Storytelling teachers

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CEVAC’s Teachers Our first tales

CEVAC’S TEACHERS Marisela Loaiza Rutenis Kukanauza Karen Knuth Rosmaira Araujo Jesus Figuera Maria Alejandra Hernandez Storytelling Instructor Jose Luis Troconis B.

Pandor’s box Humanity lived in Paradise. Pandor was the favorite of the gods. They gave him a big box and told him never to open it. He did and blamed his wife Pandora.

Pandora’s fingerprint.

By: Rutenis Kukanauza

LOS TRES COCHINITOS En una finca por los lados de Guigue , vivian unos cochinitos, que estaban preparandose para escaper de la finca, ya que sabian que estarian en una mesa decembrina . Los cochinitos en una noche de tormenta deciden escaper y lo consiguen. Caminaron horas y horas hasta llegar a Guasdalito. En ese lugar hicieron su casita con papel periodic pero vino una lapa que se lo queria COMER , ella descarada les dice que ya tiene comida para muchos meses. Uno de los cochinitos le dice : jja.. ponte a creer que tambien estataras en una mesa de SEMANA SANTA jjajjaa . La lapa le dice jjaa eso si me dejo atrapar pero antes los almuerzo . Viene la lapa y le mea la casa de periodico . Los pobres cochinitos , salieron corriendo , no soportaron el EDOR. Despues de lo sucedido, Buscaron entonces, otro material , hicieron su casita de moriche, entonces la Lapa se hico amiga de unos comegenes, y planificaron

comerse la casa de moriche. En una noche , los cochinitos al despertar, uups se llevan esa gran sorpresa, durmiendo en el suelo, sin casa. A lo lejos la Lapa riendose, de ellos. Los pobres desesperados, no encontraban como hacer otra casita. Caminaron un poco mas cerca de una finca , preferian estar cerca de alli , pero lejos de La Lapa. Pero la condenada Lapa los siguio, Los cochinitos consiguieron unas hojas de picapica , se colocaron lodo en sus cuerpos , para que la picapica no les picara. Sin embargo llego la Lapa, cuando , esta se va a lanzar sobre la casa agarro una gran picazon , e hico un escandalo , tanto asi que , los ganaderos la vieron , y decidieron tenarla para comersela en Semana Santa. La Lapa estubo encerrada esperando ser almuerzo , mientras que a los cerditos , los hicieron novios de unas cerditas, y tubieron muchos cochinitos que se paseaban frente a la Lapa. Hasta que llego una dia que mas nunca la vieron. Asi que no seas Lapa‌. Se‌.

Colorin Colorado .

Rosmaira Araujo R

Alicia y la Puerta secreta

Entre las montañas perdidas del mundo, todo era distinto. Las hojas de los árboles cambiaban de color, acorde a cómo se sentían. Cuando llovía, las nubes se caían, dejando una estela blanca en la tierra. No existía división entre la luna y el sol, ya que aprendieron a convivir. El mar tenía el poder de reflejar los secretos más profundos del espacio. Era un mundo curioso, en donde sólo los ángeles podían acceder. Un día, una niña traviesa, llamada Alicia, decidió explorar los sin fines del bosque. Hasta que se encontró con el árbol más bello que podía existir en la tierra. Sus raíces eran tan largas, que tenían que aferrarse de otros árboles. En el tronco, tenía tallado dibujos, que parecían jeroglíficos. Y las ramas, se abrían como un abanico, en donde iban cambiando de color a medida que subían. Alicia, empezó a examinar los dibujos, hasta que sin darse cuenta, abrió una puerta oculta. Al entrar, se encontró con ese mundo en donde los esperado, era inesperado. Y así, se dio cuenta que el universo en el que vivimos, hay más delo que pensamos.

