professor Lisa Lampert-Weissig of UCSD, who will discuss the myths that started it all. From 6:30 to 8 p.m. Monday, Aug. 3. 619-2365800,





(Patrick Osteen) better self aches to emerge. As an unlikely relationship grows during the course of the last night before Eddie is shipped overseas, he allows himself to become vulnerable in front of the insecure but brave woman he hurt so badly. The rare stage Patrick Osteen and Caitie Grady in Dogfight musical where Dogfight battles every song actually advances the story, Dogfight is engrossing on both psychologifor hearts, minds cal and historical levels: What’s inherent in ygnet Theatre’s new season is off to the DNA of a trained soldier, and what does a promising start with a heartfelt it mean to be a man? Where, in men and production of the little-known mu- women, does beauty reside? You can also sical Dogfight. Based on an obscure 1991 appreciate Dogfight for its two leads. Grady film starring River Phoenix, Dogfight tells is soulful and profoundly sympathetic as the story, through Peter Duncan’s book Rose; Osteen’s Eddie is a subtly complex and Benj Pasek and Justin Paul’s music portrayal of a heart and mind divided by and lyrics, of a young, Vietnam-bound Ma- expectations and by a war that in turn dirine and the woman he comes to love. But vided a nation. The musical score is honDogfight is much more than that. After hu- est and un-showy, plus a memorable supmiliating Rose (Caitie Grady) in an “ugliest porting cast complements these winning girl” dance contest, macho Marine Eddie’s



performances. The Sean Murray-directed Dogfight will stay with you and stir you. Dogfight runs through Aug. 23 at the Old Town Theatre. $39-$60. * * * ime is limited to to catch Intrepid Theatre Co.’s “unplugged” production of Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale. It’s unplugged, says director (and star) Sean Yael-Cox, because the play is staged on a sparse set and without elaborate costume changes. In addition, a busy cast of seven portrays more than 20 characters. Although ragged in places, such as in the lengthy comic sequence that opens Act 2, Intrepid’s Tale has much to admire, including Yael-Cox’s versatility and stamina as both King Leontes and the comic thief Autolycus, a luminous Jo Anne Glover as wronged Queen Hermione, and outstanding double duty from Jacque Wilke as the formidable Paulina and a feisty shepherd. The Winter’s Tale runs through Aug. 2 at the Carlsbad Village Theatre. $25-$40.


—David L. Coddon

Theater reviews run weekly. Write to

OPENING: Love is the Answer: A new rock-musical about a young woman who has to choose between the love of two very different men. Written, directed and composed by Gregg Brandalise, it opens for four performances on July 30 at the Broadway Theatre in Vista. Guys and Dolls: David R. Pearson will direct performances of this music-filled romantic comedy based on the stories of Damon Runyon. Opens July 31 at the Westminster Presbyterian Church Theatre in Point Loma. A Midsummer Night’s Dream: A free, outdoor performance of Shakespeare’s fantastical romantic comedy. Part of the Balboa Park Centennial Celebration and presented by Fruitless Moon Productions, it opens for four performances Aug. 1 in Balboa Park’s Zoro Garden. That 24-Hour Thing: The premiere of six tenminute plays written in less than 24 hours and with only eight hours to rehearse. Part of the San Diego International Fringe Festival, it happens on Aug. 2 at the Central Library in the East Village. Evita: A staged reading, featuring musical numbers, of the Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber musical about Argentinian first lady Eva Perón. It happens on Aug. 3 and Aug. 4 at the Cygnet Theatre in Old Town.

For full listings, please visit “T heater ” at

July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 17

kinsee morlan


Inocente and Bun-Bun inside her apartment, which doubles as an art studio

Inocente found

those kids, and I think one of the main ways we can do that been tense, so after moving out and back in several times she decided to strike out on her own for good. She used the is to have resources for them because they’re not going to money made at her first solo show—money the film indiask for help if they think you don’t have anything to offer. cates is for a college scholarship—to pay for her first apartIf they know you have resources and connections to afThe star of an Oscar-winning ment. As a formerly homeless artist, she didn’t have rent ter-school problems and emergency shelters, then they’ll documentary comes of age riding history or a standard job. Coupled with the rabbits, the one probably come up and talk to you.” publicity’s receding wave landlord that would rent to her asked Inocente books all her own speaking gigs. She sees the for four months of advanced rent plus by Kinsee Morlan number of requests slowly a hefty deposit. dropping and knows the lime“I used all my savings to get an nocente Izucar is sitting on the couch inside light will eventually fade. She apartment and it was really awful, her modest apartment on the outskirts of downtown. isn’t interested in finding an but the bunnies and I have a roof over Her two bunnies, Luna and Bun-Bun, are cuddled up agent or otherwise further our heads so I’m happy,” she laughs. underneath her dining-room table, which is packed capitalizing on her momentary “I am still thinking about school. I with paint and art supplies instead of placemats and fame, though. She says she had want to study sign language but I just napkins. The place isn’t big or fancy but it’s hers, and that’s haven’t gone yet. School will always a contentious split with ARTS “If Only They Could See “ all that matters. be there. Right now, these conferenca few years ago and that’s part “When I got my apartment, I felt like I wanted to give es and these opportunities with the film, they’re not going of why she wants to manage her career on her own terms. someone or something a home, too, because it was my first She says she sells a respectable amount of artwork through to be waiting for me like school will be.” home so I wanted to share it,” says the young artist who her website,, and at the few pubInocente, who just got legal status last year, is able to prefers to go by her first name as she pulls back a chair to lic exhibitions she’s had since the film debuted. Up until earn part of her income by charging a fee to appear at better show off her adorable, furry roommates. screenings. The film recently showed at The National very recently, that’s been enough for her. Inocente recently turned 21, but she’s been doing adultEducation Association conference to a standing-room“But now I’m trying to get into the art scene here,” like things far longer. The intimate details of her difficult only crowd, most who hadn’t seen the film. Inocente’s she says. “Now that my talking engagements are slowing childhood are divulged in Inocente, a down, I want to focus more on my art. I haven’t done much often surprised by the number of people 40-minute documentary by filmmakin San Diego with the art scene. I’m ready now.” who haven’t seen the movie—which can ers Sean Fine and Andrea Nix Fine that be purchased through iTunes or viewed August is turning out to be a big month for Inocente. aired on MTV in 2012 and won an Acadfree online at—but she says the At 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7, ArtReach San Diego, a nonprofit emy Award in 2013. The film, which was that provides visual-arts education to schools countywide, important issues covered in the documenshot in San Diego over two years starting will be hosting a $5 screening of Inocente at Barracks 17 tary are what seem to keep the wave of inin 2009, follows the then-15-year-old as at NTC at Liberty Station (2710 Historic Decatur Road) in terest going so many years after its debut. she struggles with homelessness, her un“A lot of documentaries die down easPoint Loma and Inocente will be there. She’ll also have a documented status, family problems and booth at ArtWalk San Diego happening from 10 a.m. to 6 ily,” she says. “But this documentary is her dream to become an artist. p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 15-16, at NTC @ Liberty relatable because homelessness hasn’t Things have changed dramatically for Station (2465 Hisotric Decatur Road). ended, the arts are being taken away from “The Lost Planet” Inocente since the film was first released, The one negative aspect of all the publicity from the schools and immigration is still an issue…I but her life didn’t immediately turn into a cakewalk. The film, says Inocente, is that people generally have a misconthink that’s why it’s been going so strong and that’s why documentary leaves off after Inocente had her first-ever ception of who she really is. People think she’s rich and people still want to see it.” solo show with A Reason To Survive (ARTS), a local nonAt her in-person events, Inocente does her best to make famous now, but she hopes to help them understand that profit that provides arts programs to at-risk youth. The exthe discussion that follows the screenings more about the isshe’s a starving artist who struggles to pay phone bills and hibition was a smashing success. People responded to her sues in the film rather than focusing on her personal life. She rent just like other young creatives trying to turn their passimple, bright, colorful, imaginative works that often featalks about how there aren’t adequate resources for homesion into careers. ture animals, hearts or made-up creatures. The show sold less people and tries to make a point of explaining how edu“I don’t think I’m famous,” she says, giggling in the out, but the documentary fades to black before Inocente cators can reach out to their potentially homeless students. same charming way she does while narrating her harrowfinds a stable home. “Because it’s not about me—the documentary—it’s ing tale in the documentary. “I’m just a normal person tryLanding on her feet has taken a tremendous amount of ing to survive.” about every teen and every kid who doesn’t have a place work. Inocente’s relationship with her mother has always to live,” she says. “I talk a lot about how we can try to find Write to


