Leapfrog - Online Marketing Strategy

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Complete Online Marketing Solution

Leapfrog’s Complete Online Marketing Solution

2 Phase Marketing Strategy

Please view the summarised break down of each marketing strategy offered, the advertising platform created for that strategy and the service Triway Marketing will provide to sustain these newly introduced online marketing methods, exclusively for Leapfrog. Please Note: All marketing platforms, communication template structures, artwork and functionality will only be customised to Leapfrog‟s specifications, fully inclusive and offered exclusively within the following 2 Phase, National Marketing Strategy:

Online Advertising, Communications & Referral Marketing Strategy Phase 1 – Leapfrog’s Communication & e-Marketing Platform  Electronic Marketing Management Solution (E.M.M.)  Social Media Marketing – Information Distribution  Website Advertising - Marketing Syndication  Online Publications Phase 2 – Home Owner’s Project - Sponsorship Program  Tri Local - Community Websites  Residence Guide – Referral Marketing Program  HOA - Marketing & Business Management Solution  Online Magazine

Phase 1 Marketing Platform - 1 - Database Management - Client Relationship Management - Electronic Communications - Email Marketing Marketing Platform - 2 - Social Media Marketing Marketing Platform - 3 - Website Advertising

The Triway E.M.M. Solution ...custom designed for Real Estate

Marketing Platform 1

The Triway Electronic Marketing Management Solution can be offered to Leapfrog either as an exclusive, independent solution or as an integrated service offering through Graydot - Social Media and Website Syndication fully imbedded.

1. Independent Solution with Importing Data Feeds 

Leapfrog Electronic Marketing Management Solution (E.M.M.)

Quoted monthly license fee will apply.

When launched independently, office and agent users will access the E.M.M. user interface with a unique username and password via a login page linked to the National Leapfrog website. All property and client information captured via Graydot will automatically be imported to the E.M.M. user interfaces operated per office, via XML data feeds sent from Graydot, when captured by the individual Leapfrog Offices. - No duplicate capturing, same set of information used for mutable purposes, monitored and maintained by Triway Marketing.

2. Integrated Service offered through Graydot 

Once off integration charge with maintenance contract

The various Marketing Management platforms available within the Triway E.M.M. user interface can be integrated into the existing administration user interface offered by Graydot, to be accessed by all office and agent users via their normal login platform. Hosted and managed by Graydot, maintained by Triway Marketing. With the integrated option Graydot will have the ability to resell only the integrated E.M.M. platforms as part of their standing software offering, making the E.M.M. Real Estate solution freely available to only Graydot clients at a much lower rate due to larger distribution. – Full functionality will be incorporated with regular software updates.

Electronic Marketing Management for Real Estate

How does it work?

Independent Solution - E.M.M. Software Offering

Use the Triway E.M.M. System in combination with your existing marketing and administration infrastructure for a complete online marketing management solution.

The Real Estate E.M.M. Solution has been designed to enable all agents and your office to create and send beautifully designed templates for electronic communication, client relationship management and mail marketing purposes. – No technical skills required We understand that there is nothing more valuable to any Real Estate Agent than their database of clients and property stock information. By making electronic marketing as simple as possible, we help keep your agents out of the office to do what they do best. – Sell houses

When registering your office, you will be assigned an Admin User Interface for the branch. Each office (admin) user Interface has the ability to create up to 35 associated user accounts, for each agent / agent team working within your office.  Each associated account can have up to 3 agents working as a team through one user account.

We have combined the best of both worlds by offering a complete real estate database management system, integrated with a mail builder and sending platform, wrapped together with Social Media and Website publishing tools. - Custom Designed to fit your brand

What is the Triway E.M.M. Solution? The electronic marketing management solution is an in-house, custom designed marketing management tool. The user interface is hosted online by Triway Marketing and accessed via username and password. The E.M.M. Real Estate Solution offers all your agents and office the tools to market themselves through graphic electronic communication, whilst maintaining proper database management suited to your business requirements.

Custom branded user interface, No software installations required. – Available Any Time, Any Where

 Each account has the ability to send graphic electronic communication and email marketing, custom designed and automatically personalised for the individual users of that account. (The office and individual agent or agent teams) The branch - admin user interface manages all agent accounts created by the office account, and all agents‟ campaign information is available to the admin for viewing and editing purposes.

What does the Triway E.M.M. offer? 

Content Management - Client, Property & Marketing Campaigns

Database Management – Client Segmentation & Auto Responders

C.R.M . – Automated Communication & Subscription Management

Mail Marketing – Targeted & General Communications

Design to HTML Converter – Special Communications

Social Media Marketing / Viral Marketing – Content Syndication

Web PR and Branding – Home Owner sites and Online Magazine

Search Engine Marketing – Constant fresh keyword sensitive content

How to Register your Office? Register your office on the registration page on our website: Link: http://triway.co.za/register Registration is done in 3 Simple Steps:

Account Types and Monthly License Fee’s We offer different account types, priced separately according to the office’s need.

1. Please complete the registration form by entering all information required in order to register and create your E.M.M. Administration User Interface. 2. On submission of the registration form, a confirmation email with setup invoice and account registration information will be sent to the Company/Branch representative captured. 3. Account Setup will be completed within 14 working days after the registration payment and signed user licence has been received. Account Creation: Upon finalisation of template artwork and account setup, a confirmation email will be sent to the Company / Branch representative captured, with admin license username and password. The account administrator will immediately be able to login using the username and password captured at registration to activate the account. Each licence is valid for 12 months. Once the account is successfully activated, the administrator will immediately be able to further personalise their account and create all associated /agent user profile accounts for all agents and teams within your office.

Start using the system immediately!

Bronze: R 1 250 pm Admin + 10 Accounts

Silver: R 1400 pm Admin + 20 Accounts

Gold: R 1 550 pm Admin + 35 Accounts

Additional Agent Accounts

Single agent user upgrades Adding a additional agent user to an existing E.M.M. admin account: R 129 pm

The monthly License Fee includes: All Design Maintenance, Account Hosting, System and Training Support, database imports and unlimited Email Credits for all users registered. – All inclusive.

E.M.M. Interface Explained The E.M.M. user interface is made up by a comprehensive Content Management system. All account features are interlinked with each other in order to simplify, streamline and automate online marketing efforts.

Campaign Overview The campaign overview is designed to provide the account user with a complete overview of events pertaining to their database and mail marketing campaigns.

Note: The following is an explanation of existing functionality. Functionality can be customised to cater for preferred operation needs.

Consisting of the following features: 

Administrator - responsible for managing access permissions The Administration is designed to create & manage associated agent profiles connected to the branch –admin user account. Only the branch admin will have access to the administration section.

