CONTENTS JANUARY 2012 UPFRONT 8 The Ed’s Note 12 Inbox 14 Une tasse de café avec Andy DYAND, Mannequin 18 The hot shopping list ACTUALITES 20 En bref 25 Business 28 Sport 30 Arts & Culture 34 Technology DOSSIERS 37 Jaguar new models 42 Les homes les plus sexy de 2012 44 Volunteer your services 46 Dossier : SIDA FEATURES 49 Tropics Woman Coretha ANTCHOUEY 51 Tropics Man Hill HARPER FASHION & BEAUTY 52 Miss Hibiscus 2011 54 The jeans genius guide 56 WANGUJEANS campaign 58 Les looks du moment avec… Strenga Make Up 60 Details that matter: METRIZ JEWELRY 65 Designer on top! IMANE AYISSI 66 Red carpet looks by… Christophe GUILLARME
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JANUARY 2012 HEALTH 69 News & Trends 72 Choisissez votre regime 74 Meal series…Carrots! 80 Healthy snacks HOUSE & FOOD 82 Menu de Janvier 84 Wine news 89 Deco touches of January 93 Bricolage TAKE CARE 94 Spa treats 96 Une peau qui brille 100 Entertainment news 105 Chez le libraire! VOYAGES 108 Large private jets 111 Wheels time: Jaguar 113 Retreats, Country lodges 114 Destination… Gabon! 116 Top 10 World Best Destinations LUXE 120 Little luxuries 121 Need a cigar?
THANK YOU TO Models: Coretha Antchouey, Andy Dyand & Mai Linh a. Suzan ; Designers: WANA SAMBO, Christophe GUILLARME; Accessories: METRIZ Jewelry; Makeup Artist: Strenga/Cindy lecuyer; Photgrapher: David F. Perez
THE ED’S NOTE One of the most important things I've learned from working at Tropics Magazine for a while is how much we love culture. In any endeavor of a non-trivial size, having some sort of yardstick enables you to define what success or failure looks like before you even begin to work on the project. Think of it as test for running a business. Well, being a part of Tropics Magazine is no different in this respect. We recently received the results from our annual reader’s survey, which gives us an excellent opportunity to see how well we are doing in serving the developer community. While there's still quite a bit of analysis to perform, I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you some of the data points that jumped out at me. After all, the survey reflects your collective opinion—and that opinion is what we will use to help us determine what topics to focus on in the coming year. The first question asked about what subjects you are most interested in exploring. The vast majority of you expressed interest in exploring fashion, beauty, food, bridal and decoration in more depth. This happens to be my area of interest as an Editor. Because of that, I have been a little hesitant to steer the magazine in this direction for fear of making a decision that would impact you based on my own personal preferences. As I'm sure you can imagine, this data point is a great personal validation for something we already wanted to do. Other top-rated interests indicated in the survey were Web services development, database development. A second interesting data point related to the desired extent of coverage for technologies and luxuries at different levels of maturity. An overwhelming majority of you said that you were most interested in seeing us focus on technologies that have been released over the current year. Looks like you prefer that over coverage of the other options, older technologies and pre-released technologies. Finally, the wonderful news of this year is the number of hits Tropics Magazine has reached in only one and a half years. Yes, we did it and we are ought to make the official announcement right away: 3,850,000 hits (0,23 seconds). In fact, there is no more doubt how this online magazine is being consulted and we are proud to say that it was not a mistake to launch a global magazine such as ours. If you didn't participate in this year's survey, I hope this note has shown that we pay especially close attention to your thoughts and opinions through these surveys, and I sincerely hope that you'll participate in the next survey opportunity. If you have ideas about topics you'd like to see us cover in 2012 or if you have opinions about anything we're doing here, please let us know. You can always write to us at In the end, we want to continue working to make Tropics Magazine more relevant to you— but we can only do this if you tell us what that means. Along with the entire team at Tropics Magazine, I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a very Happy New Year, filled with love, light, peace, joy and good health for 2012! We appreciate the continued support we get from all of our readers and look forward to a great 2012 with you!
With gratitude,
Vénicia Guinot Redactor-in-Chief & Founder
Keep sending us mails-we love reading them!
I understand you to give finally question the bad practices of photographers, stylists to models. It's nice to know that there is finally a magazine that talks about everything and denounce the inequalities in the modeling world. Jai could read this article written by your Deputy Editor, Dji Dieng, on your site and for me it is edifying. Note that if this is the case in 2012, your magazine back in my estimation and in my heart. Thank you.
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Sasha N., Norway.
Je me suis abonnée avec grand plaisir à votre magazine il y a quelques jours. J’attends avec impatience vos numéros en kiosque, et me suis dit qu'en m'abonnant au site, je serais certaine de tous les recevoir ! De tout cœur bravo pour votre démarche, votre mission, vos recherches, les idées et valeurs que vous véhiculez. Enfin les êtres humains ont enfin trouvé un media à la hauteur de leurs attentes. Vous faites partie des gens qui me donnent espoir et me permettent de croire en l’Afrique et un avenir meilleur, même s'il reste tant à faire. Christian Abessolo, Canada J'ai pu voir que vous avez des lecteurs en Espagne et je trouve dommage que la revue ne soit pas en espagnol. Je suis de son avis, nous avons besoin de diffuser de telles informations en Amérique Latine où les gens sont des barbares et font semblants de ne pas savoir ce que c’est que l’Afrique. Je vis au Mexique et je m'arrache les cheveux tous les jours à cause de ce que j'entends et vois sur ce continent que je connais! Actuellement je passé mon temps a traduire mes articles préférés pour mes amis qui ne parlent ni anglais, ni français pour qu ils sachent ce qu on ne leur dit pas ailleurs. Tropics Magazine, meilleurs vœux & surtout grandis encore plus ! Esteban Sanchez, Mexique
Meilleurs Voeux
Bonjour, J'ai 18 ans, et c'est la première fois que je lis votre magazine. Je ne le connaissais pas du tout avant ; et je tiens à vous encourager dans la poursuite de vos articles très instructifs qui, j'en suis certaine, ont déjà conquis un nombre croissant de lecteurs ! Nathalie, Cote d’Ivoire Dear you, First and briefly I want to thank you for your magazine, my family and myself we feel less alone since it first appeared because we finally have valid answers for those who, until recently, we cut the word with the arguments of their bad judgment on Africa. Thank you for always featuring inspirational people in your magazine. You do not have any idea how this transforms us, the readers. Thank you for an amazing magazine. Carine Atoh, Ghana
Tasse de café avec…
ANDY DYAND, Mannequin Avant de devenir mannequin quel a été votre parcours ? - J'ai fait pas mal de job étant adolescent, avant de devenir militaire chez les para-commandos, à l’âge de 21ans pendant plusieurs années. Lors d'une mission au Kosovo, je passais mon temps libre à jouer avec des logiciels d'infographie, mais j'ignorais alors que j'allais en faire un de mes futurs métiers. J'ai décidé d'arrêter car je n'avais aucune vie sociale alors que mon vœux le plus cher était de me caser. C'est en rentrant d'un voyage dans mon pays natal au Brésil que je me suis décidé quelques mois après, à entamer un graduat en infographie tout en voyageant pour le mannequinat. Pourquoi êtes-vous venu à faire du mannequinat ? - Ce fût le fruit du hasard, car j'ai toujours été fasciné par le monde de la mode sans jamais m’en sentir concerné, je n'ai jamais eu la prétention de me trouver beau et par conséquent penser un jour à être mannequin/modèle. Ma copine qui faisait du mannequinat m’encourageait car ayant pris un peu de poids, je suis allé courir à la salle de fitness. C’est là que j’ai rencontré un photographe qui m'a proposé une séance photo que j'ai acceptée par curiosité. Ensuite il m'a recommandé à ses collègues, ça a fait effet boule de neige et m’a mené jusqu’à vous aujourd’hui (rire). Quel est votre principal atout de séduction ? - A ma connaissance, je ne pense pas en avoir en particulier. Je dirais peut-être mon sourire que j'aborde en permanence comme la plupart des enfants du soleil. Je trouve que généralement le sourire donne beaucoup de charme à une personne. Êtes-vous un féru de la mode ? - A vrai dire je l'étais à une certaine époque car j'étais adepte du « shopping thérapie ».J’avais pris l’habitude de ne jamais aller en ville sans acheter au moins un vêtement, j'évacuais de la sorte toute pression accumulée au travail, mais je me suis calmé avec le temps, car lorsqu’on déménage c’est aussi le dressing qu’il faut embarquer, donc j'ai appris à décompresser autrement que par le shopping. Avez-vous des préférences pour les tenues ? - Disons que j'aime varier les styles, mais en général j'opte pour un style assez jeune mais discret, je ne suis pas vraiment le cours de la mode, j’aime avoir ma propre personnalité. Quels types de projets avez-vous déjà réalisé? -Cet été, je suis parti à New-York pour divers événements liés à la mode dont la Fashion Week ensuite Los-Angeles et son fameux Hollywood, j’y ai fait quelques shootings photos et tourné dans une série à venir : « Forever young at heart ». Sinon j'ai participé à de nombreux shootings photos avec des photographes bien connus comme David Olkarny, Ernest Collins, Marc Littlejohn ou encore Gregory Prescott pour ne citer qu’eux, quelques défilés & clip vidéo comme celui de la chanteuse Ayo. Vous parlez Francais, Portugais et Anglais. Pouvez-vous nous dire trois différents messages dans ces langues ? -Mon message sera symbolique car ma vie est faite de choix donc je la vis comme si je l'avais toujours rêvée Because doing what I like is freedom, liking what I do is happiness, so I like to do it with such a craziness. E cada dia Deus é o meu sol (o que está tatuado na minha espinha) e lembra a alegria da vida está no meu coração. Comment faites-vous pour être en forme ? Mon secret c'est l'alimentation, c’est primordial car j'adore manger autant que cuisiner, ce sont deux de mes passions!! Je cuisine tout à la grillade ou à la vapeur sans sel sans graisse mais favorise les herbes et épices pour un max de goût. J'ai une réelle addiction pour les dés de poulets grillés légèrement caramélisés. Sinon niveau physique, trois petites séries d’une quinzaine de push-up, tractions et dips matin et soir suffisent comme sport, car je marche déjà assez en journée. Pour le mental je lis souvent "Le Secret" de Rhonda Byrne, un véritable trésor.
