Alphapointe 2014 Annual Report

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2014 Annual Report

A Message From Our Leadership This growth – in all directions – propels us forward and makes us greater in many ways while preparing Alphapointe for a rapidly changing business climate. With a strategic plan and refocused energies

these headwinds, we opened a 60-seat call

on expanding services for those who are visually

center in Kansas City, and secured new business in

impaired, Alphapointe’s work and diversification

Jefferson City and new customers for our injection

continue developing. This has been a year of

molding business. Ford Motor Company, Motorola

record-breaking achievement for us. In 2014,

and OptumRx have bolstered operations and

we served, employed and found work for more

added new jobs for people who are blind.

people than any year previous, while recording our highest revenue in the organization’s history.

And, with the support of a grant from the Hall Family Foundation and our many donors,

In May, after nearly a year of planning, we

Alphapointe expanded youth services to offer

acquired New York City Industries for the Blind,

year-round programming, which served more

a nonprofit enterprise located in Brooklyn, New

than 200 youth who are blind.

York, with a similar mission of service to the community. We are honored that the board and

This annual report demonstrates our

management of our sister nonprofit agency had

commitment to the ultimate goal of a world

confidence in Alphapointe’s ability to integrate

where everyone with vision loss rises to his or

their organization into our own.

her full potential. We value the contributions of our sponsors, community partners and many

The federal marketplace is evolving, too, adding

friends throughout the nation who support our

an element of complexity to our business that

mission. On behalf of the board of directors of

makes job creation more challenging. To counter

Alphapointe, we thank you.


Reinhard Mabry, President and CEO

Alphapointe Board of Directors Paulette Markel, Chairman Ed Marquette,1st Vice Chairman Stephen Mock, Treasurer Ken Roberson, Secretary Sheri Johnson, Immediate Past Chairman David Westbrook, Chairman, Foundation Marc Bailin Trey Barnes James Barry Cornelius Boersma, IV Dr. John Cowan Danny Davies Jim Day Kent Gedman Michael Greenstein

Fredric Hugue Greg Kallos Dr. Kristen LaMont Jeff Lynch Jack Muhlstein Jimmy Nickell Robert Payne Sheila Seck Michael Williams

Paulette Markel, Board Chair

Alphapointe Foundation Board Members David Westbrook, Chairman Chad Heggem, Vice Chairman Doug Lange, Treasurer Gina Gowin, Executive Director Jim Day Jill Forrest Dan Gedman Reinhard Mabry Ed Marquette Carrie Rezac David Shapland Rick Taylor Michael Williams

Alphapointe Executive Staff
 Reinhard Mabry President and CEO

 Amy Campbell Vice President, Human Resources

 Gina Gowin Vice President, Program Services and Development Jake McCabe Vice President, Sales and Marketing Mike Stephens Vice President, Operations Stan Wright Director of Information Technology Jeff McHenry Vice President, CFO


A Bigger Difference In More Lives Mergers can be challenging and often disruptive. However, when Alphapointe joined forces with the New York City Industries for the Blind (NYCIB) this past year, the two organizations blended easily, perhaps because of their common goal: creating aspirational careers for the blind and visually impaired. The merged organization now has more than 400 employees operating in nine locations across four states. “I am extremely proud of how well these organizations worked together to create a seamless transition,” said CEO Reinhard Mabry. “The smooth process is a testament to the conscientiousness of all our employees.” As of May 1, 2014, NYCIB began operating under the Alphapointe name. Rick Bland, former CEO at NYCIB, is serving as an Alphapointe adviser and remains in New York City. Based out of a 140,000-square-foot facility located in Brooklyn, Alphapointe (NYCIB) is the largest provider of jobs for the blind or visually impaired and employs almost 200 men and women in the New York City and surrounding areas. Alphapointe (NYCIB) also operates a satellite operation near JFK airport, servicing the United States Postal Service. The merged organization plans to continue critical partnerships with several New York agencies. NYCIB’s affiliation with the New York State Preferred Source Program (NYSPSP) helped provide a broad range of products and services to New York state, city and local government agencies. NYCIB also manufactured AbilityOne/Skilcraft products under the AbilityOne Program, supplying the Federal government and military personnel with quality products. Big things continue to happen in the Big Apple. Since the merger, Alphapointe secured new business to package homeland security kits for the state of New York, renewed a sewing contract for the U.S. military and opened a call center, ensuring job opportunities for people who are blind in New York will be protected and continue to thrive.