Creator (user) - responsible for creating and editing content Each agent, agent team has a designated user account, accessed by username and password and used to compose, send and manage individual e-marketing campaigns. Each account user is responsible for capturing and maintaining client information required / relevant to their marketing needs. 

Management –Organizing and managing content created Profile Manager The profile manager is designed to manage your account details and user information. All communication templates that are created via the system will automatically be customised using the information available within the account user‟s profile manager. Mail Settings The mail settings area is designed to manage and maintain the finer details of all communication templates, including: Mail artwork, Header and Syndication Links.

Contact Manager The contact manager provides a record of all active, potential, past and general clients captured or imported by the account user. Contains automated subscribe and unsubscribe functionality along with set auto responders that are sent when triggered by clients interacting with that account user‟s database. Property Manager (product & services content management) The property manager is designed to manage the content of properties actively being marketed, captured along with seller or valuation contacts. Property details captured can easily be selected to display on communication templates via the detailed search. Communications The Communications feature is used to create and manage all communication templates using the custom designed mail builder, published and delivered via the Triway sending and syndication platform. Offering four communication categories designed to extend your marketing potential and communication reach. History and Reporting The History and Reporting feature is designed to automatically keep a complete record of your account usage; communication templates sent and client database interactions. Note: The design (look and feel) of the user interface can be customised at any point to better suite Leapfrog‟s corporate ID.

Agent Account Interface example of the profile created by the admin manager. Overview and access to individual agent / team account information only.

Admin Account Interface example of the office account, used to create associated agent user accounts. Admin receives a complete overview and access to all associated agent accounts connected to the admin account.

Account User Interface Overview

Help – Page Tool Tips

Account User Box

Each page contains a “Help” section located in the top right corner on the page heading. Select the help section to view the tool tip for that page.

The account user box contains the account user‟s profile information and thumbnail image captured within the Profile Manager. Log out of your user account by selecting the Logout button, located at the bottom of the account user box.

Account Navigation The account navigation is located in the left hand column, used to access the different pages that make up the account user interface. Navigate to the page you wish to view by selecting it from the available options. The page tab currently being viewed will be highlighted.

Page Content The page content displayed is made up by various content boxes containing the page functionality. Show and Hide Sections In effort to organise page content, some sections are hidden and should be opened in order to show panel information. Across the entire site, look at for the show and hide buttons. Select the show and hide button to show or hide page information.

Imbedded User Manual The imbedded user manual provides full training and acts as a “how to” guide book for all account users.

View all the pages of the tool tip by selecting the arrow in the bottom right corner, or exit the tool tip by selecting the Red Cross. Tool tips can be viewed at any time

Introduction Introducing account users to the user interface with full setup instructions:    

Information The account information page tab offers the following:     

System Notifications sent by Triway Automated Property 24 News feed for sub article inserts into communication templates Downloadable E.M.M. User Manuals My Computer Information E-Marketing – Training Portal

Upgrade Internet Browser Personalise User Account Enable Automated Communication Campaigns Import existing client database

Administration Only available within the Office Admin Account: The office admin account manages all associated agent user accounts via the following functionality.

The Administration page tab offers the following:    

Create new agent user accounts Update existing user accounts Delete existing user accounts Log into existing user accounts

Profile Manager The Profile Manager page tab offers the following functionality: Automated communication template personalisation using the following features:    

Mail Settings The Mail Settings page tab offers the following features: Communication template customisation via the following features:   

View and Manage all Mail Artwork Capture and Edit Template Header Links Capture and Edit Syndication Links

Edit Account Information Amend Company Details Upload and Update Thumbnail Image Capture and Edit Account Users

Campaign Overview The Campaign Overview is designed to provide you, the account user, with a complete overview of events pertaining to your database and mail marketing campaigns. The admin manager receives an overview of admin and all agent accounts.

The Campaign Overview Marketing & Client Management

Campaign Overview

The campaign overview is made up by the following user panels, each offering a different segment of information pertaining to your account.  User Notifications Announces all notifications made by the office account administrator.  Client Event Notifications Client event notifications panel displays all client Birthdays captured within the database.  Contact Subscriptions The contact subscription panel will notify the account user of all clients manually added, subscribed and unsubscribed from the account database.  Scheduled Email Drops The scheduled email drops panel will display all mails scheduled for sending, sectioned by communication category, until sent.  The Calendar The calendar displays a 7-day view of events pertaining to your account, either by default for the current date or the date selected.  Tasks The task panel is used to create specific user tasks, and displays all other tasks created throughout the system.

Campaign Overview - Page View Associated User Account Campaign Overview of associated user accounts created by the office admin. Only displaying overview of that agent user‟s campaigns and account information

Admin User Account Campaign Overview of all associated user‟s account and campaign information, as well as that pertaining to the office admin account. – Information displayed specifies from which account the data originated from.

Contact Manager – Overview The Contact Manager provides a record of all active, potential or past clients. The contact manager also allows capturing complete lists of all the residents residing within Complex‟s / Estates or general areas, whilst maintaining specific buying preferences and property specifications for targeted mail allocation.

Client / Prospect

Contact & Property Manager

    

Buyers Sellers Valuations Past Clients General Contacts

The database management system displays clients based on the information captured with that contact. Therefore if active buying preferences are captured with a contact, the client will be displayed as an active buyer.

Data Capturing The E.M.M. Solution has been designed to work with your existing marketing and admin infrastructure. Strengthening advertising potential by extending and targeting your marketing reach through utilizing client information more effectively through multiple marketing platforms. Client and Property information currently being captured by your office can be imported to the E.M.M. system, manually captured or Triway can integrate the data capturing process between the E.M.M. and your existing infrastructure. – The following offers a demonstration of existing functionality. Custom data Integration and functionality customisation is subject to compatibility. Free of charge, Inclusive with monthly license fee.

E.M.M. Database Management


for Real Estate

All sellers with their individual property information Segmented between:

“Get into the habit of client targeting through efficient database segmentation...”

    

Client targeting can only be implimented through actively managing your database by ensuring that client information is up to date and segmented according to each client‟s type and their individual preferences. Having this information means you know your clients therefor you are able to trailor marketing materiel to their needs, and communicate with each client individually, allocated effortlessly and executed professionally.

General Contacts General Contacts are all industry or business associates, transferring attorneys, family and friends that you can keep on your database, for communication purposes.

When information should be captured? Client Information should be captured on daily basis:  Directly after meeting a new client or prospect  When a buyer advises of / or update their buying preferences  When receiving a new mandate or amending any existing advertising  When selling a property, sold either through yourself or the opposition

For Sale – Properties of sellers that you are currently marketing. Valuations –Properties valuated and awaiting the mandate. Expired – Mandates that have expired. Sold – Past sellers and their properties that have been sold. Opposition Stock – Sellers and properties currently listed with opposition companies.

