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Š Published by Bridge For Design | TROWBRIDGE Gallery, Unit 16, Jarvis Brook, East Sussex, TN6 3DZ In the UK T: +44 (0) 1892 667600 | E: In the US T: (1) 404 816 8612 | E:










he 100 images I have selected for this book are my personal choice. All are capable of making a dramatic statement in any room and are designed to be presented in a size of more than three feet square. The photographs range from black and white, warm rich chocolate sepias or colours that have been de-saturated. *O PSEFS UP RVBMJGZ GPS JODMVTJPO FBDI JNBHF IBE UP GVMmM B OVNCFS PG DSJUFSJB *T JU FWPDBUJWF %PFT JU QSPNPUF B QPTJUJWF BTTPDJBUJPO PS FNPUJPO *T JU BDDFTTJCMF The next part of the process is to critique each image from the point of view of an interior EFTJHOFS %PFT UIF JNBHF QSPNQU BOZ PCKFDUJPOT %P UIF DPMPVST JO UIF JNBHF DMBTI 8IJDI SPPN XPVME * IBOH UIF QJDUVSF JO 8IBU NPPE EPFT UIF QJDUVSF FWPLF PS TVQQPSU *T JU DBTVBM PS MJHIU IFBSUFE PS JT JU GPSNBM BOE TPQIJTUJDBUFE %P * GFFM BU FBTF BOE FOKPZ MPPLJOH BU UIF JNBHF We are living in a world where the photograph has become ubiquitous. It is increasingly replacing the written word as the chosen way of communicating and has emerged as the most popular medium for decorating our homes. In contemporary rooms, where strong, simple statements are called for, photography provides the perfect solution for the problem of what to put on your walls. We are constantly told that modern interiors need to be bright and full of colour, yet the majority of interior schemes that we work on are still showing a passion for all things neutral. Photography provides two crucial roles: in a predominately white room, artworks which are sepia, grey and blue bring colour and interest into it. Alternatively, monochrome photographs provide a very clean and accessible way of continuing and pulling together the neutral tones. Having selected the images to be included in this book, there was a need to gather them into EJTUJODU DBUFHPSJFT *OUFSFTUJOHMZ BMM GPVOE UIFJS QMBDF XJUIJO UIF FJHIU EJGGFSFOU DMBTTJmDBUJPOT UIBU XF IBWF CFFO VTJOH GPS PVS QIPUPHSBQIJD JNBHFT PWFS UIF QBTU GFX ZFBST BOE XIJDI EFmOF UIF SVOOJOH


order of this book: Beach, Landscapes and Buildings, Cars and Planes, Horses, People, Animals, Flowers and Plants, Graphic and Abstract. 5IF OVNCFS PG JNBHFT JO FBDI TFDUJPO JT WFSZ NVDI JOnVFODFE CZ UIF QPQVMBSJUZ PG UIF TVCKFDU Our most popular category is Beach. There are likely to be a number of reasons for this. Firstly, there is an increasing desire to live in more casual and less formal environments. Beach related JNBHFT IBWF HSFBU nFYJCJMJUZ BOE DBO CF QMBDFE JO NBOZ EJGGFSFOU UZQFT PG SPPNT 5IF TDVMQUVSBM form of a nautilus shell is a good example – equally evocative in a Florida beach house as it is in a Manhattan loft. These images also promote positive and pleasurable emotions – with memories of holidays by the sea or dreams of living in a beach house. Many of the images of the sea are wonderfully abstract and, perhaps most importantly, the colour palette of the beach is still overwhelmingly appealing as they are the colours most people choose to live with. Also when seen as a collection of images, a few other common themes emerge. Most of these images are guided by accepted rules of artistic composition. Many are symmetrical, follow Fibonacci’s golden mean or incorporate the photographer’s ‘rule of thirds’. Photographs that are going to transform and enhance your room are going to need to have simplicity and good composition. "CPWF BMM FMTF XJUIJO UIJT CPPL PG QIPUPHSBQIT ZPV PVHIU UP CF BCMF UP mOE UIF QFSGFDU photograph to put on an empty wall.

Martin Trowbridge


Beach A tranquil moment of deserted beach landscape has been perfectly captured. Unblemished before us, the only evidence of man amounts to the weathered sunken fence and dusty footprints leading to the sea. This quiet, sandy beach pathway emotes long summer days spent relaxing, taking you away from the busy, modern world. The pathway invites you to gaze upon the tranquil horizon beyond, following the sandy footprints of those before you. Photographer: Stephen Mallon



High dive With expert poise and execution, Patricia McCormick of Los Angeles shows off her championship form as she dives from the Olympic springboard in 1952 at the Helsinki Olympics, Finland. Patricia went on to win both the springboard and platform diving gold medals and replicated this success in the 1956 Stockholm Olympics. Only Greg Louganis has been able to equal her prowess on the diving board.



