COAST & COU NTRY A Celebration of Life in East Devon
East Devon Coast & Country
Contents Mar-May
4. Quarterly What's On guide
43. Helen the Cat
Find out what's not to miss.
By Animal Communicator, Kerry Hornett.
8. Forthcoming Art Exhibitions
44. Walk on the Wildside
Art gallery events for March to May.
Artist Mike Hughes talks about wildlife.
12. Fashion and Beauty
48. Home Improvement
Fashion and beauty in East Devon.
Tips and new products for your home.
14. Orchid Extravaganza
52. Recollections of Farming
A visit to Goren Farm in Stockland.
From noted local historian Ted Gosling.
19. Business Tips
53. Across Cobble-Stones
Valuable advice from Katina Styles.
Childhood reminiscences from Derek Rugg.
20. Eating Out
54. Life Matters
Our roundup of East Devon eateries.
Our section on health & wellbeing issues.
24. The Colyton Feature
58. Out and About in Lyme
With Stephen Chilcott.
A roundup of events from Lyme Regis
36. The English Garden
61. Dangers of a Culture of Secrecy
Get out in the garden with Nigel Jones.
From Claire Wright of the CBD group.
40. Horse Care - Suppleness
64. Managing your Money
By Natalie Bucklar-Green.
Expert tips from Helen Mulvaney.
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Walk on th By Wildlife Artist Mike Hughes
Mike Hughes, Katina Styles, SPRINSteve G Chilcott, Helen Mulvaney, Ted Gosling, Sali Mustafic, Natalie of Bucklar-Green, Hornett, Derrick With the arrival spring, theKerry British countryside becomes Claire Wright and Morwenna Griffiths. alive withRugg, wildlife. As the days lengthen and warm up many creatures which have been dormant throughout the winterMAGAZINE months begin to emerge. Our meadows and Editor andto publisher: hedgerows start bloomNigel andJones insects fill the air. The 513383 / 01395 512166 sound of tel. the01395 Dawn Chorus returns as birds that have email. nigel@prestige-media.co.uk spent the winter thousands of miles away migrate back to raise their young.call: 01395 513383 Advertisers East Devon its many By with post: Beech Royd,landscap 6 Bennettses Hill, and habitats offers Sidmouth EX10t 9XH. the amateur naturalis plenty of opportunities to make the most of this exciting time of year. COAST & COU NTRY EAST DEVON
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Take a trip to one of our coastal Along with our local birds the spring estuaries in late April/early May and migration is a time to see one or you will see the miracle of spring two more exotic species. Every year migration in action. Swallows fly in Osprey stop off for some rest and off the sea after having travelled up recuperation as they head on their from South Africa over 10,000km way to their breeding grounds (6,000miles) away. This epic journey in Scotland having travelled up will take around four weeks with from West Africa. Small numbers birds covering 320km (200miles) of Red Kite are seen; these large each day! The hedgerow s and graceful birds of prey are easily bushes all along the coast fill with distinguish able from the healthy singing warblers, par ticularly Devon Buzzard populatio n by Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs. Although their slim angled wings and the Chiffchaff is quite a non descript forked tail. With their successful small green/brown bird, known to re-introduc tion to other parts of the birdwatchers asCover photo: Tipton Roller Mills a ‘little brown job’ UK2010 their numbers will surely increase. its simple repetitive song of Chiffchaff All images copyright N.Jones Wading birds such as Whimbrel and 1 is instantly recognisab unless otherwise le and credited from Bar-tailed Godwit also stop off to which the bird gets its gets its name. feed on the rich mud flats of our Small numbers of both these warblers estuaries, before again flying off to spend the winter here but when the breed further north.
People find our staff extremely approachable. If you’re thinking of selling at auction, come to Bonhams for a more rewarding experience. To arrange a free valuation email exeter@bonhams.com or visit www.bonhams.com/auctions. Bonham The Lodge Southernhay West Exeter, Devon, EX1 1JG 01392 425 264 www.bonhams.com
Editor's Letter A warm welcome to East Devon Coast and Country Magazine. Great, we've finally made it to spring, what a relief after the cold and dreary winter months. Once the warm days start to come, it's great to get out and walk outside again without the fear of frostbite! In this issue, there's a feature on Colyton which I consider to be a most interesting and overlooked place. Writer, Steve Chilcott, was brave enough to walk the town this January, and he's compiled an interesting historical walk (page 24). We also feature an easy walk down the river Coly which is suitable for all ages.
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One of the highlights of last year for me, was the visit I made to Goren Farm at Stockland (it's an organic farm with some lovely wildflower meadows). We've featured some of the wildflowers, particularly the orchids that appear in abundance. If you're a wildlife fan, be sure not to miss their opening days (goren.co.uk) as they have a range of events
East Devon Coast & Country
where you can see butterflies, moths, all manner of insects and also the wide variety of wildflowers in their meadows. We welcome artist Mike Hughes to the magazine, he's now responsible for our "Walk on the Wildside" section. I'm sure when you see his barn owl painting (p44) that you'll agree he's very talented. He's included a list of East Devon based wildlife events, so don't miss these. Also don't miss the competition we have with "The Jack in the Green" restaurant - the prize is a 3 course dinner for two, so it's well worth looking into (p23) If you have anything East Devon based that you think would interest our readership, please call as we're keen to hear from you. By the way, we're looking for a new editor for the "Life Matters" section within this magazine, which covers the health and wellbeing subject area (p54). If you're have an interest, please call Nigel Jones on 01395 512166. All the best Nigel Jones (Editor)
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A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Forthcoming Events Mar, Apr & May 2011
29th May - Pecorama Vintage/Classic Vehicle Rally.
29th Apr-1st May - Lyme Regis Fossil Festival: events in Lyme Regis, Plymouth and Charmouth: http://www.fossilfestival.com . 29th Apr-1st May - Exeter Festival of South West Food and Drink: Northernhay Gardens, Exeter. 19-21st May - Devon County Show: Westpoint, Exeter.
Series: via Satellite from the New York Met, Exeter Picture House. 22-27th Mar - English Touring Opera Spring Season: including Fantastic Mr Fox, Mozart and Puccini, Northcott Theatre, Exeter.
Concerts 3rd Mar - The Mamma Mia Concert: ‘Arrival UK,’ Barnfield Theatre, Exeter.
26th Mar - English Touring Opera: Honiton Festival, St Paul’s Church, Honiton.
6th Mar - Jackie Oates: Radio 2 Folk Award winner, Phoenix Arts Centre, Exeter.
29-30th Mar - Carmina Burana: Exeter
10th Mar - Finzi Quartet: Seaton Music, Seaton Town Hall.
The Hidden Gardens of Otterton
11th Mar - Elaine Paige in Concert: Princess Theatre, Torquay.
The Arts 18th Mar - 3rd Apr - Vibraphonic: Exeter’s urban music festival, events around the city, Exeter. 27th Mar - 3rd Apr - Kinoteka: Polish film festival, Phoenix Arts Centre, Exeter.
LOCAL EVENTS 25th Mar - Lyme Regis Beer Festival. 9 -13th May - Spring Arts Week at Pecorama, Beer. Free entry to Gardens and Art Exhibition.
12 village gardens open on SUNDAY 29th MAY, 2-6pm. Cream teas, plants for sale, model train rides. Free parking, easy access.
12th Mar - Tippet String Quartet: Manor Pavilions, Sidmouth. 12th Mar - Exeter Philharmonic Orchestra: Puccini, Schubert & Brahms, Exeter Cathedral. 13th Mar - Piatti Quartet: Winners of the Tunnell Trust Award 2010/11, Northcott Theatre, Exeter. 13th Mar - Lady Sings the Blues: featuring Val Wiseman winner of The British Jazz Awards Best Vocalist, The Marine Theatre, Lyme Regis.
Enquiries 01395 567440
University’s Choral Society and Scholars Ensemble, Northcott Theatre, Exeter. 3rd Mar - Concerts in the West: Glorious Viola, The Marine Theatre, Lyme Regis. 22nd April - Feast of Fiddles: Corn Exchange, Exeter. 23-25th Apr - Budleigh Jazz Festival: live music every night (see website for details), Games Club, Budleigh Salterton: www.budleighjazzfestival.org .
20th Mar-15th May - Met Opera Encore
5th May - A Festival of the Ukraine: Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Exeter Cathedral. 6th May - Britannic Ensemble: Seaton Town Hall. 26th May - Buble Fever: classically trained Rickie captures the voice of Michael Buble, Barnfield Theatre, Exeter. 26th May - Exeter Philharmonic Orchestra: Beethoven & Bach, Exeter Cathedral.
Killerton House
Contact venue for further details.
20th Mar - Lost and Found: Travelling Light Team and Polka Children’s Theatre (for children aged 3-7), Northcott Theatre, Exeter. 2nd Apr - The Tempest: Movement Theatre Company, Barnfield Theatre, Exeter. 6-9th Apr - Private Peaceful: Scamp Theatre adaptation of Michael Morpurgo’s novel, Northcott Theatre, Exeter. 6-9th Apr - Habeus Corpus: Lyme Regis Dramatic Society, The Marine Theatre, Lyme Regis. 11-16th Apr - Blood Brothers: Princess Theatre, Torquay. 13th Apr - Count Arthur Strong: an evening with the BBC Radio 4 comedy star, Corn Exchange, Exeter. 21st-23rd Apr - Our House: The Madness Musical, Barnfield Theatre, Exeter. 22-30th Apr - Half a Sixpence from the novel ‘Kipps’ by H. G. Wells: Sidmouth Arts Club Operatic Society, Manor Pavilion, Sidmouth. 25-30th Apr - Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: Pavilion, Exmouth. 29-30th Apr - Ballet Black: award winning company of black and Asian ballet dancers, Northcott Theatre, Exeter. 5th May - Cinderella: Vienna Festival Ballet, Princess Theatre, Torquay. 17-22nd May - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat: Princess Theatre, Torquay.
Honiton Festival 26th Mar - Opera Gala. 5-14th May - May Festival.
2nd Mar - Punt & Dennis: They Should Get Out More, Northcott Theatre, Exeter.
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4-5th Mar - Hamlet: Prince of Denmark: Icarus Theatre Collective (original text cut to 2hrs 30mins), Northcott Theatre.
8th Mar - May: daring dance theatre from award winning Probe, Phoenix Arts Centre, Exeter. 8-12th Mar - Gondoliers: Exeter University Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Northcott Theatre, Exeter.
See display box (right) for more details. www.thehonitonfestival.co.uk
Escot Park 13th Mar - 5K Resolution Run: raising funds for the Stroke Association, Escot Park Estate. 22nd-25th Apr - Easter Egg Hunt: solve riddles and follow the map, Escot Park Estate.
12th Mar - The Beauty Manifest: The LYT Company, The Marine Theatre, Lyme Regis.
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15-19th Mar - Lilies on the Land: Fresh Glory Productions, Northcott Theatre, Exeter.
East Devon Coast & Country
Forthcoming Events Mar, Apr & May 2011
“Bringing the greatest new and established talents in classical music to the South West”
Honiton Festival 2011 Honiton Festival Opera Gala (26th March)
26th March - English Touring Opera Bel Canto to Belle Epoque - 7.30pm
Gems from the Golden Age of Italian Opera with Music by Verdi, Puccini & Donizetti. Tickets £10-£15. St Paul's, Honiton.
Honiton May Festival 2011 (5-14th May) 5th May - James Bowman, Counter Tenor & Lynda Sayce, Lute - Cotleigh Parish Church & House
Music by John Dowland, Edward Johnson, Orlando Gibbons and others with readings by Alfred Bradley including John Donne, Thomas Cranmer & Walter Raleigh. Tickets £17.50 concert (7.30pm) & reception (6pm), £12 concert only.
6th May - Julian Bliss, Clarinet, with The Harpham Quartet - 7.30pm
Mozart - Clarinet Quintet in A. Brahms - Clarinet Quintet in B Minor. Tickets £10 - £15. St Paul's, Honiton.
13th May - Ben Baker, Violin, Naufal Makumi, Piano- 1pm (lunch from 12 noon) St Paul's, Honiton Schubert - Violin Sonata in A, D574 'Duo'. Brahms - Violin Sonata no. 3 in D, op108. Tickets £9.00 (unreserved).
14th May - Crispian Steele-Perkins with The Handel Players - 7.30pm A Celebration of The Baroque. Tickets £9 - £15.00. Ottery St Mary Church.
Box Office 01404 43716 www.thehonitonfestival.co.uk FARMERS &
Community Markets Ottery St.Mary Community Market meet usually on the last Saturday of the month at the Institute, Yonder Street. Ottery St Mary Farmers Market - the Institute: last Saturday of every month, 9.30am-12.30pm. Exeter Farmers Market - South St/Fore
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St. Every Thurs. 9am-2pm. Exmouth Farmers Market - moved to Imperial Road Car Park due to work on The Strand: second Wednesday of every month, 9am-1.30pm. Budleigh Salterton - Rolle Car Park: last Friday of every month, 9am-1pm. Cullompton - Station Road Car Park: second Saturday of every month, 9.30am-12.30pm.
(Tickets available from Honiton Tourist Information Centre)
16-17th Apr - The New International Westpoint Antiques & Collectors Fair. All above at Westpoint, Clyst St. Mary.
MARKET DAYS Axminster Street Market at Trinity Square every Thur 8.30-3pm. Axminster Country Market - Masonic Hall, South Street: every Thursday, 9am-12pm.
Seaton Farmers Market - Town Hall: usually third Friday of every month, 9am-1pm.
Cullompton Indoor Market - Town Hall every Wednesday, 9am-1pm.
Sidmouth Community Market - All Saint's Church Hall, Sidmouth.
Exeter Craft Day on 1st Sat in Month May-Sept. Fore St/South St, Exeter.
Topsham Market Held every Sat 8.30-1pm at St Matthews Hall.
Exmouth Country Market, Glenorchy Hall, Exeter Road, Fri 8.30-11.15am.
Honiton WI/Country Market at Mackarness Hall every Friday 9.30-11.30am. Honiton Street Mkt every Tues & Sat 9am.
3rd Mar - The PDC Premier League Darts. 12-13th Mar - Aquasense Event. 15-16th Mar - UCAS Education Convention. 25-27th Mar - South West Spring Quilt Festival.
Killerton 5-6th Mar - Snowdrop Weekend: plant snowdrops in the chapel grounds, from 11am.
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
13th Mar - Get Ready for Mother’s Day: make fun beauty treatments for your mum with Sarah Pepper of Country Cottage Crafts, from 12pm.
A La Ronde 22nd & 25th Apr - Easter Trail: garden quiz trail and prize for every entrant, from 11am. 23rd to 24th Apr - Easter Eggstravegangza: Easter craft activities, from 11am.
Antique & Flea Budleigh Salterton Antique and Flea Market - Budleigh Salterton Public Hall: usually every Thursday, 10am-1pm.
Disclaimer - you are advised that before attending any of the events listed in the "Forthcoming Events" section of this magazine, you should contact the venue in advance to double check that the dates and times are correct.
Forthcoming Events M ar, Apr & M ay 2011
Killerton House throws open its doors to a new exhibition Killerton National Trust Estate, near Exeter has opened for a new season following three months of conservation cleaning, restoring and preparing their new historical fashion exhibition: ‘Dressing up, dressing down’. Everyday between 12noon and 4pm, visitors can wander the 200 year old Killerton House and see over three centuries of fashion. ‘Dressing up, dressing down’ features some of the most rare and unusual pieces drawn from a period fashion collection once belonging to Paulise de Bush. After her death in 1975, the fashion collection was given to the National Trust having been saved from destruction during World War II. The collection includes over 17,000 garments, accessories and photographs and gathers together clothing worn by women from all
levels of society, from maid servants to Queen Victoria.
Panache I N T E R I O R S
‘Dressing up, dressing down’ reveals the answers behind why our ancestors changed their outfits so many times in one day and uncovers the strict rules of social etiquette which dictated that the right clothes were worn for the right occasions, with the correct shoes, hat and gloves. A highlight of the exhibition is a beautiful cotton patchwork and appliqué coverlet, a fabric bed covering dating back to 1810. Younger visitors can experience what it was like to play in a traditional nursery, and children and adults alike will enjoy seeing how Killerton’s Victorian dolls house is being lovingly restored and try handmade replica period costumes on for fun. Killerton parkland, gardens, gift shop and tea-room is open everyday throughout the year. For more information call 01392 881345 or visit www.nationaltrust.org.uk/killerton Follow www.twitter.com/NTKillerton
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A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Forthcoming Art Exhibitions MARCH, APRIL & MAY 2011 GALLERIES Until 13th Mar - Stewart Jones & Diana Tapping paintings, Howard Phipps wood engravings. Sladers Yard (see box). 12th Mar - 9th Apr - Sonia Stanyard and Amy Albright: A major Exhibition of new paintings by these two artists opens this Spring. The combination of works produces an ambiance that is hauntingly enigmatic, contemplative and gently stirring, definitely worth a visit. Artwavewest (see box and feature page). 19th Mar - 8th May - John Hubbard charcoal drawings and Brian Graham new paintings at Sladers Yard (see box). 26th Mar - 8th Apr - Andrew Coates Solo Show capturing the atmosphere of East Devon’s coast, rivers and hills. Marine House at Beer - (see feature page overleaf).