How should information be captured? Manually capturing clients / contacts and properties Any client can be manually captured with full buying preferences for a buyer, or complete property details for a seller. Any client can be changed to a buyer, seller, or valuation at any time by adjusting the marketing status.

What information should be captured? Buyers

Manually importing clients and properties – Batch Imports

Buyers with individual buying preferences. Users are able to import clients and properties using our import spreadsheet available on the system.

Segmented between:   

Active - Looking to purchase Expired – No longer in the marked to buy Bought – Your past clients and their properties bought  Where they are looking to purchase  What they are looking to purchase  How much they can afford to purchase

  

General Contact Upload – Excel sheet Buyer Contact Upload – Excel sheet Seller Contact Upload – Excel sheet Any existing information can be exported from outlook or taken from any electronic capturing system currently in use, and imported.

E.M.M. Auto Responders We have taken great care to ensure that the proper database management processes are in place to allow for double opt-in subscription and one click unsubscribe functionality - Following permission based marketing practises on your behalf, leaving you with one less thing to worry about.... “Please view the system user manual for full functionality explanation on all auto responders, pre-set and automatically applied by the E.M.M..”

Client’s Opt – In Subscription When a client is captured or subscribed to your account database, a confirmation email will automatically be sent to that client‟s email address captured, informing them of the subscription. The client will be requested to confirm their subscription by selecting the link available within the confirmation email sent. Once confirmed, the client will be subscribed to your database via a double opt in subscription. – Recorded Process

Client Opt - Out (Unsubscribed) Every email sent from the user account contains a unsubscribe link, automatically inserted when creating the template. Online Unsubscribe Form When the unsubscribe link is selected, the online unsubscribe will be displayed requesting the client to enter his email address. The email address entered will be used to unsubscribe the contact captured within your database connected to that email address. No confirmation email will be sent to a client that has unsubscribed – Instead an online confirmation message will be shown upon submission. If a client has already been unsubscribed, they will be shown an online message informing them that they have already been unsubscribed.

Example of unsubscribe notification – To User: Note: Double opt in subscriptions carry the benefit of white listing your email address in the client‟s address book.

Example of confirmation email - To Recipient: Dear [contact name], You have successfully been added to our database. We respect your privacy therefore we shall not share your contact information with any third party company, and undertake to only send relevant & informative content. Please confirm your subscription, by selecting the following link: <Confirm my Subscription link> For more information, please <contact us>! Kind Regards

Dear [user name], The following client has successfully been unsubscribed from your communication database. Client Name: client name Client Email: client email Date: date unsubscribed This client will remain available within your database, but will be unsubscribed from all communication categories. Kind Regards TRIWAY MARKETING

Client Contact Screen The client contact screen is made up by the following screen tabs.      

Personal Profile Property Details Buying Preferences Marketing Campaign Manager Tasks

Property Manager - View Property Screen The property manager page will display all properties captured within the account database, segmented according to the marketing status allocated to each property.     

Active / For Sale Properties Valuation Properties Sold Properties Opposition Stock Complex / Estates

Property Manager By having your property information available within the account database, you can easily manage your property stock and extend your marketing methods by selecting properties to display on communication templates. Market specially appointed properties to a targeted audience electronically and professionally.

Targeted Search – Recipient Allocation Auto Client Segmentation Client and Property targeted searches are performed by entering the desired search criteria, as detailed as desired to define a specific group of people according to their individual preferences. The detailed search is used to search for specific clients, or combined searches by entering multiple search criteria across different client categories. Targeted searches are based on the quality and quantity of the information captured with each client contact. The more information captured the better and more precise a search can be preformed to identify a targeted group of contacts, based on their individual preferences.

Exporting search results The export button is available when a search has been completed, displaying the search results. All search results delivered can be exported to excel to be saved and printed if required.

Client Compatibility Searches Use your database management system to search for compatible clients – effortlessly.

How to find compatible clients? The property specifications of sellers are aligned with the buying preferences of buyers captured within the database in order to search for compatible clients, using the following information: City | Suburb | Price Range Find Buyer Button All active (for sale) properties captured within the database are displayed on the Property Manager page. The Find Buyer button is displayed on the Property Manager page, and on the Property Details page tab of the seller‟s contact screen. Find Seller Button The Find Seller button is displayed on the Buying Preferences screen tab of the buyer‟s contact screen.

Search for Compatible Clients Select either the find seller or find buyer button in order to search for compatible clients that will suite each other‟s specifications. The search results will display all compatible clients found, if any, available within the database of that user account.

E- Communication & Email Marketing

COMMUNICATIONS Offering 4 Communication Categories:

- Targeted Mail Marketing – Property Advertisements - General Communications – Client Relationship Management - Special Communications – Design to HTML Converter - Automated Communication – Brand Awareness

*All Communication Templates are Printable

The Triway E.M.M. offers four communication categories designed to extend your marketing potential and communication‟s reach. Schedule, send and syndicated marketing materiel via the Triway sending platform. All communication artwork templates are pre-designed and uploaded before receiving your account; just customise the template you want to send out, the rest is done for you.

No Manual Design Needed! All Targeted, General & Special Communication templates can be syndicated to Facebook and Twitter!

Targeted Communication Mail Marketing – Property Advertising

General Communication Professional Client Relationship Management

Special Communication Bridging Offline Marketing and Online Advertising

Automated Communication Client Relationship Management - Brand Awareness

Creating a new Communication Drop Each Communication Category has various different types available with artwork specially desiged for that communication type. Select the communication category and type you wish to send, customise the template, allocate your targeted recipients, and schedule to send! All communication can be syndicated to social media and printed; whist the system keeps complete record of all communication sent.

Pre-designed communication templates!

No technical skills required!

When it comes to online marketing, the question is no longer IF you’re doing it? But HOW WELL you’re doing it!

E.M.M. Benefits - Communication Purposes

E.M.M. Communication – Features

The electronic marketing management solution functions as a unified operating platform with multiple tools to provide the fundamental infrastructure required for online marketing success.

Using the details captured within the Profile Manager, each communication template created by the system‟s mail builder is automatically personalised using the individual account user‟s information.

 Proper Database Management The database management system uses your client information captured, segmenting clients automatically in order to group specific recipients to match targeted marketing campaigns. Grow your Office‟s client database with secure email list storage. Each agent user can grow and manage their own database, all grouped together and accessible by the office administrator, segmented per agent user. We are able to integrate our E.M.M. with your existing client database management system, to help streamline administrative marketing efforts – We only require you to be able to send us the data.

