D.3350 RI. Governor Newsletter August 2015

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RI District 3350

สารผู ว า การภาค Governor’s Monthly Newsletter

ฉบับที่ 2 : สิงหาคม 2558 • Issue 2 : August 2015

ทีฆายุกา โหตุ มหาราชินี

Membership and New Club Development Month

RI Pre sid e n t ’s Me ssa ge

ประธานโรตาร�สากล ป 2558-59 In the 1930s, Ole Kirk Christiansen, a Danish carpenter, had a wooden sign hanging on his wall that read, Det bedste er ikke for godt: “Only the best is good enough.” Today, Christiansen is remembered as the inventor of Lego, the colorful plastic bricks beloved by children around the world. But in the early days of the Lego company, its signature product was a wooden duck – one built to the highest standards, out of aged beech, with three coats of clear varnish. Lego’s company history tells how Christiansen used his ducks to teach a lesson in quality to his son, Godtfred Kirk: One evening, when I came into the office, I said to my father: “It’s been a good day today, Dad. We’ve earned a little more.” “Oh,” said Dad, “what do you mean?” “Well, I’ve just been to the station with two boxes of our toy ducks for the Danish Co op. Normally they get three coats of varnish, but since it’s for the Co-op, I only gave them two. So I saved the business a bit of money.” He looked at me in dismay. “Godtfred, fetch those boxes back. Unpack them and give the ducks another coat of varnish. You’re not going to bed until the work’s done – and you’ll do it all on your own.” There was no arguing with Dad. And it was a lesson for me about what quality meant. Today, Lego’s quality standards are legendary, and its products are the most popular toys in the world: Lego pieces outnumber humans 86 to 1. We all recognize that this success stems directly from Lego’s business practices – its insistence on quality, efficiency, and innovation. I compare this with our efforts in governance and accountability in Rotary, and realize that sometimes we fall short of the standards expected. The leaders at the Rotary International, zone, district, and club levels have to maintain the highest standards in governance. The RI president and directors must serve the membership in a meaningful manner; zone leaders must deliver on the investment Rotary makes in them; district leaders must provide dynamic leadership in the district and focus on transparency in accounting and timely reporting of financials; and club leaders must adhere to proper reporting functions and get their clubs onto Rotary Club Central. Just as Christiansen refused to consider sending a lesser product to any of his clients, so should we refuse to consider giving a lesser effort to any of our work. We must always demand the best of ourselves – in our professional lives, and especially in our Rotary work. For in Rotary, what is our product? It is not wooden ducks or plastic bricks. It is education, water, health, and peace. It is hope, and it is life itself. For this work, only our best is good enough. I ask you all to remember this – and to do your very best to Be a Gift to the World.

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Dear Fellow Rotarians,

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More than a month has passed since clubs had installation parties which were held smoothly with distinction, happiness and fun fellowship. Now clubs must begin their Rotary activities by holding weekly meetings, prepare club plan especially emphasizing increasing and retaining members, hold service projects, donate to The Rotary Foundation and inform the public of their activities through PR releases.

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August is the month of Membership and Extension. As you are aware membership is at the heart of Rotary. A vibrant club that can do service projects effectively must have at least 40 members. This is because the Rotary organization chart has about 40 positions in their committees and subcommittees. Large numbers of members make a club strong and vibrant with many people helping in project activities, donating to RI Foundation and helping promote Rotary to the general public. On June 27th, 2015 the District’s Membership Development Committee held a Membership Seminar at the Miracle Grand hotel which was well received by Rotary clubs. I hope you have applied the knowledge gained to increase and retain members in your club. I have started District Governor’s visit to Rotary clubs from July 23rd 2015. Clubs have assured me of their cooperation and most have assured they will increase members and donations to meet their target for the year according to their club plan. This is a propitious great start to the year of Be a Gift to the World. (Chaivai Poonlapmongkol) District Governor D 3350 for 2015-16

Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


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Dear Fellow Rotarians, First of all, I will like to thank you all clubs, who has supported by sending at least 5 participants to attend D.3350 Membership Development Seminar on 27th June 2015. This has started our first step for Membership Development in our district. The most important resource in any organization is Membership. Likewise in Rotary, Membership is also one of the top priorities of Rotary International. It is time that all of us will need to take a serious thought and action on the membership development. For the past 20 years, Rotary International membership is hovering around 1.2 million and I really hope that we can pass the 1.3 million breakpoint within these 2 years. I have mentioned many times that all of us must dare to dream. From our dreams, we will then develop into vision, goals and action in order to “Make Dreams Real”. August is the month of Membership and New Club Development and I will like to urge all clubs not to only concentrate on recruitment, but engagement, mentoring and training. In addition, we must also concentrate on retention. If not, all our efforts will go into a waste. I am sure that by now, all of you are aware that Membership Development means Recruitment, Retention, Strengthening, as well as Extension. The world is changing, technology is upgrading, Rotary is also changing and clubs have to be more innovative and flexible, in order to attract more young professionals to be part of our Rotary family. What will be our strategy? Simple, we have already learnt during the last Membership Seminar to adopt the 6 INs concept, which is “Initiate, Invite, Introduce, Inspire, Induct & Involve (Engage)”. With the first 5 INs, we are recruiting our new members. But this is not enough, we need to get them Involve, in order to keep them and be part of our Rotary Family. The other concept that I am recommending is “Every Rotarian, Find One (1) – Keep (1)”. I am sure that all of us have friends and it will not be too difficult for us to just find / invite just one of our friend to be part of this meaningful organization (our Rotary family), if we want to do it. As such, I will like to urge all of you to Invite at least one (1) of your friends or business associate to be part of us. I’m also aware that you may be meeting some obstacles by doing so. Please don’t get discourage, if your friends tell you that they will wish very much to join us, but their time just don’t permit. This will definitely be your major obstacle, but we will need to break the ice. BE flexible & innovative. If they are able to spare at least 2 times per month, then you are successful. Once they get involve and in Thai we say “Sat Tha” (Faith), they will be more active than some of us and attend your weekly meeting and activities, without reminders. I have done this in Roi Et and is proven to be effective. There are 2 kinds of marketing, namely “Push” & “Pull” marketing. What I have recommended above are all “Push” marketing. We also need to adopt the “Pull” marketing concept. I will like to recommend “Let the Target Touch” concept. In order to do this, your club will need to have an interesting program for your weekly meeting. Please do not only concentrate on only guest speaker and club matters, which can be boring at times, if we do it the same thing every week. We will need to have a variety of program, like family night, vocational visit or introduction, community service, as well as leadership and management talks (especially for the young professionals that you are targeting). These are only some of the examples and there are a lot more. Please do not hesitate to invite your friends or business associates to join your club community service activities, even though they have yet to be Rotarians. Get them involve either financially or physically, this may touch them and create a willingness to join our Rotary family. I will also like to recommend that all clubs to keep a data base on the various job classification or potential list of your individual club. This will serve as a prospectus for your recruitment. For the sake of the less privileged in our Thai communities, let’s think positive, join leaders, exchange ideas, set goals, take action and “Be a Gift to the World”. Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


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NEW MEMBER SPONSOR RECOGNITION PROGRAM Honoring members who strengthen Rotary’s membership The New Member Sponsor Recognition Program is an exciting new initiative approved by the Rotary International Board of Directors. It honors Rotary members who sponsor new members. All sponsors of members admitted to Rotary on or after 1 July 2013 are eligible to receive a specially designed membership pin and colored pin backer from Rotary in recognition of their commitment to the organization’s membership growth. A current member who sponsors one new member will receive a recognition pin with a blue backer. As additional members are sponsored, new colored backers will be awarded to signify the sponsor’s achievement.

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Levels of achievement

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6 สารผู ว าการภาค

1 NEW MEMBER Blue backer

2-3 NEW MEMBERS Bronze backer

4-5 NEW MEMBERS Silver backer

6 + NEW MEMBERS Gold backer

Sponsors will also have opportunities to be acknowledged in the Membership Recognition Gallery that will soon appear on www.rotary.org, as well as in regional magazines and other Rotary publications. Members who earn gold backers and beyond and who are in attendance at the Rotary International Convention will be invited to join the RI president for a special recognition event. How it works It’s easy to designate new members’ sponsors to ensure they are recognized for their support of Rotary. For each new member: 1. Sign in to My Rotary and go to Manage, then Club Administration. 2. Add the new member to the club’s record. An email address is essential for new members to ensure they receive Rotary’s welcome bulletin. 3. Search for the sponsoring member in the [Sponsored By] field and click to select it. If the new member does not have a sponsor, select [No Sponsor Information Given]. 4. Look up the sponsoring member’s record and check to be certain that the sponsor’s email address is listed. An email address is necessary so that sponsors can receive messages about their recognition items and achievement levels. Additional information It’s important that new members be entered into club records as soon as possible after being inducted. Clubs using a synchronized club administration software application should enter new members into that system and identify their sponsors where indicated. Confirm that an email address is present for both members, and submit the record to Rotary. Every week, Rotary will send clubs a packet containing the names of newly-identified sponsors along with Rotary pins and backers. Club presidents are asked to set aside time during club meetings to honor sponsors’ achievements by presenting them with their pins and backers. Club presidents, district governors, and district governors-elect will have access to summary reports that show an overview of all new members and their sponsors. If sponsors don’t want to receive recognition, they can decline the pins and backers and the other recognition components of the program by selecting that option in the email message from Rotary that congratulates them for sponsoring new members. Questions about this program can be directed to membershipawards@rotary.org. Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


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ÁÕ»ÃЪҡÃÃÇÁ 15,205,539 ¤¹ »˜¨¨ØºÑ¹ÁÕ 6 ÊâÁÊä×Í Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh Metro, Pursat, Siem Reap, Angkor and Sangke Battambang ¾×é¹·Õè·Õè¤ÇþԨÒóҡ‹ÍµÑé§ÊâÁÊÃãËÁ‹¤×Í... 18. Phnom Penh (1,501,725 population)

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ÊâÁÊ÷ҧÍÔ¹à·Íà à¹ç·ËÃ×Í Rotary E-Club

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James W. Davidson (Big Jim) ¼ÙŒ¹ÓâõÒÃÕÁÒÊÙ‹»ÃÐà·Èä·Â àÁ×èÍ 84 »‚·ÕèáÅŒÇ

On December 23, 1931, H.M. King Prachadipok, Rama VII, graciously attended the banquet held at Phya Thai Palace Hotel with H.R.H. Prince Purachatra as President of the Rotary Club of Bangkok, the first Rotary club in Thailand.

