Triway Marketing - Complete E.M.M. Manual

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User Manual Index

Campaign Manager................................................................


Introduction – Account Overview.....................................................




Admin VS User Account....................................................................


Property Manager...............................................................................


Account Setup and Activation..........................................................


Detailed Search..................................................................................




Data Management..............................................................................




Client Subscribe and Unsubscribe Process....................................


Profile Manager..................................................................................




Automated Template Personalisation..................................


Targeted Communication......................................................


Mail Settings.......................................................................................


General Communication........................................................


Mail Artwork............................................................................


Special Communication.........................................................


Header Links...........................................................................


Automated Communication..................................................


Syndication Links...................................................................


Targeted & Relevant Recipient Allocation.......................................


Campaign Overview...........................................................................


Artwork and Template Printing.........................................................


Database Management......................................................................


Social Media Marketing & Information Distribution........................


Contact Manager................................................................................


History and Reporting.......................................................................


Property Details......................................................................


Buying Preferences................................................................


Marketing History...................................................................


For demonstration purposes, this user manual was compiled using example artwork. The User Interface and all communication template artwork assigned to your office is custom designed using your own corporate artwork.



Electronic Marketing Management for Real Estate

User Interface – Account Overview Account Navigation – Overview Welcome to the Triway Electronic Marketing Management Solution, custom designed for your office. This user manual will assist you to setup your user account, personalise your preferences and lay the path to creating your first communication drop, and every drop there after!

Account Setup and Introduction Please be sure to go through the entire user manual to fully understand the system‟s functionality, tools available and how to use them. View the tool tips on every page for online help or contact the Triway support desk for setup or usage assistance.


User Interface Account Overview

Help – Page Tool Tips

Account User Box

Each page contains a “Help” section located in the top right corner on the page heading. Select the help section to view the tool tip for that page.

The account user box contains the account user‟s profile information and thumbnail image captured within the Profile Manager. Log out of your user account by selecting the Logout button, located at the bottom of the account user box.

View all the pages of the page tool tip by selecting the arrow in the bottom right corner of the tool tip screen, or exit the tool tip by selecting the Red Cross. Tool tips can be viewed at any time.

Account Navigation The account navigation is located in the left hand column, used to access the different pages that make up the account user interface. Navigate to the page you wish to view by selecting it from the available options. The page tab currently being viewed will be highlighted.

Page Content The page content displayed is made up by various content boxes containing the page functionality. Show and Hide Sections In effort to organise page content, some sections are hidden and should be opened in order to show panel information. Across the entire site, look at for the show and hide buttons. Select the show and hide button to show or hide page information.


Account Navigation - Overview

Campaign Overview

Content Management

The campaign overview is designed to provide the account user with a complete overview of events pertaining to their database and mail marketing campaigns. Contact Manager

The user interface is made up by a comprehensive Content Management system. All account features are interlinked with each other in order to simplify and streamline marketing efforts. Information Where marketing once was seen as a one way broadcast channel, today effective marketing is based on a two-way conversation that happens person to person. Visit our Information & Training Portal to ensure you are at the top of your game. Administration The Administration is designed to create & manage associated agent profiles connected to the branch –admin user account. Only the branch admin will have access to the administration section. Profile Manager The profile manager is designed to manage your account details and user information. All communication templates that are created via the system will automatically be customised using the information available within your profile manager. Mail Settings The mail settings area is designed to manage and maintain the finer details of all communication templates, including: Mail artwork, Header and Syndication Links.

The contact manager provides a record of all active, potential, past and general clients captured or imported by the account user. Contains automated subscribe and unsubscribe functionality along with set auto responders that are sent when triggered by clients interacting with that account userâ€&#x;s database. Property Manager The property manager is designed to manage the content of properties actively being marketed, captured along with seller or valuation contacts. Property details captured can easily be selected to display on communication templates via the detailed search. Communications The Communications feature is used to create and manage all communication templates using the custom designed mail builder, published and delivered via the Triway sending and syndication platform. Offering four communication categories designed to extend your marketing potential and communication reach. History and Reporting The History and Reporting section is designed to automatically keep a complete record of your account usage; communication templates sent and client database interactions.


Admin VS Agent User Accounts

Agent Account Overview (associated user account) Each agent / agent team within the office, has an individual account allocated and personalised using their own contact details. Agent Account User - Profile Manager

Admin Account Overview The admin manager‟s account provides a complete overview of information available within all associated user accounts connected to the office admin account, as well as the database and campaign information relating to the office account. Admin Profile Manager The admin profile is designed to represent the office; not an individual user, therefore the account user capture box is laid out differently to that of the agent user account. Information captured is used to automatically personalise communication templates branded to the office, not an individual.

Admin Campaign Overview

The profile manager of each individual or agent team is compiled with the account user‟s personal contact information, as each agent is captured as a separate account user. The individual contact information is used to automatically personalise communication templates created by that account.

Agent Campaign Overview Each account user logged in to their own profile, will only be able to access and view client events and marketing campaign information relating to the database and mail marketing campaigns scheduled within their own account.

Client and User information displayed on the admin campaign overview will be detailed to identify the associated account from which the information is generated from, including that of the office.

Data Share Purpose

The administrator is able to view and edit associated user account information, access user‟s client database as well as compile, proof and schedule mail drops on behalf of associated agent users.

When an agent user cannot access their account and require urgent information, a mail drop to be sent or a scheduled mail drop to be disabled, the administrator will be able to assist by either accessing the agent‟s data through the admin account or logging in as that account user.

Open account information provides the administrator with a complete overview of client and marketing events pertaining to all associated user accounts within the office, in order to track and analyse marketing efforts, provide assistance to agent users within the office or for urgent access and quality control purposes.


Account Setup and Activation – Explained When signing in to your account for the first time, you are introduced to the Introduction page that will assist you in setting up your account. Once your user account is personalised, you are able to start making use of your new electronic marketing management tools – Immediately! View the user manual‟s interface chapters for more information regarding how each of the following pages should be compiled and setup.

User Account Setup

Follow the steps below to setup your user account:

Admin & Agent User Accounts Step 1 – Upgrade your Browser If your browser is already up to date, move on to step 2.

Step 2 – Personalise your Account Capture Profile Manager & Mail settings Information.

Step 3 - Enable Auto Communication Categories Activate the automated communication category by enabling all auto communication types via Campaign Overview.

Step 4 – Import Database Import existing client database or manually capture clients. Subscribe importing clients to automated campaigns.

Step 5 – White list Triway email addresses Add our email address to your accepted senders list.


Step 1 – Upgrade your Internet Browser

Step 2 – Personalise your account

In order to ensure that your experience with our website is as smooth as possible, please be sure to upgrade your browser to its latest version. If your browser is out of date some visual aspects and site speed will be affected.

Your user account is completed with your own corporate artwork and contact information.

Recommended Browser Google Chrome - or simply the most up to date version of your existing browser. If you are unsure whether your browser is up to date, or would like more information or assistance upgrading your browser, please contact support. The problem: The Web is a fast-paced medium. The coolest and most advanced sites of today may become tomorrow‟s dead wood in the blink of an eye. The same goes for Web software, most importantly browsers. A browser that was clearly the best at the time of its release may become stale over time. It will be overtaken by other browsers that are better at some tasks, and in the end users of older browsers will find themselves excluded from the Web‟s most exciting and innovative content. The Solution: Fortunately the solution to this problem is quite simple. You should download and install a newer, better browser. It takes less then 5 minutes, and you only have to do it once in order to browse the web safely and pleasantly for months to come until your next upgrade becomes available.

Visit this website link for quick access to download upgraded browser software. Select your browser, download and install in under 5 minutes!

Customise the following pages:  Profile Manager  Mail Settings

Profile Manager Select the Profile Manager from the User Interface Nagivation, then complete the following information. Upload Tumbnail Image: Upload the branch admin thumbnail or your own image by selecting it from your computer. This image will be displayed on all communication templates and can be changed at any time. Company Contact Information: Your company and branch contact details will display on all communication templates, displayed the way your capture the information. Create Account Users: Capture the account users that will be utalising this user account. The admin profile manager can only capture the branch as the user, where all agent accounts can capture up to 3 agent users. The account users captured will be displayed on all communication templates.


Mail Settings Select the Mail Setting page from the User Interface Navigation. Confirm and complete the following information. 

Mail Artwork

You will receive your account with all artwork uploaded. Please ensure that all artwork is viewable. Contact design support if you would like any additional header or template designs made or edited. 

Header Links

Capture the Header Links that should be displayed on all Targeted and General Communication Drops. Keep the “Title” name short and refrain from capturing more then 6 header links or less if the Title name is long. Too many header links captured will cause the link titles displayed below the header image on all communication templates to roll over onto a second row. Header links should only display in single row below the header image.

Sydication Links Syndication links are fixed link inserts at the top of all Targeted and General Communication templates. Capture the page address (URL) of your Facebook, Twiiter and Youtube account, in order for these links to be functional when selected. Capture your Google My Map Link, to link through to your map when inserting the optional Google My Map within Targeted and General Drops.

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Step 3 - Enable Automated Communication Categories Activate the automated communication category by enabling all auto communication types available:  Birthday  Valentine‟s Day  Easter  Mother‟s Day  Father‟s Day  Christmas (Seasons Greetings) Only once the selected automated communication types are enabled and approved for sending, will that communication drop be delivered to all „subscribed‟ recipients in the account database. All automated communication types can be accessed through the Campaign Overview and Communications page. Campaign Overview On the Campaign Overview page, within the Scheduled Mail Drops panel, select the “Settings” button or select the disabled / enabled link next to each type to access the mail builder - mail settings for that automated type. Communications Page On the Communications page, select the Automated Communication category, and then select the auto type you wish to edit, to access the mail builder - mail settings for that automated communication type.

Enable Auto Communication Type –Mail Settings Within the mail settings panel of each automated communication type, select the enabled tick box and complete all mail settings. Choose the template option, save changes made then select “Show Proof” to view the auto-personalised template. Approve and enable the communication type by selecting the “Approve for Sending” button. Enabled – Campaign Overview Once the chosen communication type is enabled, the Red “Disabled” link will turn Green “Enabled”, confirming the enabled automated communication type.

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Step 4 – Import Client Database To make use of all communication facilities, your database of clients must be available within the account database in order to allocate targeted recipients to your mail marketing campaigns.

Subscribe all new clients to desired Automated Communication Campaigns: When importing or capturing new client contacts to the account database, be sure to subscribe each new client to receive the various / desired automated communication drops.

Data capturing can be done in 3 ways:

Newly captured / imported clients will receive a confirmation email informing them of their subscription to your database. Following permission based marketing; each client is requested to confirm their subscription to your account database. (Double Opt-In Subscription).

  

Once subscribed, they will automatically be allocated to receive each (enabled and subscribed) automated campaign.

Importing Data Manually Capturing Data Integrating Data Feeds

Importing Clients Importing Client Data Import your existing / available client information by downloading the import spreadsheets provided on the Introduction and Contact Manager Import page. Compile data as indicated on the import sheets, then upload by following the on screen instructions. Be sure to make use of the correct client import sheets to match the client type that you would like to import:   

General Clients Buyers Sellers

Contact the Triway Support Desk for assistance with (bulk) database imports, database integrations or manual upload assistance.

Assign each auto communication campaign that you would like to subscribe the importing client to, by completing the column allocated for each auto communication type, on the client Import Sheets. Manually Capturing Clients After capturing the client‟s personal and contact information, select save to create the client‟s contact screen. Open the client‟s Campaign Manager Screen tab and select the tick box provided for each automated communication type you wish to subscribe the client to.

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Step 5 – White list system email addresses

Educate your Clients!

To ensure that system generated emails reach your inbox (i.e. not get deleted or moved to your Junk Mail folder); add our email address to your accepted senders list.

All email drops sent from the account also requests your recipients to add your email address to their safe senders list - With instructions.

System Updates & Account Notifications Test Emails – Bulk Test System Support Design Support – Orders and Requests

When taking a client‟s email address When taking a new or potential client‟s email address, it is very important to inform your contacts that they will be receiving communication from you. A confirmation email will be sent from your account to confirm their subscription to your database, requesting their confirmation.

How To White list An Email Address? For Outlook 2003 / 2007 To make sure you can see emails as they were intended to be seen (including images), add our email address to your address book and safe sender list. To add our email address to your address book: 1. Right click on the email subject line. 2. Click on Junk Mail 3. Choose "Add Sender To Address Book" / "Safe Senders list" To add our domain to your safe senders list: 1. Right click on a non-displaying image in an HTML email. 2. Choose "Add the domain to the safe sender list" option.

Their subscription will allow you to send them specific information, tailored to their preferences, without the fear of annoying the client. – As long as you always aim to send relevant information. Openly requesting to add client‟s details to your database and asking them to confirm their subscription is the first step to building a relationship with your client, based on trust. Permission Marketing always offers a much higher subscription ratio with a low unsubscribe average then unsolicited blast email campaigns. Better Client Relationship Management, every step of the way!

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When & How Using the E.M.M. Solution Database Management Electronic Marketing revolves around your database of existing, prospect and past clients to whom you should be sending marketing communication. E-Marketing success can only be achieved through maintaining a well rounded database of clients, segmented according to who they are, how and when you met them and what their needs are.

Targeted Communication Market all properties listed to targeted buyers using the pre designed communication templates offered through Targeted Communication. Be sure to copy the sellers on all marketing communication relevant to their property, reinforcing your marketing efforts as their listing agent.

Make your clients feel understood, acknowledged and respected. Knowing your clients enables you to trailer marketing material and corporate communication to their individual needs. Perform targeted mail marketing matching their preferences whilst automatically keeping in touch with your clients on special occasions.

       

Keep your database up to date through maintaining your client‟s contact details, individual preferences & marketing history.

Publish Listings

Update your database on the following occasions:    

After meeting a new client or prospect When a buyer advises of / or update their buying preferences When receiving a new mandate or amending any existing advertising When selling a property, sold either through yourself or the opposition

Marketing Campaign Manager When adding new clients to your database, immediately assign them to the individual automated marketing campaigns you wish them to receive:  Birthday‟s  Christmas (Seasons Greetings)  Valentine‟s Day  Easter  Mother‟s Day  Father‟s Day

Property For Sale Property Just Listed Property Just Sold Price Reduction Show House Invitations Urgent Sale Notifications View By Appointment Properties To Let (Rentals)

Real estate marketing matters that you can broadcast through your email marketing drop may include the following:  Newly acquired listings  Listings placed under contract  Deals recently closed with buyers and sellers

Open Houses You can utilise email marketing to announce show houses, dates and times to prospects and associates. Before Show Days Send show house Invitations to all prospect buyers using the detailed search to allocate targeted recipients. Copy all sellers to reinforce your marketing efforts. It is recommended to send Show house Invitations on Thursday mornings to achieve the highest impact.

14 | P a g e After Show Days Buyers Add newly introduced buyers and their buying preferences received at the show day to your account database. Once a new buyer is listed or an existing buyer updated, capture the property that buyer visited to automatically build up a record of all the properties that buyer has viewed (marketing history).

General Communication Use general communication to introduce and aid client relationship management strategies to your every day marketing methods:

Send relevant “Comparative Market Analysis” regularly

       

Another great help in real estate marketing is a Comparative Market Analysis sent monthly or quarterly to your contacts to help galvanize their interest. It is a great tool in prodding people to follow up on their plans to sell or buy properties.

Agent Introduction – Communication Template

Sellers When capturing the „properties viewed” by buyers, the history of all buyers and their comments will automatically be recorded under the Marketing History on each seller‟s contact screen. Every Monday (after your show day), send each seller a show house feedback report for each property you showed on their behalf containing the feedback received from buyers.