 Predesigned Communication Templates By having all communication templates pre-designed, you only need to add your desired content and proof the template – No manual design work required. Add all your corporate artwork used for printed advertising, such as postcard, flyer and poster designs. Whenever you desire a specific or updated communication design – Simply send Triway the design or request a concept to be designed for you, all inclusive with your license fee.

 Custom Designed Sending Platform Market your way, at your time! - There are no limitations on your marketing campaigns. The system is accessed online, no software installations required. No recipient restrictions (unlimited recipient) and all communication templates can be scheduled to be sent at any time, date, week or year – OR edit the template and change the sending date or disable your mail drop up until 5 minutes before it‟s scheduled to be sent. Add attachments to your mail marketing campaigns like: Videos, Pictures and Information documents - all formats accepted.

The automated personalisation differs depending on the account type, and the amount of users captured. Automated template personalisation is applied for up to 3 account users. When the information is amended and saved within the Profile Manager, all templates will immediately be updated to display the new company, contact and account user information.

Company Details       

Company Name Company Website Branch Name Branch Website Office Number Office Fax Physical Address

Account Users      

Name Surname Email Address Contact Number All My Properties – Link Agent Profile - Link

Automated Personalisation – Account Types    

Office admin Single agent user Two agent user‟s / agent team Three agent user‟s / agent team

Targeted Communication - Overview Targeted Communication Targeted Communication is designed specifically for Mail Marketing to promote property sales. –Property Advertising to potential buyers and reinforcing marketing efforts for sellers.

Targeted Communication Targeted Mail Marketing - Property Advertising

Template Creation:

Template Options Available:

Targeted communications templates are automatically structured to display the following information:

Targeted Communication can have up to 10 template header image options per type, allowing for creative freedom on pre-designed templates.

Template Header:    

Social Media Links Option to view online version Template Header Image Template Header Links

Template Body Inserts:  Mail Message  1 – 12 Property Display  Google My Map

Template Footer:     

1 – 3 Agent contact display Office & Website display Subscribe button Unsubscribe button Forward to a friend button

Targeted Template Types:        

For Sale Just Listed Just Sold Price Reduction Show House Invitations Urgent Sale View By Appointment To Let (Rentals)

Template Creation - Explained Fixed Social Media Links Optional links destination with fixed social media link inserts Interchangeable Template Header Design Multiple template header options available – Creative freedom Template Header Links Fixed header link inserts - Optional link title and destination page. Mail Heading Fixed heading strip and image inserted for mail heading display. Optional Recipient Personalisation Editable salutation to personalise template for each recipient Mail Message Optional mail message insert. Full HTML editor to arrange desired text layout. Mail message can be copied from word documents. Property Image – 12 Property Insert Property image uploaded within property allocation Property Advert – 12 Property Insert Editable property advert. Inserted by either manually capturing property or allocating the property from the account database. Automated Agent and Office Personalisation Account user information captured, automatically inserted. Branch and Company Contact Details – Template Company profile information automatically inserted Fixed Subscribe and Unsubscribe Link Inserts Automated link inserts, connected to account database. Sent by information with privacy policy

Automated Agent and Office Personalisation

/ Office Account – Auto Personalisation

For Sale

Just Listed

Just Sold

Price Reduction

Show House Invitation

To Let (Rentals)

Urgent Sale

View by Appointment

General Communication - Overview General Communication General Communication is designed for professional client relationship management. – Simplifying client feedback and expanding information distribution. Template Creation:


Template Options Available:

General communications templates General Communication can have are automatically structured to up to 10 template header image options per type, allowing for display the following information: creative freedom on pre-designed templates.

Template Header:


   

Social Media Links Option to view online version Template Header Image Template Header Links

Client Relationship Management & Web PR Template Body Inserts:  Message Body  1 – 12 Property Display  Google My Map

Template Footer:     

1 – 3 Agent contact display Office & Website display Subscribe button Unsubscribe button Forward to a friend button

General Template Types:        

Agent Introduction Marketing Feedback Report Show House Feedback Report Open Mandate Confirmation Sole Mandate Confirmation Offer to Purchase Press Release Newsletter

Template Creation - Explained Fixed Social Media Links Optional links destination with fixed social media link inserts Interchangeable Template Header Design Multiple template header options available – Creative freedom Template Header Links Fixed header link inserts - Optional link title and destination page. Mail Heading Fixed heading strip and image inserted for mail heading display. Optional Recipient Personalisation Editable salutation to personalise template for each recipient Mail Message Optional mail message insert. Full HTML editor to arrange desired text layout. Mail message can be copied from word documents. Property Image – 12 Property Insert Property image uploaded within property allocation Property Advert – 12 Property Insert Editable property advert. Inserted by either manually capturing property or allocating the property from the account database. Automated Agent and Office Personalisation Account user information captured, automatically inserted. Branch and Company Contact Details – Template Company profile information automatically inserted Fixed Subscribe and Unsubscribe Link Inserts Automated link inserts, connected to account database. Sent by information with privacy policy

Agent Introduction

Marketing Feedback Report


Offer to Purchase

Open Mandate Confirmation

Press Release

Show House Feedback Report

Sole Mandate Confirmation

Special & Auto Communication - Overview Special Communication

Special & Automated Communication Event Marketing / Branding & Keeping in touch with clients automatically

Streamline all printed (offline) marketing efforts by publishing the same artwork templates created for flyers, postcards or any marketing efforts online to reach your targeted client database. Special Communication could also be used for once off communication types like Golf day, Charity or Community Projects /Events that you are marketing offline.

Automated Communication Automated Communication is a hands free way to keep in touch with clients on special occasions – Automatically! Every user interface comes preset with the following automated communication types. Automated Communication Pre-designed communication types – Automatically sent:      

Client Birthday‟s Christmas Valentines Easter Mother‟s Day Father‟s Day

Special Communication: Any design for any communication type – As and when you need it. Ex:     

Golf Day Invitations Community / Charity Events Calendars and Postcards Flyers and Brochures Motivational & Inspirational templates

Automated Agent / Office Personalisation Personalised using the account userâ€&#x;s Profile Information, taken from their Profile Manager when the communication drop is created and presented when pre-viewed via the mail builder.

Please Note that the artwork presented in this document is made up using the artwork currently available within the Interface custom designed for Leapfrog.

We Recommend that all design templates currently being used for offline advertising purposes, should also be used for all your electronic marketing materiel. All artwork can be edited, replaced and updated at any time, but should be updated on a yearly basis.

Before Automated Personalisation.

After Automated Personalisation.