6XUĂ€QJ DW %HOO¡V %HDFK An early morning surfer riding 1.5 to 2 metre swells off Bell’s Beach in Australia, one of the best surf beaches along Victoria’s southern DPBTUMJOF 5IF MPOF TVSGFS BQQFBST BMNPTU JOTJHOJmDBOU BHBJOTU UIF might of the rolling ocean. The thrill of outdoor adventure is captured by the salt spray in the air and the glint of sun on the water. Photographer: Paul Souders



Geronimo Hurtling towards an open expanse of water, three dogs leap in succession off a jetty. Despite the fact we can only see the dogs outlines, their silhouettes show us the playful nature of this scene. The bright open sky contrasts against the darker rippling waters. Photographer: Andreas Kindler



Man On Sailboat " TBJMPS DVUT B MPOF mHVSF XIJMF IF SFDMJOFT BU FBTF BHBJOTU UIF SPQFT of his sailboat. His body is cast in silhouette against the bright white of the sail and a horizon we cannot see. Bleached by the sunlight, we can only imagine what lies beyond the yacht. Photographer: Alfred Saerchinger



Aerial Yacht This aerial view of a yacht captures the power of a sleek and modern vessel as it cuts swiftly through the ocean. Taken in Newport, Aquidneck Island, USA, this maritime photograph is a fantastic contemporary take on an historic subject matter that brings an alternative viewpoint to the much loved sailboat. Photographer: Onne van der Wal



The Stern The immaculately suited crew of a sailing vessel admires the view from the stern. A billowing sail rises above their heads revealing a slither of horizon beyond. The angles of the boat create a wonderfully symmetrical contrast against the sunny waters. Taken in Cowes, Isle Of Wight, this photograph perfectly captures the essence of English summertime sailing. Photographer: Ben Wood



Sails *O UIJT FQJD TDBMF QIPUPHSBQI B NBO DBTUT B MPOF mHVSF BHBJOTU UIF vast expanse of white rippling sails. The image can be likened to an abstract painting, with angular lines which cut through sections. Photographer: Ben Wood



Diver This photograph captures the enthralling moment a diver leaps from the diving board. Suspended in a moment of expert poise, the captivating subject becomes an abstract form, giving our eyes cause to study the frozen shape of the body. The edge of the diving board gives a hint of what is beyond the frame of the image.




Surfers on Beach Here we see the silhouettes of three surfers, one balanced expertly upon a surfboard, practising their technique. The tilted angle of the camera lends a quirky and creative mood to the light-hearted scene. 5IF UISFF mHVSFT EJWJEF UIF TIPU JOUP WJTVBMMZ DBQUJWBUJOH TFDUJPOT BOE keep our vision scanning the entire frame. Photographer: Lars Topelmann



Pelican in Flight The American White Pelican soars with graceful splendour through the air. The simplicity of this photograph centres our full attention on the grand bird and the texture within the plumage is brought forward by sumptuous rich tones. The photographer captured this image at a breeding ground in British Columbia, Canada. Photographer: Connor Stefanison



Fashion Parasol The splash of an ocean wave is captured as a model stands upon rocks. As the model clutches the open parasol our eye is drawn around the frame, from the open and wide sky to the densely rippled water beneath. The well composed shot has beautiful feminine symmetry in what seems an effortless location-based fashion shoot. Photographer: Willie Christie



Aerial Summer Beach This lively aerial photograph of a busy beach scene provokes NFNPSJFT PG TVO mMMFE MB[Z EBZT 5IF WBTU BSSBZ PG WJTJUPST HFOFSBUFT B welcome burst of colour to the sand that continues down into the water at the bottom of the frame. The view from above is an alternative to the traditional beach scene and keeps the viewers eye moving. Photographer: Mike Raabe



Pelican The unusual composition of this photograph uses the natural form of the pelican to create great shape throughout the entire frame. The ornate markings of the birds beak and plumage are perfectly accented against the splash of blue sky behind, making each colour pop beautifully and the numerous textures appear very real. Photographer: Theo Allofs



Great Egret This stunning photograph of a Great Egret, otherwise known as Ardea Alba, XBT UBLFO JO 5IF &WFSHMBEFT 'MPSJEB BOE TIPXT UIF NBHOJmDFOU CJSE JO GVMM courtship plumage. Sophisticated and elegant, the beautiful neck of the bird is one of nature’s shapely marvels, along with the luxurious textures of the varying types of feathers. This long legged S-necked white bird is found throughout the Americas. It is the symbol of the National Audubon Society and represents a conservation success story.



Gannet Captured in the Shetland Islands, a gannet circles high above the sea, mTIJOH GPS B NFBM 5IF (BOOFU DVUT B NBHOJmDFOUMZ BOHVMBS TIBQF against the stark white, and endless empty sky. The shapely bird is striking with spear tipped black wing points and dangerously sharp white beak. The yellow hue of its head is the only colour to be seen. Photographer: Andrew Parkinson



Boat Bow III This abstract photograph creates texture and detail on a large scale, offering a feel that is bold yet subtle in content. The lines and angles create something of an abstract landscape from an obscure view. The blue tones hint at tropical tides in a far off land where the blue of the boat and the blue of the ocean blend into one. Photographer: Magnus Fond


Boat Bow I An abstract and contemporary viewpoint of the weathered bow of a sailboat. The salt water-aged paint work has character with the fascinating element of entropy and story that accompanies the vessel, our imaginations can run wild with the vision of high tides and open waters. The gorgeous azure hues add vibrancy to this image. Photographer: Mike Gross


Boat Bow II In this image we are presented with the bow of a beguiling blue and white boat with its trailing tethered casting rope. Taken on one of the beautiful beaches along the Kent coastline in England as the rays beat down from above, casting a shadow across the bow, acting as visual symmetry.