Personalised help In real estate marketing, nothing will inspire trust more than offering somebody free info and help when they need it. You also get the chance to get to know your prospects a lot more closely and have a more personalized connection with them. Avoid being flagged as spam It is very easy for a real estate agent‟s email to be tagged as spam. You have to know which emails are considered acceptable and which are not. Traditional real estate marketing utilises a different style from the regular emails of the marketing world. This technique is called farming. Farming when done through email is already considered spam. Spam or junk email is when bulk emails are sent to many people who would not normally ask to receive them. As an universally unacceptable method of soliciting business, spam should be avoided at all costs.

Agent Introduction Marketing Feedback Report Show House Feedback Report Open Mandate Confirmation Sole Mandate Confirmation Offer to Purchase Press Release Newsletter

When coming into contact with a new client, capture the client into your database and start the conversation by introducing yourself. An agent introduction email template can contain the following information:  Who you are – Agent Profile to tell the client a little more about yourself; like: How long you have been in the industry, why you love property and why you are the perfect agent for them.  Advising what kind of information you will be sending the client.  Thanking the client for providing you with their contact information and choosing you to be their Real Estate Agent, whatever their property requirements.

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Open & Sole Mandate Confirmation

Show House Feedback Report

When receiving an Open or Sole Mandate from a seller, send a graphic mail to the seller with copies of all signed documentation attached. This is a very professional, and not to mention beautiful way of conducting business as usual.

Every Monday you should send a Show House feedback report of every property to every seller that you had a show house for that previous Sunday.

An open or sole mandate confirmation email template can contain the following information:    

Thanking the client for signing with you An overview of the marketing process to follow Tips to prepare their home to be on show Tips to improve the property‟s condition to increase its sales value

Offer to Purchase When signing an offer to purchase with a buyer, send the offer through to your seller and buyer attached to this template. An Offer to purchase mail drop can contain the following information:  An overview of the offer sent and when it was signed  Instructions for what the seller should do with the offer

Marketing Feedback Report Use the Marketing Feedback report template to send your weekly / monthly marketing feedback. This is a very professional looking template to impress your sellers – to be combined or replace your normal marketing feedback routine. Marketing Feedback report can include:  Marketing efforts to date  Price counselling - Recommendations  Tips for assisting in the sale‟s process

Through the content management system available on the marketing front, you can easily transfer the combined information of all the buyers that came through to view each property, what their comments were and what the general opinion is on price. Keeping your sellers up to date regarding all marketing efforts and feedback are the bare essentials for good Client Relationship Management.  Property address, time and date it was on show  Name‟s of potential buyers that came through to view the property and the feedback they delivered  Any incidents that may have occurred at the property whilst it was on show

Press Release & Newsletter It is essential to make your online presence known and engage with your listeners through informative content. Rather than aggressively making a sales pitch in your real estate email marketing newsletter, give them instead interesting information about their locality.     

The latest local news and happenings A bit of interesting history about your area Educational information about town laws and regulations Adjustments in homeowners fees and other charges Competitions, sports activities and cultural event

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Information - Overview The Information Page offers up to date news from Property 24, system notifications and all user manuals. The Information page contains everything you need to know regarding the electronic marketing management system, the tools provided and how to use them.


The Information page is made up by the following user panels, specifically constructed to provide relevant and informative content pertaining to the user account, electronic marketing and the Real Estate Industry.

System Notifications User Interface and account notifications posted by Triway Marketing to inform individual account users of the latest system updates

Property 24 News Feed Automated news feed broadcasting the latest articles published by Property 24.

User Manuals All system manuals are available to be downloaded within the User Manuals panel.

My Computer Information Displaying the computer and browser information used by individual users to access and operate the system.

E-Marketing Training Portal Visit your “go to� e-Marketing training portal, packed with useful marketing & training materials.

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Information Page View The information page offers all E.M.M. system and value added information. We donâ€&#x;t only offer the tools needed for Electronic Marketing Management, but want to train you on how they should be used as well. Be sure to download our E.M.M. Marketing Manual

E-Marketing Training Portal Click through to enter the e-Marketing training portal. Be sure to view the available marketing videos and training material provided.

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System Notifications Please ensure to visit the information page on a regular basis in order to stay on top of the current events and latest system additions made, as we are continuously upgrading the user interface and releasing all updates made through the System Notifications Panel.

Property 24 News Feed Know what is happening within the market. Automated news feed broadcasting the latest articles published by Property 24.

User Manuals All system manuals are available to be downloaded within the User Manuals panel. Be sure to download all user manuals available.

My Computer Information For support purposes, your personal computer‟s software and browser loaded on your computer, used to access the user account, is displayed.

E-Marketing – Training Portal The connected Internet has had a far greater impact on marketing and businesses than the ubiquitous email newsletter and the need for search engine optimisation. Visit our e-Marketing Training Portal to ensure you are at the top of your game.

New to Online Marketing? We offer automated news feeds with the latest e-Marketing trends and „hot of the press‟ articles, published by the leaders of the online marketing world. Find all the essential tutorials covering everything from Social Media, Viral and Email Marketing, to Web PR, Online Reputation and Client Relationship Management tactics and best practices. We have also uploaded some of the best info and training videos we could get our hands on, to better demonstrate the power and drive that comes along with this fast growing online world, and the countless new opportunities presented because of it. With training materials galore, find everything you need to kick start your emarketing appetite with the Triway Electronic Marketing Management Solution. Be sure to visit our Training Portal on a regular basis, as there is always something new!

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Administration Overview The User Administration is designed to create, manage and maintain all agent user accounts connected to the branch admin user interface. Only the branch admin has access to the Administration page tab, allocated within the office user interface. All associated accounts created by the administrator will automatically be compiled with the administratorâ€&#x;s company contact information and mail artwork.

Associated Accounts


All agent users – (associated accounts) created by the admin manager will be listed within the associated accounts panel on the left.

Only available within the branch admin account, Not agent user profiles.

Once a newly created user has logged in to their account for the first time, the account will display as active within the associated accounts panel. User accounts deleted by the admin manager will be displayed underneath the deleted accounts section of the associated accounts panel. Deleted user accounts can be reinstated by the branch administrator.

Existing Associated Accounts Login to any existing associated user account created by the branch administrator, by selecting the Login button. Edit information displayed and save by selecting the update button or delete an existing account by selecting the delete button.

Add New Account Add a new agent user / agent team account by completing the new account details panel on the right, then select "add profile" to save.

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Administration Page View View, Create or Delete Associated user accounts within the Administration page. The overview screen below allows you to add new accounts with the admin managerâ€&#x;s company information already prefilled. Or Select an existing user account to view, edit or delete as demonstrated on the right.

21 | P a g e When the user account is selected, the admin has the option to:

Creating and Managing Associated Accounts Create a new Agent User / Associated Account

  

Create a new associated agent or agent team user account by completing the required information.

Confirm New User Account

Select the Add Profile button to save and create the new user account.

Ensure that the new user account has been fully completed and setup correctly before assigning the username and password to the new agent user.

The Description Enter the description of the account being created. The additional user account will be identified by the description entered. Ex: Lisa & Jarred Sales Team

Login to the new user account

Email Address & Password Enter the email address that the new account will be managed from, along with the desired account password. The email address and password entered will be the account username and password, used by the associated account user to log into their profile. Company Content Information The remaining company details will be defaulted to show administrator‟s company details captured within the profile manager of office user interface. When the company details are updated within administrator‟s profile manager, the amended company details will displayed when creating a new associated user account.

Managing Existing User Accounts Once the account has been created, the description of the newly created account will appear within the associated accounts panel. The account description entered is displayed and used as the link to be selected, in order to view and edit the associated user account.

Update the account Delete the account Login as that account user

Select the user account within the associated user‟s panel, then login in as that user by selecting the login button displayed. Once logged in, the administrator can view and edit the user Profile Manager and Mail settings information. Note: Every associated user account created by the administrator, is automatically complied with all the mail template artwork and mail configuration settings, captured within the administrator‟s user interface.

Deleting Associated User Accounts the the the be

The administrator can delete an associated user account by selecting the delete button when viewing the existing user profile. When deleted, the deleted account will be moved to the deleted accounts section of the associated user‟s panel. If at any point the administrator needs to reinstate the deleted user account, it can be done by selecting the account within the deleted user accounts section and selecting the reinstate button.

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Profile Manager – Overview The profile manager is designed to manage the user account, company details and account user information. All communication templates created via the user interface will automatically be personalised using the information available within the profile manager.

Profile Manager

The profile information is editable at any time. Once edited and saved, the updated information will automatically be displayed on all communication templates created by the communication‟s mail builder. The Profile Manager The profile manager is compiled by the profile and account user‟s panel; together these two sections control publically displayed information.

The Profile   

Thumbnail Image Account Information Company Details

Account Users New and active account users are created and managed via this panel. User information captured will be displayed on communication templates created, according to user account type. Note: Up to 3 users can be allocated per agent user account.

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Profile Manager Page View Admin Account - Profile Manager

Associated User Account - Profile Manager

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The Profile - Explained

 Company Name: Enter your company name

Account Information:

 Company Website: Enter the company website address

The account information is used to log into your user interface.  Email Address: All system notifications will be emailed to this email address, and all mails scheduled to be sent from the system will be sent from this email address. When recipients respond to emails sent, responses will be sent to the account email address captured. Please ensure that the email address used is active and regularly checked.  Password: The account password is editable at any time. All user passwords can be accessed by the admin profile, or retrieved from the user interface login on the Triway Marketing website. – Forgot Password panel.

Company Details: Capture your company details as you would like them to appear on all communication templates. The format data is captured in will be the way data is displayed on communication templates. The company information available on the admin manager‟s profile will automatically be duplicated for all associated profiles created by the administrator. Each associated account user can edit the company details to suite your their own preferences, or leave it as it is to match the office information displayed.

 Branch Name: Enter your Branch name as you would like it to appear.  Branch Website: Enter the branch website address. Note: All website addresses must to be captured with the full http:// address in order for the link to be functional. Ex. The http:// will not be displayed on communication templates, only the site name starting from www. Please be sure to capture an existing link, formatted the way you would like to display the website address. (Ex. Capitalisation) For display purposes, when an extended URL is entered for the branch website, or branch section of the company website, the link will be displayed with the branch name instead of the extended address entered. Branch website address entered: Captured address will display the link as:<branch name captured> Ex: Office

25 | P a g e  Telephone Numbers: All telephone numbers should be captured in uniform, either with the area code or without, to display as neatly as possible. Ex. +27 11 955 12345 / 011 955 12345  Physical Address: The physical address must be captured neatly, line by line, as the address will be displayed on communication templates the way it is captured. Note: Only templates created by the office admin account are personalised with the physical address.

Account Users - Explained Up to three account users can be created per user interface. Each account user captured will automatically be displayed on templates created by the system with full contact information. Create New Account User In order to capture a new account user, complete required user information within the new account user‟s panel on the left, then select the add contact Info button to complete the user addition. Active Account User Display

 Profile Image: Upload the desired thumbnail to be displayed on all electronic communication templates created by the user account.

All active account users will be displayed within the active account user‟s panel on the right. User information can be edited at any time. Once edited and changes are saved, all communication templates will immediately be updated with the amended account user‟s information.

Be sure to upload an image suited to match the account user/ user‟s details – Either an admin thumbnail for the office account or a well presented agent or agent team photo, depending on the account users captured. Only one image can be uploaded per profile to cater for multiple users.

Delete Account Users

Thumbnail Image Display

Admin VS User Account

When communication templates are automatically personalised using the profile image uploaded, a boarder will be added around the image. Note: The width of the image uploaded will automatically be resized to fit the communication template. The height will be adjusted according to the image width. Recommended Image size for upload: Dimensions: 225 x 223 pixels

An account user can easily be removed from the account and all communication templates created, by selecting the delete button displayed below the account user‟s information box.

- Auto Personalisation The admin profile is designed to act as the office profile; therefore the account user capture box is laid out different to that of the agent user account, to capture information required for automated personalisation suited to the account type used.

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Automated Personalisation Overview Using the details captured within the Profile Manager, each communication template created by the system‟s mail builder is automatically personalised using the individual account user‟s information.

Profile Manager‟s

The automated personalisation differs depending on the account type, and the amount of users captured. Automated template personalisation is applied for up to 3 account users. When the information is amended and saved within the Profile Manager, all templates will immediately be updated to display the new company, contact and account user information.

Automated Template Personalisation

Company Details       

Company Name Company Website Branch Name Branch Website Office Number Office Fax Physical Address

Account Users      

Name Surname Email Address Contact Number All My Properties - Link Agent Profile - Link

Automated Personalisation – Account Types    

Office admin Single agent user Two agent user‟s / agent team Three agent user‟s / agent team

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Admin / Office Account – Auto Personalisation

Targeted & General Communication Templates

This admin profile is designed to act as the office profile; therefore the communication templates created with automated personalisation will be displayed differently than that of the agent user accounts. Please view examples to explain how the information on the profile manager is used to automatically personalise communication templates created by the user interface, for the admin account.

Admin Account - Profile Manager

Automated & Special Communication Templates

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Single Agent User – Auto Personalisation

Targeted & General Communication Templates

This single agent, user profile manager only has one account user captured; therefore the communication templates created with automated personalisation will be displayed with only one agent‟s contact details. Please view examples to explain how the information on the profile manager is used to automatically personalise communication templates created by the user interface, for a single user account.

Single User Account – Profile Manager

Automated & Special Communication Templates

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Two agent users – Auto Personalisation

Targeted & General Communication Templates

This agent team, user profile manager has two account users captured; therefore the communication templates created with automated personalisation will be displayed with two agents. Please view examples to explain how the information on the profile manager is used to automatically personalise communication templates created by the user interface, for the team user account.

Two Agents, Userâ€&#x;s Account - Profile Manager

Automated & Special Communication Templates

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Three agent users – Auto Personalisation

Targeted & General Communication Templates

The agent team user profile manager has three account users captured; therefore the communication templates created with automated personalisation will be displayed with three agents. Please view examples to explain how the information on the profile manager is used to automatically personalise communication templates created by the user interface, for the team user account.

Three Agents, Userâ€&#x;s Account - Profile Manager

Automated & Special Communication Templates

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Mail Settings - Overview The Mail Settings page is designed to manage and maintain the finer details of all communication templates generated by the E.M.M. mail builder. Use the mail settings screen to view, upload and delete artwork whilst managing template link information. Changes made on the mail settings page are immediately available on all communication templates.

Mail Settings

Each administration account received comes prefilled with your own corporate template artwork. Each associated account created by the admin account will have the administrationâ€&#x;s mail configuration information, and artwork duplicated. Each account user can customise their own template link and destination page information, personalised to their preference. Each associated account is able to upload additional artwork templates to either an existing communication category / type, or to a newly created type. Additional artwork uploaded is only available on that userâ€&#x;s account that it was uploaded to. The admin account can push header and syndication links captured to display on all associated user profiles. Note: Please view the communication section of the user manual to see how the mail configuration settings are implemented per communication type.

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Mail Settings - Page Tabs

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Mail Settings - Operating Screens Tabs

Mail Artwork – Explained

The Mail Settings page is compiled by the following screen tabs, controlling all finer details of communication templates created via the system:

All the artwork for each communication category and type is available within the mail artwork panel.

1. Mail Artwork Mail Artwork contains all template artwork for each communication category and type. Additional mail artwork header designs and artwork templates can be uploaded via the mail artwork panel. 2. Header Links The Header Links screen tab manages all header links displayed at the top of targeted and general communication templates. Use this panel to add, edit and remove template header links. 3. Syndication Links The Syndication Links screen tab manages both the social media links displayed on communication templates, and the profiles used to syndicate information from your user account. The destination page of the optional Google My Map insert is also captured via the syndication links screen tab.

In order to view specific header and template artwork, select the desired comm. category button, then choose the type via the dropdown list available per category. Select the change button to display the artwork uploaded to the type and category selected. All the artwork templates uploaded for the type chosen will be displayed underneath each other. To view a template in full size, select click to view. Note: If for any reason the template proof does not display, select F5 on your computer‟s keyboard in order to refresh the page. Use the scroll bar available to view all templates.