Special & Automated Template Creation Special and Automated Communication templates are not designed by the Triway mail builder; they are custom designed templates that are uploaded and automatically personalised by the mail builder using the information available within each account userâ€&#x;s Profile Manager.. Template Designs can be customised to your individual needs, therefore custom designed as and when you require it. Special communicationâ€&#x;s mail builder has the ability to apply optional user personalisation where the automated communicationâ€&#x;s mail builder will always apply your personalisation on the template chosen by you and sent automatically.

Template Creation Options Design your own You can design a template through your own marketing department using the sizes specified, and then upload it via the Mail Settings Artwork panel under special communication. When designing your own templates you would need to insert the mail message on the template along with your contact details, or leave the space required to apply auto -personalisation by adding the footer Triway Marketing designed for you. Auto Personalisation Auto personalisation is also applied using the contact information available within the profile manager, for the type and amount of account users captured. The personalisation will always be applied in the bottom right corner, therefore you are required to provide the space for the personalisation to be applied, if you do not personalise the template yourself.

All artwork maintenance is included with the E.M.M. License Fee.

Let Triway design the template for you You can send us any corporate or graphic design that you would like to use as a communication template, specifying desired customisation, if needed. We will then take the design sent by you, resize and edit to fit the required sizes for electronic communication. As part of the custom designed artwork templates created for your company, a footer design is also created to fit your corporate ID, as used for Automated Communication. Triway will apply this custom footer containing your logo onto any edited design and upload it to your account. When created each template uploaded will be personalised according to the individual account used to create the drop.

Special Communication – Corporate Flyers

Client Subscription Process

Difference between Scheduled Email Drops & Automated Communication

Automated Communication

Targeted, General and Special Communication: All Targeted, General and Special Communication drops are sent to your database by allocating targeted recipients via the detailed search when scheduling a specially created mail or pre-designed template to be sent.

Automated Communication: Automated communication is sent “automatically” to recipients subscribed to receive each automated mail marketing campaign, on the date and time selected to be sent, using the template chosen by each account user.

Delivered to Subscribed Recipients, Automatically!

Recipients are subscribed via the Campaign Manager Screen tab, available with each client‟s contact screen.

Subscribed Recipients The Campaign Overview will notify each account user of all automated email drops scheduled to be sent to subscribed recipients. The auto mail builder will only prepare a mail to be sent once the category is enabled with date and time selected by the account user, within each Automated Communication mail category.

Additional automated communication types can be added by request.

Client Birthday

Seasons Greetings - Christmas

Happy Easter

Mother’s Day

Father’s Day

Valentine’s Day

Social Media Marketing - Overview “Real time interaction, real time results”

Marketing Platform 2

Each account user has the ability to publish and distribute marketing communication to multiple social media platforms. – Instantly.   

Social Media Marketing

Targeted Communication General Communication Special Communication

Facebook and Twitter syndication is built in functionality. Additional website and blog syndication coding will be made available upon request – All inclusive.

Advertising Platforms The following platforms will be allocated to each registered office:

 Facebook Fan Page

Social Media Syndication and Information Distribution

Offering office Facebook Fan Page custom designed and imbedded with the Triway Syndication platform.

   

Custom Created Pages: Welcome Page Meet our Agents Leapfrog Property Portfolio Home Owner Blog advertisement

 Office - Twitter Account Custom designed Twitter account with Leapfrog artwork to further personalise effortless social media marketing.

Facebook - Custom Built Pages The following pages act as example of the functionality that can be incorporated into each office‟s Facebook Fan page. With features like the mini website, creative landing pages and unique syndication functionality...:

The sky is the limit! Amended or Additional Pages for Social Media Syndication can be requested at any point.

Office Welcome Page

Our Agents & Operating Areas Additional Agent and Office profiles can be captured within each account user‟s Profile Manager, available within the E.M.M. operating platform to dynamically display as an individual pages within that office‟s Facebook page.

Online Property Portfolio

Local Home Owner Magazine

Imbed Leapfrog’s published Corporate Property Portfolio’s and create additional property Bonanza’s for each office.

Imbed the official Home Owner’s Publication, created as an extension of the Local Home Owner’s website sponsored by each individual office. ......For the love of Property.

Facebook & Twitter Syndication Syndicate all marketing communication to Facebook and Twitter automatically when approving the template for sending. Once syndicated, your post will be published to the Facebook / Twitter page that you are logged in to: Information Published:  Header Image  Mail Heading  Mail Message  Link to view the online version.

Marketing Platform 3

Website Advertising - Inbound link marketing The E.M.M. solution‟s syndication platform can also be integrated with specified or specially created website pages on the corporate website.

Requirements for website syndication: In order to extend the E.M.M.„s advertising platform to the national website, we will require the following:

Website Advertising

The additional pages to be created for syndication, positioned on the website where needed. (No content or publishing space provided with website template intact).

FTP access to the company‟s website pages in order to imbed and maintain the syndication code along with the syndicated material.

The following marketing communication and value added information can automatically be syndication to the corporate website to assist with Search Engine Marketing through inbound link strategies.

Suggested syndication material: Inbound link strategy for Search Engine Marketing

  

Agent and Office Profile Pages Office and Agent newsletters – Imbedded or Linked Properties On Show

Additional material 

Leapfrog Property Portfolio‟s (Online Magazine)

All emails sent from the E.M.M. platform by account users, are linked to the additional or syndicated pages on the corporate website in order to promote and push traffic to those pages.

Phase 2 Marketing Platform - 4 – Sponsored Tri Local Residence Guide Community Websites - The Home Owner Project Marketing Platform - 5 – Sponsored Home Owner Magazine

The Tri Local Residence Guide Community Websites – Home Owner Project ...For the Community, By the Community

Community Empowerment - Service Offering Having researched, tried and tested the methods of all recommended online advertising strategies practiced worldwide, we have combined the key features of the best performing tactics into a single platform that delivers an automated, “all in one “electronic marketing management solution.

Marketing Strategy Purpose Existing Features Include: The connected Internet has had a far greater impact on marketing and business than the ubiquitous email newsletter and the need for search engine optimisation. It is not only the way in which products and services can be marketed that has changed, but new products and services that are being developed that is changing the world as we know it. Where marketing once was seen as a one way broadcast channel with customer wants and needs driven by focus groups, today effective marketing, client relationship and business management is based on a twoway conversation that happens person to person. For this reason, Triway Marketing strives to provide local businesses that previously may not have had access or the knowledge to make use of these platforms, with the tools to introduce effective e-marketing to dynamically expand their existing business strategy and communication reach. We deliver a sustainable solution designed for long term results through cost effective, user and environmentally friendly marketing tactics. The Tri Local Community Websites are designed with local home owners and service providers in mind. The Home Owner project is a Triway initiative aimed at empowering local businesses with the power to market themselves electronically, directly to targeted audiences. Engaging local communities by bringing both profit and none profit organisations together through the exchange of internal information, offering local residents valuable public insight to the inner workings of local businesses and activities within their community.