Andrea Irigoyen Paez

La Maravillosa Shari Todas las personas tienen talentos, unos los descubren rápido, otros no. Los que los descubren rápido, es porque desde pequeños tuvieron el don de que sus sueños les revelara quiénes eran. Los que no, es porque sus sueños siguen dormidos y tienen que buscarlos. Shari, era una de las personas que no sabía quién era todavía. Desde niña, era tímida y casi no hablaba. Un día, a los ocho años, se sentó triste en una montaña, mientras veía el atardecer. En ese momento, estaba pasando el guardian de los sueños. Cuando el la ve, le pregunta: -Niña, ¿qué te sucede? Mira que la vida hay que vivirla feliz y cantando. -No, es que no lo comprendes, todavía no sé quién soy- Le responde llorando -Bueno, si nos aves quién eres, entonces te voy a ayudar. El Guardian de Los Sueños, agitó le echó un polvo mágico encima y Sharo empezó a soñar. En el sueño, ella tenía que enfrentar peligros. Así que tenía que saltar y correr. Pero al mismo tiempo, se encontraba con cosas grandiosas, en donde ella exclamaba: - ¡Que hermoso!- Shari, empezó a aprender quién era. Ella era una persona, que podía hacer de todo cuando se lo proponía. Podía cantar, correr rápido, sentir y amar. Ella era la maravillosa Shari.

Andrea Irigoyen Paez

"La rebelde sirena" ... Y se hallaba la ansiosa Ariel en la profundidad del océano con la enorme inquietud de observar ese mundo exterior que se encontraba al otro lado del mar. Ella lo imaginaba hermoso, tal cual como el océano pero sin tantas acechanzas como la de sus enemigos los tiburones. No poder apreciar ese mundo debido a las advertencias de peligro por parte de sus sobreprotectores padres, quienes la protegían hasta de los corales y erizos cercanos a su hogar, la volvían más ansiosa y la tentación aumentaba. Ariel ya contaba con 18 años, era hermosa, audaz, amigable, inteligente pero también terca. Sus amigos el Cangrejo Rojo y el Pez Amarillo eran sus mejores confidentes. Ellos eran los que animaban a la hermosa sirena a conocer ese mundo cruel como le llamaba los padres de Ariel. Tanto fue el anhelo de su curiosidad que se dispuso a contrariar las advertencias parentales. Le dijo a sus amigos que iría a acicalar su larga cabellera castaña en la Concha Nácar, la peluquería de su prima Elisa y que sólo tardaría unas horas en el proceso... Nadó y nadó con emoción por media hora hacia la superficie. Ciertamente sus padres tenían razón. La hermosa, brillante y escamosa cola verde quedó atrapada en una bolsa plástica que había sido lanzada por un navegante hacía pocos minutos. Y así pasaron las horas que prometió se tardaría en el proceso...

María Alejandra Hernández

"The Rebel Mermaid" ... And there it was the anxious Ariel from the deep of the ocean with a huge worry to see the outside world that is on the other side of the sea. She imagined it as beautiful as the ocean but without so many threats as their enemies, the sharks. The fact that she couldn't see that world due to her overprotective parent's dangerous warnings, who used to protect her even from corals and sea urchins became her more anxious and the temptation got bigger. The 18 year-old girl was beautiful, brave, friendly, smart but also stubborn. Her friends Cangrejo Rojo and Pez Amarillo were her best confidant. They were the ones who encouraged the mermaid to see and explore that "cruel world" as her parents used to call it. Her curiosity was so huge that she finally decided to break the rules against her parents dangerous warnings. She said to her friends that she would go to get her long and brown hair dressed up at the Concha NĂĄcar, her cousin's hairdresser and promised that she would last just a few hours in that process. She swam and swam with excitement for thirty minutes up to the surface. Certainly, her parents were right. Her beautiful, shiny and scaly tail got trapped in a plastic bag that was dropped by a sailor a few minutes ago. And so, the hours passed by as she promised that would last during that process. MarĂ­a Alejandra HernĂĄndez D.

La Pequeña niña de los ojos verdes. Habia una vez en un pueblito cerca de la montaña vivia una linda niñita cuyos ojos eran de color verde ,sus padres tuvieron que mudarse a la ciudad con sus otros hermanitos y hermanitas pero a ella la dejaron viviendo con su abuelita "yeja" que siempre la levantaba a las cinco de la mañana para que tomara guarapo con pan aunque sus clases en la escuela empezaban a las ocho y cuando no tenia clases ayudaba a su abuelita repartiendo leche por el pueblo y cuando iba por el camino hablaba con una amiguita imaginaria , cantaba, recogia flores silvestres y se las traia a su abuelita. Ella era muy feliz y disfrutaba jugando mucho con las mariposas , los pajaritos y las flores en el patio de su casa ya que ella no tenia muñecas y siempre jugaba haciendo experimentos con las flores y las hojas , ella tambien tenia unas amiguitas de la escuela y cuando venian a jugar con ella jugaban a ser mamàs. En elpueblo habia un lobo a quien ella le tenia miedo, ese lobo era el policia del pueblo; era un hombre de color negro que habia venido a