Upload Additional Artwork & Create New Categories All account users can upload additional communication types to existing communication categories, or just upload additional artwork to existing communication category types available. Additional communication types and artwork uploaded by the account user will only be displayed within that account user‟s interface. Note: When designing and uploading your own artwork, use specified template sizes to ensure smooth functionality. Header Image Size: 638 x 128 pixels Template Design Size: 648 x 817pixels

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Create new types & Upload additional artwork Within Mail Settings, Mail Artwork, you can either upload addition artwork templates to an existing category, or create a new type within the chosen communication category and then upload the artwork for it.

Create custom category Within the mail settings, mail artwork section, select the comm. category to which you would like to add a new type, then select the custom heading to open the custom panel. Create new comm. type Within the Create Custom Category section at the top of the custom panel, enter the name of the additional type that you would like to create. Select the add category button. The additional type created will be added to the drop down selection. When viewed, additional types created can be deleted by selecting the delete button. Note: Be sure to delete incorrect categories created, or categories no longer in use. When deleting a category, all the artwork uploaded within that category will also be deleted.

Upload new or additional artwork templates Upload artwork templates to either existing communication category types available, or to newly created communication types. Upload artwork Select the communication type via the drop down list, then select change to view. Open the custom panel by selecting the show button. Within the Upload Custom Image section of the custom panel, select browse to find and select the template on your computer to be uploaded, then select the upload button. View uploaded artwork Once the artwork has been uploaded to either an available category, or the newly created type, you will be able to view it immediatly within the artwork template section. To view the template in full size, select the click to view button. Note: Up to 5 template designs and 10 template header images can be uploaded to individual artwork sections. Delete uploaded artwork Delete additional artwork uploaded by selecting the red cross next to the click to view option. Once deleted, the template will be removed from the category type and user interface.

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Header Links – Explained The Header Links screen tab is design to manage the top header links displayed on all targeted and general communication templates. Header links entered via the admin manager can be set as the default header links on all associated user accounts created by the admin manager. Edit and customise your own links, personalised to your preference.

Editing Header Links To edit or delete links inserted, select the cross icon to delete, or die edit icon to open the link field. Select save after editing the link. Link Title The link title is the link name displayed on communication templates. Link Description The link description is the description displayed when hovered over using your computer‟s mouse, whilst viewing the template. Link URL – Website address The URL entered is the destination website address of the page you are linking to. (Page to be displayed when the link is selected). Note: The full http:// link must be captured when inserting the URL in order for the link to be functional. The full http:// link is found in the address bar of the destination page. Copy and paste the link, then select save.

Adding Additional Links Add additional links by selecting the Add Header Links panel to open the capturing field and complete the required. Information. Select the add link button to save showing the new header link within the active header links panel. The additional link captured will be displayed on all targeted and general communication templates, below the header image. Note: Too many links captured may cause the header links entered to flow over and display on the second row. Header template links should display neatly within one row, below the header image selected. If this happens, either delete one of the links captured or shorten the link title.

Deleting Header Links Delete header links by selecting the cross icon next to each header title. Once deleted the header will be removed from all Targeted and General Communication templates.

Push Headers to User Accounts The admin manager has the ability to push header links captured within the office administration account, to all associated user accounts, by selecting the push headers button. When selected, the header links captured by the admin will replace all headers captured within the associated accounts connected to the branch admin – Creating a uniform display across the office.

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Syndication Links – Explained The Syndication Links panel is used to capture the destination link (URL), for the required Social Media and Optional Google map sections, automatically inserted on all targeted and general communication templates. Social media links are fixed inserts, so the destination URL must be captured in order to be functional when a client selects the link displayed.

Fixed links  Face book  Twitter Face book and Twitter links are automatically inserted at the top of targeted and general communication templates.

Inserting and Editing Links The admin account‟s syndication links can be displayed by default, on all associated user account created by the admin manager until edited by the individual account user. Select the edit links button to open the link field. Copy and paste the desired website address (URL) into the text field provided, then select the apply changes button. Each account user is encouraged to use their own social media pages used for marketing or only that which is relevant to your corporate marketing strategy.

The every mail‟s online version link will automatically be created by the system when creating the mail drop, and added to display on the template.

Note: The full http:// link must be entered when inserting the URL, in order for the link to be functional. The full http:// link is found in the address bar of the destination website page.

Optional link insert

Push Links to User Accounts

Automated link insert

 Google My Map When the Google My Map is selected to display on targeted and general comm. templates, the link captured will be the destination website address. Note: If you do not make use of the Google My Map facility provided, leave the link open, or replace with a different map by adding the website address of the map displayed containing your properties advertised. Please See the Google My Map user manual section for full explanation.

The admin manager has the ability to push syndication links captured within the office admin account, to all associated user accounts connected to the admin office account by selecting the push links button. This will replace all individual social media links captured, with the office admin links entered. The push links functionality will only affect the social media links captured by associated account users. The Google My Map link entered will remain untouched.

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Campaign Overview The Campaign Overview is designed to provide the account user with a complete overview of events pertaining to your database and mail marketing campaigns. .

The Campaign Overview The campaign overview is made up by the following user panels, each offering a different segment of information pertaining to your account.

Campaign Overview

 User Notifications Announces all notifications made by the office account administrator.  Client Event Notifications Client event notifications panel displays all client Birthdays captured within the database.  Contact Subscriptions The contact subscription panel will notify the account user of all clients manually added, subscribed and unsubscribed from your database.  Scheduled Email Drops The scheduled email drops panel will display all mails scheduled for sending, sectioned by communication category, until sent.  The Calendar The calendar displays a 7-day view of events pertaining to your account, either by default for the current date or the date selected.  Tasks The task panel is used to create specific user tasks, and displays all other tasks created throughout the system.

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Campaign Overview Page View

Associated User Account Campaign Overview of associated user account created by the office admin. Only displaying overview of that agent user‟s campaigns and account information

Admin User Account Campaign Overview of all associated user‟s account and campaign information, as well as that pertaining to the office admin account. – Information displayed specifies from which account the data originated from.

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Campaign Overview – Explained

Client Event Notifications

User Notifications

The client event notifications panel will inform you of events pertaining to contacts and properties captured within the account database. Client Birthdays is currently the only client event listed.

The user notifications panel is used by the office administrator to post messages & updates to all agent account users connected to the office account, through the user notifications panel on the admin campaign overview page. Creating New Notifications The administrator can make use of this facility by typing the message to be shared with all account users, and then selecting the update button to send the post. Viewing Notifications Made The post sent will instantly be available within the User Notifications panel of the campaign overview page on all agent user interfaces. Please be sure to check for user notifications made by the office administrator on a daily basis. Note: Only the latest User Notification made will be displayed.

Client Birthdays All client birth dates captured within the account database is automatically displayed within the client event notification, Birthdays panel. When clients within the database have a birth date captured falling within a 7 day period of either the current day and month, or a date selected by the calendar, the system will automatically notify you of the upcoming and recently passed client birthdays. Note: Birthdays are displayed within a 7-day period of the current date (3 days past, 4 days ahead). View the Client Details of the contact displayed Select the client‟s name displayed within the client event notifications panel, in order to view the client‟s contact screen for full contact and marketing campaign information. Note: If the client is subscribed to the automated birthday communication category, they will automatically be sent the birthday template chosen and approved, on the date of birth captured within the personal details screen of their client contact page.

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Contact Subscriptions

Scheduled Email Drops

The contact subscriptions panel provides an overview of all contact subscription events pertaining to the account database.

The scheduled email drops panel will only display mail drops that are scheduled and waiting to be sent by the system, on the date and time selected to recipients allocated.

Contact Subscription Display You will be notified of all contacts subscribed and manually captured confirming their subscription and clients unsubscribed from the account database, as the event occurs. Contact subscriptions are shown in a 7-day period of the current date, or the date selected via the calendar. (3 days into the past, 4 days ahead).

View Client Details Select the contactâ€&#x;s name in order to view full subscription information within the campaign manager section of the client contact screen.

Subscription History

Scheduled Mail Drop Display Scheduled email drops are displayed according to the communication category created, named by the mail description captured along with the date and time scheduled to be sent. Viewing and Editing Scheduled Email Drops Select the mail drop displayed to open the mail builder screen. View the scheduled mail drop by selecting the show proof button, or make changes at any point by editing any desired field and complete the update by selecting save. Changes made will have an immediate effect. Scheduled mail drops sent and disabled

The history of all clients manually added, subscribed, and unsubscribed are recorded and saved by the system. View the subscription history by selecting the history button available within the contact subscription panel, or the History and Reporting page within the user interface.

Once the scheduled mail drop has been sent or disabled, it will be removed from the scheduled email drops panel, and moved to the communication history page.

When viewing the contact history panel, Select any contactâ€&#x;s name to view full subscription information.

Note: Any mail previously sent can be viewed by selecting the mail within communication history, or reschedule to be sent again.

Note: View the automated subscribe and unsubscribe section of the user manual for full functionality explanation.

The communication history can be viewed by selecting the history button.

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Scheduled Automated Communication

The Calendar

The automated communication section will show all automated email drops scheduled to be sent.

Use the calendar to select any date, month and year (future or past), to view the information relating to the date selected within the panels of the campaign overview.

Auto Communication Display Only once the auto communication types are enabled and the template approved, will the category be active to send scheduled email drops to subscribed contacts. When an automated drop is scheduled to be sent, it will be displayed within the auto communication section of the scheduled email drops panel. Auto Communication Settings An Enabled or Disabled link will be highlighted and shown next to each automated communication category within the scheduled email drops panel, to indicate whether that category is active or disabled. Select the enabled or disabled link to go straight to the mail drop category chosen, or select the settings button to display all automated communication categories, in order to amend the mail drop settings. View and edit settings for automated communication drops To enable or disable any auto comm. mail drop, select the enabled tick box or leave it blank. Change the mail template, date or time selected to be sent, and edit the recipient list at any time. Changes made will have an immediate effect. Note: View the auto communication section of the user manual for full functionality information.

The calendar displays information within a 7-day view, either by default for the current date, or the date selected. (3 days past, 4 days ahead). Information displayed includes:    

System & User Notifications Contact Subscriptions Scheduled Email Drops Tasks

Tasks The task panel of the campaign overview page displays all tasks created within client‟s contact screens. The task panel can also be used to create additional user tasks or scheduled appointments. Create a new task To create a new user task, type the task within the text field provided, then select the add task button. All tasks created can be marked as completed with a completion date. Task Display All tasks created within the user interface are displayed until completed. Tasks completed will be displayed only within the current month of completion, where uncompleted tasks will be displayed until completed.

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Database Management - Overview The data management system is made up by various sections to deliver an automated database management facility, designed for your everyday use as a Real Estate agent

Contact Manager

Database Management Contact Manager Property Manager Detailed Search - Matching Client Details Data Management – Importing & Exporting Automated Subscribe & Unsubscribe Processes

The cantact manager page is designed to show a complete overview of clients captured within your database, automatically segmented by client category and marketing status. The top navigation offers:      

Create New Contact Detailed Search Unsubscribe Client Import Clients Export Clients Quick Search A – Z

Property Manager The property manager page is designed to show a compelte overview of all properties captured, segmented by the marketing status of the properties captured within the account database. Nagigation offers:    

Detailed search Quick Search A – Z Viewing property details Find suitable buyers for properties listed. Client compatability search

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Database Management – Explained

Automated Database Segmentation

Analysts, experts and others often moan that many marketers still follow the blast approach to email marketing: send the same email to everyone.

Clients Subscribed and Confirmed Client subscribed or manually added and imported.

The alternative is to get into the habit of targeting and segmentation. This is done by sending spesific information to targeted clients within your database. You segment your list (pick out parts of that list that share some common characteristic) and then target them with a specific email.

Clients Unsubscribed Clients unsubscribing themselves from your database via the unsubscribe link, or manually being unsubscribed.


Sending unique messages to targeted recipients implies you're sending messages that are more appropriate and relevant to allocated recipients.

Buyers with individual buying preferences. Segmented between:

Automated Database Management The database management system comes complete with automated subscribe and unsubscribe functionality and a complete history of individual client interaction. All data captured within the database is automatically segmented based on general marketing and business management practices defined by the Real Estate Industry, and searchable accordingly.

  

Sellers All sellers with their individual property information – Having the property details available enables you to easily select a property to display on your template without having to capture it.

Database sharing The database of each user is available within the branch - admin user interface. Each associated account user only has access to the data captured within their own user interface. Data can be exported at any time. The administrator has the ability to send out communication to the “branch” database, compiled by the individual associated account users.

Duplicate Client Contact Prevention Only one original email address can be captured within the database. When importing or capturing duplicate clients, the system will notify the account user that the client has already been captured, and offer to amend the existing client‟s details. Note: An additional safety feature has been added, preventing a client from being allocated to a mail drop more than once, or allocated if unsubscribed.

Active - Looking to purchase Expired – No longer in the marked to buy Bought – Your past clients and their properties bought

Segmented between:     

For Sale – Properties of sellers that you are currently marketing. Valuations –Properties valuated and awaiting the mandate. Expired – Mandates that have expired. Sold – Past sellers and their properties that have been sold. Opposition Stock – Sellers and properties currently listed with opposition companies.

General Contacts General Contacts are all industry or business associates, transferring attorneys, family and friends that you can keep on your database, for communication purposes.

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Contact Manager – Overview The Contact Manager provides a record of all active, potential or past clients. The contact manager also allows capturing complete lists of all the residents residing within Complex‟s / Estates or general areas, whilst maintaining specific buying preferences and property specifications for targeted mail allocation.

Contact Manager

    

Buyers Sellers Valuations Past Clients General Contacts

The database management system displays clients based on the information captured with that contact. Therefore if active buying preferences are captured with a contact, the client will be displayed as an active buyer.

Viewing Existing Client Details Select to view a client‟s details captured by clicking on the contact‟s name highlighted. That will open the contact screen for the selected client. Client Contact Display When selecting a client, the client‟s contact screen will open displaying the following information: Note: Any client captured can be both a buyer and a seller with multiple buying  Personal Details preferences and properties captured.  Property Details The client‟s information will be displayed  Buying Preferences based on the marketing status of the  Marketing History details captured.  Campaign Manager  Tasks

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Contact Manager Client Contact Screen The client contact screen is made up by the following screen tabs.      

Personal Profile Property Details Buying Preferences Marketing Campaign Manager Tasks

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Capture a New Client / Contact

Client Contact Screen - Overview

Step One

The client contact screen is made up by the following page tabs, select the page tab to view and edit information captured:

Create New Contact Button Select the Create New contact button, located at the top of the Contact Manager page. The create new contact button will open the capture a contact screen.

Step Two Capture Personal Details Complete the required Personal and Contact information of the client contact that you wish to capture. Be sure to add as much information as possible. Capture Client Type Select the client type from the capturing list:  General  Buyer  Seller Depending on the client type selected, complete the required fields of the client‟s property details, buying preferences or general type.

Personal Details The Personal Details tab contains the personal and contact information of this client. The contact overview will provide an overview of the amount of properties or buying preferences captured for this client, defining the client type.

Client Contact Screen Explained: 

The Property Details tab contains the client‟s property information. If the client has properties captured, the contact will be displayed as a seller. 

Buying Preferences The Buying Preferences tab contains the buying preferences of the client. If the client has buying preferences captured, the contact will be displayed as a buyer.

Marketing History The Marketing History tab contains all the properties that the client might have viewed as a buyer, or all the buyers that have viewed the client‟s properties captured, if the client is a seller.

Step Three Create Contact After completing the client type and full contact information, select the Create Contact button to save the client details and display the Client Contact Screen.

Property Details

Campaign Manager The Campaign Manager tab contains the client‟s database and marketing campaign subscription information.

Tasks The tasks tab is used to capture specific tasks to be completed.

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Property Details - Explained

Capture the General information, Primary and Secondary features of the property.