Content Management - Self Service Website Design & Maintenance

Database Management – Client Subscription & Segmentation

C.R.M . – Automated Communication & Campaign Management

Mail Marketing – Targeted & General Communications

Design to HTML Converter – Special Communications

Social Media Marketing / Viral Marketing – Content Syndication

Web PR and Branding – Community Websites and Online Magazine

Search Engine Marketing – Integrated SEO and Content Creation

Features to be introduced in 2012: 

ROI - Extensive Reporting and Statistics

Mobile Marketing

Integrated Online Magazine Construction

Google Adwords – Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)

Facebook - Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)

Corporate, Employee and Task Management Systems

Access Control Systems - Hardware and Software Integrations

Websites & Operating Platform Construction, Execution and Maintenance

Marketing Platform 4

Triway Marketing, in corporation with Interexcel is launching The Tri Local group of community websites across South-Africa in early 2012. The Home Owner Project is designed and powered by Triway Marketing in partnership with Interexcel, to be introduced in local communities by a Real Estate Agency as part of a national referral marketing strategy.

The Tri Local – Residence Guide Community Websites

Service Offering Costs   

Sponsorship Program R 500 pm paid by Sponsoring Office Residence Guide – Referral Marketing Project R 550 pm paid by Advertisers HOA – Home Owners Project To be determined

Website design and domain information Predesigned template structure with generic artwork, customised using a panoramic view of the featured city to identify with its local community. Domain: www.trilocal.co.za

Residential, Commercial and Industrial Referral Marketing Strategy & Home Owners Project

Sub Domain – Sponsored Websites Website ex: http://roodepoort.trilocal.co.za    

Site Construction to start on – 9 January 2012 Sites to be made publically available – 29 February 2012 Advertising platform to be opened – 19 March 2012 Online Magazine Launch – 30 April 2012

Sponsorship Program

A natural result from multiple industry related companies making use of a single site to market themselves produces a collective hub of useful information locally produced and automatically published.

National Referral Marketing Strategy.

Content Creation Empower local communities by interlinking home owners and businesses residing in centralised areas. The sponsorship program is designed to extend the existing marketing strategies of the sponsoring Real Estate office, directly related to the connected processes of buying and selling a home.

All information shared is freely available to be republished by 3rd party organisations, providing they link back to the original author. Creating great content for local distribution.


Local offices are able to use this content for newsletters, whilst releasing a collective online magazine that contains the finer details of our local communities.

Relationship Building

“Neighbourly” Referral Advertising

The Sponsorship program offers a great opportunity for Leapfrog to get involved with communities in a unique way. Brand Advertising through building strong relationship with the community.

Benefit to Leapfrog – Sponsoring Office All “home owner” advertisers‟ marketing efforts will indirectly and effectively market each sponsoring Leapfrog office when sharing published pages and articles with their clients.

Enabling local businesses to market themselves 

Over 50 % of smaller to one man companies do not have a sustainable online marketing platform, nor do they have the technical skills to maintain one. Hundreds of smaller complexes and security estates do not have the internal technical infrastructure to manage tenant registrations, streamline internal communication with the HOA trustee‟s and tenants or manage documentation, minutes of meetings, complaints and requests.

Indirectly Leapfrog is providing local businesses the opportunity to successfully market themselves through a highly targeted platform and HOA‟s with the skills to automated manual administration and communication tasks at an affordable price, directly to their target audience.

Benefit to Advertisers (Home Owner’s Services) Advertisers contact details available directly is all E.M,M account user databases. The agents of each sponsoring Leapfrog office has direct access to a variety of “go to contacts” to refer to their buyers and sellers when in need of assistance with the everyday tasks of preparing a property for a show day or renovating a newly bout property. Community Benefit Through the referral marketing strategy, recommended businesses can offer discounted rates to clients referred to them via Leapfrog.

High Visibility - Targeted, Cost Effective Advertising As Leapfrog will be the only Real Estate Company featured on these sites, an up to date collection of office properties will be featured to all local Home Owners Associations, managing agents, registered tenants, local home owners, featured authors and all other advertising companies that interact with these sites daily, providing high visibility with low competition.

Main Features Home Page – Content Distribution 

Main article stream distributing all site content, author, advertiser and HOA publications – RSS site subscription

Food with Dominican Flair

The Tri Local – Residence Guide Community Websites

Construction, Functionality Design and Layout

 

3rd party Cooking Blog dedicated to the Community Websites Triway to sponsor the design and hosting of Cooking Blog

Community Services  

Corporate Responsibility and Community Involvement Program Medical and Community Services – Auto Flyer Creation

Home Owner’s Guide 

Comprehensive home maintenance and property renovation service guide geographically targeted to hosting website. - Business Advertising Platform

H.O.A. & Local Real Estate   

Local Home Owners Associations – Customised Business and Marketing Platform Leapfrog Property Listings - Published via syndication The Residence Guide to Property

Website Authors 

Sourcing and publishing local news and events for community education.

Note: The featured artwork and layout for website mock-ups will only be finalised once functionality is completed.

The Tri Local Website Mock-up – EX: The Roodepoort Residence (Home PAGE)

Top Navigation       

Home About Us Your Community Residence Guide HOA & Real Estate Community Authors Advertising

Subscribe & Share 

Subscribe to receive the website‟s RSS feeds and share the site

Categories, Article Archive & Search 

View articles by category or view the entire history

Maintenance & Renovations – Quick Navigation 

Home Maintenance & Property Renovation Services

Front Page Article Stream 

Authors & Advertiser‟s latest article published showing first.

Featured Listings      

Imbedded Weather RSS Feed Upcoming Events - RSS Feed with additional listings Featured Leapfrog Property – Syndicated Energy Saving Solution‟s Advert – Going Green Food with Dominican Flair Featured Charities

Advertiser’s and Author’s Logo Display 

Authors, Sponsors and Advertiser‟s logo rotation

Your Community – Essential Services Containing all the essential emergency, municipal and community services, corporate responsibility programs and recommended entertainment destinations. Corporate Responsibility – Community Involvement Support the Corporate Responsibility Programme aimed at uplifting and supporting your local community. Nominate and vote for a local charity or community project in your area, to be supported by the Tri Local Community Product.

Emergency Services Your portal to local Emergency and Medical contact details. Be sure to visit this page and print a flyer.

Municipal Services A complete list of municipal services and contact information for all matters pertaining to your property and general lifestyle as a local resident within the featured community.

Local Education Find all surrounding Education, Schools and Universities with direct access to their sites.