S. Lance "Racing" ISCA Gallery Sally Elford "Safe in the Burrow" Hybrid
26th Mar - 15th Apr - Bob Crooks and Siddy Langley - Virtuoso Glass at Steam Gallery, Beer (see display box). 26th Mar - 16th Apr - Julia Manning: artist and printmaker, etchings, lino and woodcut prints. Elizabeth Smith, bone china and ceramics. Lantic Gallery. 28th Mar - 7th May - Print Matters A lively and varied collection of artists'
prints, featuring hand-made glass by Charlotte Sale. Hybrid (see box). 15th Apr - 4th June - Spring Exhibition: Stunning Mixed Exhibition including artists such as Jon Adam, Stephen Bishop, Martin Goold, Claire Wiltsher and featuring the highly admired flower paintings by Edward Kelly. Artwavewest. (See box and feature page overleaf). 15th Apr - Paul Jones Talk: 7.30pm Tickets: £5 at Sladers Yard (see box).
Aquila Gallery
16th - 2nd May - Easter Exhibition. A diverse selection of atmospheric landscapes and contemporary abstract work. East Devon Art Academy, Sidmouth (see display box).
fine art
16th Apr - 25th Jun - Peter Goodhall: Local artist displays work (both originals and prints) at Manor Pavilion Theatre, Sidmouth (see display box). 7th - 25th May - COUNTERCHANGE Four local artists Sue Warren, Barbara Green, Jan Calow and Elizabeth Fortescue explore new perspectives in paint and
hybrid art & design for your home and garden
Terry Whybrow Painting 38 (oil on board)
Other works available including: William Gaunt, Stephen J Renard, Minou Steiner, Linda Weir, Michael Hill.
Tel: 01363 777197
51 High Street Honiton t. 01404 43201 www.hybrid-devon.co.uk
Cathy Osbond - 'Tranquil Water' East Devon Art Academy
printmaking. In the Upstairs Gallery, Town Mill, Lyme Regis Open everyday except Mondays from 11am to 5pm. 2nd May - KISTA (Kick Start the Arts in Seaton). A wide range of events running from 10am to 4pm in Seaton Town Hall. There are activities suitable for all ages and abilities plus fab entertainment and food. Our aim is to support the regeneration of Seaton town by embracing the Arts, thereby creating a strong and cultural presence. We are looking to play to the strengths within the town, including the diverse and unique landscape, its social and historical identity and especially the local people’s energy, enthusiasm and commitment to projects and events. www.kista.yolasite.com
Old Fore Street, Sidmouth EX10 8LS www.eastdevonart.co.uk info@eastdevonart.co.uk 01395 516284
Print Matters Mar 26th - May 7th 2011
Easter Exhibition
A lively and varied collection of artists’ prints. Featuring hand-made glass by Charlotte Sale
16th April - 2nd May 2011 A diverse selection of atmospheric landscapes and contemporary abstract work.
A Knowing Eye May 28nd - 2nd July 2011 With Irene Jones
East Devon Coast & Country
Open every day including Sunday, 11am - 5pm
Simon Tozer "It's Love" Hybrid
01404 45006
Unearthed and Exposed Nicky Thompson 19th March - 14th May
My Giant Colouring Book Jake and Dinos Chapman 28th May - 25th June www.thelmahulbert.com
Helen Tabor - 'Farmhouse in the Valley' Marine House at Beer
Paul Jones "Moving On" Sladers Yard
New release, ‘Inside the Smithy’ Artist’s exclusive edition of 195
MANOR PAVILION THEATRE SIDMOUTH 16th April - 25th June Monday to Saturday 10am - 2pm
Sonia Stanyard - 'Alveolar' Artwavewest Edward Kelly "Black Daffodil" Artwavewest
Sladers Yard
Contemporary British Art, Furniture, Craft and Licensed Cafe’ West Bay Bridport Dorset DT6 4EL
Stewart Jones & Diana Tapping paintings, Howard Phipps wood
engravings until 13th March
Paul Jones new paintings in Rope Gallery. Paul Jones Talk: Friday, 15th April, 7.30pm Tickets: £5.
John Hubbard charcoal drawings and Brian Graham new paintings in Yard
Gallery. Both exhibitions: 19th March until 8th May. Petter Southall furniture. Top quality craft and accessories. Barbara Green "Patches of Sunlight"
www.sladersyard.co.uk 01308 459511
Peter Goodhall "Tranquility IV'
ISCA info@artwavewest.com | 01297 489 746 |www.artwavewest.com
www.marinehouseatbeer.co.uk www.steamgallery.co.uk
SPRING EXHIBITIONS 26th Mar - 8th Apr - Andrew Coates capturing the atmosphere of E. Devon’s coast, rivers and hills at Marine House. 26th Mar - 15th Apr - Bob Crooks and Siddy Langley - Virtuoso Glass at Steam Gallery, Beer. Contact the gallery for a catalogue on 01297 625257 or 625144
artwave west |morcombelake |dorset |DT6 6DY info@artwavewest.com | artwavewest.com artwave west | 01297 489 746
morcombelake | dorset | DT6 6DY
EXHIBITIONS 12th Mar to 9th April
Sonia Stanyard and Amy Albright
www.iscagallery.co.uk Exhibiting all year round original work by selected West Country Artists Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 11am-4.30pm (spring) Monday-Saturday 11am-5pm (summer) (Closed Thursday)
15th April to 4th June
Spring Exhibition Open Wednesday to Saturday 10am-4pm
3 Chapel Street Budleigh Salterton EX9 6LX
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
01395 444193
www.barbaragreen.co.uk Studio/Gallery, Manscombe Abbey, Taylors Lane, Morcombelake (1/4 mile from A35)
T: 01297 489438 barbara.green4@btinternet.com Work in oil, collagraphs, etchings, and mixed media. Prices between £50 and £500 Studio/Gallery 1/4 mile from Art Wave West along the road signed to Whitchurch Canonicorum. Open at all times but please check first by telephone.
info@artwavewest.com | artwavewest.com
morcombelake | dorset | DT6 6DY
artwave west | 01297 489 746
info@artwavewest.com | 01297 489 746 |www.artwavewest.com artwave west |morcombelake |dorset |DT6 6DY
Artwave West concentrates its exhibiting around a collection of selected artists who have shaped a distinctive personal vision around the discourse between abstraction and figuration. Featuring in a series of exciting shows, these are professional
artists who have an impressive national and international exhibiting profile. Visiting artists are selected to exhibit in mixed shows, bringing diversity and new ideas to the programme. With exhibitions changing
frequently, visitors can always be assured that there will be something new and exciting to see. With a coffee bar to relax in and soak up the ambiance, it really is a stunning place to be able to look at and appreciate art.
Sonia Stanyard “Trawler” 70cm x 70cm
Sonia Stanyard “Violet Lodge” 78cm x 78cm
Amy Albright “The Grace of the Shallows” 100cm x 100cm
Sonia Stanyard and Amy Albright Artwave West in Dorset is staging a major exhibition of new paintings by Sonia Stanyard and Amy Albright this spring. The combination of works by these two established gallery artists produces an ambiance that is hauntingly enigmatic, contemplative and gently stirring. This eagerly awaited exhibition brings together Albright’s luminous paintings, full of freedom and floating weightlessness, with the beguiling and suggestive atmosphere of Stanyard’s
16th March – 09th April
highly personal, ethereal landscapes. Albright has brought into her recent work a new lighter mood influenced by a summer spent in Greece and the colour and sensation of diving in the Aegean Sea. This is her second two person show at Artwave West and she has exhibited regularly at the gallery since its inauguration. Her growing reputation has meant increased demand for her work and the gallery is pleased to present this cohesive group of new paintings. Stanyard’s latest work produced over the last year reveals a new-found confidence to bring previously discrete elements together and a revived enthusiasm for the freedom of paint; this is invigorating her work and
giving it a greater resonance and depth. She has already enjoyed high profile exhibiting in the UK and US but this exhibition features a substantial body of her most recent and previously unseen paintings. This is the first exhibition devoted entirely to the fascinating interaction between these two artists; the connection, as well as the divergence of ideas, allows a unique reading of their works. Placed together the paintings cast an atmospheric, meditative and sensual tone within the clear uncluttered space of Artwave West. This exhibition promises to thrill even those already familiar with these artists.
Spring Exhibition 15th May – 4th June This spring, included in our incredibly popular Mixed Exhibition we are delighted to be showing more of the infamous flower paintings by Edward Kelly. Edward Kelly’s powerfully expressive paintings composed of rhythmic marks and emblems reflect his long standing engagement with the relationship between the elemental force of nature and the dynamic of abstract painting. In his flower series he finds great drama in simple accessible subjects, giving them the same force as a majestic landscape. This series forges a fascinating relationship between still life and landscape, as if the landscape is brought into the studio where other ideas are free to enter. The Exhibition will be open Tuesday to Saturday 10am – 5pm or by appointment.
Edward Kelly “Carnations in two spiral jugs”
East Devon Coast & Country
Art Galleries
www.marinehouseatbeer.co.uk 01297 625257
www.steamgallery.co.uk 01297 625144
Andrew Coates “Summer Meadows, River Otter” 21” x 31”
ANDREW COATES “EXQUISITE DEVON” A solo show of new works at Marine House at Beer Saturday 26th March – Friday 8th April
Andrew Coates “River Otter, Tipton St John” 24” x 20”
Andrew Coates “Somerset Levels” 24” x 32”
To the eyes of Andrew Coates some painters have all the luck. In a couple of hours they will have started and finished a new composition to their complete satisfaction. No such luck for Andrew, but the pain he suffers in the long gestation of his paintings from conception to birth is the price he is prepared to accept in the production of extremely fine and exciting works of art. We his fans thank him because his paintings depict the textures, light and mood of Devon in a way few artists could even conceive. This, his ninth solo show to be held
at Marine House since we opened luminosity of the work. in 1998, is the culmination of Yes, Andrew is driven, but his eighteen months of intensive paintings would be mere shadows inspiration and composition by of their true glory if, working Andrew. Often losing track of time, with tiny brushes and a carefully he paints into the small hours of controlled palette, he didn’t the morning. For Andrew each meticulously craft every blade of painting is the pursuit of perfection grass, interpret every wave, put and typically takes many weeks to sparkle into every snow flake. For complete .It’s not the first time that Andrew’s paintings it is absolute I’ve visited his studio to remark truth that the finished product is on my excitement over a new the sum of all the parts. work I perceived as finished only For this show Andrew has selected to be told in no uncertain terms a body of composition which that there was at least two more reinforces the exquisite beauty in Kerry’and - 23” x 23” weeks of effort needed for ‘Summer Andrew light of East Devon and to be satisfied by the depth and neighbouring environs. Rivers, A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Andrew Coates “East Hill Snow” 24” x 19”
coasts, woods, valleys, sunsets are all part of this magnificent set. The catalogue attempts to do justice, but these paintings demand to be seen if you are to experience the spine tingling sensation they are able to generate. Please contact the gallery for a full colour catalogue which will be available in early March and an invitation to the private view on Saturday 26th March starting at 11.00am. The works can also be viewed on our web www.marinehouseatbeer. co.uk and are for sale on release of the catalogue.
Art Galleries
Spring The Fashion & Beauty2011
2011 Pause Cafe
Sandwich - Beginning of Spring! Step into the world of Sandwich and create a complete outfit of easy-to-wear layering pieces that can take you from morning to late night. With tunics, dresses, tops and beautiful draped knitwear in natural fibres. Soft colours of lavender, grey stone, old rose, plum and opal grey, enable you to mix and match and create that individual look.
Pause CafĂŠ
Pep yourself up and indulge in colour therapy! In what can be unfortunately often be a grey world we all need an injection of colour to boost our spirits and this is exactly what you will find in the Pause CafĂŠ Spring Summer 2011 collection. Lift your spirits and give yourself a boost, with the bright, slightly acid tints of the new season Anise green, cherry red, fuchsia, coral, and turquoise. Navy which is making a big come back this season is toned down in a deep night blue.
Fred Sabatier
French label promising romance! The look for Spring/Summer 2011 features light and flimsy voiles that are mixed with rustic materials to give a notion of Sandwich love and romance. Personalised prints in tie-dye, dip dye and oil wash effect sit alongside hemstitched leather and dressy jeans. east devon blonde ad:Layout 1 23/07/2010 10:39 Page 1
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East Devon Coast & Country
chapter spring 11 ad:Layout 1
Page 1
Spring Collection
Sandwich Fred Sabatier Pause CafĂŠ Mado et les Autres Adini Passport Brax Seasalt NYDJ Also introducing: Simclan Fille des Sable Epicea
for a relaxed & enjoyable shopping experience Tel: 01395 579181 email: info@chapterclothing.co.uk Chapter Church Street Sidmouth Devon EX10 8LZ
Essential Therapies Ad 91x133mm:Layout 1
Essential Therapies
115 High Street, Sidmouth, Devon, EX10 8LB Tel/Fax: (01395) 578600 The Essential Therapies Health & Beauty Salon team from left to right Melanie Dinsdale, Linda Crockett-Daye (owner), Jean-François Mondin (Commercial Director, Guinot UK and Ireland), Inge Crockett
On Sunday,30 January, Essential Therapies Health & Beauty Salon in Sidmouth was awarded 2011 Crown Salon status for the ninth consecutive year at Guinot's annual Crown Awards. Only 51 of Guinot's 1600 salons across the UK met the stringent criteria to qualify for this award and demonstrate the exceptional standards and outstanding quality and dedication of the salon. Jean Francois Mondin, Commercial Director of Guinot UK presented the award in Mayfair's Marriott Hotel in the heart of London. Entertainment and gourmet cuisine followed in celebration. Essential Therapies Health & Beauty Salon established 14 years ago has acquired great skill and knowledge
in performing a full range of Guinot face and body treatments. Their professional standards of client care and meticulous attention to detail make for a luxurious and enjoyable experience. Listening to skincare concerns and advising on individual needs and beauty goals, Essential Therapies Health & Beauty Salon treats each client as unique and is the perfect host for ultimate mind and body relaxation. To book an appointment, please contact: Essential Therapies Health & Beauty Salon Tel: 01395 578600 115 High Street, Sidmouth, Devon, www.essentialtherapies.uk.com
Winner of 9th. consecutive Crown Salon Award. Stockists of: Guinot Thalgo, Jane Iredale Nailtiques, Sixtus Moor Spa, St.Tropez Australian Organics.
OPENING HOURS Tues-Friday: 9am-8pm Sat: 9am-5.30pm
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Orchid Extravaganza An
T wildflower meadows reach peak
owards the end of Spring, many
flowering, where all manner of species can be seen in their full glory. One of the effects of modern farming methods has been the loss of many of East Devon's natural meadows through the widespread adoption of more intensive agriculture. The two main
Goren Farm factors are the use of artificial fertilizers and silage making. These have led to increased yields from the meadows at the expense of bio-diversity. Goren Farm in Stockland is refreshingly different, consisting entirely of hay meadows, it comes alive with sounds of insects and the scent of wild flowers in June and July. On a sunny day your senses are dazzled by the carpet of hawkbits, sounds of insects and scents of the wild flowers. Since the early 1900’s a small dairy herd has been kept on the farm where hay has always been the preferred winter feed. Today the dairy herd has been replaced with a herd of pedigree Devon suckler cows and a flock of Polled Dorset sheep. Together they help to maintain the ecological balance at Goren by targeted grazing. For the past 20 years the whole farm has been cut for hay and the wild flowers have colonised much of the farm.
The fields are now encouraged to flower, and as a result the farm meadows have flourished and are covered with blooms from June through to September. With over 27 species of wild flowers in the meadows along with marsh and woodland areas, Goren farm is a haven for wildlife. Birds, bees, butterflies and bugs all abound in the meadows throughout the summer. The flowers provide a source of nectar for butterflies and many species of bees. The seeds are eaten by birds, small mammals and reptiles. These in turn are preyed upon by fox, buzzard and owl. If you are lucky, you can sometimes spot barn owl hunting across the meadows at dusk. Even the badgers find the Pig Nut plant tempting and seek these out for a treat.
The Southern March Orchids
(Dactylorhiza praetermissa)
The southern March Orchid, each flower produces millions of seeds so tiny, that they require a fungus to help them germinate and develop for 3 years under the soil before flowering.
Common spotted Orchid
(Dactylorhiza fuchsii)
Are widespread throughout the meadows and are at their peak in the 1st half of June.
Yellow Rattle (Rhianthus Minor)
Sometimes called Hay Rattle and locally known as shackle bags; rattles in the wind when the seeds are ripe. It's parasitic on grasses, stunting their growth and therefore encouraging other species to thrive. East Devon Coast & Country
Peak times for orchid flowering at Goren Farm Goren Farm's main weeks for orchid flowering are the first 2 weeks of June. Best seen before 3pm as many other wild flowers close up by that time of the day. How to get to Goran Farm Head for Stockland Hill television mast, 6 miles east of Honiton, where you can follow the signs to Goren farm. Postcode EX14 9EN www.goren.co.uk
The different species of orchid Happily cross pollinated with the abundant Common Spotted Orchid, producing many different hybrid versions which vary greatly in colour and vigour. In some areas these orchids form dense patches of purple.
Bird’s-Foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)
Butterflies and insects The knock on effect of managing meadows organically is that there's an abundance of insects. See the Goren Farm website for details of butterfly, moth and insect events.
This pretty yellow flower is a valuable source of nectar and attracts many insects. It has seed pods that look like a bird's foot, hence the name
Knapp weed (Centaurea nigra)
This is the most important food source for bees and birds in mid to late summer and they also give the meadows a second flush of colour as the grasses go to seed.
Wild Red Clover .(Trifolium pratense)
Is only pollinated by the bumble bee and is essential for maintaining fertility by fixing nitrogen from the air into the soil.