18 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015



July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 19




oy Chu’s deep knowledge of illustrated children’s books is palpable. She’s worked in the industry for decades so she’s seen all the trends and been through all the ups and downs. Right now, she says children’s books are on a notable upswing, which is why she jumped at the opportunity to guest curate Writing with Pictures, a group exhibition featuring the artwork of dozens of mostly local illustrators on view at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido (340 N. Escondido Blvd.) through Sept. 13. “Picture books are kind of going through a revolution,” she says, walking CityBeat through the sprawling exhibition. “There was a period where people thought iPads and iPods were going to take their place and now it’s been discovered that no, those are in addition to picture books. Kids really do still like printed pages.” When the arts center approached Chu to put together an exhibition that could fill both large galleries, her only worry was that there wouldn’t be enough space. “A lot of people practicing today who’ve been published are living in Southern California and many of them right here in this region,” she says. Chu asked the artists in the show to help tell the stories behind their creations. She included things like tools of the trade, rough drafts and other interesting peeks into the artists’ varied processes. She points to a display case filled with a pile of book dummies—rough drafts of Train Man by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha—and says children’s book dummies get redone almost 20 times before completion. “People don’t realize how much work and thinking goes into doing a picture book,” she says. Chu also made sure to include a variety of artists working in just about every medium, including wa-

Joy Chu tercolor, collage, etching and digital. She points out the work of San Diego artist Susie Ghahremani, who illustrated the book, What Will Hatch? “She paints on wood because she likes the texture,” Chu says, pointing out the details of the original artwork behind the scanned digital prints in the book. Other highlights in Writing with Pictures include big, blown-up character cutouts by famed author and illustrator Marla Frazee from an upcoming book, Is Mommy?, a room showing 24 looping animated trailers promoting various children’s books, and an installation dedicated to local author and illustrator Salina Yoon. “Salina’s done over 300 books but just recently has gotten really noticed,” Chu says. “She recreated her studio here, so anyone can sit at her desk. And this is her book that isn’t going to be out until January 2016—Be a Friend. It’s just a wonderful book.” Be a Friend features a little boy who’s a mime. Chu says that Yoon dressed as a mime for Halloween so she could figure out exactly how to illustrate the gestures. “You know, you sort of just wind up being the character when you’re deep in a project,” Chu says. “This show, I hope everything here gives you a little hint of what it feels like to be a picture-book artist.”

—Kinsee Morlan




rtist Kristina Bell DiTullo is one of 41 San Diego artists selected for the 24th Annual Juried Exhibition, opening from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, July 31, at the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library (1008 Wall St.) in La Jolla. The artist will have three paintings from her series, “Solitary Night Reflections” in the prestigious show, which was juried this year by art critic Robert L. Pincus and San Diego State professor Tina Yapelli. “Those came about in San Francisco,” DiTullo says of the stark, minimalistic paintings. “I was very struck by living in a major city, living right in the heart of it off a really busy street, and it just brought up thoughts about how you can live in such a massively populated place but have feelings of being lonely.” DiTullo’s a relative newcomer, having recently relocated to San Diego. An art therapist by day, the conceptual artist has slowly been tapping into the local art scene. She’s shown her recognizable quilted Band-Aids-on-paper works at the William D. Cannon Art Gallery in the past and she’s got work from a new series, “Beaming with Happiness,” showing in Context: Rethinking Language in Art, a group

20 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015

Kristina Bell DiTullo exhibition at San Diego Art Institute in Balboa Park through Aug. 23. “For those works, I asked good friends to give me a story about a moment from their childhoods when they were completely beaming with happiness,” she says. “I have a total of 16 stories and they’re all transposed on to various mirrors…I covered them with chalk paint and wrote the stories on each mirror.”

—Kinsee Morlan #SDCityBeat

Culture | Voices

ryan bradford

well that was


But the invitation suggested cosplay…


thought we were encouraged to wear costumes! It’s what I want to shout at everyone, standing on the corner of B Street and Kettner, giving me the side-eye. Everybody looks great: Ladies wear fancy cocktail dresses and heels; dudes wear button-ups—fashionably untucked—with jeans (which I guess is the most you can ask from guys in San Diego). And here’s me, wearing the scorpion jacket Ryan Gosling wears in the movie, Drive. It’s a Halloween costume from two years ago, purchased during a time when I was a little more svelte, so now it hugs me like a small child who thinks the floor is made of bugs. A week prior, I received an invite to a “Secret Dining Society” event, put on by Patrón Tequila. The details were intriguing: “[U]nder the cover of darkness,” San Diego celebrity chef (and owner of my new go-to fake name if I find myself in a bind) Brian Malarkey— proprietor of restaurants Searsucker and Herringbone—would “deliver a remarkable dinner.” Further details would be given out the night before said event, which would be followed by “a secret dessert and cocktail party featuring the super heroes of the secret dining society.” I’m surprised an arm didn’t emerge out of the computer and make me promise pinkie swearsies that I wouldn’t tell. The night before the event, I received further instructions to meet at the Kettner location—in front of the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego— and that, since this event coincided with ComicCon, “costumes are encouraged, but not necessary.” It’s at this point where I wonder if it’s all worth it. Not just the event, but also the concept of fun and, ultimately, life. I think about how fun is co-opted and perverted by corporations and public relation firms into an amorphous blob of anti-fun—a variety usually found in office parties and mixers. But if you don’t participate and wear the costume, you appear, at best, square, or, at worst, unfun, and God help me if I appear as unfun to a group of strangers. So yeah, I wear the fucking costume. Turns out: I’m the only person wearing a costume. It doesn’t help that I’m the only person with no companion. Oh, and it’s summer in San Diego, so I’m not only the most alone person in this growing crowd, but also the sweatiest because that jacket ain’t breathable. My phone buzzes. The group text is our first clue for the night: “A Super Man in plain clothes with a briefcase has just pulled into the station. Whisper ‘Roca Patron’ in his ear to for your next clue.” We walk the couple hundred steps into the Santa Fe train station, and there’s a handsome Clark Kent surrogate sitting on one of the benches. Everyone lines up to whisper the name brand into his ear. This proves to be difficult for some dudes who aren’t used to whispering things into other dudes’