In August 1928, he set sail from Montreal with Lillian and Marjory on what was to be an eight-month voyage. It turned out to be a nearly three-year odyssey during which Davidson chartered 23 clubs in 12 countries, from Turkey to Thailand. Among Rotarian legends, few figures stand as tall as James Wheeler Davidson, the man Paul Harris dubbed the Marco Polo of Rotary. Although his nick name, “Big Jim,” referred to his physical stature, it also reflects Davidson’s accomplishments in spreading the Rotary movement from the Mediterranean to the South Seas. While it would be hyperbole to call Davidson a mountain of a man, there is in fact a mountain in the Canadian Rockies named for him. Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


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Co mmu n it y Se rvi ce

Rotary Community Corps (RCC) PP. Somchai Roongsrisawat

What are community needs? Members in a community need better living standard, which can be covered by the following elements: 1. Health and Diseases prevention and treatment 2. Economics, vocational service, and better income 3. Shelters and Environments Members in many communities gather into groups in order to maintain their negotiating power toward communication with Government for vocational development and self development.

What is RCC?

A Rotary Community Corps (RCC) is a team of non-Rotarian men and women who are committed to their community’s long-term development and self- sufficiency. An RCC is sponsored by a Rotary club one of Rotary’s partners in service. The main principle of the program is to enable RCC members to personally address and solve problems in the area where they work or live.

Program Goals

1. To encourage the development of human potential to its fullest, within the context of the local culture and community. 2. To encourage individuals to take responsibility for the improvement of their village, neighborhood, or community. 3. To recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations and to mobilize self-help activities and collective work to improve the quality of live.

Qualification of Members

- Man and woman who has their residence within the community. - Volunteer group, club, or community organization within the community. - Have strong will to serve the community, and is not a Rotarian.


The sponsoring Rotary Club must commit to be a lifetime sponsoring club and RCC cannot be exist without a sponsoring Rotary Club. Rotary Community Corps can maintain their status as long as they follow by-laws and the Rotary International policy.

Register The RCC with RI

The sponsoring Rotary Club must submit filled form signed by Club President and District Governor to Rotary International who will issue and send a charter certificate to the club.

Annual Report

The RCC must submit their report of activities achieved in accordance with RI policy to their respective sponsoring Rotary Club by June 30 of every year. To do this the RCC must use the form provided by RI.


- RI provide a recommended RCC By-laws - RCC can adjust according to local regulations and traditions.


- An option - The fund raised for service project must be kept separately from Administrative Account


Members of RCC can have the right to use RCC logo as long as they keep their good standing status.


Promoting the motto “Service Above Self” A good chance for community members to learn to adopt systematic approach in community administration Promote self-sufficient service project to the community. Promoting Rotary Public Image Enhancing the Rotary club service projects in an efficient and meaningful way.

How to organize? -

Add into your club plan a board approved RCC organizing Plan. Appoint an Organizing Committee who has the capacity to communicate with the Community Survey and select appropriate community. Hold meetings with local authority. The target community should be accessible. Rotarians from sponsoring club can comfortably join activities and meetings. Community members are willing and determined to cooperate. The community has high spirit of unity.

The Structure

Group of men and women gather together to form a service group and select their own board of committee to serve the Corps for 1 year. An RCC’s board of committee should compose of - Chairperson - Chairperson elect - Past Chairperson - Secretary, Treasurer - Sergeant-at-arm, PR - Others, as necessary. 4 Standing Committees - Administration - Community Service

14 สารผู ว าการภาค

- Vocational Service - Finance Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


Update on Aug.10 Total : 62 Clubs

2015 - 16 Joint Installation of Club Officers (51 Rotary Clubs in District 3350 RI.)

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Public Image Pertaining to the occasion of D.3350 Seminar on Public Relations, Saturday 25 July , 2015 where PDG.Rajindar Singh has given speech on "Rotary Public Image" with content worth understanding by all Rotarians , PR Committee would like to feature the message by splitting into 2 parts covering August and September issues of the Governor's

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Thank you for inviting me to your District Public Image Seminar. It is indeed a pleasure being in Bangkok again. One of the strategies of Rotary’s Strategic plan is to Enhance Public Image and Awareness.

What is Public Image?

“Our public image is what we do in service, and what we don't do, to do good in the world” Past RI President Bhichai Rattakul Thailand Taipei Zone Institute in 2013 “Public Image is good deeds, publicly appreciated, because adequately communicated.” Past RI President Frank Spain of Alabama International Assembly in 1967 “For so long, we did our good work quietly and not for recognition.” While this was noble, it made it difficult for people to understand the good work of Rotarians and why we exist. It is only when we tell our story, like-minded people want to join with us.