NOTE: Some of the delicate tones and colours of the orchids shown here are lost through the printing process, you really have to see them in the flesh to appreciate their beauty! Pictures were taken at Goren Farm A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Julian Pady leads through the wildflower meadows
Orchid Extravaganza An
Metallic green beetles!
Goren Farm
Events over the summer months at Goren Farm Goren Farm attracts many people over
with fabulous views across the valley.
several open weekends in June and
As the sun sets and breeze drops, the
July. Foot paths are cut and maintained
meadows change colour and tune as
through the meadows for easy access
they settle for the night.
and guided walks are conducted twice
A magnificent wild orchid
a day over the open weekends. June
It’s a great place to come and enjoy
is the best time to visit and see the
locally produced alfresco dinning or
Orchids but July is also spectacular. The
afternoon tea on the ha-ha of the
grasses go to seed and the meadows
Georgian farmhouse overlooking the
shimmer with gold and silvers. Other
meadows. The open weekends are
flowers take centre stage such as
held in conjunction with the National
Knapweeds and the oddly named
Garden scheme with proceeds going
‘corky fruited water dropwort’, whilst
to charity. Several events are planned
the meadows burst into life with the
starting with a Mothing evening in May,
sound of insects. This year you can
Butterfly and Bug Life weekends in July,
even wander the meadows in the
further details of these events can be
evenings between June and August
found on the web site (see below).
Wildflower seeds available from Goren website at: www.goren.co.uk
East Devon Coast & Country
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
From the inherent natural beauty of Wood to the cool chic of Stone, there’s an Amtico to suit every taste, each offering outstanding performance, reassuring longevity and a stunning finish. Start creating your dream look by visiting our Amtico showroom today. East Devon Coast & Country
92a Old Tiverton Road, Exeter. Tel: 01392 493084 www.exetercarpet.co.uk e: info@exetercarpet.co.uk 18
components of successful business management; a wide and complex subject, the surface of which can only be scratched within the confines of this feature. There are many ways in which you can market your business and different types of businesses require varying marketing approaches. However, basic premises do apply and if you adhere to all or some of the following you will not go far wrong:
BUSINESS TIPS from Katina Styles, a director at Axminster Tool Centre Ltd. Every business, big or small, needs customers and the cornerstone to identifying your customer, satisfying your customer and keeping your customer is ‘marketing’. How you sell your business is imperative to its success; it really is a ‘make or break’ scenario that deserves your full focus not only during the start-up period but also as an ongoing process to enable you to develop and expand. Marketing is one of the major
• Firstly, research your market! Sounds simple but you do need to ensure there is a need or desire out there for what your business is offering. Finding out who your customers are at this stage means you can then target your marketing in the right direction. • Create a strong brand awareness; bearing in mind that the brand may simply be you as an individual. This is a huge and complex subject going way beyond logos, signage and letterheads; in fact, all the way to brand values (more on all of this another time – for the moment just creating a brand is work enough and it may be worth calling in some professional help here). • Decide how and where you are going to advertise your business.
Are you aiming at a local clientele, a national clientele or a niche clientele? Should you use local press; national press; or dedicated publications? The answers to some simple questions will dictate what form your advertising takes. Of course, if your business is internet based that’s a totally different ball game. • Never speak with the arrogance of the professional in your advertising; always bear in mind who your audience is. You may well understand the jargon of your specialist subject but your customers may not – keep it simple! • Be innovative. You need to stand out from the crowd if you are to compete successfully within your marketplace. Stay one step ahead of your competitors and beat them at their game with a strong and consistent marketing campaign. • Work to a budget (of ten a percentage of sales) and stick to it. You need to ensure each campaign or marketing spend gives a return on investment; inviting customer feedback can help here - it is always helpful to learn how your customers heard of you so you can look to use similar
techniques again. • Don’t forget the cheapest and most successful form of marketing is word of mouth recommendation – so once you have attracted a customer make sure your service and products are so good that the news will be passed on. • Be honest in your marketing and advertising – you have to be able to deliver what is says on the packet. • Use every opportunity to sell yourself and your business; as they say, all PR is good PR and it can take all forms, from something as small as donating prizes to local draws to sponsoring major charity events. A marketing strategy for the promotion, and ultimately the success, of your business takes time, effort and money. Don’t waste the latter and really take the time and make the effort to put together a package that shows you understand your customers needs and will really get your brand out there; it is a strategy which will pay huge dividends in the long term. Katina Styles.
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A Celebration of Life in East Devon
The Golden Lion Tipton St John, Nr Sidmouth Tel: 01404 812881
Eating Out
in East Devon
elcome to East Devon Coast & Country's eating out section which we hope you' ll give you inspiration, after all, everyone enjoys a meal out - it's a real treat. We're so lucky here in the south west with many lovely country pubs and also the chance to enjoy our meal with a sea view.
Relax by the river Riverside setting Mediterranean menu Sourcing local produce Large garden and mediterranean terrace Local seasonal fish and game specials
www.goldenliontipton.co.uk For high quality food produced from fresh local ingredients, visit the relaxed atmosphere of
B e e lls Inn v i F e h T at Clyst Hydon
Tel 01884 277288
EX15 2NT
E A T. . .
S T A Y. . .
Open daily from 10am for Italian coffee, freshly baked pastries and cakes. Excellent food served daily from 12 noon. Central town location with full disabled access. “The trendiest joint in town!�
The Times.
As featured in The GOOD PUB Guide From Honiton, come through Fenny Bridges, turn right at Fairmile, and through Talaton. From Sidmouth come through Ottery, past Cadhay, across the old A30 at Fairmile, and through Talaton. From Exeter, come via Pinhoe and Broadclyst towards Cullompton; opposite Fagin’s turn right, follow the road for 2 miles, turn right at T junction, and then one more right turn at Clyst Hydon village sign to reach pub. OPEN
12-2.30pm, 6.30pm-11pm/10.30 Sunday Closed Monday lunchtimes, food last orders, 2.00pm & 9.00pm
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A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Eating Out
in East Devon
The Royal Lion Hotel
01297 445622
Now serving morning coffee and cake in Monmouth Room, Sunday lunch served in the Oak Room. Broad Street, Lyme Regis, Dorset DT7 3QF Food 12-2.30pm, 6pm-9pm. Drinks - 11am-11pm. Open 7 days.
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Sanctuary Lane (off B3180) Woodbury Common Nr Exeter EX5 1EX Tel 01395 232141
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vegetarian options on menu
• Pit Stop for Estuary Cycle Path • Cycle racks outside pub • Excellent selection of Cask Marque Real Ales • Excellent lunchtime and evening menu • Daily Fresh Fish Board • Yards from the waters edge
Restaurant open 7 days a week including Sunday Evenings
Woodland Tea House m Continuing the family tradition of serving homemade afternoon teas on Woodbury Common since 1923. Open 3pm to 6pm every day (closed Mondays) from March to November. (Open on Bank Holidays Mondays)
12-2.30/3.00 BTBAd10_194x133:Layout 1 03/02/2010 Lunch 18:31 Pageweekend, 1 dinner 6.00-9.30pm.
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Dedicated to delivering freshly produced dishes with flair and a smile, By the Bay is an unmissable Lyme Regis dining experience. Open all year round for drinks, traditional seaside meals, afternoon teas and evening dining.
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By night...
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By the Bay... more than just a restaurant East Devon Coast & Country
Win a three course dinner for two at one of Devon’s best restaurants.
The Jack in the Green is superb. Voted 52nd in the UK’s Top 100 Restaurants this is one of Devon’s original local food champions. Both restaurant and pub, the Jack oozes honesty, panache and that rare four letter word: care. Famous for its stylish cooking and affordable prices, expect good local brews on tap, an extremely warm welcome and some seriously impressive desserts. Always exceptional value for money. To be in with a chance of winning, simply visit www.jackinthegreen.uk.com and answer the following question: WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE JACK IN THE GREEN’S APPLE JUICE SUPPLIER? Please email your answer and contact details to nigel@prestige-media.co.uk by May 1st. The winner
Summer edition of Coast & Country.
Telephone: 01404 822240.
Rockbeare, Near Exeter, Devon EX5 2EE
To get your eaterie included in this section, call Nigel on 01395 512166/513383
Manor Hotel & Restaurant
Lakeview Manor near Dunkeswell, a hidden gem set in 45 acres of beautiful gardens and lakes. The candle-lit restaurant overlooks the front lake and garden and is open to non-residents seven days a week.
Head Chef, Andrew Deam, takes pride in sourcing local, high quality produce at a reasonable price.
Bar & Restaurant
R Example Dishes R
Going out? Head for Sidmouth s premier Bar and Restaurant. Pyne’s offers a choice of eating styles with extensive menus prepared using fresh and local produce, much of which is sourced from the family farm. Open daily for morning coffee, lunches and evening meals. Speciality curry night every Wednesday and pie night every Thursday (booking advisable). The Bedford Hotel, Esplanade, EX10 8NR Email: info@befordhotelsidmouth.co.uk
Steamed West Country Mussels in a lemon, garlic and coriander broth Pan Fried Duck Breast with Winter Berry & Port Sauce, Sweet Potato Parmentier Warm Chocolate & Roasted Hazelnut Brownie, Served with Chocolate Ice Cream and Chocolate Sauce
Lakeview Manor Hotel & Restaurant tel 01404 891358 www.lakeviewmanor.co.uk
or call 01395 513047
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Dunkeswell, Honiton, Devon EX14 4SH
East Devon Coast & Country's
Colyton Feature on
With Steve Chilcott
rather like it when an editor sends me out on a nice crisp, sunny day to go walking (my dog expects this service for nothing and in all weathers) but when the town in question is as delightfully characterful as Colyton, I’m a happy man! Perfectly sited, tucked neatly into a rightangled kink in the benignly-babbling Coly River (less benign, in the mid-60s, when it swept away the once-picturesque Umborne Bridge) Colyton is a little diadem bejewelled with architectural eccentricities of every epoch as I was to discover recently in the pleasant company of local guide and history expert, Jane Dauncey. Given that the surrounding area is peppered with Roman villas and site remains, encouraged, no doubt, by the proximity of the Fosse Way that linked, rather improbably, the 2nd Legion, barracked within their castra on the Exe, with the 9th Legion, stationed at Lincoln, a blister or two either side of 230 foot-flogging miles distant, I find it hard to believe that little, if any Roman artefacts, have been unearthed in the vicinity.
East Devon Coast & Country
The Romans weren’t stupid and knew a thing or two about stultifyingly dull, ramrod-straight road-building - the Fosse Way deviates less than 6 miles from a notional laser-line, over its entire length – but apparently they never stumbled on Colyton. The rapacious Vikings would doubtless have raped, murdered, plundered and pillaged (in no particular order) had they discovered Colyton nestling there, just out of view of the coast. Had they not found easier pickings in the then thriving coastal town of Seaton (before westerly storms and siltings put paid to a profitable port with strong commercial ties to the lo-lowlands of Holland) without the irksome need for three miles of portage up a skinny, meandering river, with less water than even their shallowdraught boats required. Followed by an equally irksome return tramp, lugging swag and spoil from their rampaging. Consequently Colyton got left pretty much alone. Walks in Colyton tend towards the circular, given that the Saxons decided long ago that the town (and immediate surrounding area), which they called the ‘hundred’ (or ‘ton’) beside the Coly, should be thus laid
Fascinating painted
figures in St Andrews Church
out - and nobody has argued about it since. Routes are visibly centred around the striking edifice that is St Andrew's Parish Church (left). In Norman times, squat and four-square, the crenellated tower sports an octagonal lantern, similar in design, if not in height, to the celebrated ‘Boston Stump’ in Lincolnshire, its exact contemporary.
I am intrigued to know how it stays up there given that it appears to ‘sit’ on the roof of the tower, supported by four flimsy flying buttresses, with no evidence that it continues downwards to secure foundations on terra firma. A round-ish peg atop a square whole, suspended in space by some miraculous and highly improbable act of faith.
The lantern was paid for by well-to-do merchants as an outward display of wealth due to a lucrative wool trade producing thick broadcloths and lighter serges at a time when fulling and tucking mills would have been strung out along the Coly, situated conveniently nearby, and drying racks deployed throughout the town, even,
One of those glorious spring days when ever y thing's sprouting luminous green (Travelling from the west, the Axe valley in the distance).
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Colyton Town Map Colyton feature
River Coly
Chantry Bridge 10 9 Tannery Yard
m rose
The Garden Shop
ar vic
st re et
ki ng R D
6 Colyton Cottage
Queen’s Hayne house
Old Church House
ch ur
Court House
One of the drying sheds at the old tannery
reet st
Colyton House
lo w er
Berry House
e ag
ne ary la
ch ur h
queen st r
4 Oorlong House
14 15
St Andrews Parish Church
Abbotts Antiques
thatched cottage (was ‘The Compasses’)
1 SO U
ST ‘Great House’ RE ET
The ancient Saxon cross you can view inside St Andrew's Church
Kingfisher Inn car park & toilets
Town Fountain
i ph dol
t ee tr s n
horribile dictu! on the church green! Walking down from the Market Place, along the line of the town leat, you pass the Feoffees Town Hall; a rather grand building erected in 1927.
Henry Courtenay, Marquis of Exeter, had fallen out with his not-thatdistant relative, King Henry VIII, principally because he was notthat-distantly-related, which rather
unsettled the monarch. Something that history has shown to have been, at best, a worrisome situation. The marquis duly had his head cut off, as tended to happen.
Having been the local and exclusive land-owner the whole caboodle reverted to the Crown, and it took an audacious deputation of 27 local bigwigs (bearing a 1000-mark
A little off the beaten track....
THE GARDEN SHOP For lovely plants, cards & gifts and everything for your garden! KING STREET, COLYTON, DEVON
Tel: 01297 551113
Open Mon-Sat year round, also open spring and summer Sundays We are
Seeds of Italy Stockists
East Devon Coast & Country
Margaret Beaufort's tomb in St Andrew's Church. She choked on a fish bone!
Intreaging mediaeval wall paintings at The Abbotts Antiques. sweetener), at a time when Henry was rather seriously strapped for cash for his next round of costly and pointless war-mongering, to get it back.
their lot with the hapless Duke and make for Lyme post-haste, hotfoot and at the double.
Henry, for once, did not hold all the aces, and, backed into a tight corner, he was advised that the only way to ‘get out of jail’ was to ‘enfeoff’ them all and create a ‘Court of Pie Powder’ (1). Nobody really had a clue what this meant but they remained stumm when they observed the positive effect it appeared to be having on His Royal Majesty’s infamously volatile humour.
but the striking rubble masonry, Beer-stone mullions and dressed flint chequer-patterning of the upper storey can be glimpsed, with discretion, with its imposing fourcentred-arch gateway.
Ironically, some months after the embarrassing and catastrophic débâcle at Sedgemoor, a bloodlusting Judge Jeffreys, on the trail of
Trouble-maker-in-chief amongst their number was one Roger Satchell, listed rather quaintly in the ‘Monmouth Rolls’(2) as cordwainer (aka shoemaker) and yeoman, of Colyton. Roger was given the rightroyal run-around.
Here the ill-fated Duke of Monmouth stayed as guest of local dignitary, Sir Walter Yonge, whom he misguidedly wooed as a potential sympathiser, five years before his disastrous and ill-considered putsch in 1685. Monmouth, on a supposedly innocent ‘fact-finding mission’ at the time, rather misread the body language, as Walter, when push came later to shove, decided conveniently to be away in London on ‘important business’ and was markedly conspicuous by his absence for the entire duration.
Oorlong House Henry had effectively invented the ‘Town Council’ and the Trading Standards Institute in one involuntary, fell swoop - got his money, and everyone went home happy. Colyton still has a Chamber of Feoffees, which is a handy, comforting sort of a thing to have, and has a (nearly) spanking-new Town Hall (by comparison with other ancient buildings in the vicinity) in which to ‘feoff’. Everyone’s a winner. The impressive ‘Great House’ 1 along South Street, is in private ownership
When the revolting Monmouth did finally stagger ashore at Lyme Regis with a pathetic ‘army’ of 83 and four miserably inadequate field guns, 105
Captured at Chard, he was imprisoned at Ilchester, tried at Dorchester and finally hanged at Weymouth; dying, after an impassioned speech, with the words of a psalm on his lips, and leaving Colyton in the grips of a minor shoe-crisis.
The Square, Colyton
gainful employment for his hangman, the infamous, bungling Jack Ketch, and failing to find a clean, well-priced B&B en route betwixt the gallows in Dorchester and the freshly-erected gallows in Exeter, lodged, it is rumoured, with the ever-vacillating
Kingfisher Inn A typical 16th century old English pub. The Kingfisher is steeped in character, original beams, flint stone walls and a pretty garden area. We offer a traditional pub menu, offering many home made dishes. Being members of CAMRA and Cask Marque, The Kingfisher offers a good selection of quality real ales.
Chantry Bridge on a wintry day
Colyton men, out of an estimated male population of 375 (a staggeringly high proportion), had decided to throw in
WHAT ELSE DO WE OFFER? Theme nights, Sunday Roast, Monthly Quiz, Private Functions, Darts, Skittles, Crib and Boules Teams. Indoor and outdoor music events. Contact: Nick and Sally Bunkall, The Kingfisher, Dolphin Street, Colyton.
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
01297 552476 27
comparable exploit, after the Bounty Mutiny, by around 6 years… everyone seemed to be at it. Henry now lies buried in the church.