Boat Bow IV 5IJT QIPUPHSBQI PG B mTIJOH CPBU T CPX was captured in Marsaxlokk, Malta, where the ocean is as blue as the sky and the Mediterranean climate makes a day’s hard work deserving of an afternoon siesta. The mTIJOH WFTTFM JT QBJOUFE JO UIF DMBTTJD BOE beautiful combination of blue and white. Photographer: Nick Servian


Green Sea Turtle This truly beautiful aerial photograph of a young Green Sea Turtle allows us to admire in awe its unique and impressive shell markings and streamlined natural design. Captured in the ocean off the coast PG )BXBJJ UIF UVSUMF JT SJHIU BU IPNF JO UIF DSZTUBM DMFBS XBUFST nPBUJOH above a bed of serene green sea grass below. Photographer: Monica and Michael Sweet



Tortoise Shell I The Geochelone Elegans or Indian Star Tortoise commonly lives in forest areas of India and Sri Lanka. It is inherently artistic in its design and rich in earthy colour that is undeniably a thing of natural beauty. This image allows us to see each ridge and blot upon the shell and the unique character of this particular specimen.


Tortoise Shell II 5IJT mOF FYBNQMF PG B 4VMDBUB 5PSUPJTF shell has a wonderful pattern which is characteristic of what we would expect a typical tortoise shell to look like, with the symmetrically raised, cubic body section and protective harder rim that covers the shell openings. The light tan colour of the shell is mUUJOH XJUI JUT IBCJUBU


Fossil Shell This fossilised shell is full of character and texture. The rich sandy colours offer a pleasing palette, while the natural symmetry that expands outwards is a captivating splendour. Photographer: Ben Wood



Coral This wonderfully neutral toned photograph presents the natural JOUSJDBDZ BOE EFUBJM PG B QJFDF PG DPSBM 5IF SPVOEFE GVMMOFTT mMMT UIF frame and the light spilling in from the right-hand side generates a soft gradual shadow that compliments the coral further. The textured detail against the smooth background is a fantastic contrast. Photographer: Ben Wood



Ammonite This detailed photograph shows the beauty and complexity of ammonite shells suspended in time for all eternity. The ammonites have a fascinating naturally occurring spiralled structure that differs in size and indentations. The ones in this photograph have a wonderful, almost iridescent quality brought out by the highly polished surface, allowing them to appear like precious stones. Photographer: Ben Wood



Nautilus Shell With bright, white, iridescent simplicity the fascinating natural curiosity that is the Nautilus shell reveals an inner lining of lustrous Mother of Pearl. Its intriguing inner chambers and naturally symmetrical construction are a simple and bold statement. Nautilus shells have been a collector’s item since the time of the Renaissance when a number of fashionable home goods were made using the shell. 1IPUPHSBQIFS 1JQ #MPPNmFME



Aqua Nautilus Shell This stunning specimen of a Nautilus shell has a Mother of Pearl appearance of wonderful tones ranging from deep aqua to pinkish IVFT 5IF mOF EFUBJM JT CSPVHIU UP MJGF XJUI B QPXFSGVM DBNFSB MFOT and bright lighting. The species represents some of the world’s oldest surviving fossils with prehistoric roots. Photographer: Josh Westrich



Boardwalk Through Grass This winding wooden pathway stretches out to an unknown horizon. Reaching over the plane of vision, the empty sky inspires our curiosity to imagine what lies beyond. The empty scene has a relaxed look, with the tones from the sky and the grass complimenting one another. Photographer: Markos Berndt



Concrete Walkway The scene is set in this steely and modern atmospheric photograph. Looking out to the deep horizon of the North Sea in South Shields, England, we’re presented with a slick and industrious concrete XBMLXBZ UIBU CMFOET mUUJOHMZ XJUI UIF nBU BOE GBUIPNMFTT XBUFS CFMPX The concrete’s grey base is awash with the colour palette of the sky. Photographer: Andy Taylor Smith



Ocean " UJNF MBQTF UFDIOJRVF IBT DSFBUFE UIF BQQFBSBODF PG NJTU nPBUJOH PO UIF TVSGBDF PG UIF CMVF XBUFST PG B 1BDJmD 0DFBO *TMBOE TIPSF 5IF piece contributes a tranquil feeling to the room in which it is hung. Photographer: Sam Diephuis



Tropical Seascape Without a blot on the horizon, this seascape offers a crystal clear window to warm waters and open skies. The disturbed surface of the ocean contrasts with the velvet texture of the sky, with ripples and highlights stretching as far as the eye can see. A modern backdrop UP B XPSME mMMFE XJUI FWFSZEBZ DIBPT UIF CSJHIU DPMPVST PG UIF QIPUP compliment the calmness and open space of the seascape.



5Hテ?FWLYH :DWHU Bright water dances as hundreds of ripples dapple the surface, making the water appear like a stained glass window. This is a prime example of understated yet extremely effective photography that creates a calm atmosphere using serene and clean colour, with content that plays with the dreamy thoughts of far away shores. Photographer: Dana Edmunds



5RWKNR路V 2FHDQ As perfectly tranquil waters stretch as far as the eye can see, rich blue tones immerse us in a world of Mediterranean serenity. Tucked away in Rhodes, Greece, this scene can be likened to a painting by artist .BSL 3PUILP NBEF GBNPVT GPS IJT VTF PG CFBVUJGVM mFMET PG DPMPVS BOE light. The pools of water mimic one another in light and dark shades and only once we begin to study the image do we begin to see the characteristics of an ocean landscape.