Parmi toutes les qualités que l’on vous trouve, quelle est celle qui est la plus exacte ? -Sans hésitation je dirais mon naturel. Vous savez, la question qui revient le plus souvent dans une vie: « Pourquoi moi/toi, et pas quelqu'un d’autre ? ». Pas évident d'y répondre, donc pourquoi vouloir se ressembler ou s’identifier à quelqu'un si chacun a la chance d'être unique!? C’est très important d'être moi-même en toute circonstance, puis ça donne de l’originalité. Par exemple moi je suis accro au café donc je bois du café même en boîte de nuit, que ça plaise ou que ça choque. Toujours dire ce qu'on pense sincèrement, c'est être clair avec soi-même comme avec les autres. je ne changerais tout cela pour rien au monde. Quel est le défaut que vos amis vous reprochent le plus? -C'est assez délicat car j'en ai plein (rire). Je dirais mon "insouciance existentielle". En résumé « souris puisque c’est grave ». Je ne le prends pas comme un défaut car je suis têtu borné obstiné, ça m'a toujours réussi jusqu'à présent mais on me le reproche sans cesse. Dans les hauts comme dans les bas, je suis quelqu’un de positif, très calme, ce qui me donne une facilité à m'adapter à la situation et à pouvoir assumer tout ce qui m’arrivera, même le pire. Seulement vu de l’extérieur ça peut paraître totalement dingue&inconscient, ça ne rassure pas du tout je dois dire, même parfois pour ceux qui me connaissent vraiment. Je fais des efforts mais selon moi Dieu fait que ce qui doit arriver arrivera puis après tout, ON NE SE REFAIT PAS... Quelles sont tes ambitions ? Quels sont tes projets ? -Je me dis qu’il faut rêver pour avoir des ambitions, alors mes rêves sont de faire de l’éditorial, du commercial, me lancer dans le théâtre ou le cinéma, ouvrir mon restaurant une fois que j’aurai acquis assez d’expérience auprès de mon chef cuisinier et continuer à faire des sites internet. Mais ma plus grande ambition reste de me poser dans une relation stable, car pour moi l’amour et la famille passe avant le travail puisque lorsqu’on a une femme derrière soi, on est capable du meilleur. Pour les projets, j’ai pris la décision pour 2012 d’arrêter le freelance pour rejoindre une agence internationale même si je n’ai pas encore fait mon choix parmi les propositions reçues. J’ai un shooting prévu en Suède après nouvel an pour fêter mon anniversaire (le 25 décembre). Sinon j’aimerai terminer mon site internet que j’ai réalisé moi-même en codage HTML , retourner aux USA et au Brésil... Merci à vous ! Interview realisee par Venicia Guinot Credits : P.15 (Ernest Collins, Chicago) ; P.16 & 17 (Photo-Jean Claude Aubry); Cover: Mai Linh A Suzan, Photo: David F. Perez, Paris
The hot list!
Vancouver Fashion Week 2011
Paris Fashion Week 2011
China Fashion Week 2011
NIGERIA - Christmas bombings in Nigeria blamed on radical Islamists - the worst of which killed worshippers as they left mass - marks a dangerous escalation in violence and risks GUINEE BISSAU - Des soldats en armes étaient déployés worsening the country's sectarian divisions, analysts said Monday. lundi à Bissau, la capitale de Guinée-Bissau, où ils ont
En bref…
érigé des barrages en certains endroits pour, selon une source militaire, réclamer une augmentation salariale.
Dans le centre-ville, des militaires de différentes unités étaient visibles, armés de mitrailleuses, kalachnikovs et de lance-roquettes. Certains soldats sont arrivés tôt le matin à Bissau en provenance de Mansoa, à une soixantaine de kilomètres au nord de la capitale. Les rues jouxtant le siège de l'actuel étatmajor de l'armée étaient quadrillées, et des militaires étaient également visibles sur les principales artères de la ville, dont l'avenue menant au domicile du Premier ministre, Carlos Gomes Junior.
Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation roughly divided between a mainly Muslim north and predominately Christian south, had already grown weary of violence claimed by the Islamist group Boko Haram. But Sunday's attacks, also claimed by Boko Haram, have sparked fresh fear and anger. At least 40 people died nationwide, with 35 confirmed killed at St. Theresa Catholic Church in Madalla near the capital Abuja. "The violence is increasing both in scale and sophistication," northern-based human rights activist Shehu Sani said. "The attack on churches is to nationalize the crisis. It will instigate hitherto neutral people into the crisis."
M. Gomes s'est brièvement réfugié à l'ambassade d'Angola, après que des militaires se sont rendus à son domicile, situé en face de cette représentation diplomatique, selon deux de ses proches et une source diplomatique non angolaise. Aucun diplomate angolais n'a pu être joint, et aucune explication n'a pu être obtenue sur ce que voulaient les militaires au Premier ministre. M. Gomes a regagné son domicile en milieu de journée, a indiqué un membre de sa famille à l'AFP. Source : Radio Netherlands Worldwide
KHARTOUM — Suleiman Sandal Haggar, a leader of the Justice and Equality Movement has revealed more details about the assassination of Khalil Ibrahim. Speaking to Radio Dabanga, Haggar said that Khalil Ibrahim was killed on Friday morning at 3am by aerial bombardment whilst sleeping in his vehicle. He was not killed by clashes between the government forces and JEM. Haggar was 20 meters away when the incident happened. He stated that the government forces reportedly released flares to locate Khalil Ibrahim, and then dropped three shells on the vehicle he was sleeping in, immediately killing him and one of his bodyguards, named Abdullah. A second vehicle was also destroyed. Haggar didn't mention the location where the JEM leader was killed for security reasons. He accused regional and international actors for colluding and conspiring with the Sudanese government to provide advanced technological support and the intelligence means to carry out such an attack.
SAHAROUI - La cause sahraouie suscite un plus grand intérêt de la communauté internationale en cette fin d'année 2011, si l'on se fie aux nombreuses déclarations portant sur le droit du peuple sahraoui à disposer de lui-même, ainsi que la situation des droits de l'Homme dans les territoires sahraouis occupés. Dans le sillage de cette effervescence internationale autour de la question sahraouie, le Parlement africain a affiché son intention de dépêcher une délégation parlementaire dans les territoires occupés du Sahara occidental pour s'enquérir de la situation des droits de l'Homme dans ce territoire. Une volonté affichée par le vice-président du Parlement africain en charge des relations internationales, Laroussi Hammi, en visite à Alger. «Nous allons demander, encore une fois, (aux autorités marocaines) de permettre à une délégation parlementaire africaine de visiter les territoires occupés du Sahara occidental pour s'enquérir de la situation des droits humains», a déclaré à la presse M. Hammi à l'issue d'un entretien avec le président du Comité national algérien de solidarité avec le peuple sahraoui (Cnasps), M. Mahrez Lamari. M. Hammi a exprimé, dans ce sillage, le soutien «indéfectible» du Parlement africain au peuple sahraoui qui lutte pour ses droits légitimes, demandant au royaume du Maroc «l'application des résolutions internationales» sur le conflit du Sahara occidental. «Nous lançons un appel solennel à nos frères marocains pour revenir à la raison et se conformer au droit international concernant ce conflit», a-t-il dit, déplorant dans ce cadre les «atteintes quotidiennes aux droits de l'Homme dans les villes sahraouies occupées». Le vice-président du Parlement africain a appelé à l'application de toutes les résolutions internationales relatives à la question sahraouie, stipulant toutes le droit du peuple du Sahara occidental à l'autodétermination à travers un référendum libre et régulier. Source : La Tribune
Source: Africa Confidential
Suspense sur l’usage du RIZ « Nous sommes en train d'étudier le dossier », a-t-elle simplement répondu aux questions des journalistes s'informant sur la manière dont l'État Malgache compte distribuer ce riz.
Y a-t-il des détails embarrassant sur le sujet ? Cette question est justifiée car l'arrivée de ce riz, avant Noel, a déjà été annoncée en fanfare depuis que la décision de l'importer a été officialisée. Par ailleurs, selon quelques informations fournies par des sources dans le milieu portuaire, la procédure en vue de dédouaner ce riz de l'État avance déjà et qu'une société privée, qui a déjà travaillé avec le gouvernement dans ce type d'opération, est déjà chargée de la suite du dossier. En tout cas, les 20 000 tonnes sont loin de rassurer les professionnels et les techniciens de la filière riz. Cette quantité est loin d'être suffisante pour faire face à la période de soudure. La chute de la production rizicole laisse prévoir un gouffre entre l'approvisionnement et le stock existant ; la ministre du Commerce, de son côté, avance le chiffre de 53 000 tonnes pour quantifier les besoins en importation pour l'année prochaine. Article : Mahefa Rakotomalala
Business “SA’s poor list: SA employers earn less than cleaners” JOHANNESBURG - News headlines scream ―rich list‖, unions shout ―unfair‖, and blame overpaid bosses for South Africa’s problems. Academics talk about the immoral situation on talk shows and blame millionaire bosses and business owners for the country’s income inequality. Many also call for a wealth tax. Unfortunately the information on which this is based on is not only misleading but incorrect.
Statistics South Africa recently launched its second labor market dynamics report which analyses the total labor market in detail. This report shows that: Less than half of South African employers (employers of others) earn R7 900 per month; A typical employee earns R2 900 per month; A typical self-employed person earns only R1 950 per month. We have been led to believe that South African bosses (employers) earn about 500 times more than employees, or at least 55 times more. For employers, the income includes investment income and net earnings they receive. Employees’ income includes wages and salaries. The typical employer earns less than three times the income of a typical employee. This fact – that a typical employer earns three times of that of a typical employee – will not increase entrepreneurship and job creation as the risks and work load are far higher than most people think. The StatsSA report states that about 1.1m employees earn more than R13 000 per month, but that only 200 000 employers do. The typical government employee gets paid more than the typical employer in South Africa. Using annual reports and older pay scales for some state-owned enterprises, the facts are even clearer. Eskom pays its average employee four times more than the median employer. The lucky few who work for the state or for one of its enterprises are often paid much more than employers and certainly far more than the typical self-employed entrepreneur. State employees do not take as much risk as entrepreneurs do. Even more frightening is the fact that the typical academic gets paid four times the income of the median employer. The total package a cleaner in government could get rose to a maximum of R96 790 per year in July 2008. In the middle of 2010 the net earnings of the median employer amounted to R94 800 per year. This is R2 000 less than a senior cleaner received two years earlier! Please hear me when I say that it is madness to believe that all employers earn what the 100 richest earners in the country get, in fact often the top earners are employees themselves. The facts above paint a totally different picture. I can hear the screams of disbelief from clever folks that this cannot be true. Sensational rich lists which highlight the earnings of the top 100 earners in the country are just NOT a reflection of reality. Analysts should quote them as if though they are.