Colyton feature
Decorative plaster ceiling at The Abbotts Antiques
mentioned Feoffs - to celebrate the marriage of the future King Edward VII (the bearded one) during Lent.
Sir Walter Yonge, who had decided, by this time, that the winning side was definitely the one to plump for. On the corner stands the thatched, former basket-weaver’s cottage 2 which became ‘The Compasses’ public house, after local opinion moved that a paltry 12 pubs were not really sufficient to slake the tiny population’s insatiable and growing thirst. At the junction of Hillhead and South Street stands the town fountain 3 where the inscription celebrates something to do with the townsfolk being allowed - probably by the afore-
Following along to Queen’s Square there stand the impressive ‘Queen’s Haye House’ 5 , an elegant 18th Century Town House, and opposite, and in complete contrast, ‘Colyton Cottage’ 6 , plaque-marked as 1610, but undoubtedly a Mediaeval Hall House of much earlier construction. Up on Sidmouth Road, on the right,
Here stood one of the water cisterns, used for drinking, washing and firefighting in a heavily-thatched town centre; water coming a not-very-close second to beer in most inhabitants’ estimation. Oorolong House 4 was owned by Capt Henry Wilson, who was wrecked on the Pelew (Palau) Islands in the western Pacific in August 1783, when commanding the East India Company’s Packet ‘The Antelope’. In true romantic novel style the local Oroolongers helped Wilson build a new boat from the surviving ship’s timbers in which Henry sailed home, pre-empting William Bligh’s
Door spandrels at the former 'Old Bear Inn'
the Colyton womenfolk would sit out in the street mending mosquito nets, sent back for repair from the far reaches of the Empire; skill-wise, a spin-off from the traditional East Devon lace-making industry.
Moving into King Street, past ‘Brick House’ and ‘Court House’ 7 with their Mediaeval cross passages, there are several Beer-stone-faced buildings, concealing much earlier Mediaeval interiors, before we reach the oakbark tannery 8 at Hamlyn’s Mills, one of the only surviving enterprises of its kind in Europe, and still functioning today, producing hard-wearing leathers for saddlery and suchlike. Two quaint and reciprocating, painted reliefs in a pair of door spandrels mark the former ‘Old Bear Inn’ 9 which only closed in the early 1990s, before we reach the picturesque triple-span ‘Chantry Bridge’ 10 , one of only two river crossing points, and effectively the end of the town as such, bounded, as it is, by the ever-chirpy River Coly. Returning via Vicarage Street, to the right stands the imposing Queen Anne-style ‘Colyton House’ 11 with its solidly curving 16ft-high walls, constructed to deter the voyeuristic tendencies of the incumbent of ‘Berry House’ 12 across the way, who, ever hopeful of a tantalising glimpse of la belle dame over the road, promptly slapped another storey onto his own!
HAIR DESIGN unisex salon
Thinking of a new style? Come and visit us at FlixHair Design, set in the beautiful town of Colyton, for a FREE CONSULTATION With easy parking and complimentary tea and biscuits, our friendly qualified stylists will put you at ease, and offer a truly professional service in cutting, colouring, and re-styling. We are open 6 days a week, with two late nights until 7pm on Thursday and Friday.
Jill and the team look forward to meeting you! Market Place, Colyton, Devon
01297 553360 East Devon Coast & Country
Passing via St Andrews Church 13 , with its impressive stained-glass west window, elaborate, restored Saxon cross and colourful tombs (Margaret Beaufort, 1410-1449, Countess of Devon, grand-daughter of John of Gaunt, founder of the House of Lancaster, choked by a fish bone!) we find ourselves back at Market Square, the architectural heart of Colyton, comprising as it does, the early 16th Century vicarage, which is still occupied as such today, the stone-mullioned ‘Old Church House’ 14 (former meeting-place of the Feoffs, but latterly the School House, for the instruction of ‘20 poor boys of Colyton’), a row of delightful 18th Century shops (including the modern-day chemist’s) and lastly the former Law Chambers (now Abbotts Antiques 15 ) which houses a fine and tastefully restored plank-andmuntin oak screen, gorgeous early plasterwork ceiling and Mediaeval painted frieze on the stone lintel above the large open hearth.
expeditious, courts of justice known to the law of England”. ‘The Monmouth Rolls’, compiled by W. MacDonald Wigfield, M.A. for the Somerset Record Society (1985) lists all known Monmouth rebels, under towns/villages of origin, detailing their occupations and ultimate fate under Judge Jeffreys’ Bloody Assizes. For further information both on the history of the area and on Jane’s programme of fascinating town walks, go to: www.colytonhistory.co.uk ‘The Most Rebellious Town in Devon’ by local historian Colin Haynes available from; Haynes of Colyton, Market Place, Colyton, EX24 JR Tel: 01297 553336
Preparatory School for girls and boys from 3-13 Day and Boarding Record Scholarship Results in 2010 100% Common Entrance success over last 5 years
As the sun sank low in the west I meandered over the water meadows where slightly wet sheep graze languidly, close to the town centre, taking various clearly-waymarked footpaths, and crossing a stout wooden footbridge over the Coly leading to the modern, and rather tastelessly functional Umborne Bridge and the picturesque old railway station, home now to the tram service that operates, in summer, to Seaton, 3 miles away on the coast.
Perrott Hill
Time and space for a full education
It's wonderful to see hens scratching around in the dirt and wandering freely. Viewed off Umborne bridge looking upstream.
Set in 25 acres of beautiful grounds School transport from Axminster, Bridport & Maiden Newton Sport played 5 days per week. Busy Music, Art and Drama programmes. Popular Montessori Nursery. Perrott Hill, North Perrott, Crewkerne, Somerset TA18 7SL visit us at: www.perrotthill.com or call us on: 01460 72051
What a huge tragedy that the infamous Dr Beeching closed this, and similar, delightful rural branchlines back in the 1960s with so little insight and forethought, and was paid a small fortune to boot, - more, it is said, than the Prime Minister of the day - to perpetrate this lunacy. The lovely Seaton – Colyton tram route achieves something by way of damage limitation in the face of such past, unimaginative and retrogressive decision-taking. Mediaeval Piepowder Courts (a corruption of the French pieds poudrés, meaning ‘dusty feet’, i.e. vagabonds) held jurisdiction at fairs and street markets in matters of weights and measures, fair trade and honest dealings, principally in exchanges between local traders and itinerants, of which there were many. Sir William B l a c k s to n e ’s ‘Commentaries on the Laws of England’ published in 1768, describes Piepowder Courts as “the lowest, and at the same time the most
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
East Devon Coast & Country's walk along the river coly
Umborne Brook
Liddonʼs Dairy A great stop off in a lovely setting. You must visit this eatery, especially if you have kids, they have pens down from the patio area with Llamas, horses, chickens, rabbits and Guinea pigs (see display box directly right >).
Umborne Bridge
t ree St
st at
n io
ad ro
his is a delightful walk that takes you along the river Coly, downstream to Colyford. It's a relaxing walk suitable for both younger and older members of the family. Where the path meets the coastal road, there's a tram stop, so if you tire easily, you can catch the tram back to Colyton.
op hi n
River Coly
The Toolbox
Colyton Town
Colyton Antiques Centre
The going is fairly easy, there are no inclines, so it's safe and easy walking for all. The burbling river Coly gently weaves and winds its way down the valley and there are some lovely views to be had. Dogs can be taken as long as they're put on the lead.
The Toolbox A fascinating array of tools can be viewed and bought here. An absolute must see for enthusiasts. (see display box). Colyton Antiques Centre They have a large number of dealers on site, thereʼs a very wide range of antiques on show (see display box).
Road Footpath Tramway
River Coly
A 3 0 52
Tram Stop
The White Hart
Whilst you're on this walk, there are several interesting places to visit. Liddon's Dairy is well worth a visit if you fancy sitting outside in the sunshine. They have a really delightful patio round the back that border the fields leading down the river. If you're a keen hobbyist, then The Toolbox is also worth a look in, as is the Colyton Antiques Centre.
Overleaf, you can v iew pictures taken along the walk. East Devon Coast & Country
Liddon’s Dairy Station Road Colyton 01297 551559
(15O yards from tram station)
Pal m CENTRE and
Tea Rooms & Patio
Teas, freshly ground coffee, chilled drinks, home-made cakes, scones baked daily
Savouries & Light Lunches Baguettes, paninni, fresh crab & smoked salmon. Salads freshly prepared with herbs from our garden. Real Devon Ice cream
South facing patio with palms and parasols
Open for Easter
Open 10am-5pm 7 days a week.
Call for early April opening days & times
Have lunch or a snack whilst enjoying the surroundings
Bring the kids, they’ll enjoy watching the llamas, horses, rabbits, Guinea pigs, exotic birds and chickens whilst you relax with a cup of tea and a cake.
Green everywhere
After the grey-brown months of winter, it's really great to get out for a walk in the sun. All the new growth catches the sunlight and hums a glorious green
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Colyton feature
The TOOL BOX Discriminating about your tools? Come to the local tool shop with the world-
wide reputation. We buy and sell quality used hand and light machine tools as well as related books for a wide 2
range of crafts. We
Who can blame these sheep, taking a rest in the shade. It must be really uncomfortable carrying those woolly coats in full sun. Hopefully, shearing is coming soon!
plying craftsmen and the
with good value equipment will
Resting in the shade
that them
No doubt keeping an eye on the lambs. They feed on all manner of stuff, I've often seen them feeding on flies hatching from the river, small morsels for such large birds.
pleasure and long service in use. Opening times are 9-1 and 2-5 Mon - Fri, and 9-5 Saturday.
Umborne Bridge, Colyton EX24 6LU
www.thetoolbox.org.uk Tel/fax 01297 552868
Glassy reflections
Looking downstream, it's a tapestry of greens with lilac in full bloom. The bridge provides an elegant focal point.
Colyton Antiques Centre FURNITURE COLLECTABLES STAINED GLASS LINEN BOOKS PRINTS PORCELAIN TOYS Tel 01297 552339 We have a number of dealers on site offering an interesting variety of stock. Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10am-5pm Sundays and Bank Holidays 11am-4pm Also on site: DOWNSIZE for Dolls House furniture. www.modelgarage.co.uk
Old Station Yard, Station Road, Colyton EX24 6HA
East Devon Coast & Country
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Honiton I
f you're looking for somewhere unique and interesting to visit, Honiton has an much to offer the shopper. Of course it's wellknown as an antiques centre, but did you know it has some really interesting galleries, shops, eateries, not least a fascinating museum and some very elegant Georgian architecture which can be enjoyed from the High Steet. If you wish to find out more about Honiton, you can visit our Honiton Feature pages online, where there's quite a lot of information to be had about Honiton including a shopping map of the town. www.honitonshopping.co.uk ADCOL_02 Honiton 64x91:ADCOL_02 Honiton 64x91 11/11/2010 12:12 Pag
Funny, but some insurers don’t think it’s possible to have £5,000 worth of stuff in your garage.
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East Devon Coast & Country
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A Celebration of Life in East Devon
English Garden the
hat is it about spring that brings such cheer and optimism. It's traditionally seen as a time of renewal, and indeed, everything outdoors becomes involved in a massive coordinated explosion of green that for me is the highlight of the year. Nothing beats getting out into the garden in spring, especially on one of those still days when the warmth of the sun seems to permeate right into your very bones! We're extremely lucky in this part of the world to have a climate that means many spring days can be enjoyed outside. If you're not in your own garden, clearing and preparing, then it makes for an
enjoyable outing to visit one of the many gardens open to the public as many venues gear up for a dramatic spring flowering show. Of particular note is Killerton House, I visited last spring and was mightily impressed with the spring display, it was excellent. Even the trees come into flower, of particular merit were the large magnolia trees. If you enjoy sitting outside in the spring sun, you're not just restricted to visiting gardens, there are many teashops where you can sit in some truly lovely surroundings, four that spring instantly to mind are: Woodlands Tearooms, they've been serving up cream teas and refreshments since
1923, you can enjoy sitting outside with woodland views. Everything is pretty much home-made. The Clock Tower Cafe situated in Connaught Gardens in Sidmouth, has lovely gardens, with great displays of tulips, daffs, wallflowers, but you can also enjoy the really stunning sea views. Another place that specialises in cream teas in the garden is Southern Cross, in Newton Poppleford. They have a delightful garden at the rear where you can enjoy their range of cakes, teas and light lunches. My final mention is The Old Bakery in Branscombe (the building is owned by the National Trust). The setting is truly delightful (see pic right).
Enjoy spring's flush of green by visiting one of the many lovely open gardens in glorious East Devon
=:HI:G8DB7: <6G9:CH
Mrs blackbird warming herself in the spring sun (Seen at the Clock Tower Cafe at Connaught Gardens, Sidmouth)
St  Bridget  Nurseries   Garden  Centres Â
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Open:  Mon-ÂFri  9-Â5  Sun  10.30-Â4.30  36
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Some of the fine display of daffs at Killerton House
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
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Newton Abbot
So much choice, so many suprises At the Garden Park, we’ve brought together Britain’s widest range of plants and gardening products. You’ll find everything that the discerning gardener could possibly need and all at Trago’s famous everyday lowest prices. And for bulk purchases, why not try our unique drive through service. There’s no need to leave the comfort of your vehicle, simply follow the signs and we’ll do the rest!
Chelsea in the heart of Devon No visit to Newton Abbot would be complete without experiencing our beautifully landscaped gardens. Famous Westcountry garden designer and multiple Chelsea Gold Medal winner, Paul Stone has created a haven of tranquility amid the hustle and bustle of Trago’s retail store. Why not take a few moments to relax and meander through our nine stunning, individually themed gardens. You’re bound to be inspired.
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East Devon Coast & Country
Mon-Sat 9am-5.30pm / Sun 10am-4pm
Newton Abbot 01626 821111 off the A382 to Bovey Tracey A Celebration of Life in East Devon TQ12 6JD
Horse Care
trained appropriately. A supple horse is more able to relax and if more relaxed, is generally more trainable and willing. Unfortunately
every horse can also become stiff if they are ridden in such a way that creates tension or poor balance.
by Natalie Bucklar-Green
Just like us humans, horses are born with a weaker and a stronger side (the right side is usually
Natalie Bucklar-Green gives valuable advice on various aspects of horse fitness and welfare...
Natalie Bucklar-Green
BSc (Hons), MSc (Equine Science)
Natalie has owned horses for over 20 years and breeds pedigree Shetland ponies. She has previously lectured in Equine Science to degree level and produced research for preparing Great Britain's equestrian teams for the Olympics. Natalie owns Jorrocks Saddlery near Sidmouth and has fitted saddles for competitors at Badminton International Horse Trials.
stronger). The horse will naturally impaired. Suppleness is therefore
tendons are put under increased
avoid loading weight onto the
a basic prerequisite for all training
strain; tendon injuries are the most
weaker side and so this side will be
of the horse and rider.
common soft tissue injury in the
comparatively less supple. Signs of a
Suppleness in the horse can be
horse. When muscles are tight they
horse having a weaker side include
defined as the ability to achieve a
also accumulate lactic acid due to
uneven bend on a circle, the hind
full range of movement without
reduced blood flow, again this
legs not following directly behind
restriction, stiffness or discomfort.
results in pain. Common causes of
the front legs, one trot diagonal
A stiff horse will be less comfortable
tight muscles are a poorly fitting
feeling more comfortable for the
to ride and will have a greater
saddle, the wrong bit, inappropriate
rider to rise on and striking off on
susceptibility to injury, hence it is a
training and a stiff or unbalanced
one canter lead more than the
primary aim for a riding horse to be
rider. Watch a horse move across a
other. Uneven weight distribution
as flexible as possible. There are two
field on its own, with no tack or rider.
leads to an increased risk of injury
types of suppleness: longitudinal
Then watch the same horse when
and lameness because some limbs
and lateral. Longitudinal suppleness
it is being ridden. Does it have the
will be carrying more weight than
is the looseness of the horse’s
same degree of tension in its jaw,
others. It is also more uncomfortable
hindquarters, back, neck, poll
back and neck? Is the stride length
for the rider and can result in them
and jaw. Lateral suppleness is the
and head carriage the same?
becoming uneven too. Learning
degree to which a horse can bend
its body and neck sideways, either to produce a circle or to move sideways.
Muscles have three properties on
which we work to improve overall
The German scales of training
suppleness: contractibility, elasticity and tonicity. Contractibility is the
Suppleness & Relaxation
ability to shorten, elasticity is the
ability to lengthen and tonicity is the tension that resides continually
Training for suppleness always
to ride becomes much harder if
in the muscles. During locomotion
begins with improving elasticity;
the horse being ridden is stiff and
muscles must maintain tension
that is developing the ability of the
unable to move fluently. This can
in order to create movement and
muscles to lengthen. Resistance and
create a vicious circle as it will be
even at rest some muscles are in
stiffness can only be overcome if the
harder for the horse to lengthen
The scales of training are a guide for
horse has the ability to lengthen
and flex if the rider is a hindrance!
training horses. Originating from
its muscles. Common symptoms
The Importance of Suppleness
Germany they are structured like a
A stiff horse will be less comfortable to ride and will have a greater susceptibility to injury
of resistance and stiffness are a
As well as structured training, there
high head carriage, opening the
are many methods to help improve
mouth, a hollow back, hindquarters
suppleness. As long as the horse is
off to one side, the head bent to
fit enough and adequately warmed
the outside and the horse ‘motor
up and cooled down, muscles
biking’ (leaning inwards) around
can be conditioned out hacking
corners. Sooner or later this leads
and there are also exercises that
to pain and discomfort for the
can be performed in hand. Basic
suppleness. A horse can only move
horse and it becomes harder and
suppling exercises are within the
correctly and use its body properly
more uncomfortable to ride. The
capabilities of even most novice
if it is physically and mentally free
joy of riding a supple horse is quite
riders, so do some homework or
pyramid, with each of the 6 stages being interconnected. Suppleness forms part of the second stage of the scale: Losgelassenheit. This word doesn’t have a direct translation to English but it is often explained as calmness, relaxation and
from tension. Along with the first
tension, however a reduction in
different! Although conformation
have some lessons and get flexing
stage of the pyramid, rhythm,
tonicity creates muscle wastage
will affect the horses ability to be
those muscles! The horse you ride
suppleness is the foundation of
and an excessive amount of tonicity
flexible, with some horses being
will be better for it.
all further training and without
creates spasms and pain. When
more able than others due to their
it the flow of movement will be
muscles are tight it is harder for
shape, every horse can improve
interrupted and balance will be
them to fully lengthen and so the
their suppleness if ridden and
East Devon Coast & Country
Natalie Bucklar-Green
!ooommmiiinnnggg SSSoooooonnn ... ... ... ... ... ...