ears. He hands us a big, cartoonish train ticket out of his briefcase. We all walk back to MCASD and that’s pretty much the end of the super secret adventure portion of the night. They bring us into the lobby and provide cocktails, premade in little elixir bottles. They’re purple. They have, like, superfruits in them. Everyone is happy that the unpredictable game portion of the evening seems to be over and now we have booze and, since we’re adults, that’s how we feel at ease. I stand in the middle of the room and chug my cocktail. I will not take my costume off. I’ve committed. I become super judgy of everyone not wearing a costume. One guy wears a Captain America medallion and I think, whatever. Then he takes pity on lowly, by-myself me and introduces himself as Troy Johnson. That’s right—San Diego celebrity food critic and former CityBeat music editor Troy Johnson. Suddenly I want to be his best friend. This vague feeling of acceptance gives me the resolve to remove the jacket. We’re taken out to the train tracks behind MCASD, where an old-timey Roca Patrón train car awaits us. It’s at this point where I should be like, “Holy shit, a mystery dinner on a train!” but I’m just happy someone talked to me. Troy Johnson poses next to the train for a picture and lifts his shirt. Someone in his group says, “Oh, he’s doing the belly thing.” That guy! We sit at a long table in the back of the train. Our place settings are personalized margarita salt pucks, but the names are printed in Comic Sans font so: ugh. It only took 30 minutes to go from being selfconscious loser to part of the snobby foodie elite. Malarkey welcomes us by singing the first words of Grateful Dead’s “Casey Jones”: “Driving that train.” He passes the mic to his bro and my BFF, Troy Johnson, who finishes: “High on cocaine.” That guy! We’re given a five-course meal. Each dish pairs with a tequila cocktail. It’s all very indulgent and, I’m sure, good. I’m by far the least qualified person to know; everyone around me is a food writer or blogger, and nobody seems to finish each course. Half-full cocktails quickly fill the space around me and I want to drink them but that would certainly out me as a phony. Halfway through the dinner, they make us watch a Patrón propaganda video that instills the values of the hardworking, family-owned company. I’m drinking tequila infused with donutflavor during this video. The dinner ends. The night is noticeably cooler. I put the costume on to walk back to my car. A drunk Comic-Con attendee walks alongside me. “Nice jacket,” he says.

God help me if I appear as unfun.


Well That Was Awkward appears every other week. Write to

July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 21

Culture | Film


Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

McQuarrie manages to put his stamp on a few action scenes, namely the tight sequence of fisticuffs where Ethan and deep cover operative Ilsa Ford (Rebecca Ferguson) face off against muscle-bound Super spy franchise thrills, Eastern bloc baddies. Punches sting and necks crack, the sound design elevating a normal brawl to then goes on autopilot a battle between gods. A few shootouts are similarly pummeling; McQuarrie thrives whenever there’s gunplay involved. Longer takes stand out as last by Glenn Heath Jr. gasps for some kind of stylistic identity. Rogue Nation moves along at a fine enough clip, arly on in Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, a surly CIA director (Alec Baldwin) makes a propelled almost entirely by elongated set pieces convincing argument that Ethan Hunt (Tom involving Ethan, Ilsa and fellow IMF colleague Cruise) has gone insane. How else could one explain Benji (Simon Pegg) trying to break into various the renowned IMF super spy’s ridiculous claims high-security places hoping to steal information about a clandestine group of nefarious and disgraced about The Syndicate and it’s figurehead. These secret agents known as “The Syndicate” hell bent on scenes inspire a level of tension in the moment destroying law and order? Later, an adoring young (hold your breath during a particularly scary unoperative makes doe eyes at Ethan and tells him, derwater sequence), but drift from memory almost immediately afterward. “I’ve heard stories; they can’t all be true.” The unbelievably flaccid The idea of Ethan’s instascreenplay lacks a true sense bility and delusion (and how of danger or purpose. Ethan’s it relates to his heroic acts) is a Mission: fleeting, mad dog reason for fascinating tangent these movImpossible – wanting to destroy The Synies have yet to consider. But the dicate feels undercooked, as thread gets quickly swept unRogue Nation does the motivation behind der the rug, because, you know, Directed by Christopher McQuarrie Sean Harris’ worm-like villain, his suspicions are correct. Too Starring Tom Cruise, who wants to cripple Western bad, since director Christopher Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson civilization by inciting anarchy McQuarrie specializes in these and Jeremy Renner through disaster. kinds of flawed, mentally unEven more concerning is Rated: PG-13 sound protagonists living on the insertion of comedic inthe edge of chaos. terludes as palate cleansers Known for writing the screenplay to Bryan Singer’s The Usual Suspects for the kinetic action. Blockbusters have to be every(canonized by bro college students of a certain era), thing to everyone these days, another unfortunate McQuarrie has proven himself a worthy pulp film- reality of our Marvel-ized age. Except the quips and maker in his own right directing the muscular neo- sarcasm stand out like a sore thumb in the Mission: noirs Way of the Gun and Jack Reacher. The latter Impossible series, even when you surround the stone also stars Cruise in a much more interesting role as cold Cruise with the charming likes of Pegg and Ving a truly rogue investigator who uses violence to rec- Rhames. Rogue Nation, which opens in a theater near you oncile the evil that men do. It’s contained, sharp and Friday, July 31, makes for a diverting time only when focused, everything Rogue Nation is not. One expects any new Mission: Impossible film to you consider and make peace with the low stakes be messy knowing the series’ standard level of ab- of its existence. Take for instance the most diabolisurdity concerning plot mechanics and relentless cally Hitchcockian sequence set in the Vienna Opera action-driven pace. But Rogue Nation seems to be house that ends in brutally explosive fashion. This pieced together with sloppy B-roll from its prede- would have been the perfect opportunity for Mccessors; see the neon-hued cramped spaces of Brian Quarrie to make a point about the collateral damDe Palma’s original, the gravity-defying motorcycle age of his hero’s recklessness. But Ethan and comchases of John Woo’s unfairly derided and nutty se- pany simply shrug off the global implications of their quel, the tactical villainy of J.J. Abrams’ overrated screw up and keep on trucking. third film, and the extreme physical peril of Brad Film reviews run weekly. Bird’s fourth entry. Write to


22 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015


Culture | Film Opening A Borrowed Identity: A Palestinian-Israeli teen named Eyad struggles to find his identity and place at a prestigious boarding school in 1980s Jerusalem. Screens through Thursday, August 6, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation: The couch jumper known as Tom Cruise is back as Ethan Hunt, super duper special agent in charge of a super duper secret squad of globe-trotting badasses who now must battle a secret rogue agency looking to rule the world.

A history of violence

Look of Silence


n Joshua Oppenheimer’s The Act of Killing, Indonesia’s long repressed relationship with state-sanctioned terror is tackled head on. Some of the men responsible for murdering more than a million communists following the 1965 military coup gleefully reenact their past deeds, detailing with horrific prowess how they were able to dispatch so many people in such rapid succession. The Look of Silence, Oppenheimer’s important follow-up, examines these events from the perspective of one victim’s family still left devastated by their loss five decades before. But despite the subject matter it functions more as an antidote to The Act of Killing than a sequel, a way for those left powerless by mass murder to find newfound strength. Adi, an optometrist born a few years after the carnage began, attempts to reconcile the facts surrounding his older brother Ramli’s murder by the citizen death squad Komada Aksi. During his pursuit Adi brushes up against the powerful desire to deny and repress trauma, both by his elderly parents and the killers themselves, some of which still hold public office. “Leave it to God,” they say, suggesting stagnant futility and faith are proper recipes for reconciliation. Interspersed between such interviews are segments that find Adi sitting silent and alone, staring speechlessly at a flickering television. Oppenheimer films him watching unsettling footage made up of smug confessions and testimonials from his brother’s killers. In these moments The Look of Silence, which opens at the Ken Cinema on Friday, July 31, confronts Indonesia’s past horrors through the resolve of one man unwilling to flinch. If The Act of Killing punches us in the gut, The Look of Silence allows us time to fully consider the pain. Through Adi’s eyes we experience a striking juxtaposition of emotions; there’s helplessness and rage, but also patience and forgiveness. The healing process begins when he embraces the complicated humanity of both extremes.