The Labour Force Survey (LBS) was based on around 120 000 interviews in 2010. Similar statistics are available for 2009. The findings of this survey is corroborated by tax statistics that shows there are fewer than 3 000 people who earn more than R5m a year. Many of these individuals are employees.
The most comprehensive income database in the country – the national tax statistics – shows that fewer than 320 000 or about 1% of our adult population earn more than R500 000 a year (2009/10 tax year). Using the LFS and other data sources, it is clear that employers constitute fewer than 50 000 of the top 1% of earners in the country. Furthermore, only about 11 000 of people who are self-employed, can count themselves among the top 1%. There are more employees working for the government and state-owned enterprises among the top 1% of earners in the country, than employers. The key question is why employees, who take no business risk, are paid more than most employers? Why are many commentators and analysts so ill-informed? The reality is totally removed from the sensational ―evidence‖ published in newspapers. We have had lesser evidence repeated as facts before. Remember ―facts‖ like South Africa has the cheapest electricity in the world. This has not been true since 1998. Silly as it may seem, the facts are that South Africa will not create jobs or get any meaningful growth if we continue to lambast ―rich‖ employers and poor workers, when on real evidence paints a totally different picture. Did you know that 25% of all employers earn less than R3 000 per month and in many cases they earn less than their employees even as they are the individuals taking all the risks. This often seems to be the case in rural areas. We need to find ways to make it easier for employers to do their thing and we need to find ways to help them to increase their income. We need to praise them more and give them a louder voice. Give us entrepreneurs room to grow and do not tell them how much more tax they need to pay and how much more they need to contribute. Fewer than 2% of South Africans employ an employee. Fewer than 4% are self-employed. There are too few of these heroes. They receive very little support. But they are the only, and I repeat, the only hope for South Africa to create employment and wealth. They are underpaid for the risk they take. If the median employee gets R2 900 the old Greek philosophers would have expected the employer to earn R58 000 per month (according to the old 20:1 ratio). We need to start bringing real evidence to the wealth debate and ignore loud and bloated opinions based on inadequate evidence. News headlines should scream SA loves wealth, jobs and entrepreneurs; not bastards on a rich list. I am sad that this overwhelming evidence of real facts is not presented in the public debate. Post script: When I first saw the 2009 in the Labour Market Dynamics I held back for a year as I also thought that the data could not be true. I had the public service pay schedules and it did not make sense, but as the tax statistics of 2009 and 2010 also came in and the 2010 Labour Market report came out it become clear to me that this has to be part of the evidence and facts over the superficial debates on wealth, employment and a host of other issues. *Mike Schüssler is an economist and entrepreneur.
Yaya Touré: ballon d'or africain 2011
Guinée équatoriale: Démission de Henri Michel Le sélectionneur de l'équipe nationale de football de Guinée équatoriale, le Français Henri Michel, a démissionné, hier mercredi, pour protester contre « l'ingérence du ministre des sports dans les affaires de la sélection de football », selon les termes de sa lettre de démission. La Fédération équato-guinéenne de football (Feguifut) a immédiatement nommé un nouveau staff conduit par Castro Nopo Lexi Thompson, So Yeon Ryu to play Australian Women's Masters MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) - American teen star Lexi Thompson and U.S. Women's Open champion So Yeon Ryu will play in the Australian Women's Masters in February at Royal Pins. The 16-year-old Lexi Thompson became the youngest winner in Ladies European Tour history Saturday, winning the Dubai Ladies Masters. In September, Thompson became the youngest LPGA Tour champion with a victory in the Navistar LPGA Classic in Alabama. She was second in 2009 and fifth in 2010. Visit of the Williams sister to Nigeria
The world famous tennis siblings, Venus and Serena Williams have accepted to come to Nigeria to motivate and inspire Nigerian youths with their story and their talent. Venus and Serena hold three of the four grand slam titles and an Olympic gold from Beijing this year alone. They have earned in prize money between them this year alone $6 million bringing their career prize money to date to a little over $42 million. Translated to naira you are looking in the region of five billion naira from prize monies alone.
Yaya Touré a obtenu pour la première fois le ballon d'or africain. il a devancé André Ayew (OM) et le Malien Seydou Keita (FC Barcelone). Il succède au Camerounais Samuel Eto'o recordman des titres avec 4 victoires en 2003, 2004, 2005 et 2010. Il est le second iIvoirien a avoir obtenu ce prix après Didier Drogba élu en 2006 et 2009. Yaya Touré a joué à Beveren, Metalurg Donetsk (2003-05), Olympiakos (2005-06), Monaco (2006-07), FC Barcelone (2007-10) et Manchester City.
Necrology ~ Bettye Danoff, one of the LPGA Tour's 13 founding members, has died. She was 88. The LPGA Tour said Danoff's family confirmed she died Thursday in Texas. At 5-foot-2 and barely 100 pounds, Danoff earned the nickname "Mighty Mite'' and was the first grandmother to play the tour. Before the formation of the LPGA Tour, she beat Babe Zaharias 1-up as an amateur in the final of the 1947 Texas Women's Open to end Zaharias' 17-tournament winning streak. Danoff won four straight Dallas Women's Golf Association Championships from 1945-48, the women's division of the Texas PGA in 1945 and 1946 and the Texas Women's Amateur in 1947 and 1948. The Texan, winless on the LPGA Tour, also played exhibitions as an amateur with PGA Tour star Byron Nelson in the late 1940s. Danoff's husband, Dr. Clyde Walter Danoff, died in 1961. The World Club Championship in Morocco in 2013 and 2014 The Morocco will host the Club World Championship in 2013 and 2014. Morocco, one candidate, thus became the first African nation to host the World Cup, which brings together the champions of December 6 confederations and the best team in the country.
Le onze africain de l’année Gardien :Samir Aboud (AlIttihad). Défenseurs : Harrison Afful (Espérance Tunis), Banana Yaya (Espérance Tunis), Ayoub El Khaliqi (Wydad Casablanca), Taye Taiwo (Milan AC). Milieux : Kevin-Prince Boateng (Milan AC), Yaya Touré (Manchester City), Seydou Keita (FC Barcelone), Andre Ayew (Marseille). Attaquants : Samuel Eto’o (Anzhi Makhachkala), Moussa Sow (Lille).
Arts & Culture « LES TURKANAS » La tribu Turkana est la seconde plus grande du Kenya. Cette communauté nomade a quitté Karamojong à l’Est de l’Ouganda pour venir s’installer dans le semi désert de Turkana dans la province de la Rift Valley.
Langue Avec une population de 250000 personnes, le peuple Turkana qui parle le Nilote a su conserver ses traditions avec succès comparé aux autres tribus du Kenya. Culture Les hommes de la tribu Turkana couvrent leur tête avec de la boue qui est ensuite peinte en bleu et ornée de plumes d’autruches et autres oiseaux. Le vêtement principal des Turkanas est une couverture en laine. Les vêtements des femmes sont déterminés par leur statut marital. Les tatouages étaient traditionnellement utilisés pour indiquer leurs exploits. Les hommes ou guerriers qui tuaient des ennemies étaient ensuite tatoués pour témoigner de ce qu’il avait fait pour leur communauté. Comme les Maasai et les Samburus, les Turkanas sont très colorés. Ils se parent de colliers et bracelets multicolores. Leurs bijoux sont faits de perles rouges, jaunes, marron. Religion La plupart des Turkanas adhère à des croyances traditionnelles tandis que 5 à 15% sont chrétiens.
Arts & Culture Stop Rhino Poaching ! JOHANNESBURG — A record number of rhinos were poached this year in South Africa, home to the greatest number of the animals, as rising demand in Asia for their horns led to increased killings of the threatened species. At least 443 rhinos have been killed in South Africa in 2011, up from 333 last year, according to National Geographic News Watch. The street value of rhinoceros horns has soared to about $65,000 a kilogram (2.2 pounds), making it more expensive than gold, platinum and in many cases cocaine, as a belief — with no basis in science — has taken hold in recent years in parts of Asia that ingesting it can cure or prevent cancer. South Africa, home to more than 20,000 rhinos, was losing about 15 animals a year a decade ago. But poaching increased dramatically from about 2007 as a growing affluent class in places such as Vietnam and Thailand began spending more on rhino horn for traditional medicine.
The number of rhinoceroses dying unnatural deaths in South Africa, either through illegal poaching or legal hunts, has reached a level likely to lead to population decline, according to a study by Richard Emslie, an expert in the field. About half of poaching takes place in Kruger National Park, the country's flagship park covering an area about the size of Israel, where soldiers and surveillance aircraft have been deployed in recent months to slow the carnage. The park has been the focal point of an arms race as gangs of poachers sponsored by international crime syndicates have used highpowered weaponry, night vision goggles and helicopters to hunt the animals, investigators said. In a separate study, the number of large scale ivory seizures is likely set a record this year, pointing to increased African elephant poaching. Source: MSNBC – USA.
Cesaria Evora enterrée dans de Sao vicente mardi
Kenya-New Book Queries Wanjiru Death A leading Dutch medical expert has opened an investigation into the death of Kenyan world marathon star, Samuel Kamau Wanjiru. Dr Frank van de Goot from Symbiant in Alkmaar, North Holland, 40 kilometres west of the Netherlands capital city, said he was collecting more evidence which could prove the marathon champion was struck before he fell off his balcony. The pathologist is concerned that the injuries Wanjiru suffered are not consistent with just a fall and that he may have been struck on the head before he plunged to his death, according to an upcoming book on the Olympic marathon champion. The author, Mr Frits Conijn, an Amsterdam-based journalist, spent weeks in Kenya investigating the circumstances that led to the distance running sensation's death. Article: Elias Makori
La chanteuse cap-verdienne Cesaria Evora est décédée samedi matin à l'âge de 70 ans. L'enterremenent aura lieu mardi au cimetière de son île natale de Sao Vicente
Sudan-How Can You Help The Horn Of Africa?
Sénégal-Waw Africa ! - Un podium pour valoriser l'art africain Un collectif de jeunes Africains de l'espace de la Cedeao lance le projet Waw Africa pour mettre en valeur l'art africain.Une soirée est prévue ce soir au Radisson Blu pour démarrer les activités. Waw Africa ! Exprime une exclamation 'pour dire oui c'est possible'. C'est un projet de jeunes Africains ressortissants des pays la de la Communauté économique des états de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (Cedeao). Ils revisitent les potentiels du continent pour les mettre en exergue.
Sami Yusuf has released his new single “Forgotten Promises” to help the UN World Food Programme provide assistance to millions of droughtaffected people in the Horn of Africa.