ESSENCE Let us look at What is Rotary? Rotary is a highly complex organization, steeped in tradition, with 1.2 million members in 34,000 autonomously run clubs in 530 districts across the globe. While some nonprofits are positioned clearly in people’s minds, Rotary isn't. Studies have revealed that neither their members nor their staff could consistently answer the question, “What is Rotary?” People join and stay with Rotary because of the connections they make with others and the positive feelings they get by giving back to their communities. Seeing the potential in these themes, Rotary adopted “community and connections” as their brand essence. Rotary organized all of their activities into three core areas aligned with this brand essence: 1) “join leaders” for their club meetings; 2) “exchange ideas” for their work finding solutions to community problems; and, 3) “take action” for their work to create positive change in their local communities and in the world. The authors tell us that achieving simplicity in an organization like ours is not easy, but the returns are well worth the effort.

VALUES “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” Albert Einstein What are values of Rotary? • Fellowship is about how we build lifelong relationships. • Ethics is how we honor our commitments. • Diversity is how we connect diverse perspectives. • Service and Leadership, we apply our expertise to solve the world’s most pressing issues.

Our Visual Identity

18 สารผู ว าการภาค

The issue is that we have confused people. How focused can an organization be when we had accumulated over 120 logos and were working with 12 mission statements? There is nothing wrong with Rotary, but we needed to improve the way we present ourselves. Our message needed to be clear and presented in a way that people understand. Simply, we had been talking only to ourselves. We need to present a message that is personal for other Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


Ro t a ry Found a t i on

2015 - 16 District 3350 Rotary Foundation & Grant Management Seminar On July 11 , 2015 At Miracle Grand Convention Hotel

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20 สารผู ว าการภาค

Dear Rotarians, The Rotary Foundation Grant Management Seminar taken place on Saturday July 11, 2015 has been a great success. The event was attended by 250 club presidents and board members which far exceeded the expected number of attendees. DG Chaivai Poonlapmongkol and all speakers have effectively shared their knowledge as well as their experience related to the work of the Rotary Foundation and how to run a project, and the seminar’s objectives were duly met. The “Global Grant: Collaborate and spread our strengths” project has received overwhelming interest from various Rotary Clubs. Many Clubs that do not have DDF have informed me that they would go back to their Club and encourage their members to make a donation to PHF so that their Club will be qualified to get a special DDF allocated by the District and join the Global Grant projects hosted by 8 Rotary Clubs. They can then take the item(s) from the project back to their local communities. It is my hope that the “Global Grant: Collaborate and spread our strengths” project will be a beginning of a simultaneous and sustainable growth of Rotary Clubs in our district. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the 8 clubs namely RC of Bangkok Bangna, RC of Bangkok Klongtoey, RC Charoen Nakorn, RC Yannawa, RC Phra Nakhon, RC Sathorn, RC Bangkok Patanakarn and RC Patumwan who have hosted the Global Grant projects in which we now all can be a part of. Yours in Rotary (PP. Prasart Kiatpaibulkit) DRFC President, District 3350, 2015 - 2018

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Rotary Youth Exchange Program = Life Changing Program By PP.Napaskamon Promopakorn - District 3350 Youth Exchange Subcommittee Chair

Dear fellow Rotarians, From the topic I would like to share with you about Youth Exchange Program, many of you may be surprised that I call it “Life Changing Program”. It may be surprising for those who have never yet sent their children to participate in this program. However, those who have already done so or met any Youth Exchange student, they can definitely affirm about the wonder of Rotary Youth Exchange Program. And the following stories are true. For our District 3350, this program has already existed for no less than 35 years, and the current outbound students are the 35 th Class of Youth Exchange Students. From the opportunity that I have worked in this program for some time, I have witnessed changes of the students who joined this program – both short-term and long-term. The students had grown up, eager to learn new things, and became more responsible for oneself and others. Many of short-term students, when returned, became more interested in learning new things, gained higher self-confidence and more responsible although it was a short period of time. Many long-term students can greatly impressed their host clubs. For example, Nong Jeng, sponsored by Rotary Club of Siquare, joined hands with the host club in Alaska to organize Thai Cuisine Dinner Event and he was the chef to cook Thai dishes himself. The fund raised was able to purchase 7 shelter boxes costing USD 7,000 (USD 1,000 per 1 shelter box) to help earthquake victims in Nepal. He was highly complimented and it was a good chance to PR Thai food. Many students had become school athletes – loved by host families, and besides, have a leap development. They have higher self-confidence, knowing oneself – what they want to do, what they want to become. For those who went to non-English speaking countries, they also learnt and be fluent in the local languages of the countries they visited as additional languages. Furthermore, Rotary Youth Exchange Program can be considered one of the most secured programs in the world. All participants in this program have been trained and verified. This program is under the supervision of Rotary clubs, District Youth Exchange Committee and Rotary International. Hence, all students will be looked after well. There are still a lot of great stories about the Youth Exchange Program. I will tell more when I have a chance in future issues. Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


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24 สารผู ว าการภาค

Club Meeting Program and Resource Speaker Subcommittee AG. Jongkoldee Pongsri

The roll of this subcommittee is to encourage all Rotarians to join the weekly club meeting. The following are details: The following should be considered in planning the effective meeting program,: Define the club meeting program in advance. Arrange the club meeting program that meets the interests of the members, such as the on-going projects of the club, or activity that reflects community care. • Rotate the subcommittee members to arrange the meeting program. • Arrange a weekly or monthly meeting program to reflect the Rotary monthly theme. • Prepare an alternative meeting plan in case the pre-defined program is cancelled. For example, let the club members speak about their experience in Rotary. • •

On this occasion, I would like to give you an example of the effective club meeting program for your guide line. It was composed by PDG Somsak Durongbhand.