Mar, Apr, May 2011 Saturday 16th April- Unaffiliated SJ, Bicton College
Saturday 5th March - East Devon Hunt Point to Point, Bishops Court, Ottery St Mary Sunday 6th March - Sid and Otter Valley RC members Training, Bicton College Tuesday 8th March Newcomers Day, Exeter Racecourse
Sunday 17th April - East Devon Hunt Hunter Trial, Straitgate Farm, Ottery St Mary
Monday 18th April - Childrens Day, Exeter Racecourse
AAA UUUnnniiiqqquuueee LLLeeeaaarrrnnniiinnnggg EEExxxpppeeerrriiieeennnccceee
Sunday 1st May - Axe Vale Hunt Point to Point, Stafford Cross, Seaton
Saturday 12th March- Affiliated Dressage, Bicton College
AAA NNNeeewww RRRiiidddiiinnnggg SSSccchhhoooooolll FFFooorrr EEEaaasssttt DDDeeevvvooonnn
Tuesday 3rd May - Ladies Night, Exeter Racecourse
Sunday 13th March - Affiliated Dressage, Bicton College Sunday 20th March- Sid & Otter Valley RC unaffiliated Dressage, Bicton College
Sunday 8th May - Exe Equestrian Club Novice horse and dog show, Nutwell Court, Lympstone
Sunday 20th March - Exe Equestrian Club Fun Ride, Woodbury Common
Sunday 15th May - Dressage, SJ and CT, Exeter & District RC, Clyst St Mary
Sunday 3rd April- Cotley Hunt Point to Point, Cotley, near Chard
Sunday 22nd May- Dressage and show jumping, Sid & Otter Valley RC, Nutwell Court, Lympstone
Sunday 10th April - Cotley Pony Club ODE, Bicton Arena
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At Countrywide youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll find everything you need this springtimeâ&#x20AC;Ś
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HONITON COUNTRYWIDE STORE Unit 2, Reme Drive, Heathpark Industrial Estate, EX14 1DP. Tel: 01404 440111 Opening Times: Mon-Sat 8.00am-6.00pm Sun 10.00am-4.00pm *10% off discounts excludes bulk feed, equestrian bedding, fertiliser, agricultural seed, POM-VPS & NFA-VPS products including vaccines and wormers, gift vouchers, local pricing, sale and clearance offers. Offer not available online. Valid for Pet Day only. For terms and conditions refer to countrywidefarmers.co.uk/petday. Products may differ from illustration. All products are subject to availability and may only be available in larger stores. Countrywide reserves the right to change prices. E&OE. Countrywide Farmers plc.
East Devon Coast & Country
Helen the cat by Kerry Hornett
Animal owners have long suspected that their animals can read minds. Dog owners who think that their animal can spell “W A L K”. Cats who disappear when their owner decides that it is time to go to the vets. Did you know that it is becoming accepted by animal professionals that animals can read minds, in fact they know exactly what their owner is thinking? There is a growing band of Animal Communicators who have been trained in therapeutic methods and assessed by animal professionals such as vets, trainers and behaviourists. Vets in particular have long been frustrated at being unable to help animals with emotional problems such as fear, aggression and grief, without resorting to sedatives. All animals share a common language, which combines emotions, images and intent. It is a language of thought and feeling. Humans are born with this same language, and use it naturally until they learn to rely on the spoken word. It is very easy for humans to “remember” how to use this language
and start to listen with all their senses. Animal Communicators are able to communicate directly with the animal and get to the root cause of a problem. In this way they can help to change behaviour by clearing up misunderstandings. Animal Communicators can also work remotely, using a photograph to connect to the animal. In fact the professional assessments are carried out in this way, with the Communicator working with a photograph and relaying the information by telephone. Often the therapy works better remotely because a frightened animal doesn’t have to cope with a stranger entering their personal space.
image she sent. She showed a very clear picture of a young male leaning against the back door of their house, and peering through the glass. The back of the house was surrounded by fields. The owner, equally shocked, said that she would call me back in a few minutes. When she returned the call she said that she had gone outside to look at the back door, and seen two clear palm prints on the door, as if someone had looked through the glass to see what was worth stealing. Helen was very concerned because she had been the only animal outside, and the two household dogs had not been aware of the stranger. The house now has extra security measures, and Helen has been clean ever since.
Perhaps the best way to describe this is by using a real case – Helen the “watch cat”. The client, who is based in Fife, sent a photograph of Helen, who had suddenly started messing in the kitchen. She had no idea why this previously clean animal would have changed character. When I linked with Helen I was astonished at the
I have learnt to keep a completely open mind when communicating with animals. A horse who baulks at going into the stable, could be reacting for a number of reasons. It might be fear of the door hitting the animal, or claustrophobia. One horse was afraid of his stable and the only explanation he could “send” was of
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a black void under the floor of the stable. The owner was unaware of any problem, and in fact the stable owners had no record of cellars, or any other storage space under the stables. Some research revealed that there was a second world war bunker under the stable. When the horse was removed to another stable he was perfectly happy. The work is varied, challenging, emotional, sometimes heart rending, but also often extremely funny. Animals are naturally honest, because in this language everything you think is transmitted and received. Animals are often confused by humans who think one thing and do another. Animals live in the moment and we can learn a lot from one another.
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A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Hemyock Branch 29a Station Road EX15 3SE
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Walk on the Wildside By Wildlife Artist Mike Hughes
Above: Detail from ‘Evening Patrol’ - Acrylic painting of a Barn Owl setting off to hunt on a May evening in the East Devon countryside, available as a limited print
SPRING With the arrival of spring, the British countryside becomes alive with wildlife. As the days lengthen and warm up many creatures which have been dormant throughout the winter months begin to emerge. Our meadows and hedgerows start to bloom and insects fill the air. The sound of the Dawn Chorus returns as birds that have spent the winter thousands of miles away migrate back to raise their young. East Devon with its many landscapes and habitats offers the amateur naturalist plenty of opportunities to make the most of this exciting time of year. Take a trip to one of our coastal estuaries in late April/early May and you will see the miracle of spring migration in action. Swallows fly in off the sea after having travelled up from South Africa over 10,000km (6,000miles) away. This epic journey will take around four weeks with birds covering 320km (200miles) each day! The hedgerows and bushes all along the coast fill with singing warblers, par ticularly Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs. Although the Chiffchaff is quite a non descript small green/brown bird, known to birdwatchers as a ‘little brown job’ its simple repetitive song of Chiffchaff is instantly recognisable and from which the bird gets its gets its name. Small numbers of both these warblers spend the winter here but when the spring migration starts thousands more arrive, some will stay in Devon but most will spread throughout the country.
Along with our local birds the spring migration is a time to see one or two more exotic species. Every year Osprey stop off for some rest and recuperation as they head on their way to their breeding grounds in Scotland having travelled up from West Africa. Small numbers of Red Kite are seen; these large graceful birds of prey are easily distinguishable from the healthy Devon Buzzard population by their slim angled wings and forked tail. With their successful re-introduction to other parts of the UK their numbers will surely increase. Wading birds such as Whimbrel and Bar-tailed Godwit also stop off to feed on the rich mud flats of our estuaries, before again flying off to breed further north. Head inland and the countryside begins to bloom. The early spring flowers such as Crocus, Lesser
Celandine and Wood Anemone appear from February to April, but as the days warm up the fields and meadows fill with Buttercups. By the end of April Bluebells carpet the local woodlands with particularly spectacular displays at Blackberry Camp Southleigh and Holyford Woods near Colyford. As the evenings get lighter it is an ideal oppurtunity to catch sight of some of our native mammals, during May young Badgers and Fox cubs will start to venture out for the first time after being born underground a few months earlier. Bats also emerge from hibernation; here in East Devon we are lucky enough to have 16 of the 17 breeding species of British bat including the nationally rare Bechstein’s Bat. The most common, yet the smallest bat in the UK is the Pipistrelle, it has a wingspan of 20cms and weighs just 4 grams, which is about the same weight as a 2 pence coin. Another mammal doing well locally is the Otter. Having almost disappeared from the British countryside in the 1970s the Otter has made a remarkable recovery thanks to the introduction of a hunting ban and an improvement in water quality. Although they are on the increase due to their nocturnal habits they are still extremely difficult to see. A trip to the Borrow Pit at the Axe estuary Wetlands Nature Reserve may offer a chance, with up to two Otters being seen during the day on occasions through 2010. However if you have no luck with otter spotting you might have a better chance of
East Devon Coast & Country
seeing a Water Vole. Better known as Ratty from Kenneth Graeme’s Wind in the Willows these loveable creatures have been re-introduced to suitable areas along the River Axe (downstream of Whitford Bridge) and on the River Tale (tributary of the River Otter), this follows a previous re-introduction by the Tale Valley Trust. The Devon Water Vole Recovery Project has been working with land owners to manage and maintain habitat and the Axe Estuary Wetlands and the Lower Bruckland Ponds at Musbury now have healthy breeding populations.
Through April and May the hedgerows and woodlands of East Devon are full of Blackcaps singing
Things to do in the East Devon Countryside Things to do in the Birdwatching for Beginners East Countryside EveryDevon Friday 10am - 12 noon at the
Life in Cold Blood Life in Cold Blood
Thanks to its extensive heathland commons East Devon is a haven for our native reptiles, with five of the six UK species beingtoresident here.heathland Because commons reptiles are blooded Thanks its extensive Eastcold Devon is a (ectothermic) they have to hibernate winter haven for our native reptiles, with five through of the sixthe UKcold species months, but with the onset of spring they from their being resident here. Because reptiles areemerge cold blooded hiding places and bask in the sun to increase their body (ectothermic) they have to hibernate through the cold winter temperature. A the sunny Spring morning an idealfrom timetheir to try months, but with onset of spring theyisemerge and get a glimpse of these shysun andtoelusive creatures. hiding places and bask in the increase their body temperature. A sunny Spring morning is an ideal time to try and will hunt Theget most recent arrival to the area and a glimpse of these shy andexcellent elusiveswimmers creatures.
is the Smooth Snake, found in only a handful of sites in the south of TheEngland most recent to the area this arrival rare and secretive is the Smooth in only animal hasSnake, been found re-introduced a handful of sites in of theEast south of to the commons Devon. England and secretive Having this beenrare absent from the County animal has been re-introduced for more than 50 years its return means to that the all commons of species East Devon. three snake are once Having absent from the County againbeen present here. for more than 50 years its return means The largest of our threearesnakes that all three snake species once is thepresent Grass Snake, again here. which can reach a length of 1.5 metres (5 feet). ThePreferring largest of our threenear snakes is to live ponds theand Grass reachare stillSnake, waterwhich Grasscan Snakes a length of 1.5 metres (5 feet). Preferring to live near ponds and still water Grass Snakes are
along the waters edge looking for frogs. Although a dull olive green excellent swimmers and will hunt colour the Grass Snake is instantly along the waters looking yellow for recognisable byedge its distinctive frogs. Although a back dull olive green markings on the of its head. colour the Grass Snake is instantly The Adder, is our only recognisable by itswhich distinctive yellow venomous species, markings on the back ofisitsdistinguished head. by a dark zig zag pattern along its The Adder, which is are our only back. Although they venomous venomous is fatal distinguished their bitespecies, is rarely to humans. by Aa trip darkto zigthe zagcliffs pattern along above Beeritsand back. Although they venomous Branscombe on are a warm spring their bite is may rarelyturn fatal humans. morning uptoone of these A trip to the cliffs above elusive creatures baskingBeer in theand sun. Branscombe on a warm spring morning may turn up one of these elusive creatures basking in the sun.
The Common Lizard, also known as the Viviparous TheLizard Common is found Lizard, also known throughout East as the Viviparous Devon. If threatened Lizard found it has or inisdanger throughout the abilityEast to shed Devon. If threatened its tail. or in danger it has the ability to shed its tail.
The Slow Worm, although it looks like a snake is in fact a legless lizard, a close up inspection will Thereveal Sloweyelids, Worm, aalthough it looks feature which is not likefound a snake is in fact a legless in snakes. Commonly found lizard, a close upworms inspection in gardens slow like to will refuge reveal eyelids, a feature which is not under stones or planks of wood. found in snakes. Commonly found The Common Lizard the only in gardens slow worms like is to refuge lizard species to beoffound under stones or planks wood.in East Devon, small and quick moving it Thecan Common Lizard the only be found in isopen fields, lizard species to be foundand in East hedgerows, heathland sparse Devon, small and quick moving it woodland. can be found in open fields, hedgerows, heathland and sparse woodland.
From mid February onwards Frogs come out of From mid February hibernation to onwards spawnFrogs in ponds come out of hibernation to spawn in ponds
Mike Hughes - Wildlife Art
I am a wildlife artist living and working in East Devon. If you would like to view more artwork or to check availability of prints go to Mike Hughes - Wildlife Art www.mikehugheswildlifeart.co.uk. I will be exhibiting at RHS Rosemoor I am a wildlife living and working in Eastevent Devon. If Iyou 8 -11 April asartist part of a Devon Artist Network and am would currently likeexhibiting to view some more original artworkpieces or toatcheck availability The Gallery, OtteryofStprints Mary. go to www.mikehugheswildlifeart.co.uk. I will be exhibiting at RHS Rosemoor 8 -11 April as part of a Devon Artist Network event and I am currently exhibiting some original pieces at The Gallery, Ottery St Mary.
Spring owl.indd 3
Remember, most wildlife watching needs patience, persistence and a certain amount of luck, but with a Remember, wildlife watching little bit ofmost research you can increase needs persistence a a yourpatience, chances and hopefullyand catch certain amount of you luck,are but with for. a glimpse of what looking little bit of research you can increase your chances and hopefully Below are some websites, catch blogs aand glimpse ofthat whatmight you are forums be looking of use: for. www.wildlifeindevon.org.uk Below are some websites, blogs and www.devonwildlifetrust.org forums that might be of use: www.wildaboutdevon.co.uk www.wildlifeindevon.org.uk www.eastdevonaonb.org.uk www.devonwildlifetrust.org www.devonbirds.org www.wildaboutdevon.co.uk www.eastdevon.gov.uk/countryside www.eastdevonaonb.org.uk rangerjames.wordpress.com www.devonbirds.org Birdforum - Backwater Birding www.eastdevon.gov.uk/countryside (forum about birdwatching along the rangerjames.wordpress.com Axe Estuary) Birdforum - Backwater Birding (forum about birdwatching along the Axe Estuary)
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Axe Wetlands Birdwatching for Beginners Call 01395 517 557 for details Every Friday 10am - 12 noon at the Axe Wetlands Family Friendly Nature Walk CallEvery 01395Saturday 517 557 from for details the RSPB shop, Darts Farm, binoculars can be hired Family Friendly Walk Call 01392 879438Nature for details Every Saturday from the RSPB shop, Darts Farm, binoculars can be hired Otter Valley Association Walk CallSaturday 01392 879438 for details 19 March 10am - 2pm
4 hour walk along the River Otter Otter and upValley to FireAssociation Beacon HillWalk Saturday 19 March 10am - 2pm Call 01395 568235 for deatails 4 hour walk along the River Otter and upAxe to Fire HillConservation ValeBeacon & District CallSociety 01395 568235 forWalk deatails - Guided Thursday 24 March 10am - 1pm Axe Vale Woods & District Conservation Holyford Society - Guided Walk Call 01297 551556 for details Thursday 24 March 10am - 1pm Holyford Woods Birds from the Tram CallSaturday 01297 551556 for details 26 March 9am - 11am Seaton, ÂŁ10 per head Birds01297 from20375 the Tram Call to book/pay Saturday 26 March 9am - 11am Seaton, ÂŁ10 Valley per head Otter Association Walk CallSaturday 01297 20375 to book/pay 19 March 10am - 2pm
4 hour walk along the River Otter Otter and upValley to FireAssociation Beacon HillWalk Saturday 19 March 10am - 2pm Call 01395 568235 for deatails 4 hour walk along the River Otter and upBirds to Fire Beacon Hill National in the Undercliff CallNature 01395 568235 Reservefor deatails Saturday 2 April 10am - 3pm Birds in the Undercliff National A rugged walk not for the faint Nature Reserve hearted! Saturday 2 April - 3pm Call 01395 51710am 557 for details A rugged walk not for the faint hearted! Junior Birds from the Tram CallWednesday 01395 517 557 for details 13 April 9am - 10am Seaton, ÂŁ7.50 per child with one Juniorfree Birds from the Tram adult Wednesday April - 10am Call 0139513 517 5579am to book/pay Seaton, ÂŁ7.50 per child with one adult Bluebell free Day CallSaturday 01395 517 to book/pay 30557 April
Holyford Woods, events start at Bluebell Daygo through until 9pm. 6.30am and Saturday Parking30atApril Colyton Grammar School Holyford Woods, at Call 01395 517 events 557 for start details 6.30am and go through until 9pm. Parking at Colyton Grammar School CallWebsites 01395 517 for details of557 Interest: www.eastdevonaonb.org.uk www.eastdevon.gov.uk/countryside Websites of Interest: www.jurassiccoast.com www.eastdevonaonb.org.uk www.ova.org.uk www.eastdevon.gov.uk/countryside www.axevaleconservation.co.uk www.jurassiccoast.com www.ova.org.uk www.axevaleconservation.co.uk
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A Celebration of Life in East Devon
East Devon Coast & Country's Home Improvement Section
Carrying out work on your home? We've put together some tips and new product information for you which has been provided by local businesses
A job undertaken by Peter Quinain Hardwoods
Using wood flooring in conjunction with underfloor heating - what's the solution? If you have a desire for a beautiful wooden floor with a requirement to meet specification for example with under floor heating, an engineered floorboard can offer the perfect solution. Engineered wooden flooring is constructed from layers of fibre board or plywood that make up the underside or core of the flooring and a layer of genuine solid wood which is the upper surface of the flooring. The core and the top layer are all constructed in a manner in which the layers are cross laid upon one another; this method of construction ensures that the flooring will not change shape by swelling, twisting, warping and shrinking due to moisture, humidity changes or exposure to radiant heat. This feature of engineered wooden flooring allows it to be installed in areas that traditional hard wood flooring cannot be, such as basements, kitchens and bathrooms; it also means it can be safely laid over under floor heating systems. For total confidence when it comes to stability, the engineered flooring Peter Quinain Hardwoods provide are the best solution. Hakwoodâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Duoplank, with its comprehensive range of species, allows beautiful wooden floors to be laid in situations where a solid floor is not recommended and offers the perfect choice for wide stable wood floor boards. See Peter Quinain Hardwoods display advert for more information (left).