—Glenn Heath, Jr.

That Sugar Film: Actor and filmmaker Damon Gameau eliminated sugar from his diet, then made a movie about the drastic effects it had on his mood and physique. Screens through Thursday, August 6, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. The Look of Silence: Joshua Oppenheimer’s latest documentary once again examines the trauma caused by Indonesia’s military coup that left over a million communist citizens dead in 1965. The Tribe: Sex, drugs and crime. It’s just your normal experience at a boarding school for the deaf. The film is told through sign language but contains no subtitles. Screens through Thursday, August 6, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. Vacation: Chevy Chase is rolling over in his grave. Wait, Chevy’s still alive.

One Time Only Dumb and Dumber: Boneheads Lloyd (Jim Carrey) and Harry (Jeff Daniels) bumble their way to Aspen, Colorado, only to get caught up in a criminal conspiracy. Screens at 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 29, at The Pearl Hotel in Point Loma. Back to the Future: Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) goes back in time to save his future family in Robert Zemeckis’ ’80s classic. Screens at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Thursday, July 30, at the Digital Gym Cinema in North Park. International Film Series Shorts Program: San Diego Asian, Latino and Italian Film Festivals curate a special program of the best shorts from past years. Screens at 8 p.m. Thursday, July 30, at the Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park.

mare looks at the horrors of Hollywood through the eyes of a naïve actress (Naomi Watts) looking to make it big. Screens at 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday, July 30 and 31 at Cinema Under the Stars in Mission Hills. A Man Named Pearl and Ingenious Minds: George Widener: Two very special artists are portrayed in this double feature focusing on the process of creation. Screens at 6 p.m. Friday, July 31, at the Mingei International Museum in Balboa Park. The Wizard of Oz: Kansan Dorothy (Judy Garland) and Toto get swept away to the magical land of yellow brick roads, cowardly lions and wicked witches. Screens at 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, August 1 and 2 at Cinema Under the Stars in Mission Hills. Take Me Home: A frantic young woman hops in a NYC cab and asks the driver to take her home to California. Hilarity and romance ensue. Screens at 6:30 p.m. Monday, August 3, at the San Diego Public Library in East Village. Much Ado About Nothing (2012): Joss Whedon tackles Shakespeare’s whimsical comedy, updating it to the modern day. Screens at 7 p.m. Monday, August 3, at The Old Globe Theatre in Balboa Park. The Happy Poet: After dropping out of graduate school, a young man decides to open an organic food cart. Screens at 7 p.m. Tuesday, August 4, at the Point Loma / Hervey Branch Public Library. Jaws: The perfect cautionary tale against skinny-dipping. Screens at 8 p.m. Wednesday, August 5 at The Pearl Hotel in Point Loma. The NeverEnding Story: A troubled boy finds new purpose in the pages of a fantasy book that becomes very real. Screens at 11:55 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1, at the Ken Cinema.

For a complete

listing of movies, please see “Film Screenings” at under the

“E vents” tab.

Mulholland Dr.: David Lynch’s night-

July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 23




t’s 10 a.m. on a Friday, and singer Ben Ringel is helping his band navigate to their next show in Bakersfield after a pit stop in Las Vegas. Maintaining a busy schedule with nearly 200 shows per year has become the norm for the Nashville-based Delta Saints, and with their second album, Bones, set for release on August 7 and the recent departure of drummer Ben Azzi, life is busier than normal. “Being in a band is a lot like being in a marriage, for better or worse,” Ringel says in a phone interview between giving directions. “I spend more time with these guys than I do my own wife.” Lucky for Ringel, then, that the Delta Saints are all by Meghan Roos friends. Formed by Ringel and bassist David Supica while studying at Belmont University in 2007, the band went full-time with guitarist Dylan Fitch, keyboardist Nate Kremer and Azzi in 2010, with a rock sound heavily influenced by Delta blues— hence the name. Despite the early blues influence, however, Ringel says they’re leaning away from that in favor of playing a more modern rock style on Bones. Modern rock can mean any number of things, but for the Delta Saints it’s a swampy sound with a kick, born of their native bayou surroundings. Bones has its quiet moments, where sleepy tempos match reflective lyrics about environmental tragedies (such as the flooding in “Butte La Rose”) and their own long journey (“Sometimes I Worry”). The real sticking points occur when the band races away with songs like “Heavy Hammer,” as if the rhythmic traditions of their bluesy past are too restrictive to hold them any longer. Like most long-term relationships, it can be easy for a band to fall into routines, especially when it comes to the creative process. The Delta Saints are used to testing and tweaking new songs for months on the road before setting foot in the studio. It’s a system they nailed down on all their previous recordings, a collection that includes two EPs and their first fulllength album. They got a chance to try something new for Bones, and headed directly into Nashville’s Sputnik Studios to attempt on-the-spot creativity, a daunting challenge for a band used to following inspiration rather than generating it. Steering the project was Eddie Spear, a former producer and engineer for Jack White’s Third Man Records. Ringel credits Spear with pushing the Saints past their comfort zones to practice songwriting styles they’d never tried. “You definitely get into patterns,” Ringel says. “On this new record we Clockwise from top left: Clockwise from top left: Ben Azzi, Ben Ringel, Nate Kremer, Dylan Fitch and David Supica. essentially got into it with a year

ROOTS Delta Saints take inspiration from the road //

24 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015

and a half of really hard touring, so we didn’t have a lot of time to sit, write and take [the songs] out on the road. It was a necessity that we go into the studio and write half the album, which was a crazy experience.” A year after they started recording, the band released the album’s first single, “Heavy Hammer.” With a driving beat and vocal yelps voicing frustration in lyrics about workplace struggles, it’s relatable and entertaining, but it’s not Ringel’s favorite. “There’s one song in particular called ‘Butte La Rose,’” Ringel says. “I think it was one of the most special recordings we’ve been part of. That was completely in that moment in the studio, vibing off the creativity.” In lieu of jotting down song ideas between tour stops, the Delta Saints turned to music and personal experiences for inspiration. The West African band Tinariwen, a Delta Saints favorite, influenced the riffs in the title track. “Dust” started with a Netflix viewing of a Ken Burns documentary about the Dust Bowl and a discussion with Ringel’s grandfather, a farmer who survived the drought. Meanwhile, “Berlin” actually did have its start on the road, born during a chance recording session in Germany. “We all listen to very different music individually and we all bring those influences into the songwriting process,” Ringel says. “The first time I heard the Rolling Stones’ Sticky Fingers, I listened to that record and was so excited at the end of it. I was just like, ‘Oh my gosh: somewhere a group of people made this. Music like this can be done.’ All that any of us ever wanted to do was share that experience with other people through the music we’re writing.” Ringel knows that concerts can have the same electrifying effect on an audience. “When I go to a really fantastic show, it’s almost like taking a nap, where you wake up refreshed because you’re able to just escape. “It’s always hard being away from home, away from your loved ones and all that, but I think we all look forward to being on the road because we have a good time together,” he continues. “We really just want to create an experience that you can connect with and dive into, and hopefully leave feeling some sort of positive emotion: refreshed or excited about music.”