Mountain Brook /FTUMFE JO UIF NPVOUBJOPVT SFHJPO PG )FSNBHPS "VTUSJB UIJT MJWFMZ nPXJOH brook is photographed beautifully using a slow shutter speed, effortlessly generating the illusion of movement. The crystal clear waters tumble down the rock face, forming a misty pool in the lower half of the frame. The fascinating rocks consist of limestone, slate and granite, creating vibrant, natural lines throughout the eclectic assortment of formations. Photographer: Frank Krahmer



Mesquite Sand Dunes Captured in the Mesquite Sand Dunes, California, this photograph has instant awe-inspiring appeal that quietly emits a mysterious and powerful aura. The sunrise adds to the sweeping dunes contrasting sides, while the spellbinding light and dark depths are carefully enhanced, pushing our vision into the farthest reaches of the valley. Photographer: Scott Stulberg



La Bastide, France In this image we are transported to a quaint French Bastide town. Exuding rich European history, the scene that is cast is of a sophisticated boulevard lined with tall trees. A beautiful white chateau can be spotted at the end of the avenue, like a beacon beckoning us closer as we travel down the secluded and deserted track. Photographer: Charlie Waite



Avenue of Trees 0O BO FNQUZ BVUVNOBM SPBE nBOLFE CZ UPXFSJOH USFFT $IBSMJF 8BJUF FWPLFT B QFBDFGVM BOE BJSZ NPNFOU PG SFnFDUJPO )F FYQFSUMZ VTFT the natural varying tones to establish a great range of contrast in the organic textures. There is a clever symmetry that comes from the canopy of trees above and the fallen leaves on the road below. Photographer: Charlie Waite



Hopper I The structural elements of these large grain hoppers help create eye catching shadow and tone, which is further accentuated with the monochromatic tonal range of the photograph. The shapes are symmetrical and break the image in to distinct sections. Photographer: Gordon Osmundson


Hopper II In this diverse and industrious image we see the modern structure of a grain hopper in California, USA, perfectly accentuated in monochromatic tones. The symmetrical quality of the impressive support structure creates a captivating statement piece. Photographer: Gordon Osmundson


New York Cityscape In this fantastic late night photograph the photographer has used long exposure for this elevated view of the Grand Central area, with the Park "WFOVF WJBEVDU JO UIF GBS EJTUBODF "T UIF USBGmD TQFFET UISPVHI UIF streets below we can clearly see the hustle and bustle of city life as well as the many brightly lit windows showing the city never sleeps.



Chrysler Building Close Up This contemporary, angular photograph features the world-famous Chrysler Building in Manhattan, New York. The crisp image shows the stunning design of the building, capturing the essence of early 20th century architecture in New York. The stunning gleaming, Art Deco mOJTI PG UIF UPXFS JT CSPVHIU UP MJGF JO UIF CSJHIU TVOMJHIU PG B DMFBS EBZ Photographer: George Hammerstein



Spiral Staircase This stunning image features the beautiful staircase in The Rookery, Chicago. The intricate, repeating patterns and the spiralling nature of the steps is both overwhelming and awe-inspiring. The picturesque staircase offers mesmerising charm and character, whether used as a backdrop to a scene or the main feature, it steals the show. Photographer: Randy Faris



1948 Maserati A fantastic example of automobile documentation with this studio style photograph that pays justice to the immaculate bodywork of this antique vehicle. The design was a small open sports car powered by a 1092cc four-cylinder engine, with exposed wheels covered by bicycle type mudguards and was designed to race competitively. Photographer: Don Heiny



Mercedes Gull-wing 5IF JDPOJD EFTJHO PG UIJT DBS JT TIPXDBTFE XJUI B SFBS QSPmMF PG UIF shapely bodywork. The chromatic hues of the black and white image excellently compliment the car’s own chrome features. The Mercedes#FO[ 4- XBT mSTU JOUSPEVDFE JO BOE XBT CFTU LOPXO GPS JUT distinctive gull-wing doors. The body of the car was crafted from steel and the doors, hood and trunk lid were aluminium. Photographer: Martyn Goddard



1953 Chevrolet Corvette Once again we see the exquisite design and beauty of a motor vehicle brought to life within the carefully controlled environment of the studio photo shoot. The lighting effortlessly enhances the curves and polished chrome features on the iconic sports car. The head on stance gives the vehicle personality and charm with its bulging headlights and cute front grill. The Corvette made its debut in 1953, and is widely considered America’s Sports Car.



Car Interior I These impacting images are detailed homages to the 1960’s race car, evoking all the style and glamour of the period in SJDI TFQJB UPOFT 5IF DISPNF mUUJOHT PO the gleaming centre console are the focal point, with the steering wheel and circular windshield acting as symmetrical overlays within the photograph. Photographer: Susan Robertson


Car Interior II The out of focus foreground in each QIPUPHSBQI HJWFT B EFQUI PG mFME BOE allows us to imagine the scale of these vehicles. What is bound to be a hit with racing enthusiasts and car fanatics alike, this collection of images would make a bold statement in any space.

Photographer: Susan Robertson


Jaguar C-Type This eloquent studio composed photograph showcases the form of a vintage Jaguar car in a striking atmosphere. The well placed lighting within the frame casts a painterly effect upon the beautifully gleaming bodywork of the curvaceous automobile. Photographer: Malcolm Sanders



2014 Mercedes SLS Gull-wing An expertly lit studio provides an excellent backdrop to the modern and revised design of the classic gull-wing. The direct lighting shines across the body of the car, allowing the materials to gleam.