Heat your home in the most environmentally friendly, effective & economical way! A wood burning stove will allow you to heat your home using a genuinely renewable and natural fuel in the most efficient way possible to provide maximum heat with the minimum of emissions. The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil can cause climate change. Fuels such as these are finite, whereas the burning of wood makes sound environmental sense. Trees absorb the carbon dioxide from the air in order to create oxygen. During the combustion process, the same amount of carbon dioxide is produced as throughout its growth, meaning that the whole process is carbon neutral. A tree that is left to decay naturally will produce the same amount of carbon dioxide as when the wood is burned. A substantial proportion of heat generated from an open fire is lost through the chimney, pulling large amounts
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of air out from the room. Even when an open fire is not being used this continues to happen, draining warmth from the home and causing draughts. Using a stove eliminates the heat lost
East Devon Coast & Country
you need the light. They are highly effective and are now a well proven and frequently specified solution. Generating bright light equivalent to a 120 watt bulb and more, a Solatube will deliver as much light as a window or roof light 4 or 5 times its size. If a window or roof light is just not a practical solution or the one that you have doesn’t provide enough light, there isn’t enough space, or the planners won’t allow one, then perhaps you should consider a Solatube light pipe.
Fireplace Specialists The Solatube pipes daylight to brighten up dark rooms
01395 577558 www.sidmouthdesign.co.uk through the chimney and also prevents any heat from escaping up the chimney when not in use. This means that the efficiency rating for a stove can be up to 85%, a huge contrast to having an open fire. Heating your home with a stove will provide warmth that no other energy source can equal. The flame patterns that a stove will create are captivating, constantly changing and will bring a welcoming and heart warming presence to any room. Chesney`s have recently produced a range of dependable, ultra efficient, environmentally friendly easy to use and attractive stoves. Well known for the stunning fireplace surrounds that they have produced for over 25 years, they have been at the forefront of design, craftsmanship and innovation within their field. This has made the release of their new stove collection all the more exciting. Sidmouth Design are main dealers for Chesney's Stoves, Gazco and Stovax and have models on display in their showroom in Sidmouth. (see display above).
How to light up a dark room Here are a few simple tips to help lighten up a dark room: • Keep your windows and light fittings clean and sparkly • Try light coloured walls and decoration; dark materials ‘absorb’ light
Pipe daylight into your home with a Solatube
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• Change dark coloured shades to lighter materials But if this is not enough, did you know that windows and sky or roof lights are not the only option to bring daylight in to your home? Far too many people put up with dark or poorly lit areas or rooms in their homes when there is another option that’s worth considering. In these situations you can pipe daylight along a highly reflective tube to brighten up dark rooms in your home – welcome to the Solatube light pipe. Simple to install without any structural work required, a weatherproof, clear plastic dome is fitted in to
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the roof with a highly reflective tube running down to the ceiling wherever
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
COMMON SENSE Piping daylight in to your home with Solatube
East Devon Coast & Country's Home Improvement Section Tips & New Products - Continued Can I use surplus tiles to make a dress?
Self storage the perfect solution when making home improvements
Personalised Safe Secure Storage
One of the problems encountered when carrying out home improvements is being able to create enough space to undertake the work that needs doing. This often means having to move boxes and furniture backwards and forwards from room to room as you work, which can be a time consuming and tiresome task. More and more people are finding that a self storage unit is the perfect solution to this otherwise onerous task as it offers not only a flexible, cost effective and time efficient way of storing your belongs but it also avoids the risk of damaging your possessions whilst the work is being carried out in your home. With self storage available from as little as a week to several months or more there is an option to suit everyone and most self storage facilities offer a range of unit sizes to accommodate everything from a few boxes to full house contents enabling you to store as much or as little as you require for a length of time that works for you. Self storage offers easy access to your belongings enabling you to add and remove items as you need to giving you the flexibility to return items to completed rooms and place items from other rooms into storage as the works progress. House-It Ltd, East Devon’s premier storage facility have units from 16sq ft to 240sq ft and their flexible approach to storage and easy access just minutes from junction 30 of the M5. House-Its units offer safe, secure storage in two purpose built, insulated buildings and offer clean dry storage for your belongings. Units are secured by your own padlock and the buildings have the latest CCTV and alarm systems. House-It also offer a full range of packaging materials. (see display below)
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East Devon Coast & Country
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A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Local historian Ted Gosling discusses farming in East Devon
Recollections of Farming East Devon has a rich array of wildlife habitat; from the high heaths and grasslands of the Blackdown Hills, through to the lowlands with their ancient woods which are rich in birds and flowers. The county is home to internationally famous Exe estuary and the unique pebbled heaths with their night jars and Dartford warblers. By far the greatest portion of the district consists of rich farming land, much of which remains valuable for wildlife. This is especially true where old hedgerows and unimproved grasslands survive. East Devon is a part of the county where heats beat
uncomplaining, working outdoors gave him contentment. Despite a hard life, the labourers had a native sense of humour with an ability to see the funny side of life. They were country born and bred and the countryman's knowledge, gained at first hand against the vagaries of nature is not acquired by book learning. Grass for hay was ready for mowing in June or July and in those days used to be stacked into ricks. The traditional method of hay making was very laborious. The hay had to be cut with a horse drawn mower,
with a lot more to come. Although farmers as well as builders can alter the landscape, the builders changes are the ones that are not reversible. at a different pace, a place where all home grown, true Devonians know not only where their food comes from, but that small farmers still care more for the land than anyone else. Unfortunately, this could all change in the future as large scale agribusinesses aim more at the export market and become the order of the day. The landscape of pre-war mixed farming conjures up images of cows grazing contentedly under blue skies, hedgerows teaming with wildlife and be-smocked rustics whose principal pleasures was a jug of cider and a day off for the annual harvest fair. This was far from the truth. Farming was a life of hardship and toil. Labouring hours were as long as daylight and wages were very low. Every pre-war farm in East Devon had its regular labourers who never thought of changing their places of employment. The farm worker was a sedate sort of person, patient and
then picked by hand with pitchforks and loaded into wagons to be taken back to the farm and made into hay ricks. Before milking parlours were installed, diary farming was more labour intensive. We all have a false image of a happy milkmaid sitting on a stool, hand milking the cows. In all reality, this was a dirty job and it took two men all their time to hand-milk thirty five cows. It was hard work especially during the cold weather when you had to fetch the cows in from the muddy fields. To many of us, the traditional countryside of East Devon is still one of checkerboard green fields divided by lush hedgerows and one dotted with unspoilt villages. Yet today, this familiar idyll is threatened by builders who find that our countryside is an ideal place for houses and trading estates, a place to build new roads. The green fields that generations of local boys explored are now housing estates
East Devon Coast & Country
Extracts from
Across Cobble-Stones by Derrick V. Rugg Writer Derrick, reminisces about his childhood in rural East Devon before the 2nd World War.
I BEGAN to think about school; and when the two Tidball girls from next door came in, they told of doing sums, of writing and reading, etc. They also mentioned the teachers: Mrs Spratt, Mr Painter or Archie and Mrs Painter. The last-named lady was fierce, they said. "Er gets as red as a turkey cock!" somebody warned. With such snippets coming pretty regularly, I began to wonder what the Infant Room would be like, and I began to make pictures in my mind. I visualised a long table with a lot of boys and girls along it in tea-party fashion. I was way off target, as it turned out. But I was too young to go to school, and I had, along with Dennis, to do 'pretend' sums and scribble 'wavy-line' letters for the Tidball girls to post to Father Christmas. "You do post them, Florrie?" "Yes," she said, "of course I posts 'em." There was the shopping to do, which reduced the tedium; and that entailed writing out a list and standing on the pedals of an old bicycle
that was propped against the wall. After perhaps an hour of sitting on the machine and getting off and moving it at intervals, first outwards and then back, the invisible groceries arrived home for Mother to check. She always managed to find time to enter into the spirit of things. "What is he up to?" people asked. "Oh, he is getting the shopping," Mother said. "He is a very good boy at that." Father brought home tins, mainly from a dump near his work, and I remember building them up, transferring covers and what not. Apparently, I covered any open receptacle in the house - including the chamber pots. Occasionally, Dennis and I would rush out to the gate. A threshing tackle would be coming up the road. It was likely to belong to the Manfield Brothers, and we would shout and wave at the two smutty men on the great 'steamer', and watch as the threshing drum passed along, followed by the straw tier with a couple of bicycles dangling from
it. Of course, we wanted to be engine drivers when we grew up, and we admired the procession - having no idea of the torture it carried to the farm labourer, sweating amid the dust from sheaves, at the mercy of a machine that never tired and seldom broke down. Sometimes a beautiful 'female' traction came steaming along. It was called the Queen Mary and it belonged to Jimmy Vinnicombe. Jimmy only had one tackle - like Little Claus with his horse - and he must have been tremendously proud of his steam engine, for its brown and gold was polished to an apposite regality. Another event that bought a change and a stir was the arrival of the bazaar, in the shape of a large van hung all over with baskets, buckets and pans. I was absolutely fascinated by the skilful usage of all the hanging space, and I remember that the man who drove the vehicle seemed to regard everyone as a potential bazaar-lifter. But I so wanted to go to school! In the meantime I had to make do with fighting Dennis and looking forward to Mr Warren, and Mr West of Trump's Stores in Ottery. Derrick V. Rugg Published by Tabb House, available at ÂŁ2.95 tabbhousebooks@talktalk.net
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
The painting below is the work of Peter Goodhall. He's has an exhibition of his work as follows: 16th Apr - 25th Jun - Peter Goodhall: Local artist displays work (both originals and prints) at Manor Pavilion Theatre, Sidmouth (see display box on page 9). www.petergoodhall.co.uk
Life Matters
Complementary therapies and treatments
Editor - Sali Mustafic sali@prestige-media.co.uk tel: 01404 45848
Life Matters Welcome to "Life Matters", an East Devon based forum within this magazine for discussing a range of health and wellbeing issues. I've had some exciting developments in my career since becoming editor within this section, which means that I'm overstretched on time, as a result, I'll no longer have the time to be editor of this section. So, we're currenty looking for someone to take over editorial control of the "Life Matters" section, someone who has a keen interest in heath issues, particularly in relation to complementary therapies. If you think you've got the credentials, energy and interest to take on this role, please call Nigel Jones on 01395 512166.
Balancing the stresses of work and living with health and relaxation
Getting help with Back Pain Do you suffer from back pain? If so you are not alone! It is estimated that 50% of people in western countries will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. In the UK, one million people consult their GP for back pain each year, with several million working days lost each year to this condition.
A common readerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s question is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Where can I get
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complementar y help with back pain?â&#x20AC;? Lower back pain, in particular, seems to be an issue for many of us who need relief from pain while continuing a normal life and hobbies such as walking, swimming, golf and gardening.
General Practice and NICE guidelines As Dr. Ros Debenham of Claremont Medical practice in Exmouth says â&#x20AC;&#x153;Back pain is a very common condition that we see in general practice every day. The NICE guidelines recommend staying physically active as much as possible & offering one of the following treatment options: an exercise programme, a course of manual therapy including manipulation, or a course of acupuncture. " â&#x20AC;&#x153;Muscle spasm plays a big part in back pain & patients are often prescribed muscle relaxants. We incorporate Indiba High Frequency Heat into our massage treatments as used by Rafael Nadal during Wimbledon. One Indiba is equivalent to 4-5 manual massages & we have had excellent feedback.â&#x20AC;? According to the March 2010 NICE guidelines non-specific low back pain is caused by problems with structures in the back, such as joints, discs, muscles, tendons or ligaments. The guideline covers the management of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;persistentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; pain more experienced by adults for longer than 6 weeks but less than a year. As it can be difficult to completely cure non-specific low back pain, and treatments are usually aimed at helping people manage their condition.
East Devon Coast & Country
The various types of treatment described in the guidelines may be provided by a range of healthcare professionals specialising in different treatments. These could include doctors, physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, psychologists and acupuncturists. All of these practitioners will be professionally trained and experienced in providing the particular treatment. Here in East Devon we have a wealth of qualified, experienced practitioners who can help. If this is the first time you have considered looking for complementary treatment you may well be wondering who to turn to and what to expect from your treatment. Most therapists are more than happy to answer some questions either in person or on the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;phone and many offer free consultations.
Clinics Southernhay Clinic in Exeter is a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;boutiqueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; clinic offering on-going care not only of your back but of all joints and muscles. A wide range of therapies and treatments is available and the clinic offers offer a free initial consultation, either face to face or by telephone, to explain the different approaches available and help people decide on the best approach given their symptoms, lifestyle and personal preferences. Therapies include:
Acupuncture Catherine Mudge, nurse and acupuncturist says â&#x20AC;&#x153;acupuncture using needling, warming moxabustion and electro acupuncture are all techniques designed to give immediate, prolonged and sustained relief from lower back pain. They work by allowing muscles and joints to start to relax, will draw blood and endorphins or 'feel good hormones' to the area causing pain relief and increase the bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own production of natural steroids, which will calm the inflammation and help the area to heal.
Exercise Therapy The clinic also offers exercise therapy with Claire Taylor who explains how exercise therapy can be used to treat back pain by readdressing the balance of the muscles acting throughout the spine. By carrying out treatment in this form you address the cause of the problem and by eradicating the cause you will prevent the problem reoccurring. Over a course of 6-8 sessions you will begin to tune into the mechan-
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy Clinical Hypnotherapy Helping you to take control of your life Help with: Anxiety, Depression, Habits, Phobias, Confidence, Stress Insomnia, Pain, IBS, CFS/ME, Trauma, Relaxation, Panic Fear, Smoking, Self-Esteem & Weight Control
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CLASSIFIED Aromatherapy
Clear your body of aches & pains, mind of clutter & worries. Relax & unwind. Aromatherapy with Marc 01395 516053
ics of your ‘core stability’ and learn to keeping the pain at bay without the need to seek regular treatment.
Bowen Technique is a light
touch, holistic therapy consisting of a series of gentle moves, with paus-
order to provide you with a fully personalised experience.
Therapists If the idea of going to a clinic doesn’t appeal, or you already know which therapy suits your personal requirements, we have a wonderful choice of therapists to turn to here in East Devon. Acupuncturist Val Davis suggests that you give acupuncture a try as it gives excellent results in the treatment of this complaint. Acupuncture is well known for its pain relieving effects but goes far beyond this to address the underlying issues. It can also increase flexibility of joints by relaxing tendons and ligaments, improving circulation, and relaxing tense muscles. Your first appointment would include a treatment. Val uses extremely fine needles made of surgical stainless
For general health problems, fertility, addictions, sports injuries, facial revitalisation acupuncture Val Davis, B.Sc., M.B.Ac.C., Lic.Ac. 01395 578050 Sharp Acupuncture Clinic. Hilary Sharp Lic.Ac MBAcC Clinics Honiton, Axminster, Charmouth 01297 560639 enquiries@hilarysharp.co.uk www.hilarysharp.com Chiropractic
For gentle, effective holistic chiropractic treatment for the whole family, the Chiropractic Health Centre 01297 35844 or 01404 549270 Sidmouth Chiropractic Centre, treating a whole range of conditions. Whether new or long-standing, call us to see how we can help you 01395 578714. See display advert. Chiropractic - McTimoney
If you have headaches, neck, back, hip, joint and muscle pain, April Rose can help you. Based in Seaton, tel 07973 202441. See display. Cognitive Hypnotherapy
Let Michelle Hague help you gain control of your life. Tel 01297 20144. See display advert. Combined treatments
One Day in Sidmouth - combines aromatherapy, NLP and Reiki in a single day for the ultimate personal treatment 01395 516053 continued on following page
Help at hand from the Massage Clinic, Exmouth
es in between to allow the body to respond. The gentle rolling of muscles sends signals to the brain, stimulating the body’s resources to heal itself. The moves are light but precise and can be done through light clothing.
steel. Insertion of the needle is virtually painless, but you may feel a tingling sensation or dull ache momentarily when the needle is manipulated. Most people find the whole process very relaxing.