August 3 Soda Bar

To hear a track, go to and search for “Delta Saints”



notes from the smoking patio Locals Only


rant Reinero, bass player and vocalist in Stewardess, is about to debut his first film. The film is titled Bug, and it will screen on Saturday, Aug. 22, at Ken Cinema. In a phone interview with CityBeat, Reinero says that he’s had an interest in film for a long time. “It’s kind of always been one of my goals to get into film,” he says. “I work as a creative director for an ad agency. It’s probably pretty cliche, but every commercial director is really an aspiring film director.” Reinero describes Bug as a “poetic kind of take on a coming-of-age movie,” from the perspective of a young boy. It took six months to complete. He had some more elaborate ideas at first, but eventually decided it smarter to make a film with a simpler focus. “I threw out a million ideas, and it got pretty out of control—pyrotechnics, plane crashes,” he says. “I tried to rein it in, so I wrote Bug, and carted 20 people out to the desert. “It’s a dreamy, ethereal, in-my-own-head kind of thing,” Reneiro says. Bug features music by Demetrius Antuna, who also plays in Ilya and KATA, and Duane Pitre, a New Orleans musician who used to live in San Diego. The

A publicity still from Bug film was assistant-directed by Eric Howarth of HiSpeed Soul Records. *** fundraiser has been launched to help support the family of Dragons bass player Steve Rodriguez, who passed away last week at the age of 48. “Steve’s life was filled with love, laughter and music,” says a message on the page, which can be found at A memorial concert will also take place on Sunday, Aug. 2, at The Casbah, featuring Steve Poltz and Rodriguez’s former bandmates in Saint Shameless and The Dragons, who will honor his memory through music.


—Jeff Terich

ALBUM REVIEW Watkins Family Hour Watkins Family Hour (Thirty Tigers/Family Hour)


f the handful of success stories in San Diego music in the last 20 years, most of them have fit into a familiar stereotype, whether in the form of breezy, doofy white-dude folk-pop (Jason Mraz), suburban skate-shop pop-punk (blink-182) or weeded-out reggae-pop (Slightly Stoopid). But Nickel Creek, who rose to prominence in the early ’00s thanks to some spectacular vocal harmonies and an unlikely Pavement cover, bucked that trend by digging deep into the American folk and bluegrass tradition, doing vintage-style music with a modern spin well before Mumford & Sons hopped on the bandwagon. Nickel Creek is now a thing of the past—outside of a recent series of reunion shows—but members Sean and Sara Watkins are still performing together as part of an ongoing monthly residency at Los Angeles’ Largo, and out of that their new Watkins Family Hour album was born. To a certain degree, it presents a similar set of sounds that fans of Nickel Creek might already be familiar with: Mostly acoustic instruments, a strong country-andwestern influence, and vocal harmonies that could soothe any savage beast. Broadly speaking, Watkins Family Hour is a gor-


geous and gentle album, with simple songs that speak loudly on the strength of their melodies, rather than that of elaborate arrangements. Doing simple music well has always been a strong suit of the Watkins siblings, though, so it’s not much of a surprise that they pull it off here. There are moments when their songs swell into something bigger, however, and on a track like “Steal Your Heart Away,” the expansion into a bigger country-rock sound suits them beautifully. This is an ensemble album, however, and many of the key players of the Watkins’ Largo shows make notable appearances, the most famous of which is Fiona Apple, whose unmistakable vocals grace the gentle mosey of “Where I Ought to Be.” But it’s not really about celebrity guest stars on this album—it’s about a celebration of roots music in different forms (including the Prairie Home Companion-worthy “Prescription for the Blues,” which is the rare skippable track here). There’s looseness and warmth about the album that makes it feel like eavesdropping in on a session of friends playing together in a house. That kind of comfort and genuine feeling you just can’t fake.

—Jeff Terich July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 25


Jeff Terich

If I were u A music insider’s weekly agenda

Wednesday, July 29 PLAN A: Melt Banana, Torche, Death Eyes @ The Casbah. Miss the first Melt Banana and Torche show? You’re in luck— there’s a second one. The Japanese noisecore band and Miami sludge rockers are doubling up on amplifier-blowing madness, so don’t mess up and miss this one. PLAN B: Say Anything, Modern Baseball, Cymbals Eat Guitars, Hard Girls @ House of Blues. Here we have one classic emo group (Say Anything), one emo revival group (Modern Baseball), and one group that’s not really emo but shares some of the characteristics (Cymbals Eat Guitars). So basically, if you like guitars, and boys with feelings, you’re covered one way or another.

Thursday, July 30 PLAN A: Stiff Little Fingers, The Executives @ Belly Up Tavern. In High Fidelity, nerdy record store clerk Dick woos the

26 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015

similarly nerdy Anna Moss by playing her Stiff Little Fingers’ “Suspect Device.” It’s hard not to get behind a punk rock courtship like that. I highly recommend you bring your sweetheart to see the Belfast punk legends. PLAN B: Zongo Junction, Taurus Authority @ The Hideout. And now, from punk to funk. Brooklyn’s Zongo Junction does psychedelic afrobeat jams that echo the deep grooves of Fela Kuti, but with their own unique twist. Add local outfit Taurus Authority to the lineup, and what you’ve got is a funk that won’t stop. BACKUP PLAN: Green Jelly, Chica Diabla, Vic Viper @ Brick by Brick.

the show to get down with your bad self. PLAN B: The Loons, The Sound Reasons, Amerikan Bear, Operation Mindblow Liquid Lightshow @ Til-Two Club. High energy, psychedelic garage rock, with a trippy visual show to boot. It’ll be like stepping into a lava lamp.

Saturday, Aug. 1 PLAN A: The Lulls, Inspired and the Sleep, Moon Honey @ Soda Bar. Three out of four members of Ed Ghost Tucker are rebranding as The Lulls, and this is their debut show in San Diego. I’ve been a fan since their earlier shows, so I highly recommend you check out the next phase of the group, plus hear some new Inspired and the Sleep tunes while you’re at it. BACKUP PLAN: Cold Showers, Night School, Keepers @ The Hideout.

Sunday, Aug. 2

PLAN A: Coliseum, Culture Abuse, Super Unison @ Soda Bar. Kentucky postFriday, July 31 hardcore group Coliseum PLAN A: Spank Rock, Parker and the have a nice balance of Numberman, Zochi, DJ Openoptics @ beastly hardcore thunder Soda Bar. Baltimore’s Spank Rock made and nuanced, melodic a splash around 2006 for some highly sensibilities. They’ve danceable hip-hop jams with oversexed veered more in a dark lyrics. If you’re ready to get nasty, this is post-punk direction of

late, but they’ll most certainly make a hell of a lot of noise. PLAN B: Appendixes, Witness 9, DJs Mario Orduno, Jon Blaj @ Whistle Stop. Portland’s Appendixes have a pretty, yet still endearingly ragged dreampop sound that blends fuzzy guitars with spacey synthesizers. Squint and you might think you’re back in the ’80s. BACKUP PLAN: Mondo Drag, Slow Season, Red Wizard @ Tower Bar.