trabajar aqui y era el unico en el pueblo de ese color de piel cuando èl visitaba a su abuelita ella se escondia hasta que èl se iba. Ella se acostaba temprano como a las 6;00 de la tarde porque en el pueblo no habia luz y oscurecia muy temprano.. ella tenia un tio que trabajaba en una fabrica en la ciudad venia al pueblo una vez a la semana ;los dias miercoles, ella esperaba a su tio con alegria porque èl le traia caramelos y chocolates asi ella paso su niñez en ese pueblito muy feliz con su abuelita hasta que un dia sus padres la vinieron a buscar y se la llevaron con su abuelita para la ciudad. marisela loaiza

The green eye little girl Once upon a time in a little village near the mountain there lived a pretty little girl whose eyes were green, her parents had to move to the city with her other little brothers and sisters but she was left living with her "yeja" grandmother who always got her up at five in the morning to drink coffee with bread although her classes at school started at eight o'clock and when she did not have classes she helped his grandmother by delivering milk in the village and when she was on the road she talked with an imaginary friend, She picked wild flowers and brought them to her grandmother. She was very happy and enjoyed playing a lot with butterflies, birds and flowers in the yard of her house since she did not have dolls and always played experiments with flowers and leaves, she also had some friends from school and When they came to play with her they played at being moms. In the village there was a wolf whom she was afraid of, that wolf was the police of the town; he was a black man who had come to work in the village and was the only one in the town of that skin color when he visited her grandmother she would hide until he left. She went to bed early like at 6:00 in the afternoon because in the town there was no electricity and got dark very early .. she had an uncle whom she loved so much ,he worked in a factory in the city and came to town once a week on Wednesdays , she waited for her uncle with joy because he brought candy and chocolates so she spent her childhood in that very happy village with her grandmother until one day her parents came to look for her and took her with her grandmother to the city. .

marisela loaiza

Jesus Figuera Serenidad Aquiles se les advertía a los troyanos que incesantemente nunca descansaban. Justo en frente de la muralla, Héctor, calibrando su suerte y su confianza, se abalanza contra el gran aquiles que, sin nada que perder, esquiva gracilmente todo ataque que el desgraciado Héctor le propinaba. Mientras tanto, muchos dioses discuten la veracidad de la batalla y sus futuras repercusiones. Minerva, sutilmente convencía al gran Zeus mientras Tetis derrochaba cada lágrima cuyas mismas provocaban lluvias postbatalla. Zeus, convencido de la frialdad de Aquiles, y el arquetipo que Héctor podria hacer para beneficiarlo, lo resbala, el cual aprovecha el grácil Héctor para atravesar su espada en el curioso talón descubierto por desdén de Aquiles; silencio después. Las lágrimas de Tetis se oscurecieron de expiación… Nunca el lagrimeo había sido tan oscuro. La ninfa de los mares había apaciguado su ira para más nunca sentir cólera… En el Hades… Eternity Igor, junto a Pooh sentado a las orillas y sin desvirtuar el desánimo que le caracteriza, le cuenta desesperado y vacío: “tengo miedo de morir, Pooh. Solo se vive una vez”. Pooh, junto a su admirable inocencia, le replica: “No, Igor. Solo se muere una vez. Se vive todos los días”.

Irónica Hoy, año 3581, en la venta del día, tenemos a los que llamaron “el espectacular y grandioso humano”; capaz de correr, amar, sentir y cantar. Curiosamente, se le consideraba el top de la especie llamados, a veces “persona”. Chary fue la última en existir, y por eso la gran oferta del día. No esperes más. Llamanos Apagándose...