Take Off 5IJT JT B QIPUPHSBQI PG FQJD QSPQPSUJPOT XJUI UIF GVMM NBHOJmDFODF PG aeroplane design from an era of great technological advances. Before us are the whirling propellers of an American Airlines Douglas DC-3 passenger plane. Its lasting impact on the airline industry and World 8BS ** NBLFT JU POF PG UIF NPTU TJHOJmDBOU USBOTQPSU BJSDSBGU FWFS NBEF Photographer: Philip Gendreau



Supersonic Concorde This iconic photograph of the Concorde aeroplane demonstrates the immense grandeur and industrious scale of the commercial jet plane. The upward angle of the photographer’s lens, combined with the deep contrast and focused foreground give off a cinematic quality. Photographer: Peter Ginter


Mustang Propeller Aircraft are very singular objects and are DMFBO BOE TJNQMF JO EFTJHO TP mOEJOH alternative compositions is challenging but can result in wonderfully contemporary shots, as seen here in this image of a Mustang propeller. The aircraft has dramatic lines and is a prime example of form. Photographer: Gordon Osmundson


The Propeller With gleaming propellers in motion, the slow shutter speed used here is able to generate a trail of spinning colour that encircles the body of the aircraft. The angle of the shot in conjunction with the motion creates something a little different from the everyday documentation photography you would expect. Photographer: Steve Vidler



Fly By Alternative and exciting, this landscape image featuring a DC-3 Airliner has grandeur yet bursts with colourful energy. Spanning from FEHF UP FEHF PG UIF GSBNF UIF XJOHT PG UIF BJSDSBGU DSFBUF B EFmOJUJWF break across the middle of an idyllic countryside scene, leaving you wondering where the photographer sat while capturing one of the most TJHOJmDBOU USBOTQPSU BJSDSBGU FWFS NBEF Photographer: Ed McCulloch



Icelandic Horse This beautifully photogenic Icelandic horse sits among a carpet of EFMJDBUF -VQJO nPXFST JO CMPPN 5IF XJOE QBTTJOH UISPVHI UIF NBOF of the statuesque creature allows us to envisage an expanse of airy TQBDF UIBU FYUFOET XFMM CFZPOE UIF DPOmOFT PG UIF QIPUPHSBQI 5IF contemporary image has the roots of painterly class and portraiture.



Three Icelandic Horses In this well composed and quirky centrepiece, three Icelandic horses TUBOE UPHFUIFS VOJmFE XJUI UIFJS TJMLZ DPBUT BOE GVMM NBOFT XIJDI BEE to the charm and wonderful character of the calm trio. The peaceful stillness of the photograph allows for the horses to appear like statues within the herd, beautifully photogenic and naturally regal. Photographer: Patrick Dieudonne



Templeton Horse In this stunningly effective shot, a proud, strong and glossy coated horse patiently waits while tethered. The expertly captured light of the portrait emphasises the elegant beauty of this majestic thoroughbred with its gleaming coat barely disguising the hidden power beneath. Photographer: Ben Wood



Horses Under Trees On what appears to be a crisp and dewy spring morning, three riders pass under a large sheltering tree in an open paddock. The distant WJFX JT PCTDVSFE CZ UIF mOF NJTU JO UIF BJS LFFQJOH PVS WJTJPO DFOUSFE on the foreground with the silhouetted horses and their riders. The mood is relaxed, emphasising the aspect of fresh air and country living in a somewhat romantic style. Photographer: Ben Wood



Horse In Stable The gentle and regal stance of a horse is accentuated by the soft glint of sunlight shining to the rear of the animal, falling upon its long glossy tail. The smooth coat shows off the healthy and toned physique of the prized working animal, in a contemporary example of beautiful equestrian portraiture. Photographer: Ben Wood



Chantilly Race Horses In all the splendour of pomp and procession at the thoroughbred Chantilly Racecourse in Paris, France, the silhouettes of elegant horses line the foreground of this photograph. The regal and eloquent animals take on a classic stance that emits the traditional painterly attitudes of painting masters from centuries past. Photographer: Ben Wood



Polo Pony The pinnacle of equestrian portraiture, Polo Pony stands proud, the gleaming coat accentuating the strong working animal’s body in the XBSN MJHIU 5IF IPSTF T QSPmMF mMMT UIF GSBNF UP SFWFBM B TPGU BOE HFOUMF personality with striking features, but this does not disguise the innate QPXFS PG UIJT NBHOJmDFOU CFBTU Photographer: Alice Gipps



White Horse This characteristically quirky image sees the face of a beautifully natural white horse emerging inquisitively from under a curtain of NBOF 5IF FYDFTT PG nPXJOH IBJS DPOUJOVFT UP EJTHVJTF UIF IPSTF JO BO intriguing fashion, allowing the endearing animal to avert the gaze of an audience. Photographer: Birgid Allig



Fashion Model In a moment of pure retro glamour, a model poses with the glistening ocean behind her. The oversized sunglasses and large brimmed hat give the model a mysterious and anonymous look that ensures we focus on the individual elements of the photograph, without becoming distracted by her charms. Photographer: Willie Christie



Ballerina in Flight This striking poise of a ballet dancer captivates our attention with energetic and expressive emotion. The artistic portrayal of dance instills an historic and gentle theme, marrying a story and style together XJUI B GFNJOJOF nPVSJTI *O UIJT JNBHF UIF EBODFS JT TVTQFOEFE JO NJE MFBQ DSFBUJOH B CFBVUJGVM TIBQF XJUIJO UIF GSBNF )FS nFYJCJMJUZ BOE shape are a marvel to behold. Photographer: Dennis Degnan