Le concept est de créer par 'nous-mêmes et d'imposer la culture du continent d'abord en Afrique puis dans la diaspora sans rejeter les créations déjà existantes', explique la présidente du projet Valérie Ndione. Une soirée culturelle est prévue aujourd'hui au Radisson blu pour présenter aux autorités 'qu'il y a beaucoup à faire dans la culture même si elle est toujours présente'. Pour ces jeunes Africains, 'la quête de l'unicité africaine passe par la culture'.
Watch the video here:
Article : Koudedie Kane.
TECHNOLOGY Air Dictate : l'iPhone devient un dictaphone pour Mac
Baptisée Air Dictate, une nouvelle application pour iPhone 4S vient d'être publiée par Avatron. En utilisant l'assistant vocal Siri, elle fait du dernier né d'Apple un dictaphone permettant de dicter du texte à un ordinateur Mac.
Samsung Series 7 (15-inch)
Samsung's Series 7 Chronos 700Z5A-S03 is the closest Windows equivalent to a MacBook Pro in terms of specs, power, and design and even nearly matches on battery life, but it's $500 less expensive than an entry-level Apple 15incher.
Sharp Elite Review In the United States these days the word "Elite" has a negative connotation evoking snooty haves vs. gritty have-nots, Wall Street vs. Main Street, and them vs. us. The Sharp Elite PRO-X5FD won't do much to dispel those associations.
Read more: Google Suggest condamné en appel pour injures publiques L'année dernière, une entreprise lyonnaise a porté plainte contre Google Suggest pour injures publiques. Une accusation pour laquelle Google a été condamné en janvier 2011 avant de faire appel. Le 14 décembre dernier, la Cour d'appel de Paris a confirmé la condamnation du géant américain. L'affaire remonte à la fin 2010. A cette date, une entreprise lyonnaise, la Lyonnaise de garantie a la surprise de constater que Google Suggest, le système mis au point par Google pour suggérer des mots-clés, proposait l'expression "lyonnaise de garantie escroc" et ce, même lorsque l'internaute ne tapait que "lyonnaise de g". Une découverte qui n'a pas été au goût de la société qui a fait constaté la chose par un huissier en décembre 2010 avant de porter plainte pour injures publiques. Le 21 janvier 2011, le tribunal a ainsi décidé de confirmer les accusations et de condamner le géant de Mountain View qui de son côté ne s'est pas laissé faire et a fait appel. Google se défendait alors : "le simple agrégat de mots-clés dans le libellé d'une requête destinée à aider et à rechercher de l'information ne peut constituer l'injure", cite Toutefois, il semblerait que cette défense n'ait pas suffi car la justice française vient à nouveau de donner raison à l'entreprise lyonnaise. (Source : Maxisciences)
New Models JAGUAR XKRS The 2012 XK is a 2-door, 4-passenger luxury sports coupe, or luxury convertible, available in 5 trims, ranging from the XK Coupe to the XKR-S.
Upon introduction, the XK Coupe is equipped with a standard 5.0liter, V8, 385-horsepower engine that achieves 16-mpg in the city and 24-mpg on the highway. The XKR-S is equipped with a standard 5.0-liter, V8, 550-horsepower, supercharged engine that achieves 15-mpg in the city and 22-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is standard on both trims.
JAGUAR XF The 2012 XF is a 4-door, 5-passenger luxury sports sedan, available in 4 trims, ranging from the XF to the XFR.
Upon introduction, the XF is equipped with a standard 5.0liter, V8, 385-horsepower engine that achieves 16-mpg in the city and 23-mpg on the highway. The XFR is equipped with a standard 5.0-liter, V8, 510-horsepower, supercharged engine that achieves 15-mpg in the city and 21-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is standard on both trims. MSRP $53,000 - $82,000 Invoice $48,760 - $75,440
MSRP $84,500 - $132,000 Invoice $77,740 - $121,349
The 2012 XK is a carryover from 2011.
The 2012 XF is a carryover from 2011
Luxuries – Ties « Get yours ! » Long the most boring gift under the Christmas tree, the tie is getting a luxury makeover this holiday season. Tie makers, struggling with declining sales since the early 1990s, are proposing more luxurious fabrics, pricier construction techniques and fancier gift boxes to position their wares at the highest end of the market. The reason: Ties over $100 are the one segment of the market that's reporting brisk growth. (Article: Ray A. Smith – WSJ)
Earlier this year, Salvatore Ferragamo introduced its most expensive tie ever -- a $180 handmade five-fold tie of Italian silk. LVMH's Thomas Pink label is rolling out its first "seven-fold" tie -- made from a single piece of silk folded seven times -- for $165; that's $65 more than its current top-of-the-line style. Robert Talbott is also launching its first seven-fold tie, a limited edition sold in lacquered wooden boxes. Suggested price tag: $245, a venture into the elite territory claimed by companies like Kiton. Several retailers say they are stocking up on pricey ties this season because the category did so well last year. "Our customers are telling us they want more," says Russ Patrick, general merchandise manager for menswear at Neiman Marcus. Among this year's offerings: Stefano Ricci ties decorated with Swarovski crystals for more than $1,000. Besides the higher price tags, shoppers will see new styles. With men's closets full of the stripes and solids that have been promoted in recent years, brands like Calvin Klein and Mark Pendleton are reviving the classic paisley motif, last popular in the 1980s. Many of the new paisleys are woven rather than printed, and colors run to jewel tones like bronze and burnt orange. (When pairing a shirt with a paisley tie, one should coordinate with one of the lighter colors in the pattern.)
Luxuries – Ties In general, though, colors are more muted than they were this past spring, with plums and purples replacing pastels and bright pinks. As shirt collars have gotten wider and shorter, bigger knots are returning, too. Thus the emergence of thicker ties, like the hefty seven-fold, which has "a crisp hand and ties an amazing knot," says Daniel F. Leppo, vice president of men's furnishings at Bloomingdale's. Shoppers will also see more of the so-called suiting tie -- similar to suit fabrics -- sometimes in cashmere. So far, wool ties haven't gained a wide following, despite promotion by retailers and fashion magazines. But pinstripes or glen plaids, from the likes of Ike Behar and Bergdorf Goodman, are as conservative in style as the suits on which they're based; they're a good bet for men who want to be fashion forward without being flashy. The upmarket strategy on the part of manufacturers and retailers comes amid a boom in sales of high-priced ties and strong sales of luxury goods overall. At department stores, sales of ties costing $100 or more rose 22% last year, compared with a decline of nearly 9% for ties under $100, according to market researcher NPD Group. More generally, the tie business is facing a knotty problem. Sales peaked in the early 1990s at about $1.3 billion, according to the Men's Dress Furnishings Association. Then men started dressing more casually. Last year, sales inched up 2.6% from the previous year, to $831.6 million, but sales during the crucial last three months of 2005 actually fell 1.2%, according to NPD Group. Discounting helped push down the average price of a tie to $15.96 last year, from $17.01 in 2004. Another hurdle: The one-time no-brainer present for Dad is now viewed as the ultimate clichÊ. Tie makers say one solution is to make their ties stand out. "I don't wear ties very often, but making it something a little special would be a hook that would appeal to me," says Thomas Ingrassia, 53, who runs an artist management agency in Worcester, Mass. If he got such a tie as a present, he says, "my perception would be that the giver put a little more thought into the gift." To help boost tie appeal, the Men's Dress Furnishings Association is sponsoring an online auction of limited-edition ties signed by the likes of Hank Aaron and Donald Trump. The association will donate proceeds to Career Gear, which gives professional clothing to disadvantaged men who need it for work or for job interviews. Brooks Brothers is also offering gift-boxed limited-edition ties; they have bird motifs based on paintings by John James Audubon, and licensing royalties go to the National Audubon Society. The proliferation of higher-priced ties doesn't seem to worry companies known for luxury neckwear. Kiton's off-the-rack ties made of silk and super-fine wool continue to cost $225 to $235. "As other makers begin to charge prices close to or exceeding Kiton's prices for usually lesser quality," says John Erickson, a company spokesman, "Kiton appears as the reasonable choice." Some middle-market stores are starting to carry more expensive ties, in an attempt to distinguish themselves from competitors. This year, Lord & Taylor is carrying cashmere neckwear for the first time -- $79.50 ties made by Mark Pendleton. Even J.C. Penney is promoting ties with heavier linings and self-tipping, a construction technique common in expensive ties in which the underside is made of the same fabric as the front. The ties, packaged in fabric-covered boxes, cost $32.50, $4 more than previous prices for the Stafford Executive brand. But some observers say the upmarket strategy will be tough, especially for labels customers don't expect to be super expensive. "If the brand is fixed in the consumer's mind as moderately priced or lacks that aura that comes with an Hermès, it will be hard for that brand to get consumers to trade up," says Richard Jaffe, a retail analyst with Stifel Nicolaus.
Men Accessories
« Greatest Actors »
Online volunteers UNV’s Online Volunteering (OV) service connects development organizations and volunteers over the Internet and supports their effective online collaboration.
It gives development organizations access to a broader pool of knowledge and resources to enhance their capacities, while it offers individuals worldwide additional opportunities to volunteer for development and contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. The OV service enabled 1,347 non-profit development organizations in 2009(CSOs, government institutions, academic institutions, United Nations organizations) to benefit from the support of almost 9,500 individuals from 182 countries (53% women, 62% from developing countries) who: Provide technical expertise (e.g. advice on waste disposal, contract drafting) Support project and resources management (e.g. project planning, volunteers management) Contribute to knowledge management (e.g. data collection, database development) Facilitate communication and networking (e.g. newsletters production and translation, moderation of online discussion groups)
If you are interested in volunteering online, your first stop should be UNV's Online Volunteering service at Note to UN Volunteer applicants: UNV online applications or rosters are NOT accessible through the Online Volunteering.
Dossier: SIDA Le premier cas de sida a été identifié en France en 1981. Devant l'ampleur de la maladie, on parle souvent d'épidémie mondiale. Tous les continents sont touchés, dont certains voient leur avenir menacé de façon dramatique notamment l'Afrique Subsaharienne et l'Asie.
Photo – Raissa Kinz., Tropics Magazine Lifestyle Editor (France)
Dans les pays pauvres, les malades ont un accès réduit aux soins, trop coûteux pour des personnes qui n'ont parfois même pas de quoi se nourrir. En Afrique subsaharienne on compte 22,5 millions de personnes vivant avec le sida. Et même si la recherche progresse et que de nouveaux traitements sont proposés aux malades, comme la trithérapie, l'accès aux soins n'est pas le même partout. Dans le monde, 6 jeunes de moins de 25 ans sont séropositifs chaque minute, et pour la plupart en Afrique. Parmi les victimes il faut aussi ajouter les dix millions d'orphelins du sida, qui doivent vivre seuls parce que leurs parents sont morts. La réalité est indiscutable : le sida est toujours là et on n'en guérit pas. Il n'y a pas que les pays pauvres qui sont touchés.