SPOILED CHILDREN Once upon a time there was this very wealthy family living in a big castle in a beautiful city in a Germanic kingdom. They were not only wealthy but very powerful. Only the reigning family was more powerful than them. The father was a very important merchant who had always notable business with the noble families of the kingdom and beyond because these people were aware of his ability to make money and fought for an opportunity to make business with him. His name was Herr Hans. The mother, who came from a noble family, was the most admired woman. She was admired not only because of her beauty, but because she was considered to be very gracious and elegant. Her name was Liezel. All the women in the kingdom believed she had a great marriage and two beautiful children: one elder daughter and a little son. Their offspring were dazzling as well and they were also considered to be the happiest kids since they got everything they asked for. Their father got all to them, so they didn’t need anything. But when they didn’t, they always made a tantrum as wild and loud as a lion and it could be heard in the entire castle and its surroundings. The truth was that their parents had spoiled them so much that they didn’t know any other way of living. That was unthinkable! Their names were Hansel and Gretel. One day, the very spoiled children decided to visit the woods because they were curious about it. They had two reasons: One was because their mother had told them several times not to go around without their nanny or any other adult. She said it would be dangerous. But that day, they stopped listening. They didn’t care and escaped from the castle very early in the morning without the help noticing. The other reason was because they thought this would be a big joke for them and their parents would understand. This adventure was overflowing with excitement! The children prepared a basket packed with the fruits and the water they stole from the kitchens so they could enjoy it in their picnic trip into the woods. They thought it would be more than enough because they would only spend the morning there. And so they went. They went into the woods happily, hopping and singing as any child would do. As they walked and hopped and sang, because they said they wanted to find a nice spot to sit and eat while they enjoyed their food and the view of the trees and the sky above them, they got themselves very deep in the woods.

However, when they finally realized it, they were lost. Or so they thought. They stopped their little march feeling a little scared. Actually, they didn’t want to admit it to each other but they were really scared. What were they thinking? They finally set up their little picnic and sat around it. They started to eat, paying attention to every sound of the woods, but they only found the birds chirping and the wind blowing and moving the leaves from the trees. Suddenly, they heard something different. It was a different sound. A familiar sound. A human sound. And as they got all their things together, they went to find out what it was, because they imagined they could be near the town. On the contrary, what they found was not the town. It was a little house, though it was out of this world. It must have been. They could not believe their eyes! A woman, as beautiful as their mother, was inside the house. She had just prepared a very nice tart and she was placing it at the window. It smelled really nice. Blueberries! Yum! Just like their cook at the castle made especially for them! And what they noticed after that was even more amazing: the little house was completely made of cookies and candy and chocolate. Wow! How wonderful! How could this house be hidden in the woods? It was a treasure!, they thought. And yes, definitely this house seemed hidden in the woods. No wonder their mother never wanted them to go into the woods. They felt somehow betrayed, as spoiled as they were. The woman, though she looked lovely as a fairy, was unknown to them. What’s more, she looked mysterious somehow. Nonetheless, they decided to go closer. They walked very slowly and carefully. And as they walked, they stepped on a branch without noticing. Then everything went quiet. Later, what they saw was the woman right in front of them, with a big smile and a look with kind eyes, holding both their hands and pulling them to her candy house. Hansel and Gretel looked and each other and they immediately knew what to do now. The woman invited them to her house, with no objections from the children, while she finished her duties. She promised she would take them personally to their castle. It turned out she was Sigrid, their cook’s sister, Kristin. And as she saw the eying everything around her house, she offered them of her tart and they didn’t refuse. They accepted. When she finished her work, it was awfully late and told the children to spend the night. She would certainly take them the following morning. She also said that it was because there was a horribly dangerous witch that came out at night. Even though they knew their parents would be very worried, Hansel and Gretel preferred to stay with Sigrid until the next morning. Besides, they were staying in a house made of the most wonderful and delicious things in the world and their host was a fairylike woman who could grant them a wish. Or so they hoped. And so they wished and wished while they fell asleep.

The following morning, they woke up feeling so hungry and lost and then they understood they were still in the forest, but not in the candy house. What they saw was really strange. They found themselves near the river next to their castle. All of a sudden, they saw their mother running over them and hugging them desperately, sobbing. Behind her there was Hans and all the help from the castle. They saw Kristin behind the crowd. But there was no sign of Sigrid. They told their story and their parents listened to them cautiously. Hans was very angry at them for making them worry so bad. Liezl was quieter, but supported Hans on his decision to punish them for their behavior. It was the first time of their lives! Hans and Gretel felt sincerely embarrassed. Something was off in their story, though‌ A woman called Sigrid living in the woods. People said there was nobody living there, only animals. But the children told them to look around because they wanted to thank her. And even when their parents felt grateful to this mystifying woman and tried to find her, there was no trace of her and her house. What was truly amazing was that Kristin assured them that her sister’s name was Greta and she lived with her own family in a nearby city.

Karen Knuth

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