&KLHI *DUĂ€HOG Ethnologist and photographer E. S Curtis took this atmospheric vintage Daguerreotype portrait of a Native American Chief in 1904. The wonderful calmness and composure allows us to marvel at his regal QPTF XIJMF UIF BUUJSF HJWFT B IJOU PG TUPSZ $IJFG (BSmFME 7FMBSEB XBT a Jicarilla Apache named in honour of the 20th President of the United States of America and he lived to the age of 108. Photographer: Edward S Curtis



Matador A Mexican Matador stands to attention while wearing traditional, FMBCPSBUFMZ BEPSOFE BUUJSF .BOZ TVQQPSUFST PG CVMMmHIUJOH SFHBSE JU BT a deeply ingrained, integral part of their national culture. The aesthetic PG CVMMmHIUJOH JT CBTFE PO UIF JOUFSBDUJPO PG UIF NBO BOE UIF CVMM 3BUIFS UIBO B DPNQFUJUJWF TQPSU UIF CVMMmHIU JT NPSF PG B SJUVBM XIJDI JT KVEHFE CZ BmDJPOBEPT Photographer: Bob Krist



The Fencer This photograph epitomises the traditional sophistication of aristocratic pastimes, sleek and simple with head-on composition. The white suited fencer raises his foil to his mask, his face obscured by the dark mesh that hides any expression from contending attackers. The downward lighting of the frame casts an atmospheric and somewhat sultry mood, the light falling upon the soft fabric and gleaming metallic surfaces.



The Leopard This stunning high quality wildlife photograph showcases the splendour of one of the world’s most beautiful big cats. The alert leopard gets some rest on a raised tree branch. The ornate pattern of the beast’s pelt is bold and striking against the bright and spacious sky behind. The visually impacting image possesses an element of story and personality, while the leopard remains at ease in its natural habitat. Photographer: Jami Tarris



Hidden Hippo In this quirky and abstract photograph the hippopotamus shows its semiaquatic nature by remaining submerged in peaceful waters to keep cool in the heat of the day. The photograph has a playful element XJUI UIF IJQQP T mYFE TUBSF 8F TJNQMZ TFF UIF FZFT BOE FBST PG UIJT quadruped mammal, which is further echoed by the symmetrical SFnFDUJPO JO UIF XBUFS Photographer: Tony Heald



The King 8JUI UIF nPXJOH UFYUVSFE NBOF TVSSPVOEJOH IJT QPXFSGVM HB[F UIJT MJPO oozes instant regal power and calm exterior control. The centred head PO QPTF JT FZF DBUDIJOH BOE mMMT UIF GSBNF QFSGFDUMZ EFNPOTUSBUJOH excellent composition as well as an eye for the placement of the lion’s rounded form within a cuboid space. Photographer: Guy Davis



The Tiger The tiger’s unique markings are brought out in the classic choice PG NPOPDISPNF UPOFT XIJMF UIF TJEF PO QSPmMF PG UIF XJME DBU JT a fantastic alternative to the assumed forward facing traditional portraiture of animals. The tiger gazes in to the distance, fully at ease, the sharpness and brightness of the white fur is a great burst of energy that separates the tiger from the blurred background behind. Photographer: Guy Davis



The Zebra The abstract beauty of the zebra is brought to life in this stunning QSPmMF TIPU 5IF OBUVSBMMZ PSOBUF QBUUFSO PG UIF TQFDJFT JT BO FYDJUJOH and diverse element to the photograph, with splashes of white and black covering the entire photograph. The zebra is a fantastic candidate for black and white photography owing to its perfectly monochromatic pelt. Photographer: Jamie Thom



The Mighty Elephant A single bull elephant makes his way across the dry river valley of Nambia’s Skeleton Coast in what is undeniably a cinematic example of wildlife portraiture. With the sun beating down from high above, we see the sculpted sands of the desert plane and the leathery skin of the elephant sculpted in the bright light. There is character in this lone male, an untold story of his journey that we cannot see. What we are treated to is a snapshot of his beauty preserved in time. Photographer: Jami Tarris



Arctic King This stunning portrait of a polar bear captivates all with his eyes wide open, looking in to the lens of the camera. The stare has both strength and vulnerability, with this maritime mammal exuding a cool energy. 5IF mOF EFUBJM PG UIF QPMBS CFBS T XFU XIJUF GVS TFUT UIF TDFOF PG B deep arctic winter, his black nose and beautiful eyes offering the greatest contrast to the snowy fur. The energy exuded allows for this photograph to be a large scale and high impact statement. Photographer: Andy Rouse



0DJQLÀFHQW 6WDJ 5IJT TUBUFMZ TUBH FYVEFT QPJTF BOE NBUVSF SFmOFNFOU JO IJT QFOTJWF gaze. The European Red Deer has impressive antlers, with wide HSBOEFVS UIBU mMMT UIF FYQBOTF PG TQBDF BSPVOE UIF BOJNBM T CPEZ 5IF antlers are the stag’s most impressive assets, growing every spring up to 45 inches in length. The bright frame allows our entire focus to rest upon the stag, with the contrasts of the sepia tones adding a further level of classic and sophisticated wildlife portraiture. Photographer: D.Sheldon