Shopping and Entertainment Visit Mall Guide.co.za to view all the shopping facilities in your area. We provide the space for anyone with a great venue to list their details, but we have selected 6 featured entertainment venues that we strongly recommend to be visited. Keep an eye on this page as we update featured venues based on great reviews.

About the Featured City About and history of the featured city.

Corporate Responsability Program

Corporate Responsability – Community Involvement We believe that actively engaged employees, customers and communites can address critical social issues accross South-Africa. Community involvement efforts leverage our human, technological and financial resources to drive change – to make our communites stronger, more vibrant places in which to live, work and do business.

Corporate Responsibility Program Nominate a charity close to your heart. We will investigate all received requests in order to apply our efferts to the most deserving charity or community project. We strive to actively contribute to a new Charity every quarter nominated via this page within our community.

Community Involvement Supporting local companies who actively contributes to our ciciety, making a dirreance in our local communities. Leapfrog Property Group Enabling the local offices to engage with their community by “sponsoring” all efforts made to local communities through the community websites.

For the Community By the Community

Your Community Medical and Emergency Contact Details Municipal Services Local Education Shopping and Entertainment

M u

Lo ca l E du ca tio n

About the Residents Guide

Residents Guide Home Maintenance & Property Renovation

The Referral Marketing Strategy is aimed at empowering local businesses with the power to market themselves electronically, directly to targeted audiences by sharing their wisdom and professional advice with local home owners in need of their services. We make this possible by providing local businesses with a unique „all in one‟ marketing management solution, designed to strengthen and extend their advertising potential and communication reach to the benefit of the community.

Advertising Benefits

Recommended Businesses Referral Marketing

 Exclusivity VS Quality Only 4 local companies per Home Owner Category will be invited to join the Referral Marketing Project.

 High Visibility - Targeted, Cost Effective Advertising Enabling local businesses with the tools to market themselves to targeted audiences to the benefit of the community.

Local HOA, Managing Agents, registered tenants, real estate agents, local home owners, featured authors and all other advertising companies interact with these sites regularly, providing high visibility with low competition. Effortless Search Engine Marketing by advertising exactly where local home owners are searching for specific services to meet their property requirements, with the added benefits provided with “Green” Online Advertising.

 Referral Marketing – Branding and Acquisition Each sponsoring Leapfrog office and its agents will directly market the advertising businesses by distributing published “value added” content with their everyday corporate communication. Leapfrog office providing local buyers and sellers with what they need to know and who to contact during the connected process of buying or selling a home.

Local Resident’s Guide Home Maintenance and Property Renovations Offering unique access to all the essential services every Home Owner requires from time to time... on your doorstep!

Resident’s Guide Offering a list of all local businesses and service providers, segmented by category in accordance to the need of local home owners. Once a category is selected, that category‟s page will open to display the Recommended and Listed Businesses with all articles published relevant to that category below.

Recommended Businesses – Paid (Advertising Platform) Offering only 4 local businesses per category the opportunity to market themselves through a dynamic marketing platform.

Local Business Listings – Free List of all local businesses relevant to the selected category.

Latest Article Published Featuring the latest article published by sponsored authors and local advertising businesses relevant to the selected category.

Resident’s Guide - Categories Building and Construction    

Architects Carpenters Building Contractors Building Materials

Alterations - Walls, Windows, Floors and Ceilings      

Glaziers and Glass Fitting Laminate and Hardwood Flooring Tiling Specialists Painting Specialists Waterproofing Soundproofing

Home Heating and Cooling    

Insulation Under Tile and Floor Heating Air Conditioning Refrigeration

Handyman Services   

Electricians –Electrical Repairs and Maintenance Plumbers - All Purpose Plumbing Locksmiths and Key Cutting

Pest Control   

Domestic and Commercial Pest Control Experts Eradicating Pests & Fumigation Pest Repellents

Interior Design & Decor     

Interior Decorators Furniture and Upholstery Curtains, Blinds, Awnings & Shutters Lighting and Accessories Antiques

Kitchens & Culinary     

Kitchen Cupboards Counter Tops Entertainment Equipment Crockery and Cutlery National Cooking Blog

Housekeeping and Home Cleaning    

Domestic Cleaning Services Upholstery, Curtain and Carpet Cleaners Dry Cleaning Services Skip Hire

Pools, Ponds and Water Features 

Installation, Cleaning and Maintenance Swimming Pools, Jacuzzi‟s & Sauna‟s, Bird Baths, Rock & Fish Ponds

Safety and Security      

Gates and Electric Fencing Intercoms and Access Control Systems Burglar Alarm Systems, CCTV and Surveillance Systems Smoke Detectors & Fire Alarms – Fire Fighting Equipment First Aid Suppliers Child Proofing

Gardening and Landscaping      

Garden & Landscape Design and Implementation Garden Maintenance and Cleanups Tree Felling Irrigation Paving Guttering

Paid Listings - Recommended Businesses Advertising Fee = R 550 pm Advertisement by Invitation only – Full Marketing Platform Included Advertising companies are chosen based on product and service quality, general reputation and value added information that can be offered to local home owners.    

Strictly operating in and around the listed City Relevant to the registered Home Owner category Registered Company Max 4 per category

Free Listings - Local Business Listing Standard, Alphabetical Business Listing Any company can register and list their corporate details. Ability to edit and amend listed information at any time. – Business listing displayed based on administrative approval. Criteria   

Strictly located in and around listed City Strictly relevant to Home Owner Category Registered Company

Article Display – Home Owner Guide Automated article stream displaying all published articles by the advertising companies. Latest article first.

Paid Listing Advertiser’s Marketing Platform 1. Electronic Marketing Management Solution - E.M.M. User Interface acced via registered username and password. E.M.M. tools integrated with advertiser‟s platform: 

Content Management - Independent Website - Imbedded Company Pages (5) - Communication Template Creation - Mail & Artwork Settings

Database Management - Client & Campaign Subscription Management

Product / Service Management - Communication & Website Inserts

Email Marketing – Newsletter & Product Promotions - Special Communications - Automated Communication

Client Relationship Management - Campaign Overview

Social Media Syndication – Facebook & Twitter



2. Company Pages (Imbedded Website) Example The “Advertiser‟s Company Pages” provides every advertising company with 5 imbedded pages, automatically published and syndicated from their CMS , as extension to their Resident‟s Guide advertising space.  HTML








dynamically populate pages that are manually editable.  Company Pages are individually accessible and optimised for Search Engine Marketing via reconstructed website addresses (URL): http://roodepoort.trilocal.co.za/<companyname  Ability to manage client feedback / commentary received through imbedded pages. Companies WITH Existing Websites Company Pages To receive website banner: “Recommended Local Business” Banner will link to advertiser‟s imbedded corporate pages on the Tri Local Resident‟s Guide site. Independent Website Marketed as the organisation‟s blog to communicate with their clients. Accessed by adding a link to their existing website, or adding sub domain / sub directory and pointing the blog (website) to their domain. SEO. Companies WITHOUT Existing Websites Complete Online Marketing Platform. The complete E.M.M. Solution will afford companies the opportunity who had no previous online marketing infrastructure with all the tools they need, integrated and professionally presented.

