TROPICS MAGAZINE “Africa within Us!”
Introducing Tropics Magazine Tropics Magazine is Africa’s new voice. Tropics Magazine is the first bi-lingual lifestyleweb publication covering the communities of the African continent and its Diaspora. Tropics Magazine celebrates the unique character that defines French-speaking and English-speaking people of this continent and friends of Africadocumenting their passions, pursuits and interests every month of the year. Tropics’ unique audience is dedicated to the health and prosperity of our community, and our readers turn to the digital pages of Tropics Magazine to find stories that reflect their sense of style, taste and ideals.
Demographic Profile Tropics readers are educated, affluent, socially engaged and culturally active. They’re an equal mix of male and female, many are married or have a partner, and most own the home they live in. Our readers appreciate style and taste. They dine out often and frequently entertain at home or attend parties and local social events. They take the time to read our stories online and pass the magazine’s web address on to friends two or three times a week. Tropics Magazine is proving to be an excellent resource for residents and tourists alike.
Strategic Distribution Our strategic distribution and circulation model offers access to the upscale and affluent homeowners, consumers and decision-makers in the market who wield tremendous buying power. With a digital publication run of 5,500 glossy, highquality digital magazines, Tropics gets into the screens of the influential visitors to and members of the community by: 1. Penetrating the well-known markets within the region and abroad: South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, Gabon, Cameroon, Chad, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Niger, Nigeria, Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Senegal, Liberia, Morocco, Tunisia, Madagascar, the Caribbean Islands, France, Belgium, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Canada and the United States of America.
2. Effective distribution:Allotment: Direct distribution within South Africa through Newsletters 2,500 Placement at select venues and upscale country clubs Distribution through our continental advertising partners 1,000 Placement at regular high-profile Dune Magazine launch events
1,000 1,000
Please contact your Tropics advertising representative, Venicia Guinot
Advertising Rates ($) & Schedule
Full page Half page Third Page Quarter Page Covers
1-2 Issues
3-4 Issues
5-6 Issues
2,700 1,350 890 675 5,400
2,430 1,215 802 607 4,860
2,160 1,080 712 540 4,320
January 2011 – December 2011
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Terms: Amount due upon signing. Subsequent issues require payment upon receipt of invoice. The Client, Agency and/or Agent agree to make any and all payments in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The Client, Agency and/or Agent agree to be held jointly liable for all advertisements placed in Tropics Magazine. The signer is duly authorized to enter into this agreement.