On ne guérit pas du Sida En France aussi cette maladie fait des ravages. Près de 12% des nouvelles contaminations concernent les jeunes de 15 à 24 ans. Et même si l'on prolonge la vie grâce à la recherche, le traitement est à vie. Aujourd'hui la solidarité est indispensable dans la lutte contre le sida, en France et dans le monde. Accès aux soins dans les pays pauvres, prévention partout et pour tous. Et puis il faut aussi lutter contre l'indifférence, le rejet, l'exclusion des malades. Pour cela des associations se mobilisent et mènent des campagnes d'informations et de prévention. Si toi aussi tu as des questions sur le sida, n'hésite pas à en parler. Des organismes et des associations sont là pour t'aider à en savoir plus.
Les chiffres du Sida Dans le monde on estime à 33 millions le nombre de personnes vivant avec le VIH et à 2,6 millions de nouvelles contaminations. Dans le monde depuis le début de l'épidémie, plus de 60 millions de personnes ont été infectées par le virus. Actuellement le Sida est de loin la principale cause de décès en Afrique subsaharienne et la quatrième maladie la plus meurtrière de notre planète. En 2007 l'épidémie a fait 2,1 millions de victimes. (Source: ONU SIDA)
“To become an expert achiever in any human activity, it takes practice, practice … practice.”
- Hello Coretha! First of all, congratulations on your award… How does it feel to be the winner of the ‘Tropics Award’ 2011-2012? Being the winner of the Tropics Award 2011-2012 makes me feel both happy and humbled to have been chosen among so many contestants of talent and by so many internet users from all continents. To all those people involved in the voting process, meaning contestants, voters, judges, and tropics magazine team, my deepest sympathy and gratitude. May GOD Bless you as always! - Let's look back at how you started modeling, tell me about how you got "discovered". Well thinking years back into one of my social studies, I feel like it‟s politically correct to rather say how did I get started modeling than how did I get discovered? (laughs) More exactly, as I recalled one of my teachers, it‟s like misinterpreting the fact that Africa or America were discovered by the explorers while in the contrary they did not wait those explorers to exist nor were Africa or America not lost to have the need to be found. They were just right there standing on their own, where they were divinely meant to be located at all time. Any way this can be another topic for another time and place (laughs). In regards to the main question, I started modeling few years ago, thanks to the support and encouragement of my parents, sisters and friends who did believe in me from the beginning. I can still recalled my Mum telling stories about how I was acting as child in terms of singing and being very proactive in liking choosing by myself clothes to buy or to wear. In my early childhood I did have the habit of constantly changing my clothes multiple times per day and Mum was usually not very pleased about that (laughs). The first time when I made the runway podium, I was 9 years old and it was in Libreville the capital city of my sweet home country, Gabon, first African country crossed by the Equator from the Atlantic Ocean coast. It felt so good at that time that I‟ve kept such feeling until then and did realize that I really enjoy modeling. Thus by coming to American for study reasons, I‟ve been exposed to more opportunities. - How did you get your first modeling job and what was it like? I had my first modeling job trough a modeling agency who after reviewing my portfolio decide to book me for an audition then later on got selected for a fashion show. At first, it was very intimidating and challenging to be among more experienced models but I had to adapt and adjust very quickly in order to keep it up with the crew. At first, what made me more confident were the applauses from the crowd each time when I was on the podium and then the body language of recognitions from some of my fellow colleagues (laughs). As I remembered, I felt so nervous that day that it was clearly impossible for me to drink and\or to eat anything during the entire fashion show (laughs).
Tropics Woman
- In your opinion, which campaign marked the beginning of "a new level" in your career and made you one of the most successful female models? I think it‟s more a moment than a campaign that marked the beginning of "a new level" in my career and made me who I am actually. More exactly, in my aim to be noticed by more agencies, I was jumping into any modeling opportunities that I came across even unpaid job. At that time my main focus to have more experience added into my resume then came the moment when I felt mature enough to reject some of the modeling opportunities that I did not feel like doing. I found that success comes not only when preparation meet the opportunities but also when ones can align his/her own set of skill with his/her objectives, goals, priorities, carrier plans, dreams, and visions. - What kind of assignments, as a model, do you prefer? One of my blessings has been to be photogenic so as a model, I‟ve been enjoying doing, Hair Show, Fashion Show, TV/Video Commercial and would like to do some tries, in the Theatre, and Film. I‟ve done some acting and singings in my childhood when I as was a member of Choral of my Church. Thus I would love to explore more opportunities in those areas too. - What has been the funniest job that you have done as a model so far? As I can recall, one of my funniest job moments was at my debut during a casting for hair products. The ad profile emphasized on model with natural atypical hair style, so while getting ready for the audition, I unbraided my hair and made a nice ponytail/bun thinking that it will be amply enough. Indeed, I was anticipating the intensive work that the hairdressers will be performing on our hair trough different hairstyles in order to showcase the various products of the brand and their respective advantage. You can imagine how big was surprised when I walked in the room and find out that all the other models had dreadlocks hairstyle on their head. I instantaneously felt that I did not belong to this group and easily read people mind seconding my thoughts. (Laughs) Like an automat on standby mode, I stood right there with a big expression of „Oh My GOD‟ on my face while trying to figure out how to make myself invisible and disappear without being noticed. Unfortunately, the casting director did notice me before I could walk out of the room and told me that she was delighted by my uniqueness and invited me to be part of the final cast but the situation was so awkward that I felt overwhelmed so I politely declined the offer and left the room. It was so embarrassing that I could not help myself than to laugh and laugh and laugh again. (Laughs) - Do you have a personal motto that sums up your thoughts about life in a sentence? Absolutely, I do have some personal mottos that sum up my thoughts about life; such as: "Whatever the mind of man can conceive it can achieve", "To become an expert achiever in any human activity, it takes practice, …practice, … practice", "Day by day in every way through the Grace of GOD I am getting better and better trough a positive mental attitude", "Believe then achieve" or "The sky is the limit".
“Being the winner of the Tropics Award 2011-2012 makes me feel both happy and humbled to have been chosen among so many contestants of talent and by so many internet users from all continents.
- I know you've been traveling around the world, where you would like to live other than where you do now? In many ways, traveling abroad have made me realized and deeply appreciated the specificities of my home country, its green landscape, culture, habits and its welcoming people and specially my all family‟s members. Therefore, other than where I currently do live, I definitively would like to live in Gabon and give back to my community. Generally speaking, the country of Gabon is located in central Africa, along the Atlantic Ocean, and crossed by the equator. Gabon is known for its oil driven economy, its peaceful way of live, and according to National Geographic, Gabon is the last Garden of Eden on Earth based on the amazing natural beauty of its 13 National Parks System and the overall attractiveness of its ecotourism to name a few. - Thanks Coretha for your time, it has been a gift to our readers and myself! Likewise, it has been a gift to me too. I can‟t thank you enough for your hard work. It has been an honor and a privilege to share with all of your readers a part of my life story as model. Before closing, allow me to take this opportunity to say few words about one of my main concerns, the issue of cervical cancers. As you may already know, January is Cervical Health Awareness Month in the United States and abroad. As someone who is interested in educating and advocating for increased knowledge of cervical cancer, HPV disease, and the importance of early detection cervical cancer screening and treatment programs, I would like to ask all your readers to get involved and to mobilize their circle of friends or network in order to get the words out about cervical cancer and HPV. Specifically, ask to all the women around you for three things to remember: Vaccinate Early, Pap Test Regularly, and HPV Test When Recommended because Prevention and Early Detection Saves Lives. More exactly, in your neighborhoods, your schools, your work places, at home, at the Church/ mosque/synagogue, and anywhere else, get involved with enhancing: 1. Prevention through vaccination. 2. Prevention and Early Detection through the awareness of Pap Testing. 3. Advances in Pap testing/Imaging. 4. HPV Testing when recommended (including HPV Typing information). 5. Cervical cancer screening/prevention programs and reaching out to underserved populations. 6. New treatments options. 7. Support to women and family members battling cervical cancer disease and HPV. Indeed, as a concerned global citizen and social entrepreneur, through the OBOTA Foundation, an NGO created last year in 2010, my primary focus and extra school activity, is on advocacy to increase global awareness and resource about the fight against cervical cancers in Gabon while raising funds and donations to support on-theground community projects through innovative approaches in research, prevention, treatment, assistance, education, and development. At least not the last, Thank you once again for your time and support. Happy New Year 2012 & Best Wishes: May GOD Bless You As Always.
Interview conducted by Vénicia Guinot
EVENEMENTS Miss Hibiscus 2011, un événement Mode en couleurs. Témoignez !
Miss Hibiscus 2011
Reportage: Jpierre Volet (Tropics Magazine)
Looks du Moment…
QUI EST CINDY LECUYER? Jeune maquilleuse de 21 ans, Cindy est originaire de Normandie, de Rouen plus précisément. Après un Bac L musique et un CAP d'esthétique cosmétique et conseil à la vente qui lui font découvrir les prémices du maquillage, Cindy se lance dans une formation de maquilleuse artistique à l'Ecole Flavia Palmeira, à Paris. Depuis elle a développé son entreprise, Strenga Make Up. Elle travaille sur de nombreux shootings en partenariat avec de talentueux photographes pour se constituer un réseau et maintenant travaille chez France 3 Haute-Normandie pour des émissions telles les JTs et La Voix est Libre, ainsi qu'à l'Opéra de Rouen Haute-Normandie pour un atelier autour de l'opéra de Donizzetti, "Viva la Mamma!". Elle a aussi travaillé pour du théâtre avec l'adaptation de Peer Gynt par la troupe Les Moires. Et aussi pour des célébrités et des gens du spectacle tels que Le Konflit, Karine Dupray, Hervé Morin. ET elle a aussi a son actif plusieurs publications en magazines, tels "Oops!", "Nudea", "Shooting", ansi que sur des sites tels "". Vous pouvez désormais découvrir son travail, ou du moins le résultat de ces collaborations photographiques.
Natural-seduction by STRENGA
The surprised look by STRENGA
The actress look by STRENGA
Rejuvenating by STRENGA
Re-Re-Re-Born! by STRENGA
The fierce look by STRENGA
Designer on top!