Reinhard Mabry President and CEO


ALPHAPOINTE 2014 REVENUE BY SOURCE Fiscal year ended September 30, 2014.

1.4 Fundraising percent of total revenue


Rehabilitation Service Revenues


Investment & Endowment Income


Ecommerce Sales


Other Service Revenues

25.9 Retail Sales 52.6 Manufacturing Sales (36.8 KC and 15.8 NYC)

$514,077 $654,700 $885,265 $2,292,082 $3,320,046 $9,223,010 NYC $5,595,263*


KC $13,079,155

*NYC Revenue from May to September only **Fiscal year 2014 includes partial year results from addition of sales from merger with NYCIB

Total REVENUE net assets years 2010-2014 2014 $24,004,509 2013 $20,114,612 2012 $20,113,131 2011 $18,550,044 2010 $18,595,096 Millions






people with vision loss used Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services

131 people were served through the Low Vision Clinic 388 senior adults were served by Alphapointe 140 people were trained

to use adaptive technology

45 people who are blind were

placed in community employment

clients in a multistate region were served in the past year

“My patients have received great support from the professional staff at Alphapointe in learning to adapt to their visual difficulties.” — Dr. Gregory Fox, Retina Associates, P.A.

people with diabetes were trained in disease management


From Ages 2 to 92, Alphapointe Empowers As a part of an ongoing commitment to enriching lives and communities, Alphapointe’s services and outreach programs continue to grow.

Senior Services Vision loss affects nearly every aspect of a senior’s health and well-being, including properly taking medication, tripping and falling, and dealing with other illnesses. The program Low Vision Services

conducts assessments and

Alphapointe’s low vision services go beyond glasses and surgery.

provides optical devices,

With a focus on daily living and self-sufficiency, the Low Vision

adaptive technology and

Clinic’s services help people establish their independence. And

occupational therapy to

with a dramatic rise in diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration

seniors in the metro area,

and glaucoma, Low Vision Clinic services are in higher demand.

allowing them to live more independent and productive

Following evaluations at the clinic, training begins in the usage of

lives with their remaining vision.

optical devices and adaptive equipment and techniques. Improved access to these services and resources advances individuals with

Adaptive Technology Training

vision loss and their families and creates a healthier community.

Adaptive devices have opened doors to employment and

Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services

higher education that were

Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services (CRS) provide people who

once closed to people with

have lost vision, or are in process of losing vision, the chance to

vision loss. Alphapointe provides

learn new skills and maximize their independence. Optometrists,

technical training as well as

occupational therapists and staff provide hands-on, practical

on-site training for employees

solutions to everyday problems. Adapting daily living techniques,

of private companies who are

such as handwriting and cooking, help compensate for low vision

experiencing minimized function

and make the biggest impact on one’s ability to live independently.

at work due to vision loss.

After 81-year-old Karen was diagnosed with macular degeneration, she was referred to the Low Vision Clinic to help her maintain her independence. An occupational therapist introduced Karen to a handheld video magnifier, task lighting and positioning, and benefit filters, for reading. Karen also learned how to use various guides for writing. She believes that both the magnifier and the writing guides have helped her greatly. Karen credits Alphapointe with helping to keep her independent and active. “Being able to keep doing what I love has made all the difference,” she said.

pharmaceutical bottles 3,802,334 writing instruments 351,902 paint markers 15,242 computer locks 4,000,450 printed envelopes 188,681 cleaning supply bottles 4,473,720 urinalysis testing bottles 185,000 elongated mop heads 600,000 brooms and brushes 96,000 notepads 2,200,000 mailbags 36,000 army combat shirts

rolls of office tape


Keeping Up The Good Work Creating opportunities within the workforce continues to be a service Alphapointe proudly offers. For more than a century, Alphapointe has helped people with vision loss find successful careers. The future of this mission continues to grow with expanded services and markets.



Contact & Contract

Alphapointe continues to

A strong, ongoing partnership

Alphapointe’s Contracted

train and provide a skilled

with the federal government

Services Division includes

workforce for nonprofit,

through the AbilityOne

the newly expanded

business and higher

Program means continued

Kansas City call center site

education communities

production of a line of 13

as well as the Contract

through the state-of-the-art

different writing instruments,

Management Support (CMS)

Life Skills Campus, as well as

a variety of plastic products

services program. The CMS

training on-site for employees

and pharmaceutical packers,

team conducts contract

of private companies

and partnerships with

research and analysis for

who are experiencing

numerous brands including

the Department of Defense.

minimized function at

3M, Kensington and Sealed

Over the past two years, the

work due to vision loss.