3DSHU .LWH %XWWHUĂ \ *O UIJT VOVTVBM JNBHF XF TFF B 1BQFS ,JUF #VUUFSnZ T TQPUUFE BOE striped wing markings contrasted against the intriguingly similar design of Guinea Fowl feathers. The intricate composition uses the many UFYUVSFT UP JUT BEWBOUBHF HFOFSBUJOH EFOTF EFQUI PG mFME GVMM PG WJTVBM TUJNVMBUJPO 5IF UFYUVSF PG CPUI UIF GFBUIFST BOE UIF CVUUFSnZ T XJOHT are soft and have a resounding matt quality, allowing a gentle range of contrast between light and dark tones. Photographer: Darrell Gulin



3HDFRFN·V 3ULGH Peafowl are one of the world’s most ornate and extravagant species of bird. In the very centre of this photograph, the male peacock is surrounded by his impressive plumage, displaying the wondrous natural design in all its glory. The intricate pattern of the bird’s feathers DPOUSJCVUF B GBTDJOBUJOH UFYUVSF XIJMF UIF nBTI CVMC PG UIF DBNFSB BOE the light upon the feathers further accentuates the amazing gloss and pearlescent qualities. Photographer: Clark Dunbar



Lovebird Feathers This macro-style close up of Lovebird feathers showcases the intricate detail of the affectionate species’ plumage. They are among the smallest parrots on the planet, displaying mostly green feathers with a variety of other colours on their upper body, depending on the genus of the bird. In this image we see a rainbow like spectrum of hues, each tiny barbule creating a delicate structure, interlocking and overlapping to form a beautiful texture. Photographer: Darrell Gulin



Cotton Frost This detailed photograph displays the delicate and intriguing formation of hoar frost upon a hogweed stem. In this instance the white frost has B nVGGZ DPUUPO MJLF BQQFBSBODF UIBU MPPLT TPGU BOE IBT CSJHIUFOFE UIF otherwise plain plant. The blue sky has a wonderful burst of energy in a warm, rich hue. What makes this photograph charming is the low perspective coupled with the illusion of scale and grandeur. Photographer: Frank Lukasseck



Gingko Leaves 5IF (JOHLP QMBOU JT B GBTDJOBUJOH QSFIJTUPSJD OPO nPXFSJOH QMBOU UIBU has changed little in its 250 million year history. The simplicity of its organic form is a bold and abstract statement that has the softness of something fragile and natural. The use of blue and green tones is IJHIMZ PO USFOE BOE GVSUIFST UIF (JOHLP T TUZMJTI mOJTI 5IF EFUBJM PG UIF MFBG JT CSPVHIU PVU JO UIF mOF RVBMJUZ PG UIF QIPUPHSBQI Photographer: Chad Kleitsch



Spiky Agave This photograph has a beautiful simplicity that thrives in the detail and develops a powerful statement with the agave alone. The ornamental agave plant features a fascinating rosette pattern that develops deeply shaded blue-green spines, held rigidly in position as if suspended in space. While the spines of the cactus-like plant appear harsh and strong, the softness of colour has a gentler effect, with the soft inner nFTI EVCCFE B XPOEFS GPPE 1IPUPHSBQIFS 1JQ #MPPNmFME



Lilium Cultivar The Lilium Cultivar creates an artistic rosette of leaves that extend outwards in a soft, rippled formation. This close, circling view keeps our eyes travelling as we examine each leaf with its unique bends and folds. The photograph has a grand scale, yet remains gentle and feminine. The rounded bud spills outward to each edge of the frame, creating a wonderful dynamic and shape to a uniform space. Photographer: Carol Sharp



Allium Heads 5IJT TUVOOJOH JNBHF GFBUVSFT EFMJDBUF "MMJVN nPXFST SFBDIJOH VQ UP UIF light above. The deep, almost inverted contrast allows for a dreamy mOJTI NBLJOH UIF nPXFS IFBET MJLFOFE UP TNBMM CVSTUT PG mSFXPSLT The rounded buds have a pretty, feminine touch, creating a soft yet DPOUFNQPSBSZ BQQSPBDI JO UIF GPSN PG B QIPUPHSBQIJD nPSBM TUVEZ Photographer: Gill Orsman



Chive Flowers The soft and clustered head of the Chive remains a delicate and JOUSJHVJOH nPXFS UIBU EFTQJUF JUT PSJHJO BT B DPNNPO HBSEFO IFSC JT TPGU BOE GFNJOJOF 5IF PSHBOJD PSOBNFOUBM DIJWF nPXFS DSFBUFT B contemporary bouquet and in this photograph we enjoy the visual impact of several rounded heads in a burst of abstract texture. Photographer: Richard Freestone



Nigella Here, the Nigella plant can be seen from an elevated angle, dried and displaying seeds from within the seed capsule. Each of the splaying seed follicles has unique wondrous detail, perched delicately upon the tall, thin stem. This image combines the art of photography and botanical documentation. Photographer: Catherine Lewis


Peony 5IF BFSJBM WJFX PG UIJT XIJUF 1FPOZ nPXFS JT B sight to behold. Its soft and feminine beauty JT CSPVHIU JO UP TUBSL EFUBJM XJUI JUT SVGnFE delicate and overlapping petals. The natural formation makes a wonderfully circular shape that despite not being perfectly symmetrical has a charm of its own. Photographer: Chad Kleitsch


Artichoke Head 5IJT QIPUPHSBQIJD TUVEZ GFBUVSFT UIF FYRVJTJUF AnPXFS IFBE PG B budding artichoke. The perennial plant has wonderfully symmetric characteristics that add uniqueness, along with a beautiful palette of colour ranging from purples and silvers to glaucous-green. The tight bud of thick leaves stands rigidly, protecting the delicate centre, which remains the only edible part of the plant. The photograph is a stunning alternative to classical botanical study. Photographer: Josh Westrich