Monday, Aug. 3 PLAN A: Triptides, Sleeping Bag, Love Moon, DJ Kenichi Ricci @ The Hideout. It’s all right there in the name: Trip (Psychedelic rock) + Tides (Surf rock) = A jangly fun time. PLAN B: The Delta Saints, The Whiskey Circle, Babe the Band @ Soda Bar. Read Meghan Roos’ feature this week on Nashville’s Delta Saints, who blend the influence of Delta blues with a modern rock sound that adds up to something fun and hard-rocking.

Tuesday, Aug. 4

PLAN A: The International Swingers, The Bassics, The Midways @ Soda Bar. A supergroup featuring members of The Sex Pistols and Blondie. ’Nuff said!

Spank Rock



July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 27


Concerts HOT! NEW! FRESH!

Fucked Up (Casbah, 8/16), Cat Power (BUT, 9/6), Dead Feather Moon (BUT, 9/11), Goatsnake (Brick by Brick, 9/19), Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe (BUT, 10/2), Riverboat Gamblers (The Hideout, 10/8), Jose Gonzalez (BUT, 10/15), Red Fang (Casbah, 10/23), Drinks (Soda Bar, 11/6), Mayhem, Watain (Observatory, 11/13), Sturgill Simpson (Observatory, 11/22), Darwin Deez (Soda Bar, 11/27).

CANCELED/ RESCHEDULED Lucy’s Fur Coat (The Casbah, 7/31-8/1).

GET YER TICKETS Ryn Weaver (Irenic, 8/10), Cold Cave (The Hideout, 8/14), Raekwon and Ghostface Killah (HOB, 8/16), Metz (Casbah, 8/19), POD, Hoobastank (HOB, 8/22), Savages (Casbah, 8/23), Miguel (Observatory, 9/1), Dam-Funk (Casbah, 9/4), The Psychedelic Furs, The Church (Observatory, 9/9), The Get Up Kids (Observatory, 9/10), Johnette Napolitano (Casbah, 9/10), ZZ Top (Humphreys, 9/13), Kamasi Washington (Soda Bar, 9/13), Wavves (Observatory, 9/15), Hum, Mineral (BUT, 9/16), Mobb Deep (Observatory, 9/16), Mew (Observatory, 9/17), KEN Mode (Soda Bar, 9/20), Glass Animals (SOMA, 9/21), Future Islands (Observatory, 9/22), Shamir (Irenic, 9/22), Titus Andronicus (The Irenic, 9/24), Death Cab for Cutie (Open Air Theatre, 9/25), Duran Duran

28 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015

(Open Air Theatre, 9/27), Tove Lo (Observatory, 9/28), Beirut (Open Air Theater, 10/6), Garbage (Humphreys, 10/6), Xavier Rudd and the United Nations (Observatory, 10/8), ‘CRSSD Festival’ w/ Flaming Lips, TV on the Radio, Giorgio Moroder, Jamie xx (Waterfront Park, 10/10-11), alt-j (Open Air Theatre, 10/13), Twin Shadow (BUT, 10/14), Florence and the Machine (Viejas Arena, 10/14), Of Monsters and Men (Open Air Theater, 10/17), Janet Jackson (Viejas Arena, 10/17), FIDLAR (Observatory, 10/17), The Black Lips, Ariel Pink (Observatory, 10/18), My Morning Jacket (Open Air Theatre, 10/19), Eagles of Death Metal (BUT, 10/21), Mudhoney (Casbah, 10/24), Natalie Prass (Soda Bar, 10/24), Marilyn Manson (HOB, 10/26), Shakey Graves (Observatory, 10/28), Tobias Jesso Jr. (BUT, 10/28), Madonna (Valley View Casino Center, 10/29), Ghost (Observatory, 10/30), No Knife (Casbah, 10/31), ‘Night of the Shred’ w/ Rwake, Torche, Windhand (Quartyard, 10/31), Of Montreal (The Irenic, 11/5), Leon Bridges (Observatory, 11/6), The Menzingers, meWithoutYou (Observatory, 11/10), The Fall of Troy, Kylesa (Irenic, 11/10), Desaparecidos (BUT, 11/11), Yo La Tengo (Observatory, 11/12), Youth Lagoon (BUT, 11/14), Minus the Bear (Observatory, 11/21), Rise Against (Soma, 11/22).

July Wednesday, July 29 Melt Banana, Torche at The Casbah. Andrea Gibson at Belly Up Tavern. Say Anything at House of Blues. Rasputina at Soda Bar.

Thursday, July 30 Tokio Hotel at House of Blues. The Aggrolites at Belly Up Tavern. Spank

Rock at Soda Bar. High on Fire, Pallbearer at The Casbah (sold out). Stiff Little Fingers at Belly Up Tavern.

Friday, July 31 Crystal Method at Del Mar Racetrack.

August Saturday, Aug. 1 Ed Ghost Tucker at Soda Bar. Stephen Stills at Belly Up Tavern (sold out). ‘Reggae Fest’ w/ Ziggy Marley at Del Mar Racetrack.

Sunday, Aug. 2 Stephen Stills at Belly Up Tavern (sold out). Coliseum at Soda Bar. Darius Rucker at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Bill Maher at Humphreys by the Bay. Juanes at Civic Theatre.

Monday, Aug. 3 Milky Chance at Soma (sold out). Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo at Belly Up Tavern.

Tuesday, Aug. 4 Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo at Belly Up Tavern. Tame Impala at Observatory North Park (sold out).

Wednesday, Aug. 5 Hurray For the Riff Raff at Belly Up Tavern.

Thursday, Aug. 6 Anthony Raneri at House of Blues Voodoo Room. Echo and the Bunnymen at Humphreys by the Bay (sold out). Mike Pinto at Belly Up Tavern.




July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 29

Music Friday, Aug. 7 Super Diamond at Belly Up Tavern. Thievery Corporation at Del Mar Racetrack.

Saturday, Aug. 8 Fall Out Boy, Wiz Khalifa at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Ilya at The Casbah. Idina Menzel at Open Air Theatre. Weekend at The Hideout.

Sunday, Aug. 9 Jake Miller at House of Blues. Big Ups at Soda Bar.

Monday, Aug. 10 Langhorne Slim and the Law at Belly Up Tavern. !!! at The Casbah. Ryn Weaver at The Irenic.

Tuesday, Aug. 11 Kevin Costner and Modern West at Belly Up Tavern.

Wednesday, Aug. 12 The Alabama Shakes at Open Air Theatre (sold out). Buddy Guy at Belly Up Tavern. Hot Chip at Soma. La Luz at Soda Bar.

Thursday, Aug. 13 Nicki Minaj at Sleep Train Amphitheatre.

Friday, Aug. 14 Toadies, Fuel at House of Blues. Whitey Morgan and the 78s at Belly Up Tavern. Steel Pulse at Del Mar Racetrack. Cold Cave at The Hideout.

Saturday, Aug. 15 Jeff Rosenstock at House of Blues. B-Side Players at Belly Up Tavern. Fu Manchu at The Casbah. The B-52s at

30 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015

Humphreys by the Bay (sold out). Trapt at Soda Bar. Heaters at The Hideout. Circuit des Yeux at Seven Grand.

Sunday, Aug. 16 Dierks Bentley at Sleep Train Amphitheatre. Kelly Clarkson at Viejas Arena. Raekwon and Ghostface Killah at House of Blues. Fucked Up at The Casbah.

Monday, Aug. 17 Screaming Females at Soda Bar. Inner Circle at Belly Up Tavern.

Tuesday, Aug. 18 Marc Cohn at Belly Up Tavern.