Air. In 2014, Alphapointe

Alphapointe CMS team has

By providing specialized

began offering assembly,

de-obligated an excess of

training on devices such

packaging and kitting services

$530 million and closed out

as screen readers, pocket-

at the New York City facility.

more than 5,700 contracts.

sized scanners and more,

Alphapointe also uses its

The team leads the nation

Alphapointe has opened

secure warehouse in Brooklyn

in the number of de-

doors to both employment

to assist with storage, fulfillment

obligations and supported

and higher education that

and distribution as well as the

four different Department

were once closed to people

sale and shipment of these

of Defense buying agencies

with vision loss. The Blue

premiums and products. New

with a notable closeout rate

Power Program provides

York’s Military Apparel division is

of 93 percent.

similar assistance in the New

also an exciting addition to the

York City area.

Alphapointe family of products.

With an ear for music, Leol Williams wanted a job in the field of piano tuning. Despite previous experience, Leol hadn’t done this work in quite some time and needed to fine-tune his skills before he could start applying for work. Alphapointe set up Leol with local churches to practice tuning. “The church pianos helped me prepare for interviews and I used the experience to update my resume, too,” he said. In time, Alphapointe connected Leol with Steinway Piano Corporation, where he’s happily employed as a professional, contracted piano tuner.

“Alphapointe helps me know that I can overcome anything with a little strength and confidence in myself.” — J.T. Hawthorne, age 15

young people used Youth Services

children attended Alphapointe camps 30 Samsung Galaxy Android

tablets were generously donated by Sprint and Samsung for use by Alphapointe’s Tech Campers

678 people were reached through community outreach programs


commitment to growing up strong Alphapointe remains committed to the future generations of children and teens living with vision loss. Services to young people who are blind help them achieve their goals of full independence.

Youth and Education Services

Community Outreach

Through innovative programming focused on both college preparatory

Alphapointe frequently

and vocational skills development, the College PREP program provides

gives presentations at

training and support for young adults who are college bound or

assisted living facilities on

currently enrolled high schoolers, a necessary resource for success in

low vision examinations

the competitive world of higher education. The Student Transitional

and adaptive devices.

Employment Program (STEP) provides similar support for teenagers

Presentations are also given

preparing to enter the workforce. Visiting with the ALCS Champion

to civic and social groups,

Royals and the CEO of Sprint were STEP highlights this year.

including high-risk groups, such as Hispanics and

Alphapointe once again hosted two summer camps for kids and

African-Americans, who

teens with vision loss. Alphapointe Adventure Camp, in partnership

have a higher incidence

with Camp Fire, hosted kids ages 9-14 for a week of hiking,

of diabetic retinopathy.

canoeing, crafts, ropes courses and other confidence-building

Events such as Dining in the

activities. Alphapointe Technology Camp centered on adaptive

Dark and the Pro-Am Golf

technology and the possibilities that exist with the right technology

Tournament raise awareness

and training, Tech Campers spent the week learning how to utilize

and funding for people in the

Samsung tablets, donated by Sprint and Samsung, and the various

Alphapointe community.

music, e-book and social media applications on the tablet.

On the recommendation of his ophthalmologist, Demarrius Young, a busy, athletic, high school student with ocular albinism, visited Alphapointe’s Low Vision Clinic. It was quickly identified that he would benefit from other Alphapointe services as well and they helped Demarrius find work as a counselor in the Summer Enrichment Day Camp for children. The placement gave him an avenue to demonstrate his self-initiative and reliability, while continuing to build his skills and capabilities for future work. While working, Demarrius maintained a high GPA and took honors classes. Demarrius also got a jump-start to college through Alphapointe’s PREP program before he began his newest adventure at Hampton University in Virginia, where he received an academic scholarship.