Multiple properties can be captured per client contact.  

All properties currently owned by the client are displayed on the left- Current Properties. Properties sold by the client will be displayed on the right – Sold Properties.

Capture New Property Select the capture new property button to open the “capture a new property screen”. Complete the required fields:  General  Primary Features  Secondary Features  Advertising Details  Marketing Details

The General Information captures the physical address, where Primary and Secondary features describe the property details and marketing features. Capture required information Please complete as information as possible.


When all the property specifications of a seller and the buying preferences of a buyer have fully been completed, it is then possible to match the property details of the seller with the buying preferences of a potential buyer. Note: All the required fields are marked with a red star: *. These areas must be captured before the page can be saved. Map View The show on map button feature will display the address captured on a Google map.

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Capture the Advertising Details


Multiple properties can be captured per client contact.

Enter an ad heading that will match the property advert of the description entered. The heading captured will automatically be displayed using capital letters on the mail proof.

Note: The Advertising Details captured in the property details panel will display on communication templates when selected. Be sure to capture the desired advert as it should be displayed when allocating the property to a mail template. Property Image: The default property image folder will be displayed until the image of the property is uploaded.

Description: Enter the advert text to match the property ad used on other marketing materials. Please spell check text captured before saving the property advert. Web Ref:

Add the property image by browsing and selecting the .jpg image file from your computer.

Enter the web ref of the property advertised on your office/ company website. EX. 123456

- Only upload small images. The image can be changed at any time by browsing and selecting a different image.

Web Link:

Image Link for Google My Map When uploaded successfully, the image link will be displayed below the property image uploaded. This is the link that should be copied and pasted into the image link field when capturing your property on a Google My Map. The image link is used to display your property‟s image on the Google my map so that it can be publically viewable on the map that can be inserted into your templates.

Enter the web link (full http:// website address) of the page on your office/ company website where the property is currently being displayed. This link will be displayed below the property as “click here for more information” when allocated to display on a mail drop. When the web link is left empty, the Click Here button will not be displayed on the mail drop. Find the Web Link Located the link by browsing for the property on your company website using the web ref no, then copy and paste the http:// address link on the page address, within the field provided, in order to link back to your company website where this property is being displayed. Note: The web link is used to drive recipients to your company website in order to view the rest of the images and property information available. We strongly recommend ensuring that the information available on the mail marketing advert reflects the information captured on the website. If the property has not been captured on your website – please do so as soon as possible in order to make use of this link.

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Complete the Marketing Information Marketing Status For Sale Property actively being marketed by either yourself or an opposition company.- To be displayed as an active property.

Date Listed: Enter the date that the property was listed on, or the date the valuation was made depending on your marketing status.

Listing Price: Enter the price that the property was listed at when taking the mandate.

Marketing Price: Enter the price that the property is currently being marketed at – This price is due to change.

Valuation Valuated property awaiting the mandate. - To be displayed as valuation property.

Expired Mandate on property has expired. - To be displayed as Past Seller – Expired.

Sold Property sold by seller. - To be displayed as Past Seller – Sold Properties.

Opposition Stock Sellers and properties currently listed with opposition companies. - To be displayed as Opposition Properties.

Listing Company: The listing company is the marketing company that this property is listed by. When capturing opposition stock, enter the opposition‟s company name, or enter your own if you have listed the property. Searches can be done based on the listing company.

Note: The Listing Price will act as the Max Price when searching for compatible buyers, (highest price in the marketing process), and the Marketing Price will be used as the Min Price, (lowest price in the marketing process).

Mandate Type: Capture the mandate type of the property.   

None Sole Open

Mandate Expiration Date: Enter the Expiration Date of the Mandate. The Mandate period usually falls between a 30, 60 or 90 day marketing period. Note: 7 Days before the property expiration date, the account user will be notified via the campaign overview – system notifications panel to extend the mandate‟s expiration date. When expiration date is reached, the marketing status of the property will turn too expired.

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When listing a property as

Transaction Date: Enter the date on which the Offer to Purchase was signed and accepted.


Registration Date: Enter the registration date and transfer of ownership.

When changing the Marketing Status to Sold, the following will apply: Once the sold status has been selected, the bought details panel will be displayed. Capture the bought details and save changes made. Once the property has been saved with a Sold status, the property will be displayed as Sold, and the Seller will be listed as a past client.

Capture details: Select Buyer: Select the buyer contact from your database that bought the property now listed as Sold. Note: Both the buyer along with buying preference and the seller with property details must be captured on the system in order to link them together and build a transaction history.

Final Transaction Price: Enter the price the property was sold at. Law Firm: Enter the name of the law firm used / transferring attorneys.

Select Save: When the bought details have been captured and saved, the property will be listed as sold and displayed as a sold property on the sellerâ€&#x;s property details screen tab. The active buying preference of the buyer who has bought the property will automatically be turned to bought, and displayed under the properties bought panel, within the buyerâ€&#x;s buying preferences screen tab.

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Buying Preferences - Explained

Marketing Status:

Multiple buying preferences can be captured per client contact.


 

All current / active buying preferences are displayed on the left. - Current Buying Preferences. Properties bought by the client will be displayed on the right –Properties Bought.

Capture New Preference To capture a new buying preference, select the Capture New Buying Preference button. Complete the new details in order to create the buying preference.   

General Primary Features Secondary Features

The General Information captures the physical location, and Primary & Secondary features describe the property details that the potential buyer is looking to purchase. Note: Please complete as much information as possible in order to match the property details of the seller with the buying preferences of a potential buyer.

Active buying preference of buyer actively looking to purchase - Displayed as an active buyer.

Expired Buyer no longer looking to purchase or has bought through a different agent. - Displayed as past buyer – Expired.

Bought Buyer that has bought. The buying status can manually be changed to bought, if bought through a different agency or automatically once the buyer has been allocated with a property bought. - Displayed as past buyer – Bought 

City and Suburb Capture the City and Suburb that the buyer is looking to purchase in.

Price Ranges Capture the min and max price that the buyer is able to afford or willing to pay for a property. NB: Only enter the figure, without spaces, comma‟s or Rand value. The system will format the price entered upon save. Note: The Listing Price of properties listed is the Max Price when searching for compatible buyers, and the Marketing Price of properties listed is the Min Price to match prospective buying preferences.

Primary and Secondary Features Capture the primary and secondary feature to define the property specifications that the buyer is looking to purchase.

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Marketing History - Explained

Date Visited: Capture the date on which the buyer visited the property selected.

Any Client can be a buyer or a seller at any particular time, but in most instances, a client captured will be either a buyer or a seller.

General Feedback: Capture the general feedback received from the buyer regarding their thoughts on the property viewed.

The marketing history page tab has been designed to capture and review the marketing history of each client type. Viewed depending on whether they are listed as a buyer, a seller, or both. Scenario Example 


The left column displays properties visited if the client is a buyer. 

Price Comment: Capture the feedback received from the buyer, regarding the selling price of the property viewed. This will automatically record the history of all the properties that this client has viewed, along with commentary and date visited.

Selecting Properties Visited: When a property that has been viewed is selected and saved, the information of the buyer who visited the property will automatically be captured on the sellers marketing history screen as visits received.


Seller receiving visits The right column displays visits received by buyers if the client is captured as a seller, with visits received on properties listed.

Buyer viewing properties Property Address: When a buyer has viewed a property, select the property visited from the dropdown list displaying all active (for sale) properties captured within your account database.

All the buyers captured as having viewed a property, will automatically create a complete history of all the visits received for that property on the sellerâ€&#x;s marketing history page. The date and commentary entered on the buyers marketing history screen will be displayed on the sellers marketing history screen tab under visits received. Every visit received is captured with a link to view the buyer who visited the property and visa versa.

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Campaign Manager - Explained The campaign manager controls and records the subscription information for that client contact. The campaign manager screen tab is made up by two sections:

 Client Opt – In Subscription When a client is added to your database, a confirmation email will be sent to that client‟s email address captured, informing them of the subscription. The client will be requested to confirm their subscription by selecting the link available within the confirmation email sent. Once confirmed, the client will be subscribed via a double opt-in subscription. Dear [contact name],

Electronic Marketing Campaign Overview You have successfully been added to our database. Select which auto category you wish this client to be subscribed to, by selecting the tick box for that type. When the communication category is selected, that client will be subscribed to the selected auto communication category. Only recipients that have been subscribed to receive automated marketing drops via their electronic marketing campaign overview panel can be allocated to receive that communication drop, on the time and date selected, through the automated communication category‟s page.

Client Subscription Details When a client is captured, subscribed, or imported to your database, the date captured is automatically recorded and saved.

We respect your privacy; therefore we shall not share your contact information with any third party company, and undertake to only send relevant & informative content. In order to confirm your subscription, please click here: <Confirm my Subscription link> For more information, please <contact us>! Thank you very much.

Note: Confirming client subscriptions to your database via double opt in subscriptions, white lists your email address in the client‟s address book. When the client has confirmed the subscription, it is unlikely that your email will be caught by the client‟s spam filters, as your email address has been white listed.  Client Opt - Out subscription When the client unsubscribe from your database via selecting the unsubscribe link, available on all mail drops, or when the client is manually unsubscribed by yourself, the unsubscribe date is recorded and saved.

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Tasks – Explained

Tasks captured will also be shown within the following sections of the user interface:

Tasks can be captured via the tasks panel, within the client contact screen.

Capturing New Tasks

Campaign Overview - Additional task panel

Enter the task or appointment that you would like to capture for this client contact. Once captured the task will be shown within the pending tasks panel, until completed.

When tasks are added via the client task panel, it will also be shown within the campaign overview.

To complete a task, select the completion link provided. Once completed, the task will be moved to the completed tasks panel. The date the task was completed will be saved. The history of captured and completed tasks will automatically be recorded within the client‟s task screen tab, of the client‟s contact screen.

The task panel displays all tasks created within the client‟s contact screens, and can also be used to create additional user tasks. Complete a task created by selecting the “complete” link. When completed the completion date will be shown. Note: Tasks completed will be displayed only within the current month of completion, where uncompleted tasks will be displayed until completed. Marketing History – Additional task panel All tasks created will also be shown within the Marketing History page, of the client contact screen of the contact the task was created for. Tasks captured can also be completed within this panel, but new tasks cannot be allocated.

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Client Compatibility Searches Use your database management system to search for compatible clients – effortlessly.

How to find compatible clients? The property specifications of sellers are aligned with the buying preferences of buyers captured within the database in order to search for compatible clients, using the following information: City | Suburb | Price Range Find Buyer Button All active (for sale) properties captured within the database are displayed on the Property Manager page. The Find Buyer button is displayed on the Property Manager page, and on the Property Details page tab of the seller‟s contact screen. Find Seller Button The Find Seller button is displayed on the Buying Preferences screen tab of the buyer‟s contact screen.

Search for Compatible Clients Select either the find seller or find buyer button in order to search for compatible clients that will suite each other‟s specifications. The search results will display all compatible clients found, if any, captured within the database of that user account.

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Property Manager - Explained The Property Manager is designed to provide an overview of properties captured on the property page tab of all client contact details. The property manager creates a complete online record of all properties captured, along with marketing status and an overview of complexes. Property Manager

Property Manager

Properties are displayed within the property manager according to the marketing status captured within the property details screen. Property Display All properties captured within the system will be displayed by default when entering the Property Details screen. To view a specific property category, ex: Active Properties or Opposition stock, select the category, then all properties relevant to the category chosen will be displayed. Information Displayed     

Street / Complex Name City Suburb Property Status Seller assigned as currently owning the property.

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Property Manager - View Property Screen The property manager page will display all properties captured within the account database, segmented according to the marketing status allocated to each property.     

Active / For Sale Properties Valuation Properties Sold Properties Opposition Stock Complex / Estates

Property Allocation The advertising details captured along with each property will be used (pulled through) to display on Targeted and General Communication templates when allocating a property through the database.

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Property Marketing Status - Explained

Viewing Property Information

Active Properties Property Marketing Status: For Sale Properties actively being marketed by yourself through your listing company.

When viewing all properties displayed, or viewing a particular category, select the view button to view the property details of a specific property

Valuation Properties Property Marketing Status: Valuation Properties valuated by you, awaiting the mandate in order to list the property as for sale.

Sold Properties Property Marketing Status: Sold Property sold by seller and bought by buyer captured on the system.

Opposition Stock Property Marketing Status: Opposition Stock Sellers and properties listed with opposition companies captured within the listing company field of the property details screen.

Complexâ€&#x;s Estates No Marketing Status – Data entry only All complexâ€&#x;s / estates captured along with the address within the property details page, will be displayed.

Search for Compatible Buyers All active properties captured are displayed with the option of finding suitable buyers that has matching purchasing preferences as the property specifications of that property being marketed. Select the find buyer button to search for compatible buyers captured within your account database. The search results will display all compatible clients found, if any, captured within the database of that user account.

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Detailed Search Overview The detailed search is found at the top navigation of the Contact and Property Manager Screens. The detailed search is designed for auto database segmentation, based on the search criteria entered.

Two purposes:

Detailed Search

Targeted Client & Property Searches The detailed search panel is used when searching for any specific client, property or client / property combination searches. Combination searches can be done by entering multiple search criteria. Note: All search results are exportable

Recipient Allocation The detailed search is also used when allocating recipients to a mail drop. Using specific, general or combination search functionality, you are able to select targeted recipients in order to provide relevant information by only selecting relevant clients, to receive selected marketing campaigns and communication materials. Note: When advertising a property within a specific price range and located within a specific area, we encourage our users to only allocate buyers searching within the same price range and area advertised. No Spam Policy.

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Client and Targeted Search Client and Targeted searches are performed by entering the desired search criteria, then selecting the search button in order to display search results. The detailed search is used to search for specific clients, or combined searches by entering multiple search criteria across different client categories, being as general or as targeted as desired. Targeted searches are based on the quality and quantity of the information captured with each client contact. The more information captured the better and more precise a search can be preformed to identify a targeted group of contacts, based on their individual preferences.

Exporting search results The export button is only available when a search has been completed, displaying the search results. All search results delivered can be exported to an excel spreadsheet to be saved and printed if required.

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Data Management Overview It is essential to have all your client and property information available on the system, in order to select properties to be displayed on communication templates, whilst allocating targeted recipients. Time efficient & targeted mail marketing. Triway Marketing maintains a strong ANTI-SPAM policy; therefore we encourage targeted mail marketing by allowing a user to capture specific buying preferences in order to match that of the property specifications advertised.

Data Management

Data Management Manually capturing clients / contacts and properties Any client can be manually captured with full buying preferences for a buyer, or complete property details for a seller. Any client can be changed to a buyer, seller, or valuation at any time by adjusting the marketing status. Manually importing clients and properties – Batch Imports Users are able to import clients and properties using our import spreadsheet available on the system.   

General Contact Upload – Excel sheet Buyer Contact Upload – Excel sheet Seller Contact Upload – Excel sheet Any existing information can be exported from outlook or taken from any electronic capturing system currently in use, and imported using the importer, to be available within your database management system.

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Importing Client Details Clients, General Contacts and Properties can be manually imported via the import sheets provided when selecting Import Contacts on the contact manager page.

Note: Required fields are indicated within the columns provided. Please see the tool tips within each column of the import sheet by hovering over the heading cells, explaining content and format to be captured.

Step Three 3. Upload Template

Contact Manager

Upload the compiled template by browsing and selecting the saved document on your computer.

Step One

If an error occurs whilst trying to upload the spreadsheet, confirm the following information:

1. Choose your template Download the import sheet suited to the client category you wish to import. To download, choose the template, select “save” or open then save” and save the file on your computer without changing the name of the excel sheet.

Step Two 2. Complete Contacts Compile the spreadsheets with all the contact‟s information that you wish to import. Be sure not to delete any columns or change column names, as that may affect the readability of the import sheet when trying to import. Save your data on the spreadsheet without changing the import sheets name or any of the columns whilst ensuring that all required fields have been completed.