Club Weekly Meeting Program Openning the meeting: Welcome all honorable Rotarians and guests to our club weekly meeting. (ring the bell) Please stand up and sing the National anthem. After finishing singing national song, president says “thank you”. “Guest speaker, District Governor, Past District Governor, Assistant District Governor, Presidents from other club, Past President, Fellow Rotarians, Rotary Ann, Gentlemen, and our honorable guests” “Now, welcome all of you to our weekly meeting” “Today the topic of our speaker is…………………by………………” “Let’s welcome our guest speaker” President’s news update: I would like to inform you the following news. (President read the article according to the details that have been prepared) Secretary’s news update: Please welcome Rtn……, our club secretary, to inform us about the latest news. Fellowship activity: Please welcome Rtn…… , our fellowship fellow…..(probably about birthday news or some good news of Rotary members.) SAA: Now it is the time for us to warmly welcome the Rotarians from other clubs and guests. Rtn.….. Please come to do your SAA duty. Vocational Information: Rtn………… (invite the pre-appointed Rotarian) please inform about your vocation. Rotary Information: Rtn………… (invite the pre-appointed Rotarian) please inform about Rotary information. Other added subjects (if any). Introduce guest speaker. Rtn………… (invite the pre-appointed Rotarian) please introduce guest speaker. Invite guest speaker. Thank the guest speaker: Rtn………… (invite the pre-appointed Rotarian) please thank the guest speaker.…… I and fellow Rotarians here have the opportunity to learn the valuable story of ……… from you…… (brief the hi-light) I would like to invite all of us to express our sincere thanks to our guest speaker. (giving sign to tell everyone to stand up and give the big hands.) Announce next meeting date, guest speaker, and topic. Invite everyone to join the next interesting meeting. Closing the meeting: “Thank you so much to fellow Rotarians, esteemed guests, our guest speaker.” “Now it is time to close our meeting.” “Please come up here to jointly take a picture.” (͹.¹ÔÃÁÔµ ÀÔÞâÞºÙó áÅÐ ¹ÂÅ.¹¾¾Ã ÇÅÕÍÔ·¸Ô¡ØÅ á»Å)

Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


I n t e rn a t io n a l Se rvi ce

การเซ็นสัญญาคู มิตรระหว างภาค 3590 ประเทศเกาหลี กับภาค 3350 โรตาร�สากล และ ระหว าง RC. of Geo Je Chil Baek ภาค 3590 กับ สโมสรโรตาร�กรุงเทพบางข�นเทียน

หนุ มเนื้อหอม

A CHARMING DISTRICT อน.ศิร�ชัย สิมะสกุล

ประธานคณะกรรมการบร�การระหว างประเทศ Fellow Rotarians,


Our District is really a charming District, because there is a lot of Districts which would like to become Sister District with us. They would like to join the activities or even applying a Global Grant with us. So, all the clubs are reminded to prepare your Community and Humanitarian Projects ready in hand in order to be able to submit to our Sister District right away.

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On Sunday, July 12, 2015 our District has a chance to welcome Rotarians from District 3590, Korea, which was led by DG. Kim Gap Jong. The team comprised of IPDG Dr. Jin Jong Bu, PDG. Kim Gil Soo (DG. 2009-10) and PP. Baik Jong Sun, District Secretary. The purpose of their trip to Thailand was to sign a Sister District Agreement with our District. In fact, the intention to sign this Sister District Agreement was initiated by IPDG. Dr. Jin Jong Bu, who came to Thailand in December last year to join our The Thai Rotary Day function at Lumpinee Park.

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This Sister District Ageement signing could not be happened if without these 2 persons - PP. Jay Chung and his Rotary Ann, Khun Darin Pongpawat from Rotary Club of Pranakorn. Thank both of you for your kind assistance. I would also like to convey my sincere thanks to P.Preecha Sripaiboon as well as PP.Preecha Klinkaeo, of Rotary Club of Pranakorn, who played host for this ceremony. And in the evening of the same day, DG.Chaivai also held a Fellowship Dinner at Shangrila Restaurant.

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Next issue I may have more International activities and projects ©ºÑ º ˹Œ Ò ¼Á¤§ÁÕ ¤ ÇÒÁ¤× º ˹Œ Ò ¢Í§¡Ô ¨ ¡ÃÃÁÃÐËÇ‹ Ò §»ÃÐà·ÈÁÒ to report to all of you again. ÃÒ§ҹ·Ø¡·‹Ò¹ÍÕ¡¤ÃѺ