« La nuit de Prague » Imane AYISSI Photo : Marc Richez, Model: Rama Diouf, Make-up : Iman Cosmetics, Coiffure : Titi-R
« La Nuit de Prague ! » Photos Marc Richez ; Créations Imane Ayissi ; Models : Rama Diouf & Penda Deme ; Maquillage Cosmétic's by Iman ; Coiffure Titi-R pour Activalong ; Photos prises de nuit sur l'esplanade de L'Opéra de Prague
Photo : Marc Richez, Design : Imane Ayissi, Model : Penda Deme, Make-up : Iman Cosmetics, Coiffure : Titi-R
Christophe GUILLARME Interview
Congratulations for the release of ‘Le Tapis Rouge’! How did you get inspired? Thanks, I really had an idea on mind when I create my first perfume especially with an obsession on red fruits! I was planning to use cranberry and finally felt in love with black currant which turn to be start point of my fragrance with roses and patchouli as well. It turns to be a fresh fruity mixed occidental and oriental perfume, perfect for anyone who wants to know how it feels to attend a red carpet! What has the response been like? Perfume is a brand new market for me, I‟m learning everyday but it fits my expectations until now! Already sold in Galleries Lafayette, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait… Quite a brilliant launching! Who would you like to see wearing Christophe Guillarme now? I have a crush on Halle Berry, she is the perfection to me: natural and sophisticated at the same time. I really hope she will read this, who knows?
“I recently had the opportunity to start collaboration under my name for luggages with exclusive prints I designed on it. I’m having so much fun to design this line!!!”
What do you hope to achieve with the label? Actually I‟m no longer expecting anything since long, I‟m surfing on waves and try to create as much as possible. I recently had the opportunity to start collaboration under my name for luggages with exclusive prints I designed on it. I‟m having so much fun to design this line!!! Can we expect a sexier "Christophe Guillarme" silhouette? How do you choose your models? That is really the first time I‟m asked to provide some even sexier styles! Though I must admit I‟ve been more provocative a few years back! Now I‟m more in a seductive approach. Are people still spending money on designer labels in the recession? I guess yes but they are probably focusing on big names! That‟s why I have always been concern to provide reasonable prices with a high level of quality and creativity attached on each style. The proof is someone is always guessing my gowns are more expensive than it actually is ! How do you get inspiration for your labels? After more than ten years to create a new collection each six months, I‟m feeling more secure with inspiration, I let it come to me whenever it wants and I always find the whole concept from each collection almost at the end of the process.
Do you worry about the extremely short amount of time (only one or two seasons) creative directors are given to make their mark? This pressure is simply nonsense, especially when you know how difficult the situation is since recession! I love how Azzedine Alaïa is not taking care of Fashion industry and presents his work without taking care of any calendar! Pure freedom! What's exciting right now in fashion and which message would you like to send to readers of Tropics Magazine all over the world? One message only: feel free to enjoy fashion now that there is no more rules each season, the biggest Fashion “Faux pas” is not to make one! Interview conducted by Vénicia Guinot
Tresses Afro Faites-vous de belles tresses avec des extensions correspondant Ă la forme de votre visage.
Hair Book
Curls…oh Curls !
Miss Independent
Catwoman Fringe
Longues coupes Si vous êtes fan de longues coupes comme Tyra Banks, pensez à les boucler pour faire ressortir leur texture.
Les Tortillons Ajoutez un brin de soleil tropical à votre coiffure…
Ingredients List:
Ingredients List:
4 cups of carrots, sliced. ½ cup of water. 6 tablespoons of butter. 2 tablespoons of sugar. 1 teaspoon of nutmeg. 1 teaspoon of salt.
3 lb of baby carrots. 4 tablespoons of butter. 3 tablespoons of mint. Salt and pepper. Water. Directions:
Put the baby carrots in a saucepan and just cover with water.
In a casserole dish, mix the sugar, nutmeg and salt with water.
Add four tablespoons of butter, then cover.
Add the carrots and dab them with butter.
Bring to the boil, then reduce heat and cook for 12-15 minutes until the carrots are still firm but can be pieced with a fork.
Bake at 350°F (175°C) for 10 minutes, stirring after 5 minutes.
Remove the cover and boil down until all the water has evaporated. Season with mint, salt and pepper. Serve.
Allow to rest for 3-4 minutes. Serve.
Ingredients List: 3 medium eggs. 1 ½ cups of all-purpose flour. 1 ½ cups of shredded carrots. 1 cup of powdered sugar. ¾ cup of granulated sugar. ½ cup of raisins. ½ cup of milk, plus 2 tablespoons of milk. ½ cup of melted butter, plus 1 tablespoon of melted butter. ¼ cup of cream cheese, softened. 2 teaspoons of cinnamon. 1 ½ teaspoons of baking powder. ½ teaspoon of baking soda. ½ teaspoon of salt. ½ teaspoon of vanilla. Directions: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). Combine the all-purpose flour, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
Ingredients List: 3 egg whites, whipped. ½ cup of applesauce, room temperature. ½ cup of orange juice, room temperature. 1 teaspoon of orange extract. 2 teaspoons of vanilla. 2 cups of zucchini, grated. 1 cup of carrot, grated. 3 cups of flour. ½ cup of sugar. 1 tablespoon of cinnamon. ½ teaspoon of salt. ½ teaspoon of baking powder. ½ teaspoon of baking soda. Directions: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Prepare pans with cooking spray and flour.
Beat together the eggs and the granulated sugar.
In a suitably sized mixing bowl, combine the egg whites, applesauce, orange juice, orange extract, vanilla, grated zucchini and grated carrots.
Add the shredded carrots, raisins, ½ cup of milk, and ½ cup of melted butter; mix thoroughly.
In another mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, cinnamon, salt, baking powder and baking soda.
Add the flour mixture and stir until the dry ingredients have moistened.
Mix wet ingredients with dry ingredients just until moistened.
Spoon the batter into twelve greased muffin cups.
Pour the batter into your pan and bake for 60 minutes.
Bake for 20 minutes.
Ingredients List:
Ingredients List:
1 ½ lb of brown sugar, 3 cups of chopped carrots, 4 medium oranges., 1 large lemon, Water.
1 ½ lb of carrots, peeled and grated, ¼ cup of non-fat mayonnaise, 2 ½ tablespoons of freshly-squeezed lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of maple syrup, Pinch of salt.
Chopped the carrots, oranges and the lemon. Mix with sugar. Allow to stand overnight. In the morning, cook until the mixture gels. Seal while hot.
In a bowl, mix together the mayonnaise, lemon juice, maple syrup and a pinch of salt. Add the carrots, tossing to mix. Allow to stand for about 45 minutes. Serve.
Ingredients List: Ingredients List: ¾ cup of finely grated carrots, ¼ ounce of cream cheese, softened 1 stick of margarine, softened, 2 tablespoons of green olives, 2 tablespoons of grated onion, Dash of white pepper. Directions: Mix all of the ingredients together thoroughly. Chill the mixture in a refrigerator. Spread into a sandwich, onto toast or however you desire.
8 carrots, roughly chopped, 5 celery sticks, cut into pieces, 2 cloves of garlic, chopped, 1 large onion, chopped, 4 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of curry powder, Salt. Directions: Heat up the olive oil in a frying pan; then fry the chopped garlic and chopped onion for 4-5 minutes. Add a teaspoon of curry powder, and then stir. Add all of the remaining ingredients except the salt and cook until the vegetables are tender. Mix in a blender until the soup is smooth. Add salt to taste and serve.
Quick recipes COCONUT & BANANA MUFFINS If you want to turn up the tropical flavour factor, stir in some chopped dried apricots, dates and/or candied ginger. Ingredients: 3/4 cup all-purpose flour, 1/2 cup whole wheat flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1/4 tsp. salt, 3/4-1 cup shredded or flaked coconut, 2 mashed very ripe bananas, 1/2 cup sugar – white or brown, 1/3 cup melted butter or canola oil, 1/3 cup buttermilk or plain yogurt, 1 large egg, 1 tsp. vanilla Preheat oven to 375°F and line muffin cups with paper liners. In a large bowl, stir together the flours, baking powder and salt. Toss in about 1/2 cup of coconut. CRISPY SHRIMP CANAPES Ingredients: 6 sheets fillo dough , 1/4 c extra virgin olive oil, 3/4 c neufchatel cheese, 2 tbsp dried dill weed, 1/4 c dehydrated Ranch dressing mix, about 1/2 lb baby salad shrimp (fully thawed and drained, if previously frozen), 1/4 c minced chives Instructions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Using a pastry brush, grease a full-sized baking sheet with olive oil. Lay the first sheet of fillo dough flat on the baking sheet and brush with olive oil. Repeat with the additional five fillo dough sheets, brushing each with oil before laying down the next. Use a pizza cutter or pastry cutting wheel to cut the prepared fill dough layers into 1 1/2" squares. Bake for about 10 minutes or until squares are crisp and light brown. Let cool on the pan while preparing topping. In a small bowl, combine the Neufchatel, dill, and Ranch dressing mix. If mixture seems too thick to spread easily (thicker than whipped cream cheese), add milk or cream 1 tbsp at a time, blending well in between each addition, until mixture is the consistency of whipped cream cheese. Top each baked fillo square with 2-3 tsp of the seasoned cheese mixture, either using two teaspoons, a small cookie scoop, or a pastry bag to create small, flat mounds of cheese on each square. Press three baby shrimp into each dollop of cheese. Sprinkle with minced chives, remove to a serving plate, and serve immediately as a canapé or pass-around appetizer.
In another bowl whisk/mash together the bananas, sugar, buttermilk, egg and vanilla; add to the dry ingredients and stir just until blended. Don‟t over mix. Divide batter among lined muffin cups and sprinkle with remaining coconut. Bake for about 25 minutes, until puffed and golden, about 25 minutes. Makes about 10 muffins.
Recipe: Combine cheeses, mayonnaise, mustard, and chopped onion. Spread mixture on one side of 4 of the bread slices to within 1/4-inch of edges. Top with remaining bread slices. Spread softened butter on the outer sides of the sandwiches. Cook over medium heat in a hot skillet or griddle until golden brown, turning once.
Recipe: In a medium bowl, combine flaked tuna, sliced olives, cheese, egg, mayonnaise, pickle relish, onion, and salt; mix well. Spoon tuna mixture into hot dog rolls; wrap each roll in foil. Place foil wrapped sandwiches in a preheated 400° oven. Bake for 10 minutes; serve hot in the foil. Hot tuna sandwiches serve 8.
Recipe: In saucepan over medium low heat, melt butter; add crumbs, eggs, and half-and-half. Heat thoroughly and season with salt and pepper to taste. Put sardines on a baking pan; broil for about 5 minutes. Arrange sardines on toast and spoon egg mixture over them. Sprinkle with paprika and chopped parsley. Serves 2.