Company Pages 

About Us -

Corporate Logo – Thumbnail Image Company Description (fully editable) Newsletter Subscription Contact and Physical Address Map Listing Social Bookmarking

 -

Services / Products Page

Multiple Product / Service Listing Advert layout – Image, Name, Description, Price Client Feedback facility Full Contact Details Newsletter Subscription

Latest News & Events Page -

Product / Service Promotions (Specials) Featured Article – Internal Communication Events Listings + Event History

Automated Flyer Creation Print or Email your e-Flyer to a friend!

Home Owner’s Guide – Publications


Latest article published “How to” Guide showing article headlines News Letter Archive (Linking to the E.M..M. database) Visitor Comments and Manual Feedback Facility

A new Leapfrog

Service Offering


Local Real Estate

Home Owners Project - Purpose A home owner association is a corporation formed by a real estate developer for the purpose of marketing, managing, and selling of homes and lots in a residential subdivision – But too many smaller complexes and security estates do not have the internal technical infrastructure to manage tenant registrations, streamline internal communication with the HOA trustee‟s and tenants or manage documentation, minutes of meetings, complaints and requests from tenants. For this reason Triway Marketing aims to extend our E.M.M. solutions to these NGO‟s, offering an affordable solution to local home owner associations to automate previously manual tasks, streamline communication directly to trustee‟s and tenants whilst connecting with local businesses through the referral marketing strategy.

Leapfrog Service Offering The operating and marketing platform for all HOA in need of an organisational management solution can be offered as a Leapfrog service, through the agents operating within these complexes and security estates, powered by Triway Marketing in partnership with Interexcel. Empowering the Community – Affordably Simplicity through automated technology. .

HOA and Real Estate HOA Business and Marketing Portal   

Full Information Registration Registered Complexes and Estates

Residents Guide to Property    

Guide to Buying Property Guide to Selling Property Guide to Renting Property Guide to Leasing Property

Leapfrog Property Listings Featuring a constant stream of the latest 9 properties captured through the Graydot management system, streamlined via the integrated data feed to the office‟s admin E.M.M. user interface and published via the E.M.M. syndication platform.

Home Owners Associations Business and Marketing Portal Research shows that there are over 1500 registered „walled estates‟ containing over 300 000 properties in South Africa. Each of these is represented by a Homeowners Association (HOA) or Body Corporate, consisting of elected volunteers who are members of the HOA. Further to this, it is the HOA responsibility to put in place a management team to manage the estate/community. Since 80% of HOAs share similar issues and challenges there is a great opportunity for increasing efficiencies through sharing information and collective networking.

HOA & Residents Portal A way for the home owners associations to provide all tenants with area and internal communication and events, municipal and emergency information and comprehensive contact details – a guide to all businesses in the area suited to their property needs. A portal for residents to communicate with the HOA directly, make suggestions, complaints, requests, receive billing information and notifications, as well as communication with other residents.

Service Offering 

Independent Website & Imbedded company pages - Full Content Management System to create, publish and maintain both an individual website and the imbedded pages automatically created and published via the CMS.

Full E.M.M. Functionality - Database Management - Internal and Bulk Electronic Communications - Document Management - Administrative Management for HOA - Tenant Registrations & Discussion Forum

Local Authors

Tri Local

  

Local Schools Suburban Newspaper Publications The local Sponsoring Office

Authors Managed and Maintained by Triway Marketing 

Energy Saving Solutions – Going Green in households and the community

Resident’s Guide

Cooking Blog - Food with Dominican Flair - Cooking blog (website) sponsored by Triway Marketing

Contributing Website Authors

Featured Charities - Community Involvement and success stories

My Plan Financial Solutions - Property and Estate

Tri Local Website Authors Sourcing and publishing local news and events for community education. - Authors sourced, about pages manually created and published through website CMS. Content Publishing Content sent directly to each sponsoring Leapfrog office to be manually published and maintained by office personnel. Latest article published to stream through the Front Page with each Author featured on the Authors Page with full article archive.

National Authors    

Bond Originators Transferring Attorneys and Conveyances Banks Leapfrog “The Company”

Investment Planning

Marketing Platform 5

Tri Local Home Owners Magazine Taken from all the content published and distributed through the Tri Local Residence Guide – Community Websites on a monthly basis, an Online Magazine will be created to be published and imbedded on all sites. Each advertising company will be featured within the monthly Home Owner Magazine sponsored by each Leapfrog office, created by Triway Marketing

Monthly Magazine

Content used to fill the magazine is taken from the published Company Pages, per Author, Advertising Company and HOA‟s registered per site.

Magazine Launch The online magazine design and page layout will be finalised once all Tri Local websites are fully launched with authors successfully created and a regular content stream has been achieved.

Possible Magazine Mock-Up Please view mock-up below, to view live example, please visit: http://issuu.com/triway/docs/mag?mode=window&backgroundColor=%232 22222

Sponsored Home Owner Project Leapfrog’s Sponsoring Agreement

Each agent within each sponsoring office will need to canvass their area for the following information: (A spreadsheet will be provided to each agent to gather the following information):    

Local Schools, Educational & Medical Facilities Complexes, Estates and their Home Owner Associations List of Local Newspapers List of businesses providing services to Local Home Owners (Per Resident‟s Guide Categories)

Benefit to Sponsoring Office

Duties &

Referral Marketing Fee Paid to each Sponsoring Office

Tri Local Home Owners Project - Worth Each community website running at full capacity through the Resident‟s Guide Advertiser‟s Portal, is worth: R 25 000 a month. In order to reach full capacity working in close partnership with each office is essential. Paid to Sponsoring Office Triway Marketing will award each sponsoring office 20% of Advertising Revenue for their assistance to launch, manage and market the Home Owners Project in their community. = R 5000 pm. Paid to Community / Charity Projects 5 % of Advertising Revenue per month, per site will be used for the Corporate Responsibility and Community Involvement project, paid out on a yearly basis to a charity / community project chosen by Leapfrog. R 1 250 pm X 12 = R 15 000. Combined through est. 40 offices: = R 600 000 paid to charity each year.

Essentially making the entire strategy pay for itself with additional profit potential for each branch, whilst making a significant contribution to local communities.

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