26 สารผู ว าการภาค

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Vocational Service ¦· µ¦ o µ °µ ¸¡ µªÃ¦Â Á¦¸ ¥ ¦³ ° oª¥ ¼ o µÎ µ » ¦ · Ä ª· µ ¸¡ ¸É®¨µ ®¨µ¥Â ¤µ¦n ª¤­¦oµ ªµ¤ ¦³® ´ Ä ¦· µ¦°µ ¸¡Á È Â °¥nµ ¸É ¸ Ä µ ³ ¼ o µÎ à ¥ µ¦ ¦³¡§ · · ´ · Á ºÉ°¤­´¤¡´ r ´ »¤ ¨³®» o ­nª µ » ¦ · Ä » £µ ­nª ¦n ª¤ ´ ­¦oµ ð µ­ ¦³ » o · ­Îµ ¹ Ä µ¦ ¦³ ° °µ ¸¡ oª¥ ­°  ª µ Ä®o ªµ¤­Îµ ´ Ä µ¦¥ ¦³ ´ ¤µ ¦ µ ¦¦¥µ ¦¦ Ä » ª· µ ¸¡ ¥°¤¦´ ¨³Á¨È Á®È » nµÄ ª· µ ¸¡ nµ Ç Ä®oÁ · ªµ¤£µ £¼¤·Ä Ä °µ ¸¡ ° ¤»n Á o µ¦­ ´ ­ » ¨³¡´ µ ¦ª¤ ´Ê ¤° ð µ­ ªµ¤ oµª® oµ µ °µ ¸¡ µ¦ µ µ¤ ªµ¤¦¼ o ªµ¤­µ¤µ¦ ¨³ ªµ¤Á ¸É¥ª µ ¥ ¥n° Ä®o µÎ ¨´ Ä Â¨³Á · ¼ ¼ o ¦³ ° ­´¤¤µ ¸¡ ¸É¥ ´ » ¦³Ã¥ r n° »¤ ¨³ n°­´ ¤ Á È ´ ¼Äo ®o ¦· µ¦ oµ °µ ¸¡Â °¥nµ ¸É ¦ » nµ¥·É Those who join Rotary Clubs are committed to promoting professional development. Rotarians can pursue this commitment through activities that enhance their own knowledge, and by guiding and training others to find gainful, seek for opportunities and fulfilling employment. The Object of Rotary is a philosophical statement of Rotary’s purpose and the responsibilities of Rotarians. The concept of vocational service is rooted in the Second Object, which calls on Rotarians to “encourage and foster”:

Á¤º°É ª´ ¸ É 3 ¦ µ ¤ 2558 Å o¤ ¸ µ¦ ¦³ »¤Á ¦¸¥¤ µ¦ ´ µ 2016 Bangkok Rotary Institute ¸ É ³¤¸ ʹ ¦µª Á º° ¡§« · µ¥ 2559 µ¦ ¦³ »¤ Institute Ä ¦´ Ê ¸Ê¤ ¸ ¦¦¤ µ¦ ¦·®µ¦Ã¦ µ¦¸­µ ¨ ¦.Á­µª¨´ ¬ r ¦´ ª· r Á È Convenor ¨³ ° £. ´¥¦´ r ¦³Á­¦· ¨Îʵ Á È ¦³ µ ³ ¦¦¤ µ¦ ´ µ


High ethical standards in business and professions


The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations


The dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as opportunity to serve society

2015 - 2016 District 3350 Vocational Service Committee Chair Charter President Suwanna Vongsurakrai RC Srapathum Tel. 087-1134567 Email: ronet.me@gmail.com Line: www.ronet.me Website: www.ronet.me

THE 4-WAY TEST CLUB ¨» · ­Îµ ¹ - ­° 4  ª µ

As a Rotarian, we can encourage and guide others through following activities:

AWARENESS INFO RESOURCES ­¦oµ ªµ¤ ¦³® ´ Ä ¦¦¥µ ¦¦ ª· µ ¸¡

ROTARY WISDOM WAREHOUSE ­ Á « 52 ­´ µ®r 52 Á¦ºÉ ° ¦µª ¤¦¤Á ¦º° n µ¥ ´ »¦ · · °µ­µ


Care for Career Center

æ µ¦¸­µ ¨Á¦·¤É à ¦Â ¦¤Ä®¤n Rotary Global Rewards - à ¦Â ¦¤ ¸ÄÉ ®o­ªn ¨ ­Îµ®¦´ ¦· µ¦Â¨³­· oµ nµ Ç Â n­¤µ · ­Ã¤­¦ ¼¦µ¥¨³Á°¸¥ Å o µ Member Center ¸É My Rotary ­nª ¦µ¥¨³Á°¸¥ £µ¬µÅ ¥ ¤¸°¥¼ n Áɸ ªÈ Å r ° «¼ ¥ræ µ¦¸²

 ³ 宨n ®µ µ ¨³Â ³Â ª°µ ¸¡

Career Development & Sharing ¨ Á ¨¸É¥ Á¦¸ ¥ ¦¼ oÁ¡ºÉ° ´ Á ¨ºÉ° Á«¦¬ · »¤ ¸É¥ ´É ¥º Vocational Service Academy -VSA ¨´ ¼ o ¦¦¥µ¥Â¨³­ µ ´ ¡´ µ ´ »¦ · · °µ­µ ¤¦¤Á ¦º° n µ¥ ´ »¦ · · °µ­µ


Vocational Services Partners: RoNet Partners Á ¦º ° nµ¥ ´ »¦ · · °µ­µ - TRD RCC ROD PPP PMG …

Vocational Mobile Services: RoNet V-Mobile Services æ µ¦¸ ­´ ¦­° °µ ¸¡ ´ ®ª´ 1ª´ 1°µ ¸¡ 111 ¼o ¦³ ° µ¦¦µ¥¥n °¥

Center of Vocational Services Excellent

(ª· ¥´ ¤ ¸ª ´ ¦Á ¸¥¦ ·)