Sift the flour, baking powder, salt and caster sugar into a large bowl. In a separate bowl or jug, lightly whisk together the milk and egg, then whisk in the melted butter. Pour the milk mixture into the flour mixture and, using a fork, beat until you have a smooth batter. Any lumps will soon disappear with a little mixing. Let the batter stand for a few minutes. Heat a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat and add a knob of butter. When it's melted, add a ladle of batter (or two if your frying pan is big enough to cook two pancakes at the same time). It will seem very thick but this is how it should be. Wait until the top of the pancake begins to bubble, then turn it over and cook until both sides are golden brown and the pancake has risen to about 1cm (½in) thick. Repeat until all the batter is used up. You can keep the pancakes warm in a low oven, but they taste best fresh out the pan. Serve with lashings of real maple syrup and extra butter if you like.
MENU DE JANVIER Quelques menus tous simples pour celles et ceux qui veulent profiter au maximum des légumes d’hiver au quotidien. Légères pour le soir et basées autour d’un plat principal pour le midi, voici quelques idées pour égayer votre table après une journée de travail tout en respectant le cycle des saisons !
POUR 6 PERSONNES 6 tomates ; 1 poivron ; 4 oignons ; 1 boîte de thon à l'huile ; 1 boîte de filets d'anchois ; 1 salade verte ; 3 oeufs durs ; 100 g d'olives noires ; 1 petit pot de câpres ; 4 cuillères à soupe d'huile d'olive ; 1 bonne cuillère à soupe de vinaigre ; 1 cuillère à soupe de moutarde forte ; 1 boîte de haricots verts ou 400 g de haricots verts surgelés ; Sel, poivre. 1Dans un grand saladier, préparez la sauce en mélangeant bien le vinaigre, la moutarde, le sel et le poivre. Puis ajoutez l'huile d'olive en tournant bien jusqu'à obtenir une sauce bien liée et bien crémeuse. 2 Lavez la salade verte et essuyez-la soigneusement dans un torchon. 3 Détaillez le poivron en fines lamelles. 4 Passez à l'eau et égouttez les haricots verts. 5 Mettez tous ces ingrédients dans le saladier avec les tomates coupées en quartiers et les œufs coupés en 4. 6 Décorez le dessus de la salade avec les oignons coupés en fines rondelles, le thon émietté, les filets d'anchois, les olives et les câpres.
Pour 2 personnes 2 steaks de bœuf coupés en lamelles ; 250g de champignons frais ; 125g de mesclun ; des tomates cerises ; 1/2 poivron rouge ; 1 morceau de concombre ; huile d‟olive Faites chauffer l‟huile dans une poêle, y mettre les champignons coupés en deux, laisser cuire quelques minutes. Ajouter les morceaux de bœuf, cuire à votre goût. Pour cette salade, je l‟aime bien cuit pour qu‟il soit légèrement croustillant. Assaisonner la salade puis recouvrez du bœuf et des champignons encore chauds. Déguster immédiatement.
POUR 6 PERSONNES : Filet mignon de porc; 5 tranches de jambons de Bayonne ; préparation à base de tomates séchées (chez moi ça s'appelle "délices de tomates séchées" et ça ressemble à une pâte dans laquelle il y a de l'ail, du sel, du poivre, de l'huile...) sinon vous pouvez la faire vous-même en mélangeant ces ingrédients ; origan ; sel, poivre ; 1 verre de vin blanc 1) Coupez le filet mignon dans la longueur, salez et étalez la préparation à base de tomates séchées à l'intérieur, saupoudrez d'origan et ajoutez y une tranche de jambon que vous aurez coupez en 2 pour recouvrir tout l'intérieur (facultatif) 2) Fermez le filet mignon, salez, poivrez et placez les tranches de jambon en les chevauchant. Maintenez le tout avec de la ficelle alimentaire. 3) Placez dans un plat, ajoutez le verre de vin blanc et faites cuire à 180 ° pendant 45 minutes à 1 h en arrosant régulièrement C'est très simple et rapide à préparer !
POUR 3 PERSONNES : Mandarines ; 4 cl d'Eau ; 80 gr de Sucre en poudre ; le Jus d'1/2 Citron ; 1 Blanc d‟œuf (facultatif mais recommandé) Préparation... Dans une casserole, porter à ébullition l'eau avec le sucre et le jus de citron puis baisser le feu et laisser chauffer encore quelques minutes. Laisser refroidir. Presser les mandarines afin de récupérer 1/2 litre de jus. Montez le blanc d'œuf en neige. Une fois le sirop refroidi, réunir sirop et jus de mandarines. Mettre à turbiner après avoir ajouté le blanc d'œuf au mélange sirop/jus de mandarines.
Top 10 tips for pairing food and wine Many people are intimidated by the thought of pairing food and wine. In fact, it's not as hard as you think. While experts can pair subtle flavors in wine with the distinct taste of a dish, you can still pair wine with food without years of experience. Here are ten simple tips to help get you started: 1. Match the Style – The style and weight of the wine you pick should match the food on your plate. For example, a robust Cabernet would pair well with a hearty New York Steak. Similarly, food with intense flavor like bleu cheese should be paired with a flavorful wine like port. For lighter dishes like fish, choose more delicate wines, like Chardonnay. 2. Don’t Worry About the Color of the Meat – It‟s often said that white meats like chicken, pork, and fish should go with white wine, and red meats like beef and lamb should be paired with red wine. However, you should think about the dish as a whole. Chicken served with a flavorful tomato-based sauce could easily go well with a lighter red wine. 3. Stick to the Same Region – Dishes that come from a certain region almost always pair well with wines from the same region. Seafood dishes from the Mediterranean work wonderfully with white wine from Provence, while pasta and meat dishes from Tuscany pair well with the acidic red Sangiovese wines. 4. Avoid Oaky Wines – Unless you really know what you‟re doing, a big oaky flavor can overpower the food it‟s paired with. In general, wines with less oaky notes are easier to pair with food. 5. Add Salt – Salt will not only add flavor to your food, but it will also help your wine complement the dish. Salt can make wines taste milder, fruitier, and less acidic, which tends to be pleasing to the palette. 6. Don’t Be Afraid of Acidity – Acidic dishes will actually bring out the fruit in the wine, and the wine will help frame the flavors of the dish. Spicy dishes work well with sweeter, low-alcohol wines like Riesling or Gewürztraminer, which will enhance the flavor of the dish without fighting them. 7. Consider the Most Prominent Flavor – For skilled pairings, consider the most dominant character of a dish. This tends to be the sauce, seasoning, or cooking method rather than the main ingredient – just think about all the different ways you can cook and season a chicken! 8. Experiment – Many beginning wine drinkers assume that there‟s only one good “paring” for a certain wine or dish. In fact, there are many different possibilities, so don‟t be afraid to try new combinations until you find one that you like. 9. Go for Bubbles – When in doubt, sparkling wine or champagne works with almost any food, especially brut varieties. 10. It’s Up to You – When it comes to pairing wine and food, the real right answer is up to you. You have a unique palette that prefers certain flavors over others; it‟s likely that the flavors you like will pair together well. So, drink and eat the wine/food combinations that you enjoy the most! Joseph Morris is an avid food and wine enthusiast. He also owns the site CULINARY ARS COLLEGE for students interested in getting a degree in culinary arts.
Mighty white… Don’t think you can pull off pristine white in your home? In shades of ivory, cream, and snow, the color is perfect for everywhere from the powder room to the great room.
ASTUCES ECONOMIQUE & ECOLOGIQUE Exposez toutes vos astuces pour bricoler de manière écologique ou pour faire des économies. Grâce à ces petits conseils, adaptez vos projets en accord avec votre environnement et dépensez moins.
Améliorer le goût de l‟eau du robinet. Selon les régions, l'eau du robinet a plus ou moins le goût de chlore, ce qui ne la rend pas toujours très agréable à boire. Pour y remédier, il suffit de la laisser décanter quelques heures dans une carafe en verre. Ainsi le chlore va s‟évaporer et l'eau retrouvera sa saveur initiale. Attention l'eau du robinet doit tout de même être consommée dans les 48 heures. Eliminer les moustiques. Voici une petite astuce écologique pour éliminer les moustiques et leurs larves qui ont tendance à se développer dans les cuves de récupération d'eau de pluie, les bassins et les fontaines. Installez quelques poissons rouges dans le bassin concerné et ne les nourrissez surtout pas, ainsi ils feront un festin avec les moustiques et les larves. Raviver un meuble en bois Commencez par le laver avec du lait chaud puis rincez-le à grande eau. Appliquez lui ensuite un mélange de blanc d'œuf en neige et de jus de citron à l'aide d'un chiffon que vous aurez au préalable trempé dans du vinaigre. Ainsi vous raviverez sa patine.
Spa Treats A relaxing boutique spa experience which begins in a healing mineral floatation pool, soothing and balancing your mind, body and soul, leaving you feeling pampered and relaxed. For a limited time we have this 2 for 1 deal so you can take a friend for free. To take advantage of this special offer, simply select '1' under number of tickets on the next page and your booking will be valid for '2' people.
What happens on the day? Kalmora spa is situated in the heart of the Kent countryside, which is the perfect setting for drifting away in true bliss. Kalmora Spa specializes in floatation therapy and authentic mud and salt experiences. After being greeted by the friendly staff you will receive a tour and introduction to the facilities included in your package and a full consultation prior to your experience; a 45 minute hydro floatation therapy session. Experience details
This is a single voucher valid for two people Location: Goudhurst, Kent The spa is open from Monday to Saturday throughout the year from 9.30 until 17.30. Bookings are subject to availability Your treatment will last approximately 45 minutes but please expect to be longer at the venue for one hour You will receive a full information pack and an open-dated gift voucher from the supplier by post. The supplier's contact details will be included in your order confirmation email Your voucher is valid for nine months from the date of issue. It is essential that you book and take you experience before this date as vouchers may not be extended beyond the expiration date. This voucher cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer
Essential information
Use of all products, towels, gowns and slippers are all included in the package You will generally need to take your voucher with you on the day in exchange for your experience. However some suppliers may require you to send them your voucher before your experience The experience is not suitable for spectators Public Liability Insurance is included, along with Personal Accident Insurance of up to £50,000 and Cancellation Insurance of up to £500, for the voucher holder. Details will be enclosed within your gift pack This experience is not weather dependant To book a date for the experience, simply follow the booking instructions detailed in the information pack or on the gift voucher It is recommended you book at least four weeks in advance to ensure that dates are available before the expiry date listed on the voucher. This is only a guideline and we advise you book as early as possible to avoid disappointment. You must book and take your experience before the voucher expiry date. All bookings are subject to availability
Medical Restriction
Minimum age is 18 years
Please mention any chronic medical conditions at the time of booking. These include pregnancy, allergies, high blood pressure, any physical ailments or disabilities. This will prepare the spa staff in advance to provide the best possible Spa treatment or therapy for you. Please do not shave or wax 24 hours before your experience
Soin facial, qu’est-ce que c’est ?