   

All required fields have been completed. None of the column names have been changed. The file was saved as a 2003 / 2007 excel file. The name of the import sheet has not changed.

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Information Validation

Duplicate Contacts

Once the import sheet has been uploaded, your information will be validated before importing the final contact lists.

The up loader will notify you of any duplicate contacts uploaded, or already captured within your database.

All contacts imported will be displayed within editable fields.

No contacts will be duplicated

Use the scroll bar to scroll through contacts uploaded, confirm uploaded information captured, edit data if necessary or unselects contacts in order to exclude them from the import.

Each contact captured is identified by their email address. When more than one client is uploaded with the same email address, or a contact with that email address has already been captured, the client will be flagged as a duplicate contact- Displayed in a separate panel and highlighted accordingly. You then have the ability to edit duplicated information, or unselect the contact from being imported. If duplicated information is confirmed and allowed, the contact that has already been captured within your database will be updated with the new information being imported. EX. If the same seller has been captured with a different property and telephone number as captured within the database, the additional property will be added and the telephone number updated, without duplicating the contact. Complete Import After validating the information to be imported, select complete import to upload the final contacts. The client information will immediately be available within your database.

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Automated Responses - Overview Automated database management

Subscribe & Unsubscribe Automated Processes Manually captured / imported Client Subscribe process Client Unsubscribe process

We have taken great care to ensure that the proper database management processes are in place in order to allow for double opt in subscription and one click unsubscribe functionality, essential for database management, following permission based marketing. When clients interact with your database, automated responses are sent from your user account, customised with your contact information and personalised to the individual client. View the generic examples of the automated emails that will be sent from your user account to the contacts captured within the account database, upon the following scenarios: Please view the processes for:    

Manually capturing clients to your database Clients selecting the subscribe button Clients selecting the unsubscribe button Manually Unsubscribing clients

Never underestimate the unsubscribe link. Although it is what it is – in many cases a lost client – you can reinforce your way of thinking and make the most out of your unsubscribe. You need an unsubscribe link because:     

You want to be polite to your clients You want to comply with the CAN-SPAM act You want to remain in good terms with your past clients You want to keep your list clean mailing list You don‟t want more bad feedback from clients who have left your service

65 | P a g e Opt-In - Permission Email Marketing

Non-Permission Email's - Two Traps

Opt-in" is another name for permission email marketing, but even that has two levels:

1. When you send out email blasts to an opt-out audience, you are sending to email addresses that may no longer exist or block your messages.

"Single opt-in": The recipient gets added automatically to a list after completing a Web opt-in form, making personal contact, emailing a request, etc.

"Double opt-in" or "confirmed opt-in": The recipient requests a subscription, which generates an automated email message to which he must reply or click a link to confirm the subscription and be added to the list.

Evidence has shown that permission-based email lists deliver better results and generate fewer unsubscribe, spam complaints and blocks: Findings from IMT Strategies (2001) reveal the importance of permissionbased over unsolicited emails. Seventy-six percent of consumers will delete an unsolicited email without even reading it, compared to 2% for a permission email. Conversely, only 5% of consumers are eager or curious to read an unsolicited email as opposed to 61% with permission email.

Permission and Unsolicited Emails



Curious to read it



Eager to read it






Open it "Somewhat annoyed



Delete it without reading it



Source: IMT Strategies 2001

Address churn on a typical email list is 20% to 30% a year on average. So, if a list is two years old, more than half of the addresses likely have gone bad. If you're not the one who collected the addresses, you have no connection with the address owners, and they have no motivation to keep you up to date. 2. Opt-out can get you blacklisted, when sending to undeliverable addresses. Spam-reporting services often create specific email addresses and add them to mailing lists just to see who grabs them up and spasm them. Then, they report those email senders to blacklists or file spam complaints.

What does this mean? As a marketer, it‟s your job to instill and uphold the trust of your audience. It could be through great content, but mostly it‟s through respect. Honor the expectations you set and always yield the option for someone to opt-out. This is the other side of the coin with permission marketing. With a respectful and clever follow-up sequence, you can slowly, but surely collect more details on your prospects and customers and deliver them more personalized and relevant content. With permission-based marketing where the message is specific and relevant to each person, you are able to increase conversions and do it proudly knowing that every person wants to receive your marketing.

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Client manually captured / imported – Explained

Email to Client - Request Confirmation Selected

Clients captured or uploaded via the importer will automatically receive a confirmation email to inform them that they have been added to your database.

Dear [contact name],

Select the request confirmation box to add a confirmation link to this notification email sent to the client, in order to confirm their subscription. (Double opt-in subscribe) If a client has not confirmed their subscription to your database, they will be added to the account database as subscribed contacts, but unconfirmed.

E.M.M. Auto Responders

You have successfully been added to our database. We respect your privacy; therefore we shall not share your contact information with any third party company, and undertake to only send relevant & informative content. In order to confirm your subscription, please click here: <Confirm my Subscription> For more information, please <contact us>! Thank you very much.

Email to Client - Request Confirmation NOT Selected Kind Regards Dear [contact name],

<Account User /„s Contact Details>

You have successfully been added to our database.

To unsubscribe from our database, please click here: <unsubscribe link>

We respect your privacy; therefore we shall not share your contact information with any third party company, and undertake to only send relevant & informative content.

Client Online Message - Subscription link selected

For more information, please <contact us>! Thank you very much.

When the link within the mail is clicked, the client will be show the following online message. SUBSCRIPTION CONFIRMATION You have successfully subscribed to our communication database.

Kind Regards <Account User Contact Details> To unsubscribe from our database, please click here: <unsubscribe link>

If you would like to receive communication is a different way or perhaps only specific communication, please be so kind and contact us with your request. Thank you very much.

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Client SUBSCRIBE process – Explained

Email to Account User – Subscription Confirmation

Each mail sent out has a Forward to a Friend button imbedded in the mail footer. If that mail is forwarded to a potential without you having sent the mail, the client has the option of subscribing to your database via the subscribe button located at the bottom of the mail.

When completed the online subscription form, the client will be subscribed to the account database from which the email was sent, that they selected the subscribe link on. The account user will automatically be notified. Dear [user name], The following client has successfully been confirmed and subscribed to your communication database:

Online Subscription Form When the subscribe link is selected, an online subscription form will be displayed requesting the client to complete the required fields. The Double Opt-In marketing practice is automated for subscribing contacts through the subscription confirmation email sent upon submission.

Created: date entered | Confirmed: date confirmed Client Name: client name Client Surname: client surname Client Email: client email address Mobile Number: mobile number captured Date of Birth: date entered / not specified Client Interested in: buying or selling captured

Subscription Confirmation Comments: Any comments entered by the client Dear [contact name], You have requested to be subscribed to our database in order to receive communication from us. To confirm your subscription, please click on the following link: <Confirm my Subscription> Thank you very much. Kind Regards

<Account User Contact Details> To unsubscribe from our database, please click here: <unsubscribe link>

This client has been subscribed to your automated communication, and will be allocated to targeted communication when selected. You will also be able to send specific, general communication. Please be sure to contact the client in order to complete their communication preference within your database. Kind Regards TRIWAY MARKETING

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Client UNSUBSCRIBE Process – Explained

User manually UNSUBSCRIBING a client - Explained

Every email sent from the user account contains a unsubscribe link at the bottom of the mail for clients to unsubscribe themselves.

The account user has the ability to manually unsubscribe a client from their database.

Online Unsubscribe Form

On the Contact Manager page, select the unsubscribe contact button, and then enter the email address of the client that you wish to unsubscribe. Once successfully submitted you will be shown confirmation, and the unsubscribe confirmation email will be sent to the account email address.

When the unsubscribe link is selected, the online unsubscribe form is displayed requesting the client to enter his email address in order to unsubscribed. The email address entered will be used to unsubscribe the contact captured within your database connected to that email address. No confirmation email will be sent to a client that has unsubscribed – Only the online confirmation will be shown upon submission. Note: If a client has already been unsubscribed, they will be shown an online message informing them that they have already been unsubscribed.

Email to Account User –Unsubscribe Notification

Manual Unsubscribe Form

When unsubscribing a client that has already been unsubscribed either by the client or by yourself, you will be notified upon submission by the message displayed when entering an already unsubscribed client‟s email address. If the client has not yet been unsubscribed, the following confirmation email will be sent to the client that you have manually unsubscribed:

Dear [user name],

Email to Client – Unsubscribe Confirmation

The following client has successfully been unsubscribed from your communication database.

Dear [contact name],

Client Name: client name Client Email: client email Date: date unsubscribed This client will remain available within your database, but will be unsubscribed from all communication categories. Kind Regards TRIWAY MARKETING

You have successfully been unsubscribed from our database, as you have informed us that you no longer wish to receive communication from us. For more information, please <contact us>! Thank you very much. Kind Regards <Account User Contact Details>

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Communication‟s Overview The Communications section is designed to create and manage all communication templates using the custom designed mail builder, and sent via the Triway sending platform. Electronic Communication and Email Marketing


We offer four communication categories designed to extend your marketing potential and communications reach. Each communication category is designed for a different purpose, split into specific types and designed accordingly. The four communication categories offered are:

Targeted Mail Marketing General Electronic Communications

Mail Marketing – Property Advertising 

General Communication Professional Communication & Information Distribution

Special Communication – Design to HTML Converter Automated Communication

Targeted Communication

Special Communication Bridging Offline Marketing and Online Advertising

 Targeted Recipient Allocation Template Printing Social Media Marketing

Automated Communication Client Relationship Management - Brand Awareness

When selecting the communication screen, all active communication drops compiled through all communication categories will be displayed. You are able to select any communication drop via the title link, open it and view or edit the template. Once a communication drop has been disabled or sent, it will be removed from this screen and placed within the communication history section.

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Communications Page View The Communications over page displays an overview of all communication categories. When selecting the communication screen, all active communication drops compiled through any of the 4 communication categories will be displayed. You are able to select any communication drop via the title link, open it to view, edit, schedule or disable. Once a communication drop has been disabled or sent, it will be removed from the active communication drops panel and moved to the Communication History Page.

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Targeted Communication - Overview Targeted Communication Targeted Communication is designed specifically for Mail Marketing to promote property sales. –Property Advertising to potential buyers and reinforcing marketing efforts for sellers. Template Creation:

Targeted Communication

Template Options Available:

Targeted communications templates Targeted Communication can have are automatically structured to up to 10 template header image options per type, allowing for creative display the following information: freedom on pre-designed templates.

Template Header:    

Social Media Links Option to view online version Template Header Image Template Header Links

Template Body Inserts:  Mail Message  1 – 12 Property Display  Google My Map

Template Footer:     

1 – 3 Agent contact display Office & Website display Subscribe button Unsubscribe button Forward to a friend button

Targeted Template Types:        

For Sale Just Listed Just Sold Price Reduction Show House Invitations Urgent Sale View By Appointment To Let (Rentals)

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Targeted Communication Create targeted communication templates by selecting the targeted communication category, then communication type. Customise template, allocate recipients then approve for sending in order to schedule the drop.

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Template Creation - Explained Fixed Social Media Links Links destination inserted within Mail Settings – Syndication Links Interchangeable Template Header Design Template Options viewable within Mail Setting – Mail Artwork Template Header Links Link destination inserted within Mail Settings – Header Links Mail Heading Fixed background strip inserted for mail heading display Optional Recipient Personalisation Editable salutation to personalise template Mail Message Optional mail message insert Property Image Property image uploaded within property allocation Property Advert Property advert inserted within property allocation Automated Heading Insert Heading inserted depending on admin or user account Automated Agent or Office Personalisation Information automatically inserted, captured in the Profile Manager Branch and Company Contact Details Information automatically inserted, captured in the Profile Manager Fixed Subscribe and Unsubscribe Link Inserts Automated link inserts upon template creation

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Creating a new Mail Drop - Explained

The Mail Builder Page – Explained

On the Communication‟s page, select the targeted communication category image at the top of the page in order to view the create mail box for targeted communication below:

The mail builder is made up by four sections designed to open and close to simplify the screen layout.

Step One 1. Choose Mail Type: Select the mail drop type drop down list to select the type of targeted communication you wish to create.

Step Two

To view one of the sections below, select the section heading to open the panel. When opening a new section, the previous panel will automatically be closed in order to keep the screen layout organised.

Mail Builder Screen Compile the mail by completing the required fields below, working from the top down.

2. Enter Mail Description: Enter the mail description, used to identify the mail drop created within the mailing system.

 Mail Details: The mail details panel controls the technical aspects of mail drop being created.

Step Three

 Mail Customisation: Customise the mail by selecting artwork, insert mail message and personalise by entering your desired salutation.

3. Select Mail Drop Date & Time: Select the date and time that your template should be sent.

Select Continue This will bring you through to the mail builder. The mail builder screen is compiled by 4 sections used to compile the mail drop, approve and schedule it for sending.

 Property Allocation: Allocate the properties you would like to display on the mail by selecting them from your database, or capturing them manually.  Template Proof and Approval: Once the template is compiled, it must be proofed by selecting the Show Proof button. Send a test mail to the account email address, or email address entered, then schedule and approve the mail to be sent.

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Mail Details - Explained

Spam Rating:

Mail Drop Type:

The spam rating describes the trust worthiness of this mail to spam filters. Please view the Best Practices User Manual for email marketing to fully understand how the spam rating can be kept as low as possible.

Displaying the mail drop type chosen when selecting the communication category to create.

Description: Mail drop name used to identify the mail drop. The mail drop will be saved within the communication history page, named according to the description entered. The description can be edited at any time.

Mail Status:

To – Recipient Allocation: Allocate desired recipients to the mail drop. Allocate: Select the allocate button to search for targeted recipients via the detailed search. Allocate additional recipients by performing a second or third search.

Active Status: The mail status will be active until the mail has been approved. Once approved the status will turn to scheduled.

Note: Search for targeted recipients across different client categories, statuses, details and preferences. Be sure to only allocate recipients relevant to the communication being sent.

Scheduled Status: Mail has been approved and scheduled, to be sent on the time and date selected.

Export: Recipients allocated can be exported to an excel spreadsheet to view, save or print by selecting the export button. This can also be done when viewing previously sent mails.

Sent Status: Once the mail has been sent at the time and date selected, the mail status will turn to sent. The sent mail is saved within the communication history section for sent mails. Disabled Status: To prevent the mail from being sent, change the mail status from scheduled to disabled. Note: When a mail has been disabled, it will not be sent and moved to communication history, disabled mails panel and saved as a draft email. Once the time scheduled has been reached, the mail will be sent providing the approved and scheduled status has been assigned.

Approved: The approved status is NO as default, until the mail has been Approved for Sending, then the approved status will turn to YES.

From: The from email address is the user account email address.

Mail Subject: The mail subject entered will be displayed within the subject line of the email delivered to your recipients.

Mail Drop Date and Time: Select mail drop date and time to be sent. The date and time can be changed at any point until the mail has been sent.

Select SAVE and continue to the Mail Customisation section.

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Mail Customisation - Explained

In order to personalise the mail, insert the salutation to be used. EX. Dear

Header Image: Select the header to be displayed on the mail drop via the drop down selection. All the graphic examples are viewable within the Mail Artwork section of the Mail Settings page. You can edit and change the header image at any time and rotate them to have a different design every week.

Mail Heading: Enter the heading to be displayed on the mail drop. Be sure to keep the heading as relevant as possible in order to relate to the mail being created.

Mail Message: Insert the mail message to display on the mail drop, below the heading. The mail message is optional, but a great addition to add specifics and relevancy to the mail drop. In order to display the message formatted the best way possible, please be sure to make use of the editing features available:

Top Line         

Bold Italic Underline Strikethrough Format Font Family Font Size Text Colour Text Background Colour

Personalisation / Personalised:

Second Line          

Cut Copy Past Past as plain text Past from word Text Alignment Insert link, remove & edit link Remove Formatting Undo & Redo Spell Check

Once the salutation has been inserted, the mail will be personalised using the Name & Surname of each recipient allocated. When the field is left empty, the mail will not be personalised. Note: The mail will be personalised using the Name & Surname of recipients allocated from the database. When clients Names & Surnames are captured incorrectly, the mail will be personalised accordingly. Be sure to confirm the quality of data captured, before adding personalisation.