Wednesday, Aug. 19 George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic at House of Blues. Metz at The Casbah.

Thursday, Aug. 20 Rocky Votolato at The Casbah. The Drums at The Irenic. Morrissey at Observatory North Park (sold out).

Friday, Aug. 21 Arch Enemy at House of Blues. Pepper at Del Mar Racetrack. Morrissey at Observatory North Park (sold out). Tropical Popsicle at Soda Bar.

rCLUBSr 57 Degrees Wine Bar, 1735 Hancock St., Middletown, Midtown. Fri: Consolidating the Dynamic. 710 Beach Club, 710 Garnet Ave, Pacific Beach. Wed: The Coma

Serfs. Thu: Karaoke. Fri: Jay Allan and The Uncommon Good, Ryan Brolliar. Sat: The Charlie Rae Band, The 23’s, Cloudside. 98 Bottles, 2400 Kettner Blvd. Ste. 110, Little Italy. Sat: Curtis Brooks and His All-Star Band. American Comedy Co., 818 B Sixth Ave, Downtown. americancomedyco. com. Wed: Open mic. Thu: Rachel Feinstein. Fri: Rachel Feinstein. Sat: Rachel Feinstein. Sun: Taylor Tomlinson, Dallas McLaughlin. Bang Bang, 526 Market St, Downtown. Fri: Kill Frenzy. Sat: The Beatangers. Bar Pink, 3829 30th St, North Park. Thu: Schitzophonics. Fri: Nervous Wreckords, Hills Like Elephants. Sat: DJ Junior the DiscoPunk. Sun: ‘Rat Sabbath’. Mon: ‘Motown Monday’. Tue: ‘Tiki Tuesday’ w/ Adrian Demain’s Exotica-Tronica. Bassmnt, 919 Fourth Ave, Downtown. Thu: Ilan Bluestone. Fri: Volldrauf. Sat: Nghtmre. Beaumont’s, 5662 La Jolla Blvd, La Jolla. Thu: Crackers. Fri: Modern Day Moonshine. Sat: Funk Junkies. Sun: Sando. Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave, Solana Beach. Wed: Andrea Gibson, Chris Pureka. Thu: Stiff Little Fingers, The Executives. Fri: The Aggrolites, Reason To Rebel. Sat: Stephen Stills (sold out). Sun: Stephen Stills (sold out). Mon: Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo. Tue: Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo. Boar Cross’n, 390 Grand Ave, Carlsbad. Thu: The Westcoastless. Fri: ‘Club Musae’.

Brass Rail, 3796 Fifth Ave, Hillcrest. Fri: ‘Hip Hop Fridayz’. Sat: ‘Sabado En Fuego’ w/ DJs XP, KA. Sun: ‘Soiree’. Mon: ‘Manic Monday’ w/ DJs Junior the DiscoPunk, XP. Brick by Brick, 1130 Buenos Ave, Bay Park. Wed: Johnny Deadly Trio, Seatbelt, Small Town Heroes. Thu: Green Jelly, Chica Diabla, Vic Viper. Fri: Godhammered, Zorakarer, Xoth, Hammered. Sat: Media Lab, Contortion, We Predict A Riot, Raise the Guns, Detonated. Sun: Defeated Sanity, Skinned, Carnivore Diprosopus, IAMTHESHOTGUN. Mon: ‘Metal Monday’. Cafe Sevilla, 353 Fifth Ave, Downtown. Thu: Gio Trio. Croce’s Park West, 2760 Fifth Ave., #100, Bankers Hill. Wed: Gabriel Sundy Jazz Trio. Thu: Curtis Taylor Quartet. Fri: Ruby Blue Quartet. Sat: Sue Palmer. Sun: Besos De Coco. Mon: Tim Doyle. Tue: Steph Johnson and Rob Thorsen. Culture Brewing Co, 111 S Cedros Ave, Ste 200, Solana Beach. culturebrewingco. com. Thu: Deep into the Archives. Dirk’s Nightclub, 7662 Broadway, Lemon Grove. Fri: Zone 4. Sat: DJ Kool T. Dizzy’s, 4275 Mission Bay Drive, Mission Bay. Fri: Christopher Hollyday Quartet. Sat: Gerard Nolan. Double Deuce, 528 F St, Downtown. Thu: Double Deuce Seventh Anniversary Party. F6ix, 526 F St., Downtown, Downtown. Fri: Deejay Al. Fluxx, 500 Fourth Ave, Downtown. Thu: SwankyTunes. Fri: Made


Music Monster. Sat: ‘Marrakesh’ w/ Sid Vicious. Gallagher’s, 5040 Newport Ave, Ocean Beach. 619-222-5303. Wed: The Real Deal. Thu: Roots Covenant. Fri: The Smash Ups. Henry’s Pub, 618 Fifth Ave, Downtown. Wed: AOK Musik. Wed: DJ Junior the Disco Punk. Thu: ‘Good Times’. Fri: DJs E, Yodah. Mon: DJ Antonio Aguilera. Tue: Big City Dawgs. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave, Downtown. Wed: Say Anything, Modern Baseball, Cymbals Eat Guitars, Hard Girls. Thu: Cloudside. Fri: Tokio Hotel. Sat: How Did This Get Made?. Sun: Melanie Martinez. Kava Lounge, 2812 Kettner Blvd, Midtown. Wed: ‘Massive’. Thu: ‘For the Love of Hip Hop’. Fri: D!NK. Sat: ‘Ascension’. Mc P’s Irish Pub, 1107 Orange Ave, Coronado. Wed: Tone Cooking. Thu: North Star. Fri: The Upshots. Numbers, 3811 Park Blvd, Hillcrest. Thu: ‘Wet’. Fri: ‘Uncut’. Sun: ‘R&B Divas’. Tue: Karaoke Latino. On The Rocks, 656 E St, Chula Vista. 619-420-9951. Mon: Mojo Workin Mondays. Onyx Room / Thin, 852 Fifth Ave, Downtown. Thu: ‘Tea Party Thursday’. Fri: ‘Rumba Lounge’. Sat: ‘Onyx Saturday’. Patricks Gaslamp, 428 F St, Downtown. Wed: The Upshots. Thu: Myron and the Kyniptionz. Fri: Len Rainey’s Midnight Players. Queen Bee’s, 3925 Ohio St, North Park. Thu: Down the Rabbit Hole. Sun: Down the Rabbit Hole.


Rich’s, 1051 University Ave, Hillcrest. Wed: DJ Kiki. Thu: DJ Moody Rudy. Fri: DJs dirty KURTY, Will Z. Sun: ‘Stripper Circus’. Riviera Supper Club, 7777 University Ave, La Mesa. Wed: Jason Hanna. Thu: Betty Rose. Fri: We Both Had Hits. Sat: Baja Bugs. Seven Grand, 3054 University Ave, North Park. Wed: Gilbert Castellanos jazz jam. Thu: Juice Box. Fri: Lexington Field. Side Bar, 536 Market St, Downtown. Wed: Deejay Al. Thu: Vince Delano. Fri: Kyle Flesch. Soda Bar, 3615 El Cajon Blvd, City Heights. Wed: Rasputina, Daniel Knox. Thu: The New Regime, Madly, Future Crooks. Fri: Spank Rock, Parker and the Numberman, Zochi, DJ Openoptics. Sat: The Lulls, Inspired and the Sleep, Moon Honey. Sun: Coliseum, Culture Abuse, Super Unison. Mon: Delta Saints, Whiskey Circle, Babe the Band. Tue: International Swingers, Bassics, Midways. SOMA, 3350 Sports Arena Blvd, Midway. Mon: Milky Chance X, Ambassadors. Somewhere Loud, 3489 Noell St, Midtown. Fri: Timmy Trumpet. Spin, 2028 Hancock St, Midtown. Sat: Droid Behavior, Drumcell, Truncate, Raiz. Sycamore Den, 3391 Adams Ave, Normal Heights. Thu: Zip Ribbons, Pageant, Elisa Ferrari. Tango Del Rey, 3567 Del Rey St, Mission Bay. Fri: Galacticadia 2. The Balboa, 1863 Fifth Ave, Bankers

Hill. 619-955-8525. Fri: Brothers Weiss, Diamond Lakes.

riander. Sun: Soul Junction. Mon: Dubbest, Crucial Blend. Tue: Abstract Band.