The Massage Clinic in Ex-
Massage Therapists Marc and Julie Kilsbie welcome
mouth has a highly qualified, multidisciplinary team which includes specialists in sports, remedial and therapeutic massage working closely with coaches, dieticians and a podiatrist to ensure an integrated solution to your problem. The team shares a core belief that pain is often a symptom of a series of complex, deeper processes which may have been going on for a long time. Your body has the ability to compensate for the twists, turns and stresses of everyday living. Over time these compensations can build up and the twinge that accompanies your golf swing, pruning the apple tree or walking the dog is a signal that something needs attention. At the massage clinic you will be offered a free consultation to help you decide which therapies and treatments will benefit you most and your treatment will draw on a wide array of soft tissue techniques and diverse therapeutic approaches in
callers popping in to discuss possibilities at their soap shop ‘Flo & Us’ in Sidmouth’s Fore Street. Julie explains their philosophy, “We are here to help people. There is a massage therapy to suit everyone but sometimes it can be difficult to know which to try. We match therapies to individual needs so we offer a range of styles including deep tissue massage, seated massage, Swedish massage, aromatherapy, and reflexology. While it is true that we can help relieve muscle spasm and cramps, as well as long standing aches and pains, we understand that feeling comfortable with your therapist is equally important so we invite you to pop in for a chat and get to know us”. Chiropractor Richard Stenning who has clinics in Axminster and Honiton, offers patients the choice of short term pain relief or optimum corrective care. Chiropractic
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
treatment includes specific joint manipulation, joint mobilisation and soft tissue work such as massage. An initial intensive care phase focuses on symptomatic relief (usually pain relief). Where appropriate this is followed by rehabilitative care tailored to strengthen and maintain the muscles and soft tissue of the spine.
As awareness and provision of complementary healthcare grows so does the choice of therapies available. East Devon now has many practices offering a selection of therapies and advice about what will suit you best, matching provision to your personal needs and preferences. For instance, a glance through the advertisements and classified section of this magazine, will give you details of further holistic approaches to health and wellbeing. Hypnotherapy, Shiatsu, Nordic Walking, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Yoga; whatever appeals to you, you can be sure East Devon can provide it. Remember to check that your therapist is qualified, insured, and a member of a professional body with a code of ethics and most of all, enjoy your treatments, make a rapid recovery and continue to look after yourself.
McTimoney Chiropractor (BUPA)
07973 202441 .
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Muscle & Nerve Pain
Book your FREE 30min Spine Check today 3 Major Terrace, Seaton EX12 2RF
seatonchiropractor.co.uk 55
Local Women for Women group at Kennaway House raise £3000 for FORCE Cancer Charity Life Matters CLASSIFIED Promote your practice
Appear in this section for only £12 Call Nigel on 01395 512166 or email nigel@prestige-media.co.uk Holistic Facial Treatments
Bespoke Holistic Holistic & Organic Facials Facials
Manual Lymphatic Drainage for Face & Neck (Dr Vodder) Ayurvedic Facials (Marma Therapy) Acne & Anti-Ageing Treatments Natural-Lift Face Massage Enzyme Peels
Sali Mustafic talks to Heather Eardley of ‘Local Women for Women’ an East Devon voluntary organisation that is trailblazing a way forward for local women interested in business or personal development. In November 2010 a group of enthusiastic, energetic and dedicated women ran an amazing event bringing together workshops, speakers, yoga and tai chi classes, an amazing array
Sali: "What exactly is ‘Local Women for Women’ and what do you do?" Heather: "When we founded LocalWomen4Women in 2008 we wanted to create a network of local women by organising Women’s Health and Wellbeing Days and at the same time raise money for local charities. We had a vision of events that
lot of women work at home and welcome a chance to get out and join other women in activities; to meet and share. All the women
Pure Face Works Because healthy skin is beautiful skin who come bring something to the occasion."
Norah Catherine McCullagh t. 0776
031 3180
Holistic Health
Jacqueline Kareh uses state of the art testing and bioresonance for optimum health 0785 000 8133 Hypnotherapy
Pat Hoare provides therapeutic counselling, hypnotherapy and supervision. 01392 410090. See display. Anxiety, stress, fears, phobias, weight issues? Contact clinical hypnotherapist Deborah Pearce. See display. Life Coaching with NLP
It is possible to change your life with Sali Master NLP Practitioner www. NLPDevon.co.uk 01404 45848 Massage Therapy
Experienced, Professional & Caring Massage Therapist with in Sidmouth, Ottery & Honiton. Helen Watts Dip. APNT, BCMA Reg www.helenwatts. com 01395 597564 Massage Reflexology
Vanessa Smith has practised in Devon, Honiton and Axminster for 20 years using Massage Reflexology and Polarity Therapy 01404 47123 continued on following page
Numerous speakers were heard
of therapies, pampering, and shopping at Kennaway House in Sidmouth. This was the 3rd Annual LW4W Health and Wellbeing Day and it raised £3000 for FORCE Cancer Charity. When I spoke to Heather, one of the founding members, I began to understand how this organisation has grown to be a runaway success and that its message is spreading far beyond the reaches of its East Devon origins.
would provide opportunities for local women to develop new skills, meet new people and build confidence while promoting an emphasis on environmental sustainability and green issues." Sali: "I have been to two of your events and thoroughly enjoyed them. What do you think is the key to their success?" H e a t h e r : " I t ’s a l l a b o u t networking. The events give women opportunities to see new opportunities for themselves. A
Sali: "How do you plan to develop the idea now that it has become such a success?" Heather:"That’s one of the fascinating things. We couldn’t have predicted the success of the Health and Wellbeing days. It’s not just that more people have joined in, but that among those present there are always people with new ideas. We have just held a fantastic cookery weekend at Antonia’s Kitchen that grew out of a conversation in November. Not only did we meet some lovely people, learn some new cooking skills and enjoy delicious food but Antonia’s Kitchen has donated around £300 to local charities."
Anxiety, Stress, Fears and Phobias Self-hypnosis for Childbirth Free initial consultation includes free relaxation CD Appointments available at Ebdons Court Natural Health, Sidmouth, The Good Life, Ottery St Mary The Awareness Centre, Axminster Tel: 01404 813388 or 07939 840788
Deborah Pearce HPD Clinical Hypnotherapist
dpearcehypno@supanet.com East Devon Coast & Country
www.calmerminds.com 56
Life Matters CLASSIFIED Nordic Walking
Burn 20-40% more calories than normal walking, tone up, lose weight, get fitter in beautiful locations. Call Rob Deere on 07920 090453 Reiki
Come and experience the relaxing, recharging and refreshing qualities of Reiki. Un-intrusive and truly memorable with Julie 01395 516053 Kerry Powell. Traditional Usui Reiki Practitioner. Home visits available. Member of FHT 01395 514297 Mobile 07748 901426 Rooms for hire
Does your facility have rooms for practitioners to rent, or are you a practitioner looking for space. Advertise your requirements here for only £12. continued on following page
While we are planning more workshops for East Devon during the year, we are also involved in a growing number of projects further afield. Only this week we have been talking to a group from Somerset who want to set up something similar and we have been contacted by women from Bolton who want to use our model to raise money for a children’s hospice. Sali:" It certainly sounds as if you are going to be very busy in 2011." Heather: "Yes, we set out to raise some money for local charities and it snowballed. We are now hoping to develop the existing voluntary organisation into a Community Interest Company which is a form of social enterprise. We are happy to widen the scope and if there are women out there who would be interested in raising money for us, have new ideas or information about other local charities who could benefit from our work, we would love to hear from them."
Exercise in beautiful locations Burn 20-46% more calories than normal walking Have fun exercising with like minded people Tone up, lose weight, get fitter and healthier in the outdoors Contact Rob Deere on 07920 090453 or robdeere@rocketmail.com
Treat yourself this Spring Enyaj Spa & Farringdon Health & Beauty Clinic offer a wide range of beauty treatments Let us get you looking and feeling fantastic this Spring
To find out more about this inspiring group of local women visit their website www.lw4w.org.uk email admin@lw4w.org.uk phone 01395 568727.
Enyaj Spa & Farringdon Health & Beauty Clinic East Clyst House The Drive Farringdon Exeter EX5 2JD
01395 232755 www.enyajspa.com jane@enyajspa.com
Enjoying workshops at Kennaway House
01297 35844
01404 549270
Chard Street
193 High Street
Pat Hoare
Chiropractic Health Centre
Gentle effective holistic treatment for the whole family Richard Stenning D.C. Michael Norris D.C. Louisa Wootton D.C.
24A GANDY STREET, EXETER EX4 3LS Tel. 01392 410090 pat@pathoare.eclipse.co.uk
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Shiatsu for Living Well Massage Therapy
With Lynn Hughes B.A. (Hons.) Dip. Shiatsu. MRRS.
Life Matters CLASSIFIED Shiatsu
Martin Sharp MRSS. Dip.(shiat) 2 The Manor, The Street, Charmouth Dorset 01297 560639
Touch, gentle stretches and movement Help to free your body and mind Please contact Lynn on
Tel: 01297 444993 www.shiatsuforlivingwell.com
5-6th Mar - Fossil Fantastic Weekend at Charmouth. 13th Mar - Know your Fossils at LR M. 17th Mar - The History of Lyme in Ten Objects at LR M. 19th Mar - Photographing Maritime Lyme - call the LR TIC. 19th Mar - Local Birdsong - at LR M. 17th Apr - Rockpool Ramble with the CHCC team.
Do you have a big interest in complementary therapies? We are on the lookout for a person to take over the editorialship of the "Life Matters" section of the magazine as our existing sub-editor is departing shortly. This is a home-based positon, so all you'd need would be computer access at home, telephone and good ability with written English, and a keen interest in this subject area. Call Nigel on 01395 512166 or 513383.
What's On in Lyme
Promote your practice
Appear in this section for only £12 Call Sali on 01404 45848 or email sali@prestige-media.co.uk Do you want copies?
If you'd like to stock copies of this magazine, please call Nigel on 01395 512166.
24th Apr - Easter Bonnet Parade at Lyme, call the LR TIC. 20th Apr - Fossil Roadshow - at the CHCC. 27th Apr - Uplyme and Lyme Regis Horticultural Society - Trees. 29th Apr - 1st May - Lyme Regis Fossil Fetival - an extravaganza for all. 29th May - Blessing Of The Boats - at The Lifeboat Station, Lyme.
LR TIC = Lyme Regis Tourist Information Centre. LR M = Lyme Regis Museum CHCC = Charmouth Heritage Coast Centre.
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East Devon Coast & Country
Out and About in Lyme Lyme Regis has some great shops and eateries, but if you're visiting Lyme from afar, it's always worth checking with the TIC that, whatever event or place you're going to visit is open. Their number is 01297 442138 or
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email: lymeregis.tic@westdorset-dc.gov.uk
Joules Emile et Rose Wow! Lizzie Shirt 50, Broad St Lyme Regis
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A Celebration of Life in East Devon
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East Devon Coast & Country
The dangers of a culture of secrecy
It left us with many questions
Although LDF Panel councillors made
recommendations and were the architects of the LDF, EDDC refused
By Claire Wright
Communities Before Developers
• If the LDF Panel’s minutes were
to provide the minutes under the
going to be made public, how
Freedom of Information Act - until we
many redactions would there be?
lodged a formal complaint arguing
• How closely do panel minutes
that the documentation was in the
resemble discussions?
public interest.
• Why exactly was EDDC so The previous day I had been sent an email by Deputy Chief Executive,
Denise Lyon promising to make all
• Were they right to throw us out,
this group’s minutes, previously
given that the agenda did not
unavailable under the Freedom of
specify that the press and public
Information Act, public by the end of the month. Claire Wright
anxious to remove us from the
were excluded? • What criteria does EDDC use to determine which meetings are
We decided that this must be the start
held in public and which are not?
When we were thrown out of an East
of a new era of transparency at East
Devon District Council meeting for
Devon District Council (EDDC). We
The reason we went along to the LDF
doing nothing more than sitting
were full of optimism at the prospect
Panel meeting was that this group’s
quietly, it raised important questions
of the council conducting more of
recommendations were behind the
for us about a long-established and
its business in the glare of public
most environmentally damaging
worrying culture of secrecy.
long-term planning strategy that East Devon residents had ever encountered.
Laureate Heights - marketing spin, alluding to the late Sir John Betjamen and his fondness for Sidmouth no doubt!
Myself and fellow campaigner,
How wrong we were. No sooner had
Jonathan Underwood had arrived
we sat down, chairman Cllr David
with Ottery St Mary councillor, Roger
Key, shouted at us (from across the
The strategy led to almost 1000
Giles at the Local Development
room) that we must leave as it was
homes on open countryside being
More worrying still, was a report
Framework (LDF) Panel meeting on
a private meeting. He then claimed
approved. The council killed off its
from the Planning Advisory Service
10 February, to observe the debate.
that EDDC’s chief executive, Mark
discredited LDF, following public
(PAS), which, in November 2009, had
The agenda was not marked ‘press
Williams, had ordered us to go.
outrage last autumn over the
reviewed the way the LDF Panel was approaching strategic planning. The PAS recorded deep concerns over councillors looking at the process as a land specific exercise, rather than an overall strategic plan. It also criticised the practice of meeting with landowners and developers and encouraging them to undertake ‘further technical work.’ The PAS predicted that this practice would lead to premature planning applications being submitted, while the LDF was still in draft form. Their predictions came true just one year later. Almost 1000 homes (possibly more) are now set to be built on open countryside. And it is these 1000 homes that could have set the precedent for building on open countryside inEast Devon
The ever encroaching development (Sidmouth) - do we need a Birmingham by the sea?
The application at Cloakham Lawns, Axminster was approved just one week into the LDF’s
and public excluded.’ Neither was
Of course we fought our corner but
way the countryside was being
public consultation. The Westclyst
the meeting marked ‘press and public
after a few minutes we decided it was
sacrificed for unjustified and massive
application was approved one week
excluded’ on the list included in the
pointless and left.
after the consultation had finished,
councillors’ weekly newsletter, The
before the huge number of responses
had been analysed.