“V-Serve Signature Project” «¼ ¥r ¦· µ¦°µ ¸¡ o Â

ROTARY FIGURES (RI Fiscal Agent - 1 Jul 15)




3330 3340 3350 3360

2,594 1,469 2,694 1,428

103 59 104 66




RI Exchange Rate

THB 34 / US$ 1

´ Ê ° ¦ ° µ¦Å o¦ ´ ¦³ µ«Á ¸¥¦ · » µ ¦³ µ æ µ¦¸­µ ¨ º° ε® Á oµ®¤µ¥ ¸É Rotary Club Central ­Ã¤­¦ ° nµ εÁ · µ¦®¦º°¥´ ? Á¦µ nª¥ nµ Å o à ¦. 0 2661 6720-1 o° µ¦ ¦³ µ­´¤¡´ rà ¦ µ¦ εÁ¡È ¦³Ã¥ r ° ­Ã¤­¦Ä®oè ¦¼ o ɸ Rotary Showcase  o ªµ¤ ε ¤µ ¸É danucha@rotarythailand.org «¼ ¥ræ µ¦¸Ä ¦³Á «Å ¥ Tel: 0 2661 6720-1, E-mail: info@rotarythailand.org Website: www.rotarythailand.org, Facebook: Thai Rotary Centre

¤¦¤Á ¦º° n µ¥ ´ »¦ · · °µ­µ


¦¦¥µ ¦¦ ª· µ ¸¡ ¡´ µ°µ ¸¡ · ´ · µ¦ o µ °µ ¸¡ ¥ ¥n ° °µ ¸¡ A – Awareness : ¦¦¥µ ¦¦ ª· µ ¸¡ V-Speech

S – Social & Profession A – Action in Development Vocational Service : : ¡´ µ°µ ¸¡ · ´ · µ¦ o µ °µ ¸¡ Care4Career Center-CCC

• Practice your profession with integrity

•Help a young person achieve his or her career aspirations.

• Promote high ethical standards in business V at Work and professions

•Encourage, guide and train others to find gainful, Career Sharing&Dev-CSD fulfilling employment.

• Inspire others to behave ethically through your own words and actions

•Create job or career opportunities through your professional network.


“à ¥­¤µ · …Á¡ºÉ°Á¥µª ” • Use your professional skills æ Á¦¸ ¥ ¦n ª¤­¦o µ to serve a community.

•Network with “® ¹É »¤ -® ¹É professionals ¦· ¬ ´ ” non-Rotarian in the community.

V Service Academy -VSA

R –Recognition : ¥ ¥n ° °µ ¸¡ •Recognition an outperform occupation who serve communities and society

6-Areas Hall of Fame

¥ ¥n° ­¤µ · ¼°o » ·« Ä®o ¦· µ¦ oµ °µ ¸¡ o Â

RoNet Academy Awards ¥ ¥n° » ¨­´¤¤µ ¸¡Á¡ºÉ°­´ ¤

RoNet Channel of Social Givers ­ µ ¸Á ¦º ° nµ¥ ´ »¦ · · °µ­µ ¤¦¤Á ¦º° n µ¥ ´ »¦ · · °µ­µ

SOCIETY OF ROTARY NETWORK ­» £µ¡Â¤n¨³Á È Maternal and child health

µ¦ o ° ´ ¨³ ¦´ ¬µÃ¦ £´¥Å oÁ È Disease prevention and treatment

Îʵ¨³­» ° µ¤´¥

“1-® ¹É ´ ®ª´ 1-ª´ 1-°µ ¸¡”

Please visit our Website and Face book for an updated information and schedules.

Water and sanitation

µ¦«¹ ¬µ ¨³ µ¦Á¦¸ ¥ ¦¼ o® ´ ­º ° ´Ê ¡ºÊ µ Basic education and literacy

µ¦¡´ µÁ«¦¬ · ¨³ »¤ Economic and community development


­´ ·£µ¡ µ¦ o ° ´ ¨³  oÅ o° ´ Â¥o Peace & conflict prevention and resolution

ลําด ับ



Club name


นครวัด (Angkor)

สมาชิก สมาชิก ณ วันที� 30 มิ.ย. 58

Active members



ลําด ับ



Meetings Held


Club name


53 เมืองชัยนาท (MuangChainat)


อ่างทอง (Angthong)



บ ้านไร่ (Baanrai)



บางเขน (Bang Khen)









บางกรวย-นนทบุร ี (Bangkruai-Nonthaburi)



บางปะอิน (Bangpa-in)





สมาชิก สมาชิก ณ วันที� 30 มิ.ย. 58



Active members


Meetings Held





54 เมืองเพชรบูรณ์ (Muang Phetchabun)


55 นครนายก (Nakhon Nayok)


56 นครสวรรค์ (Nakhon Sawan)


57 หนองบัว (Nongbua)


58 หนองแค (Nongkae)



บางกะปิ (Bangkapi)





59 หนองแขม (Nongkhaem)






บางแคธนบุร ี 50 (Bangkae Dhounburi 50)





60 นนทบุร ี (Nonthaburi)






กท. (Bangkok)





61 ปากเกร็ด (Pak Kret)





10 กท.70 (Bangkok 70)





62 ปทุมธานี (Pathumthani)