The Bancroft, 9143 Campo Rd, Spring Valley. 619-469-2337. Wed: Lorin Walker Madsen and The Hustlers. Thu: ‘Darkwave Garden’. Fri: GAR GAR, Kay Odyssey. Sat: Old Coven, Bestial slaughter, Noxious Anathema, Impure Consecration. Tue: Eskimo Brothers.

Til-Two Club, 4746 El Cajon Blvd, City Heights. Fri: The Loons, Sound Reasons, Amerikan Bear. Sat: Malaki, 12 Gauge Embrace, Authentic Sellout, Seconds to Centuries. Sun: Hola Ghost, The Blackjackits, Straight Shooter.

The Casbah, 2501 Kettner Blvd, Midtown. Wed: Melt Banana, Torche, Death Eyes. Thu: High on Fire, Pallbearer, Lucifer (sold out). Sun: ‘Steve Rodriguez Memorial’ w/ The Dragons, Uncle Joe’s Big Ol’Driver, Saint Shameless, Steve Poltz, DJs Dennis the Menace, Louis. Mon: Hocus, Color You, Jagged Lines. Tue: The Wyldz, Wicked Tongues, Just Like Jenna. The Hideout, 3519 El Cajon Blvd, City Heights. Sat: Cold Showers, Night School, Keepers. Mon: Triptides, Sleeping Bag, Love Moon. The Merrow, 1271 University Ave, Hillcrest. Wed: Kimya Z, Kyle Tuttle, Milo_TheBand. Fri: The Crash Kings, Birdy Bardot, Jimmy Ruelas. Sat: Vanessa Zamora, Eric Curiel. Sun: Murder By Techno, Duping The Public, Fistfights With Wolves. Tue: Cardio Kazan, Marujah. The Office, 3936 30th St, North Park. Wed: ‘Black Sabbath Under Cover’. Thu: ‘No Limits’ w/ DJ Myson King. Fri: ‘Cool Party Bro’ w/ DJs Heminguey, Ikah Love. Sat: ‘Strictly Business’ w/ DJs EdRoc, Kanye Asada. Sun: ‘Uptown Top Ranking’ w/ Tribe of Kings. Mon: Geyser House, Ocelot, Sand Babes, DJ Mike Delgado. Tue: ‘Trapped’. The Tin Roof, 401 G Street, Gaslamp. Wed: Pat Hilton and The Mann. Thu: Cassie B Project. Fri: K. Emeline Band. Sat: Co-

Tio Leo’s, 5302 Napa St, Bay Park. Wed: Rip Carson. Thu: Billy Watson. Fri: 7 Word Story. Sat: Detroit Underground. Tue: Sue Palmer Quintet. Tower Bar, 4757 University Ave, City Heights. Wed: ‘The Ratt’s Revenge’ w/ DJs Mikey Ratt, Tiki Thomas. Thu: Snail, Sasquatch, Desert Suns. Fri: Tiltwheel, Mike Bertos, Matty Bloodbath, J Wang. Sat: Great Ape, Fools Rush, Caskitt, Western Settings, All Eyes West, D-Cent Jerks, Sic Waiting. Sun: Mondo Drag, Slow Season, Red Wizard. Ux31, 3112 University Ave, North Park. Wed: DJ Mo Lyon. Thu: ‘Throwback Thursday’. Fri: Lee Churchill. Sat: DJ R-You. Mon: DJ Kid Wonder. Tue: Karaoke. West Coast Tavern, 2895 University Ave, North Park. Thu: West Coast Tavern ‘80s Anniversary Party. Whistle Stop, 2236 Fern St, South Park. Wed: ‘Open Oscillator’. Thu: VAMP: Fanboy Syndrome. Winstons, 1921 Bacon St, Ocean Beach. Wed: Jam Kwest, DJ Carlos Culture. Thu: The New Division, Prgrm. Fri: Electric Waste Band. Sat: Sunny Rude, KL Noise Makers, Uplift. Sun: Karaoke. Mon: Electric Waste Band. Tue: Lantz Lazwell and the Vibe Tribe.

July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 31

Last Words

Brendan Emmett Quigley

King’s Cross Across 1. Tools with teeth 5. Annoying pest 9. Bowed, as to authority 14. Crucial swing state 15. Scintilla 16. Battle vehicle? 17. Empathetic zebu? 19. Violinist’s powder 20. Griffin’s weapons 21. Street sign on a safari? 23. Put on staff 24. Even ___ 26. Today in Tijuana 27. Like some car freshener smells 28. ___ polloi 29. New wave band who were also known as the Dukes of Stratosphear 32. Socal city, except even more laid back? 37. Cereal grains 38. Country’s David Allan ___ 39. “In ___ of ...” 40. Hussy’s stroke? 45. Lunch that requires two hands 46. Instagram, e.g. 47. Years of Spanish classes 48. Consumed 49. Still life vessel 50. Almost but not quite 62-Across 53. What all the Jurassic Park movies do? 57. Difficult to find 59. Classy individual? 60. Cite the “Communist Manifesto?” 62. Like someone with something to lose 63. “Giant” author Ferber 64. Leave off Last week’s answers

32 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015

65. Like income, generally 66. Babe 67. Some sneaks

Down 1. Vowel sound in “father” or “mom” 2. Up one, say 3. Throw around, as a sword 4. Goalie Hope 5. Root that boosts the immune system 6. Bribe to get one to stop “12 Days of Christmas” mid-song 7. Snorkeling spot 8. Uber alternative 9. Maize product 10. Bonding stuff 11. From India 12. Sports reporter/”Dancing With The Stars” judge Andrews 13. “Oh Lawd!” 18. Color, as a tattoo 22. Sounds of understanding 25. Ocular washing device 27. Time traveler’s destination 28. Yokel’s laugh 29. Chapter 22 30. John Green book reader, likely 31. Basic story 32. Auction units 33. Honolulu International Airport island 34. Random guess 35. Tone ___ 36. Contributions to the poor 41. Told all 42. Letters under a 0 43. Like no-tell motels and restaurants with mice in the kitchen 44. Jedi’s “skill” 48. Get up 49. Ooze, as charm 50. One of ten in bowling 51. Acidic 52. Smartphone messages that aren’t emails, IMs, tweets or Snapchats 53. Lend, for the moment 54. Opus played one in “Bloom County” 55. Pinnacle 56. Adjusted the levels 58. Running wild 61. “Based ___ T.R.U. Story” (2 Chainz album)



July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 33

34 · San Diego CityBeat · July 29, 2015



July 29, 2015 · San Diego CityBeat · 35

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