Insert Google My Map: To insert your Google My Map to the mail template, select the box provided or leave it open to exclude the map. This feature will link to the Google My Map link captured within the Syndication Links panel, of the Mail Settings page. Note: View Google My Map user manual, for full functionality explanation.

Attachments: Add attachments to the mail drop to be delivered to each allocated recipient, if and when desired. Select browse, find and select the document on your computer to be sent, and then select attach. When attached, view the document by selecting the view button, or remove it by selecting the remove button.–Max file size accepted: 1 Meg File types accepted:  Word & Excel files  Text & PDF files  Images & Video‟s

Select SAVE and continue to the Property Allocation section.

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Property Allocation – Explained

Step 2 Select Allocate Property button

Up to 12 properties can be captured or allocated to display on the mail drop. The property allocation automatically adds the properties captured within the database, or manually added information to the mail template. The property layout on the template will automatically be altered to match the amount of properties allocated in order to have the best display possible. Properties can be added to the mail drop using the following two methods:

Automated Allocation: Automatically allocate a property captured within the database, via the Find Property button at the top of the allocation screen.

Step 1 Select find property button Select the find property button. Use the detailed search to locate the property to be allocated, by searching for the address or the owner.

Select the allocate property button to pull the property search results through to the mail builder screen. The Advertising Details captured within the property details tab of the client contact will pull through to the property allocation panel when that property is allocated. Once the advertising details are displayed within the property allocation panel, the details can be edited to suite your current marketing preferences.

Step 3 Add Property After confirming the compiled information, select the Add Property button to complete the property allocation. Once the property has been allocated, the property link will become available within the Allocated Properties panel on the right.

Note: By having all properties captured within the database, compiling the mail with properties allocated through the database is a much simpler and more efficient method.

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Manual Allocation:

To add a property that is not captured with the database, you can manually add the property details by completing the fields available and selecting the add property button: 

Display Order: Properties are aligned on the template either in the order they were captured, or according to the number entered within the display order field. Enter the number in which the property should be displayed or leave blank to display in the order captured.

Property Number: Enter the property number.

Street: Enter the street name.

Complex / Estate: If the property is located within a complex or estate, enter the name of the complex or estate instead of the street name, or capture both.

Suburb: Enter the suburb the property is located in.

Marketing Price: Enter the property marketing price, without entering any spacing or values.

Price Text: Insert text to display along or instead of the marketing price. When entering price text, the text will be displayed after the marketing price captured on the template. To only show price text, only complete the price text field, leaving the marketing price field empty. EX: Offers from R 3.7 M, or R 3.7 M Neg.

Show Date & Show Time: Insert Date and Time that the property captured will be on show or open to walk in buyers.

Property Image: Add the property image by browsing and selecting the image file from your computer. When loaded successfully, the image link will be displayed within the image field available. Only upload small low res JPG images from your computer.

Heading: Enter the ad heading to match the property advert. The heading captured will automatically be displayed using capital letters on the mail proof.

Description: Enter the ad text to match the property adverts used on other marketing materials. Please be sure to spell check the text captured before adding the property.

Web Ref: Enter the web reference of the property, used to locate the property on your office/ company website. EX. 123456

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Web Link: Enter the web link (full http:// website address) of the page on your office/ company website where the property is currently being displayed. This link will be displayed below your property as click here for more information. When the web link is left empty, the Click Here button will not be displayed on the mail drop. The web link for your property can be located by browsing for the property on your office / company website, then copying the link at the top of the address bar, and pasting the link within the field provided. Note: The web link is used to drive recipients to your office / company website in order to view the rest of the images and property information available. We strongly recommend ensuring that the information available on the mail marketing ad reflects the information captured on your website. If the property has not been captured on your website – please do so as soon as possible in order to make use of this facility.

Select ADD PROPERTY to allocate the property to the mail drop.

 Add Property: Complete the property allocation by selecting the add property button. The property link will then become available within the Properties Allocated panel on the right and displayed on the template. . Editing properties added: Select the property address link in order to open the details captured. The property details and marketing information captured is editable at any time. When editing allocated property information, select the update property button to save changes made. All changed made will immediately be available on the show proof. Deleting properties added: Allocated properties can be removed from the mail drop by selecting the Delete Property button. When deleting a property the template will readjust to cater for the best layout, according to the amount of properties allocated.

Select SHOW PROOF to view the compiled template.

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Template Proof and Approval - Explained

Approve For Sending Once the mail drop has been completed, proofed and tested; select the Approve for Sending button to schedule the mail drop.

Once customisation is complete, select the Show Proof button to display the completed mail template. Once the template has been vied, you are able to make any necessary or desired changes within the mail details, customisation and property allocation fields. When changes are made and saved, select show proof again to view changes made immediately. Note: If for any reason the proof or header image does not display, select F5 on your computerâ€&#x;s keyboard in order to refresh the page.

The mail proof will be display with the following options: Test Mail Once the template has been viewed and you are satisfied with the compiled information and template display, send a test to your own email address in order to ensure all details compiled displays correctly within your mail browser. The account email address will be the default email address shown to send the test email to, or enter a different email address. Select the Test Mail button to send the test from the system to the email address entered. The test mail will be sent from the system called: Bulk Test <>

Hide Proof Hide the proof in order to make desired changes, then select the Show Proof button again to view the changes made, immediately.

If any required fields have been left out, you will be notified to complete them before the mail can be approved for sending. When all fields are completed, a final notification will be show confirming the date and time to be sent, and the amount of recipients allocated. Select ok to schedule the mail or cancel to exit. Once the mail is approved for sending, the mail status will turn to scheduled. Campaign Overview All scheduled mails are shown within the campaign overview of the user interface until the mail is sent on the date and time selected. Mail will then be sent at date and time captured, delivered to recipients allocated. Once the mail has been sent, the template will be moved to the communication history page, saved under sent mails.

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General Communication - Overview General Communication General Communication is designed for professional client relationship management. – Simplifying client feedback and expanding information distribution. Template Creation:

General Communication

Template Options Available:

General communications templates General Communication can have are automatically structured to up to 10 template header image options per type, allowing for display the following information: creative freedom on pre-designed templates.

Template Header:    

Social Media Links Option to view online version Template Header Image Template Header Links

Template Body Inserts:  Message Body  1 – 12 Property Display  Google My Map

Template Footer:     

1 – 3 Agent contact display Office & Website display Subscribe button Unsubscribe button Forward to a friend button

General Template Types:        

Agent Introduction Marketing Feedback Report Show House Feedback Report Open Mandate Confirmation Sole Mandate Confirmation Offer to Purchase Press Release Newsletter

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General Communication Create a General Communication template by selecting the General Communication category, then communication type. Customise your template, allocate recipients then approve for sending in order to schedule the drop.

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Template Creation - Explained Fixed Social Media Links Links destination inserted within Mail Settings – Syndication Links Interchangeable Template Header Design Template Options viewable within Mail Setting – Mail Artwork Template Header Links Link destination inserted within Mail Settings – Header Links Mail Heading Fixed background strip inserted for mail heading display Optional Recipient Personalisation Editable salutation to personalise template Mail Body Use the editor to insert the mail body Automated Heading Insert Heading inserted depending on admin or user account Automated Agent or Office Personalisation Information automatically inserted, captured in the Profile Manager Branch and Company Contact Details Information automatically inserted, captured in the Profile Manager Fixed Subscribe and Unsubscribe Link Inserts Automated link inserts upon template creation

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Creating general communication templates

The Mail Builder Page – Explained

On the Communication‟s page, select the general communication category image at the top of the page in order to view the create mail box for general communication below:

The mail builder is made up by four sections designed to open and close to simplify the screen layout.

Step One 1. Choose Mail Type: Select the mail drop type drop down list to select the type of targeted communication you wish to create.

Step Two 2. Enter Mail Description: Enter the mail description, used to identify the mail drop created within the mailing system.

Step Three 3. Select Mail Drop Date & Time: Select the date and time that your template should be sent.

Select Continue This will bring you through to the mail builder. The mail builder screen is compiled by 4 sections used to compile the mail drop, approve and schedule it for sending.

To view one of the sections below, select the section heading to open the panel. When opening a new section, the previous panel will automatically be closed.

Mail builder Compile the mail by completing the required fields below, working from the top down.  Mail Details: The mail details panel controls the technical aspects of mail drop being created.  Mail Customisation: Customise the mail by selecting artwork, insert mail message and personalise by entering your desired salutation.  Property Allocation – Optional Allocate the properties you would like to display on the mail by selecting them from your database, or capturing them manually.  Template Proof and Approval: Once the template is compiled, it must be proofed by selecting the Show Proof button. Send a test mail to the account email address, or email address entered, then schedule and approve for sending.

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Mail Details - Explained Mail Drop Type: Displaying the mail drop type chosen when selecting the communication category.

Spam_Rating: The spam rating describes the trust worthiness of this mail to spam filters. Please view the Best Practices User Manual for email marketing to fully understand how the spam rating can be kept as low as possible.

To – Recipient Allocation: Description: Mail drop name used to identify the mail drop. The mail drop will be saved within the communication history page, named according to the description. The description can be edited at any time.

Mail Status:

Allocate desired recipients to the mail drop. Allocate: Select the allocate button to search for targeted recipients via the detailed search. Allocate additional recipients by performing a second or third search.

Displaying the status of the mail drop. Active Status: The mail status will be active until the mail has been approved. Once approved the status will turn to scheduled.

Scheduled Status: Mail has been approved, and scheduled to be sent on the time and date selected.

Sent Status: Once the mail has been sent at the time and date selected the status turns too sent. The sent mail is saved within communication history, sent mails.

Note: Search for targeted recipients across different client categories, statuses, details and preferences. Be sure to only allocate recipients relevant to the communication being sent. Export: Recipients allocated can be exported to an excel spreadsheet to view, save or print by selecting the export button. This can also be done when viewing previously sent mails.

From: The from email address is the user account email address. Any replies on the mail drop will be sent to that email address.

Disabled Status:

Mail Subject:

To prevent the mail from being sent, change the mail status from scheduled to disabled. When a mail has been disabled, it will not be sent on the time and date scheduled and moved to communication history, disabled mails, and saved as a draft email.

The mail subject entered will be displayed within the subject line of the email delivered to your recipients.

Approved: The approved status is NO as default, until the mail has been Approved for Sending, then the approved status will turn to YES.

Mail Drop Date and Time: Select mail drop date and time to be sent. The date and time can be changed at any point until the mail has been sent.

Select SAVE and continue to the Mail Customisation section.

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Mail Customisation - Explained Header Image: Select the header to be displayed on the mail drop via the drop down selection. All artwork is viewable within the Mail Artwork section of the Mail Settings page. You can edit and change the header image at any time and rotate them to have a different design every week.

Mail Heading: Enter the heading to be displayed on the mail drop. Be sure to keep the heading as relevant as possible in order to relate to the mail being created.

Mail Message: Insert the mail message to display on the template below the heading. For General Communication the mail body / mail message will be the most important part as that is the purpose of the mail. – Informative Content. In order to display the message formatted the best way possible, please be sure to make use of the editing features available:

Top Line         

Bold Italic Underline Strikethrough Format Font Family Font Size Text Colour Text Background Colour

Second Line          

Cut Copy Past Past as plain text Past from word Text Alignment Insert link, remove & edit link Remove Formatting Undo & Redo Spell Check

Understanding the Editor Select the Bold function to bold the selected section of text. To un-bold, select the highlighted section and press bold again to return to plain text. Italic is used to slightly slant the text selected. To undo, select slanted text and press the Italic function again to return to plain text. Select the Underline function to underline a selected section of text. To undo, select the underlined text and press the function key again to return to plain text. The Strikethrough function is used to display a line through the selected section of text The Format function is used to select the style of the paragraph. Most common style to be used is paragraph, but can be changed to display the format for an address or heading styles. Select the section of text you want to format, select format dropdown and select your option. The Font selection is used to choose the font style that you would like to display within your message. You can use different font styles for different paragraphs in order to highlight and draw attention by allowing it to stand out. The Text Colour is used to change the selected section of text to a different colour by selecting the drop down and choosing the desired colour. The Text Background Colour function is used to select a background colour to display behind the text colour chosen above. The colour selected will only show behind the selected text. To remove the highlight, change the colour selected back to default.

87 | P a g e The Cutting tool is used to cut a selected section of text in order to past it somewhere else or simply just to cut it from the message, performing the same faction as delete.

Remove formatting tool is used to remove the formatting inserted by above mentioned tools. To remove, highlight the formatted text then select the remove formatting tool.

The Copy tool is used to copy a selected section of text and past is somewhere else within the message, duplicating the exact section that was copied. The Paste tool is used to paste any copied or cut section to the space specified upon selecting paste. If nothing has been selected to copy or cut, then nothing shall be pasted when paste is selected. Paste as plain text is used to paste a section that was copied with a specific formatted style, without pasting the style, only the plain text. Paste from word is used to paste a selected text document that was created and saved in Word to your mail message. Using this tool you can copy the exact same section, keeping all formatting used within word to display within your message. Text alignment is used to select the desired alignment of the message text. Alignment choices are Left, Middle, Right or Full (aligned from left to right). Insert / Edit link is used to insert a link into your mail message. Ex. Please visit our website – Making the word website the link to the destination website address. 

Spell checker is used to check the spelling of the message inserted. Always check you‟re selling before completing the mail message to be displayed on the mail drop.

Know your shortcut keys! Each web browser interprets information differently. Depending on the browser that you are currently using, when making use of the cut, copy and paste tools, your web browser may request permission to access your clipboard. Your browser may also not allow the interpretation of data selected; in that case. Using your computer‟s mouse, right click and use the editing options available. Shortcut keys are very useful for quick editing methods. Please use these shortcut keys for editing purposes. Shortcut Keys


To insert the link, highlight the word or sentence that you would like to make the link, and then select the link tool. The insert link editor will be displayed.

Ctrl + A

Select all text.

Ctrl + X

Cut selected item.

Ctrl + C

Copy selected item.

Enter the full http:// website address of the destination page that you would like to link to, and the Link Title that will be displayed when hovered over by your mouse. Select insert.

Ctrl + V

Paste the copied or cut section.

Ctrl + B

Bold selected item.

Ctrl + U

Underline selected text.

To remove a link, highlight the section of text, then select the unlink tool right next to it in order to remove the link.

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Creating the Mail Body using Microsoft Word The mail body is the most important aspect of any General Communication template. Especially for large text areas used for Newsletters and press releases. It is advised to create your mail body within a word template (as that is the most user friendly), then copy it over into the mail editor to be displayed within the mail template.

Making use of columns to organise message content Step One Open a word document and type all the information that you would like to add to your general communication template. Make use of the fonts and text sizes that you would like to use within your document. Once you have all the content ready, you will then be able to structure it to suite the communication template, to have the most professional layout possible.

Step Two Underneath your content, add a table with either 2 or 3 columns and one line. The amount of columns created will be used to split your content so that it is displayed in a 2 column layout.

Step Three Copy and paste the content into the table, by splitting the content and adding it as an even amount into each available column.

Step Four Remove the boarders around the article automatically inserted when creating a table. The boarders can be removed by highlighting the entire column, then selecting the boarderâ€&#x;s tool. Choose the No Boarder option in order to remove the boards from the table.

Step Five Once the boarder has been removed, copy and paste the article into the mail message editor and select save.

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Personalisation / Personalised: In order to personalise the mail, insert the salutation to be used. EX. Dear Once the salutation has been inserted, the mail will be personalised using the Name & Surname of each recipient allocated. When the field is left empty, the mail will not be personalised.