ABO Ventures Inc. Ms. Jennifer Abney ACME Investment Club Donor Advised Fund Robert Lee Adams Ms. Tonya Adams Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Adriano AEG Live Mr. Cesar Agron Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Krystal Ahders Aiken Off Road Bridgestone Deanna Alaimo Mr. David Albright Mr. and Mrs. Steven Alkire Alphapointe Southside Lions Club Ms. Lisa Renee Angelotti Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Armstrong Mr. Robert Aschentrop Mrs. Patricia Aspenleiter Associated Opthalmologists of Kansas City Assurant Employee Benefits Mr. & Mrs. Carolee & Russell Atha Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and Lisa Auer Mr. James Auten Ms. W. Jean Ayres B&B Theatres Robert & Donna Babcock Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Baer Laura Baker Ms. Yvonne Baker Chris Baltimore Bank of Kansas City Mr. and Mrs. Trey Barnes Mr. Daniel Barry Mr. and Mrs. James Barry Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Batlle Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Beasley Mr. George Alan Beatty Belton Host Lions Belton Lion’s Club Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bender Bennett Packaging Ms. Torie Berger Berlin Packaging Mr. Clay Berry Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Kristine Bethay Mrs. Joan Bigham Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Patricia Black Jeffrey R Blaesing Mr. Tyson Blau BKD Foundation BlueScope Foundation North America BlueScope Steel Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City Ms. Kara Brady Brew Top Pub and Patio Brier Payne Meade Insurance, Inc. Brookside Optical Amy Bollinger Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Boersma, IV Angela Bowers Mr. Danny Boyle, Jr. Mr. Garrett Bradley Boulevard Brewing Company Mr. Gary Bridges Ed Brown

Mr. Nakia Brown Ms. Sharon Brown Jeff Bruce The Buckle Mr. Josh Bullock Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Kathryn Bussing Greg Bussing Anita D. Butler C & C Group CBIZ/MHM Business Services Inc Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and Kristine Campbell Mr. Jack Campbell Daniel Carney Ms. Robin Carroll Ms. Diana Castillo Celsius Tannery Certified Transmission Ms. June Anne Chalfant Charity Giving Card Fund Children’s Mercy Hospitals & Clinics Christ Community Evangelical Free Church Chad Cillessen Mike Cillessen Mr. Gregg A Cissell Citizen’s Bank and Trust Ms. Mary Beth Clark Clickfarm Interactive Mr. Charles Closser Mr. Walter Cofer Mr. Stephen Collins Construction & General Laborers Local Union 1290 Commerce Bank Communications Integrators Inc Country Club Bank and Trust Country Club of Leawood Dr. John Cowan Mr. Ben Craig Ms. Jennifer Cresswell Ms. Jennifer Crutchfield Ms. Diane Cunnard Custom Vision, Inc. Mr. Jeff Dahnert Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davidson Mr. Danny Davies Dr. Herbert Davis Mr. & Mrs. James & Karen Day Mr. Steve DeBusk Delta Gamma Kansas City Alumna Group Mr. and Mrs. Paul Denzer Ms. Angela Dickson Kelly Dillon Mr. Tim DiSette Mr. and Mrs. Kirk and Linda Dodge Mr. William Domeier Ms. Brenda Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Cynthia Doolittle Dr. Pepper/Seven-Up Snapple Group DST Systems Inc.-Main DVS Group Ms. Cynthia Egger Elavon Enterprise Holdings Foundation Ms. Leah Enright Estate of Laura George

Ms. Joan Evans Ms. Charlotte Evanson Extreme Networks Extended Stay America Faro International Inc Mr. James Fettgather Mr. and Mrs. Derek and Tiffany Fisher Mrs. Martha Fithian Mrs. Jennifer Flory Mr. Kirk Ford Ms. Jill Forrest Mr. and Mrs. David and Janis Francis Ms. Joy Frazier Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Sondra Friedman Mr. Nicholas Gaddis Tim Gaigals Mr. and Mrs. James Gamble Ms. Sally Garibay Jeffrey Gasser Gates, Shields & Ferguson, P.A. Garnett Wood GE Elfun Volunteers GE United Way Campaign Mr. Dan Gedman Mr. and Mrs. Kent Gedman Ms. Julie A Geeo Genetec Dave Gibbons Aaron Gilson Calvin Girard Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Greenbaum Family Charitable Fund Dennis Gregory Mr. Danny Griffin Mr. Richard Groom Ms. Samantha Grothus Mrs. Janet Grow Mr. Kenneth Goetz Golf Tee Designs Ms. Gina Gowin Ms. Andrea Grant Ms. Wendy Guillies Mr. and Mrs. Sorouch and Kathryn Haddad Nicholas Hadley Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hagstrom, Jr. Hall Family Foundation Hallmark Cards Inc Hallmark Employee Volunteer Program Mr. Brent Harlow Ms. Jill Harmon Harvest Ball Society Hartley Racon Douglas Hay Ms. Audrey Healey Health Care Foundation of Greater KC Heartland Business Capital Heartland Combined Federal Campaign Ms. Maria Hedrick Mr. and Mrs. Chad and Kelli Heggem Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Janie Heggem Mr. and Mrs. Pat and Gail Henderson Ms. Delores Hendrickson Mr. Jerad Henkel Ben Herrig Mr. Christopher D Hill Ms. Melissa Hinson

Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. John and Elizabeth Hjalmarson Honeywell Hometown Solutions Stephen Hopfinger Mr. John Duane Hubble Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Maureen Huffer Danan Hughes Houlihan’s HP & Maurice Guess Hunkeler Eye Centers Jennifer Ingraham Ironhorse Country Club IMA Ina Calkins Trust - Bank of America Trustee Independence Eastview Lions Club Independence Host Lions Club Integrity Products J.C. Penney Corporation, Inc. Jack Stack (Wyandotte) James Stacy Bobbe L Jeffers Mr. Winton Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Sheri Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Patricia Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Johnson Josh Jones Mr. Kenneth Judd Kauffman Foundation Matching Gifts Ms. Hailee Kaliban Mr. Gregory Kallos Kansas City Repertory Theatre Kansas City Royals Kansas City T-Bones Kansas City Zoo Ms. Joyce Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kastner Mr. and Mrs. Homer and Becky Lynn Kay Mr. Walter Kellar Keller and Owens Mr. Ryan Keller Wm. T Kemper, II Charitable Trust Francis Kennedy Ms. Linda Khoury Dr. & Mrs. Ann and Lynn Kindred Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Kinsey Mark Kipp Ms. Virginia Kirsch Mr. and Mrs. Frank Koranda, Jr. Ms. Jennifer H Kraenzle Mr. and Mrs. Don Krebs Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Kuhlmann Kutak Rock Mrs. Anne Kyle Mr. Matthew Lafollette Lake Winnebago Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Laura Lange Lamar Outdoor Advertising P Lanning Ms. Barbara Larison Mr. Chance Lauffer Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lawrence Linscomb Foundation, Irven E. & Nevada P Mr. Craig Lee Ms. Jeanette Lee

Lee’s Summit Downtown Lions Club Mr. Terry Levine Mr. Troy Lillebo Linwood United Women Loch Lloyd Country Club Lockton Companies Jeff Logan Louie’s Wine Dive Ms. Elizabeth Luck Lukas Liquor Jeff Lynch M Holland Mr. and Mrs. Reinhard and Andrea Mabry Joseph & Catherine Maderak Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Sharon Mallin Mallin Bros. Co., Inc Larry Mallin Mr. Jay Malone Mr. Gerald Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Shannon Margherio Mariner Wealth Advisors Mr. and Mrs. Paulette and Nelson Markel Mr. Michael Marks Mr. and Mrs. Ed and Ansie Marquette Mr. and Mrs. Rick Marston Eric Martinez Ms. Dee Mathews Ms. Stacy Mays Mr. Jake McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Shelley McCollum Ms. Nancy McConnell Mr. Tracy McConnell Ms. Kelley McDonald Mark McGavran Mrs. Willa Mae McKean Jerome McKenna Ms. Catherine McLeod Medical-Surgical Eye Care, P.A. Ms. Jill Medill Mr. and Mrs. Jay Menitove Gary Michelson Microsoft Charitable Foundation Midwest Section of the PGA Midlands Packaging Corporation Mr. Thomas Miller JE Mills Alan Miretzky Missouri Lions District 26 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mock Mold-Rite Plastics Mr. and Mrs. Carol and John Montgomery Mr. Jerry Montogmery Ms. Diana Moore Ms. Susan Moseley Mr. Jack Muhlstein Ms. Sheree Murphy Mutual Fund Store Foundation Fund Mutual of America National Christian Foundation NanoPac, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Marc and Janise Naughton Ms. Michaella Neal Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nicholson Nick and Jake’s

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Nickell Mr. JD Brake Nicklaus Golf Club At Lionsgate Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Michelle Niedens Ms. Deborah Niemann The North Face Explore Fund Northland Church Women United Mr. Robert Novellano Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Deborah Nowicki, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William and Paula Nyman Dr. Sara O’Connell Mr. Mark O’Dell Dustin Oller Omaha Steaks Oppenstein Brothers Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Don and Dorothy Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Curtis and Cecilia Ottinger P1 Group Padgett Family Foundation Paige Technologies Panera Bread Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Parelman Mr. Roberto Parmenter Dennis Payne Jonathan Payne Mr. Robert Payne Peep Toe Photography Ms. Kathryn Pruessner Peters Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Ken Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Stephanie Pierce Mr. Ronald Pittman Plastiko Ms. Patricia Pogue Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Posten Mr. Chris Powers Prairie Band Casino Mr. J.F. Pryor PSAV Mrs. Carole Pugsley Pure Salon Mr. Daryl Rakoski Mr. and Mrs. Matt and Jessica Ralston Mr. James Ramzy RED Legacy Victor L. and Helen B. Regnier, GKCCF Mr. and Mrs. Mike Resch Retina Associates, P. A. Rexam Ms. Jennifer Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. David and Carrie Rezac Mr. and Mrs. Justin Richter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riggle Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Palle Rilinger Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Pamela Rinas Mr. Troy Rinke Mrs. Jan Roach Mr. Kennneth Roberson Ms. Kathryn Robertson Ms. Diane Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Mary & B. Paul Roper Mrs. Loretta Ross Laurent Roy Ruby Tuesday