Two Skis This stylised photographic study showcases the expertly designed, curved tips of a pair of vintage skis. Even though for the most part the piece remains abstract, there is homage to be paid to sport and a pursuit of activity. The white to grey palette of colours sparks the thought of snow covered space where such skis would be put to good use. The clean and crisp study is a far cry from the hazy plume of snow ordinarily cast around such a pair of skis. Photographer: Adrianna Williams



Vintage Bottles I This collection of photographs feature vintage hand-blown glass bottles. These bottles have a charm that echoes the early days of general stores and mass-produced QSPEVDUT XIJMF UIF CMBDL BOE XIJUF mMN BDUT as a tie between the authentication of their history and modern photography. Photographer: Gordon Osmundson


Vintage Bottles II The textured background of the wall behind the bottles creates an expressive opposite to the smooth and embossed glass. The glass is further enhanced by the downward and off centre spotlighting that perfectly picks out the typeface imprinted into the surface while the shadow that is cast adds depth. Photographer: Gordon Osmundson


Ford Abstract Roof In this sultry black and white photo, we are presented with the industrious and engineered structure of the Ford Foundation Building in New York. The photograph shows the roof from within the building, each pane of glass and supporting beam on show, generating a visually interesting and symmetrical building. Photographer: Ben Heller



Spiral Stairwell This photograph sees a spiral staircase juxtaposed against cuboid building. The serpentine stairs offer a concentrated centre to the well devised image, with the structure in the background performing a secondary purpose as a grid to directed sight. Upon observation the man-made creation bears likeness to organic matter, with the stairs a visual reminder of something more anatomical, hinting intelligent design at the hand of both creator and the material. Photographer: Neil C. Robinson



Mascara The stark contrast in tone in this striking photograph enhances UIF nBXMFTT CBDLHSPVOE XJUI UIF DFOUSBMJTFE TUSPLF PG QJHNFOU DPNNBOEJOH PVS BUUFOUJPO 5IF JNBHF DBQUVSFT BO FYQSFTTJWF nBJS PG FOFSHZ XJUI B TPQIJTUJDBUFE GFFM UIBU QMBZT XJUI UIF EFmOJUJPO PG art on a contemporary level. With an under the microscope element that interacts with the notion of scale and perspective, the enlarged TOBQTIPU HJWFT VT IJHI EFmOJUJPO WJFXJOH Photographer: Adrianna Williams



Mosaic Cobblestones In this travel inspired photograph we are presented with the ornate DPCCMFTUPOFT UIBU FOSJDI UIF TUSFFUT PG 1PSUVHBM 5IF nVJE BOE TOBLJOH pattern of the stones give notion to the time and care required in such a project. As we admire the craftsmanship we cannot help but notice the small details and the angles of the stones. In the bright light of day the sidewalk before the citizens of Lisbon is a sight to behold and a treasure within European cultures. Photographer: Ingo Bartussek



Patchwork Fields 5IJT GBTDJOBUJOH BFSJBM QIPUPHSBQI GFBUVSFT BHSJDVMUVSBM mFMET JO Arizona, USA, from high above. The perfectly straight lines of crops separated by the clean lines of vehicle tracks are reminiscent of an abstract painting, while the multiple textures and colours stretch far beyond the context of farming. Photographer: Ron Chapple



Organic Landscape This photograph shows us the amazing porous bedrock and sandstone that becomes exposed during the excavation and construction of buildings in Hawkesbury, Australia. The effects of water and time on the sandstone make a fascinating and attractive subject NBUUFS UIBU QSPWJEFT IJTUPSJD TUVEZ BOE DPOUFNQPSBSZ BCTUSBDU nBJS *U can be imagined that the textured walls are the surface of a canvas, on which organic formations have been carefully composed. Photographer: Karen Burgess



Captive Messenger The large scale and vibrant burst of colour in this image generates a fantastic and bright addition to a space. The fun genre has a retro vibe and the rainbow palette is a fresh alternative to traditional monochromatic imagery. The features of the image allow us to feel part of the atmosphere with the upbeat and energetic mood, with nothing but vintage qualities, transporting the viewer to a nostalgic place. Photographer: Charles Bell



Blast Off This action packed centrepiece draws you in. The bright colours bring the explosion to life and allow us to see the force behind the rocket as if living the moment itself. The expression ‘out of this world’ aptly applies to both the content and context of the image. The shapes formed in the frame create both symmetry and contrast, evident in the FYQMPTJPO PG UIF SPDLFU FOHJOFT XIJDI CFDPNF B SPVOEFE CBMM PG mSF echoed in the shape of the spacecraft itself. It is these connections that allow our eye to travel the entirety of the image. Photographer: Martin Duerr



Moon Landing History in the making and iconic imagery from the Apollo 15 Moon landing, August 1971. Astronaut James B. Irwin salutes the American nBH XIJMF TUBOEJOH PO UIF NPPO "U UIF UJNF /"4" DBMMFE JU UIF NPTU TVDDFTTGVM NBOOFE nJHIU FWFS BDIJFWFE 5IJT JNBHF EFNPOTUSBUFT UIF thrill of adventure and the epic scale of our own solar system, a real example of feeling a small part of greater things. Photographer: James B. Irwin




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