11 กท.บางขุนเทียน (Bangkok Bangkhunthian)





63 ปทุมวัน (Patumwan)





64 พนมเปญ (Phnom Penh)








12 กท.บางลําพู ในพระอุปถ ้มภ์ฯ (Bangkok Banglumphu)


13 กท.บางนา (Bangkok Bangna)





65 พนมเปญ เมโทร (Phnom Penh Metro)

14 กท.เบญจสิร ิ (Bangkok Benjasiri)





66 พระปิ� นเกล ้าธนบุร ี (Phra Pinklao Dhonburi)

9 24

15 กท.ไชน่าทาวน์ (Bangkok Chainatown)





67 พระปกเกล ้าธนบุร ี (Phra Pokklao Dhonburi)





16 กท.ตะวันออก (Bangkok East)





68 พระโขนง (Prakanong)





17 กท.คลองเตย (Bangkok Klongtoey)


69 พระนคร (Pranakorn)





18 กท.กล ้วยนํ� าไท (Bangkok Kluaynumthai)


70 พระนครศรีอยุธยา (Pranakorn Sri Ayutthaya)





19 กท.นวมินทร์ (Bangkok Nawamin)


71 พระนารายณ์ลพบุร ี (Panarai Lopburi)








20 กท.พัฒนาการ (Bangkok Phattanakarn)





72 พระรามเมศวรลพบุร ี (Praramasuan Lopburi)


21 กท.เพลินจิต (Bangkok Ploenchit)





73 พระศรีสรุ โิ ยทัย อยุธยา (Prasrisuriyothai Ayuthaya)


ั ว์ (Pursat) 74 โพธิสต





75 พระราม 9 (Rama IX)


76 รังสิต (Rangsit)





77 ราษฎร์บรู ณะ (Rat Burana)





78 ราชพฤกษ์ (Ratchaphruek)


22 ท่าเรือกรุงเทพ (Bangkok Port)


23 กท.พระราม3 (Bangkok Rama III)


24 กท.รามคําแหง (Bangkok Ramkhamhaeng)


25 กท.รัชดาภิเษก (Bangkok Ratchadapisek)


26 กท.รัตน์โกสินทร์ (Bangkok Ratanakosin)


27 กท.ใต ้ (Bangkok South)





79 ราชเทวี (Ratchatewi)





80 สัมพันธ์วงศ์ (Samphanthawong)






81 ซังเก พระตะบอง (Sangke Battambang)




82 สระบุร ี (Saraburi)




83 สระบุรม ี ต ิ รภาพ (Saraburi Mittraphap)











28 กท.สุรวิ งศ์ (Bangkok Suriwong)


29 กท.สุวรรณภูม ิ (Bangkok Suwannabhum)




30 กท.วิภาวดี (Bangkok Vibhavadi)



31 บางคอแหลม (Bangkorlaem)


26 85

32 บางรัก (Bangrak)


33 บ ้านหมี� (Banmi)


34 บึงกุม ่ (Buengkum)







84 สาทร (Sathorn)


85 เสียมเรียบ (Siem Reap)


86 สีลม (Silom)


35 เฉลิมพระเกียรติสระบุร ี (Chalemprakiat Saraburi)


87 สิงห์บรุ ี (Singburi)


36 เจ ้าพระยานครสวรรค์ (Chaopraya Nakorn Sawan)


88 สิงห์บรุ วี รี ชน (Singburi Veerachon)


37 เจริญนคร (Charoen Nakorn)





89 สีแคว (Siquare)





38 จตุจักร (Chatuchak)





90 สระปทุม (Srapathum)





39 ธนบุร ี (Dhonburi)





91 ศรีนครินทร์ กรุงเทพ (Srinakarin Bangkok)





40 ธนบุรต ี ะวันตก (Dhonburi West)


92 สวนหลวง (Suan Luang)


41 ดอนเมือง (Donmuang)





93 สุขม ุ วิท (Sukhumvit)


ิ (Dusit) 42 ดุสต





94 ตากสินธนบุร ี (Taksin Dhonburi)





43 อี-คลับ กรุงเทพไซเบอร์ (E-Club of Bangkok Cyber)





95 ท่าเรือ (Tharua)





44 อี-คลับ ภาค 3350 (E-Club of District 3350)


96 ทวีวฒ ั นา (Thawiwatthana)


45 อี-คลับ สยาม (E-Club of Siam)


97 ทองหล่อ-เอกมัย (Thonglor-Ekamai)





46 อี-คลับ ธนบุรไี ซเบอร์ (E-Club of Thonburi Cyber)


98 อุทัยธานี (Uthaithani)





47 เกษมราษฎร์คลองเตย (Kasemrat Klongtoei)





99 วัฒนา ในพระอุปถ ้มภ์ฯ (Vadhana)





48 คันนายาว (Kannayao)





49 ลาดพร ้าว (Ladprao)





100 วังทองหลาง (Wang Thong Lang)


101 วัดสิงห์ (Wat Singh)


50 หล่มสัก (Lomsak)





102 ย่างกุ ้ง (Yangon)


51 ลพบุร ี (Lopburi)





103 ยานนาวา (Yannawa)


52 ลุมพินี (Lumpinee)





104 เยาวราช (Yaowarat)


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