Rust Family Foundation QuikTrip Mr. and Mrs. David and Sandra Saheb Ms. Sarah Salzman Mr. Garrett Sanbothe Ms. Kelly D Sandburg Saving Sight Mr. and Mrs. David and Vickie Schatz Ms. Cynthia Schenken Mr. and Mrs. James and Debby Schloegel Ms. Mary Schroeder Mr. Richard Schulte Scott Schumacher Ms. Sheila Seck Security Bank Mr. David Shapiro Mr. David Shapland Teryion Shelby Eldon Shields Alex Shindel Silicon Valley Community Foundation Ms. Susanne Shutz Mr. and Mrs. Archie Smith, IV Brian Smith Ms. Heather Smith Mr. Horace Smith Ken Smith Mr. and Mrs. Norvel Smith Darren Snapp Dr. Richard Sosinski Victor Speas FoundationBank of America Trustee Wyette Spotts Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Stabno Mr. Martin Stark State Street Foundation Ms. Stephanie Stearns Mr. Michael Stephens Sterneck Family Foundation Mr. Frederick Sterle Mr. Paul Strohm Ms. Delora Sullivan Schlitterbahn Kansas City Waterpark Schnieder Electric Sealed Air ShoreTel Mr. and Mrs. Horst and Linda Siffrin Silverstein Eye Centers, PC Sprint Sprint Foundation Starlight Theatre Stinson Leonard Street Suburban Industrial Packaging Summit Litho Super Family Foundation-GKCCF Suture Express Mr. and Mrs. Monroe and Helen Taliaferro Tanner’s Bar & Grill Tate Access Floors Mark Tatum Tauber Eye Center Todd Tenbrink Ms. Denise Thacker Mr. Melvin Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Phyllis Tillinghast Ms. Blanca G Tobey Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Mary Tokic

Mrs. Jan Troester Jessi Troester Trozzolo Communications Group Truist Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Cindy Tucci Mrs. Laura Turner Randy & Dee Turner UMB Bank United Healthcare Services, Inc. United Stationers Supply United Way Donor Choice United Way of Greater Kansas City United Way of Greater Milwaukee United Way of Metropolitan Chicago United Way of Wyandotte County, Inc. United Beverage Company Universal Construction Vahalla Studios Ms. Renee Van Erp Mr. Jim Van Winkle Ms. Michele Varano Casey Ventrillo Venture West Development (RED Legacy) Gary Vierrether Vistage Ms. Paula Wainwright Waldo Pizza Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Walker Mr. and Mrs. Don Walker Ms. Sandra Walker Walmart Foundation Mr. Thomas Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Corrine Warlop Mr. James Wasko Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Foundation The Weitz Company Ms. Wintress Welliver Mr. David Westbrook Westin Crown Center Hotel Ms. Dena Wieland Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. & H. Marie Wierzbicki Terry Wiggers Carl Wilhite Mr. and Mrs. Mike Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Katherine Williams Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wilson Mr. Keith Wisdom Ms. Nancy Wolff Ms. Cathy Wood Geoffrey Woodhead Ms. Stacie Wright Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Jill Wuetherich Wilks Broadcasting Company Will Shield’s 68’s Inside Sports Rose Windham Wine Barn Winery Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wissman Kearney and Berenice Wornall Foundation Ms. Julie Xiong Ms. Diane Yearns Mr. and Mrs. Sergio and Lori Zaderenko Robert E. & Polly A. Zimmerman Foundaiton

Empowering people with vision loss to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Kansas City | 7501 Prospect | Kansas City, MO 64132 | 816-421-5848 New York | 3611 14th Ave | Brooklyn, NY 11218 | 718-854-7300

To learn more about Alphapointe or to make a donation, visit

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