Vous vous demandez ce qu‟est un soin pour visage ? Comment choisir le meilleur soin pour vous et à quelle fréquence vous devriez le faire ? Toutes les réponses dans ce billet.
Qu‟est-ce qu‟un soin facial ? Le soin facial est un soin en profondeur pour visage qui comprend différentes étapes de nettoyage et d‟hydratation. Il peut se faire à la maison si on a les bons produits, mais on peut aussi choisir d‟aller se faire dorloter dans un institut d‟esthétisme ou un spa pour un nettoyage professionnel et relaxant. Les étapes Même si les soins faciaux diffèrent selon les besoins d‟une personne, les étapes sont généralement les mêmes. On commence tout d‟abord avec une analyse de la peau pour déterminer notre type de peau et les zones à problèmes. On démaquille ensuite la peau et on la nettoie en profondeur. On passe alors à l‟exfoliation avec un produit légèrement abrasif. Puis, on oxygène le visage, avec une machine à vapeur par exemple, afin de mieux pouvoir travailler les zones à problèmes par la suite (extraction de points noirs). Un massage suit et on termine avec un masque. Le soin facial en institut dure entre 1h00 et 3h00. Dans un spa, vous trouverez des soins de 30 mins à 1h30. Types de soins Il est important de choisir le soin qui convient à votre type de peau. Une peau très jeune (15-20 ans), avec des problèmes mineurs d‟acné ou de points noirs aura seulement besoin de soins hydratants et nettoyants tandis qu‟une peau un peu plus âgée (21-35 ans) peut se diriger vers des soins antioxydants. C‟est à partir de 35 ans qu‟on peut aussi commencer un soin avec un traitement anti-âge. La fréquence Comme le soin facial est un soin en profondeur, il n‟est pas nécessaire tous les jours. On le conseille au moins quatre fois par année, à chaque changement de saison. Si vous avez un problème particulier, n‟hésitez pas à consulter un dermatologue afin de savoir comment soigner adéquatement votre peau. Les adresses Peu importe où vous habitez, allez toujours voir du côté des écoles en soins esthétiques. Elles offrent de bons soins à des prix très bas (de 30 à 60 $ les 2 heures versus de 60 à 150 $ l‟heure en institut ou au spa). À Montréal, l‟Académie Dectro est une école qui offre une multitude de soins faciaux. Pour l‟expérience totale, dirigez-vous vers le Rainspa, le spa de l‟hôtel Le Place D‟Armes, ou le Studio Beauté du Monde, le spa-hammam situé au centre-ville de Montréal.
Écrit par Gabrielle Immarigeon.
Savoir se Maquiller… Regardez-vous dans une glace. Votre visage a une forme particulière. C'est en l'étudiant que vous pourrez réaliser le maquillage qui vous sied le mieux. Attachez vos cheveux pour bien dégager votre visage. Mesurez ensuite les points importants en les marquant sur un papier La largeur de votre visage à la hauteur de vos pommettes (le point le plus haut) La largeur de votre visage à la hauteur de votre menton jusqu'à l'os maxillaire La largeur de votre visage à la hauteur du front dans sa partie la plus large (généralement à mi-chemin entre vos sourcils et la racine des cheveux) Enfin, mesurez la hauteur de votre visage depuis la racine de vos cheveux jusqu'au menton.
ENTERTAINMENT What’s happening in your favorite celebrities’ lives? BEAUTE QUEEN „BEE‟ GIVES BIRTH
„A Star Is Born!‟ Yes, moments ago it was confirmed that Pop Prima Beyonce successfully delivered her first child with husband Jay Z, a healthy baby girl -reportedly named Ivy Blue. Sources close to the couple confirm the birth was a C-Section. From everyone here at That Grape Juice, congratulations! THE VOICE-SEASON 2
Two nights ago, That Grape Juice came across a number of tweets from members of Lil Kim„s fan base criticizing her decision to withhold the release of her long awaited EP to support her friend Floyd Mayweather. The boxer was recently found guilty of assaulting the mother of his children right in front of them back in September. THE RETURN OF CRAIG DAVID Now, the Rapper‟s close friend and assistant, Noel, has taken to Twitter in response to the harsh criticism his boss is currently facing.
With season 2 of „The Voice‟ around the corner, NBC have released a titillating new teaser for the show‟s hotly anticipated return. Set to air immediately after the Super bowl on February 5th, you can get a taste of what to expect from the next installment of the Christina Aguilera fronted show below. It seems the panel have upped their “bitchy” and we love it!
It may be cold, but one-time chart-topper Craig David seemed keen to turn up the heat this week. The „What‟s Your Flavour‟ singer was snapped showing off his svelte physique in Miami, where he resides when Stateside. And while the shots will no doubt send many pulses racing, the 30 year old will be hoping it‟s his music which excites folk most moving forward Writing about his immediate plans on Twitter, David said: “All about killing it in the gym and recording a smash in the studio” With his last wave of success being almost 10 years ago, let‟s hope this “smash” lives up to its billing.
PRIVATE JETS What does a billionaire do when having a private jet becomes so affordable that mere millionaires can swing the cost? (SOURCE: FORBES) He trades up--to a Boeing 747-8, say, or to an Airbus 380--costing $280 million and $300 million, respectively. Back in 1996, when Boeing introduced the first "personal use" version of one of its commercial airliners, the $30 million Boeing Business Jet (a reconfigured 737) was treated as the last word in spaciousness and luxury. Now, compared with competing luxe lifts, a 737 looks like mashed potatoes. Boeing's far larger 747-8 won't be ready for flight until 2010, and Airbus' 380 has been pushed back to the middle of the next decade. But these two giants should be worth billionaires' wait. Just outfitting their cavernous interiors with the little touches that make a plane a home--mahogany paneling, gold-plated fixtures and maybe a Jacuzzi or a screening room--could cost an owner $20 million. Buyers kicking the tires of these behemoths probably own several other planes, says Steven Hill, president of Boeing Business Jet. Out of the four customers who have pre-purchased the 747-8, two were previous owners of smaller Boeing Business Jets, and their main motivation is to "get the latest and greatest," says Hill. "These people are fleet planning--they're planning their future." Reported owners of Boeing aircrafts include Russian oil tycoon Roman Abromavich as well as Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ) guys Larry Page and Serge Brin. Other private jet-owning billionaires include Sergio Mantegazza (Falcon 900), Philip Green and Lakshmi Mittal (who both own Gulfstream G550s). But perhaps the most luxe jet out there is the Airbus 380. What do you get for $300 million? For starters, plenty of room. Jennifer Clay, principal of J. Clay Consulting, a New York City firm that advises major players in the airline industry, says a big, yacht-like reconfiguration of what was once a 180-person commercial jet allows an owner do something he perhaps could not in smaller private plane: stand up. Lack of headroom on smaller jets, says Clay, is a cause of concern for many owners. Greg Thomas, CEO of Privatair, an aviation company controlled by billionaire Spiro Latsis' group Paneuropean Oil and Industrial Holdings, agrees that the reason for these planes' appeal has everything to do with their interior potential. An owner willing to restrict use of his plane to his own travel (not allowing it to be rented out to third parties) can, according to regulation, outfit the cabin with amenities to suit his every whim. "There are two different standards [for cabin design]," explains Thomas. "If you're flying it commercial, you have to apply all sorts of stringent safely standards. It really limits the type of materials and configuration you can have. If you have a private design, you can more or less do what you like on board." Two thirds of Privatair's jet owners have decided to do just that. "There are some extraordinary VIP interiors around," says Thomas, particularly those on aircraft belonging to Gulf States royalty. Monarchs, he notes, "really go to town on their airplanes." One royal family mounted a Webcam on its plane's exterior, the better to enjoy clouds and rainbows, whose images were projected onto an interior 8-by-4-foot screen. With that kind of technology, who needs the window seat?
MOZAMBIQUE the ultimate tropical paradise!
Mozambique is without a doubt the ultimate tropical paradise. It's particularly world renowned for diving and with spectacular coral reefs stretching along the 2,515 kilometers of warm clear Indian Ocean as its coastline, it's not surprising why. Mozambique is blessed with a generous amount of untamed beaches and little islands all astonishingly breathtaking. Apart from diving there's a variety of sun filled water activities to quench the thirst of any beach holiday seeker: swimming, kayaking, sailing, dhow trips, snorkelling and fishing are among the most popular activities to keep one busy in this beautiful beach dreamland. With all these wonderful activities you can work up quite an appetite and that's a good thing - with the world's most exquisite seafood on your doorstep there's bound to be something to soothe your palate's liking, especially prawns. This is most definitely a delicacy you should treat yourself to when you visit the various restaurants along the coastline. The best times to explore: If you want to get the most out of your holiday without having to worry about bad weather that might spoil your sun filled days, then it's best to visit Mozambique between May and November. This is the time when both rainfall and temperatures are at their lowest with pleasant temperatures between 20 to 29°C (68-85°F). It is also possible to plan your holiday during the early part of the warmer, rainy season from November to January, only if you can tolerate the high temperatures though. Avoid going from February to April: if you attempt to go for a holiday during this period the only thing you're bound to explore is an overabundance of rain, floods and even strong monsoon winds which are definitely not recommended. It's also advisable to start booking your vacation well in advance if you're planning to go around Easter, Christmas, New Year's and in August as these are the most popular visiting times with the most visitors to the area. How to get there and around If you are from Europe or a distant part of Africa, the most affordable option to get to Mozambique is to fly to Johannesburg in South Africa. From there you can then fly or even take a bus to Maputo, which is the capital of Mozambique. If affordability doesn't bother you, but you're more eager to get to your destination without the Johannesburg pit stop - the following airways will fly you straight to Maputo: Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique (LAM), Air Portugal and Kenya Airways. Once you're in Mozambique the best ways to travel around are either by bus, which will get you to all the major towns, or by air. If you are travelling off the main routes then converted passenger trucks called chapa-cems (chapas) will get you where you want to be. There are also regular flights to all the major destinations from Maputo to Vilankulo, Beira, Nampula, Pemba and other major destinations. Another alternative is to take the private charter airlines that will take you almost anywhere you like.
Foulards Afro