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
Continued page 63
East Devon Coast & Country
Payhembury Awliscombe Higher Tale Higher Buckerell Colestocks Aunk Cheriton Feniton Talaton Fenny Bridges
Fairmile Coombelake
Dog Village
Salston West Hill
Marsh Green Aylesbeare
White Cross
Clyst St George
Woodbury Salterton
Withycombe Raleigh
Blackpool Corner
Abbey Gate
Seaton Junction Northleigh
Raymond’s Hill
Rocombe Uplyme
Lyme Regis
Sidford Salcombe Regis
Area of coverage
Budleigh Salterton Exmouth
Dunkeswell, The Royal Oak Inn East Budleigh, Bicton Arena East Budleigh, Bicton Park Gardens Broadclyst, East Budleigh, Clinton Devon Estates East Budleigh, E.Budleigh Community Shop Town and Country Supplies East Budleigh, The Rolle Arms Broadclyst Station, The Hungry Fox Exeter, Amos Lighting Broadhembury, Broadhembury PO & Stores Exeter, Artisan Interiors Broadhembury, The Drewe Arms Exeter, Bradburys Budleigh Salterton, Brook Gallery Exeter, Carrs Ferrari Budleigh Salterton, Budleigh Salterton TIC Exeter, Exeter Golf and Country Club Budleigh Salterton, David Rhys & Co Exeter, Grange Aston Martin Budleigh Salterton, Delytes Delicatessen Exeter, Matford Landrover Budleigh Salterton, Dog and Donkey Exeter, Mercedes Benz Budleigh Salterton, Everys Solicitors Awliscombe, Awliscombe Inn Exeter, Porsche Centre Awliscombe, Landrover Experience West Country Budleigh Salterton, Fulfords Exeter, The Red Lion Inn Budleigh Salterton, Hair Vision Axminster, Archway Bookshop Exeter, Westerly BMW Budleigh Salterton, Isca Gallery Axminster, Axminster Power Tools Exmouth, Bradleys Estate Agents Ltd Budleigh Salterton, Jotty’s Emporium Axminster, Axminster TIC Tourist Information Exmouth, Devoncourt Hotel Budleigh Salterton, Maslen & Olivelle Axminster, Bolts Hair Design Exmouth, Exeter Fabric Centre Budleigh Salterton, Otterton Mill Axminster, Chiropractic Health Centres Exmouth, Exmouth Pavilion Budleigh Salterton, Palmers Whitton & Laing Axminster, Country Covers Exmouth, Exmouth TIC Budleigh Salterton, Pinewoods Nursing Home Axminster, Dr Evans & Partners Exmouth, Fulfords Budleigh Salterton, Pynes Farm Shop Axminster, Fox & Sons Exmouth, Greenfingers Garden Centre Budleigh Salterton, Queen Street Dentists Axminster, Ganesha Wholefoods Exmouth, Homes by Design Budleigh Salterton, Symes Robinson & Lee Axminster, Kerrington House Exmouth, Imperial Hotel Budleigh Salterton, Tea & Tittle Tattle Axminster, McKinlays Exmouth, Kings Garden & Leisure Budleigh Salterton, The Rowan Tree Axminster, Mole Avon Trading Ltd Exmouth, Palmers Whitton & Laing Budleigh Salterton, Vanity Box Axminster, Palmer Snell Exmouth, Pennys Estate Agents Chardstock, Chardstock Post Office Axminster, Reflections Exmouth, Reflections Beauty Salon Chardstock, The George Axminster, River Cottage Store & Canteen Exmouth, Roomers SW Ltd Clyst Hydon, The Five Bells Axminster, S.F.Dunn Dentist Exmouth, St. Johns Country Store Clyst St Mary, Cat and Fiddle Axminster, Sublyme Exmouth, Swan Inn Clyst St Mary, St Bridgets Nursery Axminster, Symonds & Sampson Exmouth, The Point Bar & Grill Clyst St. Mary, Kenniford Farm Shop Axminster, The Axminster Awareness Centre Exmouth, The Royal Beacon Hotel Colaton Raleigh, Victoria Sawmills Axminster, The Ridgeway Inn Exmouth, Vine Orchards Colaton Raleigh, Woods Village Shop Axminster, The Tuckers Arms Exmouth, Your Move Colyford, Colyford Post Office & Butchers Axmouth, Axe Hill Golf Club Farringdon, Greendale Farm Shop Colyford, The Wheelwright Inn Aylesbeare, The Halfway Inn Feniton, Dianne Mary Colyford, The White Hart Beer, Anchor Inn Feniton, Feniton Post Office Colyton, Colyton Health Centre Beer, Barrel O’ Beer Feniton, Nog Inn Colyton, Colyton Post Office Beer, Beer Medical Centre Feniton, Spar Feniton Colyton, CRW Accountants Beer, Jimmy Green Fluxton, H Rudham Colyton, John Wood & Co Beer, Lily Brown Gittisham, Blamphayne Sawmills Ltd Colyton, Liddons Dairy Tearoom Beer, Marine House at Beer Gittisham, Combe House Hotel Colyton, The Garden Shop Beer, Steam Gallery Honiton, Alan Bright Sawmills Colyton, The Gerrard Arms Beer, The Dolphin Hotel Honiton, Asianart Ltd c/o Yarrow Colyton, The Kingfisher Inn Beer, The Village Hair Shoppe Honiton, Beauchamp Place Coombe Raleigh, Stonehayes Farm Beer, Woozie’s Deli Honiton, Brookvale Dental Practice Cotleigh, Royal Oak Farm Branscombe, Masons Arms Honiton, Cafe 102 Bar Dunkeswell, Dunkeswell Air Centre Branscombe, The Fountain Head Honiton, Champers Delicatessen Dunkeswell, Dunkeswell SPAR & PO Broadclyst, Broadclyst PO & Stores Honiton, Chesterton Humberts Dunkeswell, Inspirations Broadclyst, Terry’s Honiton, Chilcotts Dunkeswell, Lakeview Manor Broadclyst, The New Inn
Hawkchurch Marshwood
Widworthy Shute
Church Green
Holditch Lower Holditch
East Budleigh
Putts Corner
Tipton St John
Newton Poppleford
Colaton Raleigh
Combe Raleigh
Harpford Southerton Bowd
Clyst St Mary
Metcombe Lancercombe
Venn Ottery
South Chard
Gittisham Alfington
Ottery St Mary
Rockbeare Clyst Honiton
Godford Cross
Luppitt Rawridge
Clyst Hydon
Luton Upton
Clyst St Lawrence Westwood
Extensive and professionally controlled distribution covering ALL of East Devon Cullompton (including Lyme Regis & selected outlets in Exeter)
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Honiton, Chiropractic Health Centres Honiton, Colourwheel Plants Honiton, Countrywide Farmers plc Honiton, Fulfords Honiton, Ganesha Wholefoods Honiton, Honiton Golf Club Honiton, Honiton Surgery Honiton, Honiton TIC Honiton, Hybrid Honiton, MNR Honiton, NFU Mutual Honiton, Otter Windows Honiton, Slades Countrywide Honiton, Stags Honiton, The Boston Tea Party Honiton, The Heathfield Inn Honiton, The Red Cow Howley, The Howley Tavern Kilmington, Hurfords Store Kilmington, Millers Farm Shop Kilmington, The New Inn Kilmington, The Old Inn Lancercombe, Sarjent and Son Lyme Regis, Alexandra Hotel and Restaurant Lyme Regis, By the Bay Lyme Regis, ECO Logical You Lyme Regis, Fortnam, Smith & Banwell Lyme Regis, Hotel 1 Lyme Lyme Regis, Lyme Bay Medical Centre Lyme Regis, Lyme Regis Golf Club Lyme Regis, Lyme Regis TIC Lyme Regis, Making Waves Lyme Regis, Mariners Hotel Lyme Regis, Martin Diplock Lyme Regis, Palmer Snell Lyme Regis, Pelly Gallery Lyme Regis, Primary Colours Lyme Regis, Serendip Books Lyme Regis, Style Inn Lyme Regis, The Bay Hotel and Bistro Lyme Regis, The Lyme Practice Lyme Regis, The Old Watch House Lyme Regis, The Pilot Boat Inn Lyme Regis, The Royal Lion Hotel Lyme Regis, Town Mill Cheesemonger Lyme Regis, Town Mill Lyme Regis Lympstone, K & M Williams Lympstone, Lympstone P.O & News Lympstone, St Peters School Marsh, The Flintlock Inn Marshwood, Marshwood Sub Post Office Morcombelake, Artwave West Musbury, Musbury Post Office & Stores Musbury, The Golden Hind Newton Poppleford, Busy Lizzies Newton Poppleford, Country Styles Hair Design Newton Poppleford, Newton Poppleford PO Newton Poppleford, Popplefords Newton Poppleford, Ronald Kirby Nr Axminster, Fairwater Head Hotel Nr Exeter, The Jack in the Green Inn
East Devon Coast & Country
Nr Honiton, Sidmouth Arms Offwell, Offwell Community Shop Otterton, Kings Arms Ottery St Mary, Christopher Piper Wines Ltd Ottery St Mary, Coleridge Medical Centre Ottery St Mary, East Hill Pride Ottery St Mary, Escot Park and Gardens Ottery St Mary, Halls Estate Agents Ottery St Mary, Joshua’s Harvest Store Ottery St Mary, Leah Marcs Hair Design Ottery St Mary, Lovells Garage Ottery St Mary, Otter Nurseries Ottery St Mary, Ottery Health Store Ottery St Mary, Ottery St Mary TIC Ottery St Mary, Poppy’s Ottery St Mary, Redferns Ottery St Mary, Seasons Ottery St Mary, The Hare and Hounds Ottery St Mary, The Tumbling Weir Hotel Payhembury, Six Bells Inn Plymtree, Plymtree Community Shop Rousdon, Dower House Hotel Rousdon, Fringes Hair & Beauty Salon Seaton, Axe Valley Heritage Assoc Seaton, Bag End Bags Seaton, Eyre Court Restaurant & Hotel Seaton, Fulfords Seaton, John Wood and Co Seaton, Milkbere Cottage Holidays Seaton, Panic Design Seaton, Paperchain Seaton, PB Home Solutions Ltd Seaton, Seaton & Colyton Medical Practice Seaton, Seaton & Colyton Medical Practice Seaton, Starre Computers Seaton, The Ship Inn Seaton, Townsend Medical Centre Seaton, Woodfield Stores Shute, Devon Trade Centre Sidford, Raddenstile Veterinary Surgery Sidford, Sidford Health Centre Sidmouth, Baraza Sidmouth, Barnet Sidmouth, Belmont Hotel Sidmouth, Bradleys Sidmouth, Chapter Sidmouth, Clock Tower Cafe Sidmouth, Element Creative Hair Sidmouth, Emily’s Chocolates Sidmouth, Essential Therapies Sidmouth, Every & Phillips Sidmouth, Fords of Sidmouth Sidmouth, Fulfords Sidmouth, Ganesha Wholefoods Sidmouth, Gilbert Stephens Solicitors Sidmouth, Hair Studio Sidmouth Sidmouth, Halls Estate Agents Sidmouth, Hamilton Garage Sidmouth, Harrison-Lavers & Potburys Sidmouth, Hotel Elizabeth Sidmouth, Jorrocks
Sidmouth, Lexys Sidmouth, Michelmore LLP Sidmouth, Physiotherapy Clinic Sidmouth, Redferns Sidmouth, Royal York and Faulkener Sidmouth, Shirley May Yard Sidmouth, Sid Valley Hotel Sidmouth, Sidmouth Chiropractic Centre Sidmouth, Sidmouth Design Co Sidmouth, Sidmouth Garden Centre Sidmouth, Sidmouth Golf Club Sidmouth, Sidmouth Health Centre Sidmouth, St John’s School Sidmouth, Tesco Sidmouth Sidmouth, The Blue Ball Inn Sidmouth, The Dairy Shop Sidmouth, The Hair Loft Sidmouth, The Hair Studio Sidmouth, The Hair Temple Sidmouth, The Red Lion Inn Sidmouth, The Salty Monk Sidmouth, The Wine Shop Sidmouth, Total FX Hair & Beauty Sidmouth, Utopia Hair Salon Sidmouth, Waitrose Sidmouth, Your Move Edwards Stockland, Colystock Kitchens Stockland, Kings Arms Talaton, Talaton Village Shop Topsham, Darts Farm Topsham, Exeter Inn Topsham, Fired Earth Topsham, Georgian Tea Rooms Topsham, Le Petit Maison Topsham, Nest Interiors Topsham, Panorama Topsham, Paul Property Topsham, Place Settings Topsham, Suzanne Topsham, The Art Room Topsham, The Cafe Topsham, The Globe Hotel Topsham, The Passage House Inn Topsham, Top Knot Topsham, Topsham Museum Topsham, Turners of Topsham Topsham, Wilkinson Grant & Co Tytherleigh, Tytherleigh Arms Hotel Uplyme, Hunters Lodge Inn Uplyme, Uplyme Stores and Post Office Upottery, The Sidmouth Arms Weston, Deer Park Country Hotel Weston, The Otter Inn Whimple, New Fountain Inn Wilmington, The White Hart Inn Woodbury, The Maltsters Arms Woodbury, White Hart Inn Woodbury, Woodbury Park Woodbury Salterton, The Diggers Rest Yarcombe, The Belfry Country Hotel Yarcombe, Yarcombe Inn
A culture of secrecy is always
who supports the concept of
EDDC has now returned to using
bad news. It creates suspicion at
transparency in local government.
the Local Plan to determine
best. At worst it allows people
At EDDC it is a concept that
planning applications, which
to get away with unacceptable
urgently needs addressing.
is good news. But developers
behaviour and decisions.
who are getting their large-scale
allows complacency and non-
Your choice of councillor could
applications for open countryside
accountability to flourish.
have a significant impact on the
refused, are now threatening to appeal.
final version of the LDF, which will Now it is over to you. It is your
be published after the elections.
chance to influence the culture at Some are saying that they were
Communities Before Developers
EDDC in the elections on 5 May.
encouraged by EDDC to submit
We urge you to do your research before voting this May. It could
their planning applications on
It is vital that you use your vote.
open countryside. Even in Areas
We urge you to vote for someone
of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
you are confident will represent
For more information about
your views. And vote for someone
our campaign visit:
www. communitiesbeforedevelopers .org
make all the difference.
We have well over 370 outlets across the region, we now also distribute to GP surgeries, selected health food shops and complementary health clinics.
Businesses Do you have something really interesting to say about your business. Call 01395 512166 or email nigel@prestige-media.co.uk
To stock free copies of East Devon Coast and Country for your customers, please call 01395 513383
Our allocation of 10,000 + copies go out very quickly, if you require extra copies, you can find copies at one of the outlets listed.
Writers and contributors wanted! Do you have any interests that you would like to write about and do you live in east Devon? If so, we pay for articles from contributors, so why not give us a call on 01395 512166 or email nigel@prestige-media.co.uk
Distributors wanted If you have time on your hands and you'd like to be paid for delivering magazines to outlets, please call 01395 512166 or email nigel@prestige-media.co.uk
To advertise in this magazine, call 01395 513383 or email: nigel@prestige-media.co.uk
Traditional quality from the heart of the Westcountry Yarty Valley Dairies produce a wide range of high quality, delicious dairy products, including milk, cream and yogurts. So for your local stockists please call us on 01460 239088. Buy fresh, buy local, buy Yarty Valley Dairies Yarty Valley Dairies, Crawley Farm, Yarcombe, Honiton, Devon, EX14 9AY
DISCLAIMER - All material in this magazine is copyright. The publishers are not responsible for any loss or damage suffered by any person, persons, or company as a result of any advertisement or article in this magazine. Adverts are accepted on the understanding that descriptions of goods and services are fair and accurate. All artwork is accepted on the strict condition that permission has been given by the owner for use in this publication. The opinions and comments expressed are purely those of the originators. We do not endorse any products or services advertised within this magazine. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that information is correct, the publishers take no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Any person or persons undertaking the circular walk featured within this publication does so entirely at their own risk. If you take children or dogs on the walk, they will require supervision. We strongly advise that prior to travelling to any of the events listed in our What's On sections, that you call the event organisers to check that the event is running at the times and dates specified.
Fine Professional Decorating Interior and Exterior
You can find more information about the magazine at www.prestige-media.co.uk Our rates start from ÂŁ43 for a full colour display advert which goes into 10,000 magazines, distributed at over 370 outlets across the East Devon area (including Lyme Regis area also)
Tel: 01297 631886 Mobile: 07956 371611 www.josephmusto.com
A Celebration of Life in East Devon
MANAGING your MONEY Count down to retirement A simple todo list on the run up to your retirement. If you are thinking of retiring shortly you need to think about your pension fund and where it is currently invested. If you are investing in a range of equity linked investments it would be wise to consider consolidating your funds and switching to cash whilst the advisory process is taking place. This would avoid any volatile stockmarket swings having a significant impact on your pension fund just as you are ready to buy your annuity. Over recent years the stockmarket appears to be reacting with great volatility and therefore a switch to cash once you have decided to take benefits can be advantageous. Buying an annuity or taking other types of retirement product can take around 6 to 8 weeks to complete and therefore switching to cash during this period provides a considerable amount of stability in the run up to retirement.
1 year before retiring Check pension funds, obtain valuations, make sure you have a State pension forecast.
Consider the amount you have in your fund, would a top up be appropriate ? Immediate vesting might be appropriate. Contact your adviser for further information. Work out your probable income requirements in retirement. Consider phased switching to cash over the coming year.
Helen has been advising clients in the East Devon area for the past 18 years and specialises in the provision of retirement and investment advice. Her firm also provides a specialist annuities service for people approaching retirement and newly retired which operates nationally. To find out more about her practice, you can view her company websites at: www.richmondindependent.co.uk For pension annuities visit: www.pension-annuity.co.uk
Helen Mulvaney
BA (Hons), Dip M, Cert PFS Proprietor of Richmond Independent
3 months before retiring Its important that you get the process started at this point as delays from existing insurers can cause serious problems. Researching and advice can take at least 5-8 weeks depending on how complicated your pension, financial and personal affairs are. Clients have also been caught up in postal strikes which can severely dealy the process as original signatures have to be obtained and information from insurers has to be exchanged. Obtain independent financial advice. Make sure authority is placed with the new advisor so that details of the existing policies can be studied. Consider switching to a cash fund to consolidate pension gains if you have not already done so.
cash ?
avoid any volatile stockmarket swings having a significant impact on your pension fund
Ensure that your paperwork for State Pension is in order and that your claim is being processed etc. Consider debts, mortgages, credit cards - should these be paid off early with tax-free
Consider if part of your tax free cash is to be spent on an earmarked item. Ensure enough contingency cash available to you when taking tax-free cash. Consider how much tax free cash you want from your pension Be aware of changes in legislation that may affect you and any of the products that you are considering. Richmond Independent is an appointed representative of John Ellis IFA Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
Co nsi d e r yo u r s p o us e s requirements in retirement and in case of being widowed. Consider the importance of leaving pension monies to dependants /children. Consider immediate vesting. Consider income requirements and inflation during retirement. Consider your risk tolerance - if you're unsure about your risk tolerance we can provide a risk questionnaire.
Specialist advice on your retirement options from a company based in East Devon Call: 01395 512166 www.pension-annuity.co.uk The Pension Annuity Advisory Service is a trading style of Richmond Independent, which is an appointed representative of John Ellis IFA Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the FSA
East Devon Coast & Country
The Althorp Patent Table *# &* ' *! ' -) # # " $ #. # # ) ! '$(( # , ) *'! # '$( ,$$ )$% ( $'" $ ) %*!! $*) ( " #)( , ) #( ) $! $*) ! + ( )$ -% # ) ) ! in the manner of the famous Robert Jupe ) ! ' ( $# $! )*'# % !! ' , ) - $# ! ( , ) $# + ( ( # $*)(, %) ! ( , ) 0# !. () ' (( %% # ( # ( ) '$" !) $'% + # ()$'. $!! ) $# #(% ' . *'# )*' , ) # !) $'% $*( # # $'( . '! % # '
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A Celebration of Life in East Devon
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East Devon Coast & Country