Property Allocation – Explained Adding properties to your general communication drop is a great addition for adding new releases with the press release comm. type or adding the client‟s property to a marketing or show house feedback report.

Note: The mail will be personalised using the Name & Surname of recipients allocated from the database. When clients Names & Surnames are captured incorrectly, the mail will be personalised accordingly. Be sure to confirm the quality of data captured, before adding personalisation.

Up to 12 properties can be captured or allocated to display on the mail drop underneath the mail message.

Insert Google My Map:

The property allocation automatically adds the properties captured within the database, or manually added information to the mail template.

To insert your Google My Map to the mail template, select the box provided or leave it open to exclude the map. This feature will link to the Google My Map link captured within Syndication Links, of the Mail Settings page.

The property layout on the template will automatically be altered to match the amount of properties allocated, in order to have the best display possible.

Note: View Google My Map user manual, for full functionality explanation.

Add Property:


Complete the property allocation by selecting the add property button. The property link will then become available within the Properties Allocated panel on the right and displayed on the template.

Add attachments to the mail drop to be delivered to each allocated recipient, if and when desired. Select browse, find and select the document on your computer to be sent, and then select attach. When attached, view the document by selecting the view button, or remove it by selecting the remove button.– Max file size accepted: 1 Meg

Editing properties added: Select the property address link in order to open the details captured. The property details and marketing information captured is editable at any time. Deleting properties added:

File types accepted:  Word & Excel files  Text & PDF files  Images & Video‟s

Select SAVE and continue to the Property Allocation section.

Allocated properties can be removed from the mail drop by selecting the Delete Property button.

Select SHOW PROOF to view the compiled template.

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Template Proof and Approval - Explained

Approve For Sending Once the mail drop has been completed, proofed and tested; select the Approve for Sending button to schedule the mail drop.

Select the Show Proof button to display the completed mail template. Once the template has been vied, you are able to make any necessary or desired changes within the mail details, customisation and property allocation fields. When changes are made and saved, select show proof again to view the updated template proof with changes immediately. Note: If for any reason the template proof does not display, select F5 on your computerâ€&#x;s keyboard in order to refresh the page. Use the scroll bar available within the proof to scroll down in order to view the entire template

Test Mail Once the template has been viewed and you are satisfied with the compiled information and template display, send a test to your own email address in order to ensure all details compiled displays correctly within your mail browser. The account email address will be the default email address shown to send the test email to, or enter a different email address. Select the Test Mail button to send the test from the system to the email address entered. The test mail will be sent from the system called: Bulk Test <>

Hide Proof Hide the proof to make any desired changes, then select the Show Proof button again to view the changes made, immediately.

If any required fields are left out, you will be requested to complete them before the mail can be approved for sending. When all fields are completed, a final notification will be show confirming the date and time to be sent, and the amount of recipients allocated. Select ok to schedule the mail or cancel to exit. Once the mail is approved for sending, the mail status will turn to scheduled. Campaign Overview General communication drops scheduled will be shown within the scheduled email drops panel of the campaign overview page, until the mail is sent on the date and time selected and delivered to recipients allocated. Once the mail has been sent, the template will be moved to the communication history page, saved under sent mails.

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Special Communication - Overview Special Communication Special Communication has been designed to bridge the gap between printed advertising and electronic marketing.

Special Communication

Special Communication is used for once off communication types like Golf day, Charity or Community projects / events that you are marketing offline, or add additional communication categories like inspirational or motivational designs to be sent on a weekly or monthly basis. Special Communication can also be used to upload all your printed advertising materials like postcards, flyers and marketing brochures to be sent electronically. Template Creation: The design to HTML converter provides you with the ability to upload any design created for printed advertising, and use it for electronic communication or mail marketing purposes. Upload a design created by your own marketing department to the special communication category, available within the Mail Settings – Mail Artwork page. OR Send Triway Marketing a design that you would like customised and uploaded to be available within special communication.

Template Options Available: Special Communication Any design uploaded by the account user     

Golf Day Invitations Community / Charity Events Calendars and Postcards Flyers and Brochures Motivational & Inspirational templates

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Special Communication Special Communication drops are template designs that have already been created and uploaded to the mail settings artwork panel. Select the special communication type created, select the template then choose to personalise the drop or leave it blank. Allocate recipients then approve to schedule for sending.

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Special Communication Template Creation

Let Triway design the template for you You can send us any corporate or graphic design that you would like to use as a communication template, specifying desired customisation, if needed.

Special Communication templates are not designed by the Triway mail builder; they are custom designed templates that are uploaded.

We will then take the design sent by you, resize and edit to fit the required sizes for electronic communication.

Special communication is designed to send your offline marketing material like flyers and brochures to your database electronically – professionally, or create your own “unique‟ communication types like weekly motivations.

As part of the custom designed artwork templates created for your company, a footer design is also created to fit your corporate ID, as used for Automated Communication.

This communication type cannot be predefined as it will be customised to your individual needs, therefore custom designed as and when you require it. However, the special communication‟s mail builder has the facility to apply optional personalisation.

Template Creation Options Design your own You can design a template through your own marketing department using the sizes specified, and then upload it via the Mail Settings Artwork panel under special communication. When designing your own templates you would need to insert the mail message on the template along with your contact details, or leave the space required to apply auto -personalisation through the special communication‟s mail builder. Auto Personalisation Auto personalisation is also applied using the contact information available within the profile manager, for the type and amount of account users captured. The personalisation will always be applied in the bottom right corner, therefore you are required to provide the space for the personalisation to be applied, if you do not personalise the template yourself.

Triway will then apply this footer containing your logo, onto the edited design and upload it to your account mail settings – mail artwork panel. You are then simply able to select the uploaded template when creating your communication drop, and apply the auto personalisation to personalise your design. Allocate your recipient, approve and schedule to send.

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Creating special communication drops On the Communicationâ€&#x;s page, select the special communication category and complete the information requested:

Step One 1. Choose Mail Drop Type: On the communication page tab, select the special comm. category and type to be sent.

Step Two 2. Description: Enter the mail description, used to identify the mail drop being created.

Step Three 3. Mail Drop Date & Time: Select the date and time that your template should be sent.

Mail Details - Explained Mail Drop Type: Displaying the mail drop type chosen when selecting the communication category to create.

Description: Mail drop name used to identify the mail drop. The mail drop will be saved within the communication history page, named according to the description. The description can be edited at any time.

Mail Status: Displaying the current status of the mail drop.

Active Status The mail status will be active until the mail has been approved. Once approved the status will turn to scheduled.

Select Continue

Scheduled Status

This will bring you through to the mail builder. The mail builder screen is compiled by 2 sections used to compile the mail drop, approve and schedule it for sending.

Mail has been approved and scheduled to be sent on the time and date selected.

Sent Status


Mail Details: The mail details control the technical aspects of the mail drop, as well as the artwork selection for the type chosen.


Template Proof and Approval: Once the template has been selected, it can be proofed by selecting the Show Proof button, send a test mail to the account email address, then schedule and approve for sending.

Once the mail has been sent at the time and date selected the status turns too sent. The sent mail is saved within communication history, sent mails.

Disabled Status To prevent the mail from being sent, change the mail status from scheduled to disabled.

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Mail Drop Date and Time:

The approved status is NO as default, until the mail has been Approved for Sending, then the approved status will turn to YES.

Select mail drop date and time to be sent. The date and time can be changed at any point until the mail has been sent.

Spam Rating: The spam rating describes the trust worthiness of this mail to spam filters. Please view the Best Practices User Manual for email marketing to fully understand how the spam rating can be kept as low as possible.

To – Recipient Allocation: Allocate: Select the allocate button to search for targeted recipients via the detailed search. Allocate additional recipients by performing a second or third search. Note: Search for targeted recipients across different client categories, statuses, details and preferences. Be sure to only allocate recipients relevant to the communication being sent. Export: Recipients allocated can be exported to an excel spreadsheet to view, save or print by selecting the export button. This can also be done when viewing previously sent mails.

From: The email drop is sent from the account email address. Be sure to use a well monitored email account as any replies on the mail drop will be sent to that email address.

Mail Subject:

Select Template: Choose your desired template from the options available within mail settings – mail artwork, by selecting it from the dropdown, or upload a new template to that special communication category type chosen, within the mail settings, mail artwork panel.

Auto Personalise: Special Communication templates are displayed the way they are uploaded. When selected within the mail builder you have the option of adding automated personalisation (as illustrated). Select the tick box available to personalise or leave blank if the design upload already contains personalisation.

The mail subject entered will be displayed within the subject line of the email delivered to your recipients.

Select SHOW PROOF to view the compiled template.

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Create new special communication type & Upload additional artwork

Upload new or additional artwork templates

Within Mail Settings, Mail Artwork, you can either upload addition artwork templates to an existing category, or create a new special communication category, and then upload the artwork for it.

Upload artwork templates to either existing special category types available, or to newly created special communication. types.

Create custom category

Upload artwork

Within the mail settings, mail artwork section, select the special communication tab, then select the custom heading to open the custom panel. Create new special comm. type

Select the special comm, type via the drop down list, then select change to view. Open the custom panel by selecting the show button.

At the top of the custom panel, type the name of the additional category that you would like to create, and then select

At the bottom of the custom panel, select browse to find and select the template on your computer to be uploaded, then select the upload button.

the Add Category button.

View uploaded artwork

The additional type created will be added to the drop down selection. When viewed, additional categories created can be deleted by selecting the delete button.

Once the artwork has been uploaded to either an available category, or the newly created type, you will be able to view it immediatly within the artwork template section.To view the template in full, select the click to view button.

Note: Be sure to delete incorrect categories created, or categories no longer in use. When deleting a category, all the artwork uploaded within that category will also be deleted.

Up to 5 design templates can be uploaded to each special communication category. Delete uploaded artwork Additional artwork uploaded can be deleted by selecting the red cross next to the click to view option. Once deleted, the template option will be removed from the category and interface.

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Template Proof and Approval - Explained

Approve For Sending Once the mail drop has been completed, proofed and tested; select the Approve for Sending button to schedule the mail drop.

Select the Show Proof button to display the compiled mail template. Once vied, you are able to make any necessary or desired changes within the mail details, or select a different template. When changes are made and saved, select show proof again to view the updated template immediately. Note: If for any reason the template proof does not display, select F5 on your computerâ€&#x;s keyboard in order to refresh the page. Use the scroll bar available within the proof to scroll down in order to view the entire template The mail proof is displayed with the following button options:

If any required fields are left out, you will be requested to complete them before the mail can be approved for sending. When all fields are completed, a final notification will be show confirming the date and time to be sent, and the amount of recipients allocated. Select ok to schedule the mail or cancel to exit.

Test Mail

Once the mail is approved for sending, the mail status will turn to scheduled.

Once the template has been viewed and you are satisfied with the compiled information and template display, send a test to your own email address in order to ensure all details compiled displays correctly within your mail browser. The account email address will be the default email address shown to send the test email to, or enter a different email address.

Drop Scheduled

Select the Test Mail button to send the proof from the system to the email address entered. The test mail will be sent from the system called: Bulk Test <> Hide Proof Hide the proof in order to make any desired changes, and then select the Show Proof button again to view the updated template.

Special communication drops scheduled will be shown within the scheduled email drops panel of the campaign overview page, until the mail is sent on the date and time selected and delivered to recipients allocated. Once the mail has been sent, the template will be moved to the communication history page, saved under sent mails.

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Automated Communication Automated Communication Automated Communication is a hands free way to keep in touch with clients on yearly events. Clients are not allocated to receive automated communication drops like Targeted, General and Special communication. Instead clients are manually subscribed to each automated communication type. Only clients who have confirmed their subscription to the account database and subscribed to automated communication types, will automatically receive the drop from each automated communication type they are subscribed to - using the template, time and date specified by you.

Automated Communication

Template Creation: Automated Communication makes use of predesigned templates with a custom designed corporate footer. Every template will automatically be personalised using the account users‟ contact details and thumbnail image uploaded to the account user‟s profile manager. Any design can be used for autocommunication purposes. It is recommended to utilize offline marketing material like postcard and flyer designs currently being used by your organisation. Triway will make any additional design concepts required / requested, but must be booked with at least 48 hour notice.

Template Options Available: Automated Communication Pre-set Communication Types:      

Client Birthday‟s Christmas Valentines Easter Mother‟s Day Father‟s Day

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Automated Communication Automated Communication through predesigned templates automatically personalised and delivered to your recipients automatically.

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Enable Automated Communication Categories Activate the automated communication category by enabling all auto communication types available:  Birthday  Valentine‟s Day  Easter  Mother‟s Day  Father‟s Day  Christmas (Seasons Greetings) Only once the selected automated communication types are enabled and approved for sending, will that communication drop be delivered to all „subscribed‟ recipients in the account database. All automated communication types can be accessed through the Campaign Overview and Communications page. Campaign Overview On the Campaign Overview page, within the Scheduled Mail Drops panel, select the “Settings” button or select the disabled / enabled link next to each type to access the mail settings for that automated type. Communications Page On the Communications page, select the Automated Communication category, and then select the auto type you wish to edit, to access the mail builder - mail settings for that automated communication type.

Enable Auto Communication Type –Mail Settings Within the mail builder, mail settings panel of each automated communication type, select the enabled tick box and complete all mail settings. Enter date, time, subject and select the template option, then save changes made. Select “Show Proof” to view the auto-personalised template. Approve and enable the communication type by selecting the “Approve for Sending” button. Enabled – Campaign Overview Once the chosen communication type is enabled, the Red “Disabled” link will turn Green “Enabled”, confirming the enabled auto communication type.

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Enabling Auto Comm Types - Explained

Mail Details - Explained

Step One

The mail builder is compiled by 3 sections used to enable, compile and schedule the mail drop for sending.

1. Select Auto Communication

Settings: The mail details control the technical aspects of your mail drop, as well as the artwork selection for the comm. type chosen.

Recipients: View, clear or edit recipients subscribed to receive the automated communication category.

Template Proof and Approval: Once the desired template is selected and saved, it can be proofed by selecting the Show Proof button. Send a test mail to the account email address, then select approve for sending to schedule the mail drop to be sent on the date and time specified.

On the Communication‟s page, select the automated communication category, to display the preloaded automated communication types. Categories that will be displayed:      

Birthday Valentines Easter Mother‟s Day Father‟s Day Christmas

Step Two 2. Select Auto Category Select the auto communication category you wish to enable or amend, in order to view the mail settings panel to customise the mail drop details.

Au to

Step Three 3. Enable and Approve Complete the mail details within the settings panel by enabling the communication category, choosing the template and approving the mail drop to be sent upon time and date selected.

at ed

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Mail Settings – Explained Follow the instructions below to customise the settings for the selected automated communication category. Enable The automated communication category must be enabled and approved in order to be scheduled for sending. Do so by enabling or disabling the tick box provided within the settings panel. Disabled

Note: We recommend providing at least 5 minutes before the scheduled time and date selected, to disable the mail drop in order to prevent it from being sent.

Mail Subject The mail subject entered will be displayed within the subject line of the email delivered to recipients allocated. An appropriate mail subject must be entered, relevant to the automated communication category enabled.

Mail Drop Date and Time Specify the date and time that the selected automated communication category should be sent, to recipients allocated.

Tick box Unselected: Default Status: Select the tick box provided in order to enable and activate the selected mail drop category. Once enabled, approve the mail drop template in order to approve for sending.

Note: The date for the automated birthday drop cannot be selected as it is defined by the date captured within the client contacts screen of the recipient allocated. Only the time which the auto birthday drops should be sent can be selected. The scheduled date for all other automated communication categories can be selected.


Select the template uploaded to the category selected within the mail settings, mail artwork section for automated communication. The template to be used can be changed at any time.

Tick box Selected: Once the selected communication category has been enabled with the template approved for sending, the auto communication drop will continuously be sent upon the date and time specified, delivered to all recipients subscribed to the auto campaign selected. Disable an approved auto communication category In order to prevent the automated communication drop from being sent, unselect the tick box to disable the automated communication category selected. The mail drop will then be disabled, therefore the template approved will not be sent to recipients allocated on the time and date specified.

Select Template

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Recipient Allocation - Explained The recipient allocation for auto communication is based on the subscription process. Clients must be subscribed to auto communication types, in order to be allocated to receive the drop on the date and time specified.

Automated Recipient Allocation Client contacts must be subscribed to automated comm. types within the campaign manager of their client contact screen, when manually capturing the client or when importing client contacts. When a confirmed client has been subscribed to an auto communication category, the subscribed contact will be allocated to receive the drop on the time and date specified.

Capturing client contacts Select the available auto communication category within the campaign manager panel of the clientâ€&#x;s contact screen. Select the tick box provided to subscribe the client contact to the selected auto communication category. Once subscribed, the client will automatically be allocated to receive the mail drop on the date and time specified within the mail settings panel. - Provided the mail drop is enabled and approved.

Importing client contacts Within each excel import spreadsheet (available to download and used to import client details), allocate each client captured to the desired auto communication category you wish for them to be subscribed to, by completing the auto campaign column provided within the spreadsheet. Follow the instructions provided by the tooltips inserted within the import sheets, by hovering over the selected column title. Automated Campaign Subscription When importing the database spreadsheets via the importer, the clients allocated to receive auto mail drops will automatically be subscribed to the type selected. Once the captured clients are successfully imported, the tick box for each automated campaign selected will be filled and the client will be subscribed. Note: When clients unsubscribe themselves from the account database, or get manually unsubscribed by you, they will be unsubscribed from all automated communication categories and the tick box within the unsubscribed contactâ€&#x;s campaign manager will be unselected.

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Manage Recipients Allocated Clients confirmed will automatically be allocated to receive every auto communication type that they are subscribed to. The amount of clients subscribed and confirmed will be displayed as allocated. You now have the option to:  View allocated recipients  Clear allocated recipients  Export allocated recipients

View Allocated Recipients

Clear Allocated Recipients Select the clear button to manually remove all allocated recipients from the auto mail campaign selected. When all allocated clients have been removed through the clear recipient‟s button, the tick box for that auto type within the campaign manager screen of all client contacts cleared will be unselected, as the clients will no longer be subscribed to receive that selected automated drop. To re-allocate the clients cleared from that auto type, each client must be re-subscribed to that auto campaign through their client contact screens.

Select the view button to view all allocated recipients.

Note: Clear contacts functions like a batch unsubscribe. Be sure you want to remove all clients before selecting the clear button. To only remove certain clients, use the view and remove option provided.

Remove Individual recipients

Export Allocated Recipients

Within the contact display of recipients allocated, you have the option of removing individual recipients from the selected automated campaign, by selecting the remove button displayed next to the client name.

Select the export button to export the allocated contacts to an excel file for viewing, saving or printing purposes.

When removing a client from the allocated recipients list subscribed to that auto type, the client removed will be unsubscribed from that auto communication category. On the Campaign Manager of the “removed” client‟s contact screen, the tick box for the selected auto type that the client was removed from will be unselected. To re-allocate the client to that auto type, the client must be subscribed to that auto campaign again.

Once selected, a popup window will be displayed. Select to view or save the excel spreadsheet downloaded. Note: To avoid any downloading issues when downloading the import sheets, select to open the exported excel file, then save to your computer using the save option provided through excel, not through your browser.

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Template Proof and Approval - Explained

Hide Proof

Having completed the mail drop customisation for the selected automated campaign, proof and test the mail drop in order to approve it for sending.

Hide the proof in order to make desired changes, or select a different template, then select the Show Proof button again to view the changes made.

Show Proof Select the show proof button in order to display the compiled mail template. The mail template will be displayed with the automated personalisation applied. The show proof will also display the option of testing the mail, hiding the proof and approving the mail drop to be scheduled for sending. Note: If for any reason the template proof does not display, select F5 on your computer keyboard to refresh the page.

Test Mail The account email address will be shown by default, select the test mail button to send the proof, or edit the email address within the text field provided, to send the test to that email address entered. The proof will be sent from the system as: Bulk Test <>.

Approve For Sending Once the mail drop has been completed and proofed; select the Approve for Sending button. Upon approval, confirm that the mail should be scheduled by selecting the ok button on the confirmation screen displayed, or select cancel to continue editing. The approve for sending button will schedule the mail drop to be sent at the date and time selected, to be delivered to the recipients allocated (subscribed). Scheduled Email Drops When enabled and approved the automated communication drops are scheduled to be sent. The scheduled drop will be displayed below the relevant category of the automated communication section, of the Scheduled Email Drops panel within the Campaign Overview screen of the user interface. The scheduled mail drop notification will be displayed until sent.

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Targeted Recipient Allocation - Overview Large amounts of email marketing deemed irrelevant by recipients A new study has shown that many recipients of email marketing consider the messages sent to them from marketing organisations to be irrelevant and uninformative.

Targeted & Relevant Recipient Allocation Detailed Search

According to a study of 2,000 UK consumers conducted by GI Insight, some 53 per cent of email marketing messages are discarded for not being directly relevant to the recipients. The research revealed that 55 per cent of male respondents believed that email messages were commonly off-target, while 50 per cent of the women surveyed said such campaigns were missing the mark. For email to work as an effective medium for both the consumer and organisation, drilling down into customer data and using that obtained insight to become more accurately targeted is crucial. Email marketing which is badly targeted can actually be counterproductive, as it can damage a companyâ€&#x;s reputation and potentially lead to many lost customers. When a consumer receives an email from a brand they have entrusted with their email address, they clearly expect something more than a carpetbomb approach. They don't expect messages that are totally irrelevant to them or redundant. Marketing professionals will now need to ensure they are not sending unwanted messages to recipients, or risk being prosecuted under ANTI SPAM regulations.

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Targeted Recipient Allocation - Explained How to search for Targeted Recipients? Allocate targeted recipients by searching for specific clients matching the advertising or communication purpose of the mail being sent. It is crucial to only allocate recipients that will find value in the communication being sent; otherwise you are likely to annoy the client by sending irrelevant content which may cause the client to unsubscribe from the account database.

Detailed Search – Database Segmentation The detailed search panel is used to search and allocate recipients to all mail drops created and sent through the system. The detailed search has been specially designed to search through your segmented database in order to identify a detailed, targeted group of recipients to match the content of the mail drop created. The detailed search panel is made up by the following search panels, aligned with the client information that should be captured within your database:

Advanced Search

Contact Details Search and allocate specific individuals by searching for the clientâ€&#x;s personal information or contact details. Marketing Details Search for client types via their marketing statuses, by selecting active or past clients along with the client category they are assigned to, or in combination to identify a targeted group of recipients.

The advanced search is specifically designed to drill down to the finer details of the information captured along with client contacts. The advanced search is used to be as specific or as general as required, or in combination with other client details. Using the advanced search panel, search for .specific client preferences and marketing details. Note: When sending out a Show House Invitation Drop, be sure to only search and allocate potential buyers specifically looking to purchase property, matching the criteria being advertised within the mail drop.

Auto Communication Recipients Search for clients by their automated marketing subscriptions, or in combination with other specifications.

Example: Buyers searching within the same area and price range of the property being advertised. Do NOT just assign your entire database to receive the mail, as chances are over 80% of the allocated recipients will find the message irrelevant.

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Template Printing – Overview Make the most of the artwork uploaded and communication templates created through your user interface, by using it for multi-media marketing purposes. – Electronic Communications and Printed Advertising. Brochure, Flyer & Postcard designs available on the system can be printed within your office, on the paper selected by you. All templates can be printed and used for the following:

Artwork & Template Printing Printing Compiled Templates for Flyer Distribution Purposes

   

Flyer distribution Show houses brochures Postcard printing Filed marketing feedback

Click to Print this Page Every template created or uploaded via the system, and viewed within the show proof panel of the mail builder screen can be printed using the printer connected to your computer. The “click to print this page” functionality has been inserted within each communication category, and can be found at the top of the show proof panel when viewing any compiled template.

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Compiling Templates for Printing Purposes Targeted and General Communication Templates The mail builder is essentially designed to compile electronic communication templates for mail marketing; therefore there are a few features on the template that would need to be amended for printed marketing purposes. Below view a Targeted Communication, Show House Invite example of the features that would need to be left out, or removed when creating targeted and general communication templates for printing purposes.

Mail Customisation Mail Personalisation Leave the template personalised.


Mail Message Write a comprehensive mail message to provide enough information to spark interest, with a strong call to action. Google My Map Insert Remove the Google My Map insert, as recipients will not be able to select the link within the template.

Property Allocation Click here – Web Link When allocating properties to the mail drop, leave out the web link inset to view more information, as recipients will not be able to select the link.

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Example Template Suited for Printing Purposes

Click to print this page Once the template has been compiled for printed advertising purposes, complete by printing the page. Show Proof & Click to Print To print a clean design without any unwanted additions, select the “click to print this page� link within the show proof panel. Once selected, a popup box will be displayed requesting your printing preferences as you would normally proceed when printing a document from your computer. Printing Preferences Select the paper size, rotation and colour mode you wish to print, and insert the paper style and size of your choice.

Note: All template designs across all communication categories can be printed, if and when required.

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Social Media Marketing - Overview

Social Media Marketing &

Information Distribution

If you do search engine optimisation and keep up to date with all the changes that Google has implemented, then you already know by now that social media sites are playing an increasingly vital and important role in the overall SEO process.

“Real time interaction, real time results� Not enough can be said about this. Face book is a powerful tool for businesses to engage with their customers and prospects right here, right now. It is a real time tool that fosters an engaging community where the latest news and updates can be shared without any delays. They may even go viral!

Importance of social media marketing 1) Branding Your office can use social media channels as a way of increasing its goodwillâ€&#x;s and trustworthiness which may ultimately result in better branding.

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2) Lead Generation Lead generation is another reason why companies

9) Influence on Search Engine Rankings Search engines are the

should opt for social media marketing campaigns. Lead generation is an integral part of a company‟s success and social media marketing strategies and campaigns helps in targeted and relevant lead generation.

most relevant and consistent traffic generator for any website. Effective Social Media campaigns can bring out a remarkable influence on your search engine rankings. Since most of the search engine giants are going on with real time search results, the social media updates and bookmarks can help your site rank much better in the search engines.

3) Engage with your clients Social media channels makes provides easier and more flexible means of engaging with your clients. Customer engagement is the most important benefits of social media marketing and this helps to retain its existing customers and also increase brand credibility.

4) Generate Relevant Traffic Traffic generation is the sole purpose of all the online marketing campaigns and Social media channels are highly powerful traffic generation sites.

5) Improve ROI Promotion of your properties in relevant social media channels can help increase your return over investment (ROI). Industry relevant social media marketing can help in making your conversion rates better and enjoy an enviable ROI.

6) Customer Feedback Customer feedback is the backbone of any industry and the feedback helps improve service delivery as per the client‟s requirements. Since social media channels help make customer engagement much easier, customer feedback is always there on the top.

7) Announcing new properties There is no other better and cheap media than the social media sites to inform the customers about the arrival or release of new products and services. Social media channels help make it easier to spread the news of new product and service arrivals to targeted audience.

8) Know more About Customer Preferences Social Media allows you to know more about the trends and preferences of the customers and act accordingly. Customer preference can also be related to the 5th and 3rd points mentioned above. Knowing the preferences of your customers makes it easier for you to enhance your product and plan your online marketing campaigns in much more effective way.

10) Enhance Customer Relationship Management Customer relationship is an integral part of the growth of any company and when customer relationship fails, the company and its operations are also bound to fail. Social media channels helps in making strong bonds between the customer and the company much more easily and thereby increasing the stability of the company.

Social Media Syndication The Triway Electronic Marketing Management System has the power to publish and distribute your Communication drops to the following platforms:  Face book  Your Company Website  Social Media Blogs

Facebook and Twitter syndication is built in functionality – Website and Blog syndication coding will be made available upon request.

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Facebook & Twitter Syndication Syndicate all your communication through Face book and Twitter!

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History and Reporting - Overview The History and Reporting page is designed to automatically keep a complete record of your account usage, and client interaction with your database. History and Reporting page is made up by three page tabs:   

History and Reporting

Communication History Clients Subscribed Clients Unsubscribed

Each page is split up to provide a comprehensive overview of the history pertaining to the selected category.

Communication History The Communication History page tab captures a complete record of all mails created and still active, disabled and placed in draft or sent via the system with full recipient history. Mail drops previously sent can be rescheduled to be sent again.

Clients Subscribed The Clients Subscribed page tab captures a record of both client contacts manually captured by the account user, and clients who have subscribed themselves to the account user‟s database.

Clients Unsubscribed The Clients Unsubscribed page tab captures a record of client contacts that have unsubscribed themselves from the account user‟s database, and clients that have manually been unsubscribed by the account user.

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History and Reporting Page View

Receive the History and Reporting on all your database and Marketing activities. Select the History category you wish to view.

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Communication History – Explained The Communication History page tab is split into three panels, capturing a complete record of all mails created and still active, disabled and placed in draft or sent via the system with full recipient history.

Mail Drop Display The Mail Drop History within each communication status panel is organised and saved according to the day, week and month that the mail drop was either created, sent or disabled on. Mail Drop Overview Panel Each mail drop panel provides an overview of the information pertaining to the communication category through which it was created. The mail drop status with the date and time created or scheduled, along with the number of recipients and properties allocated will be displayed. View a selected mail drop In order to view any mail drop listed within the communication history page, double click to select the highlighted mail template and its description. The selected mail drop will then be displayed. View, edit, schedule or disable the selected mail drop and save any changes made.

Active Communication‟s Panel The active communication‟s panel is openly displayed by default and contains all the active and currently scheduled mail drops. Select the month via the show and hide link, to open and view all active mail drops captured within the selected month.

Sent Communication‟s Panel The sent communication‟s panel is hidden by default. Select the show and hide button to display all sent mail drops recorded, listed within the month they were sent on. To view or reschedule a previously sent mail drop, select the sent template to open the mail builder screen.

Disabled Communication‟s Panel The disabled communication‟s panel is also hidden by default. Select the show and hide button to display all dispabled mail drops recorded, listed within the month it was disabled on. Disabled communication drops act as draft email templates. When an active mail drop is disabled, it is saved within the disabled communication‟s panel, waiting to be completed or deleted. Note: When a disabled mail drop is not viewed or edited for a period of 3 months, the disabled mail drop will automatically be deleted by the user interface.

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Rescheduling a sent mail drop drop

Subscribe and Unsubscribe History drop

Any mail drop that has already been sent via the system, can be re-sent by rescheduling a previously sent mail drop.

All clients captured, subscribed and unsubscribed from the account database will automatically build a history report, viewable .within the clients subscribed and unsubscribed screens.

Select Drop to Reschedule Within the communicationâ€&#x;s history screen, select the mail from the sent communicationâ€&#x;s panel that you would like to reschedule. This will open up the mail builder of the selected mail drops. The status of the mail will be sent, with the reschedule mail drop button available. Rescheduling Mail Drop First change the date of the mail drop to be sent, to a date scheduled in the future. Note: A mail drop can not be rescheduled to be sent using a past date. Once the time has been amended, select the reschedule mail button. This will display and online message asking to delete previously allocated recipients, and reschedule the mail drop. Select ok to continue or cancel to exit.

Clients Subscribed All clients subscribed and captured within your database will be viewable by selecting the panel of the client subscribed category you wish to view. All clients are displayed in accordance to the date they were captured in, as well as the method used to capture the client. Viewing client contact Select the client contact you wish to view, to open their client contact screen. Within the campaign manager of the client contact screen, you will be able to view full subscription history.

Clients Unsubscribed All clients unsubscribed from the account database will be displayed within the unsubscribed client screen. Also select the client contact to